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Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Mona Lisa
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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by DonnieBoy Sat Jun 17, 2017 4:21 pm

( set a week after: )

A week. So confusing for Donatello at least, his usual love for April hung on, but she was ever more hesitant it seemed with Mikko in the picture to finally bring things to an end or a start. Where as Mikko made her intentions very clear. So open and though she was not right, he knew that, she was purple dragon and had drug use and whom knows what else in her past. However he could not just flat out tell her stop. He did like her, and she was pretty and aside the snarkiness between her and April was nice to him.

Ooookay maybe part of that was because she was offering what Leo had with Erica. Or something close to it and Donatello wanted a taste. But would it cost him April entirely even though still he had no idea where things stood between them.

Then there was the matter of the little turtles. Donatello had the blood tests back. It took him longer in his makeshift home lab to get results that the usual new labs, but better than some labs. Still he had not read the print outs as they headed topside. Leonardo wanting to visit where he had found the small turtles, find Erica's car if it was still in the vicinity and take it home. And see if they could find where the little turtles had been before Donatello and Mikko had found them in the trash. Donatello thought he might be able to with the mutagen finder and the map of Mikey's having put a circle of sticky dots around a section of the city map he knew where industrial warehouses and boat yards. They would search there after the junk yard.

He had not looked at the blood test results yet.

Because the results only came in when Leo herded them out topside. Reluctantly allowing Raphael to go too, he was better now with almost four sessions of healing hands per day - and Elena had gotten her hands on him. True Leo and Erica had stopped that but Raphael was at least not sporting broken ribs, they might still fee bruised Donatello knew and stiff but not as before. So it was probably good for the hothead to finally be mobile, and Casey was with them so extra steam letting. So between all that he had not done much more than grab the prints and tuck them in his belt. Maybe he could get Leo alone or whenever they find where the little turtles had been he could read them out to his brothers.

In between moments of teasing Raph cause his usual station chair smelled strongly of lemons as did the whole inside of the shellraizer and all of them guessing it was due to Leo and Erica taking the vehicle out to go through the remains of her old home, to salvage whatever they could. And had not returned til early morning the next day! Oh yeah they were so teasing Leo about that!

"We're here...." He looks across at Mikey's navigation not saying that out loud so Mikey could announce they had arrives in the sort of jumble col du sac of street and alley's the piled junk site to a side and the broken down church at the other end. And yep Erica's car was still there, crumpled and a bit twisted from it's Rocky treatment.

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Casey J2012 Sat Jun 17, 2017 4:57 pm

( Mona, Casey, Rocky, Karai - from here: )

"So what is it we are doing out here again?" Casey asks hanging onto the ice cream lamp inside the ShellRaiser looking around the space at his best bud and his brothers thinking about the week just past. And standing behind his best bud now he grins a bit. " You'll be glad to smell normal after searching the dump man you smell like lemon menage pie." not bothering to correct himself - Mikey the food lover probably would!

Five days of intense healing hands sessions for Raph. And one moment where that little girl got her hands on him, Casey didn't understand the worry about that but knew Leo had fretted to no end, and his girlfriend! which Casey was not the only guy teasing Leo about that all week, or the fact that night a week ago Leo and Erica had stayed out all night on an excursion back to her old place to see if there was anything to recover after the fire.

Shen had stayed with them on and off, tonight Splinter had gone to her place. All the kids with the girls. Casey had found the situation between April, Don and Mikko rather amusing.

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Casey J2012
Casey J2012

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Leo Tue Jun 20, 2017 11:21 am

The week was hell for Mikko. But she had made it! The drug were finally out of her system! She was no longer sick or mopping around the lair and she no longer looked like death. She started to take better care of herself, hair hair always pulled up in pigtails, make up always on. She was even getting along better with the other women.


There was April who she did make more of an effort to get along with, but there was that (mostly) unspoken rivalry for Don's affections.

She had become a bit more flirty towards her favorite turtle. Now that she had a clear head, she could approach Don in a ways that were less clumsy and embarassing. She was also able to take better care of the little ones and enjoy her time with them more.

Of course not everything was all sunshine and rainbows.

She was still getting calls from Bebop and from her gang. Though she did answer some of the calls, she had yet to leave the lair to meet up with anyone. She would have to though, soon. And she had better come up with a damn good reason why she had been absent for so long.

Mutant Melee. BackTracking. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Mike Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:55 am

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Re: Mutant Melee 1

Post by RockSteady on Wed May 31, 2017 2:08 pm
Snorting with a loud rumble on the end Rocksteady grabbed up a old bin and threw it noisily. " ahhhh but I tis Foot wrecking ball! I be not silent!" even talking loudly just to further spite the Foot 'princess' long ears turning around on their owns listening even over his own racket for signs of being snuck up upon.

"Whatcu doing here?"

"hahaha hey if foot princess wishes to shift through garbage for us looking for hints where that lizard came from?"
Bebop laugh, wondering if the gang deserter Mikko would be brave enough to show her face tonight, gangs were for life you didn't just leave, especially not to babysit ya enemies rugrats!

They expected the turtles to show up tonight some time though, for this was where the little turtles had been found along with the predatory komodo mutant and where the purple wearing turtle was squashed...

The volkswagen was still crushed to the tree.

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Raph Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:30 am

"So what is it we are doing out here again?" Casey asks hanging onto the ice cream lamp inside the ShellRaiser looking around the space at his best bud and his brothers thinking about the week just past. And standing behind his best bud now he grins a bit. " You'll be glad to smell normal after searching the dump man you smell like lemon menage pie." not bothering to correct himself - Mikey the food lover probably would!

Raphael snorted through his nose at the comment. "Whatever, Casey," he said. "It ain't my." He sniffed and cringed. "Leo, what did you and your girlfriend do to my station? I hope that smell is just because of the Healing Hands."

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Mikey Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:39 am

"We're here!" Mikey chimed, not realizing Donnie had already announced their arrival. He got up from his seat and went over to Raph. "I hope you're right, Raph, and that lemony fresh smell is from the Healing Hands." He winked at Leo. "I don't wanna know what kind of nasty Leo and Erica might have done in your seat."

Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Tumblr_mc5142dxB11r4my8ko1_500

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Mona Lisa Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:38 pm

Something else pulled up and caught her attention she eyes the new vehicle.

She had been watching with some interest a mutant warthog and rhino and a girl snark at each other wondering at their involvement and having a sinking feeling in her belly she might not be the only one out and about looking for eggs and komodo dragons.

And she kind hoped this newly arrived wheeled wonder of a train cart was not also another lot....

She perches on the slanting rooftop of the station house to this refuse dump watching belly low deciding what to do next.

Watching to see what unfolded in this industrial dockside trash dump.

Mutant Melee. BackTracking. 0005be10
Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Lee Thu Nov 16, 2017 6:50 pm

It had been an interesting week to say the least. Between having their new house guest Mikko, the little turtles and Elena, Erica, and last but not least, Raph still recovering, it was never a dull moment inside the lair. Leo also had to put up with incessant teasing about his and Erica's 'activities' together and by this point, it was just getting old. His brothers couldn't get a rise out of him like they could earlier in the week. Even now, he just rolled his eyes.

"Relax, Raph. It was nothing that couldn't be cleaned up and you should be grateful for the lemon smell. It was pretty rank before then, anyway." He shot a glance at Mikey, pretty sure he was the one that made it that way. "Isn't that right, Mikey?" He had a stern expression on his face that told his brothers he wasn't having any of their nonsense on this outing.

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Bebop&Rocksteady2012 Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:31 pm

Amused and grinning from Bebop to Karai the massive and horned Rocksteady stumped a bit in the mud, "We no need search all the garbage, we was a peekin, watching the purple banded turtle when he found poop factories here..." he gesture to the trash bag, long since mostly squashed into the mud and dirt underfoot and ripped apart. "Then to that church over there is where the way too big goanna tried to steal our prize."

He was pointing smirking at the sight of the small crumple car. Too bad the pretty older lady got away that night too ...

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Miwa Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:35 pm

Karai snorts and shakes her head, "Hey you guys are the errand boys, yous shift through the crud... I will look out..." She laughs and gestures for them to get to it, moving off a little towards the church where Bebop and Rocksteady said the battle with the komodo dragon mutant took place.

Mostly just to see the ground for herself plus it gave her a chance to get away from the dump smell and maybe get intouch with Leo if the turtles didn't show - let them...

And speak of the devil... She glances back at the mutant minions then grinned headed into the dark to make her way towards the Shellraiser.

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Casey J2012 Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:59 pm

Casey hooted with laughter offering his fist to Mikey to bump his grin growing at his best bud's comment and Leo's response. though the leaders tone was serious.

"Well that is reassuring huh? nothing that could not be cleaned up after." he mildly keeps up the teasing a bit.

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Casey J2012

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by DonnieBoy Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:37 pm

Chuckling but noting Leo's serious tone of voice Don stepped over, interceding before Casey tried pushing buttons, though over the last couple of days Leo was beginning to simply shrug off or ignore their teasing.

"Well this is true it was about time the shellraiser had some deodorizing on the inside and lemons would get the job done. Between us all getting back in after fights across dirty roof tops and smoke pellets and sweat and blood..."

Okay maybe it was a totally blessing in disguise Leo and Erica choose to give the shellraiser a thorough inner detoxing?

"Annnnd Caseeey we are here because this is where I found our little turtles, we need to locate where they were before that..." he glances at the screens blinking, "Damn it Bebop and Rocksteady are here..." he felt a knot of anxiety recalling the last time he ran into those two - he'd almost died.

At least there was no komodo mutant this time, he tries to disguise his anxiousness though he had never been any good at hiding his emotions, his voice a little higher and quicker, "if we can find where the little turtles came from... learn more about who made them and why..."

And he still had to talk to his brothers about his own tests on the little boys.

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Raph Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:02 pm

Raphael narrowed his eyes at his little brother. “What’s he talkin’ about, Mikey?” he asked dangerously.

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Mikey Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:12 pm

Mikey backed away, hands raised. “It was an accident I swear. There was a bump and the garlic and anchovy pizza wasn’t secured tightly enough and I...I tried to clean it as best I could.”

Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Tumblr_mc5142dxB11r4my8ko1_500

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Leo Thu Dec 14, 2017 2:03 am

A laugh and Mikko stands eager to get on the move, "Well maybe you and I can do some deodorizing in here too Don some time?" clearly flirting, "though not now we have the mystery of where our babies came from to solve so lets get to it my fellow Scoobies."

She had had to concede her claim over the little turtles as their mother over the past five days. Reluctantly.

Stubbornly reluctantly.

And that did not help her get closer to the other women. Or the turtles, And like now she tried to remind Donnie at times they were the ones that found and rescued the little fellows. They were theirs!

She didn't much care that the others and Splinter did not approve of her.

Mutant Melee. BackTracking. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Lee Mon Jan 08, 2018 4:37 pm

Leo let out a small growl of annoyance when Don announced Bebop and Rocksteady were around. "Great, just what we need." His voice was dripping with sarcasm as he unbuckled his seat belt. He was trying to ignore Mikko as he still didn't trust her, and he would be sure to keep his eye on her for Donnie's own safety.

"Where exactly did you find those little turtles, Donnie?" Hopefully they could get a location before those two knuckleheads had a chance to interfere...or find out what his team were actually doing out here. Either way, a fight looked imminent.

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Kraangy Scientists Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:08 am

No no no, where were they? There should be reeking decaying bodies! he recalled exactly where he had dumped the little dragon mutant hybrids.

He heard the noise the rhino and hog were making and ducked low, grimacing in agony - trying to be quiet as he pulled at trashbags ripping them open desperate for rotting little corpses of those unnatural little baby beasts.

none yet and he had not shoved the bag in deep....

His progress was slow by the swollen bites on his hands and legs - the little ones had fought.

Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Untddd10
Kraangy Scientists
Kraangy Scientists

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Leo Sun Jan 21, 2018 12:06 am

"I know where we found them!" Mikko says brightly grinning and stands chuckling. "Come on no Bebop and Rocksteady aint so bad.... well not to me." she chuckles and looks at the screens. "Oh urgh foot princess is on her way too." she growls.

Karai held herself very aloof from the other female foot and purple dragon members.

Daddie's princess and all that.

Mutant Melee. BackTracking. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Miwa Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:23 am

Coming to astand still in front of the shellraiser she considered for a moment figuring she would appear on one of their screens surely!

"Come on Leo its rude to keep a lady waiting."
Her way of politely asking entry to the shellraiser.

She had a feeling they were all here for same reason. Learning where the little turtles came from. Though the Foot also wanted to find where the little guys went too. Shredder had no intention to raise the himself. Rather like her a myriad of nannies and nurse maids whilst brainwashing them into believing the larger turtles where the enemy, and train them as she had been.

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Raph Fri Feb 09, 2018 5:38 am

Raphael grinned darkly, cracking his knuckles. "Good. I've been needing to work the kinks out."

However, despite his bravado, the little voice at the back of his mind warned him that he had been bedridden for a number of days without practice, and his ribs were still healing. Growling inwardly, Raphael had to remind himself that he still wasn't at his peak. He still wasn't one hundred percent. He had to be careful in a fight, lest he wind up back on the injured list.

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Guest Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:32 pm

He didn't know what had led him to this place. He had been following the events of a recent fire that destroyed a home. Two girls were currently missing that occupied the home. Of course, the detective in him wouldn't let him sit idly by.

He always had a soft spot for kids. Why, he didn't know. He supposed it had something to do with his own lack of a childhood, or perhaps his inability to reproduce. Whatever the reason, he knew there were two girls out there that someone was missing.

Alucard walked through the junkyard, senses on high alert, eyes scanning for any clues. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. Maybe this was a complete waste of time. He wasn't going to find anything.

However, just when he was about to turn around and head back to his car, he sensed an aura coming from a junk pile. It was faint, but still lingered. He went over to the pile and rummaged around. He found an odd box where the auras were the strongest.

"What the...?" he whispered.

He turned just as he saw headlights flood the junkyard. At first he thought it was a garbage delivery, until he saw that the vehicle was a supped up subway car.

"Why do I get the feeling I'm about to find out what happened to those girls?" Alucard asked himself.


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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Kraangy Scientists Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:11 pm

"No no no!" He forgot he was not alone out here searching for the abominations. Those little freaks the Japanese business men... possibly in the business of using genetics terribly for great paymeant from military usage …. he found a ripped apart trash bag he suspected had held the small turtles he looked in for bloated rotting bodies... and found... nothing... holding the bag and looking about...

He was too feverish to note the very faint footprints of boots left by visitors... and actual footprints much the same as the small turtles but much large... and almost not there as if their owner was instinctively always seeking to avoid leaving any sort of make he was about.

No this young intern saw none of that his bites from the little turtles stinging and burning and his fear as he couldn't find the evidence of ridding the world of the little dangers he could not find.

Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Untddd10
Kraangy Scientists
Kraangy Scientists

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Mutant Melee. BackTracking. Empty Re: Mutant Melee. BackTracking.

Post by Bebop&Rocksteady2012 Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:53 pm

"Meh errand boys... for now missy! for now!"
the big rhino warns bending back over to keep looking though as his eyes where not too good he mostly listened... hearing sounds of distress a bit over and nudging Bebop. "Hey... hear that?" he snorts a bit nodding. to the mound of trash that blocked that way to sight.

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