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Doragonkame. Empty Doragonkame.

Post by Doragonkame Sun Nov 20, 2016 12:44 am

How it begun;

No one could have guessed they would get so lucky. They, three japanese brothers, scientists, entreprenuers, all in their travels of new york spelunking for cryptoid beings would find one... no not a cryptoid per say, but certainly a freak, a something calling himself Dr. Falco. A creature to be sure, but one with interesting research and some success already in creating giant rats, that in itself for three eager to find a profit in any research men and an interesting find, they had set him up in a small hidden lab in the warehouse district of his home city New York and over the months of first meeting him brought samples of their own to this lab. Whilst heir main interest was cyborgnetics and genetic modification for military useage. Each was avoidly anything Cryptoid and Mutant. Among the samples brought to the little new york lab four long since stone, supposed 'eggs' of dragon. All at least thats what the monks of the Tiger Temple in Phuket, Thailand had claimed - even with a rough sketch on a old scroll of said egg layer... later drawn by Shin, rather a talented artist to his best estimate of what the 'dragon might have looked like if at all real;

These eggs and samples of 'mutants' loose in New York itself had been stored in a fridge.

Mutants! blood and saliva and furr samples gathered from various fight scenes along with some that might have been humans from various 'Foot Clan' members and 'Purple Dragons' - well tests and careful cataloguing assure they managed to separate samples and to the Takanibu brothers three those mutant samples more than backed up the claims of mutants loose in the city! the ooze made to create them, in severly short supply - terrible horrendously short!

Unfortunately the first small warehouse was caught up in a fire with a neighbouring one - possibly a local gang trouble caused one and in the rush to secure samples those belonging to four mutant turtles - some blood and shell and saliva samples - all catalogued and the saliva samples tainted with food dye as close to the color of the turtles mutant's bandana it came from as best to Dr. Falco's memory and some guess work later - annnd a short time meet up with one Karai Saki to buy more samples when she had the turtles in her captivity along with some from her own Foot Mutants too!! really help sort out whose was whose! -- all these at the time of the fire were thrown unceremoniously and separately into an egg box each in the mad rush to escape, rhino and pig and zombie wolf unfortunately lost, the fish man had refused.Along with fly - those they would have to get another time.

Days after the fire and trying to find a new warehouse to set operations up in this time luckily finding a smaller one - two floors insidebut fully fenced and separate from other warehouses enough to ensure this time hopefully no fire would transfer to it. during the unpacking of what they had managed to salvage The three Takanibus and Dr. Falco were most taken aback to find the 'stone' dragon eggs had ... changed. No longer dull white seemingly just polished bits of quartz veined with dark lines and gold, now each a glossy new color. A pale milky cyan, mottled red, equally motley violet and a lined deep honeyed gold;

Doragonkame. Eggs10

These none knew how to care for but holding them up to light made the shell transluce and reveal at first nothing more than specs, but over time and under a very high hot lamp set up four, termed by the four scientists, Doragonkame or 'dragon turtle' fetuses growing, over time more features, more turtle than dragonish is shape but features and shapes rather than just twitching blobs. Moving, wriggling inside... then came the very early morning they hatched. Breaking free of their confines after hours of clicking and making eggs move, noises like chirps to each other, starting with the cyan colored egg and seeming to spread from there. The four scientists could not have been more... shocked, amazed and evilly gleeful each hatchling was a male! - the potentials were limitless. No where near as defenseless as human infants at birth but also equally as vunerable, and... no doubt valuable. Immeasurable each male hatchling would be worth millions.

There was no 'love' for the hatchlings, each dubbed Subject - whatever his color was, Cyan, Crimson, Violet and Gold. Studied and kept like little lab animals. Keeping their existence hush hush over the three first years of their lives, just curiosities accidentally created to be studied and not long after their third hatch day being milked for minute amounts of mutagen... Stronger than the orginal substance.

Last Edited By: LilClones Jul 18 16 6:58 AM. Edited 3 times
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#1 [url]

Jun 17 16 1:12 PM


Subject Cyan:

Three years old
Skin colored like blue laced agate and blue eyed, carapace like gold flecked azurite hued Lapis.

Even hours after hatching, the first of the doragonkame kin to make noise and to make his egg move the blue little one has a very dominate and 'alpha' personality even as mere hatchlings, a pair of ivory buds on marginal schutes in line with each shoulder. When not challenged by a brother and all are left alone for long periods as is the usual, Cyan is easygoing -- waking up on the "right side of the bed," cheerful and ready for a new day, an adventurous leading little guy.

Subject Crimson:

Three years old.
Skin colored like red jasper, has pale ivory buds in pairs on his jaw and rimming the entirety of his garnet colored carapaces' marginal schutes. eyes are also bright tomato red.

Was the second of the four brothers to hatch even though bodily the largest and heaviest. Can be the shyest brother and often moody if taken from the little group. Most reluctant to use speech he has learned but equally as brave to face 'adventuring' with Cyan.

Subject Violet:

Skin the color of amethyst, violet eyed with a shell whose purple sugilite black richterite colored carapace is rimmed with schutes that appear angled now but might become more pointed and ridged and spike like as he ages.

Third to hatch maybe but mentally is months ahead of his brothers in areas like speech, counting, drawing and even the beginnings of reading. - almost at full four year old level speaking in longer sentences of around five to six words or more. He understands most things you say and will follow instructions with two to three steps, as long as they’re about familiar things. Maybe a little less hand eye co ordinated as Cyan and Crimson and though as curious and adventurous is more focus when it comes to new things thoroughly exploring. Maybe a little shy at first, it is soon over come with eagerness to learn.

Subject Gold:

Yellow golden citrine colors skin, golden eyed whose golden tiger eyed like carcapace had much the same angular marginal schutes that may become more formed, rigid and spiked as he grows.

Last to hatch of the eggs - basically a little golden ball of overtly friendly energy, more openly accepting and one to seek adult interaction. Even if they all long for it, to bond, to imprint, Gold is most eager, most keen for the chance. He is 'youngest' and in the hierachy of the 'pack' the omega, and whilst it often means he gets the short end of things has learned if he turns up the whine his brothers will share their 'lions shares' with him.

As three year olds developmentally all of the little turtles dragons have reached the same stages as human counterparts would, well most, they did become mobile much earlier in thier infant months and walked much sooner than human toddlers would. And even retained a pack like structure throughtout. though in many ways still developed much along the same stages as their human counterparts would and now at three, have had more emotional development emerge, mostly among each other as the scientists and two interns that rotated in and out of their early lives showed very little affection and or encouraged it from them. Viewing them as little more than subjects. Non the less the little guys through observation and their closenes among themselves have come a long way in understanding that her body, mind and feelings are their own. And all know the difference between feeling happy, sad, afraid or angry. though in high stresses of fear or panic they tend to pack together in means of defense and will actually bite if the precieved threat does not go away. Fears, phobias and fear of imaginary things, care about how others act and affection for familiar people - mostly themselves as their 'guardians' at this point had little interest in them as little developing people.

Play, an essential thing for children this age is not a real focus of their guardians, non the less the little dragon turtles managed to learn to play together, mock wrestling and chasing and games like peekaboo, learning and exploring even in their limited loveless environment, their world and their feelings. there is an understanding of the concept of ‘mine’ but with no experience with sharing toys at this point most of this comes down to food and drinks and they express this by maintaining an order, Cyan, Crimson, Violet then Gold. Usually children at three would become more imaginative, but with very little experience of the world out side their lab life their only imaginative play was trying to imitate the scientists and interns they see inconsistently day to day.
There is a curiosity about bodies as all at this age – the little turtles beginnign to learn they are different. But little else, having only known human male company.Language is developing immensely. lots of new words learnt, for all four boys by listening to the human adults, and though they have shown interest in story telling and conversations none of their guardians would indulge. Crimson having trouble with words feeling shyest about this. They all still prefer their own innate set of sounds to communicate with each other - and have attempted to use sounds on adults in their live with little success. Violet being most keen to ask lots of ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘why’ questions. When it comes to understanding, all the turtle children have now learned about opposites like big/small and more/less and concepts like ‘on’, ‘in’ and ‘under’. Some of their memory is innate instinctual, urges to hunt for exmple and their play often mimics hide, ambush, chase, and tackle techniques, even if they don't really understand it, the normal memory is developing – for example, remembering things the humans have said and also starting to point out letters and numbers that he remembers and name them, and can counting objects and sort them by colour and shape.

Toileting for the little fellows int he lab amounted to a hole in the floor, and learning in early days if they missed there was a unpleasant hosing down. Suffice to say as coordination developed faster for them then human young ones they learned fast to not miss much, but have never seen an actual toilet.

The four are close and often grow anxious if separated for extended periods of time, sleep curled up together.

Posts : 1378
Join date : 2016-11-20

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Doragonkame. Empty Re: Doragonkame.

Post by Doragonkame Sun Nov 20, 2016 1:07 am


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Doragonkame. Empty Re: Doragonkame.

Post by Doragonkame Sun May 28, 2017 9:40 pm

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Doragonkame. Empty Re: Doragonkame.

Post by Doragonkame Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:32 am

Doragonkame. Ponyka10

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Doragonkame. Empty Re: Doragonkame.

Post by Doragonkame Sat Feb 06, 2021 11:55 pm

Doragonkame. 31d84310
Dragon Liam

Doragonkame. 150b8410
Dragon Randal

Doragonkame. 44912310
Dragon Duncan

Doragonkame. C897f510
Dragon Malcolm

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Doragonkame. Empty Re: Doragonkame.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Jan 16, 2023 3:11 pm

Doragonkame. Dorago10

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