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Astral Assembly

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Astral Assembly Empty Astral Assembly

Post by Donnie Mon Aug 03, 2020 8:04 am

Don's dragon is racing away through the astral plane. It's free and flying! Excited and playful just as it had presented earlier, playing among Don's traveling companions. And it is almost gleefully exploring!

He can feel the others joining in meditation and grins as he continues onward. He has no plan, and no idea where he's going, but he continues forward!

The first presence to actually approach him is Raph. Interesting... he'd been able to sort of thoughtspeak to the others earlier, but though he can definitely see and interact with his brother, he's not on the same plane either. Don's energy is sort of barely able to be contained even by the higher plane he's already on, and it's brighter and taking on more dragonish features by the moment. Though it can't be heard, Don is clearly giggling as Raph pokes him. He circles his big brother playfully for a moment then gives Raphie a boop to the nose. He's about to race off again when he notices Lee. He pauses, looking at the couple, knowing exactly what they've been doing. Don laughs, playfully circles both of them, quickly... faster, faster! Almost forcing them together, then Don suddenly breaks off and races away once more!

He notices Leo next, but Leo is more likely to try and stop him. Don races pointedly away from that brother! Gonna have to catch me, Leo!

Instead, the next playful circle and boop is to Mike! He's brighter now, almost blinding!

But... there's a net now that seems to be trying to catch him... But it's a plane or two down. He doesn't know where he's going, but he knows he needs to, and... it will be okay.

Finally to Leo. A nuzzle. He can tell Leo's... scared. Silent reassurance.

Upward! Normally, Don would want to know why he's drawn in this direction, but he's not capable of it at the moment. Instead, he is gleefully following where this feeling is taking him! He can't expend the energy nearly as quickly as it is building. If he stays here, he'll burst. He might anyway, but... Upward.


He feels something around him shatter. He keeps going.

Astral Assembly Tmnt-210

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Raph Mon Aug 03, 2020 8:37 am

Raph was somewhat shocked to find that at least some of the turtles he could feel here were... not turtles. Raphie and his brothers were clearly dragons! Their stronger presences were easy to see, though he's pretty sure that some of the other presences around him are the sort of avatars that Raphie had been talking about earlier.

He didn't get a chance to really focus on that though before the brilliantly bright dragon came racing over with an almost Mikey-like uncontrollable energy about him. Raph chuckled as his counterpart was booped, then... Well... Don clearly knew what Raphie and Lee had been doing, but what the spinning had been... Raph had backed away so as to not get caught up in that.

Then the brighter dragon raced off again, and Raph was left sort of staring at Raphie and Lee. He could feel more turtles joining in, but... what exactly are they supposed to do here?

Astral Assembly Dancing_raph_gif_by_turtletitan97-d6g2wct

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Leo Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:54 am

Here, in this plane that he had reached, where it seemed that Don might be hiding, Leo is presenting as his dragon avatar, and it doesn't take him long to realize that his brothers seem to be as well. And if he's not very much mistaken, there are a couple of other avatars out there. That was a little surprising.

When he and Don first spotted each other, Leo nearly took off after his brother, but he sort of held back, waiting for his traveling companions. He couldn't just... leave them. As Don raced off to Mike instead, Leo roared into the astral plane. It is all dragon and all alpha.

At the very least, it is a call to his own brothers to get their tails over here. Additionally, he offers a path for those that might not be as spiritually trained to follow. A path in and out that will not only allow them to come help, but will also give them a road home.

His call even worked on Don... sort of.

Leo watched as his brother came over, impossibly bright. Impossibly full of energy he simply couldn't expel. Not even like this. Don circled him, nuzzled him. Leo got the message.

Don didn't know what was about to happen. Only that it had to happen. Whatever it might be. The 'I love you' that seemed tagged on the end made Leo freeze. Just long enough that Don was able to escape and race away.

Leo couldn't keep up, and he had to look away as something shattered above them. He could only wait for his brothers, and anyone else that might be coming to arrive.

Wait and watch as Don raced away.

Astral Assembly 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Mike Mon Aug 03, 2020 10:21 am

Donatello joins his brothers, worried. Michelangelo joins his brothers - in awe and feeling the taller buffer but still lean older brain seek out his brothers presence at once, they all seemed to gravitate to their own Leo's. Michelangelo nuzzled and churred and rubbed against the presence his brother gave here and was embrace by it, the sweet feel of Raphael joining them, their combined strength flooding the plane and others.

but it was a calm place - Lee is shocked to realise the place they were is the farm house, April's farmhouse, or a astral version and in front of their fathers grave - he is guiding Raph - and he is chuckling and briefly rubs a hand over Don's snout.

Mikey though is a bumbling eager turtle all but pouncing on Raph although his astral cry was for Lee. " Leeeeeeee oooooooh Don... don... the body of Don needs help... I mean we could pump him full of drugs again but- but..." almost begging not sure what his big brother could do from here, or how but he had to be able to do something! he was a Leo! And it was in that special little brother tone Mikey had, that softened Raph and got all his brothers attentions at once - even the attention of the other turtles. And his avatar surrounded his body. So he presented as a turtle wearing an orange fox with many tails.

Lee smiles... and he cups Mikey's cheeks. " okay little brother I'll try something, but it means you will have to relax and calm yourself and... let go for a moment just... drift here int he void." voice dropping to a sort almost heart beat cadence - it was risky what he was going to try ... but he could draw on Leo's strength on Leonardo's strength, they were Leo's after all and connected in that way he was realising.

Leon whoas and grins noting his brothers. " hey guys - who whats that!' it was intense and whooooa so many dragons! The little boys presented here as balls of energy and Leo's avatar like Mikey's was worn like a cloak over his body a pudgy little winged pony. Cute and vaguely blue greyish in color...

Leonardo smiles embracing his brothers, just, holding them feeling Donatello's worry echo Mikey's, unlike before in this plane now Leonardo seemed to come with a little frost or mist, like Donatello did a bit of wind, nothing you could see and certainly not wind as in a fart or burp you could hear or smell but more a breeze was around him, soft and warmish. Raphael had barely began to tap into his and Michelangelo not at all so didn't present yet. The big blue enjoys the closeness of brothers and lets Leo lead this - because they are here working out what had happened.

Raphie laughed and don and maybe swiped at him with his tail, a playful 'nose down' man - but he was actually rather proud of his choice in Lee. And happy to see his brothers! the dragon not quiet as bouncy as Dons and expected that - yep there goes Mike! zooming after Don and probably the only dragon form that could keep up ! he meanwhile moves closer to Leo and touches snout to his - trying out his voice, it comes more of a voice over. " Hey Leo... guessing you all felt it too?"

Mike laughs and yes he goes to Leo first at that roar and nuzzles in close the dragon a very happy one - then he is off, chasing Don not sure what he is doing or where he is going or what it all meant but trying to catch him!

DonnieBoy is last to join them, because he is perhaps the woprst practiced out of all and it takes a lot longer for him to empty his mind completely, but he is here and gaps at all the turtles, sixteen! well twenty if one counted the little hybrids. Which Donnieboy absolutely does so - twenty! it was truly mindboogling. He recognises where they are and moves to his brothers, to Raph and Lee and Mikey hugging Raph as it seemed Lee and Mikey were up to something.

and they were Mikey was relaxing as Lee was still speaking, soothing, calming, chanting, and when his hands fall away from Mikey's face intot he forms of the healing hands chant Mikey's follow in perfect sync. It would be hard to tell for any aside the Leos perhaps that Lee was conducting Mikey's astral form, taking over, transferring the white glow of chi to him, over him, channeling through his energetic little brother.

Astral Assembly Ff9f8d10

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Raph Mon Aug 03, 2020 11:41 am

Raph isn't much more practiced than DonnieBoy, but he did have the advantage of Lee pulling him along. And probably not as much racing through his mind as his brainy brother does.  "Whoa..." He looked around at the astral projection of the farmhouse.

And Mikey's frantic call for help, Raph looks at Lee.

He returns Donnie's hug, and is sort of petting his taller brother's shoulder as he watches Lee and Mikey do... whatever they're doing. There's sort of a nervous glance to Donnie. You got any idea what's going on?

And trying to talk... it takes him a couple tries, but he eventually gets it! ~Any idea why Mikey's wearing a weird fox suit?~ he doesn't disturb Lee and Mikey. And spots the pudgy pegasus, almost, but not quite laughing. ~An' that one's a pegasus...~

Wow... this is... Raph is sort of overwhelmed by all of this, but he sticks close to DonnieBoy for now, waiting for Lee and Mikey to finish what they're doing, and to get any other instruction. Raphie had taken off to his own Leo, and two dragons were racing upward. "~Actually, you got any idea what's going on?~ Actually, for once he doesn't expect Donnie to know. Lee or Mikey though... He hopes one of them does. But it seems they're going to have to wait.

Astral Assembly Dancing_raph_gif_by_turtletitan97-d6g2wct

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Ralphie Mon Aug 03, 2020 12:22 pm

Raph had heard his own Leon! Oh, it was good to see him--!


"Do you knoooowwww that you look like you're wearing a My Little Pony suit...?"

"Awww... Dude, it's like, totally cute!"

Because seriously. First things first.

"Really, guys? That's the greeting?" Donnie was trying to be serious... But even he can't resist. "They're right though. It's sorta adorable." And he does have to sort of poke at the thing. "But does anyone have any idea what's going on?"

Raph looked around. There were so many turtles and dragons. He looked back toward Big and Little Blue.

"I'm not entirely sure, but Little Blue's Don did something that made him freak out, and drag us all here. I'm guessing Don's the glowy dragon up there...?" At least that one seemed to have some purple to it. The color coding seems to be a thing. Even among the dragons. "Short of the SunDragon up there, If anyone knows, I'm betting on Little Blue." And he nods his buds closer to the dragon-y turtles, just to make sure they know who he's talking about. Though he won't actually go without Leon's say so.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Leo Mon Aug 03, 2020 2:36 pm

~I felt it.~ Leo confirmed, looking after Don. The glowing dragon snapped at Mike, and Leo gasped.

~Mike!~ It's half way between an 'are you okay?' shout and a 'We're coming!' Leo's not even sure if they can pass through that last barrier Don just crossed. It didn't shatter at his touch like the previous one did. He's going to try though.

Even as he shouts to Mike, Leo starts trying to gather up the small balls of energy. Keep them together, keep them safe as they deal with whatever is going on here! He doesn't want the kids getting caught up in something they can't get out of. He gives the balls of energy a nudge toward Leon and his crew. ~Keep them safe.~

He looks up after Don and Mike, hoping Mike will stay put, but looking to the larger turtles. ~I don't know what he thinks he's doing... I'm not sure he does either. Stay here, in case something happens, you're the next line of defense. Raph, you and Mike are with me.~ Lee and his brothers seemed to have better training than the big guys, but this group learned fast, and Lee seemed busy attending to other matters. He will trust his smaller counterpart's priorities.

Leo and his brothers were four! Clearly Don didn't want them with him when this went down, but he's going to try! And Leo heads upwards, hopefully with Raphie, moving to catch up with and meet Mike!

Astral Assembly 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Donnie Mon Aug 03, 2020 3:21 pm

Mike is definitely fast enough, but Don's afraid of what will happen to his brother if he's with him when... whatever is about to happen happens.

Still unable to speak, he snaps at Mike with his teeth. It's a warning for Mike to stop trying to follow! If Mike is really watching, he might notice that containing whatever this is is getting to be painful. One more snap at his brother, and Don races upward once more!

They're approaching another plane to cross, and this time it doesn't shatter at his touch, instead, Don wriggles through it. The barrier wiggling like a bubble as he passes through.

He's among cotton candy pink clouds. Above him, the sky is a dark purple, fading to navy blue. Below the clouds there's not much to see, everything just fades from yellow to white. Don looks up. There's nowhere left for him to go. The glow continues to brighten, so bright that it's not even colored anymore, just blinding white.

Astral Assembly Tmnt-210

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Mikey Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:04 pm

Mikey does not know what Lee is doing, he is letting go and trusting though and can feel his brother pull on Donnieboy, on Raph, they were close and he needed their bond it seemed to - do whatever he was doing... He feels something as... an astral from of Leo, shapeless for the moment nothing but a cloud of energy and Lee's spirit shrouds him, inhabits him pushes his conciousness aside -

(( some Healing Hands))

DonnieBoy shakes his head, " sorry Raph I am not entirely sure to be honest and - whoa...' sorry he had no answers for his brother but feeling Lee draint hem a bit, not a lot, though and eyes wide seeing the big turtles. " whoooooooooooooooa" and the dragons more clearly " whooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Astral Assembly Tumblr_mc5142dxB11r4my8ko1_500

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Leonardo Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:35 pm

Leonardo pulls Raphael and Michelangelo closer, Donatello he had to tug a bit the guy was worried for his travelling companion and they could only watch as the dragons spiralled up and way and he gathers his bigger turtley selves around Lee and his brothers, smiling a bit at the scrawyguys exclamanation, and drawing the pudgier ones and their almost Pony Pal leader to them, into this protective circle with those balls of energy, the warm glow, there to anchor Lee in what he is doing. Their strength combined like this was immensely vast. And the big turtles crouched astral shells turned outwards, watching the dragons fly - it was incredible!


Astral Assembly Leo20110

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Raph Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:17 pm

Raph nods to DonnieBoy. Seems he's just along for the ride as much as Raph is.

And that's sort of frustrating!

He feels Lee draining them a bit. Not a whole lot, but it was definitely noticeable. And he sort if wonders what he did.

~BigM did say he was the smallest one...~ He is also awed by the the large turtles. And again by the dragons, racing upward after one of their own!

His own ~whooaaa...~ is quieter than his brother's. And he realizes that here... he feels a little bit helpless. And Raph doesn't like feeling helpless! Alright, Lee. You win. He'll pay attention in meditation training.

Because he's done with this helpless shit.

Astral Assembly Dancing_raph_gif_by_turtletitan97-d6g2wct

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Leon Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:20 pm

" oooh I no know Donnie perfect awe from where I am standing" Leon puffs out his plastron, " I know right? isn't he the cutest pego?" oh yeah he was chuffed! " like a totally cute little stud! riiighto - on it Leo!" a grin though because he was so very very pleased to see his brothers here after missing them so! And bundling the balls of energy being brought over, they were young and unable to manifest here in any form, and unbridled potential full of a huge energy and strength yet but because it was so raw, soooo very untrained and sooo young very fragile a connection too!

But safe here with him and his brothers and now the much larger turtles are closing in and oy vie the Raph is massive! - and yet still not as big as the dragons above! he is watching their progress with wide eyes and an open mouth. Chuckling at the fist bump offered from Mikey for his studly pun!nodding at his bud, ' yep have no idea whats going on aside his physical form is having troubles breathing, Liam did something and well here we are.' not much of a explanation but it is what he has -


Above them Mikey screeched a bit in some indignation and some the omega begging off the beta, but he forces through and continues to spiral and follow his brother, " no way Don we are always with ya man! - I'm fine Leo! Come on!" he cries back hot on Don's tail - literally! Raph rumbled his own roar, deeper than Leo's but not as long and follows he is a slower dragon but not too much! And their following indeed he snaps with his jaws agreeing with Mike they were a quartet - always! no matter what... and something and he can feeling something - he doesn't recognise Lee's chi but he feels it!

Mikey too though he has no idea what it is either!

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Donnie Mon Aug 03, 2020 8:09 pm

Don had hesitated slightly at the omega begging. He was definitely a bit of a sucker for it, but it hadn't lasted long before he had raced off again.

And he felt a pull from Lee's healing hands. Oh! Relief! At least for a moment! The every brightening light about him dimmed for just a moment. It wasn't much, but it definitely happened as Lee, by putting some of his own chi into Don's person, also pulled some of the ever increasing energy away from Don's avatar and forced it back into his body!

In fact, it was probably Lee's actions that bought the necessary time for Don's brothers to arrive at his side.

Mike first...

Astral Assembly Tmnt-210

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Leo Mon Aug 03, 2020 8:18 pm

Leo raced upward after his brothers. He heard Mike's screech before the orange trimmed dragon raced off after Don once more. Raph's rumble from below him is followed by alpha. It's not really an order for Don to hold on a moment longer, let them help him, but the long, loud call definitely captures attention! And between that, and whatever it was he could feel Lee doing, something had at least momentarily captured Don's attention, making him pause before he could finish what he'd started!

Leo races through the last barrier, slipping through the bubble with barely a ripple! He wraps around Mike and Don, leaving space for Raph when he gets there, and only once they're all here, does Leo close his wings around all his brothers.

Astral Assembly 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Donno Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:06 pm

Raph, MikeyMikey and Donnie are all chuckling at Leon's pride regarding his pudgy pegasus. But it doesn't last long, because they have a task to do!

Donnie and Raph frown at Liam having something to do with this whole thing.

"Liam...?" Donnie pointed at the little blue ball of energy. He was mostly keeping tabs on the little gold one, it seemed to be hovering close to him anyway. Donnie wasn't sure why, but maybe because the child was actually physically in his lap at the moment out in the real world. It didn't seem that he was going to get any more explanation than that though, and well... Whoa... The big guys were huuuuuge!

MikeyMikey and Raph are likewise trying to keep tabs on the little bundles.

Donnie chances a look upward, watching the dragons break the last barrier, and he ducks, wrapping around the little balls of light as best he can. MikeyMikey and Raph join him. Whatever is about to happen... Donnie is pretty sure it's imminent!

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by DonnieBoy Tue Aug 04, 2020 2:13 am

Donatello nods, " yeah that bundle of energy, lilguy seems to tbe the toddler hybrid leader." he smiles a bit, unsure of what was going on but Leonardo was stopping them and indeed now they were all looking up and watching, afraid and he was, because he had invested so much already in protecting his sick travelling companion, in protecting him. Coming up with on the spot the help the guy needed. He wanted to watch what Lee was doing but instead his eyes are drawn upwards - he shifts, his brothers shift they were a huge wall of muslce around these other turtles -

DonnieBoy squeezes Raph's shoulder a bit, heck he understood the feeling, they really, really needed to learn more of this - if nothing more than to help Lee.... like now as Mikey gasped and shuddered and Donnie felt it, knew Raph felt it, a drain on them.

The bundles of energy are quiet happy it seems to zero in on the resting, basking sense Malcolm gave of, and likewise bask themselves in his warmth. protected in the encircling Raph, MikeyMikey, Leon and Donnie crowd, DonnieBoy lightly patting Donnie's shoulders looking upwards.

Leon smiles he is less nervous about what is going to happen - they were encircled and protected - they could watch, as long as they protected the bundles of energy and Lee as he works through Mikey.


mikey grins, he had the hesitation and that was enough to stay close, then Leo was there and he makes the happiest dragon noise, a rumbling happy chirrup and opens his wings intershading with his brother reaching to nuzzle at Don with his snout - they and now Raph as he crash through and joins them with his bulk would help absorb whatever it was and safe guard their brother from becoming lost in the ether -


and he doesn't know what Lee is doing but he can feel its strengthening the physical body for the return, tethering him to it.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Donnie Tue Aug 04, 2020 5:24 am

Don feels his brothers join him. Feels their presence, their sparks. They wrap around him. As Leo's wings find their way around the whole group, Don can't hold on any longer, and he shrieks out a roar.

It's nothing like the deep roar of Raph, or the growling alpha roar of Leo. Don's call is more like a eagle screech. It's longer than he could normally manage. It calls out to anyone in the ether who might be listening. He can't stop the roar anyway. Whoever hears will hear. With luck, It will be no one or other ancient magics that need the world right. Not a call to arms like one might get from an Alpha, rather it both begs for help and offers hope, in a way that only a Beta can. Even if no o e who cares hears, it will serve as a warning if the impending pukse.

As he roars, the glow that's encompassed him expands in a bubble outward, his brothers inside with him. He draws on their energy, and the counterparts below can probably feel it too.

The roar fades and the bubble breaks, the light and energy that has been building about him blasting outward like a supernova. The last bubble of a barrier they passed as well as the distance they crossed, helps to lessen the impact on the turtles below as the energy races away, expanding through the astral plane.

When the dust clears, Don is no longer a dragon. Instead, he's a small, mostly purple ball of energy. There's a hint of a his brothers' signature colors swirling within the purple, every once in awhile that give it an opalescent quality. Within the ball, you can feel his dragon avatar and his turtle form, but after that sort of expenditure, it will take a little time for him to rebuild his spiritual energy.

The ball floats there, cradled by the energy of his brothers. Growing slightly brighter already, bolstered by their presence.

Last edited by Donatello2003 on Tue Aug 04, 2020 5:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

Astral Assembly Tmnt-210

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by MikeyMikey Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:25 am

MikeyMikey was mostly along for the ride. He had certainly never done anything like this before, and he was definitely amused by Leon's pride in his pudgy pegasus.

MikeyMikey wants one.

Guess that means he's going to have to learn more about meditation and this spiritual stuff... They're going to be meditating a lot more, aren't they? Boo...

Well... if they get to be Pegasuses or whatever, that's cool! That'd be worth it!

Donnie ducked a moment before MikeyMikey and Raph do. Wrapping around the little balls of energy that are the kids, doing what they can to keep them safe. They seemed content to snuggle each other and rest. That was probably good.

A moment later they're rocked by the blast! They felt a slight drain, a pull through their dragon counterparts, supporting the turtles calling to ancient magics. They have no avatars as yet to present, but  there is a sort of vague colored chi about them that encompasses the kids as the blast rocks the group. Raph maybe had the barest hint of... some sort of animal. Though with the rocking and rolling, it's hard to tell what it might have been, and it's gone by the time the rolling stops.

It had been a trick to hold onto each other, but the colored chi, and the big guys surrounding them had definitely helped as they were tumbled through the astral plane by the blast.

Together, they looked up toward the dragons.

There were only three now... and MikeyMikey looks at the others, concerned. He doesn't know how to reach out and see if he can still feel the fourth, but at least at the moment, he doesn't see him!

Last edited by 80sMichelangelo on Tue Aug 04, 2020 8:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Raph Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:43 am

Raph, for the most part is just sort of going where he's pushed. He had felt Lee's drain, but it wasn't too bad, and a moment later, it's sort of like it never even happened. It was... strange.

As everything seems to be hitting the fan, he wraps himself around his brothers as much as possible. Not enough training for an avatar to present, Raph does experience a slight, white glow, not unlike Lee's chi as the blast rocks the group. It lingers for a moment as they recover.

He'd nearly been ripped away from his brothers, but somehow, he'd held on, strictly through determination. He also looks up toward where they had last seen the dragons. Then to his brothers, concerned.

Astral Assembly Dancing_raph_gif_by_turtletitan97-d6g2wct

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Leo Tue Aug 04, 2020 8:22 am

As Don's roar fades and the blast occurs, Leo hears himself roaring into the vastness.

Once everything has passed, Leo looks at Don's little energy ball, cradled carefully, safe in the bond of his brothers. Leo feeds a little energy into it. Helping to rejuvenate Don a little bit. He reaches out and gently takes the ball, guiding it to him.

There's one more call out into the ether before he carefully, tenderly takes Don's ball and leads Raphie and Mike back down to the rest of the turtles.

He feeds a little more energy into Don's ball, giving it a little more brightness and making it a little bigger, and had been about to hand it to the tall Donatello who has already been taking such good care of his brother, but the ball objected, and instead moved to DonnieBoy, hovering there, supported by Leo. Waiting for the lanky turtle to take it.

Astral Assembly 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Raphael Wed Aug 05, 2020 1:38 am

Raphie howled through the bursting, Mikey called, their cries mingling with their brothers, long and then -it was over, the insane, incredible, powerful booom, like a sun exploding passed, they were still.... themselves?! He cooooos and noses the ball of Don in Leo's hold, he purrs pouring some of his energy in there, he could feel the fade of Lee withdrawing, now the danger had passed, he supposed, he didnt know it was because the guy had done what he could for Don's body, through Mikey.

Mike joins in adding some of his own energy, and was all but 'dancing' in the descent around Leo, happy, Don was only energy, but he was still with them and would recover in time, he was just happy to have and hold be close to his brothers. All of them!

As they land with the other turtles Mike reaches out his snout towards his fellow Mikey's.

BigM responded first, lowering the shield he'd drawn up around the turtles he and his brothers were guarding, it felt like a viel of flames, he was not sure why or how or what it meant but the Mike dragon was sooo coool!

Mike touches head to head with BigM and then reached for MikeyMikey and waits for Mikey to join them. And nosed the bright energy of Malcolm.

The red lined dragon smiles he too sought out to connect with his counterparts, a bit puzzled by the dust of sorts Raphael had to sort of shoo away - if not for his dragon avatar this Raphael was a big damned turtle, and Raphie reaches out to brush snout with Raph and ChippieRaph. Nosing the red ball of Randal.

Lee withdrew into himself. Out of Mikey - in time for the Mikey to gasp and come back, wondering what had happened and be bumped by MikeDragon. Lee's chi faded, spent for the moment, it took much to channel this through Mikey.

Leonardo dropped the wall of ice he'd called forth, not a real ice a spectral form of it, and wows a little, that had been nothing short of incredible... reaching over to carefully help the Lee to his feet, the guy looked rather spent, and he is also looking to the DragonLeo, is all okay? was the silent question from the worried big brother.

Donatello moved forward - he barely noted he had called up wind to shield the other turtles, now is anxious, what did it mean?! blinking when the ball seemed to be seeking out the surprised looking DonnieBoy. Who glanced at his brothers and then Donnie and then hesitating, reached one of those hands out and lightly touched Don's ball.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Leo Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:00 am

Leo is sort of huffing a chuckle as Mike dances around them on the descent. The energy of his brother helps Leo feel better about all of this too.

As he hands off the ball of energy to DonnieBoy, Leo then turns to his counterparts. He gives Leonardo a nod, at least so far as Leo can tell, things are okay. He then sort of nuzzles Lee. A silent 'Thank you' and offering some energy to the smaller turtle to help replenish what the guy just gave. He also took a moment to nuzzle Duncan and Liam.

He had been amused by the dust on Raphael, and looked forward to figuring out more about it in the coming days. Similarly for Leonardo's ice.

Based on the way Leon and Mikey wore their avatars like Halloween costumes, Leo had a feeling Don had been trying to teach them a little.

It seemed that Don was still trying to show DonnieBoy something, and there was a strange sort if chittering he could sort of hear from Don's ball of energy once in awhile, though he couldn't understand it. Someone will have to fill him in.

~It's no accident that we're here. Chi is a powerful ally, and we're all going to need to be able to use it. We may not have much time, but my brothers will help you. Learn what you can. We're going to need it. Mikey, Donatello, Leon, I'll make sure you get back since Don doesn't quite look up to it.~ He would go with them as far as he could, but it would be up to them to return Don to himself.

He waited for Don to finish... whatever he was doing. Whatever it was seemed to be between them, and Leo didn't pry.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Ralphie Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:23 am

After what he's seen already, even before whatever just happened, Raph had been pretty well convinced to work on this meditation thing. This all pretty well solidified it.

He laughed as Raphie nosed at him. MikeyMikey hugged his dragon counterpart, and Donnie sort of chuckled at his buds. He hung back near his massive counterpart, and watched DonnieBoy with the little purple energy ball. He looked uuuuuup... he stood about the tallest turtle's hip... he grinned up at the big guy. Yup, glad these other turtles are on their side!

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Donnie Wed Aug 05, 2020 1:27 pm

Don's energy almost pounces on the touch, and the ball chitters. It's sort of a calming chitter. It will be okay. Relax. He has something to show his counterpart.

The ball glows a little brighter, feeding memories into DonnieBoy. There's no context, but DonnieBoy would see a first person account of Don's obsession with finding data bits. What exactly they're from is muted though.

Shakey days of running on nothing but a variation on Master Splinter's rejuvenating tea. Growling and snapping at his brothers who were trying to get him to take care of himself.

That day he'd snapped at Leo and greyed out... he didn't know when he'd last slept... or ate. Don had lost all concept of time weeks before. Thankfully Leo had backed off, and Don had been able to collapse back into his chair. He had blacked out after his brothers  left.

He shared chasing his brothers out to patrol without him. Again.

And again.

And again.

He shared the time he sent April with the helicopter to extract his brothers instead of going himself. Throwing her into harm's way instead. of going. himself. How much he hated himself for that now, even though it had turned out okay in the end.

When Don 'speaks' it's inside DonnieBoy's head.

~I don't know about you... but I don't like this guy very much...~

Snapping at Raph to just get out.

He shared the day he'd nearly lost his brothers... Because he hadn't been there. Because he had growled at Leo and chased them away... again. A call from Baxter Stockman. An enemy was treating his brothers better than Don was.

He'd gone back to patrols and training after that, but he wasn't sleeping or eating right, using that time to continue his search.

The first time he'd been winded in training when he knew he shouldn't have been.

And finally why he'd done it. That final bit... pulling the lever with his brothers that had brought Master Splinter out of cyberspace.

The day he'd realized that the winded thing... wasn't getting better... even though he was taking care of himself again. That hadn't been long before they'd been pulled into the Nexus.

That first full blown asthma attack. Thank Shell their larger counterpart had been there. If it had happened in the lair? Don probably wouldn't have survived. That he's going to have to explain this to his own father when he gets home... if he gets home. If walking into a war when he can't reliably breathe doesn't kill him.

~Believe me, I understand just how hypocritical this sounds, but your father doesn't want this for you... or your brothers. And let's be honest, you saw what just happened here, these aren't forces you want to be messing with... no good can come from it. Your father doesn't want you to do what you're thinking, but I know you desperately miss him. So may I propose an alternative?~

Last edited by Donatello2003 on Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:35 am; edited 1 time in total

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Raph Wed Aug 05, 2020 3:12 pm

Raph is imressed, and responds to the nosing of the dragon by sort of putting his hand on the creature's neck. This was Raphie? Really? The connection thing the guy had been talking about could do this?

He's impressed.

And whoa, that one Raph is big! And he's not even a dragon!

Raph then moves to help his spent looking brother, putting an arm around his brother to help support Lee. If Lee can sort of absorb some energy from him, he's welcome, but Raph isn't sure how to offer it like the dragons seem able to do.

And he watches as the DonBall goes to talk to DonnieBoy, though he doesn't understand what the ball is trying to say.

Any inclination to disregard a Leo is lost to what just happened... and the fact that this one is a freakin' dragon! He nods, he'll do his best.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Leon Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:56 am

Leon is floored by everything that has happened, he is not yet at the stage he can project his avatar, or that it can become a separate part of him acting independent of his physical body. And it had faded in the burst, he grins at Leo though, ' appreciated duuuude, I... I never knew meditation, chi was capable of this. or that... and or that?" gesturing to himself - to Lee - to Leonardo the icy giant and to the dragons around them.

Absolutely the light in his eyes and the tone suggesting now he knew he was going to try learning more, and in a moment when the small gathering of the Leo's is past and he is hugging his brothers again he'll try to encourage all them to as well, he wanted to know what avatars his brothers had!

he is fond, brushing hands over the being hugged Liam and Duncan balls of energy, the small red glowy Randal and gold glowing Malcolm too.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Leonardo Thu Aug 06, 2020 11:23 am

There is a deep siiiigh and Leonardo relaxes entirely for the moment, he is spiritually surrounded by his brothers... all of his brothers interdimensional and his own and he is for the moment very happy. Adding and bolstering Leo's efforts to help their fellow Leo recover.

As they seemed to have become a little separated by counterparts a tad so he takes this moment to just hang with his own, chuckling at the pudgy Leon's avatar, a little, outwardly he is congratulatory, patting the guys shoulder. "how is married life treating you Donatello?" with a bit of a teasing grin but also, he meant it, was he happy? And the wife? ummmmm sister in law?

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Lee Thu Aug 06, 2020 11:32 am

Lee is sort of slumped a bit, the astral form a tad grey and his chi all gone - but some color does start to return thanks to Leo and Leonardo, he manages a churr and peels eyes open to look at them, a bit of a grin, " your... welcome..." getting the silent thanks and not quiet able to return it quietly for now - managing a bit of nuzzling on his own when there is a bit more energy there, he can feel Leonardo's worry for them all and echoes it.

Raph's dragon surprises him by leaning past the Leos and licking him!

He laughs and is somewhat more animated, sort of, still a little pale and he will have to return to his body soon, " Leo's right guys we all must practice this, at least enough to block unfriendly attacks." he wasn't expecting avatars and whatever the hell the big guys were, to be battle ready in the mere weeks or so it will take for them all to get to their meet up to fight this war, but he knew they had to be at least able to block.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Doragonkame Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:30 pm

The little ones didn't understand what was going on - all they knew was their fave big turtles were more like - their mummy! and they were so very happy to be near each other! Eagerly nuzzling back against Leo and the other two moving closer to get the same! their energy and warmth bright and warm.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by DonnieBoy Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:52 pm

DonnieBoy does not know what to expect.

And is taken aback by the memories, but doesn't pull away, sinking into it, 'watching' and listening and he feels concern, it moments, echoing that this memory only Don's brothers and sister must have felt for him, the hurt and fear when he rejected them, so focused. And it makes Donnie think of the time he had argued against Lee and the damage that had caused. So he got it, along with the sympathy he felt for MemoryDon's family he also was alligned with Don himself he understood the fervor and guilt around something out of their control but something they might have accidentally caused. For Don DonnieBoy was beginning to understand at that time his fathers decompilation. He could image the grief and pain and self blame that came with that. Like the time he and his brothers unleashed a wave of mutagen all over the city - and mutated KidApril's father.

Yeah DonnieBoy hadn't been nearly as bad but he had become obsessed and barely took care of himself. Not to this extent though that it had a adverse affect on his health and ninja training in area of fitness.

So the context may not have been there but DonnieBoy was able to find it in the messages the memories were telling him and Don would feel the... empathy, not a dislike for that MemoryDon, DonnieBoy felt the instinct to help him, to get lost int he project with him and help him. Even if he knew there was no point, it was in the past. But he would.

He sakes his physical head but Don would feel it and tries to speak back, a little surprised by the voice he heard in his head that Don would hear. " It's not hypocritical... it makes sense... I.... I just don't understand how you know what I was thinking - I... I do miss him.... so much..." the tone was grief filled but he understood, he has no idea but thats why his Splinter had asked Don to do this, to use logic, rational, logical argument against attempting to rip the veil into the universe of the dead. To bring his father back.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Donimoy Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:19 pm

Donatello does not know what Lee had done but, he reaches over and lightly rubs Leo's neck and then pats Lee's shoulder too, " I'm sorry you are so tired, I hope this wont affect you too bad for too long... but thanks... Im grateful, and know Liam will definitely be and Don for whatever you just did..." he's not sure what it is but he guesses it will help, however minimal it would help. And that he was grateful for, he just wanted to see his counterpart reasonably up and about to enjoy some time with his lilLiam during this trek to a up coming battle, nodding at the advice of Leo that is backed up by Lee. Yes... he'd never thought of it as important.

He knew his father and Leonardo had began to really learn more about meditation but had taken very little interest in it himself, now he was more aware it was important he would learn as much as he could.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Raphael Thu Aug 06, 2020 4:11 pm

As Donatello now moves back towards his counterparts offering a hand to the Donnie - Raphael is grinning at his own, rolling his eyes a bit, that even slumped against his brother, the counterpart with the small chip in his plastron that the Lee managed to agree with the Leo.

" soooounds like a lotta practice comin our way huh?" he jokes with his own counterparts. Sure they'd probably complain and huff but would do it. And well it was a way to absorb all that had occurred here, brushing some of the dust off himself again - seriously he had bathed... relatively recently!

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Raphie Thu Aug 06, 2020 4:21 pm

Raphie rumbles a looooong sigh in agreement to Raphael, yep sure sounded like it! and he didn't mind really, sides he was beginning to sense he and his own brothers were a bit ahead on the counterparts in this so he'll do what he could to help Lee teach BigM and Raph.

He nuzzles his counterparts, first the one who seemed amazed that this kinda spiritual teachings could amount too, puffing a little smoke over the guy, indeed it could and he looked forward to seeing how Raph's chi would present itself... and then he nuzzles pudgyRaph and is amused wondering if their avatars would be like Leons? weirdly ridiculously cute but cool?

A gentle butt of snout against the little red puff of energy thats Randal and an echo of that against his busy with DonnieBoy brother Don. They couldn't stay forever buuuuut whilst here he was going to soak up being around his brothers! His tail brushin against Leo's and Mike's and that soft touch to Don - then licking Lee. As if he couldn't feel any more attracted to the young sensei Leo?

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Leo Thu Aug 06, 2020 5:00 pm

Leo is rather amused by the nuzzling and sort of brotherly sharing going on.

Well... except that lick from Raphie to Lee. That was definitely not brotherly.

Everything else going on though... This is good. Getting to know each other, getting a chance to see what chi can do. Leo is hopeful.

And he's chuckling as Raphael brushes the dust off him again.

~You'd better believe it! I'm not sure what it is just yet, but whatever it is... it's the equivalent of his ice. Pretty sure it's going to be cool as we learn more.~ Oh yeah, Leo is excited to see how these abilities play out! So yes, Raphael has a lot of practice coming his way! He's stuck with TWO Leos!

And he starts making the rounds as well. Offering strength where it's needed. A little for the tall Donatello who has done so much for Leo's own Don. ~And thank you too. He's lucky you were around. And I'm grateful you were.~

And maybe a little swat to Raphie. Behave, bro.

Or it might have been a sort of 'go for it! ... just not here.'

Mostly Leo is waiting for Don to finish.

~Raphie, Lee's tired. Why don't you go about getting your crew home. Rest up, guys.~ Leo will stay to help get anyone home who needs assistance. He nuzzled his brother, and nudges him. Go on, get going.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Donnie Thu Aug 06, 2020 5:23 pm

Don can sort of feel DonnieBoy's reactions to the memories. It's difficult since he's pretty well drained, but this is important.

And he's pretty sure he's hit his mark.

There's a soft laugh as DonnieBoy doesn't understand how Don knew his plans. He can't hug his counterpart like this, but he can offer warmth, and he does so. He can't take away the pain, but he can offer support. ~You and I are not so different in many respects. But also look where we are!~ Look at what just happened! It's gentle, smilling, sort of a big brother feeling.

Then he sighs at DonnieBoy's admission. ~I know you miss him, but... these sorts of things... they have a way of correcting themselves. You might manage to get him back, but at what cost? And as for how I know. Well... I have one more memory to show you.~

This one doesn't race through as quickly as Don's memories of pulling his own Master Splinter out of cyberspace. Don lets this one take it's time.

He shares that moment when Mikey was reaching for his avatar, and Don was struggling to guide him. That moment that DonnieBoy and Mikey's Master Splinter came to them, and gave Mikey that last push! He shared the hug that Mikey had given his father before it had been time for him to leave.

And Don let that linger.

~He's not gone. Merely a little harder to find. It takes a little practice, and a little training, and understanding that they can't always be around... think of it as... he has a life where he is now that he needs to live, but that doesn't mean he can't come visit.~

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by BigM Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:19 pm

BigM laughs as MikeyMikey hugs Mike and with that he leaps on the dragon too adding to the pile on and squishig MikeyMikey in the hug with the still a little shell shocked looking Mikey in a bear hug!

[color=#FF4500]" if it's this cool always doing this I am all for it!"[color] He tells the Leos and snugs his fellow Mikeys a bit more - ready to release when it is time to say goodbye which he pouts a little it is probably soon and draws back to rub his counterparts heads and then move to Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and bear hug them too only once donatello had managed to respond to Leo of course!

Tail wagging.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Mikey Thu Aug 06, 2020 7:08 pm

" aaaaaaack!" All Mikey could manage - being snuggled in this bear hug, the warmth of the dragon and the squishing to MikeyMikey, by BigM - " one of the top ten hugs ever." he mutters happily a little unsteady still once let go and on his own feet but happy -

Still a little weird feeling and tired from his brothers intrusion into his astral from, and he just knew returning to his body was going to feel as unco ordinated and unsteady on it's feet. But he was eager to go back... but not until he'd hugged his brothers... and a grin at his fellow Mikeys - one that spoke volumes of the mischief he hoped to get up to once they were all back together.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Mike Thu Aug 06, 2020 11:34 pm


Hahahaha he grins and snugs the little - hah even BigM was small in this form! and he'd loved dancing about his brothers - but wait! he bops noses with Raphie, " Raphie... before you go, is Ee still okay? she... still with yous? and ummmm did you give her my message?"

Oh he catches the look and returns it - in a toothy dragonish sort of way... oh yes much mischief to be had when all the Mikey's got together!! Revelling in being close to his brothers again. Booping Don's ball with his snout now and then because... he was the little brother and thats what they did.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by MikeyMikey Fri Aug 07, 2020 4:26 am

Ack! BigM is... well... BIG! Probably a good thing he doesn't actually have to breathe here! But it's a pretty epic bear hug! MikeyMikey laughs. And he is definitely looking forward to mischief with his fellow Mikeys when they're all together!

"Absolutely, Dude!"

He then moves to Leon and Raph, hugging them tightly too, and he felt Donnie join them. Maybe sniggering a little at Mike asking if his message had been passed on! MikeyMikey knew what the message was and what it meant!

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Donno Fri Aug 07, 2020 4:39 am

Donnie is actually sort of jealous of the MikeyPile as he accepts the hand of his own counterpart. He sort of bumps against the guy, maybe standing on tip toes slightly just because he is sort of at an awkward height...

"I guess we're all actually going to do this, huh..." Like his towering counterpart, he had never really seen the point, but... he was starting to.

He grinned as his MikeyMikey started another turtle pile, this time of his own brothers, and Donnie joined in that one! Particularly focused on Leon and Raph. It's been awhile since he really saw them.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Ralphie Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:05 am

Even the goofy Raph sighs at the comments about meditation training. Though... he really was convinced. Heck, Leo helping him contact and give energy to his buds had been convincing!

Raph laughs as smoke blows over the other Raph!

Shouldn't have done that, he was next! Though actually, he'd been amused too. He waves the smoke away though.

Then MikeyMikey and Leon and even Donnie were there, and Raph objected momentarily, but really...

He did miss his buds as much as the rest of them seemed to.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Raph Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:48 am

Raph continues to support his brother, and will until they get back to their bodies and Lee is feeling better.

Or until they get back and Raphie chases him out. He figures that's possible too.

Raph sort of sniggered at the lick to Lee and the little bap it got from Leo. Yeah... that looked familiar.

And the hug to Mikey is a little tighter than usual. Yeah he missed the obnoxious goob. Not something he would admit aloud, but it was true. And he let go and looked to Lee. It seemed they were being sent home, but... they hadn't gotten to say bye to DonnieBoy yet. But he'll make sure Lee's up to waiting first.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by DonnieBoy Fri Aug 07, 2020 4:57 pm

Raphie grins at Leo, " one moment maaaaan." tapping back for the admonishment to behave, oh hell nah he didn't want to - of course he wanted to take Lee back to rest, but first....

It appears Raphael has the same idea and gently tugs Raph and Raph and Raphie closer, Randal with them and Lee cause he is sort of dangling in the hold thanks to his Raph and snuggling them all - Raphie growling a bit at Mike, " yeah man I passed it on - gonna tell me what it's about"[i]

[i]" Yous are his brothers and a Leo, Raph and Mike you would have come up with something too - but... really any time for a brother."
Donatello elbows Leo gentle for the thanks, and winks, " and married life has been good so far-" for one on the run laughs and is bumped from his thoughtful mode and grabs the pudgy him up and knuckles his head before laughing and scooping energy ball Don closer with DonnieBoy and Duncan! " just so we can come here and hug more like this?! yes!! I am seeing the advantage of this..." and he nuzzles them all.

And it had been in the moment of speechlessness and wonder for DonnieBoy, and all he wanted to say, to ask... for the moment blown away that this... that learning this could allow him to reach out to his ... gone but not gone father and even hug him! feel that warmth again. And even up in Donatello's arms he is holding onto that memory and onto Don and only at once there is a squeeze he moves an arm around Donnie's shoulders too and adds to the super hug that's going on. " thanks Don... I.... I .... even more reason than before with all this, dragons and being here with all of you... one more reason to really learn this."

Leonardo laughs softly watching red encircle red and orange scoop his to him, purple come together, and he is gentle slipping an arm about Leo, pulling small Liam to him and that pudge pony boy Leon, if Raph let his brother go for a moment him too - why not, familiarize himself completely and fully for a few seconds with other Leos. Hearing Donatello's comments about marriage and grinning some more relief at least it was not a horrible experience for him.

Lee was mostly 'asleep' spiritually and physically, so his grin and enjoyment of the moment sort of droopy and goofy but there just.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Donnie Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:27 pm

~You're welcome~ sounds tired as they're scooped up in the hug and DonnieBoy fully recognizes what this sort of spiritual training can do. Good.

Like Lee, Don is mostly asleep  once he pulls back from DonnieBoy as well. He can't really respond to the hug as he's really just a small, tired ball of energy at the moment, but he does add a restful warm feeling to the group, even as he accepts some of the energy of the hug and maybe glows a little brighter. He'll need it for the trip back. And that the energy of the hug was from other Donnies so similar to himself it had been easier to absorb, more effective in replenishing spent reserves. Still, if you're looking carefully, the dragon and turtle in the ball are sort of curled up resting on the 'floor.'

Raph did let go of Lee, and allow the Leos a chance for a group hug as he was pulled away to the Raphs.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Leo Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:29 pm

Leo had chuckled at Raph's response. Yeah, that was his brother alright.

And Leo maybe allows a little more of Leonardo's big brothering feel to get through his defenses rather than holding that sort of thing at arms length, and he joins in the group hug with the Leos as well. The whole thing is rejuvenating. At least a little. He lets it linger for a moment before sighing.

Raph, Donnie and MikeyMikey were all laughing through the group hugs!

~Alright, guys. We have friends out in the physical world that we need to get back to. Stay safe out there. Donatello, Leon, Mikey, Liam, I'll show you the way back." And he reluctantly moves away from the Leos, toward the group. He moves to take Don's ball and Liam's, at least as far as he can. He guides Duncan's ball to Leonardo. If his counterpart is confident in leading the others back on his own, Leo will catch up, otherwise, they can stick together. But he wants to make sure that Don and the others who are now without a real guide get back to their bodies.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Doragonkame Sat Aug 08, 2020 2:27 pm

Mike laughs and winks at MikeyMikey, DonnieBoy and Donnie, they wouldknow his message and what it meant - his brothers can wait to find out! " nothing special man just a message that I'm okay, its really me and that I look forward to seeing her again.' a silent - don't give it away! to his traveling companions, nuzzling the ball of Don energy once the Dons broke up, bringin it closer to him with his tail and hugging, Raphael wrapping his around them and waiting for Leo, the last tat ta for now as they faded back into their bodies.

Mike reaching to make sure he tracked his travelling buddies to begin guiding them back when they are ready. Doubly so the little bundle of Malcolm over there snuggled still fairly close to Donnie.

Raphie huffs, " fiiiiine... but if it is a prank you are soooo turtle soup Mike!"[i] he warns with a growl, but is snuggling his brothers this last moment, grateful for the chance to feel them, to be close, and know for the moment their all... mostly okay. Don tired and worn and maybe his body still not a hundred percent but okay. And so Leo doesn't fret too much, hearing Mike declare he could do the guiding for his lot, Raphie growls out an echoing warm [i]" yeah me too - we got this." so Leo wouldn't worry, finally understanding just how lacking these other turtles must be in this area of training. Except Lee, there seemed to be a rather scattered and basics only training among the others. Oy Vie much training ahead.

And Leonardo makes sure as his brothers gather to briefly cuddle, to briefly exchange closeness and warmth that Lee is passed back to his brother Raph carefully and that Raphie had them both and the red bundle of energy that was Randal. Drawing back with their own small bundle close to himself and Raphael - the big guy waiting for Raph to have his moment with his brothers before drawing him closer and waiting for Leo.

Leon nods, Donatello sighing, leaving the embrace of his brothers with an affectionate rub to BigM's head as he joins Raphie and Lee and Raph with the red bundle of Randal, making sure to gather Liam in close the little guy was bumping insistently against Leo for a bit there. " thank you Leo, we... aside Don I thinkt he rest of us need a lot of practice." shifting Don once his bundle is let go closer to Mikey who snugs him and churrs protectively over the gathered energy.

DonnieBoy had been reluctant to let Don go, but he does and with the linger brief memories of his most treasured memories with his father. Just the highlights of being small and hugged, being a little older and shown a weapon that was more his speed and learning to love it. Splinters kind words about the gains, losses and wins with MetalHead. A thanks for helping DonnieBoy find a better way to reach his dad.

Lee fades, becoming a ball of energy himself swirling white with streaks of blue, just tired. But ready for Raphie to guide them back.

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Leo Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:05 pm

Leo is skeptical of Mike's explanation. Especially since Donnie and MikeyMikey had some sort of weird conspiratorial grin on their faces. They seemed to be sort of trying to hide it, but... really, really bad at it. And Mike isn't a whole lot better.

He's pretty sure he knows what the message actually means, but he won't jump to conclusions. At least not here. And even if he's right... well... he can actually sort of see the appeal...

Even if he doesn't strictly approve. He doesn't say anything though.

Don offered one more bit of brotherly warmth, the closest he can come to a hug as he was separated from DonnieBoy. A silent 'you're welcome.' And Raph did accept Lee. Supporting him, and doing his best to help get his brother back to their bodies. He sticks close to Raphie with Lee's ball of energy, and also looks around, making sure his group was together, and BigM and Randal were both there too with Raphie.

Leo joins the hug with his brothers, relishing that energy they can really only tap into when they're together. Four spirits so close they're capable of becoming a single unit. Don's ball glows a little brighter in that moment. Don still seems tired, but aside from that he at least feels whole and fairly healthy. Leo will take that as he hugs his brothers.

~Be careful out there, guys." Hey, it wouldn't be Leo if he didn't worry.

Leo trusts his brothers to get the rest back to their physical realities. They know what they're doing. He'll worry anyway though, and will check in after awhile and make sure that everyone got back alright. He will probably linger in meditation a moment after the rest of his group

Raph reluctantly leaves his buds, and moves back toward Raphael, Leonardo and Duncan. Ready to go. Ready to get back, learn more and get on the move again. The sooner they're moving, the sooner he can see his buds in person! MikeyMikey and Donnie agree, and with one last hug to Leon and Raph they leave the group and move to Mike's side. Donnie is doing his best to keep little Malcolm close as the child was snuggled against him physically, and seemed to sort of follow him here too.

Leo smiled as he acknowledged the bumping against him Liam. Nuzzling the little guy, opening himself to... whatever the child might have been trying to communicate. And he started guiding the group home. One of them will have to get Don and Liam back to themselves, but Leo can guide them.

~There's always more to learn. Even Don can use practice. Especially since we've been unable to access this state for some time now. And he might feel... weird until he can rebuild his spiritual energy. Contact should help.~ Leo wasn't sure how that might play out, as whatever just happened is completely new to him too. But he remembers the time following the defeat of the demon Shredder, and how badly they'd needed each other physically close. This time though, Don would have to rely on his traveling companions.

Astral Assembly 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Mikey Sun Aug 09, 2020 4:32 pm

Oh he hated to go and he wanted to stay -nuzzling and hugging all his turtle companions at random maybe MikeyMikey he got twice by accident -

- but they are off... Mikey actually looks as serious as his cute face would allow and traveling with Leo he is the kitsune again, tails fanning, keeping the eager bumping Liam and the Don close by Leo - by himself and Donatello. " thanks Leo... whats the wind thing mean? Donatello showed no avatar... his is all wind."

Curious and gathering the others to him once Leo got them close enough, he would do the rest, he could do this - he knew he could. Smiling as excited little Liam ball snuggles against Leo -

Not knowing the little Leo like turtle hybrid was showing this Leo his joy at finding a dad, and in that way, cause he had no words for it, thanking him for taking care of Duncan, for being his dad.

Donatello listened and smiled and waited for an answer. Curious... wind?

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Mike Sun Aug 09, 2020 5:35 pm

They were leaving - nooooo Mike wanted to hang around - but he does know and understand those not as proficient at this run the risk of becoming lost in the ether, their body dying and or some sort of spiritual attack from some other force.

He touches his brothers a last time for now, chuckling when Mikey snugs folks randomly and gathers MikeyMikey, Donnie, DonnieBoy and Malcolm close drawing them back with him -

(( ooc: team 2 back " home!" ))

Astral Assembly Ff9f8d10

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Astral Assembly Empty Re: Astral Assembly

Post by Leo Sun Aug 09, 2020 6:11 pm

Leo considered Mikey's question as they moved along. Eventually he sort of shrugs. ~I am honestly not entirely sure yet. Other than that his brothers seem to be forces of nature as well. It might just be how things are in different dimensions, or... well, our world has these mystics who are the embodiment of the elements. It could be something like that. Leonardo is ice, and Raphael seems to be Earth. Actually... their forces aren't unlike the ones of the weapons my brothers were gifted by the dragon forge... Banrai could smash mountains, Byakko harnessed the cleaving wind, and Inazuma could call lightning from the sky. And... I suspect BigM is fire.~

Leo lets what Liam is showing him wash over him. The child's emotions are strong, and his potential! Wow... No wonder Don was always sort of supercharged after interacting with the little guy's spirit.

He returns the nuzzling from the little ball of energy, and with it, gives Liam a silent "You're welcome, thanks for pushing me." And shares the warmth and joy and even comfort he's gotten from watching Duncan grow and blossom so much in the short period of time they've been together.

Leo then also nuzzled his brother's ball one more time too, breathing a little more energy into it. Hoping that it's at least enough to make the trip back into his corporeal form a little easier. He felt Don's warmth again, a silent 'I love you.' And though part of him was loath to do it, didn't want this connection to end... Leo forced himself to fully handed the two balls of energy off to Mikey.

When they arrived, Leo sort of hung around, waiting to make sure they all returned to their bodies. ~You'll probably all be hungry and thirsty. Emotions can be a little weird afterward too.~ Gentle warning, and an unspoken plea to make sure Don eats. Normally he wouldn't be worried about Don crossing astral barriers like this, but with him being that ball of energy... Yeah, Leo has no idea how he'll come through.

Astral Assembly 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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