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Welcome to Cyberspace

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Welcome to Cyberspace Empty Welcome to Cyberspace

Post by Donnie Sat Oct 17, 2020 6:01 pm

Don is ever so slightly behind DonnieBoy as they manifest in cyberspace. It was that brief moment he had needed to activate the portal and jump onto the platform. "Welcome to cyberspace!" He's grinning, but it has that same sort of hollow feeling to his that he'd had back in the lair. Don's gear is already in place, and he's tapping commands into his gauntlet the moment he's fully present. Every so often he glances up at DonnieBoy. The other turtle is as yet without the cyber gear, and Don is making a couple of last minute adjustments before manifesting it onto his counterpart. He's taking those last details seriously, and giving DonnieBoy a moment to look around and check out the inside of the Internet.

"There we go, let's try this." One more tap into the gauntlet, and DonnieBoy's gear appears.

It's similar to Don's own, though the purples and silvers are inverted, and DonnieBoy's gear is a slightly different shade, darker and cooler toned than Don's own. It's a pretty close match to DonnieBoy's mask, as Don's own gear matches his.

Don's staff is split in two and crosses on his back. He can join the pieces into a single unit or use them separately, whichever the situation calls for. DonnieBoy's is a little different. There's only one. Though it looks similar to one of Don's weapons, DonnieBoy's staff extends and has the same sort of hidden naginata blade that Don had seen in the dojo after their sparring session.

"If you want to make any changes to your gear, you can do so from your gauntlet." Yes, it was possible... Don just never told his brothers they could do it! Mike's probably would have changed constantly...

Sure, they have a job to do, and it really shouldn't take that long, but... he lets the other turtle had a moment to take everything in. This place is amazing. It's incredibly vast, and just... Don wishes he had some better memories of being here, or that he didn't have any. He definitely has mixed feelings about this place.

But he knows his way around, and it's really the best way to make sure the code he needs to plant is done properly.

Also, he's pretty sure it's the sort of thing DonnieBoy will straight up lose his mind over.

Because if his own introduction to cybersspace had it been under any other circumstances, Don would have.

Welcome to Cyberspace Tmnt-210

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Post by DonnieBoy Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:05 am

But DonnieBoy was displaying the missing the oblivious - only this time he does know Don is not happy, and well he doesn't want to force anything on the guy if he doesn't want it, even joy... or isn't quite ready for it though man it is impossible for him to not gush over the computer screen.

the servers!

the memory bannnnnnnks......

Oh if there is a drooly face and maybe an amused giggling from April the donnieBoy misses it in the eagerness to hop up onto the platform, " aahhhhhh - yes! show meeeeee! do I ever! man this is like all my net geek dreams come tr-" and as they become digital!

And well he is thrilled to all but have his eyes almost pop out of his head again, at first not noting the gear - trying to look at flows and binary - and immediately he noted the pattern change difference to his universe binonary. Not huge just sutble and oooooh the data streams!

Only then he sees Don's get up and whoooooooas, " wooooooooooow man this is fantastic, faaaaan tastic... Don I - woooooow I, why I never thought of something like this - holy jalopa!" as his gear appeared and sort of hoping on the spot a tad his surprise and awe all over his face. Um probably a little hidden by the helmet. He tests out his staff. Nodding, "... wow I this - whoa you have ... tonfa?" curiously nodding to Don's weapons here and sort of feeling his digital form, so curious and it is all unadulterated and fresh and so very genuine. Gasping when indeed the gauntlet did pop up a menu, skipping past changes to his weapon or suite cause those were awesome!

Moving to the vehicles - wooooowing again " can we take a little spin on these first - how exactly do they work?" pointing it out o Don and well it was the first of many curiosities he had. In no rush to do their task. Mostly just happy to be here and if it wasn't obvious, cause DonnieBoy is as good as Erica is at poker face, happiest to be here with his counterpart.

Welcome to Cyberspace 9aa42c10

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Welcome to Cyberspace Empty Re: Welcome to Cyberspace

Post by Donnie Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:45 pm

Don doesn't mind DonnieBoy's excitement. He's not feeding into it, but he sort of likes seeing it. There's a slight chuckle at the drool.

"You've got a little... um... know what? Never mind." They were about to go into the Internet anyway. It won't matter there.

There is that sort of hollow smile as DonnieBoy looks around, thrilled by the scene around him.

And Don's already sort if at the end of his rope, so talking about the portal now really doesn't make things any more difficult. His explanation is straightforward and honest. Maybe more than he would actually tell otherwise.

"Well, it's based on time window technology from 2105. And... well... it was definitely a case of necessity is the mother of invention. When we were returning to our time, Master Splinter was caught in a decompiling blast. This is how we got him back."

A slight smile at the talk of weapons. They weren't quite tonfa, but it's hard to tell when they're stored like they are.

"More... hanbo. Though..." He pulled his weapon free and gave the pair of short staffs a spin before connecting them for something much like his standard bo. Though it did have the arrow head ends. He gave that a quick series just to show it was solid and stayed together.

He separated his staff again and stowed it.

"Sure thing. We'll want then to get to the Purple Dragon's servers anyway. Take your pick. I like the Code Runner. They're pretty standard controls. Just follow the data flows." Leo Raph and Mike hadn't had any trouble at all. Neither had April, but then again, they were all pretty used to Don's vehicles. Though he did typically use standard controls.

Welcome to Cyberspace Tmnt-210

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Post by DonnieBoy Sun Oct 18, 2020 4:31 pm

DonnieBoy is vibrating with excitement, eager to explore, absorbing all of Don's information and words like a sponge - and maybe for a bit there he slumps a bit, reminded there was nothing. Nothing he could likewise do for his Master Splinter - wait...

He looks around the window, the memory of his fathers hold, cool and spectral was fresh, as fresh as the horror of watching the world be burned down by dragon fire - though DonnieBoy had once watched his entire world be sucked into a singularity. He was grieving in an entirely different way - in the act of returning the world to where it should be they lost a good friend.. And it was not a almost sort of sopn, a cloned son and nephew so he only sorta felt he scraped upon the grief. And how horrible and this all must feel for his counterpart. And for a moment his excitement, dies, literally it died for a moment as he focuses on choosing a vehicle, he actually combined a couple and created something like a formula one car, with armour though labelling it the road blade. He was getting the hang of coding pretty quickly.

And he hides the moment his excitement flickered out - poorly - but Don wasn't ready to open up to him and DonnieBoy didn't particularly wanna share either right now -

As the road blade assembled he takes a breath and - in a Mikey ish sort of move it is back, his excitement and flair is back and he nods the grin in place, excitement reignited.

Sure he has been around technology that put him at... what did the professor say about two thousand years behind? And yet.... he couldn't fail to be amazed by the new and different. And heck he was gonna have to take Don for a ride in the turtle mech!

He nods at the weapons. " that is cooool I... Lee said int he alt future he lived the MetalHead 2.0 RoboDon used a hanbo too."

Welcome to Cyberspace 9aa42c10

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Age : 24

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Welcome to Cyberspace Empty Re: Welcome to Cyberspace

Post by Donnie Sun Oct 18, 2020 6:26 pm

Normally Don probably would have noticed the slump. He would have noticed the moment that DonnieBoy's excitement had flickered out and been replaced by darker emotions. Normally this would have caught his attention and bothered him. At least enough for him to acknowledge it. Normally that poor attempt to hide it wouldn't have worked.

But right now? Right now, Don's just not capable. He doesn't have the emotional energy left to handle anything else. He's not seeing the hope his brothers are focusing on. He can't.

He is patient while DonnieBoy codes his own vehicle. It was no surprise that DonnieBoy was picking up the coding quickly. And there's really no huge hurry. Don's pretty comfortable here, and now that Cyber Shredder and Viral are gone, he hasn't seen much that was super concerning. Little things here and there, sure, but nothing major. He has sort of the same awareness in this space that he would have in the tunnels near their lair.

Don was sort of lost in his own mind when the Road Blade assembling itself dragged him back. He didn't notice the excitement return because he never noticed that it had left. That sort of hollow smile is back as he checked the vehicles specs on his own gauntlet.

"Very nice. That one looks fun."

He pulled up the Code Runner and it materialized near the Road Blade. He set coordinates on his gauntlet, and fed them through to DonnieBoy's so they could both have directions to the server they're going to have to access.

"Care for a race?"

His tone is still hollow, but he's trying. He really is trying.

Welcome to Cyberspace Tmnt-210

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Welcome to Cyberspace Empty Re: Welcome to Cyberspace

Post by DonnieBoy Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:45 am

The excitement is there, but DonnieBoy is definitely less peppy and chatty than usual and well he just grins cooooling out loud at the Code Runner nodding, " yes! Let's race!"

And of course Donnie boy might have coded for speedy travel problem was he had no idea where he was going in here it was he quickly learned a difficult new skilled navigational skill was needed and well he maybe was keen to not think just drive, marvelling at the interweb here.

So racing yes but not trying to win, falling in close to but not invasively so with his counterpart travelling where he took them!

Welcome to Cyberspace 9aa42c10

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Post by Donnie Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:15 am

Well, okay, it's not really a race, and Don can tell that from the speed they're moving at. DonnieBoy would have had access to Don's coding for vehicles made with Speed Demon Raph in mind. Also, the vehicles racing ability had saved their shells more than once, so Don had taken time when they were using them regularly to tweak coding and urge a little more out of the units. Don's sure they could both urge a little more out of the vehicles if they really wanted to.

DonnieBoy's gauntlet will act as a something of a GPS, but the direction giving is a little different than navigating the city streets, or even the underground tunnels. There's definitely a much more three dimensional quality to the maps and instructions. Also up, down, and sideways mean decidedly less here.

The racing not-racing is actually sort of cathartic. Don can just focus on driving, on getting to where they're going. If Don was honest, he enjoys a good race almost as much as Raph does, though he doesn't show it nearly as readily as his red masked brother. Or Mike... or even Leo for that matter!

All too soon their journey has ended. They come to a stop near a monolith of a server.

"Well, they've upgraded. I wonder who's running the show for them now that Hun has been mutated and is in jail." It's unlikely the large, spiked mutant turtle will ever leave. He has enough of a rap sheet as a human, and... well... Don wouldn't be entirely surprised if he was now being subjected to exactly what Master Splinter had always guarded and trained them to be able to avoid.

He has to sort of wonder if Bishop is involved.

As Don dismounts the Code Runner and it dematerializes. He is looking up at the massive server. It's not as impressive as the Utrom Tech based Foot Vault that had once housed the Cyber Shredder, but it is still an impressive piece of technology.

It is definitely standard Earth tech though, and Don's not particularly worried about it.

Don has something it's creators don't. Knowledge of multiple alien species tech as well as substantial experience with coding practices and tricks from 100 years in the future.

DonnieBoy is welcome to come watch as he starts working from his gauntlet. At the moment, Don is lightly prodding at the server, searching mostly for make and model, internal programming, touching on details that he might need to tweak his program for before he truly tries to access anything inside.

Welcome to Cyberspace Tmnt-210

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Welcome to Cyberspace Empty Re: Welcome to Cyberspace

Post by DonnieBoy Tue Oct 20, 2020 1:03 am

Woooooooooooooo and DonnieBoy is pumped again and almost - almost lets it out when they reach their destination - ooooh he was sooooo racing for real not he way back - and hah!

Though he is actually doing his utmost to not be the chatty usual self and even if he does to a little, oh so thrilled hop hop skip sorta dance on the spot once they touch down and Don becomes busy and he is sure it will mostly go unnoticed, it takes a moment for DonnieBoy to make his own vehicle go away and then reigned in -

mostly -

he is there and listening and looks mildly surprised. " huh the description of your mutant hun sound vaguely similar to our Slash. large spikey mutant turtle." a little fascinated by that but mostly just moving into position to be able to observe what Don is doing without taking up all his personal space.

" who would have been in prime position to take the Purple Dragon reigns if Hun is now shunned or choosing not to be actively leading them no more?" wonderingly.

And if the coding becomes familiar to Don, its because it reeks of Baxter Stockman.

And funnily enough, as he is looking over it and then more eyeing the big vault sort of thing DonnieBoy is reminded of, " huh.... has a Boxcar Stickman sort of deluded self-important grandeur to it." and well not really did he and his brothers mispronounce the name of the thug scientist, but mostly by habit alone. They all knew his name but it felt wrong to say it right.

Welcome to Cyberspace 9aa42c10

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Welcome to Cyberspace Empty Re: Welcome to Cyberspace

Post by Donnie Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:59 am

Don might be concentrating on his task, but he can still feel the energy behind him. He doesn't mind. The hovering though... Well, Don would totally be doing exactly the same thing.

The gauntlet on DonnieBoy's wrist buzzes as Don mirrors what he's doing to the second device so his counterpart can see more easily.

"Sounds about right." Don commented of Hun and Slash before considering the question of who might be in charge of the Purple Dragons now. "Well... it's always been Dragon Face before when Hun's out of the picture, but... he's never shown any sort of vision beyond just your typical street gang."

There's an almost snort at the nickname.

"Almost certainly. Though... he's something of a freelancer when the Shredder is out of the picture... Hard to tell if he's actively involved or just wrote the code. He was involved last I knew though. Sometimes he's working with the Dragons, sometimes Bishop."

Don is actively trying to crack his way in now, keeping in mind that Stockman may have more knowledge of Utrom tech than he lets on. It has never seemed to be the case, but he always looks for it.

Once he's through the outer security, he's done what he can from the gauntlet. He puts his hands on the server. He doesn't comment that this is the dangerous part, but it is. His gear disappears and his hands disappear into the server. Yes, it feels as weird as it looks. At least he doesn't have to put his head in it this time.

DonnieBoy's gauntlet will still show what Don's doing, though the changes are much more organic in nature. Things change in full thoughts rather than scrolling line by ling like normal digital data. Instead of looking like code has been entered, it has simply changed in a way that suggests that is how it has always been. There's no trace of them having been there.

Welcome to Cyberspace Tmnt-210

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Welcome to Cyberspace Empty Re: Welcome to Cyberspace

Post by DonnieBoy Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:25 pm

Hover, watching, keenly, intently observing and absorbing it all.

Wait -

The buzzing definitely makes DonnieBoy take notice that he can observe - from here and he cooooools in a whisper opening it and fiddling with the display a little making what he was seeing pop up like a projection above his wrist - whoooooa he was enjoying this! Nodding, yep Slash and Hun definitely sound similar. And at first Slash had been an angry fresh mutated hungry adult mutant turtle. But had gotten better. He listens at the description and well the move into human trafficking definitely did not sound like it would be up Dragon Face's alley. He ponders a moment then shrugs, " depending on what the purple dragons are like as a gang it could be that Hun hasmade use of his form by intimidation and still in charge." Because even they, smallish compared to a Slash and by the sounds of it Hun frightened people easily enough.

He hears the almost snort and lightly bumps against Don, it wasn't a laugh, but it was almost and the lean tall youth is glad to hear it.

And now was the serious part - and DonnieBoy is watching, is observing and maybe when he understands what Don is doing there through the gauntlets he maybe helps a bit by creating a small back entry, in through the siles natural dumping system. That way next time Don only need slip in through there, though it will take a bit to complete needing don to be in fully.

Whoooooa that is cool he wanted to see if Don's hands where really still there... ooooohing -

man cyber space was sool.

The files about the human cargo where in hidden files all over the system that Don broken into. And a lucky break had not even had interested buyers yet, The only one missing was Erica.

Welcome to Cyberspace 9aa42c10

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Post by Donnie Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:03 pm

Don frowned. "Certainly wouldn't be the first time someone controlled a gang from jail... especially not in New York." It was possible... "Unless he was... No, that's ridiculous." Unless he had been 'transferred' to Biotech. Then who knows... maybe he was part of one of those shipments and is out now. Don will have to look at the data when they get back to the lair. He needs to concentrate on actually hacking this server right now, and can't actually look at the data he's pulling. "Hopefully something in all of this will tell us more about who's running the show."

There's alllllmost a smile when DonnieBoy bumps into him after the name calling of Baxter Stockman. Don sort of feels like there's a sort of game between them, not entirely unlike the one between Leo and Karai. High stakes, not necessarily 'fun' but sort of a game nonetheless. Stockman makes more and more impressive tech... Don hacks it. At first, Stockman had definitely been the more skilled of the pair, but over the years that's changed. And lately Don has been the undisputed champion. Stockman is good, and Don doesn't want to ever underestimate him, but now... of the two of them, Don is better.

Don did see the vulnerability that DonnieBoy had started to exploit, and while he's inside, he finishes the job. That will definitely make it a lot easier if they need to access the server again at some point in the future.

He's finishing up, almost done, and checking his work as he's slowly pulling his hands out of the server. Cyberspace definitely played by different rules than the real world did.

Once he's out, they should be ready to head back.

Welcome to Cyberspace Tmnt-210

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Welcome to Cyberspace Empty Re: Welcome to Cyberspace

Post by DonnieBoy Thu Oct 22, 2020 9:16 am

"mmmm good thinking, could be someone entirely new." like with the kraang data it was better to take what was there and study it away from main source. No need alerting anyone they had been there. Though DonnieBoy regularly checked his codes for anything unusual for this reason.

And because there was one mutant who took particular delight in getting under DonnieBoy skin competitively.

Dr. Rockwell.

And to be fair before his space journey Rockwell had the upper hand, since then the chimp had to work harder and maybe he picks up on a similar sort of game whilst he is working to put a small entry way in for Don, then grinning as Don took over and completed it easily enough, " what is your Baseter like? Ours is brilliant, a bit arrogant and a little too self assured and definitely is looking to use his talent criminally... But at least he is not a fly mutant any more." curious and he is both eager to be back, he he could study the portal and computer and geek out!

And not -

Because this was cool!

Welcome to Cyberspace 9aa42c10

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Welcome to Cyberspace Empty Re: Welcome to Cyberspace

Post by Donnie Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:27 am

Don finishes his task and pulls away from the server. He's content with what he's accomplished, and brings the Code Runner back into existence as he answers the question he had been asked. He sighs.

"Baxter Stockman is a brilliant man. His robotics are nearly unparalleled." Chapman and Don himself are probably his only real competition, and the human world mostly doesn't realize Don exists. He is getting on the Code Runner and ready to head back as he speaks. He's content to talk and drive if DonnieBoy likes.

"He is also an arrogant prick who failed the Shredder too many times. I honestly believe he started out with good intentions... and took the opportunity offered by the Foot for money, access to unprecedented technology. And well... fell in with the wrong crowd. Now he's a brain in a jar, so his job opportunities are um... limited."

There have been times that Don's actually felt sort of bad for Stockman. Especially since the whole... CyberShredder incident.

Don's still not objecting to DonnieBoy's energy, but he can't really join in at the moment. Though the energy is actually sort if nice to see. Even if Don's not feeling it himself. Still... he feels like he should get back, and he's sort of urging DonnieBoy in that direction.

"We should hurry back. Leo worries." Sooort of an invitation to race.

Welcome to Cyberspace Tmnt-210

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Welcome to Cyberspace Empty Re: Welcome to Cyberspace

Post by DonnieBoy Thu Oct 22, 2020 3:19 pm

Again DonnieBoy - and is shows, feels a little guilty for being energetic and reigns himself in a bit. Managing a somewhat subdued nod and a ooooooh, " uh seems both have those flaws, though ours less the bodily loss, wow that must be... wow just awful -" thinking about it for a moment. Sure in the end if Lee's dream coma happens or perhaps even without it he DonnieBoy miiiight end up houses inside of Metal Head 2.0 but still.

Just saddening to think about. And yet the guy didn't check his data dumps enough clearly.

There is a bit of an escape of his usual enthusiasm and a bright eyed eager bounce of a grin, " yeS!! should not keep Leo of any sort waiting... and this time - I think I actually have the hang of this, last one there is a rotten hatchling!" noooo he had no quiet got the hang of this -

But he was immensely improve on the trip in! zooming in all sorts of directions and thoroughly enjoying the thrill! and not quiet as smooth as Don so little behind d him.

Welcome to Cyberspace 9aa42c10

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Welcome to Cyberspace Empty Re: Welcome to Cyberspace

Post by Donnie Thu Oct 22, 2020 3:41 pm

Don bumps lightly against DonnieBoy when the energy fades again. It's okay, really. He doesn't mind. He understands. It's just... he has other things on his mind right now.

And mixed feelings about being in cyberspace anyway.

But that doesn't change the fact that being inside the Internet is really. really. cool. If it were his first time and under fairly simple circumstances like this, he'd be flipping out too.

"Brilliant with robotics and computers, but... like I said, arrogant. Hence the... sort of obvious holes." Well... they're obvious to Don, and apparently to DonnieBoy. They would probably be less obvious to even a fairly skilled hacker.

For not having had much experience in here, DonnieBoy is making good time on his Road Blade, and Don is definitely taking advantage of the moment to just... drive. Just focus on driving and no thinking about anything else.

All too soon it's over, and they're back at the portal. He sighs as he stops the Code Runner, dematerializes it and activates the portal. Nodding for DonnieBoy to go first, Don will be right behind him.

Welcome to Cyberspace Tmnt-210

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Welcome to Cyberspace Empty Re: Welcome to Cyberspace

Post by DonnieBoy Thu Oct 22, 2020 4:44 pm

" obvious to a pair of donatello's in any case sort of holes." DonnieBoy agrees and grins a little, nervously, he was really doing his utmost to not chatter his counterparts ear hole off - and or be way way way too excitable with all that has happened tonight. And at times like now he really really manages to pull himself back.

And then fail miserably on the car ride!

And but falling out of the portal with an enthused - " Wooooo -"

Welcome to Cyberspace 9aa42c10

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