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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by DonnieBoy Wed Mar 13, 2024 6:41 am

Oh DonnieBoy won't be as miserable but he will feel it tomorrow! For now he happily leads Donnie through the allies, making the odd human out and about on these streets stop and look into alleyways and or up at rooftops and the random sounds of shuffling and sniggering.

And even one - Lee can't tell which Donnie from up on a corner yelled boo from a shadow and sent pizza boy Tony scootering away!

Oh well he is sure they have all had a turn at scaring that particular scooter delivery guy.

So he is amused and watching but oh boy...

Whilst Donnie leads them to still fenced and roped off bits of their New York. Which to not drunk turtles might seem really quiet compared to other dimensions NewYorks. And it is.

But the crashed bug ship is a crumpled vaguely wasp like shape the size of two sky scrapers. It's weird living metal mingled with some bright white metal of kraang and bug prey cocooning, egg nest cocooning and bug ship guts and innards spilled over what had been the TCRI sky scrapers in a huge mountain.

Contruction vehicles and buildings were inside the fencing dormant now, but there were signs of where they had been stripping the mess away slowly. Huge bins had different materials piled in and around them. Porta loos and cook out side spaces for workers.

It was slow work cleaning up the mess but happening and the perfect spot for Drunk Donnie's to go raiding for tech!

Donnie pointing out gleefully a full grown mutant roach scavenging a egg husk and Squirrelnoids scurrying away from them!

Swapsies! - Page 4 9aa42c10

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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by Donnie Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:24 pm

It had been Don who scared the pizza guy. Something he would normally never even consider. It's probably for the best that this New York is surprisingly quiet.

"Sooooooo quiiiiiieet..." Actually not talking about themselves. He actually feels like maybe he could make a bit of noise here and not be noticed. And he is probably not noticing that they really are making a bit of noise!

Though maybe that... thing has something to do with it.

He is absolutely fascinated by the crashed ship!

"Whoooooaaaaa... what... iiiiis this?" He's not quite slurring exactly, but he is definitely does not enunciate his words as he normally would, and is speaking slowly. Though that might be awe at this... whatever it is!

Don is decidedly weirded out by the giant mutant cockroach and the squirrelnoids! His experience with other mutants in his own dimension are mostly negative, aside from Leatherhead that is! He's waiting for tentacles to come shooting out of the roach or squirrelnoid like Bishop's Outbreak virus pigeons.

"You have... an awful lot of mutants..." He has said similar words before when this sort of thing has come up in discussion!

Giving the other mutants a wide berth!

He does quickly find the sort of living metal, and that is definitely fascinating! He finds a small piece and pets it!

Swapsies! - Page 4 Tmnt-210

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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by DonnieBoy Fri Apr 05, 2024 1:39 pm

DonnieBoy found amusement in the pizza guy, their pizza guy being freaked - and did congratulate his counterpart for marking an unofficial milestone of theirs in doing so.

And here they are!

He mooostly takes the slowed speech as awe. Because it is incredible. " Its an actual... gigantic insectoid alien like Chompy's mother, capable of living in space... but unlike her, as far as I know things actually lived in this giant being like any cruiser... it is wild I don't yet... understand how or why but Lord Dregg himself was something with things living inside of him, so it seeeeemed a theme of that part of his galaxy that he ruled..." there is pauses and a few stumbles as he muddles up what so far hs has learned about this incredible machine... living thing... not just a living metal like Kraang metal, but an actual living... monsterous sized thing that is capable of space living and entering... at least this earths atmosphere.

it really was something!

He does glance about when Donnie mentions the mutants, and makes a very big nodding motion! almost to point of half a bow. Almmmooooost. " mmmmm a fair few yes, and I suspect like the issue with Lee's puking up a modified mutagen medicine .... there will be more..." and this is when his ninja senses ping a little. Not so much that their narc tail was still there, maybe further back and out of his interests range as he looks for a way in to take Donnie into the ship itself... more so that the Squirrelnoids were paying undue attention to them.

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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by Donnie Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:51 pm

Oh, so fascinated by this crazy ship! And DonnieBoy has Don's undivided attention as he explains the ship!

"A liiiving space shiiip? That's SO COOL!" That's too loud! Though Don doesn't really notice that in this moment. He is far too captivated by this super cool ship! This is possibly what drew the undue attention of the squirrelnoids.

Don is eventually distracted by the other mutants though, and had already been wigged out by them before DonnieBoy mentioned the mutagen medicine!


"I sstill can't believe you thought muutagen as medicine was a good idea..." But then Don does have some hang ups about mutagen in general. There are a couple moments where his words are definitely not as clear as usual. He's not quite slurring, but it is more of a mumble than usual.

And the discussion does have him looking toward the mutants around him, so he actually is paying some attention.

"Thiiiis... might be baad."

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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by Lee Sun May 12, 2024 4:58 pm

DonnieBoy may have already seen the ship more times than he can count. And yet he STILL gets excited!

And yanking open a hatch. " this thing even was capable of sending bug fighters out! Living smaller ships. I could never work out if they were nymph forms of this ship or larvae or were parasites..." glad to have the attention -

Even the shudder. " not my brightest move at all, agreed, but it was all I had and I maybe was overcompensating for feeling like arguing with Lee put him in the position that got him soooo hurt."

Stumble into the hatch way and landing clumsily. " come on let's loose them!" he cheers waiting.

The Squirrelnoids hurrying with screeches at the turtles eager for food. DonnieBoy has a crushed half soggy box of popcorn he tossed outwards just to buy Donnie a second longer to get in!


Lee hurries after the Donnie's! See the Squirrelnoids and unsheathed swords - a bucket of popcorns does catch their attention and bounce off his head!

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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by Donnie Wed May 15, 2024 6:08 am

Don giggles at the information about the ship, and the smaller living ships! It's a giddy sound! Because that is AWESOME!

"That's sooooo much better than symbiotic bacteria!" Which is pretty common on his Earth at least. He assumes the same is true here.

He is definitely exploring the space in the ship!

At least for that moment before the mutagen talk. Because squuuiiiiiiddddgggeeee. Though DonnieBoy is aware that there's trauma there.

Don does rush away in that moment when his counterpart throws the popcorn, but not before seeing where it landed!

Which is absolutely hysterical!!

"You hit our tail and left it outside!"

He belatedly realized how weird that sounds. Which only makes the situation funnier!

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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by DonnieBoy Sat May 18, 2024 12:28 pm

DonnieBoy may be as drunk as a skunk but he does notice the squiiiiiiidgeeeee moment and bumps gently against his counterpart for a brief moment and thoroughly throws himself into the acts of dodging fellow but more 'feral' mutants and into the ship!

Breaking out in giggles at Donnie's words, the kinda giggles that start as hearty little snorts and sniggers but grow as he looks eagerly for more details of the moment as he digs about his pockets again and clumsily for 'headband lights' for him and Donnie for the darker sections of the ship, " we dooooo have a mutant giant wasp the kraang created that has a parasitic bacteria... I have FINAlly re eeee um made the antidote and shared it with the military cause there are feral populations of the giant wasps everywhere now... and maaaaybe some in here..." he is sniggering and babbling and offers Donnie a purple headband with a sown in light that you just press the middle part to turn on. a bit dimmer than what humans would have, just enough for their better in the dark eyes to see with. " hahaha where did the popcorn hit the tail?" giggle, giggle and eager for details and once donnie has his headband Donnieboy is putting his on.

These are 'girlie' head bands that have been repurposed. Donnies offer one has bright pink flowers all over it and one central flower above the light that is a frilly puffy noticiable bit of pretty pink, DonnieBoy's has smaller white flowers that line the whole things edges and he slips it on -

crooked -

and turns the light on.


Outside Lee barely got thew soggy box to fall off his plastron before the squirrelnoids came for it. And him. But its been a long time since he first fought these creatures - so he makes quick work of a couple, slicing of limbs, their tongue and then cutting open those long heads before the others decided he wasn't worth the few scraps of popcorn box and a few pop kernals that were left after the initial rush.

Lee knows there might be a vid of pic when somewhere in the dark probably at another entrance to the massive space bug ship Slash yells " Good Job!" with waaaaay to much amusement!

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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by Donnie Mon May 20, 2024 3:43 pm

There is more squidge at the giant parasitic wasps and the talk of giving the antidote to the military. It is also reminiscent of the Outbreak, though Leatherhead had come up with that antidote (Regardless of what Stockman claims) while Don himself had been 'indisposed.'

He is about to let the squidge get the better of them and ask to go home when the headband light is offered, and the previous conversation is completely forgotten.

There is an excellent chance that Donnie is not going to remember much about tonight at all.

Then a laugh at the popcorn! "In the face!" So much glee at this being how Lee had been hit!

He then takes a moment to put the headband on, and it is no more straight than DonnieBoy's is!

"I feel pretty!" Cute little flowers!

And rushing off into the ship to explore with his counterpart!

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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by DonnieBoy Wed May 22, 2024 4:50 pm

DonnieBoy wouldn't have let him, not out of being nasty or anything. Their out exploring!

And part of that for DonnieBoy will be learning to confront the unease of mutagen and it's side effects and monsters, both good and bad. And all the bad that happened.

Buuuut he is faaar to distracted to think that deeply right now and bumps along with Donnie laughing at the described scenario. " soooo muuucthhh for the a teaaam tuuurtle." hahaha and he takes Donnie along the inner corridor that could have been the bug ships lung structure or blood vien... He is not sure it works for sure and studies are coming along slowly.... Out into the open cavity of the thorax -

There is charring and burns and scorch marks, the kinds left by intense strong electromagnetic power and energy, he tries to describe how it happened... But it may come off that Mikey somehow cause the beast space ship to run into power lines not that Mikey and the Newtrailizer were the cause of that ship going down!

Climbing up to the ... Command deck of the 'head and brain's of the creature pointing out the great big hole in the floor that was the bugs version of throat.

So much of that be lost in translation and not as good a story as it could have been!

If he recalls he might tell Donnie later!

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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by Donnie Fri May 24, 2024 4:27 pm

"A... Team...?" He's pretty sure another of DonnieBoy's brothers mentioned something like this earlier, but... not sure. At least not as sure as he would normally be.

But for now he mostly ignores it and scurries off with DonnieBoy to explore more! The mutagen talk forgotten.

Don runs a hand along the scorch marks inside the creatures and tries to follow DonnieBoy's story as best he can.

He is definitely not understanding that it had actually been Mikey and the Newtralizer that had caused the damage. It is still a pretty cool story though!

Don goes quiet as they move into the head and brain section of the ship.


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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by DonnieBoy Thu May 30, 2024 12:38 am

The fact most of his braggy sort of story is lost in drunken translation is absolutely lost on DonnieBoy. He tries to explain the a team - b team mess but most of that was probably also missed and maaaybe might have come out more as Lee and Raph dumped that title on Mikey and DonnieBoy himself because they thoroughly trashed them in a dojo session.

He grins and throws arms out in a wide Taaa Daaaaa at the whoooa face and voice! " I knooooooooow its sooooo cooooooooool and soooo weiiiiird, Lord Dregg I dont even think was a insectoid type I thiiiink he was more akin to either a parasitic ameoba or tapeworm... as he also had the ability to carry other living things within him, including drone things he would set on us to fight with! I don't even know if heeee was technically a heeeee... and to think Raph just about swore at him." showing one of the crumpled husks of these beings...

Its all fsscinating for DonnieBoy and as they can find broken bits of kraang tech and squishy puddles of deceased kranng it was literally a engineer inclined and minded nerds wet dream to be in this tech wonderland!... DonnieBoy is shimming off his belt so they can gather samples and tech bits and anythign they wanted to stash in the hidden spaces... of course both of them probably be tripping up and down the little stair ways in and out.

And running about they probably shouldnt be with the insect ships throat riiight there!

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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by Donnie Fri May 31, 2024 4:55 pm

Juuuuust enough of the A-Team/B-Team mess is understood for Don to know he still doesn't like it! He's very easily distracted though, so doesn't actually comment on it.

And to be entirely fair, even if the stories had been explained well, Don would not have gotten much out of them.

There is drunken sniggering at the description of Lord Dregg.

"That's groooosssssshhh..." Though his tone does very much suggest that it's also very, very cool!

Donnie kneels down... or tries to. He winds up plopping down on his butt and giggling. He takes a moment to peer at a puddle of Kraang goo on the floor. He does eventually decide he does not want to touch it. Then gets up to gather tech bits instead. Though in his current state, he is equally likely to pick up something useful as he is something that is useless, but shiny.

He does actually manage to pick up a couple of pieces of a communication device that will be useful!

He also picks up and stores a rock. It's a slightly unusual shape, but a very normal-looking rock.

Swapsies! - Page 4 Tmnt-210

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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by DonnieBoy Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:00 am

Annnnd this was how they passed a couple of hours, DonnieBoy showing Donnie the 'brain' or console...

After they managed to stop giggling at Donnie landing on his backside hahaha!

It took some time!

And managing to stumble in and out of Donnie's pockets maybe grabbing useful stuff, mostly not, they are having a blast! And precariously close to the 'gullet' of the broken ship.

At any moment they would bump and fall.


And that would be bad for Lee as he is climbing up the 'poop chute' off the ship after having sliced and diced his way through the squirrelnoids, thankfully with a big of help from Dr. Rockwell.

He left the MightyMutanimals to watch other exits whilst he takes this less than savoury way in to catch up with the Donnie's.

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Swapsies! - Page 4 Empty Re: Swapsies!

Post by Donnie Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:19 pm

Don is having an absolutely grand time in the ship! He is perhaps almost weirdly aware of most of the Kraang goo and surprisingly good at avoiding them given his apparent complete lack of awareness of everything else.

At some point during the time spent in the ship critter, April, Erica and Raphie all receive a drunk text with a bad, dark photo, and poorly typed excited comments about whatever the picture is supposed to be of.

His awareness of his surroundings is definitely spotty regarding DonnieBoy's location, and he is absolutely unaware that they are perhaps closer to a "drop off" than they should be. He picks up another bit of metal off the ground. It's really just scrap, and turns he turns quickly searching for his counterpart, not realizing how close he is!

And bump, and doooooowwwwwwwnnnnn.......


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