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Churry Purry.

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Churry Purry. Empty Churry Purry.

Post by Adalind Schade Sun Jul 31, 2022 2:10 pm

And despite the flirty brush of tail leaving it entirely to Leo if he wanted to be careful and lock the cabin door behind them by slipping the bolt across into its door frame brackets.

She wasn't entirely planning on naughties buuuut maybe a little play if he is up for some mischief as well as paint cleaning and licking. She would of course be mindful of Leo still in recovery mode annnnnd that he is still fairly new to it all.

Moving to her was basin to pour some water over a fur dried flower and leaves for smell and cleanliness and finding a couple of rags.

Churry Purry. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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Age : 19

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

Post by Leo Sun Jul 31, 2022 3:23 pm

Originally, Leo was not going to bother locking the door. He does change his mind though. He absolutely does not anticipate anything crazy going on at the moment. They have a bit of time, but probably shouldn't disappear for too long. And he is still on no strenuous activity orders.

Still, he can also see getting the paint off of both of them now being something he doesn't care to explain to Donnie.

And he is almost certain his now 13yo brother would neglect to knock.

Leo puts the hand of his injured arm on the small of Addy's back as he moves to join her at the basin. He accepts one of the rags, wets it, wrings it out and he'll start with the bit on her cheek and work his way from there.

But once her cheek is clean, he kisses it. Her soft, still-peach-fuzzy fur tickles lightly and he smiles at her.

Churry Purry. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

Post by Adalind Schade Sun Jul 31, 2022 4:44 pm

Puuuuuuuuur and her hips involuntarily lift into his hand on her back, tail doing a little shake shiver, and lifting right up. The purr she makes a deep one, and not of the comfort she offers the children or the delighted ones, this is deeper and has a pulse to it and even rattles a little under her voice as she surveys just how much paint she managed to get on him in the brief rub... and little all over... mmmmm

turning to his kiss, catching it briefly enjoying all the contact and his attentive cleaning and that smile! choosing a rag blindly and dunking it, squeezing a little but oooh she does know turtles enjoy water so not as wrung out as the rag he has, enough so there miiight be a coool drip running along his neck where she starts at the first bit near his jaw line and neck, " good thinking..." fliiiiirt nodding behind them to the locked door, and purrrr as she deliberately licks that like of water off his throat once the little swatch of paint is gone.

He shouldn't do anything strenuous but she is very content with all manner of not so strenuous fun, iiiif he is in the mood, tail brushing down his right side.

Churry Purry. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

Posts : 257
Join date : 2019-11-06
Age : 19

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

Post by Leo Sun Jul 31, 2022 5:45 pm

Oh, that deep purr is exciting in a way he probably shouldn't be just yet! He's not sure if the slight dizzy feeling is just reacting to her purring or if it's the blood loss. But he's got it under control and isn't collapsing! He responds to that deep purr with a churr of his own.

Leo gasped as Addy licked away that cool drop on his neck. Oh, he enjoyed that. That tongue that is sort of a strange combination of rough and gentle is almost intoxicating!

He chuckles softly at her saying locking the door was a good idea.

"I can't promise anything. They're ninjas. Locked doors typically fall somewhere between a suggestion and a challenge." So if a brother decides to take it as a challenge, they will have very little warning.

Leo is gentle as he rinses the wash rag back out then moves to the crook of her neck.

Churry Purry. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

Posts : 1917
Join date : 2016-11-20

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

Post by Adalind Schade Mon Aug 01, 2022 1:17 am

Oooooooh she arcs a little soft fuzzy furred breasts and nipples brushing that broad plastron just to feel that churr, harmonizing her purr with him for a moment, her tail teasing up that leg, not between them for the moment moving down the other and up his other side, very slowly, which is juxtaposed to her very playful suggestion. " Funnily enough... same with pirates - Mmmmm suppose we should... be efficient... but feel good." there is a paint transfer smear on his forearm and plastron.

She will bear in mind both their current injuries, especially Leo's, though there is still more of that deep purring, and as he cleans the clump of paint on her neck, where her pulse is, she brushes that cloth of her own over the smear on his forearm, swiping it clean lightly, tilting her neck in invitingly to play a bit once that patch is clear. Nuzzle, nip, kiss... up to Leo -

permission to get a little more intimate from her, seeking his approval and wish to do so to.

If she worries she will order them both to the ground to finish the job down there...

annnnd oooooo a drip on the hollow of his throat she will get that with her as soon as there is a sign to go on!

Churry Purry. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

Posts : 257
Join date : 2019-11-06
Age : 19

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

Post by Leo Mon Aug 01, 2022 1:16 pm

Leo chuckles at the same being true for pirates. Certainly seemed to track as far as he knew! And he smiles at the second part of the statement. That was pretty much exactly what he had been thinking.

"Yes, Captain."

The cloth on Leo's hand meanders it's way down Addy's front, starting on her left shoulder, trailing softly over her chest, wrapping underneath, maybe pausing once in awhile. Brushing one of the lower nipples.

It might feel like he's taking his time and with the motion and just enjoying the touch. He hadn't been looking - instead locked in the kiss with Addy - but most of the paint has already been removed from her. Which meant Leo was free to pull her close. He's doing okay, but shifting to the ground might not be a terrible idea.

Churry Purry. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

Posts : 1917
Join date : 2016-11-20

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

Post by Adalind Schade Tue Aug 02, 2022 9:49 am

Delighted muffled moan, and bit of a shiver against him at the cool brush of cloth over her lower nipple. Content to not not break the kiss even to pure in definite captain tone... " That's aaaaarrrrg captain..." breaking the kiss to press that purrrrr below his ear hole in her best captain voice to back up her words about pirates... Also she knows he likes that tone and she is determined through voice or tease of finger tips or voice she is ready for tail ... And more... "...on the grooound... Tail out..." he will not risk falling there when lower head gets dibs on blood flow... And she would make sure he is not straining himself.

But first best to be grounded.

Churry Purry. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

Posts : 257
Join date : 2019-11-06
Age : 19

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

Post by Adalind Schade Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:28 am

And well the captain's desk is a sturdy bit of furniture! Though really that part could be up to his imagination!

And she damned well will find a way to make sure they are both fighting fit despite owies and even after sailing to find his last brother. Maaaaybe not ready for more than snuggling and turtle piling but fighting fit and after a rest maybe then.

Churry Purry. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

Posts : 257
Join date : 2019-11-06
Age : 19

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

Post by Leo Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:23 pm

Leo very much has every intention of taking up Addy on that offer once he's well on the road to recovery! Really, it shouldn't take that long. The stitches will require a little time before they're ready to come out, but he's more concerned about the blood loss, and that will sort itself out relatively quickly.

At least enough that he should be able to remain conscious during a little activity.

The stitches won't slow him down much.

For now though, Addy is so warm, so soft. Her purr has a similar sort of effect as their own churring does. Some little part of his brain is pretty sure that he heard once that cats purrs can be healing. He believes it right now. That peach fuzz fur is lovely, and slowly getting longer and Leo is very content to just hold her for a moment. Just enjoy this closeness.

He did hear Mike's rather louder than necessary call though. Yeah, he knows what that means. That's the first attempt. The third is where Mike walks in and makes a pest of himself.

...or maybe now he'd send Donnie.

Best respond to the first.

He also heard a bit of a commotion on the deck. Sounded like play to him, especially that squeal from Donnie.

He hasn't quite gotten up yet though.

"Thaaat sounds like our first warning." Amused, not quite moving. They have a moment before the second warning comes.

Churry Purry. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

Posts : 1917
Join date : 2016-11-20

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

Post by Adalind Schade Fri Aug 19, 2022 12:35 am

Purr, nuzzling, her fingers in this state of pure catty bliss making the 'kneading' motion' where they rested, curled up against his side where she snuggled or on his plastron. Tail flicking in lazy sort of way and she is matching her sound to his. Ears flicking, her regrowing whiskers short stubs at the moment and mostly itchy.

There is an acknowledging laugh and ear ears turn to the door. " well before the second comes we should go and watch from the door what the crew is up to." like him in absolutely no rush to move whatsoever but the idea is there! and she does enjoy the quiet. " am I right to guess the third won't be a warning but an actual Raphael-sized young eager dragonet looking for his elder brother worried about you?" amusing she had to say it that way. indeed longer but all told roughly the size of Raphael now was Donnie. If probably she guessed not as hefty. And probably with a horde of eager babies and a fae if that noise is anythign to go by!

Soooo slowly and reluctantly she does shift a little to begin the sitting up, and all cat like for a moment maaaaybe pinning Leo a little as she stretches arching her back up and tail all the way up. But he is as she knows very strong and fast even when going dooown so it's more of her weird stretching that might be in his way but not a hindrance. " bit more numbing paste for us both before the sailing begins." up!

and if Leo waited offering a hand down to help him up, if he is up the hand out is for the delight of holding and to watch from the cabin door the mischief beyond.

Churry Purry. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

Posts : 257
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Age : 19

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

Post by Leo Fri Aug 19, 2022 4:50 pm

Leo could almost fall asleep right here, right now with the way Addy is curled up against him and kneading like that.

But they are definitely being called!

He considers the offer she presented of getting up before the second call comes to peek at what's going on. That was probably best. And definitely something Leo would do.

Leo chuckles at Addy's description of the probable third warning. He would also agree with the unspoken addition of the babies and a fae. An apt description of the young dragon. Like Addy, Leo is pretty sure that Raphael is the heftier of the two. Donnie in his dragon form as he is now is definitely longer, but a bit slighter than the massive turtle.

"A few days ago, I would have suspected Mike, but now? Yes. I think that is exactly what the third 'warning' would be." Especially since Leo was hurt this morning.

When Addy shifts to get up, Leo also starts moving. It is perhaps a little reluctant, but he is moving. And he does eventually accept the hand, mostly for balance as the change in position had left him slightly dizzy for just a moment. But it's barely noticeable. He's up and ready to check on the crew.

...after numbing paste! Good plan. And he will gently apply hers to her bite. It's mostly efficient given that they're about out of time, but there's a very slight lingering in the tender touch as he applies the paste.

Churry Purry. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

Posts : 1917
Join date : 2016-11-20

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

Post by Adalind Schade Thu Aug 25, 2022 1:58 am

Mmmmmm she was just as willing to stay there snuggling, kneading, making incredible sounding harmony of purrs and churrs she is as reluctant to get up. But does and laughs a bit as his agreement to the description, " the wonders of having little siblings am I right?" teeeease, but also sincere, sure she wasn't at the den being the big sibling to a new litter from her mother, but she knew how it was being a younger sibling and an older one so she definitely knew what they were like.

Concerned for a moment when it looked like Leo was a bit dizzy but she was content that he was up, and didn't seem to have land wobble or staggers, or even unfocused eyes, she may have to encourage more fruit and protein into him when she can for water and blood building, she certainly had plenty of soup to get by -

And oooooh she purrs at his gentle lingering attention, leaning in as she swipes a little numbing paste herself and spreads a fresh careful layer over the one she left earlier, with the same light lingering touch, just enjoying it. " With all this excellent care I think even our scars will be treasured momentos." hers made them closer and she definitely treasured that!

Her other hand reached over to unlock the cabin, and push it slowly open enough for them to watch the gathering out there, but no need to step away from each other just yet... immediately stifling a laugh at the sight of a Dragonet wriggling about on his back, five kids and a fae on him and the others watching, talking - heheheh oh its fun to see them playing - she doesn't note that Leonardo had spotted them but was drawing no attention to the fact. Just enjoying remaining close to Leo, spreading the residue of the numbing paste over the skin around his wound and even when that was gone just lightly stroking his bicep watching on as Mike finally reaches in to disperse the kiddoes.

Churry Purry. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

Posts : 257
Join date : 2019-11-06
Age : 19

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

Post by Leo Thu Aug 25, 2022 4:47 pm

Leo chuckles softly. Yes, that did seem to be the nature of younger siblings. She's absolutely right about that.

"Mm hmm. Completely annoying, but it's unbearably quiet without them." And the annoying usually comes from a place of love, so it's hard to be too truly annoyed by that.

There's another smile as Addy says the scars will be treasured mementos.

"Scars show what you've survived. What you're capable of. Wear them as a badge of honor." At least Leo liked to think that way. "That doesn't mean go searching for them though." Like Raphie has been known to in the past!

Leo did notice that they had been quietly busted as they peeked out of the cabin. He would have expected no less from his larger counterpart! And he smiles at the shenanigans on the deck.

Churry Purry. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

Posts : 1917
Join date : 2016-11-20

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

Post by Adalind Schade Sun Aug 28, 2022 2:39 am

Purr chuckling watching the crew, she is pleased and proud of having them as her crew, for however short that may be once they were all together and more focused on getting to the capital and trying to put an end to this dangerous could-be-all-out war coup that Drako started. Her tail flicks in a way that indicates, like most cats, that she is a content feline.

Churry Purry. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

Posts : 257
Join date : 2019-11-06
Age : 19

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Churry Purry. Empty Re: Churry Purry.

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