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Suu Brooks

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Suu Brooks Empty Suu Brooks

Post by Suu Thu Aug 31, 2023 3:00 am

Name - Suu Brooks
Age - Teenager... She stopped counting years after a while.
Gender - Female and sees herself as one but doesn't mind any pronouns thrown her way.
Birthplace - New York
Nationality - Mixed race, half-American and half-Japanese.
Species - Former human, currently a mutant with both human and blue-tonged silver skink genes.
Languages - Fluent in English and Japanese

- The sound of rain
- Green tea and steamed buns
- Music, mostly ballads
- Singing and playing guitar
- Meditation
- Beating people who deserve it
- The scent of freshly cut grass

- Too much noise, her ears are sensitive
- People in general
- Boredom and people whining
- Being the only responsible person in the group
- Molting season
- Cold weather
- Her health condition

- The weapon of choice Suu likes the most is the kaiken. To be exact, twin kaiken-like daggers hidden in sheaths fastened to her forearms under the loose sleeves.
- She also got a bunch of shurikens, makibishis, and a handful of metal scraps hidden in her haori jacket.
- It doesn't count but she always has on her a mini first-aid kit.

- Jujutsu, mainly aikido
- Ninjitsu with mastering the weapon of choice
- Good, old, street-brawl fighting
- Acrobatics and gymnastics
- Echolocation, sightless navigating through her surroundings
- Cooking, as simple as it sounds
- Playing guitar, singing, dancing
- Braille reading

- Makoto Brooks - Mother, math teacher, deceased
- Eric Brooks - Father, musician, deceased
- Steve Brooks - Uncle, geneticist, alive and mad
- Pookie - Pet blue-tongued silver skink, deceased
- Unnamed grandparents living in Japan

X Appearance


With a slender frame and just five feet in height, Suu doesn't seem very imposing. A teenage girl with prominent lizard features, a svelte body, and short white hair obstructing her face. She seems delicate and frail - and there's truth to that but she's way stronger than she looks. The mutation didn't only change her appearance, everything from her skin through organs to the bones changed making her who she is today.

Offset white and grey scales make up around 90% of her body surface. The rare patches of human skin were bleached by mutation and blend well within the lizard-like appearance. There are smooth, tiny, scales that are hard to spot with a naked eye, while some places on her body are covered with patches of harder structures. Scales are poking out from her body like short spikes, some are dull, some are sharp, and they certainly do look out of place... They betray that whatever she is, she isn't well-made. After all, her creation was an accident so her mutation wasn't properly controlled and it shows.

Her feet and ankles are elongated, changing her center of balance and making her walk softly with some reptile elegance. Tail's a great help there too, being an extra limb helping in daily life. Other than that, she lost one toe on each foot and got some claw-like nails that in a pinch could be her weapon. Inside of her mouth and the tongue are now intensely sapphire in color - and of course, she has sharp teeth now. That's not something she's fond of but she can stretch her mouth and sort of make her jaw more prominent in an attempt of intimidation. People run away screaming which is fun. She hasn't seen herself of course but Suu knows that her face looks different now too. Her eyes got bigger, the nose is a bit flatter, there are no ears and the features seem to be sharper albeit paler. She's almost all white and pale grey with blue tongue being the only drop of color in her appearance.

Yet the thing that is the most unsettling to people, is her eyes. Maybe that's why Suu doesn't mind all the hair falling on her face.

A pair of blind eyes with thick white eyelashes. They look in the direction of people but never exactly at them, they seem to notice everything and yet, they see only darkness. There are no colors that could distinguish the pupil apart from the iris. Only the circles around the irises and the whites are barely visible, a thin, smudged, grey outline - making it look like someone very messily drew an uneven ring on a pearly background. It's creepy, it's scary, it's gross... Especially in the dark, where Suu's eyes are doing this predatory glow thing that easily curdles blood. And no one knows that from up close and in the direct light her colorless eyes can softly glimmer like sunshine on the sea.

X Personality

10/10 Quality Mutant, 100% A Mess

Suu knows she isn't well. Losing her parents, being blinded, turning into a mutant monster shunned and feared by society - there's a lot on her plate. Add to this pile an Uncle who means well but wants to protect her all the time. He does so by making sure she stays hidden in her room 24/7 and the previously mentioned mutation doesn't help because it's unstable. The faulty modified cells and organs are causing her to have moments of weakness, and because of that Suu developed seizures and fainting episodes. It hurts pretty badly and the only thing keeping her going is the medicine that her uncle makes - but it's not a miracle cure. She can't strain herself too much and given her nature and love of sneaking out of her house all the time... Yeah. She's not doing that great but she's a tough girl, she's managing.

It's not like she has a choice, right? Well, it would be too easy to turn bitter and hateful so instead, she is more focused on being a decent person. The fact that her life is a disaster doesn't mean that she has any right to take it out on people around her, no. The opposite. Being blind humbled her and taught her a lot about the world and its people. What eyes don't see, she can sense in different ways than others. Suu's calm and collected demeanor seems at times too mature for a teenage girl, but she is a warm, thoughtful creature, and has nerves of steel. She is friendly, most of the time, and has a lot of compassion even if she isn't showing it in the most obvious ways. With the capabilities to be a leader, she honestly dislikes the spotlight, preferring to support others in their achievements rather than making a name for herself. Stubborn, that one. Being rarely shaken, she keeps her zen mode intact and has the patience of a Buddha. Faithful to the end, going out of her way to help others, just a tad bit too polite, well, there are many words to describe her...

Suu is also a mother-hen type. She's always concerned about others first, taking care of them whenever she can and nagging them like an overprotective Mom Friend would - especially when they didn't ask. She will make her friends snacks, drag them to bed after they didn't sleep for two nights straight, and bandage every cut and bruise to the best of her abilities. Oh, and she will give a lecture... No one can beat her on that. She's too sincere and delivers life pearls of wisdom with brutal honesty. She cares but her love can be tough at times because that's the most effective way to learn things - it's not that she lacks subtlety. Being delicate when it's needed is one of her skills but Suu isn't the one to be falsely soft all the time. No way. She's the reality check no one asked for and she's not apologizing.

... But if she'd be only that, it would be boring, right? Miss Brooks is a sassy person with distance to everything, fluent in dark humor, sarcasm, and mockery. A loving, caring beacon with lots of twisted jokes that will make people either laugh or feel uncomfortable. She delivers her teases with a calm tone, straight face, and gentle smile - trauma had to show itself one way or another. There's a bit of self-loathing and the survival's guilt is speaking but she can't do much about it. She's a mess and she embraces that, joking about her state all the time much to others' cringing. Teasing her friends can be her hobby, the more she picks up on someone the more she likes them... Or the opposite. We may never know.

X Backstory

Born in New York, Sue had a completely normal childhood. To a certain point, of course. Her mother, Makoto, was Japanese - a match teacher in regular high school who loved martial arts. She taught her daughter well. Her father, Eric, worked as a musician all the time. Playing on his piano at night, he was most famous at jazz clubs for his beautiful melodies and catchy tunes. And Sue was their only child, a bit spoiled, and of course, very, very loved. This little girl, calm but curious, wasn't shying away from experiencing new things be it playing on guitar or trying to learn calculus. Brooks Family, yes! That was them. Just a regular family without horrendous wealth, old mysteries, or twisted prophecies. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? Except maybe the black sheep. Steve was her dad's twin, a well-known geneticist without a healthy work-home balance. Seriously, he stayed all the time in his lab. He was Sue's favorite uncle, though she saw him so rarely it was easy to forget his existence at times... Still, they joked that he was this mad scientist type, too busy with research to keep up with what year it was.

Everything went to the gutter when Sue turned nine. Her long-awaited birthday present arrived, a silver, blue-tongue skink named Pookie. She wanted so badly this pet and finally, she got them! Oh, how cute that little lizard was! After the birthday party, the family decided to bring some cake and snacks to always-busy Uncle Steve to check on their favorite black sheep.

He was working as a researcher for a University that had a contract with a medical research company. They visited him after hours, walking through long corridors full of mysterious and complicated equipment. With Pookie on her shoulder, Sue bravely marched inside her uncle's laboratory, as always asking tons of questions, showing off her new pet, and trying to climb on Steve's lab coat. Uncle ruffled her head, talking and joking with his brother and sister-in-law. Then, proudly, he showed them what he was working on. It was a small vial with a glowing, green substance, screwed on both sides with special protective overlays. Uncle said that he got this substance from his colleague who found it somewhere by accident but they didn't give him any details. It was a very potent mutagen so they just started to work on it... And as Steve started info-dumping them about his latest project, Sue sneaked a little closer.

Weird, the little girl thought, as the sickly-green ooze seemed to bubble inside the glass. Of course, she wasn't going to touch the vial. But she leaned closer, tilting her head and without turning her eyes away asking her uncle if this thing should fizz like her favorite sour apple soda? Pookie stuck out their tongue equally interested, and Steve seemed confused for a brief second... At this very moment, the glass vial started to crack - and just like that there was a sound of an explosion, a scream, and a bright light was the last thing Sue saw.

Indeed, it was the last thing in her life that she saw right before everything turned dark.

She woke up several days later in her Uncle's home, under IV drops, weakened and with a horrible headache. Everything felt wrong, her body seemed funny, numb, and heavy at the same time, and what was worse, the night didn't seem to end... It took her a moment to understand that it was her eyes that were broken. The explosion that happened right in front of her face blinded her and mutated her. It killed her parents, heck, even took the life of her pet Pookie. The poor little lizard was cut open by shards of sharp metal - Sue was slightly better, as she indeed survived. Their blood got mixed with mutagen that then went in contact with her bloodstream causing Sue to turn into a lizard-like mutant girl. The mutation was painful, her body changed so much, her bones stretched, her skin turned into scales, previously black hair turned to hue of white. The tail, the fangs, the heightened senses... It all felt disgusting. Maybe, just maybe... It was a blessing in disguise that she couldn't see herself in a mirror.

Only she and Steve survived. Uncle saved her, brought her to his home, and hid the fact that his niece was alive out of fear that she would be a test subject for gods only know who. Her parents didn't make it and in the chaos, she was the only one that got mutated. The protective overlays on the vial of green ooze were screwed improperly, and the pressure that build up inside was too much - the explosion happened. The nearest equipment caught on fire too, resulting in something the media called a fatal accident. They couldn't be more right. Steve spiraled into quite the guilt trip, he was ashamed and tormented himself about everything that happened. It was his fault, he kept saying - even if Sue never blamed him for it. Accident, tragic accident it was nothing more nor less than that but he wasn't having it.

With her mutation proving to be unstable, causing problems with her health, Uncle was trying to drown himself in work. He devoted himself to making it right. He was researching data and making new substances day and night. Sue was aware that it was his way of finding redemption, to make her better - he couldn't undo the mutation, he couldn't bring back her parents so at least he wanted to improve her health as much as he could. She... She couldn't take this away from him. A couple of months later he introduced her to a first version of stabilizer that she carries around in small vials. Thanks to that concoction Sue was able to work through most of her issues and with each passing year Uncle was making more effective medicine.

Yet, he still was at work most of the time.

Around that time she decided to change her English name to the Japanese one her mother gave her.

And Suu was staying at his home, alone, in the darkness, not really knowing what to do with herself. Well, she had nothing but time, so she re-learned lots of things. Lack of sight made her other senses acute and after a while, she developed something she called the sixth sense akin to echolocation. Remembering her mother's lessons, she spent years in solitude polishing the moves she taught her, teaching herself stealth and how to hide in the shadows. Every little thing she had to rediscover and that changed her quite a bit. It taught her self-reflection and patience... Still, she couldn't live in hiding, alone, in the empty apartment while Steve was at work all the time.

That's why more often she started to sneak out at night, just to get some fresh air. Slowly but surely she mapped New York with her own senses, not knowing the names of the street but being able to tell where she was by her hearing alone. More confident and feeling better about herself, she finally got a taste of freedom. And that's when she realized that this city isn't so safe at night...

Not safe for thugs and thieves that is, because Suu was in dire need of some training dummies.

X Other, that is every piece of headcanon I have and I don't know where to put it in this bio.

- She carries around a small box with six doses of stabilizer. It's tucked under her yellow sash and she's not leaving home without it, injecting herself with medicine every couple of days or after straining herself too much.
- Suu used to be a bookworm but for a certain reason, she doesn't read anymore. Got some books in Braille but it's not the same... Ah, she said farewell to her favorite criminal novels years ago.
- Whistling and making sounds every now and then is her way of scouting her surroundings. She feels the vibrations of the soundwaves to navigate around various places. Not to mention that she has a keen sense of smell, and great hearing, and even her touch and taste are heightened.
- Most of the time people don't realize that she's blind. It's the confidence in her movements that tricks others, but... When sleepy, dizzy, or confused she can walk straight into a wall and that happens more often than she'd like to admit.
- Because of the changed anatomy of her lower body, especially the legs, Suu's agility increased. With an amazing sense of balance and the feel of her new body and tail, she's very dynamic. Fast, acrobatic, nimble... She's beauty and she's grace - she'd kick you in the face! Seriously, her legs are very strong. Pray for anyone who will kiss the bottom of her mutant lizard foot.
- It's a secret but sometimes she feels a sudden urge to eat a bug if she spots one. It happened... Just twice, okay?! Not like she's going to eat them again... She hopes.
- Lowkey depressed and hides that under a thick layer of dark humor and oneliners.
- She loves soft things like blankets and plushies.
- Suu learned how to cook on her own after a year of Steve feeding her only TV dinners because he couldn't be bothered to leave the lab. Typical.
- Don't let her near any pieces of advanced technology, she doesn't know how to handle them. If Suu presses anything she has hilariously uncanny luck for breaking it, lagging it, or causing a short-circuit. Barely the on-off switches are safe and some simple enough mechanisms. The only cutting-edge machinery she can use is a toaster, stove, kitchen oven, and probably a TV.
- Suu has an obvious soft spot for children and animals. She also loves plants, especially those like cactuses.
- To be honest, she doesn't have any goals in life. She's just managing, living from one day to another without thinking too much ahead. Suu might be dead sooner or later, so why plan anything?
- She used to love to dance and sing and play her guitar but the only hobby she does right now is either meditation or bothering street thugs when she's bored. Hm, maybe getting a guitar would be a good idea?
- Usually, she averts physical contact with others. Children and animals are the only exceptions, and of course, those she trusts... But sometimes, in a new area that's too big for her to scout through soundwaves, she will grab the shoulder of the nearest person to act as her anchor. Just until she can move around on her own.

And that's it, thank you for reading~!

Last edited by Suu Brooks on Sun Sep 03, 2023 6:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 7
Join date : 2023-08-30
Location : Who knows

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Suu Brooks Empty Re: Suu Brooks

Post by Leo Sun Sep 03, 2023 4:59 pm

Wow, that's an awesome detailed bio!

I do have one concern though. It's the tech destruction trait.

Based on the bio, I can't imagine that the turtles would allow Suu anywhere near the lair where a lot of the game will likely take place. The lair is secured by tech, and it's Don's home. His brothers aren't going to destroy all his work for stranger.

If they took her somewhere safe, it would be somewhere else which would limit interactions. Which I would think isn't the goal.

Also, Don and the truck they would be in for first contact both carry explosives with electronic triggering systems. It sounds like these would blow up on meeting her.

Can we at least get clarification on this trait? And if it would destroy Don's work, can we either make his unique tech immune maybe through the shielding he puts in to protect it from if he ever has to use the EMP system on the Hauler, or severely limit its range or remove the trait?

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Suu Brooks Empty Re: Suu Brooks

Post by Suu Sun Sep 03, 2023 6:44 pm

Fixed it!

I meant Suu to have these gag-like situations when she's so awful and helpless with technology it quite literally breaks in her hands. My phrasing was off, there's no side-power, just a very bad luck. Like me in real life, ha ha!

Like in Mikey's case, Donnie will have to tell her to not press anything as he asks her to hold something. No worries, she will not go around actively pressing buttons to mess with his tech, that would be just rude. And she knows how it ends if she has anything like that in her possession - she'd stay away to not cause much trouble.

That's also why she doesn't even carry a phone. Not like she could use one, being blind, but maybe Don could make a simple device with just two buttons that would somehow survive?

Anyway, I hope the clarification is good enough!

And thank you, I had a lot of muse when I was writing Suu's bio!

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Join date : 2023-08-30
Location : Who knows

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Suu Brooks Empty Re: Suu Brooks

Post by Leo Mon Sep 04, 2023 10:08 am

Ah! Alrighty! That we can definitely work with! He has survived Casey, after all!

And this is 2k3 Donatello we're talking about. He can do better!

Posts : 1917
Join date : 2016-11-20

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