Masked Mayhem
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Tea Plots

April O2003
Erica Martins
Casey J2003
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Tea Plots Empty Tea Plots

Post by Raphie Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:48 pm

And gathering the two sleeping girls on the couch. Because they deserved to be close -

And he needed them close!


The warmth is welcomed! " Thanks Haili, maintain warmth function but minimise anything unnecessary for now." but the AI was programmed to do that, he just said it mostly out of habit for when their just waiting like this to maintain her functions without wanted energy drain. He gathers up water bottles and places them near Erica, " drink, it will help." pausing to smile at the three little watery eyes nervous heads taking turns peeking out of the hoodies massive head opening with the girl, uh mermaid, she is a very pretty girl... But he can't be distracted! " the names Raphael, and if you can, please try to get em to have some water too.." moving to open the side door to watch for Casey and April.


They won't be long, almost as familiar with the underground world as the rest, and April needing Casey's hand once out oft he lair, though she much prefer the around about her shoulders, it's quicker to hurry this way, and leaves their other arms free to grab and take along a beach trolley... Something to gather the three babies they have in. She and Donnie did bond more closely as siblings given the interests in technology and of course the founding of O'NEIL tech. She was definitely as scared and worried and will miss her buddy whilst they try to track him down. She can only hope to get some clues from the transactions between those still hunting her friends through the city. If of course the company moves on which would be wise.

Not sure who was dragging who between her and her hubby as they spot the Hauler and hurry over to the hovering Raphie hanging out in the door way.

Raphie is glad to see them. " I don't know what they gave Leo, Mike claims his just numbed his arm. I got the darts, though you should have a look before we organise everyone to get home." gesturing them in.

Erica watches the new arrivals warily, scooting herself and the three curious heads and shapes in the hood slightly away. " hi hi ! I'm April, are you alright? They okay? Ooooh Casey loooook at themmmmm.... Eeee - oh oh right yes sorry Raphie, let me check on them before we try rousing Leo and let yooou move Mike." ooooh but the little turtles! Eeeee she smiles at Casey and Raph and leaves Raphie to make introductions and keep Casey busy a moment heading over to check Mikey. And the dart he got hit with, checking the stickier tag with the brief barcode, name of drug and how much, something akin to a dentists local anaesthetic, she pats Mikey's shoulder. " You seem alright and this drug shouldn't make you sick or anything will just take time for the numbness to fade, a couple of hours. So come her and help me with Leo for a moment."

" knew wit - told you Raphie!" getting a middle finger his way as Raph and Casey open and set the beach trolley together.

April chuckles, and takes the dart that hit Leo, finding it's tag and reading it, frown. " Hmmmm Leo should be fine, just groggy for a bit will need a drink or two, and some food in a while buuuut... Leo... Leeeo." hands going to big shoulders and squeezing, much more a gentle attempt at rousing him than Mike leaning over to breath Lizza breath at his brother!

Raphie and Casey have some practice with this beach trolley, it's gathering a couple extra hoodies to line it with and then - a gesture from Casey to Erica. " Casey the mermaid, Elena's sister Erica, hey um Erica, this is Casey, can we... Take the little guys off your hands?" gently.

Pleased to see an empty water bottle of the three he gave, and she had wet lips and it looked like little tracks of spills were on the boys too.

Erica's eyes widened, " E Elena?" it's whispered and warily hopeful, a taaaad reluctant to let the boys go but slowly rolling the front of the hoodie up.

It wasn't easy to see on the big screens but she has some residual bruising, the wound in her back side above a dimple of Venus where the tracker had been doesn't look too good probably the stitches ripped by their escape Annnnd she is nude!

But Raphie hopes Casey will follow his lead, kneel beside the trolley in reach, make themselves less bigger seeming, be soft and calm and reach slowly for a kid each, cause these four were all a bit scared and sore! Letting Casey answer about Elena cause he and April had just been at the lair.

Tea Plots Ec451710

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Casey J2003 Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:49 pm

"Of course, Raphael." HAILI responded. It was her standard procedure in this situation, but she accepted the order easily. Especially from Raph.

The interior will remain at an optimum temperature for the turtles until they leave her, or she receives orders to the contrary. It's probably a little on the warm side for Erica, though since she has no clothing, it might be perfect.


Casey hates to leave Splinter right now, but it's to bring home as many as they can. So he gives him a moment before he has to break away to help.

He does pick up the beach trolley on his way out, keeping it folded up for now. The guys wouldn't be happy if they left tracks from the thing...  Casey actually is being careful. He does learn! Mostly. Eventually.

As they reach the Hauler, he is rushing alongside April. He too would have liked to wrap arms around her for their trip, but he is focusing on speed right now. They can fall apart when they have some time alone later.

He is more than a little awkward around the mostly naked girl. He does want to look at the babies, but she's also nude!So he is mostly refraining... at least until she has some clothing.

Casey and April both have spare clothing in the back of the Hauler in the same compartment that the guys keep spare weapons. He pulls out April's. It should at least get her back to the lair.

"Here, the tunnels are cold."

It also lets April focus on first aid and figuring out the sedatives. He's very not helpful with that... and he needs something to do.

He's back in time to help put the babies in the beach trolley, and for Raph to introduce them. He does pick up where his bud left off.

"Yeah, The guys found her and brought her home.  She got all cleaned up, and Donnie took care of her arm. She's sleeping right now. Curled up with Master Splinter and our daughter Shadow."

Oh... maybe he shouldn't have brought up Don...

Casey does actually know how to approach a nervous kiddo, and does follow Raphie's lead to gently and carefully gather the kids and get them tucked safely into the beach trolley.


When April goes about trying to get Leo's attention, it is only moderately successful. He does respond, but he is clearly struggling to open his eyes and focus on her.


Then almost immediately gagging on Mike pizza breath! Definitely awake! Well... sort of. As awake as he is capable of at the moment.

Yeah... he might not remember a whole lot of this evening.

But he is mostly awake and trying to move.

Tea Plots A-sa--10
Casey J2003
Casey J2003

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Erica Martins Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:58 pm

Raphie is glad Casey gave Erica more clothes, she had bruising on her breasts and thighs, even if not assaulted sexually she had been at least groped or physically so, or someone or more tried... The wound in her back and the way the little boys clung to her warmth reluctant to let go...

And she..

She trembles as Casey explains, managing a weak smile,  watery smile, a small" ohhhh thank goodness, thank yooou...." she is helping them, not as hunched over the totts now protective over them, letting them go, giving gentle nudges towards Casey and Raphie...

And she can't hold back her own tears as relief, all her fear she had been fighting, hurt and grief she didn't allow herself to have and even not sure if needed, she had been so afraid that last time she yelled at her little sister to run that she had done nothing but sent her away to die in the underground of New York. A lost little fairy...

Oh dear, Raphie shifts his focus from nervous and unsure little boys, putting the purple one he managed to scoop, ooooh it had a Donnie like noise, smell, face to him, even the look in its biiig violet eyes, and moves closer to Erica as the girl lets go, probably hasn't been able to truly feel any of her own feelings for the length of her captivity. He entirely trusts the totts to Casey, and they had o learn not all human men were bad news. " shhhh shhhh hey it's alright, come one let's get you in these clothes. And then.." he is not sure actually what then.

Liam looks up at Casey curiously, maybe a little head of his scared trembling brothers, he is scared and trembling too but this man... Has none of the smells the white coats do, aside that scent all human men have... even the women white coats didn't have any of the comforting smells of food and warmth from Shadow and April. No soft words for them unlike this man, so much bigger then most they had ever been near...

But their world was so overwhelming as it was right now with scents and sights and new faces that after a moment more hesitating as the big one likes them draws the just letting go nice woman away from them he takes a very Leo like deep breath, squares his little shoulders and will step into Casey, accepting being picked up. Accepting being held, being moved to the trolley even if he doesn't know what it is and so his purple and red brothers will cross forward too the ice broken their arms going up eager for what looked like a nice hold and to be in with their brother!

April smiles, shoving Mikey back a bit, " Leo will be alright, it's okay Leo, you will be okay, I think..." a glance back at Raphie busy helping a sobbing young women into clothing. " if your okay with it Leo, maybe she will need a little rest too, Mike if you go get her from Raphie, Raphie can you carry Leo? Leo I'm going to have you taken home to your bed to sleep it off. It's better than pumping a reversal into you. And she might need the rest and comfort too." moooostly chatting to keep Leo at least with them enough for a moment to try giving some consent if he can for a bed warmer for the length of him sleeping off the drug, or at least hear her reasons for encouraging him to let go now she knows he is relatively okay  and with them. To sleep. Be carried home and tucked in.

She has a feeling later there may be some sickness thanks to the drugs leaving his system, maybe the need to take a racehorse like piss, maybe some aggression to get out of the works too given they just lost a brother and baby on this mission...

But first, sleep Leo.

Raphie and Mike have swapped places. Raphie ready to scoop his brother up bridal style. Mikey had Erica, she was sort of done for herself for a moment.

Tea Plots Ee_s10
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Casey J2003 Wed Mar 13, 2024 4:41 pm

Casey is careful to keep eyes on her face, and not to touch even Erica's hand as he hands over the clothes. He had noticed the signs of at least physical abuse. And he knows it was probably a guy. So he is as gentlemanly as he is capable of as he gives Erica the clothes and reassurance he can.

And it's actually Casey coming to Raph's rescue about what next.

"Next, we get Erica, Leo and these babies back to the lair safely."

Because... at the moment that's all they can do. And really? It's the most obvious thing in the world.

He is gentle and warm with the blue tot, giving him a moment to sniff him and get to know him. Casey has been around the guys long enough to know that they rely on smell much more than humans do. He is patient and gentle with the little, blue boy.

"You are definitely Leo's..." because that little movement was absolutely unmistakable.

He settles little blue then moves on to the others, red next. Casey gives him the same little bit of time and attention. Then the little, purple one. Once all three are in the cart, he continues to give them gentle head rubs and light attention until they're ready to move.

As April works, Leo is sort of watching her, but also sort of looking through her. He does not object to the plan though. This is about as much consent as he's really capable of at the moment. There is a very, very slight, objection to actually being picked up, but it's not even really an understandable word. Leo behaves after that. He's not quite sleeping as they move, but definitely not fully aware either.

Casey will drag the cart most of the way, but once in a while he picks it up (kids and all!) so it won't leave tracks. He actually does know most of the more sensitive areas where they really don't want to leave a trail on the way to the lair.

Tea Plots A-sa--10
Casey J2003
Casey J2003

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by April O2003 Thu Mar 14, 2024 6:49 am

Raphie grins, later he might playfully razz his best bud, but all in grateful jest of being guided to next steps though it was obvious, helping show both tots and Erica that this big touch, rough oaf of a man was at heart a teddy bear.

Like Raphie himself.

And it, and being dressed he is sure helps Erica regain some sense of calm, either that or despite needing to let go she is very tired.

She is calming and then April requests he and Mikey switch spots. Understandable it's a bit of a journey and Raphie is the one who can carry any one of his brothers the longest without needing a switch or rest.

A growl at Mike as they pass to behave himself. Not that he thinks Mike would go groping, he might not realising what the girl has gone through, but if he does well Raphie will just do him in so he doesn't escape what probably will be a frustration dojo blow out laters after Leo comes around from his drugged out state.

Little boys, one at a time, don't want Casey to put them down! Snuggling, and there is even tail wags. If Randals is a little slower than the other two and even when picked up continues to give Casey fish eye for several moments. First one eye then the other!

Where as Duncan discovers he doesn't get a snout tap or worse if he nuzzles that stubbly chin! Even a tiny churrs!

In the trolley boys are like worried kittens unsure balanced on all fours and tails tails out until head rubs sooth them!

For a bit until their moving again! Then it's worried sounds and squeaks for the first serval long moments. Any time Casey picks them up boys will try to hang on the side closest to him and hold the side of him! Or his arm!

Awwww April giggles.

Their on the move with Leo's sooort of consent. A thanks to Haili and to be careful of course if she heads to her prefered garage.

April falls back as Raphie takes the lead to take them the easiest, relatively speaking, way home. It's a bit longer, but less parkour will be required, important for the girl in Mike's arms and those babies in the trolley!

April grins watching the little guys try to hold Casey whenever he picks up the trolley. " Well seems Uncle Casey is a hit?" whispered and she will wait until I the lair to try making friends herself with these little copies of their turtle bros. It's such a Leo thing to peek over the edge of the front as if to keep an eye on where they are going, and try to keep his brothers from being too adventurous in leaning out to look, especially curious very Donnie looking purple boy who was fascinated by the wheels it seems.

Yep that's Donnie's alright.

Red is staying close to the side, closest to Casey occasionally leaning out and being pulled back in by Blue and in turn protesting with Huff's and little shoves.


Oh their cute as!

Once at the lair April has to rush forward to open things, Raphie and Mike heading for Leo's room. " we're back Splinter, Raphie, Mike make sure I can reach her sound on the back there please. And make sure Leo is in recovery position for you guys, and has a bucket close by." to vomit or piss in. She leaves it to the brothers to negotiate that and Casey to meet an anxious Splinter as he hurries over to see his previously unknown grandsons and get a quick report, she goes to switch kits to wound care and wash her hands.


Raphie is first over to Leo's bed and lifts Leo onto one side whilst Mikey settles Erica on the other carefully until he can roll up the back of her burrowed hoodie to make the wound on her back easy for April to get to. " Your in your bed Leo, sleep it off man, we put Erica with you, April thinks it will help both of you." annnd even if Leo is too out of it to register he hopes the gruff soothing tone is enough for his brother. And. Tap on Mikey's hand when it rests of the girls hip too long. She is as out of it as Leo, even more so asleep, exhausted her body shivering a bit. But until April was finished for now he just pulls Leo's throw up over his brother and the girls feet. Shooting Mikey out and back to Casey and Splinter as April enters to take care of Erica. Raphie rethinking that and hanging back to help her encase Erica awakens frightened and lashes out at her. Or Leo. Though Leo had body armour.

"it will help, her to wake next to someone who won't hurt her, and let her rest if he wakes first, and for Leo her body heat will help him shake the drug off..." April explains.


Mikey is happy to scurry over to Casey and kids "ooooh sooooo cuuuute!" stage whispers squeeeee!

Tea Plots Tmnt_210
April O2003
April O2003

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:33 pm

Casey can't help a soft chuckle at that adorable fish eye.

"Yeah, I know that look too." Gentle, and amused. He gives the red tot a moment to get to know and accept him.

The curious look on the purple one is painfully familiar, even to Casey, knowing that the brother he's seen that look on isn't coming home with them tonight. Hopefully soon, but not tonight.

Casey is careful as they go about getting the group home. He takes his time to make sure the cart doesn't tip, and that none of the little ones tumble out. He can't help but chuckle at some of the bickering between blue and red. Yeah... that looks familiar too.

Casey is not really one to give reports, the real one will have to wait for Mike and Raphie, who were actually in the facility, but Casey can manage a little.

"We got 'em. Master Splinter. Mike's arm is a bit numb, and Leo needs to rest, but Ape says they'll be okay."

Then he gets out of the way so Splinter can properly meet the babies in the cart, and he will quickly check on Shadow and Elena.


As Raphie shifts Leo into bed, there is a moment that Raphie is probably searching for the bucket! Somehow, the not quite conscious turtle managed to keep the vomit down though, and he's safely tucked into the bed with Erica.

Eventually he will make use of the bucket. What he coughed up doesn't quite reach the point of being vomit, but there is a little fluid, and it's obnoxious. And he definitely uses the bucket to pee into when he discovers in the middle of the night that standing is not a good idea just yet. At the moment, he does not remember a whole lot about the night before. This is probably a good thing as he doesn't fight his body's need to rest more.

After that, he will shift and be a bit of a barrier between Erica and the rest of the world.

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Splinter 2003 Tue Mar 26, 2024 8:38 pm

Splinter has tucked the girls side by side. Though as Shadow is very young she is in the portable crib side on to the guest bed and Elena beside her spread eagled whilst Shadow was butt up face to the side and both girls sleeping soundly.

Splinter was loathed to leave them, but also excited.

And even so his focus at first was on Casey as he knows his tall gruff son wasn't used to giving the reports so he is attentive and patient. A nod when it's brief message is conveyed and whilst it hurts he is scared for Donatello and the missing grandson, he is also relieved, Leonardo will recover, Michelangelo was not seriously hurt and they succeeded in rescuing three of the babes and one big sister to a little girl who will be very much upset to know Donnie was caught he knows.

Splinter would looooves to do nothing more then rush over and pluck those grandsons from the beach trolley. But they are wary he can see. Exhausted, overwhelmed probably and wary, chirping in alarm when big safe Casey leaves their line of sight and all three ducking in the trolley until only eyes and tops of heads peered out over at Splinter.

There's that Leo look of inspection, the Don intense curiosity and the suspicious wariness of Raph all staring at him, the odd chirp for Casey to come back now and then.

Splinter smiles. And sits juuuuust withing reach if the boys stand and reach out, his tail he drapes closer, over the edge of cart and into it. At the other end away from the eyeballing he is getting so they can take their time.

But it won't be until Casey comes back and helps with introductions that they will do more than sniff over the edge of trolley, peer, and touch the tail that reaches into the cart.

Soon little boys will be tucked in beside Elena, Casey and April Splinter will shoo to his room for the night so he can stay with his collective grand babies and watch over them. Needing it to help ease... But not smother his worry for Donatello and the child with him.

April doesn't mind. And understands as much as Raphie and Mike would want to be with the babies too tonight, it has already been an overwhelming night for them, so once she patched up Erica who remarkably was as exhausted as the kids, face and lashes wet with tears and her body so bruised. She slept right through April cleaning and stitching where a tracker had spear her and sunk pronged hooks into her back.

April will smile when Raphie settles Leo, making sure he has a bucket close by and knowing Leo he knows his brother would shield his bed buddy from the world instinctively so he settled Leo on the side to the door. Plus that side had the greater space for Leo to get up as needed to puke or pee.

And then he and Mikey camped on the floor in their blankets, disappointed that Splinter shooed them away from the kids for the night. No watch over Leo. And when all at well enough they will do proper meet and greet in morning.

Both brothers missed Donnie and Mikey admitted it, Raphie doesn't, they needed the closeness and to be there when Leo stirs, helping him find bucket and offering baby wipes for big brother to clean off with. Taking away soiled buckets and wipes and returning with cleaned options. Offering water to drink the few times Leo stirred. And indeed his brother was protecting Erica in his sleep from the world.

She probably needed it. And the sleep, she doesn't stir no matter the noise of Also and which ever worried brother moved first to help him various times. Mike's arm coming good after a while.

~~~*Morning and time for tea!*~~~

But she does in the early hours of the morning... and bliiiink at Leo slowly, aware of a tea aroma in the air. Aware of snoring, twwwwo sets she guesses coming from a floor just beyond her line of sight laid on her side as she is... And she isn't sure all of last night wasn't some dream... But her hand hesitates as she reaches towards the cheek of the very large sleeping turtle beside her... She felt... Safe...

A bit sore and stuff but safe...

She doesn't know Splinter is up already, has made tea and delivered them to various rooms. In various cups. Most are in travel mugs aware most folks won't wake for some time. These are sweet and strong normal teas for now. Some are in their normal mugs. Leo's and a fresh on for Erica.

He has the children. He was an old hat at looking after a baby at night so settled a restless Shadow easily enough. And managed to get boys to the loo and now has all six kids on a sheet by the tv watching early morning cartoons on soft volume. So Shadows parents can have a good sleep. Their having plain toast for the moment. A little butter for flavour but he knows at least a Leo will be stirring soon.

Tea Plots 42657910
Splinter 2003
Splinter 2003

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Casey J2003 Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:44 pm

Casey's pretty sure that's the important stuff that he actually knows about. Yeah, pretty much it.

He is very quick about checking on the girls, because even if it's a very different sound than Shadow would make, he is very sure what that call from the little boys means. So he does hurry back to them.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you all carrying on about?" It's a surprisingly gentle tone from Casey. He picks up little Blue, and takes him to officially meet Splinter. Hugging Master Splinter with the child in his arms, but on his other side. Close, but with a bit of a barrier from Casey's body, but a barrier the child can easily choose to bypass though when he is ready.

"This is Master Splinter, he's your grandpop, and he's the best. He'll take good care of you. I mean, he survived your dads, so he's gotta be good."

Once the little guys are tucked safely in bed together, and Splinter sends him and April to bed, Casey does as asked, leaving their mutant family to what they need for themselves to get through all that happened tonight.

He will be up relatively early, and just making sure everyone is as okay as they can be. It's not normal Leo early, but he is definitely the first one to join Splinter and the kids.


With the handful of times that Leo sort of woke up in the night, he is sort of aware that he has an unusual bed buddy. He is sort of aware that she is the girl they rescued last night.

He did not at any time in the night seem to notice that the brother who is always nearby when one of them is injured or drugged is... not around this time. It's quite likely that at least early in the night, Leo doesn't even really know which brother is there with him.

He is starting to stir when the tea is brought in. This is really his only clue that it is, in fact morning. His internal clock was seriously skewed by the drug last night.

But he takes that clue along with the pounding headache and hangover to mean that it is morning.

Though his recollections of last night will prove decidedly fuzzy.  Eventually he will wonder where Donnie is.

Leo felt that tentative reach toward his cheek though, and slowly opens his eyes.

"Good morning."

Just soft acknowledgment that she's there. But oh, his head still hurts, though only those who know him well are likely to notice that he feels terrible.

"Are you ready to go face the world? Or at least our lair?"

Tea Plots A-sa--10
Casey J2003
Casey J2003

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Doragonkame Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:23 am

Amazing, Splinter was patient and let the little fellows just eye him up, content, if eager, oh so very eager, to let Leonardo's son for sure decide what he wanted once Casey was back and the little boys tried to all climb into his arms and then out of the beach trolley and onto the big friendly humans lap - little purple, Donatello's son even attempted to answer Casey in a way, chirping something with half word of 'him - he! heeee' pointing over the edge of beach trolley at Splinter. Trying to convey they had never seen something like that before! and were scared!

In fact Casey was the first friendly caring human man! Liam snuggles into Casey once picked up and huggles, eyeing Splinter around the safety of the body block, tilting his head up to watch Casey's face as he talks, then back at Splinter. He doesn't understand the words entirely, buuuuut he understands the tone of the words, nothing no human until Casey has ever used, calming and encouraging and... it takes time before the boy shuffles a bit at first across the hug and reaches to touch Splinter's clawed fingers.

And more before the little blue guy decides to take the encouragement from Casey and move sloooowly into the eager arms of his grandfather. Little Red and Purple eager to follow.


And in the morning Splinter doesn't think he could ever thank Casey enough for breaking the ice of fear between these little grandsons and himself. It is a busy morning in front of the cartoon. And amusing at first when Casey comes to join them and find an amused Splinter trying to encourage four little boys to stop climbing all over each other and trying to keep away from the girls, Shadow and Elena. NEVER in their young lives have they seen a human-looking child before, a girl one at that! and certainly not one Shadows size!

The poor guy, with an eager bottle demanding daddy's girl in his arms had to play go between between four little turtles and the two girls too.

Made difficult by a Shadow hogging her father's lap when little unsure boys tried to get close!

But things were calming and Splinter has a quiet moment, his ears twitching towards Leo's room a little as he hears soft murmurs, but more focused on helping Casey with the little boys, Shadow and Elena, " And heeere you had been so worried you were not cut out for this fatherhood thing." he liiightly teases, a little to get back at the comment about surviving his own rambuctious sons, and some a bit because there had been times he had maybe overheard or been on the recieving end of a worried Casey when at first a Pregnant April was struggling, and then in the rough patches when sleep seems a memory more than habit and Shadow was having a bout of colic or sleep regression.


Erica watches the eyes open slowly. thanks to the efforts of Mikey and Raphie, whom she doesn't know but now suspects are the owners of the snores she can hear, she doesn't know there is tea for her, for Leo, just plain tea to wake up to. What she does know is that... she had slept, deeply for the first ime in a couple of days, had a memory before collasping in relieved tears and exhaustion that her sister was here, safe...

There is a small... unsure, a bit shy of a smile at this turtle man. " ... Morning..." whispered, and this time her fingers do brush his under the blankets, yep real. Real that meant the turtle she had collasped against last night was real, the words that man spoke, real. Her sister was here.

But it also meant... that they lost one of the babies... and there had been a name, Donnie? one of them? lost too... to be here...

That had been real too. Leo's question brought her back. " Alllmost? I think... you?" There was a deep eagerness to rush out and find and hug the daylights out of her sister. But she needed a moment, just a moment to absorb and recollect... and he probably did too. And she sensed he probably would understand just needing the moment, she doesn't know that is partly why the teas are there, to make sure they wake and rehydrate, gather themselves, or in Leo's case Splinter homes the moments, and seeing a sleeping Raphie and Mikey on this bedroom floor, missing a Donnie, the bucket and cloths and wet ones waiting by the bed side will help fill in what happened.

Of course that probably wont stop the frustrated aggression that will probably result from the realisations as teas are finished but it will give them a moment to at least drink, recall, and let Erica out before the need to get to the dojo and have it out! She doesn't know this. Splinter and all the rest of the lair will probably know though.

Tea Plots Byssig10

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:26 pm

Casey is certain that Splinter would have won the children over pretty quickly, even if they were unsure of what he was!

He is enjoying the morning, even if Shadow is being a little bit frustrating about refusing to share his attention. At least the little turtles have Splinter, but he should probably nip the possessiveness in the bud now!

"Nuh uh, Spicy. These are your cousins. You have to share." He does give her a little extra attention and a hug as he puts her down to play after she's had her bottle, but he is also pretty insistent about giving some attention to the little boys too! Even if it is mostly stolen moments while Shadow is distracted.

Casey laughs at Splinter's words.

"I still feel like I'm faking it. But I got some good teachers." His own parents had done their best, and Casey's pretty sure he's turned out pretty good! If April loves him, he must have, right? Splinter and April were wonderful though, and Casey was following their example! The guys are great with kids too! And even Shadow is teaching him!

Though this morning is definitely proving to be something of a challenge! And he does sort of anticipate that it will get worse before it gets better. Though it will be good to have the guys up and helping with the kids. much as they are able to after they had been forced to leave Donnie and one of the babies behind last night. Casey doesn't anticipate that any of them will be in a good emotional place.


Leo understands when Erica brushes his fingers with hers. He understands that it is a pretty crazy situation.

And she's not the first person who has had to touch one of them to be convinced they're real.

He's patient with the contact.

He smiles at her words. Good that she was almost ready, and if he's honest, he could use a minute too. There are still things around him that he's processing.

Things like... four cups of tea, but with their guest, there should be five. Two presences on the floor, instead of three. The room is weirdly empty even with three turtles and their guest in here with him.

When one of them was hurt, Don was always right there when they woke up unless there was a very serious reason not to be. That he's missing is just now starting to press its way into Leo's brain.

"Honestly... I don't know yet." Leo admitted. But he is definitely starting to move and shift a little. Sitting enough to reach the teas, hopefully without disturbing the two brothers on the floor. Definitely two. Definitely no Donnie. This is wrong...

"Last night is a bit fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure I was drugged."

He takes his cup, and the one that is clearly for Erica. His brothers' preferred cups are here too. The fourth is an outlier, so definitely for a guest. He has been sick or injured or even just distraught often enough to know exactly why the tea is there, and that it is not optional. He accepts the moment, and will take the time he needs to get to a point that he can face the day.

Even if something is clearly wrong. Tea first. Wake up and get ready for the day first.

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Doragonkame Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:56 pm

She fights a pained sounds, sitting up, bruises and her new Stitch's pulling and ooooh she is just so tired feeling. Just so...

But tea comes her way and she takes the cup carefully, curious that he would trust and allow her to drink here, and so much to allow the brief contacts.

Oh dear she hopes he doesn't take her need to solidify everything with a touch as that she just wanted to treat him as some animal and touch him.

But she isn't sure how to word her worries. " I... thank you, for... the tea and letting me make sure I hadn't dreamt last night's events..." hopefully that explained some of her thought processes at this moment. And oh she is thirstier than she thought after the first few sips to get used to the warmth and taste she just about enhales the tea!

A snoooooore from Raphie is so loud it spooks a sleeping Mikey into a surprised fart!


Splinter laughs softly.

Shadow had pouted a few moments not entirely understanding her dad's words but perhaps the tone. Though of cause dear of missing out won her over in a moment and she is butt shuffling towards the boys and Elena.

Little fellows were not sure what to make of this and though they are trying to line up the cars against the tv stand where Splinter took time to place painters tape from Donatello's area of the lair in neat carparks. He had shown one small grandson, Duncan how to 'drive' one of the many much loved old toy cars into a spot and now all four were busy hunting and finding the hidden cars lead by Elena around the TV's and lounge, and now a crawling, sometimes trying to get to her feet Shadow is following. " Funny I still feel like a fake all these years and now grandkids! ... though I will gladly accept mentorship credit, I am good yeah?" playful but humble and letting Casey know it was normal and okay to feel completely out of depth! And distracting with idle chatter until others wake.

Tea Plots Byssig10

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Tue Apr 16, 2024 3:53 pm

Drinking the tea in a location other than here would involve Leo feeling like he also has to get up and get through the obstacle course that is his brothers laying on the floor, and he is just not ready to attempt that yet.

The drug has mostly worked its way through his system, but he does have one shell of a hangover, and movement is definitely not his friend. He definitely does not quite trust his balance yet, though it would probably be better even in his current state than most people are typically.

Still... Leo would prefer not. Worst case, there's tea spilled in his bed that he has to clean up later. There are worse things. moving right now.

He is patient with her light touch, and doesn't really take it as anything other than a need to touch him. Her reasons are her own, and he doesn't pry, but he does smile slightly at her explanation. He chuckles softly.

"I would hope that a dream would be less painful." Definitely not a dream! Because ow... There's slight amusement when she downs her tea so quickly. He is not quite that quick to finish his, and still not quite ready to move. He still needs a moment to finish his tea, so offers her a water bottle that is sitting next to the bed. Not one of his or his brothers' preferred ones, so someone probably filled it and put it there for Erica at some point during the night.

He is about to consider moving when Raph snores and Mike rips one.

"And that is definitely not a dream."

Leo makes a face and throws a pillow at both of them.


Casey can't help but be amused at Shadow's adorable pouting! But it did end with her scooting off to play with the others, so he'll take that as a win!

"So no hope for me then, huh?" Casey is actually surprised to hear that Splinter still feels like a fake as a parent! He had never considered the possibility! Splinter always seemed so sure of himself! But his tone is playful and amused when he had responded though. And that Splinter felt the same as he does, even after all this time is only slightly terrifying! Mostly it's comforting. Because if Splinter feels like that too, then maybe Casey is doing something right after all.
"The best. ...After my ma." Still playful, especially with the last part. But he does have to give credit to his own mom who had somehow managed him, too! And hey, he's biased. He's allowed.

Casey's hearing is not good enough to hear the soft sounds of Leo and Erica starting to wake up.

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Mike Sat Apr 20, 2024 3:58 pm

She had drank the tea so fast she was gasping when finished, and smiles at Leo handing over water, she is all but ready for the morning, but also happy to just wait for him. Sure waking up next to an strange bed buddy had for a moment thrown her for a loop, she is glad and comforted by the company and his calming presence.

The water is gratefully accepted with a bigger more her smile and she almost upended the bottle to drink a thirsty as she had the tea but decided to take mouth fulls at a time. Let the moisture soak in between mouthfuls.

Blinking at the snore and fart, and glad she swallowed her latest mouthful in an effort to respond to Leo's comment about the pain and discomfort being a sure sign of being awake.

Because she almost snorted up some water when there was the snore and fart, and Leo tossed the pillow.

The laughter takes herself by surprise. It's a heartfelt belly laugh, low and musical. Oh it feels good.

Because that pillow boofed Mike, rebounded as the surprised Mike sat up and exclaimed he will get more water and then boofed Raphie as the red wearing brother sat up, he grumps and catches the face covering pillow and incorrectly assuming it was Mike bops the brother few times with the pillow making Mike squeal in his distinct way.

Raphie drops the pillow seeing Leo is sitting up and scrambles to his feet far more quickly and more agile than Erica would have thought possible. " Leo! Your up! ... for real this time... how are you feeling... And you?" to the girl that had barely moved at all during the night next to Leo. His voice is a little gruff with grogginess but relieved to Leo more... Leo and not so 'drug drunk'.


" It's a wonderful mess of guess work, estimation and trying to either go against samples your parent or parental figures were or trying to live up to it... Agreed your mother is definitely a sharp shooter." recalling that despite his and and his sons, particularly Leo's best efforts they had not been able to hide from the woman when she first came to suss out April at the farmhouse.

She hadn't judged them at all any more than she had April. Considering her test for the woman her son loved so much on that extended to the family he made for himself. And just accepted them as is. Much like Casey himself.

The kids are playing, for the moment fairly evenly, even Shadow. Even if she is more prone to messing up the efforts the older kids make to line up wheeled toys. He is amused and can hear and even Casey should have heard that Mikey squeal!

Tea Plots Ff9f8d10

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Mon Apr 22, 2024 1:42 pm

Leo is amused by the speed that Erica is drinking the water. She must have really been thirsty! But he is still working through his tea.

Her laugh is... amazing. There's a slight sense of relief at the sound. If laughter like that is possible, then it can't be all bad, right?

And honestly, the moment between Raphie and Mike is amusing. Leo finishes the last of his tea and looms to his brothers as Raphie is swatting Mike.

"Are you two quite finished?" Knowing full well that Leo himself started the pillow fight. Amused all the same!  

There is still some amusement when Raphie asks how Leo and Erica are doing, but there is definitely some concern in his response.

"I don't feel like I need that bucket on the floor there." Leo responded easily, seemingly much more himself. This is not to say he feels good.

He then glances around the room again, listening to the lair. Another subtle search for Donnie. Raphie or Mike might recognize it for what it is. A slight frown of confusion and worry when once again he's sure Don is not here too.

"Raph where's... um... have you given Master Splinter a report? Because I... don't think I can."

Leo-ese for saying he doesn't remember last night.  


Casey accepts the information from Splinter with a nod, seemed about right. He actually sits quietly, enjoying the mostly peaceful moment just watching the kids play. It's... nice.

Then the squeal from Mike! Casey did hear that and looks towards the room.

"Sounds like they're up. You want that, or should I?" Casey is curious about the squeal, and wants to go check it out, but he can also understand if Splinter wants the moment with his sons who are here. A moment to see just them before bringing the clamor of the kids into the mix.

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Join date : 2016-11-20

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Raphie Thu May 02, 2024 2:29 am

Raphie didn't miss that his big brother was looking for Donnie. Even with the almost playfulness of the scolding over the pillow. He also catchs that Leo is still suffering the aftermath of the drugging, and like the date rape drug is unclear what happened the previous night.

And he doesn't want to have the siren, the mermaid, the very pretty young woman to see this part. Mostly because they don't know her all that well, and nor she them and that what might happen miiight be alarming to her.

Maybe nothing will... but Leo does have a temper. Its down and hidden and only shows up out of frustration, fear or guilt. Usually misplaced. But it is there. And well... raphie himself... relieved Leo was mostly back to normal... was also still frustrated and angry and sad and guilty for having to ditch Donnie the night before. Sure it was mostly Donnie's choice given the situation... and it did allow them to get at least three of the babies out, and Erica. But he was still guilty he had to go... that he left their brother there... that in the mad dash to get a drugged Leo and arm numbed Mike and naked Erica they lost one of the babies...

In fact he is sure the kid is fine and he hopes at least Donnie has been able to see the kid, but it hurt, and he couldn't be sure.

He nods at Leo, indicating he got the unspoken message and catchs Mikey who was finally on his feet as he yells Leo's name and happily at first came forward to pounce on their brother and hug him. It would be welcomed, but Leo asked for a report. And Raphael knew, knew as much as Leo would know in a moment they would need first to confront their fears and frustrations of the night before. And that meant... giving Leo the report in full and being ready for a possible argument about leaving Donnie behind, or more of just a bit of shouting at each other as they both face their guilt of a situation that gave them no other option but to sacrifice a couple to who knows what to get the rest of them out.

He shoves Mikey a little after stopping the incoming pounce tackle hug, " I'm glad your alright Erica, and g'd morn... Michelangelo please take Erica to April, she needs the wound checked and some actual food and maybe the loo..." that part has the edge to his tone he uses when he is backing Leo up, when in a serious mission Donnie is either getting off tract and distracted or Mikey was goofing way too much. It was the enforcer tone. And they all had it. One occassion when he was being a particular jackass Donnie once in a blue moon will pull it on him. And one, just as rarely there was a tone in Mike's voice too.

The laughter had been good and brief and she felt bad for it, but also... enjoyed the moment, she hadn't expected to find the brotherly shenanigans amusing, but it had felt good to have it suddenly burst forth. She sensed the mounting tension, and was just swallowing her last mouthful of water. Until the tank the night before the humans had been deliberately drying her off to see how long she could go before becoming dehydrated, seeing if she did so just like they did. Indeed she felt incredibly drained and thirsty. And yet still noted the tnesion, becomign uneasy when red caught orange and there was a roughness in his voice. A command?

Mike pauses, he had his own guilts and frustrations of the night before. His manifested in a need for physical affection, more than usual, a need for bonding and comfort of brothers, of father, of their human family... But that tone... and he knows his brothers had other ways. Donnie was probably the most destructive, to himself, withdrawing and becoming hyper focused and stubborn on solving the issue no matter how long it took him and or how impossible it seemed. For Raphie it was to become surely and angry with everyone. For Leo it was a cold scary sort of angry and frustration, but it was mostly directed at himself. Rarely exploding outward on others.

But this was probably goign to be one of those times, a mission went well, but all badly. They were all alive as far as they knew, there was goign to be future opportunities to find and reclaim their family members. But it had come at a cost. Leo and Raph would probably take anything with fists to the dojo so Mike accepts the order and reaches a hand carefully out to Erica, she had clearly noted soemthing and was looking between Leo and Raph but took his offered hand and he helps her, and maybe his brothers wont notice and smack him for this later, and he doesnt crop the gril but to say he didnt take a little enjoyment at slipping and arm about her waist to help support her tired slow climb over Leo's legs and onto the floor would be a lie. He did and tooootally kept her close for as long as she allowed it.

Hey! she is mammal warm! turtles love warm!

But he does let go politely when she thanks him and slips free. He gives her a moment, to make sure she has her balance, to thank Leo for guarding her all night, for the care she got, for the water. Then he is guiding her away and out of the room, hearing Raphie siiiigh and start the story from where he is sure Leo might recall the best...


And out in the living room as he hears his father discourage Casey from going in there, saying he knows how they get... Mike clears his throat. " Hey SpaceCase, Master Splinter, our guest is up, Erica, let me inroduce my father Master Splinter and our bestest humany bro Arnold Casey Jones -" And there is a squeal from a delighted little girl who rushes from the toys babling happily, throwing herself at her sister.

Erica barely amanged the stumble out of the room, she was just smiling politely at the giant... rat? and the kind if talla nd buff looking guy fromt he night before before the golden haired blur rushed at her, she dropped to her knees and accepted the collision of the fluttering winged little girl with her own sore self. wince, but oh it felt good, and Elena's babbling is a mix of just pure delight she was here and rescused and wasn't this place so cool? and that Ottis had come through for her, made the big turtles come for her, be friends... where was friend Donnie? he was most like Ottis! and she had new little friends! and here didn't have to hide her fairyness! and oh she is so glad Erica is here! Erica buries a relieved happy almost laught, sob into the soft golden curls and sweet smelling clean child, careful with the supported little arm, and wings but hugging her tight.

Honestly the worst thing about the captivity was the memory of sending her little sister into the dark storm, sewers tunnels never knowing what happened to her, just hoping she'd find help. And perhaps the silent prays to Ottis had worked. Before he had been snatched from her hands too once on that boat.

Splinter smiled and had stood after telling Casey that, no he should probably let Michelangelo or Raphael deal with that... when said orange clad son came out and introduced their guest just before Elena realized her sister was there and stood, staring for a few seconds then dashing through her new friends and scattering toys and flinging herself into her sisters' arms. Splinter is patient, and as sisters have their moment, Erica mostly seeming to need the moment to pull herself together whilst Elena hugged her as tightly as a small child could and tried to tell her everything in a babbling rush. " Thank you Michelangelo, good morning to both of you." and he is amused to see Shadow has crawled over, is pulling herself up on her father's legs, trying to stand, whilst the three little boys had dashed over and were two hiding behind Casey's legs and one behind him, Duncan was gripping his robe and looking around, probably all mostly alarmed at Elena's noise and elation rather than wary of Erica. Mayyyybe a tad wary of the Mikey.

" Come, meet your sons Michelangelo." Sons because he highly doubts his sons would try to differentiate between them too much. Even if there were CLEAR colorations to say whose was whose kid. Liam and Rnadal have bother ducked behind Casey, not quiet hanging onto him but behind him, Randal ducked down as is he could actually disappear behind Shadow. Squatting when she slid back to her knees in her efforts to stand, and Liam peering around the other side eyes wide and as serious as a very young Leo cub could look as he watches Erica and Elena for a moment then blinks towards Michelangelo.

Who squeaks in delight and croushes, kneels to be at the height of the kids, Shadow of course beams at her uncle Mikey and lets go of the dad legs, but she hasn't quiet got balance and wasnt sure what to do with her feet so sat back on her padded backside, Randal quickly ducking again.

Mikey grinned, " Awwww good effort Shady! thats right you help your dad show your cousins their DaddyMike is cool." he encourages the niece as well as almost begging Casey to help encourage the little guys closer. He is thrilled all the little ones looked like they trusted the loud, sometimes oafish and bumbling Uncle. And Duncan, soooo like Donnie instinctively closer to their dad, but also close enough to be helped over by Casey too.

Of course April has heard the commotion by now, and sleepily, hair mused, comes to watch fromt he door way... awwwwwww she definitely has phone to capture photos of this!

A glance to see Erica and Elena hugging, reunited. Awwww and more photos though the lair security will be saving vids too.

And she guesses where Raphie and Leo are, and knows this could get explosive... maybe it wont... but it might.


Raphie hides a growl with Mikey, its not full on groping, but it was close and when they are on the way out he grumbles, " Mike better watch his hands, I think she has had too much male attentiont he last couple days..." its snarked, but fills Leo in a bit on what might have been seen on the girls body and why they had tucked her in beside him all night. A safe, guarded spot to just sleep.

Then the siiigh and he starts where he is sure Leo remembers last, when they parked after seeing Suu to her chosen place safely, leaving contact details and a hope she might be a future ally or friend. Or more. She was adorable and a mutant like them...

Then on to them start of the mission, April's infomations and getting into the park, and with information from April splitting into twos to try and hit two specific places. He says Leo may need to ask Mikey to fill in what they saw at the seaworld part of the park, but he and Donnie went to the hatchery, accessing through a giant snakes enclosure, finding two of their sons there, in tears and that one of the scientist there had grabbed up the purple on and ran for it, now he thinks on it he admits that was probable on purpse and to draw one of them into the trap. And it worked, he told Leo honestly he lost sight of Donnie and the guy and that baby and went for the red one, and it took him a brief fight through other lab coats, and a guard to hurry after Donnie, breaking through barriers.

Only to find him in a crate Raphie couldn't break after knocking out the lab coat. And whilst he tried to get Donnie out, in the end Donnie had forced the small purple boy into his arm and told him to go.

Here his voice is full of his frustration and self-recriminations and blames for leaving Donnie, though he knows with two rather upset frightened babies in arms he had little choice! and there is some defensiveness to his tone too for that, and describing meeting up with Leo and Mikey, them and Erica all making a break for it, the brief battles, the hurried messy scramble to get out, the loss of the golden toddler, and he does recall and tell of their brief moment to stop Erica rushing back for the boy just as much as they had all wanted to go back for him! for Leo being a prime target as if these people knew he was their leader, of the tranqs being fired at them, and that one hit Leo, that Mikey got a different one that just numbed his arm for a bit. That they made it underground after a bit of a chase and having to meet up with April and Casey to get Erica and Leo first aid.

Of bringing them home, to put them all to bed. Of Leo's efforts during the night to expel the drug...

And it was done, the red clad turtle shuffled a bit from foot to foot with a bit of frustration and guilt energy, not sure what to expect but he needed a bit of a steam blowing off and well... Leo might too...

Tea Plots Ec451710

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Thu May 02, 2024 4:06 pm

The amusement is definitely starting to fade quickly as Raphie asks Mike to take Erica elsewhere. If Don had been just been sent to bed, that wouldn't have happened. Whatever he's going to hear is not going to be good. So Leo recognizes that Raph is trying to remove Erica from the situation before telling him about what happened last night. Leo can think of a few reasons for that, but he doesn't like any of them. Brothers will recognize barely managed patience as Leo allows the time to get Erica into another part of the lair.

Though Leo does appreciated the aborted pouncing, he does reach out and take Mike's arm, holding it for a moment. He knows Mike needs contact when most of the rest of them have a tendency to pull back. So it's not the tackle hug that Mike had been hoping for, but there is a little contact reassuring Mike that Leo is okay.

Leo definitely doesn't like that Mike is supposed to take Erica to April for care. There is a slight bristling at the tone that Raphie had used, but it's more out of frustration that he's still not heard what happened to their missing brother than anything else! And he manages patience knowing that Raph is purposely removing Erica from the room before explaining.

The look to Raphie is pretty clear. Leo wants to know where Don is.

Leo doesn't know that the last time Raphie heard the tone that was just used with Mike had been directed at Raph by Donnie, ordering him to leave with the purple tot. Not because Raphie was being a jackass, but because he was that serious about making sure his brother and the babies got out.

“You're more than welcome.” is gentle and maybe surprisingly sincere to Erica given the clearly mounting tension in the room.

Mike and Erica are barely clear of the room before the tone that Raph just used on Mike is turned on Raphie himself.

“Where is he, Raph?”

He's not surprised by the sigh, and uses that moment to take a calming breath himself.

Whatever it is, he's not going to like it.


“Mikey!” A warm greeting, especially as the little boys seem nervous again. And Casey supposes he can understand. They weren't really with Raphie and Mike for long last night before the guys were sent to take care of Leo and Erica.

He chuckles as Elena launches herself into Erica's arms. Kid is cute. And he's happy she has her sister back! He lets the girls have their moment, and redirects the kids so they're getting to know Mike instead of staring at Elena and Erica's reunion.

“That's right. Shadow loves her Uncle Mikey.” He ruffles his daughter's hair. He would normally pick her up except a couple of the boys seem to be using her as a shield! HA! He leans forward and greets Mike warmly with a hug. The same sort of gesture that had greeted Splinter with the night before, though this time he doesn't actually have Liam in his arms. Hopefully the repeat of the gesture might be enough? Definitely coaxing little boys into greeting Mike!


Leo eyes Raph as his brother almost stalls. It's not quite stalling as that is definitely important information about their guest, and he catches the underlying message. Leo might not be fully free of the effects of the drug yet, but he's mostly clear headed at this point. Raph won't be the only one clobbering Mike if he does anything unwelcomed to Erica.

There is a vague recollection of the earlier fight and the lizard girl from last night. Details have been mostly scrubbed from his memory thanks to whatever was on that dart last night, but he is giving signs that he does recall at least that this battle happened. He did remember planning for last night's mission, and a couple snatches of memories at the facility, but just brief bits. Things like hiding in the rocks of... some sort of water exhibit. Not much, and nothing particularly helpful. He will need another report from Mike later.

But right now, Raphie had better get to the point!

Leo isn't sure what to make of Raph's tone as he explains finishing off the lab coats and rushing off after Don. He hasn't heard it from Raph very often.

“You did WHAT?! It's surprisingly quiet, but there is definitely force behind the words, and this is about to come to blows, but Leo sucks in a sharp breath and stops himself. He squeezes his left hand into a fist, forces his eyes shut and nearly grinds his teeth for a moment.

There is a moment where Raph can see his brother fighting to keep his composure. It's a colossal display of self control, and maybe just a hint of giving into the lingering headache from the drug. Leo had asked for a report, and he is getting exactly what he asked for.

“Go on.”

Raph will see several of Leo's more obvious tells as this report continues. Leo is barely staying in control of himself. He sort of alternates between rubbing his thumb with his forefinger and straight up rubbing his temples. Every single tool he learned in his time with the Ancient One, and a couple he's made up or learned from other people since then. Every single bit of control he has is being focused on this moment.

But he keeps it together.


As Raph finishes the story and is standing there so frustrated and shuffling foot to foot like that, Leo stands. He takes a brief moment to assess and see how he's feeling then steps toward Raph.

And hugs him.

“I split us up last night.” Not putting it all on Raph. Leo split them up. Don fell for what had to have been an obvious trap. There were lots of ways this all went wrong.

Leo is definitely feeling that pent up energy though. It wouldn't take much bait from Raph for Leo to jump on it.

And Leo will definitely be turning up in the dojo at the first opportunity.

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Raphie Sat May 04, 2024 3:03 pm

Raphie can't blame Mike for wanting to touch sure, and for most the part he is pretty sure no matter how lovely the girl looks or enticing the mammal warmth of her that will inevitably probably earn her snuggled from all of them at some point. He knows like him if there is anything that makes Erica uncomfortable Mike will get more than just flips. A clobbering if the offense is more than playful, or flirty, flips if the latter.

He notes Leo's efforts to contain himself. And honestly it was a combination of things that stopped Raphie from bristling himself and this turning into his yelling as usual. Shouting the report at Leo instead and therefore being the instigator of an unleashing of frustrated and sad fighting thats really a bent up bit of helplessness.

There is all the signs Leo is holding back. And using those techniques...

And Raphie does growl a bit and have his own signs he is holding back at a few of Leo's responses.

What Raphie had not been expecting is...

the hug...

Or Leo's words.

And... Leo will feel Raphie... deflate, the frustrated and worried and well maybe a tad cranky too because he had been up and down to help Leo through the night. And check on the babies, check on Erica. And stare blankly at the screens in April and Donnie's corner hoping against all hope that Donnie may have somehow found a way to reach out.

Raphie buries face into big brothers hold and wraps arms around him, it's a very much needed, if surprising bear hug. "And that was the right call... just like Donnie telling me to take his son... our sons and run." he KNOWs this, he knows Leo knows it too. But... knowing that Leo knows like he does, doesn't quite ease the guilt and worry they feel. He is not ready to let the hug fall right away either. " It was hard to do as he told me, but I did." it went against everything Raphie had wanted to do in the moment and if he had not have had two very upset barely toddlers in his arms he would have ignored Dons order and that tone and fought.


Splinter is bracing for the explosion... and it is not happening?


Mikey needed more than just the touch, the brief moment, but part of the reason why he probably wasn't as flirty with Erica as he wanted to be or would have been if not for the small amount of comfort Leo offered, and he would be so jealous if he knew his brothers were hugging! right now though he grins up at Casey and hugs him tightly instead! " Thanks man," That bit is soft just for the big humanly bro!

Shadow puffs out her chest, and it was mid attempt to stand again using Randal, this makes hiding behind her hard... Liam squeaks and follows Casey closer to Mikey looking up, " Unel.. Mimi?" lil blue boy tries looking up at Casey. Trying the word, is it what they should call this... one like them? And Liam is pretty sure thats not the one he felt before? though his young mind

Randal is not sure what to do with Shadow wobbling, holding onto him and wobbling. He is standing there utterly perplexed!

Splinter smiles and takes Duncan's hand gently, drawing him closer too, " No Liam, close, but nooooo... this is your one of your Dad's, Daddy Mikey." soooo gently and not hurrying the little curious purple Donnie like boy to come out from behind him. No rush, and for the moment hoping to keep the little fellows focused and not staring at the sisters. Give them a moment. He has a feeling as elated as elena is about her sister, the little girl is going to be utterly devastated Donnie was taken from them.

April grins, watching still, but she makes her way to Leo's door and peaks in first, a bit of a gasp, then backing up to head towards Erica and Elena, a hand on the older girls shoulder a squeeze, their still here when they were ready. She would have to check in the stitches no doubt, make sure the skin wasn't swelling too much and maybe give some pain meds.

Erica is not ready to look up yet, she is mostly just trying to comfort Elena now, sooth the babbling rushed story from the little girl about the night Ottis and Raphie found her. About her time in the smelly place before that, the kind people she had been mean too. A bit longer... And Elena has a grip on her hair and borrowed clothing at the moment she definitely couldn't move.

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Sun May 05, 2024 5:32 pm

xIt is specifically unwelcome touch that would be dealt with decisively. Questionable flirty or playful behavior that makes their guest uncomfortable will have creative consequences.

As the report continues, Leo knows Raph is barely keeping it together too. He forces himself not to react to the growl. Somehow they both manage to keep tempers in check. Neither one handles guilt particularly well, and things will likely get rowdy at some point today. But right now? Leo definitely prefers captured to-- ...other reasons Don might not have made it home. And he will take a moment to be glad they got Erica and three of the toddlers.

Leo does feel Raph relax. Especially after the initial shock of the hug!

Leo is quiet as Raph says it was hard to leave Donnie behind like that. Leo would expect as much. None of them would leave a brother behind if there was any way to avoid it. But especially not Raph.

And Raph would especially never, ever leave Donnie if there was any even remotely possible way to avoid it.

Leo holds the hug as long as Raphie seems to need it. Really, Leo needed it too.

"He was okay when you le-- had to go, right?" Leo checked his wording. He had almost said when Raphie 'left him', but that would have sounded accusatory, even though it wasn't how Leo meant it. He knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that Raph had no other choice.

From the story, Leo is pretty sure Don had just been trapped, but otherwise okay. He needs to be sure though.

It's about now that Leo realizes that Raph looks like he's had a rough night. And Leo is sure it was spent trying to take care of everything.

"You look like shell. Why don't you go back to sleep for awhile. I'm okay now." Leo will take over checking on everyone, and looking into plans for moving forward for awhile.

Never mind that Leo doesn't look great either. It's mostly like a hangover at this point though, so a significant improvement!

Leo doesn't really mind if Raph doesn't take him up on this offer. He would understand if Raph needs to feel like he's going something or needs to go pound something in the dojo. Leo will need some time for that shortly too, but... the offer is there. And they will all need a little time to recuperate if they're going to do anything to try to get Donnie back!


Casey claps Mike on the shell in response to the thanks. He heard it! He releases Mikey and is relaxed, hoping the kids will be too! And chuckles when Liam tries calling Mike Uncle!

Well... technically, he's not wrong, but Casey sort of knew that the guys probably wouldn't differentiate like that. The little ones would be brothers, and have four dads. He smiles as Splinter gently corrects the boy.

"You're a good big cousin, helping your little cousin like that, Randal." Casey encouraged the little, red child who seemed oh so very confused by Shadow using him to balance. He really hopes April has a picture of that! Because it's absolutely adorable!

Casey is also trying to give the sisters a little bit of privacy. It's sort of hard to do with this many little ones around, but really introducing them to Mike for the first time is doing a pretty good job of keeping their attention!

Though he does sort of bite his lip as Elena talks about Donnie. There's a sort of half glance down, but Casey keeps his focus on the little turtles, Shadow and Mike for now!

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Elena Martins Sat May 11, 2024 10:45 am

Erica hides a cringe at Elena happily talk that Donnie, who muuust be like a close friend of Ottis came and found her.

That was the one that was lost yes? She looks up from her sisters shoulder to see the woman, April, look sad, see Casey's glance down and the slump of the rat man's shoulders, Splinter.

And it's then Elena saw her face too as she draws breath..." What's... where's Donnie?..." she is finally picking up on the worry.

Erica thinks fast. She doesn't want to lie, but also she knows, like herself, her sister would feel just terrible Donnie got caught freeing her, freeing three of those baby boys...

" Donnie... Donnie is... he had to stay with one of the little guys Elena, we couldnt get him out, Ottis sent him remember? For you and them." it's not all a lie. Juuuuust a slight twist on the truth so the sad face and few tears Elena has turns to a determined little face.

Elena wipes her cheeks, "then we must be tuff and help here yes? Can we?" she shares that question to April and Casey and Splinter and Mikey with big wet eyes but a stuck out little chin and determined shoulders ups look.

Mike awwwws, he doesn't begrudge Erica fudging that truth a little, clearly the mermaid felt bad their family had seemingly swapped a couple for the freedom of herself and the other babies. But was trying to make her sister feel brave for Donnie.

It was sweet.

Liam considers the correction, this was not the 'someone' he has had contact with before, but similar and welcoming and, and... the little boy smiles up at Casey, then opens arms towards Mike.

Ooooh yes! Mike squeak churrs and eagerly grabs up the little guy, Duncan edges around Splinter who is definitely sharing that contradictory set of emotions like them all, pleasure, joy, enjoying how cute it is that Casey's encouraging helps Leo's mini me make the first step, that April is indeed getting pics and a vid, looking worried but also enjoying this.

Randal is puzzled, but does hold Shadow once she is up, both grin up at Casey, Shadow cause, her dad! And this is her so bright eyed 'look at me!!' face, wobbling a bit, but held and holding tight to her bigger red cousin! Randal cause he... has a vague idea he may have helped Duncan and Malcolm similarly when they were babies but didn't get praise, praise feels good!

But he wants in that hug with DadMike! He looks at Shadow, looks at hug as Duncan scoots over, Donnie like, sizing up the DadMike fisheye, then putting his arms up too!

Mike makes happy sound adding purple to his nuzzly, churrs hug that has plenty of moments that he and Liam are rubbing snouts, exchanging scents, and now Duncan too!

Randal makes a huff sound, picks up Shadow around her waist, and clumsy walks them both to Mike's waiting arms!

Haha cuuuute April nods at her hubby oh yes she has all that on vid and pics!


Raphie doesn't want to let go yet. And now at least frustration and aggression in the dojo might actually be more productive sort of 'missing our brother like crazy!' frustration and scared aggression.

He is glad Also changed his words. " yeah he was alive, and made the decision to push the little purple guy into my arms." maybe that will help a tiny bit... In a tiny sense of wonder for Donnie that he got to hold his own son out of all their sons for a brief moment.

Not ever long enough but maybe they are allowing him to hold the gold baby?

Raph hopes.

A light laugh and knuckles to Leo's shoulder. Light and sort of playful, and a signal to drop the hug for now. " I couldn't sleep right now if I tried. We have to go meet the - those... our other sons.." maybe a good nap with kids later or a early bed time for all, he guessed that depended on what they will decide to do to begin the search for Donnie.

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Elena Martins
Elena Martins

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Mon May 13, 2024 10:06 am

No one here will begrudge Erica the fib she told Elena about why Don is missing.

Actually, Casey quite liked it and doesn't consider it that much of a stretch at all! Though he is certain that Donnie will blush all shades of that funny brownish color he turns when he finds out that Elena views him not unlike an angel sent by Ottis.

Casey can't help but chuckle at the looks he gets from Shadow and Randal! Oh, that's a familiar smile, even if Raphie sometimes pretends he doesn't know how.

He could cheer when Liam and Duncan finally let Mike hug them! Yes! Somehow he does keep it to a chuckle at Mike's reaction. Oh so happy for his green bro! And the little guys too. It's a big step.

And Casey completely melts into a puddle of goo when Randal helps Shadow walk to Mikey!!



Leo lets Raphie control the hug. He doesn't end it early. He is all for productive frustration and aggression, but ideally they keep it to a spar with shared anger at an outside enemy. Not hurtful blaming each other for what happened.

This is incredible emotional growth on both Leo's and  Raphie's parts. They are both prone to assigning blame when frustrated.

"That's... that's good." Or... at least the best case scenario.

Leo chuckles as well when Raphie insists that he couldn't possibly sleep now.

"Fair enough. Me neither. And seeing the babies sounds good... and maybe see if April has anything." He doesn't really anticipate that just yet, but... hopes?

He will move with Raphie, close to his brother. He's not touching him, but close enough that they could. Silent comfort in proximity if not actual contact.

And keeping quiet, smiling slightly as Randal helps Shadow to Mike's open arms! Sliiiiiiiight knowing smile at Casey seeing Raphie's offspring helping Casey's like that!

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Erica Martins Wed May 15, 2024 1:35 pm

Raphie grunted a little and threw an arm about Leo's shoulders. He feels...

Elated oddly, even with the impending nerves of meeting their sons. And the pure joy he feels at the edges of that nervousness.

But elated... Because Leo took that in an unexpected direction and he actually, fells and acknowledges to himself mostly but is aware Leo knows it too, that they just made one of many probably first steps on huuuuge personal growth.

He squished Aleo a bit and has to let go to fit through the door as they both are just too broad of shoulders to do it together. And fights what would have been an extremely loud excited naaaaaaawwwwwwww!! (It becomes a noise in his throat and chest Leo probably heard) Watching Randal struggle over to Mikey with a giggling wriggling mini Casey so they can get in on the love!

Mikey laughs and scoops them in too, nuzzling a smooch to Shadows little head carefully and then meeting Randals snout to take in his scent too, share a moment of that before snuggling all three boy, heart sore but glad far away his son out of all their sons was with his Daddy Donnie.

Liam lifts head off Mikey's shoulder feeling 'thaaaat presence' and looks over making a soft Trilling sound, a cute moment where he is trying to both hug and snuggle into his brothers and DadMike but also a small blue hand reaches towards Leo.

Awwww Raphie is wobbling towards the kids and Mike, cause he is melting on the way!

April waves to them, waving then to the cuddle, cause she has nothing for them yet. After the hubbub settles to more getting to know the kids and making them at home more upon what Casey and Splinter have started already then she will begin the search for Donnie.

And she does smile at Elena. Nodding. " we will indeed Elena I promise. And your sister is right." bit of quick thinking on Erica's part and does for the moment comfort Elena.

Though she will worry and miss her new Ottis sent friend!

Erica smiles, shyly and tugs her sister back to hug her again, then begin fussing a bit over her. Just a bit cause the girl looks entirely fine.

Splinter smiles at his eldest sons, looking a tad bit puzzled buuuut pleased to see them, and them them looking... together not at each other's throats.

Tea Plots Ee_s10
Erica Martins
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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Thu May 16, 2024 4:46 pm

Leo does not feel elated, exactly, but there is definitely relief in his stance. That was a big step for both of them. They did it though, and are working together. He thinks Don would like that. It’s been a long time since Don was sent to the false future where the Shredder ruled the world, and Don has come a long way in that time, but it still affected him. And if they want him back, they need to be together, not at each other’s throats.

And it would be a terrible example to set for…


Leo can’t help a slight chuckle. It’s partly at seeing the kids there getting and heading to Mike snuggles! And it’s partially at Raphie.

Casey is relieved to see Leo up and around. He’d trusted April when she said that Leo would be okay, but it was better to see it with his own eyes!

”Welcome back, Leo.”

”Thanks, Casey.”

Leo isn’t sure exactly what was going on in the tail end of the discussion that they walked in on, but it wasn’t really directed toward him so he doesn’t worry about it.

While he is amused by Raphie’s wobbling toward the kids, Leo is drawn in his own way. It’s a bit more purposeful, but also just a little wobbly. Though he has the excuse of still feeling the effects of that dart from last night.

Leo caught that look from their father though, and just gives him a slight smile. Yes, he and Raphie managed to work this one out together. As it should be. But he doesn’t really give Splinter anything more than that!

Leo moves to Liam and touches that little, blue hand. His son's hand.

Awed by this small child who managed to reach out to him and let Leo know that the boy and his brothers existed.

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Splinter 2003 Tue May 21, 2024 9:09 pm

Splinter is too full of emotions to talk much observing in delight the same wonder and nerves and joy on Raphael's, Leonardo's and Michelangelo's faces at being with and meeting the little boys. Their sons.

His grandsons.

And yet the scene as heart warming and bursting also brings to mind... Those that are missing!

And it was a keen anxious filled worry and sadness.

Still Leonardo's smile is met with a nod and he is assured an explanation will come later.

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Mike Wed May 22, 2024 6:37 am

Mike doesn't wanna share!

But he does!

Grinning and nuzzling the kids and first encouraging Duncan up into DaddyRaph's arms, then cuddling Shadow to him he gently shifts to encourage little Liam up into Leo's arms. Just cause the two of them led to the kids being discovered. Their kids!

He feels a pang and ache that his own son out of their sons, is not here, and misses Donnie terribly, but glad their together." thanks Shadow, and I suppose Caseman for helping." the last bit is playful as he offers the giggling happy baby to her dad.

She sure is eager arms out!

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Wed May 22, 2024 1:59 pm

"Oh, I see how it is." Casey teases Mike back.

He then grins at the little girl almost toddling towards him and picks her up for a cuddle while the little turtles get to know their dads.

Leo caught that loom from Splinter. The smile had been intended as assuring their father that he and Raph were doing what they could to not make the situation worse. And they were absolutely trying!

And right now, that includes not scaring the kids. And getting to meet them! And Leo had seen a wave from April that he's pretty sure meant she didn't have anything for them about Don yet.

When Mike offers that encouragement for Liam to come into Leo's arms, he doesn't force the tot, but definitely offers arms. Oh, he wants to really hold the little boy so badly! But he refrains from pulling the tot away from his brother!

But if Liam does move into Leo's arms, he hugs that baby tight!

"I heard you. Thank you. You did so well."

Leo's job isn't done yet, not with the golden baby and Donnie still out there unaccounted for, but right now... right now Leo needs this moment too.

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Doragonkame Wed May 22, 2024 4:24 pm

Oh Liam is soooo ready for those arms! There is almost a desperate sort of hop, sort of leap into Leo's arms and the little boy will trust he is caught and held tightly! "finds me! Finds buffers!" little tail at this point might wag off!

And maaaaybe that little about bumps against Leo eager for snout to snout, for scent for nuzzles!

Raphie awwwws in his arms now a Duncan and Randal one on each side and he is alternating nuzzling both and touching snout to snout, in light squishing little bodies to his plastron! A short at Casey and Mikey.

Mike grins Shadow wobbled and stumbled and if she didn't have a death grip on Mike's fingers up until her dad's arms came down for her and she eagerly let's go and stagger waddles, trips into them, and uuuup for cuddles!! " funky fresh?" he plays with Casey grinning stepping back a little to be among his brothers and those babies.

Raphie is caught up in this moment but soon he will brag to Mike that he got Leo hugs first.

And he does shuffle a bit to drag their father playfully into the huddle, even if he has met the babies ahead of them. Get in here!

Annnnd he is in there chuckling.

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Thu May 23, 2024 2:44 pm

Leo scoops up Liam as the tot almost dives into his arms. He is oh so ready to meet this child-- his child! The small boy who called out to him.

He holds Liam tightly and offers that snout to snout scent sharing and nuzzling.  

"Yes, we found you."

He keep the next thought to himself. How are they going to get Donnie and the other baby back?

For now, he nuzzles his son. He takes just a moment longer with just Liam before pulling Mike into the embrace too, since Mike lost all the babies to his brothers, and even Shadow went off to her dad!
Though maybe that last was for the best... given the face Casey was making!

"More like Funky Not-So-Fresh."

And he's off to change a diaper.

And if Leo is maybe holding Mike a little tighter than usual... well... yes. Leo is devastated that they didn't all get out. Faking that he's okay well for now, but he's not. He won't be until his whole family is home.

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Erica Martins Wed May 29, 2024 11:59 pm

April giggles, honestly it can be honestly entertaining to watch her hubby and the guys banter or rough house, and it can be at times as equally so to be a part of the general good feels crazy. Also sometimes its just as fun to sit on the sidelines with Donnie and watch and be thoroughly amused or exasperated at their family's shenanigans. " Good luck honey..." generally meaning it as he passes with a giggling Shadow who is eagerly kicking her legs about, it means smeary poopy pants and thats never the most fun to clean up. And smelly - well she was showering signs of beginning to walk so once she is confident they will begin introducing the concept of potty training her. And if she seems ready follow through.

As Casey goes she is making sure to keep getting vids and pics, so the guys have these memories forever somewhere. A small awwww and muffled squeeee as Leo and Liam meet in this way. Oh look at those little tails. She honestly wonders if the guys had wagged their tails like that as kids, or will again as adults when so over joyed... and maybe she does glance but thats not the focus.

Maybe a tiny bit disappointed there was no grown mutant turtle tails wagging. She was gonna have to ask Do - ooooh maaaan she missed being able to take her random questions about them and their mutation straight to him. Missing him as much as she is certain his brothers and her hubs and their Dad Splinter were all missing him.

On that note she was definitely going to make all the notes on fairy and Sirens for Donnie as much as the two girls allow.

A glance at them.

Erica has stood, and she is watching the turtles, Elena has her sister hands tight and is also watching her new Ottis friends with a big grin, even if she still had her teeny shoulders held up tight. Being brave for her most Ottisy Ottis friend clearly.

Raphie fakes grumping when Mikey, thrilled to be in the hug reaches out and drags Raphie and Randal and Duncan into the embrace too. " And we will get back the others too..."

Mikey uh huuuuhs and eagerly snuggles, three little boys are in the middle of the huggins and he is enjoying makign them happy giggle with smoochies and nuzzles. " Oh absolutely... mmmmmm they still smell eggy." and Shadow had a similar still 'baby scent, but not... eggy? similar but different. But pleasant.

Elena heys after a few moments and dashes across and is bumbling around their tall green legs trying to get into the hug too! Mikey laughs and of course opens a hole for the child. She's not any of theirs... but also their brother brought her home so in a way she was now.

Erica is a little concerned and waiting to see if she needs to offer to carefully pull her sister out of the way. But also is happy and relaxing that the very sad little boys she first met that late night were looking so happy, and that these turtle men all seemed very accepting and happy. Sad too, but happy.

There is a chuckling from red and orange as Mikey drags in grandpa, ratpa too!

Awwww she smiles and catchs sight of April waving her over so makes her way around the group hug to her to also be girly over the vids and pics...

Raphie only breaks up the hugs when kids are giggling as much as they are hugging, sensing they need to run off happy energy. Kinda like a Mikey!

Though Leo will probably want to get to some plotting immediately he doesn't rush his brothers to put down whatever child they ended up with in the group hug, he putting Elena down, she is waiting for her new friends, and once their down she grabs a blue and red hand and drags them off to the door to harass Casey and Shadow until their youngest fellow marauder was also ready to play again too!

Mikey watches them go grinning, but it is a little forced, even for Mikey, their missing two of their number, like Leo, Mikey and Raphie will both feel so incomplete until their missing brother and son were back with them. Maybe in need of healing and comfort but home!

Tea Plots Ee_s10
Erica Martins
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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Thu May 30, 2024 5:38 pm

Casey is making a face that is somehow equal parts amused and disgusted as he carries Shadow out in front of him, legs dangling off for a diaper change!

The grunt at April wishing him luck is probably a 'thanks' because he has a feeling he's going to need it!

Leo is welcoming of adding Raphie and the other tots to the hug. A little snout to snout for them too as they get near enough, and Raphie and Mike might feel just a moment from Leo where it really hits that someone is missing from the mostly familiar embrace.

The addition of another three that should be four is also wrong.

It's gone in a moment, pushed aside to roll away as Raphie speaks. Letting that determination fill the space left by the small crack.


Whatever else he has been about to say turns to a chuckle as Elena joins them. He shifts to make space for her and Master Splinter when he is pulled in too.

And he does let the hug break about the same time as Raphie does. He's sad to see the moment end, but also...

Raphie is exactly right. Leo's brothers know him well.

"April, do we have anything? Ah... keeping in mind that my recollection of last night is... fuzzy." which might actually be a generous description of his memory of the previous evening.

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by April O2003 Tue Jun 11, 2024 4:47 pm

April snorts. " I am not surprised you remember very little of what happened if anything, kind acts like the date rape drug..." cringing a little at the comparison and the way Erica flinched a little. She gestures to Donnie's corner for the brothers to follow her over to the computer aray, " From what little I have dug up, because InGen is aware of its reputationa nd name clearly it is using shell companies and covers to hide its activities. I am going through what Donnie found off the ship aside the signals to track down any names and first search them for anything... any place they could take a mutant turtle, not just small baby ones that are a little easier to hide away... but I worry that they know you guys are at least active in this city and if that means they might use any observation of from Donnie to track you all down... I think we need to operate out of a second base for the meantime... as long as we take Haili to wherever I have my laptop covered by Donnie's equipment here and I can also keep working on proposals for sponsorship and grants for O'Neil Tech and Jones Equipment... but I reaaaaally think we need to head out of the city."

She is only hesitating because of Erica and Elena to be honest. The guys have all in the past done similar things, locked up the lair and left on only the fridge and Donnie's equipment and headed out of the city. Casey's work may mean he may have to either come back into town now and them ooooor call in the few trusted mechanics he gets to cover whilst he is out of town, and she would have to take her work remote... and well Erica...

She looks at the girl, true they could just send her home... if the boat was still floating... but April knows the guys would prefer to keep her and Elena close and safe until Donnie and Malcolm were home... but she lets that hang encase Splinter or Leo want to ask the girl about that. Or of course object or have other things to add to her idea of getting out of town.

Erica is listening, amused and glad her sister was alive, and happy and here... and she shifts under Aprils look a little, " I... guess we're not ready for home..." she says in a light way to agree to go with. Truth was shhhhe is not ready for home... she was afraid of being found again... and wasn't sure she wanted to be back amongst humans anytime soon. " If yous would have us here a little longer."

Splinter smiled, he was absorbing April's words, and listening with an ear to where Casey had gone totally amused by Shadows giggling, having a feeling she was probably making the task a chore by waving her legs about!! Amusing... " Stay as long as you need, and or until it is safe for you both." a tail twitch Michelangelo's way as the eager son bounced a bit on his feet and maaaaybe risked big brother smacks by flirtatiously offering his room.

Raphael groans, " Wooould not recommend that, we will have to come in as a search party to find you iiiif you manage to find the bed..." ignoring Mike's heeeeey there are tunnels through the pizza boxes, sports stuff and play boy - ahem! no no all comic book piles!

Raph though is using the moment under Mike's protest to give April and Leo an agreeable grunt sound, he was all for working out of a second base.

Leatherheads lair?

their old lair?

Their friends modified apartment above Around Again?

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April O2003

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Fri Jun 14, 2024 4:38 pm

The look on Leo's face at the comment about the dart having been similar to a date rape drug is subtle. Not a flinch exactly, but his family would recognize it as a 'Leo is displeased' expression. Not directed at April, but rather the drug itself.

And to some extent, disappointment that humans do this to each other at all. He's seen a variety of those drugs in use in the street. He's stopped a couple of incidents with and without his brothers. But it's certainly too common.

As things break apart, Leo releases the kids to the floor to play, and crosses his arms in though, listening as April explains what she has.

...or doesn't have. That's not much to go on.

"It... feels wrong to leave without Donnie..."

It's not an objection to the idea, just a statement of how he feels about that. He's on board with the idea, but that doesn't mean he has to like it.

"Do you think they left the city?"

Leo nods agreement with Erica and Elena staying with them.

"Those guys are still out there. You're welcome to stay as long as you need or want to."

He bites his lower lip as the chatter turns to where the girls would sleep in the lair. The obvious solution for tonight is Don's room, but Leo can't bring himself to suggest any such thing.

Instead he turns his attention to April's suggestion that they leave.

"April, is there any chance they're tracking the kids? Don was talking about putting one under the edge of our shells. Could they have something like that?"

Probably not since they've been left alone up to now and escaped last night, unless it wasn't showing up underground.

There had been some reasons for and against, and Leo knew Don could do it, but to his knowledge hadn't. Except maybe to himself?

Leo wouldn't know that Don had fried everything he had on him last night. Hiding anything that might have given his captors any of his tech.

"What about the farm house? ...If Donnie gets himself free, he'd know to look there."

Leo doesn't want to go anywhere Don couldn't find them easily. And their other usual escapes are still in the city. If they really need to leave New York they really only have the farm house, or finding somewhere completely new.

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Doragonkame Mon Jun 17, 2024 8:06 pm

The kids, Liam in particular didnt go far or leave Aleos immediate vicinity for very long. Enough they were waiting for their little friend but little blue boy kept ducking back to Leo's feet, just to be close, maybe soak up the relief and comfort he clearly felt moments before in their group hug!

April is amused and poor Casey having the kids go in to annoy him with Shadow, but she giggles when a Raphie oys and follows the main herd of the mini turtles and little fairy.

Mike is pouting a bit but he does pipe up, " Donnie would rather you gals in his room then out on the couch, or in my room whilst Casey and April have their room with Shadow. The kids... We will probably have close to ight." just for tonight if they are going to the farm house which has limited but enough.

And he is sure Donnie would prefer that. Even if it makes he Mike pout.

Erica blushes a little, and looks down at her feet. " that is very kind, thank you." she will go where told but honestly... She sorta wished she could be beside Leo again, even as unwell as he had been in the night thanks to the drug he had made her feel safe. Unlike she had felt since those men came into their tiny floating home.

She won't ask that though, guy did deserve a empty bed to recover. Or um a snuggle time with his sons or bros... Or all of them.

April is chewing over what Leo said. She feels the same about the drug. And it's echoed on the other faces before Raphie follows kids and Mike talks about where Erica and probably Elena should be tonight. She nods at Leo's words, his thoughts spoken out loud. " Casey and I can organise inby tomorrow... And the Farm sounds like the place to go, it feels wrong to go without Donnie but your right he will look there or here. And no trackers on you guys but if you's want to bring the little guys over to Donnie's spot on at a time I can use one of the shell cells to see if it picks up a transmitter of any sort. But I suspect being so young they might not have them yet, I would like to go over you too Erica... and no Donnie may have had a prototype of the new trackers he may want to try on you all but if he had one on himself it would have been self destructed with the rest of his gear." she is thinking and moving towards Donnie's spot to set up a chair and a shell cell to check for trackers.

Splinter watches the children, today and tomorrow as they settle in, play and eat and be loved on, then after they can introduce some early training for them. He is listening to the talk nodding that Donatello would prefer the girls be comfortable in a room, even his, for a night rather than on the couches but if the girls want elsewise they only have to ask. " the morning as early as we can should be fine... If there are any trackers your hink they would follow it down here?" agreeing to the farm.

A familiar safe away location - and even if they are followed out there they are familiar with the terrain as much as New York City and at least out there much less chance of civilians being hurt and other collateral damage.

April hums, " maybe... But the sewers and subway themselves will distort most of any signals, then around the lair Donnie's security will kick in and further disrupt and displace any signals off the nearest cell towers... So we should be okay as far as that goes. But I will remove any that are present. Well any that I find."


Raphie follows the bulk of the kids, amused Aleos son ducked back to be at his feet! Elena hurries over to watch Casey and Shadow nosily and she is follow by Duncan, Randal hovers with him at the door watching but also seeming to stay in a spot where he can see all his brothers but hanging back.

"Can we help?!" eagerly the little girl, Duncan is almost as tall as Elena and tiptoes with her to peer over, Shadow hasn't spotted them yet trying to grab at the wipes, the powder .. anything! Happy babling up at her dad, black hair a mess and green eyes fixed on his face, though she does blink and look about for Elena when she hears the voice!

Tea Plots Byssig10

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Wed Jun 19, 2024 4:15 pm

Leo is definitely not in the best headspace listening to April's information, but he does respond every time one of the little ones turns up on his feet. Sometimes it's just a smile down at them, frequently he will rub the little head. Just light attention, and letting them know he's still here. They're safe. Something they probably haven't really had before...

Which does not help his already less than great headspace.

There is a slight cough covering some other reaction when Mike offers Donnie's room to the girls.

"Yes... he would." Leo also nods an agreement with keeping the kids close tonight.

Don would have given up his room even if he'd been here. His room is basically a bed and some minimal storage. It's a bit cluttered, and has some half finished small projects laying around, but it's fairly clean, and at least devoid of food waste.

Donnie doesn't use his room as his sort of private space like his brothers do. He uses the lab/shop and garage for that. Since his room is mostly just a place to sleep, it's easy for him to give it up for guests.

"You're welcome, it's not a problem at all, Erica. April, can you recognize what might be important to leave on in there? And maybe help me move what can go in the lab? So they aren't inundated by the lights and sounds of small electronics." It's sort of a joke, but the lights are soft noise actually does bother Leo if he's in Don's room too long.

It's all small items and Leo is familiar with most, but April might recognize things that are fragile, important or dangerous in ways Leo can't.

And... he doesn't want to do the task by himself... Even if he won't admit it.

Even if the girls don't wind up sleeping in there, it can be an escape from the rest of the lair if they need it.

Leo is pretty sure that even though it hasn't been used, that Donnie has a working prototype of the tracker somewhere. He does things like that. Make it to see if he can first, decide whether he actually should have made it later.

"Thank you, April." Leo knows it's a bit harder for their human friends to pack up and leave like his brothers can, but right now... they need them. Tomorrow would be best anyway.

As April explains about the signal scrambling, Leo is sort of nodding. He's heard Donnie explain something along these lines several times over the years. Leo doesn't understand really, but he trusts Don and April.


When the kids rush over, Casey was sort of desperately trying to keep Shadow's hands away from her still poopy butt. He can only ever see two hands at a time, but he's certain the  there are more!

Ma had laughed at him when he had complained and said that it was normal. He's still not convinced!

"Oh, absolutely, please! Can you play with her, and hold her hands?"

Hopefully that will give him the few seconds he needs to finish this!

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Mike Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:03 pm

Elena giggles and reaches to catch one of Shadows hands, Duncan had questions! But not the words to ask them! His biiig purple eyes as he cautiously takes on the the baby hands in his and jumping a little when Shadow laughs kicking her feet eagerly! Thoroughly distracted from waving her 'several' arms about trying to catch her dad's hands or touch her own butt!

But he had not ever seen a wipe before so his hand reaches out to point at the wet little cloths making an uncertain noise as Elena leans over to blow a raspberry at her giggling little friends nose!

" Why the name Shadow?" she wonders up at Casey, behind them Raphie is half way in and out watching the purple kiddo and Elena but also amused that big red boy was having trouble deciding between following all the way in after Duncan or hanging with a Liam who had returned to Leo's feet and was trying to catch those big hands and nuzzle them! Raphie grins at the pair around Casey but is also watching big brother in a worried way.

But understandable that he was - very clearly wasn't in the best of head spaces. He decides for the moment Casey has the curious ones handled and the kids were being helpful not hindering but will stay close to help herd them with his best bud back to the main room in a moment gesturing at Mike then to Randal. " might as well take unsure what he is up to to April first, then sooner that's over we can help Leo with Donnie's room... Don't feel obligated to sleep there if ya ain't comfortable to Erica, the couch, or heck I wouldn't mind hugs." it's gruff and sounds like a tease but it occurred to him as Mike is bouncing over and recalling what Erica had looked like last night that she might still be feeling unsafe as he home had been invaded, how long after the lair attack and Leo had found them all did it take each of them to go back to their own rooms? Even their dad found excuses to sleep with them out in the lounge! So he offers it in the same playful light if gruff flirty sort of way Mike was. But it's there she doesn't have to be alone in Donnie's room with Elena if she feels uneasy.

Sides given Leo's rough night of no memories and being drugged he could definitely use the human closeness and warmth along with their own familial warmth and closeness and that of their Casey and April and little Shadow.

More than likely they would all crash in the lounge just so they can all pile in the Haili with their blankets and kids to get out on the road early.

" Good idea come here you!" Mike grins and gives Raphie a playful nudging as he gets all in his way to grab up the small red boy making the kid unexpectedly squeal and laugh as he is swept up and tossed then caught! Raphie was to far away to wack Mikey upside the head for the moment of panic! And Mikey didn't notice anyways that the motion of hugging the giggling red tott made Raphie miss his target. Juuust! Though he did feel the breeze and poke his tongue out at the red clad brother for a moment then a grin at Leo, " bringing baby blue bro?" a chance to do as April asked, and also well that will be three and distract Leo from his not good headspace, his brothers know! So keeping him busy and active with them is the best.

Splinter smiles. " I will get started on food prep and packing, Erica come give me a hand please, join us when you can." in other words prepare for a trip, and keep them busy without practice today just hanging with the children and each other. Especially as he senses Leo could use this more family oriented tasks than training...

Just to have the closeness as they are missing one of there's. And not missing Erica's relieved sigh and smile, she definitely needed to be close to them all too.

April giggles at the brothers by play and she knows what they are all up too a nod at Leo, " it will be an opportunity for me to see if there is anything we could use whilst at it." gesturing brothers and babies over.


Tea Plots Ff9f8d10

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Wed Jul 17, 2024 6:00 am

"Oh, thank you!" Casey is perhaps a bit more dramatic than is really necessary because well, kids. And he wants them to really feel needed. And it is honestly helpful! They're all adorable.

Though definitely seemed behind where he thought kids that age should be.

"Hold on tight, Little D, or she'll escape. We don't want her touching things that are germy and can make her sick."

Casey saw the slight reach for the wipe, and heard the soft noise. Okay, definitely a Donnie child. Definitely behind. Somehow... that realization hits harder than finding out they've been mistreated all this time. Like it really brings it home. He schools his features though and smiles for the kids.

"What is this?" Covering the question for the child, and being a little extra clear with his speech. He closes the diaper quickly and offers a wipe to the little boy.

"It's a baby wipe. It helps clean her when we have to change her diaper."

He then smiles at Elena and her question.

"A few reasons, actually. She's named after a friend I had as a kid, but also after her awesome uncles and Ratpa who are definitely the best shadows. Her middle name is Augusta after April's uncle."

So yeah, she's named after several people.

And finally! Shadow has a clean, fresh diaper! She's ready to go play again.

"Alright, thank you for your help. We should all go wash our hands then we can go play again."


The little blue boy was at Leo's knees again. He gives in and picks up the little guy and snuggles him close. Clearly the boy needs the reassurance, and to some extent, Leo does too. He needs the reminder that they actually did accomplish something. He's not sure it's worth temporarily losing Donnie and the golden boy, but... they did get three out, along with Erica.


He tries not to play the "what if" game, but it's hard.

Raph's words to Erica draw him back out.

"You're absolutely welcome wherever you prefer, just somewhere you can go if you want a break from the group." Though they're going to the farm house tomorrow anyway.

Still... someplace a little private.

And almost on cue, Raphie and Mike start... well, behaving like the crazy brothers Leo knows and loves. Even if they're completely obnoxious. He chuckles at their shenanigans and starts to follow.

"Yeah, I'm coming." He's honestly curious about the outcome of April's checks too. So all the more reason.

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Raphie Tue Jul 30, 2024 9:10 pm

April waits with a grin as brothers bundle Leo and Liam into their little huddle and head for her.

Liam does need the reassurance, nuzzling into Leo once up in his arms and little tail waggling hard against Leo, he only stops the attempt to occupy the exact same physical space when they get near April smiling shyly at her.

Erica relaxes, there is a genuine, comforted smile in the direction of the brothers, " Thank you, I am very grateful." for it all, being included in the family's plans for being elsewhere, being welcomed close to them, being offered a place to have herself a quiet moment or melt down if she needed it. And to be honest she might need a moment alone to cry, be entirely relieved her sister is here and safe and he furious and disgusted at the thought of all the hands that had hurt her the last couple of days, at least no rape, plenty of groping and that was enough to give her icky feelings when she thought of it. A place to calm down and just be glad she has landed with her sister somewhere safe.

She wanted to apologise for being a part of them losing a brother and a son, but senses that's playing a what if and perhaps it would be better to show she is willing to help get them back however that needs to happens. However so can. Like following Splinter now and joining him in preparing a few big boxes of long store foods like flour and sugars that they might need, foods to be used first will be bagged up so they know to finish that pretty much as soon as at the farm. They can shop at the farm but it's a drive to the little town and they like to not have Casey and April attract too much attention. The local have come to know them and the occasional stays but not too closely.

Just enough to be friendly and maybe the odd opportunity for Casey to make a bit of pocket money by handy manning about the country side. April sometimes even helps with the local small school there.

Splinter explaining this as he and Erica work.

April grins at the blue armload Leo has, Raph is waiting for a Duncan, whilst Mikey has a Randal and hurries up beside his big brother bumping lightly and close so the boys can see and touch each other, they immediately poke at each other and grin, little tails if possible wagging harder! Mikey laughs, " No worries Erica, we looove snuggles... Awww you two are so cute, just the waggiest of tails, hard to believe Raphie is your dad kiddo, muuust get the cute from me." keeping the play going and making a face back at Raphs oy! And rude finger his way. " same with you little blue, whose a oooh so serious lil cutie just like Daddy Mikey!" getting in the way a bit whilst part teasing Leo this time to nuzzle Liam and Randal both.

April snorts, "Oh stop it Mike, I gotta scan Liam, come closer Leo, one thing Donnie has done before sorting out his own trackers that are not in the phones was having a tracker that would pick up the smallest signals." she is amused always the 'turtle' shell shapes and themes of most of Donnie's work, and well glad for it the vaguely oblong oval shaped fit in the hands and the irregular shell edges made it easy to keep a hold of the device she has now as she flicks it on and waits for Leo to shake off Mike and for it to turn on the screen on front flickering, .


Raphie grins, it comes with an eye roll but he is sure for the moment Leo will be on the receiving end of Mike's nonsense for a moment so he listens and watches Casey with the littles ones here, cute the way Duncan gazes wide eyed at the man little mouth hanging open,

Elena and Shadow being cute doing raspberries to each other or both watching the tall man's face as he answers their questions.

Duncan for a moment just fascinated by the wipes, trying out the new word as Elena absorbs the reasoning behind Shadows name, nodding after a moment her little wings fluttering open. [.color=#40E0D0]"dems good reasons for a name, suits her...oh yes hands!"!/color]

Clearing his throat so he hides his awww chuckles Raphie calls over, " want a hand with that CaseMan?" indicated all the little hands the vigilante has to get washed.

Tea Plots Ec451710

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Sun Aug 04, 2024 5:05 pm

Leo cuddles that small boy in his arms who clearly needed it after having been deprived of positive attention for his entire life.

"You're welcome," for Erica is a simple response, but it's sincere. Even being separated from their brother and one of the babies, Leo is glad they were able to get three of the children and Erica away from the facility. He really is. He's upset that they lost Don for now, but he's not sorry they made the attempt. Not at all. He knows there's something she didn't say, and he makes a guess at what it might have been.

"Even knowing what I know now, I'd make the same call to go in."

She doesn't need to be sorry. Even knowing what he knows now, he would make the same attempt again. He might try to do some things differently, but he would still try. Now they just need to get Donnie  and the lost little one back.


Leo can't help a chuckle at Liam's little smile to April. It was just so cute! And Mike's teasing does have the desired effect of dragging him back to more pleasant thoughts for now.

"You only wish you were as cute as they are, Mike." A smile as he follows April's instructions and moves closer so she can scan the little, blue boy in his arms.

A slight, sad smile at her words about the scanner she's using. Yeah... that sounded like Donnie alright.


Casey can't help but chuckle at little Duncan. He pats the little guy on top of the head. And another chuckle at Elena's assessment of his explanation of Shadow's name.

"Thanks, I like to think so."

He picks up Shadow and blows a raspberry onto her belly before looking to Raphie.

"I wouldn't say no." There were an awful lot of hands to deal with at the moment! He could use a little help.

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Doragonkame Tue Aug 27, 2024 12:49 pm

Hiding another deep felt Awwwww at the way Shadow squeaks with laughter and in response to having her belly blown on she waves her arms and feet about squealing, before making happy grabs at her father's hair! Maaaaybe it was luck Raphie had slid over to catch those strong little grabby hands until clear of the black hair she had inherited, then he is offering hands to Elena and Duncan.

And trying not to laugh as Elena, grabbed a finger eagerly! Yelping that she was ready! - then a hang on to oh so bossily bring a distracted by wipes Duncan to the task, the boy was so confused for a moment - then an eager grab little tail wagging and wipe clutched in his free hand!

Raphie waits patiently, well... For him! It comes with some huffs and puffs but it's under his breath and the eye roll only Casey would see, and mostly means, why does that scene look familiar?!

Because sometimes a very distracted Donnie does need a bossy April to bring him back to current matters hahaha -

" All good? All'right hang on - lead the way SpaceMan." slight teeeease and resumption of a long ago alphabet name calling game to Casey.


Erica had managed a shy but grateful smile towards Leo, before the father rat had her helping him prep the going away. Leo's words did help her quieten the guilty what ifs and feelings of being to blame for being captured and having to be rescued.

Logically she knew it was not her fault. That it was in fact a stroke of luck if timing for them and herself and especially all of the kids.

She would definitely reassure to help find and save their lost ones.


April chuckles at the little blue boys smile and the overdramatic Mike!

Whom had a hand over his mouth and and muffled, " oh! I am the originatir of cute!" the hand drops to the chest near the small red boy in his hold and he grins poking the boys plastron, it was adorable that each boy might be jewel bright purple, blue, red but still had almost the same coloured plastron of their father, Raphs had a milky sweet coffee brown hue to it, so did Randals, Leo's had a more pale gold colouring, so does little Liam's, and from what Mike saw Duncan's had the same sort of sepia toned yellow that Donnie had. He was pretty sure his own gold boy would like wise have the honey color of his own plastron. " Although DaddyLeo is right, you guys arrre cuter... Oh yes you are, yeees you..." making mini Raphie squirm and giggle as he tickles him, pretty much where Raphie was ticklish, back of knees, crooks of elbows and around his neck.

April will share an amused eye roll with Leo as the little devices screen is on and beeps to show it! Turning it so Leo can watch as she carefully scans Liam's legs. " If there is a signal at all the screen will light up yellow, closer orange and when pin pointed red... I... If I find one should I begin preparing to remove it? I... I don't think anything would be buried any further than the dermal levels or glued to hard surfaces but both may still require a bit or messing about to get them out or off." asking permission from the new found father's for go ahead to prepare and eventually remove if any trackers are found. So far as she moves over Liam's carapace from his legs and tail nothing but a green lighted screen showing nothing detected.

Liam is trying to look over his shoulder to watch her holding Leo's plastron and shoulder, not aware yet he will be turned around when April indicates to run the scanner over his front side too!

Tea Plots Byssig10

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Tea Plots Empty Re: Tea Plots

Post by Leo Thu Aug 29, 2024 4:06 pm

It would definitely not be the first time that Shadow got his hair, and CAsey is sure it wouldn't be the last. Knowing that she would probably grab at his hair has not really stopped him from blowing raspberries on her belly though.

He does usually need help getting free though, so the assist from Raphie before she could really claw in is definitely appreciated!

Casey can't help but chuckle as Elena has to bring Duncan to task. The little guy is adorably distracted, and Casey is certain that he has seen a similar sort of distraction from Donnie. He can't help but wonder what the guy did without a bossy sister like Elena to bring him to task! But well... he supposes that Don had bossy brothers at that age.

There is amusement at Raphie's impatiently forced patience! HA! The guy actually did pretty well, though Raphie is awesome with Shadow so Casey should have expected it.

Casey picks up Shadow and snuggles her, heading to Raphie and taking the lead to go wash little hands! Starting with Shadow's since she's the most likely to put them in her mouth before she can be stopped.

"Yeah, yeah, Tactless Tortoise."

And Casey knows that Raphie sort of owns the tactless thing. It's really the tortoise bit that might bother him! But Casey sits Shadow against him with her feet in the sink as he washes her hands. Might as well wash those little feeties too. They sometimes go in her mouth too...


Leo is back on task for now, ready with the kids and getting them thorugh April's scan! It's important. They definitely don't want to lead these monsters to the farm house.

He can't help a chuckle at Mike though. It was good to see. A warmth that felt a little wrong with some of their family missing, but a necessary warmth! He is definitely right there with April on that amused eye roll.

Leo actually freezes a moment when April mentions that they might have to actually remove a tracker from under the boy's skin! He had known that, but having it stated like that... shell...

"I don't..." There is a moment of hesitation. He's not sure.

"We can't keep them safe if they can be tracked. Yeah... We'll have to get any trackers out." He feels terrible saying it, like they're just going to treat the kids like the lab they've been in all their lives. It doesn't feel right, but at the same time... they can't risk being followed.

Tea Plots 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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