Masked Mayhem
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We are LOST! The Island!

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:08 pm

Aug 26 15 8:42 PM

Rocksteady: -Pinch-pinch-

The massive Rhino's ear twitched and rotated as something unpleasant seemed to latch onto the radar-like appendage. The sensation lulled at his subconscious, slowly pulling him back. Another 'snip' against his snout, causing the beast to inhale deeply, sucking beach sand into his irritated sinuses. A loud sneeze that kicked up a small sand storm sent the little beach crabs scurrying for their lives, ducking into the holes that aided as shelter.

The Rhino's one good eye flew open, darting around to take in his surroundings. It was dark outside, but the moonlight granted him just enough visual to make him aware of his predicament. The beach?! How did he end up here? The last thing he remembered was kicking the snot out of Donatello, and suddenly everything went dark.

Surely the scrawny turtle had not gotten the upper hand! No, there had to be another reason for this.. and then it started to come back to him. The ship had struck something, and everything went black. Coughing profusely and expelling the salty liquid that had invaded his lungs, Rock quickly came to the conclusion that he must have washed ashore. Pure dumb luck, or perhaps it was a curse.

Taking a moment to compose himself, the massive mutant rhino pushed himself up and looked around, hoping to see some of his comrades. Even Bebop would have been a welcomed sight, but no such luck. Perhaps they had gone deeper into the forest. A bit unlikely, but he decided to move in that direction.

Mikko McKinnon: Kicking away the crustaceans, Mikko staggered along the sandy beach. She honestly had no memory of what the hell happen. She remembered a fight, She was by Rocksteady not doing much to help. Next thing she knew she was waking up on the beach. waking up on the beach would have been amazing under different circumstances. She didn't know how long she had been laying there, but her cloths were torn, hair a mess and she had lost her weapons. Great.

After walking a little ways she spotted movement in the distance. Squinting, she tried to make out who it was. the figure was big and as she got closer she realized it was the rhino. Breathing a sigh of relief she half jogged, half tripped to the man.

"Rocky!" She called out which caused her to having a coughing fit. "Wait..."

Rocksteady: Rocksteady moved deeper into the seclusion of the forest line, but froze when he felt most of those uncomfortable pinches! It seemed those crabs were making sport of him and there was no way to escape! He dropped and rolled, hoping to crush the little bastards beneath his weight- probably a comical sight to anyone witnessing it, and he was suddenly glad that he was alone. Then came a voice breaking through that thought.


Snorting in annoyance, Rock pushed himself up from the sandy ground, leaf litter and crushed crustaceans sticking to him. It was the purple haired girl. A member of the Purple Dragons; the thugs that Shredder ordered them to work with. Being a former Mafia crime lord, he was highly cynical against the group, feeling that their methods were sloppy and held much room for improvement... but orders were orders.

He recalled his attack on the purple-wearing turtle and also remembered that Mikko had been little help! Not that he needed help, but he knew the thug had to be packing a gun... she could have shot the turtle after he had smashed into him. "You are no help!" He snorted, reminding the woman of her failure, but if he was honest with himself, he was at least a little relieved that he wasn't stuck in this situation completely alone. "It no matter! He did not survive..."

Mikko McKinnon: "Hey! I'm lots of help! What was I suppose to do against a ninja!? I didn't have a gun or anything. I don't even know how to shoot a gun!. Anyway, I knew you could handle it, being all big and strong. And handsome. Have I ever told you that you were handsome? and my favorite of all the rhinos. Plus I like the accent."

Mikko kept walking with him, not knowing where they were going. She doubted Rocky knew either. She pulled up her shirt that wasn't covering much. She wasn't worried about that though. the times she had been around the large mutant he never showed interest in her, so she didn't feel she was in danger of being jumped on. still, who knew what or who they would run into here. So it was best to cover up the tatas.

"I can be useful though. like....I can climb a tree and get coconuts!"

Alucard: It was almost comical, watching the rhino and purple haired woman interact. Alucard sat in the branches of a tree, eating a mango and watching the exchange. He had arrived with a small group of survivors, but struck out on his own to gather food and firewood. The island had plenty of food, but Alucard didn't know that it also came with live entertainment. If he was going to be stuck on a secluded island with Shredder and his lackies, Alucard knew he had to learn everything about them without burning himself out using his telepathy. So, he relied on his private detective skills to gather information. From the tattoo he had seen on the woman, she was part of the Purple Dragons gang. She could possibly pose a threat, but then again she just openly admitted that she didn't even know how to fire a gun. But, that didn't mean she couldn't be deadly in other ways.

As for the rhino, Alucard still needed to get info on him. ​The rhino was deadly even without a weapon; that horn was weapon enough. Finishing the mango, Alucard threw what was left on the ground and swung out of the tree, landing gracefully on his feet. Time to get back to camp. Alucard picked up the pile of firewood he had been collecting and started back towards the beach.

Bebop: Bebop was already making his way through the thick forest. Cursing as he went. Stupid trees! Stupid grass! Stupid island! Being on a tropical island wouldn't have been so bad if he had a hot woman in a tiny bikini waiting on him hand and foot as he lounged by the water, sipping a tropical alcoholic beverage. Oh yeah, that would be great! But no. He was alone, no idea where he was and the insects were driving him crazy! He had no idea where he was going, and was starting to think that staying on the beach would have been the better decision. He couldn't turn back now, he didn't even know which way would take him back to the sandy beach.

The worst part wasn't being lost, or being eaten alive by buzzing insects, no, it was he couldn't remember how he got there! He had a headache, and when he woke up face down in the sand there was blood everywhere, after a quick inspection he found that he was bleeding from his head. sense then the bleeding seemed to stop, but he couldn't remember what happen. All he knew is he some how ended up on an island. He didn't remember anything before that. He still knew who he was, and had all his other memories. but what happen and how he got here was a mystery. And that really bothered him.

He continue to truck along the brush, moving branches out of his way and stepping over fallen logs. Then his ears picked up something, voices. Someone was close by. He sniffed the air and the unmistakable stench of his partner hit him. Finally! Something familiar!

He followed the voices until he finally spotted rocksteady and the Dragon girl.

"What the hell is going on!?" He practically shouted as he walked up to them. "How did we get here? And where is here?" He wanted answers, damn it!

Rocksteady: Okay, it was clear that Mikko was trying to flatter him. He certainly wasn't stupid! Still, the fact that she even if their 'stalker' had been obvious, the likelihood if him seeing them would be slim. Still, he could smell him, but the man's scent was quickly overpowered by the familiar stench of his sidekick.

Soon they were face to face with Bebop, and Rocksteady was both relieved, and slightly annoyed. This was somehow his fault!!

"Keep voice down!!!" He snorted at his partner, noticing the head wound that explained why the boar couldn't recall anything. "We on island...not alone, so be quiet!"

Tang Shen: Island!

And the view -


Of course she knew when they got there the time for admiration would pass so for the moment she enjoyed the view... wondering a little at the rat man and his reactions to her before.

Raphael: The bottom of the boat scrapped across the bottom of the shallow water. Raphael lowered the oars back into the boat and jumped out, dragging the boat the rest of the way inland so the other wouldn't have far to jump to get to dry land. He looked up at Erica. "Can you start passing me the little ones?" he asked. "We'll get them out first so they won't have to jump out." He looked around the deserted part of the beach they had landed on. The majority of the survivors had settled further down the beach, and hopefully they would stay down there. Off in the distance, the boat carrying his family was growing bigger and bigger, heading their way. Once everyone was together again they would decide on their next course of action.

Elena: But Erica did not have to reach for Elena home once Raph reached up and asked for them stood and with a happy excited little wriggle she leaned out towards Raphael her arms aimed for his shoulders to slip about and her little bounce forward eager. "Me first Mr. StrongTurtle Raphael!" He was going to have to catch her.

She had seen Mr. Turtle wave at her and was excited. He would be here soon! yay!

Erica: Chuckling at he sisters eagerness Erica held her waist gently until Elena took a hop leaping for Raphael's arms, utterly fearless as if having seen her Mr Turtle and being here with his brother she was safe as houses.

Which she probably was.

Erica nods at Raph. He had rowed them the entire way - well she noted with a blush he seemed well built.

She smiles at the little boys kindly. "Your turn next. Just stay close to Elena. I'll pass them out to you Raph... unless they jump like Elena just did." She chuckles. Elena would be okay in the shallow water, she had had swim lessons. But the little turtles...turtles....

Erica felt she should consider that - maybe they had a natural innate ability to swim for a bit. If for some reason they got in trouble as they were heading out of the shallow water to the beach.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Join date : 2016-11-06
Age : 50
Location : The Lair.

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:36 pm

Nov 10 15 5:32 AM

Rahzarr: placing the oars down and leaping out the moment he could and pulling out a complaining Baxter with him Bradford helped the nerd drag the little boat up as far as it would go before offering his hand out to the girls in the boat. He knew Shredder would not take his hand and he had to carry Junko off the boat with her leg in the state it was in.

Grinning and nods to the other boats around them. "Come on Baxter we have to help the survivors." He grins smugly at last pulling Junko onto his back and waiting for Shredder to be out before he dragged the boat further up the boat by its rope and put Junko some where down so he too could turn back to help the crowd.

Master Splinter: Tracking the little boat that was Raphaels, Splinter had to nod in agreement with Shen, yes their ahead family members was angling further along than the other boats. "Your right we will follow him." He smiles at the working together Leonardo and Michelangelo.

A mental list going through his mind.

They needed a place to hide, they needed to find a source of clean drinking water.

Then would be a way to obtain fire wood, though Leonardo could probably slice through some wood pieces with his katana and his brothers help break a fair lot.

And last would be finding food to eat. Especially important with small children about.

Thankfully he and his sons could probably sniff out a source of clean fresh water so here was hoping there where a few good sources of it.

He smiles at Donatello and April. "Glad to hear it my dear, we worried for you on the vessel." Especially Donatello. He did not add that out loud - it was fairly obvious.

LilClones: Cyan watches eyes wide.

He and his brothers had all looked at the floor of the boat beneath them when the scraping sound of it moving over sand reached their ears and drew their little feet up in some fright. Now the larger turtle wanted them to do what Elena did?

Cyan hesitate getting to his knees on the bench they had been sitting on to watch what Raphael would do with Elena - looking down at the water they stood in, his fear and uncertainty of this new experience that was facing them coming from him in little chirps, echoed along his brothers behind him.

His little body shivered looking to Erica as she spoke.

But he waited for his turn nervously stretching his hands out towards Raphael.

Shredder: Shredder jumped out of the boat before helping Karai out on to dry land. He still didn't understand Bradford's need to help the other survivors, but the Foot Clan leader let the action star do what he wanted. Perhaps working alongside other people was the best course of action. What was the saying? Safety in numbers? Shredder looked around at their small band. The two kunoichi were injured, so that only left himself, Bradford and Baxter. Though Shredder and Bradford could handle anything that came their way, Baxter....Shredder couldn't help the image of the scientist getting eaten by something on the island. So, maybe a few extra hands wouldn't be such a bad thing. And if anything should happen....well....people were expendable.

Raphael: Raphael grunted when Elena practically jumped into his arms. He stumbled a bit, immediately wrapping his arms around the little girl so she wouldn't fall. He walked up on to the dry sand and put Elena down before going back to the boat to help Cyan out of the boat. Raphael placed the little blue turtle on the sand next to Elena. "Don't run off, okay?" he said gently. "We have to stick together." He went back to the boat for another passenger. "Come on, little ones. There's nothing to be afraid of," Raphael coaxed. "The beach is fun. Elena can show you how to build a sand castle." He looked out over the water and could see the boat carrying the rest of his family coming closer to their side of the beach. Soon they would all be reunited and a course of action would be devised.

Leonardo: Leonardo smiled at his youngest brother and the two of them rowed to shore.  Leo gave specific instructions in the words of "Pull!  Pull! Pull!" to keep both oars moving at the same pace as their view of the island became larger and larger.  He agreed to stay with the other lifeboat in front of them.  They weren't too far behind Raph and his group as the first boat finally made it to shore.  The second finally slid into the sand and Leo got out to pull it the rest of the way on land.  

Then came the unloading...

Tang Shen: Shen was still to on the trip, though she curiously glanced at the rat mutant man every now and then, feeling she knew him. As in knew him. It was an exciting sort of frustration. In knowing and yet not knowing at the same time.

How ever deep wondering on the hows and whys she would know this curious being in came to a halt as they began catching up to the first life boat, She hopping out with Leo to help him and Michelangelo and the whom ever else push the life boat into the sore further. They were now much much much further down than the other life boats - and they were like a small indistinguishable heap of moving silohettes and shadows and movement.

LilClones: Cyan was not going anywhere - he hung onto Raph as the bigger turtle carried him to sure, little uncertain chirps escaping his lips as he looks down at the water beneath him. It was nothing he'd ever seen before in his young life! it moved and theire was a noise to it and he could not see clear white cold tiles beneath!

He was most reluctant to let Raphael go and made an attempt to climb back up into the bigger turtles' arms when he placed him down beside Elena. Then looking somewhat dejected he watched him go, looking at Elena for a moment and a loud chirp for his brothers leaving him.

Then... ow! his feet!

He looked down and in astonishment stared at the hot white sand in amazement... the heat did not hurt per say but on his young soft little feet it was uncomfortable and he wanted to both complain to Elena and wail at the discomfort and... yet his toes wriggled even as he pouted and his big blue eyes welled with tears, feeling the way the stuff moved between his toes... he'd never ever felt something like this and once past the slightly too warm top it was a bit cooler... and felt nice against his skin!

He bends and presses his hands into the sand.

Mean while in the boat Crimson next in line waited for Raph - he was the biggest of his brother and a deep reddish color, his hands rose uncertainly not sure if he should hang onto Raphael when he got picked up. But wanting to.

All three of the remaining totts chirped loudly that call for their brother.

Erica: Chuckling still in amusement Erica shifted the little remain totts closer to the edge and smiled at Raph apologetically when he returned to them and the life boat. "Sorry about that - she just... really adores you guys." She explains her little sister's eager friendliness and enthusiasm.

She rubs the little red turtles shell amazed at the deep garnet color of the carapace and the tiny nubs of what looked like would be spikes on the rim, they obviously did not like being separated even this distance from each other. And Erica gathered they probably only had each other a lot before now. She would hope out once Raphael took the remaining three boys to the shore and help him pull in the boat smiling curiously over at the other vessel as it drew nearer to the shore and them as well, certainly had more people in it - including... "April?!" she greets recognizing her school yard friend easily. Of course the girl was older but they lived close to each other and had walked to and from school together.

Elena: Elena was loving it! she hugged Raphael happily all the way over the short carry and hopped down to wait, beaming when he came back and placed Cyan down with her. "Hehe okay Mr. StrongTurtle Raphael." She agrees nodding, and then watching her young friend. She giggles. "Have you never seen sand?" She asks him and the tilt of his head was her answer. "Look... this called Sand...." she scooped some up and let it trickle between her fingers enjoying the coarse slight heated feel.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

Posts : 419
Join date : 2016-11-06
Age : 50
Location : The Lair.

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:33 pm

Nov 18 15 8:09 AM

Michelangelo: As soon as the boat touched the shore, Mikey dropped the oar and jumped out of the boat to help Leo pull it the rest of the way inland. He looked over to see Raph helping those in his boat out on to the sandy beach. Were those turtles Raph was helping out of the boat? And by the looks of it they had never seen sand before. Mikey knew there was a story there, but an explanation would have to wait. Right now, they had to unload the boats and find some food. Mikey inwardly grinned. This was going to be an adventure.

Bebop: Bebop just nodded then looked over at Mikko.

"I see you already caught a meal for the day. She might be a bit chewy though." He then looked around and up at the trees. "I don;t see anyone else here. I think yer being paranoid." He snorted. "We should head back to the beach. maybe a boat will come by we can take and get out of here."

He put his hand to his bleeding head and winced.

"Also need to wash up. Maybe we can also catch some fish."

Mikko McKinnon: Mikko glared at the pig.

"I think pork will taste better then human. Maybe we should eat you. We can't eat Rock. Rhinos are endangered after all. I do agree we should head back to the beach though."

Rahzarr: Christopher knew by now Shredder should have figured out why he was rallying, helping, encouraging the civilians around them.

So that in the event they went turtle hunting and they very well might they had more people at their disposal. Pawns for Shredder's use. Of course he'd have to be careful how he went about it even if they found their mutant members as these civilians where not trained ninja's. But they very well may have other usable talents against the turtles. Chris had looked back towards the boat but for most the part the waves high rolling and the fact he had not been tracking he missed the sight of the two last boats pealing away to a further down the beach landing spot. He however endeavors to make Shredder comfortable, Karai too and then Junko in the shade before moving off to help the rest, and then there would be tracking down their mutant members if they were not on the way already.

"Any orders Master?" He was asking to make sure the boss had nothing specific for him to do in the trips back and forth helping the civilians closer. but not too close to the shaded tree line. They would have to find their own spots.

Master Splinter: Splinter glanced at Shen from time to time, disbelieving of the sight. Still.

Though when they reached the shore he too hoped out to help his sons looking over to Raphael's busy unloading and smiling. He did not know what to make of the little ones but his usually short tempered son was handling then fine and his boat partner helping him.

He focuses on their group. "We may need to head into the shade and plot our next moves my sonds." He told Leonardo , Donatello and Michelangelo. "We may need to keep moving further down the beach out of site of the rest of those off the boat." He sighs. He had seen the glints of metal. Shredder was with the mob.

Shredder: Shredder waved his hand. "Carry on with what you are doing," he instructed. He was beginning to feel the heat with his heavy armor on; but he didn't show it. Although, he directed Karai towards the treeline where there was more shade. He was starting to understand Bradford's plan: Befriend the other survivors so that they had a makeshift army should they cross the paths of Splinter and his brood. Though, ordinary civilians wouldn't stand a chance against trained ninjas, but perhaps Bradford could teach them enough to help them hold their own; at least for a little while.

Donatello: Even with April's reassurance that she was okay, Donatello still worried. Knowing that she was in any amount of pain was too much! A sprained ankle was certainly no picnic. He had suffered such an injury several times before. In battle, and well.. just being a klutz. Though, 'Mikey's Mindless Maze of Miscellaneous' was usually the culprit, because who had time to be mindful of your surroundings when snout deep in educational literature and guzzling a cup of coffee?

Gently touching the swollen ankle, he meets her gaze, frowning slightly. "You need to be immobile as much as possible to allow the ligaments to heal. I can carry you!" Oh boy! All that close contact with April! It certainly took his mind off his own injuries, except the pulsating pain in his achy head. That was kind of hard to ignore.

Soon their life boat was reaching land where Raph and the others were already unloading. Then the young woman he had met earlier called out to April... it seemed they knew each other? Donnie helped Mike and Leo with pulling the boat to shore, then carefully scooped April up, knowing how much she hated feeling helpless, but he would help her any way he could! A way to be close, without being a stalker. A win-win!

Alucard: Alucard's guard had immediately gone up when Shredder and his lackies arrived on the island. The rhino and girl wouldn't have been much of a problem; but the leader of the Foot? That was just asking for trouble. Alucard went about his business, helping the other survivors as best he could. He had gathered enough food and firewood to last them an hour or so. The detective quickly became suspicious when Bradford started helping out as well. He didn't need to be telepathic to figure out what the action star's plans were. Alucard had seen two other life boats land further down the beach; no doubt carrying the mutants he had sensed earlier on the ship.

If Bradford thought he could use innocent people as weapons against fully trained ninjas, he had another thing coming. These people had been through enough trauma. They didn't need to be put in the middle of a feud that was none of their business. But, Alucard held his tongue and continued about his chores. If he needed to step in he would. But, for now, things were peaceful and he would try to keep the calm as best he could.

Rahzarr: Helping Karai and Junko into the shade Bradford gestured for Shredder to do the same, wondering if the master would discard his armor eventually given the dry wind swept heat of the beach.

He settles the two kuniochi down with space between them for the master, even injured as they were it would still be unwise to seat them side by side and the Master would be watched over by the two women whom even hurt were more than a match for most the civilians here should any one try anything whilst he and Stinkboy helped said civilians gather in small groups in their own patches of shade, away from their people a bit but close enough too.

"We'll have to go find those actually ridiculous mutants." Stockman muttered with a grumble under his breath to the action star.

"Yeah... well more precisely YOU will, I will be here in case they come back, to help organize these people and our master and the mistresses..." Bradford said as the thought occurred to him grinning as he said it.

"W - whwat me?!" Stockman spluttered. 'You expect me to go blundering about looking for those misfits?"

"Yes! - and you better or I'll pound you into paste, we may need them encase those turtles try anything - I did not see where their vessels went but I guess its just a bit further down the beach. With any luck Rocky or Bebop will happen across them and be able to give us a clearer idea when we find them. and no don't go blundering about - just go around here in directions until you lose sight of us and see if you can see em - in not you'll leave a scent trail they can follow in any case." Bradford answers quickly amused by the scientists mutterings.

"fine - but I will get you back for this." Stockman warned. "Jockstrap."

"Nerdly. Just go, and hurray it up."

April: April only then, as she looked up at the girls call of her name and waved back, Donnie's injuries.

So she was reluctant to allow him to take her weight in his arms, but too late to argue the point already he had her, and she slipped an arm around his shoulders tickling the opposite end of his clavicle. "Looks like you should be carried as much as I." she answers him and smiles warmly resting her aching head on the edge of plastron closest.

though her eyes drifted back to check on Raphael and her friend Erica, the girl was a bit younger than herself, and there was her little sister Elena. And ...

little turtles?

oh, they looked so cute. April knew upon seeing them she was not the only one to want to know their story.

Shen: Shen herself readies to help push or pull the little life boat to shore further, they may have to bringing, the life boats could be useful to house the little ones when in rest or to stash food and supplies. Which ever.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

Posts : 419
Join date : 2016-11-06
Age : 50
Location : The Lair.

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:34 pm

Dec 1 15 11:21 PM

Donatello: At least April wasn't protesting, and zomg... she was resting her head against him! The tickling fingers against his clavicle hadn't gone unnoticed, either. Nothing about her ever went unnoticed. With her ear pressed against his plastron, she could no doubt hear the erratic and happy thumping of his heart. Most were in despair about their situation but for the moment, Donnie could only think about this better predicament he found himself in. "Don't worry about me, April. I'm okay. I'm going to take care of you." If only she realized how much those small gestures of affection meant to him. It certainly made his achy concussed head hurt less, perhaps the intoxicating effect of being so madly in love with her.

Finding a quiet, secluded spot where trees offered a degree of shelter, Donnie gently placed her on the ground, leaning her back against the trunk. He was reluctant to have her leave his arms, but knew be would need to find a medical kit and create crutches, though he fully intended to be her crutch. She wouldn't need to move as long as he was around. "I need to gather a few things, but I'll be right back!" He told her, figuring the others had everything else under control.

"Are you thirsty?" And it was only now that he realized that the duffle containing the bottled water had been left on the ship, forgotten when he tried to salvage Metalhead. Great! Still, not all hope was lost. There were people further down on the island, and it seemed that a lot of them had managed to bring along supplies. He as ninja, after all. Sneaking in and taking a few things would be a piece of cake!

Raphael: Raphael plucked Crimson from the life boat, walked the short ways up the shore and placed the little red turtle down beside his brother. The red masked turtle looked up to see the others arriving. His family wasted no time in getting settled, and Donatello wasn't too discreet about letting his emotions show when April put her arm around his neck when he picked her up. Raphael rolled his eyes and retrieved Gold and Violet from the boat, balancing the two in each arm. After placing the remaining brothers on the sandy ground, Raphael returned once more to the boat to help Erica out. "Elena's doing a good job of keeping the little ones occupied," he commented. "Hopefully this experience hasn't been too terrifying for her and the brothers. I would hate for them to be traumatized for life because of it."

Elena: Elena had eagerly waited for her new lil friends, and watches them... but -

"Look guys - look Mr. TallTurtle Donatello may need us!" She points and gesturing eagerly begins to tug and push gently the little turtles towards Donatello and the girl her had carried over.

She grins at they reach them. "Mr. TallTurtle! - we was worried when you leave us! you otay? -" and after giving Mr. TallTurtleDonatello this message with her most stern little face and crossed arms she adds to the older girl... - recognizing whom she was as she does so. " April! whaaaas you doin here?! - you know turtles too?!" she asks as she throws her arms open and flops onto April's lap as Mr. TallTurtle Donatello sets her down.

Erica: Erica had waved away April with a amused sort of chuckle, then when he returned from carryign the little ones to the beach, accepted Raph's hand out - " Glad to hear it, but she has been good with younger than her kids of late, and they'll be fine, children so young are generally pretty resilient - I am sure once they have had a good sleep they'll be cheerful li - Whoa!"  though the boat tipped as she was stepping out and instead of lightly landing beside him she was instead slipping arms about his shoulders and falling from the boat with a splash that sort of soaked the both of them!

Boat Dismount: Fail!!

LilClones: Cyan was hooked! The sand slightly too hot but felt sooo good! He grins as his brothers join him, first Crimson, then Gold and Violet.

Gold did not hesitate for long, he blinks delighted annnnd sits down to drag his his tail through the sand leaving a little trail! Giggling! Toes wriggling in delight.

Violet had just bent, a lil forefinger in his mouth suckling thoughfully as he watches a little grab scurry away, and bury itself in the sand in seconds!

Crimson was still uncertain what to make of it all...

then Elena was pulling and pushing them towards the tall turtle that had left them on the boat.

cyan dithered for a moment, then deciding scurried around his brothers and nudging, growling softly, nipping gently to drive them after the girl, then leading away after her over to her, Don and the older girl.

The four stood back looking at this new bigger girl curious and wary and watching Donnie with her.

Though the sight of another bigger crab made Crimson chirp and squeak in alarm, hissing at it, mistaking it for a spider... He did not like them! "Diiider!" he points frantically, other arm wrapping about Donnie's leg, standing on the bigger turtles foot. "Diiiider!"

Cyan did not like that it was scaring his brother and 'charged on all fours the crustacean hissing. Violet and Gold watching their blue brother and the crab with interest as Crimson buried his face against the knee pad of the larger turtle and waited for his brother to scare it away.

He always did... Or would eat em.

April: Normally she'd have not let herself be so... vulnerable. She was a strong willed sot of person and preferred to do as much for herself as possible, and be strong, self assured - so she could help others. But she was a little sick feeling and sore.

Her gentle gaze lifted to Don's as he helps her into the shade, seated as comfortably as possible. Ever sweet he was. She knew she confused and hurt him and often loathed it. Sometimes wishing he'd stop feeling so, just so she could no longer hurt him. And yet never wanting him to stop. Ever since that first evening when he had reached his hand out to her. Or maybe she would just admit she loved him too one day? Forget her fears and questions and worries of future and dangers and just let the chips fall where they may? And considering where they were right now this could be the better option.

"Well then we'll have to take care of each other huh?" She asks shifting and blinking as... "Elena..." She sighs arms landing over the little friendly girls back. She smiles at Donnie. "I am thirsty, but I bet we all are, it may be better to wait and see if the others brought water with them." She nods to the boats - a gentle nudging reminder to Donnie he should see if his brothers needed a hand.

Though she was then fighting a squuueeee - the little turtles... so cute!

And she found it difficult to take her gaze off those brown red soulful eyes of his that held sooo much emotion in them it was both exhilarating and scary to think she evoked them, but she did so to look over the smaller turtles, immediately so curious, watching them. Her eyes landing on the little purple one, he was almost a Donatello in miniature and the color of living amethyst. "Donnie? - who..?" She half asks before she realized she was reaching forward to check the little red one standing on Donnie's foot and hiding his face against his knee pad was real. He was, a little garnet hued toddler mutant turtle. Her fingers brushes his little head and Don's skin above the knee pad.

Shen: Shen smiles ready to move and help push the life boat out with Leo, Mikey and the rat, Splinter.

Raphael: Raphael blinked the water out of his eyes as it slowly ran over his face. He had been completely caught off guard when Erica suddenly fell into his arms, sending both of them crashing into the salty water. Raphael looked up, his face mere inches from hers. He felt heat rise up his neck and burn his cheeks. He hadn't noticed how pretty she was back on the ship; but then again, he hadn't had time to notice much other than the immediate danger. Suddenly feeling extremely self-conscious, Raphael slowly pushed himself up, helping Erica up as well. "You okay?" he asked, his voice stiff.

Donatello: Completely lost in April's eyes, which was usually the case whenever in her presence, the Brainy turtle was oblivious to the fact that he was staring, admiring her- for the moment, forgetting their situation. He was brought back to reality but the sudden appearance of the little ones, and Elena's 'annoyance' that they had been left. "I'm sorry..." Blushing slightly, he offered an apology to the little ones. But they had been in a different boat? What happened to Raph?!

Sparing a glance in the direction of the boats, he sighed in relief seeing that his brother was safe, and had a 'mishap' with Erica. Chuckling quietly, his attention returned to the little clones when the little red one attached himself to his leg, spouting off about spiders.

"No, it's a crab..nothing to be afraid of. Just don't pick them up, they will pinch in self-defense." And if food became scarce, those little creatures would probably make up part of their diet. He gave the little one a reassuring pat on the head, and spared a sheepish grin at April. He caught on. Yeah, he needed to help the others, but April was injured.., he had to get her to safety! "I have no idea.." He told her, knowing she wanted to ask about the clones. Hopefully answers would come later, but first, he needed to check in on the others.

"Don't try to move!" He instructed April, and looked at the little ones. "I need you all to watch after April, okay?" And it was more to keep them out of harms way, but he was certain April wouldn't mind the company....

Rocksteady: Of course Bebop would dare to question him! "I not paranoid!" He snorted, sparing a quick angered glance at his porky-sidekick. Mikko's retort about Pork tasting better earned an amused sort of snort, though the thought of eating his 'friend' caused his stomach to turn. Gross.

Though, fish was a little more doable. Though, ever since the mutation, he found that he liked meat less and less. Probably his animal side taking over since Rhinos were herbivores.

"We head back to beach..." He ordered, as if it had been his plan all along. "We steal supplies for ourselves..." And he turned, leading his group back in that direction. Unfortunately for April, Donatello and company, they were right in their line of vision. Well, Mikko and Bebop's at least, since Rocky's eyesight was poor, but he could smell them....

"Mmm.. I smell Turtle... looks like it's soup tonight!"

Elena: Elena got up from April's lap at Don's apology and crossed her lil arms again - eyeing him with a thoughtful pout for some seconds. "Awww." She finally relents - totally missing the fail between her sister and Mr. StrongTurtle. "I can's be mad dat a brudder of Mr Turtle." And her entire face lite up as she uttered her hero's nick name and hugs the leg the little red turtle was too.

Then let go and tugs the small red turtle off of him. "Look sust a crab!" she assures, repeating best she could Donnie's words. "We avoid the winches and it all good..." she wished she new what it was.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:42 pm

Dec 14 15 7:32 AM

Erica: Her heart hammered as she looked back into those green eyes - realizing their position was close and...

"Uh - I'm sorry." She apologizes eagerly accepting his hand up and returning it sheepish and chuckling nd blushing brightly, brush the wet tail off his bandana off his cheek where it had gotten stuck. "I am fine - um... thank you for... being there to... break my fall."

Oh her cheeks were so red!

"um... we should... we should drag the boat in with us - there is water in my back pack..." Erica grabs at the life rafts rope and drags it closer to them both - reaching in to grab out her bag just encase they had to make a run for it - true it had only a small axe, matches and water bottles but those might be important things! She pulls it onto her back ready to help Raph pull in the life boat.

LilClones: Cyan felt absurdly proud of himself for chasing away the crab and strutted back, in so far as a three year old turtle could. He looks up at Don as he talks and gives a nod of his own. Not sure exactly what the bigger turtle meant.

Crimson was reluctant to let go. But... he did. First just looking up at Don then when Elena tugged him free.

Violet had found a shell and was busy studying it - sitting beside April.

Gold dragging his tail through the sand again, having a blast coming to a rest some five feet away in the shrubbery and watching those - his eyes picking up movement. He sits in his little shell edge made trench watching the approaching figures. Two he did not recognize in any form, big and one almost the color of the walls he recalled. One a human. A girl like Erica and the new one April...

He watches them his golden eyes wide -

And yips for his brothers. The piercing bark like chirp.

Cyan and Crimson look over at the sound. Violet lastly as he was reluctant to put his shell down, but he does.

They could not see their brother the shrubbery hiding him, but they could hear him and all chirped back. Cyan insistently looking for him.

Bebop: Bebop and Mikko followed behind Rocksteady quietly talking to each other about nothing really important. Then Mikko leaped on Bebop's back and he slid his arms under her knees.

"What is that noise?" He asked his partner. "The turtles never made that sound before."

"Awwwww they sound so cute!"

As they got closer Mikko pointed to the little gold turtle ans squeeled. "Baby turtle!"

Bebop snorted annoyance at Mikko's yelling so close to his ear. "Bite sized."

Mikko popped Bebop on the head. "You can't eat babies. Not right away anyway, they have to get bigger."

Michelangelo: He couldn't believe it. Four little turtles....just like him and his brothers. Well....maybe not exactly like them, but they were pretty close. Mikey looked around at the scene. Donnie was helping April, which was really no surprise. Leo and Master Splinter were taking charge of the situation. Shen looked like she was contemplating life's deepest secrets. The little turtles and the little human girl were playing in the sand. And Raph....Mikey looked over when he heard a splash. April's friend had fallen out of the boat and right on top of his red masked brother. Mikey smirked when he saw the blush that overcame his sibling's cheeks. Of course, he didn't miss the blush that turned the girl's face red, either. However, it was probably just the embarrassment of the situation that had them flushed.

Mikey went over to see what the little turtles were doing. One of them was hiding in the bushes. "Hey there, little guy. What are you..." Mikey looked up when he heard someone squeal. A human woman accompanied the unmistakable forms of Bebop and Rocksteady. "Ah, sewer apples," Mikey grumbled.

April: "if their any indication of what any children of you all might look like - their beautiful," April smiles observing the young little turtles, her eyes returning to Donatello's and a hand reaching for him, she did not want him to go despite having urged him to seek out and see if he could help him family come ashore properly. "Don't be long - be careful." She tells him unawares of the danger they were now all facing, hoping the little ones would come closer to her.

She wanted to investigate the little turtles. Three of which she could still see - and the little gold one?! Where did he go? She though she saw Mikey slid past but could not be sure and when she moved her head hissed in discomfort as a throb of pain sighted behind her eyes reminding her of other injuries. But she could hear the little turtles  making an odd noise as if calling their brother. Odd chirp like barks - and one that answered some several feet away.

She looks at Elena. "We should stay together." She tells the young girl.

Shen: Watching the orange clad turtle youth make his way ashore Shen decided she would remind and try to help Splinter and the blue wearing turtle bring in their life boat. "Come on guys - the quicker we get this in the better."

Raphael: Face burning, Raphael simply nodded. "Right," he said. He moved towards the boat and started pulling it further on to shore. Already his family was beginning to get things straightened away. It was lucky that Erica had bottled water. Judging by the sheepish look on Donatello's face, Raphael could only assume that the water his brainy brother had collected had been left on the ship by accident. When the boat was secure, Raphael went over to Leonardo. "Anything I can help you with, Leo?" he asked, wanting to be of some use. He looked around the beach. "Uh....where's Mikey and the four little turtles?" he then inquired, not seeing his baby brother or the little turtle tots he had pulled from the life boat.

Leonardo: Leo had helped to unload the small craft and his brothers also helped, but then they had wandered off to do other things.  Things that were not so productive in getting them a safe place to stay or finding food and clean drinking water.  This annoyed Leo.  He acknowledged his father's suggestion with a nod and attempted to call the wanderers back.  "Guys!  We need to set up camp and find food and water!"  As battered as they all felt from the shipwreck, it wasn't Leo's favorite thing to do either, but they had to keep moving.  They could rest after everything was set up.

Leo looked over to where Raph's group was and the little turtles and a little girl who looked very familiar to him.  But he couldn't think about it for long because things needed to get done.  Shredder and his goons were out there...somewhere.  They needed to find a safe place to rest until it was time to take on their enemies.  Although there was a slim chance that with them all dealing with the same predicament, a teamup with enemies might be beneficial.  Leo would consider this carefully.  

But, first things first...

While waiting for his brothers to respond, Leo moved Shen and Splinter to cover and rest.  "You should be safe here," he told them as he looked at his surroundings.  Yeah, they could make this work.  Just a little construction work to make a small canopy and finding a clean water source.  It coudn't be that hard...could it?

Then finally Raph came over, asking what he could do to help, and Leo suggested getting his other brothers to help with finding supplies.  Mikey had vanished from Leo's view but he figured the goofball was just doing what he did best...shirking chores.

"Mikey!  Get over here!"

Master Splinter: "We shall try and help as much as we can Leonardo." Splinter assured, glad for the shade and rest and the unbelievable ability to remain close to..

The impossible that she is here Shen and watch her his heart both aching with longing and skipping beats in excitement...

But they were both not too hurt and should try to aid Leonardo and Raphael in gathering their brothers and April and plotting their next course of action together as a group under Leonardo direction.

It would be more difficult whatever they were going to do with such young ones at their feet.

Michelangelo: Seeing the rhino and warthog, Mikey scooped Gold up in his arms and bolted out of the bushes. He knew the little turtles would be chirping angrily, but he didn't care. He had to get them away from Bebop and Rocksteady. Seeing his brothers, Mikey ran over to Leo and Raph; Gold still in his arms. " bushes...." he gasped, his eyes wide and fearful.

Rahzarr: Bradford returned to the group of mingled civilians and foot and going close to Master Shredder again he begins to build a big fire pit. "People." He said turning to them all. "If we're to survive we'll need to work together and that means I need to see what yous have managed to salvage, if anything from the ship." He calls out.

And thus began the searching of the civilians and the remain Foot - the Foot botts that made it went and stood quietly behind the two girls and Shredder and those that were human gathered themselves up to help Bradford sort out the normal civilians. Those that were injured, those that were not, taking whatever goods they managed to gather.

Thankfully someone had a tin of coffee beans - Bradford did not like the idea of it being black but hey it would be a warm drink when the night came.

But before any of that it would be a task to find fresh water and create shelters.

That was why it was important for that useless nerd StickFly to find the other mutants. Whom collectively had the strength and size and... noses to find things lie fresh water.

Baxter Stockman: Away up the beach following the trees Stockman was looking for the wretched bests, actually stamping along in a grump. "Find the rogue animals Stockman - not like you'd have anything better to do." He grumbled mocking Bradfords voice as he marched along.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:40 pm

Dec 30 15 7:46 AM

Alucard: Alucard fought hard not to whack the Foot soldier as he took the food and water that the detective had managed to collect from both the ship and the jungle. There were too many people around, plus the soldier was human, so Alucard couldn't fry him with a well aimed fireball. He slipped up his right shirt sleeve and looked at the gauge strapped to his forearm. Still in the green, but that didn't mean he couldn't quickly burn himself out using his other abilities. He held out his hand, palm facing the ground. That's when he felt it; the heartbeat of a fresh water stream as it flowed into the ocean. However, it would have to wait. He couldn't go looking for it when Shredder's lackies were looking over everyone's shoulder.

Be patient, Al, he told himself. When they have their backs turned you can go looking for that water.

Erica: Erica gave a small unsure grin - hopefully Raphael was not mad at her - she'd certainly not meant to fall on him! - but his tone was short and sharp and she decided it was best to focus on the body of that bott Donatello had be determined to salvage and the little back packs the smaller turtles and Elena had been wearing with. She emptied the big back pack on hers and first squished the kids ones in the bottom of it and then replaced the things back in hers leaving water bottles she had found on the escape trip through the boat on top - dithering for a moment on what to do with the bott.

Would Raphael or the one... Mr. Turtle? he was talking to help her retrieve it from the life boat -

But even as she finally followed Raph and drew breath to ask this of the turtles in blue and red another joined them with Gold in his arms. This turtle had an orange bandana and she actually thought he and the little golden turtle had the shape shaped features -

Though his words, rushed and hurried as they were meant little to her other than the fact the anxiety and worry in his tone made her look nervously in the direction he had come.

And then quickly scan the beach for her sister and the other young turtles.  They were close to  -


LilClones: Less angry - more relieved.

Cyan, Crimson and Violet had each been chirping loudly for Gold, hoping to call him back, his answering calls telling them where he was...

They had been told by Donatello to stay - but the three lil tots were intent on listening to their brother and considering moving off to gather him, Violet and Crimson glancing at Cyan to see if their blue brother would as he normally did lead off. And with a soft series of little throaty sounding snorts Cyan did - Violet and Crimson abandoning their current spots to follow him -

Just as another big turtle exited the bushes their brother in his arms.

Cyan, Crimson and Violet blink and scurry after him all four tots chirping in delight now they saw each other visually.

As Mikey told of what he saw, Gold clung to him happily not minding being carried, even sniffing curiously at this new turtle like them his little snout wriggling adorably as he took in and memorized the new scent his brothers crowding around Mikey's feet now they had found him looking up at Raph - whom Gold offered a cheerful little wave too and another turtle.

None of them understood that pig and rhino meant they were all in danger.

Tang Shen: In the shade a panting a little from the effort of having helped tug in the little boat and gathered a few items out of the boat Shen followed Leonardo and Splinter the rat from the shore gratefully accepting a moment or two to just close her eyes and relax back.

She watches their little mob as it were, five small children, the rest aside from herself and Splinter seemed to be mostly young adults, or older teens. She smiles at the Rat again noticing he was looking in her direction and her smile was warm and kind.

Curiously hearing what her friend from the boat Mikey said though she turns his direction puzzled by what he meant and by the rush hurried expression.

Rocksteady: For the most part, Rocksteady was ignoring the gibberish between his annoying company, focus fully on the targets. He could hear the chatter off in the distance and as they grew closer, Donatello's familiar scent hit his nostrils. The skinny geek-turtle was the one he hast battled, and messed up pretty good if he was recalling correctly. A good crack to the head. Should have him still disoriented and it would be so easy to finish him off, especially with the three of them.

He did not care that Mikko exclaimed that they had babies with them. Those little rug-rats would just have to die, too! Luckily for the little gold colored one, the goof-ball Hamato came to his rescue, but that still left his prime target.

Fast pace transforming into a run, and then the gray beast dropped to all fours in full gallop, charging full force at the stick-wielding turtle freak, horn positioned forward with every intent to impale...

Donatello: Donatello chuckled at the little ones and patted Red who had briefly buried his face against his knee pads, trying his best to reassure the little ones that the big bad crabs shouldn't be feared. It seemed that like Raphael, the child adorning his color shared the same fears.... interesting. He hadn't much of a chance to observe the little ones, but would soon find out that each that shared their color also shared personality traits.

The world seemed to melt away when April reached for his hand. He could hear Leo off in the distance but for the moment, it was only background noise. He gave April a familiar goofy-sort-of-love-struck look as he took her hand and.... braved a quick peck against her knuckles, blushing profusely over his boldness. But unfortunately before he could utter his promise, things seemed to hit the fan. Mikey could be heard off in the distance, retrieving a wandering Gold and rushed back to the others with the rest of the little ones following, concerned for their brother. Confused, it didn't take Donnie long to see the source of his brother's distress. A bulking blur of gray horned beast was charging right at him! April was in no condition to run, and there was no way he could get her to safety and have their backs at the same time. It looked like he was going to have to stand and fight!

Twirling his trusty bo, the wooden staff smashed hard against the Rhino's snout, then came down hard against his skull, and that's when he noticed that Rocksteady wasn't alone, and with an injured April, backup would certainly be needed!

"LEO!! A little help over here?!"

Bebop: Once Rocksteady took off running, Bebop followed behind, knocking Mikko off his back in the process. Rock had the turtle in purple, so Bebop went for the orange one and the kids. Coming at the turtle at full speed.

Once Mikko was back on her feet she also ran towards the others. But unlike her mutant buddies, she had no intention of fighting. Because she didn't want to get her ass handed to her. Instead she walked over to the red head human and smiled at her. "Ah...Mutants. Can't live with them, can't....Well...I could probably live without them."

Lydia Chikara: Lydia didn't like this. Lydia didn't like this at all.

First of all, she wasn't too fond of the 'great outdoors'. Insects, spiders, poisonous plants, and feral animals were only a few of her worries. She was stuck on an island. Surrounded by water. Stuck. She grew painfully homesick, to the point that she felt a bit lightheaded.

She also didn't quite like this strange man ordering everyone around. His aura He didn't seem at all trustworthy. Plus, he was big and scary looking.

Therefore, she detached herself from the 'group' of civilians. She didn't like being off on her own, but she also didn't like being among these people. Especially him. She had no idea where the heck she was going, and had a sickening feeling that she was going to get very lost, but she kept trying to remind herself that she'd be okay. As long as she stayed calm, and didn't have a panic attack, she'd be perfectly fine.

She was trying to be stealthy about her 'escape', but as she was not at all stealthy she just hoped and prayed that she was small enough to be able to go unnoticed.

Luckily, she was at least rather good at being silent. Speaking was never one of her talents anyway.

Tang Shen: Shen reacted to Donatello's yell - grabbed a coconut and hurling it at the great grey beast - but unfortunately she'd not see if it made contact - another... something brown was rushing at Michelangelo! and the little ones around his feet! "Yoshi!" She points that direction not even aware as she started that way herself she had called out her husbands name.

Elena: Rocky's charge scared Elena, she had stayed beside April when the little boy turtles rushed after Mr. FunTurtle in the orange bandana.

"Go away Mr. FatGreyUnicorn!" She yelps in terror. "Bad Mr. FatGreyUnicorn!!" crouched by down watching with wide blue eyes Rocky and Donnie clash.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:42 pm

Jan 6 16 7:05 PM

April: She blushed back at Donatello kissing her knuckles as he was about to leave her with Elena for company. She hid her romantic side when she could, yet he seemed to try to pry it to the surface. Her pride as a modern woman didn’t let her, much like letting the chips fall with how the future let her have a romantic relationship. She noticed the change on the small beach, tension around her, she looked away from between her and the purple masked turtle.

She looked down at the little girl. She pushed Elena towards the group. She quickly stated, “Elena I need to run to your Sister. Okay?  I’ll be behind you soon. Go.” April hated feeling helpless. When the need to fight arise she wanted to be able to help defend for family and friends, she was cornered. Her first full time Ninja mission away from the city seemed to be a bust. Now she had her mind pound as she tried to stand up. A leaning stance by the tree, she pulled out her Tessen, Ready as she could.April knew that if she had to fight, she would lean heavily on her right side and would have to twirl on one foot to dodge. She could feel adrenaline rush back into her body. The pain from her sprained ankle, bruised body and headache was less important than protecting Donnie and his family. She would not see little ones be hurt inside a Beach turf war.

LilClones: Four little turtles looked up and watched as ...

Well they did not know what to think of it as the big brown shaped barrelled towards them.

Leonardo: Well, that worked better than Leo could have hoped.  Mikey was coming and carrying a small turtle with him.  Leo smiled as Mike came towards him then frowned when Mike seemed to be in trouble.  "Mikey, wha--?" Then he was cut off when his little brother uttered the words 'pig' and 'rhino'.  Leo's frown deepened.  That could only mean two certain mutants and that was definitely trouble.  "Oh, no."  

As Mike continued running, Leo heard another voice that called him to attention.  "Donnie!"  Drawing his weapons, he ran toward Don, then he stopped short.  Instead of running toward the rhino, he grabbed Don and pulled him with him to get them out of Rocksteady's path.  Then they could regroup and the Rhino wouldn't have all that momentum coming towards them at once.  

"Guys, we could use some help!" he shouted to the remaining fighters in the group.  Normally defeating these guys wouldn't be a problem, but considering the circumstances with injuries and whatnot, they would need everyone's help.

Raphael: Raphael was momentarily confused when Michelangelo came running out of the bushes, Gold in his arms, straight towards him. He ran like a bat out of hell and looked like he had seen a ghost. Then "pig" and "rhino" came tumbling from his mouth. Raphael's heart sank like a rock in water. Then, Donatello's cry for help came and Leonardo took off to help. Raphael pulled out his sais and ran to his brother's side. Donatello was taking on Rocksteady. Raphael growled in anger and annoyance. He hated Rocksteady and Bebop almost as much as he hated Shredder. When he got close enough, he swung on his left foot and drove the heel of his right foot into the rhino's eye. "Leave my brother alone, rhino," Raphael yelled.

Elena: Nodding - frigtened Elena squeaks one last time. "Mr. FatGreyUnicorn is naughty Mr. StrongTurtle!" And scurries away to her sister - no where near as fast as the pigman. "Sissy!" She squeals in terror. "Mr.PurplePumba! Mr. PurplePumba!!!" She frantically points as she runs little feet quicking up little clods of sand behind her.

Mikko McKinnon: Well the chaos started right away! The red head didn't seem interested in conversation and the little blonde child was adorable! And her adorableness was about to get into trouble. Mikko ran after the child and scooped her up.

"You don't want to go over there."

Then is hit her what the girl was calling Bebop and Rocksteady and she let out a laugh.

"Yer too cute. That's bebop and rocksteady. But I like your names too. Now lets let the grown ups have their little fight and go over here away from the weapons and what not."

Erica: Erica froze -

Then she reacted - her sister had been grabbed by the lean woman - she meanwhile darted forward to break the pig man's charge at the orange clad turtle and those little boys!

She ran at hi on an angle and at the last most spun so her weight, the momentum of her spin and the their shoulders meet - it would do nothing more than throw him off his path... but hopefully it would give the orange clad turtle youth a momentum put the gold tot down and either face this beast or run with them! Her should was in agony! the pig man was all muscle!

But her fingers dug into the sand as she struggled back to her feet, clutching it ready to throw it at his snout... with those viciously hooked tusks.

Bebop: Erica's plan worked. Her hit did little to topple him over, but it did distract him. He wasn't interested in the turtle any longer. Now his eyes were set on the pretty girl that had the guts to crash into him. He licked the palm of his hand and slicked his mohawk back as he strutted closer to Erica.

"Hello there. See that?" He called over to Rocksteady then looked back at Erica. "Girls are just throwing themselves at me!"

He bent over with the intention to grab on to the back of Erica's cloths. "Yer gonna come with us."

Michelangelo: Placing Gold back down on the ground and whipping out his nunchucks, Mikey charged at Bebop when he saw the warthog make a grab at Erica. "Booyakasha!" he yelled, slamming his weapons as hard as he could into the warthog's snout. He could have aimed at Bebop's head, but that would have been a cheap shot; and Splinter had taught them to fight honorably. Mikey stepped between Erica and Bebop, nunchucks still spinning. "She's not goin' anywhere with you, Pigman," the orange masked turtle declared. "You want her, you'll have to go through me."

LilClones: Cyan circled his brothers... but was unsure what to do... scared and nervous the little ones drew close in a huddle.

"No - no! go away!" Erica  yelped at the warthog - he was huge!...

Scrambling to her feet her shoulder feeling like a massive bruise Erica hoped the Mikey had the pig mutants attention again and raced to the small turtles. "Go...! go!" She shoves them ahead of her - making them run... to the rockery collection some twenty feet away into the shrubbery -

Yes! there was a gap int he rocks! and hoping it would be big enough Erica skidded bending to thrust her arm in and search it first for anything dangerous then shooing the little ones inside. "Stay in there... don't come out unless I or Elena comes for you." She tells them backing up and looking about - her sister... there! she hoped the small boys would do as told and hurried back towards the woman and her sister.

Cyan and his brothers scrambled into the sort of bowl of earth beneath the jumble of rocks puffing and panting and frightened.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:43 pm

Jan 10 16 3:44 AM

NecroFusion: "There ya clouts are." Baxter had staggered upon - what could only be described as a beach turf battle. He watches in bemused quiet as Rocky charged the purple turtle only to have a blue and red step in, all this close to a April O'Neil whom was struggling to stand. There was the rat man and that asain lady he had seen on the boat.

And there was Bebop grabbing at a young woman before the noisy turtle in orange got between them. Baxter watched the girl take of - with

four small turtles!

Baxter headed that way and waited until she was off again towards ... Mikko?

Well He bent and looked into the gaps in the rockery - yep... four little turtles, possible about three years old.

Wow - one of the turtles must have become a teen dad... he wondered what girl would want to go through with it though.. then bent reaching for them. "Come here you little brats."

Bebop: Just as his meaty fingers were gripping the girl's top, that annoying Orange turtle came out and hit his snout!

"MOTHER FUC..... God damn! the nose, man!? Really? Yer asking for it!"

Bebop rushed at Mike with all his weight hoping to knock the turtle to the ground. The turtles didn't have to be in one piece to eat! Ground meat was good too.

Mikko McKinnon: Mikko was still holding the little girl when she spotted Baxter. But who was she to alert anyone?She was just there, minding her own business. She was interested in the little ones though, they were so cute! So, taking the little blonde with her, she went over to where Bax was.

"Awwwww look how cute! Better be careful there Baxy they might bite."

LilClones: Gold found his leg grabbed - he grunts out a yelp.

Violet grabbed his shell and pulled back.

Cyan and Crimson charged at the sound of their brothers distressed furious little screeches leaving their lips which were curled back to bare small young teeth that were flat. The rush of their little bodies fleck some sand out towards Baxter and Crimson snarled biting for the humans hand.

Luckily for Bater their teeth had yet to begin falling out to be replaced by those that would be much nastier, their bites had not yet the strength they would. But the little fellows did not know this themselves, their concern was shooing this human up and away from their brothers!

(( for those that want an idea of the little guys defensive noises Razz  ))

Tang Shen: Shen dithered for a moment on whom to help - but she hurried towards Mikey - hopping lithely for a woman of her age in a springing hand stand over the pig man's shoulders tugging his mohawk and landing on the ground - hoping to give Mikey a little more chance to react and move, to dissuade the pigman from ... well it looked like he was trying to knock the turtle youth down to eat him!

NecroFusion: Baxter had glanced up at Mikko and eyed her and the child in her arms feeling with a bit of glee that he caught on of the little turtles... but the little bugger was a slippery lil squid and slipped free then - a most awful noise!

And the snap of flat little teeth against his skin He withdrew his hand and looked at Mikko. "Ya not wrong - one of the little blighter just bit me!" He growled and got down on his hands and knees angrily trying to reach them again - or catch one of the little ones charging at him, making those awful sounds.

Were they trying to drive him off with the sound? was it a defensive noise?

He was certain it was.

Mikko McKinnon: Mikko rolled her eyes and shook her head. She then grinned at the little girl and whispered to her.

"and he's suppose to be smart. I'm gonna tackle him, then you go take care of the little ones, ok?"

She put the little girl down and gave her a thumbs up. Then, jumped and tackled Baxter with intent of rolling him over and sitting on him. The charging and tackling method worked for Bebop and rocky, and though mikko was small she could be quite strong.

Erica: Finally!

She had become stuck momentarily thanks to noticing somewhere between being bounced off the pig to the ground and getting back to her feet a grab - a fucking big one! had attached itself to her left ass cheek and pinched!!

Erica of course had stopped heading towards her sister and the lean woman to first get rid of the pest - it proved difficult as when she suceeded it removing it from the left it went right and then both and then her thumb - it had been the sort of dance you would see in cartoons, lots of flailing and hopping about and cursing.

But finally she was crustacean free and scurried over ready to back that tall dark man off fromt he little ones - but catching Mikko's words and chuckling, she says. "Come on Elena -" and gives Mikko a grin, wriggling into the gap in the rockery herself and crawling over the small amount of space to the young turtles.

Elena: Elena had been enjoying the comforting woman and being carried about - hugging her happily - and

she stared down at the rocks blinking she'd never known Mr. Turtles could make such a racket!

But giggling at Mikko's words and nodding eagerly watching Erica join them and then scramble into the rockery she was eager herself once down to head that way. Though she took a moment to point at the tall dark man. "Get 'im MissTallPrettyLady! Get Mr.SillyEddieMurphy." She encourages and with that scrambles through the rock gaps much easier than her sister had. "Whats with the noise?" she asks little turtles in general.

LilClones: Cyan - the little leader - when Erica and Elena joined them left his post of snarling and charging and screeching in fury to snuffle the two females nuzzling climbing onto Erica's lap to do so little growling churrs as his nose found her well... then he would circle and nuzzle Elena too.

Crimson was still charging - still furious he would skid to the edge of the gap continuing to bit the mans hands... and when he still did not stop the he bit hard!! and shook his entire little form - letting go and resuming the huffing furious yowling teeth bared nictating eyelids up.

Violet looked at Elena. "bad man... hurss Gold." He was still holding his little brother and had been rubbing the pinched spot.

Gold watched from his spot as his brothers defended their spot.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:45 pm

Jan 13 16 1:03 PM

Michelangelo: Mikey's eyes widened at Shen's agility. Was she a ninja? She had to be...or at least have some ninja training. In any case, that move had been awesome....and had totally saved his life. Mikey jumped out of the way to avoid getting trampled and struck out with his weapons again; this time aiming for Bebop's gut to try and take the warthog out.

Bebop: When the woman flipped over his head and tugged at his hair, Bebop snorted in annoyance.

"Two against one! Not fucking fair!" But he knew that the woman would be easier to take down, so he thought anyway. So he turned his attention to her. It seemed all the woman wanted him today. He didn't have a problem with that. He'll just grab himself a female, Rock could handle getting a turtle for food or what ever. Bebop would handle getting some good company.

"Why don't you come with back with me, babe? We could have ourselves a good time." Bebop told the woman as he walked towards her. "Stop playing with these kiddies,I'll show you what a real man can do!"

Master Splinter: Heart in his mouth - and glad Shen went to aid Michelangelo Splinter dashed out toward Rocksteady and his three other sons - ready to intervene. "Leonardo! we may have to regroup and move further off." He says to Leoanrdo - it this was the reception they were going to have with Shredder's lot than perhaps they needed to move on further - away - try find a hidden place to gather and care for themselves.

Any brief thoughts of an alliance driven from his mind for the time being.

Alucard: He had managed to slip away without raising too much suspicion. Not that Shredder and his lackies would care what one civilian did. Alucard walked down the beach, hands in his pockets and enjoying the beautiful day. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. All the tension from trying to help people get to safety was finally starting to ease off, but with it came a massive headache. Alucard rubbed his eyes, trying to relieve some of the pressure behind them. The sounds of a fight made him look up. Up ahead, two of Shredder's mutant thugs were taking on a group of other mutants. Squinting, Alucard recognized the orange masked turtle and lady he had met on the ship. They were now joined by three other larger turtles, three more humans; two older and one younger, and....clones?

Whatever the smaller turtles were, they were in trouble. Alucard dashed forward. One of the older girls looked like she was going after the little girl, who was being held by another woman; one Alucard didn't recognize. But judging by the way the girl moved towards the woman, Alucard guessed that the woman holding her little friend wasn't with them. He came to a stop beside the rock that the little clones were hiding in. With everyone else busy keeping the rhino and warthog at bay, these little guys looked like they needed someone to look out for them. Alucard was all too happy to lend a hand; especially if it meant driving off Shredder's lackies.

Tang Shen: "I'm a married woman." Shen answers gently unruffled dodging back and a step towards Mikey looking to keep him engaged in the battle and have his shell, ready to be his back up.

There was crazy ness going on all over the place, and a new fellow was over there near Mikko, and Baxter, and those hidden in the rock formation. The little turtles, Erica and Elena.

Donatello: Head fuzzy and reflexes not completely up to par, everything seemed to be happening waaay too fast for the dazed purple-clad turtle! Still, he was relieved that his defensive counter moves had hit their marks, momentarily stunning Rocksteady, and fortunately Leo was close enough to pull him out of a direct hit as the mutant Rhino recoiled. He spared his brother an appreciative grin and a silent 'thanks' as he placed himself between April and the danger. Before he could frantically suggest that she find shelter, Rocksteady seemed to be falling back..

..well... this was odd...

Still, Donnie knew that it would be foolish to take his gaze off the beast. It could be a tactic to counter an unexpected attack once their guard was down.

Rocksteady: The scrawny purple-wearing twerp had managed to hit his mark- both times! The wooden staff had come down hard on his noggin, and again against his snout. "That smarts!" He huffed in his thick Russian tone, staggering back a few steps, toppling over and landing on his backside. He stood to shake it off... but just like an old light bulb, something popped as his pulsating head and the not swelled and suddenly... nothing made sense!

His good eye scanned the chaos- Turtles! And a Warthog? And then the little one's words met his hearing. Unicorn... big fat unicorn....

A fabulous unicorn!! One that had no desire to fight! Instead the big gray beast dropped to all fours and trotted in the direction the little blond haired girl had gone.

Mikko McKinnon: Well she stopped Baxter. And seeing the woman come to the rescue she got off the scientist. Then some other guy showed up and she got defensive again. But she didn't have time to worry about the mystery man, soon Rocksteady was...Trotting? Was his tail wagging? What the hell?

"Rock. What's up, man? You ok?" She asked as she walked toward the rhino to stop him from getting to the kids. "you got us dinner yet?"

Bebop: Bebop snorted and ran his hands down his front, smoothing out his shirt. "That's ok. I wont tell if you....You uh..." It was then he watched his friend skipping on all fours away from his fight. He put up a finger to the woman and followed Rock.

"Dude! Asshole, what are you doing? Rocksteady! The fight is that way! What the hell is your issue?"

He looked up at Mikko who just shrugged then back at Rocksteady. "think he got hit in the head too hard."

Elena: Elena ignored Erica's voice and crawled out of the gap when she saw the grey unicorn coming and... felt about in her pockets - finding a still wrapped if bit squished flat apple cinamon cake bar. She giggles, was Mr. FatGreyUnicorn Rocky coming over to her?

And just encase she opens the little wrapper and as instructured at fairs and farms hols the bar in her little palm fingers flat out to the approaching grey shape. "Here Mr. FatGreyUnicorn Rocky - dis yummy!"

Absolutely no fear - even of the Mr. PurplePumba whom had tried grabbing her older sister.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:46 pm

Jan 21 16 9:06 AM

Raphael: If it wasn't so disturbing, it would have been funny. Raphael could only stare in bewilderment and confusion as Rocksteady trotted along the beach on all fours. What did he think he was? A pony? The red masked turtle looked over at his brothers, his eyes questioning. However, by the looks on their faces, Leonardo and Donatello were just as confused as he was. Then Rocksteady was trotting over towards Elena. Raphael made to make a move, but stopped when it looked like the little girl was feeding the rhino something. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. This was just too much. Either the rhino had been hit in the head too hard or the heat was finally getting to him.

​"This is all kinds of messed up," Raphael muttered.

Leonardo: "You're telling me..." Leo answered, just as bewildered by Rocksteady's behavior.  It didn't make any sense!  Leo still wanted to get closer to the little girl in case things turned for the worse.  Leo didn't trust Rocksteady one bit.  He had no reason to.  The fight was far from over and Leo knew it.  He heard his father's voice, but he didn't take his eyes off the enormous Rhino and the small girl.

"Turtles, fall back!" he finally yelled as he moved over to Elena and Rocksteady, trying to get the small girl before he, too, retreated.  Once he was to Elena, he scooped her up in his arms.  "Time to go."  He kept facing Rocksteady as he held her, still confused by the strange behavior.

April: "Come on Donnie!" She called as she ran with the purple masked turtle into the forest. Regrouping at a safer place would work if they could find cover for their small band of misfits. She tucked her tessen to her side in a custom made leather case that would attach to her belt. She hobbled as she fast as she could with the Mutant turtle holding her hand. Who was pulling who was more of finding a better pace for them.
She puffed, as her lower leg sent the odd bolt of pain within the beginning of each step. Her mind was more concerned of finding a safer place for them.

She was glad the sweet little girl was fine, THAT could have been worse. She was protective of the boys, but if you put a helpless child in danger, the Tessen is back out.

Her mind raced as she held Donatello's hand. "How are you doing?" She asked her partner.

Tang Shen: 'Ew' inwardly thought Shen watching the warthog man, drawing herself a little closer to Michelangelo preparing for a resumation of the fight.

Then her attention like all others was on the great grey hulking rhino mutant literally skipping his way over to little Elena on all fours!

She felt fear and went to call out but one of the turtle youths was there and soon had Elena in his arms... not that either were out of the woods with the great shape still closing in on them but at least the little one was in arms. Perhaps had a better chance should things continue to go wrong. She notes the man near the rocks and the little turtles, the one that told em in which direction to find Mikey's missing family members on the boat?

Shredder: Even in the shade of the trees, the heat was scorching. The heat did little to improve Shredder's already sour mood. They had lost many soldiers in the sinking and now all they had to rely on were a group of scared and untrained civilians. Bradford had sent Stockman to look for Rocksteady and Bebop; which was taking too long. "Bradford. Go see what is keeping Stockman," Shredder ordered. "He should have returned with the mutants by now."

Rahzarr: Finally having brought over a large plastic tub for Shredder and nodding to it. "If you want to take off your armour Master place it in here." He says and hearing the order he nods. "I will go look for him and the others - maybe they got caught up with the turtles... if they made it to shore." he offers and being the perfect action star thanking those those brought over water, he shares the larger bottle to Master Shredder and gives the two warrior women a bottle each before saluting and turning away towards the direction Stinkbug had gone.

"We'll be back."

Elena: Squeaking happily when Mr. Turtle came over and scooped her up Elena slid an arm about his neck the other still holding out the little cake to the great grey shape. "Come on Mr.FabGreyUnicorn, come on - Mr. Turtle nice, and I got yummy for you." She sweetly urges him closer knees hanging onto Leonardo as best she can happy to be in her tea buddies arms.

Erica: Erica had reached but could not reach her sister - or stop her and felt fear as that rhino man came towards her, but she had little turtles in here with her... she begins to crawl out brushing against Alucard's legs on the way past. "Hi... sorry." She greets and apologizes looking at Baxter and Mikko then bending. "Come on boys, come on." She glancing at the pig man too and shivvies the small turtles around it away from him towards her sister and the turtle - then towards the rat man.

Leonardo: Leo glanced between Elena and 'Fat Grey Unicorn' and shook his head.  "Sorry, little girl.  Ro--uh...I mean, Mr. Fat Grey Unicorn has to stay here."  The name Elena gave the rhino really amused him but now wasn't the time for joking around.  He did not want Rocksteady following them back to their hideout.  But how could he translate that to the little girl in his arms?  "He's a wild animal.  If you want to leave the cake on the ground, I'm sure he'll find it."  He really hoped she would drop the cake then he could get her out of potential harm's way.

Mikko McKinnon: Mikko was so confused. and was not sure what the hell to do. She gave the little girl a wave and a smile then turned to Rocksteady.

"Come on, Rock. We can't stand out here all day we have to find some kind of shelter."

Bebop: Bebop was also lost and amused. He didn't know why his brother from another mother was acting this way, but he would never let Rock live this down! Hearing Mikko he agreed. They did need to find somewhere to get out of the heat, they also needed food. It seemed like the fight was over, so no turtle for dinner. He snorted in annoyance. Looked like it would be fish then. Question was, how the hell to catch a fish?

"We need food first. then find shelter. If Rock don't get his head on straight I say we roast him. I have a lighter, and a knife. We can get wood and make a fire."
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:47 pm

Jan 28 16 9:26 PM

Master Splinter: Seemed for now with the addition of Rocky's strange behavour the battle was for the moment over, they had to regroup and move on, vanish, and try to then stay out of the way of the Shredder's people as possible until they knew more about the island and where it was. He stays close to Raphael, Donatello and April. "Come, Leonardo is right we need to make a retreat - we need to go." He calls out to Leo, the girl with the little turtles...

And Shen. She would come with them yes?

Elena: And her little face fell.

She looked at Mr. Turtle her eyes widening to get big round blue orbs all watery, lower lips sticking alllll the way out. "But he a unicorn - I like unicorns... he may think I'm rude for leaving it on the ground." she worries looking absolutely devastated the Mr. FabGreyUnicorn could not come with them. What little girl did not want a unicorn?! and she was so close to one!

oh it made her sad and probably best for Mr. Turtle she buries her little face against his neck with a low wail of "I no want him to think I rude!" and here she stayed, sniffling.

Mikko McKinnon: Hearing the little girl's cries. Mikko felt so bad for her. she gave Bebop a wait a moment sign and hurried to the turtle and little one.

"Awwwww I can give it to him if you want." She offered. "But it's best that Mr, Unicorn stay with his friends for now. Maybe we'll meet up again though, the island dosen't seem that big." She smiled at the girl and gave her hair a good ruffle.

"And I'm Mikko by the way, it's very nice to meet such a lovely princess," She took the girl's little hand and kissed it. "Mr Unicorn will feel honored to have eaten the food you give him."

Bebop: Bebop was running low on patience. He grabbed Rocksteady and attempted to stand him up right. "Come on ya asshat! Get up! I'm growing tired of yer shit. MIKKO! You know what. never mind. You can play house with them if you want."

He then went to stockman and kicked sand over his face. "You too Fucktard. Get up! It's a sad day when I'm the only one who has his head on straight."

Alucard: It was oddly amusing watching the scene unfold. However, Alucard never moved from his spot beside the rocks where the little turtles were hiding. He looked down when someone bumped his leg. An older teenage girl came out of the rocks. She looked worried, possibly because her little sister was in trouble. But, then the little girl was scooped up by a turtle in a blue mask. That crisis was averted. Alucard knelt down and looked in the rocks. The little turtles were huddled together. "Come on, little ones," he said gently. "It's time to go." Maybe the group would let him tag along with them. More eyes on the kids never hurt. Alucard ushered the little turtles out of their hiding place and over to where the rat man and the other turtles were standing. If nothing else, at least they were away from the warthog and spaced out rhino.

NecroFusion: Baxter had found himself tackled away fromt he small turtles and then ... Rocky was acting very strang.

He climbed to his feet and grumbling brushed himself down. "Mikko you stopped me from taking the brats back to Shredder." He grumps hoping they could all be going soon. He had by and large found the damned beasts and now to get them back to camp where their Master was. "Shredder and Bradford sent me looking for you all." He says contemplating a snatch at the small tots now - but then eyeing the tall guy... Alucard decided with him, the teen girl and Shen close it would not be wise to try catching up one of the small jewel bright turtle boys.

Chris was just in hailing distance of them all in that moment and called out angrily - "What are you fools all doing?! we need to regroup!"

Leonardo: Leo hated making the little girl in his arms cry.  But she had to understand how dangerous it was to have 'Fat Grey Unicorn' follow them back to their hideout.  Even if Rocksteady was not in his right mind right now, there was no telling how long this would last.  And Leo wanted to get Elena as far away from the Rhino as he possibly could.  "Trust me, he'll appreciate it just fine on the ground."

Then a woman came up to them and basically said the same thing.  If Elena didn't want to leave it on the ground, it seemed like Mikko would make sure to give it to him.  Leo had no idea who this Mikko person was, but at this point, if it got the little girl to drop the treat, then he was all for it.  Then they could get out of there.

Elena: From Leonardo's neck Elena nods and holds out the treat to Mikko. "Danks.." She sniffles muffled and snuffly and her arm tightens about Leo's shoulders, her legs around him so sad she could keep the FabGreyUnicorn - so very very sad!

She hands over the treat burying face back against Leo's neck crook. "Otay Mr. Turtle... but I'ma miss Mr. FabGreyUnicorn!" a muffled further heart broken wail here.

She wanted to ask where they were going, and why could her unicorn not come with her?! why did he have to stay behind?! What was wrong if the other knew where they were? but she was too sad right now to do so and simply holds her tea buddy whom she had not seen sinc ehis fist visit. And this reminded her of her thoughts that maybe he had not like the tea or her and had never wanted to come back around - another question she wanted to ask! but instead was just wailing away.

LilClones: little turtles look up at Alucard and nod - they were content for the moment to follow Erica and him then spying Raphael the little boys formed their duck file and with Cyan leading, Crimson on his heels followed by Violet closely and a happily chirping Gold tagging last on the line they make their way towards the bigger turtle in red chirping loudly for him and once close enough gathering about his feet.

Mikko McKinnon: Poor little girl. Mikko felt bad for her. But she just didn't understand that her unicorn was really an insane rhino with a head wound. She patted the girl's head then took the treat to Rocky.

"Hey big guy. look what I have for you." She said holding the treat out for Rocksteady. "Lets go see if we can find the others, ok."

of course Bebop was a bit peeved that Rock was getting food and not him. He pushed Mikko over and took the treat for himself. Mikko glared at the pig and pushed him back, though it was too late, Bebop had ate whatever the treat was. Rude! Angry, Mikko threw a punch at bebop. "That was not for you!"

With a snort the mutant pushed Mikko to the ground which only pissed her off more. She jumped up and tackled the pig, or tried to. He of course didn't budge, but picked her up with a snort and tossed her back on top of Baxter, tearing her cloths more in the process. She was going to need a new shirt for sure.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:50 pm

Feb 15 16 8:07 PM

NecroFusion: And he had just righted himself too!

"Argh!" Baxter went down flailing and then eyes Mikko. "Your going to end up naked." He warns and lightly pushes her up and then himself sitting up. "Any ways Shredder and Chris want us all back at the damned camp." He grumbles, maybe later he will try to catch the little turtles some time? and as he was thinking this he also was gesturing back in the direction he had originally come to signify the 'camp'.

Donatello: Okay, Rocky's behavior was certainly ...strange. Donnie looked at his bo staff and back at the rhino-turned-'unicorn'. "I... didn't realize I hit him so hard..." And in his condition, who would have thought the geek had it in him?! "Heh.. I guess I don't know my own strength..." A slight brag as he cast a look in April's direction. Though, a part of him did feel slightly bad. Being the passive, less aggressive Turtle, injuring someone was not his forte'.

Head pounding from his earlier run in with Rocksteady, too much seemed to be going on at once and he was relieved when it seemed they were moving away from the chaos. He followed, offering April help as needed, hoping they would soon find a place to at least rest before trying to formulate a means of escape from this island...

Rocksteady: Rocksteady followed the little girl, the tip of his upper lip attempting to curl around the yummy treat, but then... rejection. She was taken away and the pig man... stole HIS treat!!! He literally saw red! Eyes twitching, he watched the hog, warm fumes leaving his pulsating nostrils. His one good eyes was fixated on his 'partner' and it mattered NOT that his back was turned. Rock stomped the ground, kicking up sand and sending crabs currying for their lives.

A loud grunt and he charged full force, ramming his horn into the pig's backside. "You no steal from Unicorn!!"

Leonardo: Leo felt bad for the girl, but there was absolutely no way Rocksteady could come back with him.  He patted the girl's arm then watched the scene in front of him.  Well, apparently Rocksteady wouldn't get the treat.  Leo needed to get out of there before Elena knew that.  He shook his head lightly, covered the girl's head protectively with his hand and quickly moved out of there and back to the others in their hideout.

"Is everyone alright?"

Raphael: "A little weirded out, but okay," Raphael replied. He pointed to Rocksteady. "Anyone know what caused that?"

​Not that he cared about Rocksteady's well being; but a spaced out rhino wasn't a good thing to have around, even if he did think he was some kind of pony. Raphael looked down when the little turtles huddled around his feet. At least everyone was safe; and now they had a new player in the mix. The white haired human didn't seem like he posed a threat, but appearances could be deceiving. It was ultimately up to Splinter to decide if the new guy could stay or not. Raphael just wanted them to get as far away from Rocksteady and the other goons as fast as possible.

Mikko McKinnon: Mikko looked down at herself and sighed. Baxter was right, she needed a new shirt. She slipped her torn cloths off of herself, but would safe the rags in case they needed them. Now bare breasted she smiled sweetly to Baxter.

"Can I borrow your shirt? " She asked him holding out her hands. "Or I can just walk around nude, whatever."

Bebop: Bebop was just about to give the others orders to follow him, sense he was the only one making any sense, when a strong force hit him in the back sending him a few feet forward and landing on the ground. with a groan he rolled over to see what the hell had happen. Seeing Rocksteady looking very pissed.

"What the hell, man! I'm sure there will be more food somewhere." He started to get to his feet, ready to fight his insane friend. "Rock, I'm sorry, but if yer gonna keep acting like this we're going to have to put you down!"

Rahzarr: By passing some wondering about kid (Lydia) and wondering if he should see if she was alright, but then he had stumbled upon the crazy crazy scene - watching in amusement as Rocky horned his bud in the ass and the porker went flying. He wished his phone had not been smashed beyond repair and he had caught this on recording to put on the deep web.

Hearing Baxter comment and closing in on them all Chris add to the geeks voice. "Yes we should move it - Bebop! leave it - if he comes he comes if not - well I am sure we will be able to find him and knock some sense into him." He blinks gazing at the naked torso of Mikko and smacks Baxter around the back of the head - "Go on give the lady your shirt!" He barks - mostly cause he liked staring at boobs and if Baxter did not share he'd stare at them and not focus one what he was meant to be doing.

And he glares towards the forming group of turtles. making a gesture to Leonardo to signal they'd find them and destroy them eventually. "Come on." He adds initiating leading his group away.

Baxter: His glass flew off and bounced off Mikko's bare breasts. "Hey! - oh fine.." He snaps and pulling off his shirt holds it out to the woman and squints about for his glasses. "Any one see where they bounced off too - oh never mind." he found them or his foot did and he bends one arm still holding out his shirt the other fishing the glasses from the sand and pressing them back into place. "It seems that purple twig turtle smacked the Rocky so hard on the head he is confused Bebop - he should be fine after a while though..." maybe - if not it would be highly amusing to watch Rocky be a little girls Unicorn for ever.

Elena: Snuggling against Mr. Turtle and her wails subsiding fully believing Miss TallLeanPretty will ensure Mr. FabGreyUnicorn got his treat - and missing the by play that happened Elena simply held onto Leo her fingers curling about bandana tails and glancing over at the sounds of Mr. StrongTurtle and Mr. TallTurtle's voices, untangling a hand to wave at April and at Shan - both ladies she already knew, and at Mr. OhSoFluffy!

But not letting Mr. Turtle go - no! she was enjoying the hugging! and intent to stay there!

Erica: Smiling at Alucard, "Thanks." For his hand before nodding after the little turtles. "Shall we?" Wondering if the man was coming with them or not - but heading that way herself and smiling at Raphael as she approaches noting how they gathered around his feet waiting for him to lead off. Reaching out a hand to squeeze Leo's shoulder in thanks and check her little sister, she seemed safe enough and judging by how tightly she hugged him - had no intention of letting go for a while.

She looks back at the others - the pig and rhino... "We should find some where else to hide out." She looks about the group - well she intended to hide.

Usually being so stranded they should be trying to group and help their fellow survivors. But it seemed an unwise idea - so best for now they find their own place to hunker down.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:56 pm

Feb 21 16 12:46 AM

LilClones: All boys staying close to Raphael's feet little tails wagging and looking up at him once or twice they were glad when Erica rejoined them and waited for the big people to decided what they were doing next, though Violet did bend to pluck at a cranky crab waving its claw at them all and catching it - standing he gives it to Cyan ignoring Crimsons shudder.

Whatever the big turtle said it sure looked like a icky bug!

Cyan took and studied - then with a crunch as his little teeth bit easily through the hard body he took off the claw and munched handing back to Violet whom bit off a bit too - then to Gold whom almost stuffed the rest in his mouth but at a growl from Cyan gave the last quarter to Crimson whom looked unhappy but stuffed it in an munched.

It was not enough to quell the ache of hunger in their little bellies but it would suffice for the moment.

Master Splinter: Splinter nods to Leonardo and the small girl as they join them smiling at Raphael. "Do not fret I am sure our enemy shall be alert and himself again soon.  Come Leonardo, this young lady is right we must leave this area and find another place, some where hidden." He sniffs the air, in such a place their scents would be lost in those of the natural flora and fauna... but, "Leonardo when we find water - if we are lucky to find a creek or low stream we should travel up it for some time to lose all scent trail."

And later perhaps when they were resting - he should speak to his sons alone, camping was not exactly new to them in the last few years, but this was a larger group they had to care for - and one that included children. The women, Erica, Shen, April he was sure would help themselves and the group as well as his sons. And that white haired man maybe if he followed and a girl he could see - - (Lydia) -- some feet off. He nods to April though. "I should carry you April you should stay off that foot, gather whatever is left in the life boats of ours we may need and we will go." He says firmly the sooner they all got this group moving the better to leave their enemies behind and find themselves a hidden away location.

"Michelangelo - come!" he calls to the light hearted son.

Michelangelo: "Coming, sensei," Mikey called back, eyes still glued to the weird scene in front of him.

​However, he pulled his gaze from the rhino, woman and warthog and ran to join his family. He couldn't wander off, not in a strange and possibly hostile environment. Although, he did hope that the white haired man would come with them. He had been a big help on the ship and he did help protect the little turtles. Maybe he could help them find water; fresh, drinkable water. Mikey suddenly realized just how thirsty he was. The sooner they found fresh water the better. And the sooner they got away from Shredder's goons would be even better.

Mikko McKinnon: Mikko grinned and took the shirt, she slipped it on and button it half way then tied the bottom into a knot.

"thanks, handsome." She told Bax and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Mikko was a little hesitant to go with them to Shredder. Being around the two mutants were fine. She didn't fear them or feel intimidated by them. But the foot, Shredder? that was another thing. And was she the only dragon on the island? If so that meant she would have no back up. But really, what choice did she have? Go with them, or be by herself.

April: "Oh Don are you okay?" April worries as they find themselves in a group now that included all his brothers, Elena in Leo's arms, Erica near Raph - that white haired dude, the pretty asian lady and Splinter. Four little turtles. She nods to Splinter, she knew Donatello would offer to carry her but she could see he was hurt, and sore and aching. "he'll be alright Don - don't feel bad, you just didn't realise your own strength." She tries to reassure in a awe filled voice. still holding his hand as she moves closer to Splinter. "Thanks Sensei." She adds now as she gets into place to climb onto his back.

If anything her voice held awe in it for Donatello - she knew her four friends were stronger than human guys but still at times like now it took her by surprise still to see it demonstrated so.

Shen smiles at the red haired girl and moves to help her climb upon the rats back - and closer to him she could take in how he smelled and it was something that felt familiar, like she knew it from long ago and filled her with a sense of great closeness and warmth.

LilClones: Listening to the adults around them the small clones remained by Raphael's feet, chirping and keeping each other within arms reach. Cyan marshaling around his brothers in slow circles once or twice all four boys were tired and sore and thirsty still and cyan moves towards Erica as she comes closer nuzzling against her knew... something told his young nose the big big water that moved and moved and moved all the time where they had come from was not for drinking... but maybe the girl that had been with them when they met Raphael would have water? His brothers wait close to Raphael's feet still the odd clicking chirps in their throats as they wait.

Donatello: "Heheheh...That would be me.." Donatello answered Raphael a bit belatedly. His attention span seemed short thanks to this blasted headache, but it seemed that Rocksteady had it even worse. Even with April's reassurances that it had been an accident, he still felt bad, but he had been afraid for his life, and the safety of the others. The whole reason behind that mustered, powerful strike.

"I'm okay." He tried to reassure April as the group made their way away from the shore line, now heading deeper into the foliage. Even in his condition, he was more than willing to carry April, but had been torn, not wanting to be overbearing as he usually was. He struggled to find a way to ask without sounding too obsessed, but then his father beat him to it. Darn. Perhaps for the best, but he kicked himself for missing out on that opportunity.

"Heh...perhaps Metalhead can be of assistance..." Donnie spoke up when the others voiced their desire to find a stream. But then he remembered, his beloved creation was currently in various pieces and incomplete, his remains tucked inside a duffle. Still, if he could activate the sensors in Metalhead's head region, finding a stream would be a piece of cake.

Donnie's gaze shifted in Raphael's direction, about to offer to take the duffle so he could briefly survey the damaged contents. Unfortunately he wouldn't get a chance to ask as he caught sight of the clones making short work of the crab... twitching as they dismembered in and consumed it raw. His stomach lurched and he quickly had to excuse himself from the group to expel whatever contents were in his gut. Normally such a sight would not have bothered him, but having already felt a little queasy, it was a little more than he could handle.

Rocksteady: But Rocksteady was far from finished!! This score was unsettled. The Pig had taken what belonged to him! "You no put down Unicorn! I magical creature!" And he charged again, horn catching the boar's trousers and rippng! "You baaaad oinker, pig-man! BAD!" He fumed and charged once again!

Master Splinter: Splinter smiled shifting April on his back tail reaching to pat against Don's shell. "You alright Donatello?" They needed to find water. He turns his nose up to the air and sniffs deeply looking at Leonardo. "You and your brothers were originally fresh water turtles, I too can smell ... moisture or denser foliage - let own noses lead the way." He gives the Leading son a pointed look here - in other words gather the group and once Donnie stopped tossing his cookies lead them on Leonardo.

Tang Shen: Hoping the little turtles were not going to get some parasite from eating that crab raw Shen was glad for the shade provided by the foliage and as they waited grabbed a few broad frondy leaves and began weaving the long green pieces into a hat shape, for the little girl Elena hanging onto Mr. Turtle, it was the sort of sun, bright, hot that needed such shading. Ready to head off once the others were.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:57 pm

Mar 5 16 9:08 PM

Rahzarr: Chris and Baxter for a moment had no idea how to react to this.

Baxter had spared Mikko a smug grin and winked. "You welcome but you owe me if I get sun burned woman." He states and watches the scene, "Should we leave the pig and uh... unicorn to sort this out?" He wonders both amused and exasperated, the turtles group was disappearing.

"yeah probably -" Chris snorts, Shredder would not be pleased, but then again he'd be less happy if they took the 'unicorn' back and he went on rampage in the camp they had. "Bebop, you can either leave him here to recover his cocnuts when he can or stay with him and possibly be gored, the camp is about a mile up the beach there. Master Shredder wants us back on site as soon as possible." He says to Bebop loudly - hopefully the message would register over the threat of being horned by the enraged 'unicorn'.

And then having found the mutant and Mikko and letting her decide if she was following Chris turns to lead the way back to the civilian/ foot camp site.

Raphael: Raphael tried not to follow Donatello's example as he watched the little clones eat the crab raw. He kinda felt bad for the crab. However, he knew the little turtles must have been hungry. At the thought of food, Raphael's stomach began to growl. He held his hands to his stomach. The sooner they were safely away from the now enraged Rocksteady and able to find food, the better. Raphael shifted the strap of the duffle bag further up his shoulder. He had almost forgotten he was still carrying it. He looked up at the white haired man, wondering briefly if he was friend or foe. However, he did help the little ones, so maybe he wasn't all bad. But, if he tried anything funny, Raphael promised himself he would take the guy out himself.

Leonardo: It was clear the little girl had no intention of letting him go.  For now, Leo was fine with that.  He smiled at Erica when she thanked him for getting Elena out of danger.  Then his attention turned to the rest of the group and especially their sensei.  He nodded in agreement.  "Alright, guys.  Let's go."  Then, just as he was turning to head further into the trees, he saw the smaller turtles 'dissecting' a crab before eating it.  Leo made sure Elena couldn't see the carnage and shook his own head.  It was a rather disgusting sight to behold.  His poor brother didn't handle it well.

Leo sighed heavily, watching Donnie head off to lose whatever contents he had in his stomach.  This was going so well so far, he though sarcastically.  He waited for Donatello to finish before again, giving the command to move further into the forest.  Their first objective was finding a stream or small river.  Then they needed to make a stop to get a drink.  The heat was really starting to get to Leo and they had a long way to go.

Donatello: There wasn't much to upchuck... which was not a good thing. Man, dry heaving was the worst! But knowing the others were waiting for him, Donnie finished up as quickly as possible. Perhaps a little too quickly. Raising back up, the onset of vertigo happened to kick in the moment he attempted to sprint in their direction. His feet became entangled in the underbrush, resulting in a comical, flailing sort of dance before completely face-planting. He was quick to rebound, hoping the other hadn't noticed....

"Yeah, I'm fine Sensei..." And it could be chalked up as a lot of things, but his poor stomach was just NOT prepared for the carnage inflicted on that poor little crab.

Mikko McKinnon: Mikko smiled at Baxter. "I'll have to make sure to rub lotion on your body so you don't get burned." She told the scientist and reached out to give his ass a squeeze. Mikko then motioned for the two mutants to follow and started walking with the others. Least she wouldn't be around the foot master without a shirt on. She doubted she could play him like she could other guys, using her body.

"There are other females there I hope. Little ol' me in a sea of men could be scary." Or exciting.

Bebop: Bebop was not amused by his friend's behavior. Also his ass was now sore. The pig grabbed Rock by his collar and started to tug him along.

"Lets go! There's food waiting for you. And stand up! Yer embarrassing me! Idiot."

Baxter: Grinning Baxter dropped his sped a little so Mikko could walk with him and smirked. "of course, allll over." he teases as they crunch away through the hot white sands, the ocean rumbling quietly off to one side, dense silent thick tropical forestry on the other.

well silence that was not silence, the rustling of wind through the leaves. The movements of creatures, calls of birds and maybe even monkey or primate or other boisterous creatures...

Rahzarr: Chris sniggers. "well there is Karai and a few ladies among the civilians we managed to drag off the boat with us Foot but yes the xy's certainly out number the xx's" he answers Mikko also dropping his pace a little, he had made a mental note of the direction the turtles group had taken so perhaps that will help them track the shell backs down. Along with the fact that they had Bepops nose. As long as Rocksteady didn't horn him do death. He calls back. "come on Unicorn boy there be snacks to be had this way! We have some work to do then one day we can go looking for your little friend."

Elena: Elena snugged Leo, unawares she was being shielded from seeing the little turtles eat. She was more than content to just hang in there reaching outgo pat Don's shoulder, "better now?" concerned for him fingers glowing ready to heal. But Leo though close to his brother was not sufficiently close for her to place hands on him and truly take care of those owies, she could take a little,some of the resulting dizziness and sickness and head soreness with this light contact but not more.

LilClones: Erica shakes her head at Cyan kneeling to talk to him. "I am sorry, I have no water on me, just a few empty bottles. But soon we will find water." she assure, hopefully and checks the backpack she had on but there was nothing aside the emery axe she had taken among the climb up those steps and same cloths.

Nodding Cyan and his brothers all stood, they were tired, very tired but gathered around Raphael's feet ready to set off after him when he started moving. Gold smiling up at the white haired man.

Master Splinter: Splinter moved to help Donatello steady himself unawares the girl was also helping in a way as she reaches from Leonardo's arms to pat Dons shoulder. Sweet child. He was also bothered there was... nothing for the little ones to drink, they the bigger ones would handle this trek of dehydration better than little ones, even the little girl would need to drink. Soo.

he looks about.

And spy's coconuts!

he nudges Mikey. "Michelangelo please can you retrieve several coconuts, we may need them for water holding vessels later, but right now they may have some milk in them for the little ones to drink." he encourages. "perhaps... As we are traveling along you take to the trees for several hundred feet and see as we go if you can see water whilst dropping down some coconuts." he adds as it occurred to him.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Mon Nov 28, 2016 12:19 am

Mar 22 16 7:33 AM

Michelangelo: Mikey nodded. "Hai, sensei," he said. He hurried over to where the coconuts had been left abandoned and scooped them up before running back to catch up with his family and new friends. He passed out the coconuts to the older ones, making sure he had his hands free for his next task. He eyed the duffle that Raph still carried and an idea struck him. "Hey, Raph. If there's enough room in that duffle, you can come with me and pick up the coconuts I drop. It'll be a lot easier to carry them that way."

Raphael: Raphael shifted the duffle on his shoulder, but nodded in agreement. "Yeah, sure," he said, slipping the coconut Michelangelo had already given him into the bag.

He just hoped his shoulder wouldn't give out from the weight of both Metal Head's remains and the added weight of the coconuts. However, the little ones needed something to drink and coconut milk was the next best thing next to water. So, he would bear the burden; no matter how much he wanted to dump the ruined robot on the beach and be done with it. But, Donatello loved that metal menace and Raphael wasn't about to break his purple masked brother's heart by abandoning Metal Head.

He headed further into the trees, trying not to show how uncomfortable he was lugging the duffle bag around. "Come on, numbskull," he said to Michelangelo. "And if you start making monkey noises, I will beat the green off you."

Tang Shen: Shen smiles as they all prepare to follow Leonardo, the youth in the trees and the othe run collecting the coconuts, she nods at Splinter. "good idea but when we stop for water the little ones should also eat the flesh within, as coconut milk in great concentrations can make a belly runny, but the fibrous flesh will counter act that... Which being so small we need to avoid as much as possible them having the runs." again she fretted the little ones may get dangerous parasitic infection from the crab they just ate raw

though had she of been aware of the strength of their mutagenic protected immune system she would not have been so concerned.

smiling at the small girls concern for Donatello she too looks at him. "you will need a drink soon." she hoped they would not be traveling too long before they find fresh water that was running and they could drink with some certainty it was untainted and clean and safe. She smiles at the white haired fellow Alucard that had helped herself and Michelangelo earlier on board.

Alucard: Keeping his distance as the group headed into the trees, Alucard took up the rear, making sure that Shredder's goons weren't following them. He smiled back at Shen, hoping that he would be able to earn the group's trust. He kept a fleeting lock on the orange and red masked turtle's thoughts as they hurried off to collect coconuts; stretching further ahead to see if there was any danger. However, when he was satisfied that there was no danger lurking in the shadows, he pulled away, not wanting to burn himself out.

That was the last thing they needed; for him to go super nova. There was no telling how far the devastation would reach. It would be bad enough killing the mutant family and their friends, it would be just as bad killing the poor unsuspecting people on the beach. Alucard shook his head. He couldn't worry about that, not now. There were more pressing matters to tend too; such as finding water. Alucard held his hand parallel to the ground. He could sense a stream nearby. "

Master sensei, there is water up ahead," Alucard announced.

LilClones: Chirping in alarm as Raph moved off the toddlers moved after him in a line, Cyan leading ahead of Crimson, Violet and Gold. There chirps sounding off. Though of course he and Mikey did not go far so that Leo could lead them on, but still the little boys followed Raphs heels close.

April: Piggy backing on Splinter, April had to admit to herself she actually preferred the Donnie's way of shell backing but hey she could see for herself how injured and beat up he was and now he'd just been sick.. She knew what had caused it and her own disgust was over run by sympathy, the little ones must be tired, thirsty, hungry and here they were facing lord knows how much trekking. She smiles at the white haired man, "thanks." and knew the group was waiting for Leonardo to lead them off, even Raph and Mikey moving along getting the coconuts.

the little turtles she noted with amusement following Raphael in a little line.

Rocksteady: Even the promise of food didn't seem to be enough to calm the 'raging unicorn'. Just who the hell were these people? And why was this pig dragging him along?? No! They wanted something from him, and he knew what!

"NO! You not take horn from unicorn!!" Because that was their motive, it had to be! Bucking and death rolling, the former mutant Rhino managed to break free and galloped into the depths of the forest, away from his would be captors. "HEEHAWWW!"

Donatello: Had Donatello known of Elena's attempts, it could have had a different outcome. As it was, their pace kept them at a distance, but the brainy Turtle did look up in time to see her reach for him. A soft smile stretched across his lips and he gently touched her hand, comforting, feeling the tingling of energy that coursed through her fingertips. Only enough to feel like a small static 'pop' as skin met. Not enough to clue him in on something more, and not enough to drain her.

The contact would have been longer lived if not for the distractions. Noise off in the distance as 'the unicorn' broke away and galloped closer, but then took a u-turn. And now Raph and Mikey were retrieving coconuts with the little ones in tow, and the strange white haired men.

Donnie had noticed how his brother struggled with the duffle bag, and knew it would only get heavier with the much needed coconuts. He felt terrible, knowing his brother was holding onto Metal Head's remains... for him. Sparing a glance at the other and a familiar trademark goofy smile that was always reserved for April, he shifted and headed in the direction of Raph and Mike, wanting to help with the load.

"Um, Raph? I can relieve you of MetalHead..." And he knew his brother would need the duffle for the coconuts. Time to prioritize and make a difficult choice. "I can stash him somewhere..."

Elena: Grinning Elena waved her hand briefly at Donnie in efforts to reach him some more and do as she was drawn to do... But the distraction of her own coconut and still being in Mr. turtles hold turned her focus on him holding her own large round nut. She smiles and kisses Leo's cheek, "should I hope down Mr. Turtle? Do you need hands now?" she asks politely kinda hoping he would refuse and keep her here snuggling him but also knowing he might in fact need his hands now and or soon - especially if white haired mans words were right and they would be finding water soon.

water she was so thirsty!

Mikko McKinnon: Bebop watched Rocksteady run off he then looked over at Mikko who shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not going after him." she said and hooked her arm around Baxter's waist.

Bebop couldn't just leave his partner get lost in the forest and possibly run into head hunters. So he let out a growl and chased after the Rhino into the brush. "If you alive when I find you I'm gonna kill you!" He called out.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Mon Nov 28, 2016 12:21 am

Apr 10 16 5:37 AM

Raphael: Raphael could hear the disappointment in Donatello's voice when he suggested taking Metal Head. Though the duffle was getting heavier with each coconut, Raphael wasn't about to break his brother's heart by leaving his precious robot behind. The red masked turtle shifted the duffle so it was away from his purple masked brother. He wasn't the type to let weakness show; especially not in front of strangers. He could suck it up for another little while.

"I'm fine, Donnie," Raphael insisted. "It's not that heavy. I can manage."

Erica: Stepping over to Leo and her sister Erica patted her little shoulder. "Mr. turtle could indeed need his hands now Elena thanks for being so considerate." though her smile was Leo, grateful he not only took her in hand before and got her out of the danger zone around the big grey 'unicorn' but also since then had been patient enough to let her snuggle the crap outta him.

The kindness Donnie extended had not gone unnoticed or what her sister had been trying to reach out to him for. She would have to tell Elena to hold onto her grass skirts grass strands as they headed off to keep her close and try to not let her heal the turtle in purple right now. Not that she wanted to deny him help - she did not know much about turtles but no doubt he was sore. However until they were settled some where Elena could not afford to become sick.

she waits beside Elena and Leo for him to put her sister down, maybe having lightly sort of pointed out he should and free up his hands.

Donatello: Donatello was partly relieved that Raph didn't take up his offer to dump his beloved robot. Still, he knew his brother all too well and was certain that he was masking any discomfort from the additional weight. "Okay... but if it becomes too much, there are plenty of places we can hide him..." Though the thought of leaving Metal Head unattended even for a moment caused his heart to ache. What if he fell into the wrong hands? The island was currently refuge to their enemies as well. However, were any of the criminals smart enough to resurrect the machine? Nah.

Perhaps Dr. Stockman. No need to think about any of that at the moment. They had bigger things to worry about and finding shelter and water was a number one priority, and the coconuts would be a substitute until a fresh water stream could be located.

It wasn't much help, but Donnie began gathering what coconuts he could, wishing for a spare duffle. There was no way he would load Raphael down anymore by putting them in his already heavy bag. "Don't overload yourself. Just enough to keep everyone hydrated for now. We can return once we locate shelter..." Because even if they did manage to find a water source between now and then, coconuts would most likely be a crucial part in their diet.

Leonardo: It was hot, and getting hotter!  Despite Leo's normal strength, the hot and humid temperature and Leo's own injuries from the shipwreck made Elena feel heavier and heavier in his arms the longer they went.  He liked that she trusted him so much that she clung to him as a lifeline, but he was very grateful when she first suggested him putting her down.  Then Elena's sister also thought he should put the little girl down.  And he agreed.  He needed to conserve his strength for now.  

With a nod, Leo very gently put Elena down then he focused on what the white-haired man was saying.  He sensed water?  And who was this guy, anyway?  Leo couldn't trust him yet.  With Leo's current sour mood due to the heat, he decided it was best not to confront this Alucard until later.

Leo stopped and closed his eyes, taking a whiff of the area.  After he also sensed the water with his enhanced sense of smell, his eyes opened.  "He's right.  It's close."  At least the white-haired man was right about one thing.  "Come on."  Leo said as he drew one of his weapons out of its sheath and started hacking at the foliage to clear a path further into the woods...and to the stream.

Baxter: Having yelped at Mikko grabbing his butt now her arm around him, well maybe it all was not bad - the mad scientist thought pleasantly and even could not find the annoyance and only some amusement as the rhino took flight to protect his Unihorn "see ya when you's get back!" He calls cheerfully after the two.

Rahzarr: Chris had looked back to get a rough idea where the turtles group was headed as far as direction went - ((continued here: ))

Master Splinter: "That will have to be enough" Splinter encourages Mikey and Raph, Don and inevitably the little clones following Raph like a line of little ducklings back into some sort of line with Leo at their head so they were not leaving too wide and easy a track for their also island stranded enemies to follow them so easily, though if they found a stream and if luck would have it safe to travel they could travel along it for some distance.

April: April smiled at Raphael and Donatello, and felt guilt she herself could not walk along so readily. When they stopped for a drink she would find a branch to use as a crunch and hop along! No way was she tiring out Splinter and or possibly giving into letting Donatello carry her as she knew he wanted to and straining his injuries. She wondered how they were going to help him with that.

Then Leo confirmed what the white haired man had said and off they went in a straggling line behind Leo leading the way, clearing enough of the path for them to move.


~~~~ *(( ooc: Wink moving the scene along now guys so we are not stuck in this spot Wink will move to new thread in Erica post as they move away from beach. ))* ~~~~ ...

it would be an hours long slog with just coconut milk once they used the ninja stars enough to pries holes in the shells as they moved along - sipping. Having to help the little clones and Elena.

but finally to a shallow stream that was so fast flowing and and clear in the bright golden light left of the day was clear, the water just short of knee high here...

April was not the only one to be glad of the break, drink and moment to cool off. Though Leonardo instructed them all to not get cloths wet as they did not know how cold the nights were here and with evening approaching ...

April had found her crutch and hobbled along determinedly beside Donatello.

Elena: At first Elena was happy to simply trot after Leo, chattering nonsense to him as he moved ahead, ignoring her sisters admonishment to hang onto her grass skirt strands.

but an hour into the trip even the sight of water did not perk up herself or the little turtle tots.

They were exhausted! The drink of water did revive them a little. But then came the trek up the cool stream Elena in her undies alone so the rest of her cloths were not wet. She was still following Leo though, and it was only when her little teeth began to chatter did the group fill coconuts and her sister the couple of water bottles she had from the ship she'd stuffed in the backpack, and leave the stream but Elena was not the only one staggering now, bumping into the back of Leo's legs.

LilClones: In their little duck line as they moved along at first diligently behind Raphael, staying close to him.


But... the first hour wove on and the four little fellows were desperately thirsty when they got to the water and drank - though all adults - especially the turtle in purple and blue was careful no to let them over drink - especially considering they had had some coconut milk on the way.

Then they were splashing up the water along with the group. the little fellows had found this delightful, they loved water. And had to be reminded to move constantly as they wanted to stop and marvel at the unfamiliar new sensation of pebbles underfoot. Another hour, or more and they too began to shiver, cold as the human girl whom stayed close to the turtle in blue. Leo - the clones had learned his name. They had left the water and trekked on the clones so tired they just followed each others little feet, or in the case of Cyan leading his brothers behind Raphael in the little line just on Raphael's feet, they had scraped knees from the odd trip here and there and now hungry and tired they had little interest in the world that would otherwise hold endless fascination for four little boys whose entire world before this had been white walls, white rooms and humans... always humans poking them with shiny little things that hurt, shocked them if they bit or fought or tried to refuse and gave them little hard cookies when they willingly went along.

they were unaware for three year olds they had been doing very well, managing to keep up - to not whine or tantrum much, a little reluctant to encase these adults like those humans previously gave them those painful shocks.

But none the less even with the flesh of coconut in their bellies and water the hours trekking was showing, Gold sniveled quietly - tied. Hi brothers chirps to continue the only thing making him continue. He'd stumble pause and then at their chirps scurry to keep up again... He was not the only one stumbling now, Violet and Crimson too tripped, Cyan himself stepped on the back of Raphael's right heel as he too stumbled.

Tang Shen: Shen had suggested to Donatello and Raphael those of them able to - She, Alucard the white hair man, Erica, Michelangelo and Splinter once April was moving on a crutch - shared bits of the robot between them, Sharing Raphael's load, and even more when the coconuts had been pierced in the holes to allow for drinking and shared among them all to keep them going to the water. They were able to travel up the stream for some distance and time, keeping the children moving.

But as much as that load was shared, it became apparent as they left the stream following Leonardo the children where nearing the end of their endurance for the day.

In fact sore herself bruised and achy from the boats crash, and their impromptu battle on the beach front... the walk.

the brief cool walk up the stream had revived her a bit. but she saw the little ones stumbling. soon would be time to make camp and let them rest. She had a feeling with them bumping into the turtles they were following this would be noted she did not need to point out the kids needed rest. Needed sleep, the little Elena still tailing Leonardo and the little tott that looked like a carved moonstone of glittering cyan blue, his shell a deep almost sapphire blue, like his eyes, he leading his little line of equally jewel colored red, purple and gold brothers bumped and stepped on Raphael's heels.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Age : 50
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We are LOST! The Island! Empty Re: We are LOST! The Island!

Post by Splinter 2012 Mon Nov 28, 2016 12:22 am

Apr 15 16 10:48 AM

Erica: Erica had not objected to taking a little of the bot herself and did not waste time trying to convince her little sister to hold onto her, as her sister seemed intent to stay close to her hero turtle and talk about tea. About Ottis her stuffed turtle, about school, how much of all this Leo took in she did not know and listened herself - considering the poor guy was leading he may have little chance to take it in, if she had to fill in details later so as to avoid any disappointment should the chattering be missed.

They traveled for an hour, then the drinking and and traveling along the stream.

Only to exit -
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

Posts : 419
Join date : 2016-11-06
Age : 50
Location : The Lair.

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