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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Raph Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:11 pm

"Gross." Raph commented of the alien goo clones. He was listening, but it sure sounded like Raphie had no idea who might have been involved. Though... he actually sort of felt sorry for the clones. "And I thought just being a teenager was confusing."

He eyes BigM as the guy 'corrects' the name of the turtle he's talking about. Raph does eventually offer the guy a marker though. But he'll be watching!

"He's what, three? How old are you?" Raph asked his counterpart as he offers Raphie the 'pretty pink'. Because he would have guessed about... 16? Raph's sort of inclined to think science goo. Because other options... Raphie is a little on the young side. Especially if they were as sheltered as Raph and his brothers.

"So unless ya were shootin' off dragon goo at like... what? 12?"

And they are torturing Lee, but... Raph does give the guy a Space Heroes communicator on his plastron. It's sort of his version of an apology for the rest of their game. Lee might actually leave that one on.

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by NexusNoobs Mon Sep 21, 2020 1:00 am

Raphie grunts a bit, " sixteen, though Don would say because we lost months in the spiritual training of the tribunal and months in the Battle Nexus Tournament and in space and in the future though we ourselves return to the times at our current age so yeah sixteen... seventeen... eighteen... and on our first night out at fifteen, maybe fourteen and a half we did do battle with Purple Dragons and got our first taste of actual battle and bleeding so maybe the blood was collected then, know they had Baxter Stockman, he and Bishop have always know each other, or of each other so guess that w if even she is alive that is. Aside that she is a dragon of some sort." Raphie shrugs a bit whilst thinking it through slowly.

Bigm whoas he is drawing a neat sunflower boder to Lees shell whilst Raphie designs a 'solar system over the shell and grins watching Raph sketch. " man wonder if that is what happened to our blood samples too.... someone has them." a worried look for a moment but it fades.

Leo can feel the textures and he is a gooey mess sleepily and so churryily telling these larrikyns that much long travel was in order for them!

Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Nexuss10

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Raph Mon Sep 21, 2020 5:21 am

Raph is giving Lee a combination of things as he listens to Raphie's... rather convoluted... explanation. Though when the guy's done, Raph's not sure how to make what was described not sound convoluted. Some are nicer than others. The mustache is just because it's classic. You can't not do that. and a skunk among BigM's flowers.

"Hunh..." Still sounded like there was a little uncertainty. These kids were definitely from Raphie and his bros, and the 'how' seemed a little up in the air, but it didn't really matter. Probably genetics lab, quirky, science magic. That was enough for Raph as he finished adding a Space Heroes ship to Raphie's solar system.

"Some familiar names, but StockFly's barely competent and sounds like your Bishop is maybe... not quite on your side as much as ours is?" Not that Bishop was completely on their side. He had his own agenda, but for the most part, they were allies. Raphie's tone had not shown much appreciation for Bishop. Though if the guy could have been responsible for the sort of treatment the kids received in the lab, Raph would probably overlook their own Bishop's mostly ally-ship too.

He looks over at BigM with a slight frown. Yeah... they probably all have blood samples out there floating around. That's a little concerning to think about. How many other sets of these kids are around?

Though if there are more, why aren't they here like Randal and Chompy? Maybe just not more... yet? Have to look into that when they get home...

Especially when dealing with the Kraang, and that's a pretty much usually, especially of late.

He starts adding a skunk to BigM's flowers.

There's a laugh as Lee mumbles at them about long travel in store for them.

"Pretty sure that was happenin' anyway, Bro. Hush up and enjoy it." Because the rest of them are going to enjoy the couple more minutes of coloring that they have.

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Raphie Mon Sep 21, 2020 5:22 pm

Lee is sort of thinking...

No he really is not thinking he is a gooey mass and feeling the tickling of the cool ink on his carapace and way too gooey and limp to do more than ponder vaguely, " m mmore?" in a disjointed sort of echo of the thoughts of BigM's uncertainty and Raph's more inner thoughts

Raphie ignores the mumbling and goes right on making it a awesome solar system around that cool craft. " meh our Bishop has had his moments that is for sure but on the whole right now he is a dark agent, sort of not good and not bad. And in the future we went to he is more the light agent, mostly good but willing to find lasckeys and or covert agents to do the shady things to keep operations running smoothly. And he never mentioned anything about the little guys then so either it was done under his name and he has no idea about it or it was something he thought might have been a failed experiment. But yes he is possibly the reason why they exist.... or at least part of it... and maybe on your worlds the little guys just haven't been made yet or ummmmm yous haven't made them yet. Could have even been our Baxter but if that is the case he also doesn't know or was also told the experiment was not successful." blowing past the fact thanks to their many time and astral trips they are technically at least seventeen but really not having aged in those times much still sixteen. It is all very confusing. And there is a laugh and shove against BigM. " your big brothers from what I have heard are eager to start trying for their own."

Michelangelo bwhahahas and thinks, " do not know much about our Baxter aside he was a dweed and Donatello liked some of his work. And of course, their big alpha types and older - think they will be cool dads - though I would be the best." grinning and watching the kiddoes play Randal would roll the ball and then laugh and wait for Chompy to bring the ball back in reach in his efforts to catch it and in the efforts push it away from him, little alien turtle tail wagging all the while!

Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Ec451710

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Raph Tue Sep 22, 2020 2:25 pm

"Bro, I saaaaiiiid hush up and enjoy it." He drew a star on the tip of Lee's snout. "The more ya talk, the more I draw on your face."

Even if Lee's quiet, Raph will continue to draw on his brother, but he'll lay off the face if Lee hushes for five seconds!

He frowned at Raphie's story. It was sort of hard to keep up with it all.

"Sounds... confusing..." He finally admitted. Sounded like there were a few possibilities for how the little guys might have come about, and multiple crazy labs that might have been responsible for their existence.

"Find that out in your astral meety things?" Raph asked of Raphie's knowing that BigM's brothers were trying to make all the babies. The tone is a little snarky, but for the most part the question is sincere. He actually is curious about this sort of thing. It's definitely a Raph asking a serious question, but hiding it behind a little bluster sort of tone.

And he chuckled at BigM thinking he'd be the best dad.

"Mikeys are much better at the fun uncle." It's sort of degrading, but also sort of a compliment. BigM may take the comment how he will.

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Lee Wed Sep 23, 2020 2:23 am

Raphie laughs and strokes the spot again, quiet amused when Lee huffs a groooooooan out but is again far too limp to even mumble mumble as he had been, nodding at Raph's question, " yes, but didn't hafta be told, the way the big guys were all close to the kiddy balls off energy in that other place, they seem very eager to have that for themselves... mmmm" he pauses in drawing a asteroid that had a tail that funnily enough spread down the back of Lee's tail, making the limp noodle churr in the handling and drawing with the cool damp texters.

" aside from the shock and well anger at being unawares and failing our sons so long - I … am sort of disappointed to - sort of takes the fun out of making the babies doesn't it... well half, can probably find someone willing to let me have fun making em - oh hush you unless you are offering to find a way to have a sex change and lay eggs man." cause churry Lee briefly growls and now manages to limpy give him a middle finger.

BigM snorts with laughter and is adding to the flower rims, [color+FF4500]" this is true, I can hype them up on sugar than hand em back... hehehe oh I don't know doesn't Lee have ladies back home maybe they will be happy to surrogate some time."[/color]

Kids bump against Raph on the way around him chasing the ball and just having a blast playing, Chompy crawling into lap!

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Raph Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:56 am

It's a deadpanned moment when he looks at Raphie.

"Pretty sure that other place was astral meety thing."

Or at least it was as far as Raph's concerned. Sure, he'd noticed the big guys sticking close to the little balls of energy, but they had been pretty protective of all of them.

When Lee is trying to mumble again, Raph actually spares the guy a face drawing. Raphie got in a good burn there. That's sufficient. Raph is snorting right alongside BigM, and nods at the comment.

"Well, yeah... I don't think of either of them as particularly 'motherly.'" At least not yet. Maybe someday.

He chuckles as Chompy crawls into his lap. He scratches the little guy's shell.

"Hey, Randal, come here." And he offers the kid a marker and shows him how to draw on Lee. Hey, the kid has to learn to write someday, don't he? This is good practice! Though Raph is careful to make sure the kid doesn't write on anything that isn't Lee!

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Raphie Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:59 am

"Pretty sure that other place was astral meety thing."

Raphie misses the look thinking over it and nodding, " truuuuuue though I thiiiink really Leo said something on a meeting with him astrally before then that kinda hinted at Lee forming an army and Leonardo trying to or beginning to breed one... trying to recall meditation is not my thing sometimes... dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" cut off watching Randal eagerly scramble over BigM to Raph and nuzzle at him, nuzzle Daddy Raphie - and Lee too then Raph the uncle once close enough and watching eagerly - looking up at Raph clearly not sure what to do with the offered sharpie and even if he has a vague idea and is holding it upside down and waggles it in the air.

Lee is a work of art and his brief growl becomes churrs and he feels and scents Randal joining them.

Content they are moving and that it looked like for a massive column they were at least making a good pace now and it was getting a bit bumpy for them the adults to keep drawing without making a mess

BigM dawwwws and watches the kids, " yeah that sounds like my big brothers." he nods.

" so says the guy trying to get my Mike's dragon girl to mate him." teases Rapie. maybe lightly tugging on Lee tail before letting go to watch how Randal goes with the drawing too.

Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Ec451710

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Raph Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:10 am

Raphie laughed at the breeding an army thing. Thought about it for a moment. But wait, a Leo said it. What if it isn't an exaggeration... Especially when BigM agrees...

"Wait, seriously, or is your Leo like... super prudish?" Because these are the important questions!

Raph chuckles at Randal's handling of the pen. "Here, Little Guy. Like this." And he gently corrected the placement. "Then put the tip on Lee's leg. Riiiiight here."

It's getting bumpy, but that's fine. He added a bug puffy caterpillar unibrow to Lee's face for the growling. Then put his marker away to focus on Randal and make sure he only drew on Lee!

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by NexusNoobs Fri Sep 25, 2020 1:35 am

" hah if so your Mike sure aint… then again my Leonardo was the last to give up his v card and join us big reptilian mutants int he escort gig, at first he tried to discourage us, then reluctantly joined in and now he'd the number uno requested male mutant turtle." Still confused how that had happened to be honest. But he is grinning.

Raphie sniggers and siiiiighs a long suffering sigh watching Chompy crawl up beside Randal and resting on Raph's knee to watch his little friend. " I never thought of my Leo as completely prudish but... maybe a little... still as long as the big guy plans to be a dad of some sort... wow really? hahaha that's hilarious... and yeah damn it just another Mike Nexus victory - well he will consider it so and will brag about it endlessly... and I still wanna know what the cowabunga was code for." huff!

BigM laughs and shrugs, " I'd not be surprised if my brother fully intends to start his own genio innocuo kingdom here, and have a whole bunch of kids to love. Or at the very least. One." he is so amused. And shrugging he gather the code word was a I miss you or a I love you sort of thing.

Randal is gaping, he'd seen humans do this... but now is doing it! and giggles his little toes wiggling and of course he is making a scribbly mess! But having a blast!

And lucky for them all Lee is all goo and even when not loves the little guys so much he will be happy as a pig in poop to be covered in texter just because he can hear the way Randal is giggling, and Chompy his cute little squeaky laughing too - Chompy didn't have the hands but it doesn't stop Randal helping him hold the texter in his mouth and draw -[

Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Nexuss10

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Raph Fri Sep 25, 2020 4:03 pm

Raph is listening, and just sort of quietly considering the information about these two other Leos. One maybe a little prudish, but not completely. The other... either a sex fiend who had kept himself closeted for a time, or just a particularly good lover.

He supposed none of these were actually mutually exclusive.

The noise at his counterpart being subjected to Mikey bragging is grunted, but actually a genuine agreement that Mike bragging is the worst! Though Raph is usually able to quash his own Mikey's bragging pretty well. Sounds like Raphie doesn't have quite that advantage over his own brother.

He listens to the talk, the question about the Cowabunga and the whole Leonardo's Kingdom thing. It's mostly a joke when he says. "Maybe an okay for giving Erica her own genio innocuo hybrids."

The girl had looked awwwwfully pleased with the cowabunga thing... He doesn't actually mean the words seriously. It had been initially intended as something of a joke. But... now he's sort of wondering.

He chuckles at the kids and their drawing. Even Chompy was getting in on the action! Daaawwwwww! And he took a few pictures of the adorable little guys.

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Sep 28, 2020 1:10 am



Lee is a happy turtle. A work of art happy turtle.

" not completely?" nudge to the Raphie who is considering - smiling and watching the boys work together and amused by the happy state of Lee.

" well.... I say not completely cause he's happier than Don to sometimes indulge in usual talks among teenaged brothers regarding females and I guess the right woman will coax something out eventually - and pfffft figures a Leo even beginning late would figure out how to become the numeral uno male..." maybe a tad jealous of BigM and his bros being brave enough to do something like that - or had the appalling gall to do so... he wasn't sure.

" ha fair enough - hows about you guys Raph?" curious about how they handled partners int heir world, if they had any or were more free ranging like his own clan... he grins as Raphie stiffens -

" frack I bet that's what it is - Erica - are you planning to have myyyyy Mike's kids?" spotting the white shape flapping back to them and starting a little when she drops a large bird body onto their cart.

Erica is surprised and just as she is settling down to begin cleaning off her successfully hunt and kill and pluck all the feathers off she sloooowly blinks and grins, " yes" simply and so danged pleased by that and missing Raphie gaping like afish for a moment as she starts the cleaning and feather plucking, leaving the prettiest feathes aside for Chompy and Randal to play with.

" ooooh boy..."

" I have been eating more in preparation for building reserves."

Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Byssig10

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Raph Mon Sep 28, 2020 9:19 am

Raph is listening, even as he keeps an eye on the kids with their pens.

"Was it your Don who was the sock puppet guy?" Raph's not even sure that statement had been in anything other than jest, but he remembered someone saying it. Might have been BigM... but he's pretty sure it was Raphie.

"Well, seems Lee is keeping our adopted sister, her girl friend and an interdimensional brother satisfied. Feel like the guy should be a Game of Thrones character... I have Mona, Donnie has his April... against all odds and probably her better judgement. Mikey... he likes everything. Lots of casual play with Renet and Casey. Sure he's searching for someone here too."

Raph snorts softly as Erica matter of factly confirms that she's getting ready to have Mike's babies.

Grinning at Raphie. Silently wondering if his Mike is a dead turtle. It's probably visible in his eyes, but he's not going to ask with Erica right here.

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Lee Mon Sep 28, 2020 11:47 am

Hahahaha " Don's pigeon puppet has come in handy but given his complete seeming lack of interest in even locker room talk I am starting to wonder about the puppets indeed... but maybe that will change here - who knows?" laughs Raphie and thinks over his brother in purple still very worried for him and doubting there being energy on top of coming back from the down and sick time and whatever happened in the astral plane, not to mention the little fellow his brother has adopted and travelling to really think much about that kinda thing. He eyes Erica, " ya know... there is a bigger Mike here to father genio innocuo." not that he'd actually try to stand between Mike and a possible family - or more of a family... still... ya know just to make sure the girl really really wanted this - and then to dob little brother into big brother - but well it was possible Leo already knew... dude knew everything.

" ya kno it bro... i'm King of the seven kingdoms." drawn on happy dopey and still churry Lee tries his best to brag - it comes of as a sort of happy mumbling and his comet tail wags.

Randal and Chompy are happy to be colouring in sections of shell Chompy looking up at DadaRaph with the widest grin.

Raphie catches the look and grins and points at himself then at Lee's bandana indicating Mike's health and possible ability to father anything hung on Leo.

All this is amusing and BigM makes a waggly brows at Erica and a playful flirty purr churr showing off his large tail - rubbing the little Lee's head at his mumbling.

Giggling Erica misses the looks and nods, " oh yes since I first saw Malcolm I knew I wanted a little genio innocuo, like that sweet little boy... and well Mike is a battle nexus champion..."

Raph grooooans even when not here Mike manages to brag.

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Raph Tue Sep 29, 2020 1:32 pm

"Pigeon... puppet..." Raph had previously assumed that Raphie was kidding about the puppet thing. Now... he's not entirely sure. But Raphie seemed worried, and this is the brother that had been the ball of energy after the astral meety thing. So he doesn't really pursue the line of questioning.

He kicks Lee's churry, purry, braggy shell for the King of the Seven Kings comment. Not hard, just enough for him to feel it.

Raph sniggers at Raphie's groan as Mike manages to brag without even being anywhere around.

"What's the Battle Nexus Championship?" It's an innocent question, though it's already out of his mouth before it connects that it will probably elicit more groaning from Raphie.

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Raphie Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:23 pm

Raphie however eyes Lee for a moment, sniggering and rolling his eyes - the kids giggle and keep right on coloring - " considering how well he has talked these stubborn buffalo people into following him I think he has a point." but its a off hand sort of snort of a remark and he is glad Raph gave the kid a boot for that - mmmmmm nod, "Yep pigeon - why it was even there I have no idea and you know what I don't wanna - but yep pigeon puppet - and it came in handy... hah! so there is that."

" we Mike's are awesome at that - and yeah girl what about it, feel like a biiiiigger Mike?"

Erica giggles and waps him with her tail - she is half way through cleaning the bird - of cause she would make sure the babies got food first and the genio innocuo if they wanted some, she will try to get some and especially the cartilage and the very fatty marrow in bones.

Raphie stifles the next sort of siiiiigh and eyes Raph, " ya not supposed to help Mike brag long distance - buuuuut the Battle Nexus is a championship tournament of martial arts, held here in the Nexus, my dad has been and been a Champion. when he tried to come back again maybe we followed him and got dragged into the last tournament - Mike through a heap of good luck as far as I am concerned won and even had to come back and defend his title - so was the last Battle Nexus Champion... urgh and he has not let us forget it"

Lee ooooomphs a bit at the kick sort of complaining a bit also not even caring cause well he is still purry and churry

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Raph Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:56 pm

Raph batted at his counterpart, as he sort of agreed with the King of the Seven Kingdoms thing. "Come on, Man. His head is big enough as it is without anyone agreeing that he's a king of any kind. Hush." But it's mooooostly in play.

He's chuckling as Raphie goes on about the pigeon puppet.

"Who knows what goes through Donnie heads, but Donnies?" Though yeah, he does agree with his counterpart. They probably don't want to know. Maybe Raph thinks a little too much in 'locker room talk,' but he's having a hard time coming up with a reason for a grown turtle to carry around a pigeon puppet that's completely innocent. ...or remotely innocent.

Though again... who knows what Donnies are thinking but Donnies.

He sniggers a bit as BigM is turned down by the little damonfeuer. HAHA!

And he sort of stares at the Battle Nexus story. Did he ask this once already? Fucking drugs. Still messing with his head. He doesn't remember. But he grins at the tone and the story.

"Draaaaagged?" He sure can't imagine there was a whole lot of arm twisting going on to get Raphie and his bros to go along with joining a martial arts tournament.

Raph sure wouldn't need any! And he can't imagine that his counterpart is any different in that respect.

Typical a Michelangelo would brag about something like that. Hard to believe it was a Mikey who actually won though.

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by NexusNoobs Thu Oct 01, 2020 11:18 am

" dawwwwwww but a bigger head is fun to pop." Raphie mock pouts - but its short and he laughs and shrugs, " pretty sure we can all say that, I mean who knows what is going on in a Mikey's head save a Mikey? .... but your right definitely only a Donnie would know the mystery of a Donnie's brain - or at least have a good guess." so very amused, the opportunity to tease Don about his pigeon puppet had of course presented had sort of mostly been missed, next time it popped up Raphie miiiight toss a little more around just for funsies.

BigM is undeterred really but he does melodramtically play out a broken heart, the whole hog of holding the bumping organ out and all - grinning a bit at the sniggers and giggling about being whacked by that little white tail.

[color=#FF0000]" okay less draaaagged and more oh hell yeah lets do this - most of our opponent up until then had been mostly gang members of the Purple Dragons and the Foot. Was great to get out and fight others from across Nexus attached multiverses.

Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Nexuss10

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by Raph Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:00 pm

"Yeah... I seen what goes on in a Mikey head. Once was enough. But moooostly food, dancing, some rapping."

He chuckles at the kids playing with churry purry Lee still. This seemed a pretty great game for them! Though... he might have to find something that passes for paper here in the Nexus sometime for them. He has some in his pockets, but not much.

"Pretty sure Lee is a constant stream of questioning 'what could Captain Ryan do?'" Yeah, probably a little more than... No, Captain Ryan would definitely bang both Raphie and Karai without a second though. Still fit.

"But Donnie-Boy? I don't even speak his language." Moooostly a joke. Though he does tease his brother about the too big words a lot.

He grins at the talk of the Battle Nexus Championship. "So how was it? Other than Mikey takin' home the prize instead of you." Because that bit went without saying.

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Mundubbera Valley follow the stream. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mundubbera Valley follow the stream.

Post by BigM Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:46 am

Raphie looks mildy uneasy. " I=Oh maaaaan now I have to ask how the heck you know that?" just as BigM mumbles beside him happily.

" foooooooooooooooood glorious foooood..." almost partially singing himself.

Erica takes it as a hint the guys might all be hungry - were dudes usually quiet hungry? and she pluckes at the remaining feathers a bit fast, by now the happy kids had realised there was a cloud and a pile of the soft downy things and were climbing up Lee's shell only to leap off into the bumdle and repeat giggling all the while at their game in the softness.

" mmmmm also... have.... w w r d and w w d d and w w m d as well as one for s a and even a c." Lee happily churrs. Forget he is a waking up from the goop haze puddle of happy turtle art he is sooo not moving just yet and sort of half fish flops a tad trying to move. Then the kids are playing and he gives up the attempt entirely.

Raphie had to think on his response and then shrugs a little, " it was a bit totally sucky, Leo got poisoned - in truth he should have won the tournament - but maybe like dad he might have forfeited to Mikey too who knows Leo can be like that. And we landed in the middle of an attempted cou by the tournament creator and supposed to be ruler of the nexus's son and a evil drake known as Drako or Draco who knows? but it was sooo cool, awesomly cool we got to really cut loose and when not in the ring we ran into new and old friends from across the universes and didn't have to hide away and could go out into the market place like ormal folk you know? so aside fromt he power play and the fact we are back here again defending the Daimyos rule - its... I love it here and the tournament is fun I sooo can't wait for another one and maybe even suggest more types of side games, swimming or racing or other skills ya know?"

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Post by Raph Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:40 pm

Raph chuckled at his counterpart needing to know why he knew what went on inside Mikey's head. "Well, he got Neutrinos. Apparently they eat innerselves or brains, or something like that. April helped us go into his mind to rescue him from these things. There were others 'selves' though. Glutton Mikey, Weirdo Mikey, Funny Mikey and the rarely seen Angry Mikey. So yeah. Mikey's true self? He's like, five years old." Raph shrugged. There's the story.

He shakes his head slightly, amused by BigM going on about food. Yep... still a Mikey. There's a soft chuckle at the kids too. They're having a good time. He's glad they have each other. And it's really amazing to see Chompy get to play with another kid.

And there's an eye roll at Lee's addition, but he'll spare the guy a face drawing this time. They're bouncing around a bit too much, and it's probably time to let him up anyway.

"Uh huh... The grand statements and bangin' sorta siblings I've seen since I actually got my brain back is definitely Captain Ryan."

He listens attentively to Raphie's story about the tournament! Oh! He wants to join next time!

"That sounds awesome! Ya know... except the poisonin' and coup part..." That was probably less awesome.

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Post by Lee Fri Oct 02, 2020 3:43 pm

" thaaaaat sounds like it might have been a headache...." Raphie sort of wows out loud and is a little creeped out by the thought of the Neutrinos - though there is a bit of a loud squee at the end, " liiiike yous got to hang with a weeee mini Mike hahaha that would have been so very cuuuuuuuute.... dang well that all just popped out." huff the kids were making him a tough marshmellow!

" mmmm soooooo cuuuuuuuuu - mmmma ke sommmmme cuuuuu with zeeee laaaaa diessss." stretches and mumbles Lee as he is slowly gathers himself -

" bwhahahaa yeah man slipped out - wooo yeah better get on that -" BigM laughs and jogs Erica a bit with the elbow andwaggles his eye ridges.

Raphie growls equally as playfully, " Hah find ya own Damonfeuer Mike claimed this one." poking out his tongue at the big guy and glancing back to Raph and nodding, " just like this adventure here, its great we are out in the open and meeting really cool new types of people and travelling I have seen far more .... wilderness than I ever had before being a city turtle... but again not the best of circumstances."

He shakes his head slightly, amused by BigM going on about food. Yep... still a Mikey. There's a soft chuckle at the kids too. They're having a good time. He's glad they have each other. And it's really amazing to see Chompy get to play with another kid.

And there's an eye roll at Lee's addition, but he'll spare the guy a face drawing this time. They're bouncing around a bit too much, and it's probably time to let him up anyway.

"Uh huh... The grand statements and bangin' sorta siblings I've seen since I actually got my brain back is definitely Captain Ryan."

He listens attentively to Raphie's story about the tournament! Oh! He wants to join next time!

"That sounds awesome! Ya know... except the poisonin' and coup part..." That was probably less awesome.[/quote]

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Post by Raph Fri Oct 02, 2020 6:11 pm

Raph nods. It had definitely been a headache! "Especially the rapping. Mikey's head is a little like watching every TV channel at once."

He chuckles at Raphie's softie side showing for the kiddoes. He's pretty sure all Raph's are suckers for kids at this point. And he gives Lee a light kick in the side.

"Give it like five more minutes before you start adding to conversations, bro. Maybe by then we'll actually be able ta understand you."

And another chuckle for the banter between Raphie and BigM regarding Erica and her choice of mate.

"I guess..." Yeah, the wilderness was alright, but Raph hasn't actually had all that great of a stay in the Nexus to date. He's just barely mostly sober after days of being continuously drugged.

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Post by Erica Martins Sat Oct 03, 2020 1:19 pm

Lee grunts but there is no complaint - yet

When their going for a run he was gonna make em all pay!

For now he was too goofy gooey faced to even plot further than that. So no schemy face to give him away.

Raphie laughs and rubs the bald head maybe knocking the blue bandana askew on purpose and grins at Raph, " its a shame you and BigM spent most of the first weeks here drugged it really is a unique pretty place and nice to get out. Shame really we are back here again in such circumstances, but hell maybe next time we can all return here one day for a tournament with more activities for more participants and have a real good time." who knew - he hoped and was so bringing his idea up to Leo about suggesting changes to the Nexus games, not that his brother had the political power here to change that but his close friendship with Usagi and Usagi's local knowledge might be the way to get it suggested to the right people - yeah he had no doubt Usagi would be found and join their fight somewhere along the trek as they all got closer to the main city.

" agreed man - I'm enjoying this now - been a cooler trip if hadn't been drugged - know we will be back here." BigM could see his brothers returning here periodically, whether its because the big blue and red bros had fathered kids and were doing dadly duties. Or just to have somewhere that they fit in - who knew but he knew they would be back somehow - and he'd encourage it, it would be cool. And maybe he did enjoy the genio innocuo adoration a bit. Maaaaayyyyybe.

Erica has finally plucked the last feathers off, she is searching the carcass for anything she has missed but satisfied it is cleaned and feather free she breaks the body into sections by popping the points of cartiliage and places the chunks int he brazzier of the cart to cook, on the fire embers int here, no fire but the coals and embers were hot enough still. Giggling at the little boys playing in the bundles of feathers - well that is until Chompy had one tickle his nose, sneezed and set the bundle on fire -

" ah!" BigM squeals then simply smushes out the small flames with a big hand, smothering.

The kiddoes are giggling - that was hilarious to them! both bouncing to their feet climbing over Lee as he stretches some more and leaping for dads laps - Chompy into Raphs and Randal into Raphie's still giggling.

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Post by Raph Sun Oct 04, 2020 12:19 pm

Raph knows that grunt! HA! Yes, Leo intends to make them pay, but there are TWO, count them, TWO Raphs and a BigM here now! Raph will just turn the run into a brawl, and it will be epic! Shouldn't be hard with this crew!

"Yeah, that'd be fun. Kinda a Nexus Olymmpics." Yeah, Raph could get behind that! Actually, that sounded really awesome! He'd love to get to compete in something like that! Not like they could actually do anything like that back home.

Raph helped smother out the flames after Chompy sneezed. He chuckled.

"Yeah, that happens... a lot..." He was used to it, and he's been burned often. Actually at this point, his hands are pretty used to it. He hardly notices the heat anymore. Though he does keep them wrapped just a little thicker than his brothers tend to, and Chompy is why.

He snuggles the little sneezer that bounded for his lap. "Awww... Chompy..." Definitely completely smitten by the little guy. Fire sneezes and all.

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Post by Doragonkame Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:33 pm

" hah hey my Leo makes that sound when he has spotted some horrible tort uh I mean training session for us all to indulge in. Raphie grins and lifting Randall up he nuzzled the little one and with the other hand and arm pulling gathering himself Lee up and resting the guy back against his plastron too so Randall could reach him with those happy nuzzled also, cause he and Chompy.

Both sooty and waggy tailed and Chompy making his happiest little squeaky chirps hugging Raphs hand and nuzzling eagerly.

BigM laughs, " hahahaha big bad Raphie ya so the suckers for a cute face... Even my brute of a brother.... He hehehe... My Leo doesn't make a sound that gives him away he gets this sort of evil half grin and that's when we know we in for a hard time."

Erica is listening and chuckles a bit at the kids pulling the cooked bits, the wings from the brazier to cool for the kiddies, Lee mumbling a thanks and grinning in a goofy way as Raphie props him up and Randall goes to town nuzzling!

"nice to know it's not just my Leo that does this like that. And wouldn't it be the coolest? Hah and might be able to call them Nexus Olympics! Or something like." he grins at Raph nodding definitely he would push it as something for his dad and Leo to run by the Daimyo if they get a chance to.

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Post by Raph Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:39 pm

Raph laughed. He's not even a little concerned about Lee's training session that he has planned. If anything, he's looking forward to it.

He glowered at BigM for a moment, but really... yeah... Raph's a sucker for a kid. And he's more than happy to snuggle Chompy! Even if the squirt did have a sliiiight tendency to set things on fire. As the bird feathers had shown. He's chuckling at the comment about the big Leo who has the evil grin.

"Yeah, well, this guy here isn't very good at the evil grin. Just looks psycho. He's gotta grunt."

Maybe a little smirky toward his still gooey brother. Definitely making fun of him. Sort of... purposely pushing buttons just to see what it takes to get a rise out fo him!

And more talk about the Nexus Olympics!

"Oh absolutely! It'd be amazing!" Okay, the Nexus doesn't seem so bad. Not if it's a place where something like that could happen!

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Post by Erica Martins Thu Oct 08, 2020 2:23 am

Big M grins at the glower and pokes tongue out - then adds, " the one time we got close to a marshmellow puff Raphael was when we found a box of kittens and he started making kissy faces and smoochie sounds and cuddling the tiny tiny things." chuckling at the memory and it is made funnier that everyone now knew how big and scary his red clad brother looked so the mental image of his going gooey over kittens should makes some laughs -

Raphie indeed chuckles and rests back against the cart and Lee is against his plastron he sniggers at Raph's explanation and nods Randal like Chompy soaking up the cuddling and offering snout for nuzzling. Dawwwww it was indeed very very cute watching Chompy and Raph. amused by the trying to get a rise and maybe interested to see if it -

sort of worked there was a weak attempt at a rude fingered gesture. " hey stop teaching the kids bad habits Lee... hahaha gruntyLee." and watching Chompy nuzzles and chirpy chirrrrp and nibble on bandana tails!

BigM grins, " if something like that happens my brothers an dI will definitely join in - oooooh thanks." as Erica hands them cooked meat chunks.

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Post by Raph Thu Oct 08, 2020 2:53 pm

Raph can't let that slide! He takes up for his fellow Raph!

"Hey! Kittens are cool! What else ya gonna do with a kitten?" He snapped. Oookay... maybe that was a little bit defensive... Especially since BigM's talking about another Raph...

He pouted and cuddled Chompy. Cooing and talking baby talk to him. Just to help calm himself down after the kitten thing. He's babbling baby talk quietly to the little fire turtle. "Mean ol' BigM is making fun of his brother for being nice to kittens. That's not a very nice thing to do is it? No it's not. Chompy would never do something mean like that, would he. No. No he wouldn't. Because Chompy is my perfect widdle guy!" Okay... perfect if you don't mind him accidentally setting things on fire. Raph doesn't stop the bandanna tail nibbling, he never does. He is maaaaayyyybe sort of making BigM's point for him... He doesn't care. And he doesn't really care about Lee flipping him the bird. Actually, that's sort of amusing and does somewhat draw him out of his little nuzzling session with Chompy.  It at least brings his attention back to the conversation.

"An' you know we'll be there! Thanks, Erica." He accepted a small bit of the meat, mostly some for Chompy.

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Post by Raphie Fri Oct 09, 2020 10:12 pm

" awesome - cause I... kinda like hanging with ya guys it's great." squeezing the less gooey but now more churry Lee to his own plastron and moved Randall to sit on his Daddy's lap accepting a piece of the meat and grinning, " thanks Erica, you a small dragon gal but you hunt pretty good, and maaaan all this food I hope Lee has a lot of cardio in mind." or else he would never hear the end of it from Don about gaining weight and what stresses there is on the body joints and heart. And or be made to work it all off by Leo.

Lee nods - he has most of his faculties back are back and he definitely has vengeance fueled much heavy cardio!

He likes the quick trott pace the long column has and sort of feels relaxed by the rattle and clank and clatter of hooves, equipment and trotting peoples. He will touch base with his brothers. Especially Don.

Watching Raph with a chuckle and elbowing BigM. " Us Raphies are big, bad, rude, crude, tough.... marshmallows."

" hahaha or cute fun sized hard candy coated marshmellow Raph's" BigM teases around chewing on a chunk of the meat and watching the indeed very tender gooey sweet Raphs be all tender with their little ones - and in the case of Raphie his lover.

Chompy and Randal both are quiet enjoying the meat - Chompy nuzzling eager after the first mouth ful.

"mmmmm might wanna - try resting when kids do - we w.. will need it..."

" bwhahahahahaaa - man it will be easier to take you seriously when your not some magnificent work of art." Raphie grumbles happily grinning over at Raph, oh he sooo understood the going to mush thing! oh yes!

Giving her wings a flap, " you guys are very welcome, hah fairly good yes, I would like to see you guys hunting -" curious about that, glad they are enjoying the meat and nibbling herself picking out the cartilage and cracking bones to get at the marrow.

Lee sniggers a bit, " fish?" is all he really remembered catching during the spirit questing?

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Post by Raph Sat Oct 10, 2020 3:00 pm

Raph chuckles as Raphie hopes there's cardio. "Pretty sure he always has cardio in mind." Raphie looks worried though, and Raph sort of bumps against him. Even if he doesn't really know what the expression is all about.

"I wanna argue with the both of you..." But he can't. He really can't. and he doesn't argue.

He smirks at Lee when he says they should sleep with the kids. In part, because 'duh,' but also... "You count yourself in that number, Lee?" Because like the kids, sometimes you had to sleep when the Leonardo did if you wanted any real rest.

And he sniggers at Raphie's words, and offers the guy a fist bump for the artwork comment.

He looks over at Erica's wanting to see them hunt. "Heh... it probably ain't that impressive..."

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Post by Doragonkame Sun Oct 11, 2020 1:58 am

" hah I think it would be much impressive." Erica grins and well she is pretty sure it would be - she'd managed to catch some of the fight and had been impressed then. She is methodical in eating the bird and making sure to share among them as much as they want. BigM seemed able to eat forever!

Raphie politely waved away a second chunk of bird, not because it had not been almost chicken yummy. oh it had with a bit of a ashy smokey twist to the flavor, its just Randal is looking ready to nap. He is shifting the kiddo to lay plastron to plastron more on Lee's body and wrapping his arms about the both of them meeting Raph's fist bump with a soft deep laugh, " don't wanna argue with it either, but this dude is soooo napping with us." as lee had been about to protest that he'd just had a sooort of nap... at least bodily.

But Raphie had him there and he does know he will be less tempted to be the hovery big bro is he naps too so sort of nods, clumsily. Still regaining all his coordination sloooooowly.... sloooowly but surely and wow this ride was moving along a bit faster which he appreciated as it meant they were making good time up for the time spent relaxing by the watering spot. He grins at Erica and chuckles, " I don't know Raph we did make for some wicked nut gatheres on our spiritual refinement quest." hahahaa yes indeed maybe their hunting skills needed some work.
big M laughs, " maaaaaaaan I aint never been out of the city so I can't tell ya, noot sure ordering a precise pizza delivery arrangment cooounts?... might be okay at it." well maybe it did count as a sort of gathering.... mayyyyybe?

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Post by Raph Sun Oct 11, 2020 11:54 am

Raph sort of chuckled. Yeah... their hunting skills need work. They might be able to get a fish or two though. Definitely not skilled hunters like Erica.

They'll probably wind up chasing their potential dinner away...

"Last I checked, that wasn't hunting. Neither is your BigM."

Raph also waved off another piece of the meat, though it had been very good. He sort of leaned back, and encouraged Chompy to take a nap like his little buddy. Raph couldn't guarantee it would work, it was sort of hit or miss with Chompy, but he'd encourage a little sleep while Randal was doing so.

He's also starting to feel just the very beginning of those withdrawal symptoms returning, and he's hoping to rest through at least some of it.

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Post by Doragonkame Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:27 pm

Lee laughs and he is almost pulled together, and once BigM and Raph were sleep and maybe Raphie too if he didn't reach his brothers in meditation he'll try a little healing hands before going to sleep fully himself. For now he sort of closed eyed rested, ack all this texter was going to be a pain in the tail to scrub off! and dang it especially the bit on his tail... ah he didn't know what challenge there would be but he was soooo making the red clad ones and the big M pay for this -

" hah miiight come under.... ambushing..." he mumbles happily still though.

Raphie shhhhs him and grins reaching over to rub Chompy's little shell, the little cutie did look like he was snuggling in there near his dad's cheek in the crook of shoulder and neck for a nap - he thought it was just so damned cute! " hah well Erica could always take us hunting and get us to try out the skills." he chuckles glancing at the pretty white damonfeuer and well maybe he could understand Mike saying yes.

" whooooo oooaaahaoooooooo evere catches none or the least gets drawn on next." happy yawns BigM not full but the added supper hit the spot just right and he is getting comfy!
One of her big blue eyes open and she laughs softly. " hah challenge accepted - tomorrow you guys can catch our dinners." she was all too happy to share the last of the bird with BigM and having scraped out as many bones as she could she was going to have energy to burn for flight and still have some left for egg creation, holding and laying. Though she needed more for she will not leave her egg or eggs long once laid.

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Post by Raph Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:05 pm

"Might work if he's quieter than Mikey." Raph muttered about the ambushing and  poked a thumb at BigM. It's (mostly) tease.

Raphs' getting tired though, and doesn't have much left at the moment. He also has Chompy sleeping, and making those adorable little noises on his shoulder. That's not something that's going to let him stay awake much longer!

And actually, giving a go at hunting sort of sounded like fun! He's looking forward to the experience.

Well... later. After a nap.

With the withdrawal symptoms just starting to return, Raph had been worried about whether he'd actually be able to get to sleep or not, but he needn't have worried. He's dozing off to Chompy's adorable little sleep sounds. Best sleep aid ever.

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Post by Erica Martins Fri Oct 16, 2020 12:18 am

" I cannnnn be quiet..." murmurs though a yawn BigM moving closer and sort of spooning loosely beside Raph and the happy little Chompy.

Raphie is chuckling and nuhuhs, " if your like my Mike you certainly can be but usually when up to mischief."s he is gonna have to carefully lay Randal down on Raph's other side and does so the little boy stretching and making a yawny churr sound as the now free from his weight Lee shifts to sit himself up and into a position he can do the healing hands motions slowly, and begin to focus through the remaining happy haze in his mind. But it is working and the glow is creeping.

Erica is amusingly watching them and as much as she wants to be back in the sky flying for her next group of turtles quickly as possible she will help out these ones first. Raphie is getting hisemlf comfy ready into position to free his mind and empty it and focus and reach as Lee chants. and also positioned it was easy enough to just flop over and spoon Lee and Randal when the time comes.

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Post by Raph Fri Oct 16, 2020 9:45 am

Raph chuckles softly at BigM's response, and Raphie's! HA! Yeah, that definitely sounds like a Mikey trait. Quiet when making trouble.

He's already dozing as he hears Lee start chanting. Thanks, Bro. The assist is appreciated, and Raph stays still, waiting. By the time Lee actually administers the Healing Hands, Raph will be all but asleep.

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Post by Lee Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:08 am

Raphie settles back, just watching, for the moment even with the chuckling BigM is resting, Erica is curled nearby and resting and he can set his meditation to the strange yet sort of both soothing and a might exciting to listen to but a good sound to slowly regulate his breathing too - knowing Randal and Chompy, Lee, Raph, Erica and BigM were all in reasonable health and soon little better off he can let himself fully relax.

Waiting - there and feeling but not rushing, after last nights spiritual run in he was so not going to be particularly surprised if none of the other turtles respond, even his brothers, though Leo might have recovered by now, maybe Mike but he's not pushing contact unless there is a response to his light brushing. Mostly using this moment to recuperate a little more.

Lee waits and chants until his glow is a thick covering over his skin, and then reaches out, he'd never done this until so dense before and was a little hesitant but when he brushed the hands over BigM the guy churred so he brushes them over Raph next following the length of Raph's limbs and slow over plastron and up over head laying the healing glow. Offering a little to Erica - maybe a subconscious good luck charm for whenever she flew off to her mate. Then over the little boys, mostly to act as preventative measure against parasites an or illnesses.


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Post by Raph Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:38 pm

Dozing, but a little restless, Raph is trying to sleep. He's curled up with Chompy, and when Lee administers the Healing Hands, Raph churrs softly at the relief. When Lee moves on, he sighs softly, sleeping soundly.


Don is sort of distracted, they're getting ready to move. He feels Raph's brushing though. His response is sort of barely there. It's not that usual sort of nuzzling into the contact response he would give his brother. Instead it's feather-light, and not entirely controlled. There's sort of a jerky, choppy feeling to the brief, barely there contact. Raph might just barely pick up on some unexplained, excited relief. He hasn't fully recovered from their last astral experience, but he's thrilled to feel his brothers again! He's okay, healing, but not there yet.


Leo's brush is the typical sort of response a brother might get from a Leo who is busy. It has an answering machine quality to it. Sort of a promise that he got the message and will try to contact Raph as soon as he is able, but he's clearly distracted at the moment too.

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Post by BigM Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:35 am

And thus Mike's far away response is also a little, not right now man...

But maybe quiet unlike Raphie normally the guy was sort of expecting that so didn't push the issue just sort of faded out of touch a little until they were okay and ready to. He deep breaths and feels Lee moving his hand over him too oh it felt nice and warm and - oh he didn't need to get excited!

still it was hard not to churr - dang it he just did.

Making BigM snigger a bit but he was too snoozy to do more.

Lee smiles, maybe hovering a tad over Raph, Chompy and Randal, smiling at the little guy snuggles close to his little friend as bet he could, so that meant Raph too, hah - so cuuuute! he snaps a quick pic - turning it the other way and twisting a few ways to get pictures of his arm, maybe of his tail too. Amused by Raphie's churr but no they couldn't get naughty right now - he lays down with Randal, just to be close to his brother and, nephew, son and sort of brother

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Post by Raph Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:53 pm

Raph churrs softly as the kids cuddle in, and he flops an arm out searching for the others. He's definitely asleep, but even in sleep hei s searching for Lee, and even BigM and Raphie to an extent.

He's not chainsaw snoring just yet, but there's a slight sound that might be leading up to it eventually!

For now though, the withdrawal symptoms have been eased, and he's definitely sleeping easily.

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Post by NexusNoobs Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:41 pm

The contact makes it easier for the remaining glow of healing hands to slip across the sleeping snuggled up turtles, and Raphie joins in, his brothers were busy and yet he waited, patiently for him and now he was meditating so he is about to move a little and get comfy. Entirely comfy. And continue waiting. Maybe a tad extra patient with the soothing warmth of the healing hands contact.

And it is also easier to be calm and happy with all of them there.

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Post by Raph Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:10 am

Raph has no idea that he just helped spread the Healing Hands glow. He's just doing his standard, Turtle Pile, I gotta touch AAAALLLLLLLL the others thing.

And if that means being sprawled across the whole cart in order to be in contact with both kids, Lee, Raphie and BigM, well... then so be it! Starting to snore a little louder. It's not the chainsaw action that will come later, but it's definitely a snore.

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Post by Raphie Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:19 am

If he wasn't meditating Raphie would be soooo getting a picture right now - hahaha too funny and adorable and maybe he will once he has had a brief check-in with his brothers, mostly because he needs to be absolutely certain all of them are okay after the previous night.

And well ask about the kitsune - curious... and that pony... hahaha

Lee was beginning to breath deep, and churr soft. Raphie echoes the sound, sometimes annoyingly early Lee will probably want to get them out and moving and exercising -

BigM mumbles something, the dude was a typical Mikey, snuggling and spoony and mumbling about pizza. The little ones were curled up close and against Raph.

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Post by NexusNoobs Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:39 pm

Fuilcré set a cracking pace, eager to be at least in the valleys ahead where more grazer herds lived, eager to recruit, also -

Eager to be there for fireside food and drinks.

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Post by BigM Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:50 pm

The slight bouncing of the cart is not bothering BiM, Raph or Lee. And more importantly the little ones so Raphie is not inclined to leave his meditative state to try and slow the massive beast of the volume down, being very patient for him and just - relaxing, listening out for discomfort.

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Post by Raph Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:42 pm

Raph is definitely not bothered by the bouncing of the cart. He does... sort of lightly object to the spooning. Mostly because it is restrictive. He sprawls in his sleep! He wants to touch EVERYONE! He shifts a bit so one leg is over BigM to reach better.

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Post by NexusNoobs Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:33 pm

Raphie sort of laughs and makes it easier for Raph to spread out a little helping reduce a little more of him from the constrictor looking grip of the snuggly giant BigM just enough to make the guy happy and rest deeply, he himself also under the spread out form now and just chilling in no rush and not quiet meditating but sort of on the edge so that if a brother is ready for him, he is ready for them.

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Post by Lee Sun Oct 25, 2020 1:53 pm

Lee breaths deep and Raphie blinks a little and having dozed lightly he reaches back out to brush against brothers, more of a note he is still there, but if their still busy or asleep he doesn't mind just letting them know, especially Don he's there!!

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Post by Donnie Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:52 pm

As Don settles in Araleun, he first dips into meditation. He had felt that light brushing from Raph, and he decided he should probably respond. It's the second time tonight he's felt a brush from this particular brother.

And oh, this is harder this time. He's still not fully recovered from their last astral adventure, but he is feeling his surroundings and his brothers again. And maybe this contact would actually help a bit.

Don settled, and reached out. Searching for his brother, and hoping that Raph is just checking in, not actually running into real trouble. Though from the brush, he's guessing checking in. It hadn't seemed particularly urgent at the time.

This time when Don responds, it's more felt than visible just yet. He's here, and nuzzles into his brother, but he's not quite able to fully manifest here at the moment. The last time wiped him out pretty well.

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