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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Erica Martins
April O2012
Splinter 2012
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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 5:16 pm

Raphael:He felt bad for moving after April and Shen tried to make him comfortable. But, in all honesty, there was nothing anyone could do to make him comfortable. He was in pain, and there was nothing he could do or take to make it go away. It wasn't just his ribs that hurt, it was his pride. He had screwed up in so many different ways tonight, it wasn't even funny. He had almost left Erica alone on that roof to die, had disobeyed Splinter's orders to not leave the lair, had gotten caught by the Foot and was almost hauled off to Shredder. On top of that, he couldn't protect his brother from the craziness that was this new chick, Mikko, or the mind games of April. Raphael loved April like his sister, but it got under his shell that she would say and do things to Donatello that just pulled on his heartstrings that much more and get his hopes up. Raphael wished she would just make up her mind and choose: Donatello or Casey. One or the other, not both.

He felt like a failure, especially to his brothers. He was the protector, and tonight, when they needed him most, he wasn't there to help. They had to find comfort in strangers than in family. Raphael buried himself under the blankets, pulling the pillow over his head. He wished he had been taken to Shredder. Anything the Foot leader would have done to him would be welcomed relief in the pain and misery he felt now. Being mind controlled wouldn't have been so bad. At least he wouldn't be able to feel anything.

EricaErica considered the answers she got and nods smiling, "any way I can help you all out with this? Before checking in on the brothers, I promised Leo I would as he is very very tired from having tried the healing hands on Elena, other than exhaustion I believe he is fine it's just all that has happened tonight that has caught up with him. Elena too sounds a lot better so perhaps she'll be brighter and clearer on the tomorrow too." She moves forward a small grin at April and Splinter.

She would love to have a girls talk moment with April, drag her aside and maybe some shared insight on her tiny bits of the hope she had seen flash across a love sick turtles pained face more than once today. Maybe encouragement. Her own lack of interest in boys ... and girls or anything between or different their age she felt was probably not to far removed from why April had been holding back. Leading Casey on, and now Erica had learned also Donnie. And now there was this added wrinkle of Mikko. Whom had helped out as far as Erica understood but was now becoming a bit of a problem.

her own lack of fear in the matter. Well she did not know, only that she and Leo clicked and water ever the dance was that lay ahead of them now... Well she would learn the steps quick enough.

For her there was also the twist that she and Elena for the moment were guardian less and homeless. A stab of anxiety and she knew it would trouble her unless she kept her mind on the task of the moment, checking on Leo's family and reporting back to him, if he was asleep joining them herself.

Splinter:That surprised Splinter a little.

Not the tiring part of using the healing hands, that of course over time used a lot of energy of the user and it was an ancient technique so it's use was largely under studied, Donatello once a good sleep had happened upon him might check with his instruments and Metal Ahead to see the entirety of the damage done to Raphael and how much he and Leonardo helped. But the effect on the healers was even less understood. There was even possibilities used prolonged and over exertion might dehydrate or even kill through real exhaustion to kill an over enthusiastic healing hands user.

Either way he was aware now to the fact that he may have to be careful and their use of it would have to be sparing whilst Raphael healed. Annnnnd most of his care now will be in Donatello's capable hands.

It was Erica filling in for Leonardo, seeming with no hesitation. It relaxed him a little more about the idea of the two being alone together, sides the fact that he knew something had already occurred annnnd unlike the brewing problem that was April, Mikko and Donatello it was just Leonardo and Erica. Though he was still going to have to talk to Erica and Leonardo.

He sighs a bit more relaxed, "well thank you, it is good to hear Leonardo is doing alright, and your little sister, she did a wonderful thing for us tonight and we could never repay her." he smiles nodding to where three of his sons were. "they are settling down now I think last minute medications maybe." he could hear some of the talk.

Shen:Smiling Shen was not parting the cushions that had been Raphael's brace on the couch into separate bits for her and April nodding at Erica, "thanks for seeing us, i am fine and happy to sleep out here." she winks and sits on the couch ready to lay back down as she had before and go back to sleep.

MikeyMikey walked out of the dojo, heading over to the Pit. He rubbed the back of his head nervously, worried about Raph. It wasn't like Raph to cry, no matter the circumstances. Mikey went over to Splinter, worry churning in his gut like he had just eaten a bad pizza. "Sensei? I think Raph's really hurt, but he won't talk about it," he said. "I don't know what else to do. He just said he needed space, but..." He trailed off for a moment. "He's crying, sensei," Mikey whispered. "Raph never cries. I don't know what to do." He was usually the cheery one, looking for ways to raise everyone's spirits when they were down. But, he didn't know how to raise Raph's spirits. Leo had Erica, Donnie had April, he was happy with whatever made his brothers happy. But, Raph...Mikey stopped. Did something happen tonight that got to Raph? If anyone could get Raph to talk, maybe it was Splinter.

SplinterSplinter went to say more when Michelangelo approached them - and he smiles a little through a sigh he felt he was sure he knew what was wrong, aside from the injuries. "It will be okay Michelangelo. Give us a moment Erica - if you could make sure April and Shen are comfortable for the moment..." He indicates and nods to mikey. "Come then your brother Leonardo has been drained for the night he will speak with you all in the morning most likely." He indicates for Michelangelo to come and goes back into where Raphael had gone sighing, now he knew why the voices had faded a little.

He makes his way over smiling at Donatello. Tail patting Raphael's shoulder. "What toubles you Raphael? there is more weighing on your mind than just physical injuries and pain. Tell us whilst Donatello sees to some pain medication. Even if you feel you may not need it - it will help you sleep better." He says the last bit gently but firmly encouraging talk.

EricaConcerned - hoping the red clad turle that had helped pull her out of the dump after falling in was okay Erica turns to April and Shen. "Ummm what do I need to help with?' she wonders chuckling a little catching sight of the little clones looking very settled now.

"Just help by tossing a blanket over us and we're right." Shen smiles laying down.

Nodding and lying down herself April waits.

Gathering a blanker from the piles that had become scattered about with everyone's movements Erica throws one over Shen- then another over Shen proceeding to fold the remain few and place them neatly aside so no one tripped on them.

Donatello"No such luck, Raphael..."[/color][/b] Donatello told his stubborn brother, obviously not taking the hint to just go away. Donnie knew his brother well enough to know when something was brewing beneath the surface, and he had hoped for a chance to speak one on one with his hot headed brother, but it seemed that opportunity wouldn't come any time soon...

He knew there was guilt. Though Raphael never admitted to it, things always hit him the hardest. He dwelled on things beyond his control, perhaps more so than Leo. At least Leonardo had outlets, to an extent. Raphael's emotions usually festered.

Once Mikey left, Donnie was about to dig deeper, but then his father entered and began questioning him. The placid Turtle fell silent, deciding that perhaps he would have his chance tomorrow, to try and encourage him that he could talk to him. Out of all of them, Donnie usually respected Raphael's space, but there came a time when you had to badger.

Keeping quiet while their father spoke to Raph, Donnie checked over Raph's injuries, then began gathering more medication, determined to get his brother's physical pain level under control.

RaphaelCould things get any worse? First Michelangelo, then Donatello, and now Splinter? Could he not get any privacy? He knew his family were just concerned, but he didn't feel like talking. He just wanted to deal with his thoughts by himself. Raphael had never been one to talk openly about what he was feeling. The only time he showed any emotion was when he lost his temper, then everyone knew what he was feeling, and sometimes at a painful cost. However, Raphael knew that, unlike Donatello and Michelangelo, Splinter wouldn't let up until he knew the whole story. But, how could he tell his father that the pain he felt was connected to what happened to his brothers when one of said brothers was still in the room? Raphael sighed silently, burying himself in the sheets.

"I'm a screw up," he started. "I almost left Erica to die in that fire, I left the lair even when you gave strict orders not to do so and almost got dragged off to Shredder." His heart grew heavy and his eyes began to burn. "I couldn't protect my brothers, sensei," he whispered wretchedly, the words spilling out. "If anything, I just put them all in more danger. Leo and Donnie had to find comfort in strangers than in family to deal with the stress I placed on them." Tears streamed freely down his cheeks. "A part of me wanted to be taken to Shredder," Raphael confessed. "Anything Shredder could do would have been a welcomed relief to the guilt of almost costing my family their lives." He wiped tears from his eyes, but that just made them fall more freely. "I just want the pain to stop," he sobbed.

Michelangelo Mikey walked out of the dojo, heading over to the Pit. He rubbed the back of his head nervously, worried about Raph. It wasn't like Raph to cry, no matter the circumstances. Mikey went over to Splinter, worry churning in his gut like he had just eaten a bad pizza. "Sensei? I think Raph's really hurt, but he won't talk about it," he said. "I don't know what else to do. He just said he needed space, but..." He trailed off for a moment. "He's crying, sensei," Mikey whispered. "Raph never cries. I don't know what to do." He was usually the cheery one, looking for ways to raise everyone's spirits when they were down. But, he didn't know how to raise Raph's spirits. Leo had Erica, Donnie had April, he was happy with whatever made his brothers happy. But, Raph...Mikey stopped. Did something happen tonight that got to Raph? If anyone could get Raph to talk, maybe it was Splinter.

AprilApril grinned a little thoughts that raced through her head she stilled looking at Erica and Shen, maybe...

Maaaybe she needed to talk to her fellow ladies about everything. Erica of course already knew - but maybe an older woman's thoughts on the matter. Maybe now Erica had the full story and more since coming here she woud have more input too.

And now the added wrinkle of Mikko. Meh yes April needed to talk to them both.

But that could be later, first, now, "Thanks Erica, for watching over Leo." then a hand reaching out to Mikey's and catching squeezing the fingers gently. "you alright Mikey?" smiling at him. She could feel the emotions and they did not feel alright but she was offering him a comfort, and would not force it if he didn't want it right now so asked to open up a chance to chat with him if he wanted to.

MikeyMikey watched as Splinter left the room to head to the dojo before glancing down at the hand that wrapped around his. He was touched by April's concern, but he wasn't sure if now was the best time to talk about his feelings. The ones that needed to be looked after the most were Donnie and Raph. And now Leo was added to the mix. Could this night get any worse? "I just wish I knew what to do," Mikey whispered worryingly. "I don't know how to help my bros. This mess can't be fixed with a simple laugh. I'm no good with the serious stuff." He wiped a few stray tears from his eyes. "I just wish I knew what to do," he repeated, his voice low.

EricaErica listened, standing back. Tired. Tired to her very core - and wanting nothing to turn around and go back, rest with Leonardo and Elena - but she had said to Leo she would see to his loved ones first. She watches Mikey and April. Unsure, she was new still, a stranger to all but the one whom had pulled her from the bin, Raphael, April, Shen and of course Leonardo. But...

"It will be okay... Michelangelo." voice light and friendly. "It has been a stressful night. But you helped. I can smell the pizza still you made and you care. The comforts of home cooked food, the smell of it. And your company and a good sleep is what your brothers need. I promise Leonardo is okay - just tired he will see yous." She tries to assure hoping her consolation would be welcomed by the friendly faced, bright blued eyed turtle man with the orange bandana.

She was not as familiar with them all as April clearly but she sincerely meant the gentle praise of Mikey's cooking and his efforts so far.

ShenComfortable and tired Shen gives the three young ones a gentle smile. But she did not need to say anything she felt. Just be a quiet witness and there for the youth in the orange bandana. She shifts reaching to pat a shoulder in solidarity and silent thanks indeed for his comfort food, his efforts to make sure his brother and father were taken care of, but that they also the guests were taken care off also.

She tucks herself back down close to April and covered in a light lounge throw, letting eyes drift and the nights events, stress and all the new wonderful things discovery... or recovered? run through her mind in exciting half thoughts... or slipping into dreams as she goes to sleep.


SplinterSplinter watched Donatello's face, ears on Raphael, a hand on his shell.

He listens not interrupting and then when it was all out, gave a pause, to let both the red clad hurting turtle and his purple clad brother a moment to know he was not answering just with meaningless sentimentalities, it was genuine and thought out and full of his love for all his sons. "The only added stress is knowing you are hurting my son. For all your family. And goes for you as well in regards to your brothers." He nods to Donatello here.

"Impulsiveness has always been your greatest enemy Raphael. But also a gift. Do not forget, you went back for the girl... whom seems to have your leader wrapped about her finger already... I am not yet decided if it is a good thing... and also whilst yes you almost were lost to an enemy as Donatello was it also was love that drove you there, do not think that this will not be noted... for courage, and more importantly the love and bondship you feel to your family that you wanted to remove the threats to them." Splinters voice and his touch was gentle tail reaching to brush Donatello's shell, then both hands moved to each sons head - rubbing in that familiar loving paternal way for comfort and reassurance. "Whatever else happens both of you are to know Michelangelo, Leonardo... I am just so relieved and happy to have yous home now. And in the care of each other and I." He assures. "I think the young woman Erica would not begrudge you anything Raphael, she has come out to assure us that Leonardo is okay just very very tired and come to check on us all for him, and thank you. I don't think she sees it as you left her to die, more of yous both were intent on saving Leonardo and you came back for her." a smile to Don, "And I know Donatello is just glad to have you here and close and where he can monitor and give you pain relief and be close ... and rest himself... after all there is now four little boys and a small girl to watch over and make sure they recover over the coming days and guests in our home to look after.... I am not angry about you leaving - even against my orders. I am just glad you are home. We're going to need you... both of you smart, strong and fit once more soon if we are to be the new family for four new souls... maybe more... this... upset shows you are a good person... your conscious and your intentions were selfless and honorable, even if it did not all go according to plan."
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Leo Fri Dec 02, 2016 1:25 pm

Mikko was still asleep thankfully. Though her dreams where not pleasant ones, somewhere in her subconscious she was comforted by the soft purrs of the little turtles. She reached out and wrapped her arms around the little ones.


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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by April O2012 Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:57 pm

April shifts a little, sitting up and then standing pulling Mikey into a hug and rubbing his shell in a gentle soothing manner. "Oh Mikey the fact you are right there for them, and like earlier you made comfort food and drinks and helped with the little turtles and Elena." She assures him those big blue eyes of his had looks so sad!

"Trust me, you are very good with the serious stuff Mikey even if your approach is a little light hearted, sometimes like in moments like this that's just what is needed."

She meant it too, it was often nice or at least a bit of a distraction for his brothers sometimes deep or busy or moody moods to have him about providing a distraction.
April O2012
April O2012

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Erica Martins Tue Dec 06, 2016 12:45 am

Waiting to check on Master Splinter, Donatello and Raphael Erica glances at Mikey and April and smiles at them, moving back towards them lightly patting Mikey's shoulder. "I... don't know you all that well Michelangelo, but you were very kind to my sister and have been nothing but helpful since we got here. All of us. All us new and strange people in your home... I know April is more than right, just being there is more... everything for your brothers." She spoke in a soft low voice.

Trying to comfort not sure if what she said was something Leonardo would have said to his younger brother but she had a feeling he would have. Something along those lines or words in any case.
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Doragonkame Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:22 am

Little bodies wriggled closer to Mikko and snored on - or in the case of a little gold fellow filling the blankets with a bit of dutch oven of affectionate warmth.

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Raph Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:44 pm

Raphael could feel his eyes tear up more at Splinter's words. "I just wish I didn't do it in the first place," he whispered wretchedly. "I put everyone under too much unneeded stress. Good intentions or not. It doesn't excuse the fact that I went against orders."

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Mikey Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:54 pm

Mikey smiled at the girl's kind words. "Thank you, Erica. I'm really glad we met you. I'm just sorry that it wasn't under better circumstances." He smiled as he thought about what he had just said. "But, there's nothing like catastrophe to bring people...and mutants...together." He chuckled lightly, but it morphed into a sigh. His heart was still heavy with worry for his brothers. He needed sleep. This was all too much to take in for one night. He needed a nice long sleep cuddled into his teddy bear and pillow to make all of this seem like a dream.

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Splinter 2012 Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:52 pm

Splinter rubs Raph's head in the gentle way he does when their upset like this. "No it does not excuse it, but we cannot trouble ourselves with what was, especially now that forgiveness is a given and you should forgive yourself too, and for now be glad that despite it all, We have gained a little more family tonight, not lost it, you are going to heal, your brothers will heal and are home and just immensely pleased as I am you are also home."

"It is time to sleep now my sons, you have all had a very very trying several hours... Erica you may come in and see us for Leonardo now."
This last bit spoken loud to draw Donatello over, get comfortable, rest. Maybe Michelangelo too from outside to come rest with his brothers, the girl Erica he felt would not go rest herself until she had fulfilled what she needed to for Leonardo, whom was already resting.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Erica Martins Sat Dec 10, 2016 11:45 pm

A soft grin and Erica pats Mikey's shoulder, April's next whom was just drawing back from the hug and shell rubbing she had been doing. "glad i met yous too - hehehe circumstances aside it has been a most... interesting and busy night. And I have a feeling we'll be good friends." Or more in the way of Leonardo.

She heard the voice and smiles. 'Coming in to say goodnight or bed down with them?" She asks of Mikey starting in that direction. She had a promise to check on Donatello and Raphael to fulfill before she would too go and rest. a Squeeze to April's hand. "Night April."
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by April O2012 Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:17 am

" Night Erica, Night Mikey - and remember - you do help." April had drawn back, she as settling back on the long low benched the guys had that served as a couch. Stretching up out under the throw and letting her eyes close. Things would be very interesting in the morning.
April O2012
April O2012

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by DonnieBoy Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:41 am

Donnie smiled, "Dad's right Raph - we aint mad, very glad to have you back, and at home." He says finally coming closer and more cam himself despite the feeling of exhaustion, he fixes up Raph with another small dose of pain medication to get him through the night and though he had thoughts of April, of Mikko running through his head.

And the little turtles. He would have to talk to his brothers and father tomorrow he still was not entirely sure he wanted to treat them as his sons. Maybe after a sleep it would become clearer or after talking to his brothers about it and Father.

but at least he was now very tired and it was forcing those endless thoughts to drop away. He finished up delivering Raph the medication rubbing the spot on the back of the wrist before simply grabbing a pillow and blanket smiling as their father told them Leo's girl - there was no lying he had smelt his brother all over her - was coming to see them. "You approve of her." He says to their father patting Raph's hand. "Gonna crash down here Raph -" no arguments, stay with him all night.

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Raph Sun Jan 01, 2017 10:45 am

Raphael didn't say anything, knowing that there was no use in arguing. He simply nodded and settled back under the blankets. He hoped Leonardo was okay. He knew he had Michelangelo worried. Hopefully things would look better in the morning.

Raphael bid Splinter a quiet good night before closing his eyes and willing himself to go to sleep. Hopefully the pain meds would kick in soon and the throbbing in his ribs would ease off. In any case, he had a rough night ahead of him.

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Mikey Sun Jan 01, 2017 11:03 am

Mikey stood up and smiled at April and Erica. "I think I'll go see how Raph's doing. Might just stay in the dojo and keep him company, ya know? I'll see you guys in the morning."

He left the Pit and headed for the dojo. He was in time to hear Splinter suggest that he and Donnie stay in the dojo for the night. Mikey hurried inside and was quick to make up a bed beside the cot. He wasn't letting Raph out of his sight for one minute. Leo wasn't the only one who could be overprotective.

Mikey settled into his makeshift bed and snuggled under the blankets. If Raph even made the tiniest of sounds, he would hear it and be on his feet to see if his brother needed anything.

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Splinter 2012 Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:46 am

Don grinned seeing Mikey - and settled himself down too after giving Raph a little more pain meds. "Rest Raph we're right here with ya buddy." He sooths and tucks himself down.

Splinter smiles and his tail lifts to rub shells as he tucks them all in properly. The girl would be in a moment and he would not keep her yet though her scent, Leo's... what they had gotten up to already had clung to her - would cling to her...

Nah he wont tell her, maybe mention it to Leo sometime in the morning.

There would be no practice, just them in the dojo infirmary - maybe some meditation training. He and Leo might try some more healing hands to help Raph.

"Rest my sons tomorrow we have four little boys to make at home and learn about."
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by April O2012 Sat Jan 07, 2017 4:16 pm

"Make sure they are comfortable Erica... for me." April smiles watching Mikey go and grinning at the girl.


She was Leo's no doubt about it.and April inwardly felt  jerk of surprise she already considered the girl as much in lead as Leo. Different compacity of course and still new but she considered it.
April O2012
April O2012

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Erica Martins Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:30 am

"I will April." Erica smiles and was not sure what it was that made April loook at her like that - in some surprise. But with a smile walks quietly into the infirmary and over to Splinter, smiling seeing Don, Raph and Mikey.

She bends to pull Mikey's blankets up that bit higher, "Leonardo knows he can count on you to keep spirits and morale up." she whispers moving closer to do the same for Don once he was down. "Leonardo knows you are tired but also the best doctor." and for Raphael she did not know if he was asleep already and so her voice was barely enough of a whisper for him. But he would hear it if awake checking him she had no idea if the medication was right of if he was comfortable but she rubs his head very gently. "Leonardo wants you to know you were brave, and thank you. Now rest deep warrior."

She had no idea if Leo would actually say those things out loud, but no doubt he thought them time to time about his brothers and she would say them out loud, because their brother was exhausted, asleep from healing her sister and she felt bad he was not here with his brothers. So something from him she hoped for them.

She moved to Splinter. "I... hope you sleep well Master Splinter." offering a light bow before backing away and out towards Leo's room.

She slid back into the bed, dropping the sheet she had been wearing as a dress to the floor, once cuddling her sister and feeling Leo's feet - hearing their breaths, Leo's much deeper and longer than Elena's - the smell of them both mingled and she sighed her eyes closing. She hoped to find either Leo's or Elena's bright blue eyes the moment she woke. Last thing was drawing Leo's blanket up around them.
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:01 am

He watched her.

He bowed when she did and nodded. " thank you. Goodnight Erica."

She was a sweet young thing. Maybe...maybe he did not have to worry so much about her and Leonardo?
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3. Empty Re: Follow The Leader. Mutant Melee 3.

Post by Erica Martins Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:29 am

(( The night is done! - over to MORNING! : ))

Wanted to skip ahead but will do that after a half day. Smile
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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