Masked Mayhem
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Pampered Plans.

Casey J2003
Kraangy Scientists
April O2003
Lilo and Stitch
Erica Martins
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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Fri Aug 11, 2023 3:46 pm

Pleakley was managing to stay put for one second... two... He is just about to rush back up to Jumba to 'help' when David who caught the look from Nani grins back before 'accidentally' knocking over a bottle of... David has no idea what's in the bottle. Some sort of cream or oil. It looks pretty well sealed though.


But the bottle dropping to it's side draws Pleakley's attention and giving Jumba another half a moment to finish securing the connection to New York!

"Oh my goodness!" A bustling, frantic Pleakley knocks over more as he desperately tries to stand the bottle back up!

Again, things seem pretty well sealed, so David sits back with Nani again.

"Sorry, I'll just get out of your way."

David will clean it up if it does get anywhere beyond what it is, but after the first couple extra bottles knocked over, Pleakley seems to be organizing the plethora of products on the table.


Leo knows better than to try and stop an eager Mike. And in this case, it's just brotherly affection. He does go down when glomped. He does hug his brother though.

Probably juuuuuust as the connection to Hawaii is actually established as Raphie is greeting the others.

"Uuuugh, Mike you smell like armpit and vinegar chips." Well, he did give Mike a hug, but he's not going to let him get away with that odor easily either!

"Well, we can't have that! To the shower with you. We have an aromatherapy session later, and vinegar armpit will not do!"

Leo's trying not to laugh. The Raphs and Casey didn't smell great either, but at least the rest of them had on sufficient deodorant...

"Oh! Take the pink tub! And scrub up! Scrub, scrub, scrub! You must be thorough about it!" It's an exfoliant that is mostly sugar and oil based, who knows what it will do with turtle skin. It happens to fall into the hand mixed category of products "It smells like hibiscus!" Making a shooing gesture to Mike! "And I want a review when you're finished!" Sweetly!

Getting back to his feet, Leo looks less ruffled than one who had been glomped typically would. He gives a slight bow and quick greeting, but it's mostly lost under Pleakly chiding Mike!

Mostly they will focus on hands, feet and face since it's a large group.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Haley Long Mon Sep 04, 2023 11:30 pm

Raphgie is hiding sniggers as Mike is told to go wash, plopped down beside Raph he nudges him playfully, " Your Mikey as reluctant to be clean and fresh as this one?" pointing at his brother who looks taken aback and went to argue but Pleakley was still talking and Mike sorrrt of ended up muttering as he and Leo are regainign their feet that he'd had plenty of baths!

And well this is true.

And no Raphie is not going to bring atention to the way Raph scooted away from his dad, he understood, and figured had the rolls be reversed he probably would have been the same way, slow to warm to a new sort of fatherly figure. Even if its more of a friend from afar one.

And he gets his dad is not put out, ready to be patient. Infact he is being settled onto one of their made up spots by Erica and Lilo who giggles and helps Mike locate the right tub after the three times wrong and she suspects on purpose selections.

Trying to drag out the need to bath.

She adds to her uncles shooing motion. Raphie is still sniggering about the moment. But hey he is helping sort out the boxed stuff, calling out to identify bits to Pleakley and handing them to girls to distribute, and as its mostly hands, feet and faces the rest was tucked back into the box for next time. half of pleakley on screen from time to time is obsured by bits of rotound Jumba as he secures things and sharpens the sounds and screen resolution. But thats okay.

Lilo draws out the wrap about skirts and begins handing them about. " we all must look the part!" grin cause she knows that will please Pleakley to no end, and well they have color coordinated silken sarongs!

Raphie takes his, " Ummmm I don't know how to tie these..." his was red as Raph's that was given to him now, would wrap about half calf length once tied up, Raph's was knee length, his had pineapples all over it, and Raph's coconut trees?

Lilo giggles, she makes sure to toss Mike his as he finally shuffles half off, pauses and looks back to get the 'shoo shoo' from Pleakley again, it's a orange sunset pattern.

over to Splinter a coffee brown with paisley white patterns, for Haley got a red one with pink fishies, Erica a purple with hibiscus flowers. " I can help with that in a moment." a grin at Leo and holding out a blue one with white pufferfish all over it, smiling at the slight is mostly coincidental reference to their discovery early!

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Haley Long
Haley Long

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Tue Sep 05, 2023 4:02 pm

Jumba is still muttering, but when David sits back, though he is keeping an eye on it she knows Nani giggles and winks patting his hand, " Nicely done." it's whispered, and its fond and amused.

This half of the family is all in their sarongs!

There is a light kiss to her sweet thoughtful almost unflappable hubby's cheek!

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Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Wed Sep 06, 2023 3:06 pm

Nearly unflappable... Except when it comes to Nani. David grins at her in response. And arm around her, he pulls her close and just... enjoys the chaos.


Raph sniggered at the question about Mike and Mikey.

"Eh... yours smells better... A little." He doesn't know that Mike has been forced to bathe more frequently after a couple of 'hosings' the last few days since the tots arrived!

Leo knows that to be entirely fair to Mike, he has bathed more frequently than usual! Leo still doesn't say anything to get Mike off the hook for another washing! And... Leo's sort of curious about the "hibiscus scrub." Leo knows scrubbing as a verb, but is unfamiliar with it's use as a noun... Whatever is in the tub looks grainy...?

Leo also recognizes that Mike is stalling.

"You know, the sooner you get in there, the sooner it's over with and we can get on with the evening?" Shooing Mike!

Pleakley is grinning as Lilo says they must look the part!

"And the sarongs are SOOOOO luxurious! It really isn't the same without them!"

Pleakley himself is in an absolutely obnoxious yellow sarong with bright orange palm trees. It's atrocious against his skin tone.

He gasps as Raphie admits that he doesn't know how to tie it! Raph clearly doesn't know either, though Casey's is on perfectly...

"Oh! Like this!" Pleakley demonstrates WAY too quickly.

"I'm pretty sure my arm don't bend that way." Raph grunts as he continues to struggle with the knot.

"Geez, you guys are hopeless. It's not that tough." Casey then ties Raph's, then Raphie's for them.

By the time Casey got to him, Leo has his figured out! (or Lilo did it for him...) but if he's honest, he hadn't gotten Pleakley's demonstration either.

Pleakley is giddy as the group is starting to come together, more of them wearing their sarongs!

"Ohhh! You look absolutely fabulous!" Bouncing from foot to foot!

If April isn't already around somewhere, Casey texts her to get down there and join the fun!

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by April O2003 Tue Sep 12, 2023 6:53 am

Nani chuckles silently as a eager Maui comes bursting into the lounge, he was alive with experiencing a whole new human world - and of course was here to be pampered!

He had discovered to his delight though he isn't sure who the Rock is, that people around town told him his voice sounded just like this Dwayne Johnson and that people gushed and dawned over him for it! And that was what this Demi God lived for! Human adoration!

So watching him come down and plop himself eagerly into a spot to be the 'prop' for Pleakley to instruct others in his grass green with slime bright green sun motifs sarong waited patiently.

And she was snug and happy and with David enjoying the usual is a little different given the activity chaos.


April texted back for Casey specifically to turn around to the guest room. Posing in the door way in her best smexy pose with a soft sunflower patterned with buttery background sarong on! Juuuust a bit of a tease just for him before she hurries over to join the pampering!

Lilo helps Leo, kissing his cheek, "suits you." It's whispered and her voice is thrilled, she is thrilled to see him in a sarong! And ooooh it's going to be fun! For Pleakley she calls out she is getting photos! And she does!

Especially of the gobsmacked Mikey and Raphie faces when Casey ends up helping them! " Since when do you know how to do Sarongs?!" Mikey teasingly but in sort of awe too, asks of their vigilante friend! And it's sort of on the way to finally dashing off to wash himself!

Raphie had sniggered and whispered to Raph, " usually my brother's is happy to live the hippy hobbo smell is life sort of way but recently a couple of weeee accidents with just learning to potty train kiddoes have made it necessary for him to bath more... And I think with the ladies he keeps bragging about he will wash more regularly... Maybe... thanks Caseman, how did you know?!.." though he stands to wave at Pleakley ready to follow directions and get this party started!

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April O2003
April O2003

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Thu Sep 14, 2023 4:02 pm

David is still awed by Maui, but he also can't help but be amused by this situation! Maui is absolutely out of his element and in his element at the same time! It's fascinating to watch!

Especially from right here with Nani. He is absolutely enjoying this crazy evening.


"Dude, it's not that hard." Casey insisted.

Okay, maaaaaybe he and April have gone away for the weekend a couple times and enjoyed a nice spa day. April likes that sort of thing. And Casey likes to treat her sometimes.

And... while you wouldn't have heard him admit it before now, he actually does enjoy a good spa day.

Casey looks over when April texts, and... stares.


He's drooling. Raphie might want to help him clean it up...

Raph snorts at the drool.

Leo smiled at Lilo when she helped him with the sarong. After watching a couple times, he's pretty sure he could manage on his own, but he will definitely not object to letting her do this little task for him.


Pleakley is fluffing Maui's hair, and making him shift slightly from time to time. Getting him in juuuuuust the right position for the perfect pampering!

It's about this time that he glances up at the monitor to get everyone started!

"Heeeeey, where are the other two? The Dons?" He asks.

"Oh, they went to help out in DonnieBoy's dimension while Raph hangs out here with us for awhile."


"We'll make sure they get a chance at some of the products later. No worries." Leo promised, sounding sincere. He doesn't mention that Raph would probably (secretly) enjoy this more than Don ever would.

Pleakley seems to finally have Maui in the position he wants him in!


It's probably a position that only Pleakley would think comfy...

"Those with hair need to choose a hair mask! There are several options!" Even one that Pleakley made himself that claims to be designed for rat fur! It looks and smells... not necessarily bad, but... somewhat suspect.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Thu Oct 12, 2023 4:42 am

Ooooooh might surprise all to know but Raphie was going to enjoy this loudly and very openly as Haley makes he way towards him and Raph now they both have their pretty skirts on, " You both look fab and Casey is right it's just knots like your bandanas " she winks and is offering the bathrobes next to indicating for the two red clad turtles to lay back comfy. Not so much as in the position that Maui is in, just laid back and relaxed ready to follow directions.

Erica seeing as Don is away has Master Splinter.

And the rat kinda feels bad, even if the girls are willing participants eager to follow Pleakley's demonstration.. though thankfully as Erica helps him puddle the comfortable wrap about skirt and his robe about him so she can still get to some head, face and chest furr for now in place of the hair Pleakley is playing with on screen. Erica looks a tad uncertain about the stuff for rat furr... and hopes it doesn't make furr fall out!

Raphie chuckles and playfully snaps the very end of a hot damp face towel in Casey's face, just barely the end of the fluffy damp white ness will craze his best buds drooly lip. But also a way to hide he wants to like wise drool over the small dragoness gal with him and Raph, she was petite, slim, lean muscles and the short cropped straight silky dark hair matched the short wrap about her hips and the fake coconutty crop she had on. Oh man!

A soft of glance sideways to make sure that snort from Raph was for CaseMan and not him! Cause he wasn't drooling!

April is amused, and Raphie will let her snag that cloth and light seat him with it before she wipes her hubby's face kissing his cheek. " I take it you liiiike?" teaaaase and poking him lightly to get onto the made up couch in a spot where she can follow along with Pleakley.

Lilo is amused, no doubt some time her adorable noodle of an Uncle will call for a swap declaring the guys must pamper the ladies. Amused by the thought, and more by Leo's smile at her, pecking it lightly, " sit Lion eyes, later I may show you other knots we can do with these sarongs." having a inkling he might just enjoy a little bondage foreplay. But first a bit of pampering, giggling at the unsure look Maui was giving the screen and Pleakley...



Maui was gonna say, but hey he is still amazed by the screen and that he can see and speak to the other through it. Like this was a magic beyond him!

" suuuure this is necessary?" indicating his weird posture but trusting to the alien and missing Nani's buried in David neck and shoulder crook giggles.

Nani manages to stop them after a moment and remind Pleakley he needs to show the hairless substitute for turtley bald heads.

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Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:15 pm

((OOC: I rolled a 20 sided die to see how good/bad Pleakley's rat fur conditioner is... It came up a 4. pale ))

Raphie is definitely a giant, squishy teddy bear, which Leo already knew! Even so... maybe a little surprised at how much Raphie seems to be enjoying himself.

Raph is openly staring at Raphie and Haley there for a moment before he recovers himself. The snort had been moooooostly at Casey, but Raphie's behavior is a little snort worthy too. Raphie did at least manage not to drool. Though Raph is sure it's just barely...

It takes Casey a moment to put words together to form thoughts again, even after Raphie wipes away the bit of drool because he does like! Very much so! The hair masks being handed around does sort of snap him out of staring at April a liiiiiittle bit. He can at least choose hair masks for them without speaking! He definitely recognizes a couple of the normal brands, but chooses one he hasn't used before this time since it's there. Hey, how else do you think he'd manage his long locks without one?? He knows what he's doing with these!

Casey even gets in a bit of a scalp massage for April while he's applying the hair mask. Because he knows she likes that sort of thing. And really he can't blame her, he likes them too. Even if he doesn't admit to it as readily.

Erica would be wise to be leery of Pleakley's rat fur mask concoction. There is a definite caustic odor to it that might clue her in enough to prevent rat fur from falling out, leaving only a couple odd patches behind.

There's a soft churr at Lilo's promise/threat. It's intended only for her, so kept quiet, but definitely there. Though he will probably find that having actually been restrained by enemies too many times, bondage isn't really his thing. Only one way to really find out though! And he's interested in trying.


David is less subtle about his laughter at poor Maui dealing with Pleakley's demonstration! Pleakley hasn't noticed his soft laughter either though.

"Oh, it is absolutely necessary! You just must be completely relaxed! That's the whole point of this evening!" Yup, absolutely convinced that Maui's weird position is definitely comfortable!

He gasps as Nani reminds him that he needs to show alternatives for those with no hair! He rushes off to do just that!

Though since Maui does have hair, he is spared the session on the light oils that should work very nicely on reptilian scales! He patpats Maui presses a couple slices of cucumber onto his eyes and drops a warm towel on his shoulders before rushing to Jumba!

"There are several oils in the box that you may choose from! They should all be safe for reptiles!"

If the rat fur conditioner seems likely suspect, the oil is considerably worse... (2) It probably burns, but shouldn't leave any permanent damage.

Luckily there are a variety of more common and safer brands also in the box!

Jumba is definitely being rubbed up with his home made 'oil' mix!

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Raphie Tue Nov 07, 2023 4:58 pm

((OOC: LMAO! uuuh ooooh Razz ))

Lilo giggles at Leo's churr, and she is happy to tease. whether that's her or him in bondage. She will find she won't mind it. But for now, as more products are being pointed out by her noodley sweet but sometimes misguided uncle she is taking a moment to sniff or read what ones come with labels and encouraging those she is either familiar with from being from around the Hawaiian areas or is definitely just coconut oil or milk-based and should be reasonably safe. [color:5b49=##F08080]" Thanks Uncle, if you remember to add a notepad or something we can make reviews for you." she calls out snickering a little watching the screen demi-god wriggle and balance on a buttock cross-legged and still as he can!

She encourages Leo to sit, and she will start on him, as Casey and April get comfy. April absolutely melting under the massage and her fingers twitching eager to return the favour!

Haley gestures Stitch over so they both can get started on Raphie and Raph respectfully! amused by Raph's snort that earns him a playfully brotherly swat from Raphie to the closest shoulder, tapping his hand and tut tutting. It's all in fun and she notes what Lilos is encouraging them to use.

And what to avoid if possible!

And for most the part they may be able to avoid most the sus smelling stuff.

According to Lilo anyways.

And Erica deeeeefinitely is careful to first try a bit of Splinters tail, and back of his wrists... just encase, meanwhile grooming his furr.

Mikey bounces back into the view and sits, making all smother giggles as he poses just like Maui on the other end. " Pleakley I smell like a fruit salad!" he calls. And he does.

Even after he had rinsed at least three times recalling Donnie saying they absorb a bit through their skin!

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Thu Nov 09, 2023 5:46 pm

Pleakley grins at Lilo's suggestion! He has the near-toxic oil mix coating his hands, and is liberally applying it to Jumba's... everywhere. It will start to burn soon.

David is being very careful about what he uses on Nani. He knows her favorites by now, and definitely knows to stick to those and steer clear of Pleakley's concoctions! Though sometimes they're fantastic, it's also entirely possible that they're terrible. Not a risk he's going to take on Nani! So gently starting to give her a light massage.

"Oh, that will be wonderful! I'll make sure it's in the next one!"

Leo glances around for a moment before digging into the couch and pulling out a notebook.

"Donnie keeps them everywhere. Sometimes they disappear. He won't mind if we borrow a page from the back." And Leo will do exactly that! Opening to one of the back pages, and pulling a pen out of the couch as well. Jumba might get excited about some of the other things that are in the book already.

Donnie will probably be glad to see it's return as well!

Leo does settle back in after that, relaxing into whatever Lilo is about to do.

Raph laughed and sort of half dodged the swat, but he is... not relaxed. Not relaxed at all! He's still a bit shocked that this is a thing they're actually doing! But he also doesn't really feel like he can respond to this as... everyone else seems into it. Okay... Weird little alien guy... Thing is cool.

Alright, he'll be good and won't spoil everyone's fun. Lee better be proud of him for putting up with this.

"So... what are we doing?" He asks Stitch as the little alien goes about starting... whatever he's going to do!

Leo, who was very much enjoying everything that Lilo is doing, sniggers as Mike calls out that he smells like a fruit salad!

"It's definitely an improvement."

Pleakley grins at Mike! Thrilled to hear that review!

"Perfect! That's what it's meant to do! Should be be stronger, or have another scent?"

Applying the oil of his own concoction to Jumba's sensitive underarms!

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Mike Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:01 am

Raph sniggers, " Everywhere, more likely to find a damned note pad than the remote half the time." and Donnie knows to keep them in steady supply and probably is the only one to know how many there really were or where they were all at any given time, and he doesn't tell them on purpose cause more likely than not when Mike finds them he draws int hem, Raph is likely to take a page here or there to use as something whilst Leo usually respectfully puts it back, perhaps with a friend big brother reminder for Donnie to do some kata or training he has been neglecting.

A grin at Raph dodging him and chuckling at his question. " Weeee are sitting back and enjoying some tlc my fellow hot head. As our fathers note, in life everything in balance. About time we got some of this too." gentle rumbled for him given he knows the pain of the other turtles missing their father dearly. Also knowing that yes like their own father, indeed balance and moderation will have been tossed about so hopes knowing that, will help his counterpart, more prone to head bashing like himself find a momentg to take a deep breath and just let Stitch work!

And he has a feeling they will be in the pool when finished to wash most of it all off, because as Donnie has told them time and time again as turtles they absorb though the skin so not to over load on anything but all natural creams or moisturisers and even then sparringly!

Also... was that a tingling? naaaah maybe it was Haley's hands spreading the sweetly scented... oil? over his shoulders.

Lilo starts only when leo rests back, luckily for him she onely has what smells like a banana and coconut oil mix, and starts with giving his snout a kiss, to sneak his bandana off his head, " close those pretty eyes Lion." thumbs spreading the first bits of the cool concoction over his cheeks, the face masking first! as long as he lets her have the bandana and closes his eyes cucumber next! Giggling at the responses to Mike.

" Can you bath in that every day?" teases Raph from behind his face mask and cucumbered eyes.

Stitch is busy as work encouraging Raph to lay back, and pasting cucumber all over his face!

" Heeeeey I carefully cultivate my stink!" Mike tells his brothers indignantly, but to Pleakley he wonders. ' Whats the something else... a bit like a vinegarette?" and yeah there is a bit of that under the fruit salad! Soooo he hopes thats it for that one and taking the notepad to make a note of smelling and maybe some slight itching about his feet. and palms...

Splinter is face masked and has cucumbers in place! his tail twitchs a little and Erica is carefully keeping to what might be mashed banana and avocado... and honey? it is a bit sticky! but so far good, the stuff she was sampling near his tail to was a little tingly but he hoped that was good tinglies.

Erica works on combing his fur around his face mask, pausing to snap a picture for Donnie and tell him she can't wait to pamper him too! sending it whilst listening and giggling about Mike.


Nani is entirely relaxed, David indeed knew her better than she did herself at times! and she trusted his to mostly use her products, and she will likewise for him do the same, though once the pampering face mask is in place she will miss a little bit watchign the crazy as it unfolds!

... just a little bit.

Oh she is enjoyign the sweet soft attentative moments from her husband!

Maui watches waiting for the noodle to come back, and curious as to what he is doing to Jumba!

Jumba grumbles at first the tingling! " I is be slippery like an eel!" and acking squirming as Pleakley adds some to his underarms? - wait was that tingling supposed to tingle that hard?!

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:30 pm

"DonnieBoy usually manages to keep them in his belt." Especially now that they have these pockets that Shini hooked them up with. Not much can fall out of these pockets without someone intentionally removing it.

Leo chuckles at Raphie's words and digs into the couch again. Pulling out two more notebooks, a definitely currently dead shell cell, a comic book, a remote control that definitely doesn't go to their current set up and a slice of stale pizza.

"At least it's not green..." The pizza finds its way into a nearby wastebasket for now.

Raph grunts at Raphie's words about balance. He doesn't seem sold on the idea, but only resists Stitch's attempts at getting him to relax for another moment. Because if he's honest, it feels really nice...

Maybe weirdly tingly...?

Leo is definitely relaxing and letting Lilo do what she wants. Oh, it feels good. Though he's pretty sure it's more her touch than any of the products she's using.

Pleakley is thrilled that Mike picked up on the vinaigrette smell!

"It is! It's apple cider vinegar!" Pleakley grins! Though he is noticing that his hands are a little more tingly than they probably should be.

"It's great for killing bacteria on the skin, and feels so nice!"

David is starting to recognize the earliest signs of this sessions turning to shenanigans. Part of him hopes it doesn't, but also... always an adventure! Still, for now, he will just enjoy this moment with Nani. Encouraging her to relax further.

Pleakley looks at his hands as Jumba mentions being slippery.

"Yeah... this is a little more slippery than usual. And tingly..." Weird, but it's not stopping him from continuing to apply the substance to Jumba!

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Wed Dec 27, 2023 4:28 pm

" Oh cooooool been looking for that issue for ever!" Mike cheers swiping the comic book up and hugging it, eyeing Pleakley on the tv, suddenly having a feeling he was more than glad that he only washed lightly in the stuff, as much as he smells like a fruit platter with a bowl side of italian salad dressing. " Is slippery supposed to happen?"

Raphie is sniggering a bit at Leo's chuckles and Raph's responses, not seeing thanks to cucumber but hearing Leo dig about and amused. " We reeeeeaaaaally need to pull the couch apart and clear out all the old food... I hear you Mikey just eats old food like its no big deal." amused and well glad that Mike was not here to eat that pizza thats soooounds like it made its way to a bin. Haley giggles and there is a soft swat sound as she tells him to stop squirming his face about so much as he talks. His " Yes Milady." is grunted but anyone who knows him knows he thoroughly enjoyed being told off and the swat... tail wagging against his own buttocks where it was tucked up out of sight... mmmmm that tingling was a bit itchy!

Unawares Stitch not only has cucumber all over Raph's face but is pasting it all over his neck and shoulders too! on top of an aloe vera and something maybe citrusy and miiight soon make Raph itchy moisturerizer!

And that amuses Lilo - but she is very focused on carefully smearing over Leo's biceps the more safe cream, watching his face, what wasn't covered by the lightweight face mask that she judged the safer one being mostly aloe vera and cucumber, some thickeners like coconut cream to make it all stick... and maybe glancing over at the screen when Mike asks about if the slipperiness is supposed to happen, ooooh dear...

Splinter is rubbing at that spot on his tail... a little itchy...

April lets Casey work and he knows her very well so she trusts from among whatever he selects to use as she had that it will be brands they vaguely recognise and have used before and enjoyed in the moments if not used ever again for some reason or other, like She was definitely not going to rick her loves long dark hair, he takes such good care of it for anything but the banana scented stuff that she suspected might be like the hair food shampoo he had used in the past.


Nani lets loose an inner sigh, she doesn't have to have eyes open to hear this is gonna erupt into the usual crazy pretty soon... a whispered " Make sure to get photos..." to David in very amused tones. Sure it might not be amusing if their washing up chemical burns or rashes but its still funny in the moment.

"At least it's not green..." The pizza finds its way into a nearby wastebasket for now.

Raph grunts at Raphie's words about balance. He doesn't seem sold on the idea, but only resists Stitch's attempts at getting him to relax for another moment. Because if he's honest, it feels really nice...

Maybe weirdly tingly...?

Leo is definitely relaxing and letting Lilo do what she wants. Oh, it feels good. Though he's pretty sure it's more her touch than any of the products she's using.

Pleakley is thrilled that Mike picked up on the vinaigrette smell!

"It is! It's apple cider vinegar!" Pleakley grins! Though he is noticing that his hands are a little more tingly than they probably should be.

"It's great for killing bacteria on the skin, and feels so nice!"

David is starting to recognize the earliest signs of this sessions turning to shenanigans. Part of him hopes it doesn't, but also... always an adventure! Still, for now, he will just enjoy this moment with Nani. Encouraging her to relax further.

Pleakley looks at his hands as Jumba mentions being slippery.

"Yeah... this is a little more slippery than usual. And tingly..." Weird, but it's not stopping him from continuing to apply the substance to Jumba![/quote]

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:19 pm

Leo can't help but chuckle at Mike's excitement over the previously missing comic book. There are probably more of those in the couch too that would be found if he does a deeper dive. But he's not going to at the moment.

Instead, he allows Lilo to do... whatever she has planned for this session. Really, it's probably best that he is pampered first because he honestly doesn't know what to do for her yet. He'll have a fair idea by the time they switch!

And he's probably asking to get a light swat too with it, but he sniggers softly when Haley swats Raphie for not staying still!

Raph also sniggers when Raphie is swatted. He'll bet his counterpart liked that more than he'd admit to! He does answer the question though.

"He eats everything. Good food, old food, rotten barely still food... and the containers it came in sometimes. I know of more than one tin can..." Yeah... Mikey's dietary habits were something to behold.

"Cleaned out the fridge once after we'd been gone for months... then gassed out the lair." And if this isn't necessarily 'pampering' worthy small talk... well... Raph doesn't actually know better.

As for Stitch's application of cucumbers... well... Raph doesn't actually know enough about this to think twice. Though he is a little wiggly as the light itching is getting to be... well... less light the longer this stuff sits on his sking.


On the other end of the video call, David is definitely sneaking a few pictures when he gets a chance. This is definitely about to dissolve into shenanigans.

"Oh, we will definitely need pictures." He agrees, making sure Nani knows he's on it. And well... Lilo is aroung on the other end of the session too, so surely she'll have a few pictures as well.

Pleakley is definitely getting the moisturizer all up in Jumba's more sensitive areas. At least those that are acceptable to have uncovered among mixed company!

"Umm... I'm not sure..." The moisturizer is awfully tingly.

Pleakley doesn't know that Mike, Raphie and Leo who grew up with Don will be slightly alarmed by his tone. It's similar to the tone that Don uses when he is not quite sure what he's dealing with but knows just enough that he's pretty sure it's bad. Even Raph with his own DonnieBoy is a little concerned by that tone and trying to peek at Pleakley!

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Sun Jan 28, 2024 8:33 pm

Lucky for Leo he will escape most of the itching and slight chemical burns and mid rubbing the cream across Leo's shoulders her fingers are smaller, more delicate than his but strong. A girl used to working and sailing and surfing. But also dancing so light across his skin and collar bones, recalling their brief interlude in bed and blushing a bit in delight at the thoughts.

Especially at the slight smack, giggling and lightly poking Leo with a tut and playful, " yoooou want a light swatting too yeah?" put very lightly just for Leo ear holes and amused -

Until she heard that tone -

And looks over to the screen...

That tone from Pleakley -

Her fingers have paused on the trek they had begun down Leo's shoulders, knowing without know he was tracking her motions and movements and would probably return the favour sometime.

But now...

" uhhhhh I think some of us may need to swiftly go to the pond." she says to her mob softly as a complaining Jumba on the other end makes even Maui the demi god startle a bit !


He had been whining softly, grumbling, those grumbles where so usual Pleakley and all probably missed the tossed in mumbles of , 'that tickles!' and 'tooooo itchy!' and 'Oh no needed for it there!'

Finally as Pleakley was taking a moment to reassess and making Maui jump in surprise the round aliens four eyes got watery and the scientist shot to his feet, he was an agile guy when he really needed to move and right now he needed to move! " sliiiiippery and iiiiittt chhhy must wash!" so suddenly !

Hurrying away much faster than anyone would have suspected an alien his size and shape could.

Aside perhaps the startled massive Maui beside him. Being a demi god of course the pampering was doing little bit making his skin shiny and the mini Maui that fan itself under the glistening swarth of some sort of moisturizer.

And that probably make the pictures and short vids all the funnier, a combination. Of Jumbas increasing grumbles and wriggles and whiny tone as he finally lurched upwards coupled with Maui's surprise and mini Maui falling off the nipple he had perched on in a comical cartoonish sort of way of flying off his perch and turning somersaults arms and legs out and disappearing for a moment on the flat side brown pec.

Nani heard the tone and fights an amused and sympathetic siiigh, Pleakley does try so hard but sometimes it just goes awry!


Lilo starts a little also fingers on Leo tapping in place a moment... " I think you guys may need to go bath too... Well Raphie and Raph and Splinter..." slightly guilty but also apologetic but also a tad amused cause she had hoped this time her sweet but sometimes so misguided Uncle had managed to stay with mostly harmless ingredients.

Raphie grunts a little, his tail wag at the swat and the sniggers from all his brothers, interdimensional and ones here, he is puzzled and indeed for a moment alarmed at that tone. That very Donnie like tone!

Stiffening a little at Lilos soft words... " noooope you mention it not a bad idea... Like I feel a bit itchy!"

Splinter's whiskers ruffled. "perhaps a quick spa soak is a good idea." glad Erica had not been sure and only did a patch of his skin. Still it was beyond itchy now and he definitely was gonna go splash!

And does! Totally encouraging with that his sons to follow, interdimensional and all! If they needed it!

Mike had just bathed he was sooooo not diving in the pond! Though he does watch worried as Splinter hurries to the water, and a tad amused at the wddle-scurry waddle, and the sight of Jumba on screen slipping away! Shell cell in hand getting some pics!

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Raph Mon Jan 29, 2024 6:16 pm

Leo glanced back at Lilo when she asked if he wanted a light swatting too.

Because... Actually... yes, yes he would. He was about to wiggle just to make her do exactly that when he heard Pleakley speak those words in that tone. He knew that tone all too well. Things were about to go down.

Elsewhere, David has placed a nice, weighted heat pack on Nani's back so he can get some video, and maybe a couple pictures of this insanity on his phone.

"I wonder if this was the one with the lye instead of apple cider vinegar... too much lye...? Pleakley ponders for just a moment as Jumba rushes off. His hands are starting to burn a bit too now that he's been rubbing the product over Jumba long enough to notice.

"Waaaiiiit Juuummmbaaaaa, Let me heellp yoooouuu!" Rushing off after him! Though Pleakley actually isn't quite as quick as a desperate Jumba!

Casey is shifting to watch the crazy unfold and give April space to sit up and watch if she wants. Or at least he isn't in the way of her viewing.

Raph is watching this whole thing unfold with mild alarm.

"Yup, Yeah. Pool. Right. Sounds good." And he has the cucumbers off his face, and left where Stitch can easily reach to eat them and is rushing toward the pool almost as fast as Jumba is. Raph isn't nearly as desperate as the round alien is, but he is definitely moving to get this stuff off!

"Thiiiiis is why you used the store bought stuff on me,  isn't it?" Because, yes he had noticed that.

Yup normal. David puts the camera away as Jumba and Pleakley rush off.

"You might want to go rinse off too, Maui. I think Pleakley put that same product on you."

And back to tending to Nani! Because well... he doesn't have a good reason not to since he had made sure not to use any of Pleakley's product on her. He'll make Pleakley clean up the mess.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Haley Long Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:47 pm

Stitch laughs as those cucumber bits are left dangling - he is grabbing and catching and eating what he can before sprinting after the Raphies! - Raphie makes Haley shriek, and maybe Raph too as he comes back, grabs her up then dashes off again, catching up to Raph and grabbing him up too - going for a full on and now triple sized cannon ball!

April is amused! and glad she used only known looking products on Casey, " Weeee may have some mopping to do after this....oh dear... we should definitely leave a review for Pleakley to use the cider vinegar next time." giggling and tapping Casey's shoulder lightly. " mmmm miiight have to grab the burn kit -" a tad sorry for anyone who might have a stinging chemical burns.

Oh Donnie was going to make them pay in some way for being slightly careless! mostly cause it miiiight mean some doctoring to be doing on his behalf the next couple of days.

Splinter ahems and excuses himself. Erica worried he sees but he shakes his head. " I am okay, you made that test patch of furr and it is a bit hurting now less tickling but I am off to swim and it should pass. thank you." smiling, then adding as he hurries off, " Should wash your hands too my dear!"

Oh yeah those had stopped tingling and were sort of burning too! she rushes off to rinse those in the bathroom!

Lilo giggles and in the middle of placing down what she was using encase Leo feels the need to join his brothers and father in the pond even though he should be entirely good she dooooes tempt a playful swat on his shoulder to go with her wink and nod, " Indeed - though I feel guilty now for not being more bossy with the others to do so too now I heard the word Lye in there... oh my gandalf I am sooo sorry about that." indeed guilty faced but also amused and glad the others are straight to the pond when they know its going wrong!


" No! you was yoooou noodles first!" calls back a Jumba as he forgoes the bathrooms and even the hose outside and races for the beach!

Maui watches them go and sort of shrugs at David, grinning, " I thiiiink I am okay but I will go watch those two... are you two okay?"

Nani grins, " Yes all good, yes please keep an eye on them two..." in fond worry, but they should be okay though she or most likely David may have to find the first aid kits for aloe at the very least.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Raph Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:53 pm

It's not a shriek, but there is a grunt as Raphie snatches up his counterpart on his way to the pool! There is a mostly halted punch thrown at Raphie's arm as Raph is grabbed up. Raph is not as good at pressure points as Leo or Don would be though, and it misses anything that would be particularly painful.

He should have been expecting something like this of a Raph that's bigger than he is. It's the sort of thing he might do to one of his brothers just because he could.

Whatever is on him is definitely burning now, and Raph is cranky about it! But they are headed to water so he doesn't fight too much. He is, however, vocal about his frustration!

"What sorta idiot puts LYE in oils?! What the hell, Man?! Do you even know what that stuff is?!" Not that Raph knows what lye is... and there's no Donnie here to tell him. He does know it BURNS!

Casey watches, amused at what is going down, and Raph's responding to Raphie's scooping him up much as he would expect Raphie to respond to the same.

He chuckles agreement with April's words.

"Yeah, Babe. Definitely vinegar next time. And I got it." He wanders off to find the mop, buuuuut... it wouldn't take much for the guys in the water to coax him into joining.

The mop would at least be nearby though!

Leo is rather amused by the shenanigans, though for now he doesn't quite get involved. He is keeping a pretty close eye on Raph and Raphie though. Raph is starting to get a little bit loud, which might wake the kids. Though Leo suspects that Raphie will toss his counterpart in the water and stifle the tantrum more quickly and effectively than Leo could do anything about it.

He does appreciate Lilo's apology, though he's also certain that she had no idea this would happen. He does enjoy at that swat...

"I'm sure no one blames you, and it will be fine in the end." Leo assured her. His tone turns playful. The next words clearly intended mostly as a joke. "Pleakley on the other hand... might not get off so easy. Good thing he's clear off in Hawaii. Though, my brothers are more likely to prank after something like this. Not cause any actual harm." Just so she doesn't worry about that.


Pleakley has never been good about letting Jumba (or anyone) tell him they don't want his assistance. He is still following Jumba anyway! Rushing after the larger alien as quickly as he can! But stumbling, he winds up rolling down the beach most of the way to the water!

David shakes his head as the pair rushes off. He nods at Maui's response. It's not his nature to push. Except when it comes to making sure Nani takes a moment to relax once in awhile! Maui would know best if he's okay.

He looks up at the camera for Lilo had her Honu 'friend's' family.

"Is everyone okay over there?"

"They will be." Leo assured.

Which was enough for David.

He digs under the couch for a first aid kit. There are several around the house. It didn't seem wise to keep everything in one location in this family.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Doragonkame Thu Feb 29, 2024 5:17 am

Lilo is giggling and her sorry fades a little eye brows waggling, "oooooh a prank war may be on the horizon?" leaning down to sneak a kiss on Leo's smiling playful toned mouth without being too over the top!

A glance up at David's voice and Leo's response smiling at them, " it will be all good." she has a feeling they maybe should have been faster in response but also that it wasn't too long so hopefully no serious chemical burns!

Raphie dunks Raph! As he lets Haley slip off him laughing and glad to wash her hands! He Raphie is shoving his loud and rightfully furious counterpart a bit towards the bridge where he knows a button is for making a bit of a 'flow' in the water, knowing they will need the chemical washed away! Waiting until his counterpart was up to answer him, probably in too loud a tone too! " An alien idiot! And he is my friend! Now shhhhh before your wake the babies!" one could say he was going to wake the babies with how loud he is.

Haley splashes them both, giggling again as Splinter cannon balls in!

And Raphie is turning other buttons to make the water fall from the bridge sides a spot to shower so to speak!

Erica is cautiously checking to see if she will transform and even so is only dunking her hands in when it's clear!

And of course in the room little blinky faces do start and startle and Malcolm's almost wail cuts off with a surprised squeak when Randal grunts and grumbles and rolls and rolls, to the edge of the bed sticking his feet out shuffling on his plastron back and off, dropping to the floor.

Elena, Liam, Duncan and Malcolm all watch, and scramble to the edge of the bed and slid, shuffle or roll off or - in Malcolm's case fall into Liam once he is on the floor and hurry to the door as Randal toddles out, pausing to yawn and rub his red eyes and face, muffled sounds as he shuffles, wobbles and staggers to the water and -

In a hilariously grumpy way points a little red finger other hand on his hip and mumbles, grumbles babbles and half says ... Something.

Eeeeeee Lilo muffled a squeal, Haley muffling her own behind hands. Erica by biting her lip.

Mike is all good so has a cucumber balanced and phone capturing the crazy!

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Sun Mar 03, 2024 6:31 pm

Leo hummed a confirmation.

"Yes, I do believe so."

But as the sounds over at the pond start to get a little rowdy, Leo gently excuses himself from where he had been with Lilo, and starts to move toward the pond. He is surprised to get a text message as he does so.

He checks it quickly, and frowns at the message from Lee.

A substantial part of Leo wants to have Raph lead him back to Raph's world so they can help collect the drunk Donnies. Hopefully before they do too much damage to themselves or anything else.

For a long moment, he can't even formulate a response. And it's sort of pathetic when he does come up with one. But... he needs to go put a damper on the noise Raphie and Raph are making!

"Ooooh, and ALIEN, that definitely makes the full body burns better! You're all cra--" Extremely sarcastic, and he is not any quieter then he had been a moment before, but Raphie managed to shove him under water for a moment, and Leo was able to make it over to the pond by the time he comes up spluttering.

By the time Raph is back up to continue his tirade, Leo is there.

"Both of you are being too loud." There is force behind the words, but they are definitely several decibels lower than Raph and Raphie had been.

"And yes, maybe we are a little crazy, and I'm sorry for the burns, but you brothers managed to get Don drunk, and that needs to be dealt with too. So--

He is cut off by Randal, who seems to be chewing them out for being too loud.

It's even enough to make Raph freeze in his knee jerk reaction to snark back at Leo. Even if it's not his own Leonardo.

And Randal's tirade is so very Raphie like that Leo melts. He couldn't help but notice that Raph did too as soon as he saw the adorable, exhausted, little boy telling them off in... Leo is pretty sure none of those were actual words, but Randal had definitely gotten the point across all the same.

"How about you two rinse thoroughly. At least..." There's a time limit, he knows this... Don has said it several times... Don has taken over the shower or the pond a few times for exactly this sort of thing. Though never from a skin care product. When that happened, he refused to get out for... "Fifteen minutes in there, then we'll do what we can to help the burns."

Raph grunts and shifts so he's helping rinse himself, but the danger has passed and he's been pulled back down now by an adorable tot.

Leo moves to Randal.

"I'm sorry we disturbed you." He offered his arms to the little one to carry him back to bed. "We'll be quieter, shall we get you back to bed, or do you need to pee first?"

Hopefully Lee can manage the Drunken Donnies for at least a little while. He has a feeling there will be a pretty entertaining story later. Hopefully it will just be just a story, though with how Don reacts to things like tea and medication, Leo suspects their brother will at least have a massive headache in the morning.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Raphie Wed Mar 06, 2024 4:34 am

Lilos laughs is light and genuine and she thoroughly reckons Leo's brothers deserve some pay back for sure....

Oh babies! She, a Erica with pinkish hands and a dripping wet Haley were making their way to the door where the rest of the children peeked out the door way, sleepy tired faces all worried but in adorable ways...

And their taking them to the loo one at a time taking them back to bed to wait for their red brother.

Whom, to Ratpa didn't even look fully awake as he burbles.

Awwwww the way the little red boy yaaaaaawns the motion cutting off his very Raphie lecture... And he immediately stumbles his way to DaddyLeos arms, eagerly and clumsily falling into the offered embrace murmuring and still grumbling but doing a totally Raphie thing and snuggling up in Leo's hold!

Aaaaw Raphie rumbles a churr and grins at Leo, the burns were thankfully only uncomfortable not entirely too painful, " yeah sorry lil man, thanks for that, sorry Leo, come 'ere Raph I'll get your shell..." amused and moving close to help his counterpart rinse off, and if he looks like he is a proud papa turtle of his spawn over there snuggling up in Leo's arms and mumbling pointing towards the bathrooms generals sort of direction. " never seen what I look like telling off anyone before... Kinda coooool you gonna make one of them?" or a few?

Playful tone and not trying to wrestle or dunk his counterpart again just trying to help make sure all and any bad chemicals were washed off! And also checking his fellow Raph, amused by what Leo said before. " Leo did you say Donnie is drunk?" thoroughly amused! Buuuut also sorry for Donnie if he heard right!

He doesn't know Lee has messaged Leo to reassure him he is watching the Don's.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:33 pm

Leo picks up Randal gently and lets the little guy snuggle in. Oh, the poor baby is so tired! He kisses that little head and nuzzles him for a moment before he will him to use the toilet before returning to bed.  

Raph has melted into a complete puddle of goo at the oh so sleepy, little boy telling them off. He actually chuckles at Raphie's words. Yeah, told off by himself. HA!

He is certain that is one of the most adorable telling offs he has ever been victim to. Chompy is pretty chill, and doesn't really do telling off. But he's gotten frustrated a couple times.

Another chuckle at Raphie asking if Raph intends to have kids.

"Oh yeah. Mona and I've talked about it a few times. We should probably wait until this whole thing is over, but you know... what's next? I got Chompy though." Raph shrugs. There always seems to be something next.

April does have a point about wanting to make sure that she and DonnieBoy wait until they're a bit older, but Raph has never really been one for patience.

"So, you know. If it happens, it happens."

Raph doesn't object to the help with his shell. Not so much the shell itself necessarily, the water will take care of most of that, but the skin in some of the hard to reach areas underneath the edges could easily hide spots where the oil might have seeped down. And he definitely appreciates the help with that.

Leo makes a bit of a face at Raphie's question about Don. Because...

"Yes... Lee wasn't sure how it happened, but he said he has eyes on them and they're safe." There is a bit of an unspoken 'for now' in Leo's expression. He's worried about their brother. It's a pretty normal Leo worry. A similar expression to when one of them is out later than usual on their own. Nothing particularly urgent, Just Leo being Leo.

Leo then takes little Randal to use the toilet and wash his hands. Joining the girls who had already been getting the other kids through the process.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Raphie Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:04 pm

Aaaand still being adorably grumpy, snuggling in and just about back to sleep Randal continues his complaints until DaddyLeos kissmakes him hush, scrunching his fists around the edges of Leo's plastron and on bandana tails.

Oh it's so precious and Raphie is glad a Mike over there is getting vid and pics.

He reaches under the bridge walk way for the emergency bath stuff, a mostly brushes and scrubs to get caked on stuff off. Finding a scrub on a handle so for backs he uses the soft sponge to get around edges of Raph's shell listening to him and nodding. " best way to approach it, if it happens it happens, cause always something happening in our lives." the quiet times seem far and few between.

A glance up at Leo amused, yep until news comes back that Donnie was sober again, hung over maybe but sober Leo will worry. Raphie considers working the scrub around making sure to get under all edges. " mmm Leo won't have too much trouble keeping them under wraps you think?" to Raph as he lets the scrub float cupping his hands to rinse off that shell. Then he will ask for his to be done too!

Leo will find girls with very sleepy kiddies. Although a Liam is refusing to be picked up and snuggled until Randal is with them. Little blue bit with barely open eyes peering up at DadLeo.

Lilo is navigating a sleepy Malcolm to sitting still on the loo as Haley wearing a towel to keep her wet to herself is helping Duncan wash his hands. Elena waits for her turn patiently hand in hand with Erica. All three young women awwww at Leo and his red bundle.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:10 pm

Raph sort of shurgs at his counterpart's words.

"April says we should wait a few more years, but you know..." Raph is more the type to figure there's a decent chance that if they wait, they won't live long enough to have kids anyway.

It's probably not true, and just the sort of pessimism he's prone to talking, but there it is. Even if the fact that his concern about not living long enough to have kids is actually a good reason to not have kids... He doesn't really care.

There's actually a chuckle at the comment about Leo.

"Eh, he's a Leo, right? He's got it. ...or will pretend he does." Kidding! Sort of.

Aw, the tiny, little Raphie is adorable. Leo snuggles that little one as he moves takes him back to the others. He doesn't really care about the teasing from the Raphies. Not while he has an adorably grouchy tot in his arms!

Randal will wait his turn, then Leo will help him through the handwashing. Then there are definitely cuddles for both Randal, and Liam as well, as soon as Leo can. Because they're all so very tired! And the little one waiting for all his brothers to be accounted for is just too cute! Yeah, Leo gets that.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Splinter 2003 Sat Apr 20, 2024 1:05 am

Splinter is close by and chuckles, " I trust no matter how crazy things gets with the Donatellos over there that Leenardo will reach out for help if he needs it or herd them out of most dangers himself." mostly to quash any worries his Raphael miiight be harboring under the playfulness, and to be sort of praising towards the other Raphael and his brothers capabilities. Also a bit for his retreating Leonardo so he is also a bit more assured if at all he might have had some worries too.

Also he is relaxing, he might have a bald patch at the top of his tail for a while but the fur will regrow and he is not feeling any burn or itchiness and is glad for it.

And watching the retreating Leo and his arm load of grumpy cuteness.


Randal is barely awake through the weeing, and even less so through hand washing, and full blown grumpy face making sleep on Leo's shoulder by the time Liam was in arms. Tired yawny little blue pats shell and churrs, resting head on other shoulder and watching Leo, " Gooood? sleeeeeeep mooore?" he makes sure - Duncan is yawning, back on Haley's shoulder all pee free and hands washed. Elena is grinning up at Leo and Liam in a sleepy sort of way. And Malcolm, the wriggle warm Lilo has discovered once lain over her arm plastron down makes the little worm stop moving so much.

Erica lingered to watch the cuteness and yep Leo will get more very girly and very gently uttered 'Awwwwwwwwwwwws' from the three young women, then Erica slips away to get her hands into the water and wash them, at the sink for now encase there is salt or sea water in the big pond. The full first transformation and smaller ones were all going to be for Donnie, to experience with him close when it was time.

Lilo and Haley grin and as she has one baby less snuggled and more squished safely to her Lilo heads to the bedroom first and tucks back in the little gold baby.

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Splinter 2003
Splinter 2003

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Sun Apr 21, 2024 2:20 pm

"Uh huh... got it covered, or pretend he does." Oh shit! He just said that to a Splinter! He hadn't intended that! "I mean... yeah... probably fine." Though Lee does have a bit of a tendency to try biting off more than he can chew, it's typically not when it's something that might put his brothers in danger. Just himself.

Not that that's better really, at least as far as Raph is concerned.

But there's nothing to do about it just now, so Raph focuses on getting the rest of this stupid stuff off him!

Stupid, freaky, alien. Stupid 'pampering' night.

His counterpart is cool though, and the evening hadn't been boring, that's for sure! Still... he will grump about this because he can!


Leo doesn't miss the looks and awwwws from the girls. He does do a good job of not reacting to it though. Keeping his reactions close to the plastron!

He can't help but smile at the kids though. They were absolutely precious. It was actually hard to believe they had only been here for a short time. This felt right, it felt normal. Almost like they had just... always been there. Even though Leo knew that wasn't true.

"Yes, Liam. It is definitely time to sleep more." He rubbed the little guy's head then once all the kiddoes were pottied and hand washed, Leo helped get them all back to the bedroom.

And maybe positioning himself closer to Lilo than is entirely necessary as he tucks in Randal next to Malcolm. A little playful, but not a whole lot. He needs to be ready just in case the others need first aid for burns, or they hear from Lee. Then he helps make sure all the kids are back in their beds, snuggled up and warm. Hovering a little here, this is something he can help. Something he can do while he waits for the others to clean up before checking if they have any burns that need care, and waiting for word on Donnie.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Raphie Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:13 pm

Splinter chuckles and nods, "Ooooooor pretends to yes, I think thaaaaat is a pretense we have all done at a time or another." agreeably and totally admitting maybe even he, a Splinter has indeed more than perhaps pretended to have things all under control and totally been putting on a front more than anything.

Raphie laughs and makes sure to rinse Raph off thoroughly, the burning had receded for him in most parts, he will still need a bit of rinsing too but is more concetrated on making sure Raph is all good, " That sounds very familiar. Sounds like the time I had to work with that kid to save his mother. Tyler." grinning, its a tactic to draw his counterpart into hearing this story and away from grumblings. Well...

most grumblings about their so far failed pampering evening. He can here on the screen Nani has encouraged David to take the video call camera bit and go follow Jumba and Pleakley, make sure their getting on alright and that she will keep an ear on the progress int he lair. it was cool, they will return tot he call in a moment...

and in meantime can enjoy a bit of story time about the kid that actually punched him a few times! and a gently nudge of elbow to elbow offering the brush to Raph to do his shell, to get in behind shoulders and over the carapace where Raphie just couldn't reach alone.


Lilo can't help kissing Leo's cheek when there is an opportunity to do so, its a light one, for him being just adorable with his arm load of continuing to every now and then grumble little red baby, and a very pleased looking Liam who beams... and then yawns widely and nestled into Leo as he is taken to bed with his crimson grumpy brother, the little blue boy yaying happily and admitting he is still sleepy!

Malcolm is wriggly the whole time. From potty to hand washing to snuggling on the way back to bedroom and when Lilo finally offers him to Leo to tuck back in beside his brothers, the very last one as Haley got Duncan sorted in beside an Elena who had climbed eagerly back into the middle of the bed and didn't mind her little best friend brothers cuddling back into her mammal warmth once put into the softness of bed again. " It is... like I have known these new little family members forever.' she whispers to Leo wriggly Malcolm the last one!

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Fri May 03, 2024 1:43 pm

There is a somewhat grumpy, reluctant acknowledgement of Splinter's words. Yes, Raph has pretended that he had things handled when he did not, in fact, have them handled at all. Though he's mostly not bitten off more than he could chew!


At least he likes to think so!

Raph does go for the ruse story though! He's shocked that Raphie managed all that blind! With just the kid's directions! And Raph does accept the brush and starts working on Raphie's shell.


David definitely doesn't need much encouragement to take the camera and go check on Jumba and Pleakley!

He's sure it's going to be crazy. It always is with those two!

"Are you two alright?"

"Oh, we're fine! Jumba, just HOLD STILL!" Never mind that it's probably Pleakley who's moving constantly!


Leo smiled at the kiss to the cheek, and chuckled at the little ones in his arms. They really were adorable. He is gentle and takes his time to get the little ones tucked back in again and ready to sleep once more. Hopefully they all sleep for awhile longer!

It is late, and they do seem pretty tired, so Leo is hopeful!

He is especially careful with the wiggly little Malcolm. Hopefully he doesn't wake up the others. Leo holds him, snuggling him close and churring.

"I was just thinking the same thing." Leo admitted with a soft chuckle. Still holding Malcolm and encouraging a little more stillness before tucking him in with the others. Just a little. They're probably used to a wiggly Malcolm, just like Leo and his brothers are used to a wiggly Mike.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Haley Long Fri May 17, 2024 4:33 pm

Jumba is NOT still, he harumphs looudly, "Buuuut you is tickling the burny bits!" trying to catch and hold off his slippery noodle of a partner, with little to no success, and it looked ridiculous as he does try to catch the smaller more agile flexible Pleakley! " And yooooou be the one writhing about like a hooked worm!"

Maui is floating happily by now in the water, grinning and watching the pair with amusement!


" I know right? Kid did a great job in making sure I was able to help him and his mother. They stayed out at the farm once we got them out of new york for a bit of time, changed names and headed further out, we meet them at Casey's farm house town every now and then to checkin on them. Kiddo is doing so good and his mother is no longer afraid of everything!" Raphie explains, with a happy churr as Raph begins washing him off too. On the plus side the exofoliation was great so when the burn does receeds further! he can feel his skin is suuuuuper shiny, smooth and soft... though perhaps not in the best way given how it happened.

He grins as Splinter chuckles, its half in amusement and agreement. Yep he has seen his sons do that to themselves and each other and has done so himself a lot in the early days of fatherhood.

A soft greeting as girls come and join them, well Haley hopping into the water and rinsing off entirely, Erica is more careful hands in only and close to Splinter.

"I'm sorry for the burning... and I am sure Pleakley meant well, he doesn't always get it right..." to the rat gently and friendly, smiling over at the two Raphs and Haley swimming about them.

" It is alright and we wont tell him how badly this went... maybe a nudge next time to use only products Donatello recommends for us specifically?" soft at first back to her, and a bit louder to include the Raphs there too.

Raphie grunts out an, " Good thinking."


Lilo muffles her amused giggling, moves closer to Leo to watch the magic of his settling a wriggly snuggly little Malcolm back to a more peaceful, dead weight state of sleep. Kids are verrrry tired still it is early night for adults, very late for them.

She brushes a hand carefully over his little head once still, " Hooooow did you do that?" barely a whisper as finally it is safe for Leo to tuck a thoroughly passed out Malcolm back into the pile of just as out of it kids. Cause she had had no luck stopping the squirmy snuggly wriggly bug at all!

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Sun May 19, 2024 5:40 am

"Oh, I am not! Hold STILL!

David switched over from stills to video. He has one shot of Maui floating in the water looking AMAZING, because of course he does, he's FREAKING MAUI!! The way the sun is hitting the water behind him, and the little splash in the background is perfect. Lilo will be proud of David when she sees it.

But for now, video of Jumba trying to dislodge Pleakley! And he is definitely having a difficult time of it. The noodle is slippery.


Raph smiles slightly at hearing those friends of Raphie's are safer now, and out of the city.

"Sounds like a happy endin'." He commented. It was a pretty cool story. Fighting blind with a kid for instructions was pretty badass! Raph can appreciate that!

And he's finishing up with Raphie's carapace. It wouldn't hurt to stay in the water a bit longer, but it's much better than it was. He doesn't feel active burning anymore. And wow is his skin nice and soft. Maybe Mona will like that! Though he has no intention of doing this again any time soon! It ain't worth that sort of burn!

There is a grunt of agreement with Splinter, and only using Donatello approved self care products!


Only once all the kids are safety tucked into bed and sleeping once more does Leo carefully chuckle at Lilo's words.

He stands and offers her a hand up before responding. If he lets her, he will pull her into his arms and give her a kiss, not quiiiite ready to leave the kids room just yet. Give them another moment to fully settle.

And give Lilo a quick kiss, and just hold her for a moment.

"I have a lot of practice. I did grow up with his dad." All amusement.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Splinter 2003 Tue May 21, 2024 9:00 pm

Splinter jumps up to the bridge out of the water, this is the best spot to fully stretch his sopping wet self out and do a full well deserved shake! Because whilst he may flick Haley, Raph and Raphie and the water coming off him runs off the bridge and won't be a huge mop mess to do.

He grins at Raph from there as the shaking slowed and his furr fluffs out like a pom pom! " Quiet a story indeed have you had similar? Mr. JonesONeil some towels if Mrs. JonesONeil don't mind sharing you for a moment... And a mop!" just so they can get back to relaxing, hopefully with safer stuff and he can spread the small puddle under him around to clear it up and make it dry faster.

Yes inviting Raph to share a similar story.

Amused by and ignoring the slight Heeeey and giggles from Haley at being splattered.

Raphie doesn't Heeeey he does churrs a little at the shell scrubbies, it just feels so goooood!

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Raph Sun May 26, 2024 3:17 am

Casey gives April a kiss and hurries off for towels and mop as requested' he knows that April almost never objects to anything Master Splinter says! He is back momentarily. He does not have a bucket for the mop.

Raph isn't fussed by water that might drip off Splinter. Certainly not while he is actually in the water.

He is still not quite sure about this other version of his father, but he has reached a point where he's at least a little more willing to talk. Not a whole lot, but a little.

"Nah... fightin' blind really ain't our thing. We--" Raph frowns for a moment unsure how to state this.

"We worked on it for a bit... but it didn't stick." a bit of a shrug. This is a little bit of a sore spot for him.

Why hadn't his Master Splinter pushed the issue? Were they not good enough for it? There's a few skills that Raph feels like that. Like maybe they should have learned it, but for whatever reason, they just didn't.

"Lee found himself a little tea party friend by accident though."

That's definitely an easier story to tell, even if it isn't strictly Raph's story.

When Raphie churrs at the shell scrubbies, Raph grunts at his counterpart for making it weird. He is also less nice about the scrubbing, and doesn't really connect that he actually prefers rough shell scrubbies himself so might actually just be making it worse.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Raphie Thu May 30, 2024 3:18 am

Raphie just grins, under the more firm scrubbies and the grunt he waggles his shell like a real turtle would. Mostly playfully cause his counterpart grunted about it. So he does the entirely bro thing of making it more awkward.

Haley snorts at that and rolls her eyes to herself mostly in amusement at the pair of them.

Raphie giggles about the tea party. " Thaaat would be the perrrfect way to see if your brother will cross dress for the little tea party friend." amused by the story and glancing up at his dad.

Splinter was mostly dry, he sits and dangles his feet over the edge until Casey in back and he thanks him, then makes a game of chasing the tall mans feet around, " I wont hazard a guess as to why your father did not pursue more teachings in that area." respectfully said so smiling at the Raphaels and Casey. " However if it something you and your brothers want to seriously pursue and cannot go further on your own, my Leonardo may be willing to train you, I will help, but he is far more disciplined than I was in blind fighting." its put in a casual off hand manner.

Because really it could have been anything, maybe it very well could have been that Raph's father thought they were not ready for that teaching, or thought he'd have more time to teach them, revisiting training and skills that were only sort of brushed and touched upon.

And it wasn't going to be good to just tell the Raph to not worry about it, not think their father didn't think they were good enough for it.

They knew deep down inside he was sure that wasn't the case.

So it felt better to offer an idea for furthering their learning if their interested.

Raphie hides a small soft grin at his dad and human bro Casey up there with the mop. Hah! And yeah he would probably respond better to an gentle prod to maybe seek the training if he is interested other than what would feel like excuses as to why it hadn't already happened. And well Splinter wasn't wrong, Leo was reaaaally good at blind fighting.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Raph Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:10 am

He keeps it to himself, but makes a mental note that apparently scrubbing harder does not work on Raphie the same way it would on Raph's brothers. Noted. Though he should have guessed... he enjoys when Mona really digs in on the shell scrubbies...

He misses her. Hopefully she'll be home from her mission soon.

Raph snorts at the question of Lee crossdressing.

"That would be a definite yes. Because she has him wrapped around her finger, and he already has. There's a princess dress hiding in his room that he thinks I don't know about."

Raph is actually surprised to hear that Leo is a better blind fighter than Splinter! It wouldn't have crossed his mind that these turtles have had training from anyone other than Splinter. He isn't as aware of the additional spiritual training this group of turtles received from the Ninja Tribunal as his brothers are. He might have heard it in passing, but it didn't sink in.

"I might do that. Thanks."

And it's honest, he might do it. Even if it means purposely subjecting himself to another Leonardo's training session...

Casey has the mop and the bucket ready. He's cleaned up a bit where Splinter had dripped, but he's waiting a little while for the others to get out of the pond too.

Once the kids are drifting off again, Leo takes Lilo's hand and returns to the main room.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Fri Jun 07, 2024 2:27 pm

Lilo had to smother her laughter, and whispered between light and eager Smoochies she can sneak on Leo in the quiet and still of the room. " valuable experience clearly..." so very amused and oh goodness the little babies are sooo cute! Boys snuggling in against Elena's mammal warmth.

It will take just a bit of coaxing to lead her from the room. Though not toooo much cause it is Leo!

And once out more giggling at the Raphies in the pond.

Especially as there is an almost Mike like grin on Raphies face that comes Leo's way. " oooh dear..."

Raphie snorted out a laugh and he grins over his shoulder spotting Leo and Lilo, waiting for Master Splinter to thank Casey and also grin at Raph nodding, adding encouragement for him to seek Leo out when he feels he is ready to... " oooooooo Leo you would look good in a princess dress." throwing the tease out without context just so see if it catches Leo of guard. Not likely, but playfully trying. And also supports to make up for being weird with shell scrubbies Annnnd to give his counterpart cover cause he probably doesn't want to go straight to Leo right now and ask about blind fighting training he reaches for some teasing and a joke. " what you think Lilo?"

Lilo giggles, a little surprised by the conversation they walked in on but also used to the crazy cause of her sweet crazy uncles. " He could make a potatoes sack look like a fab toga." wink at Leo heading to the pampering area to go through the creams so if they resume it will be with safer stuff, still a bit scolding herself for not doing it in the first place.

Raphie playful raspberries, " knew shoulder have asked her... Sooo whadaya say Leo?" a play splash towards Casey seeing as he has the mop ! But it's almost time to get out, he does linger encase Haley or Raph need more rinsing! And under his breath a groan at Raph, [color:a1cc=FF0000]" Donnie is gonna have kittens seeing these burns and scold us for ages about being careless..." there maaaaybe a slight question there about how DonnieBoy will take it!?

Splinter is glad for the general cheer retaking the atmosphere and amused by the playing, a glance at Leo but he absolutely trusts that he doesn't even have to ask this silent way that kids were all tucked in and fine. It's just habit of a dad now Ratpa.

April joins Lilo to go more carefully over products that are safe for turtles.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:38 am

Leo miiiiight have used a calming sort of pressure. Nothing that would hurt the little guy, but offer a little assistance calming down and preparing for sleep.

He's used it on all of his brothers, and it's entirely possible that Don is the only one who has caught him.

Leo did catch the look from his father, and gave a slight nod that the kids were, indeed asleep again.

He quirks an eyeridge as Raphie calls out to him like that. Definitely suspicious, but Leo is relaxed and feeling good. He had not been a victim of Pleakley's concoction.

So the suspicion shifts to amusement at the question. He ignores the quickly stifled burst of laughter from Casey. Probably a look from April or a swat from Splinter's tail at the volume.

"I think Mike would be jealous if I stole his thunder."

He doesn't exactly say he wouldn't wear it if Lilo requested it, but definitely didn't say he would.

Even Raph is getting into the mood of the room a bit, less aggravated and relaxing a bit. The pond is pretty nice...

Raph makes a noise between a grunt and a chuckle. And interesting about Raphie's Donnie. Raph wouldn't say that his own would be that stressed about this.

"Mine'll carry on about it a bit, but mostly he'll just patch it up. And make notes. ...sometimes I think he enjoys being our doctor a little too much."

Particularly when there is any sort of opportunity for taking blood samples, or even just notes about their conditions.

"Think it's good now." Raph grunts and starts to make his way out of the pond. Still hesitant about "pampering" night though! Though Leo seems fine.

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:30 am

There is a story there Raphie is sure and pokes at Raph's shoulder as they head to the side of the pool, Raphie after putting scrubbers back so they can find them again, amused, " Enjoys it? Really? Ours does it, even samples on occasion but isn't the biggest fan." because it seems to help a bit to talk as they climb out of the pool and Raphie takes a moment to drop off at the waters edge grinning with soft guffaw at Leo's words, " hhhmmm fair point, no denying that we will have a very melodramatica jealous drama queen in Mike if that happens." amused and leading the way back over to the pampering area but this time pointing at Haley as she gets out of the water and is wringing out her clothes and letting herself drip dry as close to the edge as possible so Casey is not mopping a huge trailed puddle once more. " Ya up this time!" eager to do pampering, means hands on with her so very much eager.

Lilo like most of Leo's brothers is thoroughly unawares he knows such points and uses them. And she would be entirely amused he does, and if Nani knew she would have been wistful that her past self didn't know such tricks to quell a eager adventurous Lilo and her 'Dog'. Lilo laughs softly at the teasing, following Leo back across the space, " Mmmm surely he can't be too sore if you get up in a Pa'u?" She adds to Leo playfully shaking hips as if she was wearing a grass skirt.

Erica and Haley chuckle at that Haley in the middle of giving Raphie a 'fine fine' gesture.

Stitch has eaten the cucumber slices!

April had been keeping an amused eye on the screen, calling out to David on the other end, " Everything in the clear there?!"


"Are toooo! Ya missing a bit..." complains the Jumba grabbing his noodley friend and using him like a back loofer - poor Pleakley!

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Pampered Plans. - Page 3 Empty Re: Pampered Plans.

Post by Leo Tue Sep 03, 2024 3:47 pm

"Definitely enjoys it. Weirdly so sometimes. I am not a fan of when he goes on his dentistry kicks." Raph shudders. He does not appreciate his brother poking about in his mouth. Though Raph doesn't really appreciate those moments when DonnieBoy goes on his sample taking kicks either. Still... the dentist thing is definitely the worst.

The light conversation is definitely helping, and Raph is relaxing back. into a state that he might be ready to maybe give this whole pampering night another try. Though maybe not with Pleakley's home made stuff...

He also sniggers at Leo's response regarding the jealous Mike.

"Ah, Mike's and their drama. Though my Lee can be over-dramatic at times. Especially if he can manage to slip in a line from Space Heroes."

There were definitely some similarities between his own brothers and the ones he'd met here, but this Leo didn't seem to have the goofy fan by side that his own Lee did. Or if he did, Raph sure hadn't seen it yet. Which admittedly wasn't saying much.

As Raphie moved to give Haley her turn at a pamering, Raph looks around for the little, blue fuzzy guy again.

"Uh... guess it's your turn?" How... do you massage a fuzzy, blue alien? He has absolutely no idea. Hopefully the critter will guide him...

Even Leo was chuckling at the aftermath of the question of him in a dress, and it's an honest laugh when Lilo asks about the Pa'u.

"I am pretty sure I do not have the hips for that." Stitch's hula lesson for the kids that Leo, Raphie and Mike had sort of joined in on while the girls had been in the dojo with Master Splinter had certainly been an interesting experience. Turtles with rigid shells are not well designed for that sort of hip movement. They had come up with some alternatives, but it had certainly been an adventure!

Nooooot that he wouldn't wear the skirt if Lilo asked him to... because he absolutely would.

And he had definitely been perving when she had waggled her hips like that. He is almost as distracted by Lilo's hip waggles as Don is by Erica's bridges. ...almost.

He does guide her back to where they had been earlier for his massage, as it does seem that they are getting back to the evening's activities and it is her turn! And Leo is very much looking forward to this!

"Don't look now, but we are definitely out of cucumber slices." Amused. And he definitely caught that it was Stitch who had taken care of them, though he wouldn't have put it past Mike. And Mike had probably gotten one or two earlier.


"I am not, it's just--  EEEEK!" Pleakley had been in the middle of objecting to any such missed spots when Jumba had grabbed him and used his person to get those last spots!

David is chuckling as he returns to Nani's massage.

"Yup, all good."

Pretty normal for their lives, really!

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