Masked Mayhem
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Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot

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Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot Empty Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:23 pm

Baxter Stockman


Jun 21 15 3:24 PM

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Two nights after Oxygen and Deflowering the Lotus

While the fools had been running around New York City, dumping the fungus onto the ventilations and sewers, the mad scientist had been working around the clock. Mizune's transformation was complete. Her mutation was beautiful. It never occurred to him that she would maintain her human body after the DNA of the spider merged with hers.

The other night a random Foot soldier had been looking for Mizune and stopped on by his lab. The scientist lied about Mizune's whereabouts. The Foot soldier seemed suspicious and rushed to tell Bradford and Master Shredder. Humph, let him talk. He's not worried, after all he had this ultimate weapon by his side. And with this new mind control device he would have complete control over her.

Her first orders were to destroy anyone who stands in this way. This include her beloved Bradford. All he was doing is biding his time, waiting to see the fruits of his labor. And he would watch everything via the monitors.

Only a matter of time....
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Mizune Junko

#1 [url]

Jun 21 15 3:37 PM

The first thing Mizune could remember was blacking out and the sensation that something was invading her body. Her head buzzed and had problems focusing. Her entire body felt numb. All four eyes blinked. Four eyes? She had four of them? As she tried to make sense of her surroundings. The lab looked familiar, but something was definitely out of place. Her body felt different, as though it was not her own. Even her mind was different. She could hear the sounds of sinister voices invaded her mind, telling her to hunt, to kill, to mate...these were primitive, animalistic desires, but somehow they seemed to take full control over her.

Crawling along the ceilings of the Foot Headquarters, Mizune spotted a lone Foot soldier, who seemed to be by himself. The poor, unsuspecting fool didn't know he was about to become the spider woman's midnight snack. Circling around her prey, the she-spider pounced, not before having a little fun. Wrapping the body into a caccoon, she dragged the body towards the makeshift web that clung to the corner of the ceiling. The man struggled to break free. A sinister smile escaped the beautiful spider woman's mouth as she opened wide...

The sound of the man's screams of terror could be heard throughout the building, startling a group of Foot soldiers. One of them fled to Shredder's throne room, where a group of enforcers were discussing about the mutagen shipment and MIzune's whereabouts. The Foot soldier rambled something about an intruder and possibly a monster lurking in the building.
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#2 [url]

Jun 22 15 4:33 AM

Shredder growled in annoyance when the Foot soldier barged into the throne room, rambling nonsense about a monster lurking around the headquarters. He had trained his men to be fearless, deadly warriors; and here was one spouting off stuff like a frightened school girl after seeing a small bug. Shredder released one of his gauntlet blades, immediately silencing the man.

"I told you I didn't want to be disturbed," Shredder growled.

The man started rambling again. This time saying something about hearing someone scream. Shredder turned to the others and told them to wait; he would set this straight. He left the throne room and walked through the halls. He was going to put an end to this nonsense and destroy this alleged monster himself. Shredder roamed the halls, but didn't see anything. That is, until, he walked through a spider's web. Shredder pulled the sticky threads off of his armor and face.

"What is this?" he demanded.

He slowly looked up to see the dead body of one of his soldiers caught in a much bigger web.

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Mizune Junko

#3 [url]

Jun 22 15 4:01 PM

The Foot soldier's demise was quick and swift. He didn't felt a thing. It was a pity, she would've gladly had a little fun with him if she didn't set her eyes on a much bigger prize...her beloved former master, Shredder. For the past few minutes the she-spider had watched him walk around the halls only to walk through one of her cobwebs.

A sinister giggle. The giggle seemed to come from everywhere. She struck out her leg, sending a blow that would've made him pass out on the floor if the helmet didn't protect him. The round house kick should've been familiar. The dragon kata was one of Bradford's signature moves. A technique that was taught by Master Shredder himself, which passed down to Bradford, then to her.

Her beloved Chris Bradford...he should be lurking around here. Maybe she could have fun with them both before having them for dinner.

"I hope that didn't hurt," The kunoichi giggled as she hung, upside down, from a makeshift cobweb that clung to the ceiling.

Last Edited By: Mizune Junko Jun 22 15 4:07 PM. Edited 1 time.
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#4 [url]

Jun 23 15 2:49 AM

Shredder stumbled back when he was suddenly struck from above. If he hadn't been wearing his helmet, he was sure that the kick would have rendered him unconscious. Shredder looked up to see a woman/spider hybrid hanging from the ceiling. His eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he wasn't surprised...not really. He had seen the black widow spider in Stockman's lab; he had his suspicions that the scientist was plotting against him. But, this? This was just brazen. Mutating one of his best soldiers.

"Mizune?" Shredder asked, hoping that his eyes were deceiving him.

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Mizune Junko

#5 [url]

Jun 23 15 12:58 PM

The ex kunoichi raised a curious eyebrow. It was rather eerie, watching one of the eyes lift as though she had emotions. Then laughter, "Not any more." With a graceful backflip, she landed on her feet, right in front of him, her mouth curling into a wicked grin. Two of her front teeth seemed to have grown a few inches, sharp, protruding and most likely filled with venom.

The expression was priceless. This made Mizune laugh even harder, "You are making this too easy." She leaned in closer, her face inches away from his, all four eyes boring down on her former master, "I didn't think you would recognize me, Master Shredder," she hissed his name, a claw reaching out to touch his face. That claw then trailed down to his chest and straight towards that sash, "....that night, I made you take off your armor for me. You made me your queen. Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it?" She chuckled.

"I always make it a habit of playing with my food first before having a little fun." Her eyes then lifted towards the ceiling where the dead body of the soldier was tangled up and grinned maliciously, "He wasn't much of a meal and I had no interest in toying with him. You, on the other hand....I can risk defying Baxter Stockman's orders for.." she purred.
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#6 [url]

Jun 23 15 5:01 PM

"Stockman," Shredder growled venomously. "I should have known he was behind this."

He shouldn't have been surprised, really. Stockman was always scheming, always plotting. It was only a matter of time before he betrayed the Foot. But, this...Shredder would personally make Stockman pay for this. He just had to get past Mizune, first. He was fast, but she was obviously faster. The kick to his head proved that. The spider DNA in her blood had clearly enhanced her senses and reflexes. Shredder cursed himself for not seeing this sooner. First he lost Tang Shen, now he lost Mizune. Someone's head was going to roll.

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Mizune Junko

#7 [url]

Jun 23 15 5:19 PM

Her mouth had been only a few inches away from his, preparing the bite that would've certainly finish him off, if Mizune's original personality didn't broke free, "NO!" She screamed, shoving him away from her, collapsing to her knees, "...please, Master Stockman...don't make me kill him..." It was quite clear that she fighting against another force that seemed to have taken control of her body. Slowly she looked pleadingly at Oroku Saki, " me...."
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Baxter Stockman

#8 [url]

Jun 23 15 5:22 PM

Baxter growled and slammed his fist on the monitor screen, "That little bitch! You were supposed to have killed him by now!" Storming out of his lair, marching directly towards the location where Shredder and Mizune had been sparring, he struck out his leg and kicked Mizune, hard, in the stomach, which caused her to gasp and gag in pain.

Chuckling a bit he whirled around to face his former boss, "I hope you appreciated my little creation. She's my finest work to date. What do you think, Master Shredder?"
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#9 [url]

Jul 8 15 8:06 AM

He shouldn't have been surprised, really. He knew Stockman had been plotting something; but, this wasn't what he had been expecting. Shredder looked at the she-spider that used to be Mizune before turning blazing eyes to Stockman. If only looks could kill. The Foot master got to his feet, he would not bow to this traitor.

"You will pay for this betrayal, Stockman," Shredder growled.

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Mizune Junko

#10 [url]

Jul 19 15 1:36 PM

The former kunoichi lowered her head in shame. The way he looked at was as if she were dead. It made her realize that he fell in love with her beauty. Not for her.

In just one night, she lost everything. Her humanity, her position in the Foot, the chance to rule this clan with an iron fist. Her beloved Oroku Saki and Bradford....what about him? Would he treat her with disdain and disgust, also? Bradford has called the Turtles freaks a number of times. She could picture him recoiling from her and spraying himself with disinfectant. Or worse, squish her.

There were nights when she had dreamt that Bradford and Saki sharing the same bed with her, both making love to her. Yes, Mizune is a little greedy but can't help it, she wanted them both. No thanks to Baxter, she is nothing more then a memory.

Tears flowed down the she spider's face. Looking at her former Master with a look that would've scorched him in the spot had she had the ability. A look that was a mixture of pain, loss and despair. With an animalistic cry she crawled on all fours and disappeared somewhere in the darkness.

Last edited by Master Splinter on Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:25 pm

Baxter Stockman

#11 [url]

Jul 19 15 1:42 PM

Stockman was about to reply when he heard the she spider shrieked, "What the-?" He whirled around and noticed that the she spider has vanished. No matter. Mizune was a few seconds away from losing her humanity. He then turned to Shredder, "Awww, don't be so serious, Master Shredder. You've wanted a mutant army and you've got it."
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#12 [url]

Jul 19 15 7:10 PM

Chris had heard rumours, he heard the noise... and he wondered at it -

"Master Shredder?" He heard the distinct deep voice - and a more nasally one of ... Baxter...

He was following - skirting around webbing. kicking away a body - creeping towards where noises came from.

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Mizune Junko

#13 [url]

Jul 21 15 10:30 PM

Her head lifted. That voice was familiar-Chris! Oh no, he can't see her like this. Mizune stuck with the shadows as much as she possibly can, but a part of her wanted to reach out and throw her arms around him, but she can't risk it. Then her stomach rumbled. Hunger. All four eyes gazed lustfully at her next meal, before her human side interfered. Bradford was not going to be her next meal...but she couldn't help it. She was hungry. That last meal wasn't enough.
She crawled towards Bradford, slowly...

Last Edited By: Mizune Junko Aug 21 15 3:12 AM. Edited 1 time.
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#14 [url]

Sep 4 15 5:24 AM

Shredder's heart began to pound nervously when he heard Bradford call out. If Mizune got to Bradford....

"Mizune," Shredder called, hoping to grab the she-spider's attention. He turned back to Stockman, blades shooting out of his gauntlets. "You will pay for this betrayal, Stockman," he growled.

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Baxter Stockman

#15 [url]

Sep 4 15 5:45 PM

Anyone would've quaked at the sight of the blades. Not Stockman. He just stood there, cool as a cucumber, with a huge smirk on his face. Already the arrogant scientist was proclaiming victory. Shredder was a fool. He never would've guessed that the Master would've form a unique attachment to one of his own men. "Is all this violence really that necessary, Master Shredder? I had already proclaim my victory. Right now I would be more concerned for one of your enforcers. He is about to walk into a trap..."
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#16 [url]

Sep 30 15 3:34 AM

"Master - what is this?" And Bradford happened upon the scene wondering what the heck he was looking at.

He could here Stockman though - that irritating nasally voice. "Stockweed what have you done?" He calls out and shifts into stance to defend Shredder's back his eyes - human eyes trying to pierce the darkness about them, making little sense of what he was seeing and the bodies piled about them, other than he had to be on guard and be on his Masters back encase...

But encase of what?

Would stockman really betray them this way?

Of course he always, and Shredder always knew he would of course given the opportunity.

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Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:44 pm

Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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