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Turf War: City of Fire. 4 Foot Clan

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Turf War: City of Fire. 4 Foot Clan Empty Turf War: City of Fire. 4 Foot Clan

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:41 pm



Mar 10 15 7:09 AM

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Location: Foot HeadQuarters,
Date and Time: 4th January 2015, 8:30pm.. ish!

(post when ready Shredder Player!)

Last Edited By: NecroFusion Mar 14 15 3:46 PM. Edited 1 time
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#1 [url]

Mar 15 15 9:36 AM

shredder paced thinking of the last battle that his beloved foot and those acursed freaks had been on the last time. he had thought that this time his foot clan had got the better of the freaks but the blue masked one had got the better of him and his ninja wariors.

"They fight like my old rival Hamato Yoshi" Shredder spoke to no one in particular as he continued to pace. there was no way these freaks could ever hae been connected to hamato as far as shredder new hamato was dead killed in a fire in japan many years ago, so where were these freaks learning the art of ninjitsu.

"If they are hamatos students it seems like the fool has found students and feels he can carry out the old ways" shredder laughed maniacally "we will soon see about that" Shredder continued to pace thinking how he could lure the freaks into a trap.
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#2 [url]

Mar 16 15 11:04 PM

Robert, a lowly foot soldier had had to deliver the news to Shredder of the turtles latest escape and beat down.

the foot clan and turtles had been at it for nearly three years now - sometimes involved with aliens and other mutants and that weirdo Bishop.

He watches Master Shredder nervously.

It was not his place to make suggestion or bring forth ideas or do anything but be there - and might end up being on the recieving end of the Shredders anger at their failure.

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Master Splinter

#3 [url]

Mar 19 15 3:20 AM

Bishop rested bakc in a cool leather, black chair, reclining easily.

He needed to find human test subjects, needed to find more funding for his mostly 'secretive' sect of government and militia operations.

hmmm Maybe he could work something out with the ruling figures of the Underbelly?

a name crossed his mind.

a dangerous one, but a powerful one.


Yes. Maybe he'll make an impromptu visit and see if they could not work on something that would be beneficial to both of them.

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Mizune Junko

#4 [url]

Mar 20 15 11:00 PM

Mizune watched the scene unfolding through the shadows. She had been lurking there for quite some time, keeping silent as possible. Her job is to make sure that nobody walked through those doors unless they have something important to say. Only the news wasn't so important after all. Judging by the tone of the Foot soldier's voice, he failed an assignment no thanks to the Turtles. She had heard of the Turtles through the grape vine but had no clue who or what they were.

Mizune grinned wickedly as the Foot soldier sniveled. Pitiful. The poor sap is really going to get it.
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#5 [url]

Mar 21 15 11:32 AM

shredder looked up as he heard the hesitant foot steps of someone approach figuring it was one of the lower of his foot clan coming to tell him that they had failed yet another mission that he had given them. he was starting to grow weary of these constant failures and was wondering if his foot clan were ever going to get the job done with these freaks. \

"yes what is it" shredder said watching the foot soldier sweat and squirm uncomfortably knowing full well from the mans expression that the foot had failed to put an end to those freaks yet again and was just waiting to unleash his fury on the man and possibly on mizune as well for letting the man pass to only bring him more information of failure. Shredder was growing tired of the icompetence all around him.

the only man that seemed to know how to do things right was a man by the name of bishop maybe he would seek him out as oroku saki and maybe see if the man could help him bring an end to those freaks and find out why and how they knew the old ways of fighting.
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#6 [url]

Mar 21 15 7:36 PM

"um... th t t the task to retrieve the goods stolen by the u u upstart gang of Tri... Triadds.... failed sir - the T t," Takes deep breath trying to stop his stuttering and stammering. "The turtles intercepted the retrievaland the goods and the gang ended up being picked up by the police Master Shredder."

Robert finishes bowing his head in contrition and in fear...

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Mizune Junko

#7 [url]

Mar 25 15 8:07 PM

Mizune's hands lifted towards the hilt of her sword. So it was bad news after all. Shredder is definitely going to let her have it for letting this pest go through those doors. She gritted her teeth and refused to exchange so much as a glance. One look from Shredder sends a cold shiver down her spine. He had little no patience towards failure, he expects nothing but absolute perfection. Perhaps with great stealth she could slowly sneak away before he noticed? She didn't want to look like a coward. Better to take her punishment like a woman. But just in case, she withdrew her sword and stepped out of the shadows, the end of her blade pointed at the Foot soldier's neck.

"You've got a lot of guts walking through those doors, but you keep forgetting that I am here. Master Shredder, how do you want me to punish him? Should it be quick or slow?" She looked at him over her shoulder, waiting for an answer.
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#8 [url]

Mar 28 15 8:58 AM

Shredder looked at the cowering soldier who looked like he was silently pleading for mercy. However, he would get none. Success was to be rewarded as failure was to be punished. This soldier would be made an example for the others so they would know what their fate would be should they dare come before him with news of failure. Shredder turned his back to Mizune and Robert, walking away, but not before giving the order...

"Put the fool out of his misery," he snarled.
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Mizune Junko

#9 [url]

Mar 28 15 2:03 PM

"Hai, Master Shredder," The kunoichi turned to face Robert. The Foot soldier was pleading and wheedling. It was truly pathetic. The only thing she could do is put the poor sap out of his misery. Gripping the hilt of her sword and raised it over the doomed soldier, she hesitated for about few seconds. This wasn't right....yes, the fool failed but was death the answer? Sure, he needed to be made an example out of the others. But the Foot showed no mercy...but if its what Master Shredder would want....glancing at his retreating back, the sword came down on the poor man.

"The deed is done, Master Shredder." Her voice sounded completely far away, her stomach tied in knots. She wanted to loose her lunch but reminded herself that Shredder is still in the room. Blood splattered on her clothes and face. Trying to wipe the blood with the back of her hand, but it left a smear on her cheek. A grim reminder. Blood is difficult to clean out. Looking away from the Foot Clan leader she spoke uneasily, "Was the execution really that necessary?"
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#10 [url]

Mar 29 15 10:29 AM

Shredder walked up the small flight of stairs to his throne and sat down. His eyes narrowed at Mizune's question. She had shown great promise and she had proven herself a worthy Foot soldier time and again, but he was always wary of where her loyalties lay. Those who stood against him never saw the light of day again. The fate of a renegade Foot soldier was even more severe. Shredder looked at Robert's lifeless body. The man hadn't been renegade, but he might as well have been. The Foot clan was a powerful and feared crime syndicate. It ruled Tokyo with an iron fist; however, the New York City branch was nothing but a disappointment. The warriors that had been promised were weak, untalented. Shredder had no patience for it, especially those who questioned his orders.

"Do not question me, Mizune," Shredder warned, his voice low and threatening. "You are the enforcer. Your task is to carry out my orders, not question them." He gave her a suspicious look. "Or are you having second thoughts about joining the Foot?" Shredder asked.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Turf War: City of Fire. 4 Foot Clan Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 4 Foot Clan

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:41 pm

Mizune Junko

#11 [url]

Mar 29 15 1:05 PM

Mizune shook her head, "No! Of course not!" She looked outraged at the idea. But the warning was enough to make her blood run cold, "I'm devoted to this clan....and to you, Master Shredder. I wouldn't dream of questioning your orders. I apologize if I spoke out of turn. Only you know what is best for the clan.." She bowed politely, the heat rushing her to face. The scene was humiliating. Although she won't admit it out loud, a part of her liked him a little, Making him happy was important, but usually her feelings for him would be at war with her judgment. Clearly the kunoichi had a conscience, whatever is left of it, but mindless loyalty could completely skewer whatever good judgment she had left.

Mizune sighed. Clearly she hadn't won his trust., at least not yet. What can she do to win his trust? After speaking up, he won't trust her again....time to turn on the old kunoichi charm. Giving him a coy look she pouted, "I was hoping that the sentence would be slow. It didn't have to end so quickly. I never dreamed of bailing out of the Foot clan. I'm hurt that you think of such a thing." The chances of this working were 50/50. It was worth a shot.

Last Edited By: Mizune Junko Mar 30 15 8:59 PM. Edited 2 times.
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Oroku Karai

#12 [url]

Apr 4 15 1:06 PM

Oroku Karai had arrived in New York City some time ago. All of that training had been worth it. The Foot branch over at Tokyo was so boring, and expected New York to be no different. Ever since meeting Leonardo and his brothers, Karai has been keeping herself busy. The doors to the Shredder's throne room opened and before Karai could kneel, looked at the lifeless body that seemed to belonged to a Foot soldier. It was not common or the kunoichi to find a dead body or two. Shredder could be a scary man, but knows what is best for the Foot clan. Karai had never given it much thought, but a part of her never approved of her father's bloodlust.

Speaking of lust, Mizune was also there, flirting witih her father like always, "Father I-What the hell is she doing here?" Karai glared at the kunoichi with a look of pure hatred. Ever since father hired Mizune, she has been hitting on him every chance they were alone and it drives Karai crazy. She walked inside just in time to save him from this bitch. Why did her father keep her around was anyone's guess, other then the usual excuse. Something tells Karai that he liked having her around. Just the thought of those two together, alone, made her skin crawl. Who knows what would've happened if she didn't step through those doors?
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#13 [url]

Apr 7 15 4:56 AM

He was quickly losing his patience. It was bad enough that Karai thought that something was going on between himself and Mizune-which there wasn't. His heart only belonged to Tang Shen and no other-but to make matters worse was that Mizune was all too eager to flirt and put those thoughts in Karai's head. He glared down at the two kunoichi, tightening his hands into fists; his temper flaring. He knew Karai didn't handle change well, being replaced by Tiger Claw as second-in-command was proof of that. Though he was driven to carry out his revenge against Yoshi, Shredder wasn't so blind to see Karai's concern. She no doubt thought that her father was going to replace her mother with another woman. He would have to assure her that that wasn't the case. He had more important things to do than to let himself get chained down by a relationship. To distract his daughter from Mizune, Shredder addressed Karai.

"What news do you bring me, daughter?" he asked.

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Oroku Karai

#14 [url]

Apr 7 15 12:51 PM

Karai glared at Mizune for only a second before her face softened, "I was going to tell you that Robert blew it, but I see you already took care of that little problem." She had seen the dead body and assumed that Mizune had done it. "We did managed to make some of the shipment, but the Turtles destroyed most of it." She shrugged nonchalantly. Karai was used to seeing dead bodies on the throne. If the fool managed to fail the mission then he obviously deserved his fate. Karai had a habit of placing her father on a pedestal, but lately he has grown rather distant towards her. Some would say she has it easy. That is far from the truth. Being Shredder's daughter isn't exactly fun and games. He treats his daughter more harshly then any of his men. He hasn't been happy with any of them lately.
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Mizune Junko

#15 [url]

Apr 7 15 1:02 PM

Mizune crossed her arms and pouted. This wasn't the first time Shredder rejected her advances, but now her least favorite person in the world has stepped inside, Karai. Oh, how she hated that little....goodie goodie would be accurate, but it doesn't fit. Karai has been making her life miserable since she arrived. She believed that Mizune is here to replace her mother, which is sort of true. The woman is dead after all. Shredder's problem is he clings to the past and cannot seem to let go of it. Dead women don't breathe, or touch. Why can't he understand that?

Her eyes widened as he clenched his fists. Instinct told her he was about to loose his temper any second. Maybe it was better to leave the room right now before he takes it out on her. Sighing deeply and brushing Karai's bitterness towards her, she said, in a tight voice, "I'll leave the two of you be. I understand that you have not been happy with us, Master Shredder, but you keep forgetting that it is the Turtles who keep getting in the way. Um, I...better go wash this stuff off..." Mizune quickly left the room before he can berate her. It was better that they keep their distance from each other, for the time being.
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#16 [url]

Apr 21 15 5:26 AM

Shredder growled in annoyance when he heard voices coming from the hidden entrance of the Foot Headquarters. At first he thought it was a homeless man who accidentally stumbled across it; but then, that would have been very unlikely...unless the man knew where to look. Shredder made his way to the hallway door and opened it. On the other side stood a small army of Foot soldiers and a man dressed in a long black coat, black suit and wearing tinted sunglasses. Shredder narrowed his eyes dangerously. He didn't know the man personally, but he knew of him.

"Agent Bishop, I presume?" the Foot Clan leader asked.

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#17 [url]

Apr 22 15 6:47 AM

The corner of Bishops mouth lifted in a smirk. "Oroku Saki." He returns the greeting, they were probably two of the most dangerous men in New York facing off, tentatively meeting. This was going to be a intersting... and most likely temporary alliance for the both of them the Earth Protection Force (his official title in any case!) though to himself. "I have come to make a proposal to you and your clan." The tall agent says mysteriously hoping the clan leader would take this as a signal he wanted to speak with his privately.

The subject matter they were going to discuss would be top secret until ready to execute - and still then only known by high ranking members.

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Mizune Junko

#18 [url]

Apr 22 15 1:20 PM

Mizune only stepped out for a short awhile before hearing all of the commotion coming outside of the direction to the throne room. A well dressed man with sunglasses confidently proclaimed that he was here to see the Shredder. Mizune snapped to intention and opened the doors that led straight to the throne room. In a second, Mizune found her place next to Master Shredder and muttered an apology. She was quite protective of her master and is afraid if she left him alone, this man would snap his neck. Then again he could take care of himself.
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Oroku Karai

#19 [url]

Apr 22 15 1:40 PM

Karai barely had said a word when the conversation was interrupted by a man dressed in all in black. Karai was not amused. Whoever this guy was had something to do with her father, but she was patient. Perhaps moreso then her own father. She hung back at the throne room and glared as Mizune came back to her father's side. Mizune didn't care about her father, she knew what that woman wanted. A piece of his power. What woman wouldn't want that?
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#20 [url]

Apr 29 15 5:58 AM

Shredder couldn't help but notice Mizune's and Karai's presence when they both appeared beside him. The tension between the two kunoichi was so thick it could be cut with a knife. But, their rivalry wasn't Shredder's concern. His main concern was the man standing in front of him. Bishop was known to be ruthless in all his endeavours. If the man had come seeking Shredder out, then he was obviously up to something no good; which suited Shredder just fine.

"Let's talk somewhere more private," Shredder said, turning back towards the throne room. "Mizune. Karai. Do not let anyone disturb us," he ordered.

Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Turf War: City of Fire. 4 Foot Clan Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 4 Foot Clan

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:42 pm

Mizune Junko

#21 [url]

Apr 29 15 3:46 PM

With a curt nod the Kunoichi agreed politely, "Hai, Master Shredder." Mizune ignore the internal grumblings of her charge who muttered something that sounded like an agreement. When will that bratty teenager understand that she would never hurt her father? Physically or emotionally. And she would certainly not let anyone, especially this mysterious man in black, go near her master without passing her first. The master can take care of himself and with those thoughts putting her mind at ease, she stood, with Karai, guarding the front door.
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#22 [url]

Apr 30 15 5:49 AM

Bishop grins and nods following Saki intot he throne room hearing the large doors klunk shut behind him.

He felt no fear along with Saki.

"My proposal," Bishop begins, straight to the chase as usual in his weirdly polite manner. "Will see you owning New York city." He hoped to bring the Foot Clan masters attention to sharp focus with that sentence. He would get around to what he wanted out of the proposal as soon as Saki's interest was piqued.

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#23 [url]

Apr 30 15 9:09 AM

Shredder studied Bishop for a moment. The man was difficult to read. He wore mystery like a coat. However, Shredder couldn't help but feel his interest pique a little at the mention of owning New York City. So far, his efforts had been less than fruitful, especially with Yoshi's student Turtles always ruining his plans.

"You have my attention, Agent Bishop," Shredder said. "What is this proposal of yours?"

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#24 [url]

May 4 15 12:14 AM

"Good because the plan I have will keep those beastly turtles will be too busy with the mess I am going to create to be able to stop you this time." Bishop smiles he slid off his shades and et the eyes of the man in the kuro kobuto and tucked his hands behind his back. "Yes see pesky laws and red tape do not allow me the free reign I need to test, to have human subjects for the testing. And mutant ones." He grins. "I hired a couple of higher up thugs you may be familiar with. Touch and Go to locate the last of the mutagen that is left since the Kraang vanish - I will need to unleash something awful to declare a state of emergency to block and lock the city down but when we do you can build you mutant and bot and foot numbers... and I can get to preparing earth for the next invasion." He smiles at Shredder. "it will mean collaboration between us and keeping a tight reign on factions of the Purple Dragons."

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#25 [url]

May 14 15 3:26 AM

Shredder thought about the scheme. He didn't know what the "something awful" Bishop had in mind to declare a state of emergency. It would have to be nothing short of the Kraang invasion in order to shut down the city. Shredder trusted Bishop about as far as he could throw him; which wasn't far. However, Shredder had never been a trusting person to begin with. However, his attempts at controlling New York City had all failed so far, thanks to those accursed reptiles. So, Shredder decided to bite the bullet.

"Very well. You have the full co-operation of the Foot," the clan leader said. "And, I want to be kept informed of any and all developments."

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#26 [url]

May 19 15 6:25 PM

Bishop grins, "Glad to hear it - after all with some several million people in this city alone so to be in a panic there will be much to keep the four mutant turtles busy and out of our way." The agent tucked his sunnies away and that grin becomes a smirk. "We were trying to cret a version of the mutagen here on earth, to provide how soldiers with greater strength, speed, enhancements to hearing, sight, smell.... and like the turtles and other mutants thanks to the mutagen existing in their own bodies a faster healing rate than humans... though without a source of mutagen until now it was slow going and instead we have created an interesting mutation upon an already existing fungus, cordyceps."

He runs his chin for a moment, "This fungus is usually targeted to ant, and literally it turns its ant victims into zombies, infecting an entire hive - our version acts much the same way, spreads rapidly, and takes over the host that are susceptible turning them into mindless cannibals- trust me this unleashed will cause New York to be declared a quarantine zone, and EPF is ready to move and close the city off, wall it entirely. Not all are affected by the fungus... and we can vaccinate your foot members against it and my own people. Once the city is ours we can then use it - I as a stomping ground to have a ready supply of test subjects and you as a luanching pad for .... more global take over... a more unified planet will make preparing for an invasion easier." The man explains this all slowly, not because he though Shredder stupid, but so it could all sink in.

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#27 [url]

May 28 15 6:05 AM

Shredder was quiet, allowing Bishop's words to sink in. The agent was twisted in his thinking, but if that's what it took to control New York City, so be it. And to make things even better, the accursed Turtles would be far too busy trying to keep panicked citizens from doing a lot of damage, so that was another plus. Anything to keep those mutants out of the way was a good thing. When Shredder had time to process the plan, he nodded.

"When do you expect to execute this plan?" Shredder asked.

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#28 [url]

May 29 15 6:15 PM

Bishop pursed his lips in thought, "Well for it to be effective the fungus will need to be released in a maximum expose setting. See the spores of the mutant version do not have long to live once released. They need immediate aspiration of a host or they'll die and be nothing more than particles in the air." He paces a little back and forth. "A gaming event or released into movie threatres air conditioning or something of the sort of quick dispersal and fast exposure, and if we do it that way it will come down to you using some of your best ninjas to carry out the tasks of placing the fungus in the units - all across the city at the peak rush hour - a lot of the specimum we have will perish but in such confined spaces no doubt more than half of all movie goers with the time will be infected, they in turned will infect others - the fungus depending on individual people may take twenty four hours to three days to take over a host and build enough in them to release spores," Bishop grins. " most of my higher ups have been vaccinated already, though the supply is limited so pick yours carefully the rest will have to do the best they can with masks over their noses and mouths - this fungus is airbourne."

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#29 [url]

Jun 18 15 7:40 AM

Shredder nodded in understanding. "Wait one moment," he said. He stepped out of the throne room. "Karai. Mizune. Go find Bradford and Xever. Tell them they're needed down in Stockman's lab. You two are to report there, as well." With the order given, Shredder went back into the room and rejoined Bishop. "My best men are on their way to Stockman's laboratory. They will await the antidote there," he told Bishop.

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Mizune Junko

#30 [url]

Jun 18 15 1:45 PM

Mizune jumped as the door swung open and Shredder stepped out. Looking at Karai they nodded, although the other kunoichi didn't look very impressed. Immediately Junko whipped up her phone and send a text over to Bradford and Xever, telling them they were needed down at the lab.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Turf War: City of Fire. 4 Foot Clan Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 4 Foot Clan

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:43 pm


#31 [url]

Jul 12 15 7:27 AM

Muching a corn dog Xever frowned puzzled at his phone, but shrugs and heads that way.

Maybe the nerd had come up with a cure for his dorkism?

He sent back a message to say he was on his way.

Meeting up with a cocky and strutting Bradford on the way. "Answering summons pretty boy like a good labradoodle?" he jaunts with a slight sneeer.

"Same way your going SelfDeliveringSushi." Bradford smirks falling in step with the half metal merman.

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Mizune Junko

#32 [url]

Jul 12 15 3:00 PM

Mizune's nose wrinkled as she saw the two enforcers approached the metal doors. She had to fought the desire to give Chris a tackle hug, "About time. When will the two of you stop fighting?" Ah, what the hell. She tackled Chris anyway and gave him a huge hug.
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#33 [url]

Jul 22 15 12:42 AM

"Ack!" Chris falls back with a snort ad huff but hugs the lovely kunoichi back wondering what was on her mind to bring on such an openly affectionate pounce?

Xever rolled his eyes, "I don't think you two will have much time to kanoodle around down there." He growls still a bit grumps by the sushi comment.

Chris flashed him a middle finger and growls playfully nibbling along the womans slim neck and shoulder before pulling back to look at her. "Everything alright - we got the message to get our asses - uh ass and tail up here for something important." He nods standing and lifting her up with him hugging her and then placing her carefully on her feet and up right.

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Mizune Junko

#34 [url]

Jul 22 15 1:45 AM

"You've got that right. Master Shredder wants you in there, pronto. I've been told to guard the doors. With her, "She made a gesture at Karai.
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#35 [url]

Aug 2 15 3:00 PM

Nodding as he released Junko, Bradford looked at Xever and the pair of them pushed open a door each stepping into the place both foot soldiers at once noting the tall man in the dark suit standing off to one side and the calm expression he wore with those blank black glasses.

"Master Shredder." Bradford greeted bowing respectfully.

Beside him Xever echoed the greet and bow the robotic legs squeaking a little as he did so.

Bradford wanted to say, you summoned? Or your rang?

But either would be impertinent and it was best to just wait for the master to tell them why he allied them here.

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#36 [url]

Aug 17 15 8:58 AM

Maybe he should have been more clear with his instructions, Shredder mused when only Bradford and Xever walked in. He wanted his best men, and women, immune before Bishop went ahead with his plan. Shredder walked back out and placed a hand on Mizune's and Karai's shoulder. "You, too," he told them. "I need you all in here."​

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Mizune Junko

#37 [url]

Aug 17 15 12:54 PM

Mizune shuddered at the Master's touch and nodded, "Yes, Master Shredder." She could already hear Karai grumbling and watch her roll her eyes with disgust.
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Oroku Karai

#38 [url]

Aug 18 15 12:42 AM

The kunoichi continued to hold her glare at the older kunoichi. A part of her wanted to swat her father's hand away from that flirt and warned him about how the kunoichi was trying to use him, but stopped herself before she could even open her mouth. Nodding her head, she followed her father, along with the other kunoichi at his side, through the throne room.
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#39 [url]

Aug 22 15 5:50 AM

Chris waits eyeing the dark clothed man - eyeing him with mistrust and with illease.

But they were here for a reason - it had to be important.

Agent Bishop's men beckoned them closer as a few of the more medic agents having joined them with the vaccine - nodding for the group to line up - ready to recieved the innoculation, Shredder and the two women first in line.

"This will be quick." assures the staff waiting.

Last Edited By: NecroFusion Aug 27 15 10:39 PM. Edited 1 time.
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Agent Bishop

#40 [url]

Aug 29 15 7:42 PM

Bishop stood beside of the staff as each soldier lined up for the vaccination. Beneath those tinted sunglasses were the fierce eyes of a reborn soldier of time's past. Agent Bishop knew for a fact that he couldn't trust any of his associates and colleagues here today but that wasn't the point. Right now, those loyal to both sides needed protection against what was about to happen. New York was going to be a very, very interesting city by the time the day has passed. Of course, there will be casualties... Unfortunate sacrifices must be made.

"You do realize that this will eradicate a civilization... This is why the pawns are the first in line and our first line of opposition. A great offense is a good defense. Cliche, I know. I just like the sound of it," the Agent smiled.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Turf War: City of Fire. 4 Foot Clan Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 4 Foot Clan

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:43 pm


#41 [url]

Sep 4 15 5:14 AM

"They may be pawns, but they're my best men," Shredder told the agent as he watched his men get vaccinated. "So, when will you execute this plan?"

He​ trusted Bishop about as far as he could throw him; and that wasn't far. ​But, Bishop seemed to be the only one who could deliver on his promises. And, right now, Shredder didn't mind a few sacrifices if it meant he could finally rule this city.

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Agent Bishop

#42 [url]

Sep 5 15 5:35 PM

Bishop adjusted his glasses and pushed the ridge above his nose as he glanced over at Shredder. "I meant no offense, you understand. But you employ those who are expendable to your ranks. Never put all of your eggs into one basket. But, I digress...", the Agent retorted. He respected this criminal, this barbarian, this warlord. He wanted world domination. Shredder was one of the most feared individuals in history because of his ambitions. He was truly one of the most vile, cruel and relentlessly brutal beings Bishop had ever met. But he still had one fatal flaw: his goals had become his obsession. Even an Agent such as himself could see through his ruse.

With a wicked grin, Bishop replied. "When the time is right. When every mutant freak thinks he/she are safe. When they feel comfortable in their lives, that is when we strike."

This was quite the predicament the two masterminds found themselves in. You see, Shredder was in the way of Bishop's goals. It also worked the other way around. When it was all said and done, when the bodies had piled up at their feet, when the position of 'dominant ruler' presented itself, that was when their true loyalties would be tested. Agent Bishop didn't trust this madman as far as he could throw him. But in time that unquestionable treachery would be dealt with. "You wish to deal the final blow, I presume? With your men doing the grunt work, I figure you would like the privilege of delivering the fatal strike to end this," he remarked without emotion.
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#43 [url]

Sep 30 15 4:02 AM

Curiously watching the two leaders Bradford would not have cared really what was being injected into him. He trusted it was something good for...

them anyways.

He was curious though about the chatter and if he had of heard he would have pointed out the mutants of the footclan were valuable enough with the fact they could go places humans could not, had more strength, more size, and speed and with the mutagen in their blood able to heal quicker.

He watches them still as the jab goes in and out of his muscle - turning his gaze momentarily upon the medic and frowning. Unnecessarily prodded too hard there he felt.

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#44 [url]

Oct 12 15 5:52 AM

Shredder made no comment. Of course he wanted to deliver the fatal strike, but he didn't know what Bishop had in mind. The agent clearly had an agenda, however Shredder was damned if he knew what that agenda was. He still didn't trust Bishop, and he knew Bishop didn't trust him; which suited Shredder just fine. He knew he wasn't the most trustworthy person, and he didn't put on airs pretending to be. He would undoubtedly double cross Bishop....when the time was right and he had New York City at his mercy, of course.

Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Age : 50
Location : The Lair.

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