Masked Mayhem
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We are LOST! The Deck.

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We are LOST! The Deck. Empty We are LOST! The Deck.

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 5:56 pm

May 27 15 3:52 PM

Tang Shen: Shen awoke with a gasp -

Sitting up in the cleaners small closeted space, which was a jumble, thankfully none of the chemicals had been pierced or spilled or she might have been killed by fumes or burned or poisoned... She picks herself up - trying to make sense of the return of memories and sensations.

All she knew right now was she had to get out and see whom else was alive and assess the situation. There was a grinding loud rumbling crunch....

and she did not think that sounded good.

Whatever she did it had to be fast.

She had to fight to open the door enough to squeeze out she managed and tumbled inelegantly onto the deck.

Michelangelo: Mikey slowly woke up to an odd feeling of being wet. He tried to sit up, but yelped as he tipped over; landing face first in a large body of water. He lifted his head, coughing and spitting out water. Looking around, he found himself lying in the pool. How had he managed to get in the pool? And where was everyone? Swimming over to the side, Mikey pulled himself up on to the deck, shaking himself dry. There was a low groan and the ship shuddered. Mikey almost fell backwards into the pool again.

Memories started coming back to him. A party, followed by a fight which meant there had been panicking patrons. Some idiot had a gun and was shooting at people. So, where were his bros? They must have gotten separated during the chaos. Mikey vaguely remembered being thrown out of a window at some point. Maybe that's how he had ended up in the pool.

"Well, there's no time for a pleasure swim. Gotta find the others," Mikey said.

He took off down the pool area, heading out into the other parts of the main deck. He came around one corner and almost tripped over a woman who had suddenly fallen out of a closet.

Baxter Stockman: Baxter blinked multiple times. For a second he thought he was blind, but no, it was just dark. He had been in his guest room, looking over his check list, when chaos erupted from the outside. He had gone onto the deck only to see a bunch of Foot ninja having a confrontation with the Turtles. He could've sworn he saw one of them fly passed him. His legs wobbled a little and tried to push open the door, but it was stuck. He was trapped.

Is some almighty deity punishing him for joining the greatest criminal organization in New York City? Not that they exist. After all, there is no such thing as God, right? But for some odd reason, karma gave him a huge swift kick in the pants and now he is stuck.

He banged on the door, hoping someone could hear him.

Tang Shen: "ooooaf!" Shen answered and the pair were in a heap of tangled limbs. "ooooh," Shen groans trying the standing thing once more, distangling from from the one whom she had unintentionally tripped over. "Hey are you - al rrrrrrright?" She asks blinking and shaking her head - at first sure she had been knocked silly by the extra tumble.

But no.

There was still.

Michelangelo: "Sorry, Miss," Mikey apologized. "I didn't see you."

This was embarrassing. He was such a clutz. How could he not see a person in the middle of the deck? And to trip over her of all things. As if the situation wasn't bad enough. However, now that he was looking at her close up, he tried to remember where he had seen her before. She looked really familiar. Mikey got to his feet and held out his hand, smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry again," he said. "I hope I didn't hurt you. Are you okay?"

Baxter Stockman: Nobody was listening? He's a full grown boy, he can get out on his own. He just need to use his head. Bradford had always been showing off his moves, so maybe he had learned something from him. With a roundhouse kick, his foot slammed against the doorknob, but it didn't open. Baxter grabbed his shoe and rubbed his tender toe, "I doubt I would be doing that again for awhile." He murmured. Guess he might have to do this old fashioned way, lock picking.

Grabbing the thinnest object he could find, he shoved it through the small hole. It was an old trick but he usually it worked.

Tang Shen: Shen took the offered hand and once on her feet with his help she chuckles, the youth had a bright curious face and big blue eyes. "Well thats okay - no harm done, I sort of just tumbled out of the janitors closet after all." She chuckles and points to it and as she does a pounding finally registers - she had heard it for the past several moments but had been to caught up in the sight of a walking talking turtle teen (judging by the tone and voice depth) to pay it much heed. "I think someone needs our help." She gestures towards where the sounds came from.

Michelangelo: Mikey ran after the woman towards the sound of someone knocking on a door. They came to the right door and Mikey tested the door knob. Someone had probably thought it was a funny prank to lock whoever it was inside their room. It sounded like the person was trying to pick the lock. Mikey banged on the door.

"Step back, dude," he called.

He waited a moment and then took a step back. With a shout, Mikey slammed his foot into the door. The force sent the door almost flying off its hinges. Mikey stepped into the room and looked around. His eyes widened when he saw the person who had been trapped in the room.

"Boxman?" Mikey asked in surprise.

Baxter Stockman: Baxter could've sworn he heard voices on the other side of the door. One belonged to a woman, another to a young boy. Eureka! He can finally get out of here! The boy kicked the door, sending it crashing down. The scientist's face fell when he saw who his savior is. It was one of those blasted Turtles! They had been such a major thorn on his side for the past few months. He would give anything to dissect these little punks, see what make them tick...maybe even extract some of their mutagen. It had always been his fantasy, to torture these Turtles using the best tools science has invented.

Instead, his face twisted in annoyance at the impromptu nickname, "Its Stockman STOCKMAN! And you are the LAST person that I expected to come to my rescue." His heart pounded rapidly as he could feel the blood rushing through his brain. These Turtles are going to be the death of him.

Tang Shen: Shen blinked - dang the youth was strong if he could kick the door in like that!

She eyes the tall dark man on the other side and then the youth again. "Oh you two know each other?" She wonders and looks about, "We need to check for other survivors." She adds then looks back at the tall man. "Are you hurt?" She asks him specifically, true there was not much she could do if he was, but she could provide immediate first aid if needed with whatever they could make from her work coverall and the turtle youths knee, elbow pads and bandana.

Baxter Stockman: Baxter looked himself over and made a scoffing sound, "Of course not." Somehow he managed to survive without a scratch, "Right now my equipment is the one that needs saving." Turning around to check his suitcase, he let out a bloodcurdling scream. No, he wasn't hurt, apparently his science equipment didn't survive the crash after all. Broken shards laid scattered across the floor. A piece of large steel, that seemed to have come from the ceiling, had crushed his suitcase, destroying everything.

"My equipment...." He fell too his knees in agony.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Deck. Empty Re: We are LOST! The Deck.

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 5:57 pm

Jun 5 15 7:47 AM

Michelangelo: Mikey looked at the wrecked suitcase with a mixture of concern and confusion. Why was Stockman freaking out over a suitcase? The ship was sinking, shouldn't he have been more concerned about that? Mad scientists would never make sense to him; which was why he never understood what Donnie did.

"Uh...Stockman?" Mikey asked. "I think we have more important things to worry about. We need to get off the ship."

Tang Shen: Shen laid a hand on the mans back and rubbed gently, " You may have to let it go for now -" She paused when the ship groaned and growled and shook beneath them. "We must move." She smiles at the youth. "Other survivors may be heading up head to get off using the life boats."
She wondered if he, being what he was would want to try avoiding being seen by others - or if the young turtle had others to look for himself...

She was trying to console the tall man enough to encourage him to move.

Baxter Stockman: Baxter was in shock. Did the Turtle just said his name correctly? All of this time they've been mispronouncing his last name just to get a rise out of him! The Turtle is going to make a fine specimen In his collection of experiments, but now was not the time to think about revenge, or his destroyed equipment.

My baby....

He turned to the woman, about to make a snippy comment, before getting a good look at her. Why did she seemed so familiar to him? Straightening himself out, the scientist cleared his throat, replying, "For once, I agree with the Turtle. Now is not the time to cry over spilled milk. Lets get out of here."

Alucard: Alucard ran into the first aid room and grabbed a backpack. He immediately began shoving medical supplies into the pack. Bandages, cleaning solution, dressings, slings, pain medication; anything and everything he thought was needed. When the pack was full, Alucard swung the straps over his shoulders and he hurried out of the room again. He was coming up on the pool when he picked up on three thought patterns. Alucard followed the thoughts to the other side of the deck where he found a man, a woman and...a turtle? He'd ask about that later.

"Is everyone okay?" Alucard asked.

Tang Shen: Shen stepped back as Stockman stood, and her attention turned tot he man that came towards them now. "We are relatively unharmed." She responds nodding to the tall man smiling kindly.

Nice to know there where other survivors. She notes all the gear he had and motions towards it. "Need a hand with that and people needing it?" She asks, surely she and Stockman could help, she turns to look at the youthful turtle again, would he come or try to stay out of sight of more people?

Alucard: "Thank you, but I can carry the supplies," Alucard told the woman. "I'm glad to know you're all okay, but we really need to get to a life boat. The ship isn't going to hold out much longer."

If he could get these people...and safety he would be very happy. Too many times in his line of work he was always met with bad news. So, seeing survivors after a major accident was a relief. The ship shuddered and groaned.

"We'd better get going," Alucard said, but not really sure on what the turtle was going to do.

Michelangelo: Mikey looked at the new guy with nervous anticipation. But, when the guy didn't freak out at seeing him, Mikey began to relax. However, that quickly changed when he realized that he was going to have to get through a sinking ship, find his family and get off without being seen by anymore survivors. That was going to be a test of stealth mastery.

"I hate to leave you guys, but I have to find my family," Mikey told the others. "They could be hurt and need help getting off the ship."

Tang Shen: Smiling Shen nods, "If I see more gear I shall grab it... and you too Stockman." She smiles at him kindly and Alucard... then looked at Michelangelo and nods laying a soothing hand on his large three fingered one. "I am sure if they are strong as you they will be okay, go find them, and be careful... will be nice to count you among those of us whom make it off and - to whatever will happen then.... unless.... did you want me to come with you - safety in numbers and all that." She offers, concerned fro the youth.

A extra set of eyes should help him no?

Baxter Stockman: Baxter smoothed his suit and stood upright. Why in the world would he want to help his enemy, let alone these people? What does he get out of it? But now was not the time to be petty. They needed to get out of here. He cleared his throat, "I believe this person can help gather the supplies on his own. I need to look for Master Shredder and the others." He nodded at the mysterious Japanese woman. "We will settle this later, turtle." And with that he exited the Deck and headed straight towards the Dining Hall.

(Exit: Stockman)

Michelangelo: Mikey waved at Stockman's retreating back, blowing out air in a huff. He turned to the woman and smiled when she offered him her assistance. "I wouldn't mind some company," he replied. "It would make searching for my father and brothers easier." He nodded. "Sure! Stinkbot can take care of himself. Those Foot guys need to stick together or whatever. Don't know why I care, really." He shook his head. "Okay, onward towards finding the others...." He trailed off. "I just don't know where to start looking."
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Deck. Empty Re: We are LOST! The Deck.

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 5:58 pm

Jul 2 15 4:48 AM

Tang Shen: "Good luck Stockman." Shen smiles, "We'll start inside... That door way leads in." She nods, and looks at Alucard. "Are you coming with or heading to the deck to give these to whom ever needs them?" She nods to the first aid stuffs. "I will try to gather any others I find lying about." She adds to this man smiling soothingly at the youth turtle, "We will find them." She assures him - and hopefully in fairly good condition too.

Ahe waits for a response from the tall strangely aura-ed man near them curious about him. But hopefully when all got off this sinking vessel they could do more than the meet and greet.

Alucard: Cheery fellow, Alucard thought as Stockman disappeared into the dining hall. He turned to look at the woman when she asked him about the medical supplies. He shifted the backpack on his shoulder to a more comfortable position. He smiled. "I have to get back. There's someone with a broken leg and needs medical attention," he explained. He fell silent as he reached out with his mind. Four unique thought patterns flowed through his mind. He turned to the turtle. "I think two of the ones you're looking for are headed through the cargo hold, and two others are near the dining hall." Leaving them with that, Alucard started to leave. "Good luck, to both of you. Hopefully we'll meet again when we're somewhere safer."

Rahzarr: carefully keeping up with Shredder and Karai. He wondered what had become of the other mutants - Tiger Claw and Rhino brains, Pigbreath... Though the thought was short lived as he casts a look about - that Alucard dude will not be far away and that was good as others began joining them on the deck. "I should put you in here with Master Shredder and Karai and Stinkbot - I will help the others into the other life boats."

Count the remaining Foot bot number, take note of the survivors and see if he can catch a glimpse of the turtles and the rat for clarification encase Master Shredder asked again about them.

Baxter Stockman: Baxter sighed with irritation as he came back from the Dining Hall, trialing after Shredder. He noticed, much to his displeasure, that Junko and Chris were there, too. Grumbling to himself, he headed straight for their direction and glared at the two lovers, "Bradford. Mizune." He nodded in greeting.

Junko: Junko nodded at Bradford, "Don't be out there for too long, or we have to go without you." Truth be told, Mizune worried about Bradford going off by himself. What if he gets hurt? Or they abandoned him here on the ship? The Foot isn't exactly known for their loyalty.

Furthermore, where are the other mutants at? Probably making their own escape plans.

Oroku Karai: Karai glared at Stockman and Mizune. She had no clue where Bradford was going, but honestly didn't care. All she wanted was to get off of this ship as soon as possible, but Bradford was taking his sweet time.

Rahzarr: "Bixman" Bradford grins carefully placing Mizune in the boat Shredder had selected and nodding. "I'll be fine - but it will look good for us if we show an effort to get the civilians off and at least keep our mutants under some sort of control for the moment - if they are here still... and see if I can scout the location of he turtles and rat." He adds this loud enough for Shredder to hear.

After all he was loyal as a dog.

And the fact he had not been able to give Shredder an answer before. He shifts looking over the crowd. They could definitely us this to make a good impression, and for however long they are stuck out here use them against the turtles.

Donatello: ((Continued from Cargo Hold)) Donatello knew that Raphael was skeptical about Metalhead's use, but was thankful that for once he didn't protest or object to his thoughts. It was also nice to hear that Erica agreed, if not fully. Maybe it was because he was injured and they felt a tinge of obligation to be nice. Whatever it was, the Brainy Turtle appreciated it. Still, he felt bad that his brother was currently bearing his burden.. he would have to find a way to make it up to Raph once they were off this ship. Perhaps when he repaired Metalhead and the little Bot was able to send out and S.O.S or make it off the island and ultimately be the reason for them making it home would be 'thanks' enough? It was high hopes that he could repair the badly mangled robot with limited resources, but Donnie wouldn't give up. This whole ship was made up of material that may prove useful. Sure, it was sinking but he was a Turtle and capable of holding his breath for long periods of time. Perhaps he would come back once the time was right...

The Brainy Turtle was pulled from his thoughts when he felt a little hand touch him and he gazed down at the Purple Turtle, giving the little one's head a reassuring pat. He was fascinated by the four, but closer inspection would have to wait until they were all safe. Bringing up the rear with his brother, Donnie helped Erica get them up the steps whenever the need arose, also concerned by their thirst and fatigue and need for fresh water.

"There should be cases of water in the Dining hall.." He said, more to himself than anyone else. "We will get everyone to safety, then I'll come back and retrieve items that we may need during our exile.." And for repairs of his beloved Robot. A smile crept across his reptilian lips as Erica began to sing, lifting the spirits of the little ones, and even himself. "You have a lovely voice." He told her as they finally reached the platform of the deck, careful not to expose themselves to the frantic people. His gaze moved over the area, searching for any signs of his family.

"Raph, get them to a life boat and off the ship. I'll stay behind and look for the others."

Raphael: "Raph, get them to a life boat and off the ship. I'll stay behind and look for the others."    

Raphael looked up at his brother before out the door towards the very frantic and panicking humans out on the deck. How was he supposed to get the others to a life boat without being seen? Four little turtles weren't so bad. Maybe they could just pass off as kids wearing brightly coloured turtle costumes. But, himself? He would just make the panic that much worse. Raphael looked at Erica, Elena and the four turtle tots and inwardly sighed. If he was seen, big deal. They had bigger things to worry about.

Raphael pushed the door open further and carefully stepped out on to the deck. It was now or never. He turned to the others. "Let's go," he said before making his way out on to the deck.

Erica: Erica smiled at Donnie shyly, though pleased. "Thank you - as long as it helped distract the littlies..." She chuckles peering around with the two turtles and tracking the five kids around them. She was gaining a better appreciation of all those mothers in shops and foody spots and parks... she sees at times with little ones underfoot all the time.

She puts a hand on Raph's plastron and shoulder briefly to stop him. "Wait - there may be a few life boats at the rear deck... and most of the people seem to be migrating to the front where the majority of the boats are... should we go to the rear deck?... for you guys and the little ones?" She keeps her voice low as she looks between the two brothers - they had all ducked their heads in and out little ones hands and fingers constantly getting in the way as they check the flow of people moving about - though it was thinning....

but maybe for the safety of them and the little turtles they should try their luck at at the rear of the boat?

She and Elena would be fine of course being human. " And the dining hall is a bit back there - maybe.... if you take my sister and head to the rear deck I'll go check the hall for water and join yous shortly." she offers - any way to help them avoid as much detection as possible.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Deck. Empty Re: We are LOST! The Deck.

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 5:59 pm

Jul 22 15 4:29 AM

Elena: Elena of course tried to peck about the door with the little turtles with the big turtles, all five intensely curious now that a play and song had taken their minds from the rumble of their little bellies, and the dry of their mouths, the achies of their legs and feet.

She felt a little panic as her sister mentions leaving them for a few moments, but she trusted the big Mr. Turtles... wondering again where tea party friend was and if he was here at all?

Tang Shen: Shen follow the youth, keeping him company as they ducked out of site of oncoming others - all heading out tot he life boats.

They were rounding a edge and heading towards the door way where the cargo hold and other levels flight of stairs came up, unawares they were passing two of Michelangelo family members hiding in shadows and the cargo hold door was currently where the rest were, all witht he same thought - to find each other and get off.

LilClones: Violet offered little churrs at the head patting.

And when they reached the top of the stairs and all bigger ones kept playing peek aboo around the door he reaches slowly to touch the other bigger subject, curious - did they feel the same -

oh they did! He drew his hand back waiting with his brothers and the girl eagerly trying to peek around the door too to see what was going one - what were they waiting for?

Cyan sniffed the air curiously.

Gold hopped excitedly from foot to foot a hand keeping contact with Erica's leg.

Crimson huffed waiting but eager to move.

Alucard: Alucard hurried back towards the dining hall, but stopped abruptly when he saw Shredder come out on deck, pulling along a girl in her late teens. A quick mental scan revealed that the girl was Shredder's daughter, Karai. Minutes later, Bradford and Mizune came out. Shredder and Karai climbed into a lifeboat. Bradford set Mizune in the lifeboat before heading off to help more people. Alucard hesitated. What was he going to do? He couldn't just walk up to the Shredder and act as though the man wasn't a criminal warlord. But, Mizune needed the medical supplies for her leg. Maybe he could just hand the supplies off to Bradford and go help other survivors to lifeboats.

Alucard found Bradford again and handed him the backpack of supplies. "Here's the supplies for your companion. I hope it helps. I'm going to help as many survivors to the boats as I can. Maybe we'll meet again. Take care," he said.

With the supplies dropped off, Alucard headed back out to guide more people to the safety of the lifeboats.

Leonardo: Leonardo nodded in understanding and checked the area once more before moving on and leading his father to the deck.  Yes, he wanted to help these people, but he knew the dangers of doing so.  His family and friends came first before any of the other passengers.  Even the Shredder was far from his mind as he made it to the deck, starting to spot familiar faces.  The first one was his little brother and a woman who looked very familiar to him.  Introductions would come later, he was sure.  His first priority was to get his family to safety.

"Mikey.  Over here," Leo whispered, waving to the orange-clad turtle to get his attention.  Leo still kept to the shadows as much as he could to keep the frantic passengers from further freaking out at the sight of a five-foot turtle.

Rahzarr: Well that was good, an extra hand and the medical supplies, Bradford there fore remained close to the boats as two surviving crew members began to lower the first one down to the waters, it was Shredders and quickly taking some of the first aid and handing the rest out Bradford hoped in last moment just as the lift raft swung out over the waters below.

It was now he began to note where they where, or more precise where the cruiser boat was, reeled on something, broken and torn, sinking, a great wide ocean all miles in all directions save the land slightly off to the left from here.

Mmm guess that's where they where heading?

He landed in the life raft beside Junko and began the first aid she needed offering a couple of tylonel she was going to have to swallow as is if she needed it. And he aimed to get the task done quick as the others might need treatment, and someone still had to put the boats oars out and paddle to shore.

Junko: Mizune breathed a sigh of relief. She watched as they untied the ropes, the life boat dropped into the water, floating away from the wrecked ship, heading directly toward an island? The kunoichi couldn't resist, "Land ho!" She pointed, in an obnoxious yet humorous way.

She laid her head against Bradford's shoulder as he wrapped bandages on her leg. She pecked his cheek, "You're a life saver."

Donatello: Donatello was worried about the group, but knew that his red-clad brother was perfectly capable and able-bodied to protect them when the inevitable happened and they were spotted. Donnie was the better choice for locating his family... and April. Hearing Erica suggest to Raph that there was most likely life boats at the rear, the brainy turtle gave a nod in agreement. Surely this liner had thought out all possible scenarios and equipped the vessel with enough chances of survival. Yeah, between Raph's strength and protectiveness, and Erica's brains, the group would be fine.

What of the others? Unless his remaining family had been thrown into the inky black waters by the impact... or enemies, he knew they were still on board... because Leo and Splinter wouldn't leave without making sure that all members of the family, related and not, were accounted for. He had to find them!

Giving the group a reassuring smile that silently conveyed 'I'll see you again,' Donnie peeped around the corner, taking in the surroundings and chaos before calculating his next move. Just then the ground beneath him became even more uneven, boards groaning and popping as the strain of the detached section submerged deeper, now only linked together by a breaking sinew of relentless metal and thick electrical wiring...

He had to move, and fast! Taking a deep breath to steady wavering nerves and nausea that was increasing in determination, the purple-clad turtle lunged forward. He was met with unforgiving vertigo that teased the overwhelming headache, bringing on a bout of dizziness. The mutant was brought back to his senses by a light sensation against his left leg. Looking down, he nearly froze when he saw a little girl, no older than four, gazing up at him with tear-filled blue eyes. Every muscle in his being tensed, fearing a negative reaction to her, and inwardly scolding himself for letting his injuries cloud him to his surroundings. Okay, perhaps now was one of those times where he earned being categorized in the dreadful 'B Team'. He released the breath that he had been holding when the child didn't scream, but she was insisting to be picked up.

One more obstacle, but Donnie couldn't leave her here... "Are you lost?" The reptile asked in a quiet, gentle tone as he carefully scooped her up. The answer was obvious, but the child needed to hear a friendly voice in this chaotic atmosphere.

"I can't find my mommy!" The little one cried, burying her tear-soaked face against the turtle's neck.

Donnie gave her a comforting pat on the back, knowing he had one more challenge at hand, even if that meant exposing himself to the already horrified crowd.....

Master Splinter: It would be Master Splinter -

whom though immediately stunned as Leonardo drew his brothers attention and that of a woman whom... but no it could not be... surely!

that spotted Donatello moving away - he had not seen him exit the doorway that was to the flights of stairs that lead down, he did not see him and the small child find each other - or that Donatello had just left a small group that consisted of his brother, four small turtles and two girls who would have desperate need for the water Splinter had been collecting as he and Leo snuck along, half empty bottles from the bins and of course his small stash he had snatched from the galley where he had awoken... but he did note he was going the wrong way - and normally Splinter would not have risked calling out so.

But they seemed to be for the moment the only stragglers in thei hall that lead to either ends of the deck.

"Donatello!" He raised his voice loud enough for that purple clad son to hear.

He could not know their family was going to have a quick reunion right here!

Rahzarr: Bradford smirks a little - usually allowed this public affection was not something he encouraged and certainly not in the same boat as Master Shredder and Karai!

He glances towards the island - "What the heck...? Just how far did those storm tossed wavestaake the vessel? did we somehow end up in the Caribbean?" the action star muttered finishing up with the bandaging and rubbing Mizune's back as he looks about studying the waters then at the resident nerd Baxter Stockman to answer the question - of give his best estimate of where they ended up. He wondered where FishFart had gotten to - but should be okay after all this was his element more than theirs!

And TinyTiger?

RockoRhino and Behopping the warthog...Though most beasties where fairly good swimmers so they'd probably be on the island somewhere by now.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Deck. Empty Re: We are LOST! The Deck.

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:00 pm

Aug 14 15 3:27 AM

Oroku Karai: Karai rolled her eyes at the disgusting display of affection. Then Mizune yelled out something about land. Turning around, the slut turned out to be right, for once. There was land. Just where did these waves take them? Her question was the same as Bradford's. No time to hear Boxter Scatsman's answer, she looked at her father questioningly, "Father?" She wanted to know what their next move was going to be. Then another question appeared in her mind, just where were the other mutants?

LilClones: Violet and his brothers watch Donatello leave - conflicted, whom did they follow?

And it was Cyan whom hovered closer to Erica that sealed the indecision - they would remain close to her and follow where she lead them, with the other big turtle Raphael.

He chirps a little his brothers responding as they wait to be lead off. The shaking and noise of the vessel frightening them and making them all look anxiously up at the young woman and Raphael with wide scared little faces.

Tang Shen: She and Michelangelo were heading in the direction that guy Alucard had directed them noting most that still lived had gone - or those they passed dodging out of sight of headed towards the front of the vessel. She felt the movements and her stomach lurch heart race, they had to hurry and get off -

A whispered call of Mikey's name drew her attention to - one of his brothers?

Michelangelo: Mikey slipped from shadow to shadow, trying to keep out of sight from the panicking humans that were trying to make their way to what life boats remained. He had to find his family and get off the ship. He wondered how the guy with the white hair was able to point him in the direction of his family. The guy had just closed his eyes for a brief minute and then told Mikey where he needed to go. Mikey shook his head. He didn't have the mind set to figure it out. He would ask Donnie about it later. He stopped walking when he heard the sound of his eldest brother's voice. Mikey looked around and spotted Leo and Splinter near the dining room. Smiling, ​he hurried over to his brother and father. "Man, am I glad to see you," Mikey said. "Where'd the others?"

Erica: Erica worried - watching Donnie go.

If only she knew he would not get to far before his family found him.

And subsequently she and Raphael and the children.

She glances at the red clad turtle now beside her and reaches - encase he was worried about his brother and offered his shoulder a gently stroke. "I'll check the hall again and if clear we should be able to make a move with the children." She whispers nodding to the five rallied around their legs, she noticed hovering close to her own. In the crowded step of the landing the five would get under her feet dangerously.

She leans her head out the door way and gaps a little, the hall was mostly empty in both directions - one leading towards the front of the vessel the other to the end where she intended to lead Raphael and their mob of little stragglers.

Her mouth gaped because as she did so she could see... a orange wearing turtle with some woman. "Raphael I think.... I can see another of your brothers." She tells him opening the door and gesturing for him and the children to follow her.

Leonardo: Leo put a finger up to his own mouth to keep Mike quiet.  "Shhh!  We haven't found them yet."  Leo had several scratches and bruises with his 'dance' into the tables.  He probably looked like hell, but at least he was alive and walking.  Any wounds would be addressed after they got off the ship and to safety.  Besides, Leo has had way worse to contend with.

Donatello: Donatello was doing his best to comfort the little girl, hoping that he would be able to locate her family before things became any worse. Sure, it was bad enough that the ship was sinking and would be resting at the bottom of the ocean within the hour, but there was also their enemies. It would be nice to think those threats had bigger things to worry about, but their luck never ran as such.

Being hampered with a child would surely give any of their enemies the upper hand, because Donatello would be distracted...

Just then a voice called out, startling the purple-clad Turtle and causing him to jump. Still disoriented and distracted had left the brainy reptile vulnerable, and realizing that it was his father caused both relief and embarrassment to wash through him.

"Sensei!" He called out, closing the gap between them. If not for the little girl in his arms, his father would have been greeted with a relieved hug. "I am soooo glad to see you!" He beamed, a much needed touch of comfort in his tone. The little girl stared at the oversized rodent for a moment before finally giving a small wave and despite the fact that she was lost and scared, giggled. "I'm Abby!" She greeted as if mutants were a thing of the norm.

Donnie spared his father a sheepish grin. How many times had his Sensei told them not to interfere? But he knew that his father would understand the need to save a child' "Heh.. I'm trying to locate her parents." He informed as the little one extended her little arms, wanting Splinter to take her. That fluffy brown fur just seemed too snuggly to pass up!

"Raph is heading to a lifeboat with a few...'people' we helped along the way, but I stayed behind. Have you seen the others?"

Master Splinter: Splinter smiled kindly at the child. "Hush Donatello - we will try to locate her parents when we get off this boat." He calms his intellectual son and gestures, "I am here with Leonardo and I can here Michelangelo and -" He looked over at the woman with his son. But no it could not be and he was dreaming up a ghost, she was just a look alike for sure. "a lady... Come we are together - have you seen your brother Raphael?" He asks now three of his sons were here, he taps Leonardo's shoulder to get his attention to the fact another of his brothers had joined them.

"We need to be quick this vessel may not last much longer, most humans we passed went to the front... we should head back.." He guessed unawares someone Raphael traveled with had just suggested the same thing.

Raphael: As much as he wanted to reunite with his family, Raphael also wanted nothing more than to get the little ones off the ship. The more time they wasted was more time the ship had to sink further underwater. Raphael turned to Erica.

"They'll catch up," he t​old her. "Knowing them, they'll head for the back of the ship. We'll meet them there." He started leading the way towards the back of the ship. Hopefully there were still some lifeboats left.

Erica: Nodding and smiling at the big turtle with the green eyes Erica hurriedly ushered the children after Raphael as he started off, bringing up the rear making sure none of the little ones straggled and wondered as kids were known to do if they could even in dire situations. This broken part of the craft - broken and half sunk had one serviceable life boat.

"There Raphael..." Erica said even though she was fairly certain he saw it too
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Deck. Empty Re: We are LOST! The Deck.

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:01 pm

Aug 24 15 6:48 AM

Elena: " Follow Mr.StrongTurtle." Elena says perkily and at her sisters prodding set off with the clones in a duckling line behind her, sticking close as they could. She was close enough behind Raph to touch his shell and she did on occasion just to let him know they were there and following him. She cheers and claps when Erica points out the boat.

LilClones: And so they were off again, little chirps as they hurried along in line, Crimson behind Elena whom was on Raphael's heels, and behind him Violet, wide eyes taking it all in, and behind him Gold, Cyan followed his brothers with Erica behind him.

And like his brothers they had had very little to do with anything that was not a lab or a wooden crate so they hesitated for some seconds before stepping out side as unfamiliar sea salt smell came to their noses and and the new site of the rolling grey blue waters and the boat met their sensors. And frightened they scurried after Elena.

Cyan looks up at Erica as she speaks and then to where she pointed, he and his brothers looked at the 'boat' with wide eyed apprehension.

Tang Shen: Shen smiled shyly at the Turtle in blue - from beside Mikey and the rat man behind him - whose attention left her (which was a bit of a relief she was not entirely comfortable with the intense... longing stare he gave her - as if he knew her!) and turned to..

She peers around and nudges Mikey. "Is that another of your brothers?" she gestures to the turtle in the purple mask whom had with him a small child. Spotting beyond the Purple wearing turtle towards the rear deck of the vessel another turtle! and four little ones and two girls head for the exit. "And another?" She guesses pointing them out.

Donatello: Donatello quickly covered his mouth when his father hushed him, not realizing the volume of his own tone. And his brothers... Leo and Mikey, gah! He hadn't even noticed them at first. Obviously he wasn't one hundred percent and he figured it was from the head injury. It only added to that theory when he thought he saw Shen! Blinking, he rubbed his eyes and blinked again, not believing what he was seeing! The form remained, but there was no way it could be her....

Yeah. It was due to the head trauma. Hearing his father's question, he gestured in the direction that Raph and the others had gone, too concerned about a certain red-head to look in that direction.

"Have you seen April?" He asked, and in his condition, questioned if she had even been on the ship....

April: "How hard it is to keep up with 4 giant mutant turtles?" she huffed running down the hallway. She had been jolted around the boat stuck under a table for a while. When the crash Rattled the boat, she got pinned under an oak desk meant as decorum. The old heavy writing desk meant to be in someones room left behind in the hallway with a tarp over it to keep dust away, had landed on her forearm.

For the last while, people rushing to the deck and people running to save the ship had looked past the table and her under the tarp. Gaining her bearings, she realized she was under this heavy table. Kicking the legs and picking it up from her arm she was free. Holding her arm to not hurt it any further. She sat up and started to jog down to where people were on deck.

Where could the guys go? Somewhere high and hidden?

Baxter Stockman: Baxter snorted contemptuously, "You expect me to know the answer to everything?" He rolled his eyes, "Its...obviously we're in some sort of uncharted Caribbean island....which, for some obvious reason, they left it out on the map. Maps are not always perfect."

Shredder: "Stockman. Bradford. Stop your arguing and make yourselves useful," Shredder barked. "Start rowing to that island."  Honestly, he didn't know why he kept Stockman around; the man was useful in other ways, he guessed. But, it seemed all he wanted to do was to get under Bradford's skin. And, right now they had more pressing matters to worry about. ​

Michelangelo: Mikey nodded at Shen's question. "Yep. The one in blue is my bro, Leo. The one in purple is my brother, Donnie." He looked around the corner to see Raph head for the back of the ship with two girls and four small turtles. "And the one going the wrong way is my brother, Raph. And, of course, the totally awesome rat is my sensei, Splinter," Mikey explained. "But, I think Raph's got the right idea. We have to get off the ship. It's not going to hold for much longer."

Raphael: Raphael breathed a sigh of relief when he found a couple of life boats left at the back of the ship. And as a plus, there were no other passengers around. He figured they were all up front. He went to the side of the ship and leaned over. Off in the distance, he could see an island. Raphael turned to Elena, her sister and the four small turtles. The ship shuddered again. "We can't stay here any longer," Raphael said. "This ship's going down." He reached down and picked up the little blue turtle. "There's an island not far from here. We can make it there without too much trouble." He helped the little turtle into the life boat. When the blue one was in, Raphael reached down and picked up the purple one. He had to trust that his family would make their way to a life boat and get off the ship.

Tang Shen: "Leo," Shen nodded in greeting to the turtle with the blue mask that Michelangelo indicated, and then the taller one with the child and wearign the purple. "Donnie." She felt a blush heat her cheeks - as though she were some silly school girl at the sheer intensity of the mutant rats gaze, it seemed to linger as though she would vanish if it left even though those eyes had to.

They were here and accounted for she smiles and nods. "when we find land I could see if the child's parents or parent are on shore." She offers the tall purple one kindly.
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We are LOST! The Deck. Empty Re: We are LOST! The Deck.

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:01 pm

Sep 15 15 7:56 AM

LilClones: Cyan hissed a little when he was lifted away from his brothers and in the boat he immediatedly scrambled onto one of the seats so he could see over the edge and watch those chirps for his brothers loud and insistent all the while.

And Violet shrunk away from the hands a little a little frightened of the newness that was the boat - in fact everything for them was new! Their world two sleeps ago had been tall uncaring humans, poking owies, cookies for being good, food and white grey walls of a lab, a sleep ago had been the scary darkness of the wooden shipping crate they had been put into - now there were smells and sounds and sights everywhere. His little tail tucked up indicating his fear and he answers Cyan's chirps with his own.

Crimson and Gold watch nervous, answering their brothers noises milling about Raphael's feet watching him with golden and maroon eyes as he lifts away two of their own - anxious.

Donatello: The deck became even more chaotic as the crumbling structure groaned and trembled; the already uneven surface tilting without the stability of the lost section to stabilize it. People screamed and cried, frightened and heartbroken over their lost ones. It was sensory overload, and considering that they were creatures of shadow, Donnie had to fight the overpowering urge to hide. Finding their lost friends was more important that keeping out of eye shot of the crowds...

..Surely if anyone survived and informed the government of their existence, it would be chalked up as hysteria do to the stress of a sinking ship. No one would believe them, right? The purple-clad Turtle was completely dumbstruck as a woman came screaming towards them and plucked the little girl from Splinter's arm without so much as a thank you. As quickly as she appeared, the mother disappeared into the madness, still screaming due to the sight of them.

At least the little one was okay. That's what mattered. Donnie once again looked at his father, wondering if he had heard his question, but soon an answer wouldn't be needed. Somehow through the chaos and billowing smoke emitting from somewhere inside the hull, he saw her...

"APRIL?!" He wasn't sure if his mind was playing tricks on him, but none of that mattered. He rushed toward her, instantly seeing her injury. "Oh no, is it broken?" He asked with intentions of doing an examination once they were someplace 'safe'. Fearing that she may have other injuries, he carefully scooped her up and started toward the others. "How do you feel? Did  you sustain any other injuries?"

Elena: Elena looks back, where was Mr. Tall Turtle?! she frets looking at the boys, "It's okay - see we hop in dis boat and go to beach - that be fun." She tries to calm them as Mr. StrongTurtleRaphael lifted them into the boat and they began to get uneasy, shuffling about his feet and looking up at Cyan and Violet.

Erica: Smiling and helping Raph by bending to pick up the little fretting golden turtle and then once he was in beside the blue one lifting up the red little one Erica then reached to help Elena in. "should I hop in and start the lowering? ... oh wait I think ... is that one of your brothers?" She could make out some of a green turtle with an orange mask by the looks of it and - it sort of was one of those questions that had an obvious answer. She waved - hoping to catch his attention and whom ever he was with - a lady, and get them over here!.

The quicker the better, Raphael was right... this ship was now so much lower in the water the lift boat did not have far to drop.

Master Splinter: "I am sorry Donatello -" Master Splinter had began in an apologetic tone, he himself was fighting the urge to gather his sons and the Shen and hide them away - but doing so would be unsafe and they had to escape... and his thoughts and worries had indeed blocked out the question Donatello had for him. Now however it seemed it was answered. There was April.

And he had blinked blinked blinkies at the screaming mother. But did understand, seeing a giant furry beast holding your daughter was terrifying no doubt. He looks to where Michelangelo was pointing and gently nods adding a nudge to Leo. "We have April, we must hope Casey is also safe, we must go..." He urges his son to lead them off after Raphael now they had April, and Donatello and Michelangelo in sight and hearing. They would find Casey he felt -

Tang Shen: Their situation was becoming desperate. So much so that they may have to just brave the screaming frightened straggling people heading for the vessels front and hurry out themselves. Shen though took the moment to nod in polite brief greeting to each brother that Mikey introduced and the rat man too. Waiting to be lead off it seemed by Mikey's brother Leo.

Shen also had to wonder at the way the rt man looked at her, his eyes dark and intense.

and seeming to take all of her in with each glance, unbelieving it seemed that she was there. But whatever it was would be a mystery for another time as for now it was becoming more dangerous and the vessel was shuddering underfoot again. She looks at the youth in the blue mask and hopes he was ready to move, they had to go!

Leonardo: They couldn't waste any more time.  The ship was still sinking and most of his family and friends were still on it.  They had to move.  "Let's go!"  With a brief nod to Splinter, he lead the others towards the back of the ship to one of the remaining lifeboats.  The situation was too dire to worry about being spotted.  And most of the people were off the larger boat, anyway.  Leo moved over to the lifeboat and waited until everyone else got on, assisting those that needed it.

NecroFusion: Nodding Bradford grabbed up the ores, and of course took this opportunity to pull off his t shirt. "I'm all over it Master Shredder." he grins at Mizune and makes his biceps bounce then begins a rowing towards the shore they could make out grinning over at Stockman. "I got this Stinkbug." he says smugly making his muscles all bunch and release as he works breathing deep, taking this as a training exercise.

and they were moving towards the shore, yelling across to the other boats as they passed to keep up. Shouting a cadence of sorts for the others to row to and keep pace.

Michelangelo: Mikey hurried over to the lifeboat. Knowing that Raph would get his group safely off the ship, too. He helped Shen into the boat before climbing in and taking a seat beside her. Already people were beginning to row towards an island that had materialized out of the fog a little ways away. Mikey hoped that they would be able to get to the island, as well without too much trouble. His concern now was Raph and his small group. He didn't like his family being separated, but they all had to go to the same place; so they would be meeting up again, soon.

Master Splinter: Following Leonardo and hoping lightly into the boat to offer his hand out as Leo helped in some of their little party he noted Raphael just across from them also loading up a boat. "Raphael!" He calls to his more hot headed son. "Be careful we will meet yous in the waves.... all your brothers are hear." He tells him - curious about the mini turtles his son was lifting into the boat and the two girls with him, but any questions would have to wait.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Deck. Empty Re: We are LOST! The Deck.

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:02 pm

Oct 18 15 4:02 PM

Shredder: Shredder resisted the urge to scold Bradford for his foolishness. However, as long as the action star got them to the island, Shredder didn't much care what Bradford did. Action stars would be action stars; deadly ninja assassin or not. Shredder turned back to look at the sinking cruise liner and could only hope that Splinter and his accursed Turtles would perish. Though, through the years he had come to realize that the small band of mutants were like roaches; impossible to kill no matter how many times you stepped on them.

They were drawing closer to the island. Soon they would be on dry land, but then the fight for survival would begin. There was no telling what was on the island; what manner of beasts and exotic poisons awaited in the wilds. Shredder then thought that if Splinter and the Turtles managed to survive the sinking, maybe they would meet their end on the island; perhaps making a good meal for a wild animal or two.

Tang Shen: Smiling in thanks to Mikey Shen sat wondering if she and he had to do something - to get the boat ready - but really was not sure. She could see the ores and undid the straps holding them in place.

She looks over to where the rat man was looking and threw his voice to and notes the red wearing turtle youth and the brightly colored little ones, the small girl and older girl with him.

Wow.... before today the sight of that would have been signs she may be suffering from post traumatic stress and hallucinating!

The larger water vessel shuddered, groaned, crashing could be heard - it was time to be away. "Come on." She urges the others urgency in her voice.

Raphael: Raphael finished putting the last of the little turtles into the life boat before helping Erica into the boat after her sister. He didn't like being separated from his family, but that was all he could do. He knew the others would get off the ship safely. He looked up when Erica pointed out one of his brothers. "Yeah, that's them. But,​ we don't have time to regroup. We have to get off the ship, now," Raphael said. "We need to get in the boat and start lowering it down. They'll catch up."

Rahzarr: Rowing was a all body work out - and Bradford was immensely glad he was, for all his faults at times a man in great physical strength and fitness and he was moving their boat at least at a fast pace towards the shore with each firm stroke minding his timing, he may be called on once on shore to round up their missing mutants so he would have to measure his endurance.

Especially with an injured Junko for the moment sidelined, as was Karai.

And finally their boat - ahead of the crowd of boats scraped against the sandy bottom and it was time for him to pull in the oars and hop out - "Come on Boxcar help me pull this in." He dare not asked Master Shredder to help but hey if he did - leaving the two kuniochis and the young blond in the boat - that was fine by Bradford - but the two of them, even given Baxter's lack of physical statue should be able to manage the task.

Elena: Sitting down Elena quickly encourages the smaller turtles to sit too, and wait with her - though she waved eagerly over to Mr. StrongTurtle Raph's family - seeing amongst them. "Mr. Turtle! Mr. Turtle!" her blissful happy voice shrill and high in excitement of seeing him.

If she had still been on deck - shaking, groaning crumbling and all she would have race across to him and hugged him around those legs!

Now she was definitely looking to shore so she could do just that!

LilClones: Small and nervous... unused to the bright natural light of outside and afraid of the new sensations the young turtles huddled together peering up at Elena, and Erica as she joined them, waiting expectantly for Raphael little chirps even sounding out for him - but they did not know he did not know that sound and would not return it!

So they clung to each other little snouts trembling as they took in new smells - the intense unfamiliar one of salty water.

Raphael: Raphael climbed into the boat after Erica and began the process of unhitching the lifeboat. He lowered the boat into the water and took the oars. Pushing away from the ship, Raphael began rowing towards the island that had materialized out of the fog. He knew his family would be right behind him. He knew they would get off the ship safely. Right now, his concern was the little ones in the lifeboat with him. Elena seemed to be taking things in stride, but the little turtles looked like they were a bit overwhelmed. Raphael looked over his shoulder. The island was quickly coming up. Hopefully it would be somewhere safe they could rest.

April: April was startled when someone had lifted her.In the confusion of the deck she didn't want to be pulled away.  She was about to scream and fight when she looked at her capture, and mouthed,"Donnie?"
Being scooped up and carried to the other side of the boat. she stayed as still as she could, a panicky Donnie was never good. Anything she could say to him about being put down or asking what she missed while trapped would be useless noise for now.
"I'm going to be fine." she stated, trying not to think of the pain at the moment.  She asked concerned, " Are you guys okay? what happened?"

Michelangelo: "We're fine," Mikey replied, helping April into the boat. "A little shaken, but fine. We got into a major fight with the Foot, but I don't think that's why the ship's sinking, now." He wanted off the sinking vessel and fast. Him and his brothers would be fine, but Master Splinter and their human friends would have a harder time surviving in the water than turtles. He willed his family to hurry up and get into the lifeboat. Raph was already well on his way to safety; they should really get moving and catch up.

Erica: Erica tried to help Raph as much as possible and smiled as he started rowing, checkign the little turtles over and patting their little shells. "It is okay - we'll be on the beach soon little turtles... beach is fun, you should tell them about being on the beach Elena." She adds hoping her sister would help cheer the little guys up and take their minds off whatever was bothering them.

"If you need me to help row Raph let me know okay?" She says to him her smile wide and warm.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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We are LOST! The Deck. Empty Re: We are LOST! The Deck.

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:03 pm

Nov 7 15 6:19 AM

Elena: Elena watched the side of the big boat rise enough to block Mr Turtle from site - and then she sat beaming up at his brother Mr. StrongTurtle her toes wriggling in glee before Erica's voice and words caught her attention. "oh!... sure!" She squeaks and shifts patting the seat beside her for the little turtles. "Come on lil Mr. Turtles, don't be swared - its great... when we get on shore there will be more Mr BigTurtles to play with and maybe they let us build sand castles!" She exclaims.

Raphael: Raphael gave Erica a smile when she offered to help row. "Thanks, Erica. I'll let you know," he said. He listened to Elena telling the little turtles about being on the beach. He nodded at the little girl's hope of building a sand castle. "You can build all the sand castles you want, while drinking milk out of a coconut, or eating yummy tropical fruit." He looked over his shoulder to see the island growing closer. His heart started to sink. There was no way he was going to be able to keep to the shadows with so many people running around. Hopefully Leonardo or Master Splinter would have an idea of how to stay hidden when they were all back together.

Erica: Smiling kindly Erica reached over the little ones and gave Raph's knee a squeeze. "Be sure you do - ... uh most of the other boats are going over there - did you think maybe we should angle a little further down?" She nods pointing along the beach a little. "Away from the main crowd maybe -" She looks back to try seeing if the other boat with his family was coming - and scanned the waters around them for possible trouble seeing as he was putting all the physical effort into rowing for them.

She smiled hearing him also talk to the little turtles.

LilClones: None of the offered activities the little turtles knew - having never heard of such things so their reactions were more to tilt their heads in interest as first Elena than Raph spoke. But the soft encouraging tones reached them and Cyan was the first to take the offer to sit beside Elena climbing onto the bench seat and sitting with his feet dangling off looking cautiously at all the water about them.

His brothers follow slowly and the seat became crowded with their little shells but they blinked and looked about little snouts twitching and wriggling and taking in as much as they could.

Leonardo: Leo turned at the sound of his nickname and saw the owner of the voice.  She waved and he waved back with a smile as he finally got into the lifeboat, and finally, they were free of the sinking ship as the small boat lowered and finally landed in the water.  Then Leo sat down and picked up one of the oars, looking at Mikey.  "Mikey, you're with me.  Help me paddle."  Then he nodded to the other oar, holding it up for him to take.

Donatello: As gently as he could, Donnie settled April in the life boat and proceed to fuss over her, checking for any injuries that may need immediate attention. Hopefully nothing too serious since all he had was a small first aid kit he had managed to pick up along the way.

"Are you sure you're okay? Anything broken??" He asked, worried and slightly frantic, because knowing that his April was in any amount of discomfort was too much for him! "I'm not sure. The ship's hull must have been ripped open by rocks- apparently we went off course and out of the safety zone..." And he didn't even have to wonder why. Shredder and his goons were on board...

Michelangelo: Mikey nodded at Leo's order and picked up the other oar. With his brother, he began rowing away from the sinking ship and towards where Raph's boat was heading. It did his heart good to know that they would soon be reunited. Though, when they got to the beach they had another problem; surviving on a strange island with several humans, Shredder and his lackies running around. It was going to be tough staying hidden. But, they were ninjas; they would find a way. They always did.

April: April eased into the boat by the guys. As they started to paddle away she felt some tension leave her. Her muscles relaxed a bit giving her signs of mild discomfort.  She shook her head at the purple masked turtle, " I Don't think anything is broken but my thigh is going to be bruised at least." She let him inspect her for any injuries; other than a future bruise or minor cuts, nothing seemed wrong. As she stretched out her leg that was pinned under the table she winced, " and maybe a sprained ankle."

The immediate danger of sinking was getting further and further away. She started to be wary of the new dangers ahead for them. A new island and no way to signal for help.

Tang Shen: Shen settled back smiling at the way the tall lean turtle youth fussed over the pretty red haired young woman.

It was cute to see such avid worry and devoting care on his face.

She taps the knees of the paddling turtles - " seems your brother is not directly following the main group of life boats perhaps to avoid the crowd there will no doubt be of people, maybe yous should follow him that way." She points out to them.

Wow - she knew like the she the others had some minor owies that needed looking at - and some more than minor, there was no doubt thirst and hunger would follow once that was dealt with... and the residual fear of drowning as the bigger vessel behind them groooaned, seemingly having just hel on long enough for them all to begin heading out towards the -
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