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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Adalind Schade
Erica Martins
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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Doragonkame Sat Jul 20, 2019 2:11 pm

and not seeing anyone near by at first he drops his hands to the sand and "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!!" loudly!!

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Byssig10

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by NexusNoobs Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:52 am

The cries of the little guy were attracting attention of course. The worst sort.

A small group of Anubis had been lounging under scant shade around a small fire with a snake smoking among the few flames. their ears pointing and turning when the wails wafted to them... the leader grunted and gestures, the four others grab up their knives moving away to investigate.

A asthmatic coughing sound over the dunes told them they were not the only ones drawn tot he sound.

Desert cat... huge beasts...

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Nexuss10

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by NexusNoobs Mon Sep 02, 2019 1:28 pm

Chatzy Log. wrote: 01.01.2019
NexusEe. The desert was the best region to fly for a half exhausted damonfeuer female. Hot thermal swelled and whirled and she could soar from thermal to thermal in lazy loops between moments of flapping hard through the night hours. Staying up hi but about to see areas of conflict and some armies on the march and some fortresses on lock down. Villages and fields abandoned
She hadn't expected mid the next day to hear the wailing.
It rose with the thermal that lifted her and she looped lazily blue eyes searching beneath her. There! A bright spot of gold among the whitish yellow dry sands and scrubby bushes, a little Genio Innocuo... Or turtle as those few that she ran into insisted they were. And he was alone. Also she saw with thumps of her heart Anubis, four were heading in that direction and a shadow told her a desert cat too! She folds her wings judging the angle and let herself be pulled downwards towards the little guy -

2K3 Michelangelo Ow! That hurt! Mikey wasn't sure what hurt more. His head from the rush of his particles being rearranged in the portal, or the landing from wherever the portal dropped him into. He sat up, dazed and his head was pounding. He hated these portals. He had been in his fair share of them over the years. The coming-back-together part was always the worst. At least with this kind of portal, it didn't leave one totally lost. Or...did it? Mikey had no clue where he was. He looked around, seeing sand everywhere. And the distant cry of what sounded like a child reached his ears.
"Huh? What's that?" he mumbled and shook his head to clear the last of his hazy vision. That cry got him moving faster than anything else to reach the child in distress. It didn't take long to find him, either. And the child was completely alone - no parents in sight. Just some uglies that needed a bit of obedience training as he finally reached the child and scooped him up. "It's alright, little dude." Then with his free hand, he swung one of his nunchucks around to keep the beasts at bay while he came up with a more solid plan. "Heh...nice doggies..."

NexusNoobs: The Anubis were excited it was a tiny Genio Innocuo and all gold! Then suddenly a bigger one! The bigger one growled and spoke " put down the stick and chain - your both ours..." He grins oooh Draco be so happy - two!!
His fellow Anubis hung back a little grinning snickering waiting to snatch the boy or dart in and maybe wound the bigger one just enough to capture them both!
Beyond the dunes the desert cat snuck close its eyes narrowing ready to pounce - it had initially be aiming to the defenceless little one. Huge haunches waggling - growl rumbling... tail flicking...

Malcolm His wails ended - with a gasp and he gaped he'd obviously been sitting there wailing for a while his skin was a little dry and his tears streaks half dry and half wet though he was dehydrated so even the few wet tears where mostly dry. And his lips a little cracked though now he was shocked... Gazing at Mikey in shock and ignoring the current threat around them.

NexusEe. The sound died... she looped... Aiming waiting for the shot straight at the powerful large dangerous desert predator lurking behind the circling Anubis and the two turtles.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey's eyes narrowed at the biggest Anubis. "Yeah, fat chance of that happening," he told them with a sneer, but he did trap both handles in one hand now. "Who are you guys, anyway?" He still had the child in one arm and kept him furthest away from these dog-like creatures.
He wasn't aware of the cat-creature yet.

NexusNoobs: " who we are don't matter to you Genio Innocuo - only thing you need to know is the new Daimyo Draco has put a bounty on all Genio Innocuo heads... And he is pure gold...." They literally salivated at the thought of the richest the little one would bring. They circled their knifes leaving belts and gleaming dully in the sun.
The big cat waits clawing the hot sands - waiting the rumbling a bit louder.

Malcolm: His sobs and cries halted turned into hiccups and nooow he was aware of more .. Well he didn't know what they were but he was a little scared pressing his face into Mikey's shoulder to 'hide'.

NexusEe. she was following that big cat with her eyes, her shadow on the ground flitting over the Anubis and the two turtles.

2K3 Michelangelo: To be honest, Mikey was terrified of these beings. But he didnt' let that part on as he loosened his grip on one of the handles and let it dangle while he still held the other handle. "Back off, dudes. The kid isn't going anywhere with you." Now he heard the growling from the 'cat' and he gulped. Man, was he in trouble and SO outnumbered! Still, he couldn't let these people know how much they scared the living shell out of him! A shadow suddenly came over him and he quickly glanced up. Okay, just WHERE the shell was he?! And where were his brothers! "Stay back!" He started swinging the nunchuck again, this time trying to scare off the new shadowed figured.

NexusNoobs: Rrrrrrrrr!! The cat lunged!
NexusNoobs: the largest - the leading Anubis balked a little the roar just about making all of them wet themselves and the small Genio Innocuo wail again in fright.

Erica ignores the scare her way and timed her fall from the sky - her shadow may have looked huge but she was small... Too small to take on the cat... but she crashed into the largest Anubis sending him right into the path of the big cat. Herself rolling clear and rolling throwing sand everywhere.

NexusNoobs: The three other Anubis hesitate their leaders screams and shouts as the big cats roars and slashes blood now staining the air with the sand.

Malcolm: His wail of fright was muffled but still loud.

2K3 Michelangelo Mikey let out a scream and dropped to one knee, cradling the child in his hold as the 'sandstorm' took hold. He squeezed his eyes shut against the sand until it settled and he slowly opened, glancing around again. "What the...?" What just happened here???

NexusEe. She was shaking and bruised and stumbling to her feet her white scales throwing glittering lights across the sands, "run!" She gasps rushing at the Genio Innocuo and the small one, "run! This way! They will attract more cats with all that noise and blood! Go !" Pushing him to his feet towards the water soak she spotted up in the air, it would be a bit of a run for him.


Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Nexuss10

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Erica Martins Mon Sep 02, 2019 10:30 pm

Chatzy log. wrote: 02.01,2019
2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey heard the voice and then he saw her. Some winged pretty girl! He didn't have too much time to think on that before he was pulled to his feet and nearly stumbled over them as he was pushed into the water and then he took off running. Just what the shell is going on around here?! Strange creatures wasn't anything new for Mikey, but just where the heck was he?! He really wanted to find his bros and get this little guy in his arms to safety.

Malcolm: He had stopped wailing but he was crying again, as much frightened by everything as much as the fear he could scent coming from the bigger - him! he was hagning onto plastron edge with both fingers and toes, spread like a sort of star fish to reach and even less tears then before.

[b[NexusEe:[/b] Erica ran with them - she could have flown but she didn't want to alarm the paid more. The watering hole was across several large dunes so the two runners would definitely feel the effort to reach the spot nestled between rocky gorges. Not mountainous but tall enough the very little rain water got trapped here and was part of a under ground water flow system that fed the region she knew. Or at least heard stories of. So unused to running Erica shivered with the exertion when they finally reach the space and there was flashes of white and sand clods that alert them to the fact they might have chased off local critters with their sudden rush. She moves to the water kneeling to taste it. Cool and a tad mineral flavoured but good.
"It's safe..." She tells this turtle that looks like one of the Leo's and Don's she met. She wore nothing in the way of cloths but had a small leather pouch strung like a backwards back pack hanging between and just below her breasts.

2K3 Michelangelo: "Finally!" Now winded because of that frantic run, he slowly fell to his knees and then set the child down next to him as he cupped his hands to gather some water in them and drank deeply. "Mmmm..." That water was sure refreshing! He glanced at the small boy next to him and offered him a little water in a hand. "What's your name, little guy?" Then he glanced at the girl in front of him, now getting a better look at this goddess in front of him! He gave her a crooked grin and a nod. "Thanks. And who are you?" And, more importantly, what is she?

Malcolm: Malcolm's crying resolved itself again to the hiccuping kids did, he looks at the water and hand and wasn't sure what to do but thirst did! he leans forward sucking at the little puddle in Mikey's hand.
Malcolm making a sad noise when it was all gone - thoroughly distracted from giving his name yet.

NexusEe: Sip, sip Erica didn't know how long either turtle had been in this out skirting of the desert or if they had been in the desert but she cautions them anyways. "Drink slow sips at a time..." Giving her tail a flick and slipping a little deeper into the water up to her ankles, where it was between the gorges of rock it saw little sun so it was cold as she got deeper despite the heat of the sand dunes. " I'm Erica." She smiles. "Are you both unhurt?" Oooh little guy was so cute! Well they both were.

2K3 Michelangelo: When the boy finished the first handful of water, Mikey gave him another one. Then he grinned up at the girl again. "I'm Mikey, by the way. Nice to meet you, Erica." This gave him the perfect opportunity to ask the question that plagued him since he was dropped here. "Much better since you saved us. Where the heck are we, anyway?"

[b[Malcolm:[/b] He sucked down that greedily too! finally something other than sad face on his lips now licking the dried skin, he looked about, his entire world before falling had been made up of big humans and white walls and stuff, and a sterile lab with very few smells and sounds. So he was a little overwhelmed, partly why he'd been wailing so much. Aside from being scared and alone. now he noticed for the first time... the sand... and he had no idea what the female was... and water! he shuffles his little feet in the sand he was sitting in wondering at the feet of it... touching the wetness in Mikey's hand with his fingers not sure he was brave enough to touch the actual water.

NexusEe: She moved closer to Mikey and the child and began to slip her arms free of the leather pouches thing straps gently dropping it on the dry sands beside the boy and close enough as she knelt near them both gasping a little as more of her sun warm white scales came in contact with the water her tail stretching out behind her. " Among the Werribee Hills, in the Nexus." She tells Mikey smiling watching the little one. Her tone was slightly reverential as she spoke to him.

2K3 Michelangelo Mikey allowed the child to explore his hand and then he gathered another handful of water as he spoke to this beautiful creature. "Nexus, huh?" Oh, he had become pretty aware of the Nexus in recent weeks. In fact, he was somewhat of a celebrity in these parts. He just had never seen this desert stuff before. He watched the girl and grinned again.

Malcolm: chirp! he sips at more water! tail wagging, his little shell glittering, now watching Mikey and Erica with his large eyes - so much he ran out of the water he was sucking on and sort of sucking on the palm of Mikey's hand instead!

NexusEe: "you are as smiley as the other Mikey I met..." Erica observes with a giggle and blush - which given her very white color was bright across her cheeks - nodding, "mmm hmm the Nexus, I have messages from some of your brother's..." She gestures to her little pouch and then to the boy, "though he looks a little sunburnt." Hard to tell with the gold colouring but across his little thighs and shoulders and bald head he did have reddish tinged splotches.
 "you are as smiley as the other Mikey I met..." Erica observes with a giggle and blush - which given her very white color was bright across her cheeks - nodding, "mmm hmm the Nexus, I have messages from some of your brother's..." She gestures to her little pouch and then to the boy, "though he looks a little sunburnt." Hard to tell with the gold colouring but across his little thighs and shoulders and bald head he did have reddish tinged splotches.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey was distracted by the girl and he didn't realize the kid was out of water again until he tickled his palm with his tongue. He chuckled and turned back to the boy. "That tickles. Here, I'll show you what to do," he said, shifting a little so he was right at the edge of the water and dipped both hands into it and drank what was in them. "Now you try," he said, shaking his hands of the droplets of water that remained. Erica's voice brought his attention back to her and he blinked. "Other Mikey's are here?" That really confused him. He didn't know there were other dimensions with his brothers in them. Or at least versions of them?
Oh, yeah. He forgot about that other world where his brothers were superheroes. Now THAT was a cool adventure.

Malcolm: Malcolm watched and his eyes were wide... he didn't know the sore bits of his body was sun burning. Or that he was a tinsy bit sun stroked from having sat in that spot in the hot sun glare wailing. What he did know right now was he had never seen water like this! and he was nervous... he kneeled up slowly making soft noises of ouchies and knees were sore! so he reshuffles back to his butt and moves in a awkward shuffle closer to the water... sticking a finger in and drawing it back then doing it again! and the first giggle when his next attempt sort of splashed himself... clumsily trying to scoop some up in his hands but sloshing it over himself and gasping at the sudden cold!

NexusEe: "I assume so... I have met...two Leo's and saw one from a distance? I think or at least the Leo who looks like you said so. And ... two Don's one who looks like you. One who is very tall... And one other Mikey who looked ... like neither of them." She explains answering his question and chuckling too moving closer to them watching the little turtle.
He needed to bath and get the heat out of his sunburn and maybe she could find some desert plants with the cool gel within to help but that could wait.

2K3 Michelangelo: "That sounds like my bros." He nodded and glanced down at the boy to see him splash water on himself and he chuckled. "Feels good, doesn't it?" He gave the little turtle a wink and then shifted closer to him and sighed. "Maybe...maybe we should put you in the cool water to help with those owies?" He kept his voice gentle around the tot.

Malcolm: He tried again to scoop water and was somewhat successful... except it was running down his pressed together arms and he was sucking at his forearms to get it, blinking and looking up at Mikey, tilting his head as he listens and then trying some words himself now, " innnn... waaser?" pointing at it... arms going up immediately "uh?" or up his p's not real good. Or his t's as he points out "uuurel? ooou urel? meee Mal ommm mee urel" the c of his name sort of a tricky word sound for him too and wondering if Mikey was just like him! a turtle! he was sure but not sure... and had no idea what the female was... pointing at her, " hooo mans?" curious and tongue not so thick from thirst now made it easier to talk.

NexusEe. Erica chuckles watching them, "you's are scattered all over the world... I do have a map to show you your brother's wrote messages too, as did the others for their brothers. I... want to help... your Leo insists you's are not Genio Innocuo but turtles ..still I want to help." Again that reverential tone and she moves closer smiling at him at the little boy. He already looked a little lest heat bothered eyes a bit more alert.

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Ee_s10
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Erica Martins Tue Sep 10, 2019 3:25 am

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey smiled at Erica and then turned his attention back to the boy. "So you can talk, huh?" he said in a playful tone. And yet, he didn't understand a lot of what the little turtle said. But hey, at least he had a voice. "Yeah, in here. It'll make you feel better. You like water, don't you? All turtles like it, after all." True, Mikey liked playing in it, but for bathing, not so much.

Malcolm: he was still not entirely sure but nods through a small grin , "aaaal kaaah kaaah" sounding out the K sound and moving closer to Mikey. Arms going up!

Erica: She watches them, " there are as far as I know three other little ones. Your brother Leo has bonded with one, and your brother Don with another. And as far as I can tell their content with it, and so are the boys, they seem to need practice talking." She informs Mikey not rushing him to get the little guy into the water and cool his burns, " they are very cute." She reaches her cool fingers brushing Mikey's elbow then the little hands that went all the way up touching them.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey grinned even more. "Awesome!" Then he winked at Erica as he picked the boy up again. "You know, I used to look like this when I was little." A little flirting never hurt anything. Especially since she seemed so interested in touching his skin. He definitely wanted more of her touch - no matter how gentle or even where. He was really enjoying the girl's company. He moved to his own feet and gently carried the boy into the water, stopping with the water as high as his shins. Then he carefully lowered the smaller turtle into the water. "Easy does it..."

Malcolm: Easy does it was a good way to go, though it gave the little turtle plenty of time to look nervous and make a soft sound and lift his feet up to avoid the water as long as possible soft alarmed sounding chirp as he'd never seen water like this!

NexusEe: Erica oooohed and watched with a snigger as the boy looked nervous, getting her hands wet and lightly trickling water over Malcolm, stroking those big fingers of those large hands that held the boy, "this adorable? ... you still have a young look around your face, like your brother I totally believe you were this cute. And sooo big and strong he and his brothers look for young ones." If not clear in speech as most their age but she had gotten some hint perhaps whoever had them before this Mikey's brothers hadn't bothered to teach them speech properly what little they had was from copying and imitation. " I am not a human young one.. I am a damonfeuer." slow with her words for him. A smile at Mikey sensing unlike his brothers he didn't object to her curiosity and wanting to get closer to him.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey grinned at Erica again and slowly got to his knees in the water. It felt pretty good, himself. The water - although the touch from Erica was still very welcome. His grin turned into a smile and then he chuckled. "Thanks. I always said I'm the 'pretty one' after all." He lightly ran water over the boy's shoulders with his hands.

2K3 Michelangelo: Then his grin and wink were back. "But you're even prettier than me." And he didn't say that to just anyone. Well, maybe another girl if he was trying to impress her, anyway.

Malcolm: Malcolm wasn't sure what a damonfeuer meant and he was distracted anyways by the trickling water on him and shivers and a reluctant sort of giggle reaching down the touch the water himself splashing it a little. Just a little. "Peeetty peeetty.." he copies the new word and sort of P P pushing the P sound enjoying the way it popped at the P as much as he was splashing the water

NexusEe. Another light chuckle and she smiles watching the little turtle and Mikey, " he does have your face - eye shape." she wasn't sure what to make of the wink but enjoyed it, and she was finally getting close! hah his brothers had kept her slightly at a distance from themselves and tolerated her curious attentions to the boys they were close to but she sensed this time she might actually be able to hold one if she was patient! and this turtle seemed to enjoy her company. And her touch, which she traced over the heavily muslced forearms.

Last edited by Erica Martins on Sun Sep 22, 2019 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Ee_s10
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Erica Martins Tue Sep 10, 2019 3:34 am

Chat Log. wrote: 10.09.2019

2K3 Michelangelo : Mikey chuckled and grinned at the boy. "That's right. You're pretty, too. A pretty gold color." Then he smiled up at Erica and then she touched his arm. He blinked at her and grinned. "Like how that feels?" Mikey wasn't a bit shy in her exploration...yet.

NexusEe : Erica laughs a little and nods, "I do ... you feel nice - um yes you are pretty Malcolm." She cups some water trickling it over the little guys sunburned bald head, enjoying how much brighter and more clearer eyed the little guy looked. He clearly hadn't been dangerouslyburned or heat stroked, just a little. The cool water made her own scaley skin glitter pearl white and they were small scales so smooth against Mikey's skin which to her was likewise only slightly pebblish.

Malcolm : yay! He wasn't sure what was said bit Yay! And he splashed and giggled - gasping with a tiny shiver when water trickled over his head and down the nape of his neck, the coolness was taking the sting out of his word and he was still sucking water off his skin from time to time slowly saying his throat entirely even if it was making him aware of hunger.

2K3 Michelangelo : Mikey grinned at Erica again. "You're very pretty, too." He watched the boy with the water and then took both hands, cupped water in them together and then poured the water over the boy's head. He was amused with how much the smaller turtle was enjoying the water. Mikey decided to flex his arm a bit for Erica to show off his muscle definition. And boy, he had a LOT of it.

Malcolm : This time he gasped and shiver and giggled turning his little face upwards into the larger trickle from Mikey's hands and his own going upwards in a silent sort of 'yay!' ... He was becoming less nervous about this dark cool water and let the trickling and the way his head tilted back let him topple backwards into the shallowing water with a splash that got both the bigger people! Hah!

NexusEe : Her turn to gasp- and chuckle - was it all from being splashed on her breasts and belly by the coolwater? nope! her fingers shifts to trace the muscle she could see now - tail moved closer, she wanted to grab the little guy up, but decided not to, he didnt seem to be having any problem in the water, in fact just having a total blast of a time! And she was trying to cover her surprise at being called pretty too, "I am?" okay not too good at covering. She'd rarely heard that.[/color]

2K3 Michelangelo : Mikey let out a laugh at the antics of the little turtle and then he nodded to Erica. "Totally." He grinned at her and then helped the little guy sit up, now sitting in the water with the boy between his legs. "Whoopsie..." He grinned at him then flashed Erica a wink. "I guess he really likes the water now."

Malcolm : Giggling and realising where he was Malcolm shuffled his backside closer to Mikey turning pressing his shell into a thigh and plastron - and thus very happily encircled in the safety of the big turtle he was more than happy to discover new ways to play with water. Muttering "wwoooo P P siiie" emphasizing the P pop! Splashing!

NexusEe : She blushed, again the color bright against the pale white of her skin, moving, slipping over one of those feet so she was between the two big green feet, briefly aware her thighs, center and tail all brushed against shin and toes as she moved, but she paid little attention to it, " that's... new...your brothers were... a little standoffish - and protective of the little ones. And my own kind males consider me too small and too white." she admits, she was not exactly considered a female damonfeuer to fight over. Chuckling at the little turtles play and bending to show him how to blow bubbles in the water.

2K3 Michelangelo : Mikey was aware of her moving and that she rubbed against him briefly. Oh, man, he really needed to keep that mouth shut so he didn't scare her off. But he so enjoyed the attention. And then she said she wasn't pretty enough from the males of her kind. "Really? That's so not cool. I think you look great." He shifted a little to let her get closer to the boy. "And he's cool with you, too."

Malcolm : Malcolm gaped - then plunged his head in - at first too deep and he came up giggling, nictating eyelids up and nostrils close to the water as any self respecting turtle would do! So very amused! And tried again blowing bubbles in the water ! He had no idea where his brothers were, had never played in water like this or felt sand under his butt and tail or indeed been allowed by big humans to simply play the way he was now but he was enjoying himself - he could hold his breath a little longer than Erica so his bubbling lasted longer and he laughed when he resurfaced. Then paused and raised an eye ridge at his belly as it rumbled.

NexusEe : And the blush grew dark, havlf stained the sidesof her neck too. A soft pur in her throat, "thank you... certainly very welcomed to hear that from one who looks like a genio innocuo even if your Leonardo insists yous are not." her smile was friendly and honest and she was feeling more comfortable here, chuckling at the little boy and his play touching the sunburned patches and feeling no more heat in them. Brushing against Mikey's calves a she moved a little closer to them both. "your very sweet for saying so." the toddlers belly rumbles set off the same reactions in her body his brothers sounds and presence did. Her bare nipples hardened a little, milk beading. She didn't need to gestate or lay her own eggs to have milk ready in abundance. Depended on her getting enough to eat and drink. And she had plenty of that the last few days.

Last edited by Erica Martins on Sun Sep 22, 2019 2:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Ee_s10
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Erica Martins Tue Sep 10, 2019 3:36 am

2K3 Michelangelo: As if on cue, Mikey's own belly announced its need for food. He chuckled after hearing both Erica's and the little kid's rumbles and then he grinned at both of them. "I guess we're all thinking the same thing, aren't we?" He lightly patted his own belly and then smiled as Erica moved closer, trying so hard not to look at her chest which was practically in his face now. "Heh...know where we can find some grub around here?"

Malcolm: Well he sort of knew instinctively, and thanks to his nose - but heck he'd never been outside a lab before now so wasn't sure what to do witht he fact hissnout was telling him there was food close by! and shuffled close by Mikey he was trying to find the source!

NexusEe: Erica grins at the two turtles, " plenty if we hunt for it... it's times like this I wish I could fire breath, we might need one to cook some snake plenty of those about." not pushing the little turtle away as he came closer clearly searching for milk.

2K3 Michelangelo: "Snake...?" Mikey had a bit of a face and then tried to smile through it. "Sounds...great..." Though he was inwardly screaming 'Ew! Ew-ew-ew!!' His stomach rumbled again and he sighed. It sounded like his stomach wouldn't complain, just as long as it was food. And Mikey's stomach was a bottomless pit. Maybe snake wouldn't be so bad?

Malcolm: He had no idea what it was - but it... smelled like food! and he nuzzled getting milk on his face and licking his cheeks. He still had no idea what to do beyond that!

NexusEe: Erica watches Mikey's face smiling and is curious, "do Genio Innocuo... turtles eat meat?" curiously to Mikey and watching the small turtle, he seemed to know where the food was but wasn't taking it. She waits patiently though watching and hearing the bigger turtles belly. Reaching a hand to touch his plastron in the belly region. "It's not the best meat but it will fill some belly... I am not familiar enough with vegetation to know whats safe here I'm sorry... except my milk that should be more than fine for him."

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey gasped when she reached down to touch his belly then grinned. "You bet, I do. Maybe not all turtles, but we've got a lot of human DNA inside us." And it was sounding better and better now. He watched the boy nuzzle one of her breasts and get milk all over it. "Wait. I thought you said you didn't have a mate. Are you pregnant or something?" That's the only way she could have milk, right? Mikey knew that much, at least.

NexusEe: Erica blushes again - she wondered at his gasp tracing the middle of his plates - huh it felt like a very thick fingernail, not rushing the toddler as he works out how to get more milk from her. A slight chuckle and shake of her head. " I am a damonfeuer I can milk any time there is little ones around. Especially if I have been eating and drinking well and that other Mikey I met gave me ... some food before they sent me on to find more of their brothers. I have not yet found a mate -" blush blush!

Malcolm: annnnd he thought he figured it out! suckling did not come to him naturally as he had not had a mother dragon there at his hatching... but he found the yummy! and he was hungry! and she wasn't pulling away so he kicked the water happily around him big gold eyes looking sideways up at Mikey - half a milky grin at him -

2K3 Michelangelo: "Oh." Mikey smiled and nodded in understanding. "So, what do you look for in a mate, then?" He was mostly curious, but he had a bit of an attraction to this woman, too. And being a teenager made him think of even more things than just sheer curiosity about this girl.

Malcolm: He was so hungry by the time he figured out how to get more he was gasping between huge gulps and some leaked about his lips - in the lab he'd only ever had water!

NexusEe: She didn't rush the toddler, nuzzling his head and purring a little, finally she got to hold one of these little genio innocuo! - she smiles at Mikey and has to think about his question. "I... don't know... maybe someone who doesn't mind me being small and all white?" she rubs the little shell chuckling at the way eager hungry way he drank.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey grinned down at the boy. "Slow down, little dude. There's plenty there...I think." He gave Erica a sheepish grin and then his grin broadened. "Well, I don't mind either of those things."

Malcolm: he tilts his head up but doesn't let go! eyes watching the big turtle his hands lightly gripping her skin not sure what the Mikey had said but he thought it was best to smile - so he does... or attempts to around food!

NexusEe: Erica flicked her tail tip - splashing Mikey a little, " His brothers teased milk production before but your brothers seemed a little ... um hold back with the boys I have lots of milk - even for big boys.' she half teases, half flirts. And still blushing a bit at her daring to do so, "glad you don't mind - what dooo you look for in a mate?" turning the question back on him chuckling at the little turtle who was on his way to becoming milk drunk.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey chuckled, shielding himself from the splashing with an arm. "A pretty girl who likes my jokes...and my cooking." He flashed her a wink. It was a start, at least. "You clearly have a great sense of humor. I like that."

Malcolm: he had to pull away and.... burrrrp!

NexusEe: "mmmmm well I like your voice and that pretty smile - and easy to enjoy your jokes" she lifts her tail to brush along his thigh as she chuckles at the little boy as he sort of lounges. Holding him closer almost snuggling him but not yet encase he wanted to try the next one. "and he is sooo damned cute. but I haven't tried your cooking - if I find some snakes I would love to try it."

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey laughed at the boy's belch. "Whoa, nice one!" He grinned and looked at the beauty in front of him. "Heh, well, I've never cooked snake before," he admitted with a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of his neck. "But it can't be too hard, can it?"

Malcolm: He grins up at Mikey - milk mostached and goatie going and a dazed sort of lookin his eyes. Yep - milk drunk.

NexusEe: Erica grins and nuzzles the little snout - amused by the milked out look on his face, then with a giggle leaned up and smooched Mikey's lips sharing the milk flavour and half flirting and playin and just enjoying the moment with the two, " Well neither have I to be honest... Ihave never even made a fire before." she admits.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey sure wasn't expecting that kiss. Even if it did have her milk in it. Which, by the way, wasn't bad at all. After the brief kiss ended, he licked his lips. "Mmmm, that tastes good." He gave her another grin. "Now it's my turn." He gently pulled her in for another kiss.

Last edited by Erica Martins on Tue Nov 19, 2019 9:42 pm; edited 2 times in total

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Ee_s10
Erica Martins
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Post by Erica Martins Tue Sep 10, 2019 3:36 am

NexusEe: her curious sort of huh and lick of her lips became a muffled sort of chuckle and mmmm, she'd not expected the kissing to go further but it did! she is mindful to keep track of the toddler with her tail, though he was safe between Mikey's legs with her in the water. Her tongue had half been caught between them and licked Mikey lightly.

Malcolm: he was considering having more.... maybe - first more play! splashing lightly and blowing bubbles!

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey closed his eyes and let out a quiet churr, lightly caressing her cheek and let the kiss linger, then he smiled at her. "Wow. You're a great kisser."

NexusEe: A soft laugh and she was blushing anew she knew it, dark over her cheeks and down her neck, licking her lips again taking in the flavour and grinning at Mikey, " never kissed before like that.' she admits, " your no slouch either." she tilts her head a little hands shifting to rest on his plastron and feel the sound. 'that's cool."

Malcolm: He comes up from latest bubbles giggling and leans back against Miek's knee to watch the bigger two above him gold eyes curious and purseing his lips - unintentionally making 'kissy faces'

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey chuckled. "Thanks!" Then his eyes followed her hands to his plastron. "That noise, you mean?" Then he met her eyes again. "That sound means I really like you."

2K3 Michelangelo: He wrapped his free hand around the tot to make sure he was comfortable.

NexusEe: " you do?" so surprised, she'd not really before Mikey had openly interested males before. But pleased leaning a bit to lightly kiss again, "thanks, I am really liking you too... your brothers made similar but different sounds ... I think for their little ones?" she was not sure... " or maybe for your blue brother the Klaustreich female with him?" she adds thoughtfully.

NexusEe: amused but pleased, "I want to kiss again but maybe I should find some snakes first?" hand moving lower to pat where it rumbled.

Malcolm: he grins up at Mikey, shifting in his hold to move closer, making his own soft chur sounds, and closer again to the bigger turtle.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey grinned even more at Erica after yet another kiss. Then his look turned a bit quizzical. "Klau-what?" Then the grin was back when she said she wanted to kiss again. He was all for it and food could totally wait...maybe. Then his belly sounded again. "Heh, fine, but I'm holding you to that kiss later," he told her with a wink.

NexusEe: She chuckles briefly touching snouts and pulling back nodding she could hear he was hungry, the little boy was fine but needed food not just milk. though he could definitely survive well on the milk he'd just had. " Klaustreich, female, ummm cat like?" she had to think of the word but it came and she grins nodding. " Klaustreich, I set him and she and the baby with them off to locate some other turtles I saw from a distance." she explains lifting her wings up to prepare to fly to find some food for these two.

" and definitely be more kissing... that was tasty and fun."

Malcolm: most these words went right over his head, sailed! but he didn't mind he was just happy to stand and nuzzle his now cool skinned snout against Mikey's shoulder, he had dark patches were he had been sunburned but they would peel and heal.

Last edited by Erica Martins on Tue Nov 19, 2019 10:32 pm; edited 2 times in total

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Ee_s10
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Mike Sun Nov 17, 2019 2:10 am

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey blinked. "Other turtles? Like us? Maybe...maybe even like him?" he added, nodding to the boy in his arm. Then he looked at her wings which were longer than he was tall. He grinned at her as he snuggled the little Turtle. "Are we supposed to follow you or something?" Might be interesting trying to follow a winged creature, though.

NexusEe: "not if your in no rush to leave the cool water no, but other turtles yes. Like yours. Very much only with different green skin and bandana and a few not like you. And more adorable ones like him... but if you want some food I could get some... as long as you make fire." She offers grinning a bit, " and more kisses." That she definitely wanted to try more of. "Oh I have messages from your brother's too." Pointed back to shore and the only thing she had been wearing the small leather pouch.

Malcolm: He oooohed when her wings opened and points at them snuggling into the bigger turtle with a happy chirp his small snout now at least clean of milk nuzzling against Mikey's neck and cheek recalling that new word "P P see try?" Eyeing the eings.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey chuckled, giving her a small salute. "You got it. When you get back, we can talk about the other Turtles if you want." He certainly was intrigued with the idea of more like him and his brothers. Although it really confused him how it was possible.

NexusEe: She chuckles and stands slowly careful to touch the little turtles cheek then Mikey's with a light kiss and nodding " you can check the messages I brought from your brother's if you'd like to." She would definitely tell him all about the other turtles ! Giving her wings a beat - the desert was a great place to fly she felt up lifts catch her at once lifting and she rose above them.

Malcolm: ooooooooooh!! He squealed watching her - then at Mikey in amazement. Eyes and mouth wide!

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey grinned. "Will do. See you later," he said with a wave and then watched her take off. "Whooooooa..." His expression was pretty much mirroring the boy's - except for a grin after she was above them and gave her another wave.

NexusEe: she circled high and waved down to them both before sweeping away on the thermal. Circling searching the ground for a hint of anything of substance to eat for the two turtles, searching eyes looking for tracks and keeping a eye not to drift to far from the turtles - keeping an eye out for others in the distance but not seeing any yet.

Malcolm: He stood in Mikey's lap and laughs copying his wave and his tail wagged splashing the water - which he was in no rush to leave.

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Ff9f8d10

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Erica Martins Sun Nov 17, 2019 10:45 am


2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey's attention turned to the little turtle in front of him, grinning. "So, you hungry anymore? And hey, maybe we can find out what some other Turtles might be saying." He eyed the pouch Erica left them, smiling before looking at the boy again. "So...your name is..." he trailed off, trying to remember what the smaller turtle introduced himself as. Then he gave him a sheepish grin. "Heh, um, what is it again?"

Malcolm: tilted his head watching Mikey's lips move and moving his own similarly then sounding not entirely sure but sure he answers "Maaal ooommmm -" nod nodding and patting his belly though he was sure the other was about if he wanted more! He so did! Splashing the waters a little as he moves closer to Mikey again.

NexusEe: Cruised and swooped. She wasn't sure how much either turtle could eat but she guess a bit and whilst more milk might satisfy the little guy not so much the Mikey she was guessing. Though she had one desert python so it was a start and she found some plants for breaking open for the soothing gel for the boys sunburn.

Malcolm: Bah mm won't load phhhhtb trying to get to the Swamps lands last few pages know the message from

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey sounded out the name slowly, trying to understand what the boy was saying. "Mal...Maloom...Malcolm! You're name is Malcolm?" He grinned and inched a little closer to shore, eyeing the pouch again.

Malcolm: "wooooo yeth yeth!! Maaal ooommmm!" He cheers and claps hands splashing flopping onto his plastron making a bigger splash and giggling "toooo Maaal ooom?" He asks curious missing Erica's shadow passing over them she was high above and her shadow light and large.

NexusEe: she could see way below the two still in the water and grins turning in the air losing a little altitude but she had spied some large fowl and tucked her wings to fall from the sky in a fast stoop slamming one of them was half her size!

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey glanced up when he saw the shadow and then smiled at the boy. "I'm Mikey." He really needed to get out of the water. Malcolm could stay in if he wanted to, but Mikey's curiosity was at an all-time high now as he eyed that pouch again. He also promised Erica he would get a fire going while she was gone.

Malcolm: giggled and tried out the new name "Mii eeyyy? miiii Miii?" Splash and tumble ! His tail up and wagging enjoying the cool water and staying close to the big turtle. Though he pouts when his chirp for his brothers was not answered - so decides to blow bubbles again

NexusEe: she came out of the brief struggle a bit pecked and scratched but victorious and quickly took flight not to attract any predator with the smell of blood or linger if one caught the sound of the scruffle. The dead bird in hand and snake over shoulder. Back in the air she rose up high to look about again for anything edible.

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Ee_s10
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Mike Fri Nov 22, 2019 8:37 pm


2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey grinned and tickled the boy lightly on the plastron. "Yeah, you got it." He chuckled at the boy's antics. "Is that fun?" Then he shifted enough to blow bubbles himself with the smaller Mikey look-a-like.

Malcolm: he giggled and squirmed and then squeaked in delight as Mikey blows bubbles with him eagerly throwing himself into the water and his tail going crazy! Splashing as he resumes blowing bubbles with Mikey!

NexusEe: And this is the scene she comes back to... And it makes her laugh splashing into the water with the two boys, washing feathers off herself at the bird carcass she had killed and stripped in the air of its innards and feathers, hoping the trail would lead away from her at the two Genio Innocuo boys the blood and some tissues on her she washes off too letting the other items she'd found float in the cold water, the plant fronds she'd broken off for their gel for the boys burns and the snake she'd caught both carcasses had no insides now or skins or heads. She grins at them mostly clean some blood still on her elbows and breasts to chest and cheeks. "Having fun ?"

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey had to admit this was fun! He took turns with Malcolm in blowing bubbles and then he heard splashing nearby. It got his attention enough to stop and then he watched Erica as she bathed in the water, giving the girl a sheepish grin with water dripping from his face. "Yeah." Then his grin became more flirtatious again. "You?"

Malcolm: Malcolm rolls onto his back in the water
Malcolm splashing and giggling up at the both of them - and well he needed to pee so his tail was stiff and doodle standing up tall!

NexusEe: She giggles and leans forward to lick the water on his chin purring, "yes I managed to hunt us some food it was pretty good....oh he-" she points at the little guy with it all ... hanging out.

Their meals currently sort of floating away on the cool water though seeing the boy about to pee she shifted them out onto sandstone rocks on the waters edge.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey grinned again and then he shifted his attention to the boy when Erica pointed out his...problem. Mikey's eyes widened and then he jumped to his feet. "Whoa! Wait, little dude!" He quickly scooped the boy up and carried him to shore so he could do his business there. "Can't pee in the water, little guy. Then we can't play in it anymore." He brought the boy over to some bushed and let the child take some aim at a little tree. "Water this, okay? It looks like it could use a bit of a drink." To be perfectly honest, Mikey probably would've let the boy pee in the water if the lady wasn't present. He just thought maybe the girl would appreciate some clean water to play in. Heck, he sure would!

NexusEe: She watched them go and giggled ducking down into the water to get covered completely as the little guy is taken care of washing the blood off entirely "that was a close one?" She sniggers watching them " is he yours?" She wonders smiling at them.

Malcolm: Being moved so suddenly made the little turtle grab himself in shock - now he stood near .. well he didn't know what and watched Mikey over his shoulder listening then pointing at the bushes letting go of himself "hooooo heerrreee?" Words slooow but hands away from doodle and waiting

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey grinned down at the boy. "Yep. Go ahead and let it go now." Then he grinned over his shoulder at Erica. "Nah, never seen him before today. But, I've grown pretty attached to the little guy." Noticing the boy was still hesitating, Mikey glanced around briefly before letting his tail into view. "Here, let me show you." Then he whipped out his own 'doodle' and demonstrated his own aim at the little tree. "Like this." Mikey wasn't particularly shy of this part of himself, but he did feel a bit self-conscious with the girl present. And the same time, it was exhilarating...and freeing to relieve his own bladder like this.

Malcolm: Yay! And relieved ... then very relieved when he did let his stream go, knees sagging a little and happy sighing... Yeeaaaaahhhhh!

NexusEe: oooh she shakes off water and moves closer to watch "oh! Your big!!" Totally watching Mikey a little surprised. "really he ain't yours? But he looks like you... a lot!" Grinning almost reaching out but recalling last moment not to touch!

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey grinned proudly, chuckling a little. "Thank you." Then he shook his head. "I know he does. But I have no idea who he belongs to." He knew she was watching him now it was slightly turning him on. Especially when she reached to touch him and retracted her hand at the last moment. He grinned over at her. "Like what you see?" His stream had all but ended by now, only consisting of the last few drips. The tree was thoroughly soaked, though - due mostly to him since he had better aim than the smaller turtle. It just takes practice.

Malcolm: Ahhhh so relieved he flops back on the sand spread eagled and giggling tail wagging as cock retreated with in.

NexusEe : "he's so cute - and your Genio Innocuo many girls will want to have some just like him...." She flirts and gathers her courage touching light just a stroke along the top. Aware this was more than just a flirt move but enjoyable!

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey was totally flattered by that compliment. "Really? You think so?" Then he let out a gasp and his eyes moved to where she was touching him. He almost jumped back from the shock, but he didn't want to scare her. He LIKED this kind of attention - a whole lot! He stood rigid as he tried to decide whether he wanted her to do it again or maybe that he should behave with the kid around. But, still...he loved her touch there!

Malcolm: Malcolm grins up at the two of them from his spot in the sand his tail making a cove shape in the sand between his knees and giggling like crazy! So reliiiieved!!

NexusEe: Erica grins kissing Mikey's cheek, "thank you... Feels so soft and ...but hardish... And waaarmm. And yes you will be most sort after by females...." She nods nods.

"I wanna touch more... But perhaps feed you and ummm the sand turtle here?" She giggles looking down at the little guy.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey felt a little bit naughty now, especially with his inflated ego. "Cool." Then he chuckled, encouraging a little more touching. "One more touch couldn't hurt," he whispered against ear before his stomach growled again. "Quiet, you. You'll get food soon." He gave his stomach a light pat.

Malcolm: Malcolm rolls to his feet and dashes to the water splashing in into a belly flop giggling and splashing so very relieved and happy now!

NexusEe: She raised and eye ridge and grins naughtily herself and with the adorable boy occupied she curiously does something she had caught other couples doing closing her fingers around him and tugging all so suddenly from tail all the way along, "like that?" Shiver cause his breath brushed her skin giggling and patting his growly belly.

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Erica Martins Fri Nov 22, 2019 9:40 pm


2K3 Michelangelo: Okay, he certainly wasn't expecting that! It made him stumble a bit and his eyes were wide before they closed and he gave a pleased moan. "You don't know the half of it." Ohhhhh, he was enjoying this way too much!

NexusEe: A soft giggle, curiously watching - feeling the reactions of Mikey under her fingers squeezing as he stumbled a little so he was tugged, " shooould I stop?" mostly teasing cause Mikey certainly looked and sounded likehe was enjoying it, also she could hear and just see past Mikey that the little turtle was quiet happily splashing about in the water.

(( Playing. ))

Malcolm: [b]Hehehehe! he giggles and actually attempts some turtle swimming - but he wasn't quiet in deep enough so all that happened was him on his plastron and waggling his legs and arms... though he was enjoying himself with all the splashing.

Malcom: Splash! aha! he found a little deeper, shell still sticking out ... and wagging tail.

Malcolm: and bubbles! everywhere! just delighting in play... he did poke the dead things- his splashing at least keeping them cool and flies off.

Malcolm: his splashing disturbed a desert dwelling frog... he chases the amphibian about the water trying to catch it...

Malcolm: Catching the frog he yays - then squeaks as it squirts water at him and escapes his hands. The chase resumes!!

Malcolm: trying to sneak up on the croaking slimy brownish colored frog, but wagging... closer- closer... pounce!

Malcolm: Ahaha! he giggles froggo caught in hand ... it croaks loudly... blink... he tries to copy the noise!

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey smiled at her a bit sheepishly. "Sorry. I tried to warn you, though."

NexusEe: " you did... I didn't expect ... so warmmm." Erica giggles sniffing curiously at her fingers and the Mikey-ness there, it was all over her front! smiling at him. "did ... did that feel good?" she traces fingers through some cum on her body

Malcolm: he had no idea what the big ones were getting up to... sitting there trying to imitate sounds of this little critter " Mimi?! Momo!?" turning towards Mikey waving the protesting amphibian in the air.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey grinned, nodding. "So good. Even better than good. It was awesome!" He grinned even more and smooched her. "The big question is did you like it? And good thing we're so close to water, huh?" He gave her a wink before turning his attention towards the kid and grinned. "What do you have there, huh?" He wasn't moving from his current spot just yet, but he did need to shield Erica from the boy until she got cleaned up. Mikey, himself, was still out, but he wasn't shy about it with just the boy and Erica around. The organ would go back into hiding soon, anyway.

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Ee_s10
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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Post by Mike Sat Nov 30, 2019 2:19 pm


Malcolm: He had no idea what the frog is so ...m after a moment of gazing at it after Mikey's question he sort of "ummmmmms" then shrugs and waves it making the frogs noise. Perhaps that what it was? Standing up to move closer and show Mikey. Still waving it - he of course had his own boy part so wasn't too concerned about Mikey dangling about and the smell of his amphibian friend for now covered their smells.

NexusEe: She liked the smooch returning it and nodded, " I did... Have never done that to someone before and it was definitely enjoyable.... Oh right!" A bit of a squeak and she first steps back and away from the bush to find a bit of hot sand and sand bathed first using the course ness to scrap herself clean before she stood and shook off the sand making boobies jiggle - and tail flick.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey watched Erica for a moment with a grin and then turned back to the boy. "You got a frog, there." Mikey moved back to the water to wash himself off of what Erica didn't get off him. He tried to do it as subtle as possible so the boy didn't ask too many questions - about what he was doing, anyway.

Malcolm: "oooooh f rrrrr ooooo gggguh?" Malcolm sounded out the word not sure but delighted and plonked himself on his tail near Mikey to look more closely at his prize the poor frog croaking loudly when the boy turned his hand over to look at its belly. " FFF rrrooogguh!" Yay!

[color:569a=1E90FF]NexusEe: A further booby shake at Mikey's grin then she moved to the water to rinse off watching Mikey clean off too. " Want to do it again..." She grins eyes turning to watch the little boy her tail tip moving forward to make him show her the entire frog. Sighing happily, "it is not poisonous..." Pleased there were plenty of dangerous critter in the desert and a certain frog had nasty poison that came out of glands in its skin.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey's smiled, but then if faltered. "Poisonous? Frogs can be poisonous?"

NexusEe: Erica nods and smiles "yes, but this one is not the poisonous ones have black speckles all over them where the poison seeps out - not kill you poisonous... make sick poisonous... And might kill a boy..." She explains laying in the water to cool her glittering scaley self. " That one make good eating..."

Malcolm: Malcolm beams not sure what all that was but it was good right? And imitates the trying to get out of his hand frogs loud sounds giggling.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey smiled again. "I gotcha. Black spots - bad. And...not sure we can eat that one." He nodded to the boy who seemed to be having fun with that particular frog. "I think he made a new friend." Mikey grinned at Erica, shrugging.

NexusEe: she laughs and moves closer to Mikey gesturing at the snake and bird she brought them the skinless and empty carcasses of meat ready. "Then we should fire and cook so to fill his little belly... and yours... My milk is good but he is toddler needs more ... and you are grown man also need more "

Malcolm: Malcolm waves his froggy about making the now clearly exasperated animal merely glump in protest, Malcolm giggling and moving towards Mikey and Erica splashing his way over, his belly had been silenced by milk but he was still ready for munchies! Looking up at Mikey, "Mimiii nooo brudders!" It had occurred to him he had not seen his brothers for a while. Recalling he had been wailing about that earlier.

[color:569a=FF4500]2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey grinned proudly. No one had really called him a grown man before. He definitely liked the sound of that. Then his stomach growled again and he rested his hand on his belly. "Right." Then he got to his feet again and began searching for something to start a fire with. He might not be the best at making a fire, but he did okay the last time. "Gotta find some dry wood..." he mumbled to no one in particular.

NexusEe: She didn't quiet understand the pride and she watches the search puzzled then oooh ing when Mikey explained what he was up to and she nods "the scraggly bushes up there burn long and slow and release oil that smell when in fire... Good for keeping the sand lions away at night, you can hear them hunting they make cough sounds when they close... The dried cacti burn too, long and slow-" she explains pointing to these as she explained. "But no grab bush shake it first to make sand cobras leave they bite bad." She adds moving out of the water to help him gather the fire fuel. Soon when meat was cooking she will show him map and messages from his fellow Genio Innocuo not Genio Innocuo. Smiling at the sight of the little turtle following Mikey watching him curiously, soon too have to put gel on his burns.

Malcolm: And he was following the bigger turtle, still chattering in a mix of nonsense and toddler and some words about not knowing where his brothers where and about the frog.

2K3 Michelangelo: Well, there were way too many things that could kill him than Mikey cared to admit. He took Erica's words to heart and did as instructed. Once he and Erica had enough fuel, he began making the fire, occasionally interacting with the boy and his chatter. It was very cute watching him with that frog. "What are you gonna name him, hm? If you're gonna keep him, he needs a name." He flashed the boy a grin and a wink.

NexusEe: She was not sure what the kid said at times and her tail fell between him and the fire as it began watching him and Mikey and she would instruct him more about surfing here especially as she was aware there were more turtles lost out here in the desert thanks to the others she had met previously and scrying stones.

NexusEe: Once the flames were big enough she finds thickish and greenish lengths of bush and picking of twigs and laying them in the water a bit to soak before placing the hollow carcasses on them and ... then unsure holds them out to Mikey to place either in the fire or hold them out over the flames.

She, herself grins. " Your brothers... or at least the ones that look most like you I have met so far both have found a couple of his little brothers, they are sooo cute, one is blue. With your Don and the purple one with your Leo. They too say boys are not theirs but where very protective of them " she happily chatters scooping the plant fronds out of the water to peel the green outter layer off the thick copious gel underneath cool to the touch she shows it to Mikey. "Good for sun and other burns, good for some scraps and small cuts..." She explains. Then tilts her head up holding the frond and opening her mouth letting a little inner water to trickle of "has small water. Not much but little. Lots of these plants everywhere in desert."

Malcolm: He tilts his head unsure. Listening to Erica for a moment then puzzling and giving Mikey a shy sort of look, "was naaa mmme?"he liked this big turtle talking to him even if he didnt know what he was doing and not all of the words. Ooooh and he'd never seen fire either so was of course eyeing the pretty just building slow flames with curiosity not sure why the tail of Erica was between him and the fire.

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Post by Erica Martins Sat Dec 07, 2019 11:54 pm


2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey kept feeding the fire twigs until it was strong enough to maintain on its own. He listened to Erica's instructions carefully as they prepared their meal. He had mixed feelings about eating these creatures, but he tried not to think about the fact he was somewhat related to some of them. His stomach grumbled loudly again with the promise of food soon. What also got his attention was Erica talking more about his brothers and others just like them.

And then little ones like Malcolm. "Sounds like my bros," he said with a smile. "And more little dudes like you, Malcolm. Your brothers." Now he understood why the boy looked so lost earlier. He grinned at the little turtle's fascination with the flames. "Pretty, huh? Look, don't touch, okay?" He also made sure he was between the boy and the flames. "A name is what someone calls you. Your name is Malcolm - Mine's Mikey. Soooo, what are you gonna call your new little friend, huh?"

NexusEe: "your brother's are with others like you... but different? One even wears orange like you and called himself Mikey too. Your Don and Leo were protective of the small ones with them." She grins and after a few moments of though wedges the wet meat sticks between wet water rocks so they hung over the flames - meat started sizzling! She moves closer to Mikey and Malcolm nuzzling Mikey's shoulder and rubbing the little head,

" I couldn't get as close to those boys as I am this one. Maybe next time..." She turns her attention to their sunburns scooping some plant gel out and soothing it over Malcolm's skin where it was dark but no longer hot. "And I am Erica." She adds to the name thing.

Malcolm: He oooohed grinned "brudders!!" Not certain of all Mikey said about them but he understood it was good! Eyeing frog again with moooore ooohhhing sounds cause now he understood what name meant and he had to think on it. "Egg!" He announces holding the resigned frog up to Erica and Mikey proudly.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey grinned at Erica, eager to hear more about this other 'Mikey'. But that could wait. For now...FOOD! He chuckled at Malcolm's name for the little critter. "Interesting...but I like it," he told the boy, flashing Erica a wink.

NexusEe: She giggles and leans over smoothing gel over the boys shoulders and his arms - over his small legs. "Egg it is then," Amused and grinning at Mikey's wink, her breasts leaked a little more milk this close to the boy, "creative... meat will take a moment to be cooked um unless you like rare though I highly recommend unless a meat eater you cook through anything that flies or swims. Or is a snake." She gestures to the leather pouch want to see what I have from your brother's and other Genio Innocuo?"

Malcolm: "yaaaay! Eeeegggah!" Snuggling the frog that croaks in what could only be a 'yeah sure why not?' sort of way. Snout twitching and oooh that white stuff! - luckily Erica had no other white stuff on her at the moment! He eagerly helps himself to more drink. The stuff she put on him cool and tingly on those patches of his skin that had hurt before the cooling waters and still felt a bit stiff and ouchies when they got out, now they felt nice and cool.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey nodded. "Cooking is good. So is eating." He flashed her another wink and then grinned. "You bet, I do. By the way, what's a...Genio Innocuo?"

NexusEe: Erica couldn't reach the pouch with Malcolm currently having more milk but with him occupied she could tail flip the baggie closer then hand it to Mikey grinning and leaning over to kiss his grinning lips,

" you are Genio Innocuo, though your Leo says you's are turtles - Genio Innocuo are thought to be extinct. Or so few to be thought so no one has seen one in Nexus for ages - then you all! You's are great healers, travellers companions sought by lords and even took part in the Battle Nexus so I heard.... I freakin dreamed of meeting one, and now met many and babies!" Excited about that and more so one was having her milk!!

Malcolm: he sidewise glances up at Mikey and giggles around his current snack feet and toes wriggling Fog sitting on his shoulder croaking.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey grinned even more. "They say all that about us? Coooooool." He returned her smooch then glanced down at the feasting boy. "He sure likes your milk." Maybe he would need to try it sometime. Mikey glanced at the contents inside the bag then pauses, looking up at her again - his grin growing even more. "Oh, yeah. We fought in the Battle Nexus. And guess who won it all?"

NexusEe: She nods eagerly " all that - Genio Innocuo are long lived and are some of our greatest poets and writers and storytellers or keepers and seeing so many and especially little ones is sooo rare they and you's are very valued... Especially him, all gold - ooooH who won?" Keen to know and rubbing the bald head, "he can have all he likes.

Malcolm: He swaps the boobs realising there was more white stuff! - then pouts his mouth covered in milk as he realises both had white water! And he only had one mouth! Egg making himself at home under the rim of the boys shell.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey chuckled, grinning even more if possible. "Yours Truly." He flashed her a flirtatious wink and then glanced down at her free boob, then back up to her face. "Have you...tried it before?" And all this talk about how great the Genio Innocuo were made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside - more than before, anyway. Erica made him feel that way whenever she was around. And the little guy currently attached to made him wonder about being a father. He knew he would be an awesome daddy someday.

NexusEe: Erica gaped - her half answer of "I have, it's creamy and thick... wooooow your the Genio Innocuo who won?!" Awed and amazed "that... I... Oooh woooow!!!!" Yep fan Girling and giggling when the boy squeezed her as he tries to take both in his mouth and instead makes it squirt all over Mikey and himself - hah "now your covered in white stuff" playfully at Mikey.

Malcom: Ack! That surprised him! And he splutters and blinks and decides to just take one ! Egg croaking content where it was now.

NexusEe: She nuzzled Mikey nodding at free boob "wanna try?"

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey's grin couldn't be any bigger as Erica started fangirl-ing over him. Then he let out a surprised yelp, himself, when he felt the liquid covering his lap and then laughed. "Slow down there, little guy. There's plenty to go around." At Erica's offer to let him have a taste, Mikey didn't hesitate in answering at all. Instead of telling her he wanted to, he dove right in, very gently licking her nipple first. "Mmmm..."

NexusEe: Malcolm popped off and gaped, then giggled and got back to it! Tail wagging so hard it the sand it flicked smalls bits of it everywhere!

Chuckling and gasping at Mikey's lick a shiver that nipple hardening a little and beading with more milk Erica gave Mikey's head the same affectionate rub then lightly stroked the small frog and chuckles, "good? I... an very honoured to meet you the Battle Nexus Champion. Well recent one..." She pouts in thought "your brother Leo is worried Genio Innocuo are also being hunted by order of a Drake known as Draco? Daimyo needs help."

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Ee_s10
Erica Martins
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Post by Mike Mon Dec 09, 2019 7:26 pm


2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey's mouth moved over the nipple and gently sucked until he heard Erica describe the situation with the Daimyo...and the other Genio Innocuo. His eyes widened and he let the nipple go with a 'pop!' "The Daimyo's in trouble?" He frowned in thought. "Draco's...back??" He was now mostly talking out loud to himself.

NexusEe: She squirmed a little, shivering in delight and taking a moment of closed eyes to look at Mikey and nods "Daimyo is in trouble yes... Nexus is in a state of up ... some of my kind are with Draco in his takeover some not.

"that felt nice .. you ... tasting me..." Nuzzle to his cheek.

Malcolm: He pops off again and burtrrps so hard he flops back on his shell happy grinning.

[color:31d2=#2K3 Michelangelo: "You mean your friends have been captured and forced to work for the guy?" Then he grinned at her compliment. "It was good. You are all good. I can't wait to see what else you can do once the kid checks out for a while." He gave her a naughty wink this time.

NexusEe: A shrug, "no all are willing, I fled when fighting broke out. Some like Draco feel dragons, drakes and damonfeuer should be in charge and some like me are fleeing... But I want to help Genio Innocuo..." A grin rubbing the little boy's plastron and grinning kissing Mikey "I... Am very eager for morrre"
NexusEe.: Malcolm: happy arms up at Mikey and huge grin.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey returned her smooch and smiled. "And you're one of the good ones. No - the awesome ones. And you're so pretty." He gave her another wink. "Yeah? How much more?" he asked curiously.

[color:31d2=1E90FF]NexusEe: Erica scooped up the boy snuggling him and pulling some cooked meat off to cool for him to chew on grounding at Mikey and offering him the child, the adorable look a like. " A lot... Would like to mate -" not shy about that.

Malcolm: oooh he wasn't sure what the meat was but it smelled good and he waves a hand eagerly at it. Unawares Erica was trying to cool the juicy morsel for him.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey's eyes widened at her answer and then he had a very naughty grin on his face. "Oh, really?" He was both extremely flattered and surprised she wanted to move that fast with him. But who was he to complain? She was a pretty girl and willing to get with him in THAT way. He was definitely looking forward to more alone time with Erica...and give her exactly what she wants


what they both want.

NexusEe: Erica gave the boy the meat and broke some off offering it to Malcolm and then breaking off a little more for Mikey and winking, "yes really reaaallly you made me tingly just tasting ..."

Malcolm: om Nom Nom so eager filling his mouth and offering a bit to his shoulder seated Egg amphibian friend.

NexusEe: She giggles watching the small golden boy move closer to claim Mikey's lap.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey took the morsel from her and chewed it slowly. With her continued compliments, he grinned after swallowing the bite. "Well, there's a whole lot more where that came from, you know." He flashed her another wink and then glanced at the boy and took him in his arms and seating him in his lap. "How do you like that, Malcolm? Is it yummy?"

NexusEe: "a whoooole lot morrre?" Chuckling picking at the snake flesh - blowing bits cool before offering them to Malcolm in Mikey's hold "he is sooo damned cute..." Moving closer to Mikey to help feed the child and pulling the pouch closer opening it to draw out the map Inaba the bunny girl with the Don that looked like this Mikey had given her then the parchment with the messages on it.

"There are some more Genio Innocuo here in the desert... and more all scattered over Nexus " she tells Mikey as she gives meat to him licks her fingers clean before handing the papers more unrolling them and holding them flare with a little sands on the corners so Mikey could see.

Malcolm: He nods .. not sure what Mikey asked but nuzzles him and nods! Tail flopping about "mmm hmmmm ummm ummmm!" Of course mouth full and hands cause he eagerly took whatever Erica gave him!

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey gave Erica another naughty grin. "Oh, yeah. You're dealing with a ninja, my dear. Us ninjas are known for our stamina." He enjoyed teasing her like this. It was the best he could do while the kid was there.

Then, when Erica pulled out the parchment, the first thing he noticed were the names of the signatures. "Whoa...that's a lot of Genio Innocuos." Imagine that - more ninja turtles like himself! "And here I thought we were the only ones. Even with our own names..."

NexusEe: " the one named Don that looks like you was with another Don who was much taller... And a smaller than you Mikey and about his height Leo - the Leo that looks like you was with a klaustreich female, Addy, a small purple Genio Innocuo and I told him and her I saw other big... Mountain troll brig Genio Innocuo among the island I have bee flying for sometime they have probably found them now. I hope this islands can be dangerous. " She points at the map and parchment as she speaks but keeps hands clear for Mikey to look at. "I have nothing to write with if you want to add to the messages but we have fire charcoal..." She grins and chuckles, "I look forward to testing your stamina..."

Malcolm: Was happy munching... munching... large yawn as his belly fills and he stops trying to feed croaky Egg and begins to curl up in Mikey's arms ... still munching but it was clear he didn't have long.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey rubbed his chin in thought. "I wonder who this Liam is. And...Savage Mikey? He sounds cool...maybe." As Erica described the appearances of other turtles, he shrugged. "It's okay. So, these look like riddles. I love riddles." Then he grinned broadly when Erica said she looked forward to see what he could do to her. And he planned to do it as soon as he had some alone time with Erica again. "You'll love it."

NexusEe: Erica giggled and nods , " the Leo like you started it just encase the messages go astray. It is possible I might get attacked or shot down ...." She says and seeing the sleepy boy she chuckles and in the shade of the rocks that loomed and form this depression where water gathered she picks a spot of sand in the shade near the water to dig out some sand. It would be cool but cosy for the little guy. "Your Leo was not happy about using me as a messenger but I don't mind." She points over the desert. "most of the Genio Innocuo closest to you are among the hills here on a bit in the desert... I will stay until you have found them then I must take messages to this mob - " pointing to the other side of the continent. She purrs and kisses his lips, "soon - the most handsome mini you is going to sleep." She points out, "this is good time to rest in desert, you should travel at night and early morning rest the too hot.... your hot."

Malcolm: he was going to sleep sloooowly chew chew and churring smiling at Mikey and Erica... So full of milk... Egg cuddled to him.

2K3 Michelangelo: Mikey smiled at the boy in his arms and slowly got to his feet with him. "You've been so helpful, Erica. But I dunno what I would do if something happened to you." He returned her kiss and then gently laid the boy down in the spot Erica designated for the napping toddler. His grin reappeared at her next compliment. "I am, huh?" Man, he loved this girl. He never got compliments like this before.

NexusEe: " Iwon't lie....flying messages around, some one is going to work it out and I might end up with a bounty on my head too - Draco has put a price on any GenioInnocuos capture or kill... You Leo seemed ...unsurprised by that but a tad surprised he is aware yous are here..." she was putting herself at risk, but for Genio Innocuo she would... and for this sweet grinning Mikey. " but I will do my best not to get hurt... beside can't play and mate with you if hurt no?" she giggles watching him lay the child down. " thank you for letting me close, I wanted to get close to the little oens like him,Liam and Duncan but your brothers are protective... almost like father protective... they will make good fathers... you will..." moving to smile at the small child and his frog friend.

Malcolm: He huffed a little and mumbled, sleep chewing on... nothing little tail wagging. curling up and sleeping Egg in his arms and maybe croaking gratefully when Erica dribbled a puddle of water for him to sit in on the sleeping child.

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Post by Erica Martins Mon Dec 09, 2019 8:52 pm

2K3 Michelangelo Mikey gently nuzzled the boy, smiling. "Sleep well, little dude," he whispered and the smiled at Erica. "He's a cute kid." Mikey slowly got to his feet again and joined the scaly girl, taking her hand. "I know I'll make an awesome father someday." Then he gave her a flirtatious grin. "So, you said you wanted to mate with me? Is this something your kind does often?"
NexusEe. joined the chat
NexusEe. She watches, her heart melting and she grins when Mikey comes back to her, curious to his taking her hand squeezing his feelign the powerful fingers. "you that something you want? It... seems to come naturally to yourself and your brothers - your Leo and Don as I said seem very close to the little turtles with them. And protective. He will adore you." she nods at the little boy, lightly kissing that grin. " yes, much mating... usually though with the bigger and more colourful females."
NexusEe.: Razz
2K3 Michelangelo Mikey returned that kiss and shook his head. "I didn't ask about your color. I'm asking if you guys mate often. You know, for fun? Around here, mostly people make love - not babies. At least not right away. I definitely wouldn't mind kids one day, though." Then he lightly cupped her cheek with a hand, smiling. "What about you?"
NexusEe. A grin and nod, " yes they do, and of course less savoury reasons for mating, but yes we do it for fun... I... have never yet though, this will be a first." She blushes a little and says slooowly, " I'd like to be a mum too one day." and she'd definitely love to mother genio innocuo little ones, these little boys or her own. nuzzling that big palm lightly. Wings folding in.
2K3 Michelangelo Mikey grinned. "You really want me to be your first?" He was extremely flattered by that. "Heh, you'd be my first time, too." His smile turned a bit sheepish. "Us Turtles don't really fit in, either. Most humans are afraid of us."
NexusEe. She was surprised by his announcement, mouth gaping a little, " really? I will? your first too?" bliiiink - ' even afraid I'd have assumed many females would have liked to get close to you. Your sweet, and funny and smell nice too Like something yummy?" she wasn't sure of the scent but liked it. A pout, " well.... I am sorry... hoomans be scared - I'm not." that last bit with a grin, no she definitely wasn't moving her body a little close, tail brushing his legs.
2K3 Michelangelo: ; )
2K3 Michelangelo Mikey smiled at her and smooched her lips again. Guess the right person hasn't come along...until now. He lightly caressed her cheek again. "You're pretty, and funny, and just plain awesome. I can't wait to mate with you."
NexusEe. More pink across her cheeks, lips remaining close to his, " I am pleased you want to - I am definitely eager too... especially when you keep saying such sweet things...making my heart flutter - see? moving his hand to her sure he could feel it, there almost between and almost below her breasts.
2K3 Michelangelo: : )
NexusEe.: hehehe Razz
NexusEe.: tooouchies
2K3 Michelangelo Mikey laughed softly. "I can definitely tell." He locked lips with her again, this time his hands roaming over her breasts and around to her back, pulling her closer to him.
NexusEe. Closer to him! her fingers light and finally brushing along the arm to plastron, over the hard surface parting her knees so he could rest her comfortably against him straddling his lap. Her own laughter muffled by the kiss as well as the light moooans at his touch that made her nipples stop weeping milk as they harden a little, her fingers finding edges of his plastron eager to learn what made him moan and groan...
2K3 Michelangelo And churrs! Mikey pulled her over to the fire and resumed kissing her. His hands slid down to her tail and he caressed it gently with fingertips.
2K3 Michelangelo: She can drag him into the water if she wants. ; )
NexusEe.: hehehe they will make there way that way Razz they do love water
NexusEe. Ahhh! he churs and she shudders, purring loudly and quiet suddenly so his fingers causing her scales to become a little more ridged under his touch, enjoying it immensely! moving her own hands lower to that thick tail of his returning that sweet tease he did to her! stroking, caressing thumbs light over the lids. Sounds, her gasps and moan and purrs muffled by the kissing, moving to flick her tongue over his lips lightly seeking deeper kissing.

(( ooc: naughties! : ))

NexusEe.: Malcolm : burps contentedly but stays fast asleep it had been a trying time for the little guy and for the moment the two bigger ones close he was safe and very full of more food than he'd ever eaten in his little life so far so was happy to sleep.

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Post by Mike Sat Dec 28, 2019 1:16 am

A week.

Five days where Erica and he spent many day time hours simply being intimate as possible amongst the sands. Sometimes hewould feel Leo reaching out and unfocused, unpracticed as distracted it was all Mike could to at least be receptive and let his brother know he was alive.

Erica taught him as much as she knew about these desert between moments of rolling about in the sands. What animals were safe to eat, what plants. Where he was most likely to find water and how to travel He knew to head to the capitol and Erica had helped him find a star in the night skys he could use to follow in those hours.

They did find over the next few days another Mikey, Mickey Mike was calling him shorter and chubbier and with the initial on his belt. And two Don's.

One like the Mickey who Mike was calling DonnieBoy and a Donnie, lean and tall.

In various states of dehydration and desert injured. So Erica linger to help him bring them one by one back to another deeper colder watering hole hidden under a rocky outcrop. She wasn't keen to fly off again. She'd wanted to stay Mike had wanted her too. the little turtle napping in his lap, all gold and sparkling in the slowly darkening night sky wanted her to stay. He'd enjoyed the milk bar and playing with her. And she flew now and then with him.

But she had others to look for and Mike was left reluctantly to rehydrate the three turtles, tend to their burns and get as much broth in them as possible. And finally it seemed long lean Donnie would be waking tonight. Yes!

Malcolm too by the wriggling he was doing.

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Post by DonnieBoy Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:57 am




Last thing he recalled was overwhelming heat and being lost. Doing his best but pretty sure he was cooked - he recalled passing out.

Actually he thought he was dead. Flat out dead.

A noise!

He sits up and first thing he sees is a green shape and orange bandana as his vision comes back into focus. " ooooh Mikey thank goo-"


" wait.... your... not... Mikey." sort of staring.

Nope flat out staring.

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Post by MikeyMikey Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:37 am

Movement next to him has sort of pushed him into almost consciousness as well. Uuuuugh... Well, words and a familiar voice saying his name pulls him the rest of the way, it takes a moment to place though. It's so bright, and so hot still that he is not ready to open his eyes. He covers his face with his arm. He only vaguely remembers being lost in seemingly endless sand and heat. He groaned softly.

"Sure, I am, Raph. Uuugh... Who ordered the thin crust, extra crispy...?" Because that's how he feels.

And finally he gets around to opening his eyes, and sitting up.

Not what he expected... Another him!

"Dude..." There is also some staring, and and sort of a vague feeling of knowing this other Mike, but... he's also certain that he doesn't know him. Weird.

He has yet to realize that Donnie is not Raph.

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Post by Mike Mon Feb 17, 2020 6:58 pm

Mike griiiins, " thank goodness! I was beginning to think you guys had been too fried to recover. Hiiiii yes I am a Michelangelo, Mike is fine though and this cute little guy over here - wait no getting up in your faces is Malcolm.,, here I have some food and water... take it slow on both guys and I'll explain things in a moment."

Malcolm had seen the movement sna dwith cheers and giggles bounced out of the water he was swimming about in the pond near them and an all wet ball of golden energy bounced over to the two just up turtles. " Hi hi hi hi hi!" he chirps happily tail wagging as Mike brings over water to the two in hastily made water bags of desert line pelt and some of the cats meat, all dried. But he wasn't going to tell these two that... yet.....

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Post by MikeyMikey Tue Feb 18, 2020 5:46 am

I feel fri— ack! He’s tackled by a little golden bundle of energy, and “Daaaaawwwwwww!!!! Duuuude! You, like toootally have a turtle tot!” Still a bit fried, but the child is definitely a distraction! And he will take it! “Aren’t you just the cutest thing! Yes, you are! Oh yes you are!”

He has noooo idea what Mike said after introducing himself. He is busy greeting the excited child.

And it is during this that he realizes that the turtle next to him isn’t Raph.

“Oh... you’re not Raph, you’re that Donnie that sounds like him. Anyone ever tell you that’s like waaay trippy, Dude? Landed alone in the desert too, huh?”

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Post by Donno Tue Feb 18, 2020 6:30 am

Something is bouncing on him, and he groans softly. It’s too bright, too hot.

D’ow, d’ow, d’ow... Miiiichelaaaangelo... stooooop.” He doesn’t actually know what is bouncing around, he just assumes.

”It’s not me, Dude. Wake up, it’s a tuuurtle tot!”

”Huh?” Oh, his brain felt like it had melted... He’s not actually opening his eyes yet, still too bright!

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Post by Mike Wed Feb 19, 2020 12:44 am

Mike laughs and watches them, " yeah a tott, He's Malcolm and isn't he jus the most handsome little guy ever? can hardly go wrong guessing a Mikey out there somewhere went into making him right?" he grins and is moving closer helping the coming too turtles to sit up straight and offers the water skins to the Donnie first.

" we're all in another dimension guys, called Nexus, a sort of dimension between dimensions annnnd we are not the only turtles here. As you can see different types here." he is patient, finally though they were talking! not that he minded practicing words with the little Malcolm, but it was definitely lonely since Erica left him. And maybe missing the easy affection and mating that struck up between them, oh he was in sooo much trouble with his brothers if they found out -

or maaaybe they'd found their own honey pots?

hahaha who knew?

In any time he waits patiently for Don to drink before sharing it around they had some time before he would be forced to encourage this lot to their collective feet and get moving to follow that one star Erica showed him to follow.

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Post by MikeyMikey Wed Feb 19, 2020 6:18 am

“Dude, like for sure! He enthused! “What other turtle could be part of a little guy this radical?”

And he’s actually listening to Mike this time. Even as he continues to lavish attention on the small golden turtle! And it’s Michelangelo’s turn to make an assumption. He gives the still laying down Donatello a light punch to the arm.

“Like, what did you do this time? Not cool, Bud.”

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Post by Donno Wed Feb 19, 2020 6:38 am

Oh... he just wanted to pass out again. And though he can hear voices that are way too excited for his current state, he’s not really following.

Though he did catch something about dimensions. Before being punched in the arm.  He is still unwilling to uncover his eyes, and the light let in by the punch elicited a soft groan.

“I didn’t do it!” A little more slurred than usual for him, but the words are definitely understandable.

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Post by DonnieBoy Thu Feb 20, 2020 1:00 am

DonnieBoy finally sort of 'switches on' and gaps a little blinking, [color:80b8=#[color=#9933ff]" holy jalopa it isss a mutant turtle tot - obviously a hybrid can't be all turtles... unless there is a universe out there with mixed male and female mutant turtles - and that's possible I guess... stopping his ramblings to eye the two turtles - ohman them again!

Though to be fair he and his brothers and these guys relationships started rocky it did amount to respectful friend ship in the end and he holds up hands encase Mikes blame him this time, " I didn't do it either just encase you were wondering, if I had to hazard a guess it was a summoning spell of some sort, I've felt that ummm sort of frequency and pull before." Again he is rambling and again stops himself, but barely, the rambling is helping him come back to himself faster and regain his senses and the movements. " I am guess you found us and um rehydrated us yes?" to the buff looking Mike busy encouraging the Donnie to drink.

still eyeing the tott curious who was of course soaking up the attention with all the usual enthusiasm of little children. Kid looked in good health, a tad skinny but happy and strong and all bright eyed and skinned. " he not yours then?" to the Mike wonderingly.

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Post by Mike Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:02 am

Mike laughs as Malcolm's tail is going crazy and wagging like made his little backside with it - nuzzling Mikey back and giggling.

" riiiight kiddo is adorable! and that grin is classic Michelangelo. Annnnd no technically not mine but damned if I haven't gotten attached to the shorty. Alsooo mmm hmmm, though I wasn't alone. She, Erica, a totally sexy dragon gal helped me find you guys and brings yous here to this watering hole to recover." he adjusts the pelt shelter above them to give the turtles more shade. " though the slowly giving yous water and brother indeed was all me - hehehe feel a little less thin fried crispy pizza?" he asks of thegroup as a hole reaching for another water skin and giving it to DonnieBoy, waiting for Donnie to drink before giving it to Mikey to sip at. " she had to fly on to find other turtles .... though I wanted her to stay... still she might be back soonish." he grins at them all watching them and realising he maybe was too excitable for three recovering turtles, especially the Dons it seemed, but unable to help it excited they were coming around!

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Post by Donno Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:15 am

Excited Michelangelo is definitely too much at the moment! Also blathering Donnie is too much at the moment. He is used to crazy talkative turtles though, and if he felt better could probably give this Mike a run for his money! But as it is...

He’s sort of batting away whoever is near him with the arm that isn’t over his eyes. This is worse than that time Dregg drained their lifeforce energy...

Last edited by 80sDonatello on Thu Feb 20, 2020 1:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by MikeyMikey Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:00 am

“We missed the dragon gal? That’s like a total bummer, Dude.

And the kid was cool! He is more than content to play with the little guy a bit longer! He tickles the little guy’s side. Though he is listening to the others.

“Whatever, man. He’s like a total gold turtle! Even if he’s only half turtle, he’s all awesome!”

He grins as Mike continues his pizza analogy.

”Like, for sure. Thanks, man.” He did feel a but better now that he was moving, and had the added distraction of the turtle tot! He is concerned that his Donatello isn’t sitting up yet though. And he nudges him again.

“Hey,come on, Bud. You know the drill. He’s just giving you water.”

The other turtle groaned and struggled into a sitting position, finally attempting to accept the water.

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Post by Mike Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:10 am

Mike eeeps and moves to help poor Donnie, a snigger at DonnieBoy. " Yeah yeah smarty pants calm down and drink, here have a light snack you all, light cause Erica says after soo long down yous might not be able to handle too much food all at once," he distributes some good white meat among them and flat bread.

A chuckle as Malcolm giggles and wriggled and glitters in the sunset light, gleaming, and big grins and gets some meat too to chew on! mmmm!

" yeah a dragon girl, she called herself a damonfuer and she had white like a pearl sort of scales... she'll be back or see us when we find our brothers - we'll all heading towards the capitol. And totally sexy as." his talking moderates to a slower pace and gentler tone as he watches his companions and their new food.

DonnieBoy has himself a drink... or um a collection of slow sips as Mike insisted they start with, take it easy! and he guessed he was right, he feels his skin, " huh.... I don't feel as burned, I am guessing I owe thanks for that too... thanks for saving my tail - and all our tails, and the water and food Mike nods at the thanks.

" yes the gal showed me some desert survival tips, including some plants to use for their gel to sooth burns," Mike is proud he retained most of the teaschings! He is offering a bit with Donnie just making sure he's okay.

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Post by Donno Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:46 pm

He's barely processing what Mike is saying, but he is getting it, and that's a step forward! Once Donnie is sitting, he accepts some of the water. He's not quiiiite ready for the food just yet, but the water is a welcome relief.

"Capitol...? How far do we have to go through this desert?"  He's starting to get it together, now that he's had a sip of water, but he's still struggling. "Reptiles like warmth, but this is ridiculous. His words are slower than usual. Slightly slurred still, though the water did help.

"Yeah, thanks." And he means it, though at the moment he's definitely not feeling great.

He frowns. There's something...

"Do you guys feel that?"

Was that... Raph? Donnie is trying not to lean on Mike, but... he's pretty sure that he's doing it anyway. Whatever Raph is doing... or part of. There's another presence there too, though he's not sure who it is. Whatever Raph is doing, it feels cool. Refreshing. And he relaxes into the contact.

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Post by MikeyMikey Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:55 pm

"Like, how long were we down? And yeah, Man, thanks for saving our shells." He asked. Curious. Now that the child is more content, he's starting to feel a little more of the past week or so. Still, he is definitely more awake and active than Donnie is. He does accept the water, and the food!

"Dude! Pearly, sexy dragon? That's like... toootally radical, man. Can't waaaiiit to meet her."

And he does manage to obey the keep it slow rule, though he is absolutely disinclined to do so!

"Dude... is that Raph? When did he get all astral or whatever?" Though there was probably someone else with him? Like Donnie, he can tell that there's someone else there, but he can't quite pinpoint the presence.

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Post by Mike Sun Feb 23, 2020 1:30 am

Mike grins. " Well I can't say for sure but I think yous might have been down for several days, probably a couple in the sun before we found yous though to be fair each of yous had instinctively found the measliest bits of shade that yous could find, and then yous all have been here at this watering hole most the last two days. Erica had said to be patient and not expect to travel when yous wake, fist regain you apetites and besure yous are all pissing healthier then we follow the biggest brighters star across the night sky. No day time travelling, rest during the hottest part of the day and try to keep these rocky hills and out croppings in sight cause out further one way is all actual desert and the other more beach ocean." he explains to the two Dons and his fellow Mike beaming at the small happy boy.

" when Erica and I rescused him from some locals and a sand lion, he too was dehydrated and burnt and wailing fit to burst - but tell you what he heals quick... we need fire to keep sand lions away - we will hear their asthmatic coughs at when their hunting. When we found you all one at a time thankfully no predators had been at yous so back here to the watering hole and some broth and water. Erica has to search for another group of turtles then take messages around before she comes back to us, if we travel each night until the star vanishes we should she said probably take the better part of a moon cycle to reach the savannah around the capitol. The is some desert tribes though she said one of some might be willing to trade a sand sailor for lion pelts, frogs, any ore we manage to scrap out of the rocky out croppings here and that with the strong desert winds at night will cut the travel down to what we would call a week or week and half depending on wind strength." he is chattering he knows and oooooohs when he feels it too - and smiles, " feels like our brothers...." he says ours feeling a mingling of energies, he'd felt it before, had ignored most the brushings aside from reassurances he was alive mostly because Erica had distracted him - though he will be telling Leo he was distracted by her teaching him so much about the desert. Or as much as she knew in any case. Locals she said would know more.

" mmmm shoulder probably try talking to them..." he adds rubbing Malcolms head, " you stay there Malcolm little bud, stay and be very quiet okay? unless you hear or see a lion then yell." he very slowly talks to the kid making sure he got a nod - even if he suspects the little golden tott only understood half of it.

And smiles at his fellow turtles. " of yous feel yourselves falling asleep instead of meditating don't fight it, it's been a long recovery and a good sleep will help and we aint going no where until I am hundred percent sure you are all hydrated at least and eating meals." he is assuming lotus and actually beginning to poke at the sense of Leo. But he wouldn't fully begin to focus without the others attempting to with him.

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Post by Donno Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:18 pm

When he speaks, his voice changes slightly only for the current sentence, and if you don't blink, you might spot his mask turning red, though the rest of his gear, down to the initial on his belt buckle and his bo, is all the same.

"Actual desert? What's surrounding us here then?"In fact... he sounds a lot like the other Donnie...

And once again, the mask is purple. When he speaks again, his voice is normal. While listening to Mike's explanation, he sips at the water.

"Is a 'moon cycle' here about a month like on Earth?" Because a month?! That's a long walk. Especially in the desert! And he wants to object, but there does seem to possibly be another option. Hopefully they'll be able to take advantage of that. He's accepting the water, but the food takes just a little too much energy at the moment.

Whatever Raph and... whoever is helping him have done, it allows Donnie to sit up more fully and he looks a little confused at what Mike is doing. Really?

"Talk to them?"

Aw man, is he getting ready to meditate. Uuuuuugh. Donnie shares a look with his Michelangelo, then both shrug. Fine. They'll play. What are they doing? For now, he follows along with Mike.

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Post by MikeyMikey Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:27 pm

Mickey is happily chewing on the food offered as he listens to Mike talk. "Not bad. Be better as a pizza topping though."

"Sand Sailer? That sounds like... totally tubular! Yes, hopefully they can find one of those. That sounds way better than walking through the desert for a month.

And if Michelangelo noticed what happened with his bud, there's no sign of it. He's completely nonplussed. It's almost unlikely that he did notice anything happened.

When the other Mike starts getting ready to meditate, he shares a look with his Donatello and shrugs before settling down as well.

"So... we're like... really gonna do this, huh?" His tone is definitely dubious. This really isn't his thing... Alright. Well... Sure. He can do this... probably.

It's just staring at the inside of your eyelids until you fall asleep, right?

But as soon as he relaxes and starts to slow his breathing...

"'Whoa, dude... that's a lot of turtles...'

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Post by Mike Mon Feb 24, 2020 1:55 am

DonnieBoy moans a little in relief as strength seems to fill every corner of his still a bit burnt body, and sniffs the air a little and makes a rough guess a little weirded out that the Donnie with him echoed his brothers tone. " I'd hazard a guess this region is more a coastal plain or plateau of sorts." He is feeling clearer in the head and, " I think I can smell a little bit of salt in the air."

Mikey is grinning a little and feels the others join him.... even the Donnie boy two after a moment, he nods, ' yes please lets try getting a sand sailor... and I can make soooort of pizza's out here... uh will explain in a moment and I recall.... Erica saying something like that about it being the end of the coastal area lining the - whoooooa you are not wrong... Leo! I knew it was you!!!' he is loud and all but pounces on his brothers energy the spiritual feel of his big brother, [i]' Leo! the damonfeuer you sent, she found me... saved my tail out here in the desert, saved the little guys too... and helped me save these other turtles.... thanks maaaaaan.'

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Post by Donno Mon Feb 24, 2020 4:22 pm

"If that's the case, then yes... let's stay out of the real desert. This is hot and miserable enough."

"Yeah, Dude. Definitely a total bummer."

Donnie's a little put out that his question about moon cycles wasn't answered, but it does seem that Mike is distracted by getting to talk to his brother. And he'll just have to ask again later. And if he keeps an eye on the sky for a few nights, he can probably figure it out on his own.

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Post by Leo Mon Feb 24, 2020 4:48 pm

Leo 'catches' Mike's spirit self. At least enough to not be plowed.

"Good to hear, Mike. I'm glad you and the other turtles that got sent there are all safe. He 'hugs' his brother.  "You're the last group to check in with us. We've done this a few times. You're being safe, right?" Suuuubtle. Easy to miss, but he knows darned well why Mike didn't respond to some of the previous contacts.

"I knew you didn't do this on your own, Raph!" Donnie commented to his brother.

"No way, Man. But I know how to use my resources!"

"And o' course it's a Leo. Looks like an intense one too, like the little guy we met that other time. But these dudes are big."

Raph laughed. He couldn't help himself. "You think they're big?? You should see the other Leonardo and Raphael with us!"

"...Not sure I want to, Dude." Michelangelo looked somewhat dubious.

"Eh, Big Red's a puppy." Raph laughed.

And it was Leo's turn to interject. "There's something wrong with you..."

"HA! You know it. Giant, violent puppy. Just glad he's on our side."

"...Okay, I"ll give you that." Leo then turned his attention back to his brother.

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Post by Mike Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:23 pm

DonnieBoy is aware the question got skipped and pats his fellow Don's astral shoulder, " We'll re ask that question when he is not so distracted." he was sort of hanging back though and listening to the chatter. A bit of a smile, maybe brushing against this unknown Leo like feeling and wondering if this own had any news about his own brothers, surely they were somewhere in this world if he was.

Mikey grins at Leo enjoy the 'hug' and tightening it, loving the feel, and then his aura became a little nervous and maybe a little blushie as he ventures, " I'm sorry Leo... up until now I haven't had a... um real moment of mostly no distractions to reach back out to you, at first Erica stayed with us and was... teaching me... us to survive the desert and then helping to find the others..." maybe fishing a little to see just how much Leo knew about what he had been up to before he tries pretending he hadn't been. " as safe as we can be out here indeed... wow just how big are these turtles?" curiously and tryign to feel out Raphie and Don -

And a little pleased that he picked up Raph easy enough... the Don trying to use his limited practice at this to judge how they were doing.

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Post by Leo Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:41 am

”Yes... I noticed.” Leo commented a bit cryptically of Mikey’s distractions. “Yes... survival...” He is sure Erica did teach Mike to surviv, but yes, Big Brother knows what you were doing. Though he doesn’t seem mad about it.

He chuckled at the question and the big guys. “Oh... six feet and change, and I am pretty sure the big Raph here weighs twice what I do.”[\i]

Leo feels Mike searching for Raph and Don.

”Raph’s busy, don’t disturb him. Don’s okay now though.” Don is less annoyed than earlier, and still has that slight shimmer from Liam’s actions. He’s still easily recognizable, but it would be different from the last time Mike reached out to Don.

Leo also caught the brush from DonnieBoy.

“Your Mikey is with my Don, their Leo and the big guys’ Donatello. They’re safe and well. As is your Leo. Your Raph was captured and drugged with Big Mike. And your Leo and my Raph are currently trying to get them back.”

Last edited by Leonardo2003 on Tue Feb 25, 2020 6:10 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Donno Tue Feb 25, 2020 6:07 am

Donnie shakes off the assist from the other Donatello. “And even if we don’t, I’m sure we’ll be able to figure it out over the next couple days.” He just doesn’t like being ignored!

There is some more banter between the trio, and Donnie is the first to drop out, falling asleep again instead of meditating.

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Post by DonnieBoy Wed Feb 26, 2020 12:27 am

DonnieBoy accepts the pull back from his assistance, but he is not too worried, and equally a tad put out by Mikey but he is sure the answer will be got out of this Mike one way or another!

And his attention is diverted and he is listening intently to this Leo and smiling fondly at the intense comment, ' As my Leo would comment, someone has to keep us bozo's inline.' a grin at the Leo with them and he lets the feeling of mingled relief and a tad worry for Raph just be his entire aura for a bit but on the whole reassured Lee and Leo's brother would retrieve the two. He ffels himself starting to drift a little though he is trying to hang on -

though this makes Leo's Mike a tad serious than any Mike had the right to look and he reaches over to brush lightly against DonnieBoy, ' if you need to sleep dude, sleeeeeeeeeep the Leo's will do this again some time and you and these guys have all just woken up from dehydration and sever sun burning, even for turtles... so just rest if you need to. Not entirely putting off the conversation he supposed was about to happen with Leo precisely but sort of as well - and well these turtles didn't need to know he'd been banging the help just yet. Something he'd rather share among his own brothers first then brag about further. Annnnd to be honest he wasn't sure he should brag what if Ee didn't like that? - he'll ask big bro what he thinks first.

He wasn't going to make his fellow Mikey drop off though, when he was ready to - a grin at Leo, ' Sorry bro - there was an awful lot to learn about desert living.' maybe a bit of a 'chat privately' or 'next time' thing. Especially as he didn't seem to be picking up angry vibes from Leo... actually he's not entirely sure of all the vibes...

DonnieBoy smiles a bit his aura fading a bit. ' Alright... thanks Leo - I... it does make me feel better -' beginning to let himself drift off.

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Post by Leo Wed Feb 26, 2020 11:47 am

Leo chuckled at the comment from DonnieBoy. ”Well, I’m going to have to trust you guys to manage. Like Mike said, we do this when we get a chance.”

He offered a little silent reassurance that the captured turtles would be okay. He doesn’t know that for sure, but he’s trusting in Raph and Lee to get the job done.

He acknowledged what Mikey was saying, and sort of hangs around, offering a ”You’re welcome. to DonnieBoy and smiling slightly as Raph’s Mike dropped off to sleep and Raph faded back into the background. Leo then turned to his brother.

“You’ve done really well here, Mikey.” He pauses briefly. “Even if you did boink the dragon. Just be safe about that, okay?” Oh yeah, he knew. And yes, that’s all he’s got on the subject. “I have a feeling they’re going to need you to take care of them.” Words he never thought he’d say to Mike! But he believes in his brother.

Another pause, he doesn’t really know how much longer he’s going to get.

”You need to know... the toddlers are evidently half dragon. I don’t know what kind. Don said the one with him has wings under his shell. And some sort of healing power in his blood.” And Mike might be able to read from Leo’s contact that at least for awhile, Don was too ill for Leo to find. ”Between that and the whole Genio Innocuo revered and hunted thing... They’re incredibly valuable to the wrong parties. And he said something about them being from a lab. And they’ve definitely been mistreated.”

He chuckled.

”If you don’t protect that kid, Don miiight actually kill you for it.”

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Post by Mike Thu Feb 27, 2020 1:34 am

Mikey feels his companions dropping away, but he also feels the rumble of sort of the big turtles, their churring... and feels the brush of his Don and Raph even if both were too busy right now, don's was specially comforting cause even though he had been distracted, and maybe a bit because of it he'd sensed Don had been... absent or faded hugely during other sessions.

He grins at Leo, ' I trust Ee, but yes been trying to be as safe as we can be out here. Man didn't think I would find anything better than pizza and or orange crush - so wrong - I want to brag about it, because if you guys haven't discovered the almost addictive actively of being close like that to some one I am the first and it's sooo cooooool - but not sure if Ee would like that. I mean probably best to be a kiss and not tell guy right?' he wonders.

Then, he listens to Leo and smiles, ' I'll take good care of them bro, Ee showed me how to treat the terrible sun burns and the dehydration and food... and knew the little guy was even more special than I could have imagined - no need to worry on that front I will guard the little guy with my life man... and double so because he looks like some one made him out of pure gold, Ee warned me his color would attract beings even more to him, even more than just being genio innocuo - and I think I'll keep the dragon half thing to just this group of turtles.' he promises Leo moving closer to the spiritual feel of his brother just to bask in the familiarity and comfort and offer some of his own sensing Leo missed them all so terribly much.

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Post by Leo Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:54 am

Leo listened patiently to Mikey’s rambling that sounds like a Mikey version of what he’s already heard from the larger turtles with him. “So I’m told...” He sort of trailed off there opting not to say anything else on the matter unless confronted.

He then considered the question about bragging. “Probably best not to...” Though Leo had a feeling the small dragon probably wouldn’t mind. She might even be thrilled that a genio innocuo thought her amazing enough to brag about. Still, Leo wouldn’t be Leo if he didn’t at least try to quell Mikey’s tendency to brag.

He smiled slightly as Mikey explained what he had done so far. and the warnings he had received. “It should definitely be kept under wraps as much as possible. You’re doing great, Mike. You really are.

As Mikey’s energy moved closer, Leo couldn’t help it, and he caught his brother up in the astral equivalent of a hug.

Sure, his traveling companions were nice enough, but Leo missed his own brothers terribly. Unlike some of the other groups, the presence of the counterparts does little to ease the ache of missing his brothers. In fact, Raphael and Leonardo at least having each other... almost makes it worse. Though having Addy and Duncan helps some.

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Mike Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:55 am

Annnnnd of course Mikey has to confront - a little, " ya not thinking of living a little on the wild side bro whilst here? I mean I know we're probably going to be fighting for our lives, our interdimensional brothers lives and our new babies lives... but whoever told you what I told ya is definitely onto something." he is 'hugging' his brother for all he is worth and even in astral form that's serious business.

A Mikey bear hug is all encompassing always and he was an easily affectionate guy, something Ee enjoyed to no end and Mike enjoyed lavishing on her. Malcolm too copped it and seemed to really thrive off the snuggling and nuzzling and churring and games, even ones where Mike is trying to teach him new words.

Fart was probably not an impressive word for a kid to learn but heck it was funny.

there is a melty factor to his hug too, " dawwwww bro - thanks... I will keep trying Leo, I don't want to make our interdimensional brothers sad by loosing some of our other interdimensional brothers here int he desert.... oooh on that note I should be on guard cause the desert lions here are massive." but he lingers cause he senses Leo needs this - and trusts the little boy he can sense snuggling into MikeyMikey as the counterpart rests would start making scared sounds if he hears a desert cat.

' the biiig turtles have a lot of... energy..." he adds randomly feeling the contact, enjoying the boost to the contact to Raphie and Don. " if you get in touch with don first bro tell him I'll protect the little golden turtle. Malcolm... his name is Malcolm and he is the most adorable mini Mikey in all the universes I swear." very openly fond of the toddler.

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Ff9f8d10

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Leo Fri Feb 28, 2020 4:53 am

Leo sort of nods at Mike's words. He's allowing himself to just... soak up that Mikey bear hug. It's going to hurt when he has to break this connection, and Mikey needs to get back to the others. Leo knows he can't keep him. Look at Mike being all leader-responsible... Leo's actually really proud of his brother. He doesn't say it exactly, but Mike can probably feel it.

"Yes... energy for... all sorts of... 'activities'." Mike can probably figure out where Leo's been hearing about the wonders of sex.

"I know you will, Mikey. And I'll tell him. Duncan is with me, and Don has definitely adopted Liam."

There's one more moment in the 'hug' and Leo backs off, sighs and gets ready to head back to his own physical world. There's a moment's hesitation before he speaks again. "I love you, Mike." Because Mike would be the one to be open to this sort of statement. Even from Leo. "I'll let you get back to the others now. I know they need you." And Leo starts to fade, slowly, somewhat reluctantly releasing the connection.

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Mike Sat Feb 29, 2020 12:30 am

A little bit of amusement and a last squeeze, "just try to have yourself a little fun when you can big bro... It's good for you." not specifically of course sex wise just enjoy the journey.

And he is emboldened and pleased and warmed by the pride relishing lavishing Leo in spectrally brother love, spreading some to those touches of Raph and Don he can feel as the connection starts to fade. "Love you too bro, so much. See you at the Capitol."

Yep so Leo was assured Erica gave Mikey the message.... Not just massages he won't ever forget.

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Ff9f8d10

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Leo Sat Feb 29, 2020 5:56 am

Leo smiles slightly at Mikey telling him to have some fun. Of course Mike would tell him that. It's so very like his brother to worry about something like that.

There's a sad smile and a soft, faded "See you at the capitol."

Yes, Leo does appreciate the confirmation that Erica had passed on her message. He had trusted her to do so, especially after she had already given it to Don's group, and Leo did know that Mike had needed to learn how to survive the desert.

Leo can only hope that the lessons learned between the play times had been enough to get Mike and the others through.

But hey, Mike had a way of coming through against the odds. Leo knew it was partially that Mike played more of a fool than he really was. And he can only trust that his brother's ability to smash those odds would continue. Leo leaves that lingering sense of hope and trust in his brother as he fades out completely.

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by Doragonkame Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:21 pm

Malcolm warbles out a soft sort of worried sound, crawlingover the three sleeping turtles to Mike's lap and tapping the plastron insistently, brining him back demanding attention in the way Mike's were known to do, and little mikeys litke himself! his tail wagging when there is a churr from his big fave turtle and hopping a little in excitement waiting for those eyes to open and find him! find him!!

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine Byssig10

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