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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Mike Mon Mar 02, 2020 12:24 am

Mikey is linger, taking in the warmth and the connection and marvelling at the rumbling he could feel... he pressed against them a bit, sort of a tentative hug to the massive presences felt, to that smaller but there Raph a silent 'take care of my big bro' because sometimes it was easy to forget the Leo was a youth like them too, that he needed to have some one watch his shell like his brothers did, but he was alone at the moment without them.... Like Mike was!

but something was demanding his attention away, and he was being called back, back to - hah! his eyes open to find the little boy wiggling about in his can't sit still way his frog friend and pet under the rim of his shell croaking contentedly, and once he sees Mike's attention is his he squeaks happily standing on Mike and nuzzling and churring and nuzzling at him! oooooh sooo cute... " shhhhhh shhh lil guy I know... sorry had to talk to my bros - shhhh now... our friends need to sleep a bit alright? They are recovering now.... come on help DaddyMike get some gel on their burns and water in the trenches around them to keep them hydrated and healing yeah? then you can nap and we'll rest with them." he grins a bit the kid would be mostly a hinderance but it was cute and would help the little guy not worry and keep him in Mike's view as they worked to make sure their companions would be very hydrated and soothed skin feeling.

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by MikeyMikey Mon Mar 02, 2020 3:34 pm

Michelangelo doesn't know how long he's been asleep, but he's definitely aware that his burns have been tended to again, and the water in the trenches is pleasant. Still, he could use something to drink, and is definitely ready to eat again!

He had been hoping that it had all been a nasty dream, but it seemed that it was not. They were definitely still out in the desert.

"Major bummer, Dude. I was hoping the whole desert thing was a bad dream."

He sits up a bit carefully, but doesn't feel too bad. Nah, he's ready to at least be awake for awhile.

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Doragonkame Tue Mar 03, 2020 1:00 am

Mike chuckles and moves closer, he and Malcolm had been just watching, chilling and listening, or more of Mike had, Malcolm playing in the waters with his pet frog, the pair looking over at MikeyMikey sitting up and speaking, Malcolm gathering his amphibian friend up and moving closer to the now awake and he recalled very friendly turtle from before!

" Froooog!... name Frooog. he says proudly.

Mike holds out a water skin, it'd spent the hours filled and just cooling in the watering holes water so it would be cool and refreshing, he then holds out a hollowed out goop plant frond filled with bits of bird meats and desert tubers. " sadly noooo, but it's not all bad man - the sunbathing here when in small doses is quiet awesome and watering holes like this so dang cool.... especially for us turtles. The rest not so good." And grin at the little boy

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Byssig10

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by MikeyMikey Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:03 pm

MikeyMikey grins at the small child and his greeting. "That is a wicked awesome frog, Micro Dude.

He accepts the food "Thanks, Man." and chuckles at Mike's attempt to raise his spirits.

"I am all for soaking up some rays, Man, but... I think I may have already gotten enough for at least the next five years. You know?"

He takes a moment to actually poke at the items on the frond. It's not pizza, and while that's definitely disappointing, he also fully realizes... you know... desert.

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Post by Mike Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:21 pm

A snort and snigger and Mike is adding more to the frond shoving it gently towards MikeyMikey, " agreeeeeeeeed, Erica did say though we shoulder travel along these outy out crops as much as possible because there are other watering holes int hem like this one and thus shade and only travel at night, sleep as much as we can during the hottest part of the days. Eat a little man, as much as you can and drink." Gently conjoling. " is nooot pizza but still all pretty tasty."

Malcolm is soooo very happy nodding, his little gold tail wagging. And he puts his froggy friend on his shoulder, it crawls leaving a wet streak to it's fave spot to hide, under the top lip of his golden shell and croaks contently.

Well Mike assumed so the critter had yet to hop away.

" I don't think we are moving tonight but hopefully you guys are all up for a bit of a stretch and walk tomorrow night."

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by MikeyMikey Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:46 am

Careful what you wish for... this Michelangelo could probably give DonnieBoy’s Mikey a run for his money. At least regarding quantity of food consumed. He does have some limits as to quality that the other Mikey lacks!

He nods at the information and does start to eat his food. He glances down at the two still resting turtles. He’s worried about his own bud there, he hadn’t seemed fully awake earlier. But it’s the other purple wearing turtle that he gestures to.

“Pretty sure that one needs it more, Dude. Even on a good day...”  Scrawny guy...

He continues to work his way through his meal for a moment before commenting again.

“I could walk,” He admitted. “Pretty sure those dudes can’t yet though...” Yeah, he’s worried about them.

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Doragonkame Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:45 pm

Mike grins and moves closer to the other two turtles and scrapes away more sand from under them so more of the cool water would contact more of their skin, slowly he didn't want to shock them nodding to MikeyMikey, " I bet this kids Mikey been eating all his pizza by the looks of it. And nah I don't think their ready yet, but ....." he brushes a light damp cool hand over foreheads, and along the places Don had once commented on their bodies was a good indication of things being wrong... soft shells or discoloured greyish skin, with flaky scales and hums a little. Though that could be down to the sun burn so he looks careful into the nostrils for the color there and shrugs. " from what I can see... and know cause I am no Don sadly and the two were have here are out for the moment... they are... fine? just tired... but Erica did leave me some pepper up potion. If their not showing more improvement in a hour or so I might slip them a mouthful each and see if that help spruce them up a little." because they were very remote and miles away from any local knowledge and help and even Erica's was very sparse to just what she knows from having flown over the desert.

Malcolm sees what Mike is doing and his tail wags he moves forward to scrap away some sand too - cause it was fun! and he could splash and giggle and play in the water! beaming at MikeyMikey - sitting in some of his water and holding up hands expectantly towards Mike... making a soft sound.

A snigger, " fiiiine but you already ate guts..." fondly giving the boy a frond of his own and some meat to chew.

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Byssig10

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by MikeyMikey Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:48 pm

"Hey, that's what Mikey's do, right?" Michelangelo chuckled of the idea of one of their counterparts eating all of DonnieBoy's pizza.  "Met these dudes once before, and like, you're probably not far off." He is continuing to make his way through the food and drink he'd been offered. Not as quick as he would usually be, but he is getting there. And the conversation probably helps him to slow down a bit too.

Probably for the best anyway.

"That'd be like, totally tubular, Dude. I'd feel better if they'd wake up... Because if they don't, that'd be like major bad news that I waaayy don't want to explain to Leonardo."

He watches as the child bounds over and begs for more food.

"You are like, awesomely radical, MicroDude. Definitely a Michelangelo tot!" No other turtle tot would be that hungry!

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Post by Doragonkame Wed Mar 04, 2020 5:44 pm

Mike grins at the tot in pride, " noooo doubt huh? all that glittering gold and that grin - definitely a Mikey kiddo... and your right about not wanting to tell Leo bad news... and even worse we have four Leo's! I don't know much about that guys Leo or other brothers... what they like?" he points at loooong DonnieBoy who is thankfully starting to wriggle and move a tad showing he might at least be beginning to wake finally!

He shifts closer to offer a hand, smiling at the way Malcolm beams at MikeyMikey and his little toes wriggling in the water and sand he offers a piece of his meat to the bigger turtle. " my brother says this little guy and his brothers are half dragon half mutant turtle... and that I have to be daddy.... like dragon … as in wings... though I don't see any! or fire thank goodness..." huh maybe he should tell Erica sure fine next time when they chit chat about sex in the sand and her wish for eggs. And not just any -

the eggs of the might Battle Nexus Champion genio innocuo!

well he'll ponder it more before she returns. Especially the fact his brothers might strangle him for saying yes...

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Byssig10

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by MikeyMikey Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:41 pm

"Four Leo's!" Michelangelo faked falling over, shocked and horrified. He chuckled and sat back up to answer the question about Tall Donnie's brothers. "Dude! His Leo is intense! Like crazy so! Tried giving us this extra training. It was like mondo bizarro stuff, dude. Kinda violent... His Raph more so." Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it seemed to be the only way they survived. And it didn't really bother him personally. He was a go with the flow kind of guy!

"Half dragon?" He grinned. "That's like way wicked! Wings... How's he have wings? Like... there's a total shell in the way..." He looked at the kid for a moment before back up to Mike. "Whatdya mean 'hafta' be Dad?"

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Post by Doragonkame Thu Mar 05, 2020 2:36 am

Mike echoes the over dramatic faint at the four Leo's thing, making Malcom giggle all the harder looking between the two of them and he is soooo entertained he happy squeals as their back up. Mike chuckling, at the descriptions, " oooooh soooo my Leo... greeeeaaat.... and by the descriptions my Leo gave the forth Leo is a Hulk.... daaaamn...."

And he is shrugging a bit, " well that's what Leo mentioned... I can't see it either - ummmm..." he moves closer keeping an eye on the lean DonnieBoy and Donnie of MikeyMikey looking eagerly for signs he was returning to them too.

Annnnd he strokes the little guys shell puzzling and glancing at MikeyMikey at his question, " well myyyy Leo says my Don has absolutely adopted this little gold nugget's brother. And I promised to take care of him - and I do adore the shorty." and then there was the dragon gal... but he keeps that to himself for the moment because he'd not been swayed on that either way and she wasn't pressuring him.

Malcolm hoooos cutely.

Donnie boy is sitting up slooowly... eyes opening... coming too - and reaching into his belt for his coffee... in a thermos - siiiiiip!

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Byssig10

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by MikeyMikey Thu Mar 05, 2020 12:16 pm

”So... like, all we gotta do is make it through this totally huuuge desert with a toddler. So we don’t gotta deal with crazy intense, angry, hulk Leos! Piece of pizza!”

He considered Mike’s words regarding the toddler. “Separating them would be a major bummer. Alright, Dad it is then, huh?” He chuckled at the cute little guy.

MikeyMikey then watched as the lean DonnieBoy sat up, produced a thermos out of nowhere, and took a sip. ”Dude, like... wheeeerrrreeee did you pull that out of?”

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by DonnieBoy Thu Mar 05, 2020 12:47 pm

Donnie boy blinks blearily but this time he was waking up fully and smiles at Mikey Mikey, " my belt has magic pockets.... pizza guys? he puts his thermos down and reaches into his belt again and yep pulls out a pizza the scent wafting, he hopes it or the coffee smells will rouse his fellow Donatello.

"wow needed that nap... Not sure I feel a hundred percent yet but.... better." and yep he had not imaged the toddler from before and he is careful to hold the pizza box with its hit fresh and aromatic contents out because if Mikey's swiped he didn't wanna be in the way!!

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Mike Thu Mar 05, 2020 12:58 pm

" a total piece of pizza hahaha we're Mikey's we got dis." he laughs and well definitely hopes they had this!

"precisely, with my Leo doting on a tot called Duncan and Don wrapped about a wee Liam's fingers from what I can tell, and maybe a Raphie out there with another brother I am more than happy to step up to the plate and be daddy, uh not exactly how I was thinking of agreeing to get kids but heck it's a start right?" he laughs and is pleased to see DonnieBoy up watching and not interested in the coffee he can smell - "Got anything soda like in those magic pockets? - PIzZA!?!" and oh boy did he swipe to lift the lid and mmmmmmmmmm siiiiigh over the delicious scent that flooded not wafted now the lid was up.

He totally accepted magic pockets right of the cuff... Cause you know pizza! And even though he wanted to stuff as much is as possible he was a dad now... So he rips a piece up for Malcolm first waving to cool it and place it in his frond. " the food of champions golden boy. " to the unsure but eager looking tott stroking his little shell again.

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by MikeyMikey Thu Mar 05, 2020 4:56 pm

"Exactamundo, Dude!" MikeyMikey laughed. They definitely had this! Probably... He hoped...

He is grinning at the magic pockets that apparently contain Pizza! "Pizza! Count me in!" He nudges his lightly stirring bud. "Better wake up, Dude, or you're not gonna get aaannnyyyy!"

MikeyMikey peers into the box, and regardless of what it is, takes a slice! Oh yeah!

"Dude, you got any like... anchovies and jelly bean?"

He quickly eats his slice and sort of watches his Donnie struggling to wake up.  Then he takes a second slice and waves it under Donnie's nose.

"Wakey Wakey, Dude. Pizza Time!"

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Donno Thu Mar 05, 2020 5:01 pm

Donnie's oblivion is being disturbed by a glorious smell... And that is one smell he absolutely cannot ignore...

Especially when it's being waved in his face like this. Finally... FINALLY he manages to pry his eyes open and look up at his Michelangelo.

Bad idea! Waaaayyy too bright, he covers his fave with his arm for a moment and groans softly, turning slightly to at least sort of face away from the sun and attempt sitting up. Because... he will definitely get up for pizza! He's sort of confused by the bit of water around him. It's pleasant, just... seems out of place, and though he sort of vaguely remembers a conversation earlier, he's not quite awake yet.

The brain is definitely taking a little while to boot up, so to speak.

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by Mike Thu Mar 05, 2020 7:19 pm

DonnieBoy is chuckling and waving a hand, " this is not my first extra Mikey rodeos I know to be stocked with food and drinks annnnnd fun things to do." he chuckles finally feeling more himself and - watching what Mike is doing to the kid. " annnnnd there is loads in there. Wow... I really am in the desert -"

Mike grins and thumbs up at MikeyMikey of course they had this, he is relieved and glad to see the second Don waking and that there is interest in food - and drinks. That was a good sign Erica had said an apetite is a sign of a healthy body. Maybe? or maybe he hoped that cause he was always hungry and didn't have magic pockets and still learning desert craft so Erica had to hunt for him and Malcolm. Huh like a lion. He tries not to be too proud about that and tickles the boys shell again - watching and going googly eye when the little guy finally braves a bite -

and of course falls in love with Pizza!

Malcolm's eyes go rooound and he is chewing and marvelling and showing the big turtles around him this - to him - magical wonderful indescribale food - happy toddler garbling for a moment to himself. Chuff Chuff - his shell clicking and opening.

" ahhhhhhh! I broke the toddler!" Mike panics.

Mkaing DonnieBoy spalsh a bit cause he started in shock and felll into his own rehydration trench - and is now spluttering on coffee and pizza.

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Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Empty Re: Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine

Post by MikeyMikey Fri Mar 06, 2020 7:38 am

“Dude! Like, Magic Pockets to the rescue. At least someone is prepared!” Because it sure isn’t Michelangelo himself! Or his own Donnie.

But they only have normal pockets.

”Exactamundo, Dude. What more could you want? Sand! Sun! And that’s about it...”

He is grinning at the child as the kid tries his first pizza! That’s awesome! And gapes as the Malcolm’s shell opens!

“Dude! Like... what did you just do?”


Donnie had opened his eyes just in time for the toddler’s shell to open, and he’s just... staring. Pretty sure this has to either be a straaaaange dream, or a wacky hallucination. He’s not sure which scenario is preferable...


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Post by DonnieBoy Fri Mar 06, 2020 3:21 pm

Mike is laughing and he gently catches the small toddler up in a snuggle " ooooh you are soooo danged cuuuuute and soooo dang pretty !! hah actual wings!!" he is churring and resettles the churring waggy tail pizza chomping toddler back in the water and gently opens the wings out wider, funny without his shell the kid looked far much more scrawny and lean and his tail was clearly gonna be longer when he is older... ooooh dear Mike was gonna have to make sure he got as much fattening food as possible, he was too lean for a toddler. " it's soooo cooooool - LEo did say he is half dragon but now... I can really see it... hah check it out Dons doesn't that spark your inner nerds?" he grins at the Dons and his own counterpart.

Donnieboy knows at once what a fellow him is thinking and he gulps a little reaching forward to stroke one of the golden patterned wings and draws back, " oooooh mmmmmmmy he is soooo very reaaaaaaal - and yesssss I refuse to be caught short again and my Leo is always making sure we are more prepared than boy scouts for any adventure." He is still blinking and almost misses Mike ask him how to get magic pockets so he can carry around pizzas - and he chuckles Donnie and MikeyMikey would know who he was talking about but he keeps his explanation short in any case. Or as short as possible that is. " There is a Karai in my world, she and my Leo have a genuine witch of a girlfriend, her name is Shinigami, and she enchanted mine and my brothers belts as a gift for mutation day last to be... well literally mini portable weightless, time and space suspended spaces to put ... stuff. Quiet impressive magic really."

He is reaching again tracing the fine bones int he totss wing. " woooooow his bones must be sort of hollow like birds wings..." he marvels and yep is beginning to geek out wishing he had MetalHeads Scanner to get a full body work up of the kid.

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Post by MikeyMikey Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:49 pm

Kid is... skinny, skinny! It's really obvious with the wings unfolded like that! He pulls out another slice of pizza and sets it on the kid's frond plate.

"That is like totally dragon turtle! And he's like... really skinny." MikeyMikey comments as he puts the pizza down for the kid.

He then pulls out a second slice and waves it around in front of his Donnie's face.

"Come on, Dude, gotta eat something. Kid's like... totally real. So stop staring like that. You're like... totally freaking me out, man."

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Post by Donno Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:51 pm

Donnie batted the piece of pizza away from his face. Not necessarily because he didn't want it, but... he didn't really need it in his left eyeball...

He groaned and carefully sat up, holding his head. Searching for water first. He finds one of the skins and manages to get a couple sips. His head is still throbbing, and he looks blearily at the others for a moment before settling on the child with its wings again.

"Where'd he... come from?"

Nnnnnn... talking hurts... He takes another sip of the water and puts his head in his hands.

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Post by Doragonkame Sat Mar 07, 2020 4:26 pm

Mike shrugs a bit " Not sure where he came from only that he was here when I got here, as lost as I was and wailing blue murder - my Leo diiid mention Don said they haven't had the best start in life," a brief look of fury crossed Mikes face, he rarely felt anger, and fury was even more a rare thing - but it was there and he has to look away to compose himself, after a moment he is back and bubbly again - and its all hidden from Malcolm whom is delighted at the second piece of pizza.

So much so he moves and parks himself in MikeyMikey's lap and points happily at it - and begins eating it... and the plant frond plate.

Mike manages a soft grin, ' I guess malnutrition was part of that earlier up bringing and until now I haven't had exactly fattening foods to give him... I hope you have a lot in those magic pockets of yours DonnieBoy."

Said skinny turtle was watching his counterpart with concern, nodding a bit. " first thing I do is make sure I have lots of food, never know when one might be stuck with super hungry Mikeys right?" teasing the two here and chuckling.

" riiiiight no kidding - well I'll be making sure this little cutie eats loads, annnnnnd you might like to try some pepper up potion Donnie? might help ease some of the ouchies." He offers.

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Byssig10

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Post by MikeyMikey Sat Mar 07, 2020 6:36 pm

Michelangelo sees the look cross his counterpart's face, and noting that it had been kept away from the child, he doesn't pry. At least not for now. Not while the child is awake. And speaking of the child that has made it into his lap...

"Whoa there, MicroDude! If you eat your plate, we can't put more pizza on it!"

He laughs at the teasing from the skinny DonnieBoy and takes another piece of pizza himself! Just for that comment! And well... It's pizza!

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Post by Donno Sat Mar 07, 2020 6:37 pm

Donnie had heard the answer to his question, but after that, he sort of fades out on the conversation. He isn't really listening to the conversation. He's sort of barely there.  Mike offering the Pepper Up Potion does draw his attention, however.

And really at this point? Donnie is ready to try anything. He accepts the sip of the offered liquid. The sensation is sort of a strange combination of warming and cooling. The warming, taking care of some internal aches, the cooling taking care of some of the overheating he's suffered since arriving.


He also drinks a little more of the water, and starts to slowly work his way through a piece of pizza.

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Post by Doragonkame Sun Mar 08, 2020 4:25 pm

Malcolm is giggling and munching happily - nothing will be left, frond plate, the crust... Though he offers Frog a piece of ham.

Mike laughs and shrugs, plenty more where they came from I picked loads and threw them in the water there to keep coolish because I had no idea how bad you guys were burned." the gestures to the water behind them nestled under the out droppings of rock. " Erica said the water comes from underground and in places like this seeps up to the surface, what is under shade stays in thick pools, this one is about waist deep on me in in the deepest part in closer to the rocks. And most attract wild desert lifer and nomads to come drink so we can swim and play and drink but some time should move on to the next one. Just no peeing in there and don't let Malcolm.... Though he is doing real good at loo training."

DonnieBoy is still eagerly measuring and checking out the wings, though he is curious about the pepper up potion too and whilst feeling the edges of the scutes of Malcolm's shell feeling the grooves that would make the click sound when they opened and closed he watches Donnie concerned hoping the stuff helped. [color=#8B008B]"how does it feel.... that stuff?"[/colorm nodding to the potion

Malcolm giggles when the frogs tongue snaps the meat off his finger - his mouth bulging with crust now.

Mike looks up at Sky it was not time to make Malcolm sleep yet, but soon. Snooze and get an idea how well his companions are feeling before deciding if they should move or not tonight.

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Post by Donno Sun Mar 08, 2020 5:17 pm

He's a little more alert, actually paying some attention to the conversation. Not complete attention, mind, but... some. Which is more present than he had been. He is at least tracking speakers. And he follows the conversation as his own Michelangelo responds to Mike.

"Good thing, too... Because MicroDude is a hungry, growing little guy!"

Donnie isn't sure, but Michelangelo might have slipped the kid another slice. Also he hasn't quite caught up on what exactly was picked and kept in the water, or why it relates to the child being hungry, but... things are starting to click. And he tracks the conversation back to Mike as he starts explaining the pools. And oh! That part even made sense! He could follow that!  This is definitely a step in the right direction. He takes another bite of his pizza. Taking his time with it.

He looks over as his own counterpart asks him a question. And it takes him a moment longer than usual to formulate a response.

"It's... weird..." And yes, he's aware that the other turtle is expecting more than that. "It's a good weird though. Sort of warm and cool at the same time. Warming on aches and pains, cooling on the burning and overheating... and my head isn't hurting quite as badly anymore, so there's that."

He's only half way through his piece of pizza, and he doesn't really want anymore at the moment... But he knows that would panic his bud. He takes a drink of the water, and goes back to his food. Slowly. Taking his time. It looks and sounds like the others are feeling better than he is... They look ready to travel tonight, and all he wants to do is curl back up in the water.

But they need to move, and so he does the only thing he can at the moment to see if he can get it together for tonight. He keeps eating his slice of pizza.

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Post by Doragonkame Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:48 pm

Mike laughs a bit and nods, " He'll be an forever hungry little guy, he is after all a Mikey huh?" laughing at that, and well one thing about being in the desert and so very active during the days with the girl was he was indeed very hungry all the time, so it was great to have DonnieBoy reveal his hidden secret. But Mike had to remind himself that they had to be cautious and try to ration themselves as much as possible until out of the desert. Hopefully by then Erica has come back. He grins at the Dons.

" don't rush things on my account guys I want to get moving but if your not up to it we'll stay and soak and swim and relax a bit, I don't want to make any of yous more sick by making yous move too soon." he reassurres.

DonnieBoy was feeling good... but he and MikeyMikey and Donnie had all just recovered, his instinct was to allow them some recover time. " A bit of a soak after the air and sun frying does sound good... how do you know where we are going?" asking and maybe encouraging his counterpart to try his question again from before if he recalled it since they had Mike's attention. Mostly. The kid and MikeyMikey were certainly distracting.

Mike points at the slowly darkening sky, " Erica showed me the brightest star, as long as we follow that at night until it is lost to sight we'll be going the right way, and as long as we stick sort of close to these rocky out cropping we should be able to find water and some food."

Mlacolm was oooo full... he was becoming sleepy! burping contentedly and chewing on a piece of crust but definitely getting drowsy.

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Post by Donno Mon Mar 09, 2020 3:37 pm

Donnie doesn't really look up from his pizza as the conversation going on around him. He's listening though. He's a Donnie. He can multitask. The majority of his focus is on actually eating his food though.

"I gotta admit... I could sure use another day..." He finally finished his slice of pizza. He took another sip of water and curled up in the small water pool again, once more putting his arm over his eyes.

"Hope by lost from sight, you mean 'the sun came up'..." It's mostly muttered, but he says it all the same because following a moving star would be walking in circles... He's a bit worried about that. Especially since at least in his world, the North Star isn't the brightest one.

"Also... 'moon cycle'... that still a month?" He'll interact, but it's still too bright. And he does recall the question he had asked. Which is a good sign. And something he probably couldn't have done before having that bit of the Pepper Up Potion.

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Post by MikeyMikey Mon Mar 09, 2020 3:54 pm

"Like, for sure!" MikeyMikey agreed with the statement that the child would be forever hungry! "That definitely seems to be a universal trait." At least with the Michelangelos he's met before! And this Mike seems to share the trait! Though he doesn't seem to be having any issues modulating himself at the moment.

And MikeyMikey will do the same.  Disappointing though it may be.

As the conversation continues, he's sort of keeping a worried eye on his bud. Guy only ate one slice of pizza! One! That's like... DEFCON 1 Problemos as far as Michelangelo is concerned! Michelangelo has often been known to eat an entire pizza (Or... you know, 14 of them) by himself!

Then again, Donatello doesn't ever eat as much as Michelangelo does. Really, none of his buds do. So... he probably shouldn't panic. And his bud did eat something. So there's that. Yeah... he probably shouldn't hold the dude to his standards.

And he chuckles at the sleepy, still munching child. He rubs the little head.

"Daawww... I think MicroDude's about had it for the day."

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Post by DonnieBoy Tue Mar 10, 2020 1:22 am

A laugh and nod at MikeyMikey, [coilor=#FF8C00]" some one has to be the super hunger food disposal unit of the family."[/color] teasing himself and MikeyMikey and chuckling giving Malcolm a little poke int he belly, very lightly, " ya need to pee first before napping little dude.. remember?" maybe leaving it open ended for MikeyMikey to take up the challenge of loo breaking the sleepy little guy. " he has become very good at potty time." encase the guy was worried he'd have to teach him, nah he and Erica got all over that when they realised the shorty hadn't had much training before landing here.

Another moment Mike was angry.

Another moment of hiding it away from the toddler and a immediate distraction that helped, he smiled at Donnie and scrapes away more sand so the water around him is deeper and then begins to lightly poke him and shift him to lay on his plastron in the pool, as long as his head is above the water line and it would be Mikey wanted him to get as good as rest as he could, " then we will stay the night and rest as much as we can all tomorrow too and see how yous are all feeling then. And as far as I know the months are about the same as ours... maybe a few days more." a rough estimate but best he had.

DonnieBoy is smiling, his counterpart at least ate something. And he had a feeling Mike might be on watch more often then not as they rest, like now Mike is shifting the hastily built pelt shade to cover Donnie completely, but especially his eyes. And Donnie is eager to go pee and then join his counterpart in there for some more zzz's because he was feeling better but boy did he need more?!

Malcolm yawwwwwwwwn - holding his pizza crust and almost asleep under MikeyMikey's touch but Mike's soft prod does make him blink and his tail stops wagging becoming stiff. " peeeeeeee pweaaase?" yep nooow remembered and was quiet ready.

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Post by MikeyMikey Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:44 pm

MikeyMikey chuckled at the food disposal unit. That was definitely a Michelangelo specialty! Even if it did occasionally make Master Splinter and his buds put him on a diet... Worth it.

He then looked at the child at Mike's informing them that Malcolm was good at potty time! And the child asking to potty... Daaaawwwwww!!! He couldn't handle it!

"So... you're an old pro at this, huh, MicroDude?" Michelangelo asked. "Think you could show me how it's done?" He stands the boy up and will follow the kid to... wherever Mike has been having him use as a toilet.

He definitely caught the anger that his counterpart appeared to be hiding from the child, and he wonders about it. But he will ask later...when the child is asleep. If Mike is taking pains to hide the anger, he has to have a reason. And MikeyMikey will respect that.

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Post by Doragonkame Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:21 pm

Malcolm missed the angry cues from his fave big turtle - he is giggling and nodding and slowly standing. gesturing eagerly for MikeyMikey to follow him.

Mike smiles, " remember little dude just over there... sorry MikeyMikey have to stay in ear and sight shot and where we can see you guys and the surrounds, the desert cats are massive and stalk about this time of day and about dawn time. "

So yeah little privacy would be afforded any of them here. Not that it matter to Malcolm he drags MikeyMikey with him once on his feet over to a clear spot of desert shrubs away from the water. And he kicks sand at the shrubs first.

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Post by DonnieBoy Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:22 am

DonnieBoy is smiling, well he knew from personal experiences and no doubt they all did that Michelangelo's often came through in a crisis and often surprisingly so. Though he is watching his counterpart and maybe finally eating some pizza a bit disrtractedly making sure his fellow turtle is comfortable and glad their staying a bit longer just to rest up.

And to Donnie, " Not quiet the certain response I was hoping for in monthly time fram ebut a answer." a tad amused no doubt when he's rest up some his counterpart and he will piece together the month time frame especially if their forced to walk the desert in it. He hopes they find a sand sailor.

He nods a little at Mikes insistence they stay close even when bathrooming. Well.... when you have grown with four brothers you sort of learn to be flexible in that area, especially if one is a Mikey and just barges in to join in no matter what level of bathrooming you were currently in the middle of. Raphie too had a habit of joining a turtle at the pee pot, but only in dire circumstances. And Leo even more rarely so, usually when sick and otherwise unable to hold on.

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Post by MikeyMikey Thu Mar 12, 2020 8:36 am

Michelangelo chuckled. He doesn’t mind a lack if privacy. Not one bit!

“No problemo, Dude. We’ll stay close. Just... away from the water.”

He grinned as he let the child pull him along.

“Great, Micro Dude! Anyone ever show you how to write your name?”

He started doing just that!

“Good thing I really gotta go, you got a lot of letters. Your rehydrating pools really worked. M. A. L. C. O. L. M. There ya go, Malcolm!

He paused as it all disappeared quickly, evaporating, or soaking into the sand.

“Well... was your name. Too bad it disappeared so fast.”

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Post by Donno Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:36 am

Donnie is quite content to just lay in the puddle, or whatever they’re calling this right now with his arm over his eyes. Something for the headache would be greeaaat, but he’s not really holding out hope for that, and water and rest will take care of it hopefully soon.

As his counterpart speaks, he chuckles softly and gets some more water.

“Michelangelo is a lot of things. Concerned about the accuracy of his temporal measurements is not one of them.” He smiled slightly, and laid back down putting his arm back over his eyes. “And I suspect it’s a universal trait.”

He looked over, squinting against the bright, as Michelangelo taught Malcolm to spell.

“And here you thought this wasn’t an educational program.”

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Post by Doragonkame Sat Mar 14, 2020 3:31 am

What MikeyMikey just did made Malcolms mouth hang open, made the little guy whoooooooooooooooooa in shock and gap and he points at the now dry sand, " was Malllcolm? meeee?" amazed - nope he'd not been taught to write or spell yet, says things and potty and be alert for big bad kitties sure. So this amazing thiiing was mind blowing for his tiny mind!

Mike sniggers watching the two and the horizon and listening as hard as he could around them, " I think it would be Donnie, though maybe there is a smarty pants Michelangelo out there... somewhere, maybe one landed here?" thoughtfully smiling at the guy and giving him a nudge, " rest your face up under the shade of the pelt I got here man..."

Donnieboy sniggers and dunks his bandana - once Donnie moves he'll help get the cool cloth around the back of his head to ease what looked like a head ache, " It's perhaps possible in the multiverse but the advent of one of them landing here is ... less probable... we were probably brought here through whatever means because our parallel universes vibrate close enough together. Like there has been crossover and or some things in one world the same or present in another. just sort of guessing from what he understood of the difference between his worlds physics and Dimension X's.

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Post by MikeyMikey Sat Mar 14, 2020 4:53 pm

Michelangelo laughed. "For sure, MicroDude! You're Malcolm, aren't you?" He then picked up the tot and carried him back to the others.

He plopped back down near the others, not really thinking much of the little guy not recognizing his name. Michelangelo hasn't really been around many kids this age. Most were older. Except Tribble... Though the Telekinetic Neutrino baby had been decidedly younger than Malcolm.

Chuckling as he joins in the conversation.

"A brainy Michelangelo? That sounds like, mondo bizarro, Dude." He popped Donnie in the thigh. "And it'd make you, like... totally superfluous, Dude."

When DonnieBoy spoke, he sort of glanced to his own Donnie. Did his bud catch that?

"Uh... like... what's that mean in English, Dude?"

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Post by Donno Sat Mar 14, 2020 5:05 pm

Donnie shifted slightly so his face was more shaded by the pelt. He appreciates the dark!

"Thanks, but the pressure feels good too." He explains away leaving his arm over his eyes. It also cuts out even more light, and he just prefers it. And he grunted softly as his own MikeyMikey popped him in the leg. He didn't bother justifying the comment with a response.

And he listened to what his own counterpart was saying before rolling his eyes at his bud.

It meeeaaaannns, Michelangelo, that whoever brought us here  couldn't really tell the difference between us and what it was trying to catch. So we probably share certain similarities with our counterparts."


Donnie dared peek at his bud for just a moment before recovering his eyes. He's not quite sure if Michelangelo actually got it or not. That particular tone was sometimes hard to tell. He's still not sure, but his head hurts just badly enough that he doesn't really care. If someone wants more explanation, he's sure they'll ask for it. Either that or his counterpart will provide it.

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Post by Doragonkame Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:16 am

" I'mmmm Malcolm! meeeee yesth!" giggles the little guy still amazed by what he was sure was wondrous magic!

He giggles even more once their back among the others and Mike tickles his bridging making him squirm. " and yoooou are meant to go back to sleep now little guy... much growing and exploring to do."

Malcolm grins, not looking tired - or at least trying not too! even adding ' nooooooo sweep!" happily from MikeyMikey's arms and lap.

His Froggy friend croaking.

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Post by DonnieBoy Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:37 am

DonnieBoy chuckles, "Though I find you Mike's have your own intelligence so maybe the reverse would be in a world were there is a brainy Michelangelo." He had so many questions about the kid, though he was also waiting for the cute little guy to rest. He watches his fellow Donatello offering Mike his bandana too to wet, if the weight and pressure was needed maybe a few wet bandanas would provide that?

He is definitely glad they were stationary for a bit longer.

" soooooooooo what else did the dragon girl tell you about this desert and our journey?" he wonders.

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Post by MikeyMikey Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:51 am

"Exactamundo, MicroDude! You are Malcolm, and that was your name!" He poked the child in the belly as Mike reminded them that it really was time for the little guy to go to sleep.

"Well, you heard PapaMike, MicroDude. But I don't know how you can possibly sleep when everything is soooo exciting!" He agrees with the child, but his words are softer, more mellow, and he's settling the little guy in his lap, stroking the little golden head.

He chuckles at DonnieBoy talking about a dimension with a smart Mikey. "Would that mean one has a dopey Donnie out there somewhere." He's pretty sure the gesture he just got from his own Don was a flipping of the bird, but it was well disguised. And he chuckles again, softly. Still stroking that little golden child's head.

He quickly, but silently adds his own bandanna to the pile for Mike to wet. He is worried about his bud after all.

And he turns to listen to Mike's response about what else the dragon girl taught him.

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Post by Donno Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:02 pm

With an arm over his eyes, Donnie know that the others are doing something, but he's not sure what it is. He tightens his own bandanna slightly, and sort of curls up to rest.

He's not sleeping, don't get him wrong, just... not comfortable either. His head still hurts, but... this position isn't so bad. And he's keeping his eyes covered for now. He does want to hear what the others are saying, and is way too curious to fall asleep before the kid does!

At least that is his intention.  He's just resting his eyes. And not entirely paying attention to what the others are doing.

And he did, in fact, flip his bud the bird. But hey, at least Raph's not here. He'd have said something obnoxious like that they already have a dopey Donnie, or are they sure they were meant to have been swept up with the others. Just as well, Don wouldn't be interested in hearing it.

That's okay, his buds wouldn't know true genius if it sat on them.

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Post by Mike Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:49 am

Mike chuckles and moves to dunk the combined bandanas in the water around Donnie and closer again to wring them out so their wet and cool but wont run all over Donnie's face when he shifts the arm long enough to put them there. " There was a bit about not eating spotty frogs ummmm and shake bushes before peeing on them sand snakes taste like bacon - smoked of course."

" there is do not drink cactus juice unless you want to be high as a kite - also when the honet like birds come out at night to crouch among the rocks and stay there, their stings are the worst! Do not eat insects their all gross."

And he is in the mooode - " Also tails make great strooooking for quick excitement." going wide eyed. " wait forget that bit because I shouldn't have told you that..."

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Post by Donno Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:59 pm

The sound Donnie made when Mike moved his arm, wasn't a whine!

It wasn't!

Okay... maybe it was... a little...

But once he realized what the other turtle was doing, there's a soft, muttered "Thanks." Though he does keep his arm over his face. The cool feels nice though, and he shifts the bandannas slightly to adjust where there's more pressure. There's a soft, semi-relieved sigh.

He's still not interested in moving though. But this does feel better.

There are definitely no interruptions from him as Mike repeats what he recalls of Erica's lessons. Bacon huh? He sort of hopes they find some sand snakes! Well... maybe not just yet.

Good to know about the cactus juice and the hornet birds... He'll remember that. Also... Duh, insects are gross! Why would you eat that? Blech!

And there's a soft chuckle as Mike tells more than he had intended. He doesn't say anything though. Just... shifts slightly to a more comfortable position.

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Post by MikeyMikey Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:53 pm

He's still gently stroking that little golden boy's head. Slowly, gently...

"Relax, Bud. Dude's just trying to help." He chuckled softly when Donnie whined.

"Bacon snakes, huh? That'd make a tubular topping for a pizza!" He's grinning, but his voice is quiet, he does have the child in his lap, and he's sort of hoping it will go to sleep!

"Dude, good high or bad high? Because those are like, two totally different things, man." Curious! Not that he'd go drinking the cactus juice trying to get high.

And he stifles most of his laugh at the oversharing, and subsequent asking them to forget that part.

"Sure, man. I probably could... If I wanted to." Which he doesn't! Because that's hilarious! "But you got like two Donnie's here, Dude.  Pretty sure they don't forget anything. I'm not sure they can." Grinning!

"Sorry, Dude. I think you're stuck."

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Post by Doragonkame Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:59 pm

Hehehee he is comfy and watered and fed and giggles, [color:21c6=DAA520]" EEEeea lets me Malcolm has miiilk." he informs MikeyMikey sleepily grinning up at Mike and with Froggy in his arms croaking in a happy sort of way and the forehead strokes he is curling up to sleep beaming cutely.

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Post by DonnieBoy Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:27 pm

And DonnieBoy goes from marking all that information down in his memory and looking thoughtful to a sort of bwhahahah belly laugh, it's short and not loud but oy does it feel good!?

And he thumps the Mike on his shoulder, " very very stuck sorry dude... And I am assuming you didn't mean our tails - because as fellow male turtles we are all very aware of how sensitive tails can be in the right situations and given certain touchings." Oh he is soooo amused and has a sort of cheeky grin in this backing up MikeyMikey in making it clear nope they were not going to forget.

" sooooooo I am guessing you got a little close to the dragon girl huh? well good for you?" half tease, somewhat curious and keeping all chatter low to help he hoped that little boy into sleep, he looked comfortable and happy and dawwww snuggling the froggo.

Mike blushes but is chuckling and melodramatically sighs, " faiiiir pooooint that Donatello's usually have annoying accurate memory."

to which DonnieBoy fakes a gasp of indignation - but its gone a moment later and he shruggs leaning forward to lightly touch his counterparts skin looking for any residual heat that might hint a fever - Mike give him a plant frond and shows him how to peel the thick layer off to access the thick viscous gel like fluid inside and spread it over burn flaking scales and skin. cooooool " it's important to be accurate and come on you opened that can of worms why was you stroking heeeer tail?"

Chuckling, " darn it was hoping you'd fall for that trick and be distracted, and yes I did and we may have fooled around a bit whenever the little guy napped and we had to stay close and not go hunting about for you guys or food.
Sometimes just napped, mostly in water."
thinking of Leo's advice and trying to not go into too much detail,[/color]

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Post by Donno Fri Mar 20, 2020 3:36 pm

There is a slight huffed laugh at the conversation going on around him. It’s really more of a smile and slight huffing of air though, because... well, because pain.

He semi batted away the hands searching for residual heat? But there’s no force behind it. There’s no fever. There is a sliiight churr at the relief from the plant goo. It’s slight, brief. More of a sigh of relief than anything else.

“Annoying accurate memory, and perhaps a touch of hyper focus. What we’re you planning to distract us with? Sand?” The words are quiet, but definitely there. Definitely amused.


Michelangelo is chuckling through the conversation, though he does sort of watch as the other two turtle teens tend to his bud.

He  chuckles as the child tells him about Eea’s milk. “Oh, she does, now does she? Sounds like you are a lucky little guy, MicroDude.” Voice soft, slow... still rubbing that little head.

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Post by Doragonkame Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:02 am

" ooooh she does- even without babies yeee- aaaaalready! and it is sweet thin like skim milk... wait no no I did not have any - he told me." And dammit it he was terrible at trying to keep this to himself?! Probably because he was the sort of turtle who blurted everything out straight away and wore his heart on his non existent most of the time sleeve.

A laugh and first DonnieBoy gently catches those battering hands and squeezing them, a sort of silent shush let me work man! at his counterpart and his hands returning to soothing gel over the skin he hadn't reach yet, especially over the bald head. " yeeeeah a three year old who sounds like he is new to vocabulary told you that - too be fair there is a lot of sand, but no way enough to distract Donnie brains like us." very very amused and truth be told just enjoying the brotherly sense of comradery among this strange group of brothers he found himself in. And a little teasing definitely would help them with the bonding further. " Interesting this dragon girl gives milk - her species might must be this worlds monotremes.... if she had a cloaca that is - a egg laying mammal." and it was fascinating to his reawakening brain.

Mike shrugs blushing and grinning sheepishly that he just sucked and containing himself. " I did ask her the same thing when Malcolm here first met her and worked out very quickly for a little dude whom I assume has never seen a boob in his life figured out what they were for. And yeah she's mentioned she can lay eggs. And calls... um what she is a damonfeuer - like a dragon girl, like she looks like one scales and tail and wings... and cloaca yeah." Reaching over and brushing fingers over the little golden head. Trying to not blush more.

Malcolm grins sleepily nodding, " uh huuuh and les me has sooome I ges full annn sweeee eeee...' drifting off as he talks... and then he is gone glittering and gold and all curled up around his little amphibian friend.

Mike muffles a squuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Werribee Hills. Arid rocky, dune riddled, desert beach terraine - Page 2 Byssig10

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Post by Donno Sat Mar 21, 2020 3:28 pm

"Yeee...?" Donnie is laughing softly at Mike's attempts to keep what happened to himself.

"Yeah, Man. Funny way of saying 'alright.'"

And he actually sort of peeks out from under his arm at saying the barely speaking toddler was able to describe dragon-girl's milk. Oh... mistake, and he covers his eyes once more, but he does stop batting at the hands that are trying to help him. And he can't argue that the gel-like stuff does feel nice.

He's laughing softly as the conversation turns to egg laying mammals and cloaca. "Come on, just spill before you hurt yourself."

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