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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Thu Feb 06, 2020 6:48 pm

Inaba was quickly beginning to not care of Mikey came in. " mmmmm lets do more now..." she giggles and draws him back by gripping the edges of his plastron and drawing him back to her deepening the kissing more and well they could enjoy it until they were forced to get up and out hehehe

Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Nexuss10

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Fri Feb 07, 2020 12:46 pm

Hey, Don is patient, and more than content to be last. Or... forgotten. That's fine too really at this point. He doesn't actually want anything to do with this. It's not stated, and he does his best to keep that to himself. He definitely won't go out of his way to make things difficult for these servants. It's not their fault. But his demeanor throughout this whole process will likely give away his disapproval of the situation.

He chuckles at the excitement over Liam. Though Don also finds the child adorable and can understand the hubbub over the boy, he recognizes that he is probably also somewhat biased at this point. Even if he has only known the child for a week... and he was unconscious for half of that.

Out of this whole mess, there's one shining point at the moment, it's Elena getting a chance to be prettied up. It's her getting a chance to participate in this sort of ceremony. He's genuinely happy for the child.

There's a slight frown at Bebe's story. He sort of feels like it's not unlike Liam's. What dragon traits is the boy going to lose from not having access to that side of his heritage? And that's assuming Don can keep him safe at all. He doesn't dwell on it though. He can't. Now is not the time. Though he does note that Bebe seems to be treating this day as much more of a celebration than Don feels it is.

"I'm glad you were at least able to find a safe haven."

He gives her a slight smile then excuses himself to go rouse Leon and Inaba. It's probably much gentler than Mikey's version of the same would be. Don actually knocks. Then stays on his own side of the door.

"Good morning. Just so you're aware, we do have some 'guests' this morning."

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:29 am

His little tail wagged and he puts his plate down and slips off his chair skipping after Don, yep skipping it was a method of movement he'd observed other children at and tried it - it was fun! though he was a toddler to he was very clumsy at it... but none the less he is skipping, clumsily.

He'd seen knocking before but never tried it himself - and is hesitating not sure if he should... hand changing from a fist to palm flat and back...

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donimoy Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:49 am

Donatello moves into place patiently, and holds out a hand to Elena as she comes over a bit shyly but she grins and takes his hand standing where she is made to and ...

in typical fashion is not able to be completely still.

He watches Don and Bebe thinking over her story and wondering, " that's sad... do you know anything about your magics at all? anything here in the library that might help?" shifting his stance as he is striped off. He didn't like it -

Usually he wouldn't mind really. He'd had his own collection of clients and had been stripped before by curious humans eager to get under his tech and pants to see what made the male mutant. And admittedly he did find it a little exciting even now his tail uncurling from hiding. But he breaths deep and fights the reaction to remain a good boy - and particularly because their children were in the room.

So keeping the subject on Bebe as she buzzes sort of following Don, but not too closely, and after she'd come over following Elena. He assumed she was delighted by the kids which he got, they were very cute.

He manages not to react to the cool touch of the measuring going on and mock glares at Mikey who'd come over to watch the three minions at their task.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:33 am

Don grinned and chuckled softly as Liam skipped over. Goodness, the child was adorable. Maybe they could do some tumbling while the others were being attended to... hmm...

At the boy’s confusion about knocking, Don nodded, giving him a silent ’go ahead.’  He then pantomimed knocking with a closed fist so Liam could match it.

He had a decent idea what Leon and Inaba were up to. The smaller knocking would probably put a quick end to that. Though Don won’t let Liam go in without their okay.

He can hear the question his counterpart asked of Bebe, and was trying not to show that he was listening in for her response.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Sat Feb 08, 2020 4:49 pm

Bebe giggles and follows that little blue genio innocuo! eeee soooo cute - looking back at the tall one, " Weeellllll there miiight be int he restricted section that the maester only has access to but I haven't asked and I... maybe know a little bit... or enough to stir a cup but.... not much more than that." watching Don and Liam as the little boy wags his tail hard and knocks as shown

~ other side of door ~

Inaba and Leon both sit up and gasp, breathless and shivery from the making out and confused for a moment then Inaba realises when the lighter smaller knock comes and she grins, " we're coming out! - Good Morning."

Leon grumbling from between her legs but he was carefull placing her off hima nd getting his limited gear on looking at her as he says, " guests?" and to Don and Liam, " wont be a minute."

Inaba shrugs a bit, " probably a crew of stylists here to get the groom all shiny and clean for his big day." oh boy she wondered how that was going with Elena.

Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Nexuss10

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Mikey Sat Feb 08, 2020 5:22 pm

Mikey still pouty but amused by Liam hurrying off to join Don and the buzzy bebe following them flopped onto one of the soft chairs to watch proceedings of Donatello being prepared, or at this point measured up.

Sniggering a bit when the tail hangs down. Igoring the look he got.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Sat Feb 08, 2020 8:59 pm

There's a soft chuckle and Don looks down at Liam before scooping him up in his arms and snugging the boy close.

"Perfect! Good job, Little Guy." Don praised of the gentle knocking. He then started moving back toward the main part of the suite, closer to where the larger Donatello and Elena were getting their measurements taken. He stops near Bebe and just watches what's going on for now. His reaction to the tail is much more contained than Mikey's was.

"Restricted section...? Why restricted?" Though he's careful to keep his tone curious in this instance, Don has issues with knowledge being hidden from others. A restricted section of a library just seems wrong. What are they trying to hide? And why not offer a book on fae magic to a fae?  Though fair enough if they didn't actually have one. However... there's still the existence of a restricted section that is just weird to Don.

"Well that's something. At least the ability is there, even if the practice has faded over generations..."

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Sun Feb 09, 2020 2:31 am

Inaba and Leon maybe both grin and smooch a bit more as they get on their gear - well more Inaba takes time to get dressed than he does...


Liams happy sound was half a squee and half a giggled churr nuzzling against Don. Probably a good thing his fave turtle had cleared him off as much as possible because he was so snuggly he'd be sharing loads of the post breakfast mess. Curiously eyeing Bebe then the others... then Bebe again from Don's shoulder reaching over to try touching the gossamer fluttering wings that made her buzz as she moves.

Bebe shrugs a little, she'd never really questioned why. " you guys will probably be aloowed back there as Genio Innocuo - and even more so one of you is soon to be married into the family, the rest of us... I guess its a mix of the old records and newer ones being stored there and older more fragile yet to be fixed up books and probably some maester only ones full of potions and other arcane magics." though there was a little wondering in her tone.

Maybe there was some old fae magic buried among the shelves?

Still she smiles at the measuring is finished up and Donatello and Elena encouraged to bath for the next bit, gestures made for Don and Liam to come over and take their turn.

Mikey sniggering delighting it wasn't his turn yet and gleefully he asks. " sounds like we may have to go searching the naughty section right?" yes deliberately renaming it over hearing the chatter

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:00 pm

Don is perfectly content to let Leon and Inaba take their time getting up. It doesn't seem that they're needed immediately anyway. Don's much more interested in keeping an eye on how Elena is treated. These servants are professionals, and he doesn't anticipate a problem, but he's staying close enough that there is definitely a second set of eyes on the situation all the same.

It might not have even looked like he was paying attention to what Liam was doing, but Don gently catches the little hand before it can touch what looks to be delicate wings. He pulls the little hand in and kisses it.

"No, no, Buddy. Don't touch. He keeps his tone gentle. It's guiding, not angry.

He could understand certain records being confidential. He can understand certain books that need repair, or original copies needing to be protected. But they should still be accessible. A copy of the original material made available to those who request it. Regardless of station.

But then he's a turtle who lived in the sewer who accessed all sorts of information he wasn't supposed to. He doesn't do well with things like "You're not allowed that information." And pretty much the only exception to that rule is personal information. Medical records and the like. It's the 'Maester only' idea that irks him. There's a glance to his counterpart that if he's watching, he might be able to read a little defiance. A little bit of... Don wants to see what's back there solely because no one is allowed to.

The noise he makes in response to her answer is noncommittal.

There is a sliiiiight smirk at Mikey's comment. This is Don, not Leo. And Don's acting abilities only go so far. He does, however, try to keep it between himself and Mikey! "Now, now, Mikey. We don't want to be causing trouble."

Oh yes he does want to cause trouble. Oh yes he does want to get into the 'naughty section.'

He just doesn't want the servants to get in trouble for knowing about it.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Leon Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:50 pm

But finally the door clicks open and both pock their heads out. Leon whooooas as he stepsout into the main area followed by the bunny both pretending they did not smell a lot like each other. Though no sex scents so there is that. " wooooow really is like a fairy..." he wonders and eyes her curiously whilst catching Inaba's hand and leading her towards the table to get breakfast before they do much else.

In the day light the fae's green was much more frog green than her night time, and it made her dark round eyes stand out more and the wings barely visible flapped and buzzed and she had long greenish hair.

Other than that the curious being could have passed for a human. Almost.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donimoy Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:24 am

Oooooh Donatello definitely caught the look of defiance as he and Elena are being herded away to be bathed, he grins at Don, also aware his counterpart was keeping an eye on them. Or more precisely Elena.

He appreciates that, and scoops her up hugging her and entering the bathroom - he really really needed to build one of these in the lair... is was doable... problem was he and his brothers might hardly ever leave it they loved a good deep hot soaking.

" Indeeed no causing trouble - maybe there might be some time for shenanigans when the main festivities hit." ooooh he was sooo behind getting into restricted section. If anything because accurate and detailed information might help them help the Daimyo lord dude and set things right. And even improve them, no one argued with Elena coming into the bath with him - and oh.... the Dee of the ratty trio... she begins by cleaning Elena first. And Donatello is watching making sure this Reinigen is gentle with the girl and careful with her in the water.

In fact he miiiight be hovering a little.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:45 am

For the very first time a little bit of 'oh but I wanna' crept over Liam's face, a determined sort of set of his jaw and his other hand actually moved. But it was gone within moments because he didn't want to cause trouble or be in trouble and whilst he could barely recall the humans long ago, they were blurry faced white lab coated people, the zzzz's were harder to let go of -

And even more hard to ignore was the kiss! the look had melted into a grin and he giggles and both hands move to catch Don's bandana tails making his clumsy kissy faces back not yet aware he was supposed to be pressing his smooches to skin like dad had!

Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Byssig10

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Elena Martins Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:58 am

Elena was not making it easy! she squirmed and wriggled and when she slipped from hands she swam about in the water!

Donatello catching her easily and she giggles. " I waaaaas wish swiiish wassshin..." she informs.

" I know my little raspberry but we are trying to be good..." he pokes her belly and tickles making her giggle and wriggle and tail lash before handing her back.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:33 am

The stylist are aware their being watch but they were focused! they had to at least be done by lunch!

So now that Donatello and Elena were bathing preparing for shells and plastrons and the childs hard short talons and stubby back spines to be all buffed and made to shine along with special reptile friendly lightly scented oil rubs to make skin shiny.

meanwhile the two stylist remaining and with a gesture at Bebe gently usher Don into the spot where his counterpart had been for his measuring. Bebe taking the tape measure and waiting for Don to put down the adorable little one to begin. She'd missed her wing almost being pulled and thought they were being serious in not breaking into the restricted section. Totally trusting them. " you guys are the best, we... notice you guys don't wear a lot of clothing, that's fine some types don't so the grooms wear and all yous will be light and accessory wear...." eyeing the wilhara curiously, " only ever seen one other wilhara, a warrior called Usagi."

Inaba chuckles at Leon's awe and squeezes his hand - tapping the other one lightly when he had tried to reach over and touch Bebe's wing too! haha! like the kid!

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Mikey Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:38 am

Annnnd that completely innocent face is back, the slightly spaced, empty looking innocent face as Mikey rolls off his bean bag and heads over to join Leon and Inaba - or sort of he really was just pinching a plate of gross looking mint humbug things to munch and of course get a whiff of the two curious.

Returning to his bean bag to watch as Don and Liam are encouraged into place for measuring. " ooooof couuurse not weeee are the best behaved genio innocuo anywhere." only those that had lived with a Mikey could sense the underlying prank master coming alive with the idea of some sort of mischief making.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:03 pm

And that's why the added distraction of the kiss! Though he did notice that brief look of defiance. And... actually... that's probably good for the child. Though Don hopes he won't be truly defiant at the wrong time. Still, distraction worked well this time. He chuckled at the kissy faces that weren't actually touching anything, and pressed his own cheek into Liam's kiss. It was wet... and kind of sticky. Probably something left over from breakfast. Kinda gross... But whatever. He then chuckled again and nuzzled the child before setting him down on the mat where Elena had been.

"Stay nice and still, and let them work, okay?" He's not sure whether to expect a little defiance on this one or not.

As he moves onto the other mat as directed, he's briefly considering the shenanigans they're planning. Don had definitely caught Mikey's intentions, and he's mostly hiding another smirk. He doesn't want to steal anything from the restricted section. Just access the information. Mikey has a phone. That should be helpful. And surely his counterpart has something in his gear that can be used to save some of the information and play back a copy later. It might be easier for Mikey and Don to slip away than for the other Donatello, so Don's going to have to see if he can get his counterpart alone for a moment at some point to ask.

"Thank you, Bebe. We appreciate that." Don, like his brothers, finds clothing to be restrictive. It's nice to hear that he won't have to go into a crowd feeling half tied up.

He gives the fae a slight smile and lets her do what she needs to do. Don is 'very house trained...' and is an exceptionally good boy as she works. Despite how close she may need to get to sensitive areas.

Don chuckles at the familiar name. "Seems everyone knows Usagi."

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Leon Mon Feb 10, 2020 11:46 pm

Leon grumbles a bit cause Mikey took something but whatever he pulls something else closer, what Inaba had, trying out foods his Raph... and probably others would call rabbit food.

Hah... funny.

and mmm wasn't bad with a little of that dressing!

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:13 am

Bebe giggles, she is not aware of sensitive spots, measuring lengths and widths and touch light, Bob was trying to measure Liam - who had ducked behind Don's legs not sure about this. she nawwws and her fluttering buzzing wings still for a change as she kneels to do his legs. Curiously looking up at Don, " Your welcome, I've... been told you guys don't wear a lot. you know Usagi too?... well I don't know him... know of him - warrior and pretty famous in these parts he has helped the Lord before" she explains and peeks around a knee at Liam as she works her way from feet to calves and thighs like her fellows not forcing tail out of hiding if it dropped she'd measure if not she'd leave it alone.

" What was... his mother like?" she wonders smiling at the little guy.

Inaba giggles watching the proceedings and of course Leon beside her kissing his cheek appreciating the effort to enjoy things she did.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Mikey Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:43 am

Mikey grabs his poof and bounces it a few hops closer - making Liam giggle from behind Don's legs - he was avoiding the Reinigen with - ah " put away the pins and you'll find he'll come out..." Mikey grins from his spot watching Don being measured up and his toes wriggle, " eager for my turn..." all innocent but it sure looked nice, the soft fingers all over him!

He is hiding all thoughts of shenanigans. Mostly fairly well behind the little bit of flirting and the then ooooh at the mention of Usagi. " met Usagi mmm hmmm had to take this little brat with him to a temple and not be turned evil or destroyed by a evil dog thang... was a wild ride." not explaining that he meant a different Usagi but knowing Don would pick up on it.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:15 am

It wasn't exactly defiance - he saw the shinies and nopes firmly and though quiet as dad instructs he is not still, scurrying behind the legs and peeking about - his flat baby teeth bared.

A little, the soft grrrrr from him almost like a puppies warnings, blinking at the smiling Bebe distracted from the worried hiding.

ooooh the Reinigen nods and puts the shiny bone pins up and away and waits for the by to come out. Liam hugs Don's leg as he decides whether their all gone or not before stepping over there.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Wed Feb 12, 2020 8:10 am

Don is content to be Liam’s hiding place, and puts a hand on the boy’s head, not to prevent his hiding, but to try and reassure him. He gets it. He knows why Liam is afraid. Don’s not going to let the Reinigen hurt him, and Don is calm and trusting at the moment. Hopefully his ease will help Liam relax as well.

“It’s okay, My Son, they’re not going to hurt you.” He was also about to request the pins be put away as well, but Mikey beat Don to it while he was still focused on Liam.

Don grinned at Mikey’s tale of Usagi. Or at least an Usagi. He sort of vaguely wondered if it was the same one or another version. Usagi seemed to be a much more active presence in the Nexus than Don had realized. Probably a different version.

Usagi is a skilled and honorable warrior. And a very good friend.”

Don goes very still at the question about Liam’s mother. Honestly... he doesn’t know except for her impressive coloring and the warmth Liam had expected and hadn’t encountered upon hatching. Don is also not willing to reveal Liam’s heritage.

He’s back in Liam’s disjointed, unfiltered memories of that damned lab... Though soft and polite, his voice is steely and edge to it and is slightly clipped. It’s not unlike the tone he might use to explain an injury he’s doing his best to treat, and not sure he can. His traveling companions likely know the emotion he’s covering is rage, but it’s locked down, and what exactly he’s covering is probably unclear to anyone that doesn’t know what it actually is.

“That is a topic I would prefer not discuss...”

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Wed Feb 12, 2020 3:27 pm

For Bebe the tone means she could be in trouble, she is back to being a subordinate and nods, " of course, I'm sorry, forgive me, I over stepped.' begging pardon and no retribution, her head hung and being careful to make as miminal contact as she measures up plastron careful to keep no eye contact her wings showing the extra worry she felt their flutter so intense it created a tiny breeze.

Inaba smiles listening to the chatter, " well hopefully wherever he is Usagi is fighting fit." she steers away from the Liam talk for now bringing it back to the famous wilhara finished and offering Leo the last of her bowlful.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:53 pm

There's a slight shudder as Don physically shakes off the emotions and forces Liam's memories aside for the time being. He hadn't meant to make Bebe act like this again! Don doesn't like the social strata here... He sighs.

"No, please. Don't worry about it. It was a fair question. You couldn't have known. It's okay." And he gives her a gentle, reassuring smile. He's not going to take anything out on her, and as far as he's concerned, the 'incident' doesn't leave this room.

There's a brief moment as he considers his next words. They're gentle, slightly sad. He hates Liam's past, though if it were different... Don probably wouldn't have him now. While he's sure he wouldn't be okay if he had to give Liam up now...

He still wishes things had been different. No one deserves what the child has been through. Liam deserved to hatch with that warm, majestic pink and purple dragon to greet him. He deserved to have had his mother, and maybe a father too, there to love him from day one. Not some stranger in the swamp three years later.

Don considers himself to be at best a poor substitute for what Liam should have had, but Don will do absolutely everything within his power to pick up the pieces and help Liam be whole.

"Let's just say that our past is atypical, and through no fault of our own... there is darkness there."

He looks over at Inaba and is grateful for the change of subject.

"I can't believe he doesn't already know. That he isn't already somehow involved. He was there when Draco attacked the last tournament." He's already told his traveling companions this, but he will repeat it anyway for Bebe. It's at least an avenue for a conversation.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:25 pm

She was still mightily contrite about the whole moment and is fiddling with the weird tape measure in her hands mostly done now, still nort quiet meeting Don's eyes and Dee is coming back with a washing and wow his plastron and shell were polished to cleaning greens browns and yellows now Donatello and behind him equally shiny on her little back scaling and clean Elena.

So there is more distraction and she can finally offer a worried sort of smile and try to understand, a nod, " I'm still sorry - I... it wasn't my place to ask." really she should be as quiet as her companions when dealing with the Genio Innocuo! Only directing politely like now as the bigger guy came back with the little Terror. " you and Liam are right to go bathe and be polished up too now." maybe a bit of an unsure smile and finally a brief moment her really large dark round eyes met his and the smile is maybe a little more at ease, especially with the subject shift back to the famous warrior.

" I heard tales of that time, of course the real story is probably more exciting that the rumours I and Bebe here have been subjected to." Inaba's nose wriggles as Leon grin and thanks her slipping the bowl from her hands and finishing, Mikey chuckling and rolling off his seat to bring the empty platter back and find something else to much - though he is pouting a moment later much to Leon and Inaba's amusement as Stuart finished with Liam moves over to take the platter of slimy looking jelly squares with a sort of biscuit base and cream topping. He is steered over to take Liams spot and then it's Leons turn to pout when he is dragged over to be measured up alongside Mikey.

Donatello is lead to the floor again, and Dee sets about rubbing him down with an oil. He looks at the crowd and sees that Don is next with Liam. " been a long time since I've had such a shell scrubbing..." he warns him playfully. He's never looked so shiny or smelled like this, the oil had no particular smell he could scent though it was highlighting his natural musk.

Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Nexuss10

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Mikey Thu Feb 13, 2020 12:11 am

Mikey is still pouting about being forced away from the food! dang it! but his grin grows seeing Donatello, " oooh man I didn't know we could scrub up like that - alright sign me up... how irresistible to the ladies will I be once all shell shined and oiled up?!" a grins watching the still shy again Bebe and Don.

A grin at the little Liam who looks very glad this part was over and excited for bath time. A grin at Don. " looove having my shell scrubbed."

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Leon Thu Feb 13, 2020 12:30 am

Leon was less enthused. " caaaan Inaba do the shell scrubbing bit?" he wonders pulled over to the turtles and Bebe eyeing Donatello and feeling distinctly unsure if he wanted to be soooo shiny and oiled and polished looking. Oh boy.

And very interested in this rabbit man the others mentioned, " sounds like we should scry for the guy and see if we or another of the turtle teams out there could pick him up?" definitely sounded like he could be a handy guy in a tight spot.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Thu Feb 13, 2020 6:39 am

“Please, I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you. And I respect curiosity. I don’t fault you for it. And I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable.”

He sighs and nods as she’s back to business. And there’s a soft response to Inaba. “I don’t know about that. Rumors have a way of blowing up on their own...”

Don smiles as Mikey is relieved of his food and moved to be measured. And almost a chuckle at his counterpart. He is not particularly excited about bath time and the stranger scrubbing his shell. He is definitely not excited about the oil. But he will be still and allow the minion to do his job.

“I like that idea, Leo. Maybe before we set off again. I know he would be helpful.”

He moves to pick up Liam and follow the Reinigen as instructed. Don nuzzles the boy. “See? Now was that so bad?”

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:10 pm

Bebe chews her lip looking uncertain though she does have a billion more questions it feels like even if she'd probably only be able to get out one or two more -

Liam is happy to be picked up - less happy about the Reinigen coming with them and even nuzzling back his tail a waggy he reaches instead for the fae - those wings kept drawing his attention and he sensed... she wanted to come with... " Beeee cooome/" he wonders equally beaming at dad and nuzzling his smaller snout against Don's.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donimoy Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:19 pm

Donatello tries to boost his counterparts enthusiasm with a gentle, " enjoy.... it does feeeeel amazing." if anything because it had! aside from his father and brothers and lately April very few bothered to give their shells the proper scrubbing the deserved sometimes and certainly no one gently buffed until his shell and plastron where smoothed relatively, even the large healed but scarred cracks All polished so a gleamy pale milky gold yellow and greenish brown with patterns hinting that the box turtle beginnings for himself and his brothers. And his bridging two was buffed and shone! he was being dressed now in a sort of toga like fashion, leathery but thin light and supply with almost a matching black to the cloak he would cloak his princess in soon enough. There was a of the shoulder to the waist small cap for the off side to his bo staff and he was glad it was minimal dressing all around and easy enough and light enough to fit over his tech gear as well as easy to tear off if he needed to. Shoes were a no go it turned out but he was made to sit so his feet were given extra oiled protection and care than he'd ever thought to give them in his whole life. So all in all it's an uncomfortable but highly pampering sort of experience and he seriously considers trying to make a habit of it at home. If anything because he is certain this is doing wonders for his over health beneficially speaking.

Dee turns her attention to Elena once the bigger turtle is dressed, lax and still and relaxed, though she knows he is watching out of one eyes and she now turns her attention to the playful little Terror child.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Elena Martins Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:39 pm

Elena skipped half after Dona nd Liam, then back when Mikey oyed her back and skipped back to him and around and around making measuring him and Leon hard - but the Bob had been careful to remember she was not a pet he can rebuke for misbehaviour and so he tolerates it.

Dee draws her over once she is finished with her dad and begins to brush her cut short straight hair and then carefully double braid it loosely and neatly before helping Elena into the simple and light pale green shift that was hers for the ceremony with its small pockets and little belt. Simple but an elegantly styled and cut little tunic almost with a pair of leggings underneath with accommodation for her tail.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Fri Feb 14, 2020 8:44 am

Don nuzzled Liam and whispered softly. “I don’t know, Buddy. It’s up to her. I think I kind of scared her. She doesn’t want to get in trouble, and that’s fair. Even here we’re still different. It’s okay.”

He looks to the larger turtle with a slight, nervous chuckle. He’s still not looking forward to this. Despite the rave review and Mikey’s excitement. “That good, huh?”

He looks to whoever he’s supposed to follow. Poor Stuart(?) is about to be subjected to 20 Questions, whether he answers or not. That is... unless Bebe saves the poor guy.

And 20 Questions Donatello-style never stops at 20. At least not unless it devolves into some sort of science blather. This is especially true when he’s nervous and feels expected to interact with someone. Don’s upbringing has definitely not involved servants, he definitely feels like he’s supposed to interact, even if he shouldn’t. And... he’s about to go have his shell scrubbed by a stranger.

He’s not as nervous as when they were surrounded by servants in the courtyard, but it’s probably not a huge leap.

“Stuart, right?” He’s pretty sure Bob is the one Elena is distracting from his task. And if someone is going to scrub his shell, Don really feels he should at least know that individual’s name!

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Leon Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:22 pm

The Reinigen is nodding and Leon chuckles a little, " come give these guys a hand Stuart, Bebe has those two - whilst Dee and Bob have to deal with - that." He is grinning and pointing at Mikey.

There is a [color:8d3f=0066ff]" heeeeeeeeeeey" which he ignores with a bigger grin and a snigger from the very relaxed looking Donatello on the chair who for all appearances looked asleep but clearly wasn't. Probably watching his daughter or at least listening to her closely.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Mikey Sat Feb 15, 2020 2:54 am

His indignant tone maybe only half authentic, because heeeeeey he was a lot to handle hoping and bouncing on the spot and eagerly asking for shell scrubbies now!

Stuart was lingering seeing if Bebe agreed before changing directions and nodding politely at Don answering with in a low voice in the half bowed position, " yes, sire, I am Stuart."

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Sat Feb 15, 2020 3:22 am

Bebe hesitates.

Her indecision given away by the way she hovered her wings buzzing and the way she went back and forth a little.

In the end it was Liam's sad pout and awwwwwww from Don's shoulder and the " but you no scawwy?" that decided things for her, she was grateful Don didn't want to get her in more trouble, but he didn't seem in a rush to tell her off further or discourage her more. In fact quiet the opposite really. And she was maybe shyly feeling some of her previous curiousity coming back.

So she flutters after them, " thanks Stuart, and Leon's right..." a bit and grins maybe a little nervously at Don and Liam.

The kids happy yay was worth it.


Inaba is giggling and moving closer to look and give the rat people a hand as fae follows Don and Liam away to bathroom, sort of steers. The water there still warm.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Sat Feb 15, 2020 8:12 am

Don cringed at the sire business.

“Please don’t call me that. Just Don is fine. Donnie is better.” And the guy was bowing. Uugh!

“And please stand up. This is entirely unnecessary...”

Don chuckled at Liam’s disappointment, and churrs softly as he snuggles him while the others figured out who was going where.

“Well, I suppose not to you, but to others I can be.” Don admits, as he continues to nuzzle his son. “And if others are scared or worried, we should respect that.” He gave Liam a slight poke to the snout.

When Bebe decided to come with them after all, Don gave her a slight smile. At least he could probably convince her to not call him ’sire’! He’s still not thrilled about this bath idea, but it’s easier to tolerate from at least an acquaintance!

He followed her, and will be fairly compliant. He will remove his own gear through, thanks. And once Liam is down, Don doesn’t let the boy in the water until he’s in himself.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Sat Feb 15, 2020 3:09 pm

And good thing too Liam was still pouting - and churring snuggling Don, into him sloopy kiddy smoochies to those nuzzles, a bit of a grin when he sees it is indeed Bebe coming with them and he yays! tail wagging reaching again for her wing but not in a motion like he was going to grab at it - fingers barely brushing the thin beating air making limbs - giggling when they buffer his finger tips because she is buzzing along behind them and finally that sort of excited and eager grin is back on her face.

And maybe she is not as shy, " your really not made at me?" just to be sure and gently catching the shoulders of the eager little boy who once down of course made a few skips towards the huge tub ready to dive right in head first! " whoooa there lordling, let your daddy make sure its not too hot for you okay?"

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:19 pm

If Bebe hadn't caught Liam's shoulders, Don would have snatched that little shell. As it is, he's probably sort of just appeared there sans his gear, closer to them than he had been a split second ago. The move to catch the boy would have been one of those ninja moves that are long since automatic by now.

"Why would I be mad?" Honest. Genuinely curious. "You couldn't have known." Between that and the subject having been allowed to drop... he just doesn't understand.

He steps into the water. It's probably good for Liam, and he holds his arms out for the boy to jump, even though he's looking to Bebe. He can still easily catch Liam without looking, and he's ready.

"His name is Liam." He gently corrects Bebe on how to address the child. "I'm rather fond of it."

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Sat Feb 15, 2020 6:20 pm

Liam sees the open arms and giggling pulls and is released by Bebe dashing forward and hopping eagerly, trustingly into Don's arms, ' woooooo!" he cheers churring happily.

" because I... think I hurt you - or him... asking..." she offers but as they are in she slips off her little tunic and stops fluttering stepping down into the tub with them.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Sat Feb 15, 2020 6:52 pm

Ooooooh Liam had not seen a nakey female since Erica... so he was a tad curious and pokes at one her boobs to see if there was white stuff there too!

Bebe is not sure what he is doing but catchs the little hand and smiles at Don, ' Liam is a nice name." she nods a brown flush on her greenis cheeks, " and Don too."

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:11 pm

Don laughs as Liam jumps. He catches the boy and gives him a brief spin around in the water. Facing Bebe once more. He shrugs.

"Maybe a little, but it wasn't intentional." He considers what she said for a moment. "You really get in trouble for accidentally asking the wrong question? Even if the question is completely reasonable?"

Shouldn't have been surprised she followed them in, but he is. Though he covers it fairly well. Or thought he did. Apparently not well enough to notice Liam groping her. And... he's... maybe a little mortified by that. When Bebe releases Liam's hand, Don will take it.

"Bebe, I'm so sorry. Liam, you don't touch people without expressed permission..."

Still slightly flustered, mostly because of what Liam just did, he manages to respond the comment about their names.

"Heh... uh... thanks."

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Sun Feb 16, 2020 12:28 am

Liam points at the breasts with his free hand and looks at Don trying to describe what he was doing, " nooo whiseuff...? whiiis - milk! no milk!" making the connection with 'milk' he'd been given to drink a lot around here!

And his waggy tails flops a little and he looks all big eyed at his dad, " no tooou ss... chhh?" practicing the ch sound and looking sad faced, " sorry." to Bebe turning the big blue eyes on her.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Sun Feb 16, 2020 4:11 pm

Why would... Don has to wonder what Liam has been doing while he was ill. Though they had come across Erica, who had milk, and the child had made the connection with milk being for little mousers... And 'Liam and Broffers.'  Ooohhh... It took a moment, but Don put the pieces together.

"Not all girls make milk, Liam. Inaba's a girl. She doesn't make milk. And that's right. You definitely don't check by touching." Don rubbed Liam's shoulder with a thumb as the child apologized. And he glanced up, hoping Bebe would accept the apology, but not aiming to force her to do so in any way. He also is patient about waiting for an answer to his question.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:23 am

Bebe waved away the apology her eyes big and in that awwwwwww expression one got when a kid was being so danged cute. She catches the hand again small but for a toddle large and squeezes. " it's okay I don't mind but your dad is right I am not wet nursing or have any of my own so no milk from me. Maybe when the princess has hers i may have some milk too to wet nurse when she cannot or if she chooses not to."

Most of that went over Liam's head but he nods anyway it didn't seem to be he was in trouble still so he was happy to nuzzle against Don and beam when Bebe called him his dad, tail going crazy, feet splashing water - he points eagerly at it, " baff?" he was well over his fear of big spooky water now....

As long as Don was in it with him!.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Mon Feb 17, 2020 2:30 am

She takes a moment in letting the two relax and finding the buffering items to make Don's and Liam's shells and plastrons shiny. " I... Could get in trouble if I ask the wrong people. Higher ups... without leave to do so. Those that are ranked lower no..."

Wing wet and hanging down her back.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Mon Feb 17, 2020 8:20 am

Don opened his mouth to ask the question that immediately popped into his head at Bebe's explanation to Liam. Then thought better of it, and let it go. He has already found that in the Nexus, Earth rules do not apply. And he does not want her to feel obligated to answer a question she doesn't want to. Especially one not pertinent to their current situation. Instead he looks to Liam.

"Yes, My Son, he liked saying that... "bath. He emphasized the 'th' on the end of the word. Not strictly correcting, just taking care to show the proper sound. And he chuckled at the child's enjoyment.

For a moment he considers Bebe's answer to his question. There's a soft noise that is mostly non-committal. He doesn't strictly approve, but he does know there are times that questioning Master Splinter will only get them in trouble. Leo occasionally, but typically to a lesser extent. And even that is almost strictly confined to Master/Student interactions or in battle.

"What if... I were to... say... question Lord Svengal? ...Hypothetically." Mostly hypothetical, anyway.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Feb 17, 2020 4:52 pm

Bebe moves closer to them both not sure how best to get started on the scrubbing and polishing with Don's arms full of little boy and unawares said little boy was watching her with a curious sort of face.

"you.... are a genio innocuo, you wont be expected to hold your tongue.... Though a little civility because we did give you safety and a place to stay whilst recovery... or at least I think so." she explains then blinks as Liam shifts in Don's arms and is gazing at them both.

Then at himself! Hands touching his decidedly nipple free plastron then Don's and then lower to where if they had one like Bebe a belly button would be.

" ba fthhhh thhhhh ttthhhhhhhhh! baaaaaaa thhhhh!" wondering " daaaad whaaas dem? Whassss dat? no?" at least this time only pointing at the boobs and belly button and then at his own plastron.... Then Don's.

Bebe has to fight a giggle, oooh dear the curiousity of little ones! She eyes Don encase he would rather she explain it to the boy moving closer to them.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Mon Feb 17, 2020 6:26 pm

Don feels like he's been mildly admonished, and... he smiles. Good.

"That much is technically true." It's the in exchange for that he has quibbles with, but he leaves that out for now. "Have I been uncivil to you?" Tone is strictly curious. Because he's pretty sure he's broken several social rules here without realizing it.

And a couple he knew about at the time.

At the moment though, he's more concerned about the ones he had honestly not intended.

And when Liam asks his little question, Don cringes, and it's his turn to flush a brownish color.

"I'm sorry, Bebe... He's... three..." Well... that was... lame. Anyway, Bebe seemed okay with the questioning. He takes a breath and turns to Liam. He can do this... right? It's just an anatomy lesson. Alright. That he can do. Though maybe the more common anatomically correct terms...

"They're breasts, and a belly button." He pokes Liam's chest. "You and I are reptiles. We don't need them. We need our plastrons instead."

Though it might be fun to hear Liam attempt the word 'umbilicus.'

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Feb 17, 2020 7:18 pm

Bebe has to mmmm a little, " of course not, with me - you have been.... incredible... the only person to really treat me as one of them - out of sight of course is the Princess. We grew up together." and she is soft of voice a little shy to admit that out loud... " only thing you have ever done I know of that's out of line is coming to the princesses balcony at night and of course addressing all of us as equals when we showed up. But all of that, even the balcony would be over looked because yous are our honoured guests." revered honoured guests that is.

She blushes with Don, " want me to start on your... plastron? or um - shell?"

And Liam is amazed mouthing the word breasts and pointing at them then belly button woooowing and thinking over this - then he looks a little confused, " whyyyyyy? re e eep t toles has nooo b brrreasss or belly button?" ooooh he was soooo curious.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Mon Feb 17, 2020 8:14 pm

"Oh the balcony thing was definitely out of line. I knew that when I did it, but... well... my options were limited. And I do apologize for that." Don chuckled softly. "And as for the rest? I absolutely do not apologize, and I will do it again."

And he can guarantee that his beginnings are lower than that of any of these servants.

"Honored guests or Genio Innocuo?" Because he's fairly certain it's the latter, and equally certain that these are not the same thing.

He's not really interested in getting either buffed, but well first a gentle correction on turtle anatomy... "Carapace. Plastron on the front and carapace on the back make up our shells." And he could recite chapter and verse, getting into the various shields, but he leaves it at that with an almost physical effort.

And... Liam was asking questions again. "Maybe the carapace..." so he can keep the child entertained a little longer. And speaking of, he had better answer that question before Liam goes about trying to find out for himself!

"Well... We don't need a belly button, or umbilicus, because we don't grow inside our mothers. We hatch from eggs. And as for breasts? Well, we don't need mammary glands either because we can eat regular food right away."

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