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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:33 pm

(( continue from here : ))

He could still see the fortress in the distance tall walled, they still had distance to cover and it looked like Don was slipping a little...

[color=#800080]" I can already see from here the place is large. Inaba said it straddles one of the massiver rivers that feeds into the swamp system... the Finke I think she called it." recalling the word and still chatting lightly.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Dedrse10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:34 pm

Want? No. No he does not 'want' a shell back already! But he takes a moment, and lets the dizziness pass. He pulls himself back together.

"No... Just dizzy, I'm okay." Is he? Don takes another breath. He's pretty sure he can go a little farther. When he looks up again, he's more himself. "I'm okay. At least for awhile." He listens to the idle chatter.

"One of? I wonder how many rivers actually feed the swamp lands. And... I get the feeling we only went through part of them."

Don starts walking again, at least a little while longer. He hates that his counterpart has had to carry him this far already, and will probably have to again. Don would really like to go as far as he can, but he knows it's not much farther.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Tmnt-210

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:37 pm

Donatello bit back a sighed chortle, he understands, and how often did terrible patient Raphael tell him to simply duct tape him up?!

Mind duct tape often adorned Raphael's shell.

He nods and grins a bit. "Inaba said the swamps actually receive a heavy river flooding and some sea water too - and a few smaller rivers span through the region not as big and powerful as the Finke but over flow. This rain may see the flooding again... I feel bad to have left them in it... When we have established help and maybe once I am certain your recovering if there is not a retrieval party for our travel buddies I'll go back and get them, especially cause Liam is with them. Hmmmm on that note when we get there when and if their delighted to see Genio Innocuo please don't correct them Inaba says they should be a friendly to us lot so if your coherent agree and nod like a wingman alright?"

Still light chatter and keeping a close eye on his fellow Don. And reassuring him Liam will be taken care of no matter what.

That was important.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Dedrse10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:18 pm

As Donatello explains that some of the swamp water is sea water, Don just barely licks his top lip. Trying to remember the water there.

Yeah... Sea water would make sense.

Don glances toward the fortress in the distance. He admits quietly.

"That's a big if... but I understand."

He walks on quietly for a short while. Don wishes they could have brought Liam. He wishes they were still together! Dammit! If he'd let his counterpart help him sooner, maybe he wouldn't have been in this situation in the first place. He sighs and folds his arms. He's starting to feel cold. Not quite the fevered overheated and freezing, but definitely chilled. He begins to shiver and stops walking, letting his shoulders sag.

"I should have let you help me sooner." Not that he can change anything now, but... it's out in the universe. He recognizes the mistake. And though still reluctant, he's resigned to being carried. And maybe this way, he won't be completely incoherent when they get there. Or worse, too far gone to make it back.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Tmnt-210

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:10 pm

"a big if buuur we'll play on the Genio Innocuo a bit and I trust Inaba if she is certain."

He grins and waves away the sort of regretful apology, " coulda woulda but we are on it now and that's what matters - and Raphael is worse, his carapace was in tatters once and he said just duct tape it up! - then after I did proceeds to body slam a suv!" nope Don was not the worst patient.

A bit of a grin to keep chatter going stepping closer to Don ready to pull him back across shoulders - shell back might not be an option now... "whose the worst patient of your lot?" trying to keep Don present and coherent for as long as possible.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Dedrse10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:11 am

Don nods at the second reminder to play up the Genio innocuo thing. Part of his wants to insist he's got it, he knows, but... another part is pretty sure he's going to need to hear it a few more times moving forward.

"Body slam an... Just how big IS your Raph?" Because if it had been any of Don's brothers, a moving SUV would have killed them, and a stationary one... would have been an exercise in futility.

He does manage to help get himself up and positioned, but the shivering is getting worse. Don sighs, he can still recognize the next question as one intended to keep him awake and coherent, but he wonders how long that will last.

"I guess that depends on what you mean by 'worst.'  Um... Raph and Leo object to treatment, thinking it's more than they need. I guess I'm the worst when it comes to flat out denial..."

Waiting too long to get help has gotten him kicked in the shell before, and it's happening again. Part of him wishes he could say he's learned his lesson, but... he probably hasn't.

"That's how I got pneumonia as a kid. I was... maybe 5?"

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Tmnt-210

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:00 am

A bit of a chuckle. and nod. " I am my own worst enemy in that regard to, Leonardo is well behaved just sits there and takes it. Mikey milks it hard... big sad eyes at the older brothers and... you know what for huge tough guys they fall for it and bring him drinks and comics... it's those damned blue eyes I swear." He absorbs what Don says about being young and ill. " that must have been a scary time for you, your dad and brothers."

then the other thing nodding, " At last weigh in nearing the two hundred kilos and he's a inche shorter than me, so maybe six foot three inches... mind I did help him in that moment, I slingshot him into the side of the vehicle. It was an awesome shot considering we were shell boarding through snow and the vehicle chasing us."

Watching Don more than the direction they were going if he stumbled or looked unsteady it would be time to scoop him up and set off at a run again.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Dedrse10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Fri Aug 23, 2019 8:33 am

Don laughs softly at the description of a sick Mikey. The laugh is slightly strained.

”Probably... but I don’t really remember much of it.

He laughed softly at the description of the slingshot action and gives a low whistle. His shivering is getting to him, and he stops walking near a tree.

”Wow, and I thought we were cra...zy...

He groans softly and closes his eyes, hand on the tree. And he goes down to a knee.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:10 pm

" your a bunch of mutant turtles crazy is the norm, sometimes good crazy. Can't say we don't have a blast on our adventures most the time.-"

He watches his counterpart and smiles, "ready for a lift?" gentle prodding he did not look good...

And Don assess the distance left to the fortress still a good run but he could make it.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Dedrse10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:27 pm

Don gives a slow nod. If he has any hope of being even vaguely coherent when they get there, he'd better stop now.

He is, however giving slightly mixed messages, because the hand not against the tree is saying 'stop.' At least it does until he puts it on the ground to catch himself. The dizzy spell passes and he starts trying to get back up. He definitely uses the tree to do so. It's pretty much the only reason he's back on his feet at the moment, and he keeps his back on it. He's ready. Just... do whatever you're going to do.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Tmnt-210

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Fri Aug 23, 2019 3:38 pm

Donatello nuzzles Don in a brotherly sort of way and with light churrs and draws the arm over his shoulder and then the rest of Don settling his weight on his shoulders and balancing before he set off again, " wanna tell me one of your craziest adventures." light to try and keep Don coherent and with him as much as he could as he set back off at a steady trott again.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Dedrse10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:43 pm

Oh so much spinning! He manages not to jerk in reflex to the dizziness borne of Donatello sweeping him up over his shoulders. So many angles! He has no idea which way is up. Instead of fighting it, he allows it and is careful not to react to the falling sensation. The larger turtle is jogging again before Don can process the words.

"Craziest. Oh... Probably after we defeated the Shredder... again." Hmm... how many times have they done that... He's lost count... How many more times would they need to... What was he saying? Oh...

"Um...we wound up accidentally transported half way across the galaxy caught in a war between uh... The Federation and Triceratons who both wanted the plans to a teleportal device in a robot's head that we hoped would be able to get us home. We stole a tank, fought in a gladiator arena, escaped, kidnapped the Prime Leader and flew his space cruiser through an asteroid field... and... "
Did he have something else when he had started that sentence? Shredder was actually an alien brain-like creature called 'n utrom. But... most are good. Jus' he's bad..." That probably sounds more disjointed than it is... Though he is starting to slur his words.  He's feverish again, but not quite as hot as earlier, at least not yet, but he cannot control his shivering.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Tmnt-210

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Sat Aug 24, 2019 1:16 am

"Wooooow and you called slingshotting my own brother crazy," slight teasing to keep the Don as clear as he could for as long as he could he could feel beneath his hands the shivering and the rise in skin temperature.

It was rising and he shifted his jog, trying to keep from jarring or jolting the turtle across his shoulders and knowing there was dizziness for sure again.

Listening to the slurring words and smiling, "Utroms sound fascinating. Tell me more about them if you like, what was their technology like?"

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Sat Aug 24, 2019 2:58 am

”into SUV crazy... And Utom... Utroms use a techno organic hybrid. Went into their hive mind once...”

Between the Utrom tech and the Triceratons, Don has plenty of material for semi-coherent mumbling to last a few hours. And should only need an occasional question or reminder to continue said mumbling. Though you may need say his name a few times to get his attention back on occasion. Several stories or parts thereof, will likely be repeated without him realizing it.

He will continue to shiver, and the fever will hold where it is.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Sat Aug 24, 2019 1:12 pm

It was getting worse and the rain started again but Donatello trudged on at his steady jog. He didn't try to rush faster, it would ultimately slow them in the end as it would cause Donatello to need to pause or break for rest and recover breath and maybe stretch cramps out so it was 'quicker' for him to keep their pace steady.

Plus he was able to try and judge the ground ahead at this pace and keep on stablish sort of footing so as not to jostle Don too much.

It would be a close thing to see if he could keep Don talking and somewhat understandably long enough to reach the fortress...

He was curious and glad sometimes for repetitions even if it worried him, and asked more about what the utroms actually looked like remarking - " we had one alien invade our world and Mikey described him as a chewed up piece of gum with a face... not a bad analogy actually. What about utroms? fascinated and glad for the distraction of talk, also the chance to monitor the condition of his sickly companion.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Dedrse10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Sun Sep 15, 2019 11:44 am

And that's how Donatello kept Don barely here the entire jog to the Fortress. He'd found himself at its draw bridge shouting for entry, by then foot sore and weary and fretting as there was a quiet on Don in the last bit of the run. 

It had been hard not to panic as Donatello remembered, barely, to play up the Genio Innocuo aspect and beg for aid, for shelter for the companions back along the track would be wet, weary and travel sore when they got here. Then when granted entry to negotiate for the help Don needed.


Thankfully... it worked...

He got the care for Don he required and he refused to stray from from his counterpart, watching... learning from the old rat Maester that attended to the sickly turtle, helping with the chore of making sure he got the medicin custome made for this ailment caused by the half stagnant water of the swamp and would kill the nasties that lived in it. And Donatello could finally modify his mixture to cover pneumonia. 

And so all they could do was keep dosing, feeding Don with a water and honey mixture and wait.


On the second day after his and Don's coming here the others arrived and their beast was unhitched and cleaned and put with others. Mikey, Leo, Inaba and Liam visited Don that day frequently, but it wasn't until the night they were allowed to spread sleep rolls on the floor like Donatello to remain close.

Liam particularly was over joyed to see Don, if sad his favourite big turtle was unresponsive. He was asleep now splayed on top of Donatello's chest, the tall lean turtle leaning back in a chair beside the bed both close  encase Don woke. The Reinigen Maester said if they had been successful Don might come around tonight or tomorrow, any time longer... - no Don refused to think that.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Dedrse10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Sun Sep 15, 2019 12:49 pm

Vague impressions were the first thing Don noticed. A darker room that he didn't recognize. None of it felt right or familiar. Maybe the bright, but sleeping presence nearby? He sure hadn't fallen asleep here. Where was here? And how did he get here? Memories come slowly, but don't explain anything. The last thing he remembers for sure is Leo wrapping around him in that weird link with... Oh yeah... dozens of other turtles. Which means none of his brothers are here... counterparts though. Liam...? Who's... Oh! And he remembers now... Sort of. He at least remembers his traveling companions. Ugh...

Ow... that hurt. Everything hurt! Mostly his head, but that definitely seemed to be just one of a plethora of problems. The soft groan was probably barely audible, but it was there. A deeper breath, almost a cough and slight shifting. What happened?

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Tmnt-210

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Leon Sun Sep 15, 2019 1:15 pm

He and Inaba were snuggled mostly asleep in the sleeping bags and it wasn't until Donatello called out that Leo sat up and grins, shaking the rabbit girls shoulder, " wake up, Inaba... come on - Don..!" excited. They'd all worried for Don in the trip and whilst waiting here.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Sun Sep 15, 2019 1:46 pm

the elderly Reinigen master shooed them all up, it was just a groan?! it might not mean anything - but he leaned over - he might have looked vaguely like this turtles Master Splinter, though he had white stripes and greying out in his darker grey fur around his snout and ears and they were more round that pointed.

He sniffs and listens and reaches a hand to touch the turtles hand. " Donatello?" voice was older too...

but gentle as he waits for a response.

Inaba squeezed Leo's hand, she was sort of awake her fur and dress clean and her ears up watching. They'd travelled hard to get hear. And She didn't know what Donatello had traded for this treatment but so far they were being treated like the retinue of some baron or lordling, given quarters, fed, bathed and had near everything else seen to no questions asked.

It was definitely a nice change compared to the hard road and the fact they had been chased through the last half by some less savoury types - brigands with no allegiances. just the sort that came out of the wood work during times like this to waylay travellers.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Nexuss10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Sun Sep 15, 2019 2:18 pm

Maybe he had been too excitable when he whispered out harshly for Leonardo- but... he sat up at the sound and cradling the small boy so he wasn't jolted off his plastron he smiles at Leonardo and Inaba as they come closer, looking over and noting the Mikey stirring, blinking those big eyes and finally joining them over here. 

He waits watching Don's face, trying not to be anxious. 

And not reacting to the name, it was a call to the barely moving bedded turtle.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Mikey Sun Sep 15, 2019 2:38 pm

Mikey was last out of his sleep roll and over to the bed avoiding the fluffy old doctor rat man thing, watching Don closely, waiting with the same bated breath as the others.

He had been the one to fight the brigands that tried to take them on the last legs of their race here so had a few injuries of his own, nothing major scrapes and bruises and his left wrist had needed a sling for a couple of days from a bad spraining but was doing better. It was at least out of the sling and not just wrapped.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Sun Sep 15, 2019 2:42 pm

Master Splinter?

He's not sure if he tried to say that aloud or not.

Don tried to open his eyes and succeeded barely, and Nope. Not... What? There's a panicked yelp and jerk and... oh that was the wrong thing to do. His body exploded in pain, particularly his head, as it protested the movement. He's awake though! Cringing. There's another attempt to vomit. Also bad! But he is definitely awake. Though he sort of wishes he weren't.

Once the explosion in his head calms down, and his stomach is no longer trying to empty itself he is still, but tense. Afraid to move, lest the explosion return.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Sun Sep 15, 2019 2:59 pm

It was soft but he heard it, Inaba moves back a little as the Renigen leans over and pats the turtles shoulder, " No I am Maester Luen young one, relax, breath, do not be afraid the pain will go - all of your family is here." he sooths and gives the bunny a rag to wipe a little of the cooling salve over the down Genio Innocuo.

It was a pain reliever that had been rubbed on Mikey's wrist several times and now Inaba moves to do as directed, she hadn't known Don long but hopefully her somewhat familiar smell would help ease him and her voice, " hey Don, its true we're here..." careful to spread the salve over his temples and around the line of his jaw and around ear holes not too much and not near cheeks or lips or eyes or nose as it had a mintish sort of smell.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Nexuss10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Sun Sep 15, 2019 3:15 pm

Donatello leans over when the rat man moves - not to get into Inaba's way but to share the young turtles toddler scent - 

Indeed they were all here.

If only any of them were aware the boy had a means of healing Don up perfectly in his blood.

And swapping the child for the rag he takes it's soothing damp minty smelling ness along Don's pulse along his neck and over shoulders, like Inaba not spreading it everywhere just along prominences and were he was sure blood vessels were to transmit the sooth quicker for the still quiet unwell turtle. " We're in the Reinigen Fortress in the infirmary." words soft and low and glad the elderly rat was blowing out the light too encase that was painful to Don's eyes.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Dedrse10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Sun Sep 15, 2019 3:59 pm

Don frowns a moment at the comment that his family is here. Most of what had been said is just... words. They don't make sense... He's so confused...

He vaguely recognizes the bunny's scent, but is struggling to place Inaba. He's too out of it, and she's too new. He recognizes her... but he doesn't. It's not really the reaction he should have to a family member.

It's not until Donatello leans closer with Liam that Don actually, truly recognizes anyone.


And Don does recognize his counterpart, but it takes a moment. And his statement is just words again. He gets absolutely nothing out of them, other than a sense that it's okay and he's safe here. He finally begins to relax under the gentle application of the salve.

The now darkened room is soothing, and Don struggles to keep his eyes open.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Leon Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:11 pm

Leo smiles a little watching letting Don know he's here too - though it's just a brief touch and the greeting, not wanting to overwhelm him right now. Slipping the boy from Inaba's grasp. " yeah he's here Don, Liam's doing just fine." the boy missed Don terribly and wouldn't go too long without seeing him since they'd reached here.

However he'd played with other children and been fed and washed and literally treated as royalty and all were fascinated by the baby Genio Innocuo.

And asleep as he was right now was quiet and content.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Mikey Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:49 pm

Their not offended or worried Don's disorientated and possibly doesn't recall them all just yet. Even Mikey he bounces and grins when at least Liam is recognised - there is a muffled squeee as the sound of his name makes Liam chirp for the Don - sleepily.

he hangs back quiet watching. Glancing at the rat and Donatello for guidance as to how much noise to make.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:04 pm

Donatello breaths deep, it was a sigh, of relief... according tot he ratman as long as Don showed some signs of recovery now he was at past the crucial hours of recovery window time.

He still wasn't out of the woods but - on the way.

" if you need to sleep Don its okay - do so, we're not going anywhere." none the less Donatello was getting married whenever his counterpart was well enough to attend.

He'd agreed to that... and hadn't thought much on it since, too worried for his fellow Don to. Now he actually had a moment and felt the first twinge of nervousness in his belly. 

He was gonna have to ask Inaba what would be expected of him... if she knew anything about the ceremony.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:15 pm

Inaba lets go of the cloth and the boy and smiles listening to the breathing...

Luen blows out the second last candle leaving the last one near the door glowing for the moment and slowly moves back tot he bed side, but not too close yet letting the group talk quietly.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Nexuss10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:41 pm

Don's eyes search for Liam again. Watching him a moment before drifting shut once more. Even with the minty smelling pain reliever, he's hurting. It took the edge off, but his head is throbbing and everything else aches terribly.

He finally drifts off, falling into a restless sleep.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:18 pm

Donatello watches, concerned, the boy was chirping in a forlorn sad sort of way.

And Don restless...

he'd kept them mostly apart until now because Don had just not been in a good way. And he didn't want to upset the little guy. Now though he reaches over and lightly plucks him from Leo's grap and snugs him for a moment before shifting him onto his plastron and laying him on Don's lower plastron and lap, watching them closely, his impending nuptuals forgotten again and he could see the looks of Inaba and Mikey and Leo and he tries to calm them all with soft words, and a glance at the elderly rat to make sure of it. 

" this is a good sign... he's going to recover..." all the calm confidence and soothing tone he wasn't entirely sure he felt but he was trusting the ratman.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Mikey Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:11 pm

A nod.

He'd been eyeing the Donatello hopefully, waiting for comfort and missed even with the avid gaze the small looks at the Maester.

Now he backs up and moves back to his sleeping roll. And even so was sure he wouldn't sleep again easily if at all.

but he did. And a little less restlessly than he had the first time because he was more relieved!

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Leon Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:25 pm

He is relieved, sorry to let the boy go and hovers for a moment, but, Donatello would keep vigil he knew over the both of them so he smiles, and backs off, moving towards the floor and his roll.

Slowly though tugging lightly on Inaba's hand to bring her with him. And waits for her to get comfortable before he relaxes entirely.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:41 pm

Once Liam is on his lap, Don sleeps soundly. Truly resting. The healing energy from his brother aids him, but the honest sleep allows that to be even more effective. So long as Liam remains on his lap, he sleeps soundly. Hours pass, and it is morning before he opens his eyes again. It takes a moment to remember where he is.

He looks for his brother, but he's not there, and there's a moment of confusion. Leo's not actually there, that was astral. There's a soft whimper upon realizing that before he can focus on what is there.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Mikey Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:55 pm

Mikey was splayed across Inaba and Leo - somewhere during the night he'd rolled closer and now he was splayed over their legs snoring soft in deep drawn out breaths and his sleep roll a complete mess.

He'd missed the contact when the connection closed so went for a physical one.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Doragonkame Sun Sep 15, 2019 11:42 pm

He heard the whimper and his answer was to chirrrrrrp low and light and he sits up pushing against Don's plastron then rubbing at his eyes with his fists.

Hands dropping slowly and the look he gave Don was at first almost fearul... it felt like forever for the young boy!... previously when he had been brought back to see Don none of his loud calls for him reached him or made the big turtle react.

but Don's eyes were open...

and Liams tail wagged slowly, a small grin his hands back on the bigger turtles plastron. " Doo on!" nothing quiet like the way a children face lite up blissfully and he goes to throw himself forward his arms around Don - then paused and his arms draw back, looking worried again. " oooowwwwies?"

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Mon Sep 16, 2019 2:46 am

"Liam..." The word is barely more than an exhale as the toddler throws small arms around him.  Don groans softly at the forced movement, and shakily slides one arm up around the boy, pulling him close.  He doesn't respond to the second question. It takes too much effort, and he's still trying to pull himself together and wake up more properly. What the word had been hadn't really penetrated the haze he's in anyway. It hadn't made sense.

His head still hurts, but it's not like the exploding pain of the last time he woke. Everything still aches, but it's tolerable this time, and the fever has fully left.

Though his eyes are open, he's having trouble focusing and he lets them slide closed again although he's not sleeping. Just... not looking.

"Liam." The name is a little stronger this time.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Sep 16, 2019 3:36 am

Liam was happy for the hold, the being closer.

But overall he wasn't happy, he could sense... feel something was wrong still. or at least not all better and it made him pout small snout nuzzling against Don's cheek.

" Don sis... sis Don." that much he understood - his voice low not to wake the long legged Don beside them sleeping.

What did people do for sickly ones? oooh water!

He reaches, and grasping the ceramic and bronzed chipped cup he sits back and looks at the water, he'd practice holding and sipping cups lately so takes a sip now, turning the cup so the chipped edge is not facing Don's mouth, " Dwin Don?' nose a tad crinkled at the metallic scent of the cup. 

He'd learned a far bit if talking recently.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Mon Sep 16, 2019 6:13 am

There's a soft, hint of a broken churr as Liam nuzzles Don's cheek. He'd missed the child, but now that the boy is here, Don is barely able to acknowledge him. Don rubs the little boy's back even as the child shifts around.

He blinks at the toddler speak and doesn't respond again. He's just letting Liam do whatever it is he's going to do. It's not like he could truly stop the boy from anything he might do at the moment. And so he watches.

There's a brief thought that he's likely to get wet from the water Liam is offering, but he doesn't mind. He did not anticipate choking on the water though, and he coughs weakly. The coughing is followed by another weak, broken churr. He's trying to comfort both Liam and himself.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Mon Sep 16, 2019 8:10 am

He breathed deep but a brown eyehalf opens to watch the pair, half a small grin, if their was struggle he'll sit up and gently lift the boy - but for now the two could enjoy a quiet and just their own quiet cool reunion.

He listens to his counterparts breathing and for sounds of pain. Eyeing his movements with the one eye and sniffing the air. 

But he had been quiet ill so he expected the turtle to still be stiff, sore... but maybe now with some awake they could get warm and more filling food in him.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Sep 16, 2019 8:25 am

Liam is slow with movements.

He is worried and aside from moving to put the cup back, poorly, though a he didn't notice a sleepy taller Don make sure the cup was on the bedside table and not crashing to the floor. What he did see was Don's face and he shifts a little to share the churrs his own tiny little puppy growls of kitty purring being so young but they vibrated all the same and he pats the bigger turtles shoulder sensing the need for comfort and giving it willingly.

Soaking up some too.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Mon Sep 16, 2019 9:08 am

The soft, broken churr continues. There's an occasional pause in the sound when he has to stop and shift, which just causes more pain and another moment before he continues. He hasn't noticed Donatello's wakeful-ish presence either. There's too much of a haze in his head, and Liam is the only one obvious enough to penetrate it.

Don carefully wraps his arm around the boy on his plastron. He groans softly at the movement. Everything aches, though the pounding in his head has given him a break for the time being.

Content with Liam's presence, Don glances around the room. He squints a little against the remaining light then looks away, scanning the darkened room, but not really seeing it. The cup that Liam had put on the table next to the bed. Hmm... can Liam really reach that far? Right past the turtle next to the bed. Don looked right at his counterpart, but there's no moment of acknowledgment as he continues looking around the room.

He's less concerned right now with the pain than with the haze he feels like he's in. There's a soft distressed sound that he stifles quickly since the child is on him still, and he doesn't want to scare the boy.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Mikey Mon Sep 16, 2019 10:42 pm

Don's churrs and Liams set off Mikey's in the corner, he stretches and yawns squishing Leo and Inaba and churring himself rather obnoxiously loud in Mikey fashion.

Though as relaxed as he was at least there was no morning wood to content with. Despite Inaba's soft fresh feminine smell.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Leon Mon Sep 16, 2019 11:52 pm

And the chain reaction continues, feeling and hearing it there is a sigh and a whine mingling as he is squished but he peeled an eye and saw by the light dimness it couldn't be more than just before dawn. 

He churred - the sounds not as obnoxiously loud as Mikey but noticeable and he nuzzles against the softness of Inaba - tail too stiff to wag.

At least for turtles morning wood stayed within tails... mostly.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Tue Sep 17, 2019 12:18 am

Donatello hears the churring and smiles.

He hears the whimper and stops smiling.

But he's not sure what to make of the look Don gave him so doesn't seek to make contact yet or interfere in the tender moment between the boy and his counterpart.

the child had at moments been inconsolable about being away from Don, in a traumatized sought of way. And even when he wailed those heart breaking warbling sounds he'd cringed and shrunk away from any who tried to comfort him as if afraid that were going to hurt him. Only calming after being allowed to sit with or near Don for some time.

Mikey somehow figured that out the second time those sounds started.

So to say Donatello was not in a rush to pull them apart and possibly start those sounds and who knows how it will make Don react hearing such calls.

So he keeps an eye on them, moving though and allowing his own churrs deeper to resonate.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Tue Sep 17, 2019 12:30 am

Inaba felt the movement of the two turtles She lifts and ear then shifts and tries to sit up a little though it would take half waking Leo and Mikey to achieve it as they both were on or spooning her.

She could see Liam though and saw Don, watching them... though the look the turtle gave them worried her, was there still something wrong with him?

And even so it was cute to watch the little guy - he'd missed Don a lot, and wasn't always happy with the distraction of Mikey or Donatello or herself and Leo - and sometimes not happy with the all but worship he got among these Reinigen and not always distracted by the company of other children.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Doragonkame Tue Sep 17, 2019 12:49 am

The sound that escapes Liam at Don's distress is one of mingled alarm and yet because the big turtle had him churring.

His big blue eyes watch Don, taking in his face.

His fingers find a scratch on Don's skin above the edge of plastron - possibly from the journey to the fortress slung over Donatello's shoulders or during the eel fight and he gently picks at it brushing off the scab. Not paying attention to what he was doing, intent on this big friendly turtles eyes, worried, for a three year old the worried look was just a little too old and big for his little frame - the shell of which changed, there was clicking and it opened.

The wings as blue as the rest of him unfolding the carapace scutes ringing the greater bones, ones like fingers spread between and membrane stretching creased from not being stretched much but flattening out the colors blue and lighter blues with larger white spots and smaller ones.

Still lightly picking at the scab and watching Don keenly. " Oooo chiiies?"

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:35 am

Don nuzzled the child, and allowed the mildly annoying picking. Partially because it reminded him that he’s actually awake. An external stimuli that’s definitely real, but not painful enough to try and stop. He shifts under it a couple times as Liam gets deep enough it stings, but does nothing to stop it.

Instead he nuzzles the child, urging him slightly away from the spot, trying to get his focus elsewhere. Though it doesn’t seem to be working.

When Liam’s shell opens and the wings come out, Don stifles a surprised yelp, but he’s not sure if what he’s seeing is real or not. The movement strains his battered body, and he groans. When the worst of the pain passes, he looks at the boy in awe. Is he awake? Or is this a fever dream? Does he even still have the fever? Ugh... damned haze... He can’t think straight.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Leon Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:51 am

The yelp made him sit up with a gasp hugging the rabbit woman cause he had been spooning her and gazes towards the bed eyeing the..

Wait... was that Liam!?

He is open mouthed as he stands slowly drawing Inaba up with him.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:56 am

Inaba stifles a sort of surprised sound of her own.

Behind hands.

She had been gaping soundlessly but Leo moving them to their feet and tumbling Mikey off was a little surprising.

Not as much as the wings.

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