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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Jan 22, 2020 1:12 am

(( continued from: Fortress Golan: Reinigen Stronghold. ))

Liam would sleep all the way until just after dawn hours, and would have continued a little longer had a persistent tight feeling in his lower region could have been ignored. But it can't and he is awake yawning hugely and rolling a little to stretch out - and work his jaw a couple of times, blinking huge eyes at the sleeping Don on one side and Mikey on the other.

He beams his tail too stiff to wag. And crawls to the end of the bed, turning around to stick his feet over first and lower himself down, his pattering of footsteps as he bolts for the loo contrasting to the song birds and singing terrors. He is peeing and singing a happy little song about it then dashing to wash his hands. With its song of course.

And then whoa! he didn't see that! too him the cart of breakfast foods seemed to have simply appeared and he is floooored. Floored... he dashes over to sniff and wag his tail and finds a piece of bacon like food hot and crunchy running back to the room and climbing onto the bed to sit back between Don and Mikey and beam at them his cold feet maybe had brushed them now and then and he was crunchy loudly but to him it was quiet waiting for one of them to wake! hopefully dad!

Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Byssig10

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:48 am

Don is sleeping more deeply than usual. He’s not Leo, but he usually notices someone moving about the bed! He is probably lucky they had this opportunity for a restful night. It’s unlikely they’re going to get another one for some time. And clearly he needed the sleep since he didn’t notice Liam getting up and leaving.

He is jerked awake by little, ice cold toes wiggling in a ticklish spot along the bridging between his plaston and carapace.

The high pitched squeak was entirely unintended.

It takes a brief moment to figure out where he is, and what just happened. The one between that realization and being embarrassed by the manner in which he woke up is much shorter.

Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Tmnt-210

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Mikey Wed Jan 22, 2020 5:21 pm

mmmmmmmm this is the longest piece of linguini everrrr.... just going oooon and ooooon and mmmmmmm sauce change from Bolognaise to Napolitano to Carbonara to Garlic and Chives, Pesto, a butter pumpkin...


" no Alfreeeeedooooooo h!" and Mikey is not aware of where he is or where that sound came from he is still trying to suck at that long piece of pasts and it's various sauces.

blink... blink....

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Thu Jan 23, 2020 10:55 pm


Liam, piece of 'bacon' in his mouth crawls closer to Don and beams at him seeing the eyes open! His tail not so stiff now could wag and does!

Closer now takes the 'bacon' like meat back in his hands. " wake? Dad wake?' beaming.

Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Byssig10

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Fri Jan 24, 2020 8:58 am

Don blinked at Liam and his ‘bacon’ for a moment before Mikey announced his opinion of Alfredo. It took just a moment to pit everything together. He’s not sure if Mikey is fully awake or not.

And to hope he sleeps a little more normally once they’re traveling again. Because he’s going to need to wake up a little more easily than this!

He chuckled softly, glancing around the room wondering if anyone else was awake now too before pulling Liam into a hug and whispering as he picked up his son and carried him to the main room.

”I am now. Aren’t you the sneaky little stinker. Where’d you find— he cut himself off as he spotted the cart. “Ah, never mind.”

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Sat Jan 25, 2020 1:48 pm

Liam's tail couldn't have wagged any harder! and he was giggling! nuzzling Don's shoulder as they left the room waving at the confused looking Mikey!

" yesth! it just... poofed and deeeere!" he exclaims pointing at the food cart excitedly and offering Don the last half of the 'bacon' like meat he was chewing on, " I wennns pee like Mikey showed me and taaadaaaaa!" amazed, cause to him there was magic involved.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Elena Martins Sat Jan 25, 2020 2:30 pm

She was awake!

And she happy giggles crawling over Donatello kneeing in the wrong spots and glides off the bed, her feet pattering, she dashes for the loo!

" Don! Liam! helooo gotta pee peeeee!"

though she is back soonish with her hands damp and giggling bounces back into her room and climbs up the bed just to bounce all over Donatello. " dad, dad dad dad, dad, dad!" with each bounce.

He had to wake! he had an important day!

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Elena Martins
Elena Martins

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Sat Jan 25, 2020 5:36 pm

Don chuckled at Liam's explanation of the events so far this morning. He had been debating whether to tell the bot that someone had just brought it in, when Elena came racing through heading to the loo.

"Good morning, Elena."

He let it go. Don wasn't ready to kill that magic yet. He nuzzled Liam for a moment, and it wasn't long before Elena came racing through again.

Don had wondered if any of the others were up yet, but apparently Liam had been the first. And it seemed that Elena was well on her way to waking up the larger Donatello.

Somehow Don is sort of glad he just got the icy toes...

"You go ahead and eat that." Don said of the bacon-like meat. It smelled okay, but a little greasy and salty for him to think it was a good idea just yet. "I'm going to go pee too, then I'll be back,"

Don sets Liam down and gives the child a gentle nudge toward the table before he heads to the room recently vacated by Elena. He won't stop Liam if the child follows him, but he's not going to encourage it either.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donimoy Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:01 am

His wonderful peaceful dreaming equations on grease boards at first earthquaked and shook and then he heard the voice....

And no it was not Mike -

It was the little terror.

now he understood why they might have been called that -

At first he pretends to ignore her - waiting...

waiting as she bounces and then when that gets little reaction as she crawls up his shell. " daaaaad?"

He moves - carefully shaking her off and making her gasp, pinning her easily with one hand and burying snout against her soft belly scales

The raspberry that followed was only drowned by her squeal and peal of laughter as she squirms and tries to get away.

Donatello sitting up after a few moments laughing, Elena a squirming giggling tail curling mess on the now very haphazard pillows and blankets. " well good morning to you too."

And he is rolling off the bed to stretch and let her catch her breath before scooping her up and moving into the room to find the little boy standing between the bathroom and the cart of food looking eagerly between both chewing on something. Donatello chuckles and puts Elena down beside him. " morning Liam.' he offers snatching a dragonfruit like pod from the top of the cart and breaking it open to suck the sweet pulpy seed mass within.

Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Dedrse10

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:33 am


He enjoyed the nuzzling and pouted a little when it stopped, giggling at his friend appearing and the reappearing and her efforts to wake her dad. He nods when Don lowers him - sticking the last bit of meat into his gob and chewing watching Dad go - and then torn. He wanted to go with that nudge and head over to the table.

He also wanted to follow !

And he is stuck half way - blinking up at Donatello and smiling widely, chew chew chew though.... and then a soft sound as Elena is put beside him - he mock growls and pounces!

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Elena Martins Sun Jan 26, 2020 2:08 am

She was still a bit breathless and giggly when Donatello scooped her up and she lounges in his arms grinning down at her friend. then beside him - a soft squeak and playing growl back she manages to get the boy on his shell only because she had a little more length and age on him. In fact they were pretty close as far as weight went and Liam was rapidly catching her on that!

" pinned ya!" she giggles hoping back and letting him up, waiting for the next move her tail waggling up in the air. Ready!

Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. 31610b4d50f41075de1d7a13486498b5
Elena Martins
Elena Martins

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Sun Jan 26, 2020 7:48 am

Don came back to the kids playing. He was actually kind of proud of Liam for at least staying where he was while Don left the room. It’s at least a small step of independence, and after the forced separation from his illness, he had been a bit concerned about the separation anxiety he’d seen yesterday.

It’s one thing for Liam to choose to run off to another room for a moment. It’s quite another for him to let Don initiate a short absence.

Though he’s pretty sure having Elena around helps.

He chuckled softly at the kids, but let them play as he moved toward the table.

“Good morning,” he greeted his counterpart.

Sort of hoping that the blue item that looks like a banana is the Nexus version of the fruit, he selects that and opened it. He was sort of surprised to find the interior is a brilliant orange.

“I’m honestly not sure what I expected from a blue banana... but this sure wasn’t it...”

He took a bite of whatever this fruit was, and considered it a moment.

”Flavor says mango, texture says banana...” Sort of weird, but he does continue  eat it.

Maaaybe ignoring the proverbial elephant in the room for moment.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donimoy Sun Jan 26, 2020 11:37 pm

A deep chuckling, Donatello had parked himself in a chair and nudged a neighbouring chair around to face him putting his feet on it relaxing back and chewing on a sweetish almost blood orange lemon if he had to describe the fruit. " It certainly is an adventure with all this almost the same fruit... but completely different." happy for the moment to skim around what he is facing today. What was going to happen today.

the nerves were back, but its less nerves of if the princess wanted this if she would be happy. It was worry he might screw something up today and make a fool of himself or his bride to be.


It is hard to be too nervous with the kids giggling and play wrestling not too far away. Of course if it looked like it might get too rough they'd put a stop to it but there was no biting or any hard knocks. He adds with a grin. " how are you feeling over all now you've had a decent sleep not a sick induced one?" his counterpart had what he assumed was fairly decent color back and looked spry enough. Still he was curious.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:14 am

Liam was mid pounce upon Elena when Don came back out and he beams! tail wagging and misses the landing - but she tugs on his tail and giggling bounds away Liam with a soft squeak at the tug and playing growl giving chase - their laughter as the weird game of tiggy moved to the chairs of their dads and the table and food cart turned into a game of hungry mini hippos when a bowl of what looked like cherries spilled and sent the fruits all over the place - they chased and ate as they went.

Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Byssig10

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Mon Jan 27, 2020 8:02 am

Don nodded and also chuckled regarding the fruit. He watched the kids play long enough to finish the mango banana

He just managed to stop the whole cart from going over. The cherries were too close to the edge and couldn’t be saved. He almost stopped the kids, but... it was sort of too late anyway.

“Whatever... thanks for cleaning.” The comment was mostly muttered, so the kids probably didn’t hear it, but the larger Donatello probably did.

He let them play. But sort of guided them back toward the main area, once the cherry things were gone. He hoped they didn’t have pits.

Don looked over at the question and actually moved to sit down.

”Honestly... I’m still kind of tired. He admitted. “Other than that, pretty good, all things considered.”

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donimoy Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:11 pm

Donatello is snorting with laughter, " no need for a vaccumm... or um in a place like this a dust pan and broom when one has kids, dogs.... or a Mikey."

and whilst Don is guiding the hungry mini hippos back to the main area he is carefully lifting all the platters and big serving bowls of food onto the table just encase the play comes back this way or if there is a Mikey whirlwind - he was surprised the orange clad turtle wasn't out here yet. " the Mike didn't octopus you?" chuckling, " I saw him octopus Leon pretty tightly..." amused placing last plate of the bacon like meat up. " But a decent sleep is good, glad for that. mmmmm this looks like bacon.... feels like it but is.... like anchovy." crunch crunch.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:24 pm

Don chuckles at the response to his mutterings. And it's only after he's herding the kids off that he realizes that it was a particularly 'dad thing' to say. Though... he's probably muttered similar things about Mikey.

He pokes through the items on the table a little as he's asked about Mikey's bed-sharing abilities. Don shrugs slightly at the questioning. He manages to mostly suppress a shudder at the 'octopus' thing. Too reminiscent of the squid that nearly killed him.

“I didn't notice anything like that.” He paused as he selected a bread-like item. Not knowing it if was sweet or savory, Don smelled it before putting something egg-like on it. “Then again... I didn't notice Liam getting up and leaving the room this morning.” That is really unlike him, and he's a bit embarrassed at this admission. It sort of goes to illustrate that 'still kind of tired' that he mentioned. It might have been a slight understatement.

He looks up at the description of the 'bacon' and his feelings about that description are pretty clear on his face. “Glad I didn't take the bite Liam offered...”

Mikey could probably name the herb flavor in the roll-like thing, but Don doesn't have a name for it. The egg is firmer, and seems to have more yolk than the chicken eggs he's used to from home.  Like the mango-banana the sandwich a little weird, but in a good way. He takes his time with it.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Jan 27, 2020 8:14 pm

Liam tried to share many of his cherries with Don , his cheeks bulging with the red fruit and already a dribbling down his chin. Elena was in no better shape. Neither really noted they had been herded into the main area - happy to turn the game of racing around the table into a game of the floor is lava - climbing up and jumping about on the collection of settes and poofs and sun chairs and lounges - giggling all the while.

And there may have been some pips left in the cherries but the two just ate those.

Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Byssig10

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Mikey Tue Jan 28, 2020 12:53 am

Mikey had sat up and blinked and then when the Don and Liam exited slumped back over in the most awkward of ways as if his bones all melted and snored on for a few more moments - it was in those moment she was becoming aware of the scents of food. And it wafts into his dreams... into his snout...


Donatello chuckles at the look and tosses the last chunk of his strip in his mouth to chew before washing it down with the water on the table now - he'll get to that wonderfully strong smelling coffee in a moment " Lucky... I have seen Inaba spooned, Leon reticulated ... have had the pleasure myself of being curled up upon like a cat perch... Funny thing is with Liam that Mikey is the best bed buddy still and quiet... and don't take it too hard, a good chance to rest will dull anyones senses - even a master ninja. how did Liam go this morning? He was a little indecisive with the loo and cart earlier but wasn't particularly distressed looking a b oooaaaaaa!" a bit of a yelp he will pretend was a shout of surprise when the said whirlwind of orange and green comes zooming out of the room.

" Gooood moooorning Groom! and Don and Hatchlings!" unawares his sudden shout and appearance at the table shocked anyone. A beam and he is reaching for a random pastry of some sort pointing at the egglike roll, " those are awwwwesome it's like a cheese and almost parsley, oregano and maybe a hint of chill - oooooh gotta pee!" snatching his hand away from the food with an inch to spare and rushing off for the loo.

Liam and Elena paused in their play balanced on the edge of the couch - giggling as mikey hurried away...

Both scrambling off the couch and hurrying over to the table, Elena launching herself half way to fly over and land on a seat beside Donatello. Liam hurrying around to Don's side and pulling one of the hefty chairs out a little before moving around to the front and climbing up onto it. Beaming face it seemed to Elena and Donatello just popping up over the edge to grin at them and Don. Donatello his nerves mostly unruffled - though he is glad that reverberating fart from the Mikey is trapped in the loo with him! and as Elena and Liam giggle more he is putting a selection of items on a little plate for Elena... in that he was pointing at things and if she nodded he added a half morsel if she shook her head he skipped it.

" not a fan of anchovies?" yep still covering up his yelp. And the use of the word groom annnnnnnnd wondering the noise or the fart would wake Leon and Inaba... a little bit amused they were still in bed. Leon was a more relaxed Leo than he'd ever known but still the guy didn't usually sleep in this late.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Tue Jan 28, 2020 5:48 am

To his credit, Don just looks over when Mikey appears. Though it’s probably less that he knew Mikey was there and more a combination of he’s still tired and sooo very used to brothers showing up suddenly trying to startle him that he’s sort of jaded to it at this point. Though it’s usually Raph who slips silently into the garage while he’s working, then shouts his name or some question.

“Good morning, Mikey.”

There’s a hint of amusement at his counterpart’s yelp. Yes, he heard that. But he hides the smile behind his egg/roll thing.

Once Mikey takes off, there’s more soft muttering intended only for the other Donatello.

“I didn’t know parsley had a flavor.”

He then backs up and responds to other comments.

“Well, Liam was between us, so maybe that’s why I didn’t notice anything. And Liam  was fine this morning. I’m actually sort of impressed that he debated and didn’t actually follow me.”

Don chuckled softly as the kids rushed over, and he subtly helps Liam with the chair. Once Liam is seated, he gives the boy a hug and starts getting him a plate of breakfast as well. He doesn’t know what half this stuff is, and followed his counterpart’s lead, pointing and seeing if Liam was interested.

He made another face at the anchovy question.

“When we were kids, Master Splinter somehow came across something like pallet worth of boxes of canned anchovies... I don’t know what grocery store didn’t get their five-year supply... We had them forever... They would come out whenever other options were scarce. So now that I have a choice? Yeah... not a fan.” Okay, five years in a store might have been a slight exaggeration.

Also the grease and salt that have to be involved in something like that do not sound appealing just yet.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donimoy Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:41 am

Donatello grins a little, " Sometimes I am glad my Mikey is not sooooMikey.... you know?" and a puzzled looked, thoroughly agreeing, " huh really do learn something every day. Parsely flavour noted."

Amused and a smile at the little boy sitting there, barely seem over the table, he makes sure to let Elena scan the now full plate... well full but not a terribly lot all told on the smallish sort of shallow bowl.

He nods, " its a small step but it's something, and probably an important one." pleased for the little guy himself... and finally letting go of the pretence he was not nervous, " I mean I feel the kid he probably feels the anxiety when you go similar to the type in my belly. Maybe not so much today, he was less worried? last night then he had been whenever we took him away from you sick bed. Good sign of trust. At least non of that wailing."

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:59 am

Liam eagerly accepts the hug nuzzling Don's shoulder, getting to his knees and sitting close in his seat to dads side watching eagerly for a moment Elena's plate being filled then blinking and luckily he did watch or he might not have understood the gesture - now he uses nods and shakes of his head - but he wasn't entirely sure what it all was, some of it looked familiar and he liked it, the lemon cakes and the bsicuits of course and fruits caramelised on top of oatmeal like stuff of brown sugar color and more ball shaped than any Don and Donatello would be used to. And pieces of bread...

and more of the 'bacon' he really liked that!

remembering after a few nods listening to the talk - " Pwease... pwease... ooooh dem puhwease.' his manners! in eagerness he forgot about them.

Not even aware indeed he had at least been good the last couple of separations, not trying to remain or go with, and not having a cry about it. Such a happy kid right now - a piece of buttery herby toasted bread in hand and the not bacon in the other he was all good!

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:38 pm

Don chuckled in agreement with the comment about Mikey. "It is definitely a lot to take in." But he's smiling. He actually does rather like this Mikey. Crazy though he may be.

Once Liam's plate is stocked with small bits of what the child wanted, Don sets it in front of him and rubs the little guy's head again. He managed to hide a cringe as he set strips of the anchovy bacon on the plate.

Don nods at the information about Liam. It's more of a taking it in, accepting the information than anything that might reveal how he feels about the subject. He pours some sort of juice into a glass in silence. Just letting a moment pass, then settles back into the chair next to Liam. He looks at his counterpart, the elephant has been brought up, so Don will accept it as fair game.

"How are you doing this morning?"

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Mikey Wed Jan 29, 2020 9:55 pm

Annnd that's the time a washed wet hand Mikey zooooms back in -he beams and bounces his way over to the table. " yeah maaaaaaan today is your big daaaaay - getting cold toes?"

plonking himself on a chair and dragging an entire platter of well he is not sure what they are but they look like slices and biscuits and fruits so he is happy. Sides this is a guy who will eat mouldy pizza so the differently colored stuff here was small in comparison.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:11 am

Inaba was first awake. Mostly thanks to the loudnes of Mikey finally breaking into her unconscious mind, she felt Leon still snoozing curled around her in that spoon Mikey had been hoping for and grins a little wriggling around her tail fluffy fluffing about first against the turtle tail still curled around her and the against the light sheet and bed as she faces the turtle nuzzling with her twitching nose to wake him.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donimoy Thu Jan 30, 2020 2:15 am

There is a moment where Donatello avoids that question a tad longer amused by Don's response to his a little too Mikey - and very much so by watching the two happily eating as if they hadn't just hungry hippoed a bunch of cherry like things from the floor kids, making faces at each other over the table.

He chuckles and this time manages not to eeep or yelp when Mikey whirlwinds back into the space and joins them at the table. ' well.... I am both not as nervous as I had been yesterday the same time... but all the more and in a different way nervous.... yet looking forward to officially meeting this princess." honestly covering it all the best he knew how to explain it. There was more of course but nerves was the biggest and loudest for the moment.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Thu Jan 30, 2020 8:41 am

Don looks over as Mikey comes in in his usual fashion. He is briefly caught between elbowing the smaller turtle for the cold toes comment, and correcting the phrase to cold feet. Who knew what it was in Mikey's world. In the end, he doesn't do either one.

He waits patiently for a response to his question. Don knows it's coming. He is intimately familiar with this tactic, and it's almost amusing to see it in someone else. His Mikey has done this on occasion, but it's usually followed by another distraction of some sort rather than a real answer. This, however, is definitely not Mikey. At this point, he expects the answer to be at least most of the truth. And he's not disappointed.

"You'll be fine." And he means it. He gives the larger turtle a reassuring smile. "She's sweet."

Don still has ill feelings toward Svengal, however. "I still haven't met this Svengal guy, but I can't say I'm inclined to treat him with the same level of respect I'd show her... or just about anyone else..." His words are quiet, and honest. Nothing harsh in them. This is the one opportunity he will give his counterpart to prevent a series of sliiiight breaches of decorum regarding this Lord Svengal today.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Leon Thu Jan 30, 2020 11:24 pm

At first Leon tried to ignore the cool damp feeling twitching nose, if only because he was very so much content curled up here. But...

The softness crept into his waking moments and all of the night before, some heavy petting and making out and nothing beyond that but incredible as he'd never participated in anything like that before filled him with a rush of memories that cme with her scent.

" hi hi there..." he murmurs softly stretching a little and then relaxing again in no rush to get out of the bed or uncurl from around her.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Sat Feb 01, 2020 1:45 am

A light giggle and playful pat of her long soft ear against the bald green head and watching Leon stretch, then following suite and making her tail foof and waggle in the air, " hellooooooh yourself." a pleased sounding mmmmmm as the stretching ends, " sleep well?" rolling back closer to Leon and kissing that grin of his amused he must have been perving a bit whilst she stretched.

She knew they should get up and join the others... but perhaps... a bit longer.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Mikey Sat Feb 01, 2020 2:16 am

Mikey manages to keep his expression impressively oblivious and sweet as he absorbs Donatellos answer and Don's reassurances reaching over to pat pat pat the bigger guys hand and his face soooo wonderfully innocent as he chimes in to Don's word, " oooooh I have heard around the place the lord Svengal has had some humbling privy visits of late - and had to spend some time in the Maesters care for a bout of the trots."

hehehehehe heeeee miiiight have learned when in Don's sick room which of the maesters many little bottles had the ability to give some on the runs from a few tiny drops...

and it was small biccies for a master ninja like Mikey to choose the right time to slip it into the guys food.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donimoy Sat Feb 01, 2020 3:28 pm

Donatello can't help but grin a little and he nods at Don, " all told I guess the princess and I probably both lucked out better than we expected to have done so with an arranged marriage like this one. I do wish it had been more under her own choice but this is the best we can both hope for." he is comforted and it does his nerves well to be reminded.

He grin a bit at Don and shrugs, " I think I will take my lead from the princess about how respectful to be with her father. If she is happy about this and seems to still trust and love him then I'll try to behave. If not then...well -" his eyes drawn to Mikey at his words and trying to decipher through the innocent sort of spacey look if it was a pure act or not.

Most likely not. " oh you heard this did you? no word reached me the soon to be son by marriage..." holding back laughter, figures a Mike would do something like that to express his displeasure at the situation. " how very terrible for the Lord of the place. I hope it clears up soon."

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Sat Feb 01, 2020 3:35 pm

Liam is still churring and munching - face somehow got covered in more food a smear of something bright and white and hardening now across his snout chewing happily on the crunchy bacon anchovy mingling with the sweet cream of the white creamy oat meal stuff. His tail stick out the back of the chair wiggle wagging. Alternating between making faces at his equally messy friend across the table and watching Dad.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Sat Feb 01, 2020 4:12 pm

Don nods. At least at this point, it does seem that this arrangement may work out relatively well for all parties. Though... a lot could change. And they have a long way to go. And he will also play by ear. However, Don's not giving Svengal even half a reason to think Don likes him. There's still a good part of him that feels truly used.

He's watching Mikey as he says what he 'heard.' That look is WAAAY too reminiscent of his own Mikey who's in the midst of playing a prank. It is definitely not innocent! Don laughs aloud briefly before schooling his features... well... attempting too. His eyes are still laughing.

"Dreadful." There's still a slight laugh in his tone that he just can't contain.

He then picks up a napkin and tries to clean up some of the mess Liam has made of himself.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Leon Sat Feb 01, 2020 4:24 pm

" best since landing here... I mean Don's well and we have a party today annnnnd I actually got to make out with you for a while last night. No Mikey! pretty danged good." he is indeed watching her and maybe perving a little he actually preferred her without the clothes on. He likewise is willing to waste a bit more time, hopefully some good stuff still be left for them to munch on once they left the room, chasing her kiss to make it deeper and reminiscent of their heavy petting the night before.

Probably could have gotten up to more but neither was willing or ready for that yet.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Mikey Sat Feb 01, 2020 4:32 pm

By now Mikey like the two kids also had food on his face. Mostly from the way his innocent face died and morphed into a wide naughty grin and waggle of brows, " yes I heeeeaaarrrd and I heeeaaar he might suffere a bout of the pits if he's not the best soon to be dad by marriage ever." Well at least for the day be too ick feeling to be the pompous scheming jerk that had demanded them into the audience chamber the first night they had been here and explain themselves.

And maybe he is pleased with how well it had worked and his ability to recall which tiny blue glass bottle of the maesters had the fluid in there. And how many drops to add.

and a glance towards the other room, " thiiink I should get our sleepy heads out of bed?"

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donimoy Sun Feb 02, 2020 1:31 am

A laugh right a long with his counterpart and he is amused, glances at his daughter and shrugs... nah he'd have her rinse off under the 'shower' tap like thing in the bathroom then bathe properly.

though it was cute watching Liam beam up at Don and offer him some white porridge like stuff covered anchovy bacon to share. dawwww how sweet the little guys happy expression and the way he is trying to be helpful by not squirming too much was absolutely cute.

" Well thanks Mikey glad some one is putting that guy in his place and keeping him humble. But be careful guy is older than us he might have underlying medical conditions." so very amused and thanks to that the last of his nerves for now gone. All gone. And a snort and shake of his head, " nah leave them be they will be out when their ready..." a glance at his counterpart here encase he did want Inaba and Leon woken and out here now for any particular reason.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:34 am

Don is still chuckling at Mikey. He smiles at Liam, being so very, very good while getting his face cleaned up. Then looks up at the question whether to get the others up or not. He agreed with his counterpart.

"Let them be. It doesn't seem like we have anywhere we need to be just yet."

He watched Liam offering the anchovy bacon dubiously. And darn it if that hopeful little face wasn't tearing at him... How bad could it be? Awful. It could be awful. Because absolutely nothing about it sounded good. Surely his imaginings were as bad as it could get, right?

Don accepted the bite.

Wrong. It was WORSE! Uuuuugh! The smile to Liam is entirely fake, and the "Thank you." is choked out.

Don then turned fully away from Liam and spit the offending bit of horror back out into the napkin he'd used on Liam's face. He's quick to get himself a small amount of the oatmeal stuff. It's just a couple bites of it on his plate. It looks like the sort of thing that might get this out of his mouth! Thankfully, the oatmeal was pretty good.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:02 am

Inaba giggles - becoming muffled in the kiss - rolling onto her back encouraging the turtle to take the top like she had the night before, mumbling between the press of lips and cool twitching nose to his drier snout, "mmmmm.... but... if... we.... don't... leave... here.... sooon.... we... will.... no.... doubt... get... a... Mikey." she is giggling more and not rushing breaking the kiss but heck for sure they would if they didn't get out there.


Out in the main room comes an eager knocking. three quick soft taps, then three more, and three more...

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Mikey Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:37 am

A pooout, he diiid want to nose in and annoy the pair awake, but he accepts the no nos and chews - mouth to full to thankfully laugh out loud at the unfortunate Don - but oh booooy made the little guys total pleasure in sharing his food was worth the horrible taste? dawwwwwwwwwwwww

There there is a knocking which makes Mikey look up in the middle of trying to fit more in and give his fellow breakfasters a raised eyeridge look.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:21 pm

The oatmeal was moderately successful in removing the offending taste from his mouth, but it's one of those things that tends to linger. Uuuuuugh! But Liam is adorable and Don can't help but chuckle at his son. He leans over and kisses the child on top of his head.

He's surprised by the knocking, and from the look on Mikey's face, they're not expecting anyone. Don's done eating anyway, and getting away from the table may spare him another bite of the anchovy bacon. He will gladly take his chances with the person at the door.

Only after glancing to the others in the room and making sure they've got the kids, he ghosts over to the door and opens it cautiously.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Wed Feb 05, 2020 12:20 am

Bebe is there, in her maid smock and buzzing excitedly ahead of a trio of other ratty peoples, she excitedly buzzes at the sight of Don but manages to look somewhat pompous and serious hovering a half foot off the floor, " Good Morning, I, Bebe handmaiden of the princess have come to help you all prepare the groom." because those behind her did not know she and Don had already met, they had another trolley with them. This one not loaded with food.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Mikey Wed Feb 05, 2020 12:44 am

Mikey is still mouth far to full to do much and he blinks watching Don ghost over to the door and listens wonderingly, aha the Bebe!

And he wonders why she is introducing herself unawares she had to pretend she hadn't met them yet and then he registers her words and is swallowing hurriedly so he can chuckle and grin over at Donatello - maybe shifting in his seat to be out of his reach.

" hahaha your getting a mani pedi.' he teases.

Actually maybe he would enjoy such pampering?

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Leon Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:02 am

Annnnnd there is a muffled siiiigh into the kiss his finger raking the fur over her shoulders, " I knooooooow..... mmmmm.... almoooost dooon't carrreee...." muffled and mumbled and he presses a little firmer onto her but heck yeah he did know they would have a Mikey if they didn't leave soon so he is moving!

but still kissing her!

A little longer then breathless he begins to draw away and roll onto a side of the bed and accept it was probably time to move.

Reaching blindly for his bandana... somewhere... over there... yep got it! " We have got to do that more often." he refers to the making out of course.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:06 am

Liam likes kisses and he makes kissy faces! at Don, then at Donatello and Elena - then at Mikey annnnnd at the people beyond the door!

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donimoy Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:16 am

a muffled chuckling enjoying his companions and the food and -

What now?

He'd looked up at the knocking and shrugged a little at Don's questioning look, now though he is both curious and a little mortified... oh no.... was this going to get embarrassing?

He was an out going Don but he was still private in some matter and personal hygiene and preparing was usually his private thing.

He eyes Mikey trying to gauge if he could whapp him before the little scarper scampered away.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Wed Feb 05, 2020 8:31 am

Don wasn’t sure if he was surprised by this or not. He does play along admirably, however. He pulls the door open more fully and bows to the group. Like last night, it is the bow of greeting an equal.

Good morning, Handmaiden Bebe, and... uh... friends.”

Don is less successful at hiding his amusement at this situation. And he just barely managed to refrain from snorting at Mikey’s comment. He steps aside to allow those at the door entrance.

Honestly, he’s sort of grateful, because he’s pretty sure even Inaba wouldn’t know how to prepare for a royal wedding...

”Oh Donatello, it appears you have some assistance this morning.” Yeah... calling someone else by his own name is still weird. Don does expect that it is going to get somewhat embarrassing for his counterpart here shortly. And while Don will probably be watching the kids for the most part, he'll also do what he can to run a little interference when possible if it seems like the big guy needs an assist.

He looks to Bebe, aiming to meet her eyes, and a slight smile of recognition. Sort of a silent, well hidden “it’s good to see you again.”

Don does not give Mikey a green light to go get Leon and Inaba. Don’s already up, if they don’t notice the commotion, he’ll go get them. In fact, he would do what he can to intercept Mikey.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donimoy Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:41 pm

Bebe grins at Don and gestures, " I am here with the grooms stylists, Bob, Dee and Stuart. And I'm sorry but milord... uh sir? uh.... sirs.... we require full co operation though we know we cannot force it." she is speaking to them all and again unsure of titles and introducing the others to ease that and use it as an opportunity to beam back at Don - clearly glad to see him too - and wowing a little quietly at the way Donatello unfolded himself from his chair and stood towering easily over most of them.

the last was more begging that an order, cause well they couldn't force him, but she was hoping this would go smoothly and he wouldn't be difficult as sirs and lords and other high ranking beings could tend to be.

Donatello hides a bit of a grin, it is hard not to be amused with Mikey and Don's amusement, he siiighs and rubs Elena's head, " Play with Liam and listen to Don, Mikey, Leon and Inaba, for a bit alright?" he tells her and nuzzles her head, chuckling at Liam's kissey faces at them all and then he stands and moves over to the group. " Sirs is just fine if it is a must but Donatello and Don is even better and yous have my full co operation."

Even if he wasn't sure he was going to like it all. Still he'll endure.

Glad when they all visibly looked more relaced this collection of Reinigen and... the single fae... she was a dainty looking little thing that's for sure. " hey Bebe.... I hear the fae lost their magic, why is that?" why not his counterpart was curious after all! and in asking he was making it clear he was like Don going to treat her and the others all the same.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:51 pm

Elena giggles, " oookay but will I get prettied up too?" she wonders.

Donatello raises and eyeridge at Bebe and she nods, he turns back to his eager little girl, treated more as a pet than anything all her life until now so this was probably a huge deal for her and she was excited.

Bebe looks from Donatello to the children and then the others, ' yous all will, but require less than he does." she smiles.

Donatello hides another chuckles, oh good so they all will suffer.

Liam blissfully is unaware that includes him, he has cleared the last of his plate and licked it clear so is holding it up towards don with the biggest grin on his messy face, above his messy plastron and looking proud of him.

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by Donnie Thu Feb 06, 2020 12:44 pm

Well, he’s standing there.

“I’m Don, or Donnie. Either is acceptable. I will probably respond to ‘Hey, you.’ I will definitely respond half of the times you start looking for him.” He smiles, gesturing vaguely toward the larger Donatello. It’s not entirely a joke, but he’s pretty sure none of these people will actually use ‘Hey you’. He then gestures at each in the room. “Mikey is over there in orange. The young lady is Donatello’s daughter, Elena.” Just to be clear about that. Don expects the Terror to be treated with the same respect the rest of them receive. He is pretty sure Bebe got that last night, and if the comment is directed sliiiightly more toward Bob, Dee and Stuart (are those even real names? They sound like some sort of incompetent movie villains...) well... it’s subtle, but it probably is. Any who refuse to abide by the expected level of respect will receive an invitation to leave. And Don would be happy to be the bad guy in that, freeing his counterpart from having to do it.

“And the little, blue food painting over there is Liam.” He chuckled at the child, and how proud he was. ”Yes, My Son, Good job. I’m glad you finished your breakfast. Perhaps next we’ll work on getting more of it to actually go in your mouth... You need a bath...”

He turned back to the Reinigen. I will get them in a moment, but Leonardo, or Leon, or Sword Boy, and our Wilhara friend Inaba will be joining us soon.” Don might be feeling a wee bit puckish. And he rather hopes one of them actually calls Leon Sword Boy.

“While I don’t anticipate cooperation to be terribly difficult, and I certainly wouldn’t want to make things difficult for you, our cultures are different. I may respectfully request that some of those differences be respected.” Basically... he promises nothing. Don reserves the right to politely tell them no. He was dragged into this while unconscious. Playing the perfect participant in this is not exactly his priority. That said, he doesn’t want to get this group in trouble.

And he will go get Leon and Inaba... after the fae magic question is answered!

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Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony. Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Ratty Ceremony.

Post by NexusNoobs Thu Feb 06, 2020 6:28 pm

Bebe is beaming more - now introductions are done she can at least half pretend she didn't now know Don and she buzzes forward a little. Torn she soooo wanted to be the one to style up Donatello, but also Don because she'd already met him and found him fascinating and eager to ask more about where he came from.

And he had his son! the wee innocuo received awwwwws and eeeeeeees and she soooo was on the brink of asking if she could help bath the little guy!

And gesturing at the minions behind her, " we may as well start with the groom and his daughter, Elena." she was in charge here and well was aware of the situation so making it clear she'll be nice to the terror child. " some one get a bath prepared, no fragrances." and Stuart hurries off to do that whilst Bab and Dee take what looked like enlarged place mats and put them down then pushed chairs close to them and gesture for Donatello and Elena to come over for their measurings and assessments Bebe looking between Donatello and Don and smiling a bit, " well.... the savannah fae had been a small population as it was but we've been hunted by the hundjager to mere handful of us left... I was left here at the Reinigen stronghold as a child not much older than your son Don and for me... its because I've had no one to teach me, and same as far as I know for the other savannah fae, also very few other handfuls of other fae, jungle, snow, mountain and some others left and again it's due to a lack of our magics being taught and practiced..." she explains with no particular feeling, because she doesn't want those kinds of emotions now heavy and dark spoiling this day!

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