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Riverside Rescue

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Riverside Rescue Empty Riverside Rescue

Post by Mike Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:40 pm

their now little brother and the third small son!

He never questioned HOW they could fly - he just knew he could and trusted to whatever in the dragon magics allowed it!

And thoroughly enjoyed any chance to fly!

Even better in actual avatar form!!

Riverside Rescue Ff9f8d10

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Mikey Sat Oct 30, 2021 5:38 pm

because even just hearing - and the way Inaba shrieks as one of their beasts bellows in agony and tries to suddenly yank away almost plunging them all into the river down the steep bank if not for the the second beast -

and Yua's nooo!

he calls over them, the roar to too far to help yet - " Focus Donnie - we can only help them if you focus!"

A blast of energy sent Leon reeling and Donatello tripped! kicking at the pig, whos thrown ball of magic missed him but hit the ground near the front of the cart somewhere and oh no ! Donatello roars angrily -

It's nothing as impressive as the drgaons roars, and not even as impressive as his older brothers alpha large and in charge bellows - it's a good one though - and he slams a wall of wind at the pig at least throwing the latest bomb attack off course - as Leo picked himself up and came at them again one sword broken.

PinkShade grins a triumphant grunt - even with the wind blast throwing him back hge reachs out magically to make the wheels of the cart roll their way off - a crash aught to throw off whatever they are doing and he will be able to subdue them all! -

Riverside Rescue Tumblr_mc5142dxB11r4my8ko1_500

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Sun Oct 31, 2021 5:35 am

Like Mike, Leo had never really questioned how they could fly. He easily chalked it up to magic and the power of chi. The lessons they had learned from the Tribunal about things not always being what they seem were well learned. And just because his dragon avatar doesn't seem like it should fly, does not mean that it can't.

He does nothing to stop the occasional swoops of enjoying the flight from Mike, and actually joins in a couple of them, provided it does nothing to slow them down. Even in avatar state like this, one can eventually grow tired of the same motion!

There's a moment on their journey though, that Leo realizes that the battle they're trying to reach is starting.

He roars a second time, definitely closer than the last, but still too far away to help. They're moving fast though, and it won't be long.

And he finds it in him to pick up the pace, trusting his brother to keep up as they race to the rescue their little brother, the toddler with him and the rest of their traveling companions.

Riverside Rescue 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Sun Oct 31, 2021 6:52 am

Donnie actually did see Liam almost reaching for Bebe's wings during a glance their direction as he was settling next to Mikey to try... whatever this was!

"You should ask first, Liam." The voice is definitely younger, but other than that, it would still sound very similar to how 16-year-old Don would say the same.

There is a slight... it's not really a distraction, but it definitely pulls Donnie's focus away from what Mikey is asking when Liam chirps like that! But Mikey's words pull him back, and away from whatever that had been.

"What? Mikey, that's disgusting!" There had been a little surprise at the dragon actually being Donnie's avatar! Mostly though... Donnie's sort of hung up on Mikey's description. He's trying to focus, like Mikey said! But at the same time, he's sort of holding himself back. He does allow the ghostly dragon avatar to nuzzle the little boy, as Mikey suggested. And--

The jerk of the cart. The screams. This interrupts whatever Donnie had almost done.

Words that Master Splinter has told him so many times echo through his mind. Words with a similar sentiment to what Mikey and even Donatello said earlier. Don't overthink it. Lean into your instincts.

~Donatello, you must learn to trust your training.~

Donnie lets go.

He leaps up from the spot he had been in on the floor and rushes to Liam and Bebe. If you ask him why later, he won't know. But instinct or training or some combination thereof just said to do it. His chi brightens, and the dragon grows slightly more substantial as he does so.

The ghostly dragon flies upward, passing harmlessly though the top of the cart. As Donnie wraps his arms around Liam, Bebe and Elena, the dragon glows brighter, casting a protective energy around the cart. Leon and Donatello would not be harmed by it, and maybe it can't even hurt the Shade, but it's not unlike the energy that Leo once used to dissolve an army of Nezumi. Maybe just enough to hold off the spell meant to pull the wheels from the cart.


The second roar. Much closer, but not yet here! Soon. So very soon, but not yet.

Holding on tight to Bebe and the kids as the second roar reaches them, Donnie cries out in pain.

Because this time, Donnie did not morph into his avatar, which still glowed brightly over the cart with it's protective bubble about them. This time, Donnie shifted.

But however it happened,

There is a dragon in the cart. It's a small dragon - 13-year-old Donnie is slightly smaller than even when 16-year-old Don had sort of 'pocket-sized' his avatar as best he could to sit in the cart and read the dragon book - but it is a dragon, nonetheless. Also unlike previously, the chi lines, and ghostly avatar remain.

Riverside Rescue Tmnt-210

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donimoy Sun Oct 31, 2021 2:18 pm

" Oooh cooool! Banging shift Donnie!!" and just in time to keep the wheels of the cart in place. One of their beasts was hurt and Mikey launched himself through the protective shield, there were roars in the distance no need to senselessly have the beasts killed if they could get away! So he releases them, it mean the cart is left to roll to a stop but Mikey couldn't focus on that too much turning back to the fight!

Donatello is managing, for someone new to his avatar, the power to be the wind he was managing to at least throw off some of the attacks of the Shade.

Barely There was a few patches of forest on fire, a few trees slammed by magic hits so hard they had collasped into the river and places of the steep bank along this space had crates blown clear.

Leon was definitely helping skittering about and landing a kick here or there, once even managing to at least bite the awful fat pig thing in its porky rump with flat horsey teeth!

"I grow tired of this - Give yourself up Genio Innocou dragon and give me the little ones!" there was a shudder and he slams ham hands together the concussion throwing Leon away, slamming Donatello to the ground and met with a shock of what looked like lightning from Mikey, but he had little charge to do that very often! And this one barely lessened the boom so it swept over Donnie's shield instead of slamming it.

Donatello a bit was snapped and maybe his shell a little cracked. Disorientated by that boom!

Leon was mostly fine if a little dizzy - and the rock he tossed did find its mark and bounce off of Porkies head!

Bebe blinks at Donnie, but then closes her eyes again and focuses!

But her feeble attempts... brief moments of trying to grow the plants she could, hear and feel at the Shades feet and trying to grow them to entangle him, catch him, hold him was not working too well, she was just too inexperienced to do so.

Elena has covered her eyes. Yua and Inaba hugging behind them and covering their heads as that boom washes over the cart and it's protection, just a noise like a rush of rain to them, to Donnie probably felt like a hammer blow against his defense's.

Liam nuzzles Donnie, " Da... UlDonnie dragon!" happily and in as proud and pleased a tone a three year old could manage. Even if for a moment he had been confused about whether this was DadDon or Uncle Donnie - dad.... Then he tilts his head back and his sound is long and loud and echoing - that call from the maze, louder!

Up in the air Mike caught the tail end of that call and it breaks his flipping in half - the pleasure of looping around and with Leo. There is a furious roar in answer -

And fly hard in that direction.

Shade was calling up spectres to fight with him hearing the roars, and clapping again trying to break the protection over the cart to whisk away the smaller dragon genio innocou and it's smaller one too!

Riverside Rescue Dedrse10

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Age : 24

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Sun Oct 31, 2021 6:46 pm

The sound Donnie made in response to Mikey's compliment was sort of the dragon equivalent of a soft whimper. That had hurt! Now that it's finished and over he feels okay though... he thinks. Yeah, doesn't actually hurt anymore.

There's a pained grunt as the wave slams into Donnie's protective bubble. He probably can't take many more of those hits.

Donnie returned the nuzzles of the toddler, blowing warm air over him. Donnie's not sure if he can breathe fire or not, but... he'll probably have to try here in a bit! And yeah... he can't blame the kid for the confusion. Donnie's a little confused by it too. So just... a little affection.  

Donnie can't really tell what Bebe is doing, but he can sort of feel that she's trying something. He tries to tell her to try to trip the guy instead of entangle him. Just keep putting things in his way.

Buuuuuuut... Donnie can't speak in this form! His thought speech probably wouldn't be understood by anyone in the cart! As the Shade calls for him to turn himself in with Liam, Donnie is searching the cart! Surely there's...

In the meantime, he gestures for the girls to take the kids and head out the far side of the cart. The side where at least they wouldn't be seen. And with the protective barrier still in place for the moment, it would probably make exact positions more difficult to sense.

He doesn't get much farther though, because Liam's call, forced a response from Donnie! Just as surely as Don had responded in the maze. He grabbed a glass bottle as he rushed out of the cart toward the Shade, roaring at him!

It's a child's roar, but still an angry roar instead of a chirrp. A definite, "Never!" If the Shade wants him, he's going to have to come get him! MEanwhile, Donnie can only hope that the girls are actually trying to get out on the cart. Donnie doesn't leave the protective field just yet, but he is definitely out of the cart facing the Shade! The field should protect those inside from the spectres at least.

He can hear the roars of his brothers! Even if he doesn't know why he knows... he knows it's Leo and Mike! He doesn't have to defeat this Shade himself. He just needs to hold him off until they get here! And they're only moments away!


Liam's call, followed by Donnie's roar draws a third and final warning from an angry alpha.

The Shade's next contact from the ninja dragon will be in battle.

Riverside Rescue Tmnt-210

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leon Wed Nov 03, 2021 1:43 pm

distant streaks of light and rumbles of what could be considered distant thunder but is actually dragon roars.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donimoy Fri Nov 05, 2021 9:56 am

Donatello sort of for a few moments lost track of the others save for Leon whom rushed in, his avatar built for flight speed apparently would dart in after his own air attacks that battered and beat and sliced at the possessed being, the pudgy Leon landing a kick that oddly mingled his sharp hooves and fleshy still hard foot.

The latest boom meant for Donnie's shield over the cart slammed Donatello back, into a tree with such force he felt the lean wooden structure crack..
No it was his own body armour!

He yelled and it's half a shout of pain and half a nooo! When Donnie joins them all on the ground, he could not know as he slumped to the ground knowing he should not move until he had something wrapping about his body, he was reasonably sure the injuries where not fatal, they yet like heck and he would ignore to get back in the fight but not without something binding him up otherwise it miiight become something he might not heal from, kinda like the scar Leonardo now had and if anyone looked at Raphael's shell too hard they might note his scarred carapace, the slightly off color of the healed cracks. Donatello was in that situation now... And no duct tape on him so he could only remain where he was some blood leaking and in considerable but not over whelming pain and breathing a little hard.

The shade knew he was out of the way though and probably assume he was done for and turned its attention to attacking Donnie's shield again probably to grab the little boy.

Leon meanwhile found himself suddenly bucking and writhing and basically a bronco under a saddle that sinched his belly far too tight and squashed his avatars wings painfully to him, and made it hard to get a good breath in! And a bridle!

Bit and all!

And those two annoyances dealt with the Shade turns full and smug attention to battering that protective shield with a burst of almost electronic energy at the bubble grinning at facing the young dragon, " You should be careful of glass, it could break, so delicate in big claws." taunt and the bottle in Donnie's claws would indeed snap and shatter and maybe if he is not fast enough in letting go cut him.

But his efforts to keep battering the barrier and tease this youngin facing him was distracted! Oooooh

Utterly and probably over confident he begins to draw on the life of the plants and bushes and critters in them to build a body that he felt could face the oncoming larger shapes - he didn't have time to play with the youngster now and simply bond dragonet up, around mouth before he could breath any fire and his legs together.

Mikey is trying his best to help Donnie's barrier, probably only in time to stop the attacks making it impossible for Donnie to hold it, wrapping his energy and force around them and shuddering at the booms and blasts and feeling like he was being shorted out time and time again, feeling a bit crispy but grimly holding on -

Bebe would collasped in the cart her wings losing any color at all as the drain on energy through her attempts at 'leaf speak' - not seriously hurt but almost, if she hadn't stopped trying to grow the plants enough to trip him up, she maybe might have been sucked dry.

Luckily for her, Elena and Liam they found soft landing in the arms of Yua and Inaba, the rabbit and rat ladies both dragging the pair to the very front of the cart as far as they could get away and hucker down !

Liam squirmed free and ran to the other end despite efforts to catch him! And roared angrily -

Mikey would have laughed! And maybe managed a pained awwww giggling at the cute little guy looking like a Leo, howling angrily at the thing hurting his DadUncle! -

And awwww so pleased looking when he 'roared' that adorable squeaky squeal of a baby and instead a very Leo roar drowns everything out! And looks so very pleased with himself!

But the kid couldnt get out of the barrier any more than the magical attacks could get in at this moment though if Donnie loses his concentration the next boom will definitely short Mikey out and he will be as out of this fight as distracted and fighting Leon is and injured Donatello.

Mike felt rage at the sight of that thing? A giant pig thing now that was elongating into a wrym shaped beast with a still very hog like face and snout!

How he doesn't know but he can guess the sudden 'dying' off around the space was part of it, it was growing to be able to fight them !

And enraged at the sight of a slumped lean long turtle that could only be Leonardo and Raphael's brother, Donatello, a small puddle of red under him. Furious at the way the almost still now cart below them shook - he can't tell whose shield was standing up to the shock waves but he doubted it would be long... And amusing maybe but still infuriating to see Leon, Raph and MikeyMikey and Donno's Leon struggling to free himself, to get back into the fight!

And Mike knew if all that enraged him -

He did not want to be inbetween a no doubt pissed if he saw all this Leo and that thing... Noooope so he swoops - blasting a ball of flame at the beast more to distract him as he rockets past to gather up Leon, to try a blast from behind, both were being deflected, using his momentum to swoop around to gather up Donatello. Intending to get them all together to shield them and out of the way of Leo and the whatever it was giant hog serpenty dragon thing now. Get to Donnie and protect them!

So Leo could focus on the threat solely!

Riverside Rescue Dedrse10

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Fri Nov 05, 2021 2:18 pm

The booms are clearly starting to wear on Donnie. He'll only be able to stop maybe one more. Though as he watches Donatello get slammed into the tree, and Leon saddled and bridled like that, Donnie is determined! He doesn't want that to happen to anyone else! And he doubles down, focusing, brightening his shield! Unwilling to give into this monster! He roars a second time. The small dragon's roar is not even as impressive as Donatello's had been, but he at least has the creature looking at him, and leaving the others alone for a little while!

As the Shade starts talking about the glass, Donnie tries to throw the bottle at him, but it's too late, and it does shatter in his hand. Glass shards slice into him, and it does at least briefly break his concentration.

Probably thankfully, the creature was distracted moments later! Donnie is trying to focus again, and rebuild that shield as best he can.

But suddenly, Donnie is bound! His mouth is covered, and his arms trapped at his side! He doesn't have hind legs as such, being a serpent-type, but the binding is nevertheless effective, and he can't slither his way out of it. Though he is trying! Thrashing wildly, desperately trying to get free! The bonds are quickly getting tighter though, and he's very tightly trapped after a short time. Donnie is completely unable to move, and he's scared.

Donnie had not been trying to use leaf speak, when the Shade killed everything around him, but Donnie still felt that! And it hurt! He can't really cry out with the bindings though. There is a muffled sound, a young dragon's pained whimper. The color and integrity of the shield are affected, and it nearly breaks again. He can't stand up to anymore of the booms on his own, and Mikey's shielding is definitely needed to help protect those within the protective bubbles. He barely heard Liam's call over Leo's, and he is too far away and too distracted to see Liam thinking that roar had been his own.

But suddenly another dragon was there! Collecting the others and standing between them and the Shade! This new dragon is quite a bit bigger than Donnie is. Though, even it is still on the small side, young by dragon standards. It takes Donnie a moment to realize it's actually Mike! There is one major difference between the older turtles and Donnie's dragon though. While Donnie can probably access his fire at least a little, he has not yet figured out how to use it!

Donnie had known there was a second dragon there somewhere because he had heard two roars earlier, but he had certainly not known where it was. Until it was flying over him, blasting flame at the Shade.

Last edited by Donatello2003 on Sun Nov 07, 2021 8:05 am; edited 2 times in total

Riverside Rescue Tmnt-210

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Fri Nov 05, 2021 2:19 pm

Leo is definitely irate, and Mike choosing to stay out of his way was probably a wise idea. At the very least, it gave Leo a clear shot. While Leo is extremely angry at the moment, he is also not going to let himself fly off the handle. No, he will take that anger and focus it into a long, hot burn.

As Mike came in from behind and swooped in clearing injured and bound parties out of his way, Leo swings around. He will come in from another direction. Brief shots of flame will reach the Shade at the same time as Mike's blasts, but they will come from another direction. He is definitely careful about the fire until the injured and bound fighters are clear.

Leo is moving quickly and silently, even for a dragon. Then one more blast, and this time, Leo doesn't let up. Not after seeing this monster hurt and bind his little brother! He keeps that dragon fire blast on the Shade. The Shade will either fall to the dragon fire, or Leo will tackle and grapple. This dragonish pig monster appears to have strong magic, but Leo is confident in his chances in close. If the Shade can hear him, there's one thought directed at the monster.

~Leave my family alone.~

Riverside Rescue 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Mike Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:24 pm

The Shade turns his attention mostly to Leo - roaring in frustration at the fire fire attacks, they hadn't made it all the way through his defenses, but coming from all sides it seems and the last actually burned!

A sneer at the ... blue dragon

" You could always come with me instead sure you will be prize enough for the new Lord." defiant and strangely enough for the moment it seems the orange one has little interest in attacking him!

He knows though those making the barrier between him and the cart and that jewel of a baby he barely spotted and can barely see now.

Mike knows Leo is there, he doesn't know to what extent the barrier he can feel is Donnie's but he feels its at least part him. First he just makes a happy noise - their Donnie! they have yep now little brother! And he is offering a happy grunt bumping his little brother with his snout, it's almost rough but now really - he growls at the sight of cut claws and covers them with his own for the moment just patting them, reassuring he hoped and careful with the speak of his mind to Donnie, ~ hey dude! looks like we arrived in time, here lemme help you out then you and I must help Leo get a good blast on that thing!~ he begins biting at the bindings, they snap and fray and loosen and he is not sure Donnie can breath fire - but he will show him how none the less and help get though the creatures magic to get at him - " It's sort of like... forcing a cough but hooking a loogie with it and then breathing hard on top - makes fire!" he tries to explain but also is just chatting so Donnie can be definitely sure it is him! Mike! and he had back up now!

Mikey does not let the adorableness of Liam's puffed chest and big beam - and the wondering face he has at suddenly having two larger Dads there the little guy could touch the insides of the bubbles without being hurt.

Not the same for Donnie and Mikey being boomed and rocked and in Mikey's case partly crisped with each attack as it feels like a surge of energy and he's the breaker that hasn't quite shorted out yet but was on the brink of doing so. He sees Bebe go over, doesn't know why but trusts she has collapsed into the arms of Yua and Inaba that she will be okay and Elena is safe, he shoos the proud and amazed blue boy back into the collection of gals and there really isn't any further back the ladies can go but he gently encourages them to move back in any case. Back and keep low - then he'll slip out of the cart, but not far - to move towards a plonked down Leon still trying to get himself free and a Donatello who was doing his best to remain still and let his natural healing at least plug up the bleeding.

Mike ignores them for now - beyond them and his work in freeing Donnie and talking to him the creature wasn't letting Leo in close to grapple and fight - striking out with magic and return fire blats. one that sets the surrounding dry deadness ablaze. So smoke was in the air too now! not a problem yet but could become one. Mike needed to finish, have Donnie free and ready to at least try to fire at the thing - so they can tag team it and give Leo an opening for a finishing move. Flesh or fire that didn't matter.


And from far away up river the smoke rises like a signal for Addy - something to aim to, to work for. Something that stirs worry she knows so where she first smells it then glances about and sees it, she is quick to keep her crew on task. " we'll aim for that, it might be where a fight is, it might be where one was but it's as good a check point as any." she tells them firmly, calmly keeping worry from her tone.

Leonardo recognized the ploy, and it works, he too remains in time and calm and just churrs back a equivalent of yes ma'am! Resting after a stroke and wriggling all limbs, so far so good and nothing he and Raphael can't handle for longer.

babies where not really able to play right now - but it was sort of a game - so they were happy, especially in those moments they got head rubs! And any time they tried to move closer a warning sort of bark from Addy made them scramble back to the middle of the rowing spaces with the water skins.

Riverside Rescue Ff9f8d10

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:29 pm

~Of that, I am sure. But that prize will never be yours.~

Sure, the Shade seems to be deflecting Leo's attacks for now, and keeping Leo back with those magical blasts, but Leo is also pretty easily avoiding the magic. He is currently aiming to drag the Shade's attention and blasts away from the cart and their injured and bound fighters. Leo is going to force the Shade to fight HIM, and not give him time to attack the others.

What he's reading off Mikey and Donnie's barrier is worrying. It does seem that he and Mike arrived just in time.

Whenever the opportunity presents itself, Leo is spitting burning dragon fire at the Shade once more.


Donnie is completely still when Mike arrives, he's unable to move after thrashing about in his bindings!

He whimpers softly as Mike approaches, not recognizing the dragon for who it truly is. Not until the snout bump and the conversation! Though the soft sound could have also been interpreted as a request for help.

~Mikey!~ Or... his Mikey! Mike... whatever! Donnie doesn't care what name his brother is going by here. Only that this is his brother, and that he IS here! And... apparently dragony too!

Oh, he's so relieved, he could cry! He doesn't. At least in part because he is currently in dragon form. As Mike bites on the bindings, Donnie wriggles again, trying to help fray and tear them! Trying to break free! He finally does so.

And he's almost staring at Mike's explanation of how to breathe fire. If Mike doesn't already know that Donnie doesn't have the last three years of memories, the look could probably be interpreted as sort of a sarcastic 'uh, yeah, I know.'

But that's not what it truly is. No.

~Do you... actively search for the most disgusting way to word things?~ It is strictly that. Especially after the other Mikey described accessing his dragon avatar as putting on a second skin a short time ago!

Must be a Mikey thing. Definitely a Mikey thing.

Donnie will attempt to follow Mike's explanation of fire breathing though!

There's a bit of smoke, but not flame. Eh, whatever. Whenever the fire reaches still living plants, Donnie finds it painful! Though most within the battle zone are dead already, so that's not as much of an issue.

Alright, no fire. At least not at the moment. He can probably get it with practice. But Donnie doesn't have time for that! They've got to help Leo! He bites his way through some of Leon's bindings, hoping to free him too! Then, while Leo is keeping the Shade busy, Donnie slinks in behind as quickly as he can to bite its tail!

If Donnie succeeds, Leo will take that opportunity to blast the beast once more! As well as piling on with any attacks from Mike too! If the Shade notices Donnie, then Leo will blast him anyway, trying to keep the monster from attacking his little brother for the attempt!

Last edited by Leonardo2003 on Mon Nov 08, 2021 7:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

Riverside Rescue 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Join date : 2016-11-20

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by MikeyMikey Mon Nov 08, 2021 6:11 pm

MikeyMikey, Donno and Raph sort of looked at each other as Addy suggested that they should head toward the fire. That's a nasty fight if there's that much smoke involved.

Then again, there are dragons involved.

But Addy is calm, and Leonardo is calm. So other than the nervous look to each other, they also remain calm and they keep rowing. They keep their time, and make sure to take their brief rests between rows.

They know, just like the larger turtles do, that the only way they're going to be able to help later is if they take advantage of those brief moments now. They have better endurance than it might at first seem, so they'll definitely be tired when they get there, but they'll make it.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:49 am

A pleased smile. The Omegas look like they shouldn't have the endurance, but they are old sailors so do have the core to keep pushing on. Sometimes out at sea storms can make rowing on end necessary for days even weeks in rotations or be taken down -

it was Kovu and Dana that would struggle a bit as they close in.

Lilo for now was okay but definitely slowing.

But all three were still pushing on.

Riverside Rescue Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Doragonkame Wed Nov 10, 2021 1:40 pm

Mike laughs, ~ I find its the best way to burn it into your brain lil bro - hey let that barrier go, they'll have to make it on their own for a moment you need to protect you with your strength. Mikey get the cart out of the fire zone! and low from the smoke - and try to treat the injured! Leo you help them." nudging Leon as the broken bits of his tack finally snap and he is shaking off!

Mike was not normally an order giver per say but right now with Leo busy and Donnie moving to join in Mike takes a moment to give directions, worried about the bleeding Donatello is doing but the guy is pulling himself up and for now Mike is going to have to trust he will be fine. And that done he turns back to watch Donnie bite into the guys tail, moving in to blast as Leo does -

Because their little brothers tactic worked the Shade turns to snap at Donnie with dark large even mid response to Leo ~ ooooh I usually get what I waaaaaaah!~ and opens up a little of himself to being burned - and if he doesn't react to it as they would expect... well Donnie might be able to taste why his body - the original pig and the bloated serpent like wrym is... dead flesh - it would sloth and feel gross under Donnie's attack and would crisps where Leo's fire got through, Mike's didn't make it - but he doesn't mind and quickly rushes around to find a new spot away from Leo and Donnie to direct the creature and open another attack spot. But the smell at the burns and the bite are also horrific -

Boar is a walking dead thing reanimated by spirits, the price of the kind of magic he wanted to wield when he was a live and invited these spirits in.

~ Try your fire again Donnie when you can, it takes a few tries to do more than adorable smoke puffs.~ ready to get in the way of the magical attacks at their little brother!

Donatello shakes off the disorientation, and shoves the cart, and again! pushing to get clear of the rapidly feeding on the dried dead husks of plant and animals around them fire building, no way fast enough... tempted to try his wind power but also not - what if he just feeds into it?!

Leon horsey grins at Donnie in thanks and whhooooooas at the sight of the other dragons! but shakes himself to help get the cart clear, without their beasts to pulls it was a hard push but he and Donatello threw their weight in and got it rolling clearing away from the battle ground at least and trying to follow Mike's... assuming it was indeed the Mike having the orange colorations on it.

In the cart Mikey is keeping up his barrier - is rather burnt out feeling but hops out to help out moving the cart and it's cargo - trusting to the ladies to keep the looking ready to go fight for Donnie Liam in the cart too - little guy was even hissing angrily. Adorable!

Riverside Rescue Byssig10

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Wed Nov 10, 2021 6:02 pm

There's a glower at the 'lil bro' comment from Mike! Donnie has figured out that yes... technically true, but he has not yet accepted this! Though he does listen as he heads off to bite the monster


What IS that thing?! It tastes TERRIBLE! And he hadn't intended to bite PIECES OFF!!!!


And apparently Leo and Mike are trying to burn the thing, and it's just... Ew! And stuff sloughed off in Donnie's mouth. uuuuuuuuugh...

~Can dragons vomit?~ It hadn't really been intended as thought speech. Just one of those questions that runs through Donnie's mind on a pretty regular basis. And this time, they're probably going to get an answer to that question once this battle is over and Donnie actually has a chance to think about what just happened.

~It's a zombie!~ Okay, clearly a powerfully magical zombie, but a zombie all the same!

~That would explain the smell.~

Donnie tries his fire again while the Shade is distracted by Leo and Mike. There's no real flame. His eyes light up strangely though, and smoke comes out dragon nose and ears. And Donnie coughs one time, bringing up a single little puff of smoke.


Though you wouldn't know it to look at him, Leo is actually rather surprised by what happens once Donnie actually bites the Shade, and he actually has a fireball fully break the guy's defenses. He doesn't let it slow him down though.

~Not this time.~

And ew... Leo actually feels a bit squidgy on their little brother's behalf after that bite!

Had Leo been in a position to actually do so, he would have laughed at Donnie apparently lighting his own head on fire, but not actually managing anything else with it. Donnie is a dragon though, and seemed fine despite the rather adorable, little mishap!

But Donnie seemed to be going in for a second attack. Though Leo is worried about the little dragon who seems to be having some trouble, at least with his fire.

~Donnie, go help with the cart.~ The bite had definitely been helpful, but now they need that cart moving! Sure, Donnie had already started clawing at the Shade, but he will break off and follow the order if he can.

Leo swooped around quickly, and if Mike can get the Shade's attention with another blast, hopefully while Donnie is clawing, and before the Shade can hurt either of them, Leo will come in from behind breathing fire again, and this time, follow on and try to down the Shade, hoping to finish this! End it before the Shade can hurt anyone else.

And before Donnie gets an answer to that question Leo's pretty sure he hadn't meant to share.+

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Doragonkame Thu Nov 11, 2021 12:34 pm

Mike had already been giggling about the glower - and it turns into a laugh that has a whole lot of 'ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww' in it at Donnie's reaction to the taste of Shade. ~ In that case I know not to bite!~ Tease! And pausing mid next strike to think over the question - like literally mid blast of fire - resuming it a moment later -

They were beginning to not only crisp up enough bits of the Shades current body that he was unable to move as quick before and block more attacks from any of them, Donnies clawing opens a few long tears and Mike catches a fresh whiff of stink ~ Ahhhhhhhh thats foul! ~" but it has the desired effect of leaving the lashing at Donnie - and missing cause Mike moves in closer to bump Donnie gently to go do as Leo told him, help get the cart and its people out of the way. Even by now Mike can feel the last of the barrier stuttering out as Mikey joins pushing the cart away from the fire.

Shade is too busy trying to turn to meet the attacks to answer he will have them! and even as some parts of his now sort of too large and unruly body are not moving fast enough to get his more reactionary bursts of magic that hit and exploded dirt and ground around them! missing the dragons now but refusing to stop and actually rocking the cart once!

A blast hitting the waters and making the approaching under hard oars boat making it rock and sway and throwing spray all over its rowers but Addy calls for oars to be held or dipped to help level them out and keep still until the rocking and pitching stop. The kids she told to lay down - the water that came over the sides and splashed them all and remained on deck was not deep enough for them to drown and it was safer for them this way instead of wobbling about as the vessel rocked and swayed several feet up down and side to side. Those not used to this sort of thing might get sick. Kovu and Lilo lived in trees that did such things... Dana looked like she was trying not to puke! Addy calls out. " no fighting if you feel like being sick, we can always rinse the deck and ourselves..."

Shade - if Leo can sustain the current attack will burn right through! Mike moving in to blast fire on end of Leo's so he can catch his breath and do it again!! Even if he is in their minds laughing a bit at their poor younger brothers attempt ! ~ wish I had a camera that was cute! he calls. Younger or not thoroughly treating his brother as he always had, some play and tease and always having his shell!

(( ooc: hahaha giggled too hard! poor Donnie!))

Riverside Rescue Byssig10

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:43 pm

((OOC: LOL! That was a fun one to write!))

Donnie looks up at Mike's comment, mouth slightly open, disgust clear on his face!

Leo is amused by his brothers' carrying on, and aw, he feels bad for Donnie and his mouthful of Shade. With as bad as it smells, he can only imagine how bad it tastes.

And Leo would like to keep it that way, thanks!

~It's in my moooouuuuuuth!~ All whiiiiiiiine!

As Mike and Donnie have that bit of back and forth, Leo is tempted to remind Mike to focus, but they are still getting the job done. Leo will probably chuckle about this fight later, because between the reaction to biting the Shade and the failed fireball were actually very funny.

They were definitely going to have to have Donnie work on the fireballs before they found themselves in battle as dragons again.

~I think a little dragon fire training might be in order.~ And there's an amusement in his tone that would tell his brothers that Leo definitely agreed with Mike on this one. That had been adorable.

Donnie is grumbling as he hurries away from the fight, picking the biggest and most obvious Shade bits out of his claws as he makes his way to the cart to help get it clear of the fires. His hand is still bleeding, and there's still glass, but they will worry about that later. Right now, he positions himself to take as much of the burden as he can off Donatello! Donnie can see what happened to his shell! He isn't sure if the turtle can hear him.

~You shouldn't be moving!~ But he backs it up with a couple nudges to get into the cart and stay still! Donnie hasn't actually dealt with a cracked shell like this before, at least not that he remembers, but he's read about them!

Donnie in his dragon form is only slightly larger than the tallest turtle, but he's doing a good job of adding to the movement of the cart! Helping get it really moving and clear of the flames.

Leo does continue that burn, at least until Mike takes over to offer him a xchance for a breath! Then Leo will pick it up again until the Shade is burnt through. He nods for Mike to go help with the cart too, and start tending to injured.

And Leo will make absolutely certain that this battle is over. Then... with that familiar boat out on the water, maybe Leo will see if they can do something about this fire. And... get someone out here who can help with that shell injury. If all is finished for now, Leo will send Mike back out to the ship to bring back some more help.

~We need Leonardo and DonnieBoy or Donno.~ Or both, but both might be a tall order for one dragon. Maybe one at a time.

And Leo will make sure that those here are clear of the fire and starting to get the help they need.


Out on the ship, Donno and Raph are doing alright with the motion of the boat. Not great, but they're okay.

MikeyMikey throws up. Though he does feel better after he's done.


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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Doragonkame Tue Nov 16, 2021 5:44 pm

Mike was still laughing in their minds, amused by Donnie, its definitely a Mike sign he has deeply missed, worried and just damned relieved to have Donnie in his head complaining about zombie flesh - hah!

He doesn't want to back off now to go get people from the boat - but knows they need to handle the fire and have some hands on aid - even those in the cart might have be singed a little from some falling debris, but are at least keeping down and so far the smoke is wafting upwards not particularly blown anywhere. ~Maaaybe after this some one will make a mint bush grow for ya.~ he teeeeases Donnie, but yeah he had noticed for a short time there in the confrontation some plants had been... growing? he's not entirely certain -

but certain... in that Mike not sure but sure way.

But questions for another time! Leo looked to be ending this and the Shade could no longer turn or fight off their attacks as quickly, he was burning in bits and pieces and was so dead already he didn't seem to feel or care.

Donatello chuckles at the voice in his head and continues to push, " it's just a few cracks, I'll be alright.... um hope someone has ducttape somewhere." he adds but there is a light knuckling to the Donnie dragons shoulder, " thanks lets get them further that way..." well mostly Donnie now - but he will try to help as much her can.


Out in the water Addy saw the thickening smoke, at any moment that might be blown their way in the wind so she stops beating on the drum. Slowly, bring down their speed then stopping. " I will set a slow beat to turn us here so we can anchor, please I know yous are all keen to get out and help but remain calm, on the left back stroke to the beat, right keep your current strokes." she instructs and starts, slow. She was anxious as any of them but the girls alone if the turtles all break for the sure and the omegas would struggle more to pull this ship up.

So it was important to get them turned and then drop the anchor - and wave. " go go all whom are going assure." she wouldn't with her healing wound.

Leonardo and Raphael were a little tired but ready - " hah alright there MikeMikey? Thanks Addy - don't you clean this up yourself alright? come on guys our bros need us." and well they were all tired probably but a cool swim and fight fighting and first aiding was to be needed!

DonnieBoy would rather had napped again after that but he can see - Mikey! " ready!" grinning and bumping against his bench buddies as they begin to stow oars and prepare to simply dive off the boat and swim.

Duncan helpfully offers MikeyMikey more water.

Riverside Rescue Byssig10

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Wed Nov 17, 2021 8:38 am

Mike is getting mild, grumpy, grumbling for the mint comment. Mostly how he's pretty sure mint won't cut it this time. Then more contemplative grumpies. Something about Bebe, a pause then going on to grumble about how he could probably grow his own now too... apparently. There's a flick of his tail that is clearly mock, brotherly annoyance. The mood is definitely annoyance with Mike, and the remaining taste of Shade. Grumpies are not actually directed towards Bebe though her name did appear in his rant as he makes his way over to the cart.

Donnie seems unconvinced by Donatello's reassurance, but he doesn't actually try to throw the tall turtle into the cart to enforce a rest. The tail flick this time is worried. And he redoubles his efforts to get the cart where Donatello was pointing to. He is doing what he can to prevent Donatello from helping much, mostly by just being in the guy's way!


Leo can hear the grumping followed by mild worry, but isn't paying it much mind at the moment. He is making absolutely sure that the Shade is fully and completely burned. He's not necessarily using his dragon fire anymore once the attacks end. Mostly he is keeping an eye on the remains, and making sure they actually burn away to nothing. If something goes out before Leo feels the combustion is complete, then he will help it along a little. There's no reason to burn or damage any more of the forest though.

Especially since he's pretty sure those with fae powers in the group seemed to find damage to the plants painful. Leo doesn't need to add to that anymore now.


"Uh huh..." Okay, maybe not the most convincing response, but he'll be fine in a moment. Duncan received a  "Thanks, Purple MicroDude," for the water.

All three, despite the same eagerness to reach their brother that the others are dealing with, follow Addy's instructions closely. Though MikeyMikey did need just a moment to resettle himself. Raph, knowing the story of what happened to Addy's last boat when Leo and Leonardo left, maybe hesitated just a moment, but they can see the others on shore, and if anything happens, the dragons are close enough to make the flight quickly.

So all three are definitely tired, but also ready to follow Leonardo to shore and help!

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:05 am

Mike is very amused, ~ sooooooooooooooooo which of the cuties in the cart is Bebe?~ he teases little brothers grumpies and loud enough for Leo to hear - well he is making no effort to keep the conversation to himself - and making every effort to drown out the angry zombie falling apart and frying beasts last squeals and grunts and - as gross as it smelled once burnt to a crisp it was slightly bacony!

He can't believe he just thought that! and out loud! And a laugh as Donatello trips on Donnie's tail and flops against the smaller dragon.

Though he is pretty sure he could guess and he is amused.

Leonardo on the boat grins, " come on then guys - we have brothers to help!" he cheers and helps any turtle that looks like he is a little tooo tired - but they will be keen to get to shore, he waits for Raphael to dive off and lead the way, and he'll follow up with a roar - its a happy one, a thrilled to see them one, one that meant aid was coming - as the fire built so probably in time! Though MikeyMikey did need just a moment to resettle himself. Raph, knowing the story of what happened to Addy's last boat when Leo and Leonardo left, maybe hesitated just a moment, but they can see the others on shore, and if anything happens, the dragons are close enough to make the flight quickly.

DonnieBoy is glad for the help, even as keen as he is to get to his own brother he was a little stumbly once away from the oar bench.

He smiles at Raph, Donno and MikeyMikey, maybe sticking close to him as he'd ralphed. Raphael didn't even appear tired dammit - he just gestures and dives off into the water, tucking his head and arms in so when he hit the water he broke any surface tension but also any potential tress in the way of would find rocks first... there are none but hey his poor tired companions don't need injuries on top!

Mike tries the direct approach to a burst of the fire that was beginning to pick up some speed around them, flopping on a patch belly down and rolling to smother a bit. But boy he was not able to roll around fast enough! And he doesn't mind getting covered in soot!

Addy smiles, Lilo and Dana could barely peel themselves off their benches, Kovu not far behind and not much better off, " sorry ladies, Sam, Pip and Monroe we will be busy lets rinse this all off and down, Duncan, Malcolm come little ones we will pack away the drum and make sure critters are okay, watered and fed so." And she spies the Leo dragon and he looks okay so she waves up at him and is pleased, gathering little ones to her, they are chirping and waving energetically up at their dads.

Raphael makes it on land first - and turns back to make sure the others are there, even if he is eager to give his own elemental gifts a go - find out what he can really do!

Leon - free is doing what he can to push the cart... and looks funnily too pudgy and small in this pegasus form to do much!...

Liam pats pats Bebe's face, she was still thankfully out of it and unable to keep listenign to the leaf speak of the plants around them all. Inabamaking sure the little fellow and tucked in Yua's lap Elena stay well back, and low as they could in the cart.

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Adalind Schade

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Fri Nov 19, 2021 6:52 am

Donnie eyes Mike for just a moment before answering the question as he's sure Mike means it instead of commenting on the wording. And since it is thought speak, it comes out sort of strangely.

~Bebe is the fae.~ is overlaid with
~Bebe is my mom.~

Donnie does not realize the second layer is there at all, but the thought speech made it so both layers were easily understood.

Though Leo definitely heard it and in a free moment, he glances to Mike with a silent 'wait, what?'

When Donatello trips, Donnie takes the opportunity! And unless Donatello really does something to stop him, the tallest turtle will find himself quickly, but gently deposited in the cart by the small dragon with a worried ~Stay.~

~Does NOT taste like bacon, but thanks for ruining bacon.~

Leo chuckled at the bacon thought as he continued his thorough cleanup efforts. Nothing of the Shade is left unburned! There is a slight dragony bow in response to Addy's wave. And he returned Leonardo's roar, a 'glad you made it!' Leo could definitely use some ice right about now! And Raphael's Earthmoving would be useful too!


Raph and Donno are pretty much okay, and MikeyMikey was alright by the time he actually jumped off the boat, and they swim after Raphael!

And move to help with the cart once they see what's going on!

"Something smells like month old bacon..."

Riverside Rescue Tmnt-210

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by DonnieBoy Sat Nov 20, 2021 2:17 pm

That makes a soooooooo sooty Mike dragon stop midroll the flames under his tough hide smothered and smoking under his belly - a glance at Leo and eye brow... Bebe didn't loooooooook older enough to be a mother, let alone Donnie's mother? ~ uuuuuuuuuuuuh just how old is she?! thats some serious fae magic!~ his mind buzzing with whys and hows and yep sharing a What the flippy flops?! look with Leo. ~ you may have to explaint hat one to us lil bro!!~

Rolling a bit more and chuckling bumping Raph with his snout, ~ Not even the fabulous fancy smoked iberico ham - like bluergh!~ and to his counterpart, ~ come on my dudes kick some dirt with me over these fire patches!~ as if their all just done with a camp fire!

In a way they were.

DonnieBoy is hurrying to the cart trusting Donno was probably moments behind him seeing as a limping and tired but thrilled Leon was there!

" Donno! Raph! MikeyMikey!" and if there was ever a pudgy pegasus that looked more excited... no one had seen one soo far! - also one that was limping and shrinking back into his turtley self and rushing towards his brothers -

Donnieboy grinning and hopping into the cart - " Mikey?!" gathering his brother to him and hissing a little at the residual zap and the ... heat! - but the tall turtle! he hesitates -

Donatello grunts, he didn't want to stay! - " fiiiiiiiine... I'll stay... and I'll be fiiiiine as long as some one has some duct tape... Leonardo! Raphael!" oooooh to be so close, sooooooo close and the relief - his brothers! He was in the middle of patting Donnie's shoulder in a light sort of thank you way for putting him here - and gently using his other hand to rub Elena's back cause his cracked bloodied plastron and shell clearly scared the little terror and Liam.

" Donno - I.... got some pet tape in my pockets... I need to get Mikey to water. To cool off." by now the static feeling that usually lingered on Mikey along with the foxy avatar skin was gone, he'd sort of passed out when the barriers broke, or at least his did, a last wild pained boom from the Shades dying attempts to strike at the dragons burning him had short circuted Mikey's barrier. He would be okay... eventually but be crispy and sore and also unable to power up as much for a long while. DonnieBoy laid his brother back down on the cart floor and began pulling stuff from his pockets, mostly first aid packs or various kinds, and a box of brightly fluoro colored pet tapes usually used to stick down bandages on animals, " not ducttape but close enough.... whoa those are some big cracks..." he hopes like himself and his brothers Donatello's sort of mutation heals their shells and plastron relatives quick or that would be a long time healing....

Leonardo and Raphael want to rush at their brother -

but first the fire!

It's building a bit - and Leonardo focuses... much like he had earlier making a soft snow drift... this time he is trying to call a frosty fall, something heavier and it feels slow - because it's hot and dry in the space... but he is trying! shuffling backwards towards the water to try getting some cool and moisture to work with!

Raphael doesn't need that, he is not sure what he is doing but he too focuses, there is a rumbling as he tries the first time communing with earth, the grounds under their feet shake a little but it's stubborn and doesnt throw up a bit of a dust storm as he is trying to do to smother the fire line in front of him, he doesn't yet sense he has to be more stubborn more forceful!

Addy over in the ship is keeping worried kiddoes low and quiet, the omegas she sends to watch the edges of the ship - no being taken by surprise this time, and the ladies and herself - though she carefully leaves any heavy lifting to Lilo and Kovu and Dana go about making sure the critters where not too stressed from the day of noisy drumming or the smoke in the air, and clean the oars and floors around from sweats and vomits. Preparing for a larger crew as best they could, even a bit of the Lilo and Raph nest sacrificed to bring a spare sail up encase a dragons needs a spot to rest. She hoped not but maybe... A grin at Leo's bow - it must mean he is doing okay -

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Sun Nov 21, 2021 9:46 am

~They said thirteen or fourteen.~

Donnie doesn't actually realize that the second layer was there, so he isn't entirely certain what to make of Mike's reaction, and he had missed Leo's. And he takes it to mean that Mike didn't know what a fae was. Which is ridiculous given what Donnie knows to be his choice of reading material!

~Fae? It's just another word for fairy. She's the one with the dragonfly wings.~

And since it's mostly just supervising the burn by bow, Leo takes a moment to look at Donnie.

~Donnie, you said Bebe is your mom.~

~No, I didn't. She's a fae.~ They don't know their mom... or possibly moms. Leo and Mike know that. This is getting a little Twilight Zone again!

Leo shoots another glance to Mike. ~You said that too, but you also called her your mom.~

Donnie looks confused.

~Don't worry about it. We'll figure it out later.~

They have enough to deal with at the moment!

Donnie looks a bit perturbed at this. But with as much weird stuff as he's heard today... yeah, sure. Later.


Raph, MikeyMikey and Donno all rush to Leon! He seems like he's been in a fight, but relatively okay. There's just a quick hug though, and making sure Leon is alright before Donno rushes off after DonnieBoy to help with post-battle first aid.

Raph and MikeyMikey rushed off to help Mike kick dirt. They couldn't hear Mike's thought speech, maybe a vague understanding, but not clearly.  

"And it smells half rotten."

~Can confirm. It IS half rotten.~

The others are starting to drop out of avatar states, and Donnie is paying attention to what they're doing, but trying it himself doesn't work!

Donnie is appeased when Donatello stays as requested! There's sort of a happy tail flick that the older turtle listened to him!

Donno is close behind DonnieBoy, and he cringes at the battered plastron and shell. He does get the pet tape that DonnieBoy had mentioned.

"I've got this. Take care of Mikey. Wait, do you have a disinfectant I can use too?"

And once he has that, he will start cleaning up the injuries and taping Donatello's shell. The kids look nervous and he smiles at them.

"Hi, you two. I know this looks bad right now, but we'll take care of him, and he'll be right as rain."

Donnie is waving his tail nervously as he is listening, but unless the others are avatar form, or at least receptive, they can't hear him. He silently offers to carry Mikey to the water for DonnieBoy. Donnie can carry Mikey more easily than DonnieBoy can! And once Mikey is in the water, Donnie will spit some water up for Leonardo! Since he's pretty sure he's figured out what the guy is trying to do.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donimoy Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:35 am

Leonardo is calming himself, shutting out the noise and heat and waiting - sensing the little water that was left in the plants and ground - especially as Raphael tried to lift a layer to dump over flames to smother them - and he can feel Raphael is close to that.

He can even sense... to his sort of fascinated horror the dead blood, liquid in the many critters the shade pulled his power from and the fire cooked. Even the shade! the few spots of.... bubbled black dead congealed blood, Leonardo could feel it - and sensed if he could freeze it, or the other bodies he could... given time and practice actually reanimate the bodies, in that fill them with iced water and they would move... do his biding -

but he is not at that level and honestly a little afraid of exploring that - and will probably tell Leo about it later. Maybe Leon too seeing as there is now another fellow blue wearer.

As he relaxes and can feel some trendils of water and is focusing and feeling and sensing, he becomes slowly covered in a little mist - not ice yet and without a splash or spit of wash of water closer he wont be able to breath out as he is visualising and moving his body into stance to breath out frost breath over the flames... its perhaps reminiscent of taijiquan for his universe and tai chi for Leo's.

Raphael likewise was.... actually even more thankful for being naked of late, and for the first time... realizing when he stood firm in The Hung Gar style sort he felt... more ready to force the earth to rattle and break a little and felt the little particles of the minerals that made up earth - dirt... he hops a little forward and is delighted at the small puff of dust that rose, a cloud - it flops over very quickly when Raphael becomes excited! but he refocuses and tries again actuall putting out a couple of bushes with the next small cloud he made rise -

to Leo or Mike it's probably more like Raphael is clumsily trying Southern Praying Mantis moves - but their effective, give him connection to the earth he is trying to call up.

Mike is chuckling at the pudgy turtles reunion, their still the cool cute dudes! - and amused at Donnie glancing over, " soooooooooo the cute one?" teeeease! and he is more black or grey so covered in soot ! working hard to smother and stamp and carefully! as Leon and his brothers race about under him! and around him. Laughing and bumping Raph's shell lightly with his snout - agreeing and appreciative.

Donatello stays still, smiling at Donno as DonnieBoy is unloading those damned cool pockets. " I will heal quick fairly quickly for us and once taped up strong enough to battle on.... though I'll stay and be good... let others be the bad assess out there." he adds encase Donnie worries again.

DonnieBoy grins glad to hear that, " good, um yeah sure Donno should be some little saline packets in this pile somewhere and betadine..." and he knows Donno is more than capable of dealing with Donatello - and he is keen to meet this larger counterpart... but also, he smiles at Donnie Dragon and lowers the hot feeling Mikey into his grip. " thanks for that, he definitely needs cooling... close to Leonardo if he starts truly icing up it will help Mikey." nodding to the tall blue guy.

Leon happily joined in dirt booting. " guys I am so happy yous are here!"

over int he cart, connected to Donnie in the way of her magic and coming around, if wincing and jittery from the attack of the pain of leaf speak dying of the plants around her, ~ ewwwwww I think I can taste it just form that description...~ unawares she would be heard by Leo and Mike and Donnie - and ooooh she is blinking eyes open.

Liam watches Donno worriedly - patting Donatello's leg, Elena was nearby covering her mouth, " you fiiiix and UnelDonaello better!" absolutely trustingly to this new Don! " me hels?" offering to help, eager to!

Awwwwwww Donatello rubs their little heads - rubbing Elena's back too to sooth her, he would be fine.

~ you gonna roll around down here too Leooooooo - hey I just heard fairy voice!~ excitedly, and teasingly using his tail to try kicking some soot at Leo. But he might choose to help Donnie over there make enough splashing or spitting to get Leonardo moist enough to - mmmmm that looks like a fighting style that was very flowing, Mike knows he has seen it before... Also the one Raphael is employing over there creating rumbles and sudden bursts of soot and dust that rippled and rolled a bit before collasping. But it was the big guys first true try at this....

Trail by fire what a way to learn!

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Tue Nov 23, 2021 6:57 pm

Leo is rather proud of the big guys and their attempts to use their new powers to try and clean up the rest of the fire. There are a couple of spots that Leo wants just another moment to keep an eye on before he moves his attention to extinguishing the flames.

Leo did pick up on some concern from Leonardo, but he isn't actively prying so isn't sure what it's in regards to. Though the larger turtle seemed to tuck the concern away for later. Well, it sure wasn't the only thing saved for another time.  There was already the mom thing and Leo's not sure what to make of what he's getting from Donnie. Or... maybe he is, and just doesn't want to admit it...

"Good to see you too!" MikeyMikey is definitely a hugger, and he's squeezing Leon almost as tightly as the saddle had! Raph's and Donno's hugs said they had been worried too. Even if they were shorter than MikeyMikey's.

"I mighta missed you too. You are way more chill than those two."

Donnie just looked at Mike for a moment for that response about Bebe being cute. It's like Donnie isn't sure what to make of the comment. And well... he's not. After a moment he gives up though, and ignores his brother!

Donnie is worried about Mikey and Donatello! He hasn't seen injuries this bad before! So there is a bit of worried flitting around as Donno and DonnieBoy start going about checking the injured pair over and beginning treatment. He is mildly appeased by Donatello's assurances.

Once DonnieBoy hands Mikey over to him, Donnie takes off and starts getting Mikey into the water. He will put Mikey exactly where DonnieBoy tells him, and is unsure whether to just fully plunge Mikey into the cool water or not! He will follow instructions though!

Donno patted his larger counterpart's shoulder.

"Sounds good, but we should still clean this properly." And he starts cleaning the injury, starting with water for actual pieces that shouldn't be there, then saline and finishing with the betadine.

There was a smile at Liam's request to help, and Donno did nod. "Once this is all clean, I'll need help taping this back up." And he went on to explain what he was doing and why for the kids. It at least gave them words to focus on instead of just worry.

Once Donnie has Mikey settled in the water, he splashes up some water for Leonardo to use! Then he looks toward Bebe and her words.

~Whatever you're imagining, it's worse. And it sloughed off in chunks!~ There's still some in his mouth, and he's NOT happy about it!

Leo looks over at Mike.

~One thing at a time.~ He's almost finished. Almost content that the Shade and it's evil, black blood has completely burned!

Once certain, Leo drops down to the ground and joins in the rolling about in the flames to extinguish them! The heat of the flames actually feels good on dragony hide! And they can clean up in the river when they're finished.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by DonnieBoy Sat Nov 27, 2021 12:08 am

Leon laughs and he all but squishes each brother back - he missed them!

Sure he found new family and would miss them too but these were his brothers! " are you ... telling me those two are more intense than lean bean's brother?" he teases as they move to shuffle and kick and scrap dirt over fire, ouching at the heat!

Wait - no there was a splash and a sudden chill....

Not what Leonardo intended when he felt the splash and grinned, " thank you -" his breath misting in front of him as he makes an intense bone rattling cold spread from where he landed lightly forward, intending to sweep a snow drift over the flames, but instead it was more like a gathering blizzard - ooops.... and so coooooold Leonardo could feel it but... he felt like it didn't bother him, like he was a polar bear and needed to roll about in the snow to remain clean and cool. Ice forms on him in a thin layer that cracked and shimmered when he moved and spread across the ground...

making Leon slip tail up but at least it wasn't hot under his feet anymore!

Annnnnnd DonnieBoy is keen to direct Donnie where to lower Mikey into the water slowly, at first away from the chill of the water that was touched by ice that spread.... and he is just cooling Mikey off - he doesn't appear to have wounds, just fried.

Donatello grins a little, he is feeling all sorts of relaxed, Leo's are here, big brothers are here, they had a team of pirates and interdimensional brethren around... it just felt... comforting. He nods at Donno, " Raphael had a spider webbed fractured shell once and with a layer of duct tape he still managed to crush in the side of a military grade hummer... with said shell... he healed in a month - just wrap up gooood ... thanks for the hand Liam your very kind to help maybe hug Elena - baby girl its okay, I will be fine." She looked anxious -

Bebe meanwhile had a seriously grossed out face on! ~ ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww no way!~ delighted grossed out ness in heads and not out loud as she'd thought her wings fluttering - then shivering as a deep chill settles around them, snuggling into Yua and Inaba's soft furry warm forms.

Raphael hah's loudly a small wall of smothering dust lifted and rolled - and hah! something happened! And he'd smothered a patch of fire in front of him - pleased with the result!

Mike rolls, maybe wriggling like a giant puppy Leo's way and bumping into him, " oooooooooooone thing at a tiiiiime and all -" and only for Leo, " what the heck dooo you think that was... oooooooooh thats cold! - Achoooooooooooooooooooooooo!" wriggling away fromt he ice and into the dirt drift - sneezing so hard he sort of reset the fire he had just rolled out!!

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Ralphie Sat Nov 27, 2021 9:35 am

Raph laughed as he hugged his brothers and grinned at Leon's question.

"Like, for sure, Dude!"

"His Lee can be as intense, but these ones sort of live there." Because DonnieBoy's Lee could be a bit of a goob at times. And sure, he's seen these two loosen up a bit, but not to the sort of lever he's seen from Lee.

MikeyMikey had Raph had been having almost too much fun with kicking dirt at the flames... or each other, but it had been effective in tamping out a couple of the smaller flames so no one stopped them. The sudden cold and ice makes Raph slip and fall, not unlike Leon!

MikeyMikey on the other hand, easily starts ice skating!

"Dudes, this is like, totally tubular!"

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:07 am

Donno smiles as his counterpart tells the story about Raphael, and he's pretty sure it's mostly for Elena's sake. Though Donno doubts the young girl would know what a 'military grade Hummer' is...

"It will be nice and secure. Though I wouldn't recommend smashing large, heavy objects with a shell injury like this."

As Donno finishes up with the Betadine and starts getting to the tape, he starts a pull, and taps down the end of the first piece. He looks to the kids.

"I could use some help with this part. Can you two hold this super still?" Really, the tape should hold on it's own as he pulls and positions the rest of the strip, but Liam had been looking for a way to help, and maybe it would help Elena feel better too. She could help make her Dad feel better!

As Donno works with the kids, he's noticing some blood drops that don't look like they were from Donatello. It's not a lot, but enough that they should make sure they figure out where it is from from! He keeps his voice light, as he guides the kids, and he makes sure the tape is secure and fairly tight. It should let Donatello move around safely without the broken parts of his shell shifting. Donno would like to get some plaster on it at some point, but this will certainly do for now.

"Good job, guys. This looks great. You make sure he stays still now, okay?"

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:53 am

Donnie's hand is still bleeding from the glass as he settles Mikey into the water at DonnieBoy's direction. His tail sort of flipping nervously, which probably helps kick up some water for Leonardo to use. He has mostly forgotten his own injury in the wake of Donatello's shattered shell and Mikey being unconscious! Dragony now, his hand will probably heal fairly quickly once the glass is actually removed.

~Yes way! It's still in my mouth!~ And even at thirteen, Donnie knows better than to allow unknown water into his mouth. He did grow up in the sewer, and all water is suspect unless they're sure it's clean. So he has not used the river water to try and get rid of Shade taste!

Donnie takes the thank you from Leonardo to mean that his splashing had been helpful! And he does a little more! There's some wake from his splashing, he can't prevent that, but he does actually try to aim his splashes at Leonardo himself, and keep them away from Mikey!

The water is getting cold quickly, but the small dragon that looks much more at home in the water than on land doesn't seem to mind! In fact, what started as nervous splashing is beginning to look almost playful. It's not particularly rough, light in and out of the water and flicking water off his tail at Leonardo. Maaaaayyyybe starting to test how far he can flick the water!

And there's another failed attempt at using his dragon fire. It was aimed at the water, so wouldn't actually burn anything if it had worked. It wasn't anything more than another ineffective, little puff toward a spot where the river was just beginning to ice over, but it seemed to help with the taste in his mouth!

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:54 am

Leo returns the bump from Mike. He had wanted the creature fully burned!

There is a slight shiver when the cold hits, but Leo doesn't really react other than that. He chuckles as Mike tries to move away and sneezes, relighting the area he had just put out! Leo gave an almost playful eye roll as he rolled into the space and put the fire back out. It looked like Raphael and Leonardo had a pretty good handle on this now. And MikeyMikey was helping up his brothers who had slipped on the ice.

~I don't know, but it felt... possessed?~ At least he's pretty sure that's what he had been reading off of it. ~And I didn't want anything left of whatever was possessing it~ He is maybe a liiiiittle concerned that their little brother had sort of eaten some of the thing, but Donnie seems okay so far so he isn't terribly worried.

~It was a Shade. Inaba said they're evil magic users possessed by evil spirits.~ Donnie supplied as he splashed about.

Leo wasn't familiar with the term, or the creature, but he frowned slightly at Donnie's description. Then, since most of the fire seems to be out, and he's pretty sure that Raphael and Leonardo have it under control, he nodded to Mike toward the water where Donnie was... playing? That's definitely playing. The little, determined tail flick as the smaller dragon tried and failed to melt some of the river ice was cute.

~They've got this. We should go wash off and check on Donnie.~

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Sun Nov 28, 2021 2:46 am

The omegas and ladies cleaned the vomit patches, and now their preparing food.

And boiling and cooling river water for drinking in large pot and leather pouch fulls seeing how many more people's they would have on board.

Addy watches little boys play - and the way they both see Donnie splash down into the waters and race to the side of the boat - far too short to see over but oooh boy was it adorable watching them both bounce and chirp and ooooh the sad faces when they could jump high enough.

Duncan pausing in rubbing Malcolm's shell -

She chuckles and ooooh so casually in the middle of making some ghoul to go with ground up bits of a purple broccoli like vegie for a filling hot meal bumps over a empty crate of what was the last of this vegie....

Something for them to stand on and see over... If they figure it out an she was keen to see if they do the smoke was clearing out as the fire is smothered and frosted and dusted and rolled over there.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by DonnieBoy Mon Nov 29, 2021 3:45 am

Duncan did spot the empty crate and oooohed and darted over to try moving it to the edge - and it was juuuust that little too heavy for him alone so he chirrulps for his brother, Malcolm almost spinning mid hop and blinking, then ooohing and scurrying over to help!

Both of them missing Addy's pleased grin at them as they move it close enough that they could see over, but not quite close enough so their stretched and hanging there plastrons over the small gap and now they could seeeee!

oh their delighted little calls for their dads and the way their tails went crazy definitely had Lilo, Kovu, Dana and herself go into fits of goopy awwwwwwwwwies and want to scoop them up and hug them -

but they manage to refrain and just watch them.

Leonardo grins, " thanks Donnie..." that was helping, his voice misting the air in front of him, and with the extra cool now and more water he can throw more of the frost and snow - reaching further, it would feel like a snow storm.

Raphael has even managed to cause what might be a small wave of earth, dirt and dust rolling over the last of the flaming dry savannah area ahead.

Leon laughs, just sooooooo damned happy to be back with his brothers! and the hand up from MikeyMikey helps... but he is still trying to balance and thus looks like a new hatchling at the moment wobbling about, " how the heck are you so good at that ?! -" to MikeyMikey - a laughing at Raph's response, " Guess I should have expected that given how intense this Donatello can be at times." he points to the tall guy over there with their Donno.

And eager little ones, Liam not really understanding but sensing his friend needed to be useful for her dad more than he definitely wanted to! so he shifts so when they 'help' Donno by holding down the end of the tape she has room for both hands!

Elena has no idea what most of Dad was telling her - and she blinks as her little friend starts sort of bouncing on the spot holding tape with her and making loud chirpy sounds - he'd heard his brothers! - but she is relaxing and beginning to smile a bit, less worried looking, " no smashing for you." in as best stern voice as she can manage to her dad and a glance at Donno, that was what he meant yeah! and watching him eagerly as he works her wings fluttering happily at moments - and bapping the bouncing on the spot chirpy chirping Liam!

Mike grins, sniggering a bit when Bebe is heard ewwwwwwing some more and in their minds but clearly responding only to Donnie, " want some herbs to chew on?" helpfully, grossed out on Donnie's behalf sounding.

meanwhile Mike rolled and watched the crowd of turtles working, snorting a gruff sound and small plume of flames at Leo's response, " weeeeeeeeell I think you succeeded, doesn't even smell like bacon... bad gross bacon any more its just ash." he nods and rolls a last moment before standing and shaking himself - getting looks he ignores from Raphael and Leonardo and probably others that might be exasperated. He is there though with Leo and laughs seeing their lil brother playing.

And it's helping relax DonnieBoy Mike can see from here as he works in acclimating Mikey to the cold and growing colder waters and paying close attention to his brothers temperature.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Mon Nov 29, 2021 6:00 pm

MikeyMikey is chuckling at Leon.

"Duuude, it's just ice skating!" MikeyMikey is into all sorts of things like this. Sure, mostly he's interested in surfing, but hey, he's willing to try pretty much anything! Even if it doesn't have a board.

Raph, finally back on his feet, and doing okay now that he's up, nods at Leon. "Seems to be kinda a thing with the other groups."


Donno does make sure that he gives the kids plenty of opportunity to 'help.' Who knows, maybe they'll be in charge of first aid someday. Might as well start them now. And it gives them a way to actively make this situation better.

"That's right. No smashing. Alright guys. I think you've got it all. Thanks for the help. How's it feel?" The last intended for Donatello with a pat to his shoulder. It looked good from Donno's stand point, but sometimes the patient could feel something he couldn't see.

And Donno couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable, little, blue boy hopping about and chirping. Probably in response to the other littles out on the boat. It was cute.


Donnie grins at the thank you and keeps up his play! Continuing to flick the water, and occasionally try to use his dragon fire!

He's failing miserably. Mostly making bits of smoke, and lighting his own face on fire more than actually melting any of the ice!

But there's less Shade taste in his mouth! He looks up at Bebe's question.

~Yeah, maybe in a minute... This is kind of working...~

And he sort of doesn't want to accidentally swallow any more Shade than he already has.


Leo makes a bit of a dragon-y 'ew' face at the comment about the bacon smell being gone. And he definitely trusts Mike's nose on that!

~Good. That's the idea.~

Leo chuckles at the chirpies between the kids, and he gives a fairly soft roar of response. Just letting them know they're still here, and he hears them. Then heads over toward where Donnie is playing in the water. As they actually make their way over to Donnie, the smaller dragon finally notices!

Donnie drops what he's doing, and rushes out of the water, forgetting that he should keep the splashing minimal for Mikey. He races and dives into his brothers!

~Leo! Mike! I missed you! I was scared! And how did we get here, and how arewealldragonswhendidthathappenandIdon'tknowwhat'sgoingon~

Leo froze as Donnie's thought speech came faster and faster.

~Whoa, whoa, whoa, Donnie.~ Leo hugged his little brother tightly, finally processing what the smaller dragon had said. He looked at Mike. Leo will make space for Mike to join them.

~Donnie... What do you remember?~

Donnie looked up at Leo a moment then snuggled into his brother.

~I fell asleep with Raph in our room then... here with all of them in the cart. And I ran away, but they caught me and said that Bebe did a spell because I was sick then... I woke up and was better, but can apparently do fairy stuff, and... turn into a dragon, which I thought was weird, but you guys can do it too...? And... now you're all older than me, and that's weird, and...~ Donnie trailed off. He just shakes his head. Too confused by what's going on to really explain anymore right now.

Leo looked at Mike again, making sure he was following this too. They hadn't shared a room since the first lair. Donnie was clinging to him, and Leo couldn't blame the guy. Geez, first lair, they hadn't even run into the mousers yet! They've been through a lot in the last few years! A lot that would help this whole mess make a little more sense. Leo can't even imagine just being plunged into this!

~I'm sorry we weren't here.~

What else could he say? He couldn't change any of it! And he's not sure trying would be a good idea. Leo knew that, but it still hurt. He just held their little brother.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Raphael Fri Dec 03, 2021 1:18 am

Mike first makes sure he crashes into his brothers and snuggles in close - ooookay maybe he was using the moment to still the rush of Donnie's first words in his head, and whoa by the time he was indeed in close -

he meets Leo's glance at him and wel.... he rumbles the dragonish version of a churring and curls around the little dragon brother clinging to their Leo - ooooh he understood it had felt fantastic to be back with their leader again. " oh Donnie, sorry bro, we kinda didn't have a choice when sucked in here, very sorry we were not there, we're here now though and there is soooooooooooooooooo much to catch up on... but not right now Donnie just, lets enjoy having found each other."

Glad Leo called out to the little boys - but it hasn't slowed them, hahaha.


nope over there in the cart Liam had fell silent and listened to Leo's roar and his tail just about is trying to wag itself off, he is chirpy chirpy and wings click open, click shut, click open and flap -

would have buffed his little friends face if she hadn't been moving foward to hug Donno, " fank you!" then into Donatello's lap and snuggling against him!

Awwww Donatello picks her up and hugs her smiling at Donno, " feels much better thanks, and I don't smell, hear or see any unusual so I think the impact with the tree just caused the cracking nothing deeper. Maybe a little shell shock at first too." he reassures, " thank you -"

" better than the job he id on me once." Raphael teases - a little dusty he lightly thumps Donno on his shoulder in thanks leaving a dusty hand print, and also leans over the edge of the cart to one arm hug is tall lean little brother.

" heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey we were in the back of a moving truck ... on snow!" Donatello protests.

Leonardo chuckling in a voice still crackling with ice moves closer to them both, climbing into the cart and kneeling to hug Donatello, lightly.

Elena ducking dooooown loooow and eyeing the bigger than her dad turtles with wiiiiiiiiiiide eyes!

Meanwhile on the ice flows and back on his feet Leon sniggers at his brothers - " We have got to teach these guys more about chillaxing huh?" and catches his two brothers in an arm around each of their shoulders hugs - and well it means he has them to keep him steady on the ice! " then skate us over to Donno MikeyMikey!" and light poke to his brothers side - oh he was thrilled to be back with his brothers! All of them!

Addy giggles, her tail tip swishing, cause two little boys paused, listening to Leo and then ooooh no she was soooo not letting them fly off - their little wings opened and ooooh they hopped on the spot and chirped louder and more -

hehehe and their tails! she was surprised they could stand with those wagging butts!

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Fri Dec 03, 2021 7:28 am

"Like, for sure, Dude!" MikeyMikey agreed. They definitely need the bigger turtles to chill! Though he is actually pretty cool with the big guys. Still, MikeyMikey is always for a little lazing about! Or surfing. Or skateboarding, or snowboarding, or... pretty much anything with a board!

Or even ice skating is pretty cool too. MikeyMikey made that funny little giggle sound again when Leon poked him in the side, but he didn't fall. He's perfectly comfortable ice skating!! And Raph is more stable now that he's on his feet and expecting ice!

Raph does grab onto the train though as MikeyMikey drags them over to Donno and the cart.

And the dragons seemed to be making their way over as well.


"I don't know, that... thing smelled pretty bizarre. It might be more worrying that you don't smell anything weird." But he knows what the guy meant, and that was reassuring, and his comment is really a joke.

Donno chuckled at the banter, and took the hit to the shell from the massive turtle in stride. He does come to the defense of his counterpart though!

"And I highly doubt he had two adorable, little assistants." He commented in response to Raphael and Donatello as Elena hugged him. "You're welcome, Elena. And thank you for the help."

Speaking of little assistants, one of them seemed ready to leap out of the cart!

"Whoa there, Turbo. Slow your roll." Donno chuckled as he tried to get Liam's attention at least long enough for Leo and the other dragons to get a little closer.


Leo joined in the churring and nuzzling. Donnie nods at Mike's words, and nuzzles his now much larger brothers! It takes him a moment to join in the dragony churr, but as he relaxed a little, he did finally get there.

Donnie doesn't notice that Leo is sort of moving the group closer to the cart where Liam is extremely excited.

As they get closer, Leo does encourage Liam to take that leap. He'll make sure they catch the little guy if he falls. They might as well let Liam join their little huddle.

~Let's get someone to take care of your hand, then we'll get you and Liam out to the ship before they try to fly to each other, then we'll undragon.~

~I can't.~

Leo looked down at Donnie.

~What do you mean, you can't?~

~I mean... I can't. I tried earlier when Leon dropped out of his avatar. I saw what he did. It seemed easy enough. I can't.~

And Leo prodded Donnie's chi. Which Donnie was definitely not using right now. So... how is he still a dragon??

~How did you do this without using chi?~

~I don't know. Master Splinter always says to trust my instincts, and I did. And now I'm stuck!~ And Donnie is NOT happy about this!

~...Okay. We'll figure it out. It will be okay, Little Brother.~

Leo waved Donno over. When there's a chance, the guy will come over and take care of the glass still in Donnie's hand.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Elena Martins Sat Dec 04, 2021 11:12 pm

Whoa! these two turtles are soooooooo big! She had been grinning at Donno, he was so nice! and then reaching to try tugging on one of her little friends wings - but instead whooooooaaaaa between her dad's brothers and the dragons she sort of eeeeps shyly and snuggles up against Donatello. Watching with wiiiiiiiiide eyes!

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leonardo Sun Dec 05, 2021 12:12 am

Leonardo is behind them and smiles, chuckling at the banter, moving closer to the cart and touching the edge, the ice, he was not an icy statue of a turtle right now and reaches over, Yua was still a princess at heart and offer him her hand.

" It is nice to meet you, Lady Yua." a bow and light kiss to her knuckles, perfectly timed politness in his hold before he lets go and smiles as the drgaons get closer, so glad for his counterpart to be with his Donnie. And to Donno, it's a soft, " thank you." for the care he just gave to Donatello.

He moves a little along the edge reaching, oooooh when he feels Donatello come in close as he could without squishing Elena he too feels a wave of relief, nuzzling, churring, and taking in Donatellos familiar metal, oil and detergenty smell. It was all Donatello.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by DonnieBoy Sun Dec 05, 2021 12:41 am

Donnieboy had been focusing, Donnie's help in shifting water around for a while makes it easier to keep Mikey in the cooling freshness and ease him into the more Leonardo chilled water, and -

Donnieboy reaches into Mikey's pockets to find a slice of particularly disgusting lint, bugs and sour gummy worms topped pizza and lightly stroked his brothers face with it -

finally began to open his eyes.

" hey ... little brother." kneeling in the water up to his chest plates and slipping an arm around his brother as the blue eyes open, hahaha Lee was right, the pizza worked everytime!

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Mikey Sun Dec 05, 2021 12:47 am

oooooh he feels like Shredder and Kavaxas used him a ping pong ball over a very rigorous table tennis game!

but he smellllls... oooooh his lips and tongue tries to find that - oooh there it is, a mmmm big bite and he smiles as he is drawn into a hug. " heeeey brrooooo." voice a bit croaky and a little sounding funny with his first bite of that glorious pizza.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leon Sun Dec 05, 2021 2:19 am

Leon sniggers a little, and their there - at the cart with the dragons, but he can see Donno still has a little work cut out for him.

Liam chirps and wahs his tail - and it doesnt help his wobbly flaps as he indeed, unafraid takes the leap towards Leo and Mike and Donnie, fairly desperate to be back close to his dad... his dads!

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Mike knows Leo is better positioned to catch the flappy wobbling little guy, he in the mean time makes space for Donno to come and see, bumps Donnie with his snout. ~ It's alright Donnie, we will figure it out and help you, some how, we now have threeeeeee Mikeys on the task and a mini Mikey you know we never fail." all in play but also just to sooth Donnie with Leo and encourage their brother to turn his claws over for Donno to see.

And its hard not to laugh as Liam takes the leap, fearlessly about the height of the cart, but also like thos cat jump fails, just - hahahaha and awwwwwwwwwww all in one.

Raphael grins and makes an mmmm face, " this is entirely true Donatello didn't the best help." conceding whilst Leonardo greets their sister by marriage, but just too pleased to have Donatello back! he joins the hug with Leonardo and Donatello, rumbling a deep churr and fighting the hay fever once more - cause lotta dust in the air and all!

Donatello lets the hug linger, he feels Yua move closer and Raphael grabs her close too - chuckling and nuzzling her. He nuzzles his brothers back, and her and rubs Elena's little back letting the hug linger for a bit and then a kiss to her head. " Elena, this is Raphael - and Leonaa-"

" Uncle Raphael-"

" Uncle Leonardo -" the two big brothers interjected at the same time making Donatello gap for a moment and Elena giggle in his lap.

Well if Donatello had been inwardly worried about the children his brothers were seeing if they could create at all he is not now, if their like that baout a niece he adopted and they barely knew well -

Elena offers arms up at them and Rapahel only just beats Leonardo in scooping her up into those massive arms where she just about vanishes and snuggled her!

Donatello sniggers - so much for tough guy.

Bebe flutters nervously and reaches over to pat Donnie's shoulder once close enough, and if he can feel her trembling well - even a small dragon he was a little scary to her! And in her wings green, white and a sickly yellow seem to wrinkle across them.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Sun Dec 05, 2021 12:48 pm

Donno can't help but grin when Raphael concedes that Donatello hadn't had the best little assistants when Raphael's shell had needed to be taped back together. And Donno had also had the added advantage of working in a stable space. The cart hadn't been moving anymore, and the fight had ended by the time he had been taping his counterpart back up.

And he can't help but smile as the big guys are finally reunited and able to actually greet each other, now that the fires are out and Donatello's had the field care that he'd required.

He does let Liam go as the dragons make their way over and are close enough to catch the little guy as he leaps off the cart!

And it had looked good at first! For all of half a second. Donno was grateful that Leo had managed to get there and snag the little boy before he had crashed to the ground. Though he shouldn't have expected anything else with this group. He supposes he hadn't expected anything else. He did allow Liam to jump.

He is still glad that Leo was able to get there in time.

There's another chuckle as his own brothers finally make their way over. MikeyMikey dragging the train of brothers behind him. And if Donno isn't very much mistaken, Leon is the one having the most trouble on the ice!

"Dude, like, seriously. You gotta loosen up and just go with it!" MikeyMikey was mostly joking as he pulled the other two along. Though he wasn't entirely sure if Raph was helping or hindering. That was something that could go either way.

What Donno and MikeyMikey can't tell, is that Raph is definitely hindering! On purpose! If Raph weren't constantly trying to knock Leon off his feet, he'd be having a much easier time with this!

Leo did pull the small blue boy into their hug, and he nuzzles the little, blue child. Huffing a little warmed dragon breath over the child. Acquainting himself to the boy as a dragon. And... as much as Leo sees Don in Duncan, he is pretty sure he can see himself in Liam!


And if Donnie doesn't remember the past three years, he probably didn't remember Liam either. Donnie had joined in muzzling Liam when the child had gotten into the huddle though, so either they had been reacquainted or something had remained.

Donnie glanced over when Bebe put a hand on his shoulder. His thought speech did that weird overlay thing again.

~Hi, Bebe.~
~Hi, Mom.~

Leo added finding out why Donnie keeps calling Bebe 'mom' to the list of things they're going to have to figure out... after they figure out how to undragon Donnie! Getting him back to his turtle form was definitely at the top of the list! And Leo is pretty sure Donnie can get back to being a turtle. He can feel that there, but... he's just not sure what happened yet.

Donnie is hesitant when Mike nudges his hand to show his claws to Donno so they can get the glass out! But it's only briefly. He does finally offer his hand.

"Oh... I'm sorry, Man. This got you good. It's going to hurt a bit as I get this out, but I'll be as quick as I can. Okay?" He waited for Donnie to nod. And Leo sort of shifted, wrapping around the smaller dragon a little. If Donnie thrashes, Leo won't let him accidentally hurt Donno or Bebe.

Donno pulled out some tweezers and started working on Donnie's hand. Every so often the smaller dragon needs a little encouragement from big brothers to be a good patient and let Donno get the glass out. Donno is surprisingly patient as this goes on. Especially for someone who can't hear the conversation. Though from expressions and the way they're looking at each other that there seems to be some sort of communication going on.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Elena Martins Thu Dec 09, 2021 1:31 am

There is not much DonnieBoy can do for Mikey once he has regained consciousness and began talking, he tucks his brother into the shallows where the last of Leonardo's ice still lingered in chunks that were slowly breaking apart, but as they did kept the water cold, Donnieboy looks up when he hears a noise. Oh he wants to be back on that boat and rest - or more over get Mikey to a spot to rest quietly.

Addy watches from the boat a little worried but the smoke was clearing away in the small breezes and she can see further each time, and not the gathering by the cart, that might not be something easy to get on board - though doable with the little skips pulley and hoist systems.... or just have the dragons lift it over if they can. She smiles at the gathering she can see from here and moves closer to make sure the excited little chirpy gold and amesthyts little guys did not leap off the boat trying to flap for the shore - though she is sure they wont. " soooon little ones, patience, your Dads are making sure they are all there and getting patched up." she tries to sooth bouncing about flappy babies.

Lilo and Kovu had gathered at the edge now too, most of the needed cleaning and storing and moving things and a few nets were out to get food for a dinner that might also feed dragons. So they have a moment to rest up their tired muscles and watch Dana as wiggly as the kiddies.

Over in the group, Liam's chirpies are settled and soothed, first by his wild leap - after a grin and nuzzle at Donno - and its Leo's warm breath greeting that help soothe the almost frantic nuzzling the little boy was smothering Leo, Donnie, and Mikey in!

Donatello is just for a moment lost in the weird little embrace with his brothers until there is an almost competition to snuggle Elena, and he chuckles, kissing Yua's cheek before shuffling himself closer to the cart edge to see if he can help Donno with Donnie's claws. And he can mostly by reaching over and gently adding to the encouragement to keep the claws wide open as Donnie can stand to so Donno can reach where he needs. " glad you can be quick, cause if we had one magic opponent we may have its back up coming, either more magic users or armoured and armed... those are some deep cuts...'

Bebe looks a little confused about that... but blinks and climbs down from the cart, where she stepped like where Donnie sat green was starting to sprout under the ash, just shoots of it but there, some trendils in spots that had been covered in Leonardo's ice, some starting to crack some of the remaining ice as her wings flutter and show her confusion in the swirls of white and green of residual fear. Jumping when very happy and soothed by Leo's warm breath Liam makes a sudden loud sound.

A loud happy sound! half a chirp and half a churr, and makes Mike dragon rumble a laugh and lower his snout to bump the little boy lightly in a 'shush' sort of way. But also just because that was definitely a Leo kid, the way he'd leapt out to join them fearlessly, and trusted they had him, and then nuzzled them all in a frantic sort of checking you are here sort of way. Oh he was cute! He makes sure to not get in the way of light for Donno and Donatello, and churr rumble when Donnie looked to be hurting, over soon little brother it is sort of rumble, then laugh at the way Leon is having to contend with a enthusiastic MikeyMikey and hindering Raph.

Bebe flutters in surprise when they are there too!

Leon when MikeyMikey gives him that advice again, relaxes, and it dooooes make it easier and that's when he realises what Raph was up to! and, " oy! not making it easy you know?!" he laughs swatting at his own Raph and grinning when their close to Bebe and surprise her!

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Elena Martins

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:41 pm

Leo heard Raph sniggering as Leon finally called him out for making the ice skating more difficult than it needed to be. Now that they're over at the cart though, Leo's done a head count, and he's pretty sure everyone is accounted for. At least that he knows of.

As it turns out, the warm breath greeting and nuzzling wasn't only useful in soothing Liam. It seemed to be helping when Donnie was hurting too. And there was quite a bit of glass. Donno and Donatello are working well together though, and though Donnie is clearly hurting he is trying to stay still. Leo nuzzles and breathes some of the heated air over their little brother too. Like Liam, at least in this state, Donnie seemed to be responding favorably to the tactic.

Liam seemed to be helpful too. The affection surely, but he's also a great distraction from what Donno and Donatello are doing. Leo noticed a few times that another piece was pulled clear, and Donnie didn't seem to notice as Liam was up in his face and eagerly snuggling! Like Bebe, Donnie also jumped slightly at Liam's sudden sound! Luckily Donno hadn't been trying to remove anything at that exact moment. Donnie then returned to nuzzling his brothers and the little boy though.

For a moment, Leo wasn't sure what he was seeing, but no... already, where Donnie and Bebe have been, there's green again. New growth through the ice and ash. It's impressive, really. That greener feeling that Leo and Master Splinter had picked up on in that last astral visit is definitely still there. It actually feels stronger now, but it's entirely likely that it's because that power is sort of in use.

Finally, Donno was content with the removal of the glass from Donnie's claws. Really, it had only taken a couple of minutes, but it had seemed much longer as Donnie had made a sort of whimpering sound as the pair trying to clean up the damage as best they could worked. Donno used some gauze and a little more of the pet tape to wrap the hand and try to stop any more bleeding. The bleeding seems to be pretty well controlled though, and the injury should heal quickly, especially as Donnie is in his dragon form now.

Once that's finished, Leo breathes one more huff of warmed air over his brothers and Liam. Then he tucks the small child more securely into Donnie's good arm. Donnie bumped his head lightly against Donno and Donatello in thanks for the help. He's still bleeding a little, but in his dragon form like this, it should heal relatively quickly.

Leo prods at his counterpart and the others in the area. If Leonardo or Bebe, or anyone picks up on his communication, then Leo will use them as a translator. If not, Leo will drop out of his avatar state so the others can understand him.

Agreed, Donatello. We need to get underway again. I think Mike, Donnie and I can get the cart, but we need as much weight off of it as we can for a separate trip. We can fly over those who are injured or uncomfortable swimming. A skip might be useful for some of the smaller items from the cart. I would prefer not make more than one trip that way. Or if it could be packed up for a second flight. Mostly because Leo doesn't want to hang around and wait to be found.

Leo doesn't want to sit around here too long, but it might be worth it to take one trip over in the skip for supplies, or if they can easily remove some relatively large storage space on the cart. He's pretty sure they can't fly it over full of supplies and people as it is now. They can leave it if they must, but Leo is all for gathering any supplies they can!

Donno, MikeyMikey and Raph are ready to help wherever they can. They'll follow Leon on this one. First, he's their leader, and second, he's been with the group on the cart. They'll easily follow him and are pretty efficient at taking things apart.

Raphael did pretty well handling the skip last time, and he's probably in pretty good shape to make the trip back to get it pretty quickly.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Lilo and Stitch Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:59 am

Leon's attempt to start a wrestling match around the feet of the dragons with Raph was halted as he did hear Leo's voice in his head and was a little surprised but then again not really he had a connection with his counterparts he knew so hearing Leo's voice like this was not that much of a surprise - he acked loudly and in the middle of his attempt to turn a trip into a bring Raph down with him prrrooobably over balanced in his surprise and will maaaybe take down a MikeyMikey too!

Leonardo just nods and taps Raphael's shoulder, " Yes yes lets move... Raphael go get the skip so we can take what ever is in the cart to put onboard. Maybe nothing in here will be of value to Addy but it might so um... Yua, Inaba, Bebe - Leo's got the right idea, need to empty the cart if we plan to take it over too and we should probably try - MikeyMikey, Leon, Raph you guys help pack up the cart with me as best we can to load into the skip with whoever doesn't feel up to a swim... and I froze the water over there so might not be the best swim." relaying Leo's suggestions.

Bebe was a little startled by Leo's voice but smiles shyly and flutters her wings, brushing her fingers of Donnie's cut claws lightly as she buzzes past him to return to the cart.

Raphael grins and shifts Elena up to his shoulders. " All alright Leos we on it skip will be at the shore in a bit. Just hurry your tails." a laugh and bop on the shoulder to his own counterpart happy to see him with all his brothers. Then with a giggling rider on his shoulders heading off to get the skip.

Donatello pats a anxious looking Yua's shoulder, " She'll be safe as houses with Raphael and he'll probably leave her on the boat ahead so she's accounted for and safe." One less for them to worry about in the move to the boat.

Inaba grins, she'd shuffled closer to watch Leon with his brothers and now makes an agreeable noise " There is some useful stuff in here, sure we're on it." relieved they were all okay and twitching tailed anxious to get out of this burnt-out zone, they were right more were probably to come and the sooner they got the magic of Bebe's and Donnies out on the water it would be a little less easy to track, even by other magic users or taxxon trackers.


Over at the ship the last thing they were doing whilst waiting was swapping their flag for a Nexus traders banner, should afford them some easy travelling on the river.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by MikeyMikey Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:06 pm

Leon's failed attempt at a wrestling match, does end in a turtle pile! And Leon is on the bottom after pulling Raph and MikeyMikey down on top of him! MikeyMikey managed to land on top.

"Righteous, dudes! Soft landing!" Okay, not that soft. It was mostly shells. But he still finds it funny that he wound up on top!

"Yeah, tell that to my neck!"

Donno was chuckling as he looked over at his brothers.

"I just can't take you guys anywhere." There's a roll of his eyes, but it's mostly playful and good natured!

MikeyMikey and Raph jumped to attention as Leonardo put them to work! They're ready and willing, and off! They're actually paying attention now, and are actually pretty on top of any packing that needs to be done. Though there is occasional brotherly banter or punches to the arm. One of the Blues might need to stop them at some point.


Leo gave a slight bow of thanks as Raphael headed off with Elena. And was actually sort of pleased to see the princess seemed worried about the little dragon that the giant turtle was taking with him! That was good. Hopefully it meant they had bonded, which Leo is maybe a little surprised by! While he didn't necessarily understand the social strata of the Nexus, he was aware of the vast difference between Yua's and Elena's regular stations.

Leo smiled down at Donnie as Donno moved on from his task of bandaging to cleaning up the mess left behind. There's a slight amusement that Donnie missed after Bebe brushed his hand. Donnie just looked so very confused, and it was adorable.

There's a soft dragony chuckle as Leo shifts his attention and tosses Donnie, along with Liam up onto his back for now.


Donnie's tail wiggles happily as he snuggles into his big brother's back with Liam. Leo, in his dragon form, is a little too big and cumbersome to help empty the cart, but he is sort of keeping an eye on what has come out and how it is being packed up. If there's something he can do to assist, like lashing together some larger bundles, he does step in. Mostly though, he's keeping Donnie and Liam calm and snuggled up on his back while he waits to help haul the cart over to the ship.

As soon as there's a task that looks like Donnie can do it one handed, he will slip off Leo's back and help too. He likes to feel useful, even if everything is weird right now!

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:35 pm

Oh she was feeling pretty good! Even as it looked like some rain was coming from the swamp, which hopefully meant a little wind so her rowers can all have a deep long nights sleep and warm muscle relaxing exercising. A hint of thunder. And lightning. But it was aways yet and they will be packed and moved on she can tell by the small slow breeze that was happening now.

With a traders pendant fluttering under a white flag it should slow any attacks too on the river, this was a fairly quiet stretch but further up the river busier ports and posts and they will need them and maybe have some wares they can trade to hold up that front.

She moves closer again to the little boys peering so eagerly over at the group and waiting like excited little blutebaden cubs, waggy tails and all for them to come and chirped excitedly seeing Raphael!

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Doragonkame Wed Dec 15, 2021 11:36 pm

Liam flapped his wings whooooshing through the air and snuggles under Donnie's chin as best he can on Leo's back, churring his happy little churrs. He may recall in a bit to look for Don. But for the moment he is content and happy and wagging his tail in that puppy wiggle waggle way!


Over on the ship his brothers waited anxiously watching Raphael come and bouncing on the step up Addy finally pushed closer so they stood and bounced and hopped on more solidly and stamped their little feet eagerly!

Duncan eagerly waving at Elena and she back.... And Malcolm happily copying him even if he hadn't actually seen her before. So she giggles and waves back at him too! Oooh she could seeeee soooo far up here! And then they swam Rapahel shifted her to his plastron and back stroked chatting to her about her new mom and dad and asking if she was happy. She was! And she liked his loud rumbly voice! Even when it is being soft!.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by DonnieBoy Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:44 am

Seeing movement and gathering and sure the others where on their way and Mikey snoozing a little DonnieBoy shivers in the cool water but he will wait a bit longer until most were back on the ship to be absolutely certain Mikey was cooled off completely. Even maybe a little lethargic as a reptile but the over heating from a surge like that needed the extreme care he knew.

He could hear the kids and grins a little, soon to be four little bumblers playing on board.

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Riverside Rescue Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donimoy Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:50 am

Donatello was all sorts of delighted at Yuas concern and question, and lightly patted her hands. Kissing her cheek lightly before moving, yep to stand and help -

But Leonardo growls lightly at him annnd he plonks himself back down. "look I am resting, laying down and everything!" he does just that making Yay, Inaba and Ben giggle as he deliberately looounges in the best Super relaxed way he could under his brothers and no doubt Leo's and Leon's looks.

Eeeesh how could he almost forgot there were now three blue turtles?!...

Oh and a pint sized one whom warbler something his way that he guessed was his oh so stern look too.

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