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Riverside Rescue

Erica Martins
Adalind Schade
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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Thu Dec 16, 2021 7:43 pm

Donnie giggles softly as Liam snuggles under his chin on Leo's back. Just the tip of his own tail wagging slightly too! It's a happy and almost, but not quite playful wiggle. Just so glad to have at least two brothers back! ...sort of. They're both older than him now! But he's not focusing on that. He's just grateful to have something familiar!

Getting tossed up here onto Leo's back was sort of fun! And... as he snuggles into Leo's back, it's comforting. Almost as much so as snuggling into Master Splinter's fur is. It's familiar, but so different. Still... focusing on the familiar for now, Donnie relaxes at least a little bit.

Donnie barely notices as Leo takes just a moment to check on DonnieBoy and Mikey. Not really interrupting, it's more just reading DonnieBoy's body language. Leo's pretty sure that Mikey is alright. Not in amazing shape at the moment, but okay.

And Donatello is absolutely getting a look from Leo as well for trying to get up and help!

He is also getting a look from Donnie. It is very different from what Donatello is getting from the Leonardos though! Leo's is more of a stern one. Donatello knows better, and shouldn't do anything to hurt himself anymore! Donnie's look is worried. The big turtle might have been scary at first, but he had been kind. And Donnie doesn't wish a cracked shell like that on anyone! Even if Donatello insists it's okay, Donnie is very much worried about that injury! The young turtle has never actually seen anyone hurt as badly as Donatello and Mikey were in this fight! Even the glass in his own hand had been worse than almost all of his previous injuries!

Though Donnie does join in with the others in moving items from the cart and getting them packed up! Donnie is pretty careful of his hand though. Now that the glass is gone, it's no longer in terrible pain, but he can definitely still feel it! If he ever does something with the injured hand that he shouldn't, he's getting a light reminding grunt from Leo! Not quite the growl that Donatello had received, but still more than enough to remind Donnie not to injure himself any more.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Mikey Mon Dec 20, 2021 10:36 pm

Leonardo grins watching the little turtle and smaller dragon, and the way Mike leans over just to nuzzle the pair and embrace the closeness with their Leo a bit, if Leo catches the face Leonardo is making its probably a familiar one, that of a big brother seeing his brothers happy and close and feeling safe and loved. Sure not all of Leonardo's brothers were here yet, and Leo was missing one too still it was an awesome thing and vicariously Leonardo absorbs the moment as much as his own joy of having Donatello back.

He is amused by the way Donatello is quietly told to just take it easy, offering a light growl, but there is a laugh in the undertones of the growl. " just take it easy Donatello, we got this - thank yous guys." to the very eager hard-working Raph, Leon, and Donno, also Yua, Bebe, and Inaba. Almost anything of weight was out of the cart, rolled, folded, and or used to roll and pack things up inside of to be taken to the life raft Raphael had literally thrown into the water and powered over to the shore telling Addy they were going to try and see if the dragons could lift the cart and bring it over and save a tiny bit of rowing and time hauling it on board with.

And to Mike's delight when emptied the cart was at least going to be manageable to roll to the shore and for the briefest moments, lift between himself and Leo even with Leo's passgeners. Whom looked adorable there cuddling! and He couldn't help nuzzle them. Even with Donatello still lying in the cart!

Everything that could and all who did wish to swim was carefully helped into the skip boat by Raphael, [color=#cc0000]" All alright all who are swimming across go ahead but stay close to the sides of the skip to catch anything that tumbles out."[p/color] he grins. That being the sort of uneasy-looking Yua and excitable Inaba! hah! a thumbs up at Leonardo and the dragons - they were right to take the cart!

Addy paces a little they would all be quite exhausted once were all on board and they had moved up rive some, the cart would make a nice sleeping spot for some... she smiles as all gather at the bank of the river, the skip was loaded and it looked like soon just a patchy brown and coal ash space would be left of this fight. And... a strip of bursting green wherever the fae touched the ground.

Elena had been accepted between the two little boys as if she had always been, and now all three were lined up watching eagerly as Leo drew closer - with Mike, Donnie, and Liam!

And they were now joined by an eager waggy-tailed Dana and there balancing on the railing Lilo! hahaha, Addy grins and pointed at the cleared spot in front of the laid-out spare sail for the cart to go, Sam and Pip ready to jam blocks under the wheels to keep it in place.

Leon grins and sees a moment for a tad bit of payback for all the tripping Raph had him doing out on the ice! he splashes Raph, " race ya yahoos!" jokingly to the others, the dragons might beat them all no matter the cart and passengers, and well they were to stay near the skip still didn't mean they couldn't try! " sooooo whose those pretty ladies up there?" pointing at the audience waiting on the ship, which is probably more amusing a question given Sam and Pip also waiting eagerly there and a Monroe too!

DonnieBoy smiles at Leo's curious and Leonardo's enquiring both worried looks, Mikey would be fine, be all the better for lingering int he cold water as much as possible but when the skip was being loaded he would slip Mikey into the front and rub his head before joining Donno, and snorting a little in amusement at Leon's challenge.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by MikeyMikey Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:23 am

MikeyMikey, Raph and Donno are all efficient at emptying the cart. And some of their styles balance nicely. Raph's propensity to just chuck things out is nicely balanced by Donno organizing the mess, and MikeyMikey lashing things together. Raph is faster than the other two though, so they could use an assist to keep things truly smooth!

And Raph is not one to take being splashed by Leon without a fight! He is absolutely giving chase into the water! Though, even in their play, he is careful not to be too crazy. The skip is pretty well loaded down, and they don't need to be making the passengers nervous. But there is definitely some play from all three on the swim over that makes it clear they missed their brother!  

Once DonnieBoy had slipped Mikey into the skip, Donno squeezed his counterpart's shoulder before following after his own brothers.

Donno has played team medic, and knows that pressure. Even though Mikey seems okay enough now, it's still stressful!

But Donno can't ignore his brothers playing for long! And he rushes into the water to catch up with the
 Laughing as Raph answers Leon's question.

"Lilo is the cute one, and Dana has the Whack-A-Mole tail."

"Dude, like, she can't help it." Raph just kept talking.

"And Big Blue likes the nymph, and Little Blue likes the cat. I think Donno's diggin' on the lizard. Hmm..."

"I am not!"

Not a direct answer, necessarily, but should be enough for Leon to piece together who is who! Especially since he did once see Lilo and Addy with the scrying mirror.

"You're MiniBlue and the other one can be BabyBlue. Actual baby can be MicroBlue."

MikeyMikey snorted at the names.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:46 pm

Donnie had hopped down to help a couple times, but Leo wound up stopping him after a couple minutes. Once he had caught the smaller dragon rubbing his injured hand, another, Leo just didn't like what Donnie was trying to do. The third time, Leo just gave up on it all together and tossed Donnie back up on his back.

There had been a mild objection, but that was all. Other than the light objection, Donnie seemed perfectly content to snuggle into Leo's back with Liam. And he nuzzled into Mike when he came over close enough. It doesn't take Donnie long, once the adrenaline from the battle fades, to start to droop.

Donnie's warm and safe, curled up with Leo. And for a moment his world isn't completely on it's head.

There's a soft, dragony chuckle as Leonardo has to convince Donatello to stay down and rest while the rest of them work. Leo remembers their own experience trying to keep Don from helping set up the lair while he had been recovering from-- ...recovering.

It had not been an easy task.

Leo can't help but shift slightly and sort of nuzzle against Donnie. It's an awkward angle with the younger dragon on his back, but Donnie recognized it and shifted to meet it eagerly.

While Leo is certain there is going to be frustration with this new situation, and adjusting will be needed, and he's sure there will be times that he misses his 16 year old brother... Maybe this time, things could be easier for their little brother. Maybe this time there would be no Outbreak virus that Leo knows continued to affect Don more than he admitted to. Maybe there would be no dystopian future where Donnie watched the rest of them die, no demon Shredder. Maybe the time, Leo wouldn't have to watch Don tear himself apart trying to find Master Splinter's data bits. Leo almost doesn't dare hope...

But ...maybe?

He takes a moment to almost physically shake off the thoughts. Donnie looks confused by the movement for a moment then snuggles back in.

Leo couldn't help but chuckle at the pudgy turtles as three rushed off into the water, and the fourth followed. There seemed to be a silent invitation to DonnieBoy to join in their play. And even though they were definitely playing, Leo saw several moments where they exercised more control than it might have at first appeared. They're definitely making a point of not splashing, or causing too much wake. It's actually a nice distraction, and Leo can feel Donnie shift on his back as he watches them.

And yes, thankfully the cart is light enough for just him and Mike to carry! He's certain Donnie would have helped if it had been necessary, but Leo doesn't really want his brother to do anything that might hurt his hand any more than it already is.

But they have an all clear!

Leo moves around the cart, testing a few spots before deciding where and how he wants to lift it. Then when Mike is also ready, Leo will count to three for a take off and flight over to the ship. He will remind Mike to be slow and careful about setting the cart down.

There's another soft chuckle, this time at the excited kids. And he can feel Donnie shifting to make sure Liam stays and doesn't leap off too soon!

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leon Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:52 pm

DonnieBoy grins - and his Mikey is in safe hands so he lets himself surrender to the game of chase and splash with the pudgier but he is learning still very capable ninja turtles, laughing at the names, " actually very appropriately placed." He was happy to be apart of the other groups, and happy he has one brother back. The 'B' Team was together once more.

Reaching the boat he nod to the top, " come on guys we need to get up to help hoist the boat... maaaan gonna sleep well tonight." he grumbles a little from the rowing and towing his brother to the water and balancing in the chilled waters... swimming and now beginning to climb up the side of the boat... just maaaaaaan was he going to sleep well! even better if their turtle piled together!

Leon was still grinning at the names, " wellllll just fyi fluffy bunny over there is my bunny... Yua the pretty rat lady is married to TallD, and think we can convince LittleBlue's Raphie to become Raplhie?" loooud enough to carry to the dragons at the last bit and grinning, if its hard to tell he is just all sorts of tickled pink being back among his brothers. But also thinking out loud would make distinguishing the reds once among each other once back together. Leon grins and calls over to Inaba, up towards the edge of the boat as DonnieBoy starts climbing. " We're gonna need to check a map!" just see how far away the last group was.

Inaba in the boat and feeling a little... uneasy - but managing not to puke or anything perks an ear his way and nods.

Mikey is blinking and still feeling a bit groggy, the kind feeling after having a horrible head cold and fever but can make out bleary shapes and grins. " I can... smeelllll.... preeeetty laaaadies... can I... have...some... cprrrrr."

And hearing that croaky voice, as much as it made his eyes roll, and this time glad he managed not to give himself a painful face palming DonnieBoy is glad to hear it and the flirtatious note, Mikey was definitely okay.

" oy! one of those is myyyy pretty bunny crispy boy!.... maybe The Mountain will give you smoochies."

To which a Raphael pushing and keeping an eye on the skip makes a kissy face sound. Hahahahaa!

Leonardo rolls his eyes. The bantering carried easily over the water. But he is glad for it, meant everyone was in good spirits at least. He had been amused by the Donnie and Leo, and the way little Liam would call for Donnie to get back up! And then eagerly waggy tailed little boy would every time literally jump on Donnie and nuzzle him in a way that was sort of 'Hey! where'd you go?' and 'stop that!' -

and indeed he needed to be held back by Donnie in his turn when he sees the boat more clearly, and now the cheetah like chirping barks of all three boys is nearly constant. First Duncan, then Liam and Malcolm, then randomly, their little tails frantic, beating their wings in excited clips - so much so that Malcolm overbalances and is caught by Lilo's tail. Elena was trying to imitate the noise, not quite getting it, but trying!

Leonardo grins, he lingers only to make sure Mike and Leo have the cart secure and to track everyones progress.

Bebe flew, she hilarious turned back and tried to help the dragons. And though it felt to here she was doing heavy lifting!

Donatello continuing to lie flat on the cart and not make any motions that might make it harder. Though he does laugh when the fae tries to help out. Softly though.

Mike only grumbled once at Donnie, the last time Leo put him back up and its a playing warning to just stay! rumble laugh at the way the little blue baby would lavish nuzzly love all over him once back!

He too has to wonder if this fresh start for Donnie would be just what was needed. A massive shift, a new beginning for their now younger brother. And bonus new young sons too!

Oh he hoped. He haaaaated watching brothers suffer and have no way to help. He wasn't the brightest, he wasnt the strongest or the master ninja with strong spiritual skills. He could only at times try to help distract Don in his worst moments or torment Ralphie to take his mind off deeper things or - sadly - beg Leo to show him a new kata when his big brother had his moments of broodiness that long hours of meditation could not chase away.

And maybe for them too when the most... hurting was getting a fresh start perhaps... it would help them all. Along with having sons, a new lease on life. Even for their father too! who had been looking sad and older and more frail and tired.

If they made it home, with or without fixing the Nexus perhaps this would be for the best. He couldn't see how, but as he nods at Leo and braces his strength on this side to lift with Leo as he chooses to be hopeful about it all. And rumble laughs at the fae but if that made her feel good to help them then so be it - her fluttering dragonfly like wings wouldn't interfere with them. He bumps her lightly with snout in thanks though. And will lift when Leo does, and follow his brothers lead over to the ship.

Addy trusts Dana and Lilo with a watching Kovu whom had looked worried when Leo and Mike dragons lifted off but Leonardo stayed - but then the big guy moved after checking the shore line before following and Kovu relaxes, Addy smiles and leaves them to watch the children, Monroe moving over to reach down and help those climbing up, Sam and Pip hurrying to move the arm and boom of the winch outward to hook up the skip to get it up.

She meanwhile waves a white bit of a leftover banner of some type to get Leo's attention, to guide him to where the cart would be lowered into place. She'd picked the spot carefully. Waving Leo and Mike into the spot, smiling, relieved to see them. She maybe a little slow moving, stiff with some aching but she was all told okay and ignoring it, she was a sailor this level of ouch she could handle for a while.

Liam would fealessly leap off towards his brothers and Elena if not for Donnie, and he didn't need to hold him, cause he would turn back to nuzzle at Leo's shoulder and then Donnie and then rush almost looking like he was going to leap, then pause and repeat! tail wapping everything!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Ralphie Fri Dec 24, 2021 12:51 pm

DonnieBoy is easily accepted into the game of splash as they swim out to the boat.

MikeyMikey and Donno can't object to the names either. Though Donno is amused that Raph actually put that level of thought into them.

And there's general amusement at Leon being with the bunny! And a definite snigger from MikeyMikey and Raph at the TallD. Both clearly thought of an alternative that they actually do have the discretion to keep to themselves!

"Kind of gives new meaning to the tortoise and the hare."

Raph snorted and waved his hand at Leon, making sure to splash him.

Eh, his Mike charged me with being Little Blue's plucky comic relief. I can be Ralphie. Or we could try talking Baby Blue's Raph into it!" Which would actually be amusing! Still, Raph is more than willing to become Ralphie.

MikeyMikey is laughing as Mikey gets a response to his question.

"Dude, like, careful what you wish for."

And the trio is quick to rush to help get the skip and its cargo on board. Once the skip is hooked in, they're efficient about getting it aboard. And getting it unloaded. Most of the cargo will go into the hold, and they're right there to help. Though there is a quick pause for Ralphie and MikeyMikey to greet Lilo and Dana.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Fri Dec 24, 2021 4:25 pm

It was hard to be annoyed with Leo grunting at him like that, and dragging him away from helping. Leo means well. Donnie knows that. With the greetings he gets from Liam every time he returns, it's impossible to be annoyed with the kid either. Though it's sort of funny to get the same looks from both Leo and Liam. And even Mike got in on the scolding that last time. Donnie mutters about being fine! But... his hand does hurt. He's just not quite admitting to it yet.

Leo smiles as Bebe moves to help them. And though she's definitely not doing any of the heavy lifting, he does make a little space for her to join them and gives her a slight bow of thanks. When Donnie tried to do the same, Leo growled softly. Donnie stayed on his back after that. And a good thing he did too, because someone had to make sure Liam didn't try to fly away! And Donnie was up to that job!

There had been a tense moment when it looked like Malcolm might fall. Donnie had been ready to rush off if it happened, but Lilo caught him! Donnie relaxed and snuggled back up with Liam. Or... kept the excited child bundled up until they were closer to the surface below them!

Donnie heard Leo chuckle a couple times at the banter below them. He doesn't know that Leo had been a little torn on the matter. The sound was carrying, but the morale was also important. And might have been what was keeping everyone awake and alert! So he just smiles and lets it happen. Everything still seems calm for the moment, though they do need to move at least a little before resting.

Donnie keeps Liam on Leo's back as the cart is carefully lowered to the position on the deck where Addy had been flagging them. Leo makes sure that they're careful about putting it down. They don't need to damage the boat in any way with this.

Only once they're down on the deck does Donnie lift the bundled up Liam from Leo's back, flies him down to the deck and releases him to join the other babies.

Leo takes a moment to assess their surroundings. They probably don't need to do much more as dragons. As long as there's no longer a need for that form, Leo will drop back out of his avatar state and return to being a turtle.

Donnie will try.

And he will fail. Still stuck as a dragon.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Mon Dec 27, 2021 2:17 am

DonnieBoy was about to say something his mouth opened, their up on the edge of the boat and helping Sam and Pip lower the winching lines down, Monroe paused by Donno and DonnieBoy to grin at them half the color of the boat and half the rope he'd come over and grabbed onto when Lilo moved closer to greet Ralpie with a light kiss to his cheek then definitely joining in the giggling and unpacking of the skip as it was pulled up and what could be tossed on board was tossed on, and what couldn't was left in to be collected once the little boat was secured into its spot. A giggling cause at the same time DonnieBoy and Mikey answered MikeyMikey's tease.

" Hah! I think he would like that." Turning that careful what you wish for into a careful what you offer to Raphael.

" Hah! I thiiiink I would like that!" hparse but in his usual cheer and grinning in a dazed sort of way at his counterpart.

Raphael snorts with laughter, on board and glancing back making sure Leonardo was coming. " shhhh enough flirting, comeone work to do."  A brief 'oooh behave' sort of hand gesture and as effeminate as he could be playful telling off for the play, then all amused gruff tone, joining in emptying the little skip - well the others took the stuff to the storage spaces, heeee turned back to help Yua out of the little boat with perfect turtle gentlemanliness and then Inaba.

Dana is all whack a mole tail when MikeyMikey greets her, or well she gets to lick his cheek in a happy 'Hi!' sort of way her tail buffing Kovu whom then quickly moved away with what she had grabbed.

Addy grinned at Leo, gesturing for him and Mike and Donnie to come down, resume turtle shape, " you all were magnificant." she tells her strange crew, her tail flicking pleasantly and behind her Pip and Sam back to make sure the wedges meant to hold the cart in place tucked under wheels. She gestures to Raphael as he scoops up the Mikey, " the injured should rest int he cart for now. Leonardo if you don't mind please sort the stuff fromt he skip into the store rooms. The rest of you I need strong hands and a little more strength from you to catch the breeze we have and move along the river," she winks at Leo and Mike expecting them and Donnie to help with that. Though there was a bit of a oooh look when the going past them in those massive Raphael arms Mikey leans out.

He grunts and looks up, " buuuut Donnie... he shifted... like a werewolf, shape shifted, not avatared up into his dragon..." oh he recalled that alright!

Addy chews her lip, " thats okay I got the sail out here for a dragon to rest on if unable to change." she nods at the large patchy cloth waiting for a resting dragon, and one not as big as Leo or Mike.

Mike rumbles a bit and though it makes his belly flip flop begins to shrink and fade back into his own handsome self, landing with a soft thud just as Donnie released the wriggling Liam. " come again?" to Mikey soooooo curious and also, " is there something for a bit of pain?" he asks Addy, ooooh yes he had noted perhaps a little favouring Donnie had been doing.

Addy nods smiling, and looking over, " Donnieboy, I know you and Donno have been doctoring for a bit, but maybe a last check over those in the cart before helping with sailing? The numbing paste is in my cabin on the bed side shelf."

Her voice calling, but not overriding Mikey as he repeats what he was sure he had seen Donnie do to go Dragon.

Lilo's tail had put Malcolm down - just intime for him and Duncan and Liam to all go bouncing like little goats towards each other making the cutest little squeaky chirpy sounds, and there was three little tails just going crazy! so much Mike watching with a nawwwww was sure they could have attached those tiny motors to the boat and it would have been enough! Awwww the total cute of happy babies just tiny to hug and nuzzle and hang on tight to each other was just adorable, with a Elena bouncing around the tumbling boys trying to get into the mess!

A pleasedw ith herself Bebe, and honoured by Leo's thanks, was hovering above the little bundle her wings bright with excited happy yellows and pink bubbles.

Leonardo paused long enough once on board to count, all were here and he doubts he was the only Leo to count, even Leon seemed to do a little turn that suggested he'd done a quick head check too. Grinning Leonardo gives Addy a nod tugging Kovu to him, carefully around the little pile of reunited and so very happy boys awwwwww, nuzzling the nymph briefly, " Sure thing Addy all over it." A squeeze and he let Kovu go to slip away to handle that.

Addy smiles, waiting for Leo, and calling directions for Donno and Monroe, to go the first set of sails, Pip, Lilo and Ralphie she sends to the larger main mast ones sending MikeyMikey, Bebe and Sam to the last, Raphael to the till followed by a Mike. Maybe a little bit definitely hoping for a quick kiss with Leo before sending him and Yua and Inaba to make sure there is a filling stew and root vegies mush with much flat bread for everybody to eat. Some roasted nuts, vegies and fruits on the side or for those that don't eat meat. Meantime she is smiling up at Donnie, " it is great to meet you Donnie, I... don't know what Mikey means... but perhaps it might be helpful."

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Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Tue Dec 28, 2021 4:02 pm

MikeyMikey sniggered at DonnieBoy and Mikey responding in unison, and Ralphie barked a laugh at Raphael's response.

Donno turned to thank the omegas when Monroe paused between him and DonnieBoy, but a look from Ralphie would have started another brawl if there hadn't been a distraction of excited kiddies and a task to be done!

Donno rushes off to check on Donatello's shell and will pop over to see Donnie's hand once Leo unwraps it.

Ralphie is definitely taking a moment for a kiss! Thiugh he was able to waggle eye ridges at Donno, and there are kissy noises as Raphael moves past with Mikey!

MikeyMikey seems as oblivious to Dana's tail as she is! He actually does have some awareness of it, but not that she would notice! He swings her clear of where she is bapping anyone. It would look just playful, but one really paying attention might realize what he actually did!

"Hi, Dudette! Miss me?"

He would ask about the llamoats, but he's certain she would have already taken care of them for now, and Addy is already assigning new tasks!


There's a soft dragony chuckle from Leo as the kids rush towards each other. Oh, is it ever good to see them together!

He grins as Addy says they were magnificent, and he remains a dragon and bows, maybe a little playful for the compliment. Donnie is confused by this and bows too.

Leo then drops out of dragon form as Addy is assigning moving items to storage to Leonardo.

As Mikey explains what he's sure he saw Donnie do, Donnie is trying to get back to turtle form too!

He just looks constipated. And in the end he is still a dragon.

Leo frowns in thought at Mikey's comment. He absolutely believes the other turtle, it's just... that's a lot. Even for Leo! Their brother is younger, doesn't remember the past three years, has fairy powers AND can shapeshift into a dragon?!

"Donnie? How...?"

~I don't know! I just had to, and... did it.~

Nope, no help there. Donnie has no idea what he did or how he did it. In fact, Donnie sounded very concerned about this! He doesn't want to stay a dragon!

While Kovu is getting the numbing paste, Leo gently unwraps Donnie's hand. He has a little left in his pocket to clean it up again since Donnie had been helping pack things for flying the cart over. It's clean and ready to be checked and numbed when Donno eventually finishes with Donatello.

Donnie tried to say hi to Addy when she greeted him, but he can't speak as a dragon! It came out as a weird almost chirped grunt. He hid behind Leo, who in turtle form now is actually smaller than he is!

Leo chuckled.

"It's okay, Donnie. She's nice. She won't hurt you." Leo's actually not certain Addy could hurt Donnie as a dragon if she tried. But Leo gets it. At Donnie's age, they had been incredibly sheltered. And this has been a lot for his little brother already today. "And that might actually be helpful..." Leo will have to meditate on that at some point.

And Donnie blinked when Leo was assigned to the kitchen. Leo was moving in for a quick kiss to Addy when Donnie's voice in his head interrupted him.

~Make STEW?! You burn water, and she trusts you to make food?!~

It's probably a strangely one-sided conversation to those who can't hear Donnie's thought speech!

"One time! That was one time!

~Or the egg in the toaster?~

"Oh, like you're any better!"

Donnie's not. They all know it. Donnie and Leo have both had their share of kitchen disasters.

"At least I didn't blow up the microwave!"

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by DonnieBoy Fri Dec 31, 2021 2:17 am

Addy chuckles and she steps closer to Leo, she'd enjoyed the bow and reached up to touch his snout, stepping back a little as he shrank to turtle once more, listening interestedly and watching, wondering if that face was Donnie's way of trying to shapeshift back into himself, she decides not to giggle at that thought it was adorable, and she manages a bow back, and now even if not sure why it looked like Mike was laughing as he shrank and if that meant Leo might be chatting with Donnie somehow she moves closer to Leo, cupping a cheek this time and kissing him to stop that whatever discussion and grin after the kiss to Donnie, " I promise to captainly watch closely." her voice maybe solemn but perhaps Leo would pick up on the only just barely there tease for him. Cause sure she might help if she thinks he needs it, but also... she would just enjoy the view!

And there is also a moment her tail twitches a bit in wonderment. What the heck was a microwave?

And around the hustle and bustle of the crew rushing to do her orders was a bundle of rushing babies, all of them pausing in front of Donno on his trip between a thankful Donatello who was happily getting some attention from Yua now she was mostly free of her task all done. He'd share a grin with Donno and a soft happy, " Thanks for the care Donno, and maaaaan am I glad to just be back among you all." his brothers yes but just all the brothers -

annnnnnnnnnnnnd Malcolm waves a hand eager. "Broffers!" and their darting off to tell Donatello and Yua the same thing, then off to massive Raphael whom was in the middle of giving his counterpart a playful sort of shove at the shoulder, very lightly that bumps him closer to his happy monkey lady, before their giving tasks and - ooop! almost tripping the giant turtle, only he was a ninja for all that and managed to do a odd sort of jig that makes him glare at a laughing  croakily Mikey, sniggering DonnieBoy, snorting Mike and giggling ladies.

DonnieBoy, once Raphael had plain Mikey down makes sure he is in still the right temperature and then stays close to Donno in the checks to help him out with anything. A little extra pet tape on that shell of Donatello's for extra stability? yep. A skin of fresh water for Mikey to sip at. Slowly! under Yua's close watch seeing as she is there with Donatello. Check. And the numbing paste for Donnie's claws. Well once the young dragon was not making them all hide amusement again at his face in the attempt to return to turtle. And also on the sail and comfortable! Smiling and watching the little ones delight in just being reunited. Eager and ready when Donno is to head off to the sails and join his partners up high!

Lilo is happy to just have Ralphie back, whisper in their moment they could snatch before the next activities. " mmmm yous look very wonderfully happy all together again," just entirely happy for him to have his brothers back. Kisses maybe were shorter than wanted but no less intense for their moments, then muffling her giggling at the teasing going on. A happy tail tap against the tucked away Ralphie's, " race you up!" when they are given orders from Addy, and eagerly heading straight up monkey style!

Dana did not notice MikeyMikey moving her into a more friendly range of tail movements, but she does enjoy the ride and licks his cheek - " you know I did!" beaming! Then their off! Her to make sure animals are still doing alright, and had fresh not fire ash filled water to drink and clear themselves of the fire smoke and smells.

Monroe, Pip and Sam moved to the sails they were instructed to and waited for their fellow sailors and were comfortable enough to show and instruct them where they needed the sails to point to catch the breeze, and how much unfurled they would need. The boat would begin moving once their all in place.

Raphael moving to the till with a Mike. Mike taking a moment when the little boys bounced over to kneel and pull the four little ones into his arms and hug them all, nuzzling and blowing raspberries on small cheeks. " we told yous we would find them right? didn't we?" well he mostly meant a nodding enthusiastically Malcolm, but he was perfectly reassurred that Don would have promised the same to a lost little Liam at one point and likewise Leo with Duncan.

Ooooh he releases them, and for a moment is a tad regretful that perhaps the sad brief little look Liam cast about was for the Don he'd known but was at this moment in time no longer that Don. It was a new beginning for Donnie and a little bit of a loss for the little blue Leo look alike. He wondered how much the little boy could understand. Well they will just have to not let him be too sad about it. A little. Just not too much. So he pokes the little guys side gently and near to where he knew Leo was most ticklish in distracted moments, rewarded by that brief sad looking around becoming a giggle and squirm. " better go tell the others!" pointing at Leo, Addy and Donnie.

Raphael chuckles rubbing the little terror dragonet's head on the way past.

the little ones bundled back to Donnie and Leo and Duncan bounces to Leo's knees, " DaLeo! looook it's Liiiiam! we has Liam!" Malcolm hopping about happily -

Liam grins up at Donnie dragon. " Un Donnie... I have broffers!" first so excited and waving hands at his purple brother and golden one. Well one hand, he'd pulled Elena into their mad dash to show and tell around the vessel and still had a hold of her, but she is waved at too!

Addy giggles, Kovu had taken Bebe's place in hovering close to the little ones. She smiles at Donnie, " Come until you can, shift, this should be comfortable to lay on - yes yes we see Duncan, Malsolm, it is wonderful isnt it?!" awwwww and she was seriously fighting the urge to grab Liam and Elena and give them a 'bath'.

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Post by Donnie Fri Dec 31, 2021 8:08 pm

~I get to blow up the microwave?~ Nope, he hasn't done that yet! And if Donnie is a little too excited about saying that, well... yes, he sounds just a little too excited about that. This may cast some doubt on just how accidental that incident had been.

Leo is not the only one distracted by the kiss.


16 year old Don had been clueless, 13 year old Donnie isn't there yet.

There is a slight glance at Leo and Mike when Addy promises to watch Leo closely. Is he trusting her on that? Looks like yes. Okay.

Donno smiled at Donatello's words, and he squeezed his counterpart's arm.

"No problem, Man. It's what we do, right?" Good natured. Happy with his lot. "And agreed. It's great to have to many turtles around." Especially his own brothers, but meeting all these other groups is pretty amazing! And Donno definitely wants to learn a bit more about the other dimensions. He'd love to set his portal generator to be able to reach these other dimensions!

Donno couldn't help but chuckle at the kids! They were adorable! And clearly as happy as the rest of them to be back together once more. Perhaps even happier! Being so young, they probably hadn't really understood how close or far they were from their brothers.

When Raphael just manages to keep his balance, Donno, MikeyMikey and Ralphie have also joined in the snickering and chuckling! Ralphie offered his counterpart a slow clap for that one.

But definitely distracted by Lilo and rushing off to join her race!

"You're on, you cheeky, little monkey!" All play! And he very much enjoys that cheek!

And MikeyMikey grinned at that response! Especially the lick to the cheek! And just a brief moment of sadness that he doesn't get to go help with the animals too! Though he does rush off to his task as ordered!

Leo had just started to sort of break off the kiss, after ignoring Donnie's reaction to it, and was about to start going about his assigned task when the kids bounded back over toward them. Leo, like Mike had, kneels down to their level and pulls them all into his arms!

"We did! We have your Liam and my Donnie now." He nuzzled all the young ones, though he did allow Liam a moment to go talk to Donnie.

Donnie seems unsure for just a moment. He wasn't certain whether Liam could hear his thought speak or not. In the end, he nuzzles the little boy, happily! Definitely agreeing that having brothers back was pretty amazing!

...even if Donnie's brothers are kind of different. He shows excitement for the child, a happy nuzzling for Liam then Elena, and any of the others that might make their way Donnie's direction

Once the kids head off to play, Donnie will settle on the sails that Addy had laid out and watch what everyone is doing.

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Post by Mike Sat Jan 01, 2022 6:15 am

Mike laughs at the mind sounds from Donnie -

But he waits until their beginning to move.

Then as Kovu gently ushers excited, ready to follow Leo to the space for cooking, back to Donnie's side, all of the playing little ones, keeping them around him, smiling shyly at him, and staying near. One child watch with the young dragon.

it's only ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww for a while little brother - it gets less ewwwwwwwwwww.... its warm... smells niiiice... and trust Addy Leo's her first mate on here she'll make sure he manages to make us something edible. he calls over bracing with Raphael at the till. And heck it had been adorable the way in Leo's arms all of those little kids just crowded, and like Donnie had when they reunited, like Mike had... that familiar strength that came from being with their big brother. And they had snuggled, especially Liam, whom looked at him and Mike with a horribly sad but wonderfully happy face.

And now like Duncan and Malcolm and Elena all crowded in close and shyly to nuzzle with Donnie, Elena sitting by his hands. Nuzzle and race around him and wrestle.

Dana gave MikeyMikey a grin and little yip of " We have Llamoats to groom." just for him! As he hurries away.

Lilo laughs and ooooh she knew she meant to race Ralphie up to the sails but instead she just races with him, " liiike you could keep up gentle innocent." she teeeeeases all the while until their in place just beside him. And translating the name of the genio innocuo into the common tongue. Because before the fables of the warriors of the genio innocuo came there was once upon a time when the turtle beings of this world were simple gentle folk. She knows Ralphie and all his new brothers and reunited brothers are not. But can be when it matters. Like for the excited little ones bunmbling about on Donnie's resting spot with him.

Addy smiles at Leo, She is tired. She knows her crew is tired. She puts her cat tail and ears to work. Later more kissing. Now though... she squeezes his hands, feeling with her tail and hearing with her ears the wind and the speed it was going. And moves to find a spot she can guide Leo's efforts and the sailors.

Donatello had grinned, he nods at Donno when he goes, because yeah it was sometimes a thankless task but he and Donno, DonnieBoy and even Don, take the role of caregiver seriously with varying degrees of enthusiam perhaps. Mikey stretches out and leans his head out of the cart to watch Donnie and the kids, Donatello sighs softly, and lays where he is, buries his face into Yua's lap, against her belly as she allows and lets himself have a brief moment of tears, its a little of the pain and frustration of not being able to help out for now, but the pain is numbing thanks to the past and the frustration sliding away. There is some sadness of what he had a hand in helping encourage to happen to Don. Oh he felt extreme guilt there and probably would until he got to talk to Leo sometime and maybe longer. there was also relief... decisions were no longer on his shoulders. Leonardo seemed happy to back up Leo and was right there to take charge if needed. So he let himself have a moment to just be as shattered from the journey so far as his shell has been. And will nap a little to the sounds of Yua rubbing his head and humming a little and beyond her the happy sounds of children playing, the window making sails billow and Addy's called orders to make sure they were all on task.


Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Addy will keep them sailing until dark had settled, and they were along the river a distance from distant on shore lights, showing them all how to tie the boat to trees to keep it from drifting away, stowing the sails so their not blown anywhere, and well keeping Leo on the cooking. She could help out, and she would need numbing paste... but they work together, or more of she helps now and then between orders and guides Leo making gnocchi like pasta with nexus tubers that would cook up soft and fluffy and a thick stew, even if vegies and meat was a little burnt. A large haunch crisped for Donnie. The salal bowls of nuts and crisped vegies and fruits. Flate breads were their last task and no one would really mind she reassured Leo that they were a tad crisped. But finally she pats Leo's hands. " wanna do the honors and sound the dinner bell?" a grin and cleaning off her hands with a rag and offering it to Leo, " after all it smells fantastic." and they could both see everyone was finishing up now the boat was tied up, sails down and the Donnie, Donno and DonnieBoy check the wounded again. Leonardo was returning to deck from being under and cleaning. Raphael and Mike had the tiller roped into place so it wasn't banging free in the current. And they all looked like they needed the food, and a good sleep. This time water and hot spiced wine would be offered, milk for the babies.

She felt Leo could call them to order for this, and be pleased with his efforts over here. He'd certainly pleased her eyes.

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Post by Leo Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:34 pm

Donnie looks at Mike, clearly skeptical. Perhaps on both counts, but definitely on the kissing thing. Don had been mostly apathetic, barely even vaguely curious. Convincing Donnie that the kiss had been anything other than the ickiest of moist grossness is going to be a hard sell! But Donnie doesn't object. He just grunts and snuggles into the sail.

~I can hear you, you know.~ That was probably in reference to Addy having to make sure Leo's food was edible. It did take more to communicate with the thought speech than it did to year it, but Leo manages.

Sometime when Addy is nearby, Donnie will sniff her because Mike said she smells good. He will not understand the appeal. He will think Mike and Leo are both weird.

Donnie returned Kovu's smile, though after the conversation with Mike, it is slightly half hearted. Sort of torn. Not unlike Liam's being excited about being back with his brothers, but heartbroken that Don isn't there.

Donnie has his brothers back... sort of. They have grown up, but he... hasn't. So he has them, but at the same time... he's sort of lost them too. It's different. Everything is different! And boy is he overwhelmed when he has half a chance to think about everything that's happened in the last 12 hours!

So he tries not to.

Donnie is focusing on the kids. He helps Kovu keep them nearby, mostly with soft dragon noises. Mostly he just wants to snuggle with the kids, particularly Liam, and he did return their nuzzling. He knows why he's drawn to Liam from the stories he's heard, but it's still strange to feel attached to the kid without remembering meeting him. Donnie does try to play a little too, once they're moving about more. He does try, but his heart isn't in it.

He's not admitting to it, but with what he's heard about the boys, and that he and his brothers are actually their biological fathers... Duncan weirds him out as much as he fascinates him.


Donno, MikeyMikey and Ralphie are all mostly on task as they sail. Ralphie had very much enjoyed his game of chase with Lilo, and had been thrilled with her taunting! He is quick to follow, but she is definitely still the better climber. He might be ninja, but she was born for this.

Bebe and Sam are stuck listening to MikeyMikey go on about how awesome, and soft and fluffy the llamoats are as they work. But for the most part, he is on task.


Leo eyes Donnie for that tone regarding the microwave. They're going to have to keep an eye on that... Leo had been under the impression that the microwave incident had been completely accidental. Now... He's not so sure. He's going to have to ask Master Splinter at some point if their father believes that had been an accident or... Donnie purposely doing something that he probably shouldn't have.

Leo is very good with a knife. He does a fine job of cutting up vegetables, and making bits of meat for the stew an appropriate size. The veggie bits are probably almost shockingly small and uniform. He diced everything. Bright side... they will cook relatively quickly.

Very few would notice, but Leo did pick up on what he was pretty sure was quiet crying from the cart. He doesn't pry at the moment. There's no need to just now. Sometimes it's best to let others get it out. But Leo does make a mental note to talk to Donatello later. Maybe after everyone starts to disperse after their evening meal.

The very first of Leo's gnocchi turns to paste. He has no idea where he went wrong, and it's entirely possible that no one else saw him do anything wrong either. It makes an acceptable thickener for the stew. The second attempt is more acceptable.

Hopefully Addy is right about the crispy flatbread being acceptable. Because several are definitely that. Others aren't quite cooked through.

Leo accepts the rag, and is efficient about cleaning his hands. He then kisses Addy's cheek.

"Thank you, I'd love to."

Leo is actually rather proud of having actually made a decent meal. He does ring that bell! He does want everyone to gather!

Donno goes to make sure Donatello gets out of the cart alright. He's sure that one of the larger turtles will do the same.

MikeyMikey and Ralphie are on the ball, and hurrying to join the group as they're called in. Ralphie makes it another race with Lilo. MikeyMikey rushed off to Dana briefly first. He'll help make sure the llamoats have food and water, but grooming will probably have to wait until after their own meals.

Donnie looks over at the bell. Then ignores it.

Leo has to come get him, and he helps round up the kids to get them over to be fed. Once Leo pushes the issue, Donnie does come without a fuss, and helps bring the kids over to eat.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:16 pm

~ Ooooh, we know.~ Teases Mike. He'd chuckled when he caught Donnie sniff at Addy. well he supposed so young and sheltered and hah! he so got a pic of Donnie trying to hide dragonet bulk behind turtle sized Leo! hahahaa. He shrugs mentally though, that was something that miight come with age this time. Or perhaps not, Donnie hadn't been interested when he had been Don.

Addy didn't need to hear that to know from the expression there was something playful exchanged. And she didn't know why Donnie had sniffed at her, she had her lightly brushed his snout with her paw, just a light sort of brief comfort for the new one. His world she assumed was turned upside down. His brothers worlds were topsy turvy. It would take time.

And once his claws were able she will find his some work to keep him occupied and busy on this trip up the river.

She is pleased with their progress and where they are in the water, purr at the kiss her tail brushing Leo's side in response. " We will have good rest tonight. But light exercise tomorrow - we will be stiff." well they all would be she was a little stiff with the pain from her wound, but it wasn't as bad as it had been last couple of days. Very much thanks to Duncan and Leo.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by DonnieBoy Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:07 pm

DonnieBoy follows Donno over, a brief glance over Donatello, but Donno's work looked great and he knew he had it handled. Also the tall guys looks a bit recovered and more relaxed.

Lean bean himself slips in to wake Mikey who also looks refreshed...

as much as a crispy turtle could look refreshed.

And peppy which is his usual self.

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Post by Donimoy Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:40 pm

Donatello did manage a brief nap, and it was needed. And when his eyes open he smiles up at Yua. " thank you... for before." he just needed that closeness and moment.

Yua smiles, " Anytime... I... am honoured you felt safe to do that with me."

Donno is coming Donatello can hear his particular walk, and also DonnieBoy. He takes a moment to cup her cheek and kiss her lightly, a thanks for the comfort, a silent, 'of course'.

Which makes a waking up by DonnieBoy Mikey whistle at them, Donatello swatted at his foot lightly, chuckling. turning to meet Donno when he came in. Donatello already felt a little better all over, and his shell felt stronger.

The larger cracks were covered by the pet tape, held tight and secure and any bleeding had stopped. It wouldn't be noticiable to most unless up close to his shell but the smallest thin cracks had already began to close. That cure all mutagen in their blood accelerating the healing. Though the larger cracks would still take weeks to close fully. But he does accept Donno - and Raphaels help out of the cart even if he has recovered enough to be mostly completely okay on his feet. Just... it felt good and well it meant he could rest a hand on Donno's shoulder and an arm around Raphaels massive shoulders to join the others all being gathered in the only open space left on the ships top deck around the front of the Captains Cabin.

Leo was right, Donatello had needed to get that all out of his system. And Yua lingering to help Mikey and DonnieBoy had helped.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Doragonkame Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:05 am

Kovu is there and she delights in playing with the little ones but encourages, gently and in no shared language with Donnie, for him to play with them, even in not very enthused.

Because he was young too she might not have understood verbally but she sure felt, and well it really felt like to her he could use the distractions of the bumbling rambunctious babies.

For Duncan, Malcolm and Liam it is as if they were never apart, and with Donnie right there they could play around him and with him. They're like kittens. Sneaking and pouncing on each other, or pausing to nuzzle and snuggle against Donnie and from there play! Duncan is a little less than the other two and very shyly. Liam every now and then did sit sadly - but neither his brothers or Elena would let it linger.

though Mike perhaps wants to scoop the little blue guy up when he looks excited at Leo coming to get them all, nuzzling Donnie but beams up at Leo, then over at Mike and looks around searching...

Leonardo was back and on the way to help Donno and Raphael with Donatello, greeting Donnie with a bow and rub of the head for all the young ones, offering arms to Elena though.

Elena grins and leaps into them!

Little boys gather around Leo and probably making it harder for Donnie to ignore the call over by trying to tug on his elbows to follow! follow!

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Post by Donno Mon Jan 03, 2022 3:36 pm

As soon as there's a chance, MikeyMikey is rushing off to join Dana with the llamoats. He definitely want to help feed and water them! And groom them! Thought most of that will probably have to wait until after dinner. MikeyMikey had a feeling that there was going to be some discussion of next moves. At least a general plan for the next leg of their trip. They reached the crew in Araluen, and there were still turtles out there, but it did seem that the last group had another task in mind before meeting up with the rest of them.

At least... last MikeyMikey had paid attention. Which he actually did more often than he let on. Which he's sort of noticing is a pretty common trait among his counterparts.


Ralphie is definitely ready for a meal by the time the bell finally rings!

"About time."

Though he's more ready for a rest. Still, one hopefully signals the other! And he grins at Lilo, prepared to race her back down!


Donno had briefly checked on Mikey, just as DonnieBoy had given Donatello a quick look over. They both seemed to be about as well off as one could hope given what they had been through.

"Most of these smaller cracks are already healing up nicely." That was great! And Donno is thrilled by this! "Those are some impressive healing abilities you guys have." Though it did look like the larger cracks would still take a bit of time to heal.

Sure, Raphael was definitely more help keeping Donatello up than he was, though he's actually getting the impression that the tall turtle would be okay on his feet even without the assistance, still it was best that they not take chances now. Sure, the guy was healing quickly, but the didn't need to undo any of the healing that had already been accomplished. The longer he can go before irritating his shell any the better!

So once Donatello is seated and situated, Donno allows Leonardo and Raphael and Yua space closest him. Donno will settle relatively near his own brothers. After dinner, he'll undo Donnie's bandage and check on that little injury. Though it looked like the young dragon was doing pretty well with it.

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Post by Donnie Mon Jan 03, 2022 4:35 pm

While Donnie had tried to be subtle about sniffing at Addy, it was a very young teen's subtle... which was to say it was barely subtle at all. Addy smells like vaguely sweet BO and salt water as far as he's concerned. Sure, he was capable of picking up on her individual scent, but it's not intriguing to him in any way yet.

Kovu is absolutely correct. Donnie does need the distraction. His world has been turned completely upside down! Even being outside like this is strange and overwhelming if he thinks about it too long! So having the kids bumbling around and pouncing him like kittens is actually helpful.

Liam's quiet moments are also met with a nuzzle from Donnie. Maybe it's silly, but Donnie feels responsible for Liam's sad searching. Liam can't find his dad because Donnie isn't him anymore. Or yet? Or... Something. Donnie isn't Don, and he can't take away Liam's hurt. And Liam has lost something just like Donnie has. If nothing else, snuggling the little boy makes Donnie feel less alone. And the other kids seem intent on not letting Liam brood for too long.

Donnie also likes to be useful. Once his hand is feeling a little better, he does eagerly accept the distraction of the small tasks that Addy assigns him. When the kids are starting to be too much for the young dragon, a short task is a perfect escape that also keeps him distracted from how much everything has suddenly changed. For the most part he understands what she wants him to do, but his shared language with her at the moment is decidedly one sided.

Whether or not it's true, Donnie feels he's better able to give information directly to Kovu than to Addy without one of his brothers, or perhaps an intently listening interdimensional brother, interpreting. Maybe Kovu is naturally better at reading body language, or maybe Kovu has learned to pay more attention to that since joining Leonardo on this adventure. Either way, Donnie feels like he can sort of communicate with her.

When Leonardo comes over and bows, Donnie returns it. A bit deeper. Not like he would bow for Master Splinter, but deeper than an equal as Leonardo is older than he is, and definitely an alpha like his own Leo. Even without having really been introduced to society, Master Splinter had taught them this sort of propriety. It's a little difficult to judge his own bow as a dragon though.

There's a slight smile as Elena bounds into Leonardo's arms before Donnie lays back down, ignoring his own Leo calling him over. It's harder to ignore the kids encouragement, but there is a soft whine. No, he doesn't waaaaant to! At the moment, he just wants to lay here. No, he wants to go below decks and find a spot to lay. This is too out in the open. There's too much space for a youngling who has seldom left the tunnels below New York.

Donnie returned the nuzzling from Liam, but tried valiantly to remain in his spot! It's not until Leo physically pulls on his arm that Donnie finally relents and comes along with big-- older brother and the kids.

Once they make their way to the group to get food and settle, Donnie lays back down, head against Leo's leg, tail wrapping partially around Mike. He's not interested in food, preferring to just lay here with his brothers.

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Post by Leo Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:02 pm

Leo couldn't help but chuckle at Mike's response. He'd known that he would probably get something along those lines. And he was actually sort of amused by the whole thing.

Even from over where he had been working on dinner, Leo had noticed when Donnie had sniffed Addy like that. It had been a little blatant, but considering the kid is 13, Leo isn't entirely surprised that it hadn't been particularly stealthy.

Had Mike or any other older male sniffed Addy in that manner, they might have had a little problem. But Donnie is younger, and doesn't have that teenage scent or feel to him yet. That coupled with that Donnie clearly didn't understand the appeal means that it doesn't strike Leo negatively in any way. There's no threat there. It's actually sort of amusing.

He noticed when Kovu encouraged Donnie to play with the kids. And he noticed that Donnie had seemed reluctant at times. Leo supposed he understood. As grateful as he is that Donnie is safe and with them, he understands that it will probably be a bit of a rough transition.

Mike and the others had been pretty well on task, which had allowed Leo to actually focus on what he was doing. Which was probably a good thing. After awhile, Donnie had taken on a couple of small tasks too, and Leo did know that his... now younger... brother did like to feel useful. Still, Leo is keeping an eye on Donnie and what he's doing. Between Kovu encouraging some like play with the kids, and an occasional task from Addy, Donnie seems to be in decent spirits. All things considered.

Leo is glad when all the groups start to come together for a meal! They were all still okay, maybe a little banged up from battles, and tired from a tough day of rowing, but they were okay.

Now they just had to get to Raph and his group. And Master Splinter. Then... well... There's too much between now and when they actually try to take Draco down. Leo needs to focus on their next task first. And there's a lot of information gathering that still needs to be done. He might take some of the mealtime to sort of bounce ideas off of Leonardo and the others. See where they are on this. And hopefully sometime soon, contact Raphie and Master Splinter again. See what they have going on.

Leo can't handle that little searching look on Liam's face, and he scoops up the little boy and snuggles him for a moment.

"I know, little guy."

Unless Liam wants down, Leo will keep him in his arms as he helps Kovu encourage Malcolm and Duncan over to get food. And Leo doesn't accept Donnie's whine about wanting to stay where he is. He's having none of it. Leo reaches down and pulls on Donnie's arm. Then the young dragon finally relents and gets up to follow. Which Leo is grateful for. He's tired, and while he would avatar up if Donnie had forced the issue, Leo would very much prefer not do so at the moment.

Leo found a spot where Donnie could settle for the time being, then went about getting some food for Donnie and the kids. Stew and gnocchi and he picks off some of the crisped meat for the little ones too. He's disappointed though not surprised that Donnie doesn't seem interested in food at the moment. It's been a long day. A lot has happened, and even more from Donnie's stand point. And Donnie had never been one for eating when he was hurting.

Leo absolutely agrees with Addy's decision about the light exercise tomorrow.

"And it wouldn't hurt to stretch tonight." In fact, the position Leo is sitting in to eat is a light stretch that will help prevent some soreness.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Raphael Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:46 am

" Inaba and I are all over the map unrolling. Whose stone throwing?" and indeed as Addy encourages Leo to hand out servings of his dinner, mostly by handing bowls to him to hand out once their gathered, a smile at Donnie, she has been watching him. "thanks Leon - Donnie I hope you won't mind if we shift a little of your sail spot to create a little wind and sub shelter, at least half for you and the kids at the day and wind breaker at night." just a safe sheltered spot for him... " could use a hand rigging it too." she will cast a wink at Leo when she gets a moment. She figured a little spot Donnie could get away might make him feel a little... at home wasn't the right word. Comforted. Maybe.

A grin at Leon and Inaba.

And gentle for the little boy in Leo's arms.

Liam sniffled a little, arm wrapped about Leo's neck, other little hand reaching for Donnie and patting him. And sniffing on Leo's shoulder. "I sorry." right here into Leo's neck crook.

Mike meanwhile bumps Donnie lightly in that 'glad your here little bro' sort of way, sad for the little blue Boy, scooping Duncan and Malcolm into his lap, " Hey these two and I got tossing some stones for Randal if Leo has Raphie." he offers.

And he isn't the only one with a busy lap, though that helps making it easier to sit in a closer circle. A tad. Kovu slipping around Donnie with a light Pat pat on his dragony shoulder and smile before moving to Leonardo and once he is sitting down!

" fine I'll cast for BigM though they should all be in the same spot right?" and well sitting caustiously figuring one or either of the small cute Mike's will pounce on him!

"no harm in checking though right?" Lilo asks nuzzling against Raph's side.

And indeed Mikey drags, MikeyMikey and DonnieBoy over to plonk on or near Raphie, probably with a Dana if MikeyMikey grabbed her too! Tripping a pretty blue coloured Monroe into Donno and Yua, whom doesn't mind, Donatello had her under an arm and Elena on her lap.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Ralphie Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:36 pm

"Raphael's the master of stone throwing." And sure, mostly larger stones, but Ralphie still thinks the guy's earth moving abilities are pretty amazing! And now that he's seen Leon's avatar in person, he wants to see if he can get to his too! And he doesn't even know what Donno and MikeyMikey turn into! Maybe they'll have some time now that they've gotten two groups together to work on that a little more.

He sort of figures it will happen with this many Leonardos around.

MikeyMikey did grab onto Dana as he is pulled off for meal time! And no argument from him on that count! And both are sniggering and grinning like cheshire cats as Donno catches Monroe, mostly keeping the guy off of Yua, who seemed okay.

"You guys seriously need to knock it off. You okay, Man?" The almost growl for brothers is followed by checking to make sure Monroe wasn't hurt before moving to settle on the deck for a meal.

Ralphie looks tempted to start another fight, but they're here for a meal, and with this many blues around he suspects it wouldn't be a good idea.


Leo nuzzled Liam and moved so the little guy could reach Donnie, who also nuzzled into the touch.

"You don't have to be sorry, Liam. It will be okay. He just misses his family. Like you miss your dad."

Donnie half pulled away at Leo's statement, and Leo realized that what he'd said was only part of the problem. He sighed, and nodded at Donnie. It's an 'okay, I see you.' And Leo did move to help pass out bowls for dinner.

Leo also smiled at Addy's offer, and a slight nod at that wink. Especially after Donnie even managed a soft clicking noise that sounded a lot like, "'kay."

Leo liked the idea, and it would keep Donnie and the kids out of at least the harsher weather. And give Donnie a nice place to escape to when he needed it. And Leo has a feeling he is going to need it sooner than later.

"I can cast for Raphie. Unless you want to, Donnie?"

Leo tried not to sigh at a huff that was a pretty distinct 'no.'

Instead Leo settled on the deck so that Liam is still snuggled close to him, but next to Donnie. He has a feeling he will spend most of the meal trying to encourage both of them to eat.

And he looked up at Raphael's comment.

"They should be, yes. But it is probably more urgent that we get to them if they're not."

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Mikey Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:48 am

Raphael grins, " and master of tossing... just about anything you want me to." a tiiiiny teasing flirt towards Yua, because he meant nothing by it. Oh yes, he is happy to fool around when unattached but he wouldn't actually try anything on his brother's ladies, arranged marriage, or chosen by her, like Kovu who is waiting patiently. But the tease earns a very half-hearted swipe from Donatello and it gives the brothers a chance to shuffle a bit and move closer, sit closer, a churr rumbles out of Leonardo as his brothers settle close to him and Raphael can't help but echo that with his own churrs, just relaxing.

Kovu and Yua wriggle a bit to resettle once the big guys are side by side. Yua having blushed and chuckled - and grinned at Donno, " it's okay, no harm, thanks to you." warmly.

Leonardo knows Donatello has had a moment to break, he may not have heard or seen, but he does know his brother well and so as Raphael takes the stone and tosses it for Michelangelo, he leans a little, seemingly, and well actually enjoying a mouthful of food, and taking a moment just to press his churr and a nuzzle against Donatello's shoulder, a light brief 'we have you, we're here little brother.'

Donatello churrs with his brothers, relaxing a little further, and manages to eat, slowly, snuggling Elena close to him in one arm, not worried about making sure she was eating, she was only too happy to help herself from his plate, Leonardo's and Raphael's -

Addy watches Liam, watches and helps Duncan and Malcolm sit close - and she rubs the little shell, and pats Donnie lightly on his claw when he huffs a no as Raphael rolls for his brother smiling at Leo and whispering to him, " I mean it you guys were really amazing out there today..." chuckling as the big turtle shuffle to be closer, and Mike moves closer to her and Leo, closer to Donnie to poke at their new little brother lightly and smile at him.

" Come on little bro we must try out this dinner so we can make fun of Leo for it later. Especially this leg... of something cooked just for you man." he tries to weeeedle Donnie to eat, at least nibble - annnnd getting to throw a rib at Leo too - cause daaaang this food was actually pretty good - so maybe Leo would pick up on the seriousness of going to tease him for this but also the impressed face Mike thinks he is hiding in the eager way he leans over to watch for Leo's tossing the stone for Raphie! - and chuckling at Monroe maybe offering a sneaky fist pumps with Ralphie and MikeyMikey for that one!

Dana is only too happy to be dragged over - and doesn't realise her tail is battering Duncan...

Little guys... tries to batter the tail away - then catch it... and when that didn't work and he tumbles... making Malcolm giggle and even a very unhappy Liam too he moves his carry bag and tada! safe!

Leon sniggers at that! clever little guy!

Duncan and Malcolm will let there be no eating! well not without much offerings to share and eagerly so! and also puppy-eyed looks.

Liam nods, nuzzling into this big turtles shoulder, so like Don but not Don - and he just clings to the comfort for a bit. Though he may not want to eat... it takes his brothers and Leo little effort to get him to nibble at things - especially Malcolm who is so brightly happy about every single mouthful. Addy pausing in eating hers to try helping the little guy as he is very keen to use the wooden spoon just not very good at it!

Leon grins at his brothers, nodding to the little gold boy, " glad yous had one of the little ones too, and he looks to be in great shape, I recall how much of a stick figure Liam was in the beginning." deciding not to scold about the tripping of Monroe as Donno had it sort of covered and well he is too happy to have his brothers all back again annnnnd not to mention its amusing to see little ripples of pink in Monroe's scales... just like over there, and soooo interestingly Bebe's wings had a bit of pink too as she flutters down to sit finally beside Donnie.

Monroe ignores the sniggering he hears, especially those of Sam and Pip, and just beams at Donno and yep there are a few smattering of pink along with his scales particularly the belly cheeks and neck scales. [color=#ffffff]" I'm okay, it's okay - I should have watched where was going."

"You guys seriously need to knock it off. You okay, Man?" The almost growl for brothers is followed by checking to make sure Monroe wasn't hurt before moving to settle on the deck for a meal.

Ralphie looks tempted to start another fight, but they're here for a meal, and with this many blues around he suspects it wouldn't be a good idea.


Leo nuzzled Liam and moved so the little guy could reach Donnie, who also nuzzled into the touch.

"You don't have to be sorry, Liam. It will be okay. He just misses his family. Like you miss your dad."

Donnie half pulled away at Leo's statement, and Leo realized that what he'd said was only part of the problem. He sighed, and nodded at Donnie. It's an 'okay, I see you.' And Leo did move to help pass out bowls for dinner.

Leo also smiled at Addy's offer, and a slight nod at that wink. Especially after Donnie even managed a soft clicking noise that sounded a lot like, "'kay."

Leo liked the idea, and it would keep Donnie and the kids out of at least the harsher weather. And give Donnie a nice place to escape to when he needed it. And Leo has a feeling he is going to need it sooner than later.

"I can cast for Raphie. Unless you want to, Donnie?"

Leo tried not to sigh at a huff that was a pretty distinct 'no.'

Instead Leo settled on the deck so that Liam is still snuggled close to him, but next to Donnie. He has a feeling he will spend most of the meal trying to encourage both of them to eat.

And he looked up at Raphael's comment.

"They should be, yes. But it is probably more urgent that we get to them if they're not."

Mikey plonks himself half on his own brother once there with the others, sort of in the middle of the short turtles, the very large ones and sort of close to Donnie and his brothers. And DonnieBoy doesn't mind the closeness, just holds his brother close with one arm, and tries the meal with the other.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by MikeyMikey Tue Jan 18, 2022 7:24 pm

Ralphie is amused that Raphael was able to take that opening and turn it into a light flirt that seemed to amuse his injured brother.

MikeyMikey is all grins as Mikey rushes by and drags them all along for the ride! He is sniggering with Ralphie as Donno scolds them.

And a fist bump to his read wearing bro when Monroe turns all blushie pink like that! Which Donno seemed almost flustered by! Donno had managed to give a polite response to Yua, but seemed to be struggling a little with Monroe! HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, this is getting GOOD!

MikeyMiokey is rather amazed by the bright little guy who repositioned his little bag to help with the boofing tail! MikeyMikey assists though, by dragging Dana's attention in a sliiiightly different direction. Just enough that she's going to have to turn a little to really see him. Hopefully into a position with fewer potential tail victims!

MikeyMikey is grinning at Leon. "The kids are, like, totally great. Mike had Malcolm a bit before they found us though." So MikeyMikey has heard about the stringbean babies, but didn't actually see them when they first arrived. And they're all just adorable, sitting close and begging dinner off their dads.

"Oh, they are much healthier now." Because Ralphie DID see Duncan.

It's hard to miss the blushie Monroe! And Donno doesn't quiiiite blush, but it's almost there. He sort of offers Monroe a seat on the deck near Leon and Inaba and AWAY from Ralphie and MikeyMikey! There aren't a whole lot of spots left at this point! Pretty much just the two of them left standing!

When the bigger turtles start churring, the smaller ones join in too. Happy to be back together.


Leo smiles at Addy's compliment. As he had when she patted Donnie's claws. Donnie might be very small for a dragon, but he is still a dragon at the moment, and Leo could see how that might be alarming. Donnie sort of looked up at Addy for a moment before putting his head back down against Leo's leg.

"Thanks. I'm just glad we got to them when we did." Because that fight hadn't looked like it was going well when Leo and Mike arrived! he nuzzles Liam and rubs Donnie's head. And he joins in the churring that the big turtles seem to have started. Hopefully it's helpful for both Liam and Donnie. There's amusement in his eyes, and Leo rubs Duncan's head when the little one figures out how to avoid Dana's tail!

Donnie is not interested in listening to Mike. He stays snuggled against his brothers, tail still wrapped around Mike, but he does not seem interested in listening to either one trying to get him to eat!

~Not hungry.~

When Bebe joins them, Donnie looks up again.

~Hi, Mom.~ If you question him, he will again insist that he did NOT call her mom.

Leo is giving Donnie an odd look for a moment before continuing to encourage food into both Liam and Donnie. Leo actually will eat enough of his own plate, despite that most of it seems to be going to the kids. Donnie will be coaxed into nibbling at the leg of... creature. It's not enough to really appease Leo, but Leo recognizes when Donnie is done listening. For now, Leo will just churr for his brothers and the little ones. Most of the leg will probably wind up divvied up between the kids.

And if Donnie's head sort of eventually making its way into his lap to rest against Leo and Liam is a little annoying, Leo doesn't show it. No, he has Mike and Donnie back. Three of the kids are here. He has Addy, and a growing group of interdimensional brothers and friends. No, for the moment Leo allows himself to be content and reassuring for younger ones who need it.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Mike Sat Jan 22, 2022 12:34 am

DonnieBoy hears the talk and smiles as Mikey hears talk about the little ones and nods over at them from his spot nestled beside his brother, " Oh yeah I recall the first time I had seen Liam, literally a shell and stick-figure legs and face - dark shadows under the eyes and all these little marks all over his body. Huuuuuge difference to now." his voice is a tad wheezy still but he is mostly feeling much better and alert - if heck tired!

The lean turtle smiles and looks over the little boys cuddled close to Leo now, " then we have all done fairly well for the time we have had with them each, especially their dads." He churrs too. And there is a bit of a pleasing rumble with Mikey as the cast of stones for Lee and Raph landed close to each other, just about on top of each other and also looking like they were coming out of the valley range and that meant heading their way! it was exciting. he leans over Donnie's tail, " Addy, where exactly is this slave trade center that my Lee is gunning for?"

Mike had chuckled - and well the kids are crashing - Leo's rubbing his head is all it took for the mini smarty pants to lean against Leo's side - and halfway through giving his Liam a piece of meat he yawns, and curls up around it - messy face and all and hand caught in his blue brother's hand... and his eyes droop.

Awwwwwwwww over here giggling and trying to get as much nuzzling and maybe a tiny bit potbellied from getting the choicest bits from her dad, mum, and uncles Elena has pretty much passed all the way out!

Addy looks around. They would not be going far tonight, some stretching, maybe a little meditation, and sleep. She chuckles and leans over to Pip who was licking his bowl and wagging his tail much like Dana over there - and good aiming MikeyMikey the two tails were in safe range at the moment. " Pip could I get you to fill a hand wash basin with warm water, just river water warmed in the brazier and some cloths to clean the children off." it would take a little time for a basin of water to be ready so plenty of time for the others to finish eating and the kids to drop off almost completely.

And how adorable that Liam had a hold of Duncan's hand and Malcolm had found his way onto his shell munching and now half snoring... one foot up against Donnie the other up against Leo and touching his blue brother. She nods at Leo, " I am very glad for that too." a blink at DonnieBoy. " weeeeeeeelllll...." She notes where the stones all land and pulls out some colored chalks. Because the map had markings of their travels since the start in charcoals mostly so brighter colors she writes names for places starting with Araluan itself the massive city, almost its own small country! " We... the blue star here are in the savannah stretch of what we call the queanbeyan, named by the fae that used live along here, means... clear waters I think in their old tongue. Your Lee, Raph, Raphie, BigM, and Randal are over here... at the lower southeast point of the red star I drew here, near the great TilbaTilba Basin lake, its old-world name from its now gone Genio Innocuo tribe means many waters, or where waters meet, meaning the facts most the rivers converge and flow out of it." She explains pointing at names. " If they travel fast and we do too we will all converge on the inlet here of the WaggaWagga lake or 'place of many birds'... quiet a population of birds around the lake. The City Vizima is the slave trade capital in the inlet on the land called BonooBonoo. Meaning the land of few... I guess the local Genio Innocuo of that area named it cause it was a harsh isolated very underpopulated with edible plants and critters and that is why the trade-in people took root there. The inlet itself is called Damboring for the rocky coastline." she explains pointing. " we will probably converge there in the brown star with Randal's group." she gives Leo a grin at this, one smile that means she will get them there as fast as she can using all her knowledge of the river and lake sailings. cleaning up some of the other markings as she is talking.

Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Nexus_11

Donnieboy oooohs and studies the map.

and a light tap to Donnie for his attention and one to Bebe too. " we have sailed hard to be here just in time to help you out, I hope... if you two are willing... to cast a very simple nature spell... it doesn't ask you to create or end anything, just encourage the local amphibians to surround us. Their chorus is loud sure but we will be alerted to trouble if it goes silent... if you don't know how that's okay... but if you can it would mean we could all have a deep sleep." no need to set a watch, just some keen ears where the loss of noise would alert them to trouble.

Bebe decides to let the mom thing go... sides weirdly it feels right in a way... like her magic and Donnie's was linked. She had smiled, accepted mostly a fruit and veggie meal and... not forcing but if Donnie doesn't mind sitting close her weird purple-blue eyes watching Addy explain and talk and eyeing the map. Her blue-tipped purple hair was a mess. Addy figures the eager-looking Lilo over there having waited until Ralphie was comfy before snuggling into his side and careful not to block his crowd of brothers would brush that hair. Or Inaba who looks half asleep leaning on Leon's side and under an arm, Dana has no idea MikeyMikey turned her powerful brushtail in a more safe direction - that's hilarious!

Bebe thinks over the request and her wings show a few nervous wriggles of green and white along with the eager yellows and Donnie caused pinks. " I could try?" she says unsure but willing, and a glance at Donnie was he willing too?

Addy grins, " if you end up not sure it's okay just let me know and I'll assign a watch." Not pushing it but she has noted both of them liked to feel useful annnnd a way to practice their magics... briefly and tiny and controlled but useful. She is getting a little sore and stiff in the side where her bite is. But putting off worrying too much until their settle in for a good sleep.

The big turtles mostly listened, churring, content to be close, content that their lining up to meet up with, be together again with their Michelangelo. Content. Kovu slipped close to snuggle and Yua tucked in beside Donatello by Raphael. Elena almost, like Liam and Malcolm and Duncan entirely out of it.

A quick wipe over and hopefully by then Donnie's sail nest would be ready and he could tuck away in their with the babies, and with his brothers.

Mike gives up on the trying to encourage to eat, he just instead hugs and churrs and eats his food, sharing ... until babies started falling asleep and he muffles a squuueeeee cause Addy is talking! rubbing Donnie's tail around him. just glad to be back with his brothers, adding his rumble to Leo's. And smiling at the way the cat lady looks at Leo sometimes, the the small smiles or the way she shifts closer when pointing out places. Watching big brother too. Maybe vicariously living for the moment whilst Erica is with Raphie.

Leon grins and well the attempt Monroe to sit where indicated miiight have been interrupt as Leon subtly pulls Inaba closer, tucking the fluffy soft bunny under his arm and to his side and well it opened a spot for Monroe to plop beside Donno. Cue innocent Leon smile. Nope didn't dooo that on purpose. And chuckle and whisper to MikeyMikey, [/color=#0099ff]" good idea."[/color] nodding at Dana tail which was doing a happy waggle.

Lilo at first had been a bit shy to try slipping in and snuggling with all of Raph's brothers back, mostly because she didn't want to get between him and them. But she does and is glad, giggling when Monroes attempts to sit where indicated changed to right there.

Monroe has still got pink sparks and scale egdes, " thanks. thank you." to Donno and Leon, not realising whats going on but glade to have a chance to sit among them.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Sat Jan 22, 2022 5:46 pm

"Not a problem at all."

Donno shoots a perturbed glance at his brother when Leon shifts like that! Oh, he DEFINITELY did that on purpose!

"Traitor." is muttered to Leon. It's mostly playful and sort of half hearted. He will not admit to it. Not yet. But... this isn't a bad arrangement. The little gecko is sort of adorable there with the blushie pink scales.

Ralphie caught that look, and sniggers.

There is definitely going to be a little altercation between Ralphie and Donno at some point, but so far they are behaving! Sort of.

Ralphie is only too content to make some space for Lilo to join in the group. She's more than welcome as far as he's concerned! And will definitely make space, just as Leon made space for Inaba, and MikeyMikey shifted so that Dana's tail wasn't boofing everyone anymore!

MikeyMikey grins at the compliment from Leon, but there's sort of a playful 'I have no idea what you mean,' look on his face. He does know exactly what Leon is talking about, but he sort of likes that Dana hasn't noticed. He loves her energy, and he doesn't want her to reign that in in an attempt to keep from swatting others with her tail.

All three look up as the conversation changes to meeting up with the next group. They might not have the same sort of stakes in reaching the final group since they're all together already, but they're absolutely ready to help, and having brothers unaccounted for out in this place is pretty stressful. They're just as ready to help the others get their brothers back as the big guys were in reaching Donnie and MikeyMikey's group.

Their own group might be complete, but there are still turtles out there! Donno is obviously paying attention the the map and Addy's explanation. Ralphie is mostly paying attention, but is a little distractible and MikeyMikey is paying far more attention that it would outwardly appear.


Donnie sort of half looks over at the conversation. He frowns at Mikey's words. Just one of those things that apparently he was there for, that he... also wasn't there for. He settles back down, nuzzling against Leo's leg and Liam's shell.

He does not mind when Bebe settles next to him. He's just sort of relaxing here between his brothers, and relaxes slightly when Bebe joins them.

Leo is quietly, gently encouraging kids to sleep. And it seems it's almost working too well as Donnie seemed close to dozing too. When Mike would touch his tail, Donnie would sort of wave it slightly, acknowledging his brother. Thinking about the day and everything that has happened quickly becomes overwhelming, and Donnie is still coping by avoiding thinking about it at all.. Snuggling here, he can almost pretend that he's just among his brothers at home. It's been a long, crazy day for Donnie too, and he's almost half way to falling asleep where he is, just like the kids are, until Addy unrolls the map. At that point, he perked up a little and started paying attention.

Leo is absolutely interested in where they are, and where Raphie and his group seem to be headed. He had very much enjoyed the moment here with his brothers, the kids and Addy. He is absolutely paying attention to the explanation, but he is also calm and soothing for the kids. So far the others have made sure most of the questions he would have asked are out there already. He has a couple, but they can wait.

Leo absolutely trusts that Addy will do her best to get them to the last group as quickly as she can. She's been amazing at doing exactly that so far. He returns that smile of hers with a grateful one, even though he doesn't say much, staying quiet until the kids fall more properly asleep!

There is a bit of concern on Leo's face regarding that bite though. It has been a long day, and he's noticed that it seems to be hurting her more a few times.

Donnie looks torn when Addy asks if he and Bebe can call amphibians to them. Leo mostly avoids making a slightly pained face at what he's sure was supposed to be Donnie's unshared inner thoughts. Leo mostly gets an impression of them rather than the full words. It's rather frantic, and Donnie is fighting a bit with what he firmly believed yesterday, and what he is right now. Leo rubs Donnie's arm gently.

Until Donnie had woken up as a magical creature here, he had been pretty adamant that magic wasn't real. And Donnie is both dragon and fae, so two powerful magical creatures. What he had been sure of this morning had been pretty well shattered along with life as he'd known it. The idea of purposely doing a spell is still a lot!

"It's okay if you're not ready, Donnie. We understand. Using this magic now though, and learning about it moving forward might be useful later."

Because Leo knows that Donnie does like to be useful.

No, that's not right. Leo knows that Donnie needs to be useful. If he doesn't feel like he's useful to his family, he falls into a dark mental space very quickly. And Leo will not allow that right now. Instead he will do everything he can to give Donnie as much opportunity to help as possible, hopefully without forcing it on him.

Leo also knows that Don eventually accepted magic pretty willingly. Donnie is just being asked to do it much sooner and more abruptly. Leo can't help but notice that the green sparkles seem a little brighter on his dragony little brother. Leo will interpret this as worried, but willing. Not as eager as Bebe seems to be, but a nervous acceptance.

Leo listens to Donnie for a moment.

"A fae book? Is there a fae book" Turning the question to the others who had been in Donnie's group. Do one of them know what Donnie is talking about? "Give Bebe a moment with the book. Let her find the section you need. You can use the time to fix up your sail shelter. Then join her and read a little before you try the spell.". Because Leo knows that the shelter will only take Donnie a couple minutes to get it set up. And the opportunity to at least read a little before trying seemed to soothe some of Donnie's concerns. Not many, but some.

"If it works, that's great, and if not it's not a problem." So no pressure.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Tue Jan 25, 2022 10:49 pm

Mikey puts a hand up, " I got the fairy book, been carrying it in my pockets!" and ignoring his DonnieBoy's attempt to keep him still and let him search! he goes shoulder deep into his pocket feeling around. The fae book had a soft cover, like the smooth skin of something... the dragon book had a heavy hard cover that was also cool to the touch. He grabs one then the other and pulls them out giving them to DonnieBoy one at a time.

DonnieBoy rolls his eyes, well he supposes the guy didn't hurt himself so he lets it go and holds the books out to Leo and Mike one at a time and will wait patiently between each until they had them.

" Thank you and thank you, but please listen to your brother if he says not move about too much then try not to." Addy pulls her smiles away from Leo smiling at Donnie and Bebe. " I promise its okay if yous don't want to try. It will not hurt us and we will manage a few watch shifts." she promises just so the two young ones dont feel pressured. She stands slowly. " Little ones will be washed shortly then Leo, Leonardo, Leon, could yous please help lead a light stretch, I want all that can safely take part to do so, we did a lot of hard demanding rowing today, stretching is important. A half barrel will be filled next with warm water for wiping off with. Then to bed." eyeing the full crew.

Hiding amusement at the situation with Monroe under a serious bossy tone. But thoroughly amused.

Pip and Sam had the kids hand basing of water warmed and scented with some for sleep herbs, that would smell vaguely lavendaish to the off worlders was ready for babies. " Lilo, Inaba, Kovu and Yua will wash the little ones... Dana, MikeyMikey, Mike make sure animals need nothing else seen to for the night. boys in blue get ready, everyone join in when done with chores, those in purple that can, Donnie you too we have a sail to rig up and you and Bebe can have a quick look over books and babies can be put somewhere to sleep. Monroe, Pip and Sam please get a half barrel prepared for us to use with a cloth each at least. Those in red can clean up the dinner dishes... at least there is only drying to do. " she thiiiinks thats everything. And well Leonardo had already began washing but Raphael got up with some jaunt at the others and took over shooing Leonardo off to go start the stretching.

Monroe beaaaaaams, not aware over his shoulder Leon gave Donno an airy sort of gesture to his look, it might mean 'I regret nothing' or it might mean 'I don't know what your talking about' oooor it could have meant 'you will thank me later.'

Maybe all three given the cheecky look with the gesture. But he is then chuckling as Raphael got up and made Monroe purposefully shuffle his geeko butt closer to Donno to avoid being stepped on by a faking a clumsy moment massive red clad turtle whom makes a joke about post sailing wobbles and heads over to oust Leonardo from the dishes and take over.

" eeeeeeee yes please." Inaba and Yua squeee lightly at the same time hurrying to offer arms for little ones, in the case of the in exile princess Elena from Donatello's arms. Inaba moving forward reaching shyly towards Leo for Liam, Kovu and Lilo after a moment joining them for Leo to give one of the little ones over to each one of them, arms at the ready.

Dana nods eager and bumps MikeyMikey to see if he is ready -

Lilo had been slightly behind the others, eager... but also just taking a moment to snug Ralphie, delighted and grateful to be so readily accepted among his family, and also giggling at the action going on around Monroe, kissing her fave red masked turtles cheek as she hears her orders and slipping away only once her plate was gathered to go and help bathe babies. The warm water smells fantastic and soothing. They have had a long day and will be a little tricky for Leo to get to let go of each other to be handed over... and let go of him or Donnie - Mike admits he shoooould have helped... but mostly enjoyed the show unless caught out in the grinning then he does help! Before he will follow MikeyMikey and Dana over to the llamoats and mellifers, he hangs back a little with his counterpart enough to whisper to him. " good watching out for that tail man." chuckling, amused cause it was adorable to watch!

Leon and Leonardo figure as Addy is rolling up the map and stones to take to her cabin and spread on the table in there that the space as others move to do tasks would be fine for some slooow tai chi, as in suuuuper slow whilst they wait for Leo and then others to join them.

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Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:07 pm

Leo has to shift kids a little to accept the proffered books. Donnie looks a little hesitant to accept it, and with the claws he's not really used to yet, Leo sort of understands why. Though the dragon book seems a little more sturdy, and could probably withstand a small whoops or two from an errant dragon claw. Actually, Leo rather gets the impression that the book might have been written with a dragon claw...

"Thank you."

Donnie is listening when Addy says it's okay if they can't do the spell, or aren't comfortable. There's a glance to Leo though, and Donnie does understand that Addy is absolutely right, but it would be helpful if they could try. At the very least, it doesn't hurt to read about it...

Even if it is magic.

Reading doesn't hurt though. And maybe the dragon book will have something about how to undragon himself! Maybe? Not that he has time to get through that much reading tonight. He's more tired than he realizes. Given an actual moment to rest, he will fall asleep quickly, especially if he's near his brothers.

"Bebe, would you like to see what you can find? Donnie will join you in a little while." He offers Bebe the fae book.

When everyone starts moving toward their assigned tasks, Donno sort of winds up almost catching/hugging Monroe as he winds up scooting closer to avoid Raphael's clumsy moment. Unlike a skilled ninja to do that... Donno is pretty sure that Raphael did that on purpose! Not certain, but... preeeeetty sure! GAH! WHYYY?! And that look from Leon was NOT helping! Everyone is in on this!

But they're getting assignments from Addy, and he helps Monroe up, not really managing actual words before rushing off to help on the sail cover!

MikeyMikey and Ralphie both find this all hilarious, and are sniggering through the moment. Ralphie moves to catch Lilo's quick kiss before getting up to help with the dishes, and offering Raphael a fist bump for that little moment forcing Monroe closer to Donno!

MikeyMikey grins at his assignment and will rush off to the animals with Dana! He is all cheeky grins when Mike slips in the little compliment.

"Like, no idea what you're talking about, Dude." is whispered back. Noooope, not taking credit! And he will continue to keep tail boofing to a... well, maybe not a minimum, but a tolerable level!

He is definitely ready to give some attention to the critters! So many pats and ear scritches for the llamoats!

As Leo shifts again to let Inaba take Liam, he is also amused by the goings on with Monroe and Donno. Donno seems to be protesting a bit at the moment, but also seemed to legitimately enjoy when Monroe was close!

It turns out to be something of a trick to hand the kids over to the ladies for them to be washed and readied for sleep! He can only see two arms per child, but he's getting the distinct impression that there are more than that! At least three arms a piece that aren't visible!

Okay, maybe he's being a little silly with that, but the kids are surprisingly good at regaining their holds on him, Donnie and each other while he tries to help the girls extricate them from the pile one at a time.

It's actually really cute, and he's glad that Inaba is the one who has Liam. He's known her for awhile, and might at least consider her a familiar scent.

Once Donnie is free of the kids, and it takes a little to make sure there weren't any more little hands holding onto him, he heads over to the sail with Donno. He does take just a moment to make sure that Donatello is not following them! He shouldn't be moving any more than Mikey should! And checking to see if DonnieBoy does.

"Well, this should be a piece of cake!"

Once they are actually starting to get the little shelter together, Donnie will quickly remember that his shared language is decidedly one sided at the moment. He can't offer input. And he doesn't LIKE that! He's trying not to get frustrated about this, but Leo and Mike can definitely hear some frustrated thoughts from their dragony brother!

At the very least, Donno is not great at understanding, or even registering when a non-verbal Donnie is trying to tell them something! It's certainly not intentional, but it is definitely happening. Donnie is also not good at forcing himself into a conversation until he starts to lose his temper.

Donnie's frustration will draw Leo away from the stretching, and Leo will either translate or send Donnie to read with Bebe - who Leo knows can understand him - instead before Donnie can actually act on any frustrations!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Doragonkame Sun Jan 30, 2022 1:41 pm

Raphael is alllll innocent face!

Riiiight up until Ralphie is there and he chuckles definitely sharing bubbly sandy knuckles with him! " they are veeeerrrry cute." he says to his counterpart quietly though, very amused by the moment, though focused on his task, he knows Addy spread the tasks around them as evenly as possible and he's content to just do dishes. Fire heated water with flower petals that when squished and rubbed about would release a soapy flowery scented substance and that along with the grainy sand scoured clean the many wood crockery they had used. " your brothers are a riot." he adds, thoroughly amused by it all, but also a way to say he is glad one group of the turtles is all back together again.

Leonardo kept the stretches going whenever Leo stepped away to handle other things, and for a bit, as the others are working it is alone but he doesn't mind, choosing an easy does it routine with a few moves but designed to stretch one side of a stiff body from legs to arms and back and then the other side. One where the others can just step in and join in as they are free to.

DonnieBoy is relatively good at reading what Donnie wants to say without saying - he has had to deal with Raph who sometimes communicated only in grunts, the silence of a Lee, and the sometimes far too fast for normal people to understand Mike and well his April has been able to project her voice telepathically for a while, along with Dr Rockwell and also MetalHead's chosen binary language. So he is adept at it. If not as familiar with Donnie's dragon voice and if not projected at him he is mostly guessing from gestures. So their task did... go a little bumpy but on the whole not bad and when Leo encourage Donnieback to read all that was left for Donno, Monro and himself was mostly making sure the shade sail was secure. DonnieBoy using a moment when Monroe was almost mostly pink at this stage scurried up the mast to secure the highest rope anchor. " your family is as subtle as mine and it seems Raphael's at trying to set up a couple." sooooftly, just for Donno to hear and well there is some commiseration there, but also so much amused=ment. And a little glee. His family had been divided between himself and April. Raph reminds him it won't happen. In efforts to protect him emotionally, he knew that but also in his way encouraged it. Lee cautioned with Splinter's patience giving space and building a strong friendship with the girl he was head over shell for from the moment he saw her. Mikey is neither a yay or nay just reminding DonnieBoy how the heart works sometimes. And all of them teasing him relentlessly about it. So if Donno wanted to complain or otherwise to him right now just between them, he was all earholes!

Mike snorts with laughter as a happy Dana, and oblivious to the chatter brought over the llamoats to pet.  " ooooh so cute! mmmm! I could pet them all day!" and Dana was happy to let them as along as MikeyMikey and Mike help spread some grass and vegie cuttings from dinner and straw about for the llamoats to 'graze' over and helped fill up their water. Then they were onto the mellifors, Dana showing them how to check the very scary giant hornets were buzzing happily had plenty of dried sap to crawl all-around their makeshift nest to find and eat. That they had water. That Frog was damp and happy in her little barrel based terrarium and had some grubs  and salad to eat too. And some scraps of meat and bone for McCrabby Crab too.

Bebe shyly thanks Leo, then doesn't read for a moment enjoying the show offered by Leo and adorable babies trying to keep a hold, awwww the way Liam mumbles and chatters sleepily, all nonsense by this point but indeed Inabas scent was familiar and he churrs softly snuggling into soft fur all those extra arms disappearing. Even those of his brothers!

Addy giggled having enjoyed the show too, but mostly standing and watching the activities, Raphael and Ralphie joining Leonardo once they were done and she assumes Mike and MikeyMikey with Dana might be ahead of the Donno and DonnieBoy with Monroe..

She smiles as Bebe turns her eyes back to her book, ready to help Donnie with his when he returns and turn pages for him, excited yellow bubbles moving through her wings.

Addy taps Leo's hand lightly just smiling, offering a whispered, "well done" her whiskers twitching for he did manage to get clear of so many little arms! Hehehe she moves to join the stretching. A bit stiff but it helped to move!

Whilst the ladies with little ones found the best way to fit around the wash basin and clean floppy noodle sloth like toddlers.

Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Byssig10

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Mon Jan 31, 2022 4:24 pm

Oh, Raphael 'innocent' face looks just as innocent as Ralphie's 'innocent' face. Which is to say it doesn't look innocent at all, and Donno isn't buying it for a second! There's a grumble under his breath, but no other verbal objections as he makes his way over to where the sail nest is.

"Now we just gotta convince Donno." Ralphie chuckles at his counterpart. He knows his brother though! He might grouch and grump about his brothers pushing him into this, but it's for his own good! And Ralphie has definitely caught Donno looking at the gecko! Even if the guy isn't admitting to it yet!

"Thanks, Man. It's good to have them back." Oh so good. Now there's just one group left to get to!

As they finish the dishes, Ralphie heads over to where Leonardo is stretching. At that particular moment, Big Blue had been on his own, as Leo had sort of rushed off to deal with his brother. It was a good stretching routine though, and Ralphie is definitely feeling some of the movements. It's actually probably for the best. Hopefully stretching now will help a little tomorrow!


"Like, same, Dude! Aren't they amazing?" MikeyMikey is definitely enamored with the llamoats in particular, and all the pets in general. Dude definitely needs a pet! It's just a matter of convincing his brothers after so many failed attempts! But for now he will just enjoy the llamoats, mellifers and the frog and crab they have with them now!

MikeyMikey is eager to help Dana settle the animals for the night, and he's right there helping with feeding and watering the critters! Oh, he loves them all!

It takes time, but they're actually being pretty efficient about caring for their small group of critters. There is definitely a pep in MikeyMikey's step as he helps care for the animals, even if he is tired from the day's events! And there are definitely pets for all the critters that enjoy that sort of thing!

Once the animals are cared for, MikeyMikey will head over to Leonardo and the others once the animals are cared for.

As far as Donno can tell, the sail shelter is going to pretty easily. He doesn't really notice that Donnie is frustrated by the process. He's not trying to be rude, but he's also not good at recognizing the unspoken communication. DonnieBoy seems to be better at it, but regardless, Donnie is finding it hard to communicate. He also hasn't quite figured out how to pinpoint who he's trying to talk to, so getting words to DonnieBoy is also a trick.

Donnie will learn quickly, but he's very new to his dragon form, and still trying to find his way.

If he had been home and less overwhelmed, he probably would have tolerated the communication thing a little better.

Leo smiled at Addy as she whispered that good job. He's amused, and though he had enjoyed that moment with the kids, he's also glad to be able to get up now. He started stretching with Leonardo before he noticed Donnie's thought speech getting a little frantic edge to the frustration.

He had hurried over to help with that, and eventually wound up sending Donnie to read with Bebe so they could get ready to try their spell. And Bebe, at least, seemed excited about what she was reading! Donnie, for the most part, is reading about fae over her shoulder at the moment. They still have to try casting that spell! The dragon book can wait for later.

Donnie is sort of allllmoooost getting caught up in Bebe's excitement. He's still a little hesitant, but he does enjoy the reading, and is maybe a little more accepting of the situation. At least the fae side of things. He's still not okay with being stuck in a dragon body at the moment!

Donnie did not join in the stretching, Leo's not quite sure how to have the little dragon stretch anyway. And if he understands right, Donnie hadn't actually done much fighting before he was tied up. He's probably okay.

Once Donnie is settled in and reading, Leo returns to the stretching. He hadn't been gone long, but his absence had sort of been exactly as the Raphaels and Mikeys finished their tasks and joined in. It's a much larger group when he returns! And once they finish the original set they had started, Leo will go around again from the start so that those who had started later also get a full stretch.

Then he will join Addy and check on Donnie and Bebe, and see how they feel about trying to perform that spell.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Raphael Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:28 pm

Raphael has to laugh a bit as their downward dogging things in the stretch and looks over at Ralphie, " caaaaant take much convincing right? The geeko is rather cute." Chuckling though and glad for the stretching to work out some stiff feeling legs, thoroughly amused by the grumbling Donno had been doing and maybe listening to see if the guy was still grumbling when he and DonnieBoy finally make their way back over from their task.

Leonardo is just ahead of them and happy to let Leo lead the next round of stretching laughs softly overhearing them and glances at Monroe as the eager geeko brandishes his hands at the knotwork he had done. " one of them is convinced... or at least curious and clued in." he looks relaxed, he looks like he is not paying attention. He is. He is watching as it looks like Donnie had been getting a bit frustrated and now seemed to be enjoying the reading. Donatello was settled back in the cart along with a Mikey even if both of them kept poking heads out. Addy was here stretching with them And over there ladies were washing thoroughly passed out babies. Awwww so cute. A larger barrel was being filled with warmed water by Sam and Pip.

Mike maybe tired but he is all but skipping his way over to the stretchers once done with the critters. " I have a Klunk, a kitty, soooooooooooo give her much scritchies when we get home, you have a kitty?" to MikeyMikey as they find a spot in line, maybe sniggering a little as the foxy girl is not accustomed to this kind of thing but was trying! And to his amusement, her waggy tail was sort of already in a safe direction as she is mostly facing the two of them and tail sticking out - though anyone walking by miiight be brushed by the tail.

Annnnd Leon can't help but add to the sliight once the two purple brothers that are stretching come over, " You work well with Monroe." juuuuuuuuuuust for funsies mostly, but his brothers could probably pick up the sincerity along with the joviality. He does glance over to see and grin at mid stretch and almost over balance as Inaba snuggles Liam, washing him carefully, little guy was limp noodle so it looked like quite the feat.

Mikey and Donatello are watching the group, half jealously, half also giggling at the group, maybe a tad at the almost tumble of Leon and the way any one going around had to make a wide berth for the Dana tail!

Also both watching Bebe and Donnie.

the happy fae rested against Donnie and was humming a bit as they searched for something... she taps the pages as not much was specific for them and looks up at the dragon boy, young and small but much bigger than her in this form. " woooonder if we maybe reached out leaf speak out to touch underwater plants to amake them grow if frogs would naturally gather on them?... there is also this one that we can set on the boat to make a wailing sound if anyone with ill intentions tries to come over the railing?" because it was a specific boundary warning spell. Dragon book right beneath the fae one for any moment Donnie would rather look in there her wings a nervous shimmer of greens, whites and greys but also soft bubbles of pink and yellow here and there.

Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Cadad410

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:17 pm

MikeyMikey sighed dramatically at the question.

"Nope. No pets for this dude. Tried a few times. Monkey trashed the lair, fish hated my bros and ran away in the sewers. And my parrot had escaped from a mafia boss and caused all sorts of trouble. Wouldn't let me keep any of them. I like the kitty idea though! Try that next!" Oh yes, definitely looking forward to a pet.

MikeyMikey is also grinning at Dana and notices that her tail seems to be aimed in a relatively safe direction! Anyone who gets boofed by that deserves it!


Ralphie chuckled. Raphael was absolutely right, and Ralphie agrees with BigBlue too.

"Definitely. He has tried to convince himself that he doesn't have time for that sort of nonsense." There is definitely a chuckle in Ralphie's voice. Because he has absolutely caught Donno looking on more than one occasion!

Though in their own world... "I think it's sort of a situation where the odds aren't good. And the goods are definitely odd." Options were somewhat limited. Especially since Donno had absolutely never expressed any sort of interest in humans. Some of the other mutants they had encountered over the years though were another story.

Here in the Nexus though, it was a very different story! And Ralphie isn't the least bit surprised to have caught Donno looking at the gecko. Another humanoid reptile would definitely at least draw Donno's attention!

Regardless of gender.

But after having spent so long denying anything that might have been attractive? Ralphie's not the least bit surprised Donno is still fighting it!


"About as subtle as a sledgehammer." Donno was definitely grouching a bit when DonnieBoy offered him that opportunity. Not that he needed much encouragement to do so. He did appreciate the offer though, and did take advantage of it!

It doesn't take long to finish the little sail shelter. It was fairly simple, especially with four... no, make that three, on the job. Leo had led Donnie away before they really got to work putting the sail up.

Donno can't help but smile as Monroe shows off the knots! The little gecko was adorable!

"Those look great. Should hold nicely."

Donno then headed over to stretch with the others. He glowered at Leon. Yup, still grumping! Though it's pretty clearly directed at brothers and not at Monroe!

"Yes, well, I am capable of that. Especially when dealing with someone who actually has a brain." The unspoken implication is that his brothers do not! Though Ralphie and MikeyMikey are used to this sort of thing.

"Whatever, Dude."

Ralphie finds it funny, which only makes Donno more irritated! Ralphie knows they're close to cracking their brother! That sort of snark from Donno can only mean one thing! He's close to giving in, and realizing his brothers were right all along! It's coming!


Leo is mostly amused as he joins in the stretching and takes over the second set once Leonardo has finished. He's mostly doing a very similar sort of routine as Leonardo's had been very thorough. And he will start at the top as well so when the others reach the point where they entered, they can leave off and go about getting ready to sleep.

Leo himself would like to try contacting Master Splinter or Raphie before they retire for the night. A lot has happened today.


Donnie is content to focus on the fae book for the moment. It doesn't really occur to him that dragon magic might be able to help in this situation too. Mostly because he doesn't have even the slightest idea what sort of thing dragon magic could accomplish!

~Maybe we could try both...?~ Though Donnie actually prefers the idea of the wailing one. ~Does the wailing one have to be just on the railing, or could we do the whole hull?~ Just because the hull might give them a little more warning!

It's only after Leo is starting the second round of stretches that Donnie starts to glance through at least the table of contents of the dragon book. Juuuust in case it has something useful.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Thu Feb 10, 2022 11:03 am

[quote="Leonardo2003"]MikeyMikey sighed dramatically at the question.

"Nope. No pets for this dude. Tried a few times. Monkey trashed the lair, fish hated my bros and ran away in the sewers. And my parrot had escaped from a mafia boss and caused all sorts of trouble. Wouldn't let me keep any of them. I like the kitty idea though! Try that next!" Oh yes, definitely looking forward to a pet.

MikeyMikey is also grinning at Dana and notices that her tail seems to be aimed in a relatively safe direction! Anyone who gets boofed by that deserves it!


Ralphie chuckled. Raphael was absolutely right, and Ralphie agrees with BigBlue too.

"Definitely. He has tried to convince himself that he doesn't have time for that sort of nonsense." There is definitely a chuckle in Ralphie's voice. Because he has absolutely caught Donno looking on more than one occasion!

Though in their own world... "I think it's sort of a situation where the odds aren't good. And the goods are definitely odd." Options were somewhat limited. Especially since Donno had absolutely never expressed any sort of interest in humans. Some of the other mutants they had encountered over the years though were another story.

Here in the Nexus though, it was a very different story! And Ralphie isn't the least bit surprised to have caught Donno looking at the gecko. Another humanoid reptile would definitely at least draw Donno's attention!

Regardless of gender.

But after having spent so long denying anything that might have been attractive? Ralphie's not the least bit surprised Donno is still fighting it!


"About as subtle as a sledgehammer." Donno was definitely grouching a bit when DonnieBoy offered him that opportunity. Not that he needed much encouragement to do so. He did appreciate the offer though, and did take advantage of it!

It doesn't take long to finish the little sail shelter. It was fairly simple, especially with four... no, make that three, on the job. Leo had led Donnie away before they really got to work putting the sail up.

Donno can't help but smile as Monroe shows off the knots! The little gecko was adorable!

"Those look great. Should hold nicely."

Donno then headed over to stretch with the others. He glowered at Leon. Yup, still grumping! Though it's pretty clearly directed at brothers and not at Monroe!

"Yes, well, I am capable of that. Especially when dealing with someone who actually has a brain." The unspoken implication is that his brothers do not! Though Ralphie and MikeyMikey are used to this sort of thing.

"Whatever, Dude."

Ralphie finds it funny, which only makes Donno more irritated! Ralphie knows they're close to cracking their brother! That sort of snark from Donno can only mean one thing! He's close to giving in, and realizing his brothers were right all along! It's coming!


Leo is mostly amused as he joins in the stretching and takes over the second set once Leonardo has finished. He's mostly doing a very similar sort of routine as Leonardo's had been very thorough. And he will start at the top as well so when the others reach the point where they entered, they can leave off and go about getting ready to sleep.

Leo himself would like to try contacting Master Splinter or Raphie before they retire for the night. A lot has happened today.


The dragon book was old, in a time in Nexus that had several actual dragon species, the first part of the table of contents and the book the chapters dedicated to those. Then a section on the decline in the dragon numbers. Further on chapters on the new mixed breeds that sprung from attempts to save something of the declining dragons. Then some chapters of the known magics. Perhaps not useful for this situation but there were some spells. Healing and fire for those species that had none, or flight for those that couldn't, and deep water breathing. The creation of the genio innocou was one of the first successful hybrid species between an earlier nexus turtle-like ancestor and a dragon species that lived in the waters, SeaWings.

None of which Bebe could read, but she was excited, worried, and reading the bit in the fae books about boundary spells. And hummms a little, " I think that we can make it the hull? from what is written here as long as we are touching the places we want to barrier  and chanting this little ditty that's written here ... please keep safe my space, please sing whenever enemies step into this place..." why did fae spells have to have a rhyme? There was no answer in there for that.

Not far from those two the exercising group had grown, and now involved all, even the two who had been preparing a wash barrel. Addy was much slower, but she was making it through and knew she would be thankful to herself laters, even if now working through the stiffness was painful.

Donatello and Mikey watched sort of jealously but also a whole lot amused, able to hear some bits of the chatter going on.

Like the way Mike grins at MikeyMikey and sniggers, Dana was fit and eager but she was clearly struggling at first with the movements. But giving it a good go! And by now most of those joining last managed to go around her floofy tail, " a cat maaaaan, kitties make awesome pets..." Chuckling when Mikey calls over to them, " mine is made of ice cream." but truly it seems their lifestyles suit cats.

Leon grins at Donno as a muttering DonnieBoy joins them, " never thought of describing them as subtle as sledgehammers, but definitely."

The pudgy blue clad turtles amusement came across in chuckles at that and he waggles brows at the two Donnies. " heeeeeey soooome ones need to keep you brainy guys from over thinking eveeerything, especially when it needs more lips power than brain power." ready if this starts a wrestling match.  And very pleased at the blush from DonnieBoy.

Monroe nearby stretching grins, " agreed!" in a chirpy voice, still a mix of pink rimmed scales, having caught the context of the teasing and finally getting it and well, he had delighted in the reaction particularly from Donno for his knots and overall pleased with their work on the shaded sail nest.

near his counterpart and with Lilo's giggling Raphael sniggers a bit but does also make a understanding sound, heck until the first client he was entirely sure in his universe his brothers and himself would be considered far too freaky to ever attract any interest at all! Nexus had more variety and more options though. " in my world even the 'normal humans' are perhaps a little odd for being willing to pay so much for our time." verrrry oddly amusing. Oooooooo stretching was good.

Lilo maaaaybe shuffled closer during a stretch to flex the back of the leg muscles, tail very deliberately tickling the back of Raph's leg in the move.

Leonardo is listening, he is chuckling softly at the chatter, moving gracefully from form to form and takes a moment to glance over and admire the nymph that had chosen him and followed him, true it put an end to him happily seeking out other sexual conquests whilst here in Nexus. And he wasn't all that broken up about it to be honest. Just happy. Annnd oooh that pop some where in his back felt good. He grins over at Leo. " last round?" the tone is light but he does understand his counter part may want to get onto other things this night before sleep.

Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Fri Feb 11, 2022 5:47 pm

Donnie mostly skips the earlier chapters of the dragon book. Not because he isn't interested in the information, he very much is, but it's not exactly relevant to the current situation, and he will focus on the task at hand. There is a slight pause at the section about the decline of the dragons. He's curious... he wants to know more about that. But he almost forces himself to move on. Reach the section that might be able to help them now.

The section on genio innocuo will be fascinating when Donnie gets to it. At the moment though, he hasn't really heard the term. Not that he remembers anyway. He flipped too far past that section of the book to have seen it as he is really looking for the section on magic.

There's not much. Well, that's not true. There's a lot about dragon magic. Which, now that he's read a bit about it seems...

less magic-y... Almost like it's explained, and makes sense to him. At least sort of. Like it -can- make sense. There's a reason it works, even if he doesn't necessarily fully understand that reason just yet. Somehow it makes the magic less... scary. And more real. It's a huge step toward Donnie actually accepting it.

Donnie froooowwwwwns as Bebe explains how the spell would work. He sort of peers over Bebe's shoulder at the book she has, reading the section she has up about the spell in question.

~I can't chant...~

At least not in a traditional sense. He can't chant aloud.

~Think my thought speak thing is enough?~ Though he does suppose that there's really only one way to find out. ~Shall we try it?~

He supposes they're as ready as they'll ever be.


Donno had been juuuust about to snip back at Leon when Monroe agreed! You can see the comment sort of get stuck before he can actually say it! And... he might actually be considering what was said.

Considering it. Not quiiiiiiite taking the advice yet. For now, focusing on the stretching. After today, it's definitely needed. And... maybe no one noticed him sort of watching Monroe in that last stretch there...?


Ralphie nods at Raphael, understanding what he meant.

"As far as the main news station in town is concerned, we're public enemy number one, so... humans aren't really coming to call, if you know what I mean. And... by goods are odd, I meant more the guy who is a literal mutated pile of garbage." Yeah... definitely odd.

"Dude, like, cats sound amazing, and--" MikeyMikey's eyes are bright and wide as Mikey says his cat is made from ice cream! MikeyMikey is pretty sure that DonnieBoy mentioned this once upon at time, but MikeyMikey is still thrilled by this!

"EEEEEEE!!" It's excited, but actually not terribly loud.

Donno and Ralphie both look up from his contemplations at the squealing MikeyMikey, excited about the idea of an ice cream kitty!

"No. No way."

"Don't even think about it!"

"That would be soooo cool! Can I have an ice cream kitty too?!"

Ralphie and Donno can only sigh, both look to Leon. Silently begging him to say 'no'!

Ralphie is distracted by Lilo's tail though! And has half a mind to cut out of the stretching a little early and run off with her for that!

Buuuut... there are an awful lot of blues here still leading stretches, so instead Ralphie reeeeaaaaaches over with a toe and tickles her side.


Leo is also moving fluidly through the forms. Mike or perhaps Leonardo might notice the sliiiiighest hitch at a twinge in one shift that he knows Leo sometimes struggles with. It's extremely subtle, and Mike might recognize it as a tell that Leo is more tired than he is letting on.

He has to chuckle at some of the banter and play going on. It is amusing, and relaxing after such a taxing day.

He has noticed that Addy seems to be at the very least moving slowly through some of the stretches. He is not particularly surprised by this. She has to still be hurting after the snake bite, combined with this day, even with her resting as much as possible.

There's a nod to Leonardo. "Sounds good. Everyone needs to get a bit of rest. It's been a long day." And Leonardo is absolutely right. Leo does have a few things he needs to do before he will allow himself to settle down.

As they finish the round, Leo moves to Addy, checking on her first. It seemed that Donnie and Bebe might have found something in their book. He will peek in on the kids before fully moving to see where Donnie and Bebe are as far as some alternative to people keeping watch tonight.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by DonnieBoy Tue Feb 15, 2022 1:33 am

Bebe smiles wishing in the quiet moments she could read the strange spikey dragon letterings as Yua, Inaba and Kovu were bringing over and carefully placing little boys down nearby, tucked into the sail nest but not so far in that their fathers couldn't see them for now. They were exhausted those little boys and yet Liam still reaches out towards Donnie sleepily just as Bebe is nodding, " I actually don't think it matters if it's spoken aloud or in the head..." she grins at him and nods to the little hand searching blindly. Pretty pinks pop across her wings and she lets go of her book to briefly brush the little searching fingertips with her own. Gently because she was not what he was reaching for.

The three other women were forced close by babies refusing to let go of each other. And it's adorable!

Donatello waits eagerly for Yua to carefully awkwardly move closer to him so he can nuzzle Elena and his young wife's cheek, soo they would have company over he guessed and he was looking forward to the closeness!

Inaba managed to settle Liam, There had been a brief second wind in the bath, the kids had played a little... but quickly the long day caught them and their pretty much out of it now.

Leonardo grins hearing Leo and makes a hand gesture, he'd stay and make sure the others end their sessions safely, just a precaution, not outwardly watching just relaxing and there if anyone looks like they might need help. Liiike Dana over there who is sleep as any of them and over balancing herself with her own waggy tail. But he trusts the Mikes are close and MikeyMikey might be on it faster than himself. Still he is there and ready! And Encouraging anyone as they finish up, like Raphael and Raph and then Lilo - " go wash up guys before the water cools down too much." grin and point at the water barrel almost three thirds full with the warmed water and rags.

Typically the grinning Raphael fresh from nodding in agreed commiseration to his counterpart and lightly poked him and nodded to Lilo, " then this trip has opened a whole world of possibilities huh?" and no coming out of his last stretch swats at Leonardo playfully. " yeah yeah i know I know freshen up so no sweat smelling out the sleep spots..." and making an amused huff face when Mike comments sort of behind them that he kinda liked the old corn chip smell. Hah! Big and Red moves to pick himself a rag wets it and immediately scents that something woodly smelling had been added to the water along with some of those little flower petals that had been in the dish water and had soaped up when rubbed crushed or scoured when mixed with sand grains. Cool he squeezes his rag out and proceeds to clean off.

Leonardo wants to do that but will wait until the others have gone ahead.

Lilo giggles a little and shuffles closer, so in the last stretch she has an excuse to kiss Raph's cheek. A little less elegantly then they in the motions. But at least not half asleep like Dana over there! " Well I am certainly a very lucky wildermann." she didn't get all of the context of what he and Raphael said but she had understood that much.

Whoa! Dana starts a little - she'd streeeetched, yawned... and swore her eyes had only closed briefly! - but her tail floffed and she had to shift her stance to remain upright!

Much to Mike's amusement! he sniggers and mock glares are DonnieBoy and Mikey, " heeeeeeeeeeey a perfectly ordinary little owner itty bitty paws and whiskers will be all the pet you will need MikeyMikey - and don't go searching, when you stop looking one will find you and adopt you as her or his turtle forever." in a happy sort of way. " Klunk did, she found me in that snow drift and demanded my attention, I knew the moment she got comfy in my jumper that I had just become a cat dad. It was awesome." And well insisting his counterpart waited for a cute critter to choose him as their very own would give the guys brothers a chance to breath just a little.


Unless now that it was out there in the universe he had just jinxed it and there will be an adorable creature awaiting MikeyMikey when they got home.

Which would be suuuuuper amusing to Mike. He points at Mikey as the last stretch ends. " you are telling us allllll about that." he warns.

He mmmms about that old musty corn chip smell and nods at the foxy lady sniggering at her stumbling about. " tonight we are going to be a very turtley pile of comfort." all clean smelling and close and the furry warmth of ladies in the pile. Oh he missed his damonfeuer for that - other things too but that specifically right now!

Leon was a little relieved to be he hopes saved the trouble of shooting down MikeyMikey's dreams of a pet. But sort of also - well... suuuuurely a critter wont come along foooooooooorever right? so to that he could say, " well Mikey has a point there, if there is a someone who adopts you are their own bro I guess then we will have to accept it." feeling good about that. Yep for suuuure wont happen for a while! And it gave him and the others a chance to also watch as a now fully aware of what was going on Monroe deliberately showed off a little. Not overtly from what Leon could tell. Just in the way he stretched and moved and made colors or camoflage ripple over his scales. It was a pretty cool display.

And always amusingly the scales would return with the pink rim! hah!

Addy saw Leo coming over and smiles, she relaxes out of the stretch pose and purrs once he is closer slipping an arm about his shell, tonight, sure she was a little sore, not as stiff after all that stretching but sore, but she could manage tonight without too much numbing paste. Nodding toward Donnie and Bebe and the three with the children - lead the way and see what had been come up with and also goodnight the little ones! Whom would all be fresh smelling and clean and mmmm so much so that still lingering eggy scent was clearer on them.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Tue Feb 15, 2022 5:26 pm

Donnie looks up as the ladies bring over the sleeping, or all but sleeping, little boys. He still finds the whole situation just... impossible, really. Though the kids are only one small part of that.

Almost the most believable when he thinks about it.

~That's good for me, I guess...~ It's sort of an absent response to Bebe's words as Donnie is distracted by the reaching Liam.

He responds to the child's reach, nuzzling the little guy. It's sort of strange. Sure, Donnie as Donnie would probably have responded to the reach regardless, but he also sort of feels like... he has to? Like something he doesn't understand won't let him ignore the boy. It's... not unpleasant, and he doesn't mind, but it is weird. He doesn't understand the drive to comfort Liam. Well... maybe he does from the stories, but at the same time, he doesn't.

~Well, I guess we should get it done then, huh? Do you think touching the railing and focusing on the hull is enough, or do we need to fly or reach down and touch the hull itself?~ And Donnie moves to close the dragon book for now. He won't leave Liam until Bebe is fully ready and knows where she wants him to go.


Ralphie is emphatically agreeing with Raphael. Yes. This trip has opened up amazing opprotunities! Sure, he'd had a shot with Mona back in his world, but she'd been one in a million, and she had disappeared. And if there was one thing Ralphie knew about Mona, it was that she wouldn't be found if she didn't want to be.

"And I am a very lucky turtle!" This time, Ralphie does offer Lilo a hand up and will move toward the wash basins to clean up as ordered and get ready for the night.

Ralphie is sniggering as Mike comments about liking the corn chip smell because... well... typical.

Honestly, Ralphie and Donno are less concerned about the regular kitty thing than the mutant ice cream cat thing. They can't imagine that going anything but horribly! Not with MikeyMikey's track record on pets! Though they don't object when Leon says they'd allow a kitty if one adopted MikeyMikey.

Though a regular kitty... that doesn't sound all that bad. Maybe that was the one pet that could work in the lair.

Which is probably good because MikeyMikeyi si practically vibrating as Mike tells the story of being adopted. by Klunk! He is distracted from responding though when Dana partially loses her balance. And he is right there to stabilize her! And encourage her to go wash up as suggested.

"It's like, super late. He's right. We should clean up and get some serious shut eye."

Donno didn't notice the stumble... or Leonardo's order because he'd been distracted by Monroe! Geckos sure were flexible... and that was an impressive display with his colors there! Though Donno did quickly figure out what had been said and starts moving as well toward washing up!


Leo was half inclined to have Addy clean up first. She still had that wound to think about. But he has a feeling she will want her crew cleaned up first, just like Leo and Leonardo are waiting until the others finish. Still,

"You should clean up before that water is dingy." There's sort of a light brush near her injury. He doesn't touch it, but there's definitely a light brush just close enough that it's clear what he's worried about.

Though, if she insists,  he won't press, and will instead be as quick as they can. Whenever they do get over to the kids, he will lead her over to where Donnie and Bebe are, and check in on them first. Babies will receive a light nuzzle and kiss to the head, and Donnie will get his head ruffled in a brotherly greeting.

((LOL! There definitely needs to be a little, black, ninja kitten watching when MikeyMikey and the others are returned home that follows them to the lair!))

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Sun Feb 20, 2022 4:30 am

Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Oip10

((ooc: liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike this cutie? Razz ))

A grin at Leo, its a little sheepish, as captain she is driven to ensure her crew it clean and safe as they can be. Living on a ship is hard. and hygiene is one of the biggest issues that can face them. But Leo is right, she nods and joins him in cleaning off quickly. If at times she just enjoys brushing her tail over the back of Leo's legs. But not toooo teasingly. After all the two of them are clean and making room for the others she is more than delighted to take a turn in nuzzling the little ones, purring and even though their all clean she does lick at them in that mum cat way. Duncan by now is very used to it and ignores the sensation. His reactions had been a churr when Donnie is close leaning in to catch the nuzzles in his sleep, and then churring with his brothers when Leo joins them. Malcolm is more out than his brothers, sprawling across them happily and churring when they do. Liam and Malcolm making faces in sleep when cat mum tongue licks at them.

She really cannot help the drive to coddle them and cover them in her scent, and also in the act of licking, taking in again and again that baby smell. That all have born or hatched. So she is a little distracted when she manages to grin at Donnie and Bebe. " hows the search going?" Chuckling as Leo ruffles his dragon brothers head.

Liam made a happy little sound snuggling around his brothers all the more when Donnie, familiar and strange Donnie, now was making a soft sound as he is subjected to a cleaning -

Making Mike laugh as, fresh from cleaning after having left MikeyMikey and Dana, and glad for his counterpart that at least his brothers seemed more open to the sort of not promise of being adopted by a critter, the Mike bounces over to snuggle babies! eager to get comfy in what will soon be a turtle pile - but he waits for each one from Addy not just taking them from her. And he more knuckles Donnie's chin lightly that ruffles his Dragony head.

Bebe nodding excitedly. " I think we do, but a magical barrier than a magically lured in frog one. We're ready to give it a go." nod to Donnie ready when he is and flapping her wings. Being she had long dragon fly shaped ones now and four of them she was agile and grinning a bit at Leo and Mike when they come over to take turns with the little ones - and Donnie. " we're going to try it out now whilst you all get settled."

Mikey mmmms a little, DonnieBoy was on his way - " When Liam is awake maybe some mind melding with him will help find a way to de dragon..." he suggests stretching, a crispy still but content and thinking aloud as he watches the others clean and gather. Donatello has Yua and Elena cuddled close, both resting already and he casts a curious look at Mikey.

" mmmmm Liam has done some extraordinary things with that sooooo probably/" he offers quietly. Elena sighing in her sleep at his voice and yua snuggling closer, here there was room for his brothers once they were ready to join them.

DonnieBoy was still amused. and had given his counterpart at the fist bump to the shoulder and nod at the pretty gecko guy, moving away after last stretch to bathe and then join his brother in the cart, fussily checking him over. But pleased with his recovery. He was politely pushed off from fussing over Donatello by the tall guy himself.

Leonardo is glad Leo got Addy to wash up first, gently coaxing the others to be quick too.

Lilo grins she is eager to bath, and also keen to help Ralphie do so, the hand up she keeps a hold off as long as he allows and will politely offer to wipe his shell over with her wash rag and hopes he will do the same for her, his being the luckiest turtle makes her giggle and kiss his snout!

Leon is chuckling to himself, he is eager to meet Inaba and help clean her, and be cleaned to taking a moment to just enjoy a kiss and the soft fur, " I think this trip has offered lots of luck." good and bad, this one was one of the better ones. And well he is happy for the moment that MikeyMikey seems thrilled and pleased and satisfied with the unlikely scenario of a critter just waiting for him to come home to adopt him upon first sight. So they can all just enjoy this and now in the small moments they have to breathe and rest between mad dashes and fights to regroup.

Monroe flicks a ripple of pink all through his scales and pads after Donno to the bath barrel and rags, waggling his plump tail and close to Donno, " I ... could clean off your shell."

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Adalind Schade

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Sun Feb 20, 2022 5:52 pm

((OOC: AWWWW! Tuxie! Perfect little ball of fluff! Yes! But that's after MikeyMikey's had him for a little while! Definitely a sad street kitty before it finds him!))

Normally, Leo would have waited too. He would have made sure the others had cleaned up first, but if this is what it takes to make sure that Addy's injury gets the freshest possible water to clean it up, then so be it. For the most part, he is making sure the injury is properly cleaned. Then once that's taken care of, he does clean up a bit as well. And maybe encouraged to stick around a little longer and actually finish up by the tail brushing his leg! He's already here, he might as well. There's a smile over at Addy for that light brush of affection. He can't really return it at the moment, but he kisses her cheek once they're finished and moving away from the wash basins.

Addy licking the kids had sort of given Donnie pause, and he watched until Leo ruffled his head. Donnie knew that cats cleaned themselves by licking, but he had never really seen it. He's too young to have met Klunk. He does vaguely recall that back in their youngest days, Master Splinter had licked them clean too. It had been long ago though, and they had been so young that the memories were vague at best. So his watching is more curiosity than anything else.

Leo had been more aware of Donnie's curiosity about the licking than he had really intended. He heard Donnie's rapid fire questions through the young dragon's thought speak. Leo's almost certain the questions had not been intended to be spoken aloud, and ruffling Donnie's head stilled them. At least for the time being.

Leo was also nuzzling babies and enjoying that still just barely there scent they had by the time Mike had come over. Once Mike is getting settled, Leo helps with the littles making the transition from where they had been snuggled up with Donnie and Bebe to Addy's licking and into Mike's care for the time being. Leo isn't quite ready to settled tonight, but he will encourage Mike to do so. And Addy needs her rest too, but he's not as concerned about that as he was about making sure the wound was cleaned and cared for properly. Once Leo has attempted a couple of contacts, he will make sure Addy rests then, if she isn't already laying down.

Donnie nods along with what Bebe was saying. He agrees, but he's not really in a form that he can communicate with Addy like Bebe can. Once the babies are getting licked and nuzzled, he takes the opportunity to get up with Bebe as well.

"That sounds perfect. Go for it." Leo's eager to see if this works! And he's hoping that a little encouragement from him will help Donnie have a little more confidence in magic. Which Leo knows Donnie is maybe not 100% certain of. Though Leo does feel like Donnie is at least sort of accepting the possibility, at least within this strange Nexus world they have found themselves in.

Hard to argue that Magic isn't real when you've recently been turned into a fair dragon...

Donnie can hear Bebe quite easily so long as she uses the thought speak to help him chant with her, and as she heads off to try the spell, he follows. He moves to the opposite side of the ship, hoping that their magic can meet in the middle.

He does pause momentarily, listening to Mikey and Donatello as they discuss the possibility of Liam being able to help him de-dragon! Oh! He hopes so! Donnie doesn't like being stuck as a dragon!

Leo is also listening.

"It sure can't hurt to try. In the morning." Because he knows Donnie would be tempted to wake up Liam now! And that would do no good!


"I still got the mooooost!" Ralphie will absolutely tease his brother, and is willing to die on this mole hill! As long as it's for Lilo! And he is definitely thrilled when she offers to wash his shell! And he is only too happy to return the favor.

Even with all the 'glitter'. He's getting used to that anyway.

MikeyMikey is only too happy with this unlikely scenario that Leon is thinking about! If the other two Mikeys have kitties, then surely he'll get one too! Right? He's happy to consider this to be a universal Mikey trait! Something that happens eventually for all Mikeys! He's jabbering about kitties and llamoats as he offers to help Dana wash her back! And she's fluffy too, and that's perfect as far as he's concerned!

When Monroe was right next to him at the bath barrel, Donno is sort of alternately glancing over at Monroe and almost pointedly looking anywhere but at him! Overly focused on his own bathing. Both MikeyMikey and Ralphie are grinning like idiots at Donno when Monroe offers to wash his back! Luckily for Donno, he hasn't noticed because his attention is fully on Monroe and the unexpected offer!

"Oh! Um... I- I guess... okay... Um... thank you." It's a hesitant acceptance. Yes, he does need help reaching his shell, but... "I could wash your back too." And... Monroe doing the job actually sounds equal parts terrifying and amazing... But he does accept. Even if there is a hesitance there.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Elena Martins Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:19 am

(OOC: Razz yep at first scrawny little mittens in serious need of MikeyMikey love Wink )

Mike chuckles, he grins over at Donnie hearing all those wonderings as Leo did and is glad when their big brother slowed the thoughts briefly by the head rubbing, " We do not want over stimulated and over tired toddler-sized Leo." a bit of a tease leveled at Leo but also just an agreement. Yeah, Mikey was probably right perhaps the little guy had an answer or something that could help Donnie out, but best to let him sleep, especially sleep curled up with Duncan and Malcolm. They needed this reunion and turtle pile as much as Mike knew himself and his brothers did. So with Leo's urging he gets super comfortable, stretching out and lounging and waiting patiently for a clearly tired but hanging on Addy to stop cleaning in kiddo and with Leo's help move them into his arm, he lets the hung up sail provide a rest lean for his shell and so the little ones could snuggle against his plastron. Nuzzling them next and each in turn once close, churring for them.

Addy yawns and stretches once she has handed over Malcolm. Whom didn't make the scrunch sleep face Liam had at the cleaning, or the soft chirpy sound Duncan had, he had simply flopped out like a starfish and his little tail wagged! awwwwww! nodding, " morning sounds like a good time to try out a few things before moving around lunchtime." sleepily but keen to watch what she could from where she was as Bebe and Donnie moved away to try out this spell. A good long rest and hopefully a relaxed morning will make sure her crew were fresh and ready for a busy afternoon, they might get good current and wind so might not need to row so hard, but still, she does know they all want to make as much good time on travel to reach others so a good rest will help them all.

Smiling as she watches the rest of the crew all bantering and hanging and cleaning up content they would be all resting soon, aside from perhaps Leo and Leonardo.

Raphael makes the cart shake as he joins Donatello and Mikey, careful to plop down beside his brother and nuzzle his lean shoulder, just thrilled to have him back. A sleepy grin, " sounds like we'll be all ready for another day." agreeably with Addy. She knew like any Leo he felt how to work her crew and when to rest them. And it looks like cat lady has just about had it too for the night, a good cuddle she might just go to sleep too hahaha.

Bebe smiles at Donnie, she'd not paid much attention to his wonderings about Addy, well sort of, muttering as she leads off the boat and flutters reaching a hand preparing to chant to circle the vessel. "Klaustreich mothers, soooometimes the fathers lick their kits and or older sibling kits to clean and sooth and make sure they smell like them." her wings reflecting dully in the dark waters below, still had chunks of ice in the water. reflection her colors in a sharper way. She doesn't quite notice this as she smiles at Donnie, " reaady?"

Leon snorts and shakes his head gesturing at Inaba. " nooo way duuude I has a bunny!" pokes out his tongue the cloth wash was strange but invigorating against sailing sore muscles.

Dana's tail is out of range - and waggles as MikeyMikey offers to help her, she grins and nods, " oooh yes please!" happily, moving closer to MikeyMikey, rubbing cloth eagerly over his plastron!

DonnieBoy had managed a brief grin and light nudge to Donno, an encouragement. The sought his brothers had not really given him, not the 'enjoy it dude' encouragement. So he offers it, just briefly, clean and moving away to snuggle in with Mikey - almost asleep the moment he was in the cart so the shaking as Raphael joined them didn't really register.

Mikey snuggles his lean brother - grinning at Donnie and Bebe as they leave, then at Leo and Mike and those adorable kids, Addy was just about sleeping too, so when he calls over teasingly to the pudgy turtles its soft, loud enough for them and the watching sentinel Leonardo to hear but doesn't start Addy. " hahah you guys just hurry up and get in here with me and DonnieBoy before tall and pouty there takes up all the remaining space Raphael left."

Leonardo snorts, " excuse me I brood not pout." and its a seriously playful tone, as he was certainly doing neither at the moment as he waits, an arm slipping about Kovu as she is done with cleaning and snuggles into his side, he is just watching as the others finish cleaning up.

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Elena Martins

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Ralphie Mon Feb 28, 2022 5:23 pm

"Yeah, yeah, you got a bunny. MikeyMikey's got a foxy.  That's nice. I got a Lilo. It's still better" Playful waving off of Leon's argument. And yes, they were all very lucky, but Ralphie isn't giving in on this one! They can either all agree to disagree, and MikeyMikey is just sort of amused by this argument between the two.

And maybe he knows that it's this sort of behavior is just Ralphie's sort of brotherly love. Once he and Lilo have finished cleaning up, he will take Mikey up on that offer to join them in the cart. That's a pretty epic turtle pile that's gotta be going on in there. Though it does seem that Little Blue and his family will be setting up under the sail shelter. Which is fair. The cart is going to be crowded as it is, and with the kids that would probably be a little scary to have all these other sleepers. AND the dragon.

MikeyMikey is perfectly happy to help Dana out! Though plastron rubbies like that are just ah-mazing! And he churrs happily as she scrubs.

"I'm gonna fall asleep right here if you keep that up, Dudette." And if he weren't so tired after today's traveling, it would probably be more exciting. As it is though, soooo nice. And once she does finish, he will definitely scrub her back too! Though she miiight have to teach him how to not mat her fur!

Donno gives DonnieBoy a moment of a deer in the headlights look. It's sort of a 'but!' But they're just going to have to go back home soon, so why bother? He'll be too busy to come back and visit, so why bother? Someone is just going to be hurt. Probably both of them when he has to go home. So why bother?

But... part of him knows those are just excuses he's been giving himself. None are true. He is curious. He does want to see where this might go.

So when Donno washes Monroe's back, it's a gentle and curious touch. He's watching that fascinating color changing ability, and marveling at how chameleons can do that! While also sort of acknowledging that... yes, Monroe is cute, and he doesn't really want to make those excuses he has up to now anymore.


Leo actually chuckled at Mike's tease.

"No one likes it when I'm cranky."

Though Donnie no longer remembers the time that Leo had been acting like Raph for months on end, the point still stands. There had certainly been moments when they were kids that Leo had been frustrated that Donnie would remember.

"It's going to be okay, Donnie. Just one night. Get some rest, and we'll see what we can learn in the morning, Okay?"

Donnie is clearly frustrated by this response, but the kids are just adorable laying there snuggled up to sleep, and... he does get it. Even if he doesn't like it. Donnie does nod though.

Donnie did not notice Leo's soft sigh of relief as the young dragon accepts the offer of trying in the morning and follows Bebe to try and make the magical warning barrier around the ship. He's listening as Bebe explains about Klaustreich.

~I guess that makes sense... I think our father used to lick us too. But he's a... I guess he's sort of a Reinigen.~

Donnie isn't sure of his pronunciation there, but he had heard the story of Donatello's marriage and the race away from the Reinigen fortress.

Following easily, Donnie nods once they're in position and ready to chant. He will let her start them off before starting the spell.

~Please keep safe my space, please sing whenever enemies step into this place.~

Leo gave the two just a moment during their little discussion about Addy licking the kids, but as they did the spell, he moved just a little closer, mostly out of curiosity. Though there is a slight measure of that general Leo mentality of wanting to be nearby just in case.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:21 am

A loud raspberry - cause Leon was oooh sooo mature and all that!

But there is a grin that he gave to Inaba and wink at her as he and his fluffy bunny finish cleaning up. " nuuu huh bro its all in the long soooft ears!" he explains playfully fierce about his objection!

Inaba just rolls her eyes a little at the play, but there is amusement in the way her tail fluffed and her nose twitched.

Lilo giggled and wrapped her tail about Ralphie's thigh as they finish up cleaning, " mmmm hmmmm a Lilo all yours, follow you from home, and will keep doing so." she grins and her tail tip flicks against his hidden tucked away tail,. no invite to join just a tease. A happy enjoying the closeness and teasing and play and just seeing him so happy to have his troop back! She didn't feel a rush of homesickness to go back to her old troop yet. Perhaps one day she might have to visit just to swing along the tree tops with her mother and aunts and half sisters and female cousins and catch flying insects and find fruit with them, groom in the hot hours and rest in the cold. But right now... and for a while this was her new troop and she was content among them. Especially beside Ralphie! And she enjoys little gestures of affection or the play one up man ship the brothers were doing now that showed how they all cared for each other, and the strange new loves they all had, brief, short, deep or fun.

She grins at Donno for that and winks at him, " Relax - have a little fun..." giggle cause its as as her tail tip brushes Ralphies.

Annnnd MikeyMikey is doing it perfectly! her tail is drooping wagy and her sounds happy yips! And giggling at his words, " Then lets hurry and go join the huddle right?" and moves closer, " Though tempted to remain here and listen to this sound you make... make you do more." she grins cleaning his shell now.

Monroe's pinks flash delighted and pulse a little and he bobs his head in a very lizard way moving closer so he could begin cleaning Donno his tail tip vibrating in delight. He makes a soft chirp at Lilo's words on the side their way, " yes fun now. fight later maybe more, maybe no - but now is good and relaxing." he agrees, not expecting forevers from Donno or anything more than even just this and now having a moment to washa nd clean each other. But he was a omega, he is keen to be affectionate and close and enjoy moments. pinks of pleasured colors not the affectionate soft pink or flirty rosy bubbles more a hot flutter of pink that follows the path of Donno's hands and the cleansing cloth, and after a soft churl he shifts and returns the light washing of Donno's plastron, a happy wide smile on his face, " feels niiice."


"Please keep safe my space, please sing whenever enemies step into this place." Bebe sort of sing songs circling the boat and a light touch and her wings flash, purple, pride at this, sure it was right and Donnie's dragon, his fae would make it all stronger! She doesn't know Leo is close and keeping an eye on them. and a pause and hmmmm out loud at Donnie's response to her, " your father was Reinigen? unsual for one to adopt and raise and mother little ones but not unheard of. and thats really sweet, bet it used to be comforting and sweet." she goes back to the chant and does a twirl in the air just enjoying the coming down time and the cool air.

Mike sniggers, babies fast asleep and hanging onto each other, the occassion soft sound from Liam. " A cranky Leo does no one any good." he agrees.

Addy is trying to hang on until Leo is among them, though she is purring lightly and her tail flick is slow - and she is even slightly kneading the sail under her as cats do when relaxed and calm. She would not last long he knew.

Leonardo grins watching over those still cleaning.

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Adalind Schade

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Post by Donno Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:53 pm

Ralphie is smiiiirrrrking as Leon claims the long ears are the best.

"I have two words for you, Dude. Prehensile. Tail." Yes, sir! That teasing tail has definitely gotten him more than once! And at least as far as he's concerned, soft ears don't even begin to compare.

And if MikeyMikey at least concedes that point to Ralphie against Leon. Though he is mostly ignoring them by now. Much more interested in finishing getting cleaned up, then snuggling to sleep!

"Snuggling AND churring is totally an option, Dudette." And if there was any sort of emphasis on 'snuggling,' well, MikeyMikey will deny it! At least with an audience! And honestly, he's tired tonight. Snuggling is really all he's interested in at the moment.

Donno is sort of nervously listening to the others. Curious, yes.  Tempted, yes.  Maybe not quiiiiite sold.

"Asking him to relax is like asking a Leonardo to lighten up." Which had actually been near disastrous when they actually did turn their blue-wearing brother into a fun living skater dude.

Donno, however takes this as a challenge. And backing down from a challenge from Ralphie is just not something that Donno will allow. And Ralphie knows it! So he's amused as Donno finally gives in and maybe a little awkwardly does start to wash Monroe's back. Then again a bit t awkward when Monroe said the scrub felt nice as he started scrubbing Donno's plastron.

"Uh huh!" It did! He does actually agree! But he's sort of unreasonably nervous at the moment!

Ralphie is sniggering.

"He'll figure is out.  ...eventually. ...probably." Ralphie is amuuused, but he does sort of hurry Lilo along through finishing up washing and curling up in the cart. At least take away part of the audience. Even if watching Donno struggle for words is funny!

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Post by Donnie Thu Mar 10, 2022 5:06 pm

As the spell is cast, Donnie's iridescence seems to have a bit of a glow to it first. A brief shock through his chi lines as the dragon magic and a touch of his chi add on to the spell.

Oh, that felt... weird. Yes. Weird. That felt weird. Though he's pretty sure it worked! Maybe?

Leo sort if 'wows' softly as the spell is cast. Bebe looked like he might imagine a fairy could, so he fully believed she would have magic. And he had certainly heard claim that Donnie had some too, but to actually see it working! Wow!

Oh, shell, his little brother actually is a fairy dragon! It sort of hits him that this is actually real when he watches the spell. He knew Donnie had magic. He had heard it, but he is still shocked as it really sinks in. How are they going to deal with this?! The moment of concern was brief before Leo concealed it. But it was there. Donnie doesn't notice, but Mike, Leonardo or Addy might.

Donnie looks sort of unsure for a moment, but he laughs softly as Bebe twirls, and he flies a little circle around her! Apparently she thought it worked too! So, it must have worked! Right?

There's a slight shrug when Bebe says that it's uncommon for male Reinigen to adopt children. Donnie supposes it's strange for male Earth rats too.

~I don't know why. He'd recently lost his master when he found us. And food isn't super hard to find. So maybe he was lonely, and decided to keep us instead of eat us?~ It was probably more than Donnie really intended to share. He's still struggling to keep his internal monologue fully internal. So Bebe and brothers are also privy to a monologue about the topic!

Donnie had asked this sort of question of Splinter in the past, and always felt that he didn't get a real answer. But he knows their father loves them, and he is content with that. At least so much as Donnie is capable of being content with an unanswered question.

Then a nuzzle to Leo once he spotted his big brother watching them! He is amused by the banter between Leo and Mike, but doesn't add to it. Leo speaks to the younger ones, at least in part to quell Donnie's wonderings about why Splinter kept and cared for them.

"If you two haven't cleaned up, do so. Then time for bed."

Donnie had splashed about in the river before they had sailed on, and he hadn't done much during the trip. Leo doesn't push the issue when Donnie doesn't actually go to clean up, and instead heads to the sail nest.

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Post by Adalind Schade Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:30 am

Addy caught Leo's look, and she purred, mumbled - her eyes half closed. One ear turned towards Leo the other following the sounds of Donnie and Bebe. Well mostly Donnie.

Bebe's hadn't noticed the slight flutters of purple through her hair and wings in response to Donnie's magic, his chi lines. And glow soft, except when she brushes past the now much larger looking dragon without his brothers in dragon form around them. Oooooh she listens and shrugs a little flutters of pink with the purple and she beams at Donnie. " I would say that sounds about right. A heart sore soul looking to fill the void and sensing he could have family and love again." She follows Donnie up but with a squeak flutters over to the barrel to clean up.

Mike clears his throat. " What was it like?" he asks Leo having indeed caught the face his brother made, and shuffling so Donnie could get back into place, smiling at his dragon bro and reaching over to rub his head. " It'll be alright Donnie - you know we Mikey's are usually good at picking up these things, he's probably onto something." He offers a snuggle with the babies, nuzzling the muttering Liam a little. Boy was tired but restless.

Addy purred listening to them.

Leonardo grins as Bebe spins in the air after she washed and she zooms over to the sail, but sort of hovers not sure where the brothers would welcome her in this closeness. He doesn't answer Mike but he does softly say to Leo, " I wouldn't have believed it until I saw it, but that... all is just cool.... strange and cool... one of the Dons would probably say what we are... mutants... and ninjas makes us adaptable in all sorts of ways." He does glance back at his Donatello. He could tell by the tiredness in his brothers voice he'd had a bit of a down moment. Relief or just letting it out... something. And maybe Raphael had picked up on it too he could already see, with amusement that Raphael was not tucked in his shell but snuggling Donatello awfully tight -

As BigM had described him once, a big cuddly, incredibly violent, teddy bear.

No need for concern, Yua and Elena were shielded by Donatello from the heft and size of Raphael and well they could handle it.

He looks back to watch amused the last of Leon's crew getting clean - Donno and Monroe would be the only two left soon. He giving Leon a light shell tap and push to get moving to bed, even as Leon is rolling his eyes playfully at Ralphie, " hensile smensmile - duuuude fluuuffy tail." it was adorable.

Inaba wiggles her nose and smacks Leon's snout with one of her ears. " come ooooon." following over to the cart and sail. " Sail or cart?"

" Cart!" Lilo chirps eagerly! only too happy at Ralphie's words about her tail - cause heck she looooved teasing him with it - and said tail is still keeping contact even as they scoot over to the cart and climb in to find a spot somewhere. She waits for Ralphie intending to snuggle dooown ontop or beside him!

Dana's 'foofy tail' or the 'duster of doom!' wagged and she yipped happily making sure not to miss a inch of MikeyMikey with the cleansing water and cloth, " ooooooh then lets hurry! I wanna do a lot of that!"

Like Inaba and Lilo briefly grinning at Donno, and sort of nawwwing at the adorableness of him and the cute of Monroe enjoying the attention and only to happy to reciprocate!

And he was!

Leonardo sniggers at Ralphie's words, " pfffffffffffft I know how to chillax."... cleaning was relaxing... to him! But it still counted! and his brothers were not awake to make that point against him! hah!

Monroe pays no attention to this he beams and moves closer to Donno to reach better and snout very close to bumping against his new purple-wearing friend. Pinks a little more vibrant still following the trail of the cleaning cloth and edging the individual scales of his body. Even the larger flatter belly ones!

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Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Thu Mar 17, 2022 4:32 pm

"It was pretty impressive." Leo responded to Mike's question. "It almost looked like they amplified each other's magic. They shimmered and glowed. I'm pretty sure even Bebe's hair was reacting."

As Donnie and Bebe head away from the side of the boat and Donnie just sort of nods about Bebe's suggestion that Master Splinter hoped he could find family again, Leo looks out over the water for just a moment. With his back to the group, for those behind him, it probably just looks like a glance to the horizon, seeing that he can see.

He's allowing himself that brief moment of questioning and doubt. By the time he turns around, all trace of it is gone, but for just a moment he's unsure. He's learned that once in awhile he needs to allow himself to have that moment. Allowing it for a moment prevents it from taking over.

Leo is glad for what happened. He really is. Leo knows that Don has been struggling for awhile, and that things got drastically worse once arriving in the Nexus. But it's going to be a transition. And adding the kids into the mix. Well... It's a lot.

But that moment is over, and Leo will do whatever it takes to keep his family together, to get them through this. All of them. Brothers, sons, interdimensional brothers and the family they've found along the way.

Because that's what Leo does.

When Leo turns back around, he's chuckling at the meep from Bebe as she changes course to head over to the barrels to wash up. Donnie had ignored the request, and was wiggling his way into the sail nest, searching for a spot nearest Mike and Liam. Nuzzling in, seeking comfort from Mike.

When Bebe seems sort of unsure Leo smiles.

"Wherever you think you'll be most comfortable." Because he had noticed her following Donnie to the sail, but he also knew that she was really more used to being around Yua who is in the cart. There was also the fact that Donnie had definitely referred to her as 'mom' and had seemed to take some comfort from her presence earlier.

Leo is sort of checking to make sure that everyone is settled for the night, or at least heading that way, as he listens to his counterpart. He nods in agreement. It was very, very cool. It was also very strange.

"I suppose so." And Leo takes some comfort in that adaptability.

He had noticed that tall Donatello's moment earlier, and makes another mental note to try and pull him aside tomorrow and thank him.

Leo settles on the deck, and starts to prepare himself to meditate. Hoping to reach out to Master Splinter or Raphie, and let them know what's happened.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by MikeyMikey Thu Mar 17, 2022 4:51 pm

"That is just 'cuz you don't know what you're missing!" Ralphie is still amused and messing with his brother, but how tired he actually is is starting to show. He hurries after Lilo to the cart and finds a place to wedge themselves into the space.

Ralphie sniggers at Big Blue saying he knows how to chillax.

"Whatever you need to tell yourself, BigBlue." Though his tone suggests that he doesn't believe it for a second!

"Then, like, let's get going, Dudette!" MikeyMikey makes an earnest effort to hurry up, make sure that Dana's fur is as dry as possible at the moment before reaching for her hand to rush off to join the others in the cart.

Donno is watching, fascinated as he washes those soft scales. There's a warmth he hasn't experienced before in Monroe. There's a slight hesitation when Monroe allllmost bumps his shout! But after that moment, Donno covers that remaining distance and bumps Monroe lightly.

And is almost immediately nervous. He finishes with the cloth, and is actually sort of disappointed that the moment is pretty much over.

For now?

"We should, um... We should probably go join them."

Yes, he is inviting Monroe to join the huddle in the cart!

And Ralphie and MikeyMikey both have ridiculous grins on their faces when they hear that!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leonardo Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:55 pm

Mike grins and cuddles in beside Donnie rubbing his head and neck lightly, "hear that lil bro? You and the fairy make each other magical, like these extra pretty scales of yours and her strange hair. That's pretty cool yeah?" soft tone for his brother and in response to Leo's filler in for him, he gestures to the fairy and as she shyly shuffles in after a moment he grabs her gently and pulls her closer so she is close enough to the space above Don's and his head that she had contact with Don and was close to hear Yua. But also so there was space beside him for Leo to be with him and Donnie but also... Beside his cat lady who has crumpled a bit and is breathing deep. He drew the kids up onto his plastrons Liam closer to Donnie's side, but there they were in their little bundle of gemstone blue, purple and metal gold.

He churrs for all of them half asleep himself now waiting for Leo. He can't see his brother from where he has settled back but he knows him and will snug him, knowing he probably had a moment one of those 'will everything be alright?' and 'can I get my team through this?' kinda moment. Only now Leo's clan had a younger brother and four babies. So he definitely knew it was a moment.

And chuckling to the other group of turtles he grins, "awwwww bet the Donno and Monroe are being cute!" sleepily up at the other turtles.

Leonardo does not interrupt the moment, but he does nod and thump his counterpart on the shoulder lightly, that is for the moment, and the acknowledgement of the adaptable nature of them all. It's a ' It will be okay, we are all here too now.' sort of gesture and a soft squeeze on shoulder as a promise that indeed their all there. And will have their last brothers back soon.

As they sit to begin and Leonardo offers his strength he is a tiny bit...


He had noted in the battle and as he was extinguishing the fire that he could feel the pulse within... living things... Or more accurately the water within, dead Crips things still had vapourized water within, ice was water. Blood had water... The semen within Kovu - oh the blush he could feel that too! At first he wasn't sure how or why but then... It's because these things are fluid! Have water! He is managing to not be completely distracted but beside Leo he could feel his counterparts life force thudding and whoooshing...

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leon Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:00 am

Any attempted refutations about that and his brothers would have heard th mumbles of them - were muffled by Inaba kissing him once their in the cart and found a space to snuggle in! Close together as they all had not been for what felt like forever!

Lilo giggles at that and just so Ralphie would have to make mumbled replies too she kisses him once their down and snuggled, letting go as Inaba does too chuckle at Mike's question. And give their turtles a chance to see and answer as Dana and MikeyMikey are hurrying over to join them all!

Dana can't help stopping once on the rush to give herself a shake all over, and as a result she is a flood ball following Mikey and soooo soft when she shyly chooses to give him a lick on his cheek. A thanks for being included for his care for watching her tail for her when she was too excited too! And letting her be here in the pile with him or more of like Lilo and Inaba sort of on the outside of the turtle pile forming in the cart middle.

Monroe makes a little chiruple sort of sound in his throat and blinks big eyes brushing snout on Donno's cheek, the bump of noses had a wonderful tingle effect even translating over to scales in a way that looks like glitter in his pink spots. Yes spots all over! " yes please! I... want to do this more sometime.... And bump amounts more..." happily! Ready to go offering a hand.

Leon manages a slightly dazed from Inaba kissing answer to Mike, " oh yeeeeah adorkable!" absolutely!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Mon Mar 28, 2022 5:20 pm

Ralphie is definitely distracted when Lilo kisses him! And since he didn't hear any response from Leon, he will take this as a win! Though he doesn't really have a chance to gloat about that, as Lilo has muffled him, and the argument just isn't worth it anymore. She is much more interesting than bickering with Leon.

MikeyMikey is all grins when Dana shakes and floofs up like that! That was awesome! He loves it! So much soft fur! There's a brief churr as Dana licks his cheek, followed by another grin, and a light nuzzle as he works on finding a little spot for them to settle for the night. This is going to be the warmest turtle pile ever with all these mammals in it now!

MikeyMikey also can't help but chuckle at Mike's question and Leon's response.

"Like, totally, Dude." Definitely agreeing with Leon! Absolutely adorkable!

Donno's skin (thankfully!) doesn't show any sort of tingle from the snout touching, but he absolutely felt it! And could definitely tell that Monroe did too! That was... sorta cool! Okay... maybe thiis would... probably be okay... at least here in the Nexus. He rather liked the way that Monroe's scales did that!

"I... I think i'd like that."

Tentative. Donno has tried to convince himself for a long time that he doesn't need this sort of relationship. That nothing like this would ever work for them anyway!

But... it's different here in the Nexus. And it doesn't seem so crazy here. And he does want it!

He takes Monroe's hand and guides him to a spot in the pile too. And if Donno managed to "accidentally" step on or knee brothers in the process of settling down, well, these things do happen! And Ralphie and MikeyMikey both sniggered when Donno bumped them!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 2 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Mon Mar 28, 2022 5:38 pm

Donnie makes a sort of half-hearted, unsure chirrup sound at Mike's comment about his and Bebe's magic. He really did just use magic! This has to be some sort of weird dream, right? Maybe he has pneumonia again, amd has a raging fever which is causing the crazy dream.

Surely this is a crazy dream, right? Maybe if he goes to sleep in the dream world,d he'll be back home?

Part of him knows that won't be the case. He knows that this is, in fact, real, despite how insane it all is! It's still hard to take though! So for now, just that unsure chirrip for Mike as Donnie snuggles into his brother's hand.

Donnie is unaware of Leo's little moment. It's been a long, crazy day. Donnie won't sleep soundly, his would has been far too shaken for that, but he is soon dozing against Mike's side. In sleep, he will also sort of shift to snuggle against Bebe more. There will be quite a bit of shifting throughout the night though. This sleep spot is very strange!


Leo does appreciate that reminder that they aren't alone here. They have help this time. Though it also sort of just means that there are even more turtles that Leo has to worry about. Still, he actually accepts that moment of reassurance.

Raphie had been right. Having a big brother was sort of nice. It was definitely a much needed moment of encouragement. There's a slight smile in response and Leo pats his counterparts's hand on his shoulder in a silent 'thanks'.

As they settled into meditation, the extra energy from his counterpart has become a familiar and welcome presence. Leo easily notices that something is off about his counterpart's session. He notices that Leonardo is having trouble focusing. Leo might not know what is the matter, but he is certain that something is. He sort of pauses just a moment, sort of silently checking if Leonardo wants to share what's up now. It's sort of a silent 'are you okay?'  Though at the moment, Leo won't push. He knows that sometimes, especially with meditation, he needs just a little time to meditate on his own before he can even figure out why something is wrong, or different.

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