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Riverside Rescue

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leonardo Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:51 pm

Mikey bursts out laughing.

Partly because of the high, and maybe a bit at his own shift in the tune he is playing to match the Leonardo topple over a Addy being a typical cat and in the act of tracking Leo over the deck and rubbing against him flopped like a ragdoll and took the big blue by surprise -

and he almost caught himself so there was a few jumps in silly notes and then -


And the way Mike tries to duck the cloth, which still lands on him, he grabs and waves like a surrender flag with big eyes at Leo, " Would you believe me if I tried to say that Casey peer pressured us?"

Dana snorts, sort of laughing but also it is a bit of a huffing breath as she yips and wriggles rolling to flop across MikeyMikey's knees, oh it had felt so good!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leon Fri Jan 20, 2023 12:55 pm

Leon sits outside the captain's room door - of course, him, Monroe and now Donno being so close and on their level makes the little ones come rushing over to play - or in Duncans' case climb into Donno's arms for a snuggle immediately!

Little snout nuzzling and chirping in delight considering the answer and curling the bandana tails about his little purple fingers. " Make... DadEo... sad?" not quiet understand it's not a sadness his big turtle is giving off, but anxiety.

Leon is under a pile of Malcolm and Liam being part snuggled, partly wrestled as they vie for space in his arms. He looks over and actually chuckles a little, " Some folks don't get happy from the herb, some get... worried about things. It will pass." he tries to help Donno, though his brother might have a better answer for the kid - and he laughs as Elena and then Liam and Malcolm become more curious by the way Monroes skin reacts to their touch and his color shifts. Annnnd its a great way to hide some sniggering at the Mikes and Leos over there.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by DonnieBoy Fri Jan 20, 2023 2:14 pm

Raphael is happy to give Donnie a basket to hold however he can and loads up cookie ingredients with Sam and Pips half high help, and definitely making sure hidden corners of the ship would have dragonets sparkles until it becomes a coral reef or fire wood one day.

Hah! And there is a light tap to the young dragons snout. " this is supposed to help you turn back to turtle, you should give it a go once cookies are made and cooking!" way louder than entirely necessary and in his voice able to boom it was probably why both omegas jump and go scurrying back up the stairs and both trip over a crawling about the deck looking at shiny snow dirt DonnieBoy.

Donatello tugs Yua closer and watches brushing fingers through her long dark red hair, relaxed his mind observing but not doing it's beehive level of thoughts at once thinking.

And even down on the floor Leonardo is in some space of his high self aware Leo is too tense... Any tenser and he may have to help the younger him...

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:17 pm

Leo can only watch and listen as Addy sort of trips up Leonardo! And Mikey's too fitting sound track is all the more anxiety inducing! He hurries to check on the two!

They seem okay, or at least their high makes them think that they're okay. Leo supposes they'll find out more once this has faded. So he's still finding a way to be worried that they're seriously hurt! What if they broke a bone and just can't tell in this state!

The discussion with Mike is a much needed distraction though, because even if he's mostly a ball of anxiety, Leo is not doing a very good job of holding onto a thought very long. Hopefully this will all start to fade soon! He hopes! He's starting to get a little twitchy.

"No! But I'd believe you pressured him!" Leo can't really imagine Casey as a share the pot with teens guy, even if Leo wouldn't be surprised if the guy did partake himself on the rare occasion.

But the eventual giving in to Raphie and Mike? Well, Leo could definitely see that!


MikeyMikey is laughing at the shenanigans! And sort of shifts the scritching he had been giving Dana to a snuggle. He's feeling a bit too lazy to keep up that sort of thing, and is much more interested in just chilling with her for the moment.

Last edited by Leonardo2003 on Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:25 pm

Donno definitely snuggles the little turtle that crawled up into his arms! Aww... cute, little fella...

He returns the nuzzling, and responds to the chirps with a churr. Leon's response to the question had been pretty good, but he's not sure that Duncan would know what worried is. The little guy is awfully young, and even if he's heard the word, probably doesn't really understand it yet. They really only started getting more language since arriving in the Nexus!

"Worried is sort of like being scared, except there's not a real reason to be scared right now." Definitely making sure the kids know they're safe. That's important. "And I think he avoided the tea too, so hopefully it will start to go away soon, and he'll be more himself again."

He shifted so Duncan can go play with the others, and Donno can't hide that he's rather enjoying watching the kids play with Monroe and the colors the gecko is turning in the process! It's fascinating! And, dare he say it? Beautiful.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:36 pm

There is a slightly dopey grin on Donnie's dragony face! He is almost giddy as he notices the little sparkles that Raphael is leaving behind! They're beautiful! He loves them! And he is probably shedding some of his own little bits of Raphael's sparkly dust that he brought down with him from the upper deck.

Donnie is carrying the basket carefully in his claws. It was rather conveniently shaped fort hat sort of carrying, and it was nice to feel useful! Even if they are just making cookies.

Actually, making cookies seems like the most important thing in the world right now! He'd almost forgotten that the tea he drank is supposed to help him turn back into a turtle!

At least if it hadn't been spiked it should have!

Donnie doesn't seem bothered by the booming voice of Raphael! He had either been expecting something to be said, or is far too high to be bothered, after having been closest to the burning leaves for the longest period of time, as well as downing the spiked tea!

~Oh yeeeaaaahhhh!~ As though he'd forgotten he needs to turn back into a turtle! ~I feel waaaayyyyyy too dragony to be a turtle right now.~ His dragon comes out more when his chi is active. He's not certain enhancing his chi will let him go back to his turtle form!

Though by the time the cookies are baking, hopefully he'll be through that moment. As he starts to come down out of some of the high, focusing will become easier though. And at that point, he should be able to return to his turtle form!

For the moment though, he is very, very much a dragon!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Raphael Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:53 am

Mikey laughs and flops back plucking a few notes like the notes of tense scene changes for Law and Order because Mike had paused and is eyeing Leo with a face that is caught between disbelief and awe!

And the whole - " how did you know!" was that of a guilty person.... or a little brother whose big brother just knows their kind of shenanigans and that of their Casey's too well.

Dana yips happily and licks MikeyMikey's cheek her tail flooding lightly and watching from the snuggle they had the hilarity.

Leonardo found a spot of mould to scratch at and mumbled with a bright smile to Leo that he was fine.

Addy purrs and maaaybe there is a bit of a grunt when she sits up. " Immakaaay Leo..." purry and snuggly!

And if that makes Leo tenser Leonardo is somewhere in the back of his mind aware being pressure pointed might help the guy not work himself into knots. And is prepared even if he still looks happily busy.

And that he is too!

Oooooh Sam and Pip ran off to prepare the cleaned lunch space with Ralphie and Lilos covered foods for cookies as Raphael Lead Donnie back up -

Though first he gets a pic, or three bad bleary ones a decent on and a thumb picture of Donnie's dopey cute face holding the basket of cookie stuffs! " toooooo dragony sounds fun!" not entirely realising at the moment he has fallen into naturally hearing what Donnie is saying and responding so freely! And also...

That did sound fun!

As fun as it was to pause on their way up here and there to spread more shiniest around!!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Doragonkame Wed Jan 25, 2023 11:05 am

Monroe beams under Donno watching him - less so that Leon was too, dazzled by the shifting colors.

Where the kids were not the geeko was the happy high swirls of the lusty pink Donno created in him, the green that matched Donnos scales and his own brief greens and browns between them with ripples of happy yellows.

But as the kids played a funny version of king of the hill, or the Monroe as it were when on or another kiddo climbed up and tried to tickle each other off the guys back spread with whatever color the kid was on top of him. The moonstone blue of Liam, sparkling warm honey of Malcolm and the parrot green of pretty little Elena!

Duncan snuggled and his little hands held Donnos cheeks lightly, chirpy chirps and watches his eyes and face as he explains. Watches in that was that is part Leo's habit of noticing everything and Don's absorbing new information face! Little guy oooohs and thinks on this little fingers moving to plastrons to reach his snout back up and nuzzle again. "Frank's... DadEo no wowwy... Sooon?"

Awwww Leon smiles and winks, " a little while, but yes soon enough he will be himself." and good thing no kiddoes were making sounds to call their parents over or they would have a anxious Leo all over their tails!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Wed Jan 25, 2023 5:57 pm

MikeyMikey is contentedly enjoying the shenanigans, and the over-tense Leo from his snuggle spot! It's comfy here. He could stay right here allllll day!

Normally Leo would be amused by this response from Mike! Of course Leo knew! He knew his brothers! And he knew Casey pretty well. Casey might share a beer with Raph or Mike on occasion, but only one, and Leo wasn't entirely convinced that the ones that he actually shared with Mike were 'real.' Especially now that he was living with April.

There's an obvious twitch when Mikey plays the Law and order chords!

"How could I not?" Leo demanded!

Addy's purr and snuggle probably would have helped if it hadn't been for that grunt! Leo is concerned by that, and distraught as he looks for whatever might have caused her to make that sound! The fact that she said she's okay is not dissuading him from his search!

Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to pressure point him and get this horrible high over with!


Below decks, Donnie has forgotten that the others can't usually hear him. So the fact that Raphael responded doesn't surprise or thrill him the way he normally would be right now. He nod nod nods at the comment that being too dragony would be fun! It is! Though it was likely the nodding that at least contributed to the blurry photos.

"I can fly!" Though at the moment, he is much more likely to fall than fly. Between having been soooo close to the smoke from the leaves and trying the tea, the young dragon is going to be pretty high for awhile yet!

He doesn't seem concerned about this.

As they get back up on deck, Donnie is once again distracted by teh shiny dust that Raphael has created! He pauses to watch it! Considering rolling in it agaon.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:07 pm

Monroe's coloring was amazing! And Donno has to sort of peel his attention from watching the game the kids were playing on Monroe's back, and the way said game made the gecko's coloring shift so very impressively!

But Duncan is still talking to him, and Donno does manage to focus on the child.

He catches that look on the child's face. Oh... this one is going to be incredible. With the Donatello curiosity, and the Leo way of focusing and looking into your soul like that...? That has got to be a potent combination! He rather hopes they stay in contact with the other groups somehow so he can see what these guys are like when they're older!

Donno returns the nuzzle, reassuring the little one.

"Exactly. What Leon said. You don't need to worry about DadLeo. Why don't you go play with your brothers, and we'll let you know when he's feeling more himself." It's encouragement that it will be alright, not a demand that Duncan go be elsewhere. Donno is just as content to hold the little guy if he doens't want to play just yet.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leonardo Mon Jan 30, 2023 4:57 pm

Dana makes a happy sound, licking MikeyMikeys check her tail floofing him lightly. " We neeeds to do this again sometime."

Suuuurrrre she is concerned for Leo, poor guy looks so tense he might pop out of his shell at any moment! But still this was nice! Just chilling! And Mike's gasp got her giggling a bit!

Mike goes eye wide and gasp - Mikey backed appropriate oh my god theme music as he points. " I knew it - you are a Jedi!" yep totally sure of that!

Addy purrs and Leonardo rolls to his feet and comes over to them, part of his need to clean and part he felt some tension rising and it's not his! - he bumps against his counterpart lightly, "I think I might have jabbed her with a big toe, sorry about that mmmm and I feeeel bad your so tense lil bro..." twitch of fingers cause he is eager to get to his drive to clean! But also here to help his counterpart chill a bit -

Addy doesn't realise what Leonardo is doing and probably wouldn't have minded because she is legitimately trying to help Leo, purring and snuggling and trying to catch those worried searching hands and show him where the bump was, the forming bruise. And see it was a good one but she was okay - she didn't at first notice what the much larger turtle was up to in the middle of "mm it's okay, I' okay..." then she feels the touch -

Who goes down first doesn't matter - and he had anticipated it would be Addy as he suspected a tense Leo would see him coming, but hopefully high and distracted by Mike and Mikey and choosing a point along his counterparts shoulders at the back not along the collar bone at front hopefully it was enough to catch the guy enough off guard to release that tension!- to his pressure points Leonardo catches them both and will gently, sooo gently drag them away from the noise away from kiddoes, to a spot out away from the crowd and Mikey's music and where the beginning scents of cookings baking in a fire pot would spread and lay them close so Addy was putting and snuggled close and ooooh he hopes it helps his counterpart a bit... " sorry Leo..." as bright and cheerful as it is said he does mean having to do that to chill his fellow Leo out!

Hah! Raphie grins at the young dragon and will drag him back up to the top deck to make dem gloriously sugary sweet and a little oaty cause that is what he could find to fill out a cookie dough cookies! And like a happily flamboyant nake chef Raphie gets stuck into it! With a playful, "you and Bebe should both show us how well you flyyyyy!"

Bebe is not really capable right now, beaming when they return and rolling in the sparkling glittery ice crystallized dust bunnies!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leon Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:23 pm

Duncan smiles and rests his head on Donno's shoulder after nuzzling his little tail flopping happily. " oootaaaay bun this den pway!" he says stoutly hugging his little heart out, reassured.

Leon grins and nawwws and elbows his brother. " you know we will be very very glad to have your device for travel when home again as we will have to be the uncles to these guys." he muses as Duncan let's himself wriggle down and hurry over to tell his pausing in their game and watching and making a happy Monroe become all their colors where they touched or rested on him, and listened as intently as little ones could to Duncan's very Donnie like attempt to explain.

" all Dems ooookay buuuut leaf ummm sad so pway and they gets better!" there was a round of oooooh and ahhhhhh and then with Duncan a yaaaaay! Of excited little guys and one lil gal!

"mmmm close enough." Leon laughs.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:43 pm

"Like, Definitely, Dudette."

MikeyMikey is maybe short a few inhibitions, because he returns the lick to the cheek. Though his might not be quite as cute as Dana's. He doesn't seem to mind the fur in his mouth now. He's busy chuckling at Mike anyway.


The soundtrack is not helping! Though there's not really much at this point that would help with the tension Leo's feeling. At least he's not sure what would be helpful. But Mike is at least a distraction.

"No, I'm not, I just--" And he's distracted from the conversation with Mike. It's not difficult, but the tripping and falling of Leonardo and Addy is definitely enough!

So at least Leo's attention is on them instead of the inside of his own head.

There's a bit of a grunt when Leonardo says he's sorry that Leo is so tense. There's not really anything that Leo can think of to stop it, so he's just struggling with it as best he can. And at the moment, that means checking Addy for broken bones and taking a look at the bruise to be sure that's all it was.

He does see Leonardo coming, and Leonardo a brief thought of fighting back against the touch. A half attempt at stopping it.

But the attempt is aborted before it's really begun. Leo wants to calm down. He needs help! And he did hear that apology, and is sort of hoping against hope that this older turtle has an solution! Something, anything to make this high tension go away! At least for a little while.

So Leo doesn't fight against the touch to his spot. He doesn't quite welcome it, but there's a sort of acceptance there as Leo goes down. Leo's not quite churry purry as he has been in the past, but he is noodley and at least much more relaxed than a moment ago.


Donnie wriggles his way through the glitter snow on his way to help Raphael with the cookies. Picking up a little more of it on his scales as he does so! Then he deposits his basket on the counter for Raphael to use.

There's a too big grin at Raphael's suggestion of showing them how well he can fly!

~Okay, watch this!~

Donnie does just as Raphael asked!

And falls overboard, wiggly tail over the edge!


Donnie hits the water with a SPLASH! It's not a full speed fall as he can fly, he is just impaired at the moment.

He is a water type dragon. So he probably won't drown. Probably.

Last edited by Leonardo2003 on Wed Feb 01, 2023 8:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Tue Jan 31, 2023 5:02 pm

Donno returns those little snuggles as long as Duncan needs. He nawwwws softly as Duncan hurries off to tell his brothers what he's learned.

There's a bit of an absent nod at Leon's words. He's absolutely right. And Donno does have a soft spot for kids. He's definitely going to want to see these little guys more!

"I'll get it working again." Donno's portal generators do have a nasty tendency to overheat. The tech he has access to is just not quite up to the challenge of what he's trying to do. Hopefully after a trip or two, one of the other Donatellos can help get him some more robust parts that can handle the power draw needed to sustain the portals.

Oh, they're so cute as they're playing!

There's a pause though, as Donno hears something he's pretty sure is out of place for a ship full of stoned people.

"Did you just hear a splash?"

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Fri Feb 03, 2023 10:10 am

Addy puuuuuurrrrrr loudly - this is the cat comfort love language! Leonardo is careful as he lays them down, its out of the main way, Leo is neck supported and the big guy is careful where he places her, tucked in, head on Leo's shoulder so the full effect of her purrs was all on the once tense but now down guy and the big guy resumes the check Leo had - slow and careful and absolutely gentlemanly, no accidentally touchings.

She is content with this - high and all they are moving, slowly, Leo is on forced relaxation, or as much as he can be in this state, there is cookies baking by the scents and the ship will be very clean by Leonardo's delighted glance about once he completes Leo's worried searching around the bruise. She purrs and licks Leo's cheek and her fingers make the cat biscuits against his plastrons where Leonardo had tucked her so she couldn't accidentally scratch him anywhere she can draw blood.

To say she is a content kitty at this point would be an understatement, ear if her ear turns to listen to that splash.
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donimoy Fri Feb 03, 2023 1:11 pm

Donatello is soooo helpful - or he thinks so... He hears the splash and figures Mikey has things in his pockets....

So he uses a move that usually one would falling back on their shell using the momentum to toss an enemy over themselves and rolling to stand up. But Donatello only used the kick and launching over - there is a startled ukulele note, the instrument topples to the deck and Mikey goes flying -

There is a second splash!


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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leon Fri Feb 03, 2023 2:41 pm

Leon grins, "awesome! If not just you nerds can nerd out and the hot heads can drive each other crazy.... Buuuut be awesome to watch those little fellows grow...." and he had all the faith Donno would get his device going again.

He always did!

And hah! The way Monroe just happily watches them, well Donno, and let's kids play their king of the rainbow hillock on him or around him!

Splash and....

Another. " yoooou heard alright, wanna see what's up? I'll watch the mob." and amused Leo and Addy were tucked together a little ways off.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Mike Fri Feb 03, 2023 2:53 pm

Mike was not spared, he was just about to float he was not pressure pointed when a shadow fell over him, he felt two touches, pressure point and spot annnnnd....

He slumps and churrs tail wagging as he is moved to Dana and MikeyMikey so they can use him to lean on!

And he couldn't find it in him to complain....

Chuuurrrrr - oh what happened to the music?.... Nah this is alright yeeeep allll goooood!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Mikey Fri Feb 03, 2023 3:16 pm

Strummmm -

"whaaa - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! keep splash! Not really knowing what he grabbed from his pockets - two shark inflatables -

You know what he doesnt know why they are there or why their already blown up - by yeaaaaah! He lounges on his and holds the other one out to the dragonet and haha!

Donno may have to toss a rope down or get Bebe to fly it down to tug them along!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Raphael Fri Feb 03, 2023 5:17 pm

" that was magnificent!!" he calls after the dragonets first slightly burnt on bottom several large fire oven cooked cookies out! And more ready to go in!

Bebe finally moves to edge of the boat, lucky they going slllooooow cause those on floaties just drifted with them! She waves down to Mikey and Donnie!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Fri Feb 03, 2023 6:36 pm

If it's possible for blissful relaxation to look tense, Leo is managing it. Though he is definitely off that absurdly high alert state that he had been in. This is much better.

Leonardo does have a bit of an observer as he settles Leo and Addy on the deck and checks Addy for injuries.

Leo might not be fully relaxed as he would normally be, but he is floppy, and relaxed enough that he's not going anywhere! Content to lie here with Addy until this wears off.

He did hear a pair of splashes, but he's in no fit state to do anything about them.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by MikeyMikey Fri Feb 03, 2023 6:40 pm

MikeyMikey is perfectly content to curls up against Mike with Dana. Not a single qualm about that. And pointing out cloud shapes in the sky! He could happily spend a nice, long high like this! And those cookies are certainly smelling good! Even if some seem to be a touch burned.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Fri Feb 03, 2023 6:47 pm

"Yeah, it would be." Donno does like kids.

Donno could only sigh as Leon confirmed that there had definitely been a splash. He nodded and went out to the deck to see what was going on.

It didn't seem to be thaaaat disastrous. He did a quick head count, and everyone seemed to be accounted for. If you included Donnie and Mikey who were definitely down in the water. And was Raphael encouraging them?!

He goes about looking for an appropriate rope that should work well for getting Mikey and Donnie out of the water, if either of them are too high to climb back out on their own. And he has his doubts about both of them. There's plenty of rope about, but he's looking for a different weight rope than much of this seems to be.

When he finally finds some, he ties off one end and throws the other down to the pair floats in the water.

Last edited by Donno on Sat Feb 04, 2023 2:26 am; edited 1 time in total

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Fri Feb 03, 2023 6:54 pm

Donnie barely registers the compliment as he plummets toward the river! He splashes loudly and does quickly come back up! He's okay.

He is peering at Mikey as he also tumbles down! Then grins as the floaties come out! And Donnie climbs on board the second shark with minimal difficulty! He waves back up at Raphael happily before lazing on his floaty. He doesn't seem much bothered that the ship is still moving a bit faster than they are.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leon Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:45 pm

Mikey just grinsa t the dragonet, " Duuuuuuuuuuuuuue we should tell that Donno to come dooown." he tells his floaty friend waving up at Donno and ... what was the rope for? they were coming!

but high and loooopy he figures there was a good reason for the rope so he padles clumsily and grabs the end a struggle to get the end through the hoop in the mouth of his shark and paddle paddle splashing Donnie a bit to get to the mouth of his shark and .... forgetting how to knot... the rope he pulls off his bandana to tie it up - their being dragged along with the ship!

" wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Raphael is making a mess that makes Leonardo twitchy!

Leon is glancing about the piles of their crew members and calls over to Donno. " You think if we tell folks to sleep it off they will?" or was there another way to make sure everyone just chilled so he and Donno didn't have to take eyes of the playing babies?

There was a glance at the twitching Leonardo -

Addy purred and made her lazy biccies against Leo's plastron, he was soooo both so chillaxed but not at the same time! but she hopes this was helping a bit!

Raphael had made a bit of a cookie dough floury mess and cookie pile! so as he moves about handing out cookies Leonardo is getting the cleaning going!

Dana giggles at MikeyMikey and at least as they relax here helps him, at first encouraging him to open his mouth so she can get the furr she can see out! - especially importan when cookies come their way!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Sat Feb 11, 2023 5:18 pm

"Why don't you guys come back up instead?" Donno called down to Mikey and Donnie in the water.

~Because it's fun down here. And the water's nice.~ Donno didn't understand individual words, but he got the gist of it.

And Mikey did seem to at least be tying them back up to the boat.

...sort of.

It was good enough for now, and Donnie and Mikey were accounted for and coming along the river with them which was the important thing at the moment.

Donno considered Leon's question. Addy and Leo already seemed to be well on their way to going about sleeping this high off. Or at least mostly lazing for the moment. Though Donno's not sure he's ever seem someone lazing about also managing to look tense. He's pretty sure only some of the Leonardos could pull it off. And Leo did seem to be doing just that at the moment.

And the Mikes would probably rest if asked, and the Donatellos seemed to be at least quietly entertained at the moment.

"I'm betting those two won't." He points a thumb toward Raphael, still baking cookies, that actually smell pretty good, and Leonardo who seems to be itching to clean. Not as twitchy as Leo had been, but definitely not enjoying the mess that Raphael seemed to be making.

Though maybe once Raphael had handed out cookies, he would settle for a bit too. Donno accepted the cookie, but he doesn't eat it until he's sure it isn't tainted like the tea was. And he certainly wouldn't put it past Raphael to sneak some weed into the cookies too.

"Thanks these smell good." Then he called down to the pair in the water. "There are cookies up here when you guys are ready to come back." Maybe that would encourage them to come back up. Though it has occurred to him that in their current states, they might need a little bit of help to do so. If they have trouble, he'll rig up something.

MikeyMikey did open up his mouth for the help from Dana, and he also accepted the cookie when they were brought around.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leon Mon Feb 13, 2023 2:01 pm

Mikey waves about coming up, to be honest he is not sure he can! But oh cookies sound amazing to try to get up there for! He flops his head around to look at Donnie. " what you reckon skinny? We climb up and see what the fuss is about?" leaving that up to the lounging on sharkie dragonet -

Bebe had flopped to the edge and was looking down at them, a glittering fairy girl watching them and looking like she was tetering but wasn't..
. And he grins. [color:059a=ff6600]" I have hair chalk, a variety of fire crackers...." unawares that might spark any brief mentions of other rocks that might react differently to fire."[/color] but anything to motivate his floatie buddy back on board? He thumbs up to Donno.

Leon hums eyeing the lazy ones around them, and the Raphael who was eagerly and flamboyantly sharing cookies - but the moment he turns back towards his table - a just cleaned it Leonardo appears out of no where and takes him down!

There had been a brief moment of almost a dance trying to avoid the fingers of his older brother but they happened! Noooooooo he growls and tail flip flops - quiet the juxtaposition.

But this feels like a false sense of ... Calm like the real crazy will break out any moment...

And yet Leo somehow is still upstaging the weird of Raphael's relaxed growl state by looking like he should be in heaven, all limp and the soft weight of the biggest soft furred cat on his plastrons purring and kneading at plastrons with making biscuits paws... And yet the guy looks tense still....

Yep Donno was right Raphael is definitely not going down long, maybe the cookies will entice the others back on board?

Kids were safe with Monroe at least the guy was happy to amuse them, play lazy wrestles or chase around the spot in front of the captains cabin with them.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Mon Feb 13, 2023 6:33 pm

When Mike first offers Donnie the option of climbing back up onto the ship, the scrawny little dragon doesn't seem the least bit interested. This changes entirely at the mention of--

~Fire crackers?!~

At this, he scoops up Mikey and the floatie he's on, dragging the other one with them too! Soaking wet, and quite intoxicated dragon does actually manage the flight up! It's not exactly pretty, but it is effective!

Donno is forced to sort of dive out of the way of the overeager dragonet and his cargo. Donnie hasn't actually managed to get back up yet after depositing Mikey and the floaties on the deck, but he's wriggling like he's going to momentarily. Everything is quite tangled up in the ropes. 

"What did you say to him...?"

Even with Mikey and Donnie back on the boat, and everyone looking, at least for the moment, like they were pretty settled, Donno feels like this is only the beginning. He bites on his lower lip and glaces to Leon.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:48 am

Leon shivered - the sounds coming from Raphael reached into an old instinctual part of the turtle conciousness, the rumbled sort of hisssssssss that told the turtle within to hide!

And Leonardo was no better responding to his brothers hiss with his own, it rumbled and had an edge to it -

But the big blue was cleaning so for the moment it seemed... under control but definitely, a powder keg that could go off if BigRed regains his sensed enough to do so.

And the dragonet!

The less then elegant return to the deck certainly had the ridiculously cute dragon turtle, Mikey first dangling awkwardly now sprawled and making a happy sound being reunited with his instrument - two shark inflatables and rope tangling all of them together - " Alright kiddies..." he nods at Donno, he will be there in a moment to help his brother detangle the group and try to keep the rest... calm cause heck yeah he can feel that this was gonna get a little more crazy.

He was still a Leo after all if a pudgy more fun-loving one.

" Ralphie! we may need a hand." oh so hoping that brother and maybe his monkey wasn't high as kites too.

turning back his attention from the shared glance with Donno. " I'm gonna help over here, but that means you five and Monroe have to play and stay in the captain's room." ooooh forgive him Addy if they make a right old mess... he is carefully shooing them and their colorful playmate slash nanny into the room.

Mikey grins lazily at Donno and wriggles about. " I said cookies and something about sparklies..." not exactly and he is wriggling out of his belt, just to slide down into the pocket to throw stuff out.

Addy could hear all this, also feel Leo was still tense. Or more of see it as she begins to muscle some control over her noodle self and licks his cheek. Purring.
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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Thu Feb 16, 2023 6:28 pm

Donno definitely looked concerned at that sound from Raphael! Though he's a bit farther away from what's going on over there, so he manages not to tuck inside his own shell at that noise.

And he had sort of been diving out of Donnie's and Mikey's way at the time.

Leo also looked like there had at least been an attempt at responding to the sound, but he's still in that sort of weird tense jelly bones state, so the sort of growled churr is really too content to be truly threatening.

Donno looks over at Leon telling the kids to go into the cabon with Monroe.

"Is that... really a good idea...?" He almost hates to question, because Donno definitely doesn't have a batter one.

Monroe seems to be doing pretty well with the kiddoes up to now, but the fact remains that he is almost as high as the others. Out here they can see the kids with Monroe so Donno and Leon could at least stop bad ideas should they arise, but Donno definitely doesn't like how this situation is shaping up, and getting the kids into the cabin definitely seems the best option.

Donno and Leon are definitely needed out here right now though so they can't go, and the kids seem content with Monroe. It's not ideal, but it seems to be the best idea they have.

He doesn't question it farther. Instead, Donno moves to help untangle Donnie and Mikey.

Donnie is not helping matters!

~You said firecrackers!~

Unfortunately, Donno can't quite understand Donnie's thought speech. He just knows that the young dragon is so very excited about something. Happy wiggly tail is more than undoing every attempt Donno makes to untangle the pair.

"Could you hold still for two seconds?"

~One... Two...~ Tail wriggles once more! He should be more chill than this at the moment, but there has been talk of fire crackers! Which are definitely one of his favorite things.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Doragonkame Thu Feb 23, 2023 3:45 pm

Leon has scurried away as Raphael's fingers twitch and his feet move. It anyone saw he will claim its just to help out Donno untangle a dragon and a - belt?

cause Mikey the worm laughed and yelled happily out loud about getting them! and then slipping his belt down by some - in Leon's opinion rather provocative wriggling about to slip out of the rops and the belt and then oooooze down into the belt!

And odd items - yep more unusual than the two floaties Leon just unplugged the - liiiik a few tightie whities that are not so whitie... poncho, and why the heck is there sparklers? what? and he misses that an entire box of various fireworks, but indeed firecrackers came soaring out at the dragonet, who was definitely making it hard for Leon and Donno to untangle him!

Leon mostly missing because he had glanced back at the cabin and siiiighed, " it's a baaaad idea to be honest but I want to at least keep kiddoes in a place and their playing happily on and with Monroe for now so hopefully even high he will keep them safe in there..." and well he was not trusting the almost alligator like rumbles coming from Raphael or Leonardo. Annnnd he glances up in time to see Ralphie and Lilo faces he waves up at them... only now realising they might both be a little high from whatever fumes wafter their way.

And now Addy is looking a little tense, her biscuit-making slowed, she is still purring but sort of rest her paws on Leo and an ear listening to the two massive turtles sounds.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Sat Feb 25, 2023 7:37 pm

Donno is grumbling as he tries in vain to free the dragonet. There is a bit of an assist from Leon thankfully! And even better, Donno paused his movement for a moment as Mikey managed to slip out of the bindings!

Donno didn't miss the sort of wriggle Mikey had done to accomplish that. And... apparently neither did Donnie, who was now trying (and failing) to replicate the way Mikey had escaped.

There is a moment, where Donno thought that the knot might all come out if he could just-- but Donnie say the box of fireworks fly out of the pockets and eagerly wriggled over to it!

Donno frowns at Leon's words. He can't really disagree. It does sound like a terrible idea, but at the same time, it seems to be the only one they have. Hopefully it won't have to last for long!

Leo is finding it in him to sit up and at least pay attention to the two larger turtles. Not that he's certain he could stop them if they really wanted to get into it, but... at least sitting up and paying attention!

Donnie is distracted enough by the trunk of fireworks that he is finally still long enough for Donno and Leon to free him!

Leo had been watchnig Raphael and Leonardo, but there's something in the distance...

"Is that Erica...?"

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Mon Feb 27, 2023 6:56 am

Addy slid more than sat when Leo moved, purring involuntarily this time, mostly because the move made her stretch a little as she slid and there was a nice renewal of Leo's particular scent as his face mushed briefly against plastron, then she sort of lazily looking in that direction, but at least looking and somewhat in control of herself.

A squint of her eyes, the predator's eyes, and her ears twitch away from the larger turtles upwards, and a slight stiffening above her tail around her hips as she both confirms, " yep that's Erica... and what's in that box." she'd recognize that particular flash of white anywhere! oh dear, what mischief was about to break over her deck?
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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donimoy Mon Feb 27, 2023 7:38 am

Donatello sat up... or up straighter and sloooowly pulling together his scattered observing thoughts to watch his brothers, especially as a Yua scurried to the cabin to be with the kids and Monroe as his brother's alligator-like growls and hissing and rumblings grew louder - there was definitely the threat of the two erupting into some sort of violence.

And he is ready to prod them both with his staff - or soooo he thinks, he might be a bit slow to catch either in this state.

Still there is a pause as Raphael is struggling to his feet trying to over come the feel goods from spot strokies to get back at Leonardo and they both look to Leo first - then turn, oddly both spin at the same time and it's then whilst Leonardo lifts a hand to squint against the light to see the white speck Raphael will reach over and send the big brother to the ground in a twitching half growly have churry puddle of turtle gooo...

hahaha Donatello can't help giggling.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Mike Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:44 am

Mike had mostly been happily lying about and imaging the grains of the wood were waves - waves their boat was sailing on -

But he heard a name - he rolls and giggles, " Ooooh yeah thats her! I haven't seen her forevers!" happily - their Raphie back and Erica!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Mikey Mon Feb 27, 2023 12:06 pm

Mikey is climbing out of his pocket and shoving the rope and floaties and all - and Leon accidentally, back in.

There is also the risk of Donno falling in but he will probably catch on and get out of the way quick enough to avoid it.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Mon Feb 27, 2023 4:02 pm

Oh, there's a lot going on on deck at the moment. Normally, Donno would have noticed the Mikey about to shove him in the pockets after Leon, but just as he should have been stepping clear of Mikey's throw zone, Donno is distracted by the big guys, and dragged into considering what might have to happen to stop them from really battling on the ship if were to come to that!

So yup, Mikey tosses him in the pockets too.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Mon Feb 27, 2023 4:14 pm

Oh good, Erica is with the last group!

But Leo is distracted by the big guys and what they are doing. Though it seemed he hadn't really needed to worry. And he can't help but be amused and a little glad that Raphael managed to pleasure point Leonardo. Guy deserved it after getting so many of the rest of them!

Addy's question prompts Leo to take a closer look at what Donnie is doing.

"He only looks at two things like that. New tech and explosives. Considering where we are? I'm guessing explosives."

That will not end well on the ship.

And he hears Mike. it has been awhile since Mike saw Erica. He does feel bad for his brother, even if he does want to sort of discourage any baby making. Still, that seems unlikely given the immediate circumstances.

"Donnie, why don't you take that crate and Mike and go help Raphie?"

Even if Mike is still a bit jelly bones, Leo knows his brother will probably manage to snap out of it quickly enough, and Mike has a pretty good chance of fighting fairly well while high.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Mon Feb 27, 2023 4:29 pm

Donnie perks up even more and looks at Leo when Raphie is mentioned!

~Raphie?!~ Donnie has missed his particularly protective brother! This is the only encouragement that Donnie needs to do exactly what Leo suggested! Showing off the firecrackers with Raphie there, would be perfect!

Leo had told him to get Mike, and Donnie's not entirely certain why. Not that he minds though. But he's not yet thinking clearly even if he did know why Leo had said to do that. Whatever.

Donnie snatches up the NEAREST "Mike" who happens not to be his own brother, but Mikey.

Donno and Leon are probably just beginning to try and negotiate their way OUT of Mikey's POCKET when the dragonet snatches up Mikey and his belt and tosses the (wrong) orange wearing turtle onto his back, then grabs the crate of fire crackers and takes off!

Heading to Raphie!


Well... that wasn't what he meant, but... oh well.

Leo also realizes at this point that maaayyyybe this wasn't such a good idea...

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by BigM Wed Mar 01, 2023 12:32 pm

Sooooooooooo he is as shocked as the troll - who is shocked for ten seconds then knocked out cold after a happy gleeful shouting - " Whoa! - weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!"

And wriggling - dropping briefly tucking into his shell and dropping onto the trolls head with a loud 'bock!' sound!

The shell of Mikey rolls away leaving a stunned BigM and knocked out Troll...

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Raph Thu Mar 02, 2023 4:49 pm

Raph had started to respond saying something about this guy on another planet, but BigM had been hit by the troll, and Raph was starting to change direction to make his way to that part of the battle!

Except his attempt to get to BigM had been interrupted by--

"MIKEY!" Oh boy is he glad to see his brother! And HAHAHAHAAA! At least the troll is down! Raph has to duck as Donnie flies over him, plowing straight through the throng that Raph had been fighting at speed! The smallish crate in his arms made a pretty effective battering ram, and Raph smelled a sort of weird smoke. Like the small dragon was trying (and failing) to breathe fire, maybe?


Then through a good chunk of the throng Raphie had been fighting!

Yup, that definitely looks like Raphie's problem. Raph hurries to Mikey to check on him, and keep any stragglers off him!

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by DonnieBoy Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:03 am

Leon at first didn't know what happened, and now was in a bundle of ropes and floaties with -

"ack! Oh hi Donno... I diiiid call out to Ralphie hopefully he'll be on deck in a moment..." though he had caught out of the corner of his eye Leo actually sitting up as Leonardo went down so maybe the kids were not entirely unsupervised.

And he is looking about the room that looks like a weird mix of arcade and lounge and frat boy house. "sooo this is what the inside of a magic pocket looks like."


DonnieBoy was sketching away on his notepad!

Addy at first stiffened a tLeo's answer, then sort of relaxed and purred... a little at least - no longer worried about the big guys, a looking pleased with himself Raphael was at first hahaing over the down Leonardo and patting his brothers shell. Then there is a bit of a huff and grunt through the churrs of big blue when big red flops over his prone form, and Addy is very amused, there is even two big tails waggling away!

But a shout from somewhere of Mikey made bigRed and Blue tails pause and glance over - BigRed peeling himself off his brother and coming closer to Leo and Addy to glance that way and beaming a big goofy grin - " It is a Mikey!" well he can make out the shape of the BigM! and he is thrilled as a still somewhat high cookie smelling big guy could be! his last brother!

Addy nuzzles Leo's shoulder when the young dragon, his fireworks, and a Mikey went zooming away - Mike scrambled to his feet and raced up beside Raphael. " Heeeeey this Mike!" - " ... at least we have reached... the others." relieved about that at the very least. Glancing over when a Raphael decided the best way to help a Mike get to his brother and the pretty white thing up in the air was to toss him over board.

ACK! and Mike is perhaps a tiny bit sobered up by the cold water! " Thanks!" doggy paddling away towards the shore -


Where a Raphie is stunned for a moment staring at Donnie, okay he sort of expected the Dragonet Donnie but still seeing it is something else! " Donnie!" cheerfully and opening arms - yep he might regret that considering DragonetDonnie size! but oh well and the kid did for the moment scatter the main throng of enemies for the moment! so a flattening and some bro love was more than well timed!

and hahaha he can't help but laugh as the troll collasped - Mikey shell rolling about but the rest of him popping out and ta daing! " Raphiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee!" he cheers rushing to tackl glomp his Raph shoving a couple of eager fighters out of his way, dodging a third with in a move that was definitely a pirouette and throwing himself on Raph! And at least there was some heat in Donnie's attempts to set fire to fire works, a sparkler is at least smooooking a little... might even catch if breathed on again!

BigM pooookes the troll.


In the bushes Lee listens and keeps kids quiet and nuzzling the two ready to fight if anyone figures out where they went...

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donno Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:58 am

The 'ack' was probably Donno landing on top of Leon as he tumbled into the pocket. He greeted Leon with a noise more like an annoyed grunt than anything else. Not annoyed with Leon, but rather with the whole being tossed into a pocket thing.

"Uh huh..." Donno does not sound convinced that Ralphie will hurry down to the deck to keep an eye on the kids. "I'm sure it's fine..." Probably. Surely Ralphie won't take toooo long, especially since he probably saw Leon and Donno get pocketed. And surely someone will be at least semi-stable brained.

He's already climbing back up to try and get out of the pocket when Leon makes his comment about the inside of the pockets!

"At least the inside of a Mikey pocket. I'm sort of curious about the others now."

Donno peeks out of the pocket juuuuust enough to see that they're flying up and over the river!

"Iiii.... think we'd best wait a minute..."

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:58 am

Leo is nervous as Donnie flies away with Mikey! Sure, not what he meant, but it's probably fine. Still, it does seem to be a bit of a fight over there where Raphie is, and well... Donnie doesn't remember most of the fights he's been in! That probably wasn't good to send him off like that!

And Leo is actually on his feet when Mike is tossed overboard! Addy isn't necessarily tossed down, but it's not as smooth and gentle as he would normally be if he weren't still affected by the herbal smoke.

But Mike is up and paddling, and Leo can breathe again. Sort of. He's still the only one of his brothers over here on the ship, so he has mostly gotten over the pleasure pointing by now, and is back to anxiety. Though he is managing it a bit better than he had been earlier. Especially since the best course of action right now is to wait here and keep an eye on the ship, their friends and the kids... wherever they are now... Better go find them... and make sure Addy is okay after he sort of dropped her.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Raph Sun Mar 05, 2023 6:07 am

Raph growls as Mikey tackleglomps him! This is a familiar sound. It's the one that sounds annoyed, but the way that Raph is holding onto Mikey as they go down is more than enough to show that it's all fake. Raph had missed his brother, and is so very, very glad to have him back!

Raph will never admit that there was definitely a hug there at the end of the tackle. One that went on longer than he would usually ever allow. But when the moment is over, he shoves Mikey off of him to see what's left of the fight they'd been in!

There was a different smokey smell on his brother than the one he had noticed earlier.

"Have you been smoking weed?" Or whatever passes for it in the Nexus.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Donnie Sun Mar 05, 2023 6:16 am

Donnie is oblivious to Mike calling after him, or that he had grabbed up the wrong Mike. He might have noticed if he weren't high.

Oh, there will definitely be regrets. Because DragonetDonnie does not yet have an innate understanding that he's bigger than his brothers like this. He is also still under the influence of the smoke and tea. The dragon hide is at least a bit softer than turtle shell, so Raphie does at least have that going for him.

Raphie is flattened and snuggled by an overeager dragonet!

Who does notice the sparkler after a moment!

~Ooooohhh! Raphie! Look!~

And Donnie tries again to light the sparkler! A small, legitimate puff of flame this time! Which makes Donnie squeak in delight! He pulls a Roman Candle next! And lights it!

Throng members will definitely be pointed at! Allies might want to be aware that this is happening.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Adalind Schade Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:38 am

As a cat Addy sort of slinkies to the floor for a moment, a bit shocked and all but not hurt, and she blinks eyeing a snoozing lump of Dana and MikeyMikey, not entirely sure he is truly asleep or just watching things with a lazy fox on his lap but…

Addy purrs and stretches pulling herself up straight. As Leo is back, she will nuzzle him, and probably be cuddly but she is aware he is still tense and more tense as the feel good moment rolls away. ”Kids are in my cabin Wanna come check then go join your brothers?” she knows he is worried so a head count to assure him those left on deck are all still here and then maybe a moment to sober up some more with a swim and his brothers back in his arms will help him feel a little better? Well she hoped - heading slowly towards her cabin door the long way so her tense sweet mother henny turtle will see Leonardo is where they left him cherry and puffy and a lean post for a Donatello and a busy scribbling away DonnieBoy and that MikeyMikey and Dana had not moved much, there was Yua and Inala come to the cabin door still both relaxed but sobering and a squished but happy multicoloured Monroe all three watching children play climb all over head bed.

Above was brief shadows of what she assumes are Lilo and Ralphie hurrying down to be presentable to join them. Sam and Pip were at least lowering the skip boat slowly and awkwardly but doing so to get those on shore. And a Raphael was looking pleased with himself and waiting by the railing where he had tossed in Mike and held cookies. Ready to share…

That was everyone on board… she was sure… so hopefully it would comfort Leo a bit to know.
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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leon Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:19 am

A grunted agreement of a ack sound but also a chuckle at Donno’s annoyed sort of one, just cause it was a shared sort of feeling in the moment.

It’s like a circular vase bottom shape of a room with this main one being food and drinks plus spare nunchucks scattered about a skateboard and a basket samurai hat filled with funny decorative eggs… as far as Leon could make out then a few arch doorways one with a dressing room curtain hung across but half parted so they could see the tumbled piles of costumes and random human clothing Mikey collected the next arch had a bed and third was a hodge lodge or comics and toys.

The stair way leading out was stone and railing annnnd Leon fully trusted Donno’s face and the news it was best to wait.

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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Erica Martins Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:57 pm

Mikey churrs obnoxiously loudly in response to that growl - indeed used to his brothers tough love language he is well aware as they go dooown that Raph missed him, missed DonnieBoy too, and that this was happy growls - so there is  Mikey wagging his backside eagerly in the air thanks to tail going crazy and much hugging for Raph.

And confusion on the attackers as the first got a face full of Mikey waggy tail fart and the rest wised up and hung back looking for an opening past the buttocks and dangerous stank cloud that tail made -

Mikey hasn't noticed! too busy nuzzling and cuddling and nodding in a happy exaggerated (hiiigh) way. " mmmm hmmm and duuude I don't know what kush the Nexus people grow but... its good kush." giggling a bit, genuinely happy.

And thankfully any further attempt at an attack was flattened - along with Raphie by an eager dragonet!

" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! .... love ya.... too!" so much regreeeet! but also there was a delight having been squished and he tried to soothe the eager giant puppy dragon Donnie with head cuddles and head rubs - even if winded! and he sits up a bit when Donnie's attention is dragged to something else - he huhs? " Waah? uh hey, cool sparkler... wait your not using that to set the rest off?" sort of too late he is sure and it is pretty much a done deal his fire bug now dragonet turtley lil bro! oh dear and if Donnie gets the others going...

but might work in their favor considering the attackers were rallying.

BigM was still keeping them at bay after a bit of a gap opened up thanks to Donnie hugs and Mikey fart...

Bebe toppled over the edge of the boat with Mike - she's fine and fluttering about - just following the doggy paddling turtle after Donnie's general direction.

Erica can see from above and is smiling, but also looking about for Lee - not sure where he went... whilst also more rocks to drop on their enemies.
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Riverside Rescue - Page 6 Empty Re: Riverside Rescue

Post by Leo Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:22 pm

"Yeah... that sounds good." It does.

Leo appreciates that they're taking the long way around the ship, so they can do a quick head count as they make their way to the kids. He's pretty sure someone was missing.

It takes him awhile to realize the one he hadn't spotted was Kovu. She was probably around somewhere, and he'll look again as they move about more. She's probably somewhere near Raphael and Leonardo, or in with the kids.

And good, a head count isn't enough to fully ease the tension, but it does help. At laest... it will once he has a full count! And moreso once Raphie and his group are here too.

Once all are accounted for, Leo does make his way to the railing so he can follow Mike. And if Raphael 'helps' him too, well... Leo wouldn't be surprised.


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