Masked Mayhem
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Turf War: City of Fire. 2 TMNT

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Turf War: City of Fire. 2 TMNT Empty Turf War: City of Fire. 2 TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:41 pm

Elena Martins


Mar 11 15 7:27 PM

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She was supposed to already be fast asleep, snuggled into her 'Frozen' blankets and in her lil horsey onsie but Elena had one last hung to do before sleeping.

No it was not calling her parent on skype with Erica and Gran Gran, hey did that every second night after dinner clean up.

no it was not teeth brushing and hair brushing. She had done the first with Erica, the pair playing with the tooth paste, the other with Gran Gran, first brushing the dark greeting hair then letting Gran Gran do her's.

Her eyes popping open at the last moment and wriggling out of her bed with her turtle stuffie - Ottis was as large as her! - and over to her little art table in the corner lifting the latest invitation to her tea party she had written and colored and prettied with glitter and a sticker addressed to Mr. turtle and scurrying to her window she leaned out and placed it under the little piece of concrete she had found to keep it from blowing away and smiling closes her window racing back to bed, leaping and giggling as she burrowed under her blankets. "Night Ottis!" she whispers excitedly, yawning... Snuggling... Hoping Mr. Turtle would not be too busy this time.

She was asleep within five breaths.

Last Edited By: Erica Martins Dec 17 15 4:46 AM. Edited 1 time
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Tang Shen

#1 [url]

Mar 13 15 8:55 PM

It was a silly night time ritual maybe, but endearingly cute to view Tnag Shen thought as she stands in her kitchen watching out inwo the narrow back alley that ran between the two buildings.

Every night for a few months she had observed the way that little girl would place out a little card... or paper... or sometimes what might have been a rooled up picture.

Tang Shen thought it might be for the girls older sister - as after an hour, hour and a half the older girl would be out on the fire escape and slip the gifts free and go back to her window.

She smiles watching the routine - her heart aching for what might have been if her own daughter had not perished in a fire long ago.

She cleaned her benchs - her lights down and dim and went about double checking the windows of her apartment before settling in for the night.

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#2 [url]

Mar 14 15 6:37 PM

Tired amber eyes stared out the window at the quiet street below the building the NYPI office was located. Alucard turned his head to look behind him at the files strewn across his desk. A heavy sigh escaped him as it felt like the weight of the world was crushing down on his shoulders. The case he was working on was weighing more heavily on him than he thought. As with all of his cases, it was a missing persons case. A fourteen-year-old girl had gone missing from her Uptown family apartment. There had been no signs of forced entry and there had been no DNA left at the apartment. All signs indicated that the girl left of her own free will, meaning that if she had been abducted she knew her abductor. The police department had hit a dead end, but instead of letting the case grow cold, both the NYPD and the girl's parents brought it to Alucard.

Alucard glanced down at the whiskey glass in his hand. He had lost count of how many drinks he had downed already. Gulping down the last of the whiskey, Alucard walked over to his desk, placed the glass on the desk and began putting away the files. He would continue the investigation tomorrow with a clear head and fresh eyes. After locking the files away in a desk drawer, Alucard grabbed his keys and leather jacket and left the office, locking the door behind him. However, instead of heading for the elevator, Alucard made his way to the stairs leading to the roof. The crisp night air did wonders to clear the fog out of his mind. Shoving the keys in his jeans pocket and pulling on his jacket, Alucard jogged on the spot for a couple of seconds before taking off at a fast run.

The wind swept his snow white hair out of his face, the cold air filled his lungs with every breath he took. The world was a blur. Speed was a power he didn't need a gauge for. He had been built to be fast. From rooftop to rooftop, not knowing where he was going until he finally stopped to catch his breath. Alucard looked around to get his bearings. Across the street he watched as a beautiful Asian woman went about her small rooftop garden before heading inside, no doubt getting ready for bed. Alucard looked at his watch. If he was going to get enough sleep he had to move fast to get home at a decent hour. Turning away, Alucard ran off again; soon to leave Manhattan behind to enter his home territory of Brooklyn.

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Erica Martins

#3 [url]

Mar 15 15 7:11 AM

Erica checked the time,enough time had passed that her darling little sister should be fast asleep.

Though just to be certain Erica did not move from her cool sheeted bed just yet. A little longer and she would sneak out and where her sister had left the invitation to her imaginary friend Mr.Turtle and leave the box with the older invitations she had removed long ago before her sister had come.

Aside from the few 'responses' she'd had to make once or twice excusing and fobbing off going to a tea party by Mr.Turtle - gently of course.

It was almost time for another.

But first she pauses and tucks away her iphones ear buds into her camis loose straight top hem and crept across her room towards the window near the fire escape, sitting on the little desk chair to extract the box of letters and cards from its hiding place.

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Tang Shen

#4 [url]

Mar 22 15 5:20 PM

Shen hummed as she trimmed and watered, her last bit of 'fresh' as the air could be in New York for the night time, working on the little well kept garnde, of mostly herbs and a few potted pretty flowers and the small tree for shade.

A flash of movement in the peripheral vision made her turn to look at a neighbouring rooftop.Wondering if she really had seen something or it eas just a trick of the imagination.

There was no one and shaking the feeling she had been watched for a moment Shen finish her nightly routine by sweeping up the leaves and petal and soil and tipping it all back into the pots she moves back to her locked down for the night apartment slipping away to wash briefly then bed.

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#5 [url]

Mar 23 15 11:53 AM

Keys rattled in the lock and a second later the door opened. Alucard stepped into his Brooklyn apartment and closed the door behind him, locking it again. He walked down the short hallway which opened up into a large, spacious abode. The kitchen, dining room and living room had an open concept layout with the far wall made entirely of windows, showing off a fantastic view of the city. Three bedrooms and a bathroom were hidden in a hallway off to the side. Alucard walked into the kitchen, threw his keys on the island counter and went to the fridge. He pulled out a half full bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey. Closing the fridge door, he went to the cupboard and took down a glass. Pouring himself a drink and heading into the living room, Alucard walked over to a bookcase.

His eyes scanned the titles for a brief minute before he reached up and pulled down a file that was wedged between two thick volumes. Alucard walked over to an armchair and sat down, placing the glass on the side table and opening the file. A picture was held to the front with a paper clip. Alucard looked down at the cold, soulless dark eyes of his creator: Agent Bishop. Over the last couple of months, he had heard whispers that the crazed government agent was active again. Alucard had chased down every lead he could find about Bishop. He had even gone as far as to track down the lab where he had been created...there was no sign that there ever was a building. Bishop had clearly covered his tracks after Alucard's first escape.

Not that Alucard was in any hurry to cross paths with Bishop again. But, if the agent was up to his old experiments again...Alucard pulled up the sleeve of his jacket and shirt, revealing a concealed gauge on his right forearm. What if Bishop had perfected his super soldier program? In the wrong hands it would be a powerful, unstoppable force that no one had any chance of fighting against. Alucard picked up the glass and took a sip of whiskey; his eyes falling on the picture again.

Bishop was out there....and he needed to be stopped.
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#6 [url]

Mar 23 15 9:40 PM

The blond-haired, glasses-wearing scientist was back with yet dirt sample. She stepped into the silent lab, breathing in the clinic-like smell and looking around for her clipboard. After a moment she finally found it checking off her personal list of samples to be under the microscope. “There,” she mumbled to herself in the florescent lit room.
“What have you completed so far Shaya?” a male voice called into the mostly silent room. Her blond hair tied up in a ponytail under a hair net bobbed as she looks up. The Environmental Specialist she was apprenticing under came into check on her work. His graying brown hair tucked under the hair net was starting to peak through as the day went on. He patiently waited for her answer.
She responded in a clear clinical voice, “All the dirt and saline solutions are done. Next week I’ll work on the aqua solutions and non saline. ” Her hands tightening around the clipboard staring at him, she continued, “By next Friday I will have your samples findings.”
He waved her off as he left her view. She sighed in relief, “Go home and de-whined.” She moved down the hall to collect her things.
Shaya started walking to the subway to catch her train to her childhood apartment in Sutton Place. Her father would be home later and her mother invited her to supper. She told them that she would be there after her extended shift with Dr. Follier.
Her walk was calming for the most part; People bustling around trying to get home, street lights turning on, and neon pizza shop lights winking an invite. She wished her life would be as bustling as the city at times. This was one of those times.
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Casey Jones

#7 [url]

Mar 25 15 7:58 PM

(cont'd from: Sparks)

As they began making their way to ground level, Casey Jones was the next-to-last one to climb out of the sewer. He began wiping his gloved hands across one another and finally placed them on his hips. It was good to know that the guys were so interested in what was going down. Casey was sort of their extra set of eyes and ears when the guys couldn't do it themselves. Hey, mutants had lives of their own too, despite popular belief. The vigilante was addressed by the turtle in blue as he pressed his tongue against the inside of his jaw and smiled. This was going to get them by surprise.

"Well," Casey shrugged. "Oddly enough, Leo, it wasn't Chinatown this time. You'd think, right? Nah, this time it was the docks. Down on Lairdman. Somethin' big is goin' down. Didn't stay long enough to check it out, I saw what I saw an' came ta get you guys. Murakami's safe this time.", the vigilante reassured. It was true. Murakami, the noodle guy, was often the target of their brutal intrusions. The guy was usually the first one on the block that was victimized by the Dragons and whoever else. Thankfully, he trusted the turtles and their allies who vowed to keep him safe whenever they could.

"So... Anyone got a plan? I think an arms deal was goin' down tonight. Like I said, I didn't stay long enough to see."
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#8 [url]

Mar 26 15 7:27 AM

(continued from Sparks)

"Arms deal, huh?" Raphael asked. "Why would Purple Dragons be interested in that?" An idea suddenly struck him. "Unless they're working with the Foot."

The Purple Dragons weren't much of a threat. Raphael could take them out without breaking a sweat. But, if the Foot were involved, then things could get complicated very fast. Raphael blinked in surprise. That was totally a Leonardo thought. Raphael shook his head. Living in the same place with the blue masked leader it was bound to happen sooner or later. But, the thought of him starting to think like his older brother was enough to send a chill shooting down Raphael's spine. He always called Leonardo "Splinter junior" because his brother always thought and acted like their sensei. So, if Raphael started thinking like Leonardo, what would that make him? "Leo junior" quickly passed through his mind.

"Step on it, Leo," Raphael said, the words coming out in a rush. "We've got to get to the docks."
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#9 [url]

Mar 28 15 6:41 AM

Alucard stood at the window in the living room, looking out over the sleeping city. He wished he could join it in slumber, but sleep eluded him this night. Something seemed restless about the night. Turning away from the window, Alucard headed into the kitchen, grabbed his jacket off of the back of a chair and left the apartment, locking the door behind him. He headed for the roof, pulling on his jacket as he went. When he got to the roof, Alucard looked around until he was facing a certain direction where the strange feeling was coming from.

He frowned in confusion. Why would he be getting a feeling of certain doom coming from the docks? There was only one way to find out. Alucard took off at a run, heading in the direction of the docks.
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#10 [url]

Mar 28 15 6:12 PM

((continued from Sparks))

Leo was relieved when Casey said their friend was safe this time. But the docks? Why would the Purple Dragons have business down there? Unless someone more powerful was involved like Raph suggested. Anything was possible with these thugs. They seemed like lowlife street punks, but surprisingly, they have caught the Turtles off-guard a few times before with their alliances to more formidable enemies.

He nodded once and stepped on the gas. He didn't need to be told twice to 'put the pedal to the metal' as the subway car lurched forward before catching up with the speed the wheels were wanting to carry it..

Last edited by Master Splinter on Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

Posts : 419
Join date : 2016-11-06
Age : 50
Location : The Lair.

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Turf War: City of Fire. 2 TMNT Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 2 TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:42 pm

Casey Jones

#11 [url]

Mar 31 15 9:16 AM

Casey nodded at Raphael, agreeing with his green-skinned bro and glanced over at Leo. Both Casey and Raph had numerous run-ins with the Dragons and they were nothing but chump change next to the more serious threat of the Foot Clan. Shredder trained these guys personally, unless he had some right-hand man with a typical Asian name to do the work for him. Casey wasn't too knowledgeable on the clan's history but he'd heard Splinter talk about their master enough to know they were a serious problem. Sensei seemed to have a lot of opinions based around that clan, and judging from how the rat talked he had serious beef with their master.

It played out like one of his old samurai movies from the 80s. Sonny Chiba as the ronin, hunting down his rivals and sometimes his own brethren out of honor and revenge. Mostly revenge. Leo and the group made their way toward the docks but stayed far enough out of sight so they weren't spotted so easily. Casey silently stalked over to peer out from behind his hiding spot and noticed two men standing by, handling this deal. Touch and Go?, he thought to himself. They were running guns for the clan now? Working with the Dragons, too? Not unusual, though they did seem to too low-level for this kind of work. Something was going on. "Looks like Touch an' Go are here handlin' this little operation. What's the plan, Leo?", the vigilante asked.

He pulled his hockey mask down over his eyes and reached behind inside of his golfbag. Slowly, Casey pulled out an older hockey stick with duct tape around the bladed end and smirked. This was going to be fun.
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#12 [url]

Mar 31 15 4:11 PM

Alucard peered around a cargo crate, his amber eyes scanning the docks quickly before falling on a group of shadowy figures. Moving quickly and quietly, Alucard slipped to another hiding place closer to the figures. He held his breath and listened. He was still too far away to make out all of what they were saying, but all he needed to hear was "weapons shipment". Alucard peeked around the corner of the crate he was behind and tried to pick out the details of the men.

One of the men that were closest to him was tall and muscular while his associate was shorter and slim and carried a cane. The slim man also wore a large rimmed hat and wore a white suit. Alucard knew that none of his active cases involved illegal weapons shipments, but he couldn't just stand by and let dangerous firearms make their way out on to the streets and into the hands of trigger happy idiots. Alucard reached inside his jacket and pulled out his Glock from the holster under his left arm. Then, for a brief moment, he caught a glimpse of the scene from a different angle; from the eyes of five other people. Alucard paused and frowned.

What were teenagers doing at a weapons deal?
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#13 [url]

Apr 2 15 8:39 PM

The drive seemed to take forever, but finally they arrived at their destination. Leo told his team to be quiet and stay hidden until they knew more about what was going on. The sight that greeted him wasn't one he was looking forward to. 'Not these guys again...' Leo's eyes hardened at the sight of Touch and Go. Their last meeting was a painful (literally) reminder of how much he hated these two. Leo held up his hand when Casey spoke, trying to silence him while he listened to the conversation between the two bad guys.

Then Leo sensed someone watching them. He pressed a finger to his mouth to keep his team quiet and pointed in the direction he sensed that new presence in. "I'm going over there," he whispered, drawing a weapon from its sheathe. "Keep an eye out," was the last thing he said before he slipped further into the shadows and stealthily made his way over to the other figure. Leo didn't know if this other person was more dangerous than the two they were following or not, but he wasn't taking any chances.

Last Edited By: Leonardo Apr 3 15 8:47 PM. Edited 1 time.
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Casey Jones

#14 [url]

Apr 4 15 6:08 PM

Casey began rotating his neck and shoulders, hockey stick held firmly in both gloved hands. A slightly sadistic smirk began to curl onto his features underneath that dirty white hockey mask as he glanced over at Raphael. The two were known for their dual brutality and incredible teamwork when it come to busting skulls; no one was better! The angry vigilante began shrugging his shoulders to stretch out any rust as he lightly chuckled. "I say me an' Raph go in, break their kneecaps an' make 'em tell us what they're doin' on our turf!", he declared with a sick sense of enjoyment. But Leonardo needed time to plan this one out and shushed the vigilante hero.

Suddenly, Leo was on his way out of the group formation and hot on the trail of some voyeur. "Heh... Some loon's probly watchin' us right now. Waitin' ta report us to his boss! Whaddya say, Raph? Ready for a game a' tag with Slim 'n' Slow?", Casey teased. Touch and Go were actually very deadly hired thugs who were capable of handling business themselves. However, their biggest weakness was keeping them separated from one another. It was like a bad case of twin magic. Cut off the crutch and the body goes limp. Touch and Go were no different. The tricky part was actually separating them. Casey Jones had seen these slimeballs before but even he wasn't stupid enough to charge right at them.

... Or was he? And where the hell was Leo going?
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#15 [url]

Apr 5 15 2:45 AM

Raphael frowned in confusion as he watched Leonardo go in almost the completely opposite direction of Touch and Go. Did he know something the others didn't? It wouldn't be surprising if he did. But if there was a lookout, no way was Raphael missing out on taking the slimeball down. Pulling out his sais and motioning for the others to stay quiet, Raphael quickly and quietly went after Leonardo, keeping out of sight from the Wonder Twins.

"Leo," Raphael called in a hushed whisper.

He looked around. Where did Leonardo disappear to? Raphael slipped around a cargo crate, sais at the ready. There was no one around. That is until Raphael heard the sound of a gun being cocked. He didn't know why, but as if on instinct, Raphael slowly bent over, placed his weapons on the ground and raised his hands as he slowly turned around. Behind him stood a tall man of medium build, but Raphael somehow got the feeling that the human could probably do some serious damage. The man also had unnaturally white hair for his age; which Raphael guessed to be around the thirty-thirty-five year range. And his eyes...they were the darkest, coldest amber Raphael had ever seen.

The man never spoke, never moved a muscle. The moonlight gleamed menacingly across the slick black of the .9mm Glock in his hands. Raphael swallowed nervously, his heart hammering painfully against his ribs. Why was the guy just standing there?

Last Edited By: Raphael Apr 7 15 2:11 PM. Edited 1 time.
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#16 [url]

Apr 7 15 2:32 PM

Mikey shifted from one foot to the other impatiently. He crossed his arms and drummed his fingers against his arm. Leo and Raph had been gone for a long time. Where were they? Mikey poked his head out around the cargo crate he was hiding behind with Donnie and Casey and looked around. There was no sign of his older brothers. Both Leo and Raph had told them to stay put, but Mikey was starting to get a bad feeling deep in his gut...or maybe that was just the ten pieces of pizza he had for supper. In any case, something was going on. Mikey turned to look at Donnie.

"Why do we have to stay behind while Leo and Raph have all the fun?" he asked.

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#17 [url]

Apr 7 15 7:35 PM

Indeed. Due to the location, this trip was taking a lot longer than most would like, but Donatello was perfectly content with not being immediately dropped into battle. He should have been keeping tabs on the GPS monitors but the trip was proving uneventful so he pulled out his phone and attempted to summons April for video chat. A little distracted, perhaps. While a genius and a ninja, he was still a teenage boy and could be easily distracted, especially when a certain girl came into the equation. Besides, if any obstacles crossed their path, the monitors would irrupt into a beeping frenzy.

'Hey, April! If you're not doing anything later, perhaps you could swing by the lair tonight?' The Brainy Turtle rehearsed in his head as he awaited for her face to appear on screen. 'I miss you!' ...Okay, maybe that would be a little too forward. 'I want to see you!' ..Okay, no.. just no. 'I enjoy your company?'

Physically face-palming over his lack of smoothness, maybe it was a good thing that she hadn't responded to the chat request before they reached their location. Finally pulling his gaze from his phone, Donatello noticed that everyone else had already climbed from the van, and the monitors were now alerting him to Touch and Go, and the other potential threat!

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me! Can't a Turtle have five seconds?!?" He huffed, finally climbing from the van just as Leo and Raph rushed into the opposite direction of the two familiar enemies. Donnie blinked in surprise, shifting his gaze between Casey and Mikey.. and the direction his two older brothers had gone. From this view point, it was impossible to see that Raphael may be in trouble.

Hearing his little brother's question, Donnie slid the cell back into his belt and gave a small shrug. "Well, it could have something to do with the fact that they still consider us the 'B team'..." He reminded with a massive roll of his eye. Or perhaps it was the fact that they were the youngest, but Donnie still couldn't let that whole 'B team' issue go!

"I guess that makes you B team too, Spacey." The purple clad Turtle teased in a snarky tone. "So, Touch and Go.. or..creepy Rayden incarnation at twelve-o-clock?"

Last Edited By: Donatello Apr 7 15 7:43 PM. Edited 1 time.
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#18 [url]

Apr 8 15 5:22 PM

Leo had thought he was alone in pursuit of this unknown presence he felt nearby. He just had a feeling something bad was going to happen if he didn't put this person in their place. He knew he was risking the rest of his team by leaving them, but right now, all Leo was thinking about what taking out this potential new wildcard. However, Leo hadn't gotten too far before he heard both Casey and Raph. Leo inwardly groaned. Why was it every single time he told them to stay put someone had to challenge his orders? Not surprisingly, Raph starting following him.

Leo was about to turn around and order Raph to stand by with the others, but then this new person had Raph at gunpoint! Leo's eyes widened in alarm. He knew he should have done something about this figure before more trouble arose. Now it was too late. However, lucky for Leo, the guy hadn't spotted him, so he still had a chance to move in before he could pull the trigger on his brother. Thinking quickly, Leo pulled out his own 'gun' in the form of the grappling hook launcher and aimed it at the guy. "Hey!" Then he used the momentary distraction to wrap the rope around the man's legs and pulled, hoping to knock him down to the ground so Raph could get away.

Last Edited By: Leonardo Apr 8 15 5:35 PM. Edited 3 times.
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#19 [url]

Apr 9 15 8:07 AM

If he wasn't seeing it, he probably wouldn't have believed it. The young turtle standing in front of him was no older than nineteen, dark green skinned with a red mask tied around his eyes. He looked strong for his age; a skilled fighter. However, even though the boy tried to keep a calm face, Alucard could see the fear shining in the turtle's emerald green eyes. In one quick second, Alucard swept through the turtle's mind and, when he knew that the boy wasn't with the weapons dealers, he lowered his gun. Relief flooded the young warrior's eyes.

Then, someone shouted. Alucard cocked the gun again and aimed it in the direction of the shout. Another turtle, this one with a blue mask, came out of the shadows with what looked like a crudely built grappling gun in his hand. The blue masked turtle pulled the trigger and a rope shot out. It wrapped around Alucard's legs and the blue masked turtle pulled on the rope. Alucard grunted as he fell hard on his back, his body seized and his finger squeezed the trigger. A gunshot blasted through the quiet night.

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Casey Jones

#20 [url]

Apr 10 15 8:55 AM

Casey grinned, ready to rock-n-roll! But something was missing. He straightened his posture only to notice that Raphael had gone somewhere else for the time being and left him stanbding there in a silly pose for a minute longer than he should have. Casey glanced around and didn't see him for several seconds until he noticed the red tails of his mask traveling upward, the same route Leo took earlier. "Seriously?! Twice in one night? Damn," he huffed. Then, Donatello spoke up. He informed the remaining few that they were possibly considered the 'B Team', meaning they didn't get to join in on all the exciting stuff. Donatello then pointed out to Casey that he, too, was part of that. But in that 'I'm-smarter-than-you' kind of tone.

Casey lifted his hockey mask up to rest on his crown as he cocked an eyebrow and folded his arms over his chest. "Yeah? Izzat so, egghead? April doesn't have a problem with the B Team...", Casey retorted in a mocking tone of voice as the corner of his mouth slowly lifted into a smirk. "More importantly, Einstein, she doesn't have a problem with me bein' on it. Maybe I should give 'er a call... I'll tell 'er you said hi," the vigilante teased. Donatello was known and exposed for having a crush on their red-headed ally and it was something of a triangle with these three. However, Casey just liked watching the turtle's blood boil. He always took pot-shots at Casey's low intelligence so Casey retaliated where it hurt. That she wasn't into turtles.

At least, as far as he was aware...

She had always told him that she viewed them all as close friends and brothers so the concept of what Donnie had probably been visualizing was beyond her limits as a human being. Again, as far as he was aware. Just then, they had all heard a loud gunshot from afar followed by a 'thud' as something just fell to the ground hard. Casey turned, his eyes squinting as he attempted to get himself a better view of this. A long rope was attached to whatever that was and it seemed to be pulled tightly at the opposite end. Too dark to tell. Raph and Leo, perhaps? What did they just capture?
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

Posts : 419
Join date : 2016-11-06
Age : 50
Location : The Lair.

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Turf War: City of Fire. 2 TMNT Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 2 TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:42 pm


#21 [url]

Apr 10 15 9:14 AM

His ears rang from the sound of the gunshot. Raphael blinked his eyes open to find himself on the ground with his arms over his head. Slowly, Raphael uncurled from the ball he was in and pushed himself to his feet. He felt dizzy and disoriented; his vision blurry and fighting to refocus. The turtle in red took an experimental step forward, lost his balance, stumbled backwards and slammed into a cargo crate. Raphael grunted as he collapsed to the ground again. His head spun, his stomach lurched.

Raphael looked up to see the man with the gun flat on his back on the ground. He didn't look too happy. Raphael blinked a couple of times to try to get his vision to focus. He glanced down at the spot where he had been lying and noticed a small dark crimson pool on the cement. That was when he noticed his left side felt wet. Raphael lifted up his hand and touched his side. When he pulled his hand away it was coated in a thin layer of red.

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#22 [url]

Apr 10 15 6:30 PM

Just when Leo thought the danger was over for the moment, the second Leo pulled on the rope, the man pulled the trigger. A shot rang out, but Leo couldn't be sure where it went. He just hoped it sailed harmlessly up into the sky. Leo stepped forward to question the man when he heard Raph crash into a crate behind him. Leo briefly turned back to the man, ready to make him talk one way or another when Raph collapsed to the ground again. Great, just what he needed. Now Leo was worried.

Instead of confronting the man with the gun, Leo kicked the gun away from him and went to his brother's side. "Raph, are you okay?" He kneeled down next to him, and that's when he saw it. Raph was bleeding. It was hard to tell if the bullet ended up grazing him after all, or he was cut when he fell into the crate. What he did know, however, was that he needed medical attention. He pulled off his mask and pressed it to Raph's wound then grabbed his brother's hand and pressed it against the blue fabric. "Hold this here," he ordered then put Raph's other arm around his neck and got to his feet, slipping his arm around him. "Let's get you to Donnie."

So much for this being just an easy diversion...

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#23 [url]

Apr 11 15 7:23 PM

Oh, Lame-Brain just HAD to bring April into this! It was obvious by the redness invading the Brainy Turtle's face that Casey's taunting had the desired effect. "Seriously? You would call her in the middle of heated combat??!" And right on cue, a lone cricket chimed in as if there needed to be more indication that things were relatively peaceful in this particular spot. Besides, only moments before, Donatello had been trying to request a video chat with the object of his affection, but at least that had been within the safety of the van! A distraction nonetheless, but better executed!

The Purple-clad Turtle opened his mouth to say more, but just then gunshot shattered the calm. Eyes growing wide in horror, Donnie quickly grabbed his staff, petty argument long forgotten.. "Oh no!" He wasted no time sprinting off in the direction the gunfire had come from.. where he feared his two older brothers were...

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#24 [url]

Apr 12 15 5:35 AM

Mikey listened in anxious boredom as Donnie and Casey played their never ending game of verbal volleyball; each one trying to get under the other's skin. And Casey seemed to be winning this round since Donnie looked like he wanted nothing more than to shove one of Casey's hockey sticks up the human's...Mikey shook his head, ridding his mind of that thought before it went any further. That was one mental image he didn't need burned into his brain.

Sighing in agitation, Mikey was about to tell Donnie and Casey to shut up when the night rang with the piercing cry of a gunshot. The youngest's heart sank when he realized the shot had come from the same direction Leo and Raph had gone. Donnie had no doubt come to the same conclusion as he grabbed his bo staff and took off in the direction of the gunshot. Mikey was right on his brother's heels. They rounded a corner and saw Leo and Raph staggering towards them; Raph's arm draped around Leo's neck while his other hand pressed Leo's mask against what looked suspiciously like a gunshot wound in his left side.

"Dudes! What happened?" Mikey asked fearfully. His eyes drifted behind his brothers and saw a coiled up grappling rope. "Was there someone else?" Mikey asked in a confused voice.

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#25 [url]

Apr 13 15 4:01 AM

Raphael winced in pain as Leonardo held the mask to his side and made him press it against the wound. The red masked turtle clenched his teeth and fought to keep from crying out in pain. He had never been shot least not by a real bullet. However, when Leonardo draped Raphael's free arm around his neck and began helping his brother to his feet, Raphael couldn't keep the cry of pain down. He bit his tongue to keep from swearing; Leonardo was only trying to help. The leader said something about getting to Donatello; all Raphael could manage was a nod.

The brothers started back towards where they had left the others. Only, they didn't get very far before Donatello and Michelangelo appeared. Raphael winced at Michelangelo's exclamation, but became concerned when the youngest asked if there had been someone else around. Raphael looked over his shoulder to see the empty grappling rope. He frowned in confusion.

"Where'd...the guy...with the gun go?" he breathed hoarsely.

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#26 [url]

Apr 13 15 4:20 AM

Mr. Touch turned in the direction of all the racket. Straightening his deep purple jacket as he turns his attention fromt he snivveling scienctist man towards the hubub. His equally dark purple pants set off the redness of his hair.

They were supposed to be doing a deal for Hun. Word had gotten around to the Purple Dragon leader than small amounts of Mutagen were being stored somehwere. Yes that was right, some where some how, some one had managed to store away some.

He and Mr. Go had been hired once more by the gang leader to make deals, find someone weak enough to want to give them information and pretend to make a deal, of course the informant would never recieve his money but they would have the information.

The cowering scientist had the files, was holding them out to him and Mr. Go when the ruckus started. "Looks like company." Mr. Touch grumbles his deep voice conveying the annoyance. "We should finish this waste of skin and see what its about - don't you agree Mr. Go?" His eyes brightening and beginning to glow - the offering of a fight at hand. How exciting!

Last Edited By: NecroFusion Apr 13 15 4:11 PM. Edited 1 time.
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Casey Jones

#27 [url]

Apr 13 15 7:27 AM

Mr. Go had been looking dapper as usual, vlad in his white dress suit and unusual cane. His long, black hair had been tied back into a ponytail as he placed both gloved hands on the top of the cane and simply watched. Oh, he was part of the fun as it were. He just didn't have anything to add that his partner-in-crime, Mr. Touch, had not already expressed. Mr. Go agreed early on that as soon as they had the information they needed, they were going to do away with this fool.

The Purple Dragons sat back and waited on Touch and Go to finish this deal and find out where the mutagen was being stored when a gunshot was fired from a distance. Immediately, Mr. Go's eyes began to glow, indicating his 'proximity power' kicking in from Mr. Touch. Someone had been watching them. A smirk began to form on his slender visage as Mr. Go quipped, "It seems we have other endeavors, Mr. Touch! I do agree, I do agree... Shall we?"

His pupils were replaced by an eerie glowing light and his smirk grew into a grin. This informant had told them everything and thus there was no more use for him. Mr. Go twisted the top of his cane, inside of it activating a switch that caused a sharp blade to retract from the bottom. He held it by the hilt and lunged forward like a professional Fencer as he impaled the informant with a maniacal cackle.

Mr. Go looked at Mr. Touch and both silently agreed to see what caused such a ruckus behind them, as he motioned for the Purple Dragons to lead the way. They were expendable, he and his partner were not. It was perhaps time to find their witness and silence them for knowing too much, if anything at all. But what they've seen could be enough for proper jail time if they didn't handle this relatively quickly...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Just then, Casey had seen Raphael among the others and knew something had happened to his bud. Casey was just as surprised as the others and couldn't quite guess what the heck had just happened. A gunshot, and then.... Nothing. No sign of the assailant yet. The vigilante lifted his head up slowly and realized that Dragons were coming right at them, armed with their chains and brass knuckles. He pulled the hockey mask down over his face and pulled another weapon from his golfbag: a trusty baseball bat!

"Heads up, guys! We got company headin' our way! Try to get Raph outta here an' somewhere safe while me an' Donnie hold these clowns off!", Casey alerted as he noticed two familiar figures walking up behind them with freaky glowing eyes. It was Touch and Go. Oh boy.

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#28 [url]

Apr 13 15 7:36 AM

Damn, Alucard growled under his breath as he watched helplessly as Mr. Go killed the man they were talking to. He pulled up the right sleeve of his shirt. The gauge was almost in the yellow. If he wasn't careful he was going to burn himself out. Alucard remained behind the cargo crate he was using as cover. He knew he should have stayed to make sure that the red masked turtle was alright, but the boy's friends would no doubt see to that.

Alucard checked the magazine in his gun; only one bullet spent...and on an innocent, no less. The detective cursed himself for being so careless. However, now he had more important things to think about. If Touch and Go found the turtles there was no telling what damage they could inflict. Alucard shook his head. No. The turtles were a man down and were in no shape to fight. Besides, Alucard would be damned if he let kids get hurt in a mindless street brawl. The detective replaced the magazine and cocked the gun. If Touch and Go wanted a witness, then they would get one. Alucard walked out into view; gun raised, senses on high alert.

"Evening, gentlemen," Alucard said. "I'll be your arresting officer this evening."

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#29 [url]

Apr 13 15 4:30 PM

"Indeed we do Mr. Go, let us get to it then," the taller purple suited red haired brute of a being responded with a snort and grin, tucking away the plain manilla folder with it's paper work into his jacket. The left side of his chest covering of the jacket was a large pocket. True he had to squash the folder in half to fit it but the tightness should a great amount of pages falling loose he hoped and it freed up his two fists for a good beat down!

One of the dragons yelled out, "It's the turtles!" And Mr. Touch new - as his partner no doubt did, that the fight would be a good one!!

Only to have... some guy reveal himself. "ooo and a very good evening to you -" He grins darkly, "Or not considering we are going to resist your arrest attempt." He smirks feeling the surge of energy being near his companion. Time to stomp some trouble and bail out with what they had.

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#30 [url]

Apr 14 15 1:56 PM

"Dudes! What happened?" Mikey asked fearfully. His eyes drifted behind his brothers and saw a coiled up grappling rope. "Was there someone else?" Mikey asked in a confused voice.

"Raph has been shot." He glanced over where he had knocked the man to the ground, but he wasn't there. Great. "He's gone."

Leo felt bad. It was all his fault. Maybe he shouldn't have gone off by himself to deal with this man with the gun. He had a feeling someone from his team would be following him. It was so stupid! Leo hadn't known the guy had a gun, though. That put the ninjas at a disadvantage. He had to put the past behind him now. He had to focus on getting Raph some help.

Then things got worse -- much worse. Now after that little stunt that man pulled, Touch and Go knew they were there. Leo's mind was reeling. He had to get the team to safety. With Raph injured, they were out-powered immensely. Touch and Go were a force to be reckoned with. Especially when they were together.

Leo glanced over at the man with the gun, eyes narrowed. If Leo didn't know better, it seemed like he was on their side. Too little too late as far as Raph was concerned. Leo shifted his brother in his hold a little bit. Raph was still bleeding and losing more strength by the minute, leaning more heavily on Leo.

It was time to act.

"Ninjas and Casey -- fall back! Don, take Raph back to the Shellraiser. We'll cover you."

They had to regroup. It wasn't worth it anymore to keep Touch and Go from completing their mission. Raph needed Don, and that would put it all on Mike, Casey, and himself. If this guy that shot Raph was truly on their side, he had to prove it.

Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Turf War: City of Fire. 2 TMNT Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 2 TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:43 pm


#31 [url]

Apr 14 15 3:32 PM

The noises that swarmed around him sounded like bees. Raphael fought to keep himself upright, but he had lost so much blood that he could hardly stand by himself. He could feel Leonardo sagging under the extra weight of having to keep him on his feet. The mask was completely soaked through and now the blood was beginning to seep through Raphael's fingers and run down his side. Stay awake, Raph, he told himself. Stay awake. Don't fall asleep...

Too much blood too fast. The darkness was crushing and suffocating. The once vibrant blue mask fell to the ground in a wet, crimson heap as Raphael's arm and the rest of his body went limp as he finally succumbed to the darkness.

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Casey Jones

#32 [url]

Apr 14 15 6:14 PM

Mr. Touch seemed capable of handling himself for now ever since they had spent a little time in one another's proximity long enough to gain power. Mr. Go grinned. The other culprit decided to join the fray and Mr. Go was not about to let this punk make an exit without paying the price for his arrogance. A cop? How original. "Oh? Is that so, my friend? Well, it's sad for us to say but your life must be ended promptly this evening!", Mr. Go respectfully declared as he began using his enhanced super-speed powers to circle the wannabe hero. The turtles would have their time soon enough. Smiling, Mr. Go began taunting and insulting this 'officer'.

The turtles gathered their pals and some began piling into some sort of odd-looking vehicle. Shaped like a... Turtle shell? Weird. Just then, Casey Jones leaped high into the air and came down hard with his hockey stick. But Mr. Go had already sped back several feet to evade such an obvious and uninspired attack. "Yeah, you better run! Why dont' you an' yer boyfriend over there take a hike before I split yer skulls!", but before the vigilante could follow up on his threat he was talked out of it by Leonardo.

"I hate myself for sayin' this but I think those two might be a li'l more difficult than I thought," Casey admitted to Leo as he back-fisted a Purple Dragon. The scum stumbled backward and dropped his lead pipe. What a loser. All of 'em! Mr. Go readjusted his suit and tie, then began adjusting his hat. It was clear that these two hitmen didn't fear the mutants or Casey himself; that was frightening enough as it stands. But Casey shook his head in disagreement over running away. He never ran from a fight no matter how the odds were stacked against him. But maybe Leo was right... Maybe it was time to fall back, live to fight another day. He glanced back to make sure Raph was holding up okay. Casey gripped his hockey stick tight and grit his teeth. Man, this sucked!
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#33 [url]

Apr 14 15 6:31 PM

Even though Donatello was moving at full speed, it felt as if he was in slow motion and the world around him was moving at the speed of light. He reached his two older brothers just in time to hear Casey suggest that the two of them would take on Touch and Go. That would have been fine, but Raphael was injured and took priority in this matter, and he was the only one that could take care of such an injury.

Soon after, Leo spoke up and instructed him to do as he had intended, but just as Leo was about to shift Raph's weight to him, his red-clad brother lost consciousness and became dead weight against him. Panic quickly took hold, but the Brainy Turtle knew that he had to compose himself. He needed to be calm and focused if he was to be of any help to his brother.

"Raph!" He called out, hoping it would be enough to pull him back. He needed Raph to stay conscious, but it was obvious by the amount of crimson red oozing from the shattered bullet wound that he had lost too much. "Change of plans, Leo.. help me get him into the van! Casey and Mikey and... that other guy can hold them off..." Of course, Donnie was perfectly capable of dragging Raph into the van, but the less he was jostled around, the better! Besides, Leo was already right there, no need to summon someone else to take over...

Last Edited By: Donatello Apr 15 15 1:56 AM. Edited 1 time.
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#34 [url]

Apr 15 15 3:50 AM

Alucard's heart dropped when he saw the red masked turtle's body go limp in his friend's arms. His eyes darted from the turtles and their human friend to Touch and Go. This was all his fault. He had been careless and now an innocent was injured and now the group of five was now down to two. No...three. Alucard heard the purple masked turtle direct a comment towards him concerning holding off Touch and Go. That was fine with Alucard. But, he was going to need a lot more fire power than a small .9mm Glock.

Hoping and praying that he had enough time left on the gauge, Alucard holstered the gun in the shoulder rig under his left arm and cupped his hands over his mouth as if they were cold. He blew into them and they instantly burst into blazing orange and red flames. He lowered his hands, the flames growing stronger and brighter. He glared at Touch and Go.

"Who's first?" Alucard asked.

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#35 [url]

Apr 16 15 8:58 PM

((ooc: Alucard, Touch and Go would probably be pretty evenly matched individually - the villians have the upper hand what with out numbering Alucard by one - but enough from me - *motral kombat voice over* FIGHT!))

Mr. Touch raised a eyebrow that might have been a shade or two darker than his thick red hair, "Thats a nice party trick but parlour favorites will not spare you." He warns politely shifting, ready to charge this officer and begin the battle, the dead scientist and his whatever was left of the papers he had not for some reason given them laid in a heap the papers scattered about them all... He and Mr. Go did not have to stick this out - they had the information, they had the cash still, they could move on whenever they felt. But a chance for a good fight?

One a photo graph - blurry and black and white flittered on the wind towards the orange clad turtle.

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#36 [url]

Apr 17 15 3:15 PM

Mikey had been so caught up in what was happening to Raph that he almost completely missed the gun guy's hands burst into flames. The brilliant fiery orange caught his attention out of the corner of his eye and he turned to see what was going on. Mikey's jaw dropped when he saw the flames engulfing the white haired guy's hands. The firelight in the dark made the man look way cool. Like a superhero, Mikey thought. His eyes drifted from the flames to his nunchucks and his heart dropped.

"There's no way we can top fire as a weapon," Mikey said, distraught.

He then noticed something float towards him. With ninja reflexes, Mikey plucked a blurry, black and white photo from the air. He looked at it, but it was too blurry to make anything out. Mikey shrugged and tucked the photo into his belt. Maybe Donnie would be able to make better sense of it.

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Casey Jones

#37 [url]

Apr 17 15 8:30 PM

Mr. Go turned, his head just slightly peering over his left shoulder as he stood infront of Mr. Touch. He turned and shifted his body to face the dfirection of the flame-engulfed weaponry with narrowed eyes and a frown. It wasn't unusual to see a mutated freak of nature running around this city, but flaming weapons? That was just crazy! Mr. Go initially didn't know how to approach this situation and he looked genuinely concerned - for a couple of seconds. They were almost out of the water but a good fight drug them right back in. Go was not against violence so long as it was put to good use and had some semblence of class and sophistication to it; which his style did.

"Oh no! He might have us this time, Mr. Touch! We are definitely outnumbered," Mr. Go teased as he covered his mouth with one hand and gave a look of fright. But it was all in good fun for he knew that he had the right counter for such folly - his super-speed. Without oxygen, the flames cannot last and thus will be forced out. Mr. Go grinned from ear-to-ear. "I do believe it is time we put you out of our misery, permanently!", the hitman declared with a low growl as he and Mr. Touch were ready to plant this punk right on his back. It would take more than fiery guns to do them in! The hitman burst out into a blurry image, fist drawn back, ready to take aim and fire.
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#38 [url]

Apr 18 15 6:22 PM

'Oh no, oh no, oh NO!'

Things continued to get worse. One moment ago, Leo was holding Raph up and making their way over to Don. Then the next, Leo nearly lost his balance when Raph suddenly went limp in his hold. "Raph!" Leo grunted, struggling under the unexpected extra weight, but he finally made it to Don. And then Touch and Go were powering up, ready to throttle the rest of his team. Leo absolutely hated having Mikey, Casey, and...that other guy being the only ones to fight the 'deadly duo'. Mikey and himself had taken them on by themselves once or twice and that was a tough battle, but this time Don needed him to help get Raph back to the Shellraiser.

He let out a frustrated groan then addressed Casey and Mikey. "You take down those two," he gestured with his head in Touch and Go's direction. "I need to help Don get Raph to safety."

Just when both Don and Leo had started taking their unconscious brother back, Leo turned around to see a flame form out of nowhere in this mystery man's hands. 'What the...?' Maybe, they did have luck on their side after all with having this stranger show up. But it didn't erase the fact that said person put them in this predicament in the first place. With a frustrated sigh, Leo turned back with Don to take Raph someplace safe. He still hated leaving the others to fight this battle, but it did give Leo some comfort that the new guy carried some serious firepower of his own -- literally!

Last Edited By: Leonardo Apr 18 15 6:52 PM. Edited 2 times.
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#39 [url]

Apr 19 15 2:47 AM

Alucard shifted into a defensive position as Go came shooting towards him. He was caught off guard a little by the hitman's incredible speed. I guess that's why he's "Go", Alucard thought. And then, Go was in front of him; fist pulled back and ready to strike. On instinct, as Go's fist came towards him, Alucard made a pulling up motion with his hands and the ground in front of him shot upwards as a shield. He didn't know if that was going to slow Go down or not, but, hey...a guy could dream. All he had to do was keep Touch and Go's attention on himself and not on the wounded turtle or the blue and purple masked turtles. Alucard shot out a fire ball which exploded in midair and fell around Touch in a blazing fiery dome. All he had to do was keep them apart.

How hard could that be?

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#40 [url]

Apr 19 15 6:27 AM

Donatello was too focused on his injured brother to notice anything that was happening behind them. Right now Raphael was priority one and with Leo's help, they finally got him safely inside of the van and settled onto the floor, injured side exposed. Donnie was no stranger to treating his brothers injuries, but the severity of a gunshot wound certainly had the Purple-clad Turtle's stomach in knots. It was fortunate that the van had been equipped with the instruments and materials needed to treat injuries, but very unfortunate that danger was lurking ever so close....

"The van must remain stationary while I extract the shrapnel and casing.. and try to control the bleeding.." He told Leo as he tried to steady the shaking in his hands while he pulled on the head lamp to better see inside the wound. As gently as he could, he tried to clean the injury enough to evaluate the damage, but the blood flow continued to obscure whatever awaited beneath. Hopefully the bullet had not penetrated any organs, because as knowledgeable as the Brainy Turtle is, an operation such an injury would require would be extensive and they certainly lacked the medical devices needed to insure that Raphael stood a chance....

'Please be a clean wound... please!'

Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Join date : 2016-11-06
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Turf War: City of Fire. 2 TMNT Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 2 TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:44 pm


#41 [url]

Apr 21 15 10:54 AM

Something was wrong....seriously wrong. For one thing: it had gotten quiet and dark really fast. For another thing: he was in pain. Excruciating pain. But, it seemed like the pain was coming from everywhere. He didn't know what was going on. One minute he was leaning on Leonardo for support and the next he's lying on his side...somewhere. From the squeaking of metal, Raphael guessed that he could be in the Shellraiser. He felt calloused, yet gentle hands working around his left side.

What happened again? Raphael groggily asked himself.

The sound of a gunshot echoed through his memories. He had been shot? Made sense. That would explain why he was in so much pain. Raphael tried to talk, to make any kind of sound, but it felt like his throat was closed off; swollen shut. Was he dying?

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#42 [url]

Apr 21 15 9:32 PM

Leo hated sitting back and doing nothing. His other two brothers were out there! Touch and Go nearly handed Leo and Mikey their shells in their last encounter. Just having Mikey and Casey out there on their own made Leo very uneasy. He hoped the new guy was truly on their side, because Leo didn't want to think about the alternative.

Leo sighed in defeat and kneeled down next to Raph, glancing up at Don. *Can you do it, Donnie?" Just then, Raph regained consciousness and Leo lightly pushed him down to keep him still. "Don't move, Raph. Don needs to stitch you up."

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#43 [url]

Apr 22 15 6:33 AM

Smashing the ground to rubble but surprised by this development Mr. Go his missed the dude - then had to zip sideways out of the way as a wooden crate Mr. Touch threw to create a passge out of the flames - and also at the stranger.

But the sounds of sirens was drawing closer and the two hitmen paused.

"Oh disappointing - looks like the bell tolls time for us to leave." Mr. Go announces.

Mr. Touch glared at this new guy - he wanted to smash him and the freaks!

The two recharged close together, and allowed the purple dragons with them to the battle, backing away, disappearing into the dark.

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#44 [url]

Apr 23 15 7:19 AM

Alucard allowed the flames engulfing his hands to burn out as Touch and Go and the Purple Dragons disappeared into the darkness of the shadows. He pulled up his sleeve and his heart dropped when he saw the gauge had gone into the red. He shoved the sleeve down to cover up the gauge. If the sirens hadn't scared the thugs off then things would have gone from bad to worse in a manner of seconds. Alucard ran a hand over his mouth nervously, trying not to think about what could have happened if he had burned out. His eyes drifted up to the orange masked turtle and his human friend. He didn't know if he should go and talk to them or just walk away. It was his fault that things spun out of control the way it did and he it was his fault that their red masked friend had gotten hurt. Alucard walked over to the turtle and human.

"I just wanted to say sorry for shooting your friend. It was a complete accident," Alucard said. He quickly reached out with his mind and knew that the purple masked turtle had everything under control. "I hope your friend makes a speedy recovery."

He backed up and turned away, walking away from the group. Hopefully they wouldn't cross paths again. But, if they did, Alucard hoped that the circumstances would be better.

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#45 [url]

Apr 26 15 9:35 AM

It seemed that Raphael was coming around and this was both good, and bad! Donatello understood that his brother was in an immense amount of pain and if fully conscious, would make his job more difficult. At least Leo was close by and could keep him calm, or so he hoped. Hearing his brother's question, he gave a faint nod in response as he struggled to find his voice. "Yeah.." His voice sounded incredibly small and he hoped that he was right. At any rate, it was the answer that both of them needed to hear.

"Try to keep him still," He told his brother, determined gaze still fixated on the task at hand. "Talk to him, try to keep him calm.." And Donnie knew that would probably be a tall order to fill if his injured brother fully regained consciousness. He needed to work quickly to clean bullet and shell fragments from the wound, and stop the bleeding. The purple-masked Turtle worked diligently, using a laparoscopy to maneuver inside the wound, the small light enabling him to search for any internal damage as he worked at controlling the bleeding. Fibrin glue was applied to the numerous damaged vessels, sealing them off and preventing any additional loss. But he had lost so much already. "He's going to need a transfusion..."

..but at least there didn't seem to be any damage to internal organs. That was a much needed relief, earning a well deserved sigh from the Brainy Turtle. It took what felt like an eternity, but the wound had finally been thoroughly cleaned. The bleeding under control, and now Don's blood covered, and slightly unsteady hands worked at bandaging the wound, packing it with sterile gauze and taping a dressing over the injury. "I need to plaster that, but we need to keep it open for a few days to make sure infection doesn't set in." Now with the more critical part of his job over, he tried to focus on composing his inner emotions-- the panic that he refused to let show while his brother's life was literally in his hands.

"It sounds like things have quieted down out there, which is fortunate for us. We need to do the transfusion here..."

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#46 [url]

Apr 29 15 4:00 AM

Casey had just whacked another thug so hard the vibration from it jarred his arms and he was just recovering for another go of it when the lot started peeling off into darkness, and moments after they had the vigilante heard the reason why and turned towards Mikey. "Dude I think those sirens are coming our way lets get back to the others." He hurries back to the shell cell with that.

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#47 [url]

Apr 29 15 9:49 AM

Mikey hurried after Casey as he made a mad dash for the Shellraiser. His mind spun wildly. That guy had some serious firepower...literally. Not only did he set his hands on fire, he made the ground move, too. There was only one explanation for it: The guy was a superhero. Mikey poked his head into the van, not wanting to move it in case Donnie was still working on Raph.

"Dudes! That was awesome!" Mikey exclaimed. "Apart from Raph getting shot and all. But, did you see it when that guy's hands burst into flames? How cool was that?" He quickly became serious when he saw the dire look on Donnie and Leo's faces. "How's Raph? Is he okay?" Mikey asked, worriedly.

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#48 [url]

May 1 15 5:07 AM

It had taken everything within him to keep still; knowing that the hands working on his side belonged to Donatello and that his brother was doing everything in his power to keep him alive. But, shell did it hurt. Raphael would've screamed if his throat hadn't been so parched. He needed a drink, he didn't care of what; as long as it took away the burning in his throat. Raphael opened his mouth to say something, but a pitiful squeak was all that came out.

"It sounds like things have quieted down out there, which is fortunate for us. We need to do the transfusion here..."

Transfusion? What was a transfusion again? It had something to do with blood, but that was all Raphael could remember with his foggy memory. He just wanted to go home. Climb into bed, crawl inside his shell and never come out again. His eyes began to burn and when he squeezed them tightly closed, tears began to stream down his face. The pain was unbearable. Why couldn't Donatello make the pain stop?

Last Edited By: Raphael May 2 15 10:07 AM. Edited 1 time.
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#49 [url]

May 1 15 8:38 PM

Raph needed a transfusion? Not surprising considering the amount of blood he lost already. "I'll do it." It was obvious that Leo had to be the one to donate. He would volunteer every time if it meant he could save his family. Leo wasn't a turtle to just stand on the sidelines and watch his family be struck down in front of him. He would honestly do everything in his power to make sure his team lived to fight another day.

"Dudes! That was awesome!" Mikey exclaimed. "Apart from Raph getting shot and all. But, did you see it when that guy's hands burst into flames? How cool was that?" He quickly became serious when he saw the dire look on Donnie and Leo's faces. "How's Raph? Is he okay?" Mikey asked, worriedly.

He glanced at Mike when he came in and shook his head. "Not really, Mikey. Raph needs a blood transfusion." He glanced at Raph who was wincing in pain, and...were those tears? It was rare to see his brother cry, but considering what he had just gone through, it was justified. "It's going to be okay, Raph. We'll make it okay again, I promise." His own throat was tightening with emotion.

Last Edited By: Leonardo May 1 15 8:40 PM. Edited 1 time.
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#50 [url]

May 3 15 8:48 PM

Casey looks over and sighs, "Ahhhh man..." He leans down and pats Raph's shoulder, "You'll be okay man," He didn't have to give Donnie the 'or else' look, as if Don would a fail a brother right now? And there was still the matter of. "Leo... we need to get out of here the coats are coming." He adds to the blue masked leader, nodding to the empty docks and the sounds of sirends in the air.

The photo grap in Mikey's possession was on thermal printing paper, so the image on it that had been blurry was now clear being against him.

The only photograph of four small mutant turtles of startling color. And the reason for the death of a scientist and the deal on the docks tonight.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Join date : 2016-11-06
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Turf War: City of Fire. 2 TMNT Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 2 TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:44 pm


#51 [url]

May 5 15 11:44 PM

The world seemed to be spinning too rapidly around him. Soon, Mikey and Casey returned and his little brother was going on about things that he couldn't focus on at the moment, nor did his overworked brain process. The pressure he felt was overwhelming, and it was something that he never seemed to get used to. Defusing a bomb would have been preferred over this situation, because at least his brothers could have been sent away from the danger zone. Raphael's life was literally in Donatello's hand and even though the most critical part was over, it was his nature to second guess. Had he missed anything? Had he managed to stop all of the bleeding? He had triple checked everything, but he would worry until his brother showed signs of improvement....

...Your hands are shaking...get it together!!....

Struggling to steady the slight trembling as he untangled the tubing from the transfusion bags, then sterilized Leo's arm before pushing the needle into his vein. Sparing a quick glance at his injured brother as he worked, feeling the suffocating weight on his chest as he witnessed his tougher than nails brother's tears. Tears of pain, or induced by fear, either thought was too much for him. Choking back his own emotions, he gave Raph's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "It's going to be okay, Raph." He told him, not sure if his brother could hear, but wanted to give some comfort just in case. "I need to get you stable, then I'll administer something to ease the pain. But you're going to be okay...I promise!" The words sounded so confident, even though the Brainy Turtle was having to swallow down his own fear...

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#52 [url]

May 6 15 1:29 AM

He felt like he was drifting away on an innertube on a river. He could hear his brother's voices, but they sounded distant and muffled. A hand squeezed his shoulder in a reassuring manner. Raphael reached out and grabbed the wrist of the person who had touched his shoulder; holding tight as if it were an anchor and he was a ship in a stormy sea. The hand was trembling; he must have been holding on to Donatello's wrist. The tears wouldn't stop flowing. He was scared and in pain.

"D..." Raphael rasped out. ""

He'd curse himself for sounding like an infant later. If there was a later. He could very well die here; but, at least he had his brothers by his side.

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#53 [url]

May 9 15 1:44 AM

The scene was absolutely heart-wrenching. And Leo still blamed himself. If he hadn't gone out on his own, none of this would have happened. If only he knew of the guy with the gun a few seconds earlier, Leo could have taken him out. A prick to his reptilian skin brought him back to the present, and Leo let out a shaky breath as Don put the needle into his arm. It wasn't as if the needle itself really hurt, though. It was everything piling up on his conscience. What if Leo's mistake had been a fatal one? What if his own brother died right there in his arms? That thought was almost too much to bear.

Leo finally tore his blurred vision from his brother and looked at the tube that was sending his own life into his brother. Leo concentrated so hard and willed his blood to save Raph's life. Like some magic force it had and Leo's blood was the only one way to save him. And it would save him -- Leo would be certain of that. He would gladly give his own life if it meant his friends and family could live on. It was what any great leader would do for his team.

Leo glanced up at his brother again when he started speaking. He had never heard Raph talk so softly, so...weak before. And the tears... Leo's guilt was again crushing him from the inside out. He did the only thing he could do at the moment and that was using his free arm to lay his hand on Don's shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "We'll get through this, Donnie." Then he looked down at Raph again, trying to muster a stern look. "And you will be just fine, Raphael. Just keep fighting those inner demons that tell you differently. You hear me?"

Maybe they were just words to mostly convince himself that everything would be okay, but hopefully they worked on Raph as well. And Don needed all the encouragement he could get. Leo couldn't be more proud of the genius turtle in front of him.

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#54 [url]

May 11 15 4:19 AM

Mikey felt his heart sink when he heard how soft and scared Raph's voice was when he spoke. He hoped that Donnie could get Raph back on his feet. Knowing that he would only be in the way as Donnie and Leo did the transfusion, Mikey stayed outside and leaned up against the Shellraiser. He pulled out the picture he had slipped into his belt; his eyes widening when he saw the four small colorful turtles. Mikey opened his mouth to call to Donnie, but no words came out. Donnie was busy with the transfusion and keeping Raph alive.

Mikey stuck the picture back into his belt, making a mental note to bring it up with Donnie when they got back to the lair. Right now, keeping Raph alive was the most important thing. They would figure out the importance of the four different colored turtles later, and why Touch and Go were at the docks in the first place.

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#55 [url]

May 12 15 10:38 PM

Donnie suddenly felt his injured brother's weak grasp on his, accompanied by words that conveyed his fear. The gestures tore at the Brainy Turtle's heart and he seriously had to fight back his own emotions, hot tears burning at the backs of his eyes. Like his brother, he was scared and hoping that he had done everything right, that nothing had gone unnoticed. While he was a genius in his own right and knew more than second year doctors, he was still learning and even the most skilled could make mistakes...

"I know it hurts, Raph.. but you're going to me okay. Your blood volume will return to normal soon, then I can give you something for pain." He assured him, clinging to his brother's hand and waiting for the transfusion to finish. He wouldn't let go of Raph's hand, not as long as his brother needed that contact, it wouldn't be broken. Heck, he needed it for himself, too. Leo's reassurances were also needed and wholly welcomed.

Leaning in to rest his forehead against his brother's, additional contact to let Raph know that he wasn't alone in this, and he would remain by his side.

"You'll be fine, Raph.." He repeated, hoping to reassure. "Just focus on our voices, okay?" Hopefully that would help distract him from the overwhelming fear and pain...

Last Edited By: Donatello May 12 15 10:42 PM. Edited 1 time.
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#56 [url]

May 13 15 3:04 AM

Casey was not the biggest on snuggling - and seeing his buddie surrounded by his brothers in such a moment...

Hearing the fear in his best friends voice.

He kneels and touched cheek with Raphael's head. "you'll be alright dude, Leo and Don, Mikey we all over this one dude and your strong." He was not always the most sentimental kind of guy but right now his bros - all of them needed him to shelf the tough guy. "Hey Don, Leo... Mikey -" He call the last bit out to the poor orange clad brother. "I will drive the shell home yeah? there is sirens coming this way, we need to be gone." He would not have done so before when Donnie needed it still and stationary but now with Leo sharing blood he figured they could risk a little driving.

He stands up with a last rub to Raph's bald head and moves poking his head out, "Come on Mikey come in and be with Raph and your brothers, I'm drving the Raiser back tot he lair." He smiles and returns inside to go sit in the seat and start the machine waiting for Mikey to rejoin them before he would set off. "Be quick Mikster!" He adds.

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#57 [url]

May 13 15 3:30 AM

Hearing the sirens and the urgency in Casey's voice, Mikey climbed into the Shellraiser and knelt down by Raph's head; lifting it up and placing it in his lap so that Raph didn't have to lie on the hard floor. He hated seeing his brothers in pain, and getting shot...that was the worst pain of all. Mikey didn't know how serious things had been, but he had heard Raph's fear when his red masked brother had spoke. Mikey rubbed Raph's shoulder gently.

"You're going to be okay, Raph," Mikey said, echoing Leo, Casey and Donnie's words. "We'll get you home and then spoil you rotten until you're better and sick of seeing us."

It was an attempt at a light joke, but Mikey couldn't bring himself to smile; not in this situation.

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#58 [url]

May 13 15 9:18 AM

His brothers were his lifeline. As long as he could hear their voices and touch their hands, Raphael knew he wasn't alone. He didn't know what was going on, his brain was still too muddled with pain, but whatever it was, he wasn't feeling as weak anymore. Raphael cracked his eyes open, seeing a strange needle sticking out of his arm and Leonardo's arm. The needles must have been for that transfusion Donatello had been talking about. Typical Leonardo being the first one to volunteer. Not that Raphael was complaining. But, it never ceased to amaze him that even though he fought his brother every step of the way on missions, questioned his every order, Leonardo would-without fail-always come to Raphael's rescue.

Raphael reached over and weakly wrapped his fingers around Leonardo's hand. His green eyes moved to lock gazes with Leonardo's blue eyes. Blue was beginning to become Raphael's new favorite least at the moment.

"Thanks, bro," Raphael whispered hoarsely.

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#59 [url]

May 16 15 6:52 PM

Leo did not like his options, but they had to get out of there. And Casey offered to drive. It was a nice gesture, and unfortunately the only ones able to drive at this point were Mike and Casey. Leo thought both of them could be immature at times, so handing the wheel over to either of them seemed ill-advised. But Mikey would probably be the worst choice. Coming to a decision, Leo reached into his belt and pulled out the keys, tossing them to Casey.

"Keep it nice and steady, Casey. No jostling us around too much," he ordered before turning his attention back to his critically injured brother. He met Raph's bright green eyes as they locked onto his own, giving him a reassuring smile. "No problem. Just stay with us, okay?"

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#60 [url]

May 18 15 9:12 AM

The situation was becoming even more urgent with the sounds of sirens screaming in the background. The Shellraiser certainly looked suspicious enough and being in the exact location of the chaos... yeah. The police would target them. Donatello was -not- comfortable with either driving options! Casey and Mikey were both known 'led foots' and Mikey seemed to have trouble keeping anything between the lines. Casey was certainly the lesser of two evils and while he still wasn't completely comfortable with having to allow a loose nut behind the wheel, he nodded. Casey could be mature just this once, right?

Leonardo echoed his thoughts and hopefully Casey would take it to heart. 'Not one scratch!' He wanted to say, and even if words were still hard to find, his gaze conveyed everything in full detail. Donnie checked the lines and monitors, relieved with the status of this delicate procedure. "We're almost finished.." He tried to assure his brothers, feeling a little over crowded but also comforted by having all of his brothers so close. The Brainy Turtle gave his injured brother's hand another reassuring squeeze, thankful that he seemed a little more responsive.

Now, if they could just make it home in one piece....
Splinter 2012
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Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:46 pm


#61 [url]

May 20 15 5:06 AM

"Don't worry I got this." Casey grins taking the keys and leaving his green bros to his best buddies comfort brigade for the moment he himself taking the wheel and turning the shell on.

It would not do to race away from the scene so Casey took it easy and as sirens wailed past he even took the shell raiser down an alley and paused it to not attract attention and off again.

It was fun drivingt he machine, but this time he could not try out the speed and strength - this time the journey was slow going. "Not far now guys." He tries to assure his friends. "Hows red holdin up?"

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#62 [url]

May 23 15 5:46 AM

Mikey placed a hand on Raph's cheek. "He feels clammy. Donnie, is that normal?" he asked.

At least Raph was somewhat responsive, now. But, it seemed that his red masked brother had once again fallen unconscious and that made Mikey a bit worried. Maybe the transfusion wasn't working.

"Hang in there, Raph," Mikey whispered. "We're almost home."

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#63 [url]

May 24 15 7:16 PM

Donatello was relieved that Casey was actually taking this task seriously and keeping the ShellRaiser as steady as possible. But considering that Raph and Casey were best friends, it seemed to give Raph's human counterpart the drive to be serious and responsible for once.

While the Brainy Turtle was trying to stay positive for the others, he was secretly worried about Raph's condition even though he had shown signs of improvements. When his little brother voiced his concerns, Donnie tried to give him his best reassuring look and mustered confidence as he spoke, even though his tone was a bit shaken. "It's normal. His body is trying to jumpstart after being deprived. Once the blood starts circulating, his color will improve, and so will his temperature.."

"He's hanging in there, Casey." He replied to their human friend, grateful they would soon be home...

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#64 [url]

May 27 15 10:09 PM

Casey grins and honks the loud horn a few times, here and there calling out in frustration at other drivers - though he really should not considering in the shellraiser they took up the road considerably.

But he was being careful and going to about five clicks under the posted speed limits.

Super super careful.

"Great to hear that Donnie - you guys will see him through." He cheers not once doubting this as he steers towards the hidden entrance in the alley finally....

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#65 [url]

Jun 11 15 5:00 AM

They were almost home. This nightmare was almost over. Raphael moaned in pain and he clenched his teeth. The Shellraiser couldn't move fast enough. However, he knew why Casey had to take it slow; it was because Donnie didn't want them jerking around and the transfusion needles coming loose. That would be bad.

"How...much further?" Raphael whispered.
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Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:35 pm

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