Masked Mayhem
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Turf War: City of Fire. 1 TMNT

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Turf War: City of Fire. 1 TMNT Empty Turf War: City of Fire. 1 TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:34 pm

Master Splinter
Mar 8 15 1:43 AM

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Location: Turtles Lair.
Date and Time: 4th January 2015, 8:30pm

The days lessens were long done, and right now the clean up after dinner was in swing before his sons would head out on patrol 7. He himself had an evening of sitting through sitcoms being wonderfully lost in the comedy before trying to meditate and not think of all the trouble his youths could and probably would get into out there and all that could happen to them!

Then soon they would be home again, in varying degrees of injury if the night had been too action filled and he'd be able to take part in the first aiding and breath easy until they headed put again.

He sighs and moves to the kitchen and the cookie jar - which had just crumbs in it. Darn it.

He chuckles and gathers thing sout of the cupboards and fridge to make more cookies. Usually the kitchen was the domain of Michelangelos of late, but cookies and cake Splinter enjoyed being able to make on the odd occassion.

Last Edited By: NecroFusion Apr 25 15 3:26 PM. Edited 2 times
Mar 10 15 11:49 PM

It was 'go time'. Well, technically, anyway. Unfortunately Donatello was completely oblivious to this fact. After their morning training and breakfast, the brainy Turtle had disappeared into this lab, determined to finish up his latest project before their outing tonight. The ingenuity of this project was pure genius! At least Donnie thought so, anyway. Others may question the device, but he was certain that it would come in handy during difficult missions where infiltration may be a little tricky.

"Just a few more.. touches..." The purple-clad Turtle beamed, tongue plastered to one side of his jaw as he welded the last 'leg' onto the little palm-sized robot. The little metal creature was placed on its back, all six legs pointing in the air. With the final touch, the legs twitched as if the robo arachnid had taken its first 'breaths' which earned a big gapped grin from the proud inventor.  

"Wow, independent response without frequencies detected via remote.." It certainly seemed impressive enough. The geeky mutant pushed the welding goggles up to rest against his forehead. As careful as a proud father with a fragile newborn, Don flipped the little spider over and onto its legs, then one by one, tapped the six 'eyes' with the point of a screw driver. They looked innocent enough, but the eyes were actually cameras that could deploy and act independently. Each one could be controlled by the remote and each had its own screen protruding from various awkward angles on the control panel.

"E1 is fully operational.." He noted to himself when the first camera flickered to life, recording his snout (and making it look awkwardly large!) Another button was pressed, and the second eye left the creature's head, hovering at eye level. "E2 is on the grid.." And with that, it popped against his eye, which earned a startled squeal. "Hey, cut that out!" The usually passive mutant huffed and shoved the little rebellious camera back into its harbor. Unfortunately his 'creation' didn't seem to appreciate the rough gesture. Suddenly all six marble-sized cameras deployed from their resting place and began circling his head. "Okay, that's not creepy at all!" It was enough of a distraction for the biggest insult of all! The robot growled and pounced onto his face, all six legs clamping tightly around his head!  

"Ahhh!!" The brainy Turtle screamed, reaching for his staff and clearing everything off his work desk in the process. He toppled over, found his feet again only to collide with the wall.

It took trial and error, and several new bruises, but he finally found the door and scrambled out into the open where he hoped someone would help! "Getitoffme-getitoffme-getitoffme!!"
Last Edited By: Donatello Mar 11 15 12:04 AM. Edited 2 times.
Mar 11 15 6:11 AM

Raphael poked his head out of the kitchen when he heard his brother screaming. He blinked once, twice, but he wasn't seeing things. Donnie was being attacked by what looked like floating marbles with a weird spider thing wrapped around his face. With a smirk of amusment fighting its way across his face, Raphael pulled out a sai and hurried over to assist his brother. With one swing of his sai, he managed to take out a couple; however, the smirk quickly vanished when some of the remaining marbles turned towards him.

"Sewer bunnies," Raphael muttered.

He yelled in suprise when a couple of the remaining marbles began attacking him. He pulled out his other sai and began swiping at the floating pests.

"Donnie, what did you do?!" Raphael yelled.

Last Edited By: Raphael Mar 11 15 9:31 AM. Edited 1 time.
Mar 11 15 3:35 PM

Michelangelo jumped as he heard a scream coming from the direction of Donatello's lab, peeking his head out from the corner of the kitchen to see what Donnie was screaming at. He was shocked to see what looked like marbles floating around both Donnie and Raph's heads.

"Whoa dudes!" Mikey exclaimed as the plate he was holding dropped to the floor with a crash as he had been cleaning dishes from the meal that he, his brothers and master Splinter had just finished. Not giving the plate a second thought he decided to jump in and give his brothers a hand.

"Dude, what are these things?" Mikey hissed as he pulled his nunchucks out and started swinging them around trying to knock the marble looking things out of the air to stop the attack on he and his brothers. "What are these things, Don?" Mikey said as the marbles turned their attention to the younger brother giving Donnie and Raph a bit of breathing room.

Mar 11 15 5:53 PM

Leonardo was finishing up with cleaning the kitchen in the hopes of doing a little mind-preparation (meditation) before gathering up his brothers to go out on their nightly patrol. With these turtles, it was always a good idea for Leo to find his center to keep his emotions in check. As a leader, Leo had to put up with a lot of stress and frustration from his brothers. They were a constant test of patience for him.

Suddenly a scream then a loud crash came from the direction of Donnie's lab and Leo jumped into action quickly, trying to free his brother of the mechanical menaces that seemed to see Don as a fun new target. It didn't take long before the remaining ones began 'attacking' the rest of them and Leo pulled out a katana and started hacking at the small creatures.

"Donnie! What are these things?!" he repeated the question Raph and Mikey had already asked their brainy brother. No doubt this was another one of Don's inventions going haywire at the worst possible timing. Leo had a schedule to keep. They needed to get going on their patrol before it got to be too much later.

Master Splinter
Mar 11 15 6:48 PM

His ears turn before his gaze to the source of the ruckus and blinks a few times in bemusement. "what the devil?" he mutters to himself standing and moving towards the confused group of his sons and the shiny little... Marbles?


Gone bad?

He sighs a little fighting the urge to roll about laughing his tail off.

He could indulge in that when his sons left the lair.

For now like a silent whirlwind he was amongst his older teens in a heart beat and with precision earn over decades of training he swiftly struck down the remaining marbles, catching the last one with his tail. "my sons, are you all okay?" he asks smiling.

Last Edited By: NecroFusion Mar 12 15 6:53 AM. Edited 1 time.
Mar 12 15 2:44 AM

"Fine, sensei," Raphael replied, breathing heavily. "No thanks to Donnie," he added, giving his purple masked brother a death glare. "Why am I not surprised that another one of your inventions backfired?"

Not waiting for an answer, Raphael stormed off to get ready for the night's patrol; slipping his sais in his belt behind his back as he went.

Mar 12 15 7:41 PM

Donatello was both relieved, and horrified when his brothers rushed to his aid. The robotic spider obscured most of the brainy Turtle's vision, but he could hear the destruction of the fragile, yet vicious marble-sized eyes. "Careful!! Those are extremely--" He was cut off mid-sentence when his 'precious' shifted on his face, clamping tighter around his head and making the task of talking a complete impossibility...

"Ooooohmmm!!!" He muttered frantically, fingers attempting to pry between the robot and his face. He ran in a circle before 'faceplanting' into the unforgiving wall. Fortunately robo spider aided as a face guard and the impact was enough to convince it to relinquish its death grip on its creator. It hit the ground, landing gracefully on twitchy legs, but the thing was not down for the count! While Donnie struggled to catch his breath (and make sure his face was still attached!) the device targeted Leo. With a robotic squeal that would have made any Decepticon envious, the metallic arachnid charged at the blue-clad leader...

Last Edited By: Donatello Mar 12 15 7:43 PM. Edited 1 time.
Mar 12 15 8:06 PM

Just when Leo thought the danger was over, at least with the smaller pests, the one that was clamped onto Don made a not graceful exit after its impact with the wall.  Leo had his back turned towards the robotic spider, getting ready to answer Splinter when he heard this shriek and whirled around quickly, eyes widening.

"Oh, no..."  

It was heading straight for him!  "Donnie!" Leo let out a small yell, backing up until he hit the wall with his shell.  It was still approaching and fast!  But he wouldn't let this robotic creature get the best of him.  His eyes narrowed and he charged it, closing the distance then stabbed the creature with his sword before it had a chance to climb up on him and do who knows what.

Mar 13 15 5:39 AM

Raphael came out of his room, coiling a grappling hook around his arm. He looked up from what he was doing to see Leonardo stabbing the spider thing with one of his swords. Raphael's eyes drifted over to Donatello who looked like he did a faceplant in the wall. Maybe he should have stayed around to see that the problem was taken care of before storming off. Raphael shrugged and made his way back over to his brothers. He looked down at the impaled robo spider and shuddered. Even though it wasn't a real spider, it still gave him the creeps. He hated bugs, even robotic ones.

"Did you make a new friend, Leo?" Raphael asked. He pointed at the sword. "That's not a very nice way of starting off a friendship."

Master Splinter
Mar 14 15 3:31 AM

Splinter smiles and chuckles. "You may be right Raphael - but neither is it a good foundation for friendship to go targeting your new friends face." He smiles and picks up the broken pieces of the 'marble' bits into a cupped hand. Maybe Donatello could try again if he had the pieces?

The mutant rat did not know but he did not think it was a good idea to leave them lying about either and it seemed a shame to simply sweep it up and bin the lot. He adds calmly, "Donatell, your ingenuity is as ever staggering - what was going to be the purpose of this?" he asks tucking the little pieces of broken bits in his robes belt fold waiting for Leonardo or Donatello to slip the little arachnoterminator from the blade, then he would catch it up and tuck it away to put in Donatello's lab when  his sons headed out.

He smiles checking on Michelangelo as this one had not confirmed verbally he was fine.

Last edited by Master Splinter on Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

Posts : 419
Join date : 2016-11-06
Age : 50
Location : The Lair.

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Turf War: City of Fire. 1 TMNT Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 1 TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:35 pm


#11 [url]

Mar 14 15 6:21 AM

"i'm fine sensei just needing a rest for a minute" said mikey as he looked around to make sure the danger was truly over with. hoping that after this little excitement in the lair there patrol went a little quieter that night mikey started sweeping up the remnants of the broken plate that he had dropped earlier.

"can i go finish the dishes now before patrol or are we going to have more excitement" mikey asked, and before waiting for an answer waked towards the kitchen to take care of the last of the clean up before they went on patrol that night

plunging his hands back in to the sink he quickly finished up the clean up from there meal and headed to his room to prepare for that nights patrol.
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#12 [url]

Mar 15 15 8:35 PM

Still stunned from the 'bump' against the wall, Donatello could only watch in horror as his precious creation charged at his brother!! He grabbed his Bo from the floor and prepared to drive it back, but it was too late. Leo had already impaled it with his sword! "NO!!" The brainy Turtle cried out, but the deed had been done.

All of those long nights and hard work, and this was the end result. This.. was overwhelming. Don dropped to his knees a few inches away from the seemingly lifeless robot, gingerly touching it with the fingers that had breathed life into it. With a sigh, Donnie looked at his father as he asked of the robot's purpose.

"It was a spy bot." He told his father, finally pulling Leo's sword from its center. A few sparks shot out and a leg twitched ever so slightly, but then all signs of function ceased. "I designed it to aid us during missions. I just don't understand why it turned aggressive.. it wasn't programmed to be a weapon.." He explained, blinking in surprise as it twitched again. Then suddenly it sprung to life, sparks flickering from the damage Leo had inflicted. Another loud growl accompanied its rebirth, and this time, it targeted Raphael....

"Raph, watch out!!!"

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#13 [url]

Mar 16 15 4:19 AM

Raphael, whose attention was still on Splinter, turned to see what had caused his brainy brother to call his name. His eyes widened in horror when he saw the robo spider charging at him. He dropped the grappling hook and whipped out his sais. He brought them up as a shield as the robot sprang at his face. However, it just latched on to his sais. Raphael looked up into the empty sockets that should have had eyes in them. As if being designed like a spider wasn't bad enough. Having no eyes just made the thing that much creepier.

Raphael jerked back, waving his weapons, trying to dislodge the accursed robo-arachnid. But, it only tightened its grip. With lightning fast speed, the creature scampered up the sais and up Raphael's arm. He let out a shriek of horror and tried to bat the robo spider off of his arm. However, it just avoided every swipe and scampered the rest of the way up Raphael's arm to his neck, where-to Raphael's horror- it disappeared down inside his shell.

"Get it off me!" Raphael all but screamed. "DONNIE! You are SO gonna get it when this is over!"
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Master Splinter

#14 [url]

Mar 16 15 7:44 AM

Splinter moves over to Raphael - knowing how much his red clad son did not enjoy bugs - even fake ones and ssumed this extended to metal robo ones too!

He carefully extracts the slippery little thing from under the lip of plastron where it thing flattened itself like a real spider impressively out of site - "Calm yourself Raphael." The Master Ninja says calmly moving back towards Donatello for the moment the little instrument clutched in his strong fingers. "seems to be a few - uh - bugs to work out still." The rat says to his intellectual son in some amusement holding out the device for him to take.

((ooc: join me in chat?

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#15 [url]

Mar 16 15 6:04 PM

"Did you make a new friend, Leo?" Raphael asked. He pointed at the sword. "That's not a very nice way of starting off a friendship."

Leo resisted the urge to roll his eyes, not amused. "Oh, ha-ha. Very funny, Raph." Then he started pulling his blade from the robotic creature when Don angrily assisted him. Leo's own patience was coming to an end. He resheathed his weapon and scowled at Don. Didn't he realize how dangerous this thing was?

He would have said something to his brainy brother, but then the stabbed robot suddenly returned to life - this time with a new target in mind. Leo's eyes widened again and he once more drew his katana to put an end to the menace once and for all.

Raph's sais did little to slow the spider-bot down as it attached itself to his brother's arm and slipped in Raph's shell. If Leo was in a better mood, the scene would have been comical. His father seemed to think so, anyway. Leo found it as more of an annoyance. And another delay from them getting going on their training run.

Now that the danger had passed, hopefully for good, Leo glanced at every brother in turn. "Alright, guys. We need to get going on our patrol." He resheathed his blade again and headed for the lair's exit.

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#16 [url]

Mar 17 15 5:28 AM

Shuddering, Raphael picked up his discarded grappling hook from the floor and started to follow his blue masked brother to the lair's exit. Before he got too far though, he turned and looked around. Making a detour, Raphael hurried towards the kitchen where Michelangelo was still cleaning up.

"Yo, shells-for-brains. We're headin' off. Get a move on or you'll get left behind," Raphael said.

He ducked back out of the kitchen and ran to catch up to Leonardo.
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#17 [url]

Mar 17 15 5:55 AM

" Alright, I'll be with you in a minute keep your shell on" said mikey as he put the last of the dishes in the dish tray to dry while they were on patrol.

hopefully this one went better than the last patrol as the shredder and the foot clan had gotten the drop on him and his brothers from the very beginning. mikey sighed as he thought on the fact that if it handed been for leo they might of all been hurt more seriously than they were. He always looked to his oldest brother and leader for guidance when things were bothering him or for stuff he just couldn't go to master splinter about.

mikey sighed again and pulled his apron off his body grabbed his nunchucks off the table and headed for the lair exit to follow raph and leo out.

"coming donnie" mikey said waiting for the last of his brothers to head out.

Last Edited By: Michelangelo Mar 17 15 12:46 PM. Edited 1 time.
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#18 [url]

Mar 17 15 9:55 AM

Donatello watched on in horror as the spy bot latched onto Raphael's sai, scurried up his arm and flattened itself enough to fit between the lip of his plastron!! The brainy Turtle moved closer to assist, but his father was quick to defuse the situation, and in a matter of seconds the third attack had been thwarted.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Donnie graciously took his invention back into his nervous hand, careful not to let it escape again. Flipping the thing over onto its back, he flipped a switch and the robot was once again inactive. Still, considering how it had came back to life after being impaled, Don wasn't confident that it would remain idle...

"I'm sorry about that, guys.." He told his family. Leo was obviously annoyed, and Raphael was none too happy, either. It must have been an extra horrible experience for his red-clad brother, considering the hot-head's fear of bugs. "Looks like it needs more work." He said, agreeing with his father. Though, his choice of wording eased a grin onto the regretful Reptile's features.

Donatello disappeared into his lab and after securing the device beneath a large hollowed out shipping crate, returned to the main room with his staff in place and his bag-o-tricks thrown over his shoulder. His brothers often teased him about it being a purse, but he always argued that it was his 'man bag'. Sometimes it became rather annoying have to defend not only his satchel, but his weapon as well! It wasn't a stick!

"I'm ready when you guys are."
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#19 [url]

Mar 17 15 11:04 AM

Raphael rubbed his arm in a paranoid manner. He could still feel the pinpricks of those six, pointy, steel cold legs crawling up his arm. A violent shudder rippled through his body. He turned toward Donatello as he and his brothers made their way to the Shellraiser.

"Of all things, Donnie, why a spider?" Raphael asked.

He wasn't trying to give his brother a hard time; after all, Donatello looked like someone had just embarrassed him in front of April. And, having Leonardo put his sword through his creation probably didn't help things, either.

"Wasn't there anything...nicer you could have made that thing? Or do you just have a liking for bugs? I mean, first it was the roach cam that got turned into the Terminator and now this spider-bot goes AWOL." Raphael crossed his arms. "Call me crazy, Donnie, but it seems like every time you try to upgrade bugs things get bad."
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Master Splinter

#20 [url]

Mar 19 15 3:15 AM

Splinter chuckles watching Donatello putaway his little instruments.He would have to encourage the boys to help Donatello fix the little thing now they had been apartof it's distruction. Of course the purple clad genius wouldn't allow them to work on the device it self but no doubt help with the finding of materials and tools and stuff would be apprieciated by the brainy turtle and it would ease hurt, embarassed or annoyed feelings any of his boys had with each other over the incident.

"Be careful out there Leonardo please." Splinter called out after them cautioning Leonardo with those words to clear his mind of the annoyances of the delays and be of sound thought and concience in leading his brothers tonight through whatever exercise he deemed they needed and through what ever trouble they manage to come across.

He always felt the tug of anxiety and worry when his sons left the lair.

Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

Posts : 419
Join date : 2016-11-06
Age : 50
Location : The Lair.

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Turf War: City of Fire. 1 TMNT Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 1 TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:36 pm


#21 [url]

Mar 20 15 9:27 PM

Donatello was trying to swallow down his own embarrassment over the whole fiasco, knowing this had delayed Leo's highly anticipated outing, and had scared the shell out of Raphael. Even though this had ended in heartbreak for the brainy Turtle, there was still some amusement to be had in the residential bad boy's phobia of insects. Something so tiny could really send him into a panic.

As they prepared to head out, Raphael asked the million dollar question. Why a spider? And why were bugs a subject of his interest and often replicated in his inventions? "Why a spider? Why not.." The purple-clad Turtle asked with a shrug and he checked through his bag to make sure that everything that he deemed remotely necessary had been packed.

"Spiders are one of nature's most flawless designs. Certainly the perfect spy because they can maneuver almost any terrain." Donatello tried to explain. "It was the same with the cockroach, but unfortunately neither worked out as I had planned.." There was a note of disappointment in his tone, but true to form, the inquisitive Turtle wouldn't allow past failures to dictate future projects.

"Hmmm.. maybe I'll incorporate Musca domestica, that's 'common house fly' to you, into my next project..."

Last Edited By: Donatello Mar 20 15 9:30 PM. Edited 1 time.
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#22 [url]

Mar 21 15 12:35 AM

"We will, Sensei."

After giving Splinter a smile and a bow, Leo turned and lead his brothers out of the lair. The night was a bit chilly, so they would be taking the Shellraiser tonight. Although Leo liked the Shellraiser, he still preferred going on foot for their patrols. It offered much more exercise and wasn't so limited on where they could go. As it was, they weren't built for cold weather, so traveling the rooftops wouldn't be happening tonight. The ground would have to do.

Not that they couldn't find some action down a dark alleyway or something. Crime could be found anywhere. However, Leo also knew that they still had to remain unseen by most of the people in the city. And looking for trouble was definitely not a good idea. Although Raph would most likely disagree. He and Leo had gone round and round over that issue in the past.

The familiar 'ding' of the doors opening greeted Leo as he hopped into the Shellraiser and took his station as the driver of the subway car-turned-truck of sorts, buckling in and waited patiently for the others to get in.

Last Edited By: Leonardo Mar 21 15 12:40 AM. Edited 3 times.
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#23 [url]

Mar 21 15 2:34 AM

"Hmmm.. maybe I'll incorporate Musca domestica, that's 'common house fly' to you, into my next project..."

Raphael's heart dropped at Donatello's words. There was just no end to his brother's insanity. Why did it always have to be bugs? Wasn't there anything else that could "maneuver almost any terrain"? Like a rat. Those were abundant enough, especially in New York. Raphael turned away from his brother and climbed into the Shellraiser, taking his place at the weapons station. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against the garbage cannon's controls.

"Sometimes I think Donnie plays with bugs just to torture me," Raphael muttered to no one in particular.

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#24 [url]

Mar 21 15 9:24 AM

Donatello was pleasantly surprised that they would be taking the Shellraiser tonight. As they stepped out onto the platform and the vehicle came into view, a proud grin managed to creep across the previously disappointed Reptile's lips. At least he had gotten this thing right. Of course, it hadn't been without its flaws and kinks, but for the most part those had been smoothed out. Trial and error. A process that would have to happen on occasion. Okay, maybe more often than periodically, but considering his young age and that he was completely self-taught, even his flawed designs were something of a marvel.

The brainly Turtle climbed into the vehicle and took up his position. Raphael's comment earned a lopsided grin that was accompanied by a quiet chuckle. " Come on, Raph. You know 'prodding the bull' and brotherly torture is Mikey's department. But, I will admit that I find your phobia of insects highly amusing." He teased his brother. Though, deep down the 'scientist and caring brother' part of him wondered what had developed this paranoia. Maybe someday he would be brave enough to ask.
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#25 [url]

Mar 21 15 11:15 AM

aw raph cant be no worse than the time i stuck the fake turantula on your face that was a good laugh" teased mikey wondering how his brother would react to that friendly reminder of the time when mikey had almost given him a heart attack.

it had been quite funny to watch raph running across the lair screaming to have the spider removed and only for the possiblee havoc it would of caused in the lair mikey would of been content to let the joke continue after all it had been april fools day and they had had a particularly rough battle with the foot clan so it was definitely something they all needed even if it cost mikey some time doing extra workouts and that to make up for it but it was still quite funny to watch.

" hopefully this night goes smother than our patrols have been going" mikey stated as he boarded the shellraiser and waited for his brothers to do the same.
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#26 [url]

Mar 21 15 11:23 AM

"I'm still going to kill you for that prank," Raphael grumbled.

Though he had yet to come through on that threat; mostly because he was always thwarted by either Leonardo or Splinter. But it didn't matter, Michelangelo was a dead turtle walking; he would have his revenge. Raphael sat back in his seat, still rubbing at his arm.

"I need a good Foot bashing. Anything to get my mind off of bugs," the red masked turtle said.
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#27 [url]

Mar 21 15 9:50 PM

Leo listened to his brothers' conversation quietly. Something about bugs and pranks. The turtle rolled his eyes at that. As amusing as it was to see Raph come unglued every time he saw a cockroach around the lair, it didn't let him forget the whole fiasco with the mutated cockroach. Leo remembered how scared Raph was and that was during a mission where he counted on the whole team to stop the Kraang's plan with drilling a hole into the Earth. Unfortunately, things didn't go exactly as planned, but Raph did come through for all of them in the end.

The deal with Donnie's latest inventions, however, didn't sit well with Leo. It was almost the same apprehensiveness he had with Metalhead at the beginning. Sometimes Don's creations were more dangerous than practical, but he couldn't fault the brainiac for trying. It was Donnie who made things more liveable in the lair. Some of Don's handiwork was actually a good thing. Such as the Shellraiser. Even though they had two different vehicles now, the Shellraiser still seemed like the more popular of the two.

Now that everyone was at their station, Leo started the engine and drove down the tracks in the subway tunnel. He couldn't help but roll his eyes and sigh at Raph's comment. Typical Raph...

"Trust me, Raph. I'm sure you'll find plenty of distractions up there."

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Casey Jones

#28 [url]

Mar 23 15 5:03 PM

It was awesome. Nothing that words could ever describe.

Casey Jones pulled up a sewer lid tucked away in one of the many alleyways of this large city and began climbing down into the darkenss unknown. Really, he knew what was down there but the added mystique of others being terrified made him chuckle in thought. The masked vigilante hopped off the ladder and began sprinting through the muck and grime to reach the one place he knew he was always welcome: The Lair. It was the guys' hangout spot and their living quarters, which was cleverly hidden from the view of prying eyes. No one could navigate these tunnels without having a good memory. Casey wasn't the brightest tool in the shed but he could manage this. He'd been coming here for a while now.

Being nighttime, his cover was safe from those that may have wandered into these dark tunnels as Casey traversed the nonlinear sewer system. Thankfully he had a pair of ratty sneakers on. He didn't care if they were damaged during his trek to the lair, and in fact rather enjoyed this maze. He could remember the first time they revealed to him that they lived in the sewers below the city, in the underbelly of New York. He was disgusted. But since then, Casey has come to enjoy the privacy of the sewer. Finally, he reached the entrance and hurriedly sprinted inside to greet the guys. He came in just as Raph mentioned 'Foot bashing'... How ironic. What a coincidence! Casey had just the news for him.

"Yo, green genes! What's up, guys?", the vigilante asked with a shrug of his shoulders. He lifted the hockey mask over his head and smirked. "Funny you should mention Foot bashin', dude, 'cause I just came across those Purple Dragon clowns not five minutes ago. They were doin' some shady stuff, man. Thought you guys might like ta check it out.", Casey tilted his head and began pounding his fist into his palm. The Foot... The Dragons... They were all out tonight, and it was skull-crackin' time! Casey noticed the Dragons selling their heavy machinery to some shady thugs. Probably a rival gang of some sort. But The Foot? They were always up to something. Even if he didn't see them, they were out there.
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#29 [url]

Mar 23 15 5:24 PM

Raphael's eyes widened slightly at Casey's news. He sat up straighter in his seat, poking his head around the cannon's controls and focusing his gaze on the back of Leonardo's head.

"What are ya waitin' for, Leo? You heard the man. There're Purple Dragons up there just waitin' to get pummelled," Raphael said, a bit too anxiously.

This was what he needed. After the fiasco with the attacking marbles and the killer robo-spider, a good Purple Dragons thrashing was just what the doctor ordered. That would get his mind off of bugs for a while. And who knew? Maybe he would forget about pummelling Donatello and Michelangelo when they got back to the lair...Maybe...Depending on his mood.

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#30 [url]

Mar 23 15 6:30 PM

Leo had spotted Casey heading their direction and stopped long enough for their human friend to hop on. "So glad you could join us, Casey." Then they were off again. It took a few minutes to get to street level, but finally they did and Leo turned to Casey. "Where did you see these guys?"

The most likely spot was around Chinatown since the Purple Dragons considered that their 'turf'. Leo hated that. Chinatown was where their friend Murakami's noodle shop was. Whenever there was trouble, unfortunately, more times than not, Murakami was the victim. Leo knew a large part of that was because of his involvement with the Turtles.
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Turf War: City of Fire. 1 TMNT Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 1 TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:41 pm

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