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Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot/ TMNT

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Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot/ TMNT Empty Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot/ TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:34 am

Oroku Karai


Apr 7 15 1:11 AM

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Karai left Shredder's throne room in a huff, the doors sliding closed behind her, wanting to be far away from that bitch and father as much as possible. Sure, he can be irritating with his obsession over an old vendetta, but this...was a new level of low. The way that woman drapes herself all over her father like some kind of common whore...her father allowing her to go so far as to touch was completely disgusting to watch. Someone had to speak up against this injustice. The arguments were always the same and not once had Karai believed a word he said. It had always been only her father and herself, with nothing more then the memories she had of her mother growing up. All of those memories seem to be slipping away now that this woman entered their lives.

Hopping across one roof top after another, moving stealthily as best she could, her brown orbs darted around the streets, looking for trouble as always. She needed to take this anger out on somebody or some innocent is going to get themselves hurt.
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#1 [url]

Apr 8 15 6:08 PM

It was earlier than usual for Leo to be out, but the pressures in the lair were really getting to him tonight. Mike had decided to take out his boredom on some unsuspecting brothers who were the unfortunate victims of one of Mikey's more notorious pranks -- water ballons. No turtle was safe from the unrelenting assault of the latex liquid-filled 'missiles'.

Leo wondered where his brother got such a large supply of the balloons. Since the assault started mid-afternoon, all of his brothers had taken refuge in certain rooms of the lair. Leo had taken cover in his room until he managed to sneak out some time later and here he was -- topside. He hated to think of what was awaiting him once he returned home.

Leo was running along the rooftops, feeling much better now that he wasn't suffocating in the stuffiness of the lair. He loved it up there. It felt so freeing running above the streets. True, Leo still had to be careful about being spotted, but he was a professional when it came to being unseen by the humans. Though it wasn't always easy.

Barely winded, even after his run across town, he stopped on the edge of a roof, looking out over the cityscape, his blue mask tails blowing gently in the breeze.

Last Edited By: Leonardo Apr 8 15 6:15 PM. Edited 1 time.
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Oroku Karai

#2 [url]

Apr 8 15 6:24 PM

Stars were starting to poke out, turning the city into a magnificent array of light. No wonder tourists love it here, the city looked spectacular at night. After leaping over another roof top, Karai took out her binoculars and spotted a familiar figure. Leonardo. Perfect. Leaping to the next roof top, Karai hid behind a turret that managed to conceal her. All she had to do was get him from behind, then drag his sorry carcass back to Shredder. That ought to appease her father's fury. All she had to do is wait for the right moment...
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#3 [url]

Apr 8 15 6:35 PM

Leonardo continued to watch the city from his perch. He felt no danger at the moment. That soon changed when Karai moved closer, though. He couldn't see her, but he felt like he was being watched. It was a bit unsettling. It could have been just FootBots, though. And Leo had taken on several of those at once. It wasn't that big of a deal. Then again, there were far more competent foes that could be lurking in the shadows. He glanced around once again before pulling out one of his swords, slowly backing up towards the edge of the rooftop on full alert.

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Oroku Karai

#4 [url]

Apr 8 15 6:41 PM

Rather then make a grab for the sword, Karai shrugged, did a back flip and landed behind Leonardo, "We need to stop seeing other like this. I am beginning to think you enjoy it to much." Karai crossed her arms and grinned at the turtle in blue. It was tradition to open the fight with a little bantering. It was how they met. The turtle is good. It is rare that a fighter could best her in a fight. Good with a sword, too. Adorable, in a naïve kind of way. Just in case, Karai reached for her sword, holding it out in front of her, widening her stance a bit, a look of eagerness on her face. It is quite obvious that she wanted a fight. Looking around, she noticed that his brothers wasn't around. Good. No need to get in trouble with the one in red. Shame he couldn't join them, though, he seemed like a lot of fun, too.
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#5 [url]

Apr 10 15 8:34 PM

Leo was ready for her. As soon as she landed behind him, he spun around, his sword held in front of him in a defensive stance. He gave her a smirk then lowered it to his side. "Maybe I do." True, he liked the playful banter between them before they got down to business. He thought it was cute -- she was cute. He wasn't sure how obvious he was making it for her to see that, but he really wanted to admire her 'from afar' for now. Eventually, he might get the courage to tell her face to face about how he feels about her.

But for now...Karai had now grabbed her own sword, and Leo held his up again. The smirk was back. "So it's just you and me this time, huh? You sure you don't want to invite any of your lackeys to throw you another sword?" And with that, he pulled out his second blade, basically just showing off. He didn't really intend to use the second one in this fight. It would put him at an unfair advantage, after all.

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Oroku Karai

#6 [url]

Apr 10 15 9:21 PM

Karai eyed Leo's sword with a look of disinterest. Two of them? The kunoichi had been training for over nineteen years. She can handle two katana no problem, "Do you expect me to throw a bone at you ever time you decide to show off? Lets play." With those words, she charged at Leo, running directly at him at full speed. Swinging her sword with all of her might, Karai tried to strike the first blow. This turtle drives her crazy. He is always playing these games with her. Karai never wanted to get involved in this feud to begin with, but he left with her no choice. It was his own damn fault that he stabbed her in the back.

"Shame Red didn't want to play with us tonight, Leo. He seems like a lot of fun."
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#7 [url]

Apr 13 15 7:16 PM

Leo hadn't put his other blade away by the time she attacked, and he deflected her blow with one katana while he swung the other one at her. Then he slashed at her with both katana, backing her up towards the ledge of the roof. Leo liked showing off in front of her, but he wouldn't intentionally hurt her. Especially now that he knew who she was to his family. Karai was skilled enough to avoid nearly every strike he could make against the kunoichi. But this dance they did time and time again was pretty fun. Except Leo was pretty sure Karai would chop his head off if given half the chance. It bothered him that she was that hateful towards him, and his entire family. Yes, he betrayed her, but he had a good reason. The Shredder had to be stopped -- at all costs.

"His name is Raphael," Leo reminded her, swinging a sword at her yet again after blocking another strike of hers. 'And you're all mine tonight,' he added silently.

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Oroku Karai

#8 [url]

Apr 14 15 2:32 PM

"Raphael, huh?" The name didn't matter to Karai. She nearly toppled over the ledge, but managed to stay on her feet. Leo wasn't going to defeat her that easily. "Ever since I came here, you and your brothers have been a real pain in the ass." With every strike he made, she deflected it with her katana. She sent a sharp kick towards the Turtle's plastron. "First, that woman started to come on my father and then there is you, Leonardo. I thought maybe I can at least try to be the good girl for once, but you didn't even give me a chance! You are just as short sighted and self righteous as my father." With those words, Karai lunged an attack, determined to finish the job once and for all.
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#9 [url]

Apr 15 15 9:24 PM

'Ugh, this again?'

Leo felt horrible that he lost Karai's trust, but there was more to it than just betraying her. He grunted when her kick slammed into his plastron, falling to one knee. Shell or not, that still really hurt. He barely had a chance to shake it off before she came at him again. At the last possible moment, he jumped to his feet again, blocking what he could. "I didn't know Shredder was your father, remember?" He was getting tired of this game and he swung back with his swords. "You never said who he was -- only that he was driving you crazy!" She was forgetting the most important thing, though. He blocked and swung again.

"Have you forgotten your father wants us dead, Karai?"

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Oroku Karai

#10 [url]

Apr 15 15 9:48 PM

"He has been driving me crazy! And it has gotten from bad to worse!" Karai blocked his attack, "Lately my father has been seeing another woman! I know she doesn't care about him. All she wants is to destroy of what remains of our happy little family. And whats even worse, he refuses to get rid of her!" Karai didn't care that he didn't know. All she wants Leo now is dead. There was so much rage in her swings that she could've sliced off his head if she wanted too, but the sword was only a mere inches away from her face. Karai was fighting the tears that threatened to come out of her eyes.

It just couldn't be couldn't. Is that why her father has been seeing that woman? Did he kept her around, out of spite? Is that why he has been so distance towards her? Her father can be strict on several occasions, and may not exactly be nurturing, but would he hurt his own daughter?

Karai was losing grip on her sword. Trying to fight the tears, but somehow one of them managed to splash on her spiked gauntlet. Damn it, why was she showing emotion right now?

"I heard it all before, Leo. Shredder is not my real father, your pet rat is. Do you expect me to believe that?" Karai callenged.
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

Posts : 419
Join date : 2016-11-06
Age : 50
Location : The Lair.

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Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot/ TMNT Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot/ TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:35 am


#11 [url]

Apr 18 15 9:46 PM

Great, now she was crying. Suddenly this little fight wasn't that fun anymore. Sure, they could fight and block and fight some more, but when more powerful emotions started making it to the surface, it wasn't a good thing. Leo could handle her anger -- he had done it before. But...her crying? Leo blocked everything she sent his way, and now he wasn't fighting back. It wasn't worth it. And he wanted her to stop crying!

"Look, Karai. Splinter is your father. He always has been. And your real father would never hurt you!" Leo's own patience was coming to an end. "Why don't you believe me?"

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Oroku Karai

#12 [url]

Apr 18 15 10:06 PM

Damn it, Karai! How many times has your father told you, never expose weakness to your enemy! Karai gritted her teeth in anger. And shook her head, regaining her composure and glaring at the turtle. She bit her lip hard, trying to fight the urge for the waterworks to come out, "Is that all your rat master taught you? Lies? I thought you were better then that, Leonardo. I thought you understood. But I guess not." Her back face to him, she glanced at the ledge, getting ready to make a quick escape. Halting over the ledge, she waited, wanting to hear the turtle out.
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#13 [url]

Apr 18 15 10:18 PM

Ugh, he couldn't believe this girl. He was trying to comfort her, in his own way, but she was being just too damn stubborn! "Are you even listening to me?!" He tried again, getting tired of talking about this. He had to show her...somehow. He had to prove to her that he wasn't crazy. "I'm telling you the truth! Splinter is your one true father, and I'll prove it!" Then he backed off, sheathing his weapons. "Come with me, and I'll show you what you need to know."

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Oroku Karai

#14 [url]

Apr 22 15 1:43 PM

Karai gave Leo a searching look. His blue eyes were pleading. A part of her felt uncertain. Was the turtle speaking the truth? The eyes didn't seem like they are lying. Karai had been in denial since she overheard them talking about her being their sensei's long lost daughter, MIwa, and could hardly believed her ears. Even she questioned her 'father', in the loosest sense of the word, intentions. If the rat master was her father, would he go around playing with one of his own enforcers just to spite her? But if she reached out and take his hand, then she would be betraying Shredder. Then again, it would serve him.

With those final thoughts, Karai grabbed Leo's hand. "You better not be lying, Leo. For your sake."
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#15 [url]

Apr 28 15 7:05 PM

Leo blinked and looked down at their joined hands. He didn't expect her to grab his hand. He stared at them for a little longer than looked up at her, trying to hide his slight blush. The teenager in him was practically doing backflips. He was holding the hand of his crush! 'Okay, Leo...calm down. It's just a small bit of contact. She wants nothing to do with you other than possibly trust you in this matter.' But still, he was giddy inside.

Leo gave her a small smile and returned her gesture with a small hand squeeze. "Okay." He had to remind himself that she was a manipulative kunoichi and she could turn on him at any moment. Leo had to think of a good place for them to meet his father -- since it was obvious the lair was out of the question. "You'll see. You'll meet my sensei and see for yourself that I'm not lying."

With that, Leo pulled out his phone and called Splinter on the Cheese Phone.

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Master Splinter

#16 [url]

May 1 15 1:42 AM

*He was breathing in..... solitude, quiet... the cosmos rushing in at him with each deep deep slow inhale of his chest...*
His ears turned towards the cheese phone first. Then his eyes followed. "The Chesse Phone. Truly an emergency!" He hurries over to the plastic cover and lifts it and then with the cover in tail. Tail lifting the reciever. "Hello?"

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#17 [url]

May 2 15 9:04 PM

Leo knew the Cheese Phone was only for emergencies, but he thought this might qualify as one. After all, how often does your enemy (who is really your half-sister) want to meet her real father? Answer: not very often at all. Yes, this was definitely something that couldn't wait. Who knew when an opportunity like this would come around again.

Leo cleared his throat before speaking. "Hello, Sensei. It's me. I'm wondering if you wanted to meet someone up here. It's really important that you consider this, because I'm not sure how long she'll be willing to wait..."

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Oroku Karai

#18 [url]

May 3 15 1:45 PM

Karai watched Leonardo. This is definitely going to be interesting to report. She hoped that he was lying. A part of her wanted to sneak away. Why should she believe him? It was so completely unreal. That meant everything that she had been told was a lie. Her entire life was a lie. But the question is, why would father lie to her like this? To be with that other woman? That has to be it. But it is better if she comes face to face with their rat master and see for herself.
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Master Splinter

#19 [url]

May 5 15 5:21 AM

Splinter was at first not entirely sure what to make of Leonardo's voice and his words.

But there was genuine urgency and careful deliberation behind his leading sons message and the rat felt he had to answer the summons, especially when Leonardo mentioned 'she' was waiting.

He frowns, that was rather non descript and he taps his tail. "I will come to meet you me son, where are you?" he asks calmly and hoping this would lead to Leonardo spilling more about this females.


His eyes feel on the Shen picture.

On baby Miwa.

'oh' he thought and waits for Leonardo's reply a buzz of longing and excitement settling in his chest over his heart.

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#20 [url]

May 10 15 1:02 AM

Leo was still trying to hide his excitement at the fact that Karai would finally see the truth for herself. Leo had been trying to get Karai on their side from pretty much the get-go. Now it might finally happen! But, he had to stay cool about this and not let his feelings for this girl get in the way of their meeting.

"I will come to meet you me son, where are you?"

Leo considered this carefully. At this hour, the park shouldn't be too crowded. And there were plenty of places shrowded in shadows. "How about Central Park, Sensei?" It sounded good to him, and they weren't too far away from there right now. It might give him a chance to talk about more than just who her real family was while they waited. of sorts. Yeah!
Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

Posts : 419
Join date : 2016-11-06
Age : 50
Location : The Lair.

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Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot/ TMNT Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot/ TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:35 am


#21 [url]

May 10 15 8:33 PM

Splinter considers thinking about tghe park and it's spaces, this time of year, and the time of night... All will amount to it being fairly quiet and a good place for a meeting up.

He flicks his ears and nods, well aware Leonardo could see him but it was habit. "Alright Leonardo I will be there, soon as I will take the sewers." He assures his eldest son in a firm tone. "Stay out of sight." He adds. "I will find you by scent." He adds before hanging up so that Leonardo did not have to say out loud or describe the place int he park, just encase anyone might be listening in.

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Oroku Karai

#22 [url]

May 14 15 1:02 PM

Karai watched and listened, bemused. While Leonardo's back was turned, she pressed some sort of button that appeared to be a tracker. The tracker was meant to record the conversation between herself and their rat master. If Leo has been lying to her then he'd knew damn well that she would call for backup. She folded her arms impatiently, "Well, Leo?" The kunoichi gave him what was supposed to be a straight face. She was pretty good at hiding her intentions.
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#23 [url]

May 18 15 6:34 PM

Leo said his goodbyes to his father then turned to Karai. "He's coming." Then he stopped at the edge of the park and glanced above him then back at her. "How are you at climbing trees?" Because that would be where they would wait. The foliage was thick enough to provide the perfect cover for them while they waited for Splinter. Glancing around one more time, he started climbing the tree, pulling himself up to the lowest limb then reached his hand down to her to help her if she needed it.

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Master Splinter

#24 [url]

May 20 15 7:46 AM

Making sure he had his walking stick and the photo Splinter hurried along the sewers dark tunnels hurrying towards the park.

He did not know what Leonardo was up to and what might be going on but the rat man hoped he was prepared for anything.

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Oroku Karai

#25 [url]

May 25 15 1:42 PM

Karai hid the recording device from prying eyes and followed Leo to the park. She didn't listen to Leo as she jumped onto one of the branch. "I hope that answers your question, Leo." Climbing trees was mere child's play. This information would be very useful to her father.
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#26 [url]

Jun 4 15 8:20 PM

Lucky for Karai, Leo was too preoccupied to notice the recording device. He watched Karai easily leap into the tree, and he just shook his head in mild amusement. He was hoping she would take up his offer to let him help her. It would give him a brief chance to hold her hand as he lifted her up. Oh, well.

"Nice..." It still would've been better if he could have held her hand for even a small moment. Maybe next time.

Now that both of them were in the tree, it was easier to look around the park. Master Splinter should be there very soon, and then the family reunion could begin.

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Master Splinter

#27 [url]

Jun 13 15 6:49 AM

Splinter took his time, making sure his progress throuh the sewers and up into the park went unnoticed.

And then with a rats keen eyes and nose he searches the park, ears listening -

And finally he finds them, and like all of his mini kin scaled the bark easily, silently, sliding like a wraith up behind the two youths. And seating himself like he had always been there he waits a few moments before clearing his throat to catch their attentions.

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Oroku Karai

#28 [url]

Jun 17 15 2:06 PM

"Impressed, Leonardo?" The kunoichi laughed. She scanned the park, waiting for their rat master. Secretly she had send a signal to the other Foot soldiers. No doubt they are waiting to ambush them. Then she heard a brush of leaves and turned around.

There he was....

There were no words. This was the rat master that supposedly killed their mother? Her eyes were locked with the rat's amber ones. There were so many questions that demanded answers. How could this...thing actually be her father? Where was the proof?

Scowling the kunoichi crossed her arms, waiting for the rat to explain himself.
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#29 [url]

Jun 19 15 8:49 PM

Leo just nodded slowly when Karai asked if he was impressed with her skills. Then he heard something below them. It could have been an innocent stranger, some backup for Karai, or...the person they have been waiting for -- his father. Leo listened carefully for a few moments then heard them leap into the tree. He was almost certain it was the latter now. He slowly turned around and smiled.

"Sensei, there's someone you have to meet."

Or at least be reunited with at long last.

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Master Splinter

#30 [url]

Jul 2 15 5:42 AM

Conveying a warm smile at Leonardo Splinter settled as comfortably on the branch behind the youths.

Well as comfortably as one could be with little branch and knots and knobbly bits of the wood under ones rat hiney and tail. But he was not about to complain about the discomfort and despite the rough on a older rats bones it really was a good place, well obsecured and even the rustling of foliage and the isolation of this tree would make their voices not immediately detected from the parks various walking trails if people passed by.

He might have appeared to become entirely focused on the two young ones, especially the young woman. But his rat ears still turned this way and that following noises that seemed out of place, his whiskers spread wide and nose twitching a little as it keep note of the scents about them.

"Miwa..." He whispers - unable to stop himself, his daughter...

She was so much like her mother.

She lovely. Though Shen had a more softer air... though this fierce expression was not unfamiliar, Shen had worn it many a time. "This may be a reunion for me it is indeed a meeting for you," He nods to this young woman that had been renames Karai by his enemy.

Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

Posts : 419
Join date : 2016-11-06
Age : 50
Location : The Lair.

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Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot/ TMNT Empty Re: Turf War: City of Fire. 3 Foot/ TMNT

Post by Splinter 2012 Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:36 am

Oroku Karai

#31 [url]

Jul 7 15 7:36 PM

Karai pursed her lips. What did he just called her? "My name is not Miwa! Its Karai! You can't possibly be my father. My father is-" She paused, and hesitated, "well, you already know who he is..." There were really no words. Her stomach begin to twist in knots. How could this rat possibly be her father? Where was the proof?
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Master Splinter

#32 [url]

Jul 11 15 3:55 AM

"If you truly believed that then the back up you no doubt called for at some point tonight would have descended upon us already - and you not have let me even speak. You are giving me a chance to speak because you doubt all that Oroku Saki has been telling you." Splinter says calmly and lowly, untucking the photograph from his pocket and turning it so she could see it. "I am a rat now - but I was once a man, Hamato Yoshi, like many other men, I had a beautiful wife and we had began our small family with you, and you may be Karai, but you will always be Miwa to me." He was careful to keep the picture out of her reach so as not to allow her to snatch the only remainder of his long ago family that he held dearly.

"Regardless of your beginnings Miwa and your up bringing Karai - you are what you choose to be." He shifts his weight a little on the branch he was on making the leaves shudder a little.

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Oroku Karai

#33 [url]

Jul 24 15 6:57 PM

The words this rat has been spewing is making it difficult for the kunoichi to digest. She knew who her father is and its Oroku Saki. She is an Oroku, not a Hamato. Why would her father make up such a terrible lie and for what reason? Then again, he has been flirting with the damned enforcer behind her back. So it only makes perfect sense...unless, that woman cast some sort of black magic on her father. If that is the case then Mizune should be destroyed.

Karai shook her head....who is she then? Miwa? Or Karai?

Karai narrowed her eyes at the rat. Did he know that a group of soldiers would be on their way to the park? If so what are they going to do about it?
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#34 [url]

Jul 30 15 1:14 AM

Leo watched the entire exchange between Splinter and Karai silently. There was nothing else he could really do. He had already set up the meeting time and place. Now it was time for those two to get acquainted/reacquainted. Leo leaned against the trunk of the tree with his arms folded. After Splinter said his piece, Leo waited patiently to see what Karai's reaction was to this solid proof his father had kept all these years.

A small shake to Karai's head didn't really tell him all that much to know if Splinter had gotten through to her. "Karai...?" he gently prodded her to answer the unspoken question: did she believe them now?

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Master Splinter

#35 [url]

Aug 11 15 4:13 AM

Splinter turned his ears listening his eyes on Miwa, on Karai as her thoughts turned inward of course.

He was not going to push either way - true to his words, as much as it pained him to...

He would of course let her decide whom she was and whom she choose to be. He cast a firm glance at Leonardo to be patient too, their words may never be enough evidence even if of course they were true. And it would come down to what Karai believed, and ultimately whom she felt she was. And that alone.

His tail shifts as he does a little nose and whiskers a twitching smelling, taking in variations of pressure... Every brown white, black and greay furr on his body seemed to be alive too - waiting, knowing in his being even if she had called them here on the benefit of the doubt and wanted to hear them out, to hear him out that there would be back up.

His eyes met her narrowed ones - not flinching letting her seek if she could find a way to pluck the truths from there she would have no doubt. Perhaps she may see or sense something in the held gaze? Perhaps not.

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Oroku Karai

#36 [url]

Aug 14 15 3:24 AM

It had been only a few minutes. Leo had been watching her for awhile now and their rat master was searching for her to see if she was able to digest his story. So he is letting her decide for herself? No, she needed more information. With one back flip, she landed, gracefully on her feet. Quick as lightning, she whipped out a smoke bomb. The area was soon surrounded by smoke. Then, Karai disappeared. Standing in her place was a group of Foot soldiers, poised to attack.

Karai hopped from roof top to roof top with the recording clutched in her hand. Her destination, Foot Headquarters.
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#37 [url]

Aug 14 15 8:34 PM

Leo could tell Karai was in deep thought about what they just told her. Like his father, Leo was also willing to let her decide whether she wanted to believe them or not. It was likely she would need some time to weigh her options. Leo just hoped she made the right choice when all was said and done.

Unfortunately, she wasn't convinced enough and flipped out of the tree. "Karai, wait!" Leo tried calling her back but then she disappeared in a plume of smoke. 'Dammit!'

Leo looked at his father defeatedly. "That went well." Of course his voice was dripping in sarcasm. Leo looked again when the smoke cleared and saw a group of the Foot Clan. "Uh-oh." He drew his katana blades and prepared for the attack.

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Master Splinter

#38 [url]

Sep 30 15 4:26 AM

"Do not be totally disheartened my son, your... sister may one day choose to take that place in our clan and be a family. One day... maybe." He tries to console even if somewhat disheartened himself readying his walking stick by shifting his grip from the top to the shaft of it. "We can only hope and never force, as that will breed resentment." He points.

"Come we will make quick work of this and disappear Leonardo." He growls and nods, on Leo's command they shall launch an attack on them together!

Splinter 2012
Splinter 2012

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Age : 50
Location : The Lair.

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