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Allora Swamp Lands .

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:03 pm

Mikey nods, again so very at ease, the explanation like when his Donnie told him went almost in one earhole and out the other, but Mikey was focusing, trying to absorb and remember it this time. " yes that, my Donnie says I got it, and I guess its true... " grinning and pausing his game searching his t phone for a picture to show Don of the traditional Japanese doors, new paint work across it, the Mutanimals and his brothers and sister, Karai and her lover/ best friend Shinigami, April and Casey and even the Fugitoid spread across it. He didn't move closer to Don again but he did hand over his t phone for the guy to see and look through pictures if he liked for himself. "Not too bad I guess Leo ask me do this when he took over as Sensei. We turned the doors inside out to protect the old art and he let me go crazy on this side."

His expression saddened and henods, " yeaaaah Sensei Leo, it sounds weird sometimes to say it. He's not just Fealess Leader any more. He's Sensei." voice drops even further but he saw no shame in expressing it hurt to talk about it or that he felt both proud and sad his big brother was now head of their clan and the reason why. " our father, Master Splinter.. he um... he was killed... by Super Shredder - and ever since. Leo has been... well - you know." The smile came back in blazing brightness. " he's still a dork though, can't trash talk to save his life and a huge space heros nerd."

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:33 pm

Don frowns at Michelangelo's tone regarding the ADHD.

"Like I said, it's not necessarily a bad thing. It can be extremely powerful when used properly."

He accepts the phone and flips through the photos. "These are beautiful. Some of these people look vaguely familiar. Others... if we have an equivalent, I haven't met them." He offers the phone back.

As Michelangelo continues, Don looks down sighs, then scoots closer to the smaller turtle.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have... brought that up."

There's a slight smile as Michelangelo brightens again. Don felt a little like he had whiplash from the mood shift, but that did actually remind him of his brother. Don looks over at the pile of sleeping companions. He knows they need rest, but he's anxious to get moving.  For now, he sits. He will just have to wait here with this Michelangelo a while longer. And now that he seems to have calmed down a little, Don can reach out again, making sure the area is safe, and no one is coming.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Fri Jul 26, 2019 4:33 pm

Liam was nearing the end of his nap quota for now. Shifting restlessly on top of Leo and eyes slowly opening. Wriggling a bit more then the chirp catchs in his throat as a drip of rain drops -

It had slowed before. Now bigger fatter heavier sounding drops were beginning, and the sight of it caught the sleepy blue eyes. He slips off Leo reaching for the water. Touching it - another one drops quivering on a fat broad leaf and he crawls towards it, cautiously sticking his snout foreward to sniff it - leaping back and into Leo with a small squeak when one splashes on his snout.

then it was pouring again and he watches amazed!! Not yet aware of the new turtle and though he was eager to seek out Don again he was also for the moment mesmerized by rain, he'd never seen water do this. Never... reaching hands past the over hang of the sheltering rocks and letting it wet his hands... giggling.

Until a clap of thunder sounds.

That sent him scrambling for Don with a cry of alarm.

Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Byssig10

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Fri Jul 26, 2019 4:46 pm

Don quickly and easily moves to and scoops up the small boy.

"That was pretty scary wasn't it?" Don says softly as he rocks and nuzzles the child. "That's thunder, but it's okay. I've got you." He didn't tell the boy he was safe, because honestly Don wasn't keen on being out in a thunderstorm like this, but they had no choice. He did stand and move so they were farther away from the trees. "The sound is scary, but it's not the sound that's dangerous. And the storm can be pretty impressive to watch."

He decides to do what he can to keep talking. Hopefully it will help soothe the child's nerves.

"You know what, we have a new friend here with us now. He showed up while you were sleeping. Can you say hello to Michelangelo?"

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:06 pm

Mikey grinned grateful for that, of course his brothers, Don chief among them made sure Mikey explored his talents when the mood struck him. Or kept him busy. And now and then all his brothers would indulge his need for activity and creativity. " thanks yeah my brothers try to tell me that as much as possible since... well then... I still forget sometimes."

Like the Ice Cream Kitty song. He'd nearly driven them crazy writing the song and then singing it so they had helped him defeat his ear worm by helping him write music for it and even performing it for the Utroms - Mikey grins at that and the memory of the video clip they had also pieced together for him to keep on his t phone. The collaborative efforts of that time seemed to have finally broken whatever walls April used to keep Donnie at a best friend distance and Mikey had been among some of the loudest cheerers when she finally kissed him.

He heard the shuffling behind him and turned to watch, smiling and his eyes getting all gooey eyed watching the little fellow. Not sure what to make of the kids reactions though. It was as if he'd never seen rain.

Or thunder, dawwwwwwwwwwwww Mikey eeeee'd behind hands as the terrified child comes a running, and Donnie gathers him up.

Awwwwww! "hiiiii there !" at least the kid didn't sound like Pugtaro… so far.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by NexusNoobs Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:11 pm

She wasn't jumped on, or wriggled about on but she felt it.

and would have done more then both ears going up and her fluffy tail waggling a bit only sitting up when Leo had. looking over to grin at the poor kid and his carer. Eye the new comer curiously... there were three?!

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Leon Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:23 pm

"En'gard!" Leo yelps when the little body bounces off him jolting him out of sleep and making him sit up in surprise, blinking and looking about. Spotting. [color:91e8=00008B]" oh hey Michelangelo." Stretching and yawning and standing, and realising he'd maybe squished the rabbit offering a hand to her. "Thanks for um... being a pillow..." tugging her lightly upward.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:55 pm

Liam had made his own water, in the form of a few frightened tears had trekked down his cheeks and then got smeared when Donnie caught him and he could bury his face into the bigger turtle, face pressing closer when lightning and more thunder rolls over head.

Trembling and at first just being nuzzled and sooothed... then he took a deep breath, his crying stopping with a few sniffles looking up at Donnie and though he flinched as more lightning and thunder sounded he didn't try to hide again and even managed a sort of uneasy smile. " sarry… nooo huuurs?' his trembling slowly subsiding, he flinched at the next clap but didn't hide.

Blinking curiously at this new turtle with an impossibly long name! Hi Hiii ng from the comfort of Don's hold.

Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Byssig10

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Sat Jul 27, 2019 1:45 am

Don hugs the trembling little bundle tightly. He only just hears Liam’s words over the raging storm.

”What? Don’t be sorry for being afraid. It’s okay. I will never, ever hurt you for being scared.”

He might hurt someone else for scaring the boy though. He does his best to keep his thoughts under wraps. Michelangelo might be able to pick up on it though.

And Don realizes belatedly what he had done regarding Michelangelo’ name.

“But I am willing to bet he won’t mind if you call him Mikey.”

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:58 am

Liam was still more content to be snuggled and sooth and listening to Don's words than pay more attention to the others, his smile becoming more relaxed, careful as he shifts about in Don's hold and lap to slip his arms about Don's neck and hug back finally his tremors had eased. His little tail though gave away he was still storm nervous as it was curled firmly between his legs up against his plastron.

though he manages not to flinch at the next thunder clap!

And thus safe and assured feeling he gives the Mikey another smile, " iiiii Miimmmiii."

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Sat Jul 27, 2019 3:45 am

"Hey Leo." Casually back to the other turtle, they had after all met before. And to the bunny girl "heeeeey there cotton tail - by any chance you heard of a long ears known as Usagi?"

Though most of his attention was on this Don and the trembling bundle of blue turtle in his arms. And yep he smiles a wide knowing smile his blue eyes moving between their faces, " you are smitten, that's the look my brothers gave me when they had to go into my mind to save it from brain stealing aliens and I had tried to save myself by hiding in my imagination as a six year old.... annnd the look Leo had one his face when we went back to the past and he got to hold our big half sister Karai when she had been a baby."

There was no teasing in his tone when he states all this, " annnd that time Leo adopted a giant mutant wasp egg... but that was not all his doing he got stuck by it's stinger and it gave him a bacteria that brainwashed him into guarding it with his life...then attempt to feed himself, Raph and Don to it."

then realising he was babbling again and probably creeping into personal space once more sooo he leans back casually creating a little room again and beaming at the little blue turtles attempt to say his name, " nawwwww lil guy hi - yep I'm Mimi... and yooou are sooo cute... Chompy cute yes Chooompy cute - though I hope you don't fart fire."

And he'd learned not to go grabbing and snuggling baby turtles away from their dada's so refrained from reaching eagerly for the little guy.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:57 am

Don gives Michelangelo a mock glare before laughing softly, and nuzzling Liam again.

”Okay, maybe a little.” Or completely. If Liam doesn’t eventually come home with him, Don will be heartbroken, but he will let him go if it’s what’s best.

He’s listening to Michelangelo prattle on about his life.

“Good grief, and I thought our lives were crazy. Don paused there.

He’s lived the life Master Splinter saved me and my brothers from. I can’t in good conscience let that continue.” He nuzzles Liam again.

And Michelangelo raises a good point. The child does look dragon-like! That probably is the ‘other creature’ Don had noticed earlier before letting the subject drop. Yeah... He might spit fire someday... Don keeps comments to himself, but there might be a slight flicker of realization that crosses his features at the realization. Because of course he would be the one to find and adopt a baby dragon.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by NexusNoobs Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:24 am

" I... have heard of a Ronin that goes by that name." At first Inaba sort of bristled being called cotton tail. That tail fluffy fluffs and she stretches a little sitting and watching Don and the little blue turtle blinking at the talk and tilting her head one ear up straight the other flopping over half way indicating her surprise, " a hybrid baby? soooooo is he part drake or damonfeuer?" she wonders.

though smiles a little, "of course Genio Innocuo are rare so if there are some existing still perhaps they are seeking mates other than their own kind … its not like its unheard of... I don't know how it is for you um turtles."

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Leon Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:41 am

Leo grins and laughs and sits between Don and Mikey smiling at the little turtle " Chompy? that... turtle baby your Raph adopted as his own? He's an alien not dragon right?" Trying to recall the last time he came across these crazy turtles.

Then clicking his fingers, "hah! knew I'd seen that look somewhere before! your Raph and his little turtle!-" To Donnie with a grin, " told you before you looked a natural with the little guy... and we have no idea Inaba. Any way to tell?"

Chuckling nervously at her words, " as for that - uuuum turtles, mutant turtles are of very endangered in my world but not sure any one of us has thought of um doing anything about it." he certainly hadn't until now.

And decided to do the Leo thing and continue not worrying about it for now focusing on what he could, this world and the current situation of being stuck in a swamp. " So any ideas where we go from here? and what about your cough Don do we still need to have that seen too?" concerned.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Sat Jul 27, 2019 1:17 pm

Don listens as the other two turtles go on about Chompy, which is a completely unfamiliar name, and Don is glad he can just not get involved in that one.

"Hybrid, mutant, could be either, really. Or both. I guess there's no telling what his world is like. And I'm not familiar enough with drake or daemonfeuer to even venture a guess." And he doesn't really care either way. It doesn't matter as far as he's concerned. Liam is Liam, regardless of what species he may be, or have been.

"At least as far as I know, my world has exactly four mutant turtles, and they are all male. And there's not much in the way of other stable mutations at all." So yeah, not only does Don consider options 'limited' they're non-existent.

He doesn't say it, but he's grateful for Leonardo's change of subject... mostly.

"Well... I think we were brought here for a reason. I figure it has to be either someone associated with the Daimyo or... Draco is trying to eliminate us." Don pauses there. He can't quite imagine Draco dragging them here this far off course. He would have wanted to do it right.  

"I don't know the spell to open the portals. Leo - my Leo - knows the chant, and I could probably recreate the symbols for my world, but... I wouldn't know how to adjust it for you guys. So we need to find someone who does. I think our destination is the Capitol."

Don waves off the question regarding his cough. That, at least, seems to be gone. And he's still blaming the slight nausea on Michelangelo's dead bug and lint pizza.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:13 pm

Most of the conversation went right over Liams head. And happily so!

He was able to watch the rain and lightning, and listen to the thunder without that fear now When he felt a little uneasy he'd just nuzzle against Donnie and it would ease, realizing that they were talking and some of it was about him but he really had no clue about nearly everything the big ones around him said.

It didn't worry him - he gave the Mimi a grin.

Content to curl up in the lap and listen maybe try a new word here and there if he caught it.

Then his belly rumbled into a break in the chatter.


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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Sat Jul 27, 2019 3:11 pm

Mikey grins at the chatter nodding at Leo and offering everyone a picture of Raph and Chompy on his tphone to look at. " yeah my nephew is a Vorkathian Fire Tortoise, his mother gave Raph custody of him whilst he is so small. We have... six turtle males on our world then... five mutants and one alien. And Don said something about um STM a while back when giving me a refresher in the birds and bees but I am um nooot sharing that out loud with this little guy's ears open."

His only experience with dragons amounted to the demondragon Kavaxas, maybe this Draco was this worlds equiv? Mikey shudders. to contemplate that. " I agree with Donnie capital is probably where all our brothers will head to as well in search of answers so at least we might find them on the road or there. Then can worry about getting home, after we have helped whoever needs helping."

Hearing the belly rumble he goes digging through his pouch again this time though not bringing out pizzas as he recalled that made this don a little green gilled and instead finding popcorn. that's right a box of popcorn. " reckon he'd be okay with popcorn?" to Donnie holding it out. He'd learned from being Chompy's uncle to ask before introducing new foods.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Sat Jul 27, 2019 3:35 pm

"Cute" Don laughs softly at the picture.

Don frowns when Liam's belly rumbles again. The energy bar he had earlier would have been contaminated in the water.

"I'm sorry, Liam. I don't have anything else." And he is. He looks over as Michelangelo offers popcorn. The guy had crazy pockets...

"Thank you, Michelangelo."

Don accepts the popcorn though he's hesitant about it. He takes a small handful and makes sure that the one's he offers the boy are fully popped, he doesn't want to give the boy a hard one that might crack a tooth or be too much of a choking hazard.

"You probably haven't had popcorn before, have you?"

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by NexusNoobs Sat Jul 27, 2019 3:44 pm

Inaba had answered the question about some way to tell about Liam's parentage, " a spell might have the answers, but I am not a qualified sorcerer and I wouldn't recommend any old hack it's possible if some one it also a reader and can access his memories..." though being so young the little one might not have formed memories of any parents and she had an inkling he and the brothers sometimes mentioned might be orphans from hatching. Possibly before then. She was intriqued by the device and picture on it... she had never seen anything like that ever in her life! And the painting was sooo small.... but detailed.

Mouth hanging open as the new turtles arm disappeared into his belt, impossible!! then withdrew!

Her ears both shoot up and nose twitches she looks at her companions worriedly. " theres a large party coming... I can't tell how much exactly but it sounds like mounts and possibly armour and weapons by the clinking and rattling... or a farmers cart with pots of spices and stuff..."

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Leon Sat Jul 27, 2019 4:29 pm

[color=#0000CD]" no arguments here I think the capital is the best direction to head." he grinned seeing Chompy and Raph again.

Leo became a bit alarmed when the Mikey's arm vanished and he gasped his arm reaching to stop him - then it came back... with pop corn... his mouth hung open for a moment. Then -

" any chance there is pizza in there?'

Though the hopeful look dies away at Inaba's warning and he shakes his head, " we shouldn't fight if we don't have to with a child in our group any stray attack might hurt him. Maybe if we duck out of sight and you pretend to be alone the group will go passed without too much issue?" he looks to Mikey and Don.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Sat Jul 27, 2019 4:38 pm

Don is fairly well convinced after hearing all the magic that would be involved that he doesn't need to know what sort of dragon Liam might be. Especially with the comment about some sorcerers being hacks. He frowns at the suggestion, but doesn't immediately dismiss it aloud.

Don freezes as Inaba's ears shoot up. He looks at his companions SuperPocket Michelangelo is probably useful in a fight. If what Michelangelo said it true, he is dealing with I-Don't-Offense-Leonardo... And that is probably less useful, and Don has no idea what sort of skills Inaba may or may not have. Though if Leonardo doesn't do offense, he can probably at least hide.  And Don gives Liam a nuzzle.

Don nods at Leonardo's suggestion. Hopefully that will be enough. Still, it's always good to have a Plan B.

"Stay silent, quiet okay?" Don tells Liam softly, repeating his soft warning from earlier and emphasizing it with a finger to his lips.

He then offers Liam to Leonardo, "If you take him, Michelangelo and I can fight if needed. We'll be Plan B." and returns the popcorn (at least temporarily) to Michelangelo. Don's belt pouches are not going to be useful for something like that.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Sat Jul 27, 2019 5:04 pm

Liam was fascinated by the phone... the picture …

Smiling up at Don, didn't know the 'cookie' he had wasn't any good now, but he did trust him to find something to munch. And tada!

He didn't connect Mikey's arm vanishing and reappearing with the box suddenly being in Donnie's hands. And at first had been shy about the - pop corn?

his smaller fingers touch the pieces in don's hand curiously, he sniffs them... then with a happy sound took one to chew curiously - eyes wiiiiide and a happy cooooooo sound he eats another... and another most of the conversation so far gone over his head but he did pick up a sense of alarm, it didn't bother him though cause Don nuzzled him! and he had pop corrrn! he pouts when the box goes still chewing a few bits.

Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Byssig10

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Sat Jul 27, 2019 5:36 pm

Mikey had seen the worried Leo look and rolls his eyes, "its alright, that witch you met, Karais girlfriend she bewitched all my brothers and my belts to hold heaps of stuff for situations like this since the last time we got magically teleported to another world. And you better believe there is pizza in here." though at the sudden change of pace he sighs, " pizza cancelled."

"We'll call it Crouching turtles, hidden dragon! I'm in!" taking the pop corn and tucking it back out of sight. And reached out out to give the little turtle his t phone to play with. Nodding at Don that he was ready.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Leon Sat Jul 27, 2019 5:59 pm

Leo grins, not realizing he is being benched sort of. Mostly.

And not caring much. He knew first hand this Mikey's ability in a fight. It could come in handy.

He takes the boy and reiterates the silent signal to him. ' We wont go far and just stay out of sight." he reassures, he was perhaps less skilled than Mikey in a battle, could hold his own sure but less skilled. However he was a Leo and good at stealth and staying low profile when he put his mind to it.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Sat Jul 27, 2019 6:14 pm

Don covers a laugh at Michelangelo's quite apt joke and grins at him instead. He then gives Liam another quick nuzzle before handing him off to Leonardo.

"Be good, stay silent, okay? It's Ninja Vanish time." He whispers gently. Liam probably doesn't know what that means, but the other turtles should.

He then looks at the others. And... just for fun. He grins at the orange masked turtle, knowing Michelangelo has an overgrown pocket of smoke bombs.

"Would you care to do the honors?"

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Sat Jul 27, 2019 6:27 pm

Liam leaned out in Leo's arms, meeting the nuzzles, not eager to be handed off... but he did like Leo so didn't put up a fight or have a tot melt down over it.

His tail wags and his eyes follow Mikey and Don agreeing that he knew what quiet meant holding a finger up to his lip and shuuushing…

He didn't understand what was going on but he did understand be quiet.

Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Byssig10

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by NexusNoobs Sat Jul 27, 2019 6:37 pm

Inaba grinned listening to them but letting them make their plans and agreeing with it all for now. she had nothing of value a bunch of fighters might want... she hoped.

And they were ready she makes shooing gestures she had her ears up following the sounds of the approaching group but by now the turtles could probably hear them also.
She rushes to use a bush to brush the ground clear of extra foot prints and grabs the light small blanket and tucks it back into her basket, anything to pretend she was alone!

" go go… their getting closer..."

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:29 pm

Mikey grins sideways and extracts a smoke bomb and throws it down casting seconds worth of black and purple sparkling covers worth and using it to his advantage taking this Donnie by the arm and knowing the people gaze would be on the smoke cover tugs him upwards - up to a spot on the rise of rocks.

It was wet and cool but he and Don could very effectively hide themselves in the swampy growth and up here they could finally get a look at the group coming, and watch over the now one rabbit camp.

his 'evil' eyes were in place. Now looked as white as Donnie's always did. Mikey had not noticed this before and now was not the time to ask if this was a n eyelid or his natural state.

for now Mikey knew to be quiet.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Leon Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:46 pm

Leo snugged the little boy - he had seen and been apart of a few of the Earth Twelve's turtles disappearing acts on time to time so knew it was simply a fast done act of misdirection and camouflage.

Still it was shocking and to the untrained and sometimes even trained eyes would mistake it for near magic.

He takes the moment to allow the boy a look of awe then he too slips away out of sight taking himself and the child further up among the rockery and ducking down facing his shell outward to hopefully if anything does see them at all would mistake him for part of the rockery.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:56 pm

Don easily follows Michelangelo up into the rocks. The black and purple sparkles had been a nice touch. Superfluous yes, but... he might have to try to imitate the feature when he gets home. If for no reason other than to prove he can.  He's ready and allows his senses to drift. Listening, feeling. He finds himself wishing he had paid a little more attention to Master Splinter's lessons in 'theory.' Trying to figure out what exactly the cart is before it arrives. He glances over and notices that Michelangelo's eyes have gone white. Interesting. He'll ask later. Now's not the time.

Something is off, but he can't tell if it's here or... elsewhere. Maybe both.  He frowns, and he waits.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Sat Jul 27, 2019 8:04 pm

Liam's gasp and whoooooooooooaaaaaaaa was all in silence wriggling and squirming in Leo's arms trying to see where Don had gone!

Then they too were hiding and he was being curled up in Leo's lap and nodded. be quiet..

He pulls himself into his shell. Now very still and very quiet.

Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Byssig10

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by NexusNoobs Sat Jul 27, 2019 8:54 pm

Inaba gasped and she was looking about absolutely stunned the turtles... vanished! poof!

were they magicians?!

But she didn't have time to be too surprised, she heard the rattle and clank and clop of burden beasts and armour and the cart... she tried to keep calm.

But it was hard she was a prey critter after all and the small group that stopped facing here were decidedly...not.

She saw mostly some Königschlange or in the eyes of her companions they would appear to be anthro cobra's. And a couple of Gelumcaedus - they appeared to be alligator ish and she knew they were locals of the swamp lands...

And it didn't appear as if they had any visible coats of arms and banners so she couldn't tell if they were a war party but she guessed they were, the alligator men lightly armoured but not armed. they were plenty dangerous with stretch alone - the snake men were armed and armoured.

The snake hissed pulling the buffalo like beast with the sweeping horns to a stop, his out landish hisss and mocking tone telling her this would not be a friendly visit. The cart was a cage and for the moment she was not at an angle to see into it. ' I... I don't have anything... She stutters afraid.

The Gelumcaedus laugh two of them stomping heavily over, moving to grab her basket, " could have food... if not... then I have bad news for you … Wilhara...

The Königschlange was slower joining them on the ground as the rest of the troop watched on, the rest of the group were mostly hyena like, Abartige Aasfresser, she shivered, these were either fighters or raiders.

The kinds of horrible beings that come together when a problem like a power grab happens and whilst people go to fight they capture and steal and pillage and plunder, and well she knew many a hybrid had been created by such groups too in previous long ago wars.

" nothing here... looks like she's the meat..."

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donimoy Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:22 pm

He crash landed right in the middle of a battle or a raid or something shocked to see nothing human.

Sure plenty of human looking creatures.

Or more accurately anthropomorphised. Suddenly having to defend himself with no idea who he should fight for or against and what the fighting was for. And he certainly didn't know why there was excitement at the sight of him either, whether the shouts of "Genio Innocuo!" where spat as a curse or as a shout of relief he could pin point because there was definitely a mix.

Weird crocodile like things attacked and he took three down before finding himself facing off with a snake - or more of the snake wrapping it's long body around him and biting him!

The adrenaline set the venom going faster than normal and Donnie found himself swaying, his moves clumsy and weak then - nothing.

Next day he knew he had been caged and he was being transported, but was still to sick to move. Thick chains bound him, he was striped off weapons and cloths. But that was all he knew before he passed back out. This day, it stormed and he felt better, some water trickling down the bars he could lick at and the rest. He'd almost shaken the effects of the venom entirely now no longer shaking and sweating and hungry but not thirsty waiting for a moment to test his chain and break out of here!

The cart had stopped again. He relaxes listening.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:09 pm

beside Donnie and listening a silent growl passed over Mikey's lips... the creeps... he listens, he shifts the growl slowly building a little.

He wanted to jump out and tell the creeps to excuse themselves, that was a lady!

And he didn't think to try pushing his senses out like Donnie was. Instead he waited for an opening rolling a couple of the delicate egg smoke bombs towards Donnie. then pausing... something about the cage caught his attention.

then the mess happening below - this time the anger on his face noticeable.

How dare they threaten a cute fluffy bunny lady?! He waits to see if Don was gonna join him in a fight his other hand had throwing blades ready.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:44 am

Don glances over at the smoke bombs and accepts them, he gives Michelangelo a nod of thanks.  Then looks back down at the goings on below.  The cage is... definitely going to be a priority too. Don is also glaring down at the events below.

"I think it's time for Plan B. If you get Inaba. I will try to get to that cage." Don whispers.  Michelangelo has knives out, so Don gives him a nod. It's go time, and those knives look like the perfect distraction to start out.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by NexusNoobs Sun Jul 28, 2019 3:11 am

Shivering Inaba stood her little spear in hands, jabing it forward - but she was tiny against most of these others and had no training witht he spear and was scared that if the nosing about Abartige Aasfresser hyena like cretins behind her kept sniffing about they might sniff out the boy and Leo!

In fact the two did seemed to sense something letting out the weird excited yip sounds they do flashes of sharp teeth " something else was here... something young! … tender!"he says the other grins sniffing harder.

Inaba turns to get between them at the rocks, yelping when the cobra grabbed her up by the ears " I don't think ssssso mi ssss floppssssy we need to tenderisssse yoooou."

the alligators had grown tired of throwing all the basket stuff everywhere and closer to her and the snake.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Leon Sun Jul 28, 2019 3:34 am

Anger... but careful not to show it and possibly frighten the child, making sure to place finger to lips to signal absolute silence as he hears unmistakable sounds of things being tossed out of a basket.

He lets out a breath and keeping Liam held securely to his chest shell facing any possibly projectiles encase any heard or saw his brief dash into deeper scrub and hear Leo waited, hoping plan b was about to happen. Partly why he moved, he didn't want to risk the child being caught up in a pitched battle.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Sun Jul 28, 2019 3:51 am

Liam sensed this was not play. He sensed this was serious, scents filled the air and he was scared by them. But he held back what would have been a high loud warbling call for Don.

Nodding gripping Leo with his hands on shell edges and as best he could his knees as Leo moves them into deeper cover.

At the moment managing to keep his fear undercontrol.

Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Byssig10

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Sun Jul 28, 2019 4:48 am

A grin and Mikey nods his eyes still white and with a Savage Mikey yell he all but explodes on to the scene below - sort of like a loose fire work - booming to close to the ground and the throwing knives away as he falls down directly on top of the one that grabbed Inaba by her ears. Mikey is not a huge turtle by any standards of any multiverse it seems. but still he had the weight of his shell on his side

Mostly to cause a distraction for Don as he moved.

And with the softer landing he could catch the bunny in his arms and turn her away, placing himself between her and the goons whose attention would mostly be on him for some moments.

His chucks were out and whirring now.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donimoy Sun Jul 28, 2019 4:52 am

The sudden burst of sound surprised Donatello.

But whatever it was he hoped it meant for a moment he wasn't being watched and he shifts making the cart wobbled a bit and cage rattle, chains clink as he tries to get into a good angle to pull the chains  - he wouldn't be able to break them. But he could pull their moorings out.

And that's what he set about doing.

Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Dedrse10

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Sun Jul 28, 2019 5:31 am

Don is impressed by the whirlwind that is Michelangelo. He leaps, right behind the other turtle, pulling his bo from his back as he follows into the fray.

He leaps past Inaba and Michelangelo, taking a swing at an crocodile creature as he passes. Pulling a short tool from a pocket he makes quick work of the lock on the cart. Rending it clean in two.

He turns as something else comes up behind him. The bo is back
in play. And he jumps a strike and forces the croc back. He heard the thing in the cage breaking the chains' moorings. Sounded like the thing in the cage probably had his escape covered the rest of the way.

”Are you clear?”

And that’s when Don came across the snake. And he’s finding that about all he can do is evade. It’s too flexible and resilient. He’s going to need something bigger. He jumps up and swings himself into a tree near the cart. One of the branches looks close to breaking. And he goes about doing just that. Aware that when it does, he’s going to have to swing clear on the branch above. He snaps the branch free, sending it tumbling towards the snake. He’s momentarily dangling from the branch above before swinging back up into the tree then returning to the fight on the ground.

Last edited by Donatello2003 on Sun Jul 28, 2019 11:21 am; edited 1 time in total

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Sun Jul 28, 2019 10:33 am

Snake man looked to be ready to evade the branch, Mikey had a hold of a hyena boy he kicked him into the snake both of them under the crashing branch.

Gathering up Inaba and leaping back for the shelf of over hanging rock leaving her out of the way.

back flipping into the fray and turning to meet the snake man once he crawled out from under the branch...

only Mikey was used to fighting a snake

and she was far more skilled and had more mouths than this one !

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donimoy Sun Jul 28, 2019 11:10 am

"clear!" Donatello wasn't sure until he burst out of the cage slamming the door back against one of the alligator type things, who had broken the lock. Another Turtle!

Well... he was certain judging most from nose and hearing and the greenish blur he could see. At least he had an idea who to fight this time!

He charges the second croc man still reeling from the other Don's attack grabbing him and bodily throwing him into the other head first. Though without his glasses it was mostly blurs - he just took care to avoid the green ones.

Maybe a bit more forcibly than he meant to given the way they banged and clanged together and left a dent where they hit the cage - but he was angry dammit! He'd been caged, chained and half out of his mind the last day or so, not sure where he was and to top it all off - naked! Not even his bandana had been left on!!

He hoped his gear was in the cart or in one of the baggage's on the beasts back!

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Sun Jul 28, 2019 11:51 am

Don flips down from the tree, landing at Michelangelo's back. The guy seems to have a handle on the snakes. Don starts picking off the hyenas, and whatever else may come up behind Michelangelo. A couple of crocs fell victim to staff to the gut as well.

He takes mental notes on what Michelangelo is doing against the snake though. There seem to be more than one of those, and Don may wind up going against the creatures again later.

Don is also paying attention to anything that might be getting too close to that rock formation and the companions hidden within it.  He will leave Michelangelo's back if he has to, but for now, it's best to keep the fight here if possible.

And once the creature in the cage has made it into the fray, it seems they have a new ally to assist. And he can't resist the comment aside to Michelangelo. Clearly, this new turtle has been taught to fight. Though something about his movements and the way he's interacting with his environment seems off...  All the same, clearly a turtle, and in this fight, definitely an ally.

"Huh... He looks like Leonard Nimoy. If he'd been a turtle."

And back into the battle. Don is drawn slightly away from Michelangelo. He jumps, and a split kick sends two hyenas to the ground.  Landing in a crouch, he comes up, bringing his bo around hard, slams one end into a third hyena's gut and sends him flying into a fourth. And there's a slight break in the onslaught. He takes that moment make a mental note of what enemies remain and where they are before returning to Michelangelo's back.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by NexusNoobs Sun Jul 28, 2019 12:11 pm

Snake guy was not having the best luck, first their prize is snatched from them, he held his own briefly against the mid sized Genio Innocuo but the damned branch!

He would have avoided it had it not been for the smaller one! and angered he gave chase as the hyena tried to recover, trying to catch the smallish one trying to bite him!

" noooo he's loose!"

the gators were both out of the battle for now too dizzy to find their feet let alone the enemies.

And the hyena's were not having a better time with the

there was a splash and -

the gators had ditched them!

Hyena men tucked tail and dashed off too!

Cobra hissed angrily " cowardssssss!" but upon finding his tail in a knot he two beat tracks.

Leaving their blunder and loot behind them

Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Nexuss10

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Sun Jul 28, 2019 12:34 pm

Once the snakes, crocs and hyenas have turned tail and run.  Don calls up the rocks.

"All clear, guys, you can come out now."

He then tentatively approaches the larger turtle. Don's not admitting to anyone how glad he is that people can finally stop commenting about how big he is. Though Don is clearly addressing the new arrival, based on the whole 'not quite interacting right' thing, he has chosen to keep a little distance.

"Hey, are you alright?"

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Leon Sun Jul 28, 2019 12:49 pm

Leo crept out of the scrub, placing the little turtle on his feet and gaping... oh man and he thought Don was big!

he glances about for their bunny and notes she's on the rocky outcrop above. Smiling up at her. Then around... beaming. "Hah look what they left us!"

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:03 pm

Liam had been kept from seeing any of the fighting, but on his feet he could see the retreating figures, but none of that interested him, he rushes over to Don chirping happily - then gasps seeing another them... who was like a giant from his point of view!

Tail tucking up and scurrying close to Don.

Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Byssig10

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:13 pm

"Yeah you better RUN!" Mikey yells after the fleeing creepos, He'd laughed at Don's comment before and even made a Spock hand signal and joke about finding the tall mutant a pair of pointy ears.

He bounces over to them noting Don was keeping a little distance and did too, though it wasn't the size of this turtle that bothered him, Slash was a monster even compared to this guy.

He tilts his head watching him then it clicked and he gasps. "He can't see... or see well!"

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 4 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:31 pm

Don picked up Liam once more and gave him a snug. Then looked at Michelangelo as he made his pronouncement.

"I told you filters weren't necessarily good." Don smiled at the smaller turtle. Before looking at the larger one again.

"Hmm..."  He then carried Liam over to the cart and started poking around through the items inside.

"Nope... nope... definitely not... that's just disgusting... AH! Maybe... And definitely."

He pulls out a pile out items. Don gives Liam a nuzzle before handing him off to Michelangelo briefly. and approaching the larger turtle.

"I believe these are yours, Donatello." And good grief that sounded weird coming out of his mouth. He hands the glasses over first, aiming purposefully for the other turtle's hand. Then the stack of various other items that he found with them.  Between the mask and the tech, he had a pretty good clue. Though the pants had been a bit of a surprise.

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