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Allora Swamp Lands .

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Leon Tue Aug 06, 2019 2:11 pm

Leo wasn't a fan of sardines either, but his wrinkled sount and all he chuckles and shifts the small boy rubbing the little shell and nuzzling the top of his head calling after the Don, " Mikey here reckons she looks like a Jersey, that's what he's been calling that thing."

Half a tease to the Mikey on the side here and grinning at his companions.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Tue Aug 06, 2019 3:30 pm

If that had been his Mikey, Don would have smacked him upside the head for copping a feel under the guise of giving her some snacks for the road. If you're going to touch, be up front about it. But... it's not, and he's not there to see it anyway.

Don hadn't meant to run off while Erica was eating. He really didn't. And he did want her to have a meal before she went. He sat against a tree near the beast of burden and pulled his knees to his chest. Uuuugh...

"So, Michelangelo's calling you Jersey, huh? I guess I can see that. It's a good name.

He laughed slightly. He was talking to whatever passes for an ox in the Nexus. Part of him half expected it to talk back. After a few moments, Don felt like he could get up again, but he knew that the cart would still smell like sardines.  More because it was there than any other reason, he started checking out the harness.  Petting the beast as he did so to keep Jersey calm.

"This is quite a harness.  At least it was. It's seen better days. Looks like it's chaffing you here though. Let's see what we can do about that, okay?"

He still felt a little queasy, but it was nice to be busy again. It was low tech, and it wasn't much of a puzzle, but it was a puzzle all the same. This is what the Nexus had to offer, and he could content himself with that.

Don looked around, digging through a box that seemed to have equipment meant for small repairs to the harness and cart. He pulled out a small piece of furred leather. Should work.  He moved back to the beast and was able to slide the fur between the harness and the animal. It took a little wiggling, but once it was in, he was able to sew the new piece to the existing leather without much trouble.

"There. That should help, Big Guy."

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Erica Martins Tue Aug 06, 2019 3:37 pm

She was aware by the time she finished one tin that Mikey seemed the only one not bothered by it really.

She even drove the one holding the boy away!

And felt bad for the little guy though he settled himself in Leo's lap.

So she ate only one, not near enough to replenish energy used flying as fast as she could for the main land north of the islands. But it would be bad enough with that one.

She didn't realise what Mikey was up to -

And probably wouldn't have minded too much.

" thank you for that... I um - should go now I have a lot of flying ahead." Especially is she wanted to make it in a day or two not more. Nuzzling the boy herself. Oh that baby smell! Okay he was a toddler but the lingering 'baby smell' and Don's lingered on his blue skin.

And then she spread her wings, - though there was no ship to jump off for lift so she had to work them hard to get up - usually she could fly silently, at the moment as she strained to gather lift her wings made sounds, rising higher, turning towards the desert.

Farewelling the group with a loud trilling pretty song note.

Last edited by Erica Martins on Tue Aug 06, 2019 11:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Tue Aug 06, 2019 5:55 pm

The sound !

Liam stands in Leo's lap and threw his own after her, jumping and hopping in the blue banded turtle's legs and hanging onto his shell.


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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donimoy Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:09 pm

Donatello lightly smacks Mikey's head with a growl, holding his gaze until the orange banded turtle looked ashamed of himself and looked away.

Satisfied he had driven no touchy without asking rules he smiles and watched the beautiful creature take off.

Spraying the special deodorising spray around them and the carts main area so Don could rejoin them some time he move to check on their wheels and cart itself.

Glad Don checked on the Jersey. "how's our beast doing?" from the other side of the animal and check the arms of the cart that extended and tethered the burden animal in place.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by NexusNoobs Tue Aug 06, 2019 9:24 pm

Unawares what the two Donatello's were up to Inaba waved away their visitor, at least for the turtles it was a visit that brought some relief after hearing from brothers and or some hope for the rest of them.

She giggled and with a wooden spoon offered some pepper up potion to the excitable pretty little boy bouncing about in Leo's lap rubbing his head the cupping his chin lightly to help him tip his head up to sip and drink down the little of the last of the potion. " for one of our brave little genio innocuo hatchling." and he had been, for a toddler. Offering a sip to Leo next.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Tue Aug 06, 2019 10:20 pm

He should have known that he wouldn't have gotten away with such naughty about a Don, and was grateful all he got was a light smack for it, especially considering how much bigger this Donatello is... and considering his own might have tackled him or brained him with his bo staff.

He repacks things they had shifter and moved and unpacked during the day clearing the cart for and making it all neat again. Grinning at the excitable boy. Without a sip of the pepper up potion the way he was all bouncy suggested they might have trouble putting him down for a good sleep.

And Mikey assumed a over tired toddler was a meltdown waiting to happen. The Don's seemed to be checking on cart and Jersey, Don making her extra comfortable by the sounds of the happy huffs and rumbles she let out and the way she tried to rub her large head on his plastron. He heard Donatello call out to see if she was doing well, listening for the response.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Leon Tue Aug 06, 2019 10:27 pm

" yeah buddy she's flying - flyyying so pretty huh?" Leo laughed and took the little turtles hands so he could bounce and make his noises and play. Patiently.

And it was helping him not dwell on the fact he had killed for the first time.

When Inaba came over to give Liam a little pepper up potion he smiles at her, " he was brave, standing his ground with us even though he was barely a snack for those icky eels." he agrees nuzzling the little guy.

If his hands were not reoccupied he might have helped do checks or animal car or cleaning the cart but as it was he was on child care duty and admiring the pretty white lady flap her way hard into the sky.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Wed Aug 07, 2019 12:12 am

Don looked up and waved as Erica took off. He watched for a moment before Jersey stuffed a big snuffling nose against his plastron.

"Hey! I take it this means you approve? He laughed and rubbed the creatures ears.

He looked over as his counterpart came around the cart and laughed.

"I think she likes me." He paused there and looked over at the other Donatello. "I don't know when she was last offered food or water." Don had been non-responsive for that. "The harness and tongue appear sound. I didn't check the cart... That would have involved being near the cart, and... well... sardines.

He moved around the beast again, and double-checked his repair now that Jersey had been shuffling a bit. It seemed to be holding, he was satisfied with it. And he moved to the box to start putting what he had used back inside. Though he wouldn't fully pack the box away until the cart had been checked. He knew better than to put away tools before the whole job was done.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:05 am

Liam hopped and bounce and - paused to sip the potion his ear holes briefly steaming and then resumed his happy sort of dancing chirping and watching the activity around him. tugging Leo to be let go of so he could climb along the cart limbs to the back of the burden beast and watch the Dons.

the potion hadn't quiet taken effect yet.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donimoy Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:26 am

Donatello grins. "From what I can tell everything is holding, but we may want to push on, this constant water will affect the wood that the other wheels bung might pop off even. So lets hope to get clear of this swamp land soon... especially if we push on. And I cleared the air of the sardine smell. She didn't eat much anyways and it was easy to use a deodorizer. My own special mix I use to shake drugs lords dogs."

He no longer needed it for the police ka nine unit as they worked with them. A glance over and he smiles, " I think we're about ready to move again as long as Jersey is all good. When we reach drier lands might wanna check her hooves and body for sores or lesions made worse by the wet." He was a turtle. He loved water... And used to live in a sewer! but even this was a bit much.

And he didn't like being in the water knowing there were large salamandrian like predators in these waters... and probably others. Looking up at the little boy scurried across the cart and onto the animal. " Hey you so proud of yourself huh lil ninja?" His Leo would not have made that crossing at that age so easily he used to be nervous about heights.

After their first fight with Shredder Leo had a few nightmares and insomniac nights as the fear crept back up on him once more. But he managed to beat it back.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by NexusNoobs Wed Aug 07, 2019 2:00 am

Watching the boy and giggling Inaba pours another spoonful offering it to Mikey. Recalling he had been shocked by the eels, " you should rest and heal... that shock can't have been fun." she listened to the Don's talk and supposed she should run by how many more days they were likely to be in the swamps unless they could make the beast move faster calling over as Donatello clearly had no idea about the food and watering of the beast. " she's probably been drinking on the go and eating the reeds and grasses. Though when we leave the swamp lands if yous don't mind losing a night we might be able to unhitch her for a bit and she can graze fully."

glad for the care the two were taking to check everything cause she was a little out of her depth with animal husbandry and repairs.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Wed Aug 07, 2019 2:46 am

"yes ma'am... though I have had worse." Mikey chuckles amused. She wasn't much of a fighter but Inaba was a fussy Sensei mother hen like bunny and it felt nice to be fussed over. Of course if he was sick or injured his big brothers responded the same way.

He takes his medicine with little fuss. knowing eventually it would make him drowsy and he supposed he hadn't rested much so his turn to crawl into the cage cart and nap a bit. but first wait and see who his nap buddy would be, either Leo or the still somewhat too green Don and of course the little boy. Big Don didn't seem to be tired yet. Or maybe he was just good at hiding it.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Leon Wed Aug 07, 2019 2:50 am

Letting go but following somewhat close - not close enough to disturb the boys adventurous play but close to hop and catch him or grab him away from edges or the beast if it looked like he would fall.

He too listening to the Dons and glancing as Inaba called back to them, well at least the beast was fed and watered.

A little too much with it all around them.

And recalling he saw law meat eating things attack the eel bodies he keeps a closer eye on the boy.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Wed Aug 07, 2019 7:13 am

Don nodded in agreement with moving on. He didn’t mind being wet, but this sort of constant damp was wearing. When his counterpart mentioned the deodorizer, he looked up.

”Oh... thank you. Sorry, I didn’t mean to chase her off... I’d love to hear what you use to make it sometime.” Don scratched Jersey’s ears once more.

”I think she’s ready to go.” He responded after Inaba’s explanation.

Liam then came leaping across to Jersey and Don laughed. He moved closer and held out his arms to the boy, encouraging the boy to jump.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Wed Aug 07, 2019 11:17 am

Liam was not entirely certain what all of Donatello's were, but he beams and nods eagerly tails wagging as he hears Don's laugh and sees the open arms. Not entirely sure what that meant but he looks at the small gap and shifts, crouching preparing to hop.

with a happy growl doing so!

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donimoy Wed Aug 07, 2019 12:08 pm

" I don't think you did, but I think she realised you were uncomfortable, that and long flight ahead - and this Mikey is as shy as mine is about girls, as in not at all." maybe a tad envious about that, just to so easily flirt with anyone not just girls! "And your right about the Jersey, she seems to be very content for ear scratches." amused.

Watching the little guy, " fearless huh?' rubbing the great contented beasts head, she'd enjoyed the ear scratchs from don so much she was all head lowered and tail swishing and happy rumbling. " as for my deodorizer its sort of a vinegar and baking soda spritz some essential oils, handy for visiting April's place and clearing sardine smells, and evading drug dealers dogs."

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by NexusNoobs Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:17 pm

Inaba grins at the two, surprised how without the usual nagging or prodding she had seen her mother lovingly do to her father the two big Donatello's and larger than her but small Mikey and also a little bigger than her small Leo rallied to clean and check their ride without her even mentioning it.

It meant that when they did clear the swamp lands and make it to the drier plains they could have a good rest - all off them even the beast could be unburdened for a time and just rest. Well she hoped. She didn't want to say that outloud unless she jinxed it. She was busy pouring another sip of the last of the pepper up potion for Leon.

Wondering if the Don's would take some themselves now or wait until they'd had a turn at driving through this swampy mess. Above clouds gathered again, blocking out any stars that had begun to shine and thunder rolled.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Wed Aug 07, 2019 2:04 pm

Haven't already napped or slept Mikey felt the potion small as the amount was begin to settle his racing mind. And he was glad to be finished with the cart itself, though he sort of missed the sardine smell!

hearing Donatello as he moves to check the cage and treat it to the small tidy up calling back, "Hey Mikey's are ladies turtles we can't help the flirt!" And then stuck his head backout of the cage grinning. " And I has extra advantage with the freckles oy girls love em." Well he was sure they did mmmm hmmm how could they not.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Leon Wed Aug 07, 2019 2:14 pm

Chuckling and watching the little guy carefully until he was safe - agreeing with Don but then again most toddlers could assess risks and dangers and be appropriately worried about taking a leap like that.

And it was cute.

Sniggering at Mikey's call out to them, shaking his head, "You are dreaming Mikey. Totally dreaming." he teases him back, aslo feeling some of the slightly drowsiness the potion gave him. It tingled and made him feel curiously warm and full.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Wed Aug 07, 2019 5:03 pm

Don laughs as he snatches Liam out of the air and swings him around in a circle. Turned out that wasn't a terrific idea, but he was pretty sure he hid the slight off balance feeling pretty well. He pulled Liam close and nuzzled him.

"Sounds effective." Don replied of the deodorizing spray.

With Liam in arms, he did one more walk around, ignoring Michelangelo's comments about girls and freckles.

"Well... We'd probably better get going before anything else happens."

It looks like Leonardo and Michelangelo are going to rest for awhile, so Don is content to go... wherever is easiest. Though there were three in front earlier, he's pretty sure it won't work well with the two smallest grown turtles in the cart.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Wed Aug 07, 2019 7:18 pm

Liam was still howling with laughter from the spin - then giggling when they made their way about the cart, he had again resumed a position to fly in the moments gravity had no hold on him feet and tail out to act as rudders body fairly straight.

Being held like this he nuzzles and snuggles and still giggling plays with the end of Donnie's bandana.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donimoy Wed Aug 07, 2019 7:54 pm

Donatello chuckles and waves away Mikey's cooment with a tease back, " Ooooh I don't know tall geeky and sweet usually wins out." poking his tongue at the Mikey and nodding at Don, " most effective, and I use a sandlewood essential oil, cause it smells nice." He nods satisfied for now the cart would travel well.

And by the looks of it they would reach a cleaned up and tidy cart floor and he was grateful for that, their plundering the bags and stuff had left a bit of a mess, then the fight and the visit. Now it was tidy.

He hops up into the cart lightly offering a hand down for the other Don seeing as he had arm full of very happy little turtle. " I may have to warn my brothers to be more careful with the ladies now I have seen a young hybrid.... and I saw the slight disorientation from before was it just from the spin or should you check yous stats again?" not hiding the fact he and his brothers might be active in that area of their lives and or that he had noted Don earlier and was concerned. And he'd noted before Don ignored girls talk and was a little curious. Of course he could be a guy talk fellow -

Donatello? he was both.

" Might be just you, I and Liam... unless he konks out too... so Inaba wanna give us tourists some sort of heading?" a gentle reminder tot he sweet mothering bunny that she hadn't slept much either.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by NexusNoobs Wed Aug 07, 2019 8:21 pm

Inaba looks up and nods... thinking about something... anything...

Ears turning this way and that.

She should sit up front with them, but the Don's were both larger. She supposed it would be best if she and the Leo and Mikey got comfortable in the cage for a few hours rest.

She glances upwards, then around again and shrugs " other than staying on this track... as best yous can given the water over it... no deviation should keep us on track." she shrugs a little without moon or stars visible and lightning cracking that was the best she could offer them.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Wed Aug 07, 2019 8:34 pm

Grinning and making himself comfortable on the softness in the cage Mikey makes a rude 'air being let out of a balloon' sound to Donatello's teasing back to him. He was twitching and fingers twiddling up until sleep washed over him.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Leon Wed Aug 07, 2019 8:42 pm

oooh sooo mature sure the ladies love that too..." Leon teases Mikey sleepily crawling into the cage and trying to find a spot on the other side and get comfy grinning easily at the teasing going on and leaving plenty of room for the bunny to join them.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Thu Aug 08, 2019 3:14 am

Don laughs at Liam's reaction and this time actually notes the flight position. Is the little dragon boy going to sprout wings someday? It didn't really matter at the moment though, and he filed the information away for later. He snuggles the boy and allows the bandanna tail play.

He is still uninvolved in the girl talk. He's aware that it's going on, but he's not joining in.

"Simple, yet effective. Clove might give it antibiotic properties." He's thinking about Mikey's disaster of a bedroom, where he's sure something disgusting is growing. After looking at Liam, he reassessed. Or... tea tree or lavender." Clove was also a numbing agent and could be dangerous around children.

Don accepts the hand up, gets into the cart and settles Liam in his lap. He then looks over at the comment regarding being more careful with the ladies. Don considers that for a moment. His expression doesn't give away anything to satisfy the other Donatello's curiosity. It is strictly acknowledgement of the statement and consideration of the topic at hand. They might as well be talking about the weather.

"Here, I would definitely say so. Though, I am pretty sure Liam is a dragon hybrid, and I think dragons in general sort of play by different rules in that sense. And he may have been created in a lab." He pauses for a moment, letting his anger at the thought of that lab pass, then there's that same thoughtful, but otherwise unreadable expression. "Then again, mutants may play by different general rules too."

As much as does he want to check his stats again... he does want to play with the tech again, even if it is only to check his stats, but even more so, he is eager to get moving again. And honestly, the stats have yet to tell him anything he doesn't already know.

"Pretty sure it's a combination of things..." Vague much? "Maybe later, I really want to get moving again" He knows he should eat something, but he's still queasy and doesn't trust himself to keep it down yet. That fight would have sapped a good deal of energy that he is just not replenishing lately. The salad and gyoza earlier helped, but with as long as he's been here and three fights, one of which was underwater, it's just not enough. Then there was that contact with Liam's mind.  He's starving, but he can't correct the problem at the moment either.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Doragonkame Thu Aug 08, 2019 2:08 pm

Liam wasn't sure if all that was being said above him, but he warbles and chirps and throws in the new words he'd learned to be a part of the chatter some what aware some of it had to do with himself.

But he was losing a battle to resist the pull of the potion and so comforted being in his face Dons arms - chatting playing with bandana he was half asleep without realising it.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donimoy Thu Aug 08, 2019 2:26 pm

Donatello is less interested now in pursuing that conversation than the one about hybrids reaching a finger past the circle of Don's arms to gently stroke the snout smiling at the play, [color=#800080] "I thiiink it's exciting. Of course I had been working on a theory our mutagen in our blood and other bodily fluids would provide a means for us to hybridise with whatever reproductively receptive partner we want, it might take time depending on partners susceptibility of course but it'd be possible." A grin and nod, "it's probably safer than to be sorrier for dismissing the possibility... And it's damned cool, Mikey is not wrong this little guy is sooo cute -"

And he brings out the tech gear anyways. "you can rest with him if need to I am good as far as sleep goes for another day."

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by NexusNoobs Thu Aug 08, 2019 2:34 pm

Inaba giggles she was bringing the last of the potion to the Don's, " I am not able to grasp all you said but maybe we will send around a warning next time if what you said I that you are confident you can make more of that little guy here. Genio Innocuo are revered in this world. And many would be thrilled, honoured to have been responsible for bring back even a mixed race of them." She was so amused.

But honest with them and looks over Don's shoulder as Donatello touch's the little one, "wee soooo cuuute.... alright I'll leave you's to it but do rouse me if you'd need to please." and she does just that backing away to leave the big Dons room. Moving to join the napping turtles in the cage so if Don decided to rest he had the open cart space to spread out in.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Thu Aug 08, 2019 4:37 pm

Don has that thoughtful expression again, "How does your mutagen work? I mean... for comparisons sake, in my world, I only know of six stable mutations. I couldn't begin to guess about unstable ones."

He then looks down at Liam, falling asleep in his lap. "He is pretty special."

Feeling a little chased out, Don sighs. Inaba came around with that Pepper up potion again, which makes it worse. But he knows, he just hates being sick.  "I've been asleep most of the day. I'm not sleepy, I'm--" half starved, but so nauseous he doesn't think he can keep anything down. And his electrolytes are completely out of whack as a result, which will probably show on on Donatello's tech if the larger turtle ever takes a look. It would be one of lines that Don can't interpret.  There's probably quite a bit of information in that category. Don is not a doctor! If he had to label his medical knowledge, he would put himself around the level of an EMT, maybe a paramedic. Not that he can seem to make the others here understand that, but whatever.

Don eyes the goggles with a look that is almost a glare then sighs. "You know what, go ahead. You read it. I can't interpret half of it anyway." He's frustrated. He's tired of being damp. He's tired of sleeping and waking up tired. He's tired of the whole, stupid Nexus. And mostly, he's tired of feeling like he's going to throw up.

He sighs. He's done. It's out of his system now, and he's resigned. Whatever he's told to do, he'll do it. And he suspects he's going to wind up in the open cart space that Inaba left free.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Mikey Thu Aug 08, 2019 4:57 pm

Mikey went to shout out that his Donnie mentioned something similar but he was asleep within moments spooning a just joined them Inaba and squishing her against Leo.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Leon Thu Aug 08, 2019 5:02 pm

Leo had passed out by now so wasn't aware he was being a snuggle bunny.

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donimoy Thu Aug 08, 2019 5:25 pm

It was only an option, Donatello would definitely enjoy the company and to bounce a few things off Don.

He doesn't mind the attitude - after all he loathed being sick himself!

And made the worst patient.

"well aside myself and my brothers in our world there is also a mutant warthog and mutant rhino and I think we are all very stable mutations. As in we have had to reintroduce mutagen into our systems to health ourselves - Raphs shell got crushed two years ago for example - and we haven't say mutated further." inviting Don to remain if he liked and bounce ideas with him whilst Donatello looks through the read out having checked a few now he might be able to help Don and begins pulling things off his tech pack belt and straps and sides. " mutagen and mutants stable in your world? And if you like I might recommend a special electrolyte solution I made up specifically for mutant turtles... active mutant ninja turtles."

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Allora Swamp Lands . - Page 9 Empty Re: Allora Swamp Lands .

Post by Donnie Thu Aug 08, 2019 6:08 pm

Don sighs again and watches and listens, gently resting his chin on Liam's head. His temper tantrum is over. He's a little surprised at his counterpart's response, but he does appreciate it.

"I actually don't know much about our mutagen. Our DNA structures are sound though, and don't seem to be prone to change. At least not any more so than humans or nonmutated turtles. As far as I know, it's just my brothers, Master Splinter, our crocodilian friend Leatherhead, and me. And it's possible we all came in contact with the same canister. Leatherhead knows a lot more about the mutagen than I do. He lived with the Utroms for years."

He watches as the other Donatello searches through his gear. He meant to accept the offer and thank the other turtle, but for the second time today, what he intended to say is not what comes out of his mouth. what does come out as a style of word-vomit that would have made Mikey proud. "What were you doing when you were sucked through the portal that you have all that with you?"

Though, upon reflection, if he had been running about the city, he would have had considerably more with him too. As it was, he was home and didn't even have a phone. It had been on the work bench next to the turtle cam he'd been repairing.

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Post by Donimoy Thu Aug 08, 2019 9:37 pm

Donatello absorbed this with a soft hum as he thinks it over, " mutant crocodilian... Sounds as dangerous as a mutant rhino." he was mixing the electrolyte solution up for Don in a empty clean collection bottle. " my brothers and I were celebrating saving our city and world from , funnily enough , an interdimensional threat calling itself kraang and we received keys to the city for the victory from the police commissioner herself it was awesome, though I am always wearing
my tech pack except for sleep of course."

He checks the flavour of his concoction and nods, holding it out to Don, "drink this one mouthful every ten minutes or so to replace your electrolytes and if that helps settle you enough to eat might give you a wide spectrum antimicrobial, biotic, viral and fungal mix.... Should take it with food but until you feel up to eating crackers bringing fluids up will have to do."

A bit of a grin, "hybrids would be awesome...."

Last edited by Donatello2014 on Fri Aug 09, 2019 12:14 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Donnie Fri Aug 09, 2019 12:08 am

"Only when he's angry. Don shrugged. He's mellow with us... most of the time, and has really helped us out a few times. A giant crocodile can come in handy. There's a grin at that.

"Whoa... you guys are... out in the open?" Because every other question or comment evaporated at that point.

He accepts the electrolyte solution, listening to the explanation and glaces at his watch, making a mental note of the time. There's a slight huff as he notes that his watch says 15:16. Don then takes the first mouthful of the stuff, and doesn't really respond to the flavor one way or another. "Thank you."

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Post by Doragonkame Fri Aug 09, 2019 12:11 am

Said precious awesome hybrid had long since decided to give up the battle against sleep, though he stubbornly went down with a fight, still muttering and chatting and tail lazily flopping a small hand finds an edge of Don's plastron and hangs on - tight at first then lighter as he looses his battle with zzzz's ninjas.


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Post by Donimoy Fri Aug 09, 2019 12:29 am

a chuckle and whistle, " I bet, normal crocodilians are living tanks, just trying to picture one with intelligence along with what must be massive size... depending on his age of course..." voice tailing away and watching Don take the first drink putting away those bits of his tech pack and reaching for other bits, he had little compartments all over the rim of his shell holding various mini vials and what would be alarming to any but himself medications, extracted mutagen and duct tap, all of which he begins to use now spreading across his knees, judging don's weight and size against his own knowledge of his own Mikey who is closer in height and shape to this counterpart, using his arm to calculate weight against how much to give of different things. Mixing tiny amounts of powders and liquids.

" Well... we kinda had to, to the police in any case. we've had a couple of weeks between the kraang fight and the key ceremony and she and Leo discussed terms of our working with them to clean up our New York. In that couple of weeks we also learned not all women... or men are adverse to what we look like would even um... some even pay for our company more one on one... true most of these are police and or police headquarters personel and cadets and sometimes lesser crims" he still found that quiet amusing on the whole. And he wont lie he used the experience to study and learn more about humans, and him and his brothers more too. Still mixing away then pausing. " do you prefer an injection or swallowing medication?"

Smiling at the little boy.

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Post by Donnie Fri Aug 09, 2019 6:50 am

Don laughed. ”Yeah, I stand about his waist.

He watched the pharmacy that seemed to be going on in his counterpart’s lap. Good grief, what didn’t he carry around constantly? Don is not asking questions, just watching. He’s amused and impressed.

“Well, unique experience meeting a mutant.” He stops like that’s the end of his statement.

”And Furry Conventions exist for a reason.”

There’s more observation of what the other turtle is doing, and he has to think about the final question a bit. Honestly, the question hadn’t come up before, and injections had the connotation of Master Splinter’s warnings about humans when they were young.

”Uh... Swallowed?”

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Post by Donimoy Fri Aug 09, 2019 11:39 am

Donatello laughed, "Mikey would say something like we put the On in convention when it comes to furry smut."

Stirring and mixing and sniffing as he went, "about his waist daaaamn he be like seventeen feet long? factoring in tail when he projected Don's height mentally.

He noted the amusement and grins "I have learned to keep a variable mini pharmacy on me - hog tusks have nasties on them and rhino horns too... not to mention Leo is a fave target for those trying to poison or drug us and it's never a wise idea to have a drugged or poisoned Leo - even in a state of near delerium it's almost impossible to get those long sharp swords out of his hands." inviting his counterparts questions and queries. "I take it your world is not as minimally open to mutants as ours huh? Annnd what flavour would you like for medicine? I have a tiny hazelnut or vanilla coffee creamer."

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Post by Donnie Fri Aug 09, 2019 3:48 pm

"We weren't exactly there for the uh... 'festivities'..." Don states flatly.

And seventeen feet sounds about right" Don responds to the first couple of comments.

He is still watching the pharmacy going on in the other turtle's lap. He's not asking questions, just watching with his chin still resting on Liam's head.

"And I would say... minimal bordering on non-existent. We're more likely to be mistaken for extra terrestrials... and let's just say that those definitely aren't welcome."

A glance at his watch tells him they're approaching that ten minute mark, and he takes another sip of the electrolyte solution.

"Yeah... separating Leo and his swords can be a bit of an issue. Raph can generally do it though ...when properly motivated.  Anything more than bandaging or a splint would have to wait until we got home. Because, once again... not a doctor.

"And either is fine. Thank you."

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Post by Doragonkame Fri Aug 09, 2019 8:36 pm

Liam had passed beyond dozing stage, his liquid state back and his mouth hanging open in that so called 'catching flies' open sort of stage though on some level still aware of the feel of don's chin resting lightly on him, tail would flip flop now and then at the feel of the big turtles voice, deep enough to be felt though the plastron to plastron contact between them.

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Post by Mikey Fri Aug 09, 2019 9:11 pm

Mikey snuggled his sleeping buddies tighter an arm and leg over them trapping them between the edge of the cage and his body smiling in his sleep and mumbling loud enough to be heard ... even by some one not in the cage or cart!

"mmm I'm the sword guuuuuuyyyy..."

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Post by Leon Fri Aug 09, 2019 9:15 pm

If he wasn't asleep Leon would find the cuddling maybe a little less cool then when he had snuggled the bunny earlier but as it was all he could do was mumble mumble and sleep on deep and warm. wonderfully warm as reptiles love to be.

Even mutant ones.

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Post by NexusNoobs Fri Aug 09, 2019 9:25 pm

a soft hiccup and squished between turtles it felt like being buried under her many siblings so Inaba was able to ignore it and her bed buddies mumblings her tail fluffy wagging a few times.

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Post by Donimoy Fri Aug 09, 2019 10:34 pm

" We shouldn't have been either, it was actually a bone headed decision of Raphael's to go against Leonardo's order and actually attempt a break into New York Police Headquarters with Michelangelo to steal the original mutagen and getting caught because turtle luck was running true to form. He and Mikey actually got April and Casey into trouble if you'd believe that! Leo decided it would be easier to try and find common ground with the police rather than continuing to play hide and seek with them." Donnie explained the reasons behind they stayed for any festivities, a small grin, " at least it turned out okay in the end... yeah I doubt aliens would ne easily welcomed where we come from either thanks to Kraang and his warship -"

Adding creamer slowly to the now syrupy medicine slowly to flavour it for slightly easier swallowing going with the slightly less sweeter and less stronger scented hazelnut as opposed to the vanilla, recalling the stronger scents of things seemed to upset Don which is no surprise Donatello knows their turtles, smells, vibrations, sight and hearing were all quiet advanced senses - cept Donatello's eyes of course. He caps the little bottle he was working into and proceeds to shake it, mixing well. Picturing a seventeen foot crocodilian a low whistling escaping him, " a crocodilian that size could definitely kick rhino guy backside...

He doesn't push the drinking but is glad Don is doing so - he'd like to help his counterpart feel better if not shake whatever settled upon him from his watery battle. Chuckling and nodding, " Yeah as our Raph has a good solid weight advantage over any of us we do let him handle drugged or poisoned Leo, or at least keep his attention whilst some one tackles him and another gets medication or absorbants and sedatives into him."

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Post by Donnie Sat Aug 10, 2019 12:23 am

Don listened to the story and continued to watch the mixing.

"Yeah... That probably would be the better course of action. I don't think we've had Kraang in my dimension. We had two warring factions of aliens bring their battle to Earth over a robot. The Federation soldiers looked human, and the Triceratons looked like what I would imagine a mutant triceratops would. So... Yeah. Mutant reptiles of any sort all get lumped together. Because apparently humans aren't smart enough to know the difference between a turtle and a triceratops. Go figure. Though Don has also been called a frog on more than one occasion so he shouldn't be surprised. Though... it was kind of our fault since we brought the robot to Earth in the first place. He left with the Utroms though, so he wasn't even there anymore."

Don takes a moment to readjust the liqui-child in his lap before continuing.

"Awhile after they left, Raph and I had to stop an attack on New York by a hate group wanting to get rid of aliens. Heh... I had to jump from a dune buggy type vehicle into a speeding truck to disarm their weapon. We haven't heard from them since."

Don is actually inclined to be a good patient at this point. He's tired of being sick. Inaba's potion has probably spared him far worse symptoms than just nausea. Well... that and there's not really anything left in his system for his body to reject.  But either way, this has been going on long enough.

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Post by Donimoy Sat Aug 10, 2019 7:39 pm

Donatello absorbed the tale with another whistle, "woooow that's cruel... but Dad did say to Mikey that people fear what they don't understand. April's are different... from what I gather across most universes... seeing as a fellow Donatello seems to have won himself an April.... and that's really cool.... always told Raph we Donatello's are bad ass." suitably impressed with his counterpart's courage in that instance and fast actions. "sounds like you did a lot of life saving." a grin shaking the bottle a bit more then pausing flicking on a small light on his goggles to let it get the bottle and observe the way the fluid settled.

Jumping and turning the light back if and resuming shaking for now he would until all small lumps were gone.

Smiling and watching the readjustment. " huh he seems to become a liquid in sleep interesting."

Last edited by Donatello2014 on Sun Aug 11, 2019 11:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Doragonkame Sat Aug 10, 2019 9:02 pm

Liam mumbles and snuggles up a foot rest out side the nest that lap made and also a hand his finger briefly curling then relaxing. His eyes briefly opening all white and shiny before closing again.

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