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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Leon Wed Dec 25, 2019 5:51 pm

They were joining them at the table a few moments later. " loved the mirror thing as a form of contact, I myself am practiced at the meditation but nothing at contact level." and he might be a little embarrassed admitting that but not too much and pulls a seat out for Inaba. " soooo ceremony tomorrow? and then we head off - were are we going?" he asks of the room at large.

It would take their food a little bit to arrive and he smiles seeing Don actually eating without prompting.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Dec 25, 2019 10:58 pm

Liam is glad, " darrrk no scawy no scawy..." happy happy his tail wagging and he is watching Doncome over - churring around a mouth bulging with fig like fruit and juice all over his mouth, dribbling down his chin and neck.

He is watching the bigger turtles talking, even if he doesn't understand all of it his toes waggling and sticky juicy hand reaching for more fruits leaving a juicy hand print on the table and fruit bowl.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Byssig10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:22 pm

Donatello smiles and chuckles as Elena oooooh's and thinks about it, Liam flipping his feelings on darkness right there and then. He nuzzles the little terror and churrs softly into her ear and smiling, ' Don's right, don't fear the dark, it has the same monsters the light has, embrace it and make it your strength against them.' Of course in his child hood days Raphael or Leonardo would defeat the 'dark' baddies and he would sleep curled up to his bigger brothers, or all four of them snuggled against Splinter.

As he grew and learned that monsters came in many forms, mostly humans, still it was Leonardo or Raphael defeating all the bad humans. But this time he and Mikey along side them.

" Sometimes it is just impossible I can't switch it off and Dad instead makes he nauseated on his torture devie in the Haashi instead." he is smiling though and has come to appreciate the hours of punishment.

He smiles at Inaba. " lets have a look... map?" anything to avoid thinking on the wedding. He was excited and nervous. Nervous mostly. And waits for the map. The food not here just yet.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Thu Dec 26, 2019 2:13 pm

Don is starting to feel better as the fruit hits his system and replenishes the sugars his body was desperate for. Still, fruit is not necessarily easy on the stomach, and since he hasn't eaten much lately he's not taking chances.  He leaves it at the two small pieces of fruit until the rest of whatever the Reinigen will be bringing arrives.

Don chuckled softly at Liam's quick acceptance of the dark. Though it seemed that maybe Elena had been the one who was truly frightened of it in the first place.

He's not surprised that this Leo with them is incapable of contact via the astral plane, but that shouldn't be too much of and issue. Don is fairly certain he can do it if he has to. Especially if the Big Guy has some training in that arena. They should at least be able to reach back to the Leos! It's always a good idea to have someone alert in the physical world too just in case something goes wrong. So Leon can be a lookout if they need one.

"Torture device?" Don suspects that his counterpart is somewhat exaggerating, but... he's curious.

Their group doesn't really seem to have a strong leader, so they're going to have to cope as best they can. Don, however, has always been somewhat fluid as to his place in his team. He starts thinking aloud much the way he would when Leo needs to bounce ideas off someone. "Well... I've been kind of out of it for a few days..." Don admits. "But if we're going to get to the Daimyo and get home then we're going to have to head to the Capitol somehow, right? So... a meeting place of some sort between there and...?" He frowns. There's something missing from this equation. "Maybe we should figure out where the other groups are now."

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Sat Dec 28, 2019 12:49 am

Inaba grins and as she is shifting off her seat to find the map there is a knocking and the prim proper announcement of the food arrival for the Genio Innocuo.

Leon pats her hand and he moves off his seat to let in the server so Inaba returns her grin to the Donatello's, " we have checked the map once, we know Erica had joined someone in the desert last check in... yes lets see where everyone is." she is talking and finding the newer sort of map and spreads it over one end of the table so they could eat and look. Going back to her stuff to find the newer scrying stones and tossing one down for Erica thinking of the pretty shiny little damonfeuer and smiling. The stone was further out over the far side of the desert than she had been previously. " she'd on the move." She notes making a small mark.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Nexuss10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Mikey Sat Dec 28, 2019 1:28 am

Mikey grins and he wooo hooos making the kids laugh as he scrambles off his chair behind Leon in a moment, " food! - wait I wanna see the map... foooood." dashing a few steps after Leon then skidding back a few, then repeating. Torn.

Until Donatello grabs his shell and plonks him in a seat and points at the map.

" riiight map, food is here and almost at the table.... oh look Erica way off where she was last. Hey hey let me see if my Donnie has moved." He picks up the Erica stone as Inaba makes a note and is holding the other stones out to Don and Donatello, he gives his a shake like a piece of dice focusing on Donnie before letting it tumble free and smiling as it rolled right into place. " He's moved too... yay hopefully he's with more turtles."

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Leon Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:06 am

Leon is eager to check his brothers progress. And he got it, if they can discern where abouts the various group will show up they could plot out a meet up somewhere ahead and in the middle.

But he knew Don needed food and he was often worried when the Mikey started rumbling, that the crazy little turtle would eat them!


she he retrieves the food cart with much thanks and pushes it towards the end of rtable where they were almost all gathering and smiles, " big dinner load guys lots of meaty stuffs and vegetables. And look desserts!" yep totally ringing the dinner bell though the wafter scents should make that unnecessary.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Elena Martins Sun Dec 29, 2019 1:58 am

Elena only understood some of all that. But she supposed if her little friend could see it more positively she could too. Annnnd nuzzles! the soft sound making her own pur rumble and she tilts her head back to nuzzle back her tail flip flopping and sharing some of her own juice face with this big Donatello. He made her so happy!

And food! it was here!!

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Doragonkame Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:36 am

Liam listens, grinning a bit and tail wagging when the food was coming in, curiously watching inaba too for some moments not sure what she was doing, but he did recall the last time the map came out - he'd made it near impossible for them to use it as he had been quiet a distraught cranky little turtle on the last legs of the trip.

He'd been very unsettled... and they had not understood it was also fear of punishment that upset the little guy even more when his frustrations and sads from not seeing his fave big turtle broiled over.

Now though he could thoroughly be curious about the map and stones coming back out.

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Byssig10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:53 am

Donatello chuckled. " weeeeell mostly torture device, a bowling ball and door that I balance on in the haashi punishment sessions whilst playing paddle ball with myself. Dad has had to get creative as we have grown older and all out weigh him three to four times... five for Raphael." he explains smiling and nodding at Inaba as she begins unrolling the map smiling at the sign Erica had flown on.

Mmmmmmmmed a bit at Dons words. " I was hoping a met up before we reach that stripe of land connecting to the lands around the capitol." he points it out to Don accepting a stone and thinking of his own Mike. Leonardo and Raphael were with each other and he'd just had contact he was thinking of his little brother now.

the stone was higher up and closer to a border with the desert in land known as Aridi Plains. He humphs a bit - it was quiet a way from the last check in and out of Erica's range. but he decides not to worry unless he had more info. Erica did have to search a bit so her being off course was not too surprising.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:51 pm

Don chuckled at Mikey’s indecision. And Donatello making up his mind for him. Don a accepted the offered stone and focusing on Raph first. He tossed the stone and watched it. It was still trippy to watch the stones move on their own as it fell into place.

He there’s another chuckle at the punishment.

“You know it won’t go well for you when Master Splinter decides to get creative. Usually we just get a swat with his walking stick and meditation... usually...” Not always, Master Splinter occasionally does feel the need to be creative. And as part of their training, they were often working on unstable poles.

“Would definitely be nice to have everyone before we really chance actually running into Draco...”

Liam looks curious... and once Raph has been marked on the map, Don offers the stone to the child.

“Liam, why don’t you try? Pick one of your brothers and think about them really hard. Then toss the stone on the map. We were talking to Duncan earlier, right? Try thinking about him.”

He will worry about the food in a minute. Most of it sounds heavier than he’s interested in at the moment, but he’s sure he’ll find something.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Mikey Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:41 pm

Mikey sniffs the air - but he is shaking his hand after marking down where his Donnie is, and now tossing out for his Raphael, noting it's lower than previously and - a grin at Don and Liam, " Little guy wasn't making the last time we tried this easy... he kept wailing... then stopping himself from doing so - and anytime anyone went near him to see what was wrong he'd pull himself into his shell." Mikey had not yet quiet connected it meant Liam had been punished for crying too loud in the past.

He is eyeing where his third throw for his Leonardo landed, smiling, " hahaha your Raph and my Leo at least they got each other." holding his stone out to Don to continue searching for his brothers as he'd given his to his son.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Leon Mon Dec 30, 2019 1:51 am

Leon is still chuckling about the Mikey and Donatello as he sits back in his seat between on Inaba's other side, she liked being close to Liam. He is nodding about Liam's behaviour, " looks like my Don is with yous Donnie and Michelangelo... and I now know my Raph is being well looked after."

A grin at that. He wished he could get in touch with all his brothers but one would do for now and that had been a huge weight off of his shoulders.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Tue Dec 31, 2019 4:37 am

Donatello grins a bit nodding at Mikey and amused shifts to search the trolley, because his counterpart had not eaten well for some days so the stews and heavy meat platters and vegetables might not settle too well just yet.

He is pretty much now very confident Leonardo and Raphael were fine. Surely little brother Michelangelo would be too. Surely.

He finds some lighter salads and he suspected fowl and lamb like meat in them, and some flat breads and pops them out on the half of table not covered in map to tempt his counterpart first because it was a lighter option. A started for the rest of them, letting Elena and Liam help themselves to some first.

" Very creative... our longest Haashi time is eleven hours. OOOooooooh yes a meet up ... if we try to get word out to the Leo's and maybe your Mike, Don or your Donnie, Mikey to head to a place.... its possible some of us will bump into each other sooner."

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Doragonkame Tue Dec 31, 2019 5:00 am

Liam had just taken a little bread and meat and some of the salad not exactly paying attention to the small pile he'd made in front of him crunching a reddish beat like slice, a green leaf something sticking to the juice on his cheek.

He ooohs at Don. "oooh meee trrry too? uuummm..." and picks up the stone thinking... closing his fingers about it. " Raaandal... Raaandal." he whispers to the stone think of his red colored brother.

The shiny rock slips from his fingers, rolling away to where Raph and Lee where a little ways away from Michelangelo and Raphie. He woooows! " loooookit... dere Dad theeere.."

Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Byssig10

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:40 pm

Don frowned at the description of Liam’s behavior. Though he hasn’t seen it, so despite the good description, it’s hard for him to draw conclusions. Though... Don’s certain he has never actually seen Liam cry. And that in and of itself seems strange. Little kids cry. Or they should...

“Eleven hours? What on Earth did you do?” He isn’t sure if he should be impressed or appalled.

Don laughs as Liam successfully scrys for Randall.

”Looks like Randall is with Mikey’s Leo and my Raph. Good job, Liam! Who’s next?” He hugged his son tightly. Don is simultaneously proud of the child, and also internally grateful that he didn’t have to scry for the hybrids again. Though he was pretty sure he could from his memory of last time.

He accepted the stone from Mikey. “Thanks.” And scryed for his own Mike. Leo would be next as he was sure Leo was safe.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Tue Dec 31, 2019 3:14 pm

Inaba is watching and she nods a little, " yes Liam is a little strange when it comes to wailing, like he wants to... but doesn't or is afraid to. Even in those moments he was was awayfrom you Don at long periods and got moody he definitely held back giving it all he could. Strange most toddlers, and I have been around a lot Wilhara usually have big families, most toddlers have tantrums and crying a lot." Though to say she was thrilled the little guy was very well behaved it bothered her he was too.

Still she is watching the seeking and glad to see Erica on the move again, " Last time we did this over the few times we tired Erica had remained in the desert... and now I see it was probably to help your Mike Don, she might have made sure he found the others out there and taught them enough to at least survive, I have not been across the wasteland but I hear it is terrible and harsh."

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Doragonkame Tue Dec 31, 2019 5:05 pm

Liam yaya's and nods and pats the stone a couple of times so proud - then being hugged! he laughs and churrs, nuzzling before it is released, thinking a bit and collecting his tone holding it up proudly, " Duncan... Duncan ..." then repeating the process of focusing on his purple brother, whispering the name over the stone in his hand and thinking very hard!

clapping in delight when he released the pebble and it rolls away to the islands to rest between the names of Raphael and Leonardo that Donatello was writing down.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:01 am

Donatello grins, " My brothers and I disobeyed our father and went above when he expressively forbade us to. But we had good reason. Only it took eleven hours and a ninety nine cheese pizza to get Mikey to break and spill the beans. All worth it in the end we got told to go retrieve April and safe guard her from the mess she got in thanks to us. Our Hogosha." fondly.

Smiling at the children Elena helpfully whispering at Liams hand that Duncan was the purple one.

Chuckling and offering the salad meat and flat bread to Don next now that the kiddos had some. [color:3907=800080]"looks like the shorties will need a bath before bed. Mmmm. My Raph and Leonardo have put quite some distance down though not surprised two Leos on the task. Catlady and MonkeyGal were quiet lovely looking." mostly off hand making himself a meat salad roll spreading some cream cheese before rolling and taking a bite.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Wed Jan 01, 2020 6:06 am

“Yeah... our lives are much easier if we just own up to whatever we did...” Don admitted with a chuckle.

He rolled the stone again for Leo, and it’s right against Duncan’s stone, where he suspected it would be.

He glanced over at Inaba’s explanation of Liam’s behavior, and this time it does click. And this Donatello is a very angry turtle. He just barely keeps it under wraps, but he desperately needs to vent it. When he speaks his voice is calm, but it’s a false calm, not unlike when he has had to patch up a brother in a fight.

“Yes, well, most toddlers weren’t abused and probably electrocuted in a lab when they cried.”

Don leans over, gently kisses Liam, and gives him a hug before returning the stone for Liam to scry for Malcolm. There is a slight nod at the information about Erica staying long enough to teach Mikey how to survive the wasteland.

“One more. You’re doing great, My Son.”

He then gets up. Bothering him about food right now would be unwise.

“Excuse me.”

And walks out to the balcony. It’s not far, and easily seen from the table so he’s hoping it won’t worry Liam too much. He has nothing to work on, so can’t deal with his anger in his usual way. He would very much like to deal with this particular rage in a Raph way, but that’s not really an option either. Instead he’s just out on the balcony with his arms folded, practically vibrating with the barely suppressed anger, and glaring at the archery equipment.

He picks up one of the bows and tests it’s weight, giving it a slight experimental pull. Tempted to use it...

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Jan 01, 2020 4:14 pm

Liam churrs, mid beaming and tilting his head back to meet the snuggling with nuzzles of his own - proud of himself. And he was enjoying this game! his writing skills had not been tested yet, and were actually non existent.

He watches Don go, stuffing stringy cool meat into his mouth, chewing, other hand preparing again, mumbling his golden brothers name but thinking of him, the big goofy grin and the warm way he'd snuggle when in sleep.

Liam misses his brothers, he pouts eyeing the map and where the names of his brothers, mostly unintelligible to him words. his brothers name. He doesn't really comprehend how far away they are but he can see there is space. He drops the stone watching it roll and land, ontop of where Mikey's Lee was and Don's Raph.

And watches curiously as Mikey leans over and writes. Really watches, curious.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donimoy Wed Jan 01, 2020 4:49 pm

Doantello sighs a little, but places the lighter foods aside for now for Don for later, chagrined was Inaba, he squeezed her shoulder. " Hey even my mind didn't go there because no one really wants to believe people are capable of hurting little ones... and yous all probably don't know what electrocution is, it's - what would happen to some one who gets hit by lightning. Where I come from... where Don comes from people have created - um like torches capable of generating lightning to varying degrees of strength and it is very much likely and very saddening that Liam and his brothers were kept from being too loud and boisterous as all toddlers - probably conditions in them when even younger...." the explaining was helping him funnel his own anger away.

He could see the questions and he takes a breath, " because our home worlds... people can be evil, and cruel.... but its also in the nature of the same sort of people, but good ones, to investigate if there was repeated sounds of baby - or even those that sound like young animals - constantly. So training them to associate such with pain and not with the comfort of a parent is why Liam was acting as he did."

And it does help. Reminding himself and Mikey and Leon who would know what he is talking about that people can be evil and they could also be good.

Also filling in for Inaba who otherwise would have had no context. And it was all mostly going over the heads of the little ones. Both chewing on their food. " Now at least... these two, from very different circumstances will have a better life."

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Wed Jan 01, 2020 5:41 pm

Oh shhhhe was more and more angered herself when it was all explained.

it was hard to really imagine a torch capable of lightning. But she finally understood and it seemed the explanation also connected a few dots for Mikey and Leon.

" yeeees there is that, now its better for the both of them...." a small smile but guilty her lack of understanding might have upset Don.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Mikey Wed Jan 01, 2020 6:13 pm

Mikey ooooohed the last bits clicking for him, watching Don go - but he understood anything about Donnie it was best to let him have time alone when he got like that.

So even if his instinct was to go after and snug the dude it warred and lost out to the other instinct to just leave him be for a while.

He finds a meaty chunky stew and smaller bowls and spoons spooning some out for the kids to cool then getting a bowl himself. " Well looks like we are all slowly coming together, that's a good thing so when yous get a message out I think we should be able to pick a spot to do a meet up."

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:36 pm

Don glances back, making sure that Liam is entertained for the moment. He grabs one of the shorter bows, it is almost shockingly similar to the hankyu he learned on. He pokes through some of the other items, quickly selects some closest to what he knows works well for him and drops off the balcony, silently slipping down to the ground. Don is ninja, and though it's far dimmer here than in New York he has plenty of light to work with.

It doesn't take him long to find and select an appropriate target. Apparently all that equipment was right here for a reason. He settles into a kneeling position. He focuses on his target and his breathing, nocks the arrow and slowly draws the bow. It's almost habit as he draws and focuses on what he's doing, his senses also reach out for anything that might be amiss.

Don doesn't blame Inaba. In fact, when he calms down, he'll be grateful that she told him. It's another piece of the puzzle. Liam isn't old enough or verbal enough to tell Don everything that happened to him in the lab. And with how Liam lived up until now, he probably doesn't even fully recognize that his treatment had been wrong.

But before he can be grateful, Don needs to get this out of his system. Another breath. And he lets the arrow fly. The hankyu twists around the string facing away from him as designed and his arms are fully extended in the style he was taught. The arrow pierces his target, and it's close. Oh so close. The slightly different equipment and his difficulty focusing kept it from being a perfect shot. He slowly lowers the bow and prepares a second arrow.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:58 am

The archery fields were entirely unoccupied this part of the night save for the guards. And Don was too far out to be seen by otherwise would have been nosey and curious Reinigen.

though he was also in a good spot.

this side face the more royal suites of the stronghold. And whilst those on the balconies over the gardens couldn't see the turtle in the dark he probably could them. The Princess, and her maid out under the stars clearly practicing the ceremony for the next day.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Thu Jan 02, 2020 5:59 am

The next arrow flew true, and Don was feeling the anger fade. He vaguely heard voices, or at least one, but it was no threat, so he paid it little mind.

Don chuckled at the thought of the last archery contest he had been involved in. Though, he had been wearing the target, not competing. He had declared Mikey and Raph’s mini tournament a tie after 20 consecutive double bullseyes. And Don was just as capable, though he preferred the Japanese style to the Mediterranean style Raph and Mikey had used that day, but that had been determined by the style of the bows they had found at Casey’s grandma’s farmhouse.

Don couldn’t stay long. He had to get back. Still, a couple more. He shot three more arrows before standing, ready to go back.

As he collected his arrows and started to head back, he vaguely recognized the words from earlier when Inaba had been teaching his counterpart about the ceremony, and curious, he moved closer to investigate. Don stayed in the shadows, intending to remain unseen. Though perhaps not quiiiiite as careful as he could have been.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:07 am

Princess Yua flicked her left ear, she'd messed the beginning of the traditional together spoken part of her vows. She was nervous. Very.

Her maid, one of the youngish fae folk hovered in front of her, " Almost princess... almost -"

Yua nods, allllmost... " I knooow but... I got it earlier... perfect... I... it.. It's closer now - mmm I am nervous... before I felt excitement. Now - a little nauseous."

Her companion giggled her wings buzzing and she plops herself on the balcony edge unawares of their watcher her lady, her best friend sitting beside her with another sigh. "You had it down earlier, you'll be fine, now your just over thinking and it's getting to you."

Princess huffed blowing long kept strands of fur from her eyes. Her fur was reddish borwn,bald tail pink and hair more reddish than brown. " yeeeah well... you have been unable to gout and get a look at this ... Genio... I.. hoped to learn a little about him. And his family."Intense curiousity in her tone, and her friends answering huff of.

" Agreed! I just wanted a looook! but the Maester wouldn't let me visit the ill one, or his watchers and only seen the little blue fellow from afar... he is sooo cute."

Both of them frustrated with this confinement to this section of the stronghold.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Fri Jan 03, 2020 6:19 am

And Don is frustrated with this whole situation. And he’s feeling more than a little rebellious. There’s pretty much no way for him to say hi without being creepy though. Oh... this is a bad idea...

Taking care to keep an eye out for anyone else who might be watching, Don steps out of his hiding place and looks up for a moment. He tucks the archery equipment away near one of the other receptacles where it blends in nicely. He is attempting to give the girls ample opportunity to spot him before he reaches them. Then staying where they should be able to see him, but he is hopefully hidden from any other groups nearby, he scales a tree near their balcony. He finds a little place to hide from anyone that’s not the pair on the balcony. He's settled back against the tree's trunk, he's far enough away that he's hopefully not threatening. Though... he is still carrying his bo on his back. Still... it's holstered. And his bow, from the branch is of greeting, no more.

"I’m sorry, I couldn’t help overhearing... Um... Hello, I'm Don.”

He should probably be addressing the Princess more, but he keeps finding himself looking at the winged creature. He’s not seen anything like it before.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Sat Jan 04, 2020 4:01 am

Bebe just about fell out of the air -

Yua gasps, but she was high born and taught to arm herself in manners and even when her maid zooms to her and she is clearly shocked she manages a smooth curtsy. Her reddish hair straight so shiny from being brushed lots today. " Don -" maybe a little hesitant because she wasn't sure of his title, if he has one." You are the one who has been ill, you look better, I am glad." polite and soft tones her large very green eyes on him. Hand on her hovering worried and yet delighted maid's shoulder. " I apologise if my maid, Bebe and I were sharing our frustrations out loud." and now having been introduced to those considered her better Bebe buzzed excited.

" yoooour one of thhheeeem... wooooooow -'amazed her large dark eyes taking in Don she might have passed off as a human... ore at least a little more so than most in Nexus aside the daimyo. Rounded little wings in two pairs like bees beats and kept her always about a foot off the ground unless she was actively walking, which in her excited state she was not. And maybe she was a little blushie, it made her darkish blue green skin flush a sort of brown over the cheeks, because she noted this Genio Innocuo was looking at her more than the Princess, who didn't seem to mind.

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Post by Donnie Sat Jan 04, 2020 7:52 am

”I am... Thank you, and, yes, conscious and vertical is a marked improvement.” He chuckled softly. Though to be fair to the girls, he did just basically parkour his way up a tree. And he does turn to the Princess and address her, as she is the one who had spoken.

He smiles softly at the comment about their frustrations being vented aloud.

“Actually, that’s why I’m here... your ‘frustrations’ sound decidedly familiar... and at least in my opinion, fair. I was hoping to maybe be a sort of envoy, Princess...” Don does not know her name, and hopes she will provide it. He will be polite to the Princess and her maid, as far as he’s concerned, she’s as much pawn as he and his counterpart are. “So if you have any particularly pressing questions about my uh... brother, I will do my best to answer. Though I can’t stay long. My son is probably going to be upset as it is...”

He blushed slightly and fidgeted under Bebe’s awe. He sort of half sighs at the Genio Innocuo awe thing again. “Heh... uh... So I’m told...” Don puts his arms out to the side slightly and does a slow turn. Sort of a gentle showing what he is, so they can maybe move on from that. He then carefully sits down on his branch. There’s another curious look at Bebe.

”Um... Bebe, I hope you will excuse my ignorance... but what are you?”

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Post by NexusNoobs Sat Jan 04, 2020 1:25 pm

Bebe recalls her manners, " oh oooh I'm sorry, forgive me Princess!" mortified, she as the underling should have introduced her misses and then initiated introductions of Don and Yua. " - Don meet Princess Yua." maybe truncated because she didn't know his title either and had already lost out introducing him.

Yua smiles and squeezes Bebe's shoulder, " it's alright Bebe we'll forgive the lack of formality this time, and maybe skip it all together yes? uh would you like to come onto the balcony Don? - and envoy?!' bit excited at that - she'd accepted that arranged marriages happened enough of her siblings were arranged and gone and she'd been taught and raised to expect same for herself. And most of her sibling were reasonably happy. More her brothers than her sisters. So...this - being able to ask him questions was...

Though distracted a few moments and with Bebe oooohing and woooowing as Don shows all of himself to them both - she realised she was perhaps a little taller than him, not much - but a little.

And given the okay for lack of formality Bebe beams at Don and she spins in the air, "I am fae!"

" one of the savannah fairy folk - uh ... can I ask- is... is my intended going to be a good husband?... and is it true he... adopted one of our terror children?" her tone entirely curious about that, she'd heard servants talking. Genuinely curious and nothing.

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Post by Donnie Sat Jan 04, 2020 7:19 pm

”I apologize for startling you.” The comment was addressed to both of them because he had apparently startled Bebe into forgetting something she was supposed to do. ”Princess Yua, it is an honor to meet you. And you as well, Bebe.” Again, the bow of greeting an equal. And a second directed to Bebe. His bow to the maid is also that of greeting an equal. He's pretty sure it's a move that flies in the face of social convention, and if so... good. Though he's not really here to insult the princess. But... elevate the maid? Sure.

There's a slight nod and soft ”Please.” at skipping formalities.

And as for the balcony...

“I get the impression that there may be trouble if you are caught talking to me. I do not wish that upon you. I wanted to hopefully help ease your frustrations, not be the source of more. We are less likely to have observers at a distance who might spot me here without our knowledge.”  He could be gone in an instant, but he will only notice people who are so far away. And honestly, Don couldn't care less if someone were to get after him for being here.

And Don is laughing softly at Bebe being a fairy.   “This is probably going to sound strange to you, because Don knows that the Genio Innocuo nonsense is downright bizarre to him, “But in the land I know, fairies are as rare and revered as the Genio Innocuo seem to be here.” And he gives her a smile.

He then turns his attention Princess Yua and her questions. Don smiles slightly at her excitement at having an opportunity to ask questions.

“I firmly believe he will be. He may not be everything you ever wanted or expected, and I honestly have no idea what that might be, but he is brilliant, caring, dedicated and honorable. Though I am perhaps somewhat biased." There's a slight chuckle at his own statement here. Yeah... maybe a little biased. He vaguely wonders how his counterpart would describe him, and if it would be as awkward for him to do so if situations were reversed. "He wants what is best for you. Whatever that may be. Our ways are different... but he has been working very hard to try and make a good impression on your father and your kingdom tomorrow. His biggest concern with this-- Don has to pause to choose his words carefully. He has a feeling that his true feelings of 'bullshit' or even 'nonsense' - which is probably the strongest word he might actually use in speaking to the princess -  would not receive the reaction he is going for. And his counterpart would likely be disappointed if Don were to behave in that manner. And if he's completely honest, Don would be disappointed in himself. He's not here to hurt the feelings of the princess in any way. He might purposely defy social convention to a point, but he's not here to hurt anyone. “marriage is that he does not want you stuck in a situation where you cannot be happy.”

The laugh at the second question is soft, but honest. He had sort of expected that one.

“Yes, that is true. Miss Elena is a very sweet young lady. Spoke quite highly of you. And... my brother--” maybe Don should have practiced that one too... he keeps stumbling over it. Though he has little reason to. It's weird to refer to his counterpart as his brother. He considers the other Donatello and his traveling companions as close as brothers, but... it's not accurate-- and maybe that's it. He could easily call Mikey or Leon brother, but to call another version of himself brother is just...weird. It's not accurate, and that bothers him. He takes a soft, centering breath before continuing. “My brother hopes that you can accept her as readily as he has.”

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Sat Jan 04, 2020 10:03 pm

Yua is surprised. Though there is a bit of a grin. " So it's true what they say about you guys, yous really do treat staff and servants and lower and high... the same.' she'd heard. She'd never imagined it. And... well she felt no particular insult or offense so was for the first time questioning in herwhole life why it wasn't more common a practice. She shuffles a bit and think about Don's description of her would be husband. And she feels a little less nervous about the arrangement.

" I try to be kind to all here." she nods. Not sure if she was ready to accept the child that readily but maybe. Maybe she could. " I mean that does at least give us some reprieve in having to produce any type of heirs straight away." a little relieved and a smile, " Not sure dad would be happy about that but he'll respect a Genio Innocuo." she giggles a bit.

Bebe was blushing so much the brown spread over her cheeks and neck. " thanks..." not sure how to feel about he elevation. Well very shy about it for sure. A grin and sigh - part of the marriage was she would go with Princess - so hearing Donatello was a good one put her at ease too. She'd heard of less pleasant situations and sometimes the maids paid along with their ladies in those sorts. Or died trying to defend their ladies. A bit shocked by his words. ' reaaaally? I'd be... a rare marvelous creature? like you? meeeeeeeeee?" she asks Don fluttering a bit and giggling with Yua who shrugged a bit about the trouble " yeah maybe a bit of trouble. Thanks for helping keep cover."

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Sat Jan 04, 2020 10:38 pm

Don cocks his head slightly at the comment about treating everyone the same regardless of status. It's sort of a silent almost lack of understanding why he would treat people any other way.  He doesn't say that what they respect is just different. He can't really come up with a way of putting it which isn't rude. So he says nothing.

And if Yua sounds unconvinced about the child, Don can hardly blame her. Though he appreciates her looking on the bright side! "I know it's a lot. I understand that. Really, I do. But I think if you give her a chance, you'll find something pretty special." And if Princess Yua's father doesn't like it... Well... Don is careful to keep the smirk off his face and his feelings on the matter carefully masked. Master Splinter would be proud, and probably a little surprised that Don actually managed it. Again... Don is not here to insult the princess.

He then smiles softly at Bebe. "In the right place, among the right groups? Yes, I believe so." It's subtle, but a vague reminder that though the Reinigen and many others did revere the Genio Innocuo, the feeling is not shared by all. A vague hint that his land, in that respect, is no different. He also does not mention that in his own world... he's more likely to be considered a monster.

At the thanks for helping keep cover Don does speak again.

"Of course. Now... I have to get back. I've been gone too long as it is. I guess I will see you again tomorrow." He stands and gives them another bow, this time a farewell.

Don doesn't wait for a response. Instead, it's a ninja vanish. He's gone. Probably abruptly enough to make them question whether he was there at all.

Not interested in dealing with anyone that might be around this late, and he suspects that would mostly be the guards at this point, he slips back to the receptacle where he left the archery equipment, reclaims it and makes his way back to the balcony where he started. He's feeling much better than when he had left.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:16 am

' thank you, Don." Princess recalled her manners - but both girls were taken aback by how to them it looked like he'd simply vanished and the Princess was not even entirely sure he had heard.

Bebe smiles, " yes thanks!' maybe waving into the dark and quiet only. But she hoped he heard.

And they stood a bit, then... now relaxed and less nervous again Princess taps Bebe's shoulder and they head back inside.

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Post by Mikey Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:56 am

Mikey was sticking close to Liam. He'd missed Don by the time a sweets trolley came and refused the goodies instead searching for Dad. And Mikey, followed.

Any time the little guy made to look like he might cry a bit he gives his one of the little fairy cakes. Or a toffee or a cookie or a chewy bit of caramel.

He wasn't stopping the kid look but definitely making sure he ate! and well he was trying to teach Liam it was fine to be unhappy. though he does know he is probably teaching him to cry to get what he wants. Mikey hopes not!

" he'll be back soon..." they were going out to their balcony for like the fifth time now. Others inside doing things the trolleys were gone but Mikey kept a selection of thin light soups, salads, cold meats and crisp vegetables, mixed fruits and light jellies. much water and juice because Mikey figured after not eating much the last week Don would need to reawaken his palate but gently and his stomach.

Donatello had agreed and was now reading one of those big hard covers about the types of Nexus people there were and the bathed little girl was just about asleep curled up on his plastron.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:32 am


- though the food was nice and pretty sure he'd been out here with his bigger orange wearing shadow but... still he was looking in a massive potter plant and let out a sort of frustrated sound he knew Dad said he'd be back ... so maybe he was back?!

He'd not gone with Donatello for a bath and hadn't settled to the story, not that Elena or he would understand it. He wasn't up to trying any crafts as Leon and Inaba wrapped up the small hand made but glossy pretty trinkets that they'd made for the wedding gifts.

Instead he'd wondered about searching.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Mon Jan 06, 2020 9:29 am

Don looked up at the balcony. He has a feeling that as soon as Liam spots him, he won't have much time to put away what he has in his hands. He unstrings the hankyu to ready it for storage and tucks it under one arm. It will hinder climbing slightly, but he can manage. As he climbs over the edge of the balcony, he quickly returns the bow to it's storage location and sets the rest of the gear on a table. Even as he does so, he gives Mikey grateful and apologetic smile.

He chuckles softly at Liam peering into a potted plant.

"Find anything interesting in there, My Son?"

Don feels bad for ditching like that, but... He'd needed it.

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Post by Doragonkame Mon Jan 06, 2020 11:57 am

He was half in the plant pot, and helloing at the roots and trunk when he heard don's voice and scrambles back out a happy squee and clearly he'd not allowed for cleaning cause he still had food all over his face and plastron he dashes for Don arms up and yaying the entire way!

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:13 pm

Don laughed as Liam came running over. He picked the child up, and spun him in the air before pulling him close, nuzzling him and churring briefly for the child.

”I told you I'd always come back for you, My Son.”

Once Liam was snuggled in close, Don looked over at Mikey. He's almost holding too tight. Aaaalllllmost clinging to the child. He has his head on straight again... mostly. He's still upset about what he's learned, but he's in control of his response now, not just barely managing to suppress it. He still feels like he's a little bit on a spoon, but at least he's in the bowl of the spoon, not trying to balance on the back.

”I'm sorry I ran off like that, Mikey... I just...” He glances down toward Liam. He hadn't wanted to lose control of himself in front of the child. And his usual ways of dealing with stress just weren't an option. He doesn't even have his phone. He could have at least written some code for something... anything. Not even that was an option. “Thank you for keeping an eye on him.”

And if he had imagined the target he'd been shooting at had looked like one of the blurry faced humans from Liam's memories... well... Don won't be admitting to that.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Elena Martins Wed Jan 08, 2020 1:04 am

Elena happily took up most of Donatello's plastron breathing deep and relaxed mostly asleep from the reading and no longer aware of what was being read to her. Her tail flipping and flopping a bit in lazy wags.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Leon Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:45 am

Leon catches sight of Don being back but he doesn't draw too much attention to it, nudging Inaba to alert her but they were busy arranging the jewelry and stuff for the wedding on a cushion neatly, having redone it a couple of times already Inaba not exactly happy with this latest attempt either.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by NexusNoobs Thu Jan 09, 2020 2:31 am

A nudge making her look up as she is arranging the comb and jewellery, they'd all worried when Don left, Donatello even though worried and almost she knew following his counterpart, had stayed and they all stayed, worried but stayed trusting Don he'll be fine and Donatello trying to mostly reassure himself about that.

She was relieved to see him back.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Mikey Thu Jan 09, 2020 2:47 am

"hey it worried us sure... you still hadn't eaten much, was just a long day into recovery... but we get it... we do..." Mikey waves away the thanks with a pat to Liam's back and Don's shoulder. " just glad your back and no worries little guy is one of the easiest kids to watch after." he grins watching Liam snuggle Donnie eagerly his little snout nuzzling and tail wagging.

Pointing towards the table. " we kept some food, Donatello and Leon insisted on the lighter option stuffs for you. And two of our number have bathed.' he fills in pointing at Donatello and Elena.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Donnie Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:47 am

Don looks chagrined at Mikey’s words. He had almost forgotten that he hadn’t actually eaten.

“12 hours and—“ He cut himself off. The words had been automatic. Just... how he always responds to an estimate he considers inaccurate. Really the fact that it hadn’t even been a full day was kind of worse... He looks at the hand on his shoulder for a moment then sighs. “Sorry... not helping, am I...”

Definitely not helping. He sort of feels like this is a Mikey version of a (well deserved) scolding. Don is definitely responding like he’s being scolded.

His expression at the comment about Liam being easy to watch after is unreadable. He is wondering how much is personality... and how much is conditioned through the lab. He eventually nods at the statement. He agrees, but part of him sort of wishes Liam was a bit of a challenge to get to behave... At least a little in some aspect.

Don nods at the information about the food. “Thanks...” It sounds necessary, if not necessarily good... Which is definitely preferable to sounding outright awful like it had for most of his waking hours in the Nexus. If you average what he’s eaten over the week he’s been here... Liam might be wearing more than the daily result. That’s a problem. Well... two problems.

There's another sigh as he continues to almost cling to Liam.

"Little Man, you are a mess. We need to get you cleaned up... again." They just did the bath thing a few hours ago. Maybe this time it will just be a quick few inches of water. Not filling the whole tub. As enjoyable as that had been, Don is tired and would like to move the evening along. And he still needs to talk to his counterpart and Inaba at least before anyone falls asleep.

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Post by Donimoy Fri Jan 10, 2020 12:34 am

Donatello yawns... his head lolls - Elena's tail tapping against his cheek to encourage him to read on makes him start and he mumbles a bit. Missing Inaba and Leon's sniggering at this.

He stretches on, not entirely certain Elena understood everything but she was listening and clearly enjoying it and he decided he could perhaps go a little longer before he took them both off to bed, perhaps the last bed they might sleep in for a while and he was determined to enjoy it.

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Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold. - Page 12 Empty Re: Fortress Gorlan: Reinigen Stronghold.

Post by Doragonkame Fri Jan 10, 2020 1:22 am

Liam was all too happy to be held and mumbling happily on Don's shoulder as he and Mikey spoke, " Dad alllways cooome back... for Liam..." so happy little churrs tail wagging and content to be held close hanging on himself.

Both he and mikey look sheepish about the mess thing, Mikey muttering, " sorry man... kid loves his food."

And Liam giggles and looks hopeful this time, " bath time?'

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Post by Donnie Fri Jan 10, 2020 9:19 am

Don returned Liam’s nuzzling and chuckled softly at Mikey’s words and the expressions on both his and Liam’s faces. “This was going on before I left, and I didn’t do anything about it then either. Though I might have to be a little more proactive once we’re moving again...”.” Because baths will likely not be as easy to come by. Certainly not warm ones.

He then headed inside and picked up a roll off the table. At the moment, it’s not much, but it’s something, and he has things to do.

He pauses long enough selecting the roll to see his counterpart at least turn a page.

“Uh... Donatello." Still weird to call someone else his own name. He figured Casey, and probably April too, had probably had to do it before, but... it's still weird. Calling the other turtles by his brothers' names is somehow less weird. Not much, but less. "When you can... I need to tell you about what I was doing out there.” He doesn’t really want to interrupt story time, but doesn’t want where he was and what he was doing to be a secret either.

Don is a bit reluctant about setting Liam down, but does so momentarily to make the roll into a small sandwich. Hopefully it is enough to at least temporarily placate his traveling companions.

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Post by Mikey Fri Jan 10, 2020 4:46 pm

Mikey grins, his version of a scolding was more playful than anything. And he had worried for Don, listening to the correction of his all day claim. Well it felt like all day to him! He follows the two back towards the table not prodding further about the food, and chuckling a bit, " Hey you were not the only one, by the end Donatello was wearing a collection of Elena eatings mostly through smear shares..." a pout. " Donatello rinsed himself and his kid then bathed and says I am to bath before we head off too. Feel like I have bathed more in the past week then I have my entire life." maybe a tad exaggeration but ...

just a tad

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