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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Gyogi Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:47 pm

Timelines; 2003 turtles, the beginning of The Real World arc. 80's turtles and 2012 after the events of the last episodes of TMNT 2012 and for 2014/16 turtles end of Out of the Shadows.

The 'fake' Gyogi, somewhere above, pulling some scheme.

Gyogi floated about the almost forgotten apothecary store room. If he still had a corporeal stomach he'd had aches and cramps from the knots he felt. He tried not to think on the flash backs of the last months in his mind.

The attack of Drakko and his interdimensional and time minions, he, Gyogi being cast into this 'dungeon ' of sorts.

It was absolute torture for the monk spirit whom was a devoted servant to the Daimyo. a cross between what third earthers would call a King's Steward. Or a Butler. And a good friend to the once power wizard who had ruled the Nexus. A world in the space between worlds, and it's creatures. Fairies, Elves, dragon lands, orks and other assorted beings. Some of the fiefdoms rulers in open fealty to Drakko and his overthrowing the Daimyo, like the Orcs and Goblins and some mixed races from places where all sorts of interdimensional and even alien beings came to live.

Others in rebellion, war was everywhere.

And the Daimyo? he had been sick with the grief of lose of his son for months, fading his powers leeching from him. Gyogi had tried to bolster and encourage to give hope, but the powerful ruler had been in no state of mind to refuse the once revered dragon warrior Drago, now Drakko...

On the plus side the spectral monk mused, his hoping had been right the Daimyo's son was not dead.... but he had somehow merged with the dragon, the two now Drakko....

Gyogi felt power above and feared.

He floated past the desk and shelves of old portions ingredients and other arcane artefacts. He'd paced like this for long days now wishing he was not caught in here for about the hundredth time, it was on the what had to be the some two hundredth breeze past the shelves, that rattled and the jars, pots and tins filled with all sorts of contents chinked or jiggled and or clanked that he paused -

There was that power again - and he just spied. Shells! Turtles shells, four in a open pot - dried out and old and it didn't matter he could tap into some of that power he felt, he was after all connected to the evil fake Gyogi!

Get the Daimyo warriors who would help!

The Turtles!

Yes! zipping back to the desk in a poof of cloud the spirit swept a rather blank looking world map onto the floor not caring how it landed as long as it was facing up! and then in a rush of cold wind he hurried back to the shelves reaching for and with his own energies limited using just enough to shove the jar of turtle shells over, spilling the four shells towards the map spread on the floor, beginning the opening song of a summoning chant picturing the four turtle warriors who had taken part of their tournament, the orange banded one who had won, pulling on the building powers about channelling everything into the little shells, some local terrapins hatchlings that never made it, the pretty little shells tinkling and clattering as they rolled from the pot and clattered - a couple with little bounces off the edge of shelf.

Gyogi felt a stab of unease when the falling shells broke upon the map and the four became several pieces spread evenly over places on the map below but he tried not to focus on this summoning... summoning, somewhere above he though he could barely make out Drakko's excited and loud braying boast he was going to make Splinter, Leonardo, the Daimyo and even Usagi the samurai rabbit pay! but it was becoming fuzzie as his own incantation began to take effect -

As his consciousness and spiritual body faded - using so much of his own energy to pull at the magics to summon the ninja turtles! he though he heard above a angered roar yowl from the evil creature that had once been two separate entities and other shouts or yells - he couldn't make out those as well as he seemed to melt into a puddle that vanished. As he did so hoping his gambit worked. It would be a while before he could rematerialize and possibly learn what if anything happened with his spell.

Where the spiritual referee of the Battle Nexus tournament faded the map crisped and curled and holes appeared where the pieces of turtle shells were, smoking and charring...

Summoning not the intended four but more ninja turtles and unexpected spares! From more than one dimension and time!

Last edited by Gyogi on Wed Jul 31, 2019 12:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. 24b97f10

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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Re: Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Leon Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:08 pm

So, there he was not two missions after the second multi dimensional one, enjoying a well earned pizza with his brothers upon a rooftop waiting for the usual April rescue time to roll about...


Well he wasn't exactly sure what happened, it sure felt vaguely like interdimensional travel but also not at all the same!

He'd just taken a large bit and felt a weird tug - about level with his mid section or if he were a human it would be where his belly button was. But being a turtle and all it felt like he was for loack of better description, hooked! and then as if now hooked being reeled! there was a wild rushing sound and blur of colors! nothing much made sense!

Aside from his "Whoaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!"- totally to be expected response!

(( Team 1: 1987 Leonardo, 2012 Mikey, 2003 Don, 2014 Don … Liam = to this thread! ))

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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Re: Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Raphie Fri May 17, 2019 12:48 pm

Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Ef9a1b10

There he was punching his favorite brown duffel bag to his heart's content, with a great determination to be ready if another fight was going to happen. He stopped for a moment taking a second to breathe.

He glanced around trying to notice what his brothers and father were up to. It appeared that Leo and Master Splinter were mediating, Mikey was playing some video game, and Donnie was working on some new electronic. Typical of all of them.

He sighed and walked towards the kitchen to get a drink of water before he heard a weird sound which made his whole body stand still. It started low with a rumbling sound...then got louder...till a portal opened up underneath him diving him into it. He didn't know where he was going...only wondering where he was going.

Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Ec451710

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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Re: Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Doragonkame Fri May 17, 2019 10:26 pm

Their 'bath' was always unpleasant.

Water, they liked water. Crimson loved water. He did not like 'bath'.

This water sprayed from the end of a hose stung against his ruby red skin and was unpleasant on his garnet shaded shell.

He would try shielding his smaller kin, Gold and Violet from the spray but there was only so much the little turtle could do, even with the help of Cyan.

and he, like his brothers were confused - as were the scientists when a rumbling sounded, the little hybrid turtles did not understand the shouts of the big humans, the scientists "Earthquack!" and "In New York?!" echoed about the little warehouse lab space.

The huddling little turtles felt tingling under their feet and broke apart to look, each making scared little sounds... Before the world they always known became a swirling dizzying whirl of color -

Crimson lost the grip he had on his brothers hearing shouts from the big humans fade.... faaaade….

(( 2012Leo, 2014Mikey, 2012Raph, 2003Raph and Crimson continue here; ))

Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Byssig10

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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Re: Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Donnie Fri Jul 12, 2019 6:10 pm

It had been pretty quiet in the lair, and that should have been the first clue that something was amiss. The lair is rarely quiet for long.

In fact, Raph getting up to head into the kitchen was the most activity that had registered in the lair in some time. Even that little bit of movement had been enough to briefly draw Don's attention from the little Turtle Cam that currently lay in pieces on his work bench.  The Cam had a brand new board inside it, and the casing had been redesigned to withstand more force. He had also managed to lower the center of gravity a little in hopes that it would have a little more stability if and when it was needed again.

The slight distraction of Raph moving through the lair wasn't enough to actually stop what Don was doing though and he turned his attention back to the small device. As he reached for a screw driver to start putting the item back together the rumbling began. Don looked over toward Raph just in time to see him disappear into what Don could only assume was a portal.  And really, Donatello had had enough of portals! Before he could even finish the thought, Don found that he was falling too.

Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Tmnt-210

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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Re: Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Doragonkame Fri Jul 12, 2019 6:34 pm

Liam was growling a little, why did the 'bath' water have to hurt? Gold was as usual whimpering and Cyan was glaring at the big people giving his shell a shake to shuck off most the - what? his feet tingle and like his brothers he jumps back... then if felt like falling and he cried out in dismay as his little hands lost the grips he had on Crimson and Gold... !!

(( we are part of Team 1 Don03 and our next posts will be in this thread Wink : 1987 Leonardo, 2012 Mikey, 2003 Don, 2014 Don … Liam = to this thread! ))

Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Byssig10

Posts : 1378
Join date : 2016-11-20

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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Re: Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Doragonkame Sat Jul 20, 2019 2:12 pm

Chirp! chirp ! chiiirp! frantically for his brothers the whimpers dying away and becoming the noises for his brothers as they were torn from around him and … he wails all the way to the ground bouncing and rolling down what he didn't know was a sand dune, coming to a rest in a pile of cool sand on this side of the dune.

So very confused and frightened and whimpering his gold eyes sparkling the tears leaving tracks down his now sandy face! he didn't know what it was....

(( ooc: Team 2: 1987 Donatello 2012 Don 1987 Michelangelo 2003 Mikey … Malcolm continue here ; ))

Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Byssig10

Posts : 1378
Join date : 2016-11-20

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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Re: Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Leo Sun Jul 21, 2019 5:44 pm

It had been calm. Quiet. Almost too quiet. Still, that was a great time to meditate without interruption. Even Michelangelo hadn't turned up to be a pill. Though Master Splinter's presence in the room would probably be more than enough to deter his orange wearing brother.

Leo was meditating alongside his sensei, allowing the presence of his teacher to give him a little more confidence and grounding as he attempted to reach new levels.

Then the rumbling started. He pulled out of the state, and was almost immediately falling through the floor.

Where were his brothers?  He had no way of knowing, and before he could call out for them, he was through the portal and falling.

(OOC: And Leo is off! I don't know where Leo's going though!   Very Happy )

Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Re: Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Doragonkame Sun Jul 21, 2019 6:15 pm

Duncan was the last through - so he'd already had a head start on the freaking out... and he pulled himself into his shell

(( Team 3: 2014 Raph 1987 Raphael 2014 Leo 2003 Leo … Duncan off to here! ; ))

Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Byssig10

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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Re: Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Donimoy Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:05 pm


And they could savour the taste of it this cool night.

Up here standing about Lady Liberties Torch and patting each others shells and fist bumping.

Then the floor seemed to shake Donnie gasps, [color=#800080]" Leonardo I'm detecting a huge flus in temopora -" His attempts to warn and shove his brothers out of the way were futile.

What ever this was had them in a vortex too strong to climb out of and they were sucked in losing touch with each other.

Or at least Donatello lost his hold he had just taken on Leo and Mikey.

[ooc: 2012Don off to here! :]

Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Dedrse10

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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Re: Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Leonardo Sat Aug 03, 2019 9:53 pm

Leonardo had savoured the sweet sweet taste of victory.

Not even fresh peppermint tea was as wonderfully zingy on his tongue!

They had done it, had saved the city. The world. And he felt, with a whole lot of smugness, he had made his families small 'world' a lot safer, reaching out and accepting a working understanding with the Police Chief.

and he felt he should have known something would happen...

He had felt something prickle at the back of his subconscious and felt the pull- heard the beginning of Donnie's sentence and hadn't even began to formulate some sort of plan to meet the new threat when the world felt like it vanished from under his feet into a whirled sucking vortex!

and it had!

(( Leo14 off to here! : ))

Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Leo20110

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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Re: Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Raphael Mon Aug 12, 2019 6:13 pm

" Noooo! what?! LEOooooooooh!" his happy cheering and somewhat cool moves became a yell half anger and fear as he felt the solid ground beneath him seem to melt and become space, that swirled in dizzying colors and shades and spun around him!

He was falling! falling and lost sight of his brothers! nooooo!

(( ooc: Raphie2014 ; ))

Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Cadad410

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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Re: Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Ralphie Tue Aug 13, 2019 6:33 am

Pizza Time! Though, it was probably almost time to rescue April. It was Tuesday after all.

Raphael had just taken a slice, hurrying before Michaelangelo could sneak in there and get it all. Suddenly... he was ripped through what had to be an inter dimensional portal.

“Not again!”

Well, he shouldn’t be surprised. It was Tuesday.


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Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Empty Re: Dépaysement; Into The Nexus.

Post by Mike Fri Aug 30, 2019 5:24 pm

What a night!  What a BORING night!  Mikey immersed himself into a video game, but he was still bored...and going stir-crazy!  Every few minutes he glanced at the clock, counting the minutes until they could go out on patrol.  The minutes ticked away but they still had hours to go before it was dark enough to venture out.  So, video game-age won over that boredom...for a while.

Suddenly, something happened and a portal came out of nowhere!   Before he even had time to scream he was being sucked through!  When he said he was wanting some action, this was SO not what he meant!  The thing was, he knew this kind of portal since he had been through one just like it at least once before.

((OOC: Continuing here -

Dépaysement; Into The Nexus. Ff9f8d10

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