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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Mon Aug 12, 2019 6:04 pm

The good luck wink and tail fluff gave Leo some reassurance, and a little bit to smile about as he made his way to and around the island. Which was probably good, because  Leo didn't like this part of the island. It was... he wasn't sure what was bothering him.

He couldn't say he was thrilled with the idea of a loud call, but he understood and couldn't argue the reasoning. Especially since he did want to get back to the boat as soon as possible. He didn't want to be here searching for a ninja who didn't want to be found. That sort of nonsense was time consuming. Ninja hide and seek was a game of patience, and he didn't have a whole lot of that for being on this island away from the boat.

He looked at his counterpart and nodded an understanding. Whatever the call was, he had at least been warned. He didn't speak. He didn't need to. But he was ready for whatever noise Leonardo was going to make, and he was ready for a reaction from the locals. Especially since this island had him on edge to begin with.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Mon Aug 12, 2019 6:12 pm

He'd must have blacked out!!

For when Raph awoke slowly he was dangling upside down over some immensely black seemingly endless pit! and he was bound !

And even dizzy and wondering what the hell happened his head was also swimming cause he was receiving the sort of blow job he'd only ever dreamed about!

And Christ he was ready to explode!

though that all stopped when he regain enough muscles to curle up and get a look he screamed!!

and not in pleasure or release though fuck he was leaking !!

" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" in the worst sort of horror sure he'd fallen into one of his absolute worst nightmares!

There sucking on his now rock hard, leaky self was a freaking spider!!

The size of a freaking heavy horse and all glossy black legs and red splotch on her huge round backside, up until the middle segment of her body then she was like a slim Asian looking lady - only her mouth had pinches! and AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Her silks couldn't hold him and with a terrified roar he ripped free ! falling and yelling and only barely managing to flip himself around to jam sai into rock walls and decide where to go once he'd stopped free falling... dropping lower and lower and lower as she chased him! then he found cold hard slippery rock ground and ran for his life hard on and all! no idea where!

He had to pause covering his eyes once out of the cave to deal with himself enough to go back into his tail - then he was off again, no idea where he was! or where to go but as far as he could from the Widows hollow for sure!

And that eventually led him to a beach - he roars, " I haaaate spiders!!!!" vomiting pink gut juice up and realising he could see no brothers and no new York freaking out angrily for some time. Something white in the distance flew off, he couldn't blame it.

Then he was ... slightly cooler of temper and ran into ... a smaller - himself.

And the two had retreated to a cave... after sending the little guy in first to check for spiders they hid out of sight.

Wishing they knew where their brothers where, and where they were!!

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Cadad410

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leonardo Mon Aug 12, 2019 7:07 pm

Leonardo braced himself and expanded his chest, his plastron as far as it could go taking in the deepest breath he could manage, his head fell back and fingers dig against the tree back.

The sound that rose from him held steady, was loud, shook loose back and dried leaves and he'd practiced it to be heard over New Yorks forever noise, imagine how loud it was here on a much quieter world.!

(( alpha roar ))

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Leo20110

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:04 am

Holy... what the ever loving mother of sick murdering swamp creatures was that?! Whatever noise he had expected... that was not it.

Leo's first reaction was to cover his ears. That one was easy. The second one... He found himself bristling and growling in response to whatever that call had been! What the shell? He managed to control himself before Leonardo was done, and before he did anything more than growl, but wow, some deeply buried instinct was not happy about it. Leo felt one of those battle ready adrenaline rushes flood his system, and a similar sort of protective attack ready feeling he got when one of his brothers was hurt... only stronger... and over a yell? He grits his teeth against it and manages to control himself... mostly. He had never had anything like that happen before. At least not that he remembered.

"What the SHELL was that?" Leo ground out more harshly than he had intended when Leonardo had finished. He took a deep breath and was able to ease through more of his reaction.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by NexusNoobs Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:27 am

The Widow heard it up in her cave, vibrating along the silken rope thick threads of her spun home and retreated further, but eager for one of her other caught prizes, still fuming she lost her largest one to date.


Addy heard a fainter version across the waters her ears pricking up and whiskers and tail fur standing on end.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Nexuss10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:34 am

Snooozing the call made Duncan sit up sleepily leaning on Addy's soft side, she was laying on her belly in the sunlight all cat like with the 'cub' protectively at her side, he was still mostly asleep but was making as light half answering 'eeeeoooowww' sound tot he faint roar noise. Faint to them for it was from far too far away to be loud.

And as such he'd answered and was curling back up against the soft fur.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Byssig10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leonardo Tue Aug 13, 2019 1:07 am

[ooc: got 80's Raphie registered and fixed up if you are still okay to tempt him, his sign in and pw in his adoption file Very Happy here ; ]

LEo lets his body relax, and the sound had had a similar effect on him - and he made it!! His nictating eyelid had gone up he was fighting to tuck back away his thick long tail and he shivered, nostrils flaring taking in scents around them as he slightly growled out to Leo, " it's... it's I've learned recently this sound... or a variety of roars I and my brothers can make, that one was simply a call to arms, if we were a wolf pack one to find our fellow wolf. For some reason it also slightly arouses a strong protective and possessive and somewhat territorial feeling inside me... I feel like I could do it again and again..."

A bit of a smirk as he manages to reign in territorial urges, this was NOT his New York or his Beach! and listen for a Raph reply. " also I discovered upon the first human woman who brought my time, it excited her beyond all belief."

then a grin at Leo, " how'd it feel to you? you have any calls like that?" curious voice low and moving them a little away from that spot remaining quiet sniffing, listening but inviting soft chatter.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Leo20110

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Tue Aug 13, 2019 3:44 am

Leo listened, he was still trying to shake off the residual of his reaction to that roar. He is still growling too. Though not as harshly as before. In response to the comment about doing it again and again, he butts in.

”Do us both a favor... Don’t.”

Because Leo is pretty sure he couldn’t fight down his reaction to more than one call at once.

”It feels like you threw all of my brothers... and Duncan in front of a speeding bus... only... stronger.”

It takes another moment for him to respond to the final question. He physically shakes off some of the feelings. By then his tone is almost back to normal.

”I don’t know. I don’t recall it having come up.”

Though... now that he’s heard the noise once... he’s almost certain that if he were to hear it again, he might respond with his own.  He really hopes they don’t need to go through that call again.

Last edited by Leonardo2003 on Tue Aug 13, 2019 1:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue Aug 13, 2019 8:45 am

”Typical. Just typical. How many times do we get sucked into other dimensions, and wind up falling from the sky!

Raphael grunted and struggled to get out of the vines that he had gotten caught up in on his trip down.

On the bright side, he still had his piece of pizza!

He was however, quite tangled, and he didn’t see a good way out. He doesn’t know he’s lucky that it’s only vines. For a moment longer he struggled. Then ran off at the mouth, going on about trees and vines and talking to any snakes that might be interested in joining the party, because it can’t really be a party without a boa constrictor.

He had been hoping his brothers would hear, but... that didn’t seem to be the case. And... at least at first, he had been decidedly concerned about who did hear. The fact that he is literally tied up doesn’t keep the bravado out of his voice.

”Oh, hey. Raphael, right? Oh yeah. More counterparts. You’re bigger than the other one though. Someone’s been eating his vegetables. Hey, I got a pice of pizza you can have if you let me down.”

Normally it wouldn’t be worth the trade, but frankly, the guy was big enough to eat him, so...

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Tue Aug 13, 2019 11:33 am

Sounds of some on talking and grumping about parties and snakes roused the Raphael from his cave. It was barely big enough for him to sit crossed legged inside his shell blocking the outside world as he calms down further.

And tries not to freak about having no brothers!

He whined and was gruff with them but he missed them terribly when away.

Especially Mikey.

He went hopefully to the noise and found a .... turtle... not one of his brothers but...

The toothpick wobbled on Raphael's lips as he considers this Raph's predicament. A snort and he grabs the shell top and snaps the vines with his fingers. "and your vegies ... and the other Raph you mentioned vegies too." he unwrapped the smaller turtle gently ... for him... Placing him on his feet just as that sound!

His heart leapt!


Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Cadad410

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by NexusNoobs Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:07 pm

Above the Leo's.

What would look like a copper furred monkey gal hung, she'd been in a troop of her mother and aunts and grandmothers when the roar shattered their feast on a huge honey heavy wasp hive.

The others had fled excitement and fear hung in the mist and fur left by them.

Lilo hung around.

And scared or not she crept towards the sound. Excitable and now peered down at the...

Genio Innocuo!!

Wooooow! She watches hanging by her tail.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Nexuss10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:10 pm

HAHA! YAS! He's down! And the guy didn't eat him! Even better. And... Whoa... That was quite a sound. Raphael felt almost forced to respond, but didn't know why. The other guy had quite the reaction though. Definitely distracted.

"I take it you know... whatever made that noise."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:36 pm

He politely refused the pizza slice indicated the little guy should eat it his body vibrating with joy, a grin and nod " welcome, and yeah dats Leo's alpha roar... he's looking for me.... and Don and Mike..."

Explaining but giving no warning as he let his dew rag covered head fall back and a louder but not as long or impressive - damn it - roar answer Leo's.

Beta Roar

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Cadad410

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:50 pm

Raphael shrugs and eats the pizza, no sense letting it go to waste. He then golf claps for the roar.

"We're running now, aren't we."

Because he's already assumed that he's staying with his counterpart. Good luck getting rid of him now. Well... you know... unless you're actually intending to eat him.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Tue Aug 13, 2019 2:35 pm

Far away on the boat the louder - only vaguely roar made sleepy little turtle dragon mewl again his own little roars in answer, burrowing against Addy this time and sighing hands fisting in her fur and tail briefly wagging.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Byssig10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by NexusNoobs Tue Aug 13, 2019 2:55 pm

there were now other calls and roars added to the two of the big turtles, angry challenging males and enticed interested females...


Addy grinned both times the small turtle reacted, ignoring the sounds herself not sure what they were and licking the small turtles face as he snoozes on, purring, enjoying the sun and quiet and the peaaa-

He ears shot up and whiskers out her eyes focusing hard, a ship was coming her way, a bigger brigand, dark wooded against her own pale wood boat and with more masts and holes that let her know it had more cannons than her own...


Hesitating not sure what she should do... stay and try to bluff it out... no she had no reasonable explanation as to being out here fishing without a crew.

Though it wasn't entirely unheard of.

then she saw the flag flying above on a black long tailed pennant was a stooping red drake.

Dracco's sigel!

That sealed it. She gathers Duncan and wakes him as she rushes to gather the sling, and to her cabin for the warrants and map.

She doesn't sling the sleepy boy but she does wake him further...

" we have to swim Duncan... your gonna have to wake up...

She couldn't swim nearly as fast as the two turtles, but hopefully as the bigger ship approachs lazily the small bulk of her own boat would hide the two of them from view and she'd sworn to keep the little guy safe she had no idea what would happen to him if he was caught. Herself she had a clearer idea... and well she hated to abandon her beloved sea vessel Wolf Cloud but at least this way she'd have a chance maybe one day to reclaim it.

Making sure the warrants and map were in a sealed oiled and hard leathered case and the sling had Duncans toys stashed in there she exits her boat out through the anchor slipping down the chains tot he water and shushing the boy. And they were away! Instructing Duncan to hang on and keep his head above the water on her back she swims as fast as she could for the shore. Fighting the rocking and heaving rolls of water.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Nexuss10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leonardo Tue Aug 13, 2019 3:08 pm

Leonardo grins a little sheepish, " sorry, yeah I didn't know if it would envoke some of the same feelings in you, and sounds like if I did it again I might encourage you to challenge me... not surprising your an alpha... you probably have your own roar too -" he could scent the air, and hear his roar sent some of the jungle scurrying, arousal of females and fear was also in the air... mmmm he like the first one -

though his immediate thought was finding Raph so he didn't pursue any of the tempting smells.

And there!

He grins and though he points casually upwards indicating to Leo they were being watched, he hops ont he spot in glee, " That's Raph - it's Raph, come on!..." and not caring about being watched now, it could follow them for all he cared at the moment, ignoring the roars from other males and even some enticing ones form females in the area. Hah! his was the longest most impressive one anyways!

and for Leo " just know I would rather throw myself in front of a bus before ever endangering your brothers, like I would for my own." a grin over his shoulder and trusting Leo to keep up heading for Raph's direction.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Leo20110

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Tue Aug 13, 2019 3:20 pm

A burst of laughter, and half a bow at Raph's clapping Raphael nods, " yes we do need to run, in the direction of Leo's call... ignore the other pretenders." a derisive snort, his brothers roar had silenced all for moments, his own seemed to have made others think they could challenge him or Leo! hah!

He scoops up the smaller Raph, " you on mah shell, keep head low but let me know if we get chased or followed, some of those other dudes sounded angry.' he lifts the shorter and small turtle to his shell before simply plowing through the jungle like a green bulldozer.

Leo like slip though like a jungle cat, but he Raph took the direct route. He hoped his other brothers were there but given his counterpart he was sort of expecting to see anyone at this point.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Cadad410

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Tue Aug 13, 2019 3:23 pm

"I don't know what noise I was expected you to make, but that sure wasn't it." He starts to follow Leonardo.

Leo stops suddenly. "Something's wrong."

"Leonardo... Go. Get your brother. I'll find you." Leo had found the larger turtle once, he'd find him again. And he runs off in the opposite direction, back the way they came. A sizable male lizard type creature thought it might be a good idea to challenge him, and Leo barely broke stride, slicing it clean in two as he raced for the beach. The male calls near him stopped at that point though he could still hear several farther away, and he vaguely wondered what he just took out... But that doesn't stop his race for the shore.

Last edited by Leonardo2003 on Tue Aug 13, 2019 4:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue Aug 13, 2019 3:29 pm

And... he's picked up like a pet cat. Well fine. Not like he was really going to stop the guy anyway. He hangs on tightly.

"You got it, Plucky."

It was kind of nice to have a battering ram though this nonsense anyway... And he did watch Raph's back. But it would be a fool creature to try going after the monstrous turtle, so Raphael wasn't terribly worried.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Tue Aug 13, 2019 4:42 pm

Duncan had cried a little, but Addy quietened him, he whined and wasn't sure what was going on, but he understood the instructions to hang on! he wa sin that big water again, of course his eyes had protective lids that slid up as he grips fur clumps this time spread on Addy's back and when the water washed over them his nostrils squeezed shut holding tighter.

When the wave passed he would 'sneeze' briefly and suck in air - but less frequently that Addy needed to, he could actually hold his breath longer than her, though he didn't understand that.

What he did understand was the smell of her fear and it stressed him. If he wasn't busy holding his breath on and off he would cry out for Leo - the loud long cry but as it was he couldn't.

A horn blast behind him made him look over his shoulder and this time he managed to make a cry of alarm, to Addy. He wasn't sure what they were on the edge of the boat they left, but he didn't like it!

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Byssig10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leonardo Tue Aug 13, 2019 4:55 pm

He froze.... still ignoring whatever was watching them and looking back at Leo when he froze, nodding... but what ever he sliced through had buddies.... Leonardo drew his sword out now, growling and he sensed more than knew Addy and Duncan needed them...

also he sensed more than knew Raph was coming...

So he paused here as Leo kept on to take the over the fight with the other lizard like things coming this way.

He snarls and charges another of them.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Leo20110

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Post by Leo Tue Aug 13, 2019 5:05 pm

Leo races out onto the beach, nothing else had bothered him on his race to the shore, and he hopes that the others are okay. He is sure that Leonardo is capable of handling himself though.

He looks at the water. He couldn't waste time fighting the waves. That was stupid. Shell. There was something... They had been near the ocean a couple of times and Don had said... Shell, what was it. YES! RIP TIDE! Don had said to stay out of it lest you get pulled out to sea. Well... right now Leo wanted to be pulled out to sea, and he ran for the space where the waves couldn't reach up as far. He ran out into the water as far as he could then dove through the next couple of waves until he could no longer touch bottom.

Once free of the cresting waves, Leo swam perpendicular to the current and moved back toward the line that Addy and Duncan would probably take away from the boat.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by NexusNoobs Tue Aug 13, 2019 5:25 pm

Addy heard the horn, gasping and sodden swimming for all she was worth! claws out as she heaves herself up onto rocks once she realised she couldn't out swin the alligator like beast man cutting through the waters after them, thankfully behind him and slower was four Schakal the jackal like males laughing their weird cries as they realised she had given up.

Or they thought so, she shrugs the small boy off her back , all of her claws out and her hisses of warning - tail wrapped about the small turtle, she would defend him as fiercely as any lowen female would cubs.

She could not see Leo cutting his way back to them, though he would be able to see them both plainly now she had stopped fighting her way through the waters and was in a defensive fight position.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Nexuss10

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Post by NexusNoobs Tue Aug 13, 2019 5:33 pm

The Phansigar sliced in half left a bloody mess, and the others, circled the male who dared roar like that in their jungle?! he charged and komodo dragons around him lunged !

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Nexuss10

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Post by Raphael Tue Aug 13, 2019 5:42 pm

One wouldn't think looking at him Raph could move as fast as he did, and one fool did try to get into his way, something that could have been Bebop's brother, blacker of body and stinkier - Raph lowered his shoulders and tossed the beast rugby style over the turtle on his shell running -

Almost missing his brother as they burst out of the shrubs and vines snapping, thanks to the ... well Raphael had no idea what they were circling his brother, but he gave a cry of anger and grabbed the nearest by his tail slinging him into a tree head first not sure if it was the head or the tree that made the cracking sound, just in time for him and Raph to catch a spray of blood from another as Leo slashes a third up the center of its body. " oh geeeze thaaaanks for that bro - real nice to see ya greeting.... Leo Raph, Raph my brother Leo," gruffly introducing them and taking a moment to spit up the blood he'd gotten in his mouth - uuuurgh!

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Cadad410

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Post by Leo Tue Aug 13, 2019 5:44 pm

Leo could easily see what was happening, and the jackals don't seem to notice the silent turtle in the water. So much the better. He goes under and races forward, ripping the front jackal underwater by the foot. Yanking him down, then pulling him around beneath him, Leo kicks into the jackal's stomach, forcing the animal farther below the surface, while propelling himself back up. He leaps from the water, and joins Addy on the rock. Swords drawn, between Jackals and the pair.

He growls. It's not a roar, but it's enough to be clear he means business.  It's a warning.  Even now that sound Leonardo made still echoes in his spirit and body. He's still eager to respond to it, after having denied it so long. And the jackals are threatening his pack, however new it may be.

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Post by Ralphie Tue Aug 13, 2019 5:53 pm

Whoa... that's a lot of blood... Like... a lot of blood. Who on... well... Not-Earth has he fallen in with? Wel… it's probably good. Because these creatures meant business. And also... battering ram. That had been one crazy ride!

"Uh... hi... I thought you'd be bigger." Mostly based on Raphael and the roar he'd heard.

He's still clinging to Raph's shell. Honestly... he's not sure he can let go at this point...

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Post by Doragonkame Tue Aug 13, 2019 6:20 pm

Duncan gave his own screeching warning angry sound at the approaching... things baring all his little teeth tail straight out and between Addy's legs he felt brave enough to do so, then -

" Eeeeeoooo!" blissful cheer!

Yay his big turtle was back! Now he felt very brave and poked his tongue at the ... things...

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Byssig10

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Post by Leonardo Tue Aug 13, 2019 6:36 pm

The blood fromt he slice in half lizard thing and the crushed face of the other not to mention the one he'd just cut open made the ground slippery and it streamed around them, Leo grinning when Raph crashed into sight.

Did an inner double take! two Raphs.... oy vie ...

Well he supposed since there was two Leo's that evened them up a little, he walks forward and chuckles at the smaller turtle, " I can be deceptive like that, and sorry about that - looks like we won this fight..."

the rest of the creatures were fleeing, Leonardo had a fleeting urge to follow them prove his mastery over them, but he forces away the ridiculous testosterone fuelled urge and moves closer to his brother churring, as far as he could tell his massively built brother was uninjured, and so too the other Raph. Then his eyes widen as he recalls, "We'll have to do proper catch ups laters guys, Leo might need back up come on..." and he leads them off again, finding Leo's trail easily enough and retracing it. Back out onto the beach - ah no - a bigger ship was looming over the boat, and he couldn't make them out at first - wait there they were! on rocks!

" LEO! ADDY!" he roars over the waves they would either indicate for them to swim out or swim in to join them here...

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Post by NexusNoobs Tue Aug 13, 2019 6:52 pm

Naiads caught the jackel Leo kicked below and - well there was a cloud of blood after that.

Addy had just battered at the alligator male gouging deep scratches through his think hide, and was glad for Leo's interference, she was a decent fighter if it came to it, bu all the males had her outnumbered. She was as relieved he was there as Duncan clearly was, hearing Leonardo's yell...

Jackels snarled, unawares yet they had lost their fifth under the waters, the larger gator circled bleeding out the scratches along his face snarling back at Leo and rushing at them, surely a lone Genio Innucuo was no match for him! he was bigger!

his companions couldn't rush as he did without the powerful tail but they did swim round to try attacking the female from behind, and one made a grab for the small Genio Innocuo.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Nexuss10

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Post by Raphael Tue Aug 13, 2019 7:00 pm

Raphael chuckled at Raph's words and grinned at him over his shoulder, " I am the biggest of my brothers... Donnie is the tallest though." he informs watching with great disappointment at the attackers fled.

Guyts and blood stinking up the place... he wasn't sorry Leo cut this reunion short to move off, following after making sure the Raph was still comfortable then pausing and huffing a bit " ooooh thrill two Leo's.... this will be a head ache..." to his shell buddy then following Leo out into the beach he'd been on a day ago.

He didn't see what Leonardo saw immediately whistling at the sight of the two boats - well one boat and one ship!

then he saw them - perched on rocks a ways off shore and he thumps Leo's shoulder pointing, if they went along the right of them the beaches rocky out cropping's led out there they could get closer to the rock lot.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Cadad410

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Post by Leo Wed Aug 14, 2019 12:11 am

Leo would call back to Leonardo, but he is preoccupied, he pivots and like a flash, he reaches around Addy and the jackal reaching for Duncan receives a quick kick to the chin, slamming his head back, probably far enough to break his neck. And Leo is back to facing the crocodile creature just in time to jump, flipping over his head and landing on his neck. It's not the first time, Leo's pulled this trick. Actually, he's done it more than once before.

Leo settles in for the ride he knows is coming. He doesn't have control of the crocodile exactly, but he has some, and pulls the beasts head to the side as it thrashes. Be a good croc and smash a couple of your fellows. Thanks.  He then guides the croc's head toward another section of the outcropping, this one much sharper. The rock must have broken off recently. It will do nicely. It takes a couple of thrashes, but it connects. He guides the thrashing head down hard onto the sharp rock.  Leo jumps clear and returns to the rock with Addy.

"Any other takers?" He growls to any creatures that remain.

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Post by Ralphie Wed Aug 14, 2019 10:50 am

“Won? They didn’t even make it in the ring. These were some crazy efficient and no nonsense fighters.

And they’re running again. The new Leo that they found was yet another one that he hadn’t met yet. And... Raphael has fallen in with some serious badasses. He stared as the turtle on the rocks took down the crocodile.

I guess there’s more than one way to skin a croc.

He looked to the Leo with him.

So, Blue-Boy, what do we do, Hoss?

Though... The guy on the rocks seems to have that situation pretty well handled...

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Post by Lilo and Stitch Wed Aug 14, 2019 12:54 pm

She followed the Genio Innocuo - shuddering at the blood she'd but it wasn't like her own troop didn't get violent from time to time keeping the predators or neighbouring troops at bay.

She raced across the sands and up between the large Genio Innocuo with the smaller one on his shell at the other large one.

"come... come! there's more coming!"

Hopping lightly across the rocks to the klaustreich female and the tiny Genio Innocuo. "come on!"

From what she could see they could probably fight but not indefinitely! the rock now crowded with her and the cat and baby and big turtle.

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Post by NexusNoobs Wed Aug 14, 2019 1:58 pm

"that was incredible! yelling over the rush of waves and forgetting in the adrenaline haze her own rules about not getting into Leo's personal space and kissing his snout, so danged relieved -

It didn't last the appearance of a rusty coloured furry Wildermann female and her words made Addy look beyond Leo and the hesitating to come closer remaining jackals to her boat - watching horrified as the big ship simply plows through it, crushing her single masted long boat under its prow.

Her wordless cry of dismay and the female with her was right the bigger ship with crew was coming their way!

A cannons booming sound and the whooshing whistle of the ball sounded she scoops up Duncan.

Ready to follow the other female back across the rocks. "come on Leo!"

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Nexuss10

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Post by Leo Wed Aug 14, 2019 2:12 pm

Leo doesn't object to the kiss, and actually hugs her briefly, probably long enough that he's still there when her boat is crushed. Shell... "Addy..." He sort of got the impression that was her home.

There's not time. Not even to react to the crushing of Addy's boat. The cannonballs are too close.

"Right behind you." He could go faster on his own, but he stays purposefully where he can keep an eye on the whole group. He runs, hurrying across the rocks after the females. And making sure that none of the jackals that remain in the area get the wrong idea about their retreat.

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Post by Raphael Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:19 pm

There was time for a smirk at Raph's words about the no ringers - hah he's not wrong, and a snigger at the blue boy comment - then a curse!

And he bends hefting a large sea stone of some type - or a mini boulder how ever you wanted to look at it and passed it like a basketballer, from his plastron right at the zooming cannon ball - the two collided and broke apart, at least it didn't hit the rock and those rushing off it!

" Looks like we're on the move again - though I could take all them..." Growl he wanted to!

And was that a mini turtle!? not just mini ... a child!!

He gaps at it at the furry females for a moment then shakes his head hurrying forward to help catch and put on feet those leaping back to shore.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Cadad410

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Post by Leonardo Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:41 pm

" nicely done... Noooo!" the half cheer then yell of anger as the long boat was crushed. His roar of fury sent the again hesitating jackels, already entirely unnerved by Leo's taking out the gator soooo easily, swimming back for their approaching ship and fellow crew and Leonardo grabbed a few shards of rock - not as big as Raphs and hurled them, buying time for those leaping off the rocks to the shore with them, his stones sailing hitting the swimmers.

One was close enough the force of the furious toss simply splattered his head.

He looks at the Raphs, then the monkey girl " Follow... you! I assume you have some where to take us? If that mob follow we'll deal with them." He snarls glaring, but his words to the furry ... monkey? girl were polite enough if sharp as like Leo he fell back to guard their rear. It would take time for those abroad the bigger vessel to get into skips and get to shore, they could be away by then.

He felt bad for Addy though, figuring losing the ship would be like losing the lair... or his weapons...

It had to be a painful blow.

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Post by Doragonkame Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:51 pm

His face pressed into fur and he clung on fisting some as Addy had to use her hands and feet and tail to leap the rocks.

though her fur tickled his snout and he had to lean back as sneeze! - as she jumped -

Seeing other big turtles he presses himself and his face back in against her.

He'd first reached for Leo when he'd taken care of the gator.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Byssig10

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Post by Lilo and Stitch Thu Aug 15, 2019 12:31 am

Nodding, actually she had no clear direction in mind but she didn't think long, with a big turtle who could roar like that, and kill with rocks, another who seemed to use his bare hands and the two tossing the small boulder she was sure it was wiser just to lead on.

Hurrying away over the sands and back into the depths of the jungle, though keeping insight of her followers.

"This way!"
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Post by Leo Thu Aug 15, 2019 4:31 am

If Duncan reached Leo’s leg, he would have put a hand on his head before everything hit the fan.

He ducked bits of rock from the boulders and cannon balls colliding. Staying close to Addy and Duncan, he did what he could to keep them from being hit by debris. There’s a gentle hand on Addy’s back when it’s safe to do so. He felt a couple bits of rock hit his shell as he ran, but they were small and did no damage. Was the big Raph just throwing those like they were a sports ball? Was that really what he saw?

As they reached the beach, he found out just how big a mountain troll was. And he’s glad his own brother isn’t that big. Apparently the guy found a friend along the way too, because yet another turtle was riding his shell.

If he hadn’t seen Leonardo’s response to meeting Duncan, he would have guessed it was an older child, but he reassessed that guess to smaller counterpart. Two Raphs. That should be... interesting. How many sets of turtles were here anyway.

He let Leonardo keep up the rear of that group, and he stayed close to Addy and Duncan, and he will stay there until the situation changes.

(OOC:Is Duncan clinging to her back or front? If back, Leo would have a hand on him too!)

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Post by Ralphie Thu Aug 15, 2019 6:40 am

With the addition of the females, one of which was carrying a small child. Was that a turtle? This was a pace he could keep. He jumped down from the big turtle’s back and ran along side.

”Thanks, Silver.

So he took two steps to every one of the big guy’s, but it was kind of nice to travel under his own power.

What sort of insanity had he fallen into? And where were his brothers? There seemed to be two Leos, and two Raphs. But only the big guys were related, because that other Leo was definitely not his brother.

He hurried after the monkey lady, but he really wanted to find out what was going on. He looked forward to stopping and a moment to speak with the others and find out what’s happening.

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Post by NexusNoobs Thu Aug 15, 2019 1:01 pm

It was amazing how fast and quietly the entire group of big and bigger turtles could really move when they wanted to. They were aslo as fast and agile as any minx like being or weasel slipping over and under and around fallen rottening trees - over clumps of boulders and through tangles of vines.

Duncan clinging to her back and at first she felt fear when she felt one less painful grip in her fur indicating he'd let go - but she felt Leo's hand and realised the boy was probably holding him too -

She was a sailor so she was in excellent physical condition under her furr all lean muscled... but she had nothing on the collection of turtles as fas as stamina went and it seemed neither did the other female. She was slowing... they both were.

Glad when they finally slid into a bowl shaped depression in the middle of a huge thick trees. Probably one of the few night sleeping grounds the monkey girls troop used.

Addy stopped... hands on trembling knees gasping in breaths and felt tears fill her eyes...

Her long boat! nothing special, a long open boat to most, single masted and made of easily sourced wood... but it had been hers and watching her beloved Wolf Cloud break the lancing pain through her own body as if her own back broke... finally she had a chance to acknowledge it all.

Body shaking both from the effort of running with Duncan and keeping up with Turtles. But also from the grief.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Nexuss10

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Post by Leo Thu Aug 15, 2019 1:38 pm

Once it was safe to do so, Leo took Duncan fully into his care, keeping the boy tucked in one arm, the other hand used to occasionally shield them from stray branches, or on Addy's back, letting her know that he was still there behind her. Even with Duncan in his arms, he moved silently through the jungle.

As they slid into the depression in the jungle and came to a halt, Leo glanced around and counted heads. It's an old habit, and not one he intends to break. The quick count tells him that everyone seems physically okay. So he turns his attention to Addy. He keeps Duncan in one arm, and uses the other to gently try to pull her upright so she's not leaning forward onto her knees.

"Addy, stay upright, it will be easier to breathe. You can lean on me."  His tone is gentle, but firm. He keeps Duncan on his side, and slips closer, so she doesn't have to move to accept the offer. If she does, he'll hug her and help hold her upright with his free arm. "I'm so sorry, Addy. I really am."

He knows there are going to be questions and apparently a meet and greet, but this has to come first.

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Post by Raphael Thu Aug 15, 2019 2:08 pm

They stopped and barely out of breath and all Raph does what he had been planning to do since he heard Leo's locating call to arms roar.

He moves to his brother aware both the Leo's were counting them, probably checking them over and ruins his Leo's efforts to do so grabbing him into a massive bear hug. Squeezing his brother in a manner that would crush anyone but themselves taking in the familiar Leonardo smell. " I was sooo scared I'd losts yous all!" and not afraid to admit it, still worried for Don and Mikey.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Cadad410

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Post by Ralphie Thu Aug 15, 2019 2:58 pm

Well... It looked like one Leo was being a rock for the cat woman... and the other was being crushed by a mountain. And Raphael was... sort of just standing there. Kind of like the monkey woman. He approached her.

"So... come here often?"

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Post by Leonardo Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:03 pm

His own attempt to move to Addy and Leo a sad look on his face after checking counting, and watching his fellow runners movements was ended by his Raph grabbing him and burying his face against him.

this was why Mikey called Raph a huge cuddly teddy bear. Under the Violence and hard crusty somewhat gruff shell was a gooey marshmellow center.

He softly churrs and wrestles an arm free to hug his brother back and rub the big shell. " It's okay Raphie, we'll get a sense of how Don and Mikey are soon I promise, they will be okay wherever they are." Comforting his brother, wrestling free the other arm to finally reach over and offer commiseration to Leo and Addy and Duncan patting the two turtles on their shoulders and lightly rubbing briefly between Addy's ears.

He'd like to do more offer sorrys but was currently at the mercy of his own cuddly teddy bear.

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Post by Doragonkame Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:16 pm

Duncan held onto Leo, nuzzling and from time to time happily chirping and hooooting as they fled through the jungle enjoying his ride!

He was still a bit spun out with glee when they stopped and muffled a happy sound in Leo's shoulder.

And even so he sensed something was up and nuzzled against Ally when she was close enough simply leaning out and rubbing wherever he could land his snout little churrs. Comforting kitty like purring.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 6 Byssig10

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Post by Lilo and Stitch Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:31 pm

She panted and gave her fur a shake. She couldn't believe the ability of the Genio Innocuo to keep up with her through the wilderness!

And she smiles as one approaches her, she'd been curiously watching the troop she found herself with. Her round dark eyes findthe one who spoke to her and she nods, " quiet a bit actually - its one of the few favourite bed spaces of my troop at night, though they might be around sometime tonight for now I think their laying low... this is incredible..." she moves forward to greet this one properly her soft small nose to his snout to share scents. " four Genio Innocuo..." in awe and reverant as ... well most were running into them.

They were supposed to be extinct... None had been back to nest on the beaches... well of their island since her own grandmother had been a swingling!

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