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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Sun Jul 21, 2019 6:14 pm


He yelled and flapped his arms and legs, tumbling head of heel - then with a squeak pulls himself into his shell, all of himself! and -


Luck was on the little purple turtles side he splashed into the crest of a wave and was washed onto shore...

the water tasted funny, he pulls a face his head sticking out of his shell - looking around... eeeeping again as he notices the rough sand beneath him... although he didn't know it was called sand1 all he knew was that he's never seen it before... then the water rushed at him again! and with a soft squeal he pops out of his shell and scrambles away.... then notes the water go back.

his head tilting a little as he puzzles over this.

It was coming again!!

He watches this time ooooooohs when it washes over his feet.

For the moment so fascinated he didn't realise he was missing brothers.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Byssig10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Sun Jul 21, 2019 6:33 pm

Of course the portal opens in the air. They always do. Leo twists in the air and  lands in a crouch on the sand. He stands up just in time to hear a splash in the water nearby. Where was he? And where were his brothers? They weren't in sight, and he had no idea where he was. He turned toward the sound he had heard and started moving. And he found a small, purple... turtle... Sort of... Okay... What was going on here. Looking around again, Leo was pretty sure that the beach itself was deserted, at least for the time being. He somehow doubted it was always this way.

"Hello." He called gently to the small turtle. It seemed fascinated by the water. "Are you alright? Where's your family?"

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Sun Jul 21, 2019 8:04 pm

He'd now noticed he had no brothers and was sort of standing in the water watching it wash over his feet and then go, bending and picking up a clump of now wet sand and then the shadow fell over him -

He looks up … and up and was not sure how to answer, but gives it a go, his finger playing with the sand in his cupped palm as he mouths a few words then says," Elo? noooo bruffers, no ooowies…" his violet eyes leaving the big … then his eyes widen and he dropped the clumped damp sand, "Urel! urel… me urel!" excitedly pointing at Leo's shell... then his own... all very clumsily with sandy fingers.

Last edited by Doragonkame on Mon Jul 22, 2019 1:01 am; edited 1 time in total

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Byssig10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Sun Jul 21, 2019 11:21 pm

Leo can't help but smile at the little turtle playing with the sand.

"No brothers, huh?" Once more he looks around even though he was sure they were the only two on the beach at the moment. "Mine are missing too," he admits. That bothers him more than he is going to tell the child.

He was pretty sure the other thing the child was looking for was owies. That seemed strange, but he let it go for now. Perhaps he hadn't understood that part. And the next statement probably wouldn't have made sense without the excited shell pointing.

"You're a turtle too, huh?" He laughs softly at the child's excitement.

Leo looks around the beach. "We shouldn't stay here. It's too exposed." He kneels down and holds his arms out in an offer to pick up the child.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Jul 22, 2019 1:20 am

Nod nod most sad and serious for a moment brushing his sandy hand on his other wrist and blinking at the feel, it stopped the pout that threatened to fill his entire face and stopped the big purple eyes from swimming in tears. But he did voice sadly, " noooo broffers…." little shoulders had slumped.

Though it vanished and his excitement and cheer was back with the confirmation. Not understanding the next bit about not being exposed. But the open arms he did. Though big humans did it differently simply standing and when his arms would go up grabbing his arms and lifting him.

He steps into the open arms, tail wagging, now on a eye level with Leo he nuzzles, no brothers but the big turtles closeness felt like the comfort of his brothers so he nuzzled into him happy. " I.... Dunnn ann... yoooo Duunnn aaaannn?" sandy fingers finding bandana tails and touching the cloth feeling it, sniffing and it was the same color as Liam! " yooo Liii a mmm?" cause he knew very few other names.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Byssig10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:56 am

He lifts the child from the ground a little awkwardly and moves along the beach, making his way up toward shore where he might be able to find a little cover.  He smiled at the nuzzle from the small turtle, and was a little surprised to catch himself returning it.

Leo mimicked the name the child seemed to be giving him. "Dunan?" It was a slightly strange name, but who was Leo to say.

He's surprised when the child gives him a pretty close approximation of his name. Ahead there seems to be some lightly wooded terrain, and some sort of town beyond. He makes his way in that direction. There's probably more people, but there's more cover too. This beach is far too out in the open.

"Close, my name is Leo." He responds gently as he ducks into the trees, and makes his way toward the town. He needs to figure out where he is.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:09 am

" Duuun annnn -" nodding it sounded liiiike his name though it was missing something!

though now up in Leo's arms he forgot that and used to being carried he tucked himself against Leo holding on with knees and looks about so very curiously hands reaching now and then to touch leaves or trees or again Leo's bandana... his weapons holster strap. Just absorbing how things felt and smelled and sooo many things! his world before this had been big humans white and white and white.

A sterile clean well ventilated so almost no smells lab.

Out here he could hear loud sounds, he didn't know was the surf of the waves behind them crashing and rolling into shore lines, or the sounds of a beach woodland, birds and critters remaining out of sight. Calls and hoots and chirps and whistling and ooooh the smells! he could smell Leo most being in his arms.

So Much Color!

[color=#9932CC]"Lll eeee oooo."[/color he practices this name content with the sharing.

He didn't of course notice the township they were heading towards had rough barricades thrown up around it, or that there was of course people... but not humans working this largish fishing villages boats and walking about on the busy wharf beyond the rough barricades and that the hastily thrown together fencing had small number of various types of non human people manning it.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Byssig10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:27 am

Okay, so apparently Leo's first attempt at the child's name wasn't right. What would sound like Dunan? "Duncan?" Leo tries again. He smiled and found himself nuzzling the boy again.

There was something strange about how Duncan was interacting with his environment. It reminded him of Don when confronted with something completely new. He frowned slightly as that curiosity seemed to even extend to leaves. He was careful to do so when he was sure that Duncan wouldn't see though. So far the boy had been more interested in his weapons strap than the weapons themselves, but Leo shifted him slightly to make sure he couldn't reach the swords.

Leo wasn't bothered in the least by the barricades, but there was something about the people within the town. Something about them was familiar, but he couldn't place it.  That said, he had a feeling he could slip out into the populace without much difficulty.

"We're going to stay very quiet now, okay?" Leo said softly to the child. He stayed on the edges of the shadows, not out in the open, but not fully hidden either. He found a good place in the shadows where it was busy enough that he could hear conversations, and if Duncan decided to speak, it wouldn't be terribly dangerous.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by Doragonkame Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:08 pm

Nod nod nod nod so eagerly and excitedly his eyes torn from a flower he didn't even know what that was called and back on Leo's a grin his nodding eager, " Dun aaan duuun annn yep yep yep!" happy grin. nuzzling and snugging and in general he might be missing brothers but he was a content child.

The sight of activity and bustling and the sounds of the township leo got closer tooo made him ooooooooh and ahhhhhhh eagerling looking about, his little snout twitching as he takes in scents, understanding Leo's latest words a bit easier and nodding again in that eager way before placing a finger before his lips and shuuuushing, " me shuuuush…" in not so quiet child stage whisper.

He made no sense of anything else being said.

Not the scurring past furry face female that he didn't know looked like a fox and her small litter of kits, four in all. Duncan was intrigued he'd never seen other children ever! aside his own brothers.The lady muttering, " livers seven sickles a pound their mad..."

A spotted cat like pair, stood chewing on something and murmuring softly about weather, beyond the a group of penguin like waddled about with trays and barrels and baskets selling the fresh catch of the day. The spotted cat men closest to where he and Leo were discussing local event bemoaning the call to fight by the local chief and the presence of dangerous force out on the waters making fish prices sky rocket.

One or two local types of rabbits could bee seen selling vegetables.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Byssig10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Mon Jul 22, 2019 5:14 pm

Leo grinned, having figured out the child's name. "Duncan, huh? I finally got it?" He almost laughed at the child's definition of 'quiet.' They would have to work on that... another time.

He saw mammals and birds. No reptiles... He tried to get a little closer to the cats discussing local events. In fact, that discussion might be worth revealing himself for. His main concern is the lack of reptiles. Even though these are all humanoid animals, he's afraid that he will still stick out like a sore thumb should be revel himself.  Glancing at the child in his arms, Leo smiles, then looks back at the market and frowns.  If it were just him, he would step out and see if he could learn more. With the child, he is more cautious.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by NexusNoobs Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:45 pm

The two Klaustriech near Leo, but not knowing he was there still lamenting between each other, they were brothers of the same parents but different litters, the slimmer of the two being the younger.

He was saying and shaking his, " Most of the drakes and damonfeuer have declared for Drako, some un willingly a few of my crew have been enlisted forcibly. It has slowed our ability to squid the giants and that's where the money is! On top of that taxes have gone up."

His brother grunted. He was the only of his litter to survive, so he supported his now aging parents and the last litter of cubs when he could, as did his younger kin, his litter mates made it but had closer to home on shore hunting life styles. " And not likely to improve, we might find ourselves enlisted with the Löwen… Whether our Lion King is siding with the Daimyo or the Drakes is anyone's guess."

They stopped talking as perhaps the first reptilian being slips by, eyeing them, and they it. The cobra like creature known as a Königschlange slid past slowly. the two cats only muttering again between themselves as the diamond patterned tail vanished.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Nexuss10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:09 am

So reptiles at least exist, though no one seemed to like the snake. To be fair, the snake had given Leo a shudder too. He made a decision and slipped into the throng near the cat people. He approached them carefully.

Excuse me... I was wondering if you could help us?

The child should help him at least appear non-threatening. Even if people are hesitant around all reptiles. He’s hoping it’s just snakes though.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by Doragonkame Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:45 pm

Duncan had seen in a picture once a long body like that! And nuzzling Leo churring like he would if a brother shivered and murmured snnnna snaaaaa SSSS -

Reaching automatically to touch furry guys not aware it could be a breach of manners.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Byssig10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:11 pm

"Yes, that's definitely a snake." Leo whispered softly before moving out into the throng.

As the child reaches out for the cats, Leo quickly, but gently grabs Duncan's hand, and pulls it down away before he can reach out and actually touch them. He rubs the boy's fingers, and keeps hold of that hand.

"I apologize for his boldness, this is all very new."

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by NexusNoobs Tue Jul 23, 2019 7:44 pm

The two klaustreich were surprised by Leo's interruption... and the older one's mouth fell open both of them had pointy cats ears and the younger one breathed when not only did the Genio Innocuo speak and was right here?! He had a child and it went to touuuch him! he reaches his paws out careful to retract claws back toward the boy, " h hooow can we be of help? it'd be our pleasure and its okay he can touch if he likes."

"Annnything for athe rare Genio Innocuo who graced our humble port with yourself and your child." perhaps times were not as dire as they seemed with not one but two of the rumoured wise, and good fortune turtle beings showing up?!

Up close it was clear they were rough and ready sailors and had scars and holey ears and had the look of upright walking and talking spotted alley cats. But they were also clearly in awe of Leo.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Nexuss10

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Post by Doragonkame Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:04 pm

Duncan took Leo's catching his hand with glee - becoming fascinated by the size of Leo's hand compared to his own smaller one, and oooohing nuzzling that big hand happily his tail wagging - unawares the two cat like beings where acting like the pair of them were popes or royalty and blissfully so unaware.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Byssig10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:57 pm

Leo hadn't been sure what sort of reaction he was expecting, but that sure wasn't it. Though the child might have missed the reverent tones, he sure didn't. He shifts uncomfortably at the attention.

"Uh... I'm just a turtle..."

Though it seemed that the beings were okay with Duncan's probing little hand, Leo held onto it for now. He also doesn't correct the assumption that Duncan is his child. That's not really pertinent.

"We were ripped from our homes, and we don't know where we are or how to get back." That would do. At least for now.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by NexusNoobs Wed Jul 24, 2019 2:33 am

The elder cat man gave his ears a irritated flick, " it's a familiar story at the moment my friend, word on the winds in our sails and... that we have experienced there is some sort of coup happening in the capitol... minor and major lords and ladies whom had ruled under the Ultimate Daimyo are in disaray and we're being enlisted into sides..."

the younger one nods both eagerly nodding, " or going into nomad living or hiding thanks to fighting breaking out. And yes we can try to help, any one here would be very honored to help a turtle... turtle of Genio Innocuo." he waves his paw at the bustling docks.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Nexuss10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Jul 24, 2019 3:02 am

" Me urel ppp meeee urel oooo!" so very proudly cause he had spotted his about Leo and himself on the beach. He was reaching to touch a dribble of water coming off a new by roofs over hanging awning feeling it wet his fingers... he bringing his wet fingers to his snout sniffing... it didn't smell like the water he had landed in before... and didn't taste like it either!

His belly rumbles loudly as he licks his wet fingers clean the reaches out to wet his hand again the other hand still caught in Leo's.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Byssig10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Wed Jul 24, 2019 7:16 am

Leo laughed softly at Duncan’s excitement. ”Yes, you’re a turtle too”

As the cats explain what has been happening, Leo frowns.

Sounds like a lot has happened since we were here last.

Leo looks at Duncan as his little belly rumbles. He pulls an energy bar out of a belt pouch and offers half to the boy. “Sorry, that’s all I have.” Leo wraps the rest back up and puts it away.

He is worried about the next question, and it seems he is garnering more attention than he would care to so Leo slips back slightly into a shadow. So far their conversation seems to have gone unnoticed, but he doubts that will last.

Is there anywhere less crowded where we can speak more?

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by NexusNoobs Wed Jul 24, 2019 2:23 pm

The two cat men were beginning to understand the turtle didn't want to be too exposed. And to be honest given their own excitment they kinda understood. but some would want to capture either of the two for the supposed good luck that came from them or force servitude of wisdom.

they exchanged a glance and the older one pouted in thought. "Our sisters long boat... " he points out the long shaped boat at the end of the dock for the turtle, " her crew is for the moment on shore on leave but the ship has recently been rehulled so it should be only her on board." Maybe if they helped out the turtles rumored good luck would be theirs!

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Nexuss10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Wed Jul 24, 2019 2:47 pm

Leo is liking this town less and less. There is far too much interest in these... Genio Innocuo that he apparently looks like.  He nods to the cats. This is crazy. He doesn't like the idea of walking into the boat alone. Especially not alone with the child. Still... He can't help but notice the group forming on the other side of the street. And they are paying him way too much attention.

"Sounds better than here. I'll meet you there."

And Leo uses his training to disappear into the shadows. He slips away from where people are and looks down at the boy in his arms.

"How are you doing, Duncan?"

He's not terribly worried about the boy speaking, the townspeople are making plenty of noise to cover most noises he might make.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by Doragonkame Wed Jul 24, 2019 3:25 pm

It was like magic in his eyes, he was fascinated where Leo drew the "oooooo ieeeee!" happily accepting the bar with his cry of cookie and completely losing interest int he others for the moment nibbling on the 'cookie' and smiling up at Leo watching with wide eyes where he put the rest and then his face, just listening and watching as Leo spoke with the other two, chewing on the cookie happily for now.

Blinking at Leo's question not exactly sure what was asked but giving an answer a go. " oooo iieee  umm umm sanks." recalling something of brief lessons in manners and miss pronouncing cookie and yum yum and thanks but pleased he recalled it.

Not understandign the interest they drew or the danger it could put them in.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Byssig10

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Post by Leo Wed Jul 24, 2019 4:21 pm

Leo laughed softly. "You're welcome, Duncan."

The dock the cat people had indicated wasn't far, but it was far enough that he felt he had plenty of opportunity to get away from any prying eyes as  made his way to the boat. He holds Duncan close and moves quickly Once nearby, he waits for the cat people they had met earlier in the town. He's not entirely sure he believes they will show up, but he's hoping. Otherwise, he will have to make another contact. And he realizes he might have to anyway. With the unrest he's hearing about, he's nervous. He has a feeling they were brought here for a reason. And he's going to need safe passage to the capitol city. Whether or not these creatures were willing to do that was another matter entirely.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by NexusNoobs Wed Jul 24, 2019 4:59 pm

The brothers were shocked by Leo's ability to evade even their senses and shrugged heading towards their sisters long boat. She wasn't spotted like they were, she was tabby, stripped, and fluffier, blinking green eyes up at them from the deck of her boat that rose and fell slowly and gently the wicker and grass and leather fenders creaking and groaning as it rubbed against the docking.

The brothers dropped over the edge tot he deck with her landing easily, and starting in surprise when they realised Leo was there.

"hey cub we and a guest... have need of your captain cabin can we duck int here a bit? " the younger cat ask the female. She had not yet seen the Genio Innucuo - though when she nodded, curious and turned towards her cabin she of course stopped in shock and gasps about to shout excitedly but her brothers shove her along lightly, [color=#ffffcc]" shhh not out here... come on."[/color the older gestures for Leo to follow and the three lead him to the cabin. It was not huge but there was enough room for them and a log table with maps and compass and markings spread over it, a bowl of food, jerkied meats of varying reds and browns and a wood flask and mugs of drink. Not water.

And a leather bag of money which tinkled as the female, Addy picked it up and tied it to her belt, gathering up the signed warrants. Another means of payment, sort of a credit which she could collect at the capitol. Only important officers and soldiers could use warrants. the top one had a Usagi's signature and his own ronin symbol stamped on it. she was unaware the Genio Innucuo might be familiar with that thought. She was eyeing him in interest though as her brothers close the cabin door and then introduce her. [color=#ffffcc]" Addy this ... um -]" they realised they didn't know his name or the childs... " um neeed help? annnd um... this is our younger sister Addy." she was brown and tabbied where they were dirty gold colored and spotted.

She blinks her green eyes slowly looking to the Genio Innucuo... turtle to supply more... and purring softly, dawww he had a hatchling!

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. Nexuss10

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Post by Leo Wed Jul 24, 2019 5:25 pm

Under the guise of admiring the cabin, Leo is easily able to conduct a fairly thorough search. He takes note of most of the items, including the warrants though as yet, he is not quite sure what to make of them. He runs a hand gently along the edge of the table, smiling gently in appreciation as he takes note of everything in the space. He is hyper aware of the room and exits, though you wouldn't know it to look at him.

"My name is Leonardo," he said with a bow, a fairly good one, even with Duncan in his arms. "And the young one is Duncan."

He paused for a moment. Once again, taking in his surroundings and listening to the creatures around him. "Thank you for offering a safe place to speak away from those... 'people' back in town" He means the group that was just starting to pay him a little too much attention.

Leo sighed before he continued, this time addressing Addy.

"As I told your brothers, we were ripped from our home recently, and... I'm afraid I understand little of what is going on. I was hoping someone could t least explain more thoroughly. At present... I do not know how to proceed from here." He does know that staying on the island is not an option.

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Post by Doragonkame Wed Jul 24, 2019 5:47 pm

Duncan churred at Leo pleased and relaxed and still happily munching on the cookie chewing slowly and now and then pausing to pick something off his tongue to study it. a peice of fruit... a nut... an oat...the smear of melted choco drops.

The cabin he looked around eagerly and when Leo bow and straightened he gave a soft 'weee!' sound and giggled having enjoyed that short ride!

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Post by NexusNoobs Wed Jul 24, 2019 6:55 pm

And to be honest none of the others knew how they could help him.

Not the two older cats or Addy. She is still shocked to see one of him... here... and with a child.

"well.... um we are not sure how to proceed either, but... um what do you think Addy?

"i.... um yous know what he is and the child... yous will be... valuable - and with people displaced and being enlisted or hunted or sent into hiding... She eyed Leo and Duncan then humms. " should you be taken to the Daimyo? Though I don't know what help he would be rumor and talk is that he has been quiet ill after the loss of his son, and a... evil drake, a previous lord of lands and a Nexus fighter has challenged for the ruling seat. But maybe thats where you should start?" She didn't know the drakes name was Drako and that he was not knew to Leo, or the fact the Daimyos son and he were sharing a body at the moment but

She suggests, gesturing Leo to have a look at the map on her table, placing her stack of warrants back down pointing at the group of brightly greem tropical islands where they were. "We're here now - and the capital is up here... in the Araluen lands." her brothers look over the map with her.

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Post by Leo Thu Jul 25, 2019 12:37 am

Leo frowns in thought.

"Your 'evil drake' wouldn't be the same evil drake who crashed the last Nexus Championship and ripped a rift in the multiverse using the Daimyo's war staff, would he? If it is... he's really not someone you want ruling the land."

Because this is sounding a little too familiar.  And... maybe Leo isn't the one here who really needs help.  Maybe...

"I don't know who brought us here, but I am beginning to think I know why.

Leo sighed, looking at the boy in his arms for a moment before turning to the cats again. What is he going to do with the child when he reaches the Capitol and gets involved in another world's war? Leo can't worry about that yet.

He's not quite sure he can trust these cats yet, the ocean is a large place with no escape, but seeing no other options he takes a leap of faith.

"I'm afraid I cannot pay you for safe passage, but I am willing to work. And once I find my brothers, maybe we can put a stop to Draco's reign of terror. And it sounds like the Capitol is the place to do that."

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Post by NexusNoobs Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:03 am

the older tom cat looked uneasy, and their sister reflected the unease. " I would never ask one of the um... well you say you are not but still I couldn't charge you, you resemble one of the Genio Innucuo... but if you insist on paying your way through work... and I think for your safety... and the hatchling it probably best to have a skeleton crew of you and I... we might be able to find a few hands along the coast in the villages and next ports. And I think we can all agree we don't want that particular drake in charge."

her brothers nod a little, the older rubbing his head, " if yous stay to the cost, maybe we will put our ships out wider and disguise your passage up until the back of the islands then yous will be on your own I'm afraid."

the slightly young brother looking at Leo, " it's considered an honor and a gift to serve Genio Innucuo and you may not be one but you sure do look like em - from fairy tales anyways no one has seen any for a long long time though they used to use the beaches along these islands as nesting grounds. their not as revered inland though... and in the ice lands or the fiery volcanic land that is usually the home of drakes and damonfeuer types."

Addy smiles at Leo, " eat, drink for a moment I will um get some provisions."

She sorts through the warrants placing Usagi's aside for a larger amount one and heading out to exchange it for trade goods.

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Post by Doragonkame Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:10 am

Duncan saw Leo's look and beamed up at him trustingly in return, all cuteness and wide lilac eyes and licking the remaining crumbs and taste of the cookie off his little fingers enjoying doing so immensely.

He didn't understand they could be heading for trouble. He just knew and understood for the moment his belly wasn't rumbling, he was snugged and even if missing his brothers content.

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Post by Leo Thu Jul 25, 2019 10:45 am

”I insist.” Leo responds firmly, but gently. He nods understanding as the plan is laid out.

He takes note of the warrants, including Usagi’s, but says nothing at the moment.

” I thank you for your great kindness.” He responds to the offer of food and drink, though at the moment, he does not partake.

As she leaves , Leo looks down at Duncan. ”So , what do you think? He laughs softly. And hopes this isn’t a huge mistake.

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Post by NexusNoobs Thu Jul 25, 2019 2:46 pm

The brothers left with half and clumsy bows to the turtle, cause they were sea farers and not usually given to such nicities. Still being feline they manage the motions fairly languidly if clumsy before moving out the reassemble some of what was left of their crews to provide a screen.

Addy watched the go linger a bit and smiling at Leo. "Explore my ship if you like no ones here... um I'm afraid mine is the only cabin so we might have to share a space or I can sleep in the lower deck, the meat there should be fine its cured, the spirits there might be a bit tart there is water int he skins hanging up and fruit if yous are not carnivorous like me. i could be an hour so just um... be patient" she winks and again leaves Leo to it with his little one -

Never had she thought to see a Geni - oooh um a being that looked like them... she had not been allowed to the last Battle Nexus Tournament, among the younger siblings that stayed to watch the latest little. But she had heard rumours there had been Genio present.

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Post by Leo Thu Jul 25, 2019 3:04 pm

"It is your ship, Ma'am." Leo responds. "I shall trust whatever arrangements you feel are best. You need not put yourself out for us. I have slept in far worse places than your lower decks."

Leo smiles reassuringly, and bounces Duncan slightly, readjusting him.

"Thank you again, for your hospitality.

Once she is gone, Leo will definitely be exploring the ship. He has already learned a great deal about how it is laid out, just from the short trip to the cabin. He likes to know his surroundings though. And he will take advantage of the time.

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Post by Doragonkame Thu Jul 25, 2019 3:09 pm

Duncan had not entirely been sure of all of that was said and not had no words to answer Leo's question. And he waved at the furry female unconcerned helping Leo readjust hima nd shfiting an arm about the big turtles shoulders, ooooh he liked it up here he could seee everything! and eeeee'd a little excitedly and points at an empty shell on a shelf to Leo.

He had thought about the question and now thought he had a word or two to go with the smiple grin he'd given before, " ooooood - ooooood me.... ooou... oooood. Yep in his young mind all had to be good. He'd had food, didn't need to wee yet and was being snuggled and carried everywhere! he was having the time of his young life!

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Post by Leo Thu Jul 25, 2019 4:59 pm

Leo laughs softly at the little turtle creature in his arms, and gives him a quick hug.

"What do you say we go explore this ship?" Leo grins as he carries Duncan out of the cabin and down to some of the lower decks. He did try to keep to the inner parts of the ship, avoiding the open deck for the time being. There would be time to explore that later, when they weren't this close to town, and curious people who might come by and spot two 'Genio Innocuo' or whatever they kept calling him.

As they move below decks into what seems to be a safe-ish place, Leo puts Duncan down to explore on his own. "Why don't you take a look around and tell me what you see?" Even if the child doesn't understand, Leo's going to say it. He looks around the space, paying attention to what might be small openings that could conceal storage areas.

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Post by NexusNoobs Fri Jul 26, 2019 12:09 am

the bustling dock and water side could be heard but so far the two turtles were very alone on the gently rising and falling long boat.

It appeared to be a simple narrow open craft with the captains cabin and wood step down into the lower deck under this was the three storage areas, and they could be blocked off in the event of flooding and helped the boat maintain stability and bouncy in stormy seas. Fresh wood smells from where new wood replaced damaged and or rotted stuff.

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Post by Doragonkame Fri Jul 26, 2019 1:14 am

And Duncan had put together 'ship' with.... what they were inside of! he gasps wide eyed and looks amazed at Leo, " Lll eee oooo - ss shhh iii pppah!" proud of this.

"Leee ooo… duuun aaaannn, uurrrell - shhh iii pp!" repeating the names, and turtle and ship as they move not sure what Leo meant but looking about he was, eagerly tugging on Leo's bandana and pointing excitedly at the slim weaponry the ship had in the form of two small canons half way along the at the moment empty decks. And something like a black seagull was in one of the little ore holes and Duncan points at it, "Biiird!" that word he knew! and could identify the creature it applied to!

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Post by Leo Fri Jul 26, 2019 6:11 am

Leo laughed at the boy’s excitement.

You are quite the smart little guy, aren’t you? Shall we go check out the cannons?

He carried the child up to the items in question. Even as he does so, he’s checking out anything that might be laying around.

There doesn’t seem to be much down here, and he will probably head back up to the cabin shortly.

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Post by Doragonkame Fri Jul 26, 2019 1:01 pm

Duncan was not sure what cannons were yet and not sure what Leo meant with his next words but he sensed the praise and of course was mightily chuffed with himself puffing out his small plastron in some pride and pleased to have made Leo laugh chuckling a little himself and eagerly nuzzling Leo's cheek.

Bright eyes as they move closer to the cannon at first trying to decide what it might be, trying to get his mouth around the 'c' of the word, he couldn't decide if the rope ( he didn't know what that was) or the barrel beside the cannon was it or the box of " bbaaaallls!" he knew that word too! hah1 and he loved balls , as he had no idea what they were either but he takes a stab and assumes the things he pointed at previously was the cannon.

" caaa caaa - aaannn on?" pointing again just to be absolutely certain.

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Post by Leo Fri Jul 26, 2019 1:49 pm

"That's the cannon, and those are cannon balls. Leo grins, he's close enough now to almost touch the cannon as he points it out to Duncan again, but he refrains. He doesn't know how the cat lady would take it. Nuzzling the little boy he speaks again. "You know... You remind me of Donnie." Leo smiled sadly, missing his brothers.  Briefly he wonders where they are.

He turns back to the cannon. "Those balls aren't to play with though. They're weapons. They're very, very heavy."

"We should probably get back to the cabin before Addy comes back. I'm sure there will be more to explore later."Leo says as he starts walking back toward the cabin. He's still taking mental notes of what he finds around the boat.

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Post by Doragonkame Fri Jul 26, 2019 2:28 pm

Duncan churred! loudly! like a big happy kitty and even tilted his face up for more nuzzles both hands resting on Leo's shoulders he listened and absorbed all that was said with rapt attention, like a sponge soaking things up.

" c c can non balls no... plaaaay… mmm hmmmm." he was not sure what heavy or weapon meant but he was clever enough to understand it meant no play.

He nods even if unsure what Leo said about going back to cabin. However he had picked up the words about Donnie and smiles, " D ooo nn iee broffer? Leee oo broffer? urrelll oooo?" looking around again eagerly as they return to the cabin.

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Post by Leo Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:03 pm

Leo laughed softly. "Yeah, Donnie's my brother. He's a turtle too."

Leo moves to put Duncan down once they return to the cabin. He wants the boy to be able to search around on his own and see what he finds.

Then he sits down on the floor to wait for Addy to return.  It will also give Duncan the opportunity to crawl into his lap if he's not feeling adventurous.

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Post by Doragonkame Fri Jul 26, 2019 4:41 pm

Duncan was for more than a few moments simply content to wait in Leo's lap smiling and sounding out the name Donnie a few times, liking the way it sounded. And delighting when he recognized his name and Donnies started with the same sound. Playing with the 'D' sound for a few moments.

" D d d duuuuuh daaaa dooo -" the thought occurring to him and eyes intense as he wriggles in Leo's lap. " L ll eeeeooo - broffers? D uuun c c aaaan ummm ooone … oooo… fe eee broffers!" he had to really think on that and use his fingers to count. " fee... Lll iiiaaam, Ran d da lll and Mal c c olm." the newly learned 'c' sound making its way into his words.

And he was now thinking about venturing from the safety and checking out the cabin. Maybe... he at least leaned to look about the space.

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Post by Leo Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:03 pm

Leo looks down as Duncan keeps talking. Apparently about his brothers? Leo was pretty sure he caught a few names in there, but interpreting the child's words was difficult.

"I have three brothers.  Their names are Raph, Donnie and Mikey. Leo offers gently, responding in kind.

He laughs softly as Duncan starts to get curious about what is around the room.

"It's okay. You can explore. I'm right here."

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Post by NexusNoobs Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:17 pm

She was on her way back with a ladened cart of goodies, her brothers ships she could see where already bustling with temp workers and activity and would be setting sail long before she and Leo would, especially as they would be relying on the wind and sails then rowers until she could get them a small crew of some sort that would keep their silence about Genio Innocuo.

She was singing a less naughty sea shanty to alert Leo of her return without giving away she was and made noise so he could guess she was stocking things away before she would join the two again and let them know they would set off once her brothers ships had left the harbour.

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Post by Doragonkame Fri Jul 26, 2019 6:01 pm

" feeee oooo? feee! oh yes so pleased Leo had three brothers too! and they had names!

He tries to say them, Raph coming out as Raff and Donnie again the D sound getting played with and Mikey ended up shortened to Mi Mi…

Not aware yet the singing and noises above meant their company had returned, grinning at Leo's encouragement... he takes a breath and steps out of the lap, darting across the room on toddler legs, gathers up the sea shell that caught his eye before and scurried back to Leo's lap... the long way going around the desk just to touch the wood... and once back he beams holding up the shell showing off his prize to Leo fascinated by the shape of it, conical and all patterned in browns and creams.

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Post by Leo Sat Jul 27, 2019 3:48 am

Leo heard the shanty and looked at the child in his lap.

”That’s a sea shell. Be gentle. It’s pretty, isn’t it?”

He hoped it wasn’t a special shell.

“I hear Addy, we should probably put this back and go meet her. But I bet we can look at it again later.”

Leo gently tries to take the shell to return it to the shelf. So they can go meet Addy, and see if she needs help with anything.

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Post by NexusNoobs Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:05 am

Addy leaves the cart on the lower deck before heading towards her cabin calling softly, "it's me Leo... Addy... though you probably guessed that." A chuckle and flicking her fluffy tail she waits for them to join her out here in the cool of the lower deck.

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Post by Doragonkame Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:20 pm

"ssss heeelll sssheeeelllll." Duncan wanted to keep holding it, and sniffed at the opening curiously.

When Leo began to tuck it from his hands lightly though he relinquished it easily enough if reluctantly. Head tilting curiously as he mumbles an attempt to say Addy... nodding. " heeeel p Aaaddiii." yeah he could do that.

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