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Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated.

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Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated. - Page 4 Empty Re: Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated.

Post by Doragonkame Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:48 am

Randal burps softly, happily his little tail wagging when Chompy farts -

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Post by Lee Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:27 pm

" Well I am hoping that was small bodies farting..." and finally he is back! and blushes as Raphie sniggers, because he'd pulled on his Larping costum to look impressive among the Fulcre and it seemed to work! He moves to sit between BigM who had moved and given his brother more room hah and Raph smiling a bit. " what'd I miss?"

then sort of notices what Raphie is doing and for a moment looks worried, " everything alright?"


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Post by Raphie Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:51 pm

A grin and glad to hear that - he'll poke the other dons for his Don because he was sure his brother would consider such ventures kinda frivolous. Maybe.

A snigger and he couldn't help rolling his eyes a little at Lee's get up- geeeze dude had an outfit for everything it seemed. And no he wasn't sure he believed the Mikey had more. But probably. He grins at Raph and is lightly pushing into the pressure points, his aim is not to numb right now just still the jittery muscles and nerves. Slow them. And shake his head at Lee's concern, " hey ya already bossy pants don't go for nervous nelly too... and he's alright - and sorry Raph I have... some chi and Lee here has been curious if he can reactivate it with the healing hands but I've only seen him do it... and he says we should -" a bit of a glance at the turtle.

Lee nods, " I will do it for you and BigM over the comign days and weeks with the withdrawal coming but I want to do it sparingly... if the acupressure doesn't work though..." he hovers closely a grin at Raph, he missed his brothers having one here help.

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Post by Raph Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:19 pm

Raph grunts a greeting when Lee returns. Sure, he'd been sort of stuck awake waiting for his brother to return, but he wasn't going to tell Lee that!

"I'm Fiiiiiine." He is! Mostly. And that's being taken care of! At least at the moment, the pressure points are working wonders. He can definitely feel his arm relaxing.

He chuckles at his counterpart calling Lee names. Then he's getting defensive.

"Geez, Lee. I didn't ask him to do it. I just asked if he knew it." Because to Raph, these are two very different requests! "'Sides... his pressure points workin' better anyway." That's sort of almost pouted, mostly grunted. He didn't like Lee making assumptions like that! And maybe the pressure points were necessarily 'better,' Lee's healing hands are very effective at what they do, but they are just fine for what he needs now.

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Post by Raphie Sat Apr 25, 2020 9:23 pm

Raphie sniggers and slaps Lee briefly on the shoulder, " bah he's been giving me that lecture for last few days now, been trying to teach me and we have got some glow of the chi back but I am not sure how to channel it into this Healing Hands thing, and this guy been harping on me that if i doooo not to go using it too much... and blah blah." Raph's indignation a little, cause well yeah he had gotten the lecture a few times already.

Lee pouts and rubs his shoulder, " heeeeeeey haven't lectured... but yeahI know, sorry Raph - hang on I'll start this side." and shifting looking over his shoulder at the BigM. " your brother Leonardo says yous heal well how did yous make tattoos permanent and Leonardo has a scar?" curios and unlike Raphie is more familiar with Raph's body so doesn't have to be so mindful about where the points are to to lightly press them not squish or press to hard.

BigM moans a little and rolls to face then opening one eye. " a combination of burning and needling, sort of have to sear the tattoo into place - hurt like the dickens."[/color][/color]

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Post by Raph Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:12 am

"I know you, Leo. And I believe him. You lectured."

Oh, the work they're doing on the pressure points in this shoulders is definitely doing it's job. He leans back a little, relaxing. Almost slumping against the two helping him. He really is tired. Just... couldn't get his arms to relax. Now that that's happening, he's dropping off fast. He shifts slightly, maaayyybe turning a little into Lee's leg.

He makes a bit of a face at the tattooing that BigM is describing.

At the same time, having a tattoo would be kinda cool...

Maybe when this is all over...

And Raph is asleep. Snuggled against Lee's leg.

Witnesses or not, he will deny snuggling his brother's leg like this later.

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Post by Doragonkame Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:13 pm

Lee doesn't mind his brother would deny it, he shifts and wraps an arm about his brother, it did feel fantastic, a sort of delight to have one back! and right here! He churrs a little and rubs his brothers shell.

And his nephew! his little alien nephew was also here. At least those nightmares and day mares and fears he'd been feeling were eased a little more. the visit with the fellow Leonardos had helped, this finding them made it all a little better. And oh man he wont last long, he yawns and barely manages to pull his home made helmet off to stuff in his pockets once more before drifting off.

BigM grins at them through one open eye and grunts a little, " hey Raphie wanna do my arms and legs? they are twitching a little.'

Raphie nods and after shifting the brothers to more laying down positions and tucked the little boys in there with them he moves to help BigM, it was a activity he could do and meditate a little on as he does so feeling again about for his brothers.

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Post by Raphie Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:13 pm

A blink...

He is not sure if anyone was awake enough to see the soft nose to nose tap Lee met him with briefly or the churr that resulted. And maybe if asked he miiight deny the moment. Maybe.

It had felt nice.

Oh boy he was going to have to at least tell his own Leo.

Yep. And with that in mind and the other turtles going back to sleep or already asleep he gets into proper lotus position to wait for his own Leo.

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Post by Leo Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:09 pm

And Leo finally gets around to contacting his brother. While he can sort of help guide, it's clear that if they're going to do this, Leo's going to need Raph to do the heavy lifting. For once, Leo is clearly having a hard time focusing. He's split too many different ways.

Leo's holding it together, but barely. There's none of the usual color Raph might associate with a contact with Leo. Everything is grey, a little foggy.

Sort of like Leo is right now.

But there's relief, and warmth in the contact, and Raph is greeted with almost an astral hug. It's unusual for Leo, but... all of his brothers are so far away, and Addy is barely responsive.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by Raphie Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:57 pm

Raphael is not very practiced. But...

he is stubborn...

and as fiercely protective of his little family as any of them are of each other. So when he finally has that contact he... senses at once something is wrong and finds that focus his presence flaring like a fire heated iron and he embraces Leo entirely " Leo?! are you alright? your not hurt are you?!" alarmed at first and all but 'nuzzling' his big brother.

Everything he had to tell Leo for the moment forgotten. Well mostly rendered un important until he is reasonable reassured Leo if okay.

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Post by Leo Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:11 pm

Leo knew he could trust Raph. Raph's better at this sort of thing than he realizes. And he takes a moment to just sort of experience Raph's fire. Just... be with his brother. Take some comfort from the contact.

'I'm not hurt." He's not, no, but the tone might suggest that someone he cares about is. "I'm okay, Raph." Physically anyway. But Leo's contact is getting a little stronger, drawing slightly from his brother and able to bring his own focus back a little more. "It's just... been a long day." And Leo's pretty sure it's going to be longer before it's over!

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by Raphie Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:40 am

A relieved and deep sigh. And he was eager to tell all himself but stubbornly ignores that for now instead focusing solely on Leo, simply 'holding' in that weird but wonderful way that happened in this state of being.

He wasn't normally a cuddly turtle but now he does because Leo needs it, and so he lets Leo set the moment pull back a little and offers a grunt, "" well tell me all about it." Yep he was ready to listen and licked upon the worry in Leo's tone " who got hurt? Oh not the little guy?" worry in his tone. He had not met Randal's brothers yet through the ruby red little hybrid he felt protective of them none the less. All of them. Encouraging his brother to share this long day get it off his plastron. Then he'll shared the news.

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Post by Leo Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:57 am

"Oh, no. Duncan is fine. He's great." Leo is still amused by how helpful the little guy was trying to be. His attempt to protect Addy from Sam, offers to use his blood to help her.


Leo released the 'hug' and sort of settled himself. He's a little more 'him' now. Still slightly greyed out, but no longer as foggy and colorless.

"Addy was bitten by... I didn't catch what they call the things... venomous snake guy. She's alive, just... barely conscious." Leo sighed and shook his head.

"She was the first real contact I made here." He doesn't really count her brothers who he only met briefly. This is all technically true, but he's not explaining how much he actually cares for her... yet "And so far, her boat... I think it was her home was destroyed because of us, and now..."

They've found her a new boat, but still, the other was her home!

More color, almost normal, just sitting here talking to Raph. He's getting this out of his system. He sort of shakes himself a little, clearing what he can.

"But I don't think you contacted me for my sob story. What's up?" Definitely not Raph's style. But he appreciates that he took the time to listen all the same. Raph's effort is appreciated, and Leo is showing that by keeping it brief. And Raph doesn't seem distressed at all, so it can't be too bad. Maybe a nice distraction.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by Raphie Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:57 pm

A sort of deep throated chuckling and he listens feeling concerned because Leo felt concerned - and then a sort of deep siiigh, " Well that all sucks, save Duncan being okay thats awesome Randal is happy as a pig in poop right now, does... your friend have some help? I mean I know you are there and that immediately ups her chances - hard to not get better with a fussing over bearing Leo on the task..." that is half seriousness but also some tease. But all heartfelt, he was a little brother, he fully believed things would be alright when big brother was there. And sure that worked for others too.

And so his sort of warmth had lost the almost ready to find a way to teleport there and kick butt protectiveness had faded but he still had a heat and warmth and it hugged against Leo and gave him a squeeze, "And I don't mind hearing the story... not nice but you are there and thats something... tell me about the snake bite patient, is she doing any better since it happened?" he asks indicating Leo can have his attention for any sob story all he needed. And also he sort of thought he sensed.... something...for sure Leo wasn't saying just how upset he was about this.

A bit of triumphant feelings swelled and he agrees, " well no, I do have some great news for the other Leonardo and Raphael with you we have their brother and he is doing well. Also have Lee's Raphael too and Lee's newphew the baby alien turtle was found by Erica and has been reunited with his father he and Randal have hit it off, that is why Randal is happy as a pig in poop right now has a little friend to play with, hah like the shorter me too. Also that winged thing um Erica she got here and helped out, Lee wants to keep her around a little to help gather - well gather an army..."

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Post by Leo Thu Apr 30, 2020 3:14 pm

Leo siiiighs again. Yes. This is bothering him more than he is letting on. There's a slight huffed laugh at Raph's teasing. He appreciates it. He nods slightly then answers the question.

"Kovu, a nymph that my counterpart here uh... met... seems to know what she's doing, and we were able to 'acquire' a boat that had some antivenin on board. So... She's 'warmer' and everyone is telling me that's good..." He 'coughed' on something that wasn't a cough, but covered it quickly. "Lost all her fur though." Leo is a little worried about how she'll react to that when she's more herself. He doesn't mind whether she has fur or not, but... he's worried.

Leo smiled at the information about their larger counterparts' Mikey, and Lee's Raph. That was good to hear. "I'll let them know he's free and with you guys now. Thanks Raph. And that's great that the kids have someone to play with..." He feels a little bad for poor Duncan, with no playmates through all this. It seemed that Randal and Liam both had a playmate.

He blinked at the last piece of information. "An army? That sounds... stealthy..." No it doesn't... and Leo doesn't particularly like dragging that many people into what he sort of perceives as his fight, but it may be necessary... And he supposes that it is their world. They have a stake in how things end up. Just like... He sighs and nods, accepting the information. Then chuckles. "Sounds like he took our suggestion of finding local help and really ran with it."

The grey is nearly gone. He's much more himself. Just... chatting this out with Raph. Starting to feel a little confidence return.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by Raphie Fri May 01, 2020 1:27 am

A bit of a grin at the laugh for his teasing and a gruff " I'm sorry bro, I can tell it's really bothering you, and what was that cough not cough about?" He wonders about losing the fur, [i]" think her fur will grow back? ya like 'er?"[i] soft not a taunt and maybe a little eager to know after all he had his rarely felt feelings since Joy to get off his chest. [i]" Sooooo is the newly acquisitioned vessel a good one? ... hah tell Don I used that huge word okay/" And he is comfortable, glade Leo got the message.

A chuckled grin, [i]" I am glad we got this Mikey, he says he is the smaller... or at least shorter brother I do not want his big brothers disappointed in us for failing to save him, especially if they are as protective of their Mikey as we are. Dude seems cool - a bit cuddly. But cool and hasn't tried to gas us out yet. Lee is worried about the possible effects of withdrawals on him and Raph."[i] a little worried about that himself he was too.

A laugh of his own about Lee and nods, " ran with it? yeah he abandoned stealth altogether that night and he's taking that advice on a triathlon I swear. And yep an army.... he already has these... Fulcre... am sayin that wrong I know, already marching with us and is determined to find the others that herd around these valleys these guys look like anthro or furry buffalos or those cows with wide horns. Think we are going to meet you guys at the city ready for a battle. Seems good at getting people to follow him. Like you."

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Post by Leo Fri May 01, 2020 8:21 am

Leo looked over, but didn't answer about the cough. It had been covering that he was near tears. And he's not revealing how near. Instead he shrugs regarding the fur.

"I honestly don't know." He hopes so for her sake. The question of him liking her isn't really answered, but there's a slight nod if Raph's really watching. But he's not making a big deal about it. He does like her! A lot! But now she's fighting for her life... because of him.

"It's a good sized boat. I think we're going to need a bit of a crew... which seems to be handled. I think Raphael is having fun intimidating them into helping us. And why don't you let Don know. You're capable." A slight laugh, and an astral, brotherly punch to the arm. Because Raph instigated and maintained this contact to start with. Though Leo is helping now. Friendly reminder that Raph can try contacting the others too.

"Oh, they are, Leo responded. "Protective enough that I'm glad one of them was here to help Raphael calm down when he heard." Slight fond smile to Raph. He would know how the giant turtle responded to Mikey being kidnapped. "He's probably right to be worried..." Leo admitted. He would sure be worried if it was his team.

Leo is chuckling as Raph started explaining the Fuilcre and what has been going on, but his expression is changing as his brother continues. There is something in Raph's tone. He can't quite place it... or maybe he can, but it's so ludicrous that he needs confirmation.

Either way, Raph is getting a raised brow expression. And maaaybe something almost approaching amusement.

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Post by Raphie Sat May 02, 2020 4:10 am

" weeeeeelllll you can always tell the big guys their brother exacted a weeeee bit of revenge.... all over one of the guards ahahaha and my counterpart joined in - that was hilarious." Raph is still wondering about the cough and it dawns on him sloooowly... but he doesn't want to bring his brothers amusement down for the moment, maybe when they were ready to break off he'll try to give him a bit more bolstering.

" waaaaaat?" The sound is drawn out and he is trying to pretend that it couldn't possibly be anything he said. Nope. Nu huh.... yeaaaaah

He does 'move' closer to Leo and sort of just offers him a comforting presence.

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Post by Leo Sat May 02, 2020 6:09 am

Leo is chuckling at the revenge story. "Oh yeah. They'll appreciate that."

And as for the raised brow, well, Raph's drawn out what seals the deal. He's sort of arguing with himself. Maybe it's one of the fuilcre that is making Raph have that tone, buuuut...

He's almost as sure who that tone is for as he was about Mike having slept with Erica! He is almost distracted by Raph scooting against him. The familiarity and comfort he's needed so, and is getting just from being able to chat with his brother almost enough to derail his comment. Nice try, Raph. It almost worked.

"What do you mean 'whaaaaaat?' Raphael, you are glowing. Come on. Spill."

Kind of like he had around Joy... only he had been talking about Lee?? No way. Right? Maybe one of the fuilcre...? That didn't fee right though. Leo needs this confirmed!

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by Raphie Sat May 02, 2020 11:06 pm

"And if it is of any comfort to them tell them he is actively hitting on Erica so he must be relatively okay. She so wants a little Randal of her own and BigM has been offering but she tells him she has another one of us somewhere as mate and is waiting for his okay... Still wanna know who the lucky guy is." All in effort to try covering himself up a little more.

Trying all he could to derail his brother and yet get so close. And well he knew that expression his whaaaaaat had given him away he knew it!

A deep breath.

Okay maybe if he did tell, Leonardo would tell him all too. [i]" I knoooooow Leonardo.... I can feeeeel it... I - I... I think I"
Siiiigh he could do this. Wasnt like he had been shy about Joy. Then again she wasn't a sort of brother. " It was supposed to be a ruse... when we learned how some wanted to jump our shells and Lee said it would make travelling just that bit easier especially when we stopped travelling incognito and had a few close calls. We'll claim to be a mated pair, and Randal is ours - dont know how people bought that -"
perhaps surrogacy or adoption wasn't a huge deal, he'd noticed same sex partners were not... none even questioned their story. " and I guess.... I ... I hope it's not all a ruse on his behalf...." that part nervously wondering how Leo would take that after all it was his counterpart. " I mean I think it might actually have started after our fight - I... didn't take to being given orders by a younger, smaller you nicely." bit of a grin, he still sometimes didn't take Leo's orders well. " I thought for sure I would knock the upstart out of his shell - he barely scraped a win by the way but he won. Never quiet been kicked like that before." And yep that stuck with him and was probably the beginnings of the glow he felt now.

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Post by Leo Sun May 03, 2020 5:12 am

Leo is chuckling at the information about BigM. "Sounds right, his brothers definitely don't seem uh... picky...? Yeah, the bigger turtles have been with more females than Leo has managed to keep track on at this point. Though it seems that maybe Leonardo has taken Kovu a little more permanently? Who knows for sure though. They haven't come across a large group of willing females since Kovu joined their group.

And he has a bit of a 'I know something you don't know' look on his face as Raph goes on about Erica saying she already has a mate she is waiting for. It's brief though. Because he won't make Raph wait forever. He does sort of drag out the space between Raph wanting to know who the lucky guy is, and his own response.

"Mike will be glad to hear she refused those advances."

Leo watches Raph, his eyes never leaving his brother's face as Raph explains his story. At the beginning, it's just listening. Okay, fair enough. Ruse sort of makes sense. Leo has a feeling that there aren't many who would question a Genio Innocuo on that sort of matter.

"No... I wouldn't expect you did." Leo commented of Raph not taking orders from a younger Leo well at first. But... there's amusement in his tone that he just can't hide completely.

As the story continues however, Leo's having more and more trouble hiding his amusement. By the end, his eyes are outright laughing. The laughter doesn't cross his lips though.

"You always did go for someone who could kick you shell." Joy could at the very least give Raph a run for his money in a fight too. And Leo's pretty sure that's what attracted him to her in the first place. He's not unsupportive of Raph's choice. Just... really, really amused. And a little shocked.

But really? A Leo? BWAHAHAHAHA! Raph is willingly bringing another LEO into his life! All the fights, and disagreements and back and forths they've had over the years. and Raph wants two Leos that he has to deal with on a regular basis? "You are a glutton for punishment, aren't you?" Oh so amused.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Post by Raphie Sun May 03, 2020 4:19 pm

At first he sensed the 'I know something you dont know' but had been for a moment snorting a bit, " considering how soon BigM is willing to give her what she wants even if I'm not sure he could get it up beings somewhat still under sedation I more than trust his brothers are... active?" somewhat wonderingly but not really about the big turtles getting tail and not really surprised. After all it was the whole reason for his and Lee's ruse. Still it was... intriguing and he honestly was kinda curious about...



" Wait... Mike.... our Mike? you mean he - and she.... huh... hahahaha woooooo go little brother!" a bit of a tease directed at both of them, "soooo little brother gave up the v card first huh?"[/i] a bit worried then, " Lets hope Mike is not in a rush to make more little turtles riiight?"

He is explaining and can see the amusement of Leo's face and he doesn't get angry or defensive, in fact the whole thing is funny to him too and he's the one feeling a bit of a crush on the younger Leo. " I know I know - I just.... yeah.... that move though he called it the death dragon I swear I saw stars when I hit the ground only to have his sword at my throat - hah  guess I am a glutton for punishment will have two Leo's telling me to train and exercise - soooooo it... um doesn't booother you?' a little nervous. Hey anything like this was new to them. No not having a crush, he had one on Joy, don that brief moment on Jhana, Leo and the long drawn out saga with Karai. But not this... actually some form of relationship? even more so a interdimensional form of Leo? And he hadn't even told it all to Leo yet, that Lee came with a pair of girls... that he was not quiet sure how to explain. Heck maybe he'll just smooch Lee sometime and see what sparks fly then? A bit of an raised ridge at Leo, " you like the hurt friend of yous too yeah?" he had been reading that right?[/color]

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Post by Leo Sun May 03, 2020 5:13 pm

Leo waits and watches in amusement as Raph finally puts the pieces together about Mike being Erica's mate. As Raph figures it out, and is looking to confirm, Leo is subtly making a slightly obscene hand gesture and nodding. Yes. Yes. Our Mike.

"Raph, I'm not even going to begin to guess what's going on inside Mike's head." Even if he did contact their brother in much this same manner recently.

He listens patiently, and quietly amused as Raph tells him about the fight with Lee, and in that enamored tone.

"Why would it bother me?" Leo asked sincerely. No judgement. No, he's not bothered. Well... mostly... "I mean... the alternate version of me thing is kind of weird, but... he's not really your brother. And it's not like there's a whole lot of mutant turtles around." And maybe a hint of a smirk. "And you have a type, dear brother. Who better to kick your shell than a Leo?" Another playful punch to the shoulder.

The play dissipates as Raph asks about his 'hurt friend.' Leo isn't exactly nodding, but it's that sort of not quite there nod that Raph can probably pick up on, even if Leo is trying not to show it.

"Her name is Addy. She's a Klaustreich. A cat person."

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Post by Raphie Mon May 04, 2020 1:01 am

Raph sniggers at the gestures and lightly smacks the hand, and then really thinks about it, "yeeeeah wise idea, Lee did tell me what it was like in his Mike's idea... freaky... fricking freaky involving pizza trees and all sorts of nonsense... he said his Don had been right it was like trying to watch and live one hundred tv's at once."[i] bit of a shudder and then he is just proud and laughs, " Come onnnnnn if don hasn't had a chance to get any tail... that means among us Mike went first - ummmm you know what lets not tell him on purpose okay/ he still doesn't let us life down his Battle Nexus Win... bet he pulled that card on Erica."[i] mostly joking. Mostly.

A little excited and given to Leo's punch, [i]" I do have a type and at first I thought it was females, maybe blond with those pretty smells and eyes. Turns out I have a soft spot for those that can kick my tail several ways to sunday and make me hurt for the next couple. I blame you -" that bit in tease as if it was Leo's fault Raphie had a serious problem with following orders, impulsive behavior and not accepting easy defeat. Or his attraction to those that pummeled his tail.

He feels the cheer change and churrs, obnoxiously loudly, nudging his brother, [i]" ooooooooooooh huh never thought you were a cat man hahah - come on don't be too down on yaself - you like like her?"
trying to remind his brother she may be hurt and lost some, but she also had a Leo there with her. And they sound like they made it up to her.

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Post by Leo Mon May 04, 2020 8:01 am

Leo is actually chuckling softly at the inside of the other Mikey's mind. "You know, that's probably not far off."

There's a snort at the thought of Don being the first of them to get tail. That was even more ridiculous than Mike! But Leo sobers after a moment. "I'm not sure Don's been conscious long enough to 'get any tail.' Leo admitted. Concerned. Sure, he'd spoken to Don not too long ago, and he'd seemed okay, but... something... Leo couldn't put his finger on it, and to be honest, he didn't have the capability to deal with it right now. It didn't seem immediately urgent. Just... off? And Leo didn't really have the emotional currency at the moment to deal with non-immediate... Though he is more himself now. Almost ready to go face those immediate concerns back on the boat.

"Oh, I have no doubt Mike pulled the Battle Nexus Champion card. It's practically Mike's favorite card! Unlike Raph, Leo isn't joking. Teasing a little, maybe. But not joking!

Leo chuckles at Raph realizing his type. Sounded about right. And again when Raph blamed Leo for that. Well... sure. Leo's okay with that.

"Oh, you wouldn't be half the ninja you are without a 'fussing, overbearing' pain in the shell like me kicking your shell, and making you 'train and exercise.'" Throwing several of Raph's words back at him, but all in brotherly play. Leo is unlikely to admit it, but he considers Raph his best friend.

Even if they do spend what sometimes seems like 90% of their time getting under each other's shells.

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Post by BigM Tue May 05, 2020 1:17 am

BigM bumps up against Lee and Raph an arm draping lightly over the lot off them snuggling - cause he is a snuggly turtle!

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Post by Raphie Tue May 05, 2020 3:09 am

A bit of a chuckle that the Mikey comments, " haha dang definitely gotta try to not let Mike know.'[i] just thinking how insufferable the braggy little big head would be with that sort of accomplishment. The chuckling slowed and he is serious for a moment, [i]" how... how is Don doing? I... sensed nothing of him for a while - it was really scary, and Lee tried to tell me he is doing okay but - i need to hear it from you... is he alright?" he'd fretted and worried and driven Lee crazy about it, but then again Lee drove him crazy too worrying about his Raph and BigM and his nephew.

All joking aside he'd known Don had been out of it, just wasn't sure how much so. And he noticed Leo hadn't responded about his friend Addy, but hey he could wait until Leo wanted to talk more... for a bit longer before he would poke again before he had to go, not really feeling the big Mikey snuggle around them all like some giant teddy bear.

A snigger and return of the grin giving pulling big brother into a headlock and noogeying his bald head grinning all the while, [i]" well maaaaaaaaaybe soooo and to be honest I would probably be bored and miss the heck out of ya - definitely do but makes it a lil easy to deal with when I has a lilLee here to pick on."
a little bit of a serious look on his face, he most definitely missed his brothers, it felt good to be surrounded by these other rescued turtles but he missed his brothers. And sides being open with Leo about that was another invite for his brother to just lay all those emotions he'd felt and not readily identified cause Raphie is slow like that when he spoke about Addy. After all how many times had Master Splinter told him that sharing his worries would help him?

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Post by Leo Tue May 05, 2020 9:27 am

Leo chuckled. "I'm pretty sure he's already figured it out, bro. We're all doomed."

Leo sobered a bit at the question about Don. "I got to talk to him awhile ago. That's how we found out about the kids being dragons. Apparently some sort of healing quality in their blood." Leo paused there. Debating other things for a moment before getting back to the question he'd been asked. "You know that glow the kids have when we do the group contacts? He has a bit of it too. Though..." There's something he can feel Mike and Don out there, and dammit, there's something... at least something bothering their brother. "Raph, I think we almost lost him. And there's something..." Leo sort of searched a moment, before shrugging. He doesn't know yet, and he doesn't have it in him at the moment to dig further. At the moment, Don is alive and at least relatively okay. "He said he went swimming with swamp squid, so... I guess don't do that."

Leo let Raph pull him in and allowed the headlock and noogie. He playfully shoved his brother afterward and chuckled. "You know, of the turtles here, the one I get along with the best is the giant Raph. The little one is alright. Kind of goofy... Turns out, Leos are total jerks." Mostly self deprecating, and a little play. He has finally forged a decent relationship with his larger, older counterpart, but it sure wasn't easy!

He sort of paused there again, and got around to answering that question Raph had asked, that he had left. "Yeah... Raph. I like Addy. She's incredible. Strong, capable. She's amazing with Duncan and she even taught a landlubber like me to sail enough that we didn't crash into the reef. Raph... it was amazing! I just... I don't know how best to help her. If we let this antivenin do it's thing, or let Duncan try his blood. He's asked a few times."

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Post by Raphie Wed May 06, 2020 2:19 am

A laugh that melded with a loooong groan. " maybe we should employ Master Splinter to curb that …. or threaten to pound him." hehehe again only mostly joking, sure Mike's always reminding them of his win annoyed Raph the most but he was pretty sure it annoyed Don and Leo.

The news about Don made Raph shudder against his brother, " I knew something was up... I knew it... another reason I like Lee so.... he didn't ask or prod or poke when I got very moody.... Soooo... the little turtle with him - saved him?" curious nodding he'd noted the glow. He'd wondered bout it. A Lot. " We'll need to chat with our bros like this soon..." or Maybe even if Leo needed to go probably to give more medicine he'll stay like this and see if he can reach Don himself. Needed to!

Leo let Raph pull him in and allowed the headlock and noogie. He playfully shoved his brother afterward and chuckled. "You know, of the turtles here, the one I get along with the best is the giant Raph. The little one is alright. Kind of goofy... Turns out, Leos are total jerks." Mostly self deprecating, and a little play. He has finally forged a decent relationship with his larger, older counterpart, but it sure wasn't easy!

There is a bit of a growl, " mah you are not a jerk... is the other Leo giving you a hard time?" frowning a little and immediately protective, oh yeah he'd risk another possibly bigger shell whooping if he had too! oh yes he would! though he notes the tone and mehs a bit, " ya not a jerk... well sometimes. But mostly not."

" Leo...." how could he say what he was going to when he wasn't very good at words and yep he just snugs his brother, maybe a little roughly but hey he is Raph! " you sound like you have gotten to know her and man she better make it wanna meet this sailing catlady, kinda funny never thought she'd be a water cat... I guess all ya can do is wait and see, if she looks like improving keep doing what ya doin and if she goes backwards then maybe ask the lil fella if he still wants to help." it sounded like either way Leo was doing everything right and what he could.

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Post by Leo Wed May 06, 2020 8:57 am

Leo nodded at the comments then question about Don and Liam. And there's a slight smile about Lee letting Raph deal with the stress of knowing something was wrong with one of his brothers in his own Raph way.  

"Liam. And that's definitely what he said. He got very upset with me when I uh... questioned him adopting the little guy."

He nodded at them all needing to chat like this. "I want to see you guys face to face so badly... but I will take what I can get." He bumped Raph's shoulder again with his own. Just being next to his brother as much as he can here.

There's a slight chuckle at Raph's growl. "We just needed to reach something of an understanding. It's okay, Raph. Really. I just had to sort of see myself from the other side. Larger, older Leo and all. I think we're sort of meeting in the middle better. And you're right, not always a jerk. There are two Leos and two Raphs here. That's... well, it's a lot." Leo smiled slightly. It's a lot of alpha. Because even if Raph is a beta to a Leo, he's just barely. He could be an alpha. He just isn't. Well... that might not be true of the little one. It's probably a good thing for their group that the little guy is a goofball...

There's a slight smile at the conversation about Addy. "Seems to be a family occupation. At least two of her brothers sail too."

He sighs as Raph tells him he's already doing sounds right. And it actually sort of helps to hear his brother say that.

"Thanks, Raph... really." Leo looks off to the side, something Raph can't see. He needs to get back, his internal timer is going off. Probably the one on his watch too...

One more hug before he goes though. "I miss you, Raph. All of you guys. So much. Love you, bro."

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Post by Raphie Thu May 07, 2020 12:11 am

A gentle sort of grin, " I wasn't sure about getting attached to the little red boy with us, Randal... Lee doted on him the moment he laid eyes on him.... and somehow worked it that I now am as attached to him. Couldn't imagine saying good bye at the end of this crazy adventure." and he knew, as much as Lee adored RaphJr as he sometimes called the little half turtle. A smiiiiirky at Leo, " bet yooooou have become close to the little fellow with you. and darrrrn it well I am gonna deck Mike if he becomes annoying." huuuuuge siiiigh and a promise. oh yeah. But now he knew who Erica's mate was... and on that thought. " ummmm maybe we should do this again soon and discourage the Mike from saying yes to this pretty little demon fire girls want for itty bitty gentle gnocchi?"

In otherwords he, Raph missed all his brothers like crazy and wanted to check in one them, especially now knowing Don had been unwell. Almost gone - noooo! They were meant to be a pack of four!Maybe some extras but they were four! " I'll take it too... as a stand in forthe now until we can see eachother."

Still he groooowled, " well.... okay, but ya not a jerk and this other Leo better not be.... hah just set the other Raph on him and of course you get along with him, we Raph's are like that ya know - real people turtles." sniggering a bit, oh yeah sure they were people turtles... like snapping turtles hahaha - a bit of a grunt thinking the same as Leo, " wow that is a lot of testosterone... so some one is big brothering you? hehehee I'll give you a hint, enjoy it whilst you can bro - being in the middle like Don I can honestly say there is nothing quiet like it." only sort of joking, but all honesty too. There wasn't much like having a big brother.

A nod and light shove back against Leo, " welcome Leo, but it's true, I know you, the kinda brother that would sit by a sick brothers beside all night and day, with splinter as a kid, sometimes without him now. Addy is in the best possible hands. And thats coooool, man she must love it, the sailing i mean." grin and nuzzle against Leo. " I don't wanna let go... but I know she will need you.... though i will reach out again." play warning. [i]"I know Leo, love ya too man."

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Post by Leo Thu May 07, 2020 8:14 am

Leo smiled as Raph explained trying not to get attached to Randal. "Well, Mike, Don and I have pretty much adopted his brothers, so..." He chuckled slightly at being attached to Duncan. "Actually, I fought it. Don called me out. He's the one who jumped into the dad thing. It's been a rough go for the kids. They've... grown up in a lab." Just so Raph knows what he's dealing with.

A slight chuckle at the Mike babies talk. And Leo's response might be slightly cynical. "At least it's just one damonfeuer, and not a couple dozen random females." Leo shook his head slightly. Yeah, they've settled that, and he lets it go again, but it still blows his mind a bit. So... he's sort of surprisingly chill about Mike possibly going out and making babies with Erica. In comparison to what he's witnessed so far...? Not so bad.

He smiled. "No... I think I am just maybe focusing on the downside of having a big brother." But his expression says he'll try taking Raph's advice to just enjoy it.

He needs to go, but... just one more moment...

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Post by Raphie Fri May 08, 2020 2:41 am

Raphael looks proud, " really? our Don, Mister must examine everything nine ways and a once more just encase guy - jumped into being a Dad? thats awesome. Good for him... hahah yeah I get that, I didn't want to go making promises of attachements to the boy only to break them sometime. Lee however is a sneaky Leo and well... I wonder how things are going to go at the end of this but he promises he'll do whatever is needed for the little guy. He loves Randal. And I've now seen his nephew... guess if a Raph somewhere can be a dad I got this."

A laugh at that and maybe he is finally understanding why his Leo had trouble with a bigger Leonardo, " oooooh? someone trying to breed their own army huh? not quiet the tact this Lee used but I suppose one way to go... and I'm not sure if I should be uneasy BigM will try to get up to the same shenanigans or amused. Or a tad jealous... we'd thought we'd never have interested parties... in more than friendship that is... and now to land here and find out maybe not so? yeah I could understand it I guess." maybe some disapproval because he was assuming the big turtles were going to ditch responsibilities that came with the half dozen or so possible little ones. A raising of eyeridge. " soooo not going to discourage Mike from making mini battle nexus champions... guess that depends on if its possible."

The next part and a chuckling nuzzling roughly against Leo in a affectionate way, " I would argue there is no down side. sure mildy mehing sometimes, annoying or irritating... but nah those are also fun cause you know get to get under big brothers skin and what not... yeah it's mostly cool having a big bro." and letting go, knowing they are just lingering and not minding he can sense his companions are all resting, and deep and that meant he was at least on guard for a bit longer then swap the shift to Lee. They had to watch BigM and Raph for withdrawals and try to do what little they could. A tea made of similar stuff to the sedative with the same sort of effects might have to be given if the two could not go cold turkey. And given in ever decreasing strengths and amount and at increasingly longer and longer intervals until the two mutants could cope without it.

So he and lee would have more restless long nights sharing a watch, but as Raph and BigM recovered they would be able to help out. He just waits until Leo is ready to go. Comfort the big brother a bit longer.

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Post by Leo Fri May 08, 2020 4:24 am

Leo nodded. Yup. Don jumped in. "There was something just after we got here, maybe the second day...? I think he saw more of where the kids were. And I agree, we don't know what will happen when we leave, but I guess Hell or high water." Leo shrugged. "We know how to get back here at least." Leo reassured. And I taught the big Leo how we got here last time.

And chuckles at the question about Mike. "Oh, definitely discouraging, but it's not really the end of the world if he ignores that."

Of course Raph would see things that way. Another chuckle. "Thanks, Raph. Really. And I guess the middle isn't so bad."

And he's finally ready to go. It's time to go back. One last semi-hug and Leo is gone... for now.

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Post by Raphie Fri May 08, 2020 2:01 pm

" ah man thats totally cool, good to know the big guys want to come back if they make their army." Chuckling and nods a little. " definitely hell or high water no way will our lil boys go back to that." ohhh a few days ago he'd not have been so sure, but Lee had worked it good, Randal and Raphie were bonded tight - he adored the little red as ruby boy as much as the other Leo did and didn't doubt for a moment Don would have figured something about the boys early on. He is still amused and pleased Don took such a leap.Maybe he'll try this sometime even if he didn't get through and try to reach Don.

Sniggering about Mike and making a gotcha sort of gesture, " I'll see if I can gently nudge Erica into waiting a while. Can't promise anything she adores mini genio innocuo and definitely wants one of her own."[i] He promises but laughs because he doubted he'd be able to sway the pretty little sort of dragon girl.

that last hug and he grins, [i]" any time Leo, any time .... take care bro - and remember love ya man."
last 'thump' on the shoulder and he can feel the connection falling away. He siiiighs -

and -

comes out of the fog and blinks, listening and sniffing, and listening for a few moments. Smiling a bit he sensed that talk had been good for Leo, if had felt good for him. He briefly considers reaching out to Don immediately - and well... the dude... they'd almost lost their brainy brother... so damn it - whilst the others were still sleeping reasonably well so he listens and sniffs again and listens until reassured for the moment nothing required his attention he and then focuses again - he wasn't good at this but he was a stubborn turtle and searches... this time for Don's energy... brushing and waiting.

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Post by Donnie Fri May 08, 2020 3:33 pm

((Donatello2003 in from Araluen.))

Don is not as concrete as Leo was, even in Leo's foggy form at the beginning of their contact. Don is more wispy and floaty, though Liam's glow is still there.  Whether the insubstantial connection is that he's more asleep than meditating or that he's simply not as good at this as Leo or that he's not healthy is entirely open to debate.

It's probably a combination of the three.

And Raph is greeted with another hug. Though, unlike Leo's that was intentional and sort of seeking comfort, this one is more like Don is trying to hold on to him while trapped in a river current.

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Post by Raphie Fri May 08, 2020 11:37 pm

" Donnie!"]/i] the cry is of delight and the red clad brother grabs a hold of his sort of wispy insubstantial brother with the usual fierceness. Nuzzling. [i]"Ya okay! man have you had me worried sic broooo! and congrats on becoming a daaad." the happiness of managing to do this -

again and catch his brother - and hold him! hahaha it was bear huge astral Raph style! " are you safe?"

drawing back a little and eyeing his brother, he looked... tired? sick? but it could be the unpracticed state of this that they were all in.

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Post by Donnie Sat May 09, 2020 4:27 am

As Raph catches and nuzzles him, Don becomes a little more substantial. A little more solid and present. He doesn't really respond to Raph's greeting other than to return the hug. 

He nods when Raph asks if he's safe. It's a little hesitant, just enough to sort of imply 'for now'. He's not quite solid when Raph backs up a bit to look at him, but enough that yes. Tired and sick becomes more obvious as he sort of figures out how to manage this connection. Though the 'sick' is more that he hasn't really eaten in a week and a a half, and he's working a little too hard to breathe. Relaxed, slow breaths, but... more work than it should be. And for a brother who knows him well, the weight he's lost since arriving here not that long ago would probably be alarming.

But Don isn't ready to sit back and talk. He's too grateful to see his brother. Well, sort of see him... And he leans forward again, into Raph. 

And he certainly hadn't tried, and he probably couldn't do it again if you asked him to, but as he hugs Raph again, the red-masked brother is bombarded by everything that's happened here, not unlike how Don saw Liam's memories. Though thankfully it's only since arriving in the Nexus.

How he found Liam, Leon. The battle with the squid, sooo much coughing he could hardly breathe. Finding Mikey, the battle to free the larger Donatello. Scrying for the others. The touch to Liam's mind, but not all that was there, just that slamming, overwhelming feeling of Liam's emotions. Knowing he's getting sick, the eels, blackness and the harsh jump accompanied by the healing jolt of Liam's blood. Finding out what Donatello traded so the Reinigen would help them, the wedding, raiding the library. The battle and escape from the fortress. And another harsh, black jump. The conversation about him still having trouble breathing, possibly asthma.

He's scared.

And Don just sort of rests against Raph, he hadn't intended that. "Sorry..." Actually, he's sort of grateful he doesn't have to explain now...

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Post by Raphie Sat May 09, 2020 2:27 pm

It was a lot!!!

And for a moment there was little Raphael could do but hang on. and try to process it all.

His brother was unwell, losing weight and still not quiet there yet. But as far as he could tell the turtles with his Donatello were doing their best to keep Don reasonably well. But failing at the moment. " Dooooon, maaaaan it's okay - don't apologise to me... and wow... it feels mean to say this but tell that big Donatello if he doesn't work out how to make you better I'ma... probably get my tail kicked trying to do something impulsive and ridiculous. Feels mean cause he's already gone above and beyond... wow married." it was all too much ! tooo much! he had to process and ramble and just hold the astral form of his brother, trusting to the massive Donatello was probably thinking way to help Don. As best he could in any case.

And encase Don was worried, " you are officially the coolest brother, jumping into Daddy like that bro - I... I have Liam's brother Randal and couldn't imagine leaving him. Lee helped us bond." that fondness in his tone again. It could be taken as per Lee or Randal.

He just hangs onto his brother, [i]" soooo is it... asthma?"[/]i not sure if his brother even knew the answer to that!

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Post by Donnie Sat May 09, 2020 4:59 pm

Don's not letting go of Raph. He's a little afraid that if he releases Raph from the hug that he'll lose the contact, and he's really desperate to talk to his brother for awhile. He does actually manage to speak.

"Please don't. He's been amazing. Definitely above and beyond. If... if anything happens, I'll guarantee there was absolutely nothing more he could have done." Absolutely guarantee it. No question. "Also... he popped eels. I could break their necks if I was careful, but he popped them." Basically, Raph's typical brute force method of fighting would not work on the larger counterparts.

"That thing... that I just did to you... I really didn't mean to, I don't even know how I--" He wanted to apologize again, but Raph had specifically told him not to, and he honors that wish. "Um... Anyway... Liam did that to me. I saw their lab, saw what the humans were doing to them, felt his fear his anger... his pain from being electrocuted for trying to protect his brothers. Raph... shit..." Don stops there. Clean bypassed his usual 'shell' that's normally his strongest expletive. Just... can't keep going through that explanation. "How could I not adopt him? How could I not do... anything I could to keep him away from that?"

He then looked up at Raph. There was something in Raph's tone. He certainly hasn't pegged it like Leo did almost right off the bat, but even Don has picked up on something. He just doesn't know what it is just yet.

And as for his breathing issues... "I... I don't know. Not for sure." Subtle Donnie-speak for 'probably'.

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Post by Raphie Sun May 10, 2020 11:11 pm

Raph's hug tightens, going full bear hug - though there was maybe some mock indignation, " meh I could take em... I think..." he is chuckling briefly though and nuzzling his brother again and nuzzling his Don again, it felt wonderful to contact his brothers, well two of three that is, he's not sure he could manage another round tonight to speak to Mike though he wanted to. Still two of three is not a bad ratio for a turtle running only on stubbornness. And he can't muster real indignation that Don thinks he couldn't kick big turtle tail, " well I have the big Donatello's BigM so that might work in my favor, and if he is the smallest brother I am definitely ready to believe he pops icky eels. And married - wow.... wonder what that is like?"

" that was incredible... what you did... though... I am still not making sense of all the ... memories? but I got most of it -" a bit of a choked sound, and a gruff voice as he fights an overflow of emotion. " I.... I'm sorry for Liam... but he has you now... and they won't go back... and if they do it wont be for long." he promises and churr churr nuzzling his brother trying to sooth him a bit, but also sooth himself, before he wept over the horror the kids must have suffered. " Shit is right bro... shiiiit. And your right after all that the little guy needed love and care. Couldn't have much better. Well aside me of course." that last bit in just light tease.

Don's not for sure but probably tone was not lost on Raph and he growls lightly snuggling his brother tighter, by now it had to be like being squished by a boa constrictor. " well if it is Dad and Leo will find ways to help." yep no damned doubt about that then looking thoughtful, "wonder if something like that would respond to Healing Hands? ummm the Leo with me, Lee, he can channel his chi and cause healing... maybe that could help?" wonderingly and churring. that tone there again but lost in his efforts to bolster his brothers confidence.

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Post by Donnie Mon May 11, 2020 4:59 am

Don is chuckling softly at Raph's insistence that he could take the big Donatello. And Raph knows how to fight without brute force, he just prefers it. Maybe he could. Still, Don doesn't want him to.

"So far...? I am pretty sure it's been running away from the reception that was attacked by lizards, carrying my unconscious shell who knows how far... again. And teaching his new wife how to do basic things like get dressed and brush her hair. Basically, how to function without her slave, who is still unconscious."

Oh... did that get negative quick... He sighs.

"That came out sort of wrong... Yua's nice, and is willing to learn so far. It's just... the society in which she was raised... It's not really her fault." He admitted. He is still upset about the slave thing though.

"He did it to save me, and... I feel like I'm letting him down." Don burrowed into the hug farther. Not that he could do anything about the problems he was still having.

He looks up as Raph says the kids will never go back. 

"Randal is with you, right? If he's as much like you as Liam is like Leo, he caught as much abuse as Liam did... Promise? Swear it? Even I-- Even if I can't... ?"

If you wanted to know where Don's head is, this is a big clue. There's a soft almost chuckle at the tease. And Raph's reassurance is helpful.

It's probably a good thing Don doesn't actually need to breathe here in the astral plane. Because he's pretty sure he couldn't if Raph hugged him like this in person! Here though? It's sort of what he needs.

He looked over at Raph's suggestion. That definitely sounded better than the stimulants in most bronchodilators, or mutagen. So maybe a hint of hope. 

"That sounds... really cool. I don't know... worth a try. Sounds like you're actually getting along with this other Leo. ...are you actually getting along with him?"

Because even though Don is pretty sure it sounds like they're getting along, it seems sort of a strange thing. Raph and Leo love each other, but man, they butt heads!

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Post by Raphie Mon May 11, 2020 10:56 pm

" Okay I no longer want to even try kicking his backside - or attempting to should something go wrong - definitely a Donnie,a turtle who will go above and beyond to keep his word, help out and be that awesome kinda guy. Like you and the underground city." Did he admire his brother? - yep! did he say it? - not as much as he should. And this is one of those times he should so he did. " And all the cool things ya build out of well scrap most the time." Okay he is laying it on thick but Don he sensed needed to hear he was appreciated and definitely needed. Nuzzle, Nuzzle and deeeeeep churr just enjoying his brainy brothers presence after missing him, and not feeling him there for a while and hearing from Leo it was because they just about lost him - with no way to try and help. That was the worst bit about that.

A growl at the slave thing. [color=#FF0000]" yeah Lee here has already established no keeping slaves among the oxen like peoples he's gathered as the first of our soon to be army. they had a collection of like rabbit types and or bird and beaver... rodent likes. Lee told em they didn't have to stay but that those that do are now to be paid as servants not slaves. And only by choice. Sad thing for your counterpart though, hasn't had a fun wedding night or a honey moon yet hah! -" trying to lighten the tone and yep he's seen it here, hadn't really though of what the Daimyo's world was like when there was no tournament. But he was both enjoying it and hating it. Some of the customs were cool. Others not so much. [i]" as long as she is willin that's what matters, was she cruel to her slave?"

He listens to Don's worry and growls out a churr, " Randal is with us, Lee used the healing hands on him early on he had needle tracks in his arms and burn marks - and now I know what they are from ... glad Lee helped him. And yes no matter what Don I wont let the little guy go without a fight. Never stop looking for him or his brothers if he gets pulled away." he promises. Never. Nope. And he'll destroy whoever had the boys.

" I won't make any promises but I'll ask and pretty sure Lee would be willing to give it a go if you are willing. And i'd like to explore every option ya know? I know you would too... or at least thisone compared to other options. Man you have got to eat more you have lost weight. Worrying a lot. Try to eat some fattenting sweets Don." And definitely not letting go, grinnign a little not sure if he should spill on Don all he was thinking about Lee right now, but a nod. " Oh getting along, at first... not so muchhe was all doting on the boy and giving me orders andI got rough like I do with our Leo - he barely scraped a win in a fight when he'd had enough - so yeah we now get along just fine. Even better I've bonded with the little guy too."

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Post by Donnie Tue May 12, 2020 10:12 am

Don sort of glanced up at Raph. Laying it on a little thick aren't you? But it's appreciated, and Don sighs. He hears his brother. They'd been worried. Don feels a bit bad about that. Another thing he hadn't intended.

There's a frown at the talk of the slaves becoming servants.

"Do they even really understand that they're allowed to leave? Bebe didn't... Uh... Yua's 'servant.' I asked what happened if they didn't want to serve anymore... the question didn't make sense." He sighed. "Heh... definitely a uh... non-traditional wedding night... And no, Yua herself isn't cruel. She cares, just... the society in which she was raised. It doesn't sound like the same could be said of all her siblings and their spouses though..." Don sighed again.

And Don relaxes a bit at Raph's promise to search for the kids, find them no matter what if they're ever separated. That's helpful. It at least let's Don relax and not worry about that.

"Thanks, Raph. Worth a try..." Assuming Don survives long enough to actually meet up with his brother and this other Leo. He hadn't really intended the thought, but he knows he's not doing well.

The noise Don made at Raph telling him to eat is somewhat derisive. "I spent about half the first week here unconscious, and most of the rest of that time either nauseous or actually vomiting." Okay... maybe a teeensy defensive. The apologetic sound is somewhere between a chuckle and a whimper. "Sorry... Anything too heavy... makes me sick..."

Don chuckled at Raph having to fight with Lee to reach an understanding. "Typical Raph. Can't respect anyone unless they can beat you up." No heat there. It's amusement. He's still not picking up on anything. Raph is going to have to be obvious for Don to get it!

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Post by Erica Martins Wed May 13, 2020 12:04 am

Erica woke to the shifting of a Randal - Lee wok though and put a finger to his lips, and seeing Raph was still meditating and guessing what he is up to Lee scoops the little boy up carefully laying the sleeping Chompy on his father's plastron before leaving to take miniRaphie to the loo.

And barely in time making it, before the little guy all but exploded - well all good. Pee and poo free now and once cleaned off. this includes tail and hands this time Lee cradles the going back to sleep toddler checking the column of marching and the night. it was growing early, that pale blue rimmed the sky indication the next day was upon them in about four hours. He smiles and slips back into the cart coverings and checks on Raph, his Raph and BigM... just in time for the larger turtle he was showing some symptoms of withdrawal, sweating and muttering. But as he wasn't awake yet and Raph wasn't Lee sat to guard them whilst Raphie was busy, reaching over to wake Erica.

The squeeze to her shoulder made one of her huge blue eyes blink open...

" I'm sorry... but are you rested enough? I thought an early breakfast, water and some flying would be best." After all he wants her to recon but not put herself at risk, and this was the perfect time of the day, the 'possum light' uncertain light between darkness and light where her bright pearl sheen wouldn't be seen to easily.

A stretch and yaaaawwwwwwn - smiling when she is alert enough to note the little boy in his arms. " I have Lee... and you?" a smile when he nods. Her belly rumbles. " You are right I should have something to eat - will they be okay?" to the still sleeping turtles.

" should be fine thanks... come on I'll help you get going then come back and watch these guys." gently bundling Randal into the bowl made in Raphie's crossed legs, kissing the little red cheek, Chompy's bald head, Raph's forehead and then Raphie's cheek too - hesitating before adding on to BibM's cheek but hey no leaving the big affection spooning turtle out yeah? heading out to the carts seating area with the damonfeuer to find her some food and prepare something of a breakfast for his strange collection of brothers, son, nephew and one possibly more.

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Post by Mike Wed May 13, 2020 2:05 am

Oh he can feel... is that Mike?... their Mike? but the touch is too weak yet to grasp at so he waits impatiently sniggering at Don's look, yeah he did lay that on thick. And he meant it! He shrugs at Don's question, " some did and left that night taking some well deserved payment in form of food and supplies, some warrants to be filled out if they make it to the capital. Others choose to stay on... they'd become attached to the calves and cows they were with. ... um Lee said sometimes small victories like that seem like a step back but their small half steps forward and small victories that will eventually wrought great change... Dude can't trash talk to save his shell but can sprout Splinter like wisdoms randomly. Well sounds like the princess is good that's all that matters." Amuuuuused and squishing Don in a squeeze thoroughly enjoying the feel of his brother relaxing.

He had no intention of letting Randal go long. Even. Or his brothers.

" Sorry man. Hopefully the others with you help you out til we are all face to face again. All ya can do now is try ya best man, to eat and drink, rest. And be a good patient." And a slightly dreamy siiigh, " yeeeeah typical... but like with Joy I've never been kicked like that before... it was greeeat.... ahem. oh hey look whose here?!"

A laugh and finally he could snatch at the other brothers energy!One 'arm' still about Don the other scooping that bubbly feeling Mike to them and squish him in the astral hug too!!And wow their little brothers energy feels good acoss the link!

" argh Raph! hehehen Raphie you'll pop me - oh Don!" - annnnd the complaining bubbly bright spectral turtle glomped at his not too well looking brother too! definitely a good thing Don needed to air here cause he was in a double bear turtle hug now!

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Post by Leo Wed May 13, 2020 5:59 am

Leo had been about to open his eyes, it seems people are starting to wake around him when he felt Mike join Raph and Don. He had allowed his brothers uninterrupted time, he hadn't wanted to interfere on their conversation. Actually, he was proud of them for contacting each other on their own. And now even Mike had joined in! Well... that he couldn't resist. Mike looked well. Don looked worse than the last contact... and here he had thought he could stop worrying about him as much... but he will have to get the story later.

He can't stay, but he adds his own strength and presence to the group bear hug. If only briefly. 

Then he's gone again.

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Post by Donnie Wed May 13, 2020 10:23 am

Don sort of nods at the information about the slaves, and half step forward thing. True... and he could sort of see some being attached, or afraid of finding another life. And chuckles slightly at the trash talk comment. Raph would notice something like that, though his tone is strange. Don doesn't think much of it. Barely registered.

"I'm trying, Raph. I really am."  And he was. He was even trying to be a good patient. And that is rare! Don is a terrible patient!

And the first true ping of something weird about Raph talking about Lee is the tone and comparing him to Joy. Huh? But Raph is given a reprieve from Don asking anything when Mikey joins them! And Don snakes an arm around him too.

He laughs softly at Mikey's complaint, and is definitely glad he doesn't have to breathe here, because he definitely couldn't! Especially when Leo joins them briefly, wrapping around all of them! Probably not actually possible in person, but apparently he could do it astrally. He said a brief greeting to Mikey and Leo. It was sort of sad their big brother couldn't stay, but the group hug, brief though it was, was wonderful. He missed his brothers terribly. And that brief moment had meant a lot. They were apart, but here, they were all together. At least for a moment.

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Post by Raph Wed May 13, 2020 4:59 pm

Raph curls up with Chompy, churring softly for a moment, making sure the little fire turtle didn't wake up fully. He's exhausted, and not waking up just yet. While BigM is starting to show signs of withdrawal, Raph isn't quite there yet. He hasn't quite gotten all the drug out of his system yet. It's sure to be coming, but for now, he sleeps quietly...

Well... as quietly as it's possible for a Raph to sleep. He's snoring.

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Post by Doragonkame Wed May 13, 2020 11:16 pm

Randal is bundled cutely in Raphie's lap for about ... five seconds then he flops all over the place limbs akimbo tail lazily laid out, on his shell and head back on one of Raphie's thighs he joins in the snoring.

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