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Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated. - Page 5 Empty Re: Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated.

Post by Lee Thu May 14, 2020 12:31 am

Oh that is adorable!

Both Randal all starfished like a typical Raph - and Chompy being snuggled like that! daaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww hooooow cute and well t phones were all but useless here but they had a camera - so that's what Lee is fishing for and soon clicking picks. Then tucking away his phone he checks them all again, for the moment reassured Raphie was fine, the kids were not yet waking up but wriggly. And Raph too. But BigM...

Leonardo had said they recover quick so maybe that meant the sedative will leave his system and the withdrawals be a little easier to manage - and any dependency he had on the drug wouldn't take long to go away.... hopefully...

He finds a water skin and cupping some in his hand lightly taps BigM's cheeks. " come on big guy, wakey wakey... have a drink... and some head ache relief." it was a potent pain reliver elixir these people made out of a weed they came across, usually used for major injuries but a little for BigM might curve the withdrawals he is seeing start up now, just the smallest amount to remove the shakes for now. Because well he had to draw out the bottle as much as he could for Raph and BigM.

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Post by BigM Thu May 14, 2020 1:53 am



" whaaa1-" his would be loud exclaimnation at the strange sudden cold shock to his cheeks makes him sit up and fart loudly, thankfully out the open cart flapping as promised but mostly cause it was facing that way - and becoming a quiet exhale of breath when Lee put his finger toBigM's mouth - gesturing then and the big shocked awake and now he knows why shivering turtle sees the kids, no Erica, sleeping Raph and Raphie? he looked asleep but was sitting up - the brain was no on yet BigM looks at Lee dully, and without arguing has the medicine stuff and some water, sipping slowly and as the medication started to work the shiveriness slowed then stopped and his sweats eased.He was gonna need a wash. Ewwww in fact he and Raph both would having to had lain about in their own and the animals they had been chained too filth. But for now he grins a bit feeling a bit better and awake.

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Post by Mike Thu May 14, 2020 2:07 am

It felt like a warm blanket when Leo joined them and even for that brief moment Leo filled Raph with that comfort, and Mike too! they would miss him the moment he was gone again but Raphie knew why and churring a bit in this now three way hug he explains, " don't feel cheated, Leo is worried for a cat lady he likes, she got bit by a snake person so he'd on antivenom duties.' just so none of the little brothers feel bad. And even more for Don with a nuzzle for him, " I know ya trying Don, just keep on okay? ya'll kick butt."

Mike churrs too - then it pauses and he draws back a little, " are you serious? Leo liiiiiikes someone... hehehe ... noooooow do we get to crack jokes about relaxing after getting ta-" that died with a familiar whiney ow as Raphie astrally smacks him upside the head. But he is laughing and nuzzling his sickly brother, " Dooooooon man wishing teleportation was one of my mutant powers just to be next to you right now man... and feed you some of my special cooking." Mike was adventurous in the kitchen but he'd began to surpass Splinter int he kitchen with healing filling rejuvenating soups and meals in times of wintery long days and colds and healing. And it looked like Don could use them now.

Raphie doesn't spill about that leaving it to Don to - but he does spill on Mike. " and speaking of getting tail I have a pretty lil damonfeuer with s here who eagerly awaits a yes from her mate genio innocou to say yes to making little genio innocuo?" hinting strongly and sternly and hahaha soooo dobbing Mike in hard. Also if Don didn't want to worry Mike more - sometimes as the older brothers they did that not give Mike all the details, let Don join this train of thought. Also diverting away from giving himself away completely about his current situation. Nah he'll let the rest be surprised by that.

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Post by Raph Thu May 14, 2020 9:37 am

At the sudden exclamation and fart, Raph sits bolt upright. He held Chompy close to his chest, as he did so. He blinked at Lee and BigM, though whether or not he actually saw what they were doing is open to debate. 

There doesn't seem to be an active threat though, and there's probably not much he could manage if there was.

He flops back over the way he was, Chompy still held close, and he's asleep once more.

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Post by Donnie Thu May 14, 2020 12:56 pm

Oh, it was sad when Leo left, but Raph sort of took back over, and the reason was a good one. 

"Addy? I met her when we did the scrying mirror thing a couple days ago. You guys should try to find one. Untrained users can piggyback on the contact. Liam and Duncan were able to see each other."

That had been pretty cool, and would be useful for other turtles who don't seem to have the mental training Don and his brothers do.

He sort of burrowed into his worried big brother. "Promise." Don will keep trying. He will be as good a patient as he can be.

He chuckled at Mikey's attempted joke. "She's at least taking care of him, she was cooling him off after his stupid alpha idiocy decided to sit in too hot water because his larger counterpart could." Definitely some eye rolling there. Raph would probably get the behavior, Don doesn't have that trait.

He then hugged Mike. And Mike was almost magic in the kitchen. Even when he made things that Don was pretty sure should be awful, and make them sicker, they always turned out well, and actually helped!

"Oh me too! I know it's not the same, but if it makes you feel any better, there's a smaller Mikey here with some crazy pockets, that seems to have a similar talent."

Then not quite staring at Mike, 

"Mikey, are you seeing Erica?"

Don still feels a bit bad about their last encounter. He sort of feels like he chased her away with her sardines...

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Post by Raphie Fri May 15, 2020 1:33 am

" neeeeeaaaaaaatooooooooooooohhhh will have to tell the two Don's with me, cause I will forget but their Don's they wont.' Mike beeaaaams.... wow he was sensing he was suddenly damp... but whatever it is should be fine -

Their still with them big brother grunts a little, " will have to make that a must have to Lee, surely the people we have rounded up so far can help us find one." he and his brothers were pretty good at this but something that was easy enough to us that little toddlers could also get in on it and join in the fun. " daaaaaaaaaw that must have been soooo very very cute.... eeeeeeeeeeeeee" then blinks and blushes, " ahem I didn't do that.' probably a bit late to deny the goo goo gaa gaa sounds.

" hahaha good luck with that man will remind you first time I see you face to face, heheh" And he grins when Don hugs him, oh he was an affectionate turtle and very openly so - this was an awesome moment, just holding and hugging the brothers... most of them. " how are the little guys? I have Malcolm with me, MikeyMikey and Donnie and DonnieBoy who looks as lean as you are looking bro and has all sorts of things in those pockets... I wants some - can't you build some at home Don?... I hope though his lean skinny butt is a statement of his own useless at recalling to feed himself and not a statement of bad nutritional knowledge of my counterpart. nuzzling his brothers, and worried but amused too. And yeah somewhat comforted Don had a Mikey there who shared his love of cooking. Huh he wondered what weird things his counterpart cooked.

" How are the toddles you guys have doing?" churr maybe chuckling a bit.

Mike waves a hand, " Malcolm is doing fiiine and happy for the moment though he doesn't sleep well when not bundled against one of us, and he looks like he is made of living gold. Literally gold. And has himself a frog pet haha - sooooo Erica wants one huh? of course I knew that she told me." chuckling and nodding at Don. " yep seeing -"

" seeing... boinking... hahaha really? ooooh maaaan I mean sure I get the competitive edge but not sure I would be willing to test out the turtle soup thing, glad Addy helped him, so I take it she's quiet a good person?... at least he said he has come around on the dad thing to the little guy with him, Duncan" curious and teasingly to Mike, " your fellow Mike, BigM we call him has been hitting on ya lil white critter. Lee has asked her to fly ahead for us." laughing at the OH look on Mike's face and squeezing Don a bit, glad he has a Mikey there too.

that was really all it took for Mike really, picking up on the tone and tilting his head a little, " yoooou say Lee the way you said Jooooy before... ooooh who is Leeee?" not making the other leap there Lee was an alternate name for a Leo. A squeeze around the Don, ' you have any give you some extra tlc bro?" cause Mike would have milked that! for all he could! haha though he knows Don is usually a worse patient that Leo or Raph... So probably not but still he was relieved to be here snuggling his brothers so a little teasing that way too.

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Post by Donnie Fri May 15, 2020 9:31 am

Don chuckled softly at Mike needing to tell the Don's he was with about the scrying mirrors because they wouldn't forget. Yeah... he played Mike's memory from time to time too...

There's another soft chuckle at the squeeing. He doesn't tease Raph though, at least not beyond the soft chuckle.

"Oh so cute. Poor Duncan didn't understand the image on the steam was just a picture at first. He figured it out though. Liam, Duncan and Elena played a little game after that. Elena is a Terror, a small dragon species usually enslaved to deliver mail. My counterpart adopted her though. She played with Liam a lot while I was unconscious."

There's sort of an annoyed huffed laugh when Mike asks how the kids are doing. "Great, when I'm awake enough to be with him. Evidently he doesn't want to leave me when I'm out..." Sure, Liam is a Leo. Don gets that. The annoyance is more at his own state than with Liam. He is more than a little worried that he's traumatizing the child. 

Don ignores the comment about his weight and skips to the pockets. "They're enchanted. I don't do magic." He leaves it at that. He's enjoying the time with his brothers, but he's sort of wearing out. Don's not entirely sure what that means here... 

"He seems to know his stuff, and my counterpart says he's convinced. Probably just not as good at dragging their Donnie away from his projects as you guys are." Sort of a tease... mostly. Don sort of loved them and hated them for that, actually.

He is leaning on his brothers more when they're talking girls. He's not as interested in the topic, and he's tired.

"She seemed it. I hope she's okay. If Leo's on it, probably though. Good to hear he's more accepting of being a dad. He smacked me." Definitely leaning on them now. He's listening and responding, but his eyes are closed. 

"Lee is the Leo of the Donnie with the pockets." Roundabout yes, but he's sure Mike will get it. Don sort of absently continues. "Sounded like that when he was telling me about Lee kicking his shell too." This is purely a statement. He probably should be getting what's going on by now, but he just hasn't made that jump yet.

Mike's last question gets a sort of vague shake of the head. He hasn't even really been on his feet long enough to meet anyone. Never mind that he's not particularly interested.

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Post by Mike Sat May 16, 2020 1:20 am

Mike shrugs at the head shake, and so does Raph, as far as they were concerned even if they wanted to continue teasing each other and probably would, the fact Don hadn't had a chance to really have any interest was of less important as he recovering. The orange clad brother grins, " I'm disappointed, thought my counterpart would be all snuggly and annoying like I am when a brother is sick." all in an affectionate manner of course and he is sniggering a bit as he suggests it. But seriously what was his counterpart doing?!

wait probably helping keep an eye on the kiddies... hehehe and more sniggering as Raph eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's - again... " okay going to dob you in for that one bro."

" can it Mike - and that's great - noticed Randal's really taken to having a little friend with him so its great Liam has one. He'll comeout of this adventure pretty good then." confident and trying to reassure Don squeezing him again and poking his tongue at the Mike.

" annnnnnd you - are trying to dodge the crushing on this other Leo... a Leo!" he crows - and laughs. and wonders how to share his energy with Don - Leos could do it and Don needed some! he felt worryingly ... dull. [i]" do you need us to let go Don?" right over the top of Raph's only half hearted indignant denial spluttering sounds.

Titghens his hold on his brothers even as he does splutter and squeak a bit. " we will find dese mirrors somewhere bro and be in touch contantly." half a warning that the stobborn brother would and would be.

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Post by Donnie Sat May 16, 2020 3:05 pm

Don chuckled softly at the snuggly and annoying comment. "I am told he subdues his snuggling when Liam is around, so he doesn't hurt him, and the others are sort of purposely keeping him busy." And since Liam is right at Don's side most of the time, well... less opportunity for a snuggly Mikey.

Oh, he's enjoying this time with his brothers. He does sort of wish he knew why he was so tired though. Is that normal in the astral plane? He looks over as Raph says Liam will be okay with a friend.

"I hope so, Raph."

And he looks up when Mikey says Raph is crushing on another Leo! What?! Don chuckles softly.

"That's... a little weird, Raph, but... good luck."

He then nods at both brothers, turning slightly wispy again, just like when he arrived. "I think so... I was asleep, not meditating... probably changing sleep cycles..." At least that's his theory... hopefully.

But he's reluctant to go, and he holds onto his brothers just a moment longer.

"Love you guys, see you soon." He doesn't say it, but his brothers had better find scrying mirrors! Though, he wants to do this again too sometime.

And Don slips from their hold. If they look for him once he's gone, he's okay. Just sleeping.

((Donatello2003 Returns to Araluen.))

Last edited by Donatello2003 on Mon May 18, 2020 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Doragonkame Sun May 17, 2020 12:34 am

Randal makes a little farting of his own -

Chompy joins in with a fiery sort of noise!

the kids were closer to being ready to wake!

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Post by Lee Sun May 17, 2020 1:55 am

A silent laugh, " shhhhh shhh - voices down, you can go back to sleep if you need to BigM, it is still very very early." Lee explains and his shhh shhhh was mostly for Raph, a briefly comforting hand on his brothers shoulder, a light squeeze and then rubbing little Chompy's shell.

He watches the pair of them rest a little longer and gestures for BigM to get back int here, try to rest now the shiveriness was subsiding and the sweats going away. He would have to request he be alert to a fresh body of water soon, something safe to bathe in for BigM and Raph and probably for the little ones too and Erica if she was back by then, she's whooooshed away not too long ago!

Well another things to just be patient about waiting for BigM to settle again, napping lightly he assumed this time not sleeping as deep. And watching his own Raph rest on. Raphie meanwhile was still away. When he was back Lee would encourage him to lay down and rest deeply too. Randal will a bit longer he knew. Not much but a bit.

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Post by Mike Sun May 17, 2020 2:22 am

: hah thats thoughtful of a fellow Mike... kinda proud -"

" hahaha you would be. And miss the part the Mikey needs to be distracted sometimes hahaha.' oh he is relishing this time with his younger brothers, just hanging on... but his stubborness was waning, his concentration too and by the looks of it Mike's and Don looked exhausted. He pshhhhes at Don's words and squeezed him, " of course Don, kiddos are resilient and if he's a mini Leo he'll be all over the being okay. And indeed a little friend or brother ... or two - is sometimes all that a kid needs in worrying moments."

" Ooooh for sure.... my little dude is much happier now he has a little frog pet slash friend to play with. Erica told me it's the safe kind... and speaking of her I can feel we won't last too long... so when you see her tell her Cowabunga for me Raph - please?" and puppy eyes with it nuzzling Don more cause he felt like he was leaving first, and wanting to give him energy, comfort... " hehehe yep thats Raph crushing face hehehe indeed good luck bro - hahaha Leo would get a kick out of that.... and we'll find a mirror Don."

: Figures all the romantic and sappy things you could be messaging to ya lady and it's that... fine - hahaha yeah Don will find a mirror a s a p and Leo did get a huge kick out of it... try not to tell any others gonna make it a surprise...." Missing Mike's sort of smirk at his agreement to say Cowabunga to Erica. And joining in the nuzzling as Don was fading. As he was loosing grip. " soon as we can bro... soon as we can... love ya knuckle heads." fondly. It'll drive him crazy all journey if he didn't have ways to contact his brtohers. Now he would do this more... and find that mirror for sure!

" Luv ya too... and luv ya too bros -" it was fading... faaaaading...

And he was


Back... and beginning to stir, hearing the beginnings of the soft cry of the boy in his lap and nawwwing a bit nuzzling him. Not at first noting what was making the boy squirm and complain.

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Post by Raph Sun May 17, 2020 9:54 am

Raph will never admit aloud that he responded positively to Lee's light shushing, and the rub on his shoulder. Will never admit aloud just how glad he is to have Lee here with him, and not separated from all his brothers. Though at the moment, he's incapable of thinking much beyond right here, right now.

He is just maybe, almost starting to show the very earliest signs of withdrawal. It will be few more hours before it really sets in though. A slight shiver just once in awhile. Almost barely noticeable.

It's almost automatic when Chompy farts, for Raph to shift, and make sure he doesn't get burned by the little guy. Even in sleep, this seems to happen. And well, all the other sleepers have, Raph adds his own gas to the mix.

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Post by Raphie Mon May 18, 2020 4:23 am

hahahaha Lee grins and chuckles - ooooh he miiight try teasing his brother a bit later about joining in the gassing the cart out - but also for the sort of snuggling...

nah not for the snuggling. He grins and rubs Raph's head, just as Raphie breaths in a different way and then opens his eyes. they are sort of watery so Lee decides not to draw attention to it or ask questions right now - Raphie was a huge teddy bear like Raph was a small fiery cracker one and but they were sentimental and cared for their brothers of course and Lee guessed something was fine, but not all the well and guessed it might still be the very sick brother that dropped out of the turtle connection a few times. So Lee just pats his shoulder and gestures for the big but not BigM big to lay down and rest some too.

A bit surprised and with a chuckle and blush at the brief nuzzle to a cheek then he is back to waiting and watching his brother rest and noting the shivering. if it got worse he would wake him for some pain relief too.

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Post by Raph Mon May 18, 2020 10:02 am

Raph would sleep for awhile yet, unless he is disturbed by the kids. It takes a couple more hours, but by the time he has to get to and answer nature's call, he's definitely starting to show signs of withdrawal. The sweating and shivering isn't terrible yet, but it's definitely there when he opens his eyes and starts to sit up.

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Post by Raphie Wed May 20, 2020 1:11 am

By now Raphie has built up to his chainsaw snore -

And as Lee, amused, tired but amused, is reaching out a hand to his brother to help him upright - and get an idea of how clammy he might be, noting the shivering and - chuckling at the two kids, both having finally noticed the noise and were shifting, waking...

And BigM was becoming restless too! but at least not a shivery sort of way. " hey Raph, if ya feel like crap don't worry I got a little something that might take the edge off as long as you drink and eat something." he greets, " and no Erica so if ya got to take a pee none of the buffalo people care if you go right over the edge of the cart." reaching to lightly scoop Chompy up to give him back once his dad was up and not so shakey again.

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Post by Raph Wed May 20, 2020 6:21 am

Raph heard Lee's words, and grunted at him. It's mostly an acknowledging grunt. He is clammy, but not too alarmingly so. Just enough that it's noticeable at this point. He feels sort of on the line between garbage and crap. There's sort of a 'yeah, yeah, whatever' nod. He will eat and drink anything you want him to if it means helping get rid of the sick feeling!

No promises about keeping it down, since he doesn't yet know what 'something' is, but he will make the attempt!

Raph considered getting out of the cart to pee for all of half a second then muttered, "cool," to Lee's comment that he could just pee out the side and did exactly that.

Once finished, and knowing the kids aren't in his path, Raph flopped back onto the floor of the cart. He will eat and drink, yes, but he's not going to go anywhere to get it!

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Post by Lee Thu May 21, 2020 12:47 am

A laugh and Lee resettles the now awake kids beside Raph once he is back and looking much relieved. " feeling a bit better?" he asks him he'd dragged the sack of food closer whilst Raph moved and rolled Raphie onto his shell to stop those chainsaw snores - and now the dude was bing spooned by BigM.

hahaha he snaps a picture and is pulling food out to give to Raph and the little ones starting with some fruit to awaken hunger and offering water and a little of the medicine stuff. " I... don't think I am going to be able to handle not do healing hands on you guys for too long you know - I don't like this shivering at all." and there peeled kiwi like fruit and he offers Chompy a chunk to much, Randal some slices and Raph the rest of the almost sweet potato sized fruit.

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Post by Raph Thu May 21, 2020 10:28 am

"A bit." Raph grunted. At least he didn't have to pee any more. That was something. Not much, but something.

He's shivering, but it's not bad as he accepts the fruit. Raph takes a bite of the fruit, and some of the medicine. He doesn't really respond other than to look at Leo and shrug before going back to his fiod Nd the water. At the moment he's uncomfortable, but not yet going to really complain.

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Post by Lee Thu May 21, 2020 12:01 pm

A grin at the shrug, " Not one of our better starts to an adventure huh?" joking! they'd had very few sudden transport adventures that started out well. He is watching, tired... he had barely slept since plotting the retaking of his brother, hadn't slept last night. And with BigM and Raph maybe facing constant withdrawals for a while Lee knew he would have to wait until Raphie had rested to do so himself. Or if Erica returned maybe ask her to keep watch whilst he got some shut eye.

Though that was hardly fair on her by then she would have flown who knew how long and that was no easy feat.

So the young leader resigns himself to waiting until Raphie is awake.

And enjoying Raph being awake for now and eating. He keeps the food choices light. Well more for Raph then the kids, he happily divides fatty portions of meat up for them, but the wild hare like game he'd caught and cooked he slices the leaner meat for Raph and stuffs it in flat bread offering it to his brother and keeping an eye on the boys as they dug into the food eagerly, Chompy crisping his bits a little, Randal going both hands in. A chuckle at the happy little faces. Another thing he'll have to do when Raph is resting again,either sleeping or watching him, is gather more wild game. The people they were with were herbivores.

" I thiiink Raphie was in touch with his brothers through the night, so he might have news for us from the others of our family and for BigM when he wakes. Last I heard our Mikey was doing fine, he's with a pair of Donatello's he's in a good position. I hadn't heard much about our Donnie though... but maybe this time?"

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Post by Raph Thu May 21, 2020 3:24 pm

"I don't recall any others that started with me spending a week drugged." Yeah, he caught the mostly joking tone. And yes, most of their inadvertent travel adventures got of to a somewhat rocky start...

He still considers this one to at least be in the top ten.

Geez, have there been that many... Probably...


"An' being drugged sucks." Just in case Leo wasn't sure about Raph's feelings on that matter. "Especially with whatever that-- He was about to say 'shit,' but he glanced at the kids and changed his mind. "stuff they gave us was."

He shuddered, and maaaaaybe moved slightly closer to Leo as he accepted the sandwich. Maybe he used brushed a hand on Chompy's back as an excuse to get a little closer still. Maybe scooted against Leo juuuust a little. Maybe.

The chuckle at the kids eating is sort of broken off, and the shivering switches to a full body shudder for just a moment. He can't really think of any particular reason... it just sort of did it on its own... Raph hadn't been particularly fond of whatever that was, but he's really mostly interested in staying right where he is.

"Stuck with two Donnie's huh? Sounds... like a whole lot of long words and longer exposition that no one understands. "boring." Though maybe they would at least find a way around most trouble they might run into.

"Maybe..." Both responses sound a bit gruff, but that's his 'shell' talking. He's actually really worried about them, knowing that they're not here. And does Mikey have a Raph or a Leo to watch his back? Donnie was a great many things, on top of everything going on in a battle. watching everyone else's backs was not one of them...

And then who's Donnie with? Obviously not with Mikey if they didn't have an update on him yet!

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Post by Lee Fri May 22, 2020 12:56 am

A light sniggering and he moves around, closer to Raph so they were more side by side and with BigM spooning Raphie and the poor turtle now squished they had room, so now they were shoulder to shoulder and he is nodding, " definitely not the usual bad luck we have getting started I agree. From what I have learned Raphie and his brothers had been here in this world as multiverse competitors and their Mikey actually won the tournament, they had problems with another competitor and the son of the ruler the Daimyo trying to stage a bid for power. And now the competitor is back and well they are not sure what happened but whatever drew them back here to help out, probably missed the mark or threw too wide a net and thats why we are also here." explaining and nuzzling lightly against Raph's shoulder in pretense of offering more sliced meat and bread this one with a preserve smearing to add a little flavor. The little boys watched them talk not understanding but Randal hands and cheeks full looks between them and Chompy is chewing his tail wagging watching them eagerly.

" hahah as far as I know Mikey is haapy either way. Not sure about Donnie but when I did have the conversation with the other Leos in the astral place I did feel him he was alive, not doing too well but alive. If we can find a scrying mirror we might be able to check in on Donnie. And well if ever there was a Mikey equipeped to deal with two Dons ours has a good grounding for it." He can't give the red glad brother certain answers or all the answers but goes with his best guesses. " I thiiiiink our Donnie is with Raphie's Mike... not sure if more."

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Post by Raph Fri May 22, 2020 9:13 am

Wait, pretty sure he heard that wrong. "Their Mikey... what kind of tournament? Clown?" Or is their Mike completely different...?

He eyes the second bit if bread and meat a moment before taking it with another shrug. He feels well enough to eat now, best do it while he can. He knows the withdrawal symptoms are just beginning. Who knows if he'll feel like eating later. Best to take the opportunity to do so while he can.

He nods, yeah, Mike was probably fine with it. "Okay... fair, but ya think they can handle him?"

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Post by Lee Sun May 24, 2020 1:48 am

Keeping an eye on the shivering and eating slowly himself as the boys dug in and Raph ate too Lee laughs softly, " nah an actual competitive tournament, Raphie here made it clear his brother won the first time around on a technicality only hahaha - though grudgingly says the forced and dangerous demanded rematch his brother won fair and square. And never shuts up about it." he finds that very funny.

He has to seriously consider Raph's next words and then laughs again and shakes his head. " I'm not sure how to answer that, the big brother in me wants to say indignantly of course two brainiacs can handle a single Mikey... then also the big brother in men does concede this is our Mikey and he is as Donnieboy would say trying to watch 100 tv channels at once." a bit of a shudder, that trip into Mikey's mind had been one heck of a weird experience. But also one of his favourits cause he'd got to pick up and hold their little brother in truly mini form.

And having come across the first proof that maybe they didn't have to be the end of their clan name and last of the mutant turtles, if hybrids ones....

" guess we'll find out from Raphie here how his brother Don is doing with our Mikey..."

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Post by Raph Sun May 24, 2020 10:31 am

"Hunh... Must be a really different Mikey..." Because Raph is having a hard time imagining a world where Mikey might actually win a competition like that! "Never shuts up sounds about right though..."

Raph nods, listening. He's paying attention, and for the most part agrees. Though he knows his own Donnie is pretty well equipped to deal with Mikey. Most of the time anyway. Sure a heck of a lot better equipped than Raph himself is. Not that Raph doesn't love Mikey. He does. Mikey is just... yeah... He can be a lot.

"Guess so." Raph is pretty much done eating. He's had quite a bit, and should be good for awhile. He's hoping the withdrawal isn't too bad... Maybe he'll be okay for a bit more later. Hopefully. So far it's not too bad, just shivers.

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Post by Raphie Mon May 25, 2020 12:11 am

Raphie manages to straighten out even though he is being boa constricted. Though still stuck on his belly at least he inst snoring like he had been!

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Post by Doragonkame Mon May 25, 2020 1:47 am

Lee nods with a deep chuckling rubbing the Raphie's bald head and poking the BigM a little more to loosen the thick muscular snake choke hold. " oh yes, I get the sense I would be in for a hard fight if I ever had to cross swords with Raphies Leo. I almost lost to Raphie here, he is as bad as you are about being led. And declared he'd not take orders from a pint sized Leo with babay blue eyes. Barely managed to scrap a win over him...." chuckling as Randal sees Raph is not finishing his food and reaches for it eagerly - he'd cleaned up his food!

Eagerly wriggling his fingers and mmmm ing happily - he got to rest back against the side of Dad Raphie, Dad Lee rubbed his little shell and held the water for him! the little guy drank greedily, then saw a Chompy making lickiy lips, Lee knew better then to give the little fire turtle alien cold water, he reaches for the hot water bottle once Randal was finished. Randals litle feet press against Raph and he grins up at him. Happy to see him up and his little friend.

Lee watching the shivers pouts a little, " want a little more of the medicine? I might have been a little stingy with it I want to use it sparingly... or maybe a little healing hands?"

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Post by Raph Mon May 25, 2020 5:35 am

Raph takes a moment to look his brother in the eyes. "Hunh... they are baby blue. Would you look at that." Other than that, he sort of nods through the rest of the story. Before a thought. "So... if Mikey won this tournament... where were the rest of them?" Really... How was their Leo kicked out? How did a Mike get past a Leo?

He chuckles slightly as the kids get their water, and he presses back against Randal's foot gently.  Then looks at Lee regarding the medicine or healing hands.

"Maybe a tiny bit." Of either of Lee's choosing. The shivering is annoying, but it's not really bothering him as much as it could be. And he will definitely be feeling this later. he wants the medicine and healing hands available when he really needs it! And he'd much prefer avoid both as long and as often as possible. He's pretty sure at the moment that he can still rest. When that's not possible anymore, he'll bug Lee again. But being sure he can rest is probably the best course of action at the moment.

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Post by Doragonkame Mon May 25, 2020 4:49 pm

A grin and chuckle, " and still not as devastatingly blue as Mikey's yeah? I'm sure how brother has been using them liberally." a bit of an eye roll, no matter who they were most didn't seem to be able to withstand those innocent looking eyes coupled with the freckles and that hopelessly wide if somewhat vacant Mikey smile. He is amused though and has to think back on what Raphie told him, " I recall he said his Leo had been unfairly removed from the competition by a poisonous dart, his opponent luckily, a different version of the samurai rabbit we once met, Usagi was around to make sure he got the correct antidote. But yeah might have been a different out come... maybe I know our Mikey is a capable warrior when he puts his body and mind on it so who knows?" he is patient with the little ones drinking and breaks the left overs up for them to finish, pretty pleased Randal scoffs a bit then offers a bit to Chompy, who carefully snaps it up making Randal giggle and kick his feet in delight.

" hmmmm alright I'll try a little more medicine then some healing hands." he decides and offers some to Raph watching and BigM stretches and possibly is about to wake. " we'll probably climb out of the cart mid day and stretch our legs a bit, Erica might be back by then and these two awake?" he relaxes beside Raph smiling at the kids.

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Post by Raph Mon May 25, 2020 8:46 pm

Raph looked at his brother again, searching. “Eh... maybe as blue, but ya don't got the pathetic face."

He listened to the story, sure, that sounded like a possibility. Leo out by a dart from the stands, treated by Usagi.

“Don't guess he told ya how he was knocked out?" Raph asked of his counterpart. Raph himself routinely took Mikey down and made him sing Raph's praises.

Raph watches the kids as Leo gives them a bit more and chuckles. He then nods at stretching legs later. Sounds good. At least at the moment.

“Wouldn't mind a bath later if we find some water.” just so that's out in the world. Raph knows he stinks of waste. His own and that of the creatures they'd been tied with.

He accepts the medicine and waits for Lee to do whatever he's going to do.

“What about you? When'd you last sleep?" Because even in this state he's in, Raph can tell his brother looked rough.

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Post by Lee Tue May 26, 2020 1:46 am

A chuckle, " thanks, yeah the goofy seems to add a heap of cute points for Mikey." a laugh and watching the little boys climb on the sleeping Raphie - who just wriggles a little and ignores flat out the little ones.

Brushing crumbs off them Lee nods and makes a phew sort of face and geture in front of his nose. " yeah one of the things I asked our eyes in the sky to keep an eye out for a body of water, though we have to be careful here and in the swamps there are predatory merfolk nymphs, snake and eel beings, and gators... but I trust the Erica will find us somewhere suitable and safe for the little ones and therefore us too. And you two might smell the worst but we haven't bathed for a while either so definitely need one and someone to scrub ours shells... and no not yet but now that you have pointed it out I will as Raphie about it... shouldn't get too defensive with me.' charming if short grin " Iiiii haven't slept for a while but I... can wait a bit longer." bit of a shrug down playing as much as possible and most likely failing to hide how tired he was... still he waits until Raph relaxes shifting into his kneeling position to begin his chanting. Begin the hand motions that would bring his chi on, building up the energy he was going to share and only when it was warm and soft as silk over his skin did he reach and laid a hand on Raph's chest and on BigM's.

Randal oooooohs and touches the forearm the glow spreading over him but his had a reddish warm glow.

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Post by Raph Tue May 26, 2020 5:25 am

Raph also chuckled at Lee's thanks, and at the kids crawling up on his counterpart. And it was sort of cool to see that the guy didn't care they were there either. Raph knew he wouldn't be bothered to awaken to that either.

He listens, nodding as Lee gives him the information about the water options, and the creatures that might live therein. And a sort of huffed laugh at Raphie not getting too defensive with Lee about how he had been knocked out of the tournament. "Depends how he was knocked out." Though, the guy seemed to have a serious thing for Lee, so maybe it wouldn't matter.

That was still weird to think about. Lee and pseudo-siblings, geez. More amusing than anything else though.

Raph accepted the medicine and relaxed as Lee did the Healing Hands. And he wasn't sure he was seeing what he thought he was when Randal got in on the action and glowed red.

"Whoa! Leo, you see that?"

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Post by Lee Wed May 27, 2020 3:57 am

" Yeaaaaah.... I'ma risk it... when he wakes and before I get some sleep myself.' Lee laughs and watches for a moment with a grin the little ones play, Raphie simply ignoring them, though Lee knew it any feel or tumbled he would be right there... and so would BigM by the way the large Mikey shifted closer.


Though foucse and attention had become stolen by Randal. ' ooooh maaaan, I see Raph... I see..."" in a wondering sort of voice watching the little turtle, feeling the warmth and strength he was wrapping Raph in with this touch of healing hands... and from Randal?

Yes the extra... zing to the warmth, turning it to heat, the red coloring to the chi inking into Lee's and then Raph's too! whoa! he felt the surge of... whatever it was from the boy - brief and small cause the kid broke contact after a moment in shock himself it seemed by the way he and Chompy sat on Raphie shell and whoooooa'ed as the red glow slowly faded, Lee was a bit breathelss, usually Healing Hands demanded and took energy. But he felt energised, like he'd had a strong black hot coffee. " oooh I feel... good..." okay tucking his tail between legs because good was having an effect there too!

" how ... ho how do you feel?" to Raph cause the red had gone over him too! had to be the boys half Dragon side...

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Post by Raph Wed May 27, 2020 9:51 am

Raph couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head at Lee deciding to risk asking Raphie how he was kicked out of the tournament. "I bet it's embarrassing." Because really, if a Raph told how his Leo was ousted by an illegal poison dart, but didn't say how he was ousted himself? It's gotta be embarrassing. He knows himself well enough to know that!

Usually Leo's chi healing thingie was warm, pleasant. This was... a jolt! But a good one, like getting the joint that's slightly out of place back where it belongs. Sure, the warmth was still there, but... whoa.

"Whoa... good... like... really good. Like... um... normal, but good?" Like he hadn't spent the last week drugged and laying in mud and feces. He didn't feel supercharged or anything, just... good! Maybe like he just woke up on his own from a nice nap.

"Shit-- ake mushrooms. Leo... what are these kids...? Because that was not normal! And a quick language correction for little ears.

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Post by Lee Wed May 27, 2020 3:06 pm

A laugh and definitely a bit of a naughty look, ooooh Lee will definitely get the story out of Raphie one way or another!

And he has to take a few moments, to just breath otherwise he'd have to excuse himself to the outside of the cart coverings and hide under a blanket or something and take care of stiffness.... breath.... see it it goes away.... cause his chi wasn't, usually by now as he broke contact his residual energy would fade, flowing back into him... but at the moment and vaguely pink still it lingered on him like a cloud of perfume. At least he had some answers. " what the kiddo and his brothers are, definitely deserves a what the button mushrooms for sure.... according to the Leos I spoke to, their part dragon..." reaching over and pulling the two little boys into his arms.

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Post by Raph Wed May 27, 2020 4:38 pm

Raph sort of stares at the naughty look for a moment. "If you give him the baby blues, or give up anything... I'm outta here." It's muttered. He's not serious. Mostly. Actually, he would probably find either of those scenarios amusing!

"Dragon? Leo, how can they be part-- He cut himself off. He should know better by now. And really, part dragon actually would sort of explain what he just saw. Still... What?! He switched his incredulity to another source.

I'm not even going to ask how you spoke to 'other Leos,' though  I'm going to assume you mean his and his." Raph semi-gestured toward the sleeping pair, cuddled up on the floor.

Leo seemed to be having something of a problem as a result of Randal's interference in the Healing Hands session. And Raph is trying not to laugh.

Sort of.

"So, uh... Leo... Having a little trouble there?"

Oh no, he's definitely laughing. Quietly, because turtles are trying to sleep. And really, it has to be difficult enough with the kids flopping about on them like that.

"I can wake up your 'mate.' He could probably help you with that. Or BigM..." If Raph had to guess, the dude was as picky as his own Mikey, and that was to say... wasn't. "Or... I can hitcha." Because really, these are the only two possible solutions to this problem that Raph can see. The second because hitting it is almost his default solution to any problem. Especially hitting Leo.

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Post by Doragonkame Wed May 27, 2020 8:26 pm

Randal finds this all amusing Chompy giggle squeaking with him, the pair bouncing about in Lee's hold for a moment then crawling over to Raph, Chompy to nuzzle at his dad's snout tail waggy waggy away. Randal to cuddle for a moment against the bigger turtles plastron.

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Post by BigM Thu May 28, 2020 12:02 am

BigM snorts. His eyes were half open, he is sort of... catching some of the talk... " stop all that wonderful glowing and just rub one out man..." yaaaaaaaaawn they were all dudes here. Sniff sniff... yep all dudes the scent of Erica was not as strong as before so she must have been gone a while - so he felt no shyness speaking a little crudely.

Usually at least for Splinter and April he and his brothers minded themselves. Not always.... but mostly.

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Post by Raph Thu May 28, 2020 4:48 am

"Spoil sport." Raph grumbled at BigM for having other suggested! Though it was likely effective.

Though it's hard to be upset about it with happy nuzzly kids in his lap! He lets it drop, and grabs both kids, snuggling them.

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Post by Lee Thu May 28, 2020 10:12 pm

" Raph here was suggestion maybe you or Raphie should give me a hand." Lee teases poking the larger turtles snout, sort of checking how awake he really was whilst visually searching for the shivers and sweats that had been an issure before, though seeing none he appreciates the loud boom of a laugh BigM makes.

" heeeeey I am game if you are - cause ya know if i'm giving you a hand out I expect likewise." the big guy keeps it relatively pg for little ears.

A laugh and Lee shakes his head. " annnnd make it smellier in here than it already is? nah it's okay I'll fight through it, but you are sweet for offering and i'll keep it in mind for another time... as long as my um mate don't mind." bit of a playing tease to Raph who'd used the word first. He is content for the moment watching both his brother and BigM that their immediate symptoms of withdrawals had passed or were on hold for now. that was something. And he still glowed and had to fight with every concentrated deeeeep breath to not relax and let all the goodies just hang out in the open.

Chuckling at the way both the little ones snuggle into Raph's hug, " definitely Raph kiddos, like teddy bears.' teasing his brother and reaching to rub Raphies shoulder cause he growled a bit in his sleep. Not at any of them more just probably disturbed by something in his sleep.

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Post by Raph Fri May 29, 2020 4:18 am

"Great, just what we need. Leo with another pseodo-sibling. Just need a Donnie now, and you have a full set." Definitely feeling better. "This ain't Pokemon bro. You don't gotta catch 'em all."

Teasing! ...mostly.

And BigM was definitely just as picky as Raph's own Mikey. That is to say... not. He chuckled and shook his head. Though the thought sort of makes him miss his brother.

The growl at Leo's teddy bear comment is mostly tease too. "Not a teddy bear!" Even if the kiddoes flopped about all over Raphie is totally adorable. "Aawwwwww..."

Was that out loud? Shit. "Shut up." Before anyone even says it!

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Post by Lee Sat May 30, 2020 3:16 pm

Ah banter, so Raph wasn't doing too bad then for now and Lee took heart from it, grinning and waggling his eyeridges, " ooooh but I dooooo gotta catch them all man, it's not a complete set without purple red and orange too." chuckling a bit and rubbing the Raphie's head a bit as the dude was shifting about a little.

to the BigM, " I take it you don't really have a preference regarding males and females/" more curious than anything and fixing some food for the larger turtle as he had his brother offerin gthe stuffed bread roll to him once done.

BigM's belly rumbles and well he grins straightening up a bit and takes it, " As long as their only psuedo siblings man, could be worse he could be hitting on you." teasing Raph back and then shrugging taking a huge bite and chewing before answering, " nah I am not particularly fussed and don't really care about what someones genitals or gender identity is, even less so if their mutant or human or alien or something else... my only preference really is no strings, for fun and I want very eager to join me." and -

" dawwwwwwwww their so cuuuuuuuuuuute."

Lee laughs, poking Raph's snout, " hah good luck bro I soooo heard that -" mostly teasing only, he'd bring it up in a pay out session if Raph brings up something embarrassing too but otherwise just keep it too himself. Though it was still funny! And definitely amused by BigM's response.

" what other sort of siblings has your brother collected?" giggled the big Mikey now another roll in his hands licking the juices from the meat that escaped and dribbled onto his hands.

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Post by Raph Sat May 30, 2020 3:46 pm

"There's something wrong with you." Mostly tease, because Raph can't imagine being so gung ho for pseudo siblings!

And BigM received a deadpanned response. "Mona would kick his tail into the next time zone." And Raph would enjoy the show! First of all, he enjoyed watching Leo get pounded by an ally, but also Mona... And watching her fight. Oh yeah. Almost as good as sparring with her himself.

He still lost most of the time, but hey, what followed, oh yeah, he was still a winner as far as he was concerned! Sure, they were careful, they didn't want any more little reptiles running around (yet!) But that didn't mean they couldn't enjoy each other! And oh, he misses her! Though he is definitely the mushy one of the pair...

Raph swatted at Lee's hand poking his snout! "What? They're cute. So what of it." Grunted!

But at least there was a distraction from BigM!

"Back home, he's got a threesome going on with our adopted sister Karai and her lover Shinigami. Don't ask me what they see in him, but it's definitely been going on." And okay, maybe he could see why someone might like Lee, but he's not going to admit to that!

And no, Raph has absolutely no interest in Karai or Shini. He is mooooore than happy with his amazing Mona.

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Post by Doragonkame Sat May 30, 2020 6:23 pm

" wroooong in all the right ways - and heck I am soooo not fighting Mona... I know better than to mess with the ladies." a bit of a smirk. Suuuuure he could probably hold is own all told, he'd manage to kick Raphie tail. But an angry Mona was still not someone to cross.

Like a vengeance fueled Karai or Shinigami if irked...

And Renet could send him to a horrible time zone...

And April had smacked him once with a newspaper. okay no scary was the way she scattered Donnie into a molecular smear and brought him back... yeah

he was not hitting on his actual brothers and risking any ire from the ladies.

A grunt from Raphie, " suuuuuper cute.... and its those blue eyes..." he offers.

BigM laughs and finishes his second roll looking for more, " yeeeah I could see that I guess. and well alpha turtles have a pull about them too if they know how to use it..."

Raphie still had eyes closed, " soooo will these ladies object to me/'

Lee was mostly grinning, maybe a bit of a egotistical grin at that, " they just knew i could satisfy both of them." he offers up to Raph as a reason. A bit of a snigger at Raphie, " ooooh I don't see them objecting to more turtle ... soup."

Most of this was of course over Randals head and in any case he and Chompy had a piece of meat in their jaws and were play tug oh waring over it - tails wagging madly as they do and tug tugging - it was beginning to rip so wouldn't last long.

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Post by Raph Sun May 31, 2020 8:35 am

Also, Raph doesn't want to be hit on by an actual brother, so... he'd be helping Mona take on Leo. Or at least be cheering her on!

Raph's eyes roooollllll at the talk of Leo with his pseudosiblings. "Sorry... I think my eyes just rolled down the trail. Gotta go get 'em."

Not that he's actually against it, mind. He's just going to be a turd about it because he can.

And he chuckles at the kids sort of battling it out over the piece of meat.

Yeah, Raph is feeling pretty good. He's sort of wondering how long it's going to last. Leo's healing hands was a pretty good technique, and it could definitely help soothe what ails you, but whatever Randal had done... it was like it amplified it!

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Post by Raphie Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:31 am

Raphie sloooowly sits up - making BigM protest... " uuuurgh crumbs all over me" not really a grumble but like his counterpart he is being a bit of a turd about it... though BigM just pokes his tongue out so not sure it had an effect.

Lee makes him a roll too and Raph accepts gratefully and not quiet as big mouthed as BigM he manages a third of the roll as opposed to half like the larger turtle. And he makes no pretense in his interest now eyeing Lee thoughtfully and with a grin, " sooooooooooooooooo being with you comes with the perk of young ladies too who might not be opposed to the idea of sharing their Leo a bit? haha thats awesome. And we have all got to bath sometime today... cause we reek."

Well no Raph and BigM reeeked buuuut well it wasn't like he and Lee smelled like fresh daisies either and having shared the space with them over the night they too had the smell. And he thinks over what Mike wanted him to say to Erica, amusing... and soooo Mike... he would check back in on his brothers - not tonight... he would need a proper sleep and it looked like Lee did. So maybe tomorrow night.

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Post by BigM Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:45 am

He sniffshimself - and phews out loud and goes a little greener than normal... but the second whiff he is better at handling the smell and grins, " hahaha soooo not hiding it no more huh... you liiiiiikie liiiike Lee?" chuckling and blinking when there is a odd throbbing sound outside, not knowing it was the sound of Erica's wings. Usually her scales made it so she could fly almost without sound but she was deliberately making her intent to land on the cart known as to not startle any of the genion innocuo within.

" annnnd whatchu talking bout Willis we don't smell too bad.' total lies they smell.

Sniggering and watching the little boys.

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Post by Lee Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:28 am

Hahahahah Lee laughed and gave Raph a bit of a shove, not too hard, and he was still glowy dang it! but a light one and was glad for the moment BigM and Raph seemed to be feeling pretty good. Reasonably well that is.

Raph a it better which had to be partly Randals doing, sniggering at the way the little play growling boys ripped the little bit of meat in halfs and tumbled backwards. Well Randal did - Chompy didn't and then he scurries to look for his friend the pair of them still waggy tailed and chewing their prize. "indeed bro you will need those pretty green eyes to watch how my ladies look at me and all" amused by his brother being a turd.

A laugh at Raphie and BigM, " I doooo.... sure you don't mind being part of my harem?" in a smart ass sort of way and throwing a bit of fruit at Raphie when he snorts and says it'll be his harem thanks!

the sounds caught Lee's attentions and he grins, " thats Erica, she may have spotted something... maybe a wash spot.' along with he hoped the intel he needed to proceed with his plan to have a army when he arrives at the capitol city. " come back in Erica, we are all awake and decent.' he calls out to her.

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Post by Erica Martins Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:47 am

Coming in to land slowly Erica first stretched out her wings and limbs for a few long moments with a giggle and slipping half way back into the carts covered space, smiling. " i seeeee, good morning... how are you two feeling?" to the two who had been captives. and with a soft grunt of delight as a happy Randal with a mouth full of meat bounces over to greet her, dawww he's so cute... a happy waggy tails also mouth full of meat Chompy scurries over to his Dad and greets her from there, she is pleased to see them too.

ooooh food! choosing a little crispy meat and chewing on that.

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Post by Raph Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:18 am

Raph is chuckling as his counterpart complains about the crumbs. Yeah, he could relate to that! And Mikey wasn't exactly the neatest of eaters. Apparently this one was no different in that regard. And the kids playing with their food is adorable.

Part of him is sort of wondering what happened that Raphie is being so blatant about liking Lee now. Definitely a bit of a switch. He doesn't comment on it though. Just gets himself some water. A slight shake of his head is somewhere between amusement and disbelief at Raphie and Lee flirting.

Slight gaping at BigM before realizing it was a joke. "Eau the poo, man, it's the latest cologne." is sort of grumbled, before he grabs another roll and puts it together.  Yeah... He and BigM in particular... are rank. And Erica's arrival does seem to bring at least hope of a bath later! Raph could go for that!

When Erica asks how they're feeling, his mouth is full and he sort of grunts a 'fine' and gives her a thumbs up before rubbing Chompy's head. Oh, it was so good to have the little guy back safe.

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