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Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated.

Erica Martins
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Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated. - Page 2 Empty Re: Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Mar 04, 2020 11:42 am

Raphie is all stares for a moment.

" that... explains... a .... lot..." then there is sniggers and he is holding out water skins to the two turtles. " guy is serious as a heart attack ... hoooowever I have noticed he is definitely treating this like a action series. Suddenly I am thoroughly thankful... and yet maybe a tad jealous my Leo doesn't have a favourite tv show, at least that we are aware of, dude plays things close to the plastron... could be good for him ya know?" so very very amused.

BigM bwhahahas and takes the water skin finally and sips at it, with a bluergh face. " Hah very very good for him... we got our Leo hooked on Game Of Thrones. He hasn't started yelling dracrys yet but who knows?... and maaaaan no orange crush? hahahahaa nice pipes little dude... "

Randal pops off the nipple with a mighty bletch and full he crawls over towards Raph milk moustache and all and eyes Chompy with definite curiosity, the little alien turtle gazes back, the two kids not entirely sure of each other... but there are definite tail wags for both of them.

Erica nods shifting climbing back up the tree a little so she can see the battle below and appraise the waiting turtles below of the action. " yeeet - my... uh mate is not sure if he wants to so will wait for him to decide." she responds honestly and maybe with a bit of a thrill she actually got to announce she had a mate. Though she wasn't sure she was ready to tell this Raphie it was the Mikey that looked like him.

Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated. - Page 2 Byssig10

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Post by Raph Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:31 pm

Raph accepts the water skin and takes a swig. "Eh, could be worse." Raph grunted of Leo's TV preferences. "Could be that Chris Bradford crap Mikey watches."

There's a nod at Leo treating this like an action series. Raph has absolutely no doubt of that having gone on, especially up to this point. "Leo's a dork." And there's sort of a generic grunt at the information about Raphie's Leo."No favorite TV show, huh? How do ya keep him from driving you crazy for five minutes?" Because really... that might actually be useful here. TV doesn't seem to exist...

There's a chuckle at Mikey's Leo being hooked on Game of Thrones. "Least that lasted more than one season!" Raph laughed. He had seen faaaarrrrr too many repeats of Leo's favorite episodes of Space Heroes. And it was so atrocious it had definitely not been picked up for a second season! At least not until that Next Generation thing...

And that one was worse.

Raph scratches Chompy's head as he starts interacting with the toddler. He picks up the little turtle and sets him on the ground. Not necessarily near Randall, but definitely close enough that the two could interact freely if they so chose. "Wanna go play?"

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Post by Doragonkame Thu Mar 05, 2020 3:28 am

" that he is a total dork.... but it has worked out so far, have ta be honest wid ya thought this crazy idea of his would be insane and naaah it would never work. But your Leo's like mine in that regard, he sets his mind to accomplishing something and he then goes and does it. And ... your Leo is not just stopping at these oxen like people he's determined to gather all the herd being of the valleys and put an end to the army apparently coming this way. I am kinda intriqued if he can pull it together." amused very very amused and bit of a quirk of eye ridge, " do I even want to know what Chris Bradford is?"

BigM laughs, " if its liiiike um Captain planet... then no." he chuckles and looks hopeful at Raphie, " so got some more grub? I am starving." then up at the dragon gal. " sooooo your yet you are hoping changes soooonish? hey if your mate doesn't want to I'd give it a whirl." flirty flirty waggling eye ridges at her. Of course he was more energetic and awake minded but in no condition to do anything like that yet.

Raphie booms a short laugh and shakes his head stuffing bit of meat into BigM's mouth. Though Erica was chuckling so he wasn't too worried that there was insult taken. To Raph he considers his answer, [color=#FF0000]" find a project to work on, liiike building or maintaining your own motorbike, I find Leo hovers less and nags and mother hens me less when he is either practicing a new kata, or sees us doing something constructive.

Randal beams at Raph and at Chompy... a happy sort of squeal and he croushes, tail up in the air and wagging... Chompy too stomping his feet... the two fake hissing and then pounce! and their giggling madly as they mock pounce at each other.

Raphie is watching their game closely. even if pretending not to and glancing back the fighting below was mostly done. He hands over meat to Raph too to eat.

Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated. - Page 2 Byssig10

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Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated. - Page 2 Empty Re: Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated.

Post by Raph Thu Mar 05, 2020 4:49 pm

"Typical Leo. Why have a team, when you can have a battalion?" Raph mutters of his brother's tendency to sort of over do things. Just like Captain Ryan's acting. He shrugs at the wondering if Leo can pull it together. He probably can. Leo's resourceful like that.

"Chris Bradford? Probably don't want to know. He's a martial artist who had this garbage action show back in the '90s or something. Well... He was until the Shredder mutated him inta Dogpound... Then again into an uglier, sharper, more skeletal dog we call Rahzar..."

He snorts softly at BigM propositioning the dragon lady. "Damn, man. She said she's gotta mate." If the other Raph hadn't already taken care of it, he'd have whapped the guy upside the head. But hey... it's a giant Mikey which is a little worrisome given his usual treatment of his smaller brother... and he didn't really want to choke the guy by smacking him when his counterpart force fed him.

Raph chuckles at Raphie's Leo leaving them alone if they're doing something constructive. "Constructive, huh? You really gotta get your Leo inta a TV show..."

Like Raphie, Raph is also watching the kids' game carefully, and he accepts the meat. "Thanks." He takes a bite, still watching the little guys, and chases it with some water.

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Post by BigM Thu Mar 05, 2020 7:51 pm

BigM grins a little, " thoought I'd put dibs in if her mate wont fullfill her needs." he teases back. All flirt still towards the small dragon girl, and he is definitely feeling more himself now - though in no way bodily ready for what his naughty words are.

Raphie chuckles and rolls his eyes, oy vie was Lee gonna have fun leading this load of crazies. [color=#FF0000]" I have to admit I admire the forth right ness of that -He shakes his head at the description of Chris Bradforde and icks a bit, " that sounds... sooo bad. hahaha yes thats essentially what your Lee was saying, something about we need the numbers.. and we are going to find them!" Mimicing the voice himself now thoroughly amuysed whilst doing so because yep he'd been treated to the Captain Leonardo for days now.

Funnily enough he doesn't know it's his own Leo and BigM's Leonardo that sparked the youths confidence and idea and his drive to prepare to fight. He watches the kids play - dropping his meat when in the midst of both of them resuming the pre pounce stance in which they giggle and laugh and wag their tails in the air and pounce and Randals shell clicks opening wide quiet suddenly surprising Chompy who retailiates with a fire fart.

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Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated. - Page 2 Empty Re: Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated.

Post by Raph Fri Mar 06, 2020 6:03 am

Raph grunts at the larger Mikey’s words. He doesn’t comment. He gets it. And his counterpart’s words...

“Definitely sounds like Leo.”

He was about to scoop up Chompy to keep him from burning Randal, but his eyes widen to near the size of dinner plates. That is definitely not a turtle thing.

“What the—  What is that kid?”

It tajes a moment. Is... he hallucinating again? He rubs his eyes. It’s still there...

”That... real or am I seeing shi- uh... things again?” Chompy couldn’t talk, but the other kid might be able to, he should prooobably watch his language...

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Post by Erica Martins Fri Mar 06, 2020 2:12 pm

Annnnd Erica is amused, thoroughly - wapping the larger Mikey with her tail across his knee, " I'll keep you in mind okay?" playing flirt and giggles and then an amazed sounded gasp her own wings opening - one day this little boy would have larger ones then her, and the scutes of his red shell would gleam along the edges like they were now - wow she can't wait to have a genio innocuo Halfling - suppose it would have wings like her... like this boy?!

Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated. - Page 2 Ee_s10
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated. - Page 2 Empty Re: Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated.

Post by Doragonkame Fri Mar 06, 2020 3:07 pm

The kids are having a blast, and the fire fart doesn't hurt Randal at all he is happily giving his usually hidden wings a few flaps - both their little tails wagging madly away so much backsides were going with it.

Raphie looks about hurriedly, no Lee was gathering the fulcra in the valley below and looked like he was about to make some speech - oy vie but probably the right thing to do as no doubt some of the fulcra were hurt and maybe even one or two even more so... He sure hoped not.

" ooooh hell to the yeaaaah I gotta make some of those." Enthuses BigM in delighted surprise.

Raphie is gently scooping the wanting to play toddler tohim and brushing his hands over the limbs - " your bother Lee did tell me my brother Leo and your brother Leonardo told him that these little guys are hybrid mutant turtles and dragons but wooow that I actually had not expected. Randal... Randal come on look at me.' irt was a effort in his gentle but gruff voice to get the little boy to want to stop playing with his new little friend - both of the small ones looking up at him finally. "ya gotta hide those wings Randal... come on - fold them back away..." and it is painful to request that of the toddler - Raphie is genuinely pleased, the wings are also very beautiful, and the toddler was already a startling red as ruby, like garnet...

Randal pouts - but he is listening, " wing awas Paaa?"

Raphie feels that familiar pleased and oh so good fuzzy feeling in his belly, " yeah Randy... I'm sorry... but you must - we can't have more of a price on our heads than we already dooo." and he is gently brushing fingers over the toddlers shell encouraging it to fold back in to click. To the bigger turtles as Chompy waits for his play mate to resume the play. " That's why you two were captured and Lee and I have been following since we learned of it and found yous - here in Nexus there used to be beings like us known as Genio Innocuo - turtles. Aparanetly according ta Nexus fairytales we are revered as healers, scholars... warriors who appear and come to help Nexus in it's darkest times so BigM you can literally have your pick of many Nexus females eager to have make an entire generation of new Genio Innocuo. Though if you do that and don't be a dad to any of them I swear I'll hunt you down... cause my Leo will. - in any case on the flip side we are also hunted by the bad guy Drakko - a bad drake trying to take over this whole ... like some nightmare dragon version of shredder. And he's put a bounty on our deaths or captures. And if it gets out these kids are half and half and or like Chompy can breath fire ... and not to mention Randal here looks like someone carved him out of a ruby the toddlers will be prized highly enough without their dragon half exposed. Also... apparently the kids have healing abilities in their blood." he explains and finally the shell clicks, its in one flawless piece again. He nuzzles the little head, letting go so the children could resume their play.

Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated. - Page 2 Byssig10

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Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated. - Page 2 Empty Re: Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated.

Post by Raph Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:28 pm

"Draaaagooons?" Hopefully they were at least good dragons that the kids came from... like this dragon girl seems to be. Raph is beginning to wonder what dimension these little guys are from. Where are their biological fathers?

He can't help sort of smiling sadly as the child has to put his wings away. And does as asked so willingly... Daaaawwwwww...

And that... is... waaayyyy too many words for how Raph is feeling right now.

"You suuuuuuure you're not a Donnie? You talk too much." He caught the gist of it though. Genio Innocuo: Special, hunted. Kids: More special, more hunted. Drakes: bad. And dead beat dad's will receive beatings. Raph would help.

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Post by Doragonkame Sat Mar 07, 2020 2:39 pm

Raphie grunts as BigM laughs and Erica giggles, probably because he is looking sheepish and embarrassed. "S'rry, been hangin wid this Leo of yours too too muuuch -" pointing to Raph, " for the record because of this genio innocuo thing Lee and I are sort of pretending to be a couple to keep the interested parties at bay okay? No snogging though just so you know. Though he did spoon me the other night - lucky he wakes fast ..."

Or he might have whapped the Lee.

And speaking of which he was coming back to them the Fulcre below heading to the Raiders camp. " Raphie caught all you guys up on the situation here?" he asks them all.

BigM is in the middle of giggles and sniggers but nods, " haaha yes indeed ... Especially the fact you and he are hubbies and you like being the big spoon -" cackling and grinning when the kids join in, Chompy squeaking and jumping on BigM's legs with Randal who is not sure what the big turtle finds funny...

But he likes the laugh!

Well BigM can't help the thought of a Leo and a Raph of any type pretending to be a couple... And he can already think of mischievous ways he can make this awkward!!!

For all Raphs and Leos -

Lee snorts, "I like to protect my sweety -" ducking a Raphie smack, " not a way to treat your hubby! Hah come on if you two wanna stretch your legs a bit let's go and see what we can find in the Raiders stuff and make use of it, we are going to need it. If not back up on the camel birds."

Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated. - Page 2 Byssig10

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Post by Raph Sat Mar 07, 2020 4:17 pm

Raph is laughing right along with BigM! Because what had his counterpart been thinking? Guy had to have been tripping balls when he decided that being Lee's hubby was a good idea!

"Sounds like he's your Leo now." HA! BWAHAHAHA! Oh... this was toooooo rich!

He snorts as BigM comments about Leo being the big spoon, and offers the large turtle a fist bump. HA! Good one."

Geez, a Leo and a Raph of any kind being together? The thought of it is absurd on its face! Absolutely bonkers. It is, however great for a laugh! And he can't help but smile at the kiddoes. They don't seem to have any idea what's going on, but damn, they're cute.

Raph fakes gagging at Lee's comment about protecting his sweetie.

"Yeah, yeah, we're fine." He moves to collect Chompy then get up.

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Post by Erica Martins Sat Mar 07, 2020 5:49 pm

Raphie makes sure to subtle give the laughing turtles the middle finger by 'straightening the side of his bandana under his right eye, " For now yeah he's mine, ya can have him back at the end of this crazy adventure... not sure I can handle two intense crazy Leos." A laugh though right along with the two this time and slight bump of shoulders as he stands and is watching them stand up too -

BigM is still grinning amusedly. " oooooh please say you'll keep the charcade up a bit when we get back to all the brothers - I sooo want to see their faces at this pronouncement." naughty grinning and even if the two said nuuu huuuh he was soooo going to find a way to get it done anyways! And he is climbing slowly to his feet but all in all feels... better... " A walk will be great-"

Lee mocks a pout in the middle of thoroughly nuzzling the little Randal after Chompy is back with his dad. ' is that any way to talk about your husband and my interdimensional brother in law?" playing up act a bit but entirely smirking whilst doing it. " For that... dear... I think yoooou should bring the camelbirds along..." he chuckles and is watching wainting until the two are ready before leading off, chuckling at the most obvious middle finger he got for those comments but Raphie was collecting the two beasts to bring with them.

Erica grins she is not sure what is sooo dang funny about this but she is enjoying the laughter.

Chompy happy squeaks nestling into in that space of shell shoulder and neck croock he loved too whilst Randal finds himself on Lee's shoulders and beams around - he loved it up here!! hanging onto bandana tails his little red tail wiggle wagging.

Raphie drags the two massive critters around and follows them back towards the spoils of a victory, ' I guess we could wig out our brothers collectively a bit when we all find each other yeah BigM would be fun." especially throwing his own Leo for a loop hahaha.

Nexus, Mundubbera Valleys. Partially swamp forrested valleys sparsely populated. - Page 2 Ee_s10
Erica Martins
Erica Martins

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Post by Raph Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:03 am

"Hey, Man. You're the one who said 'I do' to a Leo. Not me." Raph laughed as his counterpart complained about having two Leos. Part of him wonders if his counterpart doesn't secretly like the idea of two Leos. No... EW! WRONG!

His counterpart goes to get the camelbirds and Raph takes a moment to nuzzle and rub Chompy's head. Oh, he's so glad the little guy is safe. And he even has a new little friend in that adorable, little, red tot!

As they start down toward what's left of the camp, he asks. smirk fully visible on his face.

"Soooo, you two snogged yet?"

He is taking the hill a little slower than he usually would and is taking a little more care with making sure of where he's putting his foot. Things are still a little on the fuzzy, hazy side, but it's much better than it was earlier. And this is definitely the clearest he's felt pretty much since his arrival in the Nexus.

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Post by Raphie Sun Mar 08, 2020 3:32 pm

" What can I say little guy is certianly hard to say no too ... and hah having another Leo about would certainly irk my Leo a fair bit - and I dooo enjoy annoying Leo." it was his way of showing his big brother he loved the shell off his back. By just getting under his skin.

"Even cuddled? where others will see and go awwwwwwwwwwwwww?" Oh sooo helpful the BigM is in the back.

Ahead of them and little boy on his shoulders Lee laughs and makes a face over his shoulder, " well Raphie here is shy and not a huge faaaan of the public displays of affection. Ain't that right hubby?" Thoroughly joining in the teasing even if he was being teased too.

" ooooh but I can get over that reaaaal quick, just give ouuuur precious gem of a kid to one of these jokers and come give me a hug -' Tone all play but there was the distinct Raph growl under there that he was gonna have to get a little rough housing done or lose his temper with all this good natured ribbing.

The fulcra lowered their heads when the turtles approached, Lee moved forward to touch his head to the tops of theirs calling back to the group, " This is a friendly welcoming gesture, these people, the fulcra are mostly docile peoples, the head female will see us soonish." He explains. Meeting other warriors head to head.

BigM caused a bit of  stir - as much as the addition of Chompy, because one was so very adorable and baby cenio innocuo were a welcomed sight to these people considering most though the species was gone for good, and BigM because he was huge. Erica was sort of watched with trepidation. Less so then usual because she was small for her sort.

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Post by Raph Sun Mar 08, 2020 4:52 pm

Raph laughed at Leo being hard to say no to. "I do it all the time!" And... he does! Occasionally when he probably shouldn't.

And oh, so helpfully, Raph offers to take the kid from his brother! "I think your hubby wants a cuddle, bro."

And friendly people or not... there are too many and there's too much interest in Chompy! Raph vibe is definitely 'don't touch my kid.' And he doesn't seem particularly interested in meeting any of the heads like his brother is. Nope. Even though they did just help him and BigM escape, Raph will not be touching these creatures, thanks.

He does sort of follow the group through the throng of creatures though.

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Post by Doragonkame Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:01 pm

" Hah you have developed an immunity to the capt ryan and ridiculously adorable goofy smile." yeeeep this Lee has unleashed that a few times!

He ignores BigM's chuckling and " hah! good one!" moving closer to Raph waiting for the kid to be handed over.

Lee looks back, " these people will not hurt Chompy Raph, or Randal... please if you can at least show a little reciporatory head touches to a few, it'd show your thankful for the help to get out." losing some of the play and adding a lot of warning and prodding in his tone, after all he needs to make sure to keep the waairors he found happy and welcoming. But he is slipping the eager happy little guy grom his shoulders and holding him out to Raph.

Randal get a little shy but holds out his arms, as Lee informs him in gentle tones and encouraging nuzzles that he should give Uncle Raph a hug. Boy doesn't yet know what Uncle means but he smiles sweetly anyways and waits. and once over offers snout up for nuzzles. and to take in this new turtles scent.

BigM hesitates lowering his bald head to meet a few thick horned headed Fulcre, but does so - huhRaphie was right hard to say no to the small Leo.

Lee meanwhiles finds himself caught up in a Raphie hug, " sooo making you pay for this ruse sometime ya know that right?" the red clad turtle warns.

" wouldn't be the turtle I love if you didn't." maybe somewhat refering rto his own Raph and the bigger one with them with a snigger and poking the turtles sides to stop him squeezing him too much.

A eager younger ox boy scampers towards them with Raph and BigM's weapons.

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Post by Raph Mon Mar 09, 2020 4:08 pm

Raph is eyeing his counterpart's use of 'adorable' to describe Leo. "This whole 'hubby' thing soundin' less and less like an act. Leo is not 'adorable.'" So yes... He does have an immunity to his brother's 'adorable smile.' And definitely an immunity to the Captain Ryan nonsense! He's far more apt to roll his eyes at the 'Great Captain Ryan' tone than he is to actually do what Leo wants!

Speaking of... he does not touch heads with the ox creatures.

He does accept Randal and ease up a bit on the glaring.

And their weapons! Heck yeah!

He readjusts Randal to accept the weapons! "Awesoooommmmee!"

And... okay, okay, fine! He will touch heads with that one. Though... it might have been a little closer to a headbutt than really intended...

Because this one returned his weapons, and that's almost as good as having Chompy back!


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Post by Lee Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:19 pm

young ox dude yays and his ropey tail whips back and forth a bit is delight, cause well to him the head butt was a good thing, he had none of the wide sweeping horns of his elders but he had small growing ones, and the thick plated part in the middle where the horns grew out from.

Randal is still eyeing Raph sort of shyly and nuzzles curiously at his chin churr churr taking in an almost similar scent to Raph but not quiet.

Raphie avoids that sort of look with his counterpart, figuring his excuse had been brought and releasing Lee as they approach the largest of the fulcre, trying his best as always to NOT look at her full udder, she wasn't the only female among the group but she was the largest with the widest horns and literally that's how these people choose a matriarch. Along with age. She moos in that weird language they had and lowers her head to bump with his and Lee's switching to their language. " we did it... we got back your fellow genio innocuo... they are free."

" yeeees but that was just one battle we have much more to do..." the head cow nods agrreing. " though not tonight my brothers need to rest and recover, have good hot food and plenty to drink... You guys keep what will be useful to yous and we'll sort the rest to be shared among others we find..." a glance towards Erica - she would come in very helpful... first to see if she will consent to help them track down other herd living peoples. Maybe some villages. He was going to turn up at the capitol with a army.

BigM nudges Raph smiling at the boy as he goes shy again and hides his face in Raph's neck, and Chompy happy squeaks, " this iiiiis trippy... a Raph and a Leo.... but um am I getting a feeling from those two this ruse... could be more... and am I picking it up from your brother or him/" he is whispering as the Lee is chatting to the big cow - wow she was awesome! and Raphie is standing beside him and offering head touches to the others around them. Erica was close to them. She obviously liked the kids.


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Post by Raph Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:24 am

HA! Okay... maybe he could get into this greeting everyone with a headbutt thing! He headbutts another little one because... well, he can!

He cuddles the kid, and continues to eye his counterpart. He really doesn’t care about udder lady. Though... yeah, he looked ling enough to understand the sort of shocking impressiveness if it. But mostly he’s staring at his counterpart.

And... he miiiigbt be making faces at Leo’s speech, but they’re directed at Randal, so he figures he can get away with it.

He scoots a bit closer as BigM speaks. And his response is quiet, intended only for the larger turtle.

“So glad I ain’t the only one thinking that.”

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Post by Doragonkame Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:10 am

BigM sniggers - even more so with a grin when Raphies must have heard something and looks over his shoulder at them both and frowns suspiciously but he is following the Lee off to help pick themselves a cart to hitch the birdcamels too, would come in handy and these cart things would help offering a place to put the kid or any of them if their injured or sleeping off sedation hangover...

Michelangelo grins and meets a few heads himself, less head butty though... because he was bigger and didn't want to accidentally knock someone out! He nods at Raphie, " Iiii am picking up crush vibes, not sure which one though." continuing the whisper in delight hah when this came out to his Raph and Leo oy the tease material he was going to have haahahaaa!

Randal is watching Raph, slowly becoming less shy of the big mikey and a hand moving to rub Chompy's little head making the smaller turtle alien chirp in delight. " Raaaapff ooo? oooou Raff toooo? MaEo's Raaaafffie?" curiously and not sure why it made BigM giggle.

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Post by Raph Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:46 am

When Raphie looks over his shoulder at them, Raph gives him a grin. It miiiight have a slight shit-eating quality to it, ooorrr it might just be him enjoying snuggling little Randal. Abd he us definitely making a show of snuggling the tot.

Actually, it’s a little of both, but he’s hoping to pass it off as baby snuggles grin. He gives his counterpart a little wave of ‘we’re good, nothing to see here’, which miiiight have been a bit much.

Once both Lee and Raphie are occupied, he responds to BigM.

“He called Leo’s smile ‘adorable.’ But I can’t swear it’s one-sided... despite Lee’s two girls thing back home.” And ooooh yes, this is amusing!

He then turns to little Randal.

“That’s right, Little Guy. I’m... Uncle Raph, I guess...” Since the kid just called Leo Ma...? Geez, his brother is a weirdo.

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Post by Doragonkame Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:30 pm

Randal blinks big eyes red and bright and thinks this over, smiling shyly, "" ann nnnd oooou liiiiiiike meeee? he wonders beaming a bit when Chompy chirps and leans closer nuzzling against Raph and the little boys hand.

He misses the BigM's totally chibbi eyes at him and the little alien.

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Post by Raphie Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:01 am

BigM's eye ridges both shot upwards - threatening to pull his bandana up wards with them! " two ladies?... like girlfirneds? not like casual or paid partners... as in girlfriends?" alright he was impressed. and curious.

Bumping heads lightly with more and thanking the shy sort of creatures, admiring the many boobs on the head cow, but trying to not leer or be pervy about it rubbing the little turtles heads and naaawwwwwwwwing a squuuuuuue cause they were sooo danged cute!

Of course he'd always been certain he and his brothers would make beautiful cute babies... now he knew for sure - even with dragons! wooooooooooow!

" thiiink your Lee or Raph will spill first if we pester them about this?" he laughs thoroughly amused, and dropping his voice as Raphie comes closer.

Heading their way and having had let Lee go to help the fulcre pick through the remains of the camp.

Raphie was unawares of his compaions mutterings, smiles at Randal and Chompy and the two bigger turtles, " come on Lee says our birds have been hitched up and thats our wagon so we should go get comfortable in it. And Erica - if your in no hurry to be anywhere we'd like to talk to you about something." to the pretty white dragon girl who was amused about something but mostly quiet and watching them, in fact she seemed to be doing her best to keep low to the ground and less noticable behind BigM and Raph

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Post by Raph Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:06 am


“Of course I like you, Little Guy! You are awesome! And red just so happens to be my favorite color.” He grins and nuzzles the child. “And I think Chompy likes you too, and he only likes cool people.”

He looks over at BigM. “Eh... pretty sure they were together already, and sorta took him in.” He makes a bit of a face.

“Also... pretty sure he’s more into Karai than Shini, and... Karai is sort of our adopted sister, so...” Leo’s a weirdo technically banging his sister. Really... it’s kind of better if he’s into a guy. Though... that it’s a Raph is also wrong on similar levels...

Raph finds a couple more Oxen creatures to headbutt! Because he can.

Last one might have been a little hard though... ow...

“Ooohhh... Toss up. Leo’s pretty open about that sort of thing, but RaphieBoy called him adorable.” Normally he would say Leo in a heartbeat! Buuuut...

“Ah... yes... Leo wants everyone comfortable.” Snide, yes. Buuut, he puts on a fake innocent look and snuggles the kids! He coouuuld be saying it to them.

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Post by Doragonkame Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:36 pm

His little worried look vanished and he yaaaaaaays so very happily! arms up and all! tail wig wagging. Making a chirp sound that Chompy reacts to with a series of his happy mode squeakings his tail going crazy too!

" dawwwww my heart maaaaaan that is sooo cute - sooooo cute!!" BigM is still chuckling over Raph's answers but hey it's funny to him, he guesses it is a little bit almost iiiick being it is two interdimensional brothers of sorts but still...

He grins - and it makes Raphie give him a sort of sus look, even more so coupled with that innocently put snide remark. And sniggers at it. Not really making it better but ah well. " I am feel pretty good all told man but hey if the Lee wants us to rest up I guess there is a reason for it." because it's a Leo, smaller and cuter more innocent looking than a Leo had a right to look but a Leo still. " to be fair though he has a point about you guys, yous do look kinda cute." he teases, but in that yeah I can kinda see it way.

" young, small and cute... not as young as Randal here - but young." Raphie caught the snide but is more amused than anything and now catches a chance to tease back a little. Not really, just a bit. Sort of maybe referencing height but not really. And ushering the two towards the open cart and it's buckled up complaining animals. " yeeeaaaah by now I'd be complaining and making things difficult for Leo but there is that point usually a good idea to listen to a Leo.... mostly." Hinting maybe he'd not made it easy for this Lee either even if he was crushing.

Randal has no idea what their chatting about - he does squeak a happy Da at Raphie but is content to be snuggled here and nuzzling Raph and Chompy both happily.

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Post by Raph Sat Mar 14, 2020 3:10 pm

Raph is a sucker for kids! He knows it. He's pretty sure his whole family knows it, and BigM Has probably figured it out by now too. But Raph meeellllllts as Randal squeaks and wiggles so happily. He nuzzles the child and churrs for him.

"I mean, anyone'd have to be crazy to not like you. You are one awesome Little Guy!"

And he's sort of chuckling himself along with BigM. Yeah, it's a little iiiiick. But hey, it's not like they're actual siblings, or even adopted siblings like Karai is.

When BigM sort of calls Raph and Leo cute, Raph gives him a wry look. What is that supposed to mean! Though... he's pretty sure he knows. They probably are little and cute compared to what this Mike is used to... Raph's not quite sure how he feels about that. Just have to show BigM that he's not cute! ...somehow... There's a grunt when Raphie adds to it.

And he tosses a look toward BigM as they're ushered toward the cart. Is the big guy buying this? It suuuure sounds like Raphie is trying a liiiiitttle too hard to say he's making things difficult for Leo while also not currently being difficult in the slightest.

But he does allow himself to be ushered, continuing to nuzzle Randal and Chompy.

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Post by Doragonkame Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:28 am

Annnnd Randal is still just over the moon he is liked! he relishes being nuzzled and churred for - giggling at Chompy's special sounding one and returning his own a bit louder with a happy, " Unel Raff - MaLeo - I has unel Raff! DaRaffie and ... And he is not sure what he is supposed to call Big M, looking at him from Raph's shoulder cutely then as the nuzzles came again he whispers to Chompy and Raph.

" was me call 'I'm?"

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Post by Erica Martins Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:29 am

Erica was quiet, admiring the little red and alien turtles, giggling at the attention hey were getting from the smaller red clad turtle she was intrigued with what Lee would want to talk to her about, and looking forward to it, but she also just wanted to hang with the kids! and share the letters! climbing up and into the cart, it was one of those cloth topped ones with oiled canvas.

Plenty of cushions and padding.

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Post by Lee Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:54 am

He is getting there! but also making sure that they had plenty to share with other herds hopefully as enticement to join them in this fight but if not at least give them a hand or guide towards Araluen.

He glances over at the cart grinning a bit seeing Raphie over there and well partly because Randall call out he laughs and waves back, " that's right Randal Uncle Raph - and Uncle BigMikey!" no way he was going to attempt the big names right now the kid was only beginning to really come out of his shell so to speak and talk more, express more and attempt more words. As well as potty much better than he'd started with.


Randal squirms in joy and having got the reaction from 'Ma' he wanted he is content to nuzzle and cuddle.

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Post by Raph Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:21 pm

Raph laughs as Randal is confused as to what to call BigM! HA! Kid is adorable! Uncle BigMikey. Well, that's cute, and definitely works. Raph had sort of questioned anyway. Though it did seem that they were all posing as family, so it did sort of make sense to call BigM Uncle as well. Even if he is an interdimensional brother, rather than a direct brother to either of the original pair whose 'cover' seemed to have become something more than that.

And about that, Leo seriously needs to find someone that's not related to him... Like, at all.

Raph followed the dragon girl up into the cart. Once there, he gives the kids the option to either continue to snuggle with him, or crawl around and play.

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Post by Raphie Tue Mar 17, 2020 9:31 pm

Raphael follows up into the cart and mmmmms " allllright about time we gets to ride in style! been chasing you guys and this mob on foot for days now!" He notes Erica moves away to the other side and sort of sits half out - probably to giove them room with her wings and all and he is glad, a grin at the kids.

and his fellow passengers, " This is a definite step up! hah - so um did you guys ever have much time between sedations to hear anything?" he wonders curiously, he doesn't expect so because for most the part the two had been kept doooown and sedated. But maybe a stray word or something?

Worth a shot.

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Post by NexusNoobs Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:06 pm

Fulcre milled about packing away things that were not needed right now checking other carts and animals, Lee among them at least attempting to make sure there was a fair share for now - reassuring there was be reassessment of the loot as they gathered more and found more people, took out more bandits and roving groups of rogue fighters for either side of the conflict.

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Post by BigM Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:01 am

" mostly about what kind of price we might fetch, pretty sure might have been touched on the tail a few times but couldn't be certain of that." maybe he had touched himself and was just dreaming the rest?

And he wasn't going to elaborate further on that because, ya know widdle kids about! eeeeeee " not how I though I was going to be an uncle was pretty sure Leonardo would be the first among us to make kids - Raphael a close second cause they compete in everything." he chuckles lounging back, he had no problems like most Mikey's everywhere seeing these guys as family - of sorts, especially with two of their number getting closer.

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Post by Raph Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:26 am

Raph rubbed Chompy’s head, even if he’s off to play, Raph’s not quite ready to let the little guy go.

“I remember nightmares... and drooling. That’s pretty much it.” Raph grunted. He would prefer not go into said nightmares, thank you very much. He is pretty well traumatized by Ozzy Manilow and the roaches.

“Pretty sure they were giving me his doses half the time.” He’s probably lucky to be alive...

Raph chuckled at BigM. “Compete with Leo? Surely you jest?” All sarcasm. “But I got a kid before my Leo. He’s adopted, but he’s cuuuuute! And he’s mine!” And Chompy is treated to some shell scratches.

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Post by Doragonkame Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:42 pm

Randal is not sure what he wants to do first!

At first he thinks over the new words mouthing them slowly to himself and pointing at his uncle's memorising their names. And when Raph scratches the happily wiggling and grinning waggy tailed little aliens shell he laughs and joins in. Then chirps and moves over to Raphie yawning again and holding out his arms eagerly tail wiggling now too.

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Post by Erica Martins Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:56 am

She doesn't have to understand the history to find BigMs words amusing and chuckling softly watching the little turtles and keeping her wings out to leave room.

Though she does curl her tail in to playfully wiggle the end for Chompy. Amused and helping Randal climb over her to Raphie.

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Post by Lee Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:06 pm

" Well that all sucks, and I was worried about that too - I kinda got the impression from his Leonardo that they can handle extreme amounts of sedation." Lee is back among them and maybe moving closer to his brother and Chompy - because heck he'd missed and worried for them. So much- he still had Mikey and Donnieboy to fret about in this wide world but he had Raph back and his nephew! he is happy about that! Also here he is beside Raphie too.

A chuckle as Randal makes his way to Raphie and scooping the boy up gently to help him along into Raphie's arms. Smiling at the pair of them for a moment before looking about the cart. And feeling the weight of the toddler being lifted and their loud churrs.

" I met with two other Leonardo's in meditation and will again as soon as I feel I can to let the big one know we have you BigM. And check in with our other brothers Raph, on last contact I was told Mikey was doing well didn't hear much about DonnieBoy buuuut he was more.... present than last time I tried to reach him when the other Leo's made contact. The entire camp will move slowly....' he feels about his pockets. " towards the capitol Araluan and we'll be trying to rendezvous with other turtles. I hope to have a decent fighting force with us when we get there, we don't know what will be waiting but we might need them. And they deserve a chance to fight for their world and leader too.' He is drawing out and laying flat a map he has to show the others.

" Erica... you have something from the other turtles for us? annnnnd will you linger a little bit before flying off to help me locate the other villages and herds that live in this regions of valleys?"

Erica nods and giggling at the little alien turtle who had playfully jump on the wriggling end of her tail then his dad is giving him shell scratchies and he is simply lapping up the attention! She begins pulling off the leather pouch.

BigM grin at Raph, " mostly jest - it can be funny sometimes... downright scary at other moments - hahaha yeah Lee Raph got a kid first nan nan nah" playfully teasing and chuckling when Lee over dramtisizes flipping him off discreetly.

Raphie sniggers rolling his eyes a bit, but not telling Lee he pretty much told the turtles that already. Still he is distracted by the kid. AsErica holds out the pouch to Raph or BigM sort of way.

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Post by Raph Fri Mar 20, 2020 2:09 pm

Raph nodded. Yup. It did suck. Nope, he's not interested in talking about the nightmares. He's glad Leo didn't bother asking about it. There is a grunt at the extreme amount of sedation. Yeah. He noticed.

He does have two hands, and did oblige the child by giving him a shell rub too, that is until he toddled over to Raphie. He picked up Chompy at that point and settled the little alien on his shoulder.

Raph is paying enough attention to Leo's rambling to get that Mikey's fine, and Donnie's doing better than before... whatever that meant. He didn't really have any point of comparison for that. It sounded good though, and he will take it as such. His brothers are at least alive. Meet up with other turtles, got it.

After that... he sort of tuned out. He doesn't really care and instead paid attention to Chompy.

He chuckled at BigM though. "I wouldn't know a thing about that." Oooohhhhh... yes he does!

And he curiously accepts the pouch from Erica, opening it and pulling out some of the contents.

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Post by Doragonkame Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:28 am

Though Lee wanted to ask and under the cover of leaning closer to see what was being unrolled noting at once this map had small lists off where turtles in the Nexus were and the other piece had writings on it, their Mikey's words there, and he immediately sees the space heroes reference and chuckles whispering to his brother, " Sorry you had nightmares bro, if ya wanna chat sometime...' and offer under the cover of this not drawing more attention though he doubted even as their companions missed it.

" looks like we are the last turtles to add to this." Raphie mutters joining them with a very happy from shell scratching Randal chewing on his bandana tail. He had shifted and moved closer to have a look perhaps he will ask his counterpart his process about dealing with horrible nightmares sometime and they'll go do a bit of that... even sneak away from camp if need be. Go break something or get into a fight...

BigM laughs a bit at Raph's words, " intimately I am sure." tease, and he can read over shoulder. letting the curious and very happy waggy tailed little alien touch snouts with him.

Erica nods, ' I had to stay with your Mike Raphie in the desert to help him find the other turtles before coming this way - then it took a while to find yous. After this I will try getting back the group with your two massive brothers next BigM." she'll do the rounds, and looked forward to returning to Mike. though a glance at Lee, " after I help you guys of course." a grin.

BigM grins, " swear Raphael weighs as much as three baby elephants.' okay maybe two and a half.

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Post by Raph Sat Mar 21, 2020 1:57 pm

Raph grunted at Leo's offer as he continued unrolling notes. No... no he would not like to talk about it. Thank you very much.

"What're these numbers?" Raph taps on the signatures on one of the notes. He might have caught on if he were on top of his game, but... if he's honest, he's not. Now that the adrenaline is wearing off, the residual from the drugs are starting to hit him again.

He chuckles at BigM's teasing. Yeah... he does understand intimately.

And "Daaaaaaammmmnnnn..." That's a big turtle. And he's not entirely sure if the guy is exaggerating or not. He sort of suspects he is, buuuuuttt...

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Post by Doragonkame Sun Mar 22, 2020 1:08 am

Even Raphie glanced over at that, away fromt he papers and leaning past Lee plastron scraping against the guys shell and the pair offering a bit of a grunt at the close contact, Randal using the moment as an excuse to nuzzle at Le's cheek - and reach past to pat Chompy's shell then Raph's shoulder. " soooo hoooow big is your Raphael really? I mean... your quiet big yourself." to BigM curiously and not realising he and Lee shifted a little to make themselves more comfortable closer together and also pointing to his own Leo's handwriting. " I've heard the Nexus folks call my brothers and I, turtles of third earth so that's my brothers notation there... guess you guys must be of twelve earth and BigM's fortheenth? and the eighties guys mut be another set -"

Lee smiles resting back against the Raphie behind him and humming. " And these are the boys names. Thanks Erica. I mean I knew fromt he other Leo's how many sets of turtles are here but it's also comforting to see it in writing so to speak.... Mmmm guess better add something to it." he mumbles and begins to think of something but watching BigM's face interested in his answer.

" I may have exaggerated.... but as of what I know he weighs about three hundred and forty and standing six foot five. He's a big turtle... we once had a crazy hunter come to new your and become obsessed with taking Raphael's shell as a trophy because it is the biggest."

Raphie whistles a bit - that was a huge turtle. If only he knew Raph and Lee knew one that was even bigger. Which he missed the smirk on Lee's face. but raised an eye ridge at the " should tell them about Slash and Chompy's mother." though leaving it to his brother because of his relationships with those turtles. But also a silent promise not to push about the nightmares but there for his brother all the same.

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Post by Raph Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:55 am

There's a sort of raised brow, 'really, you're doing this now?' look toward Raphie and Leo as they get a little cozy with each other. And maybe the sliiiiightest hint of a smirk. He also shoots a glance to BigM. Uuuhhhh huuuhhhh. JUUUUUUST a ruse. Yup. Sure thing.

He sort of nods at the information about the numbers. That makes sense, he supposes. But they seem a little random.

"So... why no... Seventh Earth or whatever?" Not that he really expects there's an answer, but... he'll ask anyway.

Raph sort of shrugs at the descriptions. They're still pretty big for Raph and his brothers, but...

"Slash was my pet turtle and best friend until he mutated... Kinda violent at first, but he's an ally now. And Chompy's mother makes Gamera look puny."

He then turned to Chompy.

"Yes, she does, doesn't she. Your mama's huuuuge, and someday you will be too, won't you, little guy?"

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Post by Erica Martins Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:02 am

Erica offers a helpful, " I saw that Raphael at a distance... and he was quiet cranky so I didn't get closer - and I told this Leo... that he was as big as a mountain troll."

She has no idea what a Gamera is... and looks at Raph with interest, " liiike actual dragon biiig?" sooo curious and wondering why then was Chompy sooo small?... then again maybe like some dragons could be long life and so taking ages to grow.

To Lee, not even blinking at the snuggling... or sort of between him and Raphie. Most of Nexus beings didn't care much about partners being both male or female or whatever in between or bothsies they might be. Some species got testy about interspecies but that too was not a big issue to most. " when did you want me to do some searching?' The sooner she helped as much as she wanted to just hang out, the sooner she could make the rounds and get back to Mike.

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Post by Raphie Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:11 am

Raph sees the smirk and ...

smirks back and maaaybe shifting a little maks plastron scrape shell and enjoyed the way the smaller Leo squirmed and whatever he'd a been about to say died away. Raph shrugging a little, " Maybe its just chosen randomly by the writers, well all but my Leo, we have been called turtle of third earth when here previously. That sounds nerdy." pointy at Mikey12's writing and missing Lee's pout.

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Post by Raph Tue Mar 24, 2020 2:25 pm

Raph is sort of blinking at Erica's question regarding an actual dragon. He... doesn't really know what that means. How big is an actual dragon? And is she not a dragon? He's sort of confused.

"Uh... how big is an 'actual' dragon? Ain't you a dragon...?"

And sort of and sort of a nod at his counterpart's explanation.

"Ya'll know you're like... interdimensional brothers, right?" He asks, noting the continued cuddling. Not that he's really going to try and stop them. Just making sure.

Oh, this is so wrong. And... rather hilarious.

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Post by Doragonkame Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:25 am

Randal and Chompy had been listening - but now mostly playing a version of pick a boo around Lee as the big folk talked.

A version because the two keep ducking and peeking out randomly and giggling madly at that.

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Post by Lee Wed Mar 25, 2020 2:28 pm

Erica flicks her tail tip a little smiling as Randal catches it and he and Chomy poke at it - even the playful nip from the alien baby didn't hurt. She merely flicks him and the red boy again. A bit of a shake of her head. " I am a damonfeuer... there are also drakes like Draco and real dragons. The sizes varying on if male or female. Lots of female dragons, biiiig house... ship... sized - one or two males... much biiigger." not sure what to compare them to.

Lee grins, and nods, " interdimensional yep." agreeably but, well he dated and slept with his slightly older half adopted sister sooo... And her lover.

BigM sniggers, " I am looking forward to you two explaining this... ruuuuuse to the other Leo's and Raphs." hahahaha and tries to picture how big actual dragons are. A bit surprised Erica confesses she is not one. Sure looks like it.

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Post by Raph Thu Mar 26, 2020 1:47 pm

Even if the playful nip didn't hurt, Raph is quick to put the kibosh on it.

"Whoa there, Turbo. We don't bite, remember?" He picked up Chompy, putting a stop to the little game he had been playing. "You gotta be nice to the dragon lady. She's helping us." Once assured that Chompy had at least heard him, Raph set the little guy back down to play. Even if Chompy hadn't understood a thing. He's not really sure how much Chompy does and doesn't understand. Not that it really matters. He loves the little guy.

He then looks over at Erica's explanation. "Uh... sure... Real dragon size sounds big enough..." He actually hadn't understood most of her explanation. But... sure... whatever. Big.

And he's chuckling at BigM's comment about the 'ruse.' He turns to his counterpart. "Your brother as open about his partners as mine?"

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Post by Lee Thu Mar 26, 2020 5:03 pm

Chompy is not sure and makes a twittering sort of chirpy sound as he thinks on it. Randal pays attention too and tilts his head a bit. "noooo bities?" wonderingly cuddling the white tail end too him.

Lee grins a little and rubs both boys small head in gentle affection, " that's right no bities it's bad and could hurt someone a lot." an important lesson to learn now - because it could hurt someone a lot when as big as they were.

A bit of a laugh as Erica looked pleased she had communicated her comparisons well - though even to Lee she hadn't still now was not the time to go there and he gives Raph a thumbs up whilst the damonfeuer is playing again with the boys. She really did enjoy it.

A laugh and raise of brow ridge at Raphie at that question.

Raphie chew his lip thinking about it. " Not really. I mean we knew when he had an admiration and feelings for our version of Karai and maybe ribbed him hard a bit and made sure he was reminded never to trust her too much. But it was never overt no and now... I doubt he'd easily show if he has feelings for someone. Mikey on the other hand yes and Don... not entirely sure what his deal is, girls, guys, robots? sock puppets... haven't a clue. Yours? aside this guy -' pokes Lee and misses Erica's grin about Mike. " this guy I knooooow is quiet upfront about it."

Lee chuckles but leaves it to Raph to answer about Donnieboy and Mikey. Of course he was open about it - the times he wasn't it turned out disasterous. He'd learned hard and wont ever go back.

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Post by Raph Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:44 am

Raph is sort of smiling as Lee explains the no biting rules to Randal. Kid is cuuuute!

And Lee's thumbs up is tempting. He considers bugging Erica for more information about the size of the dragons! Solely because Lee approved of his dropping the subject. Really no other reason, but it would have taken energy he doesn't really have at the moment, so he lets it go.

"Karai your sister too?" Yeah, raise that eyeridge all you want. Raph will just double down. Do aallllllll Leo's want to get it on with siblings, or is Raph just lucky like that?

"Yeah, Mikey's not particular... Renet... Casey.... heck, if a tentacled alien was willing to play, he'd probably go for it. And Donnie's got April... finally. Not sure what she was thinking."

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