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The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Adalind Schade
Lilo and Stitch
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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leonardo Tue May 12, 2020 12:28 am

Only when they were achieved in the cove did he order the freed crew back into the brig and checked on Lilo and Raph one last time before settling himself for a rest near the Brigg to keep an eye on them.


Raphael joined Leo and Addy. Though encouraging the poor guy to sleep for a bit with his cat and kit, truly sleep he could get her medicine in for a couple of hours at least.

The storm raged hard the rest of that evening and night and Raphael shared the duties in the cabin with Leo. Trusting Leonardo had the crew, Lilo and Raph under his watch.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Leo20110

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Tue May 12, 2020 12:32 am

Lilo wasn't aware of being moved. Though she knew she was still warm and Raph was with her. She woke in the wee early hours, stretching realising she and Raph were on a bundle of spare sail parts and under some oiled cloth. She grins and nuzzles her drunkard hoping his hang over wasn't going to be too severe. And in no rush to truely wake him just enjoying the quiet.

There was wind and a rain but the storm had gone and.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Tue May 12, 2020 4:45 am

Leo resisted Raphael taking over the medicine for awhile, but he was tired. He did need to sleep, really sleep for awhile. Not just the half dozing, half meditating he's been doing, though he can go a long way on that. He didn't allow that to continue terribly long though, and after a couple hours, insisted the giant turtle get some rest too.

For the most part though, he rested, and allowed Duncan and Addy to do so as well as the storm raged around them.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue May 12, 2020 4:52 am

Raph didn't notice being moved either. Not really. Woke up just enough to say hi to Big Blue. He won't remember doing that though.

The drippy cloth, working on the eggs in his lap had meant he had been practically bathing in the ariki. Though Lilo's water bath, and the length of time they had been in there had definitely helped.

Oh, it's warm here. He wakes up slowly. Ah, Lilo... That's a nice way to wake up...

The headache is less welcome... Not as bad as it could be, but not exactly pleasant either. Raph groans softly and squinches his eyes back shut.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Tue May 12, 2020 9:52 pm

" shhhhhhh it's.... early..." Lilo whispers hearing the groooan and she snuggles closer humming her happy sort of hum and moving her fingers along his shoulders to the back of his neck and shoulders underneath his carapace lip and to nape of his neck to lightly press her strong climbing and swining fingers with their fost but calloused pads into his muscles. A massage.

Slowly, hoping to help ease what she was sure was going to be a headache at the very least.

Her tail brushes up backs of thighs and tail just a brush. " How are you? need to pee?.... puke?" that's what happened sometimes right? well as far as she knew. And all in whispers happy to stay warm and snuggled under here with him.


Leonardo to all intents and purposes looked fast asleep. He sat in lotus position and breathed deep. But anytime on of the caged crew tried anything that wasn't asleep the big turtle's eyes would open, there would be a growl and a pair of swords. It helped that Leonardo stank of a mix of sexins and blood from the battle. Kovu had bathed, he had yet to. And that he was now entirely naked. Well naked for a mutant turtle that is. He wasn't exposed.


Raphael reluctantly but gratefully let Leo take back the reigns of watching his little family, and when the wee hours rolled around he had in sleep retracted into his shell. So was just a hulking shell that snored. Loudly.

Kovu though didn't wake. Exhausted from the day of travel, the scavenging and fighting and rather rigorous shagging in the crows nest she was just an extra bit of warmth in the bed for Addy, Duncan and Leo.

Duncan though became aware of the thunderous snores and at first it rather frightened the little turtle... and he eeeeeps mid yawn and stretch as he wakes, and oooooh he wonders what kinda monster could make that sound?! -

Another of those sounds and duncan makes a scared sound rolling away from Addy where he'd been snugging for the last hour or so and back to Leo hiding his face int he crook of Leo's shoulder and neck and trembling.

the movement startled Addy - ooohs he was tired... but Kovu was not the only source of heat anymore... she blinks and... whoa it still felt a little like she was boozed up but at least she was more concious... and very concious of the little fellow wriggling about, shivering? and whimpering a little - annnd ohhh his feet were pushing against her in a way that reminds her painfully of natures calls.... all in the belly region... ooooh her soft irregular purr becomes a pained meow but it is barely a breath sound. Oh my who was snoring/ she wonders ear flicking that way.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Wed May 13, 2020 6:11 am

Leo had hated to leave his brothers so quickly, but he chuckles as Duncan huddles against him. He nuzzles the child and churrs reassuringly.

"Yeah, I don't blame you. I think Raph's snoring is pretty monstrous too."

Mostly tease. Maybe a little truth to it though. Because... well... that's an impressive snore. Though considering how much bigger this Raphael is than his own... Leo shouldn't be surprised.

And Addy felt warmer! Like, actually warm as she should be! Wasn't that the sign to stop the medicine?

"Good morning, how are you feeling?"

He is gentle, and strokes her cheek again. Oh so happy she's feeling warm! Though he's not sure if she's fully warm or not. A mammal's temperature is difficult for him to judge...

The Cove, Iluka Islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Wed May 13, 2020 6:46 am

The groan turned into a soft hum as Lilo started massaging his shoulders and neck. Oh... that was much better.

"Need ta pee, don't wanna move..."

Not only did his head hurt more when she shifted about, but Lilo's massage feels amazing, and he never wants it to end.

"Was... was I drunk last night?"

Raph hasn't been drunk before, but he definitely feels like he was drunk... or at least he feels like movie hangovers look...

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Wed May 13, 2020 10:48 pm

Oooooh even trebling and hiding his face Duncan's little tail could not help but go waglly, wiggly crazy little churrs and he peeks an eye at first toLeo's nuzzles, loosening his grips on the bigger turtles plastron, fingers flexing and tail briefly pausing in the waggies when the next snore rumbles. But their back again, " daaaats Raffal?!" in squeaky amazement - not some big scary monster?! okay unconsciously he's heard the snoring before but never really noted it. Much scarier when he does notice!

But DadLeo says its the big turtle... she he shifts pressing his feet unintentionally more into the soft bald belly of Addy to peak over Leo's shoulder where he had been hiding to watch. At first not making sense of where Raphael is until his keen eyes poke into the dim light of the room and make out the massive shell the size of a coffee table. Maybe two of them- he watches and indeed everytime there is that big scary sound... the shell rises a bit... he huhs and then giggles the fear melting. " hehehe monser Raffal." hehehe and now he notices Addy is... somewhat awake and makes a happy noise turning to watch her and Leo his already waggly lil tail going to full powered window wiper speed.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Byssig10

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Thu May 14, 2020 12:11 am

Her searching tail moves away from him and out from under the sail cloth over them searching the higgidly piggdly items realising who ever moved them had at least bundled everything so it wouldn't go rattling about and or crashing over them in the chance of bad weather and sailing. " theeeerrrre maybe a copper longneck pot for that or another material one... wood... brass.... among my people usually used by expectant mothers nearing the end and unable to travel far or in the throws of labor and used by males sometimes on long travels." she explains her tail searching her fingers working over the tense muscles of shoulders and neck crooks slowly making her way up his neck towards the backof his head. When she got there she'll go back dooown slowly.

A bit of a giggle, " you did indeed, though no intentionally... Raphael was much amused, and may tease you today - but you can get him back he went running to big brother Leonardo when a dead spinotod ling slid free of an egg." so very amused and nuzzling against a cheek lightly before finding what she is looking for... it is leather sadly so needed a little more manual handling that others but she holds it up with her tail. It's like their water holding leather bags only with a long neck with lipping at the end obviously meant for ... well alignment.

And it was most importantly empty. " if no wanna move much can use this." giving it a shakey shake.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leonardo Thu May 14, 2020 12:45 am

Leonardo could hear the snores... siiiiigh.... but it was all laughter, especially as the crew were trying to ignoreit or trembled at it - he opens his eyes and points at the cowardly lion man, " you - go check in on Leo, and do not touch either of the females or the kid without instructions. You.... you and you" the equally cowered wolf boy, some smaller snake like guy and another cat type? " Prepare a light breakfast please, and don't try anything poisonous because Kovu and Lilo are local and will rat yous out fast. Need something for hangovers and to make a decent broth for Addy." She might not be up to anything more than that but at least if so a broth could make a hot gravey or stew later. " the rest of you will be let go to leave for a township later..." because they couldn't keep watch over all of them. The other way to deal with them was to kill them.

Sam and the others after he let them out head off to do as told first. Leonardo made sure the brigging was secure before heading to poke his head down and make sure there was movement from Lilo and Raph before following the workers up to help how he could getting breakfast underway, they didn't need to move from the cove today there was still a nasty wind and the seas beyond the cove looked choppy, So breakfast.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Leo20110

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Thu May 14, 2020 7:07 am

Leo adjusts his hold on Mr. Wiggles. Trying to keep him from standing on Addy, pulling the child onto his plastron. He chuckles at Duncan's shock. Though he had to admit, the noise was impressive.

"Yeah, that's Raphael. Big guy makes big snores," he chuckled. "Definitely a monster. Good thing he's on our side."

Leo snuggled the child then turns his attention to Addy again.

"Sorry about the little feet. You feel warmer to me. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

Maybe a little over eager to help, but he had worried! And now she's a little more aware!

The Cove, Iluka Islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Thu May 14, 2020 7:44 am

"Piss bottle, huh? No, tha--..."

He then quickly changed his mind when he actually tried to move.

"Know what, second thought... bottle sounds great..."

And there's a sincere if somewhat subdued laugh at Raphael catching a spinotodling. Oh... he did sort of recall that! Oh good. Not completely blackout drunk.


He then accepted the bottle and sort of rolled away to do his business... He wasn't super thrilled about her being right there watching, but when you gotta go, you gotta go! And Raph is fit to burst!

And relief!

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Thu May 14, 2020 10:28 pm

oooooh.... ahhhh.... any answer she may have had for Leo for a moment was lost in a few moans. Not quiet ouch ones and not quiet amused by the little boy. though she wasn't annoyed. He was a kit - but oy vie some of the numbness of the venom was wearing off and she was beginning to feel the puncture wounds. Oh a criiiinge and she tries to do more than move her tail and stretch but nooope they felt like lumps of meat at the moment still so took it as a sign the pain was partly a good thing.

Leo's voice drew her attention her eyes back to him and she even manages an actual smile! and even a little of an effor tto nuzzle that cheek caressing hand though it was still a bit of a lame effort so she licks the palm lightly, " Iss oooo kaay - is preeeddy booooy.... ya boooy.... I feeeeeeel.... not soooo cold.... Leooooh." half a groan she felt so weird...sooo weird... " neeeds to.... go.... to... privy..." to puke or pee she wasn't sure... maybe both?

The belly was definitely roiling after the pokies from toddler feet.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Thu May 14, 2020 11:19 pm

Amid attemps to nuzzle Addy excited to see her aware the little turtle finds himself having all this space on Leo plastron! oooh yeah! he happy squeaks and spreads out giggling, "yes sarry hehehe our mosser.... And when he had a moment he was actually struck with what a fun idea it might be to try waking up the big turtle hehehe - He is happy nuzzling against Leo's plastron and listening as Addy talks, reaching and waving his fingers but couldn't quiet touch -

"oooouchies?" to the wounds he could see his little tail sagging mid wag and worried face in place.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Byssig10

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Fri May 15, 2020 1:38 am

Somewhere above Sam is knocking very nervously on the door and poking his head around, eyes closed to not look, probably a good move as Kovu had become uncovered beside Addy. ' um... Leonardo... sent me to see if can help... out/'and maybe starting nervously at those snores too!


Lilo giggles a little, she didn't mind so much but was trying to make it easier on Raph, rolling onto her back and closing her eyes, tails wrapping about her ears to block sound. ' give me a poke if you need a hand or tail to help with anything there... the pee pot, you..." she hums out a soft sound. the bottle had a cap so it could be carried away to empty elsewhere when able.

She waits patiently imaging the relief though, she was not bursting yet but some time she would feel the need.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Fri May 15, 2020 5:58 am

Leo chuckled softly at Duncan's comments. Raphael was definitely their monster. And that's a useful thing to have!

"Yeah, Buddy. Addy has some ouchies. You need to be gentle with her." He nuzzled Duncan gently. 

He is frowning at her speech. She's warmer again, but still struggling, and he's concerned about sending her into the privvy... 

"Do you want me to carry you, or are there other... er... options here?"

He was sort of brushing his thumb along her brow and debating that when Sam came in. What do you suppose they have here for bed pans...? Though surely Duncan had to pee too. He could carry her without a problem. 

Though if she wants to make use of another option, he will wake Raphael to keep an eye on her so Leo can take Duncan to the privvy. Raphael might be a little large to fit. Leo knew his counterpart had a problem with that on Addy's old boat. This is a larger vessel, so it might be okay, but Leo won't make that assumption. And he finally responded to Sam's question.

"In a minute, one way or another, we're going to need directions to the privvy."

The Cove, Iluka Islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

Posts : 1917
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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Fri May 15, 2020 7:01 am

Oh, hey a cap. Good. Raph makes use of that and sets the 'bottle' aside. He then rolls back over to Lilo. She's warm.

"I remember several things from last night... I do not remember drinking..."

Yup, this is going to bother him! But his head hurts too much to really go about figuring out what happened. Lilo is warm, right now that's enough for him. He nuzzles into her fur and lets his eyes close for a little longer.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Fri May 15, 2020 11:55 pm

A happy sort of hum, she was stretching languidly when Raph returned and mmmmm she giggles a little, " that puzzled me too - but maybe you absorbed it? I know some beings can without drinking." she offers all in whispers her tail brushing along his thighs and teasing his tail tip just lightly and briefly. It was unusual for her to go back to sleep at this time of the day usually she was up and foraging and or with this lot getting ready to move out. So she stilled the restlessness by focusing on the drowsy hung over male snuggling into her. Her fingers returning to the massaging.

Beginning on the nape of his neck and working her way down.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Sat May 16, 2020 3:12 pm

There's a soft groan, almost like he's remembering something... Oops...

"Yeah... yeah we can... uuuuugh..." He'd forgotten why they were always careful with certain detergents in their home. Not everything, just a couple of them. There were a couple only Master Splinter was allowed to use because it made them sick if they touched them!

Because they absorbed them through their skin. And apparently they can absorb alcohol that way too.

And quite effectively!

Raph sighed and just concentrated on Lilo's massage. It felt so nice...


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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Sat May 16, 2020 3:17 pm

Addy looks about, usually there was other options... but she couldn't see anything, a bit of a smile at the little boy - and more at Leo, his light attentions and comfort were almost putting her back to sleep.... almost! She purrs and her tail tip flip flops happily. " I... can't see.... a sa aaac." ooooh it was effort to talk when she still felt like this but it also felt good! she had some muscle strength back and that was an awesome feeling! And she could even move a hand and catch his! just to lightly nuzzle into the big palm.

Duncan still reaching but not touchign the ouchies waving merrily at the Sam -

The scared lion kept his position as poked about the door and nods a bit - maybe starting a bit when Raphael's next snore rumbled. " sure, it's around the back of the cabin and the wash closet." he explains and sort of indicates with a hand, again drawing back when Raphael snores on but he is there and managaes to not run away realising the big turtle shell in the edge of the room was not growling just sleeping. " should I help get yous to the privy?"

Addy squirms a little, she was not fussed really as long as it was soon! And oooooow yep she was sort of regretting some of the numb wearing off!

(( ooc: freaking slooooooooooooooooow ass net the last couple of days Very Happy hehehe ))

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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Age : 19

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Sun May 17, 2020 12:18 am

Duncan nuzzles Leo back and for some moments whilst the big folk chattered he is just the happiest little booger rubbing his chin lightly on Leo's - happy churring and little tail flip flopping his wave to Sam forgotten.

But not the big turtle - a recent big sore making him blink and mid happy churring get a decidedly 'cheeky Don' look, " me waks Raffal?" hopefully and gleefully!! Pointing towards the shell on the floor.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Byssig10

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Sun May 17, 2020 1:44 am

' awwwwww you didn't mean it... and it if is any consolation you are a bubbly cuddly drunk of a genio innocuo." Lilo whispers sort of giggles also her fingers working, feeling the tightness seeking to loosen and help improve his condition more. " mmmm need another soak in the tub? or water?... kisses/" nuzzling a cheek and she could hear above them more activity the rest of the boat was waking up.

But was not in a rush unless they were needed, and they probably would be soon enough soooo a little longer just here was awesome. She could smell what would smell like coconuts being cooked. And something meaty.

" mmmm maybe something to eat smells like some one has breakfast going." She didn't mind either option as long as Raph dragged out their cuddling here a little bit.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leonardo Sun May 17, 2020 1:49 am

Well things were moving, the prisoners were deciding if they wanted to be crew or remain prisoners. The few he sent to work were busy and Leonardo was mindful in keeping an eye on them all. He didn't want to make whatever tasks lay ahead of Leo harder this morning, or Raph whom he heard from an amused and at the same time disgusted about the spider goop on him Raphael about the accidental drinking.

The large turtle was still on a high from the moments in the crows nest so all in all was in a awesome damned move.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Leo20110

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Sun May 17, 2020 7:49 am

Oh, she is responsive, and Leo is thrilled by that! She's even moving on her own again! Not a lot, but definitely more than she had earlier. And for now, he will take that! And oh, she's actually moving and nuzzling on her own a little. Leo is sort of cautiously thrilled.

He chuckles softly as Duncan waves to Sam in the doorway.

And it's definitely different, but he's reached a point that he's finding he has to admit that he's enjoying this little family he's found here.

"I think the directions are enough, thank you." Leo will take it from here.

He had been about to lift Addy carefully from the bed, when Duncan asked if he could wake Raphael with that little look on his face. Oh... Leo knew that look all too well...

...and he has to admit he is curious to see what the little guy has in mind. When Don gets that look the end result is almost always amusing.

"I suppose it is time for Raphael to get up too. Go ahead." He does trust that big guy not to hurt the kiddo, even if he is about to be startled awake. Still, Leo would rather have his hands free just in case. Raphael is a lot of turtle.

And Leo shifts carefully so he can lift Addy, as soon as Raphael is awake.

((OOC: Iiiiiiick! That stinks!))

Last edited by Leonardo2003 on Sun May 17, 2020 1:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Cove, Iluka Islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Sun May 17, 2020 8:19 am

Raph half chuckled. "That's good to know." Better than being a nasty drunk. He hasn't come across much of that, but he knows it happens. So it is good to know he's a nice one.

"Water, but... maybe kisses first." And he'll start that. Even if his head hurts, he's moving in to kiss her. She did offer the invitation, after all! And who would he be to refuse that? And her massaging is just amazing. He's at least a little more awake.

Raph is more interested in the kissing than breakfast though, so the hum in response to that statement is sort of 'oh, that's nice.' He actually has sort of mixed feelings about breakfast. Yes, he's hungry, but at the same time food sounds just a little nauseating. Still, probably wise to eat something when it's ready.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Sun May 17, 2020 5:41 pm

A puuuuurrrr, " thanks Leo." Addy manages with a bit of a soft grin and her purring, and she was glad he was linger, she could hold herself... she hoped and seemed to be... long enough to see how the toddler will wake the massive noisy turtle. Normally she would not be happy being down and ill and be fighting to drag herself out of bed to sail to do something! but... for the moment she is happy and content even with half of her still being numb and the other half finally realizing there was wounds in her! just to relax and watch with some wonder what the little guy had in mind.

Kovu finally yawned and stretched and rolled over, blinking slowly. Rubbing her belly and sitting up.

Addy gives her a grin not sure if the Nymph was awake or not.

But the nymph was happy she feels Addy's hand and beams, " warrrm waaaarrm."

"Yaaaaaaay!!" Duncan giggles as Sam withdraws with reassurance he was not farf if help was needed. And the little turtle could not be happier - He'd had lots of hug time to Leo's plastron and a good long sleep and food - and soon pee pee and more food! and Addy was awake and giving attention to him and Dad! yay! he was a happy bumpkin and eager to wake the giant - sometimes giant play mate.

Raphael was loud and rough at times but never a way that hurt the little turtle, and he was unawares of the dangers of waking a sleeping Raph - well not entirely sometime it could be dicey waking Randal! but he was eager and still had the cheeky Don look.

Little Duncan had spotted a large sea shell on a shelf and once he'd negotiated his way out of Leo's arms and off the bed, he had to turn around and get on his belly to lower himself off feet first he patters his way over to the shelf and picks it up. Then he dashed over to figure out which end was Raphael's head and his tail -

then dropped onto his belly in front of the massive turtles head head and after a few experimental tries found the right end and the right way to purse his lips and - in a very raspberry and spray it way blew the horn!

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Byssig10

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Raphael Mon May 18, 2020 2:59 am


" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH what the Fuuuuuuuuuu ll metal alpaca!!" yelled the quiet suddenly awake Raphael - arms and legs and a thick tail had all popped out and he rises to his knees and hands - in that state some woke from naps from. Not sure where or what time or even what day it was -

though Leo is absolutely right Raphael might be somewhere between waking and sleeping and shock but he doesn't swing - and even managed to turn his would have been loud swear into a random tailing off.

Duncan - the little stinker - is in a fit of giggles of course at this point.

And Raphael - still in shock manages a sort of huffy laugh.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Cadad410

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Mon May 18, 2020 4:34 am

A grin and nod, "mmm hmmm adorable cuddled drunk turtle.' only a bit of a tease but glad to hear his chuckling and nodding, oh she wouldn't mind the kissing either - and quiet eager for it, and well it wouldn't hamper her fingers moving over the back of shoulder muscles just making sure she missed none and when he shifts to start she muffles another giggles and a soft, " kissing is gooommm." of her own in the first, still somewhat half chaste half not but all delightful none the less and she saw no need to rush anything - she could here a weird horn noise and what she assumed was Raphael, but again paid it little mind.

And or no attention to the sounds of busy feet as Leonardo makes sure the freed members keep to their tasks.

Even the smells of the food was for the moment also put aside, just enjoying helping the sweet lil now hung over but not too badly Raph recover. tail curling loosely on a thigh as she did when simply enjoying the company and time. before uncurling and reaching to search for drinking water skins in the pile of goodies they were among.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Mon May 18, 2020 9:33 am

Leo smiles at Kovu as she notices that Addy is finally warm! He'd noticed too, and yes, he's elated. "Yes, thank you, Kovu." Agreeing, and keeping it simple, so hopefully she understands. And he does appreciate her help both in cleaning the wounds, and helping to keep Addy warm. He knows she'd much rather follow Leonardo around.

Leo doesn't bother to hide his amusement as Duncan goes about preparing and putting his little plan into action. Tool? check. Relatively safe distance? Check. Scaring the pants off of his victim, barely lifting a finger? Cheeeeeck.

Definitely a tiny Donnie.

He is laughing right along with the kiddo as Raph startles, and even manages to restrain the curse he clearly wanted to shout. And he couldn't much blame the guy for wanting to curse like that! Leo is impressed at the self restraint. That horn had been a doozy.

Once he's finished chuckling, he carefully lifts Addy.

"I don't know if I'm more impressed by the fact that he actually knew how to use that thing, or that you managed to so effectively restrain yourself, Raphael." Really, he's sort of impressed by both. "Can you watch him for just a moment?" He's just as sure that Raphael will be willing to as he was that the larger turtle wouldn't hurt Duncan, even startled from sleep.

He then carried Addy to the privvy door. "Can you get it from here, or do you need help?" It's gentle, he won't judge either way. Just there to do whatever she needs done. Actually, he would feel better if she did want help, he wouldn't spend the whole time standing out here worrying.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Mon May 18, 2020 9:46 am

Oh... if she could just do that little massage thing forever... Raph would be a very happy turtle. Though he knows she does have to stop eventually.

There is a slight cringe at the horn noise. It wasn't atrocious, but it was unpleasantly loud.

"Wonder what that was."

But beyond the slight questioning, he doesn't pay it much mind. He is much more interested in Lilo. Eventually, he sort of notices her looking around for different skins.

"How do you tell them apart?" Because he's really not interested in accidentally drinking from the wrong kind of skin at some point down the line...

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Tue May 19, 2020 12:22 am

Addy grins a little shakily at the nymph but is pleased to see her and oy even washed Leonardo's musk still clung to the girl. Hah maybe she will get her wish.

She is glad she got to watch that play out, her ears flattening momentarily at the horn sound - but she'd loved every moment of watching the bright little boy wriggle adorably off the bed and his mischief making. Wondering who showed him the blowing in the shell trick. Not that it mattered the deep throated horn sound had the desired effect and she even managed some laughter.

ohhh it hurt! the laughing stretched and made her wounds twinges but it was a small price to hear Duncans giggling and Leo's laughter. Kovu too was making squeaking sounds Addy assumed was laughter. She mmmmmm as Leo picks her up nuzzling and purring against him neck. " yoooourrr... soooo on is... clever...." she whispers there still giggling.

And for a moment once in the privy - she'd not noticed the few crew pausing to watch them pass and Leonardo's throat clearing to make them work again. And it's not until she is in the privy and there she meows a little, " Leo.... I... need a hand.... positioning... and maybe a bucket..." and still not noting her furrless start, she had long tufts on the tips of her ear and some long fur fluff still on the end of her tail. And well she normally squatted to go but had little strength to - so just being lined up would have to do - her tail as least could move and did... a little anyways and sort of in her control.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Tue May 19, 2020 1:07 am

hehehehe! Duncan is laughing all the harder having made Daddy laugh and Addya nd - Kovu! then sees the open door - and making Raphael " - Heeeey were ya goin?!' in the middle of reassuring Leo Duncan was fine with him Duncan blows on his shell horn again and cackling like a mini purple maniac he dashed out the door - paused, looked around and rushed for the below decks!

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Byssig10

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Tue May 19, 2020 1:35 am

Whilst what she was looking for she could find by feel with her tail alone and they had no calls or anyone rushing down to call them up for now she would continue the massage determined to ease tension until gone. It wouldn't ease the hangover head soreness entirely but would help. Well as far as she knew, she had rarely had alcohol, it was not a big thing in her society of mostly troop females and rogue visiting males. Though some was consumed when fermenting fruit was found. Her hummm and nuzzle brushed his ear hole before light smooching back to lips and kissing there again asnwering, ' I thiiiink that was a shell horn... oh there is is again, and again..." giggling wondering what that was about but - aha! her tail found a different skin and this one had weight and a shorter neck and cork stopper.

Answering the next question, " mostly by their shape and necks, the necks indicate what their used for usually." she answers pulling the skin closer and under the sail covering with them. Her fingers working all the while as she offers Raphie the bag again. It would be water, cool, a bit leathery from long storage in the skin but good.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Tue May 19, 2020 6:29 am

Leo rubs Addy's brow when she laughs, and it seemed to cause her pain. He was sure it felt good to laugh, but he hated that it hurt her to do so. He returned the nuzzles once she was up in his arms.

He chuckled softly at her words, and smiled sadly. He is worried about Donnie again. His brother had looked rough in the group contact.

"Too much so for his own good, like another turtle I know." Repeating words from back on Addy's boat that first day.  He watched as Duncan skittered off, and Raphael called after him. Leo chuckled at the larger turtle.

"Off to a great start." He couldn't help the tease, but he trusts Raphael to catch up with the little guy and deal with him.

Unlike Addy, Leo does notice the crew members that took time to look their way. In addition to the throat clearing from Leonardo, Leo is giving them a 'mind your own' look. He might not be as big as Leonardo, but he's just as capable, and has the same alpha confidence. Though he suspects he may have to put one or two in their place if this goes on much longer.

When Addy requests help, he moves quickly, hopefully the bucket he grabbed from nearby wasn't anything special... but he has it and moves to assist her. Letting her move as she wants, but acting as support. No comments, no words, no judgement, just support to let her do what she needs to do.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue May 19, 2020 7:03 am

Raph is very much enjoying the attention, and he's starting to feel a little better. The massage is definitely helping. And he hopes some drinking water will help a little more. And hopefully something to eat sometime soonish. He's mostly functional by now.

"That doesn't sound... trained." It sounded like random honks, not any sort of actual real call. And they were sort of short, like the person blowing the horn perhaps had small lungs... And he's pretty sure it's moving quickly. He's sort of chuckling. It hurts his head, but it's sort of worth it.

"By the necks, huh... Thanks." He accepts the water, and drinks some. The leather taste is a little weird to him, but he'll take it at the moment. It's worth it for a little clean water. Thankfully they had gotten him in that tub last night, he would have been a lot more miserable today if he hadn't been in the water so long last night.

Once he's finished with the water, he caps the skin and sets it aside, then returns to nuzzling Lilo.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Wed May 20, 2020 1:01 am

Raphael booms out a laugh - some of his shock had passed and he watches amused with a mock stern face the little turtle happily start tooting and trotting away. " I agree, now to chase him in Leonardo's direction - take ya time, little guy is fine.' He waves away in the sort of 'Good Luck' tone and jogs out after the playful tot - he had a huge stride and could catch the boy at any moment - but chooses to chase him about. And nah not in Leonardo's direction but around him.

A grinning at Leo Kovu nods, she wanted to follow Leonardo around, but she hoped Leo knew she enjoyed helping, well maybe she was sort of fond of the klaustreich female too, almost a female companion even if they barely spoke two words of the same language. She stretches and follows the small exodus out, wanting to beeline for Leonardo but hesitating and - then following Leo and waiting, away from the door and the way but close enough to offer a hand should they need it.


Addy smiles gratefully at Leo, ' I'm soooo ooo rrry - for.... thiiiiis - and worrr ying yoooohhhhhhrrrrrrg!' oooooh the poor dedicated sweet turtle - she could not thank him enough, she was still not quiet in control of all her limbs, they were stiff and slow and without him supporting her her efforts to somewhat squat to pee and the resulting puking int he bucket would have been a lost cause sort of affair. The puke is the venom, or the half processed and being filtered out stuff, blackish and thankfully no worse than usually so, like wise pee. though that less noticable.

She is mindful to hold the bucket with Leo, her claws extending involuntarily as a reaction and digging into the wood and iron pailing out bucket. Ooooh oooooh if he wasn't there she'd be a right mess probably a collapsed lump on the floor.

Leonardo keeps face stern. The crew member son the loose were omegas at best and they better behave! He waits until they've backed up at his growl, Leo's look and then as work resumes, making sure boat in anchored and there is a map being laid out to look over together and eat.

Her words of how grateful she was for him would have to wait until after.

kovu is hearing this and rushes to find some water.


" mmmmmmmmm un traaaaained?" happily hearing the random hooting and chuckling, " ooookay I can hear it definitely... hehehe enthusiastic.. who is trying up there you think?" she wonders curiously her fingers working under the lip of his carapace and back of shoulders as far as she could go her kisses brushing his lips now and then between words.

Also against his checks and neck, around his earhole. Her tail closing about the caped water and putting it aside. " and how are yoooou feeling mr cuddly and snuggly formerly drunk Raph?" giggling a little. " up for any food?"

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Byssig10

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Wed May 20, 2020 4:11 am

"Nothing to be sorry for." He is gentle and continues to support her. He's not really in a position at the moment to do much more than speak to her. But he's sincere. "It's not your fault."

He frowns at the black vomit, not sure what that means. But at least whatever it is is leaving her system! That's probably good, riiiight? He hopes so.

He does notice the claws in the bucket, and he's quietly glad it wasn't his arm, but he doesn't say that, instead just carefully helps her get them out when she's finished.

"I can get you some water once we're out of here." Not knowing that Kovu was already a step ahead of him!

In the meantime, he is patient. Waiting for her to finish, not hurrying her. Letting her tell him, or otherwise let him know what she needs.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Wed May 20, 2020 6:06 am

Raph is looking toward the honking, almost but not quite chuckling. He is a still a little egg-on-a-spoon-y, but it's not bad.

"Well, we don't have any Mikeys on board, so I am thinking, short, purple, and at the moment, playful..."

He smiled when asked how he's feeling. "If I say awful, and absolutely not, will you rub my neck and shoulders more?" Tease... mostly. He is not turning down an opportunity for more of that massage! But he is actually feeling well enough to consider moving, and even trying something to eat. Hopefully that would take care of most of the rest of the hangover.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Wed May 20, 2020 2:25 pm

She is shaking, but relaxing the ache in her belly receding for now and as she recovers from gagging, gasping and panted breath but it's slowly she begins trying to loosen her claws. Peeing long over at least she was mostly dripped dry but was not going too far and her big green eyes on Leo's face. " th aaa nk - y ooo ooohhh." voice a bit hoarse and oooh she was grateful !

There was some tear tracks out the corner of her eyes and she was definitely having to take a moment to catch her breath but it was better for the moment. not much help loosening her claws from the bucket but once they are all loose and the urge to vomit more gone the claws recede and thats was good she doesn't want to hurt Leo accidently -

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Wed May 20, 2020 3:25 pm

Leo gives her a slightly sad smile. He's happy to help, but wishes she was well and didn't need the assistance. Still... "Anytime."

He shifts slightly, and wipes away the tears. "Hey, now..." It's gentle. Hoping the sort of loose, open not quite 'don't cry' comment will get her to at least tell him why the tears. If it's pain or physical distress, that's understandable, otherwise... well... whatever it is, he wants to know!

Leo gives her another slight smile when she retracts the claws. He appreciates that it's less likely that she'll scratch him with them retracted, but... he'd deal if she did get him. And if she did, it's likely she wouldn't even know until later anyway.

"Are you ready to go back?" She seems ready, but she's in charge of where they go right now. He's just making sure she gets there. If she needs a little more time in here, that's fine, otherwise... there are more pleasant parts of the boat... And he wouldn't mind getting this bucket emptied... Though he doesn't allow those thoughts to show to her.

As soon as she is ready, he will pick her up and carry her back... or wherever else she wants to go. Though he would sure rather she rest a little longer!

The Cove, Iluka Islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Wed May 20, 2020 11:01 pm

A bit of a sob, - though crying hurt as laughing had so its a pathetic effort on her half trying to do either, and her eyes on his, ears flick and droop at the way he brushes ears away tears and it is a good ear droop a sort of relaxed set. " i.... ammm so soooore... naaaa keeeed - " oh she'd just noticed! and booooy did she feel ... weiiiird.... but her tail was moving, and she had a little more strength in her arms finally and is pushing the bucket away, any where... to the floor for now - so he didn't have to worry about it. Though she couldn't actually put it down or do much more her eyes staying on Leo's " buuuu uuut.... sti iiiilllll lu uuuck y - you... are here..." oooooh she didn't have the strength and it huuurt to do more than let some tears escape, the puncture wounds wound need tenting and the numbness was fading more she was feeling it more. And it's not making it easier to breath properly. And she didn't really know what to make of her fur loss. Actually that barely registered she was at this moment feeling nothing for it, somewhere in the back of her mind she knew why... the venom had that effect she knew.

But she finally conveyed she was pleased he was there and her thanks so she was feeling accomplished!

And she can hear a little better and knows Kovu is coming back to them, and she nods at Leo's question. " yessss ple ee eeeaaase." she was ready to go back and rest, no real hunger - thirst was so bad though close to Leo she licks his skin almost automatically with a soft purr. " www wwaaaa hhh s eee rr"

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Thu May 21, 2020 12:35 am

Lilo giggles and she hummmmms nuzzling into Raph's neck and licking there her tail moving, seeking out and following his thigh up then flicking against his tail lightly, teasing and she echoes the playfulness above. " ah I see a little rascal is on the loose. Must mean Leo and or Addy is moving about too, probably Leo she got quiet a dose of venom if she hadn't been a sailor and in fantastic physical shape she might be gone already the anti venom or not... don't tell Leo that right now -" yes children, they played and she was amused by the equally playful shouts and fake heeeeys there was a Raphael playing with the little boy. and her words are laced with glee she wouldn't expect Ducnan to be happy if Addy was not doing better.

She waggles her brows and nuzzles up to his cheek and kisses it, " iiiiif I offer more rubbing either way will you want to go and drink and eat? I promise to add legs too." Maybe tail she thought but that was a naughty thought and it wouldn't do to do that now.

Kovu rushs down and grabs up water skins careful to skirt about the pee bag, she grins at them and dashes back up.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by NexusNoobs Thu May 21, 2020 1:24 am

Kovu ran back up to the privy - knocking and waiting. She had the water -

She was intent on helping - worried for her furless friend and it had been good to get a glimpse of Raph and Lilo they looked okay. Raphael was playing chase with the little boy around a Leonardo who was supervising the setting out of a food being dished up, clearly he was taking no risks someone would try something by slipping anything into the food. And he looked all imposing and yet managing to dodge the squealing horn tooting happy playing boy and the pretending to try but wonderfully failing to catch him massive genio innocuo.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Thu May 21, 2020 7:00 am


As Addy pushes the bucket away, Leo leaves it to be dealt with later. He pulls her against him gently, offering a soft churr as she continues.

"Well... let's get you back to your cabin and see what we can do about those wounds." And just a little reminder that this is her boat now. "I still think you're beautiful."

He had been about to pick her up when Kovu knocked. He supported Addy while letting the nymph in., Leo had heard Kovu moving around, but hadn't been aware of why. Oh good, she had water!

"Thank you, Kovu." He shifted to offer Addy the water. If she wants or needs help with it, he will assist, otherwise, he will let her take it herself. When she's not actually drinking, he speaks again.

"We don't have much in the way of humanoid animals where I'm from, but... we do have little pet cats. In certain circles, naked ones are highly prized." Not that he thinks it will really make anything better, but at least hoping for a smile out of it.

And when she's ready, he will carry her back to the cabin to tend to that wound again, and maybe find something to numb it this time.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Thu May 21, 2020 8:48 am

Raph was chuckling at the play, about to respond to her, and about the rascal on the loose, but sobers with the statement about Addy. He doesn't tell Lilo that he suspects Leo is well aware of that.

"Won't get a word out of me." He pantomimes zipping his lips shut.

But she's back to playtime, and Raph is all for that! It's not quite the movie line, but close enough, he puts on an accent.

"It seems you've made me an offer I cannot refuse."

He waved slightly as Kovu raced through.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Thu May 21, 2020 12:54 pm

Ooooh she didn't mean to make him frown sooo. But manages a bit of a meoooow and maybe a blush in her cheeks, " meee ee? be eeeaut if uuul?" definitely nice to hear and did help her set aside any of the small worries she had about being naked. Surely eventually it would grow back. So she'll deal. Sides sailors dealtwith all sorts and often ended up with lost limbs or eyes so she got off light she considered. A bit of a brow raise at Leo's careful wording. Her boat/ she.... grins a little. Well.... another fact of being a sailor, homes were often lost at sea. She could mourn it forever but.... she was also ready for that all the time, and having a new one sooo sooon... she was incredibly lucky all told she knew. " we'll.... have... tooo... think up a naa aaa aaame." showing her acceptance of the her new boat.

but with the bucket out of the way and those churrs vibrating her, there is just listening to Leo and smiling - even managing a bit of a chuckle, that ended in a sort of ouch ouch but she loved the act of the smile and laugh and then - water!

Licking and sipping at it - wanting to be greedy, it took a lot of will power to slowly sip, three time, deep and slow and then push away the water, she knew she had to be careful she was only just recovering from being paralised by the venom so it would be no good to shock herself with too much at once.

Kovu hangs around, pushing the door open, waiting for Leo - just holding the door.

Leonardo calls over. [color:0652=0000CD]"Need a hand there Leo/" he was on watch, he was happy to just keep the boat in order and the crew under control for now - soon he'll see the ones who wanted out safely away and off the boat to the shore. Raphael has caught Duncan and is giving the little guy a good tickling and their close.

And he is certain Lilo and Raph will be up sometime the food smells wafting over the place.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Thu May 21, 2020 2:58 pm

"And strong, caring, smart." Maybe laying it on a little thick, but he doesn't want her feeling down on herself, and well... that's easy to do when you're injured. And physical changes like that were hard too. Sure, the chunk out of his shell had only been a small part of his issues, but it sure hadn't helped anything. And he didn't consider a single word to be untrue.

And... he sort of feels like he was given a second chance to tell her something he should have said a long time ago.

Leo chuckled as she said they'd have to think of a name for the boat. "Isn't that the captain's job?" He will offer an opinion of potential names, but he won't be the one to offer the name itself. He wants it to be hers!

Especially, since it's possible he might be pulled away from here at some point. And it's probable that he won't be able to stay. At least not for awhile yet. He's still going to have to go home eventually. At least for awhile.

He trusts her and is glad she managed a drink. Not sure she would be up to food just yet, but it was definitely good to see her at least getting some water on her own.

And the licking at the water was adorable... He liked watching her do that.

He looked over as Leonardo called.

"I think we're good, thanks. Duncan still needs to pee. If you give me a moment, I can come help him." Maybe a liiiiittle concerned about Raphael getting hosed with the (surely well deserved!) tickling he's giving Duncan. But hey... if he does, he sort of deserves it too.

Though the privvy here seemed to be at least larger than the one on Addy's old boat. The big guys might not have the same sort of trouble fitting in there that Leonardo did before. And he offered, because he knew Kovu was here, and seemed willing to keep an eye on things for awhile if need be. And he trusted her. She seemed to have found something of a friend in Addy.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Fri May 22, 2020 12:02 am

A soft hahhaaaing. No she didn't like the serious unhappy thoughts of what could have been either, for now their friend is seems to be doing okay. Judging only that the little guy was happy, surely that meant Leo was happy and that meant Addy had to be recovering a bit. It would take time Lilo knew for the full effects of the venom to fade away entirely but for now. And thats what mattered. She sniggers a little and is curious, " mmmm I like that... voice?... but like yours better." she was not sure what else to call it.

A beam at him and nuzzling, " I want to keep you down here all day under this and just plaaaaay but we really should make some sort of appearance...' siiiiiiiiiiiiiigh yep she really would rather just stay under the sail and play but hey the big turtles might come looking for them, and she was keen to check in on Addy too. She slips out from under the sail and waits for Raph offering a hand his way her tail curling around the pee bottle to carry out to be dealt with.


Leonardo grins and thumbs up, " sure thing Leo, I'll get food to yous soon... Raphael you ca-"

' oooooh boy be quick he is locking and loading!" Raphael interrupts - though it is in amused tones, yep the squirming giggling, lilac pinked cheeked little fellow was limp as a noodley and beaming and tail was stiff, the doodley not yet hanging out but wont be long.

She is not sure what is being said, but she had sensed Sam's low sort of station and picked up the bucket to give to him to deal with. Staying with Leo and Addy and bringing the extra water.

Addy is happy to be taken wherever, and she had water and Leo. And watching him is that same sort of amazed face. " a aaalll of... th aaat?" really? She was?!

And if it was only to him - she was happy about that, more than so. And her purr was back in her throat, oooh the sound hurt to make but she wanted tooo. She knew he had to go sometime, home and it could be a time before he was back. But hey she was a sailor by passion and profession she knew of long distances and time away. She was just enjoying the closeness however much it was no matter how brief or long.

And he had a point on the names, " wo woooh uld you be okay wii ii th Le oooh?" Mooostly teasing and hey she wasn't all that imaginative right now - but also a bit of flirting, if it was a sort of weak attempt and she was trying to not laugh. She can hear Leonardo and Raphael but turning her head was a bit of a pus right now so she just snuggles and purrs and resolves soon she will see her friends and know they were all okay. She gave Kovu a warm smile the nymph may have joined them just to mate the Leonardo, but she had stuck with them, sometimes reluctantly and even left the land of the island, nothing any of the jungle nymphs had done before for more than the occasional fishing expedition. Impressive for her kind. And well the girls had groomed each other waiting out the stormy weather that sort of thing formed a bond.

She was looking forward to being snuggled back in the bed, be warm again and rested.

Duncan waves happily from the massive arms he is in!

The Cove, Iluka Islands. Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

Posts : 257
Join date : 2019-11-06
Age : 19

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Fri May 22, 2020 6:14 am

Leo chuckled. "All that and more." He kissed her cheek as they moved.

He nods at the information from the larger turtles, and moves quickly, but smoothly to get Addy into the bed. So he can get back to Duncan.

"I think you should worry about it when you're feeling better." Sure, flattering, but a little weird. He doesn't mind per se, but he doesn't really want that. "Big decisions shouldn't be made while still recovering."

He tucks her into bed quickly and efficiently, but gently. There's a quick nuzzle before he looks to Kovu, making sure she is here and okay, then he hurries off for Duncan!

The Cove, Iluka Islands. 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Fri May 22, 2020 7:49 am

Raph chuckled, a little more quietly than usual.

"You seriously need to see a movie." Not that he thinks they have them here.

He then sighs as well and accepts the hand. Once he's up, he takes a moment to get used to standing upright again! Then he's mostly good. Amused by her using her tail as an extra hand.

"That's convenient."

And he follows her above decks. Mostly without issue. Maybe a little less sure on his feet than usual.

Posts : 423
Join date : 2019-08-12

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