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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Lilo and Stitch
Erica Martins
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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Tue Sep 24, 2019 12:17 am

Annnnnd he liked there smooch too - he didn't know that she blushed and he didn't know leo returned it or that he smirked a little.

What he did know thanks to the few run ins with all sorts of people of Lilo's sort and Leonardo and Raphael and Raph these past few days was that kisses were good -

He feels Leo's touch and uh huhs so loudly and clearly energised. making kissy faces too beaming at the touch from Leonardo too, yesth yesth sooo much fuuuun!' he cheers - but softly muffling himself with the bandana tails in his hands.

He would crash hard sometime. But for now was well and truly in a second wind and hyped up. Definitely ready for more travel not sleep.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:43 am

Raph grinned at Leonardo’s appreciation of his humor. At least one did. And outright laughs at Raphael’s comment. It’s at least in part that sort of hysterical, post-battle, there’s-too-much-adrenaline-in-me laugh, but he quells it quickly. He returned the hug from Lilo.

He laughed as Leo actually responded to Addy.

”Hey, Addy. Why don’t you do that again, maybe it will get the stick out of his ass. ...or, you know, at least shorten it.”

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Tue Sep 24, 2019 12:27 pm

Raph bellowed out a laugh and elbowed the smaller Leo lightly grinning at Raph. " agreed it took my Leo getting laid to ... Unclench and unclog him"

A definite wide smirk which only grew as Leonardo covered Duncan's eyes and gave Raphael a definite middle finger gesture.

" he was the last to embrace escort work now he's the most expensive out of us. For the paid nights that is."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leonardo Tue Sep 24, 2019 12:38 pm

He made sure it was a true middle finger - but was chuckling and he shrugs a little nodding and gesturing.

" I know your trying to goad me into spilling but that's partly why I am the most expensive - absolutely no kiss and tell." he smiles at his younger counterpart. "though .... our brothers are not wrong - until I did ... um unclench and unclog I didn't know myself just how... relaxed I truely could be." smiling at Addy she really reek -

It was getting stronger and more noticeable and enticing.

" lead on Catwoman -"

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Tue Sep 24, 2019 2:37 pm

Leo laughs softly at Duncan's little cheer, and squeezes the child's foot again. He can't really reach the boy where he's positioned on his back.

He was about to snap back at the smaller Raph when the others piled on. Even the other Leo... And his comment dies on his lips. Know what? He doesn't care what they think! Just Raphs being Raphs! And a Leonardo being-- does he do that? Has he piled on like this with Raph against Don or Mikey?


Over something like this that's just part of them being who they are?!


What about that obnoxious 'this is what I do. try it.' thing...?

Yes... a LOT...


Leo frowns. He's feels like he's looking in a mirror, and he doesn't like what he sees... He lets the teasing roll away, ignoring it, and turns to follow Addy.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by NexusNoobs Tue Sep 24, 2019 10:46 pm

Addy chuckles rolling her eyes, " their just teasing you -" 

She was most surprised by the return kiss. Half a soft purr. amusement at the teasing but tucking her tail low because she knew she smell - well at the very least they would all get sweaty soon enough so that might help a little. 

She moves to guide the way down, it would be slow going down the side of this mountains ridging especially as she had to pick her way and make sure it was good for Leo behind her with the boy.

She did reach back for his hand though to squeeze. She didn't mind the teasing but still felt bad for the Leo.

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Post by Leonardo Tue Sep 24, 2019 11:33 pm

Leonardo silently chuckles, " sorry Leo, she's right just bustin your chops -'

Of course they were, just like they would any of their brothers. 

though it was close enough to the truth for Leonardo - he had been far more intense at one point. But his slight enough mellowing was probably more to maturing a little more into his role as Leader and less to about losing 'the stick up his arse' - or well that is technically losing his 'stick' in another.

Glancing upwards again and listening... feeling... letting the others move ahead of him to bring up the rear.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Tue Sep 24, 2019 11:47 pm

Sniggering a bit Raph turns to follow behind Leo, " no fun though when my Leo just agrees to it, he's supposed to get indignant and all 'I have been given a great and honourable responsibility - or some sorta yadda yadda yadda like that..."

Totally admitting he was trying to bust his own Leonardo's chops not the younger one - and half apologetic to him too - " ya seem intense... but more chill than the tall guy with the shell following us was when he was a bit younger.' there back on track!

" and ya lil ninja is just damned cute!" partly why he was following now - to be close to the Duncan, he liked the kid - and his own cheeky counterpart.

Speaking of - he looks over his shoulder, " smooched ya gal at any point? or plan to if ya reconnect with her?".

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:00 am

She loved the return hug and nuzzled a Raph shoulder. Giggling herself, " dawwwww - bet Addy would like to do it again." a little amused by the teasing, following along behind Raphael who she noted was doing his best not to breath in through his nostrils. 

Addy ahead of them saying back as she moved, " of course I would."

Lilo could scent Addy too - and it was a little provocative even to her! but not distractingly so -

And she was still not close to her own time.
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:13 am

Duncan didn't understand all that was said and he also didn'ty know why his eyes were covered - though he brightened at Leo's laugh and touch - though

he sensed a mood change and so told the two bigger turtles off the only way he knew how to - poking out his tongue and raspberrying at them too!

pat pating Leo's shoulders where he could reach.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:06 am

”I know...” And he did! He just sort of realized some of what he’s put Don and Mikey through over the years. And that some of their behaviors were probably because of it. He returned the hand squeeze from Addy.

He laughed as Duncan blew raspberries and patted his shoulder. At least someone was on his side!

And if he was honest... he wanted to kiss her again too... But he couldn’t afford to at the moment.

Leo was sort of finding himself in an advisory second beta role... He’s younger, and Leonardo and Raphael already are an established team. Especially in that fight, with Duncan on his back. He was in Don’s role. And Leo doesn’t like it!

He looks over as Raphael comes up to talk. And when Leo speaks, it’s with a resigned sigh.

”It’s a responsibility, but it’s not given. It’s trained for and fought for every single day. One way or another. It’s doing everything you can every moment to make sure everyone makes it back. Even if one does something insane like jump off a cliff. There’s a slight smirk there, he’s teasing... kind of.

It’s paying attention and being ready when no one else is so they don’t have to. It’s not a gift. But why do it if you can’t enjoy the good times?

Leo laughed slightly at Duncan being cute. Of course he is! Though Leo cannot take credit.

”I don’t know where he’s from. I found him just like I found you.”

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:08 am

Alright, fine. No more teasing Leo about Addy.

Lilo is right there though when Raphael asked if he’d kissed Mona. Aw, come on man! That’s not fair!

Because truth be told, he’s feeling a little less weird about fur. Reptiles like warmth, and she was warm, and had been awfully nice to curl up against last night. But the question had been asked. And he does still miss his Mona! Even though he’s pretty sure she’s not going to be back in his life.

”One does not kiss Mona. She kisses you. She had been the sort to just sort of grab him! And that’s what had appealed to him. She knew what she wanted!

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Sep 25, 2019 1:01 pm

" yesth all re pond a bill liiiike Liiammm !" okay he wasn't entirely sure again what was said and he didn't make a bad effort at the really long word -

tilting his head and eyeing the bigger turtles and Raph and Lilo. " found... Leo fouuund Duncan -" patting his own plastron through the tight sling cover - at least he'd gotten better at not peeing on Leo when in this thing! Duncan looossst, no brudders - then Leo founds him and yay! bigger tur tles..." bit of a pout though and that sad little chirp that was meant only for his brothers. No answers of course. " no brudders.... but has Leo! and Addy!" back to beaming! hands on Leo's shoulders now one still hand bandana tails under his thumb.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:18 pm

Raph chuckles rubbing the little head, sure your brothers are just fine Duncan, like you they've found big turtles too." well he so hoped so! 

A nod at Leo, " now that sounds like a familiar sort of speech... sort of - pretty sure Leonardo here has said the same sort of thing more than once."

Usually during lectures on Raphael's bad behaviour, especially when it put the others at risk or when Raphael got all up in his face about being a bossy pants.

Okay so it was hard to take orders! especially as the bigger of his brothers he sometimes still felt he should be Alpha!

He grins at Raph and chuckles, " I see... you like that in a woman eh?" glad for the chatter and the teasing and the kids rambling, it was easing the last of the skin crawling feeling and he was feeling a might less tenser now.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Wed Sep 25, 2019 3:37 pm

Lilo chuckled listening, and maybe brushing against Raph a bit wither soft soft fur, enjoying the comraderie and chatter and she could see it was at least making the big big guy less tense than he had been all night. with Addy in front leading cause of her better vision Lilo sniffed the air and listened for sounds of other hunters that might be out on the mountains tonight but it appeared the sounds of the scruffle might have at least for now kept trolls and or goblins that live in the mountains alongside the dangerous spiders.

she did glance up interestedly a raise of her furry brow when Raphael asked Raph if he did like the more forward ladies. Interested to know - she definitely had not objected or minded being the snuggy this night!
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Lilo and Stitch

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Post by NexusNoobs Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:11 pm

Addy smiled over her shoulder as she checks back on them, letting Leo break the hand holding when he was ready she appreciated the squeeze and light touch, so far the path was still that naroow trek down the mountain side and the gravel was dangerous but she tried to brush as much of it out of the way as possible  before stepping forward, it meant using her tail more than she was accustomed to.

But she was working past the uncomfortable sort of strain.

And pleased with their progress.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:27 pm

"Let's just say, it worked for Mona." He did miss her. She had been incredible! Ballsy. He had definitely liked that! But again, it had worked for her. Really well...

However, he was finding himself enjoying the occasional brush of the soft fur too. More than he would have expected.  Also... warm. You can't leave that part out.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:40 pm

It's only as the trail gets a little rougher that Leo gives Addy's hand another light squeeze - sort of a promise that he'll be back - before releasing her hand.

Leo looked up at Raphael as he mentioned the 'familiar speech.' He knew Raphael at least at times thought he should be alpha, and he knew darned well why he wasn't.

There's not a word on the topic, but the look and the small "hmm." probably suggests that Leo understands something absolutely that Raphael just... doesn't. Possibly can't. It's not meant to anger Raph or make Leo out to be anything 'above' Rapahel. Just... sort of a 'you don't get me and that's okay.'

He then changes the subject. One that Duncan can probably appreciate.

"I think that Liam might be with our Dons, or had been? I know mine had me check on Liam... when I actually got through to him..."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leonardo Wed Sep 25, 2019 11:50 pm

Leonardo grins at Raphael, of course he'd said similar to his brother more that once indeed. And it's taken him and Raphael years to surmount the tension being the alpha brought between them.

Both because of Raphael's belligerence in the past, Leonardo's overbearance and their immaturity. their both grown a lot and closer since finding other outlets for the frustrations this tension caused.

He hummmms himself in thought making Raphael glance at him - a grin and he listens to his companions, smiling and nodding, " we will touch base with them as soon as possible and if your Don is close to Liamas he seems, our Donatello will no doubt be helping foster the bond and make sure to keep the boy close or nearby your Don -" a smile at the small child -

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Thu Sep 26, 2019 1:02 am

They were descending slowly and time and again they had to pause - Lilo leaning out to check over the edge - still a ways down but thankfully as the moon arced to the setting side of the sky they should at least be reaching the beginning of tree cover again.

And though if they hoped for tradable ship expensive goods they would have to check out some of the deeper valley's for the caves and spinutods nests for eggs, which would be further down for natural warmth.

Chuckling and teasing Raph with a stroke of her tail tip over shoulder, " she sounds like she was a lot of fun... a girl who knows wants she wants.' a tad commiserating. but pleased, she herself was a little forward for a wildermann female. Good to know he wouldn't mind that.

And a little odd given her liking for adventure and travelling - like this away from her entire female relative troop.
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Lilo and Stitch

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Thu Sep 26, 2019 9:52 am

”She was crazy! Kinda obsessive... but for the right reasons. Saved a lot of people.” And he missed her. But seriously, enough about the one that got away.

He looked out at the moon. The sky was completely different, and the sort of dark... He had rarely experienced this type of near blackness outside before. Maybe a blackout or two, but it wasn’t like this, and never as large a scale. Also, without the noise of the city, it was too quiet.

”So, how ‘bout them Dodgers?”

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Thu Sep 26, 2019 10:05 pm

A deep happy squirm and laugh and Duncan yay's " Liiiiiaaammmmm yaaaay! an Raaandalll and Maaalllcooolllmm... yay!" he wasn't sure all that Leo or others said but he heard his brothers name so just assumed it meant the rest of them too!

Some nonsense babbling words then he oooohs and watches more of those birds above them his little fingers tapping tapping on Leo's shoulders. " do ooooo dgeerrrs? was doooo daaaaaas?"

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Post by Lilo and Stitch Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:53 pm

Soft giggling and she naaawwwws a little and her tail brushes along Raph's arm.

but she didn't understand what went through his mind -

though even she was a little nervy and looked upwards again when more birds flew. it was a little quiet.

Not the normal quiet with bugs buzzing and bat sounds and night predators or forages... and the spinutods had clearly gone else where for a meal.



this quiet seemed nervous... like there was even bigger predators that spinutods creeping about.

She blinks at Raph's question, " what are dodgers?"
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by NexusNoobs Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:16 am

The hand squeeze was light and she smiled though didn't glance back this time because she had to slow them and lead the way carefully down the next part which was a bit narrow and steep and unstable.

And she was curious about these Dodgers? - one ear flicking around to listen the other on the slightly oppressive feel of the night around them. Still it might not be a threat at them.

And she was thinking a bit about the morning she woke snuggled against Leo with Duncan, it had been a nice feeling and definitely a comfort she had needed, she'd not cried much more over the loss of her water based home since that more, and the whole comforting feeling might have been why. Even more comforting than the knowledge they were all willing and probably going to try something dangerous in the next day to find some tradeable valuable goods to buy a new vessel.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:31 am

A chuckle - but soft and commiserating and he wasn't sure what to make of younger Leo's response sniggering at the excitable child, agreeing with Leonardo. " of course he would, bet this little guys brothers are as cute as he is... who knew we mutant ninja turtles could possibly make kiddos sooo cute?" okay half squeeeing a bit that was not manly at all and more Mikey sounding.

Rolling his eyes in total bemusement when Leonardo behind them scoffed and said of course they made the best kids. Even given that Duncan and his brothers may not have been made from any of them in particular.

Eyeing Raph before grinning and shrugging, [color=#cc0000]" are the basketball, baseball or football where ya from?"[/color not the change in talk from leaders and the gal that got away and not complaining. Even at the potential loss of tease material.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 11 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Fri Sep 27, 2019 3:39 am

”Yeah... I know. Just... I’m trying not to worry about it. Nothing I can do right now...” And it’s frustrating!

He can’t really take Addy’s hand through this section, but he does brush against her from time to time.

”I don’t know where Randal and Malcolm are yet, Buddy, but I am absolutely sure Liam’s cared for.”

Leo doesn’t like the silence. Not because it’s not New York loud, he likes the quiet of the farmhouse, but this is different. This is... wrong...

”Dodgers are baseball for us. And having a terrible season for a change.” He then frowned, turning his attention even more to their surroundings.

Leo resettles his shoulders, relaxing and reaching out his senses as much as he can while sticking to the precarious path. It’s possible that they’re the predators that the creatures are worried about, but he’s not making that assumption.

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Post by Ralphie Fri Sep 27, 2019 4:02 am

Raph laughs at the confusion he caused.

”Baseball, man! Who pays attention to anything else? And the Dodgers are a bunch of grown men who get paid ridiculous money to play a children’s game. What can I say, humans are weird.”

He glanced around a bit, he can feel the shift in mood, but talking is how he deals.

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Post by Raphael Fri Sep 27, 2019 4:45 pm

Raphael chuckles, " for us too, though my bros and I are more B - Ball watches, only cause it's easier to find our way into special seats to watch the games. Especially with police help. Or under Primal Instincts our escort service." bit of a grin and he can sense both Leonardos are on alert listening and probably using that Leo six sense.

He felt the weird quiet too. So was definitely glad for the chatter.


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Post by Leonardo Fri Sep 27, 2019 6:31 pm

Leonardo smiles, " we're Leos worrying is in our very dna." he sniggers soft and low eyeing the smalle boy again and grinning.

He wasn't wrong if they have left hybrids here, they will be the most adorable ones ever.

He pulls his attention away from the little boy and returns it to feeling and sniffing and listening to their surroundings. Feeling beyond their traveling group Addy focusing was so far ensuring their ... well safe as could be for now descent.

" though last time Mikey let loose a pizza and it tripped a player - lucky he wasn't injured! maaan." grumble grumble at the clumsiness of the Mikey.

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Post by Doragonkame Fri Sep 27, 2019 6:46 pm

Duncan still wasn't sure of all Leo said but he was over joyed Leo mentions names of his brothers again so he wooooos and he wriggles happily for a moment hands on Leo's shoulders squeezing.

beaming around at the bigger turtles and Lilo and Addy, eyeing Raph, " sponge baaalll?" he recognised that word! ball! and his was spongy and yellow and squished into Addy's map tube -

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Post by NexusNoobs Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:00 pm

She appreciated the closeness and brushes of Leo against her, allowing her busy tail to rub against him in return once or twice trying to guide them safely through a part of path that was a gravelly slide down to a shelf valley wall above a flow of water that rushed over the wall.

" looks like more solid ground a little ahead and below - it's a slip down there though so be careful guys... maybe one at a time..." she sits shuffling her backside forward, pausing and looking back up at Leo and Duncan in the dark, " I'll dig out the fish for you shortly Duncan." she promises and slides down the gravel bit - the rattling of rocks ands tones was a little noisy.

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Post by Leo Sat Sep 28, 2019 1:16 am

“Wait, he managed to drop pizza on the court?” Leo laughed softly and shook his head.

He then squeezed Duncan’s foot again. The little guy was excited. And it was adorable.

“Yeah, you have a ball. Give us just a minute to get somewhere a little easier to travel.”

He jumps silently down over the slide after Addy as another flock of birds takes flight nearby. Though he makes it easily, Leo shudders slightly when he comes to a stop, ready.

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Post by Ralphie Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:16 am

”There’s a fast way to lose a good seat.

Raph stops talking and laughing when the birds take flight nearby. Leo looks ready, and Raph knows better than to question a Leo freezing like that. Though he’s hoping it’s just the birds. Other than the birds, the night is still distressingly silent. And other than the feeling of too quiet, Raph doesn’t feel anything amiss. But then... He is not a Leo.

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Post by Raphael Sat Sep 28, 2019 4:20 pm

" right out of the middle court big TV's! - should have seen the investigations and news reports, hah!" dRaph laughs - but it dies and he sniffs the air taking a small run and leaping, flipping to land facing back the way they came... helping Addy to her feet and moving towards Leo.

" if any Leo is sensing something - something is up..." unintentionally agreeing out loud to with his counterpart. " did you want the boy on one of the girls?" he knew Leo's were agile fast and noted there was perhaps a little hampered by the sling.

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Post by Lilo and Stitch Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:27 pm

Chuckling. She wasn't sure what everything was, but she understood it was a recreational game of sorts and similar to that she and her troop play when fishing.

Or at least guessed so. But forewent asking for about it more as the quiet around them grew more stilfing.

She shuffled forward to slip down behind Leon as Raphael flipped over them - at the bottom coming to a less than graceful bumping stop against Addy and climbing onto all fours giving butt and tail a waggle to shake off gravel.
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Post by NexusNoobs Sun Sep 29, 2019 12:09 am

" whooooaaa!!"a squeak, and the a smile up at Leo when he and excitable Duncan were there -

feeling Lilo bump into her and purring a little rubbing her head against the wildermann females then they were standing, brushing gravel off them. Or in Lilo's case shaking some off.

Addy taking a moment to find Duncans stuffed fish. hearing Raphael and smiling, " I don't mind of course." licking the little cheek whilst holding out his fish.

Noting the tension and looking upwards. " ... something is coming this way ... maybe trackers?" a little worried, just like Wildermann and Reinigen were nervous of Klaustreich - and everything typically was afraid of spinutods. Klaustreich had their own bogey men of sorts - dog types mostly, some times Lowen ... though the dog sorts usually had the trackers.[/color]

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Post by Leonardo Sun Sep 29, 2019 10:29 am

He felt impressive standing there for a moment, bandana tails in the breeze both swords out and posed ready to join the rest of them - once they were all there he pauses a little longer glancing up wards at the birds.

Hopping downward and landing a little to the left of the group and pointing up. " that has been happening for a while - and steadily coming our way if there are trackers - what kind and how good are they? will we loose them if we saaay cross deeper water somewhere?' a sword indicating the stream.

They might have to get in and travel it for sometime - but if they lost the trail...

might be worth it.

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Post by Leo Sun Sep 29, 2019 12:24 pm

Leo will answer Raphael momentarily. He heard the question, but he's focused on whatever is right at the edge of his senses. It's almost like the thing knows exactly where his limits are. And he doesn't like that one bit.

"That might be a good idea..." He responds absently regarding Duncan's transportation, still looking for... whatever is out there.

The others arrived behind him with something of a kerfuffle. That would probably not help their situation much, though whatever was out there, had so far chosen to remain hidden. Leo wondered what it was waiting for. Maybe it's not them it's looking for. Maybe they're just a nice bonus.

It's only once the other Leonardo is over with the group that he relaxes enough to really talk to his companions, though he's still paying attention to the... possibly trackers?

He was about to take Addy up on the offer for her to carry Duncan when the question of the water arose. Leo suspected that he's more comfortable in the water than the girls are though, and would be more comfortable with the child in that situation.

"They're right there at the edges and have been for awhile... Though they could just be traveling about the same speed, I suspect they know what they're doing." Though he is partial to the idea of traveling in the water if for no other reason than it gives them a chance.

He sighs and shakes his head. Turning more fully to Addy and the others, brushing up against Addy and reaching for her hand.

"If we go in the water, and you aren't comfortable with him, I can carry him longer. But on dry land, I think he'd be safer with you or Lilo."

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Post by Doragonkame Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:19 pm

Leo's words to him makes him giggle and his foot chases the squeezing hand for some moments -

giggling at Addy's lick and nuzzling her cool little nose back churring, seeing there in her clawed finger tips... " Siiii iiiiisssshhhh!" a blissful happy sound taking the much loved tatted and stitched up stuffy and hugging it.

Yes he named it oh so imaginatively.

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Post by Ralphie Sun Sep 29, 2019 2:22 pm

Raph isn't quite as graceful or quiet as the other turtles, but he makes the jump just fine and manages not to add to the pile up with the girls, but only just. He walks up next to the others.

"So we had a midnight run, fight and now a swim. Does that make it a triathalon?"

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Post by Raphael Sun Sep 29, 2019 3:03 pm

It's easier not to perve on the girl shaking her backside when focused on possible trackers finding them.

" Hah lucky us turtles are all in top athletic shape yeah?" a grin at his counterpart, " I am sooo counting it as a triathalon." Annnnd maybe subtly hinting that yes they the turtles were all pretty rugged and could probably manage a swim for quiet a while on top of all the hiking and fighting already but the girls...

Well they had been uncomplaining so far so maybe they were still fine for a while... Looking between the Leo's and girls -

Chuckling at the little guys joy at being reunited with his stuffed toy.

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Post by NexusNoobs Sun Sep 29, 2019 4:34 pm

Addy squeeeeees softly watching Duncan, giggling, the name he picked wasn't original but damned if it wasn't the cutest name ever.

She purrs feeling Leo and shifts maintaining the closenss and contact her tail moving lower and at least for a while in the water she wouldn't leave such a strong smell about. " I am a passable swimmer for a klaustriech but not as strong as yous and it may be deeper in places, probably best he stays with you, safe - until we're out yes." she agrees nuzzling his shoulder and then the small happy boy.

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Post by Leonardo Sun Sep 29, 2019 10:52 pm

Leonardo clears his throat and bumps shoulders with Raphael lightly, hah yeah he caught ya not looking - eyes up!

And that feeling. It. they. The tracking party was still a ways back but would catch up if they stayed here. He puts his swords away for the moment and smiles at Addy and Leo, at Lilo and Raph and Raphael. " Well lets get onto the triathlon then." moving towards the stream and putting a toe in there - it was tolerable to a mutant turtle. He could handle colder and hotter water than mammals.

This would be tolerable by the mammals among them. For a stretch. And the boy was one of them so should be right. Still. " we'll go as far as we can all handle the cool."

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Post by Lilo and Stitch Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:19 pm

Lilo had to giggle and waggle her tail a bit - lucky for Raph or maybe those skills they all had he didn't slide into them otherwise he might have gotten a face full of fluffy tail and butt and she would have felt very bad for that.

though maybe might have flirted a bit.

She sniffs the air and looks over at Leonardo moves off, shivering as he touches the water. She loved a good bath and swim like the next wildermann female but it wasn't her strong suit.

Still she wouldn't complain.

And whispers as she has a thought with a shudder. That is echoed by Addy over there by Leo and the boy. " Blutbaden.... if we are being tracked this far for this long it's blutbaden... like um... wolves... and their dangerous." Nervous... if she had been tentative about Addy being a klaustriech she was positively scared now and her tail tucked between her legs. She would definitely swim for that.
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Post by Doragonkame Mon Sep 30, 2019 12:20 am

Addy shudders, Duncan feels it through the nuzzle, though he couldn't see her take Leo's hand and squeeze it lightly her padded thumb brushing over calloused knuckles.

But he sensed them being close helped whatever up set her make it easier.

he hears a word though he'd learned and gets a little excited again. " we swwwimmms... like Sish? Siiiish? Swimmmmmmm!'

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Post by Leo Mon Sep 30, 2019 8:53 am

”Hear that, Little Ninja? You’re with me in the water. Let me know if you get cold. And other than that, we need to be very quiet, okay.” He squeezed Duncan’s foot again.

“And why don’t you give Sish back to Addy so he stays dry? You can have it back when we’re out of the water.”

He nods at Lilo’s information. He doesn’t know blutbaden exactly, but he can make some educated guesses based on what little he knows about wolves.

“Are they pack animals too? And how many could we be talking about?”

Since he’s still carrying Duncan, Leo will stay near the center of the group, which would bother him more if it didn’t mean getting to stay close to Addy. And for now, he will continue to hold her hand so long as she likes and it’s safe to do so.

“Hopefully we won’t actually have to swim, but yes. Fish swim”

Last edited by Leonardo2003 on Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by NexusNoobs Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:05 pm

She giggled at the little boys yaaaaay then pout and thanked him when he gave back Sish the Fish, " Sish will be safe - and you'll have him back soon, but listen to Leo now and shhhhhhhhhhh..." purring and just enjoying the closeness with the two of them - she was a cat! when she was affectionate she was very affectionate!

And she liked Leo had grown to allow this sort of closeness. A purrrrr and she gratefully squeeze that hand moving to the waters with a siiigh.... nodding at Leo's question. " yes, they are pair or pack critters and have strong pack mentality and loyalty. Most live in more cold climates but there are of course some clans and packs scattered all over Nexus. If it's our pirate followers they might have touched base with a local pack or hired a visiting one. Or a pair...' she covers as best she can.

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Post by Ralphie Mon Sep 30, 2019 2:01 pm

Raph didn't need the fluffy tail and butt actually in his face to enjoy the little waggle.

"More dangerous than the spinutods?" Raph asked. He's not sure something could be that much worse than the crazy giant spider. "Are they like 15 foot 500 pound wolves?" Maybe a little exaggeration, but hey, that's his thing.

Even as he makes what he hopes is a slight joke, he puts a hand on Lilo's back.

"Relax, it'll be fine." And he's pretty sure of that. Because seriously, have you met these guys we're traveling with? Raph had thought himself a pretty good ninja... Not like that intense Leo they met good, but good. That is until he met these guys. They were at least on par with the intense guy.

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Post by Leonardo Mon Sep 30, 2019 3:13 pm

Leonardo sniffs the air, waiting in the water ankle deep now and swords back out. " well whatever the case lets try losing the tail." He would slip into rear again. With Addy and Leo closer to the front center of the group Leo's swords had reach and so did his own on the rear, Raphael had greater arm length and strength which they might need with the feel of the tug of the water on his shins.

girls would again have to tell them what to be on look out for and Addy of course cover the vision side of things, her eyes in the low light like cats eyes round and reflecting even the minimal light there was.


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Post by Raphael Mon Sep 30, 2019 3:50 pm

A glance towards his Leo and a slight bump against his counterpart - a grin " nothing is as bad as all thoooose legs.... ick!' and sais prongs sticking out between his fingers Raphael moved to the water and for such a big turtle of course could cause a splash in he wanted to or slip into the waters, going into the middle and it was about up to his waist - and moves forward a little slowly until the trail fell in and at least underwater as they would be that enticing scent the catwoman was giving out would be washed away.

At least he was not churring!

And it was hard not to!

And the water was cool but not too cold. And it sounded like Leonardo was a little strained too by it and keeping his sentences short probably also trying not to churr.

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