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The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Adalind Schade
Lilo and Stitch
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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Raphael Sat May 23, 2020 11:56 pm

Raphael just waves Leo on, he doesn't want to get hosed but it's worth it if the little guy just couldn't hold on a moment longer.

Annnnnd the massive turtle is helping Leo out by heading towards the privy so by the time the smaller version of his brother is joining them Raphael in in the process of giving the little happy lil purple guy a toss - laughing at the squeal, catching him and seeing Leo nuzzles lil guy holding him out, " And here you go Dad, one very ready to pee happy lil smarty pants." he chuckles over the still gripping his sea shell shorty.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Cadad410

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by NexusNoobs Sun May 24, 2020 12:16 am

Kovu grins at Leo, she was there! and rubbing her lower belly she sits ont he end of the bed to wait and watch over her furrless new friend and hooos softly at Leo's look. Yes she will stay.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Nexuss10

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Sun May 24, 2020 1:24 am

" Will you... show me... a movie - one day?' Lilo wonders slowly and curiously not entirely certain what a movie is till but she was sure she'd enjoy it. And a bit of a grin giving the bottle in her tails grip a bit of a shake, " very ... handy?" she laughs at her joke attempt and up the naroow sort of stairs, and amused pausing to waggle her butt half way up cause well it was in perfect viewing there - hehehe. Then up and hissing at the caged collection of crew.... skirting around it widely.

The crew looking to see the other Genio Innocuo they hadn't seen much of. Raph.

And up the next lot of stairs, this time curling her tail close to her butt, not to hide from Raph's view but to hide from the crew watching them, cause that was not for them!

And up into the sunlight that was starting to shine through the thinning storm clouds! woooo! Handing the bagging to Sam and heading towards the captains cabin - giggling as Raphael, in the middle of handing Duncan to Leo calls out. " Hooows it hanging Raph"

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leonardo Sun May 24, 2020 1:41 am

As promised Leonardo is making sure food is delivered to the cabin. Taking it himself to no one could tamper with the meaty fatty broth for Addy and the foot long almost sub of crusty bread sticks cut in the middle and stuffed with charred over fire brazzier meat and vegetables on a wood plate and some lightly charred fruits for Leo. Figuring Kovu will want to join him shortly to eat and he could learn what she prefers as far as food goes. Coming backout as Raph and Lilo join them sniggering at Raphael's call out, " got some food over here that might help." though all be told the little red clad turtle didn't look too uncertain on his feet.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Sun May 24, 2020 2:06 am

" weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee heheheheheheeeeeehehehe !! happy squeals the little hybrid - almost in flight position, though managing to keep wings tucked in, and then helpless giggling, shell still in one hand and other reaching for Leo when Raphael turns him up the right way and holds him out to him.

Some, not all, but some of the playful energy had been burned up running away from the giant Raffal. though he will be good to go again after breakfast. Of which Leonardo was bring what could pass as a coconut only a pale yellow shell and watermelony flesh filleds with cuts of the same charred meat, fruits and vegies as Leo and a bit of the crusty bread in chunks for him into the cabin after taking in Leo and Addy's breakfast. Also this time had water for all of them in other hand as he talks to Raph and Lilo.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Byssig10

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Sun May 24, 2020 7:59 am

Leo isn't the least bit worried about Raphael tossing Duncan in the air. Not only does he absolutely trust the big guy, he's just not worried about that sort of play.

"Thanks, Raphael."

He pulls the squirmy, wormy child and hugs him close as they hurry into the bathroom. Leo will hold onto him to make sure he doesn't fall. Normally he probably wouldn't worry as much, but a fall from here would be a tumble into the ocean.

"Kind of like way back on Addy's other boat. Do you remember that?" Pretty sure Duncan does, kid probably remembers everything...

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Sun May 24, 2020 10:06 am

"Someday." Raph promised. He did sure hope he could show her a movie someday.

"Oh, I must be hungover to have missed an obvious pun like that," he grumbled. Amused that she had gotten it though! And oh yes, he enjoyed that little wiggle.

He might be more of a goofball than the bigger turtles, but he's still a ninja, and still a turtle who's not going to be toyed with. He meets the gaze of some of the crew, clearly confident. Though he does stay at Lilo's side as she skirts around the edges, almost guiding her past them.

Oh... sunlight is bad. Sunlight is very, very bad. Oh geeeez... He grunts at Raphael and covers his eyes with his hand.

"Tucked high and dry, and up to the left." Snarky, somewhat crude response, but ooowwww... Sun bad!

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Raphael Sun May 24, 2020 11:53 pm

Dawwww he watches the little guy snuggle his Leo once his dad had him and grins. A loud rumbling guffaw of a laugh and he moves closer to Raph and Lilo reaching over to help his counterpart. " awwww and here I thought you would have been getting hung loose, wet and where ever you wanted it to point." all in tease as he is stepping closer, driving the two back into the shade and lightly tugging on Raph's bandana, " siiide ways dude, will help until your drinking eyes are adjusted to daylight man." so verrrrry amused.

" guess you are a light weight huh?" morrrre teasing, though he does know by now with this wise cracking shorty that would came back to bite him in the tail. Hard. Buthe is willing to endure that and he found it hilarious to boot.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Cadad410

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Mon May 25, 2020 1:58 am

" daaaaaaaaaaad!" the happy cheer of a very content toddler, arms about Leo's neck and cuddling in - all the way to the privy. Oh!

" I memers! I dooo... oooooh Hewwooooooooooooooo?!" he giggles, maybe over confident with Leo holding him. Or perfectly so because he just knows he wont be let go of so playing for a moment with the echos in the drop dummy design of the privy he is sniggering for a moment then oooohs and as he declared he remembered he straightens up and well has to hold himself to aim for the hole, maybe shuffling closer then finally letting loose with a deep sigh and sag of knees - yep soooo close!

Shell gripped in other hand still and almost forgetting to keep an eye on what he is doing glancing over his shoulder at Leo, luckily for him he was barely dribbling so made no mess. " weee seeee Addd ddde gain?" beaming and recalling he didn't need to shake all his booty, just the bit in his hand... then back up into his tail!

And actually forgetting he had to wash hands first.


Outside Leonardo laughs at the Raphs andpats the smaller one on his shoulder a bit, " we have all been there once or twice dude, never gets easier."

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Byssig10

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Mon May 25, 2020 5:11 am

Oh, those happy little arms! Leo chuckles at Duncan's almost aggressive cuddling. With Addy at least being awake, and seeming to be doing pretty well at the moment, and Duncan's happiness, and cuddling, Leo's feeling much better. The fact that he got a brief chance to talk with Raph helped greatly too.

There's another chuckle as Duncan calls down the drop dunny. Yup... definitely something Donnie would have done. And probably incited the rest of them to do afterward!

And a bit of a relieved sigh that Duncan had made it to the toilet! Clearly it had been a pretty close call! And he did great, if a little distracted there at the end.

"Yes, it's time to go see Addy again, but first you need to wash your hands, Mister." Leo smiled, and helped Duncan up to do just that before they head back to the room.

As they leave the privvy, he looks around for the larger turtles. He needs to pass on a message to one of them first.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Mon May 25, 2020 5:23 am

"Yeah... there are cells between there and here." He had definitely been sure to be tucked away for that.

The wrenching his bandanna sideways did to a bit of a number on his balance. He caught himself, but there is a bit of a stumble. Sure, he can navigate blind well enough, it was the actual adjustment itself combined with the slight unbalance from the hangover. Once it's turned and he's caught himself, he's fine.

As for the lightweight comment...

"Yes, well, at least I didn't break anything." Like the spider egg that lead to Raphael running to big bro to get it off! He won't actually go that far though. The subtle crack is probably more than enough to cover everything.

And he groans softly at Leonardo's comment. "Whyyyy would anyone do this on purpose more than once?"

Though... okay, he could sort of see the appeal.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Mon May 25, 2020 4:26 pm

" oooops sorry.... hehehe I guess so - though.... now I think about it showing those fools int he cage there who is boss in terms of show and tell might be a good thing." Raphael grunts helping to stablize his counterpart after almost yanking him over. Raphael was pretty good at realizing how strong he was but sometimes he forgot in his helpful intentions.

Lilo sniggered at the implications of that but rolls her eyes, especially when Leonardo snorted and joined in, " hey now if anyone is putting the caged crew in their place it's us Leos... and keep all that in your tail man." play huffing and sniggering at Raph's response.

Raphael shudders. " oh that had been soooo groooss man.... soooo soooo gross...."

" Leooooooooooo get this off of meeeeee!" Leonardo play mocks his brothers voice from the previous night - the exact whine and tone, laughing when Raphael growls and shoves him in retaliation. Catching sight of Leo and waving at him, [color=#0000CD]" put the food and some hot water and rags in the cabin for you and Kovu, not sure if you wanted all of us in there but here to help if needed.'younger leader with a smile, they were there if he and Kovu and probably Lilo by the looks of the way she glanced towards the cabin door.

Oh she is enjoying the teasing, giggling and whoaing reaching her hands to catch Raph's shoulders to steady him - a little amused that Raphael reached to do the same thing. Letting go of the long necked bottle as Leonardo took it and handed it off to the wolf man


Duncan yayed loudly, he'd enjoyed making noises down the drop shaft and even more making Dad chuckle like that, [color=#cc99ff]" annnnd wash shell?"
actually aware they might need to cause he'd been holding it this entire time! And he does so with Leo's help, happy to be carried out with a squeaky clean shell though there was a bit of a pout when it didn't make the horn sound again. A big one. " br rooke?" wonderingly and that pout still there. Though it was only wet once dry would make noise again.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Byssig10

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue May 26, 2020 5:05 am

He appreciates that extra bit of stability for that moment after Raphael adjusted his bandanna. He's okay once he's stable again though. He can maintain it, provided there's not another jarring! He's not as stable as usual, but it's good enough to wander around a little.

"Hm. Have fun with that." Raphael may go about intimidating the prisoners with his tail, Raph will pass thanks. Though Leonardo seems to have put a bit of  a stall on that plan. Well... at least from Raphael.

He chuckles at Raphael admitting that the spiderlings had been particularly disgusting, and the laugh is honest at Leonardo's immitation. "Sounds accurate to me."

He reaches out and finds Lilo again without much trouble. He is ninja, and he did grow up in the sewers, and he can navigate blind, just like any of the others. He might not be quite as good at it as say the Leos are, but he's not completely incompetent either. Still, an assist from Lilo for direction would be much appreciated.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Tue May 26, 2020 5:17 am

Leo chuckled. "Yeah, we should probably wash the shell too." Once they're finished, he cuddles Duncan close again, and there's another soft chuckle as Duncan is worried that the shell is broken.

"It's okay, it's just wet. It will be just as loud and obnoxious as before once it dries off."

He looked over, and moved closer to the group on the deck. And he smiled at the larger turtles.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. And I wanted to let you two know, I was able to communicate with my Raph last night. He said they were able to get your Mike and Lee's Raph back. They're together now, but worried about withdrawal from the drugs they were kept on. Sounds like Raph and Lee are on it, and fairly well prepared though."

He had known that Raph wouldn't leave a turtle behind, but it was still good to have that information about their brother for this larger duo.

Even if the followup to that contact had led him to be worried about Don again.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Raphael Wed May 27, 2020 2:48 am

Raphael pouts at Leo, ' ooooh come on my voice wasnt that whiney... and I'll have you know little bath tubturtle that spiderling was uber gross... and sooo stanky." a rough shove that would topple most onto their shells. But for the big guys it was rough affection and play and Leonardo gave with the shove, and he is sniggering, " and I am the larger... tail holder out of us.' smiiiiiirk at Leo and ooofing a bit at the punch the leader landed on his shoulder at that.

then Leo's news - and the big guy whoops in delight grabbing Leonardo's shoulders and shaking him. " Ahhhh they have Mikey.... our Mikey!.... woooooooooooot!" he was their baby brother after all! hearing he was free lightened ones heart... and the big guy lets go of Leonardo, scooping Leo and Duncan up - hugging them but not a bear hug, because there was a little turtle in Leo's arms! and then he lets go to reach over and hugs his counterpart and Lilo too.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Cadad410

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Wed May 27, 2020 3:38 am

Tail and hands free just in time! ack! she had been sniggering at the rough housing, and teasing.... her tail slipping about Raph's shell when Raphael's rather rough 'help' almost pulled him over.

As for showing up the crew, she happy just to avoid most of them thanks!

Laughing some at the very good news for the big turtles caused bear hugs to be shared about, her and Raph, just as she responds to his searching for her and holds one of Raph's hands her tail still around him, happy sort of hum against his shoudler as she'd left a kiss against his cheek - the pair find themselves up in his arms! " hehehe thats great news... hows your brother doing Leo?... hows Addy?" somewhat strangled voice in the hug, but mostly surprise the massive turtle wasn't trying to smother her and Raph after all she did recalled his brother Don was doing okay, but only sort of.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Wed May 27, 2020 5:33 am

Raph chuckled at his counterpart's attempt at an insult. With Lilo's tail around him, she was easy to find blind, and he wrapped his arms around her. "Oh yes, bathtub with a lovely lady and a nice buzz, and no more spider eggs. Darn." Sarcasm is thick because Raph is pretty sure he got the better end of this deal, even including the hangover.

He is tempted to tell Raphael to prove it... or ask Leonardo if he's just going to sit there and take that, except these guys probably would line 'em up, and might insist on Raph removing his bandanna, or join in the measuring. Yeah, best not go there.

Little Blue stepped in and saved him. Well, mostly... sort of. There was cheering, and a whole lot of movement. He had just squeezed Lilo's hand when Raph felt himself and Lilo caught up in a massive hug!

Yeah... uh... one of these directions is up... He patted Raphael's shoulder and did recover his balance fairly quickly once released.

Last edited by 80sRaphael on Wed May 27, 2020 11:37 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Wed May 27, 2020 6:34 am

Leo acks a bit as he and Duncan are scooped up by Raphael. Sure, he had sort of expected it, but knowing it would happen, and actually being so easily swept up by someone that big are two very different things! He laughs once he's up and they're swept around.

Once back in the ground, he chuckles as the big guy moves on to Raph and Lilo. Then he smiles slightly at Lilo's question.

"Raph is doing well. Mike too from the brief contact with him." Slight hesitation there, because he had seen Don briefly too, and he's pretty sure his brother is struggling again, though Leo doesn't yet know why. But the hesitation is barely there. "And Addy is doing much better. Not out of the woods, but awake and aware. So better than before." Not great, but he'll take it.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Wed May 27, 2020 7:22 pm


Addy realized with a bit of a start she must have dozed off in Leo's arms and now was snugged in the bed, though she wasn't sure she really wanted to wake up... no... she doesn't really... not really... tired and achy but a bit of a meow - low and long...

she can scent Kovu was close.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Wed May 27, 2020 8:36 pm

Ooooh Duncan was much soothed by being told the shell would work again, and happily whilst Leo gave the big turtles news he nuzzles into Leo's neck and shoulder just happily garbling to himself and at odd moments chirping or churring and practicing his new words.

When they are scooped up he squeals a laugh and tries to blow the horn in Raphael's face, only it mostly sprays the guy with water.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Byssig10

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leonardo Wed May 27, 2020 10:55 pm

Leonardo had snorted, [color:263a=#0000
CD]" nooooo you are the thickest, Donatello is longest.... ahem but no we are not threatening the crew with cocks.... though I do enjoy flashing my knob to willing viewers.' corrects and sniggers rolling his eyes a bit.

A laugh at Raph's come back, " the hardships... the haaarrrdships...' he teases the little guy, chuckling...

Watching Raphael's delight - after putting up with the rough handling and smiling at Leo's response to Lilo, " thank you Leo... it is great to hear... yes verrrry glad to hear it - does any of your brothers need a energy boost? I know Michelangelo will be okay, he will get over over withdrawals quickly." it was one of the things about their mutation. And well he did recall the last together session. If they coold help struggling turtles out there somewhere he was all for it. And readily offering a hand chuckling at the little turtle and rubbing his small purple shell. " rest of us should eat some breakfast and get the crew that doesn't want to stay and help off onto the shore." yes if Leo wanted him for some back up meditation he was all for it.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Wed May 27, 2020 11:28 pm

Eeee! happy hum and nuzzle against Raph his arms a welcomed and ooooh she loved being there, grin at Leo ignoring the teasing between the big turtles -

" Thats... thats... wonderful Leo!-" missing his hesitation because she was also recovering from having been swept up into those massive arms, giggling a bit about the big guys exuberant glee. But hey she still was tail around Raph and as he finds his balance again slips an arm about him to nodding at Leonardo, she supposed they should eat whilst they could. " as long as I could help out with Addy too." pleading look at Leo.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Raphael Thu May 28, 2020 2:07 am

Raphael was not sure if Leonardo sort of complement him, made fun or called himself a giant knob. Perhaps all three at once? Whatever he doesn't care and waves a hand with a laugh, " I guess of the adventures last night you definitely got the better deal." conceding that to his counterpart and patting Lilo's shoulder now that he had let go of the pair.

Belly rumbling when Leonardo reminded everyone it was breakfast time. " definitely glad our kitty cat is on the mend. Am starving." and now he could eat with such good news. Moving over to claim a bowl of the food!

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Cadad410

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Thu May 28, 2020 4:10 am

Raph laughed at Bug Blue's correction. Clearly they had already lined them up so to speak, and well... he's not surprised. Amused, but not surprised.

"See, he gets it." He commented of the hardships crack then grinned at his counterpart. Yeah, Raph had gotten the better deal.

He will follow wherever Lilo takes him. Once he gets a little food in him. he will be ready to open his eyes.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Thu May 28, 2020 4:17 am

As the others chat, Leo is starting to look a little distant. His attention has been drawn elsewhere. He had been about to decline his counterpart's offer, but he's reassessing it. Shoving Duncan back into Raphael's arms.

"Duncan, I need you to stay with them for awhile. Lilo, I would appreciate the help."

He just looks at the larger Leo a moment, yes, he could use an assist, but he has to go. Now. Right now. Help would be great, but he's not waiting around for it.

And Leo is off like a shot, settling in a corner of the cabin where at least the crew won't disturb them. A breath, relax, center... there. And searching for the brother calling out for help.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leonardo Thu May 28, 2020 1:18 pm

Leonardo nods, rubbing bald heads and patting Lilo's shoulder moving closer to Leo and sitting, in lotus position his knees touching Leo's, offering a actual physical contact as well as the spectral as he joins the meditation. Offering all his strength into the contact. For support.

He'd not be able to enter into the void of the astral places Leo went without being pulled in.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Thu May 28, 2020 1:54 pm

Leo accepted the strength as he moved though the void. He invited his counterpart along, at the very least as a viewer, but would not force the issue. He had no idea what he was getting into, and he trusted this larger Leo.

Even if they had gotten off on the wrong foot.

But Raph had said to take advantage of having a big brother for a change, and well... The invitation is his way of trying to do what Raph suggested. But he would completely understand if his counterpart declined. Leo is sort of diving headfirst into his Donatello's mind...

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Thu May 28, 2020 10:58 pm

Duncan poooouts a bit but - only until Raphael hangs him upside down and tickles his belly! heheheh hahahaaa! he squirms and tries to blow more horn toots at the big red turtle in retaliation. But again it's mostly still sprays of water in there.

Raphael icks playfully but now the giggly distracted little guy was happy he grins and joins Lilo and Raph, " and encase you were wondering Donatello made us measure up - and I totally believe him when he said it was for medical purposes only. For Science! as he likes to chant sometimes. The brain said to properly doctor us he needs to know everything. He takes it seriously.... very seriously we have whole binders at home dedicated to each of us. Not sure what Donatello has added to them cause I can't be bothered reading mine - but Donatello says I'd find it boring in any case it's just what checks up he has done and major procedures like teeth and or our tattoos and vaccinations... brain is a weirdo. In the best way." Bit of a laugh and well maybe rebelling against Leonardo a bit and his thick tail dangling into very, like most male turtles it was longer and the tip ended between his knees easily. But he doesn't display anything beyond that. Gathering what was a platter of food for him and Duncan.

Lilo doesnt find anything weird about this and shrugs, " I think it's like Maesters here, they keep archives of works they do and studies on bodies." she in and excellent leader and tugs gently, leading Raph over to the food and gets a wooden bowl for herself and Raph using her tail and hands to carry them and pull Raph gently after Raphael who was choosing a spot in the sun to eat. And clearly to keep the little boy distracted for now.

She kisses Raph's cheek and when in the spot she pushes him down gently, " looks like grilled fruits, meat and breads this morning. I noticed a broth but thats probably for Addy.... hehehe I saaaaw briefly a Kovu, she looked busy and hurried but glowy too..." waiting for Raph to get comfortable before sitting beside him, half snuggled against him to help him eat - unless he moves his bandana of course and can see.

Raphael sniggers, " oh yeah Leonardo took her up into the crows nest for some fun, brought her back down fast asleep..." amuuuuuuuuused.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leonardo Thu May 28, 2020 11:19 pm

Leonardo accepts, if a little reluctantly because it was anothers mind... but he would behave and maybe it would be a helpful learning experience for some insight into his Donatello's mind. Not much more but a little insight and as leader of his troop it was a good idea.

He stays close to the younger Leo and goes where he leads and is curious.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Fri May 29, 2020 2:19 am

Leo pulled his counterpart along through the contact with Don. Though Leo's focus is on his brother, he could use an assist seeing the caged emotions, particularly the angry monster version of his brother. Seeing that hits Leo pretty hard.

Sure, he had heard Donnie talk about compartmentalizing emotions, but he hadn't realized it was quite this literal...

And even if no one outside saw the flash, Leo did! He recognized what had happened! They couldn't do that without the amulets!

At least they've never been able to before...

While he had been grateful to see the emotions rejoin his brother after the danger had passed, that Don did this at all had been a shock.

Whatever it was that Donatello gave Don, it was definitely making him slip a little from where Leo is. Don's breathing on his own again, but the space Leo and his counterpart are in is sort of warping. Getting sort of strangely saturated color, but cloudy at the same time.

But Leo could feel Don trying to focus once more, and did what he could to clear away the color and fog, make the space feel more like his brother! At least for a little while. He can't hold it forever. But a moment... he can manage. And he definitely needs to draw on his counterpart for that.

There it was again! That flash! How...? Oh man, he was going to have to try recreating that himself!

A little more energy to his brother. Don looked underweight and a bit ashen, which seemed to be a separate problem. He wrapped his essence around Don for a moment, making sure all was okay now. Not really... Though the immediate danger has passed. Don managed to give him a slight impression of the problem. At least the immediate one. Asthma? Leo paused, frowning before he started to back away from the contact.

And when Leo is back, he opens his eyes, but takes a moment just sort of staring at the floor...

Last edited by Leonardo2003 on Fri May 29, 2020 12:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Fri May 29, 2020 4:04 am

Raph chuckled at the giggles and noise from Raphael and Duncan. Sounds like they're having fun.

And he laughs at the comment about Donatello being a weirdo.

"I've been telling him that for years!"

Once settled near Lilo on the ground, Raph does turn his bandanna back around. He cringes against the light a little, but it's not too bad. Certainly not like when he first came outside. His eyes have mostly adjusted. He doesn't move from the half snuggled position though! It's perfect.

"Fruits here are so weird..." Because they look mostly familiar... just different enough that he's never sure what to expect! Still, it's always an adventure.

Even if he really misses pizza!

He chuckles at Big Blue and Kovu's overnight adventures. "Go Big Blue."

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Raphael Sat May 30, 2020 1:20 pm

Leonardo didn't understand the context of what he saw.

It didn't matter. He was there as support and so thats what he focused on. Just being there with Leo, sharing his strength across the connection willingly. he had plenty of it and would recover quickly if much was shared.

The retreat was smooth and when their back first he takes a deep breath. blinking his blue eyes slowly open. Watching Leo for a moment, considering.

No he wont pry, but he does reach over and put a light hand on his counterparts shoulder waiting for some eye contact before smiling gently. " I... admit I am not understanding all I saw, and am curious. But... if you'd like to get it off your mind I'd listen." because his fellow Leo looked worried and distant.


Duncan once released and the others were sitting is still giggling, but scurries over to share some snuggles with Lilo and Raph! climbing into the smaller red wearing turtles lap and giggle, " fanks! happily taking the charred fruit and munching happily his shell dropping into his lap.

Dawwwww Lilo sniggers, okay she had been giggling already at the go BigBlue comment and playfully licked Raph's cheek, " thought she looked in a good mood for someone rushing about to find water." the giggling becoming naaaaw sniggers tail dropping to rub the little turtles head when he comes over to join them.

Raphael settles his and Duncans platter between himself and Raph so the kid could help himself, " good boy using manners like that - and well gatherin' she was fast asleep and still managing to smile I guess so - Go BigBlue. hahaha yeah our Donatello used to say am noooot when we'd call him a weirdo - now he just accepts he is." chuckling about that.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Sat May 30, 2020 1:56 pm

Raph chuckles as Duncan drops into his lap. He ignores the throb it caused behind his eyes and rubs the little guy's head. Aw, sweet, well mannered little guy.

He does churr at the lick to his cheek, but keeps it moooostly PG as there is a little guy in his lap at the moment. Anything more than that will have to wait until Duncan is elsewhere!

There's a chuckle at Donatello finally just owning the weirdo crack. "Yeah, I guess ours has at least stopped protesting too. Just does that sort of shrug thing now."

Raph looks down at the kiddo in his lap.

"I take it that one is Duncan approved?" He asked the kid of the fruit he was munching on. Then went ahead and chose one for himself. Hey, if the kid likes it, how bad can it be? It's probably pretty good.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Sat May 30, 2020 3:35 pm

Leo was slow to look up at his counterpart. While he was tmpted to keep it to himself, he sighed. No, he needed to get this out. He didn't really move, just sort of looked at the floor and started talking.

"I guess when Donnie said that he can compartmentalize his emotions... he meant it more literally than I would have imagined... Though... he often means things more literally than I'd think..." Come to think of it... he really shouldn't have been surprised. He shook his head. "The scared kid, I suppose is obvious... The monster..." Leo sighed. He needed a moment.  

"We had a government agent after us for awhile. Bishop. Absolutely obsessed with creating super soldiers to protect the world from the 'alien menace.' There is a considerably amount of sarcasm in the last bit. "Sure, we have aliens, but they typically don't care about a dumpy backwater planet like Earth. He wanted us because he thought he could use our genetics for his work. At one point his funding was being cut... he faked an invasion. Created a fake, political need for his work. Some sort of mutagen spilled out of them into the city when they popped... decomposed... whatever. Don was infected." He stops there for a moment, letting his counterpart figure out on his own that the monster had been the result.

"I'd never needed Donnie there to solve a problem so badly as I did then. Our friend Leatherhead and Bishop were able to team up and create a cure. Bishop wanted the outbreak stopped almost as badly as we wanted Don back, but at a price. And we accidentally released an ancient evil trying in exchange for getting Don back."

"And I feel like I'm losing him again, and I'm just as helpless!"

And oh... does Leo hate feeling helpless!

Oh, he's worried about that group, and not just Don. "How do you think your brother's holding up? Because... I got the impression he's sort of become the de facto leader of the group. And dealing with someone as sick as Don is..." Leo knows that's not easy when you embrace the task. He can't imagine sort of being thrust into it.

And damn... asthma? Where had that come from? Though... when Leo really thought about it, there had been a several times over the years that Don had struggled a little more than the rest of them had. Colds were more severe, lasted longer. Harder for him to kick, though  Leo wondered if what was going on now had just sort of brought it out.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leonardo Sat May 30, 2020 4:58 pm

Leonardo listens. Just listens, not breaking into the story to ask anything, just absorbing it all. And so his counterpart knows he's not just throwing out empty words the large Leonardo thinks about his response not demanding any sort of eye contact this time.

First, " thank you for sharing, I know it's not an easy thing to do when its family and when you may still feel responsible for the situations or the outcomes or things that had to be done in the middle of those situations." a squeeze to those slightly smaller shoulders. Honest words. And well Leonardo was beginning to realize older yes but he and his brothers had not experienced as much as the younger collection of turtles. So he had no real advice or experience he could draw on to offer any sort of advice on the matter. " Guess all I can think about suggesting on that front is when yous are together again just talk to him about it." because really Leonardo had no experience with this sort of thing. Oh yeah he'd compartmentalized information from his brothers before... and it was disastrous and he wont ever do it again. Maybe tone a little apologetic he had no real advice or course of action Leo could try aside from talking to his brother about it. Still he was there and listening and offering support and an friendly brotherly ear. And not if but when.

And again he thinks over the question, his first instinct was to pile on the reassurances... but that would be doing a dishonesty to his counterpart and himself and Donatello. Even if promises and reassurances would sound better. Sides Leonardo was one for honesty less that empty placations. " Donatello has been our doctor for a long time.... so if anyone was in a position to really help your brother right now I'd want no one else with him. And I know Donatello will do whatever he can. Whatever it takes. Even whilst leading, I -" he thinks over the word he wants to use now. Not faith... that was no substantial. " Trust Donatello might find it hard and stressing but he will use that big brain and be logical and rational to keep them safe and see them through until we all meet up." Yes... he definitely felt his brainy nerdy brother would be okay. He might not like it and be stressed out but he'll be alright.

" And helpless is definitely not what you are, you can give strength, comfort and hope and sometimes that is exactly what is needed." just like now...

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Sat May 30, 2020 6:04 pm

Raphael hides a snigger at the churr and it looked like Lilo had enjoyed it too! hehehe nodding, " sounds like your brother is on his way to accepting it, I remember the sort of shrug stage quiet well." he chuckles watching the little boy in Raph's lap nodding, " oh yeah that is definitely the seal of approval... and Leonardo had watched them cook so I am trusting the big brother kept nasties out of it." and too late now he is hungry! and rolled up some meat and grilled fruit and vege into a roll and bit near clean in half! Maybe a little over half!

Oh yes she had enjoyed that and nuzzles a little lower along pulse smiling at the happy little guy, and mostly picking at the grilled nuts and fruits herself grinning, " little guy has good taste these are delicious and all very good.' she confirms giggling when Duncan yeps loudly in response and offers his half chewed one to Raph with the biggest smile.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Sat May 30, 2020 6:50 pm

Leo sighs. "No... I know it wasn't my fault. I know I wasn't responsible... heh... wound up sent to Japan to get that drilled into me." No, Leo knows it's not his fault. That he did everything he could in the moment to make things turn out as well as they possibly could. "But I sure don't want to see history repeat itself either."

There's a slight shake of his head. Not really a 'no' just a sort of frustration with the situation. "I guess... though, I'm not sure that what he's doing is necessarily bad...?" Sure, it had shocked Leo, but, "Don's our medic. I mean... human doctors and paramedics aren't supposed to treat their own family. Don has to." And maybe he needed to be able to do something like that in order to function in that capacity.

Leo had fully trusted Donatello... any Donatello really, in a medical capacity. He's glad that there's another Donatello there who can help his brother. He had full faith in that, and really, the medical end of things wasn't actually his worry at all this time. No... It was really how the stresses of leading would affect Leonardo's brother.

"My Don has his reasons... but even if he were healthy, he wouldn't do well leading..." Leo knows why. He at least knows the basics. Don has his reasons, and Leo can't really blame him. Though Leo's pretty sure there's a lot that Don has never told. At least not to them. Maybe he told Master Splinter. But he nodded, reassured that even if Leonardo's brother doesn't necessarily want the task that he would be up to it.

Okay, it was true that Leo could offer comfort, strength and hope from here.  "That sure doesn't feel like much." But he gets it, and sighs. It is something. And might just be enough to help get his brothers through, even from far away like this.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Sun May 31, 2020 3:11 am

A bit of a shrug and grin, " can't half tell I have not much experience in this sort of thing huh? compared to you and your brothers, Lee and his brothers and not sure of Raph and his brothers but we have had limited adventures.... oh sure can probably advise on jumping out of a plane without a parachute. Don't do it. Or landing on another plane.... just to then have a psycho rhino mutant make it crash.... dont do it. But not as many adventures as you all and haven't actually really dealt with this sort of separation or .... troubles before so in this I don't really have any helpful advise... sorry about that -"

Its all honest and maaaaaybe a hint of why Raphael and Leonardo were more than eager to connect and be close with others here in Nexus... quiet aside from paternal urges and or just plain urges... separation anxiety. Truth was they had never really experienced something like this where they are far from each other. Far Far. not just outskirts of the city far.

" I hate to think this will stress Donatello out... but... there is a Mikey with them right? and there is one thing a Mikey is awesome at its helping everyone chill and de stress ... and they are usually pretty good on the food side of things too... if a little too adventurous at times...." Oh yeah he worried." no I can't imagine it does..." still somewhat bad he couldn't really comfort Leo but there was trying and there was just being here. And he's content to do so until Leo is ready to move.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Sun May 31, 2020 8:18 am

Leo chuckled sort of sadly at his counterpart's advice. Oh... he had so many things he could add to that.

"Oh... so many things I could add to that... and yet... if I had to... I can't think of a single thing we would have done differently. Everything had either been thrust upon them, or... the right thing to do. "Okay, maaayyybe not get involved in the gang war, but that was sort of small beans compared to most of our 'adventures'. Don't defeat one of the best warriors in the multiverse, so no one comes challenging you for 'honor and glory'." Definite eye roll there. That's what had started this whole mess! "Of course the alternative was letting the Shredder destroy us... so..." Rock, meet hard place.

Leo shakes his head slowly. "And I'm really sorry you and your brothers got dragged into our mess. I wish we could have avoided so many of the things we've been through." Leo considers this his family's mess. Even though he had absolutely nothing to do with starting it. He had been challenged to a duel! He hadn't been given a choice! Draco and the Daimyo's son had attacked them for no other reason than because they were good at what they do!

Leo listens to the rest of what Leonardo had to say and sort of half nods, half... still a bit concerned. "If he's anything like mine, barring trauma... and my brothers and I all have plenty... you might want to just... sort of keep an eye on him." Sort of like Leo would need to check in on his Mike a little more often. He's worried about that group too. All Donnies and Mikeys. Someone is going to have to step up, and strangely enough... Leo's pretty sure it's going to have to be his own brother. Though he also knows that Mike has a funny way of coming through when it's really necessary.

Yeah... Leo could understand separation anxiety...

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Sun May 31, 2020 8:28 am

Raph chuckled as he munched on his piece of fruit. "Definitely a good choice, Duncan." And he looked up at Raphael. "Eh, I think he's accepted it as much as he's going to. He's kind of high strung about things like that." Raph could be wrong, but that's still his guess. He's pretty sure the shrug thing is Donnie accepting it!

Once he's finished his piece of fruit, he starts making a roll not unlike Raphael's. Maybe not quite as ambitious! But mixing a few of the items offered. And it is a nice sort of breakfast.

"It's not pizza, but it's pretty good."

He chuckles at Duncan's response and rubs that little head again. A little surprised the kid is in his lap, but whatever. Little guy is sweet.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Raphael Sun May 31, 2020 11:37 pm

A laugh, " I would argue that most Donatellos might be a little high strung, doesn't that come with the territory of being so intelligent?" he wonders all in play and again stuffing a crusty soft inner bread roll with meat, vege and fruit along with some of that cheese and nodding towards the few crew members they let out and are about. " Leonardo wants to shoo the rest of the crew off here ... I think when he does - if you guys thinks thats a good idea - maybe we should just move on to a further port, with the eggs asleep and all those hunters dead we should probably be away. What do you two think?"

Curiously to the two and a bit of amusement, for some one who'd not really had much time with the boy before and the little guy had sensed the lack of interest, Duncan seemed to be eager to prove he wasn't soooo bad. And happily reciprocated affection and attentions.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:05 am

Oooooh she was enjoying the talk and sort of shrugs when it comes to the news they might dump the crew and move on. Though she does move closer to Raph when it is mentions and her tail hints at a little of the nervousness, a bit twitch as she had unwrapped it from around her turtle to the little guy who had become fascinated by the end of her tail were there was the bald patch and padding for the gripping.

And again she is aware she is choosing to follow Raph, to leave home and her troop and she's never even set a pad off her island before. It was a huge thing... yet she was more excited than frightened about it. Still it made her nervous. Her soft hum and nuzzle to the shoulder closest to her chewing on a tough bamboo sweet type of vege.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leonardo Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:17 am

Leonardo sort of grins and nods, " Noted... and I'd like to say I wont... but well since our Oroku Saki vanished and his adopted son... student... Erica Sacks is in custody its unlikely we will be able to stay out of the power vaccumm left by the Foots lack of leadership. Our Karai had a terrible car accident..." a glance at Raphael he'd destroyed the military grade suburban hummer with his entire body. ' and I am still not sure who her replacement was... Pimiko? Lotus? Miwa? something like that... and she's not respected so the foot is a leaderless band of mini bands at the moment... was perhaps thinking of taking over the clan my self - I'd have to knock Tatsu off the post but... I think I can turn the clan to good." And well it would give himself and his little clan incredible resources and power in New York.

And Japan he knew there was an arm of that organisation there... so maybe... he shrugs a bit but it was clear Leo's words had an impact and the big guy would be very careful how he chooses how to proceed with his brothers.

And speaking of he nods, and smiles, ' I don't feel angry we got dragged into this, this is a whole new world... and so far its been a rocky start but am loving it ... sides guessing it's mostly an accident, who ever called you here maybe was onlytrying for your brothers and yourself and something went wrong. Just glad we might be of help. I will keep a close eye on Donatello, he should be okay, and I know he will and has already done everything to keep the group with him okay. But yeah I will keep an eye on him Leo." he doesn't have to say promise. Leo would know he meant it just like his counterpart would.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Mon Jun 01, 2020 6:56 am

Leo looks up when his counterpart says that the Shredder vanished. He looks concerned. "I guess I can't speak to yours, but our Shredder... always comes back." They've defeated him and destroyed him several times, and each time... something happens and one way or another he came back! "Most recently, it was a digital copy that managed to make it's way back to the real world... Yeah... uh... long story."

He listens patiently to the rest of the words and nods. He does get the meaning behind them. And though he still feels guilty for the other turtles being involved, he's also sort of grateful that he doesn't have to go into this battle with just his brothers. These other teams might be the only way they can actually pull this off...

If they can ever make it to the Capitol.

"I've been a little preoccupied lately, what's our next move?" Other than that Sam seems to be around still, Leo knows very little about what's been going on on the boat. And it will give him something to think about other than what just happened with Don.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:11 am

"Eh... probably somewhat related, yeah." Raph was pretty well interested in his food by this time, and is munching on his roll. He did catch the nervous tail though, and nuzzled Lilo slightly. It's brief, and meant to be reassuring.

"Getting rid of the troublemakers and getting out of Dodge sounds good to me." Mm... That combination was pretty good, he makes another small roll just like it and offers it to Lilo.

And maaayyybe one for the little guy too. Well, he's right there! What else was Raph supposed to do!

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Raphael Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:49 am

A nod and shudder, " Mmmm hmmmmm already had this murderous monster plan to break himself out of prison. And if anyone can find a way out of a frozen state and alien dimension it would be that guy... so I want to be head, when he returns his clan will be mine. And they will be making reparations for the damages they have done. And continue to do good.' mmm hmmm

He shrugs, this adventure might be the doings of forces beyond their control, but really he was enjoying it, he found a whole new world, got more than he needed sex wise, possibly offspring and for mos the part his brothers were doing okay. Raphael and BigM maybe better than Donatello but he had faith his brain brother even if stressed out would make the best of the experience and learn from it. Still he sees the if as if his counterpart had shouted it... or found a way to order neon letters and pats his shoulder, " we'll get to the capitol annnnnd apparently there will be an army there." amused by this still.

He nods a bit at the subject change and gestures, " that's understandable, I thiiiink we should get most of the old crew off the boat, And maybe after moving on the rest and when Addy is feeling better, if this is to be hers new boat a fresh start including the ability to hire an entire new crew with whatever we make selling the tradable goods should I hope be a little compensatory towards the loss of her home. I know it wont replace it all, but maybe just a little? And we should join the red wearers and get some food."

A laugh and he polished off a third roll by now but forgoes another because Leos duo needed some to eat too, smiling but managing not to tease any about the nuzzling and he'd reached over to grab the water skin and drink - then gasped a little realizing it was an alcohol skin.... putting that aside and gasping and finding actual water he waves a hand after a sip, " ooookay I get why you got so wasted, I could take rusty off my sais with that stuff.' like a very aged strong whiskey!

the nuzzle is appreciated, and she giggles snuggling closer and a " mmm thanks Raph." hum brush of lips against his shoulder and taking the offered roll, making another hum and effectively distracted from worried and nerves for a moment delighting in flavours.

Duncan yays happily and eagerly accepts the roll too, " danks Raff!' happily still had a grip on the end of Lilo's tail but it was a light hold and his thumb is brushing the think finger tip like padding investigating...

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:50 am

"Definitely a tactic that I hadn't considered. Though our Karai isn't too bad..." Karai is sort of one of those long stories.  "At least not when the Shredder isn't in the picture... And we have a sort of truce at the moment, so... There's that. Our Shredder is on an Utrom prison ice planet last I heard, but he broke containment once before, so..." Leo really doesn't assume that the guy is gone for good. As much as he would like to now that the digital copy is gone.

Leo chuckled and shook his head at the army comment. "Little firecracker sure took that find a local guide advice and ran with it, didn't he." And a little dumbfounded, and Leo hadn't been there when Raph said not to tell the others! "My Raph is crushing on him." There's a slight laugh at this. It's just sort of one of those things that is so preposterous that it actually almost makes sense.

And Leo nods at the rest. He doesn't have any concerns on the matter, and the course of action seems sound. He'd like for Addy to be able to choose her own crew, but at the moment, it's probably best to get the ruffians out of there.

There's a glance over to Addy and Kovu. She seems to still be resting. Leo's been in here a long time, and while he's loath to leave while she's still sick, it is probably best for his own mental state to get out of there for a little while.  He's not acknowledging that at the moment though.

"I think I would rather stay here for now, keep an eye on Addy." And maybe probe around at Don, and maybe Mike every so often too. Basically... sit here and worry...

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:29 am

He's definitely feeling better, not amazing, but Good all things considered. It's good because he can't help laugh at Raphael accidentally taking a slug if the ariki.

"Or put spiderlings to sleep." He chuckled. "I may have been a little sloppy about applying it..."

He is more than happy to be a distraction for Lilo. Raph nuzzles her when she's close to kiss his shoulder.

You're welcome." is sort of directed to both Lilo and Duncan.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:41 am

Addy purrs a little in her sleep. And for the moment she is content.If she does shift around a little under the blankets. Kovu shifts and tucks her in - knowing at this moments as she recovers from the venom and warms back up all the way she needs to stay covered.

And well asleep the klaustreich shouldn't be feeling her wounds so much and the less she wriggles about the less she might make her wounds bleed.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:35 am

Duncan giggles chew chewing and looking about - he didn't see Leo so settles more into Raph's lap for the moment to enjoy his roll and maaaaaybe he was also mimicking Raphael's ick face and giggling to himself cause he couldn't see it - but it he could feel how funny they are.

The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 2 Byssig10

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