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Araluen Capitol City

Splinter 2012
Splinter 2003
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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by NexusNoobs Sun Jul 11, 2021 10:47 pm

Splinter certainly felt the massive creatures old soul and mind in the beyound where Donatello and his Dragon self had to escape to - He is watching Draco ream his underlings, yell and complain and as any power hungry lord be afraid in ways that burst forth as anger, about being unable to trust any of the people working for him.

It was a lonely thing to be that sort of Leader.

Powerful and maybe in a sense fullfilling and delighting to have underlings. But lonely no doubt.

He is considering Usagi's words and siiiigh, " indeed, shackled in away we couldn't rescue him from even if we managed to rescue him in a dark quiet moment from the tree. I just don't think it would work, he seems to be animated enough to watch what is left of his son, twisted as it is but little else. It is a terrible grief, if only we could pull the two apart and return to Daimyo his son." whispered and his ears perked at the reaming seemed to be winding down and Draco was now asking for details on how his generals were going to fix their mistakes. " it pains me but we must leave our friend there for now ... at least we get to hear some plans maybe?' before they would have to hurry off and finish these deliveries.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Donnie Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:35 pm

Usagi is well versed in meditation, but his skills are not nearly that of Splinter. So he is uncertain whether he can actually feel the soul of the powerful creature trapped in the stone, or if he is only imagining he can because he believes in the power of the dragon.

Usagi frowns. He agrees the Daimyo is not in a position to be rescued. Even if they could mount one at the moment.

"It may be possible..." Usagi suggested of the splitting of the Daimyo's son and Draco. "Only strong magicks could create such a fusion, even from willing parties. Perhaps strong magicks could also undo it. The Gyogi may know more. And... though I know he did terrible things to Leonardo, I cannot believe that the Daimyo's son is so evil as to truly seek this sort of power and destruction at the price of losing his father."

Usagi nods, agreeing that they may hear a little more if the plans, though they do need to get moving again soon. And somehow, some way, they needed to find and free the Gyogi!

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:00 am

Splinter makes a mental note to try reaching for the reaching for that presence he could feel so far but so old and strong when he tries reaching for his sons once more.

Listening to Usagi and nodding softly thinking over his words, " perhaps Magicka that a elundari might contain?" he wonders curiously under his breath and preparing to move along with Udagi again as Draco now gets on to wondering who else they can get as allies in this coupe. Frustrated apparently some folks were ambivalent on the matter and angry some flat out refused.

Hhhhhmmmmmm he would worry for their old friend, but hopefully the glimpse of his son will keep Daimyo hanging in their long enough. He nudges Usagi a little and nods in the direction he assumed they had to go as Draco starts dictating drafts of letter to be terror mailed off the try convincing more to join his cause. " the sooner we deliver this food the sooner we can focus on finding Gyogi. Um the real one." a glance at the fake on.

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Splinter 2003
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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Leo Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:35 pm

Usagi can only wonder at Splinter's thoughts. He would never dare touch such an item himself. At least not on his own. His skills in that area are good, but nowhere near those of Splinter. His own master had died before Usagi could receive such teachings.

And he often suspected that Splinter is more skilled in this area than even his own master had been. Though he could gladly assist Splinter in such a contact, or anchor. Whatever was required.

"Perhaps." It's short, but as definite an agreement as Splinter might hope to receive from Usagi.

There was a soft sigh from Usagi, sad for their hurting old friend, before Splinter nudged him and encouraged him to move on. Continue with their task.

"Indeed." Another short agreement. "And I do not believe that Draco will continue to berate these men much longer. We must make haste."

Though he does understand that moving with purpose, even slowly might actually help them move faster in the long run. Even if his natural inclination, as a hare type, is to rush off as quickly as possible. He moves, following Splinter. This is definitely a ninja sort of mission, and Usagi is doing his best to follow Splinter's lead!

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Gyogi Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:04 am

Splinter muses as they move away, reading the numbers off and meandering as they would if actually busboys. " I desperately want to let how friend Daimyo know we are here, my sons are here, that you are here, we will try helping him, try to do something about his son. I just... I don't know if that is wise or would be something he will be unable to keep to himself in this state and not have us hunted throughout this stronghold." whispered and low in voice, and if anyone is looking he is pretending to muse over the map in hands, looking for the next room, next place someone important was locked behind a thick door and guards.

All the while fretting out loud for their friend, brain storming and also, Just sensing, feeling with all his might. Searching for that tingling gooseflesh without the gooseflesh sensation Gyogi, the real ones magic often made some one feel, not the same level of wow as the Daimyo's but in another way, like water washing over you but not getting wet.

Amused for a bit, " sure seems those peoples were not catching my sons fast enough for Draco's liking at all." And he is proud and pleased about that. Pleased for his young friends company and proud to be along side him. " I think I feeeeel something further down this hall..."

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Leo Tue Jul 27, 2021 5:18 pm

"I also wish to offer the daimyo hope." Usagi agreed. He really did. "But... I fear to do so will expose our presence and we will lose what advantage we have in the long run. It may be that we have to trust in our friend to hold on... at least for now." They could always revisit the idea later if things seemed to change.

He is doing his best to follow Splinter's demeanor. Trying to match the sort of behavior of his friend, or how he has seen Jenny or some of the other servants act while moving about the palace... when he noticed them at all.  Like many here, Usagi is something of a product of his upbringing. And even he, at times, has failed to acknowledge the servants, or occasionally treated some as 'lessors.' His position as a samurai gave him certain advantages, but he was a farmer in his youngest years, and he does remember. He does always try to be kind, and he has found that he often enjoys their company more than that of those at or above his own station. Though it sounds like his friends want him to do even better than that. And Usagi does not wish to fail them.

Usagi also chuckled softly at the amusement of his companion."So it seems." And a silent 'may it continue to be so' hangs in the air as he watches Splinter reach out and sense his surroundings. Usagi is paying attention, and trying to follow what his friend is doing. It's a bit beyond his abilities, but there is always more to learn.

Particularly where Splinter is concerned it seems. Or his sons for that matter.

Usagi is glad when Splinter seems to pick up on something.

"Lead on, my friend."

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Sun Aug 08, 2021 4:02 pm

Nod nod, subtle and hidden as they slip the last tray for delivery through the slots allocated for that purpose in. "I sure hope we think of something too. I don't know much about the Daimyos power but it's possible Draco being connected as he is to drain the power from Daimyo, perhaps aside from the trapped nobles and importantly in here he is also using that to keep some of these people locked up." he felt bad for them, he really did.

It's easy for Splinter to act invisible as staff in a place like this would, he's had to do it to avoid detection throughout all the early years of his sons lives. And later even more so whilst teaching them how to be the same especially when they neared surface and end of storm drains to find food or anything that may have been vaguely useful for them or Don to use and improve their lives. And he smiles at Usagi to let him know silently and just between them he is doing fine. Most the guards barely glanced their way.

Which helped as they had a empty trolley and were sort of meandering after a while as Splinter follows a feeling of the actual Gyogi's energy. He whispers, " do you feel it too? Like... Sort of becoming tranquil and sensing dampness or water near by?" curious if Usagi would be able to pick up on it too.

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Splinter 2003
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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Donnie Mon Aug 09, 2021 5:24 am

Usagi considers Splinter's words about the magic that Draco is likely using. They will have to be careful. Though, with luck, the Gyogi will know more about the magicks at play.

"Perhaps the Gyogi will have answers for us." That still seems their best course of action.

Usagi appreciates the silent reassurance. He is not well trained in blending in, and in fact, has been trained mostly to stand out!

When Splinter asks if he can feel the Gyogi, Usagi's first thought had been 'no,' but he took a moment to reach out, meditate lightly. It took enough concentration on the feeling that he can't pay attention to other things as well as ge might normally, but he's learning!

"Maybe... I believe so." and looking in the same direction as Splinter, and Usagi does zero in on the same room.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Gyogi Sun Aug 15, 2021 2:47 am

Splinter grins, samurai and ninja training were perhaps opposites, but well Usagi was like his sons taught to improvise and adapt and at that he made sure his young friend knew he was mastering quite effectively that particular character trait and skill.

Their shuffling along, maybe pretending to be picking up some usual palace debris on the way around the place following this sense, a sort of watery tingling, or the way it feels getting closer to a flowing stream. Sort of felt and smelled and heard, that damp smell... that trickling sound.

Getting closer and closer and pausing, looking carefully around a corner of a hall that seemed to be mostly old store rooms, the sorts that housed old furniture or items that might one day be of use but for now were not. There were seemingly no guards on watch down here, though that just made Splinter uneasy really. He pulls back and looks at Usagi, " it feels like this way down here somewhere is our missing friend but lack of guards... that is a little troubling... what do you think?"

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Donnie Sun Aug 15, 2021 8:39 am

Usagi takes a moment to sort of remember that feeling. He is an avid student, as Leonardo is, and eager to learn all he can from whoever he can. Especially since his failure that had resulted in the loss of his own master.

From here on, he will sort of let Splinter pay attention to that feeling, as Usagi can't really pay attention to anything else yet if he's feeling for that. Instead, he is searching in a more familiar manner for people... or things which might be guards.

And he was noticing an absence as well.

"I find it extremely unlikely that a prisoner with the sort of power our friend has would be left unguarded. Though servants are often ignored in the hallways." Still, he does not believe that this is truly the case in this instance.

"Perhaps there is sorcery at work here."

It is the Gyogi they are talking about after all, and Draco and the Daimyo's son also have a similar creature at their disposal. It is possible that that being is somehow guarding this one.

"I can think of few other ways that the Gyogi might be truly contained." He glances about for anything that might be a sign of magic in use. He has come across a few spells and hexes in his time, but little at the levels of the Gyogi and his type.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:19 pm

Splinter hums a little, " I recall a way the Ancient One showed me how to detect magic - if you are well trained in astral projection you should be able to see it in that form as a aura around a structure, place or person. My sons auras have changed since being with the tribunal a little more fluxed and colored with magics from having dragon avatars... but for those that do not have training there is still a way to assess if magic is at play, not necessarily what kind or who controls it, but if." he smiles and gathers up a few of the little sugar cubes, " Ancient One once told me if we flick small objects at a suspected door or window or person and there is some sort of barrier or protective of imprisonment spells on it they should just be repelled... like not even hit the door."

He nods at the door, and though his hearing was great, Usagi's was better though, " If you keep an ear out and I smell, we could give it ago - at least might even give us an idea that it is an imprisonment or repelling spell or jinx of hex..." and well it would be a way to pretend if some one comes thig way that they are just being good servants and are cleaning up split sugar cubes.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Leo Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:14 pm

Usagi is listening carefully. Learning what he can from Splinter. He does not have the sort of astral training that Splinter and his sons possess, but he is willing to learn as much as he can.

"That is interesting about your sons. I would like to hear more about these dragon avatars, but... perhaps this is not the time." With luck there will be time later on their journey. Perhaps a quiet moment.

But first they have to get through this mission without being noticed.

And... the small stones does sound like the best way that might be accomplished. He nods at the idea.

"I shall... as you say, keep an ear out."

Even as he does so, he is curious to see what Splinter is doing, through most of his attention is on anyone else who might be nearby. Or just... anything that doesn't feel right. He might not be as in tune with his surroundings as Splinter is, but he can search for those who might wish them harm!

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Mon Aug 23, 2021 11:36 pm

A grin at his young friend, " thank you, very comforting to know your intense sense of hearing is on the job... mmmmmm alright lets see if there is some sort of jinx or hex on the little store room... well I am assumming it is small perhaps it is larger sized." he casually flicks one of the little rocks at the room where the intense sort of pull was coming from, the familiar watery pull.

The little bit of chipped masonry flew in a arch at the door and as if it hit a wall, soundlessly sailed away from the room. Splinter hums and flicks a few more stones just to be certain, one towards the top of the door and at the handle... then one more at the center watching each sail away once it hit the invisible barrier. And then he tried the floor near the crack - and smiled when that one skidded and skipped along the floor and made the sounds a pebble should make as it scraps away under the crack. " ahhhhhh there is a limit to the curse... either the doors shadow creates a opening or the spell is cast specifically on the door itself and no one thought to make sure the barrier is around the room or further than the door. I suppose it may be specific to keep our friend Gyogi in. But let others in an or out and the door is cursed just to keep most out." musing out loud and looking at Usagi for his thoughts.

Also this was a good lesson for his young friend though the very capable samurai was probably more than aware that magics had their limits and flaws.

And just what had he felt from Donatello far away that made his furr all stand on end under a sort of pleasant wave of feel goods?!

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Donnie Tue Aug 24, 2021 2:22 pm

"Of course, My Friend." Thiugh Usagi is pretty sure Splinter's senses are better than his own. Though Usagi probably does have the better hearing of the pair, a d he definitely has an ear out on their surroundings.

He also grins when the first stone skitters under the door! Limits to the spell might be exploited!

"Though without more specifics, I do not know how we might go about breaking the Gyogi free."

Of course magic had its limits! Usagi does know this.

"I know many beings, but none fit through the crack you are sliding those stones through. Though, perhaps, if we can pass the stones, we could pass a note."

And if in Splinter's world, "passing a stone" means something different, well... Usagi would have no way to know that!

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:45 am

A soft and low hum of a chuckle, " Gyogi is probably here to keep him from accessing a source of water that could boost his powers or let him find a way out ... perhaps why he hasn't yet exploited the doorway... or can't use the small gap to slip out himself." thinking over all he knew of the strange spirit being that often acted as referee in the Battle Nexus Tournaments as well as commentator and advisor to the Daimyo the rest of the time and was a serious if caring soul. " heheh Passing stones in our world could be a serious medical condition... mmmmm your right we might want to try just a letter first."

Thinking over the situation and sighing a little, " of course there is nothing on the cart to write with, do you have something on you or should we head back to Jenny?" see what else she might be able to do to help them slip under the radar and get a note in. Though truth be told he wasn't a fan of putting her or any or the cleaning and cooking staff in any danger by drawing attention to them.

Weighing the options in his mind and watching the door. A note would be the easiest un obtrusive way to get a message and maybe even one back?

or if not able give the Gyogi a time to be meditating and try reaching him that way? maybe by using one of these other presuming store rooms? " mmmmm or could just settle in one of these other rooms and go to the spectral way... and would help a little given I just felt something... goood and exciting from Donatello." that made a wonderful change! And made him extremely curious.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Leo Sun Aug 29, 2021 2:30 pm

Usagi is listening with a soft hmmm... as he considers Splinter's words.

"Oh!" It's soft. He had not known! " I suppose we do not wish that."

Usagi frowned at the request for a writing instrument. He searched his pockets and frowned.

"I typically do, but unfortunately, I seem to have left it in my other belt." In one of the pouches attached to his swords.

"Something good this time? I encourage you to find out what it is, and perhaps your mystical training is best in this situation. Though... perhaps if it fails we could improvise..."

There is some jam on the cart, he miiiiight be able write with it, but it would not be very pretty, and might take him a bit of time. Though it would be edible, and easy to dispose of evidence!

"There should be a servant's tunnel this way where we should be able to hide for a time."

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Gyogi Sun Sep 05, 2021 12:08 am

Chuckle! " hah! noooo indeed I hear it is tremendously painful a condition to experience." Before focusing back on the task in front of them, watching Usagi as he explains his writing implements are back with the rest of their gear, Splinter grinning sheepsihly and admitting. " I usually have mine too but left them... mmmmm your right this good news I must pursue... thank you, lead on to the perfect spot." because his young friend knew this place or at the very least had a good idea and instincts to boot where was a good spot to keep out of sight to meditate.

He will follow where Usagi takes them helping with the trolley more this time with no one about to see them and also it was lighter so had a habit of rolling away.

And he would grin at his companion once they were off the main track and close to where Gyogi's sense of presence radiated from but out of any main foot traffic area, " I know you have been worried too, did you want to join us? if you think this spot is quiet enough?" he would ask before beginning and joining the sensations of his sons already reaching for Don whose energy just felt... greener if that was a thing, lighter and warmer and... greener and healthier!

Oh he was soooo curious, but leaving it to Leo to reach out and alert their brother to the contact. Araluen.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Leo Sun Sep 05, 2021 8:30 am

Usagi gave a soft hmm sound in response to the medical condition of passing stones being painful. He sort of had to wonder where the stone was being passed from, and what it was, but now was not the time. Usagi did not learn all he has without having a curiosity that nearly rivaled Donatello, but he had a stricter society in which to function, and he had quickly learned what questions were acceptable for his station, and which were not. He had learned to channel his curiosities in culturally appropriate ways.

Taking the direction to lead on easily, Usagi searches for and finds the entrance to one of the nearby servant passages. This part of the palace is less used at the moment, leaving the servants freer passage in the main tunnels, so these were a little dustier and less well kept than they would be if the palace was fully occupied and this section were not being used as something of an additional prison space.

The space he chose was sort of an empty broom closet within the servant tunnel It should be safe enough.

Still, they are currently inside Draco's stronghold, and Usagi is reluctant to leave them unguarded in meditation.

"I have been worried, yes. I believe this section of the palace to be relatively safe at the moment, but who knows what protections Draco may have in place. Go, be with your family, My Friend. I will keep watch here." And pull Splinter out if anything changes.

He gave a slight smile. "And I expect to hear everything when you return."

As Splinter dipped into meditation, Usagi also sat, listening for now, and reaching out with his senses as best he could, listening intently for anything that might be amiss.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Sun Sep 19, 2021 1:48 am

And here his body briefly glows purple and greenish and with the flood of scent too, his tea and warm fur usual Splinter scent but with underlying garden and florally smells as the fur becomes sleeker and smoother looking some of the lines around eyes and mouth ease, smooth over tail becoming a darker pinkish color.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Leo Sun Sep 19, 2021 7:31 am

Usagi is decidedly startled when Splinter starts to glow!

Luckily they were in this little used part of the palace! And he wonders if the Gyogi felt that.

Of the fake one... hopefully farther away.

He has never encountered this energy or smell before, but he's read descriptions!


But he thought most of them were gone. Their magic lost a generation ago! And as the light and scent fade, he's seeing the changes in his friend.


But oh is he nervous about staying here now. Hopefully Splinter returns soon. Usagi puts a hand on Splinter's shoulder, a light, non-urgent encouragement to make this quick. He's concerned that their hiding place may be compromised. Perhaps it is not. It could be that all is well, but just in case, he would like to be away from here before any magic sensing entities that may be about start searching for them.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:26 pm

And he is back! his eyes opening and beyond their hidey hole is the sounds of approaching feet, a heavy slithering at the edge of his earing and probably more in Usagi's hearing he is guessing Draco is among them or someone else with a tail.

" I apologise Usagi I am guessing a little magic was sensed... we should move on I will explain in another spot. Somewhere around here so we can try that again maybe reaching for the actual Gyogi this time." his furr is more silver than grey now and glossy and he brushes some of it in wonder.

but yes time to move, explain to his friend in a moment!

Wait until the laundry matron gets an eyeful of him nooow! oh yeah! he is up and though he used his walking stick out of habit, he doesn't need it really. he is ready to follow Usagi else where.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Donnie Mon Sep 20, 2021 2:01 pm

"A little more than a little, I fear." Usagi agreed. They had definitely been sensed by something. And yes, time to move. But goodness, he wants this story! He can see the obvious changes in Splinter, and whatever happened had clearly been powerful!

While it will probably take some time for these guards, not accustomed to using the servant corridors to find them, their pursuers are definitely too close for comfort. And Usagi guides Splinter away through the tunnels.

Once they are in a section of the palace that is more suited to their cover, closer to where several of their deliveries had been, and away from the sounds of their pursuers, Usagi breaches the subject quietly. He is hesitant to stop at this point, but if they need to be quiet and act like they are making their way back to the kitchens, hopefully their disguises will be enough. And it is hopefully still close enough to suit Splinter's suggestion of a space where they might reach the Gyogi.

Though he doesn't know if the fake Gyogi can sense magic still on Splinter or not. Still, quiet voices are possibly okay? Hopefully. Though he is still on edge, and considers an ambush still a possibility!

"That seemed a powerful spell, My Friend. Are you alright to try this?" Actually, Splinter seems better than alright...

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:08 am

As their leaving the corridor they can hear the real Gyogi explaining to those that were looking that he was trying to escape and a hex on anyone who had to drag their sorry tails down here. Gyogi doesn't know what happened, what he felt but it was both familiar and not at the same time and he was covering for it...

So maybe when they go back there if it is still mostly unguarded they could probably just talk to Gyogi through the door.

The further away they got and back to where they sort of begun and seeing some trays ready for collection they could begin that whilst acting like servants still as guards hurried about restlessly looking for unusuals not invisible lowly staff. Splinter waiting until a troop of the sort of lizard looking ones left, " Donatello, my Donatello is travelling with a Fae, she tried to heal him and the spell maybe worked better than she intended. What do you know of fae?" he wonders in whispers moving with Usagi. " I don't know how it will truly affect Don until I see him but he recalled her spell and... has somehow got some of her magic too, and it worked upon me too... healed some old never should have healed ouchies and I feel... a year or two younger." and he is again using the walking stick mostly out of habit. Then to keep up appearances when he realises it. He doesn't need it right now. Or at least not as much as he had.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Donnie Tue Sep 21, 2021 1:50 pm

Interesting that the others seem to just be talking to the Gyogi! Hopefully that is something that they might be able to use next! He is a little leery of anything else that might be associated with magic at the moment.

For whatever just happened with Master Splinter had been a powerful spell indeed.

Usagi considers the information about the fae and the magic working too well.

"There used to be many species of fae throughout the Nexus. But I had believed most of them to have been lost a generation ago. Which... is about the time the last genio innocuo were seen..." But that is really neither here nor there. Just sort of an interesting coincidence.

"And my understanding is that many had lost much of their magics before that. But it seems that this fae with Donatello is an exception. There are several different types of fae, and long ago, all had powerful magiks. Many types of fae, were believed mischievous, but there are other theories that they had good intentions, but until they became stronger and well versed in their magicks, and... oh what was the phrase... 'control of their intentions?' that their spells could have... unintended side effects. Though I cannot say I have ever heard of a fae 'passing on' their magic as you have described. Though perhaps it was some of your sons' other abilities that caused that? Did Donatello say what sort of fae she was?"

And Usagi is pretty sure that the turtles having some sort of dragon qualities has come up, but he's not sure enough to venture any theories along that line.

"I am pleased that you are feeling better, My Friend." Though he does quietly hope that Don had better control than this Bebe seems to yet. Though, with some of the stories that he's heard... he's pretty sure that Donatello would have the sort of control required to keep the magic in check.

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Post by Splinter 2003 Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:06 pm

huh Splinter chewed on that, it could be that the decline might be unrelated or perhaps a lack of Genio Innocuo was a sign things were dire for others... or vice versa... he flicks an ear away the other is focused on Usagi as are his eyes when not watching their trek as they sort of reverse what they had been doing earlier for the moment as troops march about and look in rooms.

" From what Donatello has described of Bebe, she is a young hand maiden to a reinigen princess, kept apart from her magics, and is only just beginning to learn them through a book, a savannah fae folk?" recalling all he heard of her through Donatello.

" and the spell she cast was

"Fill this good heart with Fae warmth, light, life,
to heal body and mind, and weather strife."

You could be right Donatello or the addition of Liam's touch in the act might have helped some fae magic spread across the spell into Donatello. He managed not to share it with me but I do feel rejuvenated and so spry once more."
smiling and keeping talk low, head bowed aside from the moments he glanced at his youthful companion.

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Post by Donnie Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:55 pm

Usagi hmms softly, considering Splinter's words.

"Okay, with that spell, I can perhaps understand how the magic was accidentally shared... Especially if there were other mystical beings involved as you say. You said your grand children are part dragon correct? And I recall something about your sons too? Donatello himself also has some access to dragon magic, yes?""

Usagi collects a plate at one of the rooms they had visited earlier. Definitely still listening. Paying attention for the departure of those searching for the magic that just happened. Hopefully they will shuffle off soon.

"I am afraid, my friend, that I do not know much more. Perhaps with the child, and Donatello's own dragon traits, he was more receptive to the magic than you were. Or perhaps Donatello's intentions were slightly different, or more controlled. If this Bebe is learning from a book, she may not have the mental training that your sons do. Though I suppose what is done is done."

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Post by Splinter 2003 Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:05 pm

Splinter smiled, he is relaxing as the troops march about - but cleaning staff, cooking staff, maids that rushed about gathering bed linens -

they were invisible and he has to admit he had treated them as such for most the part aside from kind words and thank yous when he was last here. One day when things were right again he would be more a mind to be kinda and talk more to them. For now he just relishes being almost of no consequence to the troops and to Draco yelling about the normal Gyogi and his fake Gyogi at his side making some snide comments about the magic failing and that it felt like some ancient fairy spell.

Twitching his ratty ears and helping keep the items stacked and neat and listening to Usagi, smiling kindly, " yes my grandsons are half dragon and my sons too ... or are dragons with turtle bodies for now - one day maybe that will change." he agrees and ooooh did Usgai know just how much warm fuzzies he got from the words 'sons' and 'grandsons' ? " I still find it so hard to believe I am a grandfather, I thought it would happen though Mr and Mrs Jones first." chuckling and nodding to his younger companion. " I guess you are right magic is difficult to guess what the outcome will be the best of times but when its being dealt with by a rookie... suppose we will make do with any residual side effects - And thank you, I know we take for granted you know more than we about Nexus." no need to be sorry for not knowing everything. A light friendly bump against his bud and thinking over their problem of contacting the watery known friend Gyogi. " will need a new spot close by the room to try astral visiting Gyogi... maybe later tomorrow morning to give the guards time to relax again."

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Post by Donnie Sun Sep 26, 2021 8:20 am

Usagi is sort of shocked at just how invisible they seem to be, walking along here with their cart in plain sight. He had never realized what it was like to be a servant. So completely ignored! It is strange. But he continues on, as he knows Splinter would if he were leading the way.

His own whiskers twitch at the talk of an ancient fairy spell. He hopes the magic can't be followed, but since Splinter didn't actually perform the spell himself, he is pretty sure it should be fine.  

He is moderately concerned about whether Donatello or this Bebe are being tracked somehow.

"There is legend among the Nexus that the genio innocuo, along with other reptile types were descended from dragons millennia ago." Though Usagi does not know the details of what hybridization may have resulted in the Nexus version of his friends. "Perhaps there is also an ancient connection in your world that they are somehow able to access." Whether by their mutation or their training.

He chuckles softly at Splinter having thought Casey and April would make him a grandfather first! That was definitely understandable!

Usagi nods, he knows his friends to be resilient! He is sure that whatever comes to pass that they will find a way. And a smile at Splinter taking Usagi's Nexus expertise for granted.

"It is not a problem, My Friend. I am similarly reliant in your world. It is so very different."

Usagi nods agreement about needing a new room to try to reach the Gyogi. And that waiting for a time would be wise. He makes sure they are on a path to reacquire any dishes they brought earlier before returning to the kitchens.

"I believe I know a hallway that would be equipped with an acceptable storage space that may suit our needs. But I agree that now may not be the best time."

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Thu Sep 30, 2021 3:56 am

Splinter doesn't know Usagi has the same worry that crosses his mind mid grinning back at his younger buddy and nodding and musing out loud, " perhaps if we ask nicely or hint at it the laundry matron or Jenny to let us go do some chore in the library or somewhere we could hope to find a little information on fairies - though I am sure if there is tracking of Donatello and Bebe soon enough he will be with Leonardo and Michelangelo and they will, and those huge turtles with them will protect them. And If I recall the smaller ones maybe smaller but they are scrappy." soft chatter as they wheel along.

" Maybe waste some time in there whilst waiting for the guards and Draco to cool it?" curious what Usagi would think of his suggestion or what he might have of his own.

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Post by Leo Thu Sep 30, 2021 5:36 pm

Usagi considered the idea of a chore in the library. He can't come up with a particularly good reason for either laundry or food to be in that particular space.

"Perhaps one of them would at least know who to direct us to." Certainly someone has to at least sweep in the library from time to time. "And I am certain that there would be some information in the library, though it may be in the restricted section, which will be more difficult to access. Though he probably shouldn't be too concerned about that given that this is Splinter he's talking to!

"I must admit, my friend, that with as readily as Draco's people here seemed to recognize the magic, that I fear Donatello and this Bebe may be tracked as a result as well. And I hope they reach the others before someone reaches them."

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Post by Splinter 2003 Thu Oct 07, 2021 11:43 pm

Splinter nods. " well it is probably best we return this tray to Jenny and see if she can point us in the right direction of comeone we could ask or go work for for a while - and try to find some information..." it wasn't much of a plan but for now it was something! And would keep them from being any more noticeable from other invisible staff in that they will be busy and doing something!

He nods, letting worry flit across his face, " and if my son is... younger in mind as he felt he might be going to be thanks to the spell he might not be prepared to fight... I and inwardly fretting - but I hope... I hope his companions with him will keep him safe -

I know though this would be a alarming time for him, depending on how much he has returned in his youth, a couple of years ago my sons time topside was very limited and I have kept them quite sheltered, so being so suddenly away from his brothers and I... maybe he has retained his memories?..."
but if Splinter doesn't sound hopeful about that last bit, it's because he is not really certain and sure and the astral visit hadn't afforded them much more than just a moment to enjoy Donatello being well for the first time in a long time and ask how it had come about.

He shakes off the worries, he was unable to do much about that.

What he should and could do was follow Usagi back to the kitchens and see what else they could do about finding information, keeping a cover annnnd settling somewhere to meditate on contacting Gyogi. The real one.

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Post by Leo Fri Oct 08, 2021 8:52 am

Usagi continued on his path, tidying up any plates that had been left for them, and gathering items onto the cart for transport back to Jenny in the kitchens.

He had been quietly amused at Splinter mentioning the laundry maid a short time ago! Especially now that he seems a little more spry. And Usagi may attempt to sort of facilitate a meeting should the opportunity present itself.

Usagi frowns as Splinter mentions that Donatello may not have only become more youthful as a result of the spell, but may not have all of his memories from the past couple of years. Though he does offer his friend what hope he can.

"They have been in training for most of their lives, have they not?" The question is rhetorical. He knows that Splinter did start training the turtles when they were very, very young. "Then he is as prepared as he can possibly be." For what little comfort that is worth. At least, even younger, Donatello is not completely unprepared for an attack. If he lost those memories, he would not have the battle experience that he had as an older teen, but it was surely better than nothing.

He frowns as Splinter explains that he kept the turtles extremely sheltered. Though with what he has learned of Splinter's world, he can understand why.

"His companions have gone to great lengths already to help him, have they not? I am sure they will do all they can. And we must finish our tasks here. Then, perhaps, we can join them." Especially if Donatello has lost his memories of the past couple years, he is certain that Splinter would like to get to his son as soon as possible. But they really need to get through to the Gyogi and gather intel while they are here first! If they do not take advantage of this opportunity, they may lose it.

Usagi returns to the kitchens for now! He is not entirely certain what to do with the cart now, but there seem to be a couple similar ones, filled with dirty dishes like their own. Usagi moves the cart over to the rest, where another group of servants seems to be taking care of the soiled flatware.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Sat Oct 09, 2021 10:58 pm

Splinters shoulders lift a little, and his ears stop drooping, he nods, " you are right my young friend, on all counts... Donatello should be surrounded by people who care for him and will help him cope and he will be with his brothers soon I am sure. Most of them, they should be okay. He should be okay... and my grandsons." ooooh he felt a little sad again he could do nothing for Donatello or Liam - but well still Usagi was right, they had friends and family around them, even if only interdimensional family for now so he had to focus on the now and trust he'd been training his sons well to adapt, and that with support they will be okay. And help little boys be okay too.

Jenny is in a fluster and the laundry matron is there, busy workers were giving the kitchen and storage spaces. She was of the opinion a spotless kitchen made for easy meal preps the next day. And well it made it better if the soldiers when sent about to check for poisons could simply see into spaces of the cupboards and shelves otherwise they would dump everything ont he floors and make a greater mess.

It meant when Usagi and Splinter catch her attention she sort of beams and flounces their way merrily but it is with a hurry in her step.

Splinter smiles, this friendly cook was a easy going soul and even in the midst of this chaos just her smile seemed to ease some of their worries - and also for himself he can see a busy lean ratty form over there helping with the dishes currently being washed - proooobably so they can then handle the last washing of tea towels and rags for the night. " hello Jenny, thank you for the work, is there any morrre we could do - say in the librarys of along the windows or something?" curiously and softly to her as she beams at them.

Jenny gestures showing Usagi where to add their cart to the train of others lined up to be emptied and then wiped over and put in a neat line up again a wall, only two were finished so far and she shrugs looking over at the matron. " I am not sure really - um Ari what do you think? would Stu our Steward have some work for them to do?" And giggles a little tilting her head at Usagi and pointing her ear at Splinter when he looks momentarily dumbfounded as the older servant came over to them tucking the tip of a tea towel into her apron belt. Her large dark eyes watch them both and she hums out loud in thought.

" yes, there is always something to do, I will take yous to him if yous want." she offers politely and recognized Usagi, bowing her head respectfully to the young warrior friend of the Daimyo, and beside the Ronin was usually a polite, tidy guest when he was here on business or to visit. And she knew her young cook friend had a celebrity crush on him. Though she sensed using his name out loud shouldn't be done for now, the rest of the staff miiight not be as familiar with the samurai - or his guest whom Ari diiiid know from passing his statue often enough in the hall of champions. Annnd forgoes using his name too just encase, but this was the first time she has been close to the a champion other than changing their linens. So a chance to walk both these known famous faces through the palace would be very cool.

sides like most of the staff whom, they just wanted the terror of Draco and his brutes removed so they could get back to working for their lord!

Splinter smiles, but waits for an okay from Usagi as he knew things a little better around here then the old ninja did... but cool they will be able to talk to Ari!... oh she seemed nice!

Last edited by 2k3MasterSplinter on Sat Oct 09, 2021 11:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Donnie Mon Oct 11, 2021 6:32 am

Usagi smiles slightly to himself when Splinter's demeanor changes slightly. That was good. He is certain that his friend could not truly focus on their task if he is worried about one of his sons. Not that his friend doesn't have reason to worry, but there is little they can do at the moment, but trust Donatello, his training, and his companions.


Usagi can't help but smile at the way Jenny makes her way around the kitchen. He places the cart as directed and moves to her. And a soft, barely there chuckle when he caught Splinter watching the laundry matron again.

There is more amusement and a slight nod when Jenny also notices. Usagi knows of Master Splinter's famous 'poker face' that his sons have spoken about, but at the moment, the ninja master is oh so very easy to read. He nods just enough to confirm Jenny's suspicions and there's a slight grin. Oh, Usagi is definitely encouraging this!

Usagi has found himself often recognized by servants. He does make an effort to be polite to all, but he also takes some pride in keeping his space tidy. Having spent his earliest years in a farming family, Usagi makes his own bed when he plans to return, saving the servants that time. He does make an effort to leave any space he enters as clean as it was when he arrived.

Though Usagi's station is typically far higher than the laundry matron, and he is pretty sure he has been made. At the moment though, their cover is that of lower servants, and he responds to the bow with a slightly deeper one for an immediate supervisor..

"We would very much appreciate it, Ari." Thank you.

As they move to go with Ari, Usagi shifts so that Splinter is between them. For now, that is his only attempt to encourage them to talk. Depending on how things go, he may do more.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by NexusNoobs Sun Oct 17, 2021 1:37 am

Jenny giggled silently at Usagi's nod, and she waggles her nose tip in a cute way, and then her tail as she turns away, a sort of 'good luck with them' and headed back to her task to keep the staff moving, for their safety so their not lingering once done and less likely to be in the line of fire should another search come through.


Oh wait! Usagi moved!

And oh the Splinter is now aware maaaaaybe he wasn't as clever at hiding interest as he thought -

Oh geeze, this was almost as on the spot as when Casey had came to him and asked about how to go about getting closer to April, a sort of - well now what do I do or say with literally only drama sitcoms as a guide... and this is another one of those moments. He had been an older male rat prior mutation, but he is pretty sure anything he tries to think up instinctively might not be a good idea.

So he shuffles a bit and sort of glances at his young friend for inspiration, and then goes with the first thing that comes to mind -

Just like a Michelangelo, " uh - so you live here?" the lamest way to start a way to ask about her life!

Though it does help their image to look like a trio of busy servants looking like their discussing what needs to be done still. And their dawdle thanks to him resuming the old guy stroll. Still inwardly amazed at what Donatello has done for him.

Air just shifted uncomfortably and grins a little at Usagi as they move off, " wow you doing that is soooo strange feeling." she enjoyed it though and well Usagi was one of the kinder masters when visiting, gentle and polite to the staff and always made their work a little easier. As was his friend when he was here, she smiles at the question, " usually it's not bad at all, the Daimyo and when under his reign things are fairly routine and there is not this... cloud of fear of wondering if someone be unhappy with our service." anyone of staff stations are usually the targets for unhappy guests or leaders - under the Daimyo it was not so, grievances were brought up to him or Gyogi or usually to the steward who they were seeing now -

The Daimyos son maybe by privelege was spoiled and not of good character, but didn't see the staff so usually his pranks on them were few and fair between, but cruel when it came to it. Draco had not been a pleasant visitor ever feeling he had a right to demand everything from the staff and servants and punish them himself when those demands were not met. In Daimyo's days that was usually stopped if caught, right now though... she is sad, " I... hope ... yous being here means that someone is trying to rescue the daimyo... I'd... I mean I never partnered or had pinklings, my laundresses are like the family I didn't have I only want the palace back to be safe for them to work in." and also be less like slaves, their not being paid at all under Draco/ and the son, looking from Splinter to Usagi and back hopeful, her tail longer than Splinters and moving with them in a weary sort of way.

Oh well that answer his questions and offered a moment to offer hope yeah?

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Leo Sun Oct 17, 2021 3:32 pm

There is a genuine smile at Ari's words.

"These are strange times." Actually, he is rather pleased that she had figured out who he was! Though if she could do so, then so could many others. And if he's not very much mistaken, she also recognized Splinter! She must spend some time in the Hall of Champions. Not uncommon for staff of the palace. There are jobs within the Hall that must be completed by someone.

Usagi is amused at Jenny's sort of silent wishing him luck. He had faith that this could work!

That is, until Splinter actually opened his mouth. His soft, muttered words are intended only for his friend, but it is possible that Ari heard all the same.

"I never imagined that that was a trait that you shared with Michelangelo" Oh, he is so very amused.

And Usagi is listening as Ari explains what she has experienced.

"That is the hope." He offers regarding rescuing the Daimyo. "Though at the moment we are gathering information. While I too wish to rescue the Daimyo, I fear that we are not yet ready for such an endeavor."

The time will come, but he doesn't want to burden Ari with too much information. Sometimes not knowing is best. Though he does want to offer her hope that there is someone out there who is working to change things.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Fri Oct 29, 2021 12:30 am

Ari smiles at Usagi, a little say, "we will try to keep any staff who recognise you and Splinter from saying it out loud, though I cannot guarantee it... But as lower servants we are rarely listened to so that also works in your favour for a time." then amusement and well It was curious to watch the wise der warrior look sheepish, if briefly before looking lofty like.

Splinter grins in the most Mikeyish way before putting on his 'stern' master voice and face, and it's totally a fake out on the fact he was sprung. "I am sure I have no idea what you mean Usagi." but a more sincere serious smile and tone at Ari. "thank you Madam Ari, we will try our best to be as non descript to the others as possible to help out with maintaining cover and safety for all as we can, Usagi is right at this point in time we are simply gathering information and trying to find a weak point in Draco and the force we have noticed gathering. ." more and more soldiers arrived every day.

Ari smiles one last corridor and they will be there. " thank you both for the hope, most of us servants will probably help as much as we can without being caught out." she assured them both as they enter the large ornate double doors that open onto the darkish library, it is peaceful and white and has the smell of parchment and ink. In here her laundry maids and herself handled the curtains and table runners, clothes and keeping the various collections of cushiony couches and poofs and sand bags clean and fresh for readers to be comfortable in. She calls out for the Steward gently they could all hear the badger like critter in the back of the rows probably changing out candles.

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Post by Donnie Fri Oct 29, 2021 12:01 pm

"Thank you, Ari. Though perhaps we should take a few more precautions in the more crowded areas..." That was sort of directed to Splinter. Especially as that is his area of expertise.

Usagi chuckled softly at Splinter's response to his observation. And oh,good. Splinter was thinking the same. Usagi will follow his lead on that. Samurai are typically trying to stand out, not remain hidden.

With the rate that soldiers seemed to be arriving, Usagi hopes they can start this battle sooner than later! The longer they wait, the more difficult this will be. Though it did sound as though one of the groups of turtles out there was building an army of their own.

And perhaps there was another resource in the servants when the time to fight eventually comes.

He smiled as Ari called out to the Steward. He stood closer to Splinter than is entirely normal, sort of forcing his friend closer to the laundry matron. Then 'accidentally' bumped the wily, ninja rat.

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Post by Splinter 2003 Tue Nov 02, 2021 4:08 pm

Steward, Stu, the greying old grumpy Drang-Zorn makes his way over to them, and to Splinter looked like a honey badger so already he was expecting a tough wily old critter. He notes were Usagi is but sort of stumbles a little and his tail was across Ari's path as she moves forward - he stops her with a touch to her arm and moves his tail offering an arm to hold - and all but over the moon when she chuckles but accepts the arm.

" what waaat isss it!' Stu grumbles.

Ari smiles and looks at him, missing the beaming of Splinter to Usagi beside him! and the slight old ratty tail tip waggling of delight! " hey Stu, I know you have a busy time left tonight so I though these two could help you out." she nods to her companions.

Splinter doing his best to serious when she nods his way!

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Post by Leo Tue Nov 02, 2021 7:16 pm

Usagi is happy for his friend, and amused at that waggily tail tip! Good! And Ari seemed to take the light touch well. He is pleased for his friend who - to Usagi's knowledge - not really had this sort of opportunity.

As for how to act here with Stu, Usagi will take his cues from Splinter once more. He caught the attempt to be serious, and follows suit.

Hopefully the steward will have a task for them, and they do need some information, that hopefully they will be able to find here! And for now, he keeps quite until he knows whether or not their are purposely revealing their presence to Stu.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Thu Nov 11, 2021 9:47 pm

Steward is chewing on his thoughts. Really he should send the rat and her friends back to the kitchen he thinks grumpily, huffy in typical honey badger fashion - but on the other hands. " fine! I could use the hand, it make dis go quicker." he grumbles happily and eyes the matron, " are you staying too?"

Ari chuckles and pats Splinters arm. " as much as I would enjoy that I must go complete the laundry for the mornings change overs."

She doesn't announce who they are. And Steward pays less attention to the statues in the champions hall. At least not details of them that didn't mean cleaning them. " then shoo we is has mountain of books to put away then some more rewriting of some moth eaten pages to replace in the old section if we get time." he gestures for Splinter and Usagi to follow him. " come come much work... much!" He gestures -

And Ari smiles at the two slipping her hand free and backing away so they can follow Steward into the back of the library.

Splinter still had a slightly goofy smile - so not exactly emulating his oh so serious statue in the hall of champions and waves as Ari backs away from them all. And a soft out of the corner of his mouth to Usagi as they follow the other old crouch. " thank you my young friend, that was entirely too thrilling and brief.... did I do good?" cause maybe his younger companion had had more practice in the field of romance than he? maybe?

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Donnie Fri Nov 12, 2021 1:44 pm

Usagi is glad when Steward accepts their help, and is sort of amused at the typical badger attitude. And he is happy to see Ari pat Splinter's arm, and the manner in which she took her leave.

It takes a little before Usagi really allows himself to believe that Steward does not know who they are. And that's probably for the best. The fewer servants know they're here, the fewer people who might actually get in trouble. And Usagi doesn't want any of their friends getting in trouble for knowing they were here!

Even this gruff steward.

"Of course, Sir." An accent that Splinter has likely never heard from Usagi. The one of his youth. The one he spent years learning to 'correct' so that he wouldn't be looked down upon as a Samurai.

As it happens, Usagi has had more romantic experiences than Splinter has! To be fair, most of them were this world's equivalent of one night stands. Or ladies he has seen multiple times upon his return to a village. None of them have been a true, long term relationship. And he is always careful to make sure they understand that.

"I do believe that went very well." Usagi is amused. And yes, Ari had seemed interested in Splinter. At least interested in company. Even if Usagi is still amused that Splinter's ice breaker had been so very like Michelangelo in nature.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Sun Nov 14, 2021 1:34 am

Splinter waited until the kalumphing, complaining and grunting in a happy sort of manner now he had extra help badger guy meandered off to look through the shelves as he had been doing to find books and scrolls damaged by dust or paper or wood mites or mould or age or brittle or with worm and damaged ends or covers to repair. And left them to the piles of books and scrolls on the thin trolleys in the lanes between stacks where he pulled out books or scrolls and left them to tak away his target ones before coming back with those read by guests to go away in this area.

Splinter takes the trolley to give it a push, and well his language as far as reading the Nexus language wasn't bad given some of it seemed a strange mix of japanese and english but he felt it best the actual native should put the books away as they travel up and down the stacks independantly of the badger.

" soooooooooooo... after this mess and we return, or maybe just I for a visit... think she will have a tea with me?" hopefully whiskers twitching. And its light inane chatter, but also something he is deeply interested in, and thoroughly relying on his younger more experienced in this area companions he hopes ' sign ' reading in this instance, also nodding at the books and scrolls. Maybe they could have a look through anything that catches their eyes for information?

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Splinter 2003

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Leo Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:02 pm

Usagi is quietly amused at the badger as he goes about his business. He has dealt with many of the critters in the past, and they often seem to have similar dispositions.

Usagi is efficient as he puts the books away, checking titles as he moves along. These are general information books, nothing that would be hidden in the maester only section, but there could still be some information about dragons or fairies hidden in the volumes. Though there is more likely to tall tales interspersed in this information. There is still much that could be learned though. He reads off titles quietly as he goes along, making sure that Splinter heard them. If the steward hears him, he will likely assume that Usagi is just using the tactic to help him remember the title in his hand at the moment.

Between titles, as he tucked a book on the shelf and made his way back to Splinter's cart, Usagi chuckled at the question.

"Should we survive this endeavor, I do believe that fortune may be in your favor, My Friend."

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Mon Nov 22, 2021 4:33 pm

Splinter manages to grin and hop on the spot, energetic in ways he'd not been for many years! " that I am thrilled to hear, and so very hopeful. It would be nice to have a lady to come here to hang out with not just, hopefully good friend Daimyo." chuckle and well trusting to the younger companions knowledge to pass him anything that looks interesting or unusual that might be worth looking through laters, liiiiiiiiike the old scroll of the older achitecture of the palace. Thought of as unimportant by most but servants knew a lot of the old tunnels and corridors but there was old rooms and storage areas and towers that were mostly forgotten by most as well as little hatchways or sewer drains or dead body chutes in the out cities defensive walls.

" our companion seems fairly... focused." and a little grumpy and belligerent. but it amused Splinter mostly. And its fun to chitty chat as they work away and a way to cover up any sounds of trying to squirrel away anything they might want to look over later.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Leo Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:21 pm

Usagi chuckles softly at Splinter's moment of joy. He has not seen his friend this spry in some time. Splinter still moved very well, but Usagi knew that his friend lived with pain. And it was good to see it had been lessened!

"It is nice to have a variety of reasons to visit the Capitol." Usagi agreed. Usagi is usually here for a job, but he has friends, and even lovers in various towns he frequents.

Their servant robes were well suited to hiding a couple of scrolls away. Though it did seem that they did need to exercise some restraint.

Usagi also looks fir historical texts, particularly with references to dragons and fae, as well as wars and history of the daimyo and his reign. He passes these in to Splinter to make a final decision.

"Indeed. A common trait of the species, though he seems particularly so." Which, provided they complete the task at hand, may work in their favor.

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"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by NexusNoobs Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:05 am

Stu is busy working and well not many would know this was his happy sort of grumbling.

Sure he was busy and grumble grumble - but it was a good busy and kept his head low and out of trouble.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Gyogi Thu Dec 16, 2021 1:59 am

Splinter hummmed and haaarrred and well as he picks carefully through the scrolls passed his way choosing things that have a little early history to do with their current Daimyo and their friend and for the critters also fairly newest texts. Wars and maps he choose a older and newer. A mix to compare any changes in landscape or buildings of the palace they could use to their advantage. And keeping up the appearance of the other chatter, low and soft. " even more important to have those reasons when their new reasons." he grins excited for this new venture, and it helped ease the constant knot of worry he had for his brothers and these new grand babies. It helped to focus on finding information and then thinking later they would probably rest then try finding a way to contact Gyogi.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Donnie Thu Dec 16, 2021 7:17 pm

At first Usagi had been unsure about what Splinter was looking for, and he had made far more offers than might have been truly necessary. As they continue to work though, Usagi is starting to see the patterns in what his friend is selecting to hold on to and what he is putting back on the shelves.

"Indeed. And I wish you good fortune in your endeavor." Usagi couldn't help but smile. And he did wish Splinter luck! And he was certain that Splinter would be a good companion for Ari as well.

Some of the sections, they pass through without looking at a single title, while others have many more passed between the pair. Whenever the badger comes along, Usagi does make a bit of a show of being efficient and precise in the reshelving, but for the most part they seem to have been left to their own devices.

Thankfully, as a Samurai, Usagi does have access to many scholarly texts. He has been in the Daimyo's library on a handful of occasions, and does know his way around to an extent, so he does have some idea how the information is organized. Though each library within the Nexus will usually have it's own cataloguing system.

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Araluen Capitol City - Page 2 Empty Re: Araluen Capitol City

Post by Splinter 2003 Fri Dec 24, 2021 1:20 am

Stu crept closer, making a grunting snuffling sound, " I heard that rabbit... I... this way..."

Splinter had soooort of heard the old steward coming, but, sensed... something and though he'd patted Usagi's hand with a grin and nod, ooooh he so hoped it would work between him and the pretty laundry matron too! but he'd sensed the steward growing quiet, and sniffing the air a bit and shuffling towards them, the busy shuffling and shoving and tudding of his previous work had stopped.

The rat, now the magic had settled completely looked at his younger companion with wondering very black and no longer slightly greyish colored eyes, his fur was all a smooth grey brown once more and had a sleek shine to it in the dim candle light. His teeth all grown back in and clean and sharp once more as were his claws.

he doesn't know this steward on, those some times he had served Usagi had called him rabbit in that gruff sort of friendly tone before.

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