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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Lilo and Stitch
Adalind Schade
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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Mon Feb 03, 2020 10:48 pm

Raphael doesn't know where Kovu is leading them but he nudges Raph, and is still chuckling little guy had some spunk and that was good - especially as lightning flashed about them and the wind howled and rain poured down. Now he was glad to have washed in the hot springs. " Slash marks into trees with your sai as we go man leave a trail for the Leos.' Cause rain will wash away even that glorious smell Addy is leaving everywhere, their footprints will also be lost and the wind was blowing now making the canopy above shudder and the trees and bushes bend so no trail of broken or flattened shrubbery would guide the blue wearing turtles.

He has slashed a few and at the few brave enough to follow them goblins with his sai leaving three deep no way can be claw marks in the wood and bloody messes behind him.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leonardo Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:46 am

Leonardo launches as the troll roars angrily back and takes a chance - expecting his counterpart to aim for a vulnerable spot - the trolls skin look thick and pebblish and once there is blood spurting and the creature is lunging to get at the smaller Leo he times for the beast to drive itself onto his sword, burying the point up into the skull through the roof of the mouth - there is screeching as there is dying and limbs everywhere and as they predicted the grossness of saliva and rancid breath and blood along with cerebral fluid and matter being splattered and rained down on them.

" that was incredible!" he didn't feel the overwhelming reaction Leo had described earlier at the sound of his counterparts roar, he felt elated and adrenalized by it!

He forces his sword out through the going limb monsters head letting it drop past them towards the scrum of retreating goblins and male spider things - It would allow the females past but that didn't matter cause their way out was waiting for them. " lets gooo!"

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Tue Feb 04, 2020 8:04 am

Leo’s reaction is still nearly overwhelming, but it’s different. This time it’s a strength, rather than a rage. He isn’t sure why, and he didn’t really care. It could be a lot of reasons. Even as simple as he was expecting it this time. Or that the clear challenge was not directed at him. This roar had also not demanded anything of him. It wasn’t ordering him to come.

His counterpart had been correct, Leo had made a move for the troll’s raised arm, near the body. He felt the mess Leonardo had made coming, and he could have gotten clear, but it would have put him in the path of the troll’s mass, or slamming into the wall of the cave with minimal benefit of less coverage. And so... Leo splashed straight through the worst of the gook.

”Oh...” was all he could choke out. He does nod somewhat in agreement to the two statements though and hurries after. Saying anything else would require him to open his mouth again. It had been amazing! But... oh... he doesn’t think he can actually taste what he’s currently wearing, but it sure feels like he can.

Yup, going sounds good. He ignores the goo and the stench and quickly and silently climbs over the troll’s body.

He is definitely grateful for the rain.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:55 am

Even as he leaves a slash in a tree, he mentions one little qualm. ”Not that I’m objecting, but wouldn’t leaving a trail for them also leave one for the hunters? He won’t object, because he thinks getting the Leos back is more important than worrying about the hunters. Just making sure they’re on the same page.

Not that he thinks it will change his counterpart’s course of action. And he wouldn’t expect it to. Once he’s left the mark as requested, he hurries several meters and leaves another.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:34 pm

Kovu is leading them along at a quick clip and up into and among what appear to be giant mushrooms - she starts climbing and Raphael grunts a little but he is grinning, ooooh he agreed very much - Addy is winded he can tell.... close to throwing up, cats were made for bursts not sustained running and even if she had a bit more thanks to being a sailor she was still cat. " we can fight off anyone daring enought to hunt us for now - until the Leo's catch up then we can disappear... Addy climb onto my shell." she and the kid wouldn't way nearly as much as a Mikey for sure!?...

Well his Mikey.

The musrooms he would have stopped to admire the giant stalks and earthy smell and the way they admitted various shades of glow even in the gloomy wet rainy day time

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leonardo Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:20 am

they have to fight past the few goblins fool enough to try getting to them both through neighbouring tunnels, and struggle on through tunnels of sludge but bloodied, gory and covered in much boy was it a relief to be out in the rain! he siiiighs feeling the cool splash on it on his skin and is making sure to keep with his counterpart. cause he can hear the goblins arguing whether to come after them into the storm.

He meanwhile is not putting his swords away until their clear!

And all this noise might have stirred their other hunters... which makes him curse a little but nothing they could do now but fight if that came to it. " guess its head to the bottom of the mountain again and hope we come across a familiar foot trail.' cause other trails would be no good for them now.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:05 am

Duncan could sense Addy was wavering - and he made a worried sound when she stumbled a little causing butterflies in his tummy, but hey! he was happy enough for the moment and making faces at the pursuers falling behind them.

Mainly raspberries.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:03 pm

"Still disappointed these things ain't magic." Raph commented of the glowing mushrooms. Because no, he can't take anything seriously.

While Addy gets up on his counterpart's back, Raph keeps an eye out, then hurries ahead a short distance and continues to mark the trail for the Leos. Hopefully they're going to get wherever they're going soon... Especially with Addy dropping already. He returns to the group, and continues to watch. Though there's not much to see or hear over this storm.

"Hope we're actually heading somewhere."

And not just racing off into the dark. It's starting to feel like they're just racing off into the dark... He glances to Lilo, how's she doing? Hopefully she's built a little more for endurance, but Addy was a sailor, she surely had some sort of endurance. At least for her species...

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:30 pm

Leo had been pretty eager to gut a couple of goblins on their exit. He had displayed just a little of a slice first ask questions later mentality that was more common of his Raph. Though whether it's a result of the roaring, or the goo coating is entirely up to debate. Suffice to say, he's glad to be outside once more.

Like his counterpart, he is not putting his swords away until they're no longer coated as they are. He doesn't stop exactly though once they've left the caves. Leo is more than willing to take advantage of the argument. They can get some distance while the goblins debate.

He nods in agreement. "Definitely seems our best option at this point." Most of the other options would attract attention they don't really need at the moment.

While making sure to stay with his counterpart, Leo starts making his way down the side of the mountain. Paying attention to anything that might still be following them, or that might be coming up the mountain from below. Perhaps attracted by the sounds of the battle in the caves.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:08 pm

" sorry guys.... the toddler is definitely becoming more little boy sized." onto Raphael's shell and she is hanging on and feeling Duncan kick and wriggle and is smiling but boy was she a little sore, the kid had joined her crew as a far too skinny long little genio innocuo now he had some weight and pudge and looked like an actual toddler.

So she was proud of it and all but still did it do a number on her back running with him there?

She piggy backs her arms about the massive shells top edge and wrapping legs about the lower bit as best she could. Hnging on.
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leonardo Thu Feb 06, 2020 12:45 am

Their roaring seemed to have put off enough goblins and the attack on the Troll slowed the spinotods both male and female so for a little while they were in the clear the rain washing muck off but he knew it wouldn't last long a grin over at Leo as they move into the jungle and down, dooown at a steady jog no need to rush and run themselves raggered especially a she knew there would be more battle before they ran across some sort of trail that led to their group.

" I think I am understanding why you guys don't load up on clothing." truuuue he and his brothers wore as minimally acceptable especially since April came into their lives - mostly for her comfort. But heck the range of his movements were completely free range and though he was a master ninja who didn't allow clothing rustling to give him away still having none was even better.

though a little more serious next hearing shouting - and horns, and that smell that wafted... yep more goblins. " hopefully the Raph's are not having too much of a fight on their hands...." somewhere waiting for them... but it was likely they may have to keep moving too.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Thu Feb 06, 2020 1:02 am

Kovu is careful to discourage marking after they are passing through the huge tree sized mushroom patch the soft glow lighting their way and she encourages them to step on tussocks of grass that sprang back into place when they passed.

She didn't have all the words to tell them what she was doing but the smell of the mushrooms, the grass the raina nd winds would all hide them and their trail from here on out which was good cause there was howling - Blutbaden type howling over the winds sounds.

Raphael cottoned on and he grins at his counterpart, " wherever the nymph takes us, looks like she has a place in mind and she doesn't want to lead pursuers there." he is tucking his sai away and reaching back to support Addy on his shell by holding her thighs as he stands and Kovu is stopping them from using them now anyways. And motion for quiet and lightness.

Lilo is panting a bit but hanging in alright, being a arboreal type of peoples she was constantly on the move though this burst of sustained hurrying was something new, she is doing better than Addy without a toddler of her own to carry, had she had her own baby this season she might have had a toddler of her own but is glad she didn't. A grin at Raph's look and a silent wow as Kovu makes them go printless and soundlessly through the patch of shrooms and into more rocks, only this one had a water fall in front from the rain and she understood as they slid under her Kovu picked the spot, probably one she and other Nymphs used before to hide from others. they could see the surround jungle but were hidden mostly from sight. Good thing too at the howls she moves closer to Raph at them.

Kovu smiling and gesturing, motion they were here... to rest, catch their breaths. be quiet and maybe drink too whilst they could.

Raphael kneels again to let Addy down.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:20 am

“Yeah... even us smaller turtles are somewhat solid. He was sure the kid did weigh a lot for his size. It probably was a challenge to carry him that far. He couldn’t sling a car solo like his counterpart could, but he and his buds had scared off a gang by lifting a van over their heads once.

He nods at his counterpart’s words, and also tucks his sai away. And he has noticed all the scents and the careful stepping. He does slip into a more stealthy movement. He stays quiet.

Once Kovu gives them a moment to stop and relax, he approaches Addy and whispers.

“Need help getting him down?” Yes, Raph is actually offering to help with the kid. Minimal though it may be.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Thu Feb 06, 2020 6:40 am

As much as Leo wanted to hurry and catch up with the others as quickly as possible, he knew that the slower pace was really the best way to do that, and he matches it without a fuss. There is an honest laugh at the comment about clothes.

“Honestly... we never quite understood clothes. We’ve worn clothes for disguise on occasion. Some punk stuff once that we had to actually fight in. It went okay, but... so restrictive.” After that experience, they typically stripped off their disguises when it came time to fight. They were pretty much busted by then anyway.

He frowns briefly at the concern about the Raphs, and those with them. He agrees, but there’s nothing they can do about it, other than try and get to them as quickly as possible.

“I’m sure they’re fine.” He said it with more conviction than he felt.

He also noted the sounds of more fighting brewing.

“Messy or stealthy?” Basically asking if his counterpart wants to crash through the group or go around if possible. Leo is game for either.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:20 am

Addy slips off Raphael's shell with his help and blinks a little when Lilo follows Raph over to her and begins to rub her legs a little, massaging the wanting to cramp muscles into remaining loose and usable and maybe she purred in a little delight at the soft small strong from tree climbing hands worked.

So she is mid purr and relaxing when Raph's words made her ears flick his way and she opens her green eyes and smiles, nodding, " pleeeease so I can bathe him - uuuuh ahem no I mean get him dry." though that was probably going to be the same thing. A lick bath. Already she was feeling the urging to twist and try and reach that kit on her back.

She is glad to accept the help and even more pleased it seemed smaller Raphael was finally warming up to the toddler. Of course he'd never been mean or cruel but the kid often avoided him sensing a lack of interest and probably that's all it was for Raph up until now. though hey she knew some female Klaustreich who didn't like kits of any sort even kitten Klaustreich so she hadn't been too critical or offended or worried by that, and sides Raph always took care of them when in these moments regardless.

But it was nice to maybe seeing some sort of tentative friendship between the pair. " thanks Raphael." She and Lilo she could sense were both fighting the urge to give themselves a good shaking to rid their fur of that dense water logged feeling.
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:21 am

He was happily pretending Sish was 'swimmming' in the rain water, he understood fish swam in water, didn't know why but he did know that and beams at Raph as he joins them, unable to quiet see at this angle Lilo was also there and he could hear Raphael was close and see Kovu watching them intently.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Sat Feb 08, 2020 9:10 am

Raph nods and starts getting the child off Addy’s back.

“April turned into a cat lady once. Except she was freaky. If the worst thing you want to do is cat lick the kid, I got no issues with that.”

Once Duncan is free and in Raph’s arms, the way Raph is holding the boy is decidedly awkward, and sort of out away from his body. He has absolutely no idea how to hold him as he waits for Addy to get settled.

”What do I do with it...?” He’s afraid he’s going to drop the kid!

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:36 pm

Raphael chuckles, he'd moved away and stood beside the nymph looking out into the rain both of them he sensed waiting for Leonardo and Leo to appear like the ghosts they could be out of the mist and rain and zero in on where they were here.

" first you breath in that kid smell and then hold him like you would a Mikey whose jumped into your arms. Only smaller." he is amused but he gets it. Until he had clients, and some that actually had children, he'd never known how to hold them either. He decides to tell his counterpart that. " thankfully he is a toddler so is a bit easier... man when their so tiny and soft and pink looking it's really scary holding them." And maybe that's where he relaxed more into the idea of making hybrids.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:11 pm

"Michelangelo is chill, not childish..." Raph is still holding the boy out away from his body. Since his Mike wouldn't go jumping into his arms, he's not sure how that would help him. "And he smells vaguely of goblin and wet cat... No offense, Addy."

He has absolutely no idea how to hold this kid! How had the others been around enough kids to know what to do with them? Oh wait, the big guys were escorts or whatever. Though... how many people requesting escort services had kids they would allow to know about the escorts? Even if they were human escorts? Evidently some did.

How did Little Blue know how to hold the kid? He wouldn't have had easy access to a child, right?

"How much smaller, we talking about here?" Raph is still holding the kid out awkwardly. Completely at a loss.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leonardo Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:55 pm

A chuckle and no - he is starting to see why clothing, an entirely human concept they adopted, could be a complete pain, " and unlike human males it's not like everything we have that says male just dangles about so clothes I have might become entirely optional in our lair.... rather than a habit we adopt from humans." he is certain the orange wearing brother will and possible Raphael will be happily the most nudist among them.

And at that has to agree, yep the Raphs will be fine - two of them and one a wise cracking shorty and the other his mountain troll sized brother they have the ladies and the kid safe.

And he grins, " its time to make some noise and flare lets go into this fight swords singing." he was still adrenalized from the roar - and seeing the mass of moving goblins aheads gather having maybe decided they would ambush the Leos and sensing their other hunters would be attracted tot he noise this was going to be a messy noisy battle -

" we could also stealth away after causing some damage and maybe give our hunters and these guys cause to waste time here and not pursuing us further back to our little group."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Sat Feb 08, 2020 7:27 pm

Addy giggle and feeling she'd stretched most of the stiffness out and Lilo had at least prevented cramps she moves and slowly takes Duncan with a " thanks you two... and like this Raph, he wont bite.... ummm some kits do though alarmingly." she places Duncan on her hip and lets him settle there. He'd just dangled in Raph's hold blinking at him curiously and half tilting his head a bit trying not to make holding him harder on the turtle and maybe churring and wagging his tail with his best beam to show he was a good boy!

Raphael measures against his own forearm. " tiny, new born tiny.... the lady is a single ma, cop, latino so she knew of us and our services and got in contact that way but she had no wish to be with me like that just wanted someone big terrifying and scary to keep an eye on the kid whilst she relaxed for bit. Tell you what I was terrified at first and surprised... but then again Mikey and Donnie had their clients that had small humans, Michelangelo sometimes does a few parties for example..."

Addy didn't get some of that but she grins at Raphael and now free of the sling thanks to Lilo she begins licking the purple face gathering the excess water off him. " that's nice of you - and all kits look extra tiny when their newborn or new hatched."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Sat Feb 08, 2020 7:35 pm

Leo chuckled. He let the subject of clothing drop though as they observed the group of goblins. He was watching the scene in front of him as he listened to his counterpart.

"Messy it is." His chuckle at getting the hunters and goblins to waste time here was a little dark. "Maybe we'll get lucky and can get them to fight each other." He couldn't imagine that the goblins would actually want the hunters working their home.

Well no time like the present. Leo looked to the larger turtle briefly, then jumped. He slammed into a goblin who seemed to be some osrt of lookout standing on a rock. Leo forced the beast of it and sent him tumbling toward some of his compatriots.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 4 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Sat Feb 08, 2020 9:05 pm

Raph is more than happy to have Addy take the little guy. He's just not sure what to do with it. Though he did have to reluctantly admit that the dangling kid was sort of cute...

He's sort of awed and alarmed at how small they're showing him babies can be.

"And those teeny tiny things turn into mountains like you? Well... some of them." Raph gestures vaguely toward his counterpart. It's just a bizarre thought that the enormous turtle was once that itty bitty.

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Post by Raphael Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:34 pm

Raphael grins and nods, " it's possible yeah, iiiif they eat all their vegies as well as those pizzas." he is amused and nudges the nymph lightly, she was still watching the outside world for Leos and he wanted to express the idea to just relax, waiting on edge wouldn't be good for her.

And he grins more at Raph nodding to Duncan, " he's cute right? who'd have thought... aside from Mikes maybe we'd make such cute kids? Any paternal urge's?" Trying his best not to gaze at all the females in this little space, all wet and shiny with rain water.

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Post by Ralphie Sun Feb 09, 2020 6:32 pm

Raph makes a soft noise and pokes at Duncan's snout slightly. Still... not quite sure of the kid.

"Not like any of us actually made him... well... probably..." Actually, Raph didn't know. Who knew what world the kid came from.

"And who says a Mike would make a cute kid?" He wasn't entirely sure what he thought of this one. Aside from it had to be a Donno kid. Or maybe he was just creating a stereotype from his color. "Or... don't some things skip a generation? Maybe he is a Mike kid and just got the traits Mike missed."

Raph looked up at the paternal urges question. "No." Certainly not at this point. Though the kid was cute, and Raph's not going to swear he won't change his mind someday.

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Post by Leonardo Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:31 pm

Leonardo laughs, " between the roar, the adrenaline and all the showing off for the ladies earlier I am so horny now I completely mangled my sentence before." and he was totally amused by it and not at all shy about admitting the reasons behind it.

However he seems distracted, but when he felt his counterparts look Leonardo knew he was fierce looking, naked and wet and troll blood and gore still diluted dripping off, eyes white, nostrils flared and teeth bared in a savage sort of grin. This was more a Raphael style approach to a battle like this where armed goblins were trudging their way, when what he assume were the Blutbaden and others coming out of the jungle looking like they could be live action cgi figures out of Teen Wolf... a mix of all the various transformations.

One roared - Leonardo roared back sprinting across the soaked ground and he is there among them not quiet shell to shell with Leo but close and swords that had not even had the chance to get clean becoming a mess again. Silencing the big roarer and using the same diagonally slicing move to slam the hilt of his sword into a goblin head.

Yes definitely a Raphael approach but my did it feel exhilarating?!

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Post by Doragonkame Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:51 am

Duncan is still playing with Sish as Addy dries him her warm tickling tongue making him giggle and squirm at times - but Raph's poke made him first go cross eyed watching the finger come closer and then blink when the turtle draws back giving him one of his best wide grins, " Sish, swwwiiiimmmm Sish!" he informs and makes his stuffed fish swim!

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Post by Adalind Schade Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:03 am

A muffled giggle and then moooan as Kovu joins in with Lilo in raking her fingers through Addy's furr, drying it and at least getting rid of the bedraggled look by loosening the wet clumps and slowly making it fluffy again.

" I'd imagine you and your brothers will leave very big babies Raphael." she teases, amused by Raph's uncertainty and Duncan's total obliviousness to this, informing the small red wearing turtle of exactly Sish the stuffed toy fish was doing.
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Adalind Schade

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Post by Raphael Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:21 am

A chuckle and watching amused as the other two girls got in on the grooming - at least they were relaxing and that left Raph and Raphael to keep an eye out for pursuers and enemies, and he can see beyond their hiding spot they were out there. Searching back on the trail in the tall shroom stalks but clearly they lost the trail so were searching aimlessly about.

" I'd say it's definitely a Donnie kid of some kind somewhere. And where ever their from either their turtles are gone and or don't know they existed..." cause no one would leave these cute kiddies in the hands of horrible scientists otherwise surely.

Amused by his counterparts no, but noticing there was no for sure or definitelys and is doubly amused by the interactions between him and the kid, chuckling at Duncan's patience with the bathtime. " you are not wrong little dude fish like Sish swim."

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Post by Lilo and Stitch Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:46 am

Lilo enjoyed the talk, feeling the last of the adrenaline leaving and she brushes past Raph close to him and tail teasing his chin as she begins drying her cat friends furr, Kovus shyly stepping over to join in, at first hesitating not sure what to do but learning quick.

" bah I am there with you Raph, Duncan here is soooo very cute... I'd never thought I would be lucky enough to see a little genio innocuo not genio innocuo... but I am and that's cool. And no urges for me either." not yet at least.
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Post by Leo Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:30 pm

Leo made a soft noise of acknowledgement. He didn't share the feeling exactly, but was not surprised. Personally, he felt more alive. Kind of tingly... and if he truly were to admit it, itching for a fight. Probably good, because they definitely seemed to have one on their hands. He'd definitely noticed the mangled sentence and merely made what he could of it.

And it wasn't necessarily a very 'Leo' thing to do, but there were times that 'Raph' methods were exceptionally effective. And this way, they kept the fight away from the girls and Duncan.

One of the creatures had found it in him to roar at them. And his counterpart put a quick end to that attempt. Leo stood near back to back with his counterpart, looking down at the group he had just hurled the goblin off the rock into. He was still wearing a good bit of the troll slime from earlier and he positions his swords, daring any of the Blubaden and goblins to tangle with them. From the rock above them, even though he's smaller than his counterpart... it's probably still impressive. Once more he lets loose one of those brassy, piercing roars.

Leo leaps from the rock down into the group below, he comes up spinning, slicing anything that happens to get too close.

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Post by Ralphie Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:38 pm

Raph chuckles as Duncan goes cross-eyed watching his finger boop his nose. There's a smile at the swimming thing, but his counterpart has already covered that.

"Other than him clearly being the right color... and his name starting with D... And him being way too smart for his own good... what makes you say that?" Yeah... it was probably a Donnie kid. He's still going to force his counterpart to say it.

He turns to look out from their hiding place, checking a different direction than the large Raphael.

When Lilo speaks, he looks back at her, grateful for the answer. He hadn't been entirely sure those two things could coincide. No, he didn't want to be a parent, but the kid was cute.

So long as said kid wasn't his!

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Post by Leonardo Mon Feb 10, 2020 11:23 pm

Leonardo wooooo hooos at Leo's roar that like his own silenced potential smart mouthers and drops the smooth perfectly executed method of fighting he'd been using, becoming...

dirty -

Throwing his swords, kicking in the crux of legs, biting, pulling hair and even grabbing his opponents weapons out of their hands and turning them on their owners.


because he felt like it!

And it was good now and then to just explore fighting styles - not to mention creativity surrounded by this bunch of fanged, clawed, horned and smelly armed and amoured werewolves, goblins and

" Urgh!" the heck was that!

It looked like a millipede... but instead of being a inch long at most with hundreds of little legs the legs stuck out of segments of its body like a centipeded.... one about fifteen foot long and as round as his shoulder were wide!.... or Raphael's shoulders and one end had a huge gaping round mouth!

He dodges away from the massive bodies blutbaden he'd just twisted the head almost clean off of - just in time the horrible thing to slamm it's upper body down and that huge mouth full of rows of teeth went to work! and there were more behind it! shredding the blutbaden body to pieces.

And even more gross when Leo used a reclaimed sword to slice one of the horrid things in half - the others set upon it too!

" Taxxxxoooons!" yelled some horrified voice from the fight closest to Leo... and the goblin who'd been not prepared to fight the smaller genio innocuo turned and tried to flee through the throng of his fellows.

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Post by Lilo and Stitch Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:26 am

Addy giggles, [color:e60c=996633]" I agree with you two - Duncan is soooo cute, I love kits... but I am into having any my own for a while.mmmmmmm Kovu?" she is rolling Duncan and finishing on his bald head. Her voice, pleased and relaxed but softer a she spies the movement out there is the rain still.

The nymph tilts her head not sure what is being asked, glancing at Raph and the kid then at Raphael and the two females she was working with now and nods slowly eyes big and round touching Duncan then gesturing to herself and nodding.

Raphael laughs, " kid learns so fast it's definitely a Don's kid somewhere. Or was, it's a Leo kid now." he sniggers a bit. Grinning at his counterpart and Lilo who beams up at him from where she was working over the last of the fur Addy could not reach properly. Amused by Kovu, hah she clearly wanted one and she had already picked her turtle.

He watchs the enemies out there in the rain wondering and hoping the Leo's would not be long.

Duncan grins at Raph and then Raphael - and rolled onto his plastron he continues to play happily waiting for Addy to finish.
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Post by Leo Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:28 am

Leo cares less about the goblins than he does about the hunters, so whenever he gets a chance, he’s definitely taking them on first. The goblins are annoying. The Blutbaden are a true threat.

He pulled his sword out of a ware wolf like creature and put the second away. He grabbed an axe getting too close by the handle, ripping it away from its owner while bringing his sword around from the other side, slicing the ware wolf clean in two. He continued his arc, letting the axe fly, taking out a second of the hunters, and kicking a nearby goblin.

Then there was the internal shudder that he knew warned him of something new, and he didn’t take the time to find out what it was, he simply trusted the sense and moved. Heading back toward where he knew his counterpart to be.

A moment later someone called out an unfamiliar word. He was about to ask what a Taxon was, but as he returned to Leonado’s back he found out for himself. Shell...

” I think that might be our cue to leave...” There was certainly plenty of cover for two ninjas to disappear right out of this fight with no one the wiser.


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Post by Ralphie Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:35 pm

Raph chuckles at Kovu's response, clearly interested in her own little hybrid.

"Looks like you're going to need space on that hypothetical boat of yours for two more, Addy." Though Raph had no idea whether the nymph would follow Addy onto a ship or if she would return to her island if the big Leonardo eventually went home. Because there was no doubt in Raph's mind that the large Leo would oblige her desires.

He grins at his counterpart's response. "And how many more days ya think Leo's got before the kid starts asking questions he can't answer?"

Raph then turned to another point where he could see out into the forest beyond. Like his counterpart, he's also watching the area around them, and hoping that the Leos will return soon. It's always best to stay together...

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Post by Raphael Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:36 pm

Raphael is chuckling and rolling his eyes a little, half listening for Addy's response whilst he watches the hunters out there, just blurs in the deluge but there and not familiar shapes of Leos.

He considers Raph's question with as much seriousness as he could manage eyeing the little boy whose words count had almost ten timed itself since he Raphael had known him and who knows how limited it had been when Leo found him?

" judging by the fact the kid worked out static electricity just from observing lightning and making some connection between the two I say Leo has a day at most. Little guy is curious about everything." he is reasonably sure of his guess.

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Post by Lilo and Stitch Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:50 am

Addy was looking less bedraggled and a little fluffified now - and Lilo had just stopped with the fur raking when Addy pins her - making her muffled a surprised giggled yip and began on her short furr!

Her tail curls and tip wriggles in delight but the feel of the two soft fingers females didn't quiet excite her or call forth the hums Raph's had and she watches the two of them on guard though now half lidded eyes.
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Post by Leonardo Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:00 am

Leonardo nods and again his swords are filthy, their running blood and he himself also - and he just spied.... he nudges Leo, " over there... another nymph." he trusts in this chaos of the werewolf and the beings with them getting the heck out of dodge and the taxxons eating anything that was gorey - even their own and making snatches at Leo and Leonardo with those big round mouths and Leonardo discovering to his disgust a ninja kick made the tough exoskeleton cave in and the creatures body pop like a bloated with food rot garbage bag -

and it smelled as bad!


he trusted Leo to get out of the frey but he was not taking and chance and as they 'vanish' from the chaos he is beside his counterpart.

the nymph making a sweet soft sound barely audible above the fighting and taxxons latest meals... even their own -

And enticing the two Leo's to follow her... brown skins with pretty tan dots and short darker brown hair above golden eyes she gestures and fawn light and fast once their with her she is off leading them through the thickest foliage Leonardo checks on Leo - just to make sure he'd not injured and is pretty sure Leo probably has done or going to do the same to him.

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Post by Doragonkame Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:11 am

Duncan wasn't sure what was being said but he was probably not helpful... giving the nymph when she looked at him his most dazzlingly adorable grin and once let free by Addy rolling a bit - cause turtling on his shell for a moment - then getting enough rocking to get over and up - blinking up at the Raphs for a moment then giggling and behind them between them he sits gathering all the different pebbles and rocks and stones around them to pile beside him Sish in his lap... he'd seen the bigger turtles do... things with ... bits of hard like this...

This was not the time to be trying out pryokensis but he didn't know that! clicking two rocks together. Toes wriggling.

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Post by Adalind Schade Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:26 am

Addy siiiighs a little mid lick brush of her fingers and chuckles, at least none of the rocks here were likely to be sparking ones. Still, one hand working through the short soft wet fur of Lilo's she reaches her other and lightly catches the clacking rocks, " not now Duncan, and you should not be trying that, leave it to big people to do not safe for little ones... okay?" tone firm but gentle and not taking her hand away until the little guy had a moment to think about it, pout, but looked like he was going to comply.

She returns to grinning taking her hand away slowly and nods a bit, " I think my boat may have to be mostly collecting and transporting the potential mothers and hybrids somewhere safe. I am not sure where yet..." a proud grin at Raphael's words, " he is learning fast..." even now he was no longer trying to get the rocks to spark he was studying them and then he'd put the bit down and pick another and if it matched he'd place it on top of the first stacking carefully, if not make a new pile. He had two sorts already. he was so good at amusing himself.
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Post by Ralphie Wed Feb 12, 2020 8:44 am

“What do you bet some Don out there is a pyro?” Raph is amused as Duncan shows exactly why Leo had a day at most before the kid starts asking questions he won’t be able to answer. Kid’s already trying to light a fire...

He smiles at Lilo when she glanced his way, chuckled at her half lidded eyes and looked back out. He chuckled softly at Addy’s comment, and shot his counterpart a look. Guy was probably going to be responsible for several of those Addy may have to transport.

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Post by Leo Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:44 pm

Leo takes out one more hunter before he moves after the nymph and his counterpart.

"I'm not sure which is worse... Troll slime or taxxon slime..." Leo mutters as they slip away from the fight. He sticks near his counterpart. Even as they move, he's keeping an eye on the larger turtle's movements. Just making sure he's okay.

Leo himself is fine. No injuries other than the usual post battle banged up.

He is easily keeping up with the nymph and his counterpart as they make their way through the dense foliage to... wherever the creature is leading them.

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Post by Raphael Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:36 pm

There is a muffled sort of sniggering from Raphael - hah! wait til Leo was informed Duncan was trying to start a fire... hahaha

He grins and shrugs with a huge amused grin maybe a shift in stance watching the hunters now searching back and forth where their trail obviously ended. " are not most Don's a little bit pyromaniac? mine certainly can get to sparking when the mood strikes, chemical smelly booms, welding... smelting -" Well maybe there was a universe out there some where with a Don that was more Mike? mmmmm trippy thought.

A grin at Addy, " thanks for that, I mean we will be back to see if there will be massive Raphaelings but it's nice to know you will be there for them. And have some sort of plan for them all in mind." oh yes a wonderful happy thought. And to have the excuse to come back here when it's not soooo restive and divided.

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Post by Lilo and Stitch Thu Feb 13, 2020 12:17 am

She sees Raph's look and she humms in delight finally, because of it, reaching her hand to brush the back of his calf, " that is suuuuch a cuuuute smiiiile." she beams still relaxed and half lidded.
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Post by Leonardo Thu Feb 13, 2020 12:39 am

He felt great - ick was again being rinsed off in the rain and also thanks to the foliage they passed through, the nymph slowed them - and he knew why, so their not making any noise louder than the storm and the rain.

He had no serious injuries, and the one he did, a laceration slicing over his bicep had already stopped bleeding, he would heal and it wasn't that deep. Hindering none of his movements.

A bit of a grin at Leo, " definitely Taxxon slime... that was gross like putrified flesh when cut open... and then they went after each other?.... groooossssss." maybe channelling more Raphael.

the nymph they were moving with was leading down... down the mountain but even at this pace they were some time from being reunited with their group and Leonardo is definitely welcoming soft quiet chatter to distract any worried thoughts his counterpart might be having over the little boy and cat girl.

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Post by Ralphie Thu Feb 13, 2020 8:40 am

Raph chuckled. “Probably. Mine makes exploding shuriken.” And explosions were almost a daily thing.

“Though most of his explosions are unintentional... or so he claims.”

Raph chuckled at the compliment.

“You look pretty content there.”

He then turned back toward the forest beyond their hiding place. Still no Leos. Still no one seemed to have locked on to their hiding place.

“Rest if you need. We’ll keep watch.”

Raph was fine after the fights and race through the woods, but it had been a long several days, and today had been particularly wearing for those not used to distance running. Never mind that adrenaline was probably wearing iff by now, and that’s a crash in and of itself.

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Post by Leo Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:50 am

Leo chuckled softly even as he shuddered at the taxxons eating each other. “That does sound worse. Troll was more... BO and rotting potatoes. Probably a quantity deal for me.” Leo wasn’t doused in Taxxon like his counterpart was. But Leo did bathe in troll goo.

He appreciates the idle chatter, though at the moment he does have the added distraction of cleaning up a bit in the rain. There is really only so much he can do at the moment, but there is definitely an occasional brush of an arm, or across his plastron or face. Basically anywhere he feels enough water has built up to actually do some good.

“And I guess meat is meat...?” He commented hesitantly regarding the taxxons eating each other. ”At least it was less for us to worry about...” Bright side?

No.. the taxxons were nasty!

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Post by Adalind Schade Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:56 pm

Addy blushes and purrs a little, " your welcome Raphael..." if the underlying tone was, anything for Leo. Because he might not claim responsibility and possibly put it under not his troop not his rules still she knew at heart he was a responsible guy and would be unhappy to think these bigger guys just simply left hybrids everywhere without trying to make sure of some contingency plan for them. And well Addy was beginning to think magic brought them here and if so the spell or enchantment might break and they'll be gone once for better or worse the issue with Drakko was solved before the big turtles had much of a chance to make plans despite their obvious wish to do so.

So she was making plans, not sound ones yet but she was determined in any case for the future what ifs.

It did sadden her a little to think Leo might be snatched away some time but he did have a wayback to this world so there was that. She would also miss the others when they were gone and hoped the knowledge of how to get back to this world will be shared enough they could all too.

She watches and listens to the two red wearing turtles giggling a little at Lilo's delight in Raph's smile and words. At least she and Lilo were not so wet now and had not had to shake all over wetting everyone else in the process and now they moved sitting up, Addy turning to slowly reach out to the shy nymph and gather up her hair to squeeze the water out of it.

It may all be moot once the Leo's were back they may have to get wet again, but it was nice for the moment to be less water logged and relax a bit encase they did have to flee.
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Post by Doragonkame Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:04 pm

He had a few piles now and found a dull pale 'stone' and was sniffing and licking and turning it this way and that feeling it, trying to match it with the other pale stones and pebble samples he'd found... but with a pout realised he couldn't...

" Raff, Raffel - was did hard?" he wonders holding what it actually a lump of bone up to Raphael and Raph, if Leo were there he'd have crawled into his lap or bounced about his feet to ask him.

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