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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Lilo and Stitch
Adalind Schade
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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Mon Apr 27, 2020 5:02 am

The growl is met with another one. Fiercer. Warning. A promise that if Sam doesn't behave that Leo has no qualms about throwing him overboard.

Or just straight up killing him. Or letting the big one play. Or... He's sure Sam's imagination is much better than his.

That includes copping a feel. Yes, Leo is protective and that sort of behavior will not be tolerated. So wise decision to refrain.

Once Sam is dealt with, Leo switches to a churr for Addy. Warm, healing, security. He glances at Duncan, just sort of watching the child. Part of him wants to let Duncan try... whatever he might do, but at the same time, he doesn't really want Sam in here for it. Nor does he really trust the guy yet.

Maybe when one of the others get back.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:08 pm

Finally! the wolf guy was showing them how to get the damned vessel moving, it was slow going at first and he advised they kept it that way Raphael and Leonardo both being put to use their strength to find the balance of water and wind but moving out of the choppy waters near the shore.

The short half one ear, Rick, as frightened by them as Sam - but at least now was no longer howling!

And they were on the move!

When the wolf was happy things were going right and didn't need constant monitoring Raphael checks on the still caged crew, some starting to come around. And he was amused they were frightened at the sight of him looming outside their bars.

Though he hated the bars.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Cadad410

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:17 am

Lilo sniggers as she dunks the rags in the ariki and draws them out, " Well... I thought we best rub the eggs in the drink before I go sticking anything else close to your snout... just encase then we needs to ... um play. And wanted to get the smell away." she had every intention of helping if she needed to. Meantime She is giving him one rag and then opens the makeshift baskets to get the eggs to spill out. " We rub each egg all over with the rags and then set them aside, should put them to sleep..."

She demonstrates with one and puts it in a open crate nearby. A crate clearly meant to house a captured Duncan. Soft dried grasses layered the insides. Too bad the captors were gone now and had no idea this crate the boy could and would climb out of with ease. " we can stash them inhere they should stay in drunk sleep for long - weeks have time to sell them." She leaves her tail close to tease him and help drive away the awful smell.

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Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leonardo Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:29 am

Leonardo caught the end of Leo's growl when he knocks and pokes his head in - he shoves the door a little more open and his growl rumbles out, not over powering Leo's but definitely a warning to do as Leo asked - though he doesn't know what it's about. Probably Addy.

He watches them and is rewarded with the sight of the cringy Sam - who'd been nervous at Leo's sound now was cowering, sort of behind Leo - oh yeah he definitely was imagining being handed over to Leonardo or worse that Raphael to be handled. " we are on the move Leo, Wolf boy reckons there is a cove along this side of the island we can use briefly to shelter in -" To let the only actual captain among them get better was the unspoken words and he nods to her, a little bit sad seeing the combing going on and how much fur she had lost, almost completely bald. Kovu smiles at him and he grins back, she was careful to keep moving the blankets to keep her warm as they worked and gather the brushed off fur. " how are things going in here?"

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Leo20110

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:49 am

Addy hissed a little at the growls going on but - Leo's churrs sent her back under than cloud with more ease her claws had extended now retracted and she barely registers more than Leo is close. Duncan is close.

Little boy was still thinking over Leo's words and maybe playing with the word " iiiiis inn bec on...." badly because it was a big one and new!

Leo's growl and Leonardos one cause a bit of an reaction from him too - and had he been old enough like a brother many miles away he might have caused some serious burns. He'd crouched on the bed in a protective manner over the prone Klaustreich little tail stuck out and barely managing to keep wings tucked and not flare outward. the angry hiss that escaped would one day be a roar - in his mouth the little slits at the back, immature and undeveloped did twitch and open but he was not able to produce any of the chemicals to combine with his hiss and breath to make the fire. And his teeth were all flat baby ones aside the one still empty space in gums where his young sharp tooth was barely poking upwards.

Kovu awwwed at him.

it added to the cringing Sam was doin... though that had already been pretty bad when Leonardo joined them.

Annnnd the toddler lost the dragonish defensive, going back to all little boy nuzzling at Addy a little and patting the bed behind him for Leo. Playing again with the big new word.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Untitl10
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:16 am

Leo doesn't look over when his counterpart enters the room. He's still glowering at Sam for the growl.

"Thank you, Leonardo. I think that Sam would be more useful on deck with you guys helping get us to the cove." The firmness in his voice meant for Sam alone. And he knows that his counterpart would understand that.

He notes that Duncan has positioned himself protectively over Addy. And sort of looked and sounded like maybe...

Is he going to breathe fire someday...? Oh dear... Well... something to be worried about 'someday.' Definitely not now. Now it was adorable.

He considers the question with a sigh.

"She's still with us." He moved around to where Duncan had requested he sit and brushed Addy's cheek with a finger before going back to work on the remaining bits of fur. Helping gather what had already been brushed away. Just... trying not to think about it too much.

It was a terrible task. He hated it.

But it needed to be done, and was something to do. And Leo needed something to do.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:16 am

"Agreed. No, Raph definitely wants the eggs to be in drunk sleep before doing anything else! Absolutely.

I was kinda hoping we wouldn't have to touch them." Yup, yes he was. But, alright. he'll do it. He accepts the rag and starts to help. Watching what Lilo does, and doing his best to mimic her movements. And after the second egg, he was doing pretty well.

This started to go downhill by the fifth...

"I feelllll llliiiiike... maybe forgot sshhomething import...ant." Mm... he feels warm and a little loopy...

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Apr 29, 2020 4:02 am

Sam is definitely cringing and certainly unsure when Leonardo nods a little and gestures - adding a sort of deep thrum in the base of his throat when the cowardly lion stalls a moment longer. The noise makes the guy move, edging out past the bulk of the big blue wearing turtle. He does remind Leo with nervousness to periodically dose the catwoman the antidote - Leonardo waits until he is out of the cabin and sniggers a bit hearing Raphael below them make oooger booger sounds and by clang maybe rattle the bars to spook the waking remaining crew. But his smile is gentle for Leo, " that is good at least, lets hope she continues that way... actually not hope - I have a feeling with you on the case she will. I'll go checkon Lilo and Raph and keep Sam busy." A gentle but firm gesture to Kovu to just stay, keep an eye on them."[/color] with that said he lingers with the silent intent to make sure Leo was fine, there was nothing else he could do to help them for now.

Duncan is calmer now the fluffy guy backed away and he churrs beaming up at Leo, brushing a hands over one of Addy's ears, at least the molting fur left off at her tail and ears. Kovu is turning her attention to Leo making sure she gathered the furr up. Smiling at the little boy and Leo.


" well that would be a totally put a damper on anything else..." chuckling and working methodically picking up each egg and rubbign then placing it aside. " yeah they feel weird like their soft enough to crush but their not the silk around them and the casing is strong... just feel weird and felty." she agrees not happy about it herself really but working quickly -

Well it slows as Raph's words slur and she taks his rag and the egg in his hand currently placign them aside and cupping his cheecks not aware that might not help because fo teh strong smell of the ariki there, " are... you alright?..." he sounded a little drunk... but he hadn't been sipping at the strong spirit as far as she knew?!

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Byssig10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:48 am

Oh, the smell as she touched his face is nearly overwhelming, but the slight remaining alcohol on her hands is what really did him in!

He leans forward and kisses her. It's brief, and kind of sloppy. He definitely did not sip the ariki, his breath doesn't smell like it at all.

"Oh, I am toooooo alright, that's the prooooblem."

Definitely drunk.

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:55 am

Leo lets his counterpart handle Sam, he doesn't react to the thrum at all.

"I've got it." He states it simply. He actually has a watch that he hasn't used since arriving here because Earth time is meaningless, but half hour increments still are useful.

Once Sam is gone, Leo looks over to his counterpart.

"Thanks." For keeping an eye on the others so he can focus on Addy, and for the vote of confidence. Not that Leo is really capable of changing how things play out at the moment.

Once Leonardo is gone, Leo returns Kovu's smile with a sad one.

Checking his watch, it's pretty close to that half hour mark. He starts trying to gently rouse Addy for another dose.

Once she's had this dose, if all seems okay-ish... he'll try to reach out to Raph.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:02 pm

Kovu actually tries a word... is was one word int he araluan speak as her people called it, and it was something she'd picked up only recently but she was giving it a go. reaching over to help Leo try to rouse the female klaustriech enough to get more medicine into her.

Duncan oooohing a little and watching closely interested!

Addy feels the shifting about, but doesn't make much sense of Kovu's word, " war rr mer." the nymph pacing the word a bit slow in speak. But Addy is responding a bit better and warmer - or at least not shivering now tucked in by the nymph now. And she manages a soft purr for Leo. For Duncan but still far too woozy to do more than that but at least up enough to swallow more.


Leonardo pushes the scaredy cat out ahead of him and grins, " holler if ya need us Leo," gently leavign the room in silence but the door was ajar to hear anythign they might need to and reasonably assured for now the situation was handled and could only hope to comfort his counterpart by just reassuring they were close and however he needed their help.

He can still hear Raphael below asserting their dominance over the remaining crew and really who would argue or in their right mind try to argue for long against the mega sized Raphael?

And On the note of checking things he calls down for Raphael to check on Lilo and Raph.


Raphael hears the call and mid chuckling darkly at the scared pirates and hunters and grunts moving away to the place Lilo and Raph went lower and stuck his head down the entrance. " heeeey you guys alright down there?"


Oooooh deaaaar Lilo giggles and dropped her hands from those cheeks to shoulders enjoying the kiss no matter how inexperience both of them were at the gesture and maybe even playfully nipping at Raph's lower lip as he draws back, " oooaky thats enough ariki sniffing for you buuuut we can kiss more - after you drink a little water." ooooh man how?

She is puzzled but maybe like some certain amphibian types of nexus people, genio innocuo could absorb through their skin? maybe? in that case he definitely got drunk and quick and so she was drawing him away from the eggs those remaining to do and those done to a water barrel to was their hands and faces. She or one of the big turtles could come down and complete the task.

Hearing Raphael call down she grins a little, " we are mostly okay... uuum might need a hand in a moment." not preventing more kisses if Raph wanted them but she was definitely making sure they tried to sober up a little. Well more him than herself who so far had only the smell of the ariki making her a little light headed.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Byssig10

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Leo Wed Apr 29, 2020 4:38 pm

There's a silent sort of nod to his counterpart. Yes, he'll call if they need anything. A silent thanks.

Leo catches Duncan's interest in what is going on as they try to rouse Addy and get a little more medicine into her. He has to smile slightly at that. There's a slight sigh of relief as she takes the medicine and seems at least a little more aware than she was earlier.

The sad smile to Kovu is genuine. And he appreciates that she used some of her limited well... whatever it was they call English here. "Thank you for your help, Kovu." And he offers her a slight bow. He really does appreciate everything she's done to help. And he knows she would much rather be wherever the big Leonardo is.

Leo returns Addy's churr and resettles himself. Things here are... as well as they can be at the moment. And he can sort of keep tabs on her.  He settles where Duncan can sort of snuggle in and reach both of them.

And reaches out a bit tentatively to Raph. Unfortunately he can't fully focus on his brother, because he needs to keep at least a little awareness on Duncan and Addy. But Raph is capable, and Leo is pretty sure he can use this quiet moment to answer his brother's call.

And well... it also falls into that 'something to do' category that Leo needs at the moment. While Leo will be able to guide Raph a bit, Leo might actually need his brother to really hold the connection. It's probably pretty clear that for once Leo is really struggling to focus.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 8ad1a510

"Nothing will change the most important thing: that we are family."

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Wed Apr 29, 2020 4:56 pm

"Didn't shniff it!" At least not intentionally, and that's not really the problem he's having. "Oooh... I liiiike kisshhhing yooouuu." Yup, another attempt! Just as sloppy as the last. And there's a sort of purred churr at the bite to his lip. He looks up as Raphael calls down.

"Heeeyyyy, Big Guy!" It's almost too loud for the space they're in. He's rubbing his hands like he's trying to get something off of them, but the alcohol has already long since absorbed into his system.

"This shtuuuufff makes the nasshhty little buggers shleeeep... Buuuut, gotta ruuuub 'em. And it's goooooood shiiiit." As if he'd know... Actually, he has no idea. He clearly has no tolerance either. He only knows that at the moment he's feeling nooooooo pain... Kinda floaty.

And Lilo smells gooood!

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:19 pm

Lilo doesn't mind she enjoys the sloopy mess they made and maybe teasing him with licking his lips and tongue towards the end sniggering a bit when Raphael laughs at them, " I was trying to wash us off a bit - um ..." it wasn't a drinking water barrel, it was fresh water, but river or pond water pulled on board in the barrel for washing ... she shrugs and well why not? she shoves the barrel to pour the water iinto a copper tub usually used for massive scale soup and stew cooking or for fat rendering off the massive beasts of the sea waters.

Raphael laughs and comes down slowly. " maaaaan new to holding ya liquour?" he teases his smaller counterpart and helps the monkey girl half fill the tub. then he takes over at what they were doing. He would take a little longer and a lot more to get as tipsy. Even so he doesn't want to - he was needed with a clear head and the liquour smelled good. He uses a piece of canvas or sail or something to barrier between him and the alcohol rubs as he works on the remaining eggs.

Lilo thansk the big turtle giggling at his tease and climbs into the tub, " coming in?" teasing Raph with her tail tip on his snout again.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:10 am

"Are you a diiirrrrtyyy little monkey?" Oblivious to how that sounds!

"You gotta rub it aaalllll overr... Raph informs his counterpart, nodding and pantomiming a somewhat uncoordinated version of the motion Lilo had shown him to cover the eggs. He doesn't answer the question he was asked! He was distracted!

He then follows the tail tip... and tumbles into the tub!

But he's still a turtle, and managed to right himself under the water, rubbing up against Lilo.

"You're sooft.... I think I might be... liiiittle drunk... I don't remember drinking though..." PUZZLED!

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:24 pm

To say Raphael is enjoying this hilarity is an understatement - he is silently laughing and somewhat loudly chuckling watching his smaller self tumble into the tub.

" thanks bud i wasn't sure I was doing it right and all." humoring the poor turtle and ooooh boy he was soooo glad he was not going to be having that hang over tomorrow! " you are drunk short me - enjoy the buzz -"

Because it would be pointless to try explaining to him right now how it had come about. though maybe it would be amusing to try and explain it? haha well maybe. He is wroking away and trying not to gag each time he picks up an egg and the oocupant within moves....


Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Cadad410

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Thu Apr 30, 2020 4:51 pm

" a verrrry dirrrty monkey..." Lilo giggles, not sure what a monkey was but she could guess they looked a little like her and hums a little in delight nuzzling against Raph as he rubs against her coming up, she knows just soaking in the tub will probably help and having fresh water to drink but for now she splashing a little and washed his skin. " You are a little wasted mmmm hmm." agreeably and amused by Raphael over there just humouring his counterpart.

Her tail brushes over his legs and she gently pushes Raph to relax back against the edge of the tub. " though still adorable." she grins and would have siiighed a little that she was getting wet again but at least the water wasn't as cold and it was fun to rinse of the buzzing turtle.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 D9cs4m10
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Lilo and Stitch

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Fri May 01, 2020 9:15 am

Raph is all drunken grins as Lilo admits to being a dirty monkey.

Then he rather blatantly snuggles against her and looks over at Raphael.

"Caaaarrefulll they wigglllllee." And just for effect, wiggles against Lilo. Then looks at her.

"You are soft. And warm. And it's nice here. I like the water. Donnie says it's cuz we're semi somethin... ac... uh... aca... acrobatic!"

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Sat May 02, 2020 2:33 am


hehehehe she hum giggles and nuzzles against the snuggly turtle, " as wiggly as you?" she teases and nips his pulse in his neck just lightly and brushing hands over his skin and over plastron wash and trying to help him absorb as much of the water in lui of the alcohol he'd had.

Sniggering a bit catching sight of Raphael's answering gag reflex at that... or perhaps one wriggled? poor guy.

She smiles and nods, " sooo are yoooou and I love water too, most my kind don't but I dooo. And is more fun with you." she purrs her tail curled lightly against her back.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 D9cs4m10
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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Sat May 02, 2020 8:37 am

"Moooore wiggly! They have eight legs to wiggle! Eight! That'sh a looot of--"

He is cut off his rambling by her nip, and the words turn into a growly churr as he turns to try and get closer to her, an attempt to return the nip only resulted in a mouthful of fur.


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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Raphael Sat May 02, 2020 9:32 pm

Raphael's hahaha hahaha at the acrobat comment came with an , " iam reminding you of that when you are not drunk and you owe me some acrobatic tricks RaphPuff." Raph and Lilo's antics are helping him focus even past the wiggly one -




Making little squeaky sounds as his counterpart oooh so helpfully describes the movements he is feelings... but this was the last egg!

" hahah hahah - ahhhhhhhh!" Raphaels laugh at his little me getting a mouth full of fur turns into a cry of alarm - he'd squeezed this egg to hard and the thing popped! it was all over him! the spiderling not ready as most the others so slid down him - eeewwwwwwww

" Leonardo! geeeet it ooof!" he hurries away oh gross it was all over him! He had been tempted to dive into the tub - but... but he was too big! big brother can do it!

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Cadad410

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Sun May 03, 2020 12:42 am

ooooooooh her tail tip brushes over his left side bridging and she giggles gently when her nip cuts off the rambling and she gets to hear the big Raph freaked out sounds... ahhaha oh man -

moving closer to Raph as he did her, more giggling and shifting a little to point at the more bald spots of her body, " these places have no fur." her ears and cheeks and down her the middle of her throat, her breasts and belly and dooown there also her buttocks and the underside of her tail and the bald bit at the tip. Sorry he'd gotten a mouth full of fur first. That was never fun. Adding more soft nibbles along his pulse because dang it if that growly churr wasn't the coolest and she wanted a little more!

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 D9cs4m10
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Empty Re: Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands.

Post by Ralphie Sun May 03, 2020 7:36 am

Raph is distracted by his freaked out counterpart. And the running off to find Leonardo. He is giggling at this development. Straight up giggling!

The mouthful of fur is temporarily forgotten. He flops back against Lilo a bit, amused that the giant turtle had gone running to big brother to save him.

As the giggling fades to a happy churr, he turns back to Lilo. She smells amaaaaaazing! And spots with less fur! That is good to know! He twists and lazily licks along her throat where she had just shown him was safe!

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Post by Lilo and Stitch Sun May 03, 2020 2:45 pm


Oh Lilo wasn't any more composed, it had been quiet the sight to see the massive genio innocuo bounce and wiggle on the spot like a proper 'lady' who'd seen a bug of some sort- hahahah quiet the view and watching him run away!

Nuzzling Raph as he giggles with her and then rests back with her, a wide grin on her face at his churring matching the sound with her own hummmm loud and happy with him wondering if the water was sobering the sweet guy up a little, though truthfully his drunken ramblings were adorable!

She'd been expecting a nip, nibbles... not a liiiick and she squirms in response hands pausing half way along the sides of his body and a smile and definitely loud moaaaan last the entirety of the lick can be heard. Her tail tip wriggle and waggling with the delight! " ooooh that felt good - you can dooo that whereverrrr you liike... mmmmm how are you feeling?"

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Post by Ralphie Sun May 03, 2020 4:45 pm

Raph is sort of chuckling at the moan. Oh, he liked that sound. "Mmmm...?" It's sort of not quite asking 'really?' he can lick wherever he wants? He gives her neck a light nibble as he travels back down, but he doesn't get far. He nuzzles down her neck and sort of settles on her chest. Oh... it's nice here. Riiiiight here.

"Waarrrrmmmm..." Warm and sleepy. And maybe a liiiiittle bit excited. And oh so comfortable.

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Post by Lilo and Stitch Mon May 04, 2020 3:37 am

A silent giggling this time, pulling a crumpled heap of sacking into the tub with them so as Raph snuggled a bit more she could rest back against it safely above the waterline she answers the sort of question with a nodnod and stroking tease of her tail close tohis but not quiet and a giggle, " mmmm hmmmmmmm" in other words annnnywhere.

But now was not the time to excite him further - and her touches over his shell, not hiding though he got her responses, the moan again, the shivers and ooooh she liked being nibbled her fingers caress and brush his carapace. Kissing him, " then warrrrm and wet we'll stay until they need us mmm?" or until his hangover was mostly over.

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Post by Ralphie Mon May 04, 2020 12:25 pm

Other than a little shifting around as she settles, Raph hasn't moved much. He's quite comfortable right where he is. This is perfect.

"Mmm... liiiike thaaaat." And he hopes to take advantage of that offer! But... well... later. Because right now this is really the only place he wants to be.

Yes... staying here until they're needed sounds great. Perfect even. Raph lets his eyes close, and it's time to sleep off the rest of this!

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Post by Lilo and Stitch Mon May 04, 2020 8:50 pm

Humming. Her happily content purry type humming. She was comfortable and warm for the moment, soon the water would chill and she might have to wake them to climb out unless he kept her warm enough as they nap off this drunk moment. She is very amused and still grinning a bit and maybe silently giggling about the conversation, the rambling, Raphael's reaction to having a dead spiderling on him. The happy moment of snugglign and getting a little excited.

Another mmmm hmmming in agreement nuzzling against him as he begins to sleep. Herself... she'll doze. Tired yes but innately she wanted to be alert enough to wriggle them about if either become in danger of sliding under the water.

Later when he was good a sober they could play a little if not still needed just yet.

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Post by Leo Fri May 08, 2020 4:31 am

When Leo opens his eyes, the alarm on his watch is just starting to go off. Well, how's that for timing? He turns it off quickly and looks over at Kovu apologetically. A little worried the noise might have startled her.

He checks on Addy, and Duncan and assesses the room. It's time to rouse her for another dose.

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Post by NexusNoobs Fri May 08, 2020 3:07 pm

Kovu had been a little frightened, she'd never heard anything like that!

And maybe a little more shook than she should have been because she'd been napping a little and woke suddenly. But Leo's reassurance helped and she settles. The little boy had tucked himself in against Addy's body, a arm out over Leo's knee though, and fingers loose on the knee pad, napping too and thoroughly ignoring the alarm.

Outside there is the occasional call from Leonardo outside keeping the few crew members they had let out to kept the ship travelling and some thumping about from Raphael beneath as he sorts through the loot the ship came with the timid voice of Sam telling him what things are.

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Post by Leo Fri May 08, 2020 3:52 pm

Everything is about the way he left it. That's good. Well... sort of. He sighs and readies another dose of the antivenin for Addy.

Once again, he tries to gently rouse her. Preferably without also rousing Duncan, which could turn out to be a bit of a trick.

"Addy... it's time for more medicine. Please wake up."

He's gentle, and rubs her cheek before carefully lifting her into a more upright position so she can take the medicine more easily. The last thing he needs is for her to choke on this treatment. Hopefully the shift in position will help her wake up a little more too. He sort of settles her against him, using his side and chest to help support her.

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Post by Adalind Schade Fri May 08, 2020 11:00 pm

The noises beyond the cabin quiet, the ride is still fairly smooth. Or as smooth as a vessel on the ocean could be.

Kovu watches Leo shift Addy, and makes a happy sort of sound when the klaustreich female actually manages to move her paw a little and even blink those large green eyes open, and their not entirely out of focus like before, Even her ears large and pointed manage to find Leo.

There is an attempt at a smile, " Le ooooooooh." well not the energy she was used to having at seeing him, but it was something! And wow she could actually see him not just a blur of green with a blue streak and pretty eyes. She mumbles the last words. " p uuur dddy iii" close!

Duncan had wriggled When Leo shifted her snuggling into the both and churring a little his little tail wagging.

Last edited by Adalind Schade on Sat May 09, 2020 1:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Leo Sat May 09, 2020 3:39 am

There's a sigh of relief as Addy is actually more responsive than earlier! He hugs her, chuckling softly at her attempt to speak. Pretty sure he knew what she said. 

"You too."

He backed off a bit, settled her again, and offered the medicine.
Oh, he was relieved. It's not all better, he knows there's a lot that can still go wrong, but it's progress!

There's a soft chuckle for Duncan too. Once Addy takes the medicine, he rubs Duncan's head. And unless she objects, Leo keeps Addy against him for now. The others have the boat handled. He's not leaving.

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Post by Adalind Schade Sat May 09, 2020 1:31 pm

She doesn't feel any less 'drunk' yet, but at the very least she is aware of him and the hug, and can make an effort to smile!

Though her eyes are too heavy to remain open for very long, She can feel the offered medication and makes an effort to swallow what comes her way mumbling about the cold and felt the weight of the little boy - but she can actually move one of her heavy numb feeling hands and touch Leo's lightly. " thannssss.' she tries to say slurring the word.

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Post by Leo Sat May 09, 2020 3:40 pm

"You're welcome."

Leo adjusts the covers so Addy is better covered. He doesn't want her to get cold. He's not particularly warm himself, but he shouldn't be cold to her. He just really wants her against him, and he keeps her against him.

He sighs and lets Addy rest again, just being next to her for now. He knows that she probably won't be listening, but he just starts talking.

"You don't have to respond to me. Don't worry. Just... talking. I think Raphael intimidated most of the old crew into sticking around. We're heading for a cove where we can wait awhile for you to feel a bit better. I mean, we can't really go far without a captain, can we? I don't know how long it will take to get there, but we'll be waiting for you when you feel better. This is your ship " He sighed and checked that she was properly covered. He then rubbed her brow.

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Post by Doragonkame Sat May 09, 2020 4:14 pm

Duncan's tail wiggle, waggles and he makes a soft chirrrrp that was low and soft.

Addy makes a low sound too, she is listening - she is cuddled and her body heat was like his usually a little bit cooler than humans, but pressed together and with the a little more hot runnign then both of them cuddled there with them under the blanket she was warming slowly back. Slower than usual because of the venom.

She listens and is making sense of most of it her hand managing to rest on his shoulder. " Lee .....ooooh. .....mmmmine?" there may have been some mumbled words int here as she tries to confirm what he is saying abotu the boat - though that barely there sentence could be about him too - Her eyes manage to part again to look and watch him, small slits of green as he speaks. And she manages a smile. Sloooow but there.

Iluka Islands. Many sea faring peopls a major township in this collection of tropical islands. - Page 10 Byssig10

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Post by Leo Sat May 09, 2020 5:17 pm

Leo runs his thumb along Addy's brow again and churrs softly. Then he brushes his fingers around behind her ear. He's gentle. Just light touch against her now all but bare skin. A soft reminder that he's here, and he's not letting go, and really, he doesn't care whether she has fur or not. Sure, he hopes it grows back, but he's perfectly okay with the hairless cat look too.

There's a slight chuckle, followed by more for the same soft, healing churr as Duncan tail waggles and chirps. And a smile at Addy's questioning.

"Mm hmm." Is sort of churred out. And his affirmative is just as vague as her question. And intentionally so! After a moment, he returns to his story.

"It's a good sized ship. I mean... as far as I can tell, but then you know I am a complete noob at this sort of thing. Though I think it's too big for you and I to have guided it past the reef alone." There's a slight self-deprecating chuckle. "To the victor go the spoils, right? I mean, I certainly don't want to see this back in the hands of those hunters." And... well... most of them are dead anyway.

And Leo resumes his healing churr. Just being a quiet presence for her.

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Post by Adalind Schade Sun May 10, 2020 12:50 am

Drunken and still not sure what all her limbs were doing and for the moment thankfully that numbness also making it impossible to feel the ache and pain of the wounds of the bite, Addy was grateful for Leo's soft chatter, the story, some of which she was able to register. And figured when she was more of a mind she'd understand all that was said properly. Like she knew she knew the words and all just wasn't making much sense of the context. Of course what mattered most was she was hearing him and showed her appreciation, the comfort and safety he brought her, and warmth by purring. yep managing a low and broken but there and rumbly little purr her smile still in place and attention on the turtle man above her, holding her her hand on him shoulder moving to rest against his plastron.

She could also feel the little boy, and felt all the more at peace. And warm. The just there smile widening a little as Leo's mmm hmmm, " all.... yooos." that one definitely not as open ended and again a little halted through purring and her breaths which were still slow and shallow.

His soft touches making eyes slip closed, oh she wanted to nuzzle in. And then eyes slip open enough to blink and watch Leo as he spoke, his face. Sometime she would be pulled under sleep.

And made little sense of the cabin door peeking open, Leonardo poking his head in to check on them... and entice Kovu out for a bit. She did note the soft touch of the watching and smiling nymphs hand on her shoulder and see the same light hand on Leo's shoulder for a moment. The noises beyond of Raphael now happily clean of spiderling goop keeping the rag tag crew on task also made no sense a Leonardo, reassured for now things were okay drew back and grinned at the nymph.he wont leave Raphael to watch this crew on his own, but he could tease and flirt with this pretty nymph insisting of following him. Maybe when things quieten down and the crew all back int he brigg he could have a little fun with her...

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Post by Leo Sun May 10, 2020 7:36 am

Leo smiled at the purring, even broken as it was, it was a step in the right direction. He pulled her a little closer and kissed her cheek at her words. Appreciated as they were, he spoke softly.

"You just rest and focus on getting better."

Leo is quiet as his counterpart peeks in. He gave the guy a nod, they're fine, and so ling as it's not urgent, Leo's not leaving.

And from what he could hear, Raphael seemed to have the crew under control. And if Leo was not very much mistaken, the mountain of a turtle was enjoying it.

When Addy finally falls asleep, Leo checks on her bite as gently as he can. He then  pulls Duncan up onto his plastron, where he's also against Addy, but closer to their faces. And he settled down to wait, probably rest a little himself. That is, until it's time for another dose of the medicine.

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Post by Adalind Schade Mon May 11, 2020 2:05 pm

There is a sort of " mmmm kaaaa 'Eoooo." happy mumble, that she could do, let the drunken sort of haze have her back and the darkness once more - at least she felt... warm... a little weird but warrrrm.

And she is resting deep before she really knew it.

Duncan opens his eyes briefly and seeing Leo there close he grins and mumbles 'daaaad' happily before settling back to sleep too spread over the much bigger plastron.

Kovu had slipped away quietly. Sensing she would be back but for now a little time with the genio innocuo she'd followed away from her home and people.

Leonardo had given Leo a thumbs up back just to reassure him for now things were fine, they had the few loose crew members under control and the others locked up. And well Raphael had told him about Raph's unfortunate booze up but it was also hilarious! hah so he took Kovu's hand once she left the cabin and they slid the door closed quietly leading her away to check in on Lilo and Raph, finding them napping and concern about the water becoming cool on them Leo carefully plucks the pair from the water to place them on the collection of sacking and cover them, keep the turtle warm, he should be rehydrated enough and Lilo was getting wrinkley... That done and reassured for a time all didn't need his attention it could all go on the nymph for now.

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Post by Leo Mon May 11, 2020 4:12 pm

Leo sighed. It's mostly contented and relieved. Addy is doing relatively well. Duncan is asleep and cuddled against him. This isn't such a bad place to be. His watch reset, Leo settles in to wait the next half hour. This time, it's mostly a doze, just sort of allowing the closeness of Duncan and Addy to just be.

Until Addy is feeling better, or he is needed elsewhere, Leo will remain here. Waking Addy gently at half hour intervals, offering her more of the medicine. Checking her injuries, and redressing them when it's needed. Most of this he can even do without disturbing Duncan. During the half hour periods, Leo will either doze or meditate. Depending on how he's feeling at the moment.

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Post by Leonardo Tue May 12, 2020 12:22 am

Ooooh it was fun!!

Taking Kovu up to the crows nest and making her night! Taking his delight in exhausting her completely before helping her back to the cabin with Leo and Addy. Uh

That is after a wash and taking over for Raphael to give him a break the islands tropical storm blew up wild just as the vessels ghosted into the cove....

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