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The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Adalind Schade
Lilo and Stitch
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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:37 am

" hoooney.... I like it... sweet?" she is happy to go up first aware there were some still doing their best to not look her way, and her tail does move back to its curled up and pressed to her butt position as she heads up the stairs but it is not a tight roll and the tail tip was sort of sticking out and wriggling. And edging nervously leading around the two blue masked genio innocuo facing off on the deck.
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leonardo Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:54 am

Leonardo grins and nods, bowing. He wont intentionally go easy on the guy, but probably now and then would instinctively, treating him the same as Michelangelo -

Especially as Leo came in with the same tactics his smaller if a bit pudgy brother would use when sparring against him! it was refreshing and enjoying to meet, and fail to meet half the time because it was true, Leonardo built for more strength is more agile than Raphael, speed but not nearly as much as Michelangelo and with forehtought but not as much as Donatello -

and he was learning that Leo had greater technical training in ninjitsu - of course Leonardo's moves were mostly correct but his form and his style of improvisation for most the part definitely speak of informal training. Well their father had been a lab animal with them, his knowledge of ninjitsu was book learned, self taught and thought immensely good, was not a true form or technical Leonardo knew -

and he was enjoying the chance to spar with some one who had this grounding. So whilst he did land a few hits and could track Leo for most the part he did miss now and then. And was admittedly somewhat enjoying the opportunity to show off. With most of their cloths discarded he was mostly naked and weaponless!

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:44 am

For the most part, Leo manages to avoid. At least that is his goal. Because the hits that do get through are brutal! He is able to hold his own through them though.

Leo has zero patience for those instinctive moments when Leonardo goes easy on him. While he might seem at the disadvantage overall, he is holding his own well. Until Leonardo goes easier on him. The instant his counterpart lets up, Leo is taking advantage, and will drop the larger turtle on his shell. Sort of a silent almost Raph-like 'If you're going to fight me, you had better fight me!'

"Don't underestimate a smaller opponent." And he's pretty sure the larger turtle will not make the same mistake again!

Leo's fighting is generally technical, and he is very good with a technical bout, but he has fought everything from the exceptionally technical Karai and Foot Elite, to the skilled brawlers of the higher up Purple Dragons, and just about everything in between. While Leo likes to keep his fighting technical, he will use anything he has available to him in the moment.

He did notice the sort of not quiiiite technical technicality of the fighting style, and in response, Leo sort of emphasizes the technical aspects of his own movement. Teaching by doing. Making sure his own movements are as precise as he can make them. The improvised form is impressive in its own way, and Leonardo might start to see a couple of his own moves coming back at him.

Like his counterpart, Leo is sort of a balance of his brothers' strengths. He doesn't have Raph's power, but he can force back Don, and usually Mike, though that can be a toss up. Mike is definitely the most naturally gifted athlete of the group, though Leo can typically outmaneuver Raph or Don. And Don's ability to use his surroundings is far beyond even Leo. Don seems to have the best natural ability to use his chi too. Though Leo seems to have a more power in his... once he figures out how to use it.

As for this bout... Leo might not have the quickness of his own Mike. But he doesn't have this other Leo's bulk either. Doesn't have the same sort of momentum. Not that Leonardo isn't quick! Leo just needs to do everything he can to keep a little distance, prevent it from becoming grappling!

Last edited by Leonardo2003 on Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:09 am

"Right!" Raph agreed brightly! "Oh! Remember how he destroyed that giant alligator guy with a rock? Didn't even draw his swords! Just rode it into a rock! Goooood times..." Almost a dreamy tone. Pump up the crazy a little more! And sure, Raphael could probably have thrown a large enough rock to accomplish the same, but these guys probably already knew that.

He will maintain the whole slightly crazy thing until the old crew is completely gone. And he grins when Lilo asked if honey was sweet.

"The sweetest!" All grin, all flirt. And definitely giving off the vibe that if any member of the old cree looks at her wrong, that he will make sure it never happens again.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Sat Jul 25, 2020 2:28 pm

Raphael booms a laugh and nods, " Yeahaha that was pretty cool! Much respect... I think there was rumors there might be a giant gator in our sewers somewhere, have yet to run into him, though we don't live strictly in the sewers any more." he forgoes explaining that bit for now though giving the laggers a push and watching as they emerge the sparring going on - chuckling lilBlue had some balls - and his brother was hesitant. he knew why - he recalls not too long ago for himself and his brothers, " whats the traits of ninja?!"

Standing there arms over his chest watching the sparring - and where he was between the old crew and the playing toddler and his catmum. Hah now he finally understands that saying, she is the cats mother! -

Leonardo is letting go of the hesitance. He didn't mind being landed on his shell - though he was harder to take down after that - and he is mostly now less trying to land blow but to keep Leo moving, the big guy definitely had the stamina to match - what he was trying to do was force Leo into a place near the cabin ground that would limit his floor space, the agility and ability to slip by so because yes being the extra size played against Leonardo on the more open deck - though it didn't help much because like themselves Leo is capable of taking this 3d and up the walls as much as they are no doubt so he is enjoying testing and meeting the guy on different footing! a grin hearing Raphael's voice. " Speed."

And shows that off! moving in to meet a move - less about landing a blow more about meeting Leo's and bringing him within grappling range! " Stealth!"

This had the old crew nervous and watching and weary because the two were moving fast and given the size of both they should be making more noise then they were!

" Hon"or..." together with a bit of a laugh for Raphael - old joke between them now.

And there were glances at the swords but no one was daring to go get them or try anything. not with Raph's words in their minds or the demonstration going on now.

Lilo giggles a fair bit at that - a blush and oh it felt good - like a hug... or nuzzling against him, and oooh she does lightly nuzzle Raph's shoulder to cheek lightly. " mmmmm as are you.... like a goya berry." playing nip to his flirting right there in neck crook and her tail untucks unrolls brushing over his thigh.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Sat Jul 25, 2020 8:08 pm

Leo doesn't seem to mind being herded! Actually, quite willing to go where Leonardo is trying to send him. And yes, he can definitely take the battle 3D should the need arise. He likes going up and over. He does, however, keep his distance from where Duncan and Addy are. Though the bout is between Leos and therefore well controlled, he doesn't want them caught in the crossfire! Or being stared at by the old crew!

As the hesitance fades, Leo mostly rises to the challenge! He's a little curious about the traits. Leo sort of disagrees, though he does recognize that their training was definitely different, and it did seem that their sensei was maybe not formally trained. The traits would certainly work as a basis, skills to focus on. He gets it. It makes sense. And tells him some things about this group of turtles. Sure Leo's own Master Splinter was not exactly trained, but he had lived in the culture. He had witnessed Master Yoshi's training. On top of that, Leo spent time with the Ancient One and the Ninja Tribunal. He has been the student of some of the most skilled ninja of all time.

And yes... he is a bit ballsy. But it is confidence that he can absolutely back up with skill, not an empty arrogance. Leo's nearly caught as his counterpart reaches the end of his list, and finally seems to lose the hesitance completely!

"Strength of body. Catching Leo is sort of like catching a ball of water.  "Of Mind." He's a liquid, and at least once Leonardo probably thinks he has his grappling match, but Leo somehow slinks out of it. Sure, Leo was smaller, but he's not that much smaller!  "And of spirit. Together they can move mountains." And yes, he had definitely failed that lesson the first time. Back when Shikari Shishou first gave them the lesson. Raph and Don had figured it out that day. Realized that alone the body was weak.

But that would not be happening again.

He's not using his chi against his counterpart, but it's a near thing. Now that the Eldunari has touched it, awoken it once more, Leo can feel his chi pulsing again, like it had when they wore the amulets. Though he hadn't made it present on it own yet, he knew... he knew that he could as soon as he chose to do so.

Though now, he keeps it locked away. He is focused though, his mind and spirit strong, and he meets the grapple! Without using his chi against his counterpart, Leo can't just toss the guy off, but he's definitely stronger than he looks and is holding his own! Barely, but holding! He accepted the grapple, and without using his chi, will probably be the next one to hit the ground, but even if he does, he's pretty sure he'll hold on long enough to make his point!

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Sat Jul 25, 2020 8:39 pm

Duncan's laughter caught the attentions of some of the crew - he was having a blast especially as Addy played up to the ball up - like a cat she would crouch and bat or waggle her butt and leap on it - giggling and enjoying his loud kids laughter. - though in the moments he chased the ball away she takes the chance to watch Leos noting the action had stepped up a bit now the bigger Leonardo was not merely playing with kid gloves, but is meeting the tempo, and meeting and throwing some hits of his own - it was rather breathtaking to watch.
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:34 am

He doesn't remember which one the goya berry was, but Raph grins at the play from Lilo. Then notices the crew looking around just a little too much.

Raph had come to something of the same conclusion about Little Blue. Guy was nuts. But an exceptionally capable nuts...

"Ah, we have an alligator that usually lives down south in the swamp, but sometimes decides to come harass us."

Raph reaches up and taps the shoulder of one if the crew members who had looked at Duncan.

"Hey, Man. I thiiiink the big guy was pretty clear about not lookin' at the kid. See Little Blue there? He's protective if both of them. He's just practicing right now and dropped that big guy on his ass. Whatcha think he'd do to someone who looks at that kid wrong? And made sure that his words got the attention of a few of them. "So... I strongly suggest you look away. And maybe take the first boat out."

He was also sort of watching the bout, and these guys were definitely at least as good as that other Leo he'd met. These guys were fast, well trained, and definitely formidable. Once again, he was glad they were on the same side!

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leonardo Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:18 pm

"Strength of body. Catching Leo is sort of like catching a ball of water.  "Of Mind." He's a liquid, and at least once Leonardo probably thinks he has his grappling match, but Leo somehow slinks out of it. Sure, Leo was smaller, but he's not that much smaller!  "And of spirit. Together they can move mountains."

The bigger blue wearing turtle is enjoying the bout - he doesn't mind the misses and now he is less worried about hurting Leo unintentionally - though nothing will stop him big brothering, it was too ingrained in him to not - he is moving at a greater potential, greater focus... and so much so when he has Leo for some moment there is a light frosting of chi over his own body, not bright like Leo's rather like icicles, snow was making patterns over his skin, from those blue eyes of his that looked like frozen blue orbs of tundra the, gathering 'ice' crept in a manner that was close to condensation over his skin and he even felt a little cooler to the touch. And was predatory in manner almost, large, looming... but silently like a blizzard almost -

and it shocks him, he drops the grapple and scoots back not throwing Leo onto his shell but the guy is probably glad to be free of the rough hug. " wha-" wonderingly as the faint condensed frosting of ice melted away as if it had not been there at all. If anything cemented the fact these bigger massive turtles didn't have this sort of spiritual training, a little meditation training yes, true spiritualistic training, no... this definitely made it clear.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:49 pm

Hehehe soft, hummmmmmmm against raph's shoulder, his neck crook his cheek, ' I shall find some said berries and remind you just how sweet." she would too!

Oh she is enjoying the show - and the way Leo moved like liquid and definitely amazed the larger turtle more than once - she puffs out her short fur taking on a fluffy look and hums a growl at the guy Raph was warming - her tail shooting straight up.

But she was distracted at once by the surprise in Leonardo's voice looking over, not sure what she saw on his skin.

Raphael laughs as the momentarily disobedient crewman gulps and looks down hurried sort of pressing forward to be sent down the ladder rope. Sam at the edge balancing and ordering the crew down carefully at a time and pausing them when the skiff was full, below a nervous and gulping and squeaking voice ordering Pip is getting the skip rowing away. " good job Raph - got them where we want them." and he can't help notice as much as Leonardo is steering the sparring so to is Leo, now into the space between the remainder of the crew and the playing Addy and Duncan.

Blinking at - what/ what just happened, taking a step forward but Leonardo shifts his stance and makes a short rumbling sound in his plastron to stay - "whoa... what was that?"
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:05 am

Leo's own chi had been just about to present once more in response to the ice when Leonardo had dropped him from the grapple. He might have been dropped, nearly thrown, by his counterpart, but he manages to make the landing look graceful.

As it is, he's still chilled though doing his best to keep that to himself, but he's definitely grinning at his counterpart. There's a slight shiver as he shakes off the chill of the hold he'd been in.

"That is what happens when mind, body and spirit work together as one." Leo is actually sort of amused by this, and definitely starting to understand how little spiritual training these larger turtles have. "Though I've never seen anyone present as a literal force of nature like that before. Pretty cool, huh?" He is grinning. Pun definitely intended.

Uncontrolled, barely trained. "We've got a lot of work to do, Big Guy." Oh yeah, Leo is definitely going to do what he can as far as meditation and chi training for his larger counterpart. "And don't think you two are getting out of it!" He called over to the Raphs! Because he's definitely working with them too.

Leo grins at his counterpart, and retakes his ready stance. "Think you can do it again?"

Last edited by Leonardo2003 on Tue Jul 28, 2020 10:42 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:33 am

Oh, Raph is definitely looking forward to the goya berries!

He keeps an eye on the crew member until he's in the boat and on his way to shore. And he felt sort of bad for poor Pip as he got the skip underway toward shore. One load on it's way out... only... too many more to go.

Raph managed not to gasp at whatever just happened to Leonardo! His spiritual training is also decidedly lacking, but he has at least heard of this sort of thing from his own Master Splinter, who had been highly ranked in the Foot until Saki had betrayed him. And it seemed that in later years, the Foot had sort of realized the truth of what had happened that day.

But it had been too little too late, and Saki had already followed Hamato Yoshi around intent on his ridiculous vendetta, then later world domination.

So while Master Splinter had not yet trained them much in that area, Raph had definitely heard about it. It was one of those things that Master Splinter had told them they would learn 'someday'. And Raph sort of interpreted that as once they got a little older, and less crazy. Apparently this Leo was going to push that training more than his own Master Splinter does. Though, Raph is pretty sure Little Blue is actually younger than he is. Though the guy is definitely more skilled.

And hey, the glowing and ice thing looked cool. It would probably be in Raph's best interest to listen to the guy.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:23 am

Leonardo hasn't quiet come back, he is still sort of that force of nature, a little frosty - like small tendrils of steam rose across his shoulders. And he doesn't allow his shock to throw off what is going on, he refocuses and nods briefly, maybe there is a sort of grin at his counterpart calling out Raphs were next -

He shifts his weight - unawares Duncan had laughed watched from near Addy - she'd paused watching and held him both watching the two blue wear turtles.

Raphael shoves some of the old crew out of his way a bit, moving a tad closer to the sparring arena - or what of it it was, clearly pumped -" I'm ready -" eagerly oh hell yeah he could get in on that!

But he shuffles a bit next when there is a puffy hiss from Leonardo - and it has a strange sound to it. He's heard that alpha sound before - but never like ice scraping over ice in the hiss - so he is a bit taken aback and maybe submits to his brother quicker than he normally would -

Lilo giggled a bit she was ever more eager to go find the berries - there had to be some on board - though not right now! she like Addy was watching the Leos now - curious to where this went now - and maybe a bit of a giggle hearing the warning Raph's were going to be next. He tail playfully tickles against the back of Raph's legs as she watches and fights more laughter as the old crew sort of cower as Raphael pushes forward eagerly.

Raphael has backed off, Leonardo snorts, there is a little mist to his breathing - the hint he was not yet out of that 'cold', and well Leonardo is thinking back over his life, the harsh winters in their tiny first lair, he had not been as bothered by the cold as his brothers. Ever. There was not hesitation anymore and even the big brother has taken a back seat to this new training. He is a student ready to learn. " I'm ready.' dropping into stance and this time not backing off as he searches for that - whatever it was he felt to hold and focus to bring back the cold.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Wed Jul 29, 2020 2:10 pm

The hiss hadn't even been directed at him, and Raph is sort of cowering away from it, nudging the old crew back, farther away from the sparring match. Especially since Little Blue didn't seem impressed with the alpha display. He had wanted to return the play from Lilo, buuuut... that's a lot of alpha going on right there, and he's nervous.

Yeah... nope. Raph wants no part of that nonsense.

He sort of moves a little closer to his counterpart and looks up at the big guy. Sort of wondering if they're sure they want to be this close to whatever is about to happen. And he sort of shifts a bit so he's between the Blues and the girls and kid. Even though he knows the blues have shown phenomenal control up to this point. And he doesn't really want to be between them and anyone really.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:55 pm

Leo is unimpressed by the alpha display, and folds his arms as he clears his throat, not even really giving it the time of day. "Are you done?" Even though his first instinct was to return the hiss, and try to one up the larger turtle. Instead, it's the throat clearing that his own Master Splinter has used on occasion when tensions were just starting to flare at home. The one that makes Raphie and Leo stop in their tracks when they hear it. That is, if the argument has yet to escalate to the point where they can no longer hear it.

The point is, if Leonardo wants to learn, then it's on Leo's terms, and Leo had made the offer to the Raphs. He's not interested in letting Leonardo rescind it. When he speaks it's quiet, but has a slight exasperated tone to it. It's not unlike what his own Master Splinter might have when Raph and Leo start getting after each other.

"Do you want to learn or not?"

Because Leo knows what he's doing when he calls upon his chi, and he is confident in his abilities now that he's touched it again. If you want an alpha battle right now, he's more than willing to oblige. Though he would prefer to teach and move things along.

As Leonardo takes his position, and readies himself, focusing to find the ice once more, Leo's not yet glowing, but he does bring his chi up so it's just below the surface. Right there as soon as he needs it. And this time, he will wait for his counterpart to start things off.  Once again, they're hand to hand.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:25 am

Leonardo wasn't really interested in a alpha battle, rather he considered the younger him a mix of equal and little brother - and well his little brothers were always pulling him back into line when he was being a prig so this was one of those moments and he was fine with that.

Duncan had withdrawn into his shell beisde the ball and Addy was rubbing it to coax him back out, it was okay the big turtles were not fighting or anything so he was fine... waiting for a chance to resume their play or watch the match with him.

Lilo had cowered behind Raph a little. Addy was less cowery mostly because with the high Duncan had given her she felt mostly invincible and well she knew what ever happened Leonardo was not really trying to upsurp the teachings - something about whatever was happening was very primal and she sensed it was more a reaction or side effect of that. And well Leo would never let anything harm her or Duncan.

The big blue turtle glances and grunts a bit, " sorry... guys... I don't want to hurt yous." and right now he is just barely focusing enough to contain... this chi, this... whatever it was, there was an urge to let loose and freeeeze - everything!

Raphael relaxes as Leonardo makes the first move on Leo, and its like he slide on ice skates on ice - he grins and elbows Raph pointing, the last of the crew were basically climbing over each other to get off the boat now. " seems we were not the only ones made nervous and thats just by mister bossy and Queen Elsa here.'

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Fri Jul 31, 2020 4:17 am

Leo hasn't quite figured out where he stands with Leonardo yet. He is sort of aware of the little brother/equal thing, but even though his own brothers told him to embrace having a big brother... it's... weird. He doesn't really know how. But for now, yes, calling out prig moments. And also...

"I won't let you." The tone is gentler than the words might imply. A promise, not a threat. Sort of giving his counterpart permission to let go. See what he can do.

As Leonardo rushes in, Leo is partially distracted. Something... He doesn't know what it is, but he can feel Don being overwhelmed. Though he doesn't know what happened, he trusts his instincts. He races forward, lightning fast, his chi lines present, glowing brilliant blue, and as he meets the attack, it's more of an embrace than a grapple.

As the blast hits, his dragon avatar presents astrally, protecting and warming. He does what he can to shield Leonardo from the blast, and hopefully contain any of his less experienced counterpart's reaction to anything that might get through.

He is vaguely aware of splashing when a handful of crew members gave up on climbing over each other and simply leapt overboard. Preferring their chances with the naiads.

Part if him wonders what this all just did to the Eldunari...

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:39 am

Raph is relaxing a bit as the blues face off once more. He nuzzles at Lilo, chuckling as the old crew does everything they can to scramble away. And he's a bit confused by his counterpart's quip.

"Who's Queen Elsa?" Amuuuuused!

That is... until--

"Whoa..." It doesn't hurt, but it is definitely alarming, and he backs up slightly.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:05 pm

Addy whoooooooooooooas and well whatever happened Leo managed to contain but where he had there was a sheeting of ice and dusting of snow and the large turtle looked like he had become half frost himself, or some mythical monster, a part of it. Having just got back her warm and now a little boy snuggled in her arms Addy moves even closer to Raph and Lilo smiling at them watching the Leo's questioningly, actually glancing at all of them. And well to help block out the first sounds of the attack of hungry Naiads on the reckless she calls softly to Leo, " E everything alright?" over the shriek - of agony as below either a naiad just took one of the splashes or something else did.

Sam and Pip scooted back up onto the vessel and left the remaining crew to their own devices figuring to go down and get the skip when the hubbub of the meal settled.
Adalind Schade
Adalind Schade

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Sat Aug 01, 2020 1:04 am

This time Raphael stepped into the gap and into the force hunching and - wait he felt something! and for some reason he felt as if he had a fine layer of dust on him, sand or coal dust, like the way frost had settled all over Leonardo again.

He is gaping and only now as the - whatever it is passes and he is looking worriedly over his brother and Leo and missing the fact fine shifting layers of sand, coal dust and dust had gathered on him he looks at his small counterpart and grins, and goes on to explain Frozen with much amusement and detail.

Aside from singing.

though Michelangelo had watched it a billion times so Raphael probably knew all the words!

Annnnnnnnd well it was funny to compare his very alphaery big brother Popsicle to the pretty queen he was describing now.

Leonardo was not sure what happened, Leo embrace and shielded him and well he'd reacted, it was like he gathered the water in the air around them and forced it into a thin boom shield - it shattered at the feeling of the force, but it had happened -

And pretty little crystals of ice were around them melting already as there is the beginning of carnage in the waters where the foolishly afraid impatient crew members had leapt.

He looks sort of like a half frozen turtle, reaching to touch Leo's shoulder, asking the same question - silently because what would have escaped would have been another sound of ice scraping ice.

He had appreciate the guidance and encouragement that Leo wont let him get out of control, and now was concerned for his slightly younger counterpart, not sure what happened -

But a grin at Raphael's add of , " and I thought I saw me a dragon!"

This makes the happy little hybrid in Addy's arms laugh and clapped, " yesth Draaa goooon!" pointing excitedly at DadLeo, himself and vaguely int he direction of the dragon soul. Who would have felt that blast but unable to try to connect in it's enchanted box.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:35 am

Raph was chucking as his counterpart explained the reference. "Someday, I want to see that. Just to be in on the full glory of the reference."

And Oh... He felt it too. No idea what it was, and he wasn't glowing or dusting...? He definitely felt it though.

But he can't help but laugh at Big Blue! "NIce 'Frosting!' Ready to fo inside, or are you not done playing yeti?"

And he glanced to his counterpart, at his words. "I saw it too. Definitely a dragon."

Like the others, Raph is looking to Little Blue.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:55 am

Leo looks none the worse for wear, in fact, in the space filled by Leonardo's winter wonderland, Leo is the only thing not coated in ice. Actually, he's sort of steaming slightly as his glow fades just from using his chi to keep his own body at a normal temperature.

He is sort of muttering under his breath. "Shell, Donnie. What'd you do now...?"

He then looked up at the others and their questions. There's sort of a questioning frown on his face. He's not sure...

"I'm fine, but that wasn't me. Well, the dragon was me. Like his ice. I'll explain later. But whatever that burst was... I think it was Don." He looked to the others, particularly his counterpart. "Help me find out?" He settles on the deck, at least he needs to meditate and find out now, the others are welcome to join.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Sun Aug 02, 2020 2:58 pm

"That is abominable snowman to you Raph.' teased Leonardo with a laugh and grin over at the others, amazed.... what the heck - he showed no avatar... just this - ice... and he had a semblance of control over it, he felt it.

But he is not distracted from watching Leo and listening to a few moments of watching Lilo - chuckling before nodding and still a tad uneasy with the new... chi gift he sits in a patch of the cool he created and closes his eyes.

She had never seen snow - misty fogs, frost yes. The cold on the mountains tops... but not this thin layer of snow and she giggles shaking some from her fur where it glittered and melted and hehehe she hopped into a small built up patch of the stuff and disappeared up to her butt and tail.

At least Addy could tell the feasting of the naiads below had cooled off - no more screams or shrieks of pain and fear and shouts to get int he boat. They could try reclaiming the skiff later, after being fed the naiads should be more peaceful with them, and maybe even eager to try tempting the genio innocuo into mating them. Duncan wriggled his fingers eagerly in Leo's direction and she grins lowering the boy and his chew toy ball to the floor - small purple feet pattered over to Leo and climbs into his lap as he settles, and happy to just be there not distirb him beyond that - chewing on his ball some more.

Raphael laughed, ' will hafta get ya a copy somehow- though I warn ya if your Mike is like mine it may become an obsession and you'll know all the lyrics." full disclaimed - a bit of a siiiigh and gesturing, he would rather go inside but meh looked like meditation was onthe menu so he sits as Leo does, chuckling as the wee boy comes over - ball and all to claim Leo's lap. Nawwwwwwwwww - no focus! ahem yeah he could! he wasn't a huge hard shelled marshmellow!
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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Mon Aug 03, 2020 8:48 am

The ice was impressive, and it was a little strange that Little Blue seemed unaffected, but the guy did claim to know what he was doing in this regard. Based on whatever just happened... well... he certainly can't doubt the guy. Whatever that burst was... Raph knows that it affected Big Blue apparently almost uncontrollably...

Except that Little Blue had managed to control it. Or at least contain it. And that was impressive.

He laughs as Lilo plays in the snow left on the deck. Maybe Big Blue can make more later! That'd be cool! Winter Wonderland on the ship! Heck yeah. He scoops up a snowball and tosses it playfully at Lilo.

"Musical, huh? Sounds cool." Yeah... Raph had a bit of a soft spot for musicals himself.

He frowns as the others start settling in to meditate, and he supposes that he should too. HA! Looks like even Duncan was getting in on this. Cute. Raph sighed and settled on the deck as well, he noted that Little Blue was glowing again. Based on the neon sign... I have a feeling this is going to be interesting..." He then closed his eyes, and started to focus on his breathing, slowing it...

He will follow wherever the Blues take him. As he empties his mind... again, he realizes that he's probably meditated more on this trip than he has in the past month. Well... he's never really had this sort of incentive before. He might not be the best when it comes to meditation, but he is quickly learning. The Blues are pretty incredible and apparently fearless guides. With what he's learned from them already, he's able to follow pretty easily. At least to start out with.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:45 am

Lilo squeaked and laughed when the snow ball gets her butt! hah! she was getting him back for that later!

She and Addy and Kovu ended up making sure with Pip and Sam the rest of the crew were gone. Off the boat and away and most made it to shore - where moving on.

Lilo was disappointed when the snow melted, but she and the nypmh and klaustreich had dinner to prepare so plenty to do.
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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:40 pm

Addy was determined to keep them busy, on alert and watchful over Leo, over the others as they do what they are doing, making sure as the day drew on and grew a little cool there was a brazier set among st them and would keep the place warmish at least around them and keep herself, Kovu and Lilo busy and alert so if the old cre tried anything like say coming back - unlikely - or another boat came into the cove and tried something, they were ready.

She was up and about and energetic but not ready for a fight.

Still they watched and waited and preparing a meaty creamy dish with vegetables and mushed root vegetables and some flat breads again being warmed. They wait.
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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:30 pm

Lilo is glad to be kept busy and distracted because otherwise, she would have just sat about worrying, so when there is changes in breathing and shifting she does get excited but doesn't just drop the food she and Addy are focused on making and manages to look over as the Klaustreich and Nymph do but behave and not go rushing over. But she wishes too!
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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leonardo Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:09 pm

He snugs Raphael and Raph and Duncan close - until they are sucked back into their forms and gasps a bit coming to himself, reigning in the sadness as the lonely feeling, watching over his companions as they return. Touching shells and cupping cheeks. Mostly of Duncan, Raphael, and Raph for the moment knowing Leo said he'd be behind them some time and he might even linger a bit to double-check on all, which is something Leonardo wanted to do dearly but he trusted the Leo to do it and make sure all were okay. So he'd settle for mother henning these guys for now.

Looking about and checking on the ladies in the glance.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:41 pm

Raph also returns with a gasp. Oh... returning was less pleasant than it really should be! "Who'da thought coming back to your own body would feel so awful..." But Big Blue is cupping his cheek and he nuzzles into the touch. He responds similarly. He hugs whichever giant turtle is closest to him at the moment.

Leo didn't seem to quite be back yet, but Raph is sure he will be soon. For now, he keeps any affection to the big guys and Duncan. Oh, he's tired... and hungry... thirsty...

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:44 pm

Leo is back with a soft exhale. He doesn't open his eyes just yet though. Oh... he doesn't like this feeling. But he's pretty sure none of them did. He feels disconnected and unbalanced. Leo allows himself a moment to find his center again. Something he often does after an astral encounter, and this was definitely the most powerful one he's been part of in quite some time. Fighting the demon Shredder had been more intense, but he and his brothers had come out together. They had been able to physically hug each other, afterward. This time... well... that just wasn't an option.

Once he finds his center he opens his eyes and easily moves to the other turtles, joining in their hugs and touches. Oh, he's tired... That's really the strongest feeling at the moment, though he will do his best to get a little food and water first. Leo really needs to rest. During his last rounds there, he had given quite a bit of energy to Don and Lee. They had definitely needed it more than he had, but it definitely left him exhausted.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Mon Aug 10, 2020 5:21 pm

Duncan does come back with a bit of crying, because he doesn't understand why he feels this way, nor would his brothers, he just, feels - he is in Leo's lap so his uncoordinated wriggling and the soft whimper sounds that he instinctively start to cut off out of habit come from there as he gets used to being him again, and he is also whiney because he is tired and very hungry and thirsty!

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Adalind Schade Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:16 am

Leonardo smiles and churrs, those deep rumbling ones for them all and chuckles as Raphael gently shrugs off the touch and throws his arms around all of them, squeezing them lightly." it can feel very disorientating yes, sip something warming, eat a little and get some sleep and you will feel more normal soon." The big turtle comforts Raph, gesturing for the ladies to come on - they had food! and drink, so his voice was loud enough for them to let their worried looks know they were okay -

Especially, Addy she heard Duncans soft sounds and he could tell like a MammaCat she was coming over - but hesitating, so once Leonardo gave her and Lilo, and Kovu the gesture they can over, Kovu had a large thin wood platter with meat and fruit and veg skewers loaded up there for them. Lilo was bringing over a large wooden bowl of some sort of tuber veg mush and a wood plate of flat hot pieces of bread. Raphael loosens up so the girls could join them.

Addy had the hot billy filled with sweet strong fragrant tea and wood cups. She sets it down carefully as Raphael opens up the hold to include them, but Leonardo noted the big guy stayed where he was to support Leo and Raph.

Addy knelt near Leo, touching his knee, nose twitching her ears and eyes on him and Duncan, rubbing that little shell, concerned, " are you both okay... are you all okay?" brushing a soft kiss to Leo's cheek, light and brief noting he was tired.

Leonardo smiles, he shifts to begin dishing up, because he and Raphael were not as tired, a little uneasy, and like they were trying to fit back into familiar and usually comfy pants but had a stiff tail and or had a hard-on that wouldn't let them. " I take it our families all got back to where they had to just fine?" smiling at his counterpart - maybe fussing a little by getting him a drink first but hey he knows full well the guy expended energy for their brothers far and wide where he could or it was needed so he was going to fuss a little.

Or a lot.
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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:39 am

Leo nuzzles poor, little Duncan and churrs softly. As hard as it was for the larger turtles who had a pretty good idea what was going on, it had to be worse for the kiddoes who couldn't possibly understand. "I miss them too." It's whispered, intended just for Duncan, though the others probably feel the same.

"It gets easier." It probably doesn't sound particularly convincing... Leo is exhausted. But it's not necessarily because of the return itself. He gave away what energy he had to spare. "And that was a pretty intense experience." He could stand if he needed to, but he sure doesn't want to.

He nuzzles into the kiss from Addy, and he does accept the tea from Leonardo without a fuss.

"Thanks. We're okay. Everyone's okay. Some are pretty well spent, but back where they belong." He's less excited about the food at the moment, as hunger is buried under how tired and thirsty he is, but he knows that once he has a little tea in his system, he'll be hungry.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue Aug 11, 2020 7:32 am

Normally, Raph isn't much of a tea drinker, but he does as suggested! Accepting some of the tea. He makes a bit of a face after drinking some, but it was wet and soothing. As tea goes it's pretty welcome at the moment.

The bit of tea helped a lot, and he's feeling a little more normal. Really... alone... but with the bigger turtles and Lilo here it's tolerable. When she's close enough he nuzzles into her. When food is offered, he accepts it, and he will definitely be ready for rest soon.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:14 am

The whimpers are much softer and the little guy manages to unstuck himself to find Leo's eyes with his big watery purple ones and though his chin wobbled it is clear he is holding himself in reasonably well for a tot, though there is that adorable hiccups that kiddies did after real crying, " buffers, mi ic ss buffersss ic? !"

Awwwww Addy muffled a squeeze, nuzzling Leo's shoulder after kissing him, smiling at the way he nuzzled in and noting just how tired he looked. So as he accepts tea she brushes her hand lightly over Duncan's cheek and helps him have a drink, little guy usually tried to do this himself, but right now the tot was just happy to have the hand and gulped at the cooled tea eagerly little hands on Leo's shoulder leaving only to tip the cup up more and gulped between his and breaths.

Addy chuckles a bit and as the kid had hands on his drink guiding it she smiles at Leo, "sounds intense... and a good reason for an early night, the old crew is gone aside Sam and Pip, their fed and resting for shifts in watching the boat tonight." just fill in so the worn looking turtle didn't have to worry too much, though the big guys seemed to be recovering pretty quick. Or at least less tired now they were sipping tea. And even started on a skewer of meat!

Leonardo smiled and was encouraging as tea sipping starts the others to try eating a bit, lightly of course, Raphael excepting with a grunt and simply pulling all the meat of a skewer to chew in one mouthful. [cokor=#0000CD] I might do a shift of watching the boat with Sam and Pip. "[/color] he offers, because it was best one of them was keeping an eye on the boat and the two. And well the initial tiredness was wearing off. He was feeling more him, more normal and pretty good, smiling and rubbing the little shell as the boy drinks, dawwwww poor Lil guy will probably sleep deep after this. Drawing Kovu closer Leonardo nips at her throat lightly - yes rest, watch boat and shag. He was enjoying the contact for now though and doesn't want to leave this turtle pile, and could tell Raphael doesn't want to either.

Her tail wraps lightly around Ralph's thigh and she cuddles into his side smiling, the pile was close and snugly and best yet she was snuggled into Raph, " We were so worried ypus were so still and quiet." and she is definitely showing she had worried, kissing that Raph snout, happy humming.

Raphael grins, [color:78d8=cc0000] " hey we are turtles. Uh genio innocuo - we can hold our breaths for a while but this might have been that internal breathing dad talks about -" the girls were remarkably behaved then in that case managing not to panic and try shaking them out of that state. He is not moving useless the others want to, like Leonardo and Leo and Raph just staying close for the contact to fil that unease filled separation anxiety. Eating and alternating gulping down his tea with one hand the other just rubbing turtle shells, Duncan's, Leo's, and Raph's.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Leo Wed Aug 12, 2020 6:32 am

Leo isn't quite sure what Duncan is asking him. But he snuggles the little guy, churring softly. Keeping the daawww at the hiccups to himself.

"Your brothers are back with mine. Far away, but safe and loved with their dads. They're okay." He hopes that at least helps soothe the child.

Leo himself has pretty well recovered from the feeling of being smushed back in his body, and the residual loneliness is sort of no worse than what he generally felt with his brothers so very far away. He is used to that hole. But the turtle pile does help to alleviate it a little.

He nods at the information from Addy, appreciating the update. And maybe, just baaarely sort of almost leans against her.

Once he's had some tea, he does start picking out a couple items to eat. He is hungry, but probably won't eat a whole lot because he's truly in need if sleep. He knows he should eat first though.

He nodded in agreement with Raphael's words. "Probably a little bit of both. Some internal breathing, but when you're still and not needing to fuel body and consciousness, you don't need as much oxygen either."

That maybe almost slightly leaning against Addy, is ever so slowly becoming more obvious. And it probably includes whoever else is nearby.

"Wake me if you need a break." He sort of suspects they won't unless it's absolutely necessary, but he says it all the same.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:03 pm

Like the larger turtles, as the initial feeling is starting to fade, Raph is starting to feel more himself. And he is definitely accepting that food and drink! He might not take the whole skewer in a single bite like his counterpart does, but he is definitely taking advantage of the offer of food!

And he is definitely enjoying the pile they've made here, and Lilo's warm form against his side, and her tail around his thigh. There's a soft sigh, and he definitely returned that kiss!

"Hey, you can't get rid of us that easily." He joked before giving Lilo another brief kiss. Like the others, he is occasionally touching shells, arms shoulders. Just sort of needing that kind of contact still. It wasn't as bad as when they first got back, and it's definitely calming down with a little time, but... the touch of the other turtles is still welcomed.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Raphael Thu Aug 13, 2020 12:28 pm

Raphael nods to agree with Leo's reassuring words to the three gals, they had obviously worried. " And I don't know about genio innocuo and not sure if this but most turtle types across the multiverses, but for ours at least most turtles, mutants included can also hold their breath for a bit of time."

Just to comfort them and well he is leaning back against something arms gathering Raphael and Leo and Lilo and Addy closer, Duncan against Leo was in the hug and the big guy was resting back with his turtle pile buddies. " yeah bro.... you take the whole shift - I'll kick ya tail." a warning to Leonardo to share the night watch duties even if a sense of duty and Leonardo's ego in Raphael's opinion might drive the guy to try doing it alone.

Addy feels Leo leaning against her and in response snuggles around him, very catlike, curling, and partially fluid it seems and warm despite her fur lacking state. She wasn't very tired per se but she would relax and close her eyes when he does. Smiling as Duncan settles those cute little hiccups fade and he ignores the offer of food, maybe having a little to drink but mostly content thanks to his dad and closing his large purple eyes - cause he yawned and well the eyes were too heavy for the little guy to reopen afterward.

Lilo giggles and nips just lightly at Raph's throat and nuzzles in, " Glad to hear that - be a very quiet and lonely time otherwise." eating some veg and fruits offering Raph the meaty bits.

Leonardo, he offers most of his first skewer to Kovu and then the next one too, rolling his eyes at Raphael's warning, " I will wake you halfway through the watch." he promises and it's partly to Leo to a promise to share the watch and of course alert all of them to any problems as they arise. He doesn't eat much yet himself offering the others food first, when their resting he will have some, possibly entice the nymph away for a bit - the crow's nest was awesome for that -and allowed him to keep an eye on things whilst mucking around - multitasking to a how new level right there.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:57 am

Raph nodded in agreement. The turtles of his dimension could hold their breath for quite some time, and he and his buds were no exception. Maybe they wouldn't last as long as a normal turtle, but definitely longer than a human.

"Can't have that." He grinned at Lilo.

Little Blue had gotten some food and drink in him. Not a whole lot, but he seemed to be drifting off against Addy there. Not that Raph could blame him. And despite what he could do, the guy is still a kid. Raph's pretty sure even he's older than Little Blue. And he has to chuckle at little Duncan. Kid was adorable.

Raph is definitely enjoying the food and drink offered, and while they're talking shifts, he adds in. "I'm good for one too." He might not be the strongest fighter, but he can keep a watch without issue!

But he wants Little Blue to sleep. And the big guys too. It's been awhile.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Sat Aug 15, 2020 1:18 pm

Leonardo grins, he begins to lightly pull himself out of the turtle pile. He doesn't want to - its a slow process as Raphael yawns and closes his eyes Leo and Raph pulled in close to him and snuggles.

But some one had to keep watch.

And he would be tempted to sleep if he stayed int he pile so he is carefully slipping out. The one turtle he wont disturb for a shift this night was Leo, and probably wont allow him to be disturbed during the morning hours either.

Chuckling lightly as Raph's response earned him a grin and a smooch to the snout from his furry lil lady, " Thanks Raph, how about you Lilo intend to keep Raph company during that time?"

Why not, Kovu was keeping him company?

Raphael chuckles a bit peeking a eye as Lilo nods enthusiastically.

" oh yes please!" soft her response but no less eager and Leonardo nods drawing back and standing offering a hand down to Kovu and tugging her gently to her feet - he'll go find a blanket to cover the sleeping ones and then make the rounds.

" alright then well I'll wake Raphael for a watch and then he will wake you guys when its your turn okay?" rubbing heads, Raphael's - briefly cause he swatted at it, Leo's, Duncan's and Raph's lightly.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Sun Aug 16, 2020 1:55 pm

Raph chuckled as the giant turtle pulled the pile closer, and he snuggled into the cuddle. He heard a soft churr from Leo. He sort of wondered if it had been intentional or not.

He grinned at the question for Leonardo, and even more so at Lilo's answer. But it was so very cozy in this pile of turtles and ladies. He nuzzled into Lilo from Raphael's hold, yawning as well. Definitely ready for some sleep before taking a turn at watch.

"Sounds good, Big Blue."

Raph certainly wasn't going to argue a chance to get a little rest before taking a watch with Lilo. Sounded like a great way to spend the night.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Raphael Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:50 pm

Leonardo and Kovu are quiet and make Pip rest near the turtle pile and make Sam watch with them.

The big blue turtle kept a firm rule over nonsense whilst the others rested, noise to normal levels only and only lightly covering the pile up when it started to cooling off as the evening actually became night. Kovu relishes the time together, just them and alone and for now Leonardo is not busy so aside from his vigilance his attention was mostly hers! Yay!

And maybe there was a little longer on the watch because they did go up to the crows nest -

- maaaaybe.

Raphael and Leonardo swapped places late into the midnight to mid morning as carefully as possibly, Raphael slipping out of the cozy warm close comfort of the turtle pile only after Leonardo spent some time in front of the brazier to warm his skin and plastron and not be a cold shock to the sleeping turtles.

And Raphael sent Sam to rest and git Pip up. Guarding the boat and slipping down close to the water to see if he could get a bit with a Naiad. Turns out a couple where eager to play.

And water play? The best!

It would be in the cool pre dawn hours that Raphael gently shakes Lilo and Raph by the shoulders to wake them. Hey try doing this without waking two blue wearing turtles!! Though Leonardo still radiated the warmth he had bathed in first so that was going for them. And quiet apart from the ice he was! Haha

Lilos big eyes open and stare at him he grins and let's her take over waking Raph, watching Leonardo in his spot, breath deep and slow, Leo and Addy snuggled there.

Leo's churrs had started random and irregular churrs and even now they still happened now and then. Duncan's and Leo's churrs at random made Addy purr and once in a while she would sleepily stretch and lick their cheeks or head now again.

Lilo hums and kisses Raphs snout. Light playful one's her tail tickling knee to wake him.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:21 am

Raph had slept comfortably during both Leonardo and Raphael's shifts. Even though he felt okay, that astral adventure had definitely taken a bit out of him. Though it was easy to wake up when Raphael shook his shoulder. And Lilo continued the process. He grins at her, and it's barely a whisper when he speaks. The last thing he wants to do is wake anyone who's not already.

"That's a nice way to wake up."

He smiles as Leo is still doing that same sort of occasional churr that he was earlier. Raph is careful about removing himself from the pile. Leo opened his eyes for a moment as Raph shifted, unable to avoid the minimal disturbance of the blue-wearing turtle that he had been pressed against on one side.

Raph patted his shoulder, gave him a nod that things were okay, and Leo's eyes closed again. He chuckled and finished getting out of the pile, doing what he could to help Lilo do the same.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Doragonkame Tue Aug 18, 2020 1:20 am

Duncan yawns and stretches and feeling both of them move even the smallest amount the mother cat licky licks the little guy's cheek and Leo's and snuggles them more wrapping a bald tail more around them. Purring.

Making Raphael snigger a bit- there was the barest slit of the ice blue of Leonardo's eyes checking them out and Kovu snuggled closer as Raphael shifts slowly into the pile as Raph and Lilo wriggle carefully out.

" it was a boring watch nothing much happened Sam and Pip have rested each so yous can make them swap spots again in yous like." he whispers and churrs an almost silent but rumbling one as she finds a bit of Leo plastron he can rest against sort of spooning lightly around Kovu.

Soonish Duncan will need to pee - but for this time longer they could relax and enjoy a close-knit turtle pile.

Lilo giggles and nods, ' tastes sweet too." she grins and tugs Raph gently away from the pile to the food and points and sort of strawberry-like fruits, " found some goji -" proudly offering him one of the mildly sweet treats to try.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Tue Aug 18, 2020 7:06 am

Raph managed to keep his chuckles to himself when Addy licks and snuggles Leo and Duncan.

"Sounds good, Man."

He will probably let Sam and Pip be for a bit longer. Then have them switch again.

Raph stretches a bit, waking up a bit more then happily follows Lilo.

He grins and settles near Lilo.  

"Ah... the elusive goji berry." He is curious, and nuzzles her a bit. It does seem to still be quiet. And after they eat a but, he'll probably take the lovely monkey lady up to the crow's nest and 'keep watch.'

Yeah, sounded like a nice way to spend the morning.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Raphael Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:44 pm

Oh yeah Raphael chuckles then pulled into the snuggling close to Kovu and Leonardo and throwing a heavy arm over Addy and Leo the big guy heaves a soft snore.

It will build over time.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Thu Aug 20, 2020 1:06 am

Lilos tail curls and uncurl and tip wiggles in that way that signalled her delight in showing the sweet Berry off munching one herself and nodding, "pretty good yes? They grow wild on the island but only select times of the year they are this sweet and big." she hums at the nuzzling and unintentionally invites some nipping in her eagerness to bare more nuzzling area!

" we should take the bunch somewhere and enjoy them. " picking over the food and when she can pressing a light nibble of a kiss to Raphs neck and shoulder crook.
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:45 am

Raph was definitely curious about the goji berries! And really, that offer was definitely tempting! Especially since she's teasing him now!

"Now, if only there was a place we could go enjoy these andkeep watch and maybe have a little fun too."

He churred softly as she nibbled his neck. Definitely grinning! The crows nest, which is probably where Big Blue and Kovu went... or just up front would probably be okay for now.

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Lilo and Stitch Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:55 pm

A bit of a giggle and she draws a slightly fruity sticky lick over Raphs cheek before nodding and turning slightly to consider the boat with a bit of an exaggerated playing hummmmm whilst its an excuse to waggle hips and butt his way. " weeeeeeell if we go up high we can see more." pointing up at the nest though seeing was probably the ... second thing on the minds, on the level with the berries and eating those sweets with Raph -

Hah! and teasing with her tail and hips like this and based on that sweet churr she was sure it was a good spot to pick!

Sides they could keep an eye from on high over the waters and vessel and those on the deck below.
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch

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The Cove, Iluka Islands. - Page 6 Empty Re: The Cove, Iluka Islands.

Post by Ralphie Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:48 am

Raph is grinning as Lilo looks over the boat, and makes a decision. She is definitely teasing him, and he has opted to just enjoy the show.

He slips up to her as she decided on the crow's nest. Right up against her, and is sort of giving her a look between a grin and a smirk.

"Race you there." She's a monkey, but he's a ninja! He figures he'll probably lose, but it will be close!

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Join date : 2019-08-12

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